Safeguars of Liberty
Safeguars of Liberty
Safeguars of Liberty
1. Meaning Of Liberty 3
5. Safeguards Of Liberty 8- 14
6. Conclusion 14
7. Bibliography, Webography 15
The term “Liberty” i s derived from the Latin word “ Liber” which means free.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, liberty means the ‘right or power to do as
one pleases or to do something’. It was the desire and need of liberty that led to
wars and revolutions throughout the globe.
In other words liberty means freedom from restraints and the freedom to act as
one likes however, keeping in mind that he or she does not injure or infringe
another's privilege to access liberty and enjoyment of freedom.
❖ Kinds Of Liberty
Liberty is the absence of unjust restraints and the presence of the conditions
whereby a man can rise to the full stature of his personality.
1. Natural Liberty:
2. Civil Liberty:
3. Political Liberty:
Individual liberty means the freedom to pursue one’s desires and interests
as a person, but which do not clash with the interests or desires of others.
The freedom of speech and expression, freedom of residence, freedom of
movement, freedom of conscience, freedom of tastes and pursuits,
freedom to choose any profession or trade or occupation, the freedom to
enjoy the fruits of one’s labour, the right to personal property, the
freedom to profess or not to profess any religion, and freedom to accept
or not to accept any ideology, all fall under the category of individual
freedom. However, all these freedoms are to be exercised in a way that
does not hinder the equal freedom of others as well as does not violate
public order, health and morality.
5. Economic Liberty:
7. Religious Liberty:
8. Moral Liberty:
9. International Liberty:
❖ Safeguards Of Liberty
Liberty is the most cherished ideal of man. All those rights which
guarantee liberty should be safeguarded by the government.The following
are the ways through which individual liberty is guaranteed-
2. Establishment Of Democracy:
For the protection of liberty, the people should have unlimited love
for liberty. If it is so, then the people would never like to lose their
liberty and will be prepared to make every sacrifice for the
protection of it. During the freedom struggle, lakhs of Indians made
sacrifices of their lives as they went to gallows and jails for the
attainment of freedom for their motherland.
5. Separation Of Powers:
6. Independent Judiciary:
8. Rule of Law:
Rule of law is established in England, U.S.A. and India. The
concept of Rule Of Law means that all people are equal before law.
Law makes no discrimination between rich and poor, the high the
low. All people should be under the same laws and bound by the
same types of obligations. No one should be above law. No
privileges will be given to a person belonging to a particular class
nor will there be any provision for immunity. No person will be
punished or kept in custody for a long time until and unless his
crime is proved.
9. Economic Security:
“Where there are rich and poor”, says Laski, “Educated and
uneducated, we always find a relation of master and servant”.
Economic security is a condition to liberty. For the safeguard of
liberty it is essential that people should have economic security.
This is possible only in the absence of economic disparity, inflation
and unemployment. People should have superior standards of
living and have equal opportunities for making their progress. This
is possible only in socialism and not in capitalism. Equitable and
fairer distribution of income, wealth and resources, and adequate
opportunities for lively-hood are essential safeguards of Liberty.
Without economic equality, there can be no real enjoyment of
Government can protect liberty only when the people give proper
co-operation to the Government. If the people do not obey the laws
and do not help in apprehending the culprits, the government can’t
protect liberty. The people should strongly oppose any attacks on
their liberty and should support the government to suppress such
❖ Conclusion
All the above mentioned points represent the ways in which we can
safeguard an individual’s liberty. These are only possible when
each and every individual regardless of their position in the society
regardless of their jobs regardless of any factor which can make a
dicrimination works to ensure that liberty as a principle or feature
prevalent in the society is not compromised. Liberty is a necessary
factor which ensures that Democracy in an area prevails. If it fails
then that Democracy is no Democracy and acts a mockery to
liberty as a whole.
By Benjamin Franklin.