Week 8 Techniques in Citing and Integrating Sources
Week 8 Techniques in Citing and Integrating Sources
Week 8 Techniques in Citing and Integrating Sources
I. Techniques in Citing and Integrating Sources
Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words,
including only the main point(s). Once again, it is necessary to attribute
summarized ideas to the original source. Summaries are significantly
shorter than the original and take a broad overview of the source
Punch up your writing by using strong verbs that help your reader
understand how the source material presents ideas. There is a world of
difference between an author who “suggests” and one who “claims,” one
who “questions” and one who “criticizes.” You do not need to consult
your thesaurus every time you cite a source, but do think about which
verbs will accurately represent the ideas and make your writing more
engaging. The following chart shows some possibilities.
propose / hypothesize / believe
insist / argue / find
determine / measure / assess
evaluate / conclude / study
warn / point out / sum up
● Other researcher's ideas can be used to reinforce your arguments.
In many cases, another researcher's arguments can act as the
primary context from which you can emphasize the significance of
your study and to provide supporting evidence about how you
addressed the "So What?" question.
● The ideas of other researchers can be used to explain reasons for
alternative approaches. If you disagree with a researcher's ideas or
you believe there is a gap in understanding the research problem,
your citations can serve as sources from which to argue an
alternative viewpoint or the need to pursue a different course of
● Just as the ideas of other researchers can bolster your arguments,
they can also detract from your credibility if their research is
challenged. Properly citing sources prevents your reputation from
being tarnished if the facts or ideas of those cited are proven to be
inaccurate or off-base. It prevents readers from concluding that you
ignored or dismissed the findings of others, even if they are
● Ideas are considered intellectual property and there can be serious
repercussions if you fail to cite where you got an idea from. In
academe and the professional world, failure to cite other people's
intellectual property ruins careers and reputations and can result in
legal action. Citing sources as a student in college will help you get
in the habit of acknowledging and properly citing the work of
A paraphrase restates another’s idea (or your own previously published
idea) in your own words. Paraphrasing allows you to summarize and
synthesize information from one or more sources, focus on significant
information, and compare and contrast relevant details.
Published authors paraphrase their sources most of the time, rather than
directly quoting the sources; student authors should emulate this
practice by paraphrasing more than directly quoting.
When you paraphrase, cite the original work using either the narrative
or parenthetical citation format.
Long Paraphrase
Velez et al. (2018) found that for women of color, sexism and racism in
the workplace were associated with poor work and mental health
outcomes, including job-related burnout, turnover intentions, and
psychological distress. However, self-esteem, person–organization fit,
and perceived organizational support mediated these effects.
Additionally, stronger womanist attitudes—which acknowledge the
unique challenges faced by women of color in a sexist and racist
society—weakened the association of workplace discrimination with
psychological distress. These findings underscore the importance of
considering multiple forms of workplace discrimination in clinical
practice and research with women of color, along with efforts to
challenge and reduce such discrimination.
Play therapists can experience many symptoms of impaired wellness,
including emotional exhaustion or reduced ability to empathize with
others (Elwood et al., 2011; Figley, 2002), disruption in personal
relationships (Elwood et al., 2011; Robinson-Keilig, 2014), decreased
satisfaction with work (Elwood et al., 2011), avoidance of particular
situations (Figley, 2002; O’Halloran & Linton, 2000), and feelings or
thoughts of helplessness (Elwood et al., 2011; Figley, 2002;
O’Halloran & Linton, 2000).
For quotations of fewer than 40 words, add quotation marks around the
words and incorporate the quote into your own text—there is no
additional formatting needed. Do not insert an ellipsis at the beginning
and/or end of a quotation unless the original source includes an ellipsis.
Example 1:
Effective teams can be difficult to describe because “high performance
along one domain does not translate to high performance along another”
(Ervin et al., 2018, p. 470).
Chang (2008) emphasized that “engaging in weight-bearing exercise
consistently is one of the single best things women can do to maintain
good health” (p. 49).
Example 3:
Weight Training for Women (Chang, 2008) claimed that “engaging in
weight-bearing exercise consistently is one of the single best things
women can do to maintain good health” (p. 49).
Example 4:
Weight Training for Women claimed that “engaging in weight-bearing
exercise consistently is one of the single best things women can do to
maintain good health” (Chang, 2008, p. 49).
Example 5:
In Chang’s 2008 text Weight Training for Women, she asserts,
“Engaging in weight-bearing exercise is one of the single best things
women can do to maintain good health” (p. 49).
Example 6:
“Engaging in weight-bearing exercise,” Chang asserts, “is one of the
single best things women can do to maintain good health” (2008, p. 49).
● Either (a) cite the source in parentheses after the quotation’s final
punctuation or (b) cite the author and year in the narrative before
the quotation and place only the page number in parentheses after
the quotation’s final punctuation. Do not add a period after the
closing parenthesis in either case.
Ethical Considerations When Quoting Participants:
Figures and tables (display items) are often the quickest way to
communicate large amounts of complex information that would be
complicated to explain in text.
Many readers will only look at your display items without reading the
main text of your manuscript. Therefore, ensure your display items can
stand alone from the text and communicate clearly your most significant
Display items are also important for attracting readers to your work.
Well designed and attractive display items will hold the interest of
readers, compel them to take time to understand a figure and can even
entice them to read your full manuscript.
When deciding which of your results to present as display items consider
the following questions:
● Are there any data that readers might rather see as a display item
rather than text?
● Do your figures supplement the text and not just repeat what you
have already stated?
● Have you put data into a table that could easily be explained in the
text such as simple statistics or p values?
Tables are a concise and effective way to present large amounts of data.
You should design them carefully so that you clearly communicate your
results to busy researchers.
Source: Kaowiwattanakul, S. (2020). Role of Transformative Learning in Developing Global
Mindedness in an EFL Literature Studies Context, The Journal of Asia TEFL, 17(2), 508-522.
● Images
● Data plots
● Maps
● Schematics
Just like tables all figures need to have a clear and concise legend
caption to accompany them.
Images help readers visualize the information you are trying to convey.
Often, it is difficult to be sufficiently descriptive using words. Images
can help in achieving the accuracy needed for a scientific manuscript.
For example, it may not be enough to say, “The surface had nanometer
scale features.” In this case, it would be ideal to provide a microscope
Data Plots
Data plots convey large quantities of data quickly. The goal is often to
show a functional or statistical relationship between two or more items.
However, details about the individual data points are often omitted to
place emphasis on the relationship that is shown by the collection of
points. Here, we have examples of figures combining images and plots
in multiple panels.
Maps are important for putting field work in the context of the location
where it was performed. A good map will help your reader understand
how the site affects your study. Moreover, it will help other researchers
reproduce your work or find other locations with similar properties.
Here, we have a map used in a study about salmon.
Schematics help identify the key parts to a system or process. They
should highlight only the key elements because adding unimportant
items may clutter the image. A schematic only includes the drawings the
author chooses, offering a degree of flexibility not offered by images.
They can also be used in situations where it is difficult or impossible to
capture an image. Below is a schematic explaining how nanotubes could
be used to harvest energy from a fluid.
TIP: It’s important to consider how your figures will look in print as
well as online. A resolution of 72 ppi is sufficient for online publication
whilst in print 100 ppi is recommended. You can adjust the resolution of
your figure within the original program you used to create it at the time
you save the file.
TIP: There are two main colour models; RGB which stands for red,
green, blue and CMYK or cyan, magenta, yellow and black. Most
microscopes will take images using the RGB, however, CMYK is the
standard used for printing so it is important to check that your figures
will display well in this format.
TIP: keep copies of the original images, files and metadata used to create
your figures as these can be requested by the journal during the review
Review the places in your paper where you cited, quoted, and
paraphrased material from a source with a single author. Edit your
citations to ensure that
NOTE: Texts included in this material are lifted directly from the
references below using the Creative Commons Non-Commercial
Attribution License as stated in this link:
Academic Skills Centre. (n.d). Referencing More Effectively.
University of Canberra.
American Psychological Association. (September 2019).
Paraphrasing. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-
American Psychological Association. (September 2019).
Quotations. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-
American Psychological Association. (September 2019).
Quotations from research participants.
Ballenger, B. P. (2012). The Curious Researcher: A Guide to
Writing Research Papers (7th ed.). Pearson.
Harvard Guide to Using Sources. (n. d.). Harvard College Writing
Program. Harvard University.
Newton, P. (2016). "Academic Integrity: A Quantitative Study of
Confidence and Understanding in Students at the Start of Their
Higher Education, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher
Education, 41, 482-497.
Springer. (2021). Figures and tables.
University of Southern California. (2021). Organizing your Social
Sciences Research Paper.
Yale College Writing Center. (n.d.). Using Sources. Yale