SRM Institute of Science & Technology - Academic Curricula (2018 Regulations) - Control
SRM Institute of Science & Technology - Academic Curricula (2018 Regulations) - Control
SRM Institute of Science & Technology - Academic Curricula (2018 Regulations) - Control
Pre-requisite Courses 18MHC101J Co-requisite Courses Nil Nil
Course Offering Department Mechatronics Engineering Data Book / Codes/Standards Approved design data book
Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
CLR-1 : Analyze stress, strain in mechanical components, quantify failure modes in mechanical parts for various load conditions. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
CLR-2 : formulate, design and identify torque elements.
PSO - 1
PSO - 2
PSO - 3
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
CLO-1 : design basic mechanical components by considering the stress induced due to different kinds of load. 3 85 80 H H M M M L M M H M L H M M M
CLO-2 : select suitable shaft and coupling for the particular engineering applications. 3 85 80 H H H M M L M M H M L H M M M
CLO-3 : analyze and select bearing and lubricants for various engineering applications. 3 85 80 H H M M M L M M H M L H M M M
CLO-4 : design and analyze various simple gear trains for various power transmission applications. 3 85 80 H H M M M L M M H M L H M M M
CLO-5 : design and select suitable flexible drive system for power transmission applications. 3 85 80 H H M M M L M M H M L H M M M
CLO-6 : design and analyze the fundamental elements of machine component. 3 85 80 H H H H H L M M H M L H M M M
Stresses In Machine Parts Design of Shafts, Springs And Couplings Design Of Bearings Design of Gears Design of Flexible Drives
Duration (hour) 15 15 15 15 15
Introduction to the design process, Introduction to Mechanical Drives, Types
Introduction to Shafts and Types of Introduction to Bearings, Types of Rolling Types of Flexible Drives, Belt Materials
SLO-1 Materials Selection and its Properties, of Gears, Gear materials, Gear
Transmission Shafts, Shaft materials Contact Bearings and Constructions
Preferred Numbers, Fits and Tolerances Nomenclature
Selection of Bearing Type, Static and
Contact Ratio, Interference, Undercutting Mechanics of Belt Drives, Selection of Belt
SLO-2 Equilibrium and Free Body Diagram Shaft Layouts and Shaft design for stress Dynamic Load Carrying capacity,
and Backlash Drives, Belt Tension
Equivalent Bearing Load
Load –Life Relationship, Selection of Ball
SLO-1 Direct, Bending and torsional stresses Force Analysis-Spur Gear Flat Belt Drive
Practice 11: Problems on Design of Shaft Bearing Life
Practice1: Problems on Bending and on Strength basis Practice 15: Problems on Single Row Design of spur gear based on Lewis and Practice 28: Problems on Design of Flat
Torsional stresses Deep Groove Ball Bearing Buckingham equations Belt Drive
SLO-1 Stresses for Various Load Combinations Selection of Taper Roller Bearings V- Belt Drive
Practice 22: Problems on Spur Gear
Practice 2:Problems on Various Machine Practice 12 Problems on Design of Shaft
S-3 Practice 16: Problems on Taper Roller Design Based on Lewis and Buckingham Practice 29: Problems on Design of V- Belt
SLO-2 Members Subjected to Various Load on Torsional Rigidity basis
Bearings Equations Drive
SLO-1 Eccentric Loading Design of Hallow Shaft Design for Cyclic Loads and Speeds
Practice 23: Problems on Spur Gear
Practice 13: Problems on Design of Hallow Practice 30: Problems on Design of V- Belt
S-4 Practice 3:Problems on Various Machine Practice 17: Design of Ball Bearings Design Based on Lewis and Buckingham
SLO-2 Shaft on Strength and Torsional Rigidity Drive
Members Subjected to Eccentric Loading subjected to Cyclic Loads and Speeds Equations
SLO-1 Lab 1: Part Modelling of a Mechanical Lab 4: Part Modelling of a Universal Lab 7: Part Modelling of a Screw Jackand Lab 10: Stress Analysis of an Axis- Lab 13: Convective Heat Transfer Analysis
SLO-2 Component using CAD tool Coupling and its Assembly using CAD tool its Assembly using CAD tool Symmetric Component using ANSYS of a 2D Component using ANSYS
Factor of safety for Brittle and Ductile Spring Materials,Stresses in Helical Types of Lubrication, Viscosity Index,
SLO-1 Helical Gear Nomenclature Chain Drive: Types, Failures, Designation
Materials Springs Petroff’s Equation
Significance of Factor of Safety in Machine Curvature Effect, Deflection, Compression Selection of Chain Drive, Chain
SLO-2 Stable and Thick-Film Lubrication Force Analysis- Helical Gear
Design Springs, Stability Lubrication
Helical Compression Spring Design Design of helical gear based on modified
S-7 SLO-1 Theories of failure Design Considerations Design of Chain Drive
Against Static Load Lewis equations
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Practice 14: Problems on Design of Helical Hydrostatic Step Bearing and its Energy Practice 31: Problems on Design of Chain
SLO-2 Practice 4: Problems on Theory of failure
Spring Subjected to Static Load Losses Drive to run a Compressor
Introduction to Fracture Mechanics, and Helical Compression Spring Design- Trial
SLO-1 Practice 32: Problems on Design of Chain
Fatigue in Metals and Error method Practice 18: Problems on Hydrostatic Practice 24: Problems onHelical Gear
S-8 Drive Power Transmission Shaft
S-N Curve, Fatigue Strength and the Practice 14: Problems on Design of Helical Thrust Bearings Design Based on Lewis Equations
SLO-2 Applications
Endurance Limit Spring based on Trial and Error Method
Endurance Limit Modifying Factors, Stress Helical Compression Spring Design
SLO-1 Practice 25: Problems onHelical Gear
Concentration and Notch Sensitivity Against Fatigue Load Practice 19: Problems on Hydrostatic Step Practice 33: Problems on Design of Chain
S-9 Design Based on Modified Lewis
Practice 6: Problems on Stress Practice 14: Problems on Design of Helical Bearings Drive for Drilling Machine Applications
SLO-2 Equations
Concentration Factors Spring Subjected to Fatigue Load
SLO-1 Lab 11: Stress Analysis of Beams
Lab 2: Part Modelling of a Mechanical Lab 5: Part Modelling of a Plummer Lab 8: Stress Analysis of Truss using Lab 14: Modal analysis of Spring-Mass
S-10 (Cantilever, Simply supported, Fixed ends)
SLO-2 Component using CAD tool Blockand its Assembly using CAD tool ANSYS system using ANSYS
using ANSYS
Practice 7: Infinite Life for Machine Wire Rope - Types, Construction, Lays of
SLO-1 Design of Keys Hydrodynamic Theory Bevel Gear and Its Types
Member Subjected to Reversed Load Wire Rope
Practice 8: finite Life for Machine Member Sommerfeld Number, Raimondi and Boyd
SLO-2 Practice 15: Problems on Design of Keys Bevel Gear Nomenclature Failures in Wire Rope
Subjected to Reversed Load method
Soderberg and Goodman lines, Modified Temperature Rise, Bearing Construction, Selection of Wire Rope, Stresses in Wire
SLO-1 Design of rigidFlange Coupling Force Analysis- Bevel Gear
Goodman Diagram, Bearing Materials Rope
Design of bevel gear based on Lewis and Design of a Wire RopeDrive for Crane
SLO-2 Design for Variable Loading Practice 16: Problems on Flange Coupling Selection of Lubricants , Bearing failures
Buckingham equations. Applications
SLO-1 Practice 9: Problems on Infinite Life for Design of Flexible Flange Coupling Practice 26: Problems on Bevel Gear
Practice 20: Problems on Hydrodynamic Practice 34: Problems on Expected life of
S-13 Machine Member Subjected to Fluctuating Practice 16: Problems on Flexible Bushed Design Based on Lewis and Buckingham
SLO-2 Bearings Wire Rope under Dynamic Conditions
Load Pin Flange Coupling Equations
SLO-1 Practice 10: Problems on Finite Life for Practice 27: Problems on Bevel Gear
Practice 17: Problems on Flexible Bushed Practice 21: Problems on Hydrodynamic Practice 35: Problems on Factor of Safety
S-14 Machine Member Subjected to Fluctuating Design Based on Lewis and Buckingham
SLO-2 Pin Flange Couplings Bearings of Wire Rope under Static Conditions
Load Equations
SLO-1 Lab 3: Part Modelling of a Flange Coupling Lab 6: Part Modelling of a Knuckle Joint Lab 9: Stress Analysis of a Plate with a Lab 12: Conductive Heat Transfer
S-15 Lab 15: Model Practical Exam
SLO-2 and its Assembly using CAD tool and its Assembly using CAD tool Circular hole using ANSYS Analysis of 2D Component using ANSYS
1. Bhandari.V.B, “Design of Machine Elements”, 3rd ed.,, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2010.
5. Merhyle Franklin Spotts, Terry E. Shoup and Hornberger.L.E, “Design of Machine Elements”, 8th ed.,, Prentice Hall,2003
Learning 2. Robert L. Norton, “Machine Design: An Integrated Approach”, 5th ed., Prentice Hall, 2013.
6. Joseph Shigley and Charles Mischke, “Standard Handbook of Machine Design”, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
Resources 3. PSG, “Design Data” [Data Book Of Engineers], KalaikathirAchagam, 2016.
7. Richard G.Budynas, J.KeithNisbett, “Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design”, 10th ed., Tata McGraw-Hill , 2015.
4. CAD Laboratory Manual.
Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage)
Bloom’s Final Examination (50% weightage)
CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (15%) CLA – 3 (15%) CLA – 4 (10%)
Level of Thinking
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 20% 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15%
Level 2 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
Level 3 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15%
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100%
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
1. Mr.Kesavan Raja Ramasamy, Schlumberger, [email protected] 1. Dr.L.Ranganathan, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, [email protected] 1. Mr.M.Chandrasekaran, SRMIST
2. Mr. S.Jagadeeswaran, Renault Nissan Technology and Business Centre,
2. Dr.K.Ramanathan, AlagappaChettiar Government college of Engineering and Technology, [email protected] 2. Mr.S.M.Vignesh, SRMIST
[email protected]
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