Edu 412 Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template

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EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template

Directions: See Assignment Sheet and rubric on Canvas for details. Additional instructions are in italics in the left-hand side of the lesson plan.

Lesson Segment Checklist:

o 3-5 complete lesson plans
o Attach Summative Assessment Evaluation Criteria
o Attach all Instructional Materials
o Write your reflection in the box located after Lesson 5 (at the bottom of this template)

Lesson 1
Essential Question To what extent does the goals of the African American Freedom Struggle extend beyond the basic civil
What is the essential question that this rights for African Americans (how much of it was a global movement)? How does the 20 th century
lesson segment addresses? What is the
movement carry on to today? The core purpose of this lesson is to analyze a primary document from
core purpose of the lesson that includes
the strategies and skills necessary to the Civil Rights Movement and identify the historical context, purpose, intended audience, and the
accomplish the deeper learning in the authors’ point of view. Students will learn the skills necessary to analyze and read historical
standard? How does this lesson fit into documents like an historian by addressing the further questions about the document that adds to the
the larger unit of study? deeper meaning of the document. Students learning about the historical context, authors’ point of
Your essential question should be the
view, etc., is an extended analysis that helps students go beyond what is actually stated in the source.
same for each lesson to represent the
greater segment’s essential question This lesson fits into the larger unit of study because it addresses how the March on Washington
called for global attention and anticipated to seek more than just civil rights for African Americans.
State Learning Standards 9th-12th SS.Hist4.a.h Analyze how the historical context (situation) influences a primary or secondary
Identify relevant grade level standards source.
and Learning Outcomes from the State
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning 9th-12th SS.Hist4.b.h Analyze how the intended audience influences a primary or secondary source.
9th-12th SS.Hist4.c.h Analyze the intended purpose of a specific primary or secondary source.

9th-12th SS.Hist4.d.h Analyze how the POV of the author can influence the content and intent of a primary
or secondary source and identify whose voices may be left out.

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template

Learning Target(s) After this lesson, students should be able to fully analyze a primary document from the Civil Rights Movement
What should the students know or be by drawing big ideas from completing the “March on Washington Primary Document Questions” worksheet.
able to do after the instruction? Use a
common format with a measurable
verb and noun.
Learning Targets must be different for
each lesson within this segment and build
on one another!
Grouping Grouping
Describe how and why students will be
divided into groups, if applicable Students will be grouped based on ability for this activity. Students will be grouped based off of ability because
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random / the goal of the groups is for students to build off of one another’s answers after they have independently
based on ability, interest, social worked on their worksheets.
purposes, etc.).
Describe WHY you are grouping students
in the way you chose
Co-Teaching Strategy Co-Teaching Strategy
How did you collaborate with your co-teacher to
plan, instruct, and assess learning? What Co- N/A – not taught in the field, modification
Teaching Model will you employ?
-One Teach, One Observe
-One Teach, One Assist
-Station Teaching
-Parallel Teaching
-Alternative (Differentiated)
-Team Teaching

Differentiation The lesson will be accommodated for students with special needs. The classroom set up will be available for
Respond to your students’ needs and each student to be able to discuss their answers with their partners. The students that will requires more
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
adjust the content, process, product, attention will be set up In the classroom, where they can work with other students that they are best
and/or environment to reach compatible with, based off of their abilities. Students will also be given an extra day to complete the worksheet
individual learners based on their and turn it in as a homework assignment so that they can work on it at home, as opposed to a classwork
readiness, interests, and learning assignment.
preferences (Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss
planned supports here.
Formative Assessment The formative assessment, “March on Washington Planning Manuel Worksheet”, is assigned for students to
How will you monitor student learning complete independently. The assignment asks for students to read the March on Washington Planning Manuel
throughout the lesson? Describe and analyze the document by answering question completely, listed on the worksheet. The worksheet invites
specific embedded and formal for students to create a deeper meaning behind the March on Washington and how it was organized. The
formative assessments used in the questions listed are questions that asks for references from the document and critical thinking to be made in
lesson. Be specific about how your
order to answer it. For an example, a question asks, ‘Who do you think published this manual?’ This can be
chosen assessments connect with the
learning target(s) above.
found by students knowing how to looks for the publishers’ names of documents (usually listed on the title
Describe the evaluation criteria for each page or at the bottom of the cover page) based off their background knowledge and experience of working
formal formative assessment used in this with primary documents. Another question listed is, ‘Who do you think the intended audience is?’ Is a
lesson. question where students have to use context clues to help them develop a response. Certain context clues can
be helpful such as the transportations listed (buses – local citizens, planes – non-local protestors). The
formatrive assessmet will be graded after students complete it with an answer key.
Summative Assessment
How will students demonstrate mastery
of the standard? How does this lesson
contribute toward growth toward the
summative assessment? Note: This
assessment does not have to occur
during/after this lesson but by the end
of the segment.
The summative assessment must take
place by the end of this lesson segment.
Evaluation Criteria
Describe your summative assessment
evaluation criteria in one of the lesson
plans for this segment. You will attach
your evaluation criteria for the
summative assessment.
Procedures (Teacher[s] will…, Students will…)
Describe the presentation of the overall

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
-Provide details of what you will be
doing and what students will be doing at
all sections of the lesson
-The level of detail should be thorough
and represent how students will engage
throughout the lesson. Describe
Once students enter the classroom, a small discussion conversation will be introduced to the students to
expectations for student behavior and activate their prior knowledge of the Civil Rights Movement. A question such as ‘Who are some important
work at all parts of the lesson. Describe figures of the movement and what is the legacy the hold today?’ After a brief discussion/hook, students will be
what you will be doing to support provided with instructions for the in-class assignment. The teacher will ask for students to pay attention to
students during the lesson. how she explain how important asking questions regarding the audience, the point of view of the author, the
authors’ purpose, and the contextualization is when it comes to analyzing primary documents such as the “I
Introduction and Connection to Have a Dream” speech or the “Gettysburg Address”. The teacher will pass out the worksheet, along with the
Previous Learning document (could be printed in the form of a packet or students can follow along online). Students will then be
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) given the instructions to independently read the document thoroughly. Students will be given 10-12 minutes
● Activate prior knowledge. to read and an additional 5-6 minutes to complete the answers. The teacher will tell the students to read and
● Be sure students understand scan the majority of the document, If they run out of time. Once handed the worksheet, the teacher will set a
procedures and instructions for timer for when they are expected to finish reading the document, and another timer for when they can start
lesson. answering the questions. After the worksheet is completed, students will be given the opportunity to share 1-2
● Establish clear expectations.
questions or surprises they discovered or thought of with a partner seated next to them. After 5 minutes of
● Model concept
The Introduction, During, and Wrap-up
this partner sharing discussion, students will be asked to come together and prepare for a whole class
groupings/ instruction/ lesson discussion of the text.
progression might look different!
During (Lesson Progression) While students are working on their worksheet, the teacher will walk around (after they are finished reading
In this portion of the lesson, you will be and filling out the questions) and offer small feedback so that the students can facilitate their own thoughts.
letting go and letting students engage in The teacher will not provide the students with whole answers but will help them push further or help them
productive struggle; engaging in gradual looks for answers in the document if one is struggling.
release, inquiry, or other learning
methods. Please write what you are
looking for in terms of:
● Students’ thinking and how they
will start the lesson
● Provide appropriate support
(not explaining how to do it)
● Provide worthwhile extensions.
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using the
academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting or
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
modeling specific strategies and
helping students choose which strategy
makes sense to them. However, you
must make sure ideas come from
Wrap-Up and Extension After students complete the activity, students will come together for a conversation about the text, the
This is where you have students talk worksheet, and the group/partner discussion. Students will be asked questions such as ‘What was the tone of
about their thinking and share strategies this document and how do you know this?’ This will provide a chance for students to answer the questions
with the whole class. It’s important to while referencing back to document. Students can also voluntarily share some of their thoughts about the
name strategies and use academic article and how it was promoted on a global/national status.
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to
broader ideas.
● Promote a community of
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating or
telling them how you would do
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be able
to solve using the thinking you have
Instructional Materials,
Equipment and Technology
Manual.pdf  - The March on Washington Final Plan Manual Document.
-All instructional materials must be
created, linked, or attached to this
lesson segment. For example, texts read, The March on Washington Planning Manual Worksheet
assignments, worksheets, PowerPoints
and handouts should all be created. If it
is used or mentioned in your lesson
plan, CREATE IT. If it is borrowed,
please provide a link or citation to
where the material came from.
-Learning targets and details of this
lesson CANNOT be borrowed. You must
write these yourself.

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template

Lesson 2
Essential Question This lesson segment addresses the second portion of the essential question, which is ‘How does the 20th century
What is the essential question that this movement carry on to today?’ The core purpose of this lesson is to help students find any relations or make
lesson segment addresses? What is the connections to the present. The necessary skills required for this lesson is to use research and current knowledge
core purpose of the lesson that includes on current event, politics, and social issues, and draw connections with the big ideas from the past. This lesson fits
the strategies and skills necessary to
into the larger unit of student because students will be able to provide examples of how there is continuity/change
accomplish the deeper learning in the
standard? How does this lesson fit into from the past to the present by doing research. This research and knowledge, will help them in the next lesson
the larger unit of study? segment, which will be a summative assigned assessment that is a debate about the extent the Civil Rights
Your essential question should be the Movement has accomplished their intended and original goals.
same for each lesson to represent the
greater segment’s essential question
State Learning Standards SS.Hist2.b.h
Identify relevant grade level standards
and Learning Outcomes from the State Evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources to apply knowledge of major eras, enduring themes, turning
Content Learning Standards, Common points, and historical influences to analyze the patterns of change in the community, the state, the United States and
Core Standards, and school learning

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
the world.


Evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources to apply knowledge of major eras, enduring themes, turning
points, and historical influences to analyze the patterns of continuity in the community, the state, the United States,
and the world.
Learning Target(s) After this lesson, students will be able to compare and contrast current event topics with historical documents
What should the students know or be by researching and completing a worksheet measured by the teacher.
able to do after the instruction? Use a
common format with a measurable
verb and noun.
Learning Targets must be different for
each lesson within this segment and build
on one another!
Grouping Grouping
Describe how and why students will be
divided into groups, if applicable Students will be grouped based on ability for this activity. Students will be grouped based off of ability because
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random / the goal of the groups is for students to build off of one another’s answers after they have independently
based on ability, interest, social worked on their worksheets.
purposes, etc.).
Describe WHY you are grouping students
in the way you chose

Co-Teaching Strategy Co-Teaching Strategy

How did you collaborate with your co-teacher to
plan, instruct, and assess learning? What Co- N/A – not taught in the field, modification
Teaching Model will you employ?
-One Teach, One Observe
-One Teach, One Assist
-Station Teaching
-Parallel Teaching
-Alternative (Differentiated)
-Team Teaching

Differentiation The lesson will be accommodated for students with special needs. The classroom set up will be available for
Respond to your students’ needs and each student to be able to discuss their answers with their partners. The students that will requires more
adjust the content, process, product, attention will be set up In the classroom, where they can work with other students that they are best
and/or environment to reach compatible with, based off of their abilities. Students will also be given an extra day to complete the worksheet

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
individual learners based on their and turn it in as a homework assignment so that they can work on it at home, as opposed to a classwork
readiness, interests, and learning assignment. Students will also be given more time to work on their research inside of class.
preferences (Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss
planned supports here.
Formative Assessment This assessment requires for students to complete a worksheet with additional research on their own.
How will you monitor student learning Students will analyze the document and create a checklist/chart of the listed goals written in the 1963
throughout the lesson? Describe document versus today. The students are not required to cite a source for each checklist, if they are capable of
specific embedded and formal using their knowledge of current laws as opposed to using internet research, however, it is highly encouraged.
formative assessments used in the Students will answer in a paragraph (5-7 sentences) about their final thoughts of the March on Washington
lesson. Be specific about how your
and whether or not if they believe their goals of this march was successfully met or not.
chosen assessments connect with the
learning target(s) above.
Describe the evaluation criteria for each
formal formative assessment used in this
Summative Assessment
How will students demonstrate mastery
of the standard? How does this lesson
contribute toward growth toward the
summative assessment? Note: This
assessment does not have to occur
during/after this lesson but by the end
of the segment.
The summative assessment must take
place by the end of this lesson segment.
Evaluation Criteria
Describe your summative assessment
evaluation criteria in one of the lesson
plans for this segment. You will attach
your evaluation criteria for the
summative assessment.
Procedures (Teacher[s] will…, Students will…)
Describe the presentation of the overall Students will be introduced to the idea of how important it is for historians to look at historical events and
lesson. how things have changed or stayed the same of the periods of time. The teacher will ask the students what
-Provide details of what you will be does “continuity” mean and how that is important for historical research. The teacher will then pass out a
doing and what students will be doing at printed document of the March on Washington Program and the worksheet. Students will be given a big chunk
all sections of the lesson
of class time (20-25 minutes) to complete the worksheet and find research. The teacher will instruct the
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
-The level of detail should be thorough students to read the documents, answer the first question after reading in 5-7 sentences, and will provide a
and represent how students will engage way students can research *safely* by searching for websites that has .org or .edu at the end and/or comes
throughout the lesson. Describe directly from a U.S. Government site, such as the examples provided in the worksheet. The teacher will help
expectations for student behavior and them find that the civil rights act of 1968 addresses decent housing that was a goal in 1963. The teacher will
work at all parts of the lesson. Describe
then tell the students to work for 20-25 minutes on this assignment and then will be able to share with their
what you will be doing to support
students during the lesson.
partners when they are done.

Introduction and Connection to

Previous Learning
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook)
● Activate prior knowledge.
● Be sure students understand
procedures and instructions for
● Establish clear expectations.
● Model concept
The Introduction, During, and Wrap-up
groupings/ instruction/ lesson
progression might look different!
During (Lesson Progression) During the time students are working on their assignment, the teacher will walk around and make sure that
In this portion of the lesson, you will be students are staying on task with the assignment and is not spending too much time researching for clues. For
letting go and letting students engage in an example, If the students are spending too much time browsing the interent, the teacher would reccommed
productive struggle, engaging in gradual them to pick a different goal, such as the voting rights, that can be found in the Voting Rights Act or the Civil
release, inquiry, or other learning Rights Act on the internet.
methods. Please write what you are
looking for in terms of:
● Students’ thinking and how they
will start the lesson
● Provide appropriate support
(not explaining how to do it)
● Provide worthwhile extensions.
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using the
academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting or
modeling specific strategies and
helping students choose which strategy
makes sense to them. However, you
must make sure ideas come from
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Wrap-Up and Extension At the end of the class, the teacher will spend 5-6 minutes going over what people have found so far and giving
This is where you have students talk students the opportunity to share what they have learned. The teacher will explain that the goal of this
about their thinking and share strategies assignment is for students to make a stance on whether or not if the march on Washington, or the Freedom
with the whole class. It’s important to Struggle carried out majority of the goals that they were asking for in today’s society. The teacher will actively
name strategies and use academic listen to how the students responded to the first question and will give them instructions to help prepare for a
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to in class debate coming up, that will address similar elements to this questions.
broader ideas.
● Promote a community of
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating or
telling them how you would do
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be able
to solve using the thinking you have
Instructional Materials, - March
Equipment and Technology on Washington For Jobs and Freedom program document
-All instructional materials must be
created, linked, or attached to this The lesson #2 worksheet.
lesson segment. For example, texts read,
assignments, worksheets, PowerPoints
and handouts should all be created. If it
is used or mentioned in your lesson
plan, CREATE IT. If it is borrowed,
please provide a link or citation to
where the material came from.
-Learning targets and details of this
lesson CANNOT be borrowed. You must
write these yourself.

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template

Lesson 3
Essential Question This lesson plan addresses how much does the African American Struggle for Freedom or the Civil Rights
What is the essential question that this Movement carries out today? Or in other words, how much of the movement has impacted today’s society
lesson segment addresses? What is the (could be a current movement such as the Black Lives Movement or racial and social justice issues in
core purpose of the lesson that includes America). This lesson segment is an opportunity for students to show how much they have learned about how
the strategies and skills necessary to the Civil Rights Movement was bigger than a national movement just for Blacks and how it impacts the world
accomplish the deeper learning in the today.
standard? How does this lesson fit into
the larger unit of study?
Your essential question should be the
same for each lesson to represent the
greater segment’s essential question
State Learning Standards
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Identify relevant grade level standards
and Learning Outcomes from the State
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning
Learning Target(s) After this lesson, students will create an argument based off of how much the Civil Rights Movement has
What should the students know or be impacted the world today through a discussion/debate.
able to do after the instruction? Use a
common format with a measurable
verb and noun.
Learning Targets must be different for
each lesson within this segment and build
on one another!
Grouping Grouping
Describe how and why students will be
divided into groups, if applicable
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random /
based on ability, interest, social
purposes, etc.).
Describe WHY you are grouping students
in the way you chose
Co-Teaching Strategy Co-Teaching Strategy
How did you collaborate with your co-teacher to
plan, instruct, and assess learning? What Co- N/A – not taught in the field, modification
Teaching Model will you employ?
-One Teach, One Observe
-One Teach, One Assist
-Station Teaching
-Parallel Teaching
-Alternative (Differentiated)
-Team Teaching

Differentiation Students with special needs will be asked to either participate in the discussion or create a written assignment
Respond to your students’ needs and for an accommodation. Students will also be given an opportunity to take notes during the discussion and talk
adjust the content, process, product, after class if they were given enough time to state their arguments.
and/or environment to reach
individual learners based on their
readiness, interests, and learning
preferences (Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss
planned supports here.

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Formative Assessment
How will you monitor student learning
throughout the lesson? Describe
specific embedded and formal
formative assessments used in the
lesson. Be specific about how your
chosen assessments connect with the
learning target(s) above.
Describe the evaluation criteria for each
formal formative assessment used in this
Summative Assessment The breakdown of this assessment will be evaluated through a rubric. The rubric will evaluate the students’
How will students demonstrate mastery based off of their own authentic arguments and how much evidence they used from a current event article
of the standard? How does this lesson they have found on their own.
contribute toward growth toward the
summative assessment? Note: This
assessment does not have to occur
during/after this lesson but by the end
of the segment.
The summative assessment must take
place by the end of this lesson segment.
Evaluation Criteria
Describe your summative assessment
evaluation criteria in one of the lesson
plans for this segment. You will attach
your evaluation criteria for the
summative assessment.
Procedures (Teacher[s] will…, Students will…)
Describe the presentation of the overall Once students get to class, (assuming the homework was to select a current event article that relates to social
lesson. justice issues in America that is capable of building a connection with the Civil Rights Movement), students
-Provide details of what you will be will be asked to come prepared with their article (printed so that the teacher can collect it after the
doing and what students will be doing at discussion) and asked to sit in a circle. The debate will ask for students to answer how much of the Civil Rights
all sections of the lesson
Movement do they believe has influenced a current event/topic/movement today and provide evidence. The
-The level of detail should be thorough
and represent how students will engage
evidence will come from their current event article. The discussion will last the entire class period and they
throughout the lesson. Describe will be graded based off of how many times they answer/build off of each other and how well it was organized
expectations for student behavior and and cited. Students will be instructed to keep all things respectful and will each have a turn to share their
chosen article.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
work at all parts of the lesson. Describe
what you will be doing to support
students during the lesson.

Introduction and Connection to

Previous Learning
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook)
● Activate prior knowledge.
● Be sure students understand
procedures and instructions for
● Establish clear expectations.
● Model concept
The Introduction, During, and Wrap-up
groupings/ instruction/ lesson
progression might look different!
During (Lesson Progression) During the discussion, the teacher will set a timer for the debate to take place and will sit at the desk and
In this portion of the lesson, you will be watch her students talk. The teacher will let the students facilitate the conversation amongst each other
letting go and letting students engage in without interreuptions. The teacher will provide them with any additional starter questions but no feedback.
productive struggle, engaging in gradual
release, inquiry, or other learning
methods. Please write what you are
looking for in terms of:
● Students’ thinking and how they
will start the lesson
● Provide appropriate support
(not explaining how to do it)
● Provide worthwhile extensions.
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using the
academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting or
modeling specific strategies and
helping students choose which strategy
makes sense to them. However, you
must make sure ideas come from
Wrap-Up and Extension After the end of the discussion, students will openly discuss how well the debate went and how they feel about
This is where you have students talk the topic. The teacher will offer small feedback for the general class and ask for students to turn in the articles
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
about their thinking and share strategies they used to help them form their argument.
with the whole class. It’s important to
name strategies and use academic
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to
broader ideas.
● Promote a community of
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating or
telling them how you would do
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be able
to solve using the thinking you have
Instructional Materials, Rubric
Equipment and Technology
-All instructional materials must be
created, linked, or attached to this
lesson segment. For example, texts read,
assignments, worksheets, PowerPoints
and handouts should all be created. If it
is used or mentioned in your lesson
plan, CREATE IT. If it is borrowed,
please provide a link or citation to
where the material came from.
-Learning targets and details of this
lesson CANNOT be borrowed. You must
write these yourself.

The first lesson segment was the lesson segment about reading within history. The students are given the opportunity to read a historical document
about the Civil Rights Movement and practice analyzing it. The analyzing part may be the most difficult for students because it requires them to think
critically about the document instead of just answering questions based off of what they see in the document. For an example, the intended audience,
tone, and authors point of view/purpose may not all be mentioned inside of the document, but they would have to use the context cluse such as the date
to determine the context. The second lesson segment helps students write like a historian by giving them the practice to research important historical
information that relates to history. For an example, the Civil Rights Act of 1963 and of 1968 are two separate things, but are both very important to the

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Civil Rights Movement. Once students are able to research different documents and explain how they add meaning to movement, they are actually writing
like actual historians. The last lesson segment helps students learn how to work with other students, in a respectful environment. They learn what the
importance is when it comes to building off of each other’s agurments and statements. Similar to what historians do when they collab.

Lesson 4 (optional)
Essential Question
What is the essential question that this
lesson segment addresses? What is the
core purpose of the lesson that includes
the strategies and skills necessary to
accomplish the deeper learning in the
standard? How does this lesson fit into
the larger unit of study?
Your essential question should be the
same for each lesson to represent the
greater segment’s essential question
State Learning Standards
Identify relevant grade level standards
and Learning Outcomes from the State
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Learning Target(s)
What should the students know or be
able to do after the instruction? Use a
common format with a measurable
verb and noun.
Learning Targets must be different for
each lesson within this segment and build
on one another!
Grouping Grouping
Describe how and why students will be
divided into groups, if applicable
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random /
based on ability, interest, social
purposes, etc.).
Describe WHY you are grouping students
in the way you chose
Co-Teaching Strategy Co-Teaching Strategy
How did you collaborate with your co-teacher to
plan, instruct, and assess learning? What Co- N/A – not taught in the field, modification
Teaching Model will you employ?
-One Teach, One Observe
-One Teach, One Assist
-Station Teaching
-Parallel Teaching
-Alternative (Differentiated)
-Team Teaching

Respond to your students’ needs and
adjust the content, process, product,
and/or environment to reach
individual learners based on their
readiness, interests, and learning
preferences (Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss
planned supports here.
Formative Assessment
How will you monitor student learning
throughout the lesson? Describe
specific embedded and formal

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
formative assessments used in the
lesson. Be specific about how your
chosen assessments connect with the
learning target(s) above.
Describe the evaluation criteria for each
formal formative assessment used in this
Summative Assessment
How will students demonstrate mastery
of the standard? How does this lesson
contribute toward growth toward the
summative assessment? Note: This
assessment does not have to occur
during/after this lesson but by the end
of the segment.
The summative assessment must take
place by the end of this lesson segment.
Evaluation Criteria
Describe your summative assessment
evaluation criteria in one of the lesson
plans for this segment. You will attach
your evaluation criteria for the
summative assessment.
Procedures (Teacher[s] will…, Students will…)
Describe the presentation of the overall
-Provide details of what you will be
doing and what students will be doing at
all sections of the lesson
-The level of detail should be thorough
and represent how students will engage
throughout the lesson. Describe
expectations for student behavior and
work at all parts of the lesson. Describe
what you will be doing to support
students during the lesson.

Introduction and Connection to

Previous Learning
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook)
● Activate prior knowledge.
● Be sure students understand
procedures and instructions for
● Establish clear expectations.
● Model concept
The Introduction, During, and Wrap-up
groupings/ instruction/ lesson
progression might look different!
During (Lesson Progression)
In this portion of the lesson, you will be
letting go and letting students engage in
productive struggle, engaging in gradual
release, inquiry, or other learning
methods. Please write what you are
looking for in terms of:
● Students’ thinking and how they
will start the lesson
● Provide appropriate support
(not explaining how to do it)
● Provide worthwhile extensions.
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using the
academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting or
modeling specific strategies and
helping students choose which strategy
makes sense to them. However, you
must make sure ideas come from
Wrap-Up and Extension
This is where you have students talk
about their thinking and share strategies
with the whole class. It’s important to
name strategies and use academic
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to
broader ideas.
● Promote a community of

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating or
telling them how you would do
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be able
to solve using the thinking you have
Instructional Materials,
Equipment and Technology
-All instructional materials must be
created, linked, or attached to this
lesson segment. For example, texts read,
assignments, worksheets, PowerPoints
and handouts should all be created. If it
is used or mentioned in your lesson
plan, CREATE IT. If it is borrowed,
please provide a link or citation to
where the material came from.
-Learning targets and details of this
lesson CANNOT be borrowed. You must
write these yourself.

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template

Lesson 5 (optional)
Essential Question
What is the essential question that this
lesson segment addresses? What is the
core purpose of the lesson that includes
the strategies and skills necessary to
accomplish the deeper learning in the
standard? How does this lesson fit into
the larger unit of study?
Your essential question should be the
same for each lesson to represent the
greater segment’s essential question
State Learning Standards
Identify relevant grade level standards
and Learning Outcomes from the State
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning
Learning Target(s)
What should the students know or be
able to do after the instruction? Use a
common format with a measurable
verb and noun.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Learning Targets must be different for
each lesson within this segment and build
on one another!
Grouping Grouping
Describe how and why students will be
divided into groups, if applicable
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random /
based on ability, interest, social
purposes, etc.).
Describe WHY you are grouping students
in the way you chose
Co-Teaching Strategy Co-Teaching Strategy
How did you collaborate with your co-teacher to
plan, instruct, and assess learning? What Co- N/A – not taught in the field, modification
Teaching Model will you employ?
-One Teach, One Observe
-One Teach, One Assist
-Station Teaching
-Parallel Teaching
-Alternative (Differentiated)
-Team Teaching

Respond to your students’ needs and
adjust the content, process, product,
and/or environment to reach
individual learners based on their
readiness, interests, and learning
preferences (Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss
planned supports here.
Formative Assessment
How will you monitor student learning
throughout the lesson? Describe
specific embedded and formal
formative assessments used in the
lesson. Be specific about how your
chosen assessments connect with the
learning target(s) above.
Describe the evaluation criteria for each

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
formal formative assessment used in this
Summative Assessment
How will students demonstrate mastery
of the standard? How does this lesson
contribute toward growth toward the
summative assessment? Note: This
assessment does not have to occur
during/after this lesson but by the end
of the segment.
The summative assessment must take
place by the end of this lesson segment.
Evaluation Criteria
Describe your summative assessment
evaluation criteria in one of the lesson
plans for this segment. You will attach
your evaluation criteria for the
summative assessment.
Procedures (Teacher[s] will…, Students will…)
Describe the presentation of the overall
-Provide details of what you will be
doing and what students will be doing at
all sections of the lesson
-The level of detail should be thorough
and represent how students will engage
throughout the lesson. Describe
expectations for student behavior and
work at all parts of the lesson. Describe
what you will be doing to support
students during the lesson.

Introduction and Connection to

Previous Learning
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook)
● Activate prior knowledge.
● Be sure students understand
procedures and instructions for
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
● Establish clear expectations.
● Model concept
The Introduction, During, and Wrap-up
groupings/ instruction/ lesson
progression might look different!
During (Lesson Progression)
In this portion of the lesson, you will be
letting go and letting students engage in
productive struggle; engaging in gradual
release, inquiry, or other learning
methods. Please write what you are
looking for in terms of:
● Students’ thinking and how they
will start the lesson
● Provide appropriate support
(not explaining how to do it)
● Provide worthwhile extensions.
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using the
academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting or
modeling specific strategies and
helping students choose which strategy
makes sense to them. However, you
must make sure ideas come from
Wrap-Up and Extension
This is where you have students talk
about their thinking and share strategies
with the whole class. It’s important to
name strategies and use academic
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to
broader ideas.
● Promote a community of
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating or
telling them how you would do

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be able
to solve using the thinking you have
Instructional Materials,
Equipment and Technology
-All instructional materials must be
created, linked, or attached to this
lesson segment. For example, texts read,
assignments, worksheets, PowerPoints
and handouts should all be created. If it
is used or mentioned in your lesson
plan, CREATE IT. If it is borrowed,
please provide a link or citation to
where the material came from.
-Learning targets and details of this
lesson CANNOT be borrowed. You must
write these yourself.

Prompt (250+ words): Write a reflection about the following topics at the bottom of your lesson plan template:
Describe where and how your students clearly engaged in the following disciplinary literacy areas: reading, writing, and collaboration. In other words, how does your lesson
plan incorporate disciplinary literacy and allow students to participate in that discipline in authentic ways? How do the activities from your lesson represent reading, writing,
and collaboration within your discipline? * Use specific examples and details from your lesson plan to explain your thinking.
 *To explain how the reading, writing, and collaboration that occurs in your lesson plans represents disciplinary literacy, use the “shifts” in disciplinary literacy
described in the gray boxes in the chapter as evidence:
o Chapter 2 Reading: pg. 15
o Chapter 3 Writing: pg. 64
o Chapter 5 Collaboration pg. 153
Type your reflection here

EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template


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