International University of Kyrgyzstan International Relationship Diplomatic and Consular Service

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International University of Kyrgyzstan

International relationship

Diplomatic and consular service


By discipline: English

Theme: The role of Radio and Television

Akinova Asel Kanatbekovna

Imanalieva Cholpon Raymkanovna

Bishkek 2020
The role of Radio and Television
The radio and television play a very important role in a nation’s life as
they affect the ideas and behavior of all sorts of people. The number of
people listening to the radio and watching television programmes is
increasing (becoming more) fast.

The radio and television present various kinds of programmes. Firstly,

they present programmes of entertainment. We can enjoy listening to
different forms of music and songs on the radio just as we can enjoy tales
(stories) of wonder and reports of adventures in the mountains and
unknown lands. We can listen to interesting dramas. We can view musical
programmes on television just as we can watch films or dramas. Thus, the
radio and television make us happy. They make us forget our worries or
troubles for some time at least. All categories (classes) of young and old
people should be able to enjoy the radio and television programmes of
their choice.

Secondly, the radio and television present programmes of information.

The most important of these is the radio or television news. We listen to
the news with great interest. The radio and television.get the latest news
from all corners of the world and convey it within minutes.

Educational programmes of different kinds are presented on the radio

and television. These programmes arė very informative. There are lectures
and discussions on science and arts subjects. For example, films on
scientific inventions and developments in the advanced countries are
(telecast presented on TV).

There are special programmes on the radio and television for the
working people. For example, there is the agricultural programme in
which farmers are taught new and effective methods of farming. Special
programmes for villagers are broadcast on the radio. In them they listen
to village music and songs, discussions about their problems, time-
honoured customs and traditions, changes in their social life, and so on.
They listen to news and prices of different commodities (articles of trade).
There can be more of such programmes, for example, for labourers
working in the factories.

The radio and television present programmes on national affairs. In

these programmes, the political activities of the rulers and leaders are
described. The policies of the government in different fields of national
life like education, science, agriculture and industry are described and
discussed. Details of i important national events like general elections are
conveyed. The economic, educational, and cultural problems of the
people are discussed by leaders, specialists and able people.

The radio and television present useful programmes concerning

international affairs. They inform us about the relations between different
countries, their disputes and their problems. They present reports and
discussions on their political and economic policies.

The radio and television should present programmes of a high standard,

not those harmful to the taste or character of the people.

Radio and TV are mass media which keep people informed on the
topical issues of the day. Both on radio and TV you can listen to a
programme on sports, art, news, music and weather. The difference is that
on TV you can see everything you’ve heard about. And it’s an important
advantage. Besides, there are a lot of entertaining programmes on TV, a
lot of feature, documentary films which provoke hot discussions. But
watching TV is often a waste of time.

That’s why in the recent years there has been the increase in the
amount of time spent watching TV. Though it depends on the season, the
age of the viewers and social class. For example, TV viewing is less popular
in summer than in winter. It is more popular with old people than with
other age groups. Professional and managerial classes watch less than the
unskilled. Besides, women watch more than men.

Baran Stenley J. Introduction to Communication : Media Literacy

and Culture . London : Mayfield Publishing Company. 1999

Nwankwor, I J Spraks of Wisdom Vol 1 Cat 4: 228. Onitsha

Tabansi Publishers ltd .1999

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