DC-DC Converters For Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

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Review of Multiple Input DC-DC Converters for

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Krishna P. Yalamanchili and Mehdi Ferdowsi, Member, IEEE
Power Electronics and Motor Drives Laboratory
University of Missouri-Rolla
Rolla, MO 65409, USA
Phone: (573) 341-4552
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—Batteries, ultra capacitors, fuel cells, and solar based on (i) pulse width modulation (PWM) dc-dc
arrays are widely used in electric and hybrid vehicles converter for high/low voltage sources, (ii) the concept of
(EVs/HVs) as an electric power source or an energy storage flux additivity, and (iii) converters for energy storage
unit. In the structure of the electric power system of modern units including advanced batteries and ultra capacitor
EVs/HVs, more than one of these units may be employed to banks. In this paper, without loss of generality, only two
improve the performance and efficiency; hence utilization of or three input voltage sources are considered. The
a multi-input dc-dc converter is inevitable to obtain a concept can further be extended to various numbers of
regulated bus dc voltage. In this paper, a review of multiple input sources.
input dc-dc power electronic converters (MI-PEC) devoted
to combine the power flow from several on-board energy
sources of an EV/HV is presented. Several multi-input dc–
dc converters based on various topologies are studied and
analyzed. The operating modes of each topology is presented
and compared with other topologies.
input DC-AC
B DC-DC converter
EVs and HVs are gaining popularity compared to
internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles as they can
G C motor
save energy which is lost during various acceleration and
deceleration cycles of the conventional ICE vehicles. In
order to achieve this, different power sources or energy
storage systems are employed in the EVs/HVs. Several
power sources are required so that one input can run at Control manager
the optimal rating with maximum efficiency, say the ICE
for example and then any additional acceleration Fig. 1. MI-PEC topology
requirement can be fulfilled by another input source; say
the ultra capacitor or battery unit. During deceleration Chen in [1] proposed a converter circuit topology with
reverse regenerative braking can be employed and the two input voltages and a regulated output voltage. In
energy can be stored in batteries and ultra capacitors. order to implement the double-input PWM dc-dc
Customer demands for greater acceleration performance converter for high/low voltage sources two dc sources are
and vehicle range in EVs and HVs increase the appeal for put in parallel by using a coupled transformer. In [2], the
combined on-board energy storage systems. concept of the magnetic flux additivity, where the input
dc sources are combined in magnetic form by adding up
In conventional approaches for two/multiple voltage the produced magnetic flux together in the magnetic core
sources connected in series, a control switch has to be of a coupled transformer has been employed to combine
provided for each dc voltage source to act as by-pass two current-fed full-bridge dc/dc converters. A multiple
short-circuit for input current of other supply. However input dc-dc power converter devoted to combine the
for a parallel connection, because of the difference power flow of a multi-source on board energy system is
between two dc voltage amplitudes, only one of the two presented by Napoli in [3]. The employed energy system
sources can be connected at a time. Multiple-input dc–dc includes a generator, an ultra capacitor (UC) tank, and a
converters, as shown in Fig. 1, are the unique solution to battery system.
combine several input power sources whose voltage
levels and/or power capacity are different and to get In this paper, three different multi-input power
regulated output voltage for the load from them. converters are studied and classified based on their
characteristics. Furthermore, the basic circuitry and the
Various multiple-input power electronic converter topological arrangements of these converters are
topologies have been proposed in the literature to illustrated and analyzed. The various modes of operation
interface traction drive requirements with on-board of the converters are discussed. The advantages and
energy sources [1-4]. The proposed techniques are mainly

0-7803-9280-9/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE. 552

disadvantages of using these arrangements to run the MH L
hybrid electric propulsion drives are studied. An attempt
is made to investigate the optimal and feasible solution by
utilizing the benefits of all these designs. VH

The circuit diagram of this topology is depicted in Fig. VL DL
2. This topology consists of two input voltage sources,
high voltage source VH and low voltage source VL, and an
output voltage of VO where VH>VO>VL [1]. When the (a)
power switches MH and ML are turned off, diodes DH and
DL will provide the by-pass path for the inductor current L
to flow continuously. By applying the PWM control
scheme to the power switches MH and ML, the proposed
double-input dc-dc converter can draw power from two
voltage sources individually or simultaneously.


C R (b)



Fig. 2. High/low double-input PWM dc-dc converter C R

The four different modes of operation based on the ML

status of the power switches, as depicted in Fig. 3, can be VL
explained as follows [1]:
Mode I (MH:on / ML:off): Switch MH is turned on and
ML is turned off. Because of conduction of MH, power (c)
diode DH is reverse biased and treated as an open circuit
and diode DL will provide a by-pass path for the inductor MH L
current as shown in Fig. 3(a). In this mode, VH charges
inductor L, capacitor C, and provides the electric energy VH DH
for the load.
Mode II (MH:off / ML:on): Power switch MH is turned C R
off and ML is turned on. This results in power diode DHI
to turn on as a short circuit and DL to turn off as an open M L

circuit as depicted in Fig. 3(b). During this operation VL DL

mode, VL will charge inductor L, while the load is
supplied by output capacitor C.
Mode III (MH:off / ML:off): Both of switches MH and (d)
ML are turned off. Diodes DH and DL will provide the
current path for the inductor current as shown in Fig. Fig. 3. Different operating modes
3(c). Both of voltage sources VH and VL are disconnected
from the double-input converter. The electric energy For the same switching frequency, the turn-off
stored in L and C will be released into the load. synchronization in which MH and ML are synchronized by
Mode IV (MH:on / ML:on): MH and ML are turned on the same turn-off transition with different turn-on
which results in DH and DL to turn off with reverse biased moment is considered. Fig.4 shows typical voltage and
voltages. VH and VL are connected in series to charge current waveforms of this converter [1]. From top to
inductor L. The demanded power for the load is now bottom are the waveforms of high voltage source input
provided by capacitor C as depicted in Fig. 3(d). current iH, low voltage source input current iL, and
unfiltered output current io’.

IH power is transferred to the load when two switches of the
same leg in each input stage circuit are turned on. This is
because the input current is freewheeling through these
turned on switches. The output can be regulated by
controlling the time ratio of the power transferring stage
IL to the freewheeling stage. The operation of the converter
over one full switching cycle is divided into twelve
different operation modes. Current waveforms of the
primary side iP1 and iP2 and the secondary side of the
transformer iS are illustrated in Fig. 6 [2].

t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6

Fig. 4. Typical voltage and current waveforms of key components


The circuit diagram of the two-input dc-dc converter
using flux additivity is shown in Fig. 5. This can further
be extended to a multi-input converter by increasing the TS
number of input sources while the coupled transformer
and the output-stage circuit remain unchanged [2]. The Fig. 6. Input and output current waveforms
amplitude of the dc voltage source can be different since
each dc voltage source associated with a choke inductor The six operation modes within the one half of
becomes a dc current source. The switches in the input switching cycle are symmetrical to the other six operation
state are in series with the reverse blocking diodes since modes. Therefore, only the first six operation modes over
the reverse blocking diode can regulate the direction of one half switching cycle are described below [2].
the current flow and prevent the reverse power flow from Mode 1: (t0≤t<t1) At time instant t0, M3 is turned off.
other dc sources via the coupled transformer and Power starts to flow from the first input-stage circuit
switches. Without these diodes the power can not be through the transformer to the load. The current source,
delivered to the load simultaneously. The output-stage IS1, in the first input-stage circuit will flow through the
circuit is an ac-dc rectifier. first transformer winding, T1, via switches D1, M1, D4,
and M4, while IS2 is still kept freewheeling in the second
input-stage circuit. The magnetic flux produced by the
D1 D2 first winding current, i’S1, will induce voltages on other
transformer windings. Induced voltages across
M1 M2 transformer windings, T1, T2, and T3, are clamped to
Vs1 (n1Vo)/n3, (n2Vo)/n3, and Vo, respectively. Diodes, D9 and
D3 D4 D12 in the output-stage circuit will be turned on because
of the induced transformer winding voltage, V3, which
M3 M4 D9 D10 results in the conduction of the body diode of Switch M8.
Mode 2: (t1≤t<t2) At time instant t1, M8 is turned on at
T3 C R
zero voltage due to the conduction of its body diode in
L2 the previous operation mode. During this mode, M8 is
D5 D6 turned on but conducts no current. The input current IS2 is
D11 D12 still kept freewheeling through D5, M5, D7, and M7 in the
M5 M6 second input-stage circuit. Operations of the first input-
VS2 T2 stage and the output-stage circuits remain unchanged.
D7 D8 Mode 3: (t2≤t<t3) This mode begins when switch M7 is
turned off at t2. The current source, IS2, in the second
M7 input- stage circuit will flow through the second
transformer winding, T2, via switches D5, M5, D8, and M8
and start to transfer power to the load. During this
Fig. 5. The topology of the two-input current-fed full bridge dc-dc operation mode, both of the first and the second input-
converter stage circuits are delivering power to the load
individually and simultaneously. The total magnetic flux
The power is delivered to the load from the input linkage in the coupled transformer is increased because of
source through the transformer when two switches the additional magnetic flux produced by the second
located at the diagonal position of the converter in each winding current, i’S2. The operation of the output-stage
input stage circuit are turned on. On the other hand, no

circuit and the clamped transformer winding voltages stay
Mode 4: (t3≤t<t4) At time instant t3, both M2 and M6 S1 D1
are turned on. Switches M1 and M5 are still kept on but L1
conduct no current. All of the diodes in the output-stage C2
circuit will be reversed biased since all of transformer
winding voltages are clamped to zero because of the UC C1 S2 D2
freewheeling currents in the two input-stage circuits. No
power is transferred from any input-stage circuit to the
output- stage circuit. The power demanded by the load is
provided by the output filter capacitor, C.
S3 D3
Mode 5: (t4≤t<t5) Switches M1 and M5 are turned off
with zero current at t4.. The current sources IS1 and IS2 are L2
kept freewheeling in the input-stage circuits, and no C4
power is delivered to the load. C3
B S4 D4
Mode 6: (t5<t<t6) At time instant t5, M3 is turned on at
zero voltage due to the clamped zero voltage across the
first transformer winding, T1. The rest of the circuit is the
same as described in the previous operation mode. Two
current sources are freewheeling in the input-stage S5 D5
circuits and no power is delivered to the load. Mode 7 L3
begins when M4 is turned off at t6. This mode is similar to C6
mode 1. The polarity of transformer voltages and currents
are opposite to these shown in mode 1. Consequently, G C5 S6 D6
mode 8 through mode 12 can be found to be symmetrical
to mode 2 through mode 6, too.
Fig. 7. Multi-input power converter for advanced batteries and capacitor
The circuit topology of the multi input dc-dc V. CONCLUSION
converters for energy storage units like advanced
batteries and ultra capacitor banks is shown in Fig. 7. Multi-input power converters are considered and three
This arrangement is suitable to connect high and low topologies were discussed. Their characteristics were
voltage power sources [3]-[4]. In the generator systems, studied and comparisons were made between them.
UC tanks, and battery systems the numbers of elements Future work will be addressed to carry on simulations on
connected in series are limited to improve the system these three designs being used in an electric or hybrid
reliability. The regulated output voltage is load and the vehicle. More emphasis will be given to finding the
battery system state of charge (SOC) dependent. optimal and feasible designs by incorporating all the
advantages of these designs.
This topology is generally used to drive traction loads,
for instance a hybrid vehicle. Therefore, a bidirectional REFRENCES
converter is selected such that the converter acts as step
up converter (boost converter) for one mode of operation [1] Y.M. Chen, Y.C. Liu, and S.H. Lin, “Double-input PWM DC-DC
converter for high/low voltage sources,” 25th International
and as step down converter (buck converter) for other Telecommunications Energy Conference, 19-23 Oct. 2003, pp. 27–
mode of operation. Each power source is connected to the 32.
dc link by means of this bidirectional step up or step [2] Y.M. Chen, Y.C. Liu, F.Y. Wu, and T.F. Wu, “Multi-Input DC-
down dc-dc converter. Step up mode of operation is used DC Converter based on the Flux Additivity,” 36th Annual Industry
in order to transfer energy from each power source to the Applications Conference, vol. 3, 30 Sept.-4 Oct. 2001, pp. 1866 –
dc-link, where as step down operation is used to charge 1873.
both UC tank and battery storage system and to recover [3] A. Di Napoli, F. Crescimbini, S. Rodo, and L. Solero, “Multiple
the braking energy input DC-DC power converter for fuel-cell powered hybrid
vehicles,” 33rd Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists
The converter is composed of two controlled switches, Conference, vol. 4, 23-27 Jun 2002, pp. 1685–1690.
two diodes, one input inductor and output capacitor. [4] L. Solero, A. Lidozzi, and J.A. Pomilio, “Design of multiple-input
Volume saving strategy is applied to the converter under power converter for hybrid vehicles,” 19th Annual IEEE Applied
consideration. This is prevalent by the useless presence of Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, vol. 2, 2004, pp.
switch and diode concerning the step down configuration 1145-1151.
in the generator systems side of the converter, where
energy can not be recovered during braking mode of
operation. The control switches are controlled in order to
supply the dc link following the traction power demand.
The control manager shares the power flow on the basis
of UC and battery SOC. The desired dc-link voltage level
is accomplished in every working condition by operating
on battery-side converter.


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