Letter To Grandma

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Too my dearest grandmother in Heaven,

While I know you will never physically see this, I hope that some how, you'll know about this article, and
be able to know what it says, and to know how much I miss you.

I know that everyone says that their grandma is/was the greatest. But you, you were the epitome of
what an amazing grandmother was.

Growing up with a single mother, you were always in my life growing up, and even though I don't
remember those times when I was young, I do remember the times from age 11 on, when my most vivid
memories of you took place.

I've always said that I'm so much like you. I have your big eyes, and your equally as big personality. You
were opinionated, stubborn, and at times difficult, but you were also by far, the most compassionate
and generous person I ever knew. I'm equally as opinionated, and stubborn about things. You also gave
me my love of cats, and my ever present sweet tooth, and like you, I stand up for what I believe in, and
for these traits, I'm thankful.

I think the relationships that grandparents have with their grandchildren is always so different than the
relationship children have with their parents, at least, this is how it was for me. I'm so incredibly grateful
for the bond that we had, and the closeness we had, especially as I grew older and was able to spend
more time with you.

I always used to joke with my friends that you would never die, that you were invincible. At times, I
really thought you were. You were 90 when you fell for the first time, and you had a hip replacement at
93, and lived to tell about it. I also got used to those hospitals visits at least once a year that you had.

But it was the final hospital visit that would be the last. You were 95, and it was March of 2015. Like
always, my mom called and told me that you were in the hospital. On Thursday, you were fine and on
Friday you were actually looking forward to going back to your assisted living home. Saturday, you were
back in ICU, and I remember the final time I saw you, Sunday, I bought you a bag of candy from the gift
shop, and you were so happy too have it. If I'd known that would be the final time I would ever see you
alive, I would have stayed far longer, just too be with you once more. On Monday, at 4pm you were in
Hospice, and at midnight, you were gone. Actually, really gone, and I never got too see you again.
When you died, I took it so hard, it was the hardest thing to happen in my adult life, and while I'm an
emotional person, I took your passing the hardest of anyone in the family. I think it's because, for the
first time in my adult life, someone who meant so much too me was gone. I didn't realize how much you
meant to me until you were gone.

I'm sorry you won't be at my wedding, if I ever get married. I'm sorry I'll never hear your hilarious
stories, and I'm sorry I wasn't able too see you one last time or to tell you I love you one last time.

So to you grandma,I say thank you. Thank You for being the incredible woman you were, I'm so thankful
too have had the relationship we did and while I'm better since you passed, and it's been a little over a
year, it's still hard. But I know, you're always there, and you'll always guide me and protect me.

Love your ever grateful granddaughter

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