Prerna Store
Prerna Store
Prerna Store
* Two Store studies were situated in “Sector 17” and “Sector
34” of chandigarh in (Residential Area)
* Sector 17 : Situated at Basement of Residential Building and
store is considered as benchmark for other stores.
* Sector 34 : Situated at Ground Floor and had good frontage.
In section 34,
The twilight zone is not restrictive.
Customers were lured straight into the aisle where
soft drinks and biscuits were stored.
Made it the most crowded aisle as the customers
definitely visited that area.
Typical customer neglected the back area of the
Most regular needs were satisfied mostly in the front
two aisles.
Almost none of customer visited plastic and
stationary segments.
* Customer profile : Young couples ( Majorly both the
partners are working), Service Class Families, Nuclear
Families, Mojority of Population are working in Government
Departments, Retired People.
Sector 17 has better performance than sector 34
Customer engagement : In sector 17 customer
spent more time in store ,have more pickedup,
conversed, took more item and checkout as compared
to sector 34.
Average sale : sector 17 has 27 product category
and 55% sale of SKU’s at eye level whereas sector
34 has 16 product categoty 35% sale od SKU;s at
eye level.
Retail conversion rate : more effective at sector
17 as compared to sector 34.
Left section: In sector 17 customer cover almost
entire store and looked most of the product as
compared to sector 34 because it has two exist