Notes FAR Investment in Associates Equity Method
Notes FAR Investment in Associates Equity Method
Notes FAR Investment in Associates Equity Method
in determining the investor’s share in profit or loss other owners do not object to the
of associate. investor not applying the equity
Unrealized and Realized Profit from Upstream • The investor’s debt and equity
Transactions instruments are not traded in a public
Upstream sale price – Cost of asset sold = market or “over the counter: market;
Profit from upstream sale • The investor did not file or it is not in
the process of filing financial
1. Unrealized profit – profit attributed to statements with the SEC for the
asset sold by an associate to the investor purpose of issuing any class of
when such asset is still held by the instruments in a public market; and
investor at the end of the reporting period. • The ultimate or any intermediate
2. Realized profit – profit attributed to asset parent of the investor produces
sold by an associate to the investor when consolidated financial statements
such asset is subsequently sold by the available for public use the comply
investor (except when depreciable asset with PFRSs.
was sold).
Associate Held for Sale
Downstream Transactions The investment in associate classified as
These are sales of assets (e.g., inventory) “held for sale” shall be measured at lower of
from the investor to an associate. The unrealized carrying amount and fair value less cost of
profit from these transactions must be eliminated disposal.
1. By deducting the same from the profit of Cost Method
the associate as in upstream transactions; It is the accounting method applied with
or respect to investment in unquoted equity
2. By adjusting the accounts of the investor. instrument or nonmarketable equity investment.
Instances When Equity Method Is Not Applicable Reclassification from Equity Method to Fair Value
1. If the investor is a parent exempt from Method (i.e., FVPL or FVOCI) or Cost Method
preparing consolidated financial 1. Occurs when significant influence is lost
statements; or for some reason.
2. If all of the following apply: 2. Any retained investment is measured at
• The investor is a wholly-owned fair value.
subsidiary, or a partially-owned 3. The difference between the net proceeds
subsidiary of another entity and the from disposal of part of the investment
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Investment in Associates (Equity Method)
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