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Coatings that stay

looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®,
Irganox®, Irgafos®,
Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

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2 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Table of content

Meeting tomorrow’s coatings challenges today 2-3 Product range of 18 - 19

Tinuvin® DW, Tinuvin® 5000 and HALS blends
Introduction 4-5
Antioxidants (AO) 20 - 21
Background of light and heat stabilization 6-7
Product range of antioxidants 22 - 23
UV absorbers 8-9
Product range of antioxidant blends 24 - 25
UV absorber range of Tinuvin® and Chimassorb® 10 - 11
Biocides 26
Hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) 12 - 13
Optical brighteners 27
HALS range of Lignostab®, Tinuvin®, Chimassorb® 14 - 15
Product range of 28 - 29
Tinuvin® DW 16 biocides and optical brighteners

Tinuvin® 5000 series 17 UV-VIS absorption spectra of UV absorbers 30 - 31

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Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 3

Meeting tomorrow’s
coatings challenges today

As world leader in the global chemicals industry, BASF offers an

outstanding range of high-performance additives that support a wide
spectrum of applications across many different industry sectors.

Global reach, global integration

One of BASF’s most important characteristics from our coatings industry. To ensure that we continue to develop
customers’ perspective is the sheer scale of our operations. the cutting-edge knowledge that our customers rely on,
With plants and service centers across the world, we can we maintain excellent links with scientific institutes and
deliver the smallest or largest quantities of the high-quality universities, as well as with raw materials suppliers and
additives they need. This is achieved through the strength and other partners in the whole value chain.
depth of our global supply chain processes and our expertise
in logistics. We are also recognized world leaders in many of Protection and durability
the products we supply, including light stabilizers, antioxidant
technologies and other performance additives for coating The key to creating high-value, high-performance coatings
protection. In addition to our expertise in coatings, we also is protection against a variety of degrading influences,
supply specialty functional additives for the printing and including light, weather and chemicals. We understand the
packaging, adhesives and sealants and construction industries. full technical possibilities of protecting polymers and resins
against environmental and other adverse influences and
The power of applied expertise can also work with you to meet the needs of any specific
requirements in your industry or region. Whatever solutions
At the heart of BASF are the scientists who develop and test we develop, we place paramount importance on achieving
the new solutions that will make business easier and more the consistent quality that our customers expect from us,
productive for our customers, today and tomorrow. Since the along with long-term availability to ensure sustainable supply.
company’s foundation in 1865, we have built up a level of BASF is constantly innovating to meet new trends or develop
technical and application expertise that makes us global new solutions, and we have the expertise to work with you to
market leader in polymers, resins, raw materials and additives ensure you get precisely the results you need.
for coatings, adhesives and sealants. Today, we have the
world’s most complete product portfolio in pigments, resins, If well-protected coatings come from well-developed
formulation and functional additives, including unique and minds, that’s because at BASF, we create chemistry.
innovative products designed for specialist applications in the

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4 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®


Organic substrates such as coatings, inks, adhesives and

sealants with aesthetical, protective and other functional
properties are exposed to a variety of environmental and artificial
factors such as solar radiation, humidity, temperature change,
microbiological attack, air pollutants and many more.

BASF offers the most comprehensive portfolio of stabilizers The Tinuvin® DW range is based on aqueous preparations
and other performance additives: UV absorbers (UVA) and (Novel Encapsulated Additive Technology: NEAT) of performance
hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) for effective stabilization light stabilizers designed for water-based coatings, inks,
against the detrimental effects of light and weathering, as well adhesives and sealants applications.
as phenolic and non-phenolic antioxidants against thermally
induced degradation during production, processing and service Tinuvin® blends of the 5000 series are liquids based on
life. The product range is completed with antimicrobials and synergistic combinations of UVA and HALS, thereby combining
optical brighteners. easy handling along with excellent compatibility and solubility in
most organic solvents, resins and binder systems. Furthermore
Tinuvin® and Chimassorb® light stabilizers are suitable for other solid HALS-based blends are being offered for the use
water-based (WB), solvent-based (SB), UV-curable and powder in adhesives and sealants applications.
coatings, as well as for inks, adhesives and sealants. The
Tinuvin® range is represented by two types of light stabilizers: Tinuvin® Carboprotect® is a very red shifted UVA for the
UVA and HALS, i.e., UVA-based on 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)- ultimate protection of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy matrices
benzotriazole (BTZ) or 2-hydroxyphenyl-s-triazine (HPT) and can be used as design tool in, e.g., luxury and sports cars.
chemistry as well as di- and oligo-functional HALS based on
tetramethyl piperidine derivatives. Chimassorb® light stabilizers
either belong to the UVA class of 2-hydroxy-benzophenones
(BP) or to the group of oligo-functional HALS.

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Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 5

Lignostab® are lignin-stabilizing additives for wood Irgaguard® and Irgarol® antimicrobials are highly specific and
pretreatment resulting in color retention and effective growth inhibitors for gram-positive and gram-negative
improved durability. bacteria, mold and yeast on organic surfaces. They also
effectively inhibit the photosynthesis of algae.
Irganox® and Irgafos® antioxidants (AO) protect coatings,
plastics, fibers, adhesives and sealants against thermal Tinopal® optical brighteners (fluorescent whitening agents) are
degradation during processing, production and service life. designed to brighten coatings or adhesives and sealants or to
Irganox® thereby represents a complete range of AOs based mask yellowing. Tinopal® can also be used where fluorescence
on sterically hindered phenols or thioethers, as well as blends can provide means to detect film thicknesses or for registration
of different AO classes. Irgafos® are so-called secondary AO and identification purposes.
process stabilizers based on phosphite chemistry.

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6 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Background of light and

heat stabilization
How UV radiation and heat promotes degradation
of organic substrates

Light- or heat-induced oxidation of organic materials is a complex

radical process characterized by initiation, propagation, chain branching,
autocatalytic chain and termination reactions. Both initiation steps
generate free radicals (R•) to enter this cyclic process.

The predominant initiation mechanism under normal service In order to protect organic substrates against harmful UV-
life conditions of polymers is the light-induced oxidation, the radiation and subsequent photo oxidation followed by photo
so-called photo oxidation (see fig.1). The initiation reaction is degradation the use of appropriate light stabilizers such as UV
the photolysis c where a chromophore CH (= UV-absorbing absorbers (UVA) and free-radical scavengers such as hindered
molecule or moiety) absorbs radiation energy (h·ѵ). The amine light stabilizers (HALS) is necessary. UV absorbers filter
absorbed energy leads to the formation of an excited state out the harmful UV light, thereby preventing color change of the
CH* (higher energy level). CH* molecules are highly reactive resin, of the substrate underneath and of colorants in coatings,
and can subsequently form free radicals (R•) by homolytic inks, adhesives and sealants. HALS trap free radicals once they
bond cleavage e. Under high temperature conditions heat are formed and are effective in preventing surface defects such
can accelerate the oxidation – the so-called thermal oxidation as loss of gloss, cracking and chalking. While HALS are,
d – by radical breakdown reactions and formation of free technically speaking, a class of antioxidants or free-radical
radicals R•. This heat-induced initiation step can occur during scavengers, the term “antioxidant” or “AO” generally refers to
high-temperature processing, production and service life. additives that are primarily used as heat stabilizers. Today the
most commonly used AOs are based on sterically hindered
The free radicals R• generated during photo and thermal phenol, thioether or phosphite technologies.
oxidation can subsequently react with oxygen (O2) to form
peroxy radicals (ROO•) f, which can further attack the
polymer (P-H) thereby forming unstable hydroperoxides Fig. 1: Mechanism of light- and/or
(ROOH) g. These hydroperoxides fragment due to UV thermally-induced oxidation
radiation and/or heat and form additional free radicals h.
As the process continues, more and more molecular bonds
break – a process which is autocatalytic in nature and is
known as autoxidation. 1 3 4
h·‫ܢ‬ Rr
Photo oxidation in the presence of light and O2 is the CH CH* O2
predominant mechanism under interior and ambient
åT P-H ROO r
conditions. As a result mainly discoloration (i.e., yellowing) CH P-H POO r
2 Pr
of the substrate or fading of colorants (e.g., in wall paints RO r + r OH
or inks) are observed. Under exterior weathering conditions – PO r + r OH
water is the decisive factor – photo oxidation leads to photo- 6
degradation resulting in additional surface defects POOH
of the coating such as loss of gloss, cracking, chalking etc.
Heat exposure of organic substrates as encountered during
processing steps such as synthesis, mixing, extrusion, CH = chromophore = UV absorbing molecule
curing or during high-temperature-baking cycles of R• = free radicals
P-H = polymer
coatings mainly cause yellowing, embrittlement or loss
of other mechanical properties such as tensile strength.

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Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 7

Tab. 1: Overview of existing light and heat stabilizer technologies

Radical scavengers

UV absorbers (UVA) hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) antioxidants

mode of action converts UV light into heat deactivation of free radicals deactivation of free radicals

usage area interior/exterior exterior interior/exterior

prevents photo oxidation and degradation photo degradation thermal oxidation

deeper coating layers coating surface

protect what? coating
substrate underneath pigments in coatings

surface defects
yellowing yellowing
loss of mechanical properties
protects against blistering embrittlement
loss of water impermeability
loss of adhesion loss of mechanical properties
pigment fading

2-hydroxyphenyl-benzophenones (BP) sterically hindered phenols

chemical classes 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-benzotriazole (BTZ) tetramethyl piperidine derivatives phosphites
2-hydroxyphenyl-s-triazines (HPT) thioethers

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8 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

UV absorbers

Tinuvin® and Chimassorb® UV absorbers (UVA) prevent the degradation

of both coatings and substrates by filtering out the harmful UV radiation
during the photolysis cycle c and before subsequent photo oxidation
can take place.

UV absorbers

Today the most widely used UVA for coatings, inks, adhesives degradation under exterior conditions. For exterior conditions
and sealants are 2-hydroxyphenyl-benzophenones (BP), the combination of UVA and HALS imposes synergistic effects
2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-benzotriazoles (BTZ) and 2-hydroxyphenyl- allowing excellent protection against surface defects and
s-triazines (HPT) (see fig. 2). discoloration. For interior conditions the single use of UVA is
The mode of action of UVAs consists of a conversion of mostly sufficient in order to prevent both fading of coatings
the absorbed light energy (h·ѵ) into heat (see fig. 3). First or inks colorants as well as yellowing of resins.
the UVA CH absorbs radiation energy (h·ѵ) leading to an
energy-enriched excited state CH* resulting in an electronic The photo permanence (= physical/chemical loss of UVA during
rearrangement d, e.g., a reversible intramolecular proton service life) and the heat stability (i.e., low volatility) are basic
transfer. CH* is then deactivated by radiation less release of requirements for the performance of UVA in the final
heat energy (ΔT) and reverts to the original form CH (ground application.
state) c.
BP UVA such as Chimassorb® 81 and Chimassorb® 90 are
Main selection criteria for UVA are their specific photo-physical mainly used in applications where lower requirements on
(primary) and physical (secondary) properties. Photo-physical long-term stability are given.
properties of UVA are the absorbance A (= measure of the filter BTZ UVA such as Tinuvin® 1130, Tinuvin® 384-2, Tinuvin® 928
effect of a UVA at a certain wavelength) and the extinction or Tinuvin® 900 show broad spectral coverage and are used
coefficient ε, which is a molecule-specific constant which for various applications such as plastics, textiles, coatings,
indicates the efficiency of the filter effect by a chromophore. adhesives and sealants. In the coatings area the use of BTZ
The absorbance A is a direct measure of the filter effect and is ranges from medium- (industrial/architectural) to high-end
in inverse logarithmic relation to the transmittance T (= amount (automotive) applications.
of light penetrating through a coating/plastic). The absorbance In general HPT such as Tinuvin® 400, Tinuvin® 477 and
A and the transmittance T of UVA depend both on the chemical Tinuvin® 479 exhibit superior photo permanence and heat
class and the molecular weight. The UV absorption spectra of stability compared to BTZ and BP. In addition HPT show
the Tinuvin® UV absorbers and of blends thereof as well of the excellent chemical resistance. Mono-resorcinyl-triazines such
Chimassorb® UVA are shown on pages 30/31. as Tinuvin® 400 or Tinuvin® 479 do not interact with certain
metal ions (e.g., catalysts or production-related impurities) or
According to the Lambert Beer Law the absorbance A, i.e., strong alkali as opposed to BP and BTZ. HPT are the UVA
the filter effect of a coating, is in linear relationship to the UVA class of choice for applications exposed to high baking
concentration (c), the film thickness (= light path length d) and temperatures and/or to extreme environmental conditions
the extinction coefficient ε. Thus the Lambert-Beer´s Law where highest demands on coating quality are required.
allows to calculate/estimate the necessary amount of UVA
needed for proper light protection at a given film thickness d. Tinuvin® Carboprotect® is a very red-shifted BTZ protecting
Increased c or d result in increased filter effect and therefore light-sensitive substrates up to the Near Visible range.
increased protection against harmful UV radiation. On the Examples include aromatic systems based on e.g., epoxies.
other hand it means that the filter effect is strongly influenced It enables the use of clear coatings over e.g., CFRPs (Carbon
by the coating thickness; the thinner the coating thickness Fiber Reinforced Plastics) designed as a structural element
the more UVA is necessary (see tab. 2). Hence UVA, on their in automotive, sporting goods, renewable energy platforms
own, are inefficient to protect the very surface of a coating and other decorative/fashion industries.
(where d approaches 0). In conclusion they cannot effectively
prevent the formation of surface defects as a result of photo

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Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 9

Tab. 2: The required concentration of UVA for effective Fig. 3: Mode of action of 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-benzotriazole
protection depends on the dry-film thickness of the coating (BTZ) and 2-hydroxyphenyl-s-triazine (HPT) UV absorbers

dry film thickness UVA concentration based on binder solids (% w/w) 1 2

HO R1 H-O - R1
10 - 20 μm 8-4 N h·‫ܢ‬ N
R3 R3 N
20 - 40 μm 4-2
R2 R2
R1 R1
40 - 80 μm 2-1
HPT h·‫ܢ‬
H +
R2 N N R2 R2 N N R2
Fig. 2: General structures of 2-hydroxyphenyl- N N
benzophenones (BP), 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-benzotriazole R3 R3 R3 R3
(BTZ) and 2-hydroxyphenyl-s-triazine (HPT) UV absorbers

N R2 N N R2
R 1
R3 N N
R R3

Lambert-Beer Law
Transmittance T decreases exponentially, 1
absorbance A increases direct
proportionally to T
• chromophore concentration c
• light path length or film thickness d
• extinction coefficient ε

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10 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Product range of
Tinuvin® and Chimassorb®

Physicochemical prameters
Product name Chemistry
Mw Mp automotive and
physical form (g/mol) industrial
(°C) transportation

2-hydroxy-benzophenone UVA (BP)

Chimassorb® 81 BP solid 326 47 - 51 „

Chimassorb® 90 BP solid 228 61 - 65 „

2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-benzotriazole UVA (BTZ)

Tinuvin® 1130 BTZ liquid mix - „ „

Tinuvin® 326 BTZ-Cl solid 316 138 - 142

Tinuvin® 384-2 BTZ 452 - „ „
95 % in 1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate
Tinuvin® 99-2 BTZ 452 - „
95 % in 1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate

Tinuvin® 900 BTZ solid 448 138 - 142 „ „

Tinuvin® 928 BTZ solid 442 109 - 113 „ „

Tinuvin® Carboprotect® BTZ solid 560 132 - 136 „ „

bis- and tris-resorcinyl-triazine UVA (HPT), high photo and thermal permanence

Tinuvin® 460 HPT solid 630 97 - 101

Tinuvin® 477 HPT mix - „
80 % in 2-methoxy-1-propyl acetate

2-hydroxyphenyl-s-triazine UVA (HPT), best photo and thermal permanence, no interaction with amine, strong alkali or any metal catalyst, pronounced absorbance in UV-B range

Tinuvin® 1577 ED HPT solid 425 147 - 151

Tinuvin® 400 HPT 647 - „ „
85 % in 1-methoxypropan-2-ol

Tinuvin® 405 HPT solid 584 73 - 77 „ „

Tinuvin® 479 HPT solid 678 39 - 43 1 „ „

Tg (°C)

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Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 11

Market segment
Application / remarks
furniture and printing and
architectural adhesives sealants
flooring packaging

„ „ „ mass stabilization of gel coats; UVA for moderate durability requirements

„ „ mass stabilization of gel coats; UVA for moderate durability requirements

„ „ „ „ „ universal UVA for medium-performance solvent- and water-based coatings

chlorinated red-shifted UVA, allows <1 % transmittance up to 370 nm;

„ „
FDA approval for indirect food contact in polyolefines
multipurpose UVA for medium- to high-durability requirements;
„ „ „
minimum color impact in refinish clear coat applications

„ „ „ „ multipurpose UVA for medium-durability requirements

UVA for medium- to high-durability requirements in powder and coil coating

„ „ „
applications; limited solubility in liquid coatings
UVA for medium- to high-durability requirements in powder and coil coating
„ „
applications; excellent solubility in liquid coatings
very red-shifted UVA for protection of aromatic epoxy systems;
„ „ especially recommended for carbon- or glass-fiber-reinforced composites;
allows < 1 % transmittance up to 420 nm

red-shifted UVA with extremely high extinction coefficient;

allows <1 % transmittance up to 370 nm; limited solubility in liquid coatings
red-shifted UVA with high extinction coefficient;
„ „ „ „
for high-durability requirements; allows <1 % transmittance up to 370 nm

UVA for high-durability requirements in adhesives and sealant applications;

„ „
limited solubility in liquid coatings
UVA for high-durability requirements in clear coat applications inclusive
„ „ „ „ „
UV-curing systems; excellent spectral coverage in combination with Tinuvin® 479
UVA for high-durability requirements in powder clear coats or 100 % (UV)-curing
systems; excellent spectral coverage in combination with Tinuvin® 479
UVA with extremely high extinction coefficient; for highest durability
„ „ „ „ requirements in clear coats, powder coatings or UV-curing systems;
specifically suited for thin-film applications

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12 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Hindered amine
light stabilizers (HALS)

Hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) are mainly derivatives of

2,2,6,6-tetramethyl piperidine (TMP). They act as radical scavengers
in the autoxidation cycle (see fig.1) and inhibit the photo-oxidative
degradation of polymers in coatings, adhesives and sealants.

The mode of action of HALS is largely independent of the film Basic HALS (e.g., Tinuvin® 292, Tinuvin® 144) are highly
thickness applied, which in turn means that they can also act efficient and long-term stable, however, they can undergo
at the coating surface where minor protection through the UVA acid/base interactions with certain formulation components
is given (see Lambert-Beer Law). In clear coats they protect such as biocides, surfactants, catalysts or certain acid-treated
against surface defects such as loss of gloss or cracking, pigments, which can result in limited formulation stability or
whereas in pigmented coatings chalking and discoloration can the deactivation of HALS or of other additives.
be prevented. Finally, these surface defects lead to increased Furthermore basic HALS can interfere with the curing process
water permeability, loss of physical and protective properties of acid-catalyzed or oxidatively curing systems. Non-basic
followed by substrate erosion. Today a large variety of different N-OR HALS (e.g., Tinuvin® 123, Tinuvin® 5100, Tinuvin® 152)
HALS representing mono-, di- or oligo-functional TMPs are do not interact, which makes them the products of choice for
available, which – due to their different physical and chemical all applications where traditional basic HALS fail.
properties – fulfil the requirements of the coatings and plastic
industries (see fig. 4). The use level of UVA and HALS strongly depends on the
concentration of pigments (acting as UV screeners) and the
For coating applications, di-functional HALS such as Tinuvin® final thickness of the coating. Clear coatings require higher
292 or Tinuvin® 123 are the most widely used classes in the amounts of UVA (and lower dose levels of HALS) whereas
market. Mono-functional HALS such as Lignostab® 1198 are opaque pigmented coatings require higher amounts of HALS
specifically designed as wood lignin stabilizers whereas oligo- (and lower UVA dose levels). Typical use levels are listed
functional HALS such as Chimassorb® 944 or Tinuvin® 622 SF in table 3.
are mainly used in powder or plastic applications. HALS with The use of UVA in pigmented coatings depends on the
additional features or functionalities are Tinuvin® 144 (tribo pigments used. The light fastness or weather stability of some
activity for powder coatings) or Tinuvin® 152 (non-migrating organic pigments can be improved by addition of UVA whereas
HALS with reactable primary hydroxyl function for coatings for inorganic pigments the use of UVA can be neglected.
over plastics).

According to the “Denisov cycle” the mode of action of Tab. 3: Typical UVA and HALS use levels
HALS is a cyclic regenerative process (see fig. 5). The HALS
compound c is converted in the presence of oxygen (O2 )
and UV radiation (h·ѵ) into the corresponding nitroxyl radical Pigmentation Active UVA (%) 1 Active HALS (%) 2
NO • d as active species, d traps free RO • radicals under
formation of an aminoether N-OR structure e. N-OR interacts
with ROO • forming intermediates which then decompose clear 1-2 1
into harmless decomposition products, thereby reforming
the active species NO • d. The cyclic nature of the stabilization semi-transparent
process along with the regeneration of the active species 1-2 1-2
explains the high and long-term efficiency of HALS.
Besides solubility and compatibility the first selection criteria 0-1 1-2
for HALS is their basicity (see fig. 6). The basicity of HALS is
governed by the substitution pattern on the piperidine nitrogen: 1
% active UVA on binder solids (DFT ~ 40 μm)
H or alkyl-substituted HALS are basic, whereas aminoether- 2
% active HALS on binder solids (does not depend on DFT)
(N-OR)-functionalized HALS are considered as non-basic.

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Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 13

Fig. 4: Typical HALS structures Fig. 6: Influence of HALS basicity vs. N-substituent

R N H pkb ~ 4 - 5 Tinuvin® 770 DF
R1 N O (CH2)8 O N R1 R2 2
O O pkb ~ 5 - 6 Tinuvin® 292
Tinuvin® 144
R R1
A B R N (CH2)2 OR pkb ~ 7 - 8 Tinuvin® 622 SF

Typical structures of hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS).

A: linked by diester; B: linked by triazine ring
R N OR pkb ~ 8 - 10 Tinuvin® 123
Tinuvin® 152
Fig. 5: Denisov cycle Tinuvin® 5100

1 2 3

h·‫ܢ‬, O2

R‘OH + R=O R‘OO r

Mode of action of hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS)

according to the “Denisov cycle”

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14 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Product range of Lignostab®,

Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®
Hindered amine light stabilizers

Physicochemical prameters
Product name Chemistry
Mw Mp automotive and
physical form (g/mol) (°C) industrial

lignin stabilizer

Lignostab® 1198 lignin stabilizer solid 172 66 - 70

lignin stabilizer liquid

Lignostab® 1198 L 172 -
solution 20 % in water


Tinuvin® 123 N-OR HALS liquid 737 - „ „

Tinuvin® 152 N-OR HALS solid 757 72 - 76 1 „ „

Tinuvin® 5100 N-OR HALS liquid 737 - „

Tinuvin® 770 DF N-H HALS solid 480 81 - 85 „

Tinuvin® 144 N-alkyl HALS solid 685 148 - 152 „ „

Tinuvin® 292 N-alkyl HALS liquid 509 / 370 - „ „

Tinuvin® 292 HP N-alkyl HALS liquid 509 / 370 - „

oligomeric HALS

Tinuvin® 622 SF
N-alkyl HALS
solid 3.100 - 4.000 57 - 61 1 „

Chimassorb® 2020 FDL solid 2.600 - 3.400 92 - 96 1

Chimassorb® 944 LD solid 2.000 - 3.100 90 - 94 1

Tg (°C)

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 15 11.05.12 10:15

Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 15

Market segment
Application / remarks
furniture and printing and
architectural adhesives sealants
flooring packaging

„ „ lignin stabilizer for wood impregnation

„ „ lignin stabilizer solution for wood impregnation

„ „ „ „ non-basic HALS for acid-catalyzed coatings

non-migrating, reactable low-basic HALS for polar solvent-based or

„ „ plastic coatings (e.g., polycarbonate, ABS substrates)

„ „ non-basic HALS for oxidative curing coatings

„ „ HALS with food-contact approval

antioxidant-functionalized HALS with triboelectric charging activity

„ „ for powder coatings

„ „ „ „ „ multipurpose HALS for various applications

multipurpose HALS for color-sensitive applications such as refinish coatings

„ „ low-basic HALS for powder coatings; limited solubility in liquid coatings

„ „ oligomeric HALS with antioxidant properties; limited solubility in liquid coatings

„ „ oligomeric HALS with antioxidant properties; limited solubility in liquid coatings

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 16 11.05.12 10:15

16 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Tinuvin® DW

Tinuvin® DW are aqueous preparations of light stabilizers for all water-

based applications. Based on Novel Encapsulated Additive Technology
(NEAT), Tinuvin® DW is supplied as low-viscous, solvent-free, storage-
and sedimentation-stable product form.

Tinuvin® DW represents a range of selected BTZ and The NEAT family

HPT UVA as well as of N-OR HALS preparations. These
light stabilizer preparations are based on a proprietary • Tinuvin® 99-DW: multipurpose BTZ for water-based
encapsulation technique where actives are essentially architectural and industrial applications where traditional
dissolved in an acrylic copolymer matrix. The NEAT-based BTZ are already used
preparations exhibit excellent long-term storage stability • Tinuvin® 400-DW: blue-shifted HPT for high-performance
without any sedimentation or phase separation in their delivery water-based architectural, industrial and automotive
form. The absence of Xi R43 labels and of co-solvents makes applications where BTZ fail or need to be upgraded
them the ideal choice for low- to zero-VOC applications. • Tinuvin® 477-DW: red-shifted HPT for water-based
They are easy to incorporate and homogeneously disperse high-performance wood-coating applications
into water and/or water-based paints and allow the post • Tinuvin® 479-DW: UVA with extremely high extinction
addition at the end of the production process under normal coefficient for highest durability requirements, specially
stirring conditions without specific equipment and/or suited for thin film applications
dispersing aids, e.g., emulsifiers or dispersants. After being • Tinuvin® 123-DW: non-basic N-OR HALS for all
incorporated into the liquid paint they do not impair paint applications where basic HALS fail or can not be tolerated
properties and storage stability. The Tinuvin® DW range fully • Tinuvin® 5333-DW: UVA/HALS light stabilizer blend with
maintains dry-film properties such as inherent color, gloss broad spectral coverage for high durability in joinery,
and transparency. Other properties such as water permeability GIP, glass and decorative coatings as well as for coatings
and blocking resistance, hardness and scratch resistance over plastic
are not affected.

Properties of the NEAT family

• light stabilizer is “encapsulated” / dissolved in acrylic matrix

• particle size D50 < 150 nm
• active content of 20 % to 30 % (product-specific)
• total solids around 40 % to 50 % (product-specific)

Key features of the NEAT family

• ideal for low- to zero-VOC applications
• no Xi R43 label
• low-viscous, solvent-free dispersions
• storage- and sedimentation-stable

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 17 11.05.12 10:15

Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 17

Tinuvin® 5000 series

BASF Tinuvin® 5000 series and other Tinuvin® blends offer synergistic
combinations against surface defects, as well as color and gloss
retention in coatings, adhesives and sealants applications.

The Tinuvin® 5000 series is attractive in its ease of use and its • Tinuvin® 5151: blend based on BTZ UVA and basic HALS
broad and advantageous solubility and compatibility within for exterior water-based and solvent-based industrial and
most solvent-based coating systems. The Tinuvin® 5000 family decorative clear coats.
matches all performance requirements for architectural, • Tinuvin® 5460: blend based on HPT UVA and a non-basic
industrial and automotive applications. HALS for exterior solvent-based oxidatively curing or acid-
catalyzed industrial and decorative coatings including
The broad UV absorbance of BTZ-based blends makes them UV- and electron-beam curable systems. Due to the
suitable for a wide range of coatings on wood, plastic and metal chosen UVA to HALS ratio it is especially suitable for clear
substrates. coats or low-pigmented coatings.
• Tinuvin® 5248: blend based on HPT UVA and a basic
HPT-based blends show a high thermal stability and superior HALS for exterior solvent-based automotive and industrial
photo permanence, which makes them particularly suitable coatings including UV- and electron-beam-curable systems.
for coatings exposed to high baking temperatures and/or to Due to the chosen UVA to HALS ratio it is especially
extreme environmental conditions. Furthermore they are not suitable for clear coats or low-pigmented coatings.
sensitive to high pH and certain metal ions, i.e., no formation • Tinuvin® 5251: blend based on HPT UVA and a basic
of colored complexes. Blends containing N-OR HALS are HALS for exterior solvent-based automotive and industrial
especially suitable for oxidatively curing and acid-catalyzed coatings including UV- and electron-beam-curable systems.
systems. The non-basic character prevents potential interactions Due to the chosen UVA to HALS ratio it is especially
with acidic paint ingredients such as catalysts, biocides and suitable for clear coats.
pigments. • Tinuvin® 5272: blend based on HPT UVA and a non-basic
non-migrating HALS for exterior solvent-based automotive
The 5000 family and industrial coatings including UV-curable systems.
Furthermore the non-migrating properties of the HALS allow
• Tinuvin® 5050: blend based on BTZ UVA and basic HALS the use in coatings over plastics, especially polycarbonates.
for exterior solvent-based industrial and decorative clear • Tinuvin® 5866: blend based on UVA and HALS for
coats or low-pigmented coatings. transparent modified silicone sealants. Combines
• Tinuvin® 5060: blend based on BTZ UVA and non-basic properties such as excellent initial color and long-term
HALS for exterior solvent-based oxidatively curing or mechanical and light stability.
acid-catalyzed industrial and decorative clear coats or
low-pigmented coatings.

Key features of the Tinuvin® 5000 series

• synergistic combination of UVA and HALS
• high performance
• ease and simplicity of use

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 18 11.05.12 10:15

18 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Product range of Tinuvin® DW,

Tinuvin® 5000 and HALS blends

Market segment
Product name Chemistry Physical form
automotive and furniture and printing and
transportation flooring packaging


Tinuvin® 5050 BTZ / N-alkyl HALS liquid „

Tinuvin® 5060 BTZ / N-OR HALS liquid „ „

Tinuvin® 5151 BTZ / N-alkyl HALS liquid „ „

Tinuvin® 5248 HPT / N-alkyl HALS liquid „ „

Tinuvin® 5251 HPT / N-alkyl HALS liquid „ „

Tinuvin® 5272 HPT / N-OR HALS liquid „ „

Tinuvin® 5460 HPT / N-OR HALS liquid „ „

Tinuvin® 5866 AO / N-alkyl HALS / UVA solid

Tinuvin® 5941-R BTZ / N-alkyl HALS liquid „

Tinuvin® 111 FDL N-alkyl / N-alkyl HALS blend solid „

Tinuvin® 783 FDL N-alkyl / N-H HALS blend solid

Tinuvin® B 75 AO / N-alkyl HALS / UVA liquid

Tinuvin® B 97 AO / N-alkyl HALS / UVA liquid

NEAT additive preparations for water-based applications

Tinuvin® 123-DW N-OR HALS liquid 30 % active „ „ „ „

Tinuvin® 99-DW BTZ liquid 24 % active „ „ „

Tinuvin® 400-DW HPT liquid 20 % active „ „ „ „

Tinuvin® 477-DW HPT liquid 20 % active „ „ „

Tinuvin® 479-DW HPT liquid 20 % active „ „ „

Tinuvin® 5333-DW UVA HALS liquid 40 % active „ „ „

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 19 11.05.12 10:15

Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 19

Application / remarks
architectural adhesives sealants

„ „ „ UVA/HALS blend for solvent-based applications

„ „ „ UVA/non-basic HALS blend for solvent-based oxidative curing coatings

„ „ universal UVA/HALS blend for water- and solvent-based applications

„ UVA/HALS blend for high-performance solvent-based applications

„ UVA/HALS blend for high-performance solvent-based applications

UVA/non-migrating, reactable low-basic HALS blend for high-performance solvent-based plastic coatings

„ UVA/non-basic HALS blend designed for coil coating applications

„ „ stabilizer blend for MS polymers, polyurethane and silicone sealants

UVA/HALS blend for medium- to high-performance solvent-based coatings;

minimum color impact in refinish clear coat applications

„ HALS blend for powder coating application with triboelectric charging activity

„ „ HALS blend for solvent-based applications; limited solubility

„ „ AO/UVA/HALS blend for solvent-based applications

„ „ AO/UVA/HALS blend for solvent-based applications

„ „ „ N-OR based HALS for all water-based applications

„ „ „ UVA for water-based medium-performance applications

blue-shifted UVA for water-based high-performance applications;

„ „ „
excellent spectra coverage in combination with Tinuvin® 479-DW

„ „ „ red-shifted UVA for water-based high-performance wood coatings

UVA for water-based applications with extremely high extinction coefficient;

„ „ „
for highest durability requirements, specifically suited for thin-film applications

high-performance UVA / non-reacting HALS light stabilizer blend with broad spectral coverage
for high-durability requirements in joinery, GIP, plastic, glass and decorative applications

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 20 11.05.12 10:15

20 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Antioxidants (AO)

AO prevent thermally induced oxidation of polymers in coatings,

adhesives and sealants during heat exposure, processing and curing
or baking at high temperatures as well as during their service life.
Irganox® and Irgafos® represent different primary sterically hindered
phenolic AO and secondary thioether or phosphite AO.

Fig. 7: AO structures Today hydrolytically stable phosphites and divalent sulfur

compounds are the most widely used secondary AO.
Applications include heat stabilization during synthesis,
processing, mixing, extrusion and curing or coatings that
are baked or cured at relatively high temperatures (e.g., coil
phenol AO phosphite AO thioether AO
coatings and powder coatings).
R2 R1
S(R)2 Irgafos® 126 and Irgafos® 168 are mainly used in powder
R3 O P(R)3-x
coating applications.
R3 R1 x
The thioethers or thiosynergists Irganox® PS 800 or Irganox®
PS 802 are especially suitable when “high temperature aging”
is required (e.g., automotive cable applications).
Primary AO such as the sterically hindered phenols (e.g.,
Irganox® 1010, Irganox® 1076) deactivate free radicals (RO•) Furthermore with the Irganox® B class a range of ready-to-use
formed during thermal oxidation and interrupt breakdown synergistic blends based on combinations of phenolic and
reactions via a kinetic mechanism. Primary AO work by secondary AO is available.
donating hydrogen atoms to preferably oxygen-centered
radicals (RO •, ROO •), thereby interrupting the autoxidation Unlike HALS, AO follow a non-regenerative mechanism,
process. Phenolic AO are multipurpose products for a broad which in turn means that both primary and secondary AO are
temperature range. They are mainly used to increase the long- essentially consumed and rendered ineffective after reaction.
term thermal stability of various coatings, plastics, adhesives Conversely, HALS are usually not effective in preventing
and sealants. thermal degradation. On the other hand, the regenerative
nature of HALS allows them to function over much longer
Secondary AO decompose peroxides (ROOH) formed during time scales. This makes them well suited as light stabilizers,
the autoxidation process g and extend the performance of although some oligo-functional HALS can be also effective
primary AO by synergistic effects. heat stabilizers under long-term and moderately low heat
exposure conditions (Tinuvin® 944 LD and Tinuvin® 622 SF).

Hindered phenol AO Thioether AO

• activity over broad temperature range (RT to melt) • thiosynergists like it hot
• improve long-term thermal stability • rate of ROOH decomposition increases with ΔT
• non-regenerative mechanism, consumption • designed to protect against ”high temperature aging“
during reaction

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 21 11.05.12 10:15

Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 21

Fig. 8: Mechanism of AO

hindered phenol AO

R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1
+ ROO· + ROO·
r -ROR3
3 3 R3 R3 OOR O

phosphite AO
R2 R2

R3 O P + ROOH R3 O P=O + ROH

R1 3 R1 3

thioether AO
S(R)2 + ROOH (R)2 S=O + ROH

Phosphite AO Oligomeric HALS

• phosphites are processing stabilizers • HALS with AO properties
• stable against hydrolysis • work up to 120 °C
• no colored reaction products • stable to light, migration and extraction
• in contrast to AO regenerative mechanism

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 22 11.05.12 10:16

22 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Product range of

Physicochemical prameters
Product name Chemistry
Mw Mp automotive and
physical form (g/mol) (°C) industrial

hindered phenolic (primary AO)

Irganox® 1010 phenol solid 1.178 110 - 125 „ „

Irganox® 1035 phenol solid 643 63 - 78 „

Irganox® 1076 phenol solid 531 50 - 55 „ „

Irganox® 1098 phenol solid 637 156 - 161

Irganox® 1135 phenol liquid 39 - „ „

Irganox® 1330 phenol solid 775 240 - 245

Irganox® 1425 solid 695 > 260

Irganox® 1520 L phenol liquid 425 13 - 14

Irganox® 1726 phenol liquid 537 27 - 29

Irganox® 245 phenol solid 587 76 - 79 „ „

Irganox® 245 DW phenol liquid 587 - „

Irganox® 3114 phenol solid 784 218 - 223

Irganox® 565 phenol solid 589 91 - 96

Irganox® MD 1024 metal deactivator solid 553 221 - 232

thioether (secondary AO)

Irganox® PS 800 thioether solid 515 39 - 41

Irganox® PS 802 thioether solid 531 50 - 55

phosphite (secondary AO)

Irgafos® 126 phosphite solid 604 160 - 175 „ „

Irgafos® 168 phosphite solid 647 183 - 186 „ „

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 23 11.05.12 10:16

Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 23

Market segment
Application / remarks
furniture and printing and
architectural adhesives sealants
flooring packaging

AO for hot-melt, tackifiers, solvent-based and powder coating applications;

„ „
not to be used for direct fired gas ovens

„ „ AO for hot-melt and solvent-based coating applications

„ „ AO for hot-melt, tackifiers, solvent-based and powder coating applications

„ „ AO for hot-melt polyurethane and polyamides

„ „ AO for all solvent-based applications

„ „ AO for hot-melt, tackifiers and solvent-based coating applications

„ „ stabilizer for synthesis of polyester resins and adhesives

„ „ AO for tackifiers and rubber vulcanisates

„ „ AO for hot-melt and rubber applications

„ „ AO for hot-melt, sealants, solvent-based and powder coating applications

„ „ AO for water-based coating applications

„ „ AO for hot-melt, tackifiers and solvent-based coating applications

„ „ AO for styrene-isoprene-styrene, styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymers

AO with metal deactivating properties;

„ „
recommended for polymers in contact with copper

„ „ AO for hot-melt applications

„ „ AO for hot-melt applications

AO for hot-melts, solvent-based and powder coating applications;

„ „
prevents yellowing in direct gas fired ovens

AO for hot-melts, solvent-based and powder coating applications;

„ „
prevents yellowing in direct gas fired ovens

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 24 11.05.12 10:16

24 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Product range of
antioxidant blends

Physicochemical prameters
Product name Chemistry
Mp automotive and
physical form (°C) industrial furniture and flooring

AO blends

Irganox® B 215 phenol / phospite solid 116 - 179

Irganox® B 225 phenol / phospite solid > 100 „

Irganox® B 561 phenol / phospite solid > 60

Irganox® B 612 phenol / phospite solid > 60

Irganox® B 900 phenol / phospite solid 59 - 61 „

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 25 11.05.12 10:16

Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 25

Market segment
Application / remarks
printing and
architectural adhesives sealants

„ „ AO blend for adhesives and sealants applications

„ „ AO blend for adhesives and sealants applications

„ „ AO blend for adhesives and sealants applications

„ „ AO blend for adhesives and sealants applications

AO blend for powder coating applications

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 26 11.05.12 10:16

26 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®


Irgaguard® and Irgarol® are bioactive substances for control of

microorganism (bacteria, fungi and algae) in order to prevent
deleterious effects on organic substrates.

BASF offers organic and inorganic silver-based antimicrobials Irgarol® 1051 is a highly specific and effective inhibitor of the
for use in coatings where sterile environments are required, as photo synthesis of algae thereby showing outstanding
well as triazine-based algicides for marine and architectural performance in their control. It has comparatively low biological
applications. activity towards marine organism and humans. Combined with
its very low water solubility this makes it the ideal choice for
The organic Irgaguard ® B 1000 is a very active antimicrobial use in antifouling coatings.
effective against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-
negative bacteria. The combination of low migration rates Irgaguard ® D 1071 is a highly effective algicide designed for
versus high activity generally provides antimicrobial efficacy long-term bioprotection of architectural coatings. It prevents
over the entire life cycle of the organic substrate. subsequent failures such as greenish appearance, increased
dirt pick-up and/or water sensitivity and therefore helps to
The silver-based Irgaguard ® H 6000 shows high efficacy with maintain the aesthetic and functional properties of the coating.
broad spectral activity against many target organisms such as
bacteria, mold and yeast. In addition to its low eco toxicity, the
good thermal stability and light stability combined with its low
migration rates makes it suitable for use in hygienic coatings or
adhesives and sealants for medical applications.

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 27 11.05.12 10:16

Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 27

Optical brighteners

Tinopal® optical brighteners (OB) are designed to brighten or enhance

the appearance of coatings, adhesives and sealants causing a perceived
“whitening” effect or to mask yellowing.

Tinopal ® can also be used where fluorescence can provide a Tinopal ® SFP is a water-soluble triazine-stilbene derivative
means of detecting film thickness, registration and identification, for use in photographic color developer baths to enhance the
e.g., in adhesives and sealants as fluorescent tracer in-line apparent whiteness of processed color prints or as fluorescent
assurance inspections. OB are dyes working by a fluorescent tracers.
mechanism. They absorb light in the ultraviolet region (usually
340 - 370 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum, and emit light Tinopal® OB CO is a benzoxazole derivative for applications
in the blue region (typically 420 - 470 nm). such as solvent-based white and pastel-tone paints, clear
coats and overprint varnishes primer and/or topcoats and
The Tinopal ® range is available in powder form soluble in many more applications, where enhancement of the
solvents as well as in water and as solutions for direct use in appearance or masking of yellowing is desired. Furthermore
various applications. Due to the limited photo stability of optical it can be used a fluorescence tracer.
brighteners resulting in yellowish degradation products the use
for exterior applications is not recommended.

Tinopal ® NFW liquid is a biphenyl-stilbene derivative for water-

based white and pastel-tone paints, clear coats and overprint
varnishes to mask the yellowish inherent color and to intensify
the brilliance of white and colored base coats.

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 28 11.05.12 10:16

28 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

Product range of biocides

and optical brighteners

Physicochemical prameters
Product name CAS Chemistry
Mw Mp automotive and
physical form (g/mol) (°C) industrial


Irgaguard® B 1000 3380-34-5 organic antimicrobial solid 290 56 - 58

Irgaguard® H 6000 n.n. silver-glass / zeolite solid - ~ 600 „

Irgaguard® D 1071 28159-98-0 organic algicide solid 253 128 - 133

Irgarol® 1051 28159-98-0 organic algicide solid 253 129 - 133 „

optical brightener

Tinopal® NFW LIQ 27344-41-8 biphenyl-stilbene liquid 563 - „

Tinopal® OB CO 7128-64-5 benzoxazole solid 431 196 - 203 „

Tinopal® SFP 41098-56-0 triazine-stilbene solid 1,305 - „

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 29 11.05.12 10:16

Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 29

Market segment
Application / remarks
furniture and printing and
architectural adhesives sealants
flooring packaging

„ „ organic antimicrobial for adhesives and sealants

„ „ „ „ silver-glass / zeolite-based antimicrobial for hygienic coatings

„ triazine-based algicide for architectural and construction coatings

triazine-based algicide for antifouling in marine and protective coatings

liquid OB for water-based white and pastel-tone paints, clear coats,

„ „ „ „
overprint varnishes, adhesives and sealants

solid OB for water-based white and pastel-tone paints, clear coats,

„ „ „ „
overprint varnishes, adhesives and sealants

water-soluble OB for photographic color developer baths or as

„ „ „ „
fluorescent tracers

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 30 11.05.12 10:16

30 Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal®

UV-VIS absorbance spectra

of UV absorbers

2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-benzotriazole (BTZ)

1,50 1.0
spectra were recorded with 20 mg/l in toluene, path = 1 cm spectra were recorded with 20 mg/l in toluene, path = 1 cm

absorbance / AU

absorbance / AU

0,75 0.5


0 0
290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430
wavelength / nm wavelength / nm

Tinuvin® 326 Tinuvin® Tinuvin® 384-2 Tinuvin® 99-2 Tinuvin® 900

Carboprotect® Tinuvin® 928 Tinuvin® 1130

2-hydroxyphenyl-s-triazine (HPT)

2.5 2.5
spectra were recorded with 20 mg/l in toluene, path = 1 cm spectra were recorded with 20 mg/l in toluene, path = 1 cm

2.0 2.0
absorbance / AU

absorbance / AU

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0 0
290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430
wavelength / nm wavelength / nm

Tinuvin® 400 Tinuvin® 405 Tinuvin® 1577 ED Tinuvin® 460 Tinuvin® 477 Tinuvin® 479

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 31 11.05.12 10:16

Coatings that stay looking good
Tinuvin®, Chimassorb®, Lignostab®, Irganox®, Irgafos®, Irgaguard®, Irgarol®, Tinopal® 31

Tinuvin® 5000 series

1.5 1.5
spectra were recorded with spectra were recorded with 40 mg/l in toluene, path = 1 cm
40 mg/l in toluene, path = 1 cm
1.25 1.25

1.0 1.0
absorbance / AU

absorbance / AU

0.75 0.75

0.5 0.5

0.25 0.25

0 0
290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430
wavelength / nm wavelength / nm

Tinuvin® 5248 Tinuvin® 5251 Tinuvin® 5272 Tinuvin® 5151 Tinuvin® 5050 Tinuvin® 5060
Tinuvin® 5460 Tinuvin® 5866

2-hydroxy-benzophenone (BP) Tinuvin® DW series

1.5 1.5
spectra were recorded with 20 mg/l in toluene, path = 1 cm spectra were recorded with 100 mg/l
in 80:20 THF: toluene, path = 1 cm
1.25 1.25

1.0 1.0
absorbance / AU
absorbance / AU

0.75 0.75

0.5 0.5

0.25 0.25

0 0
290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430
wavelength / nm wavelength / nm

Chimassorb® 81 Chimassorb® 90 Tinuvin® 99-DW Tinuvin® 400-DW Tinuvin® 477-DW

Tinuvin® 479-DW Tinuvin® 5333-DW

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 32 11.05.12 10:16

Contacts worldwide

Asia North America

BASF East Asia Regional Headquarters Ltd. BASF Corporation
45/F, Jardine House Resins & Additives
No. 1 Connaught Place 1609 Biddle Avenue
Central Wyandotte, MI 48192
Hong Kong USA
Tel.: +852 2731-0111 Tel.: +1 800 231-7868
Fax: +852 2731-5633 Fax: +1 800 392-7429
[email protected] [email protected]

Europe, Africa, West Asia Mexico

BASF SE BASF Mexicana S.A. de C.V.
Resins & Additives A. Insurgentes Sur 975
E-EDC/RA Col. Ciudad de los Deportes
67056 Ludwigshafen 03710 Mexico, D.F.
Germany Mexico
Tel.: +49 621 60-48952 Tel.: +52 55 5325-2787
Fax: +49 621 60-6648952 +52 55 5325-2687
Tel.: +49 621 60-72403 Fax: +52 55 5611-4897
Fax: +49 621 60-6672403
[email protected] South America
Av. Faria Lima 3600 – 10° andar
Itaim Bibi – São Paulo – SP
Tel.: +55 11 3043-3637
Fax: +55 11 3043-3110

EDC 1112 e

67056 Ludwigshafen

The data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application of our product, these data do not
relieve processors from carrying out their own investigations and tests; neither do these data imply any guarantee of certain properties, nor the suitability of the product for a specific purpose. Any
descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, proportions, weights, etc. given herein may change without prior information and do not constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product. The agreed
contractual quality of the product results exclusively from the statements made in the product specification. It is the responsibility of the recipient of our product to ensure that any proprietary rights
and existing laws and legislation are observed. When handling these products, advice and information given in the safety data sheet must be complied with. Further, protective and workplace hygiene
measures adequate for handling chemicals must be observed.

® = registered trademark of the BASF Group

EDC_1112_e_BR_Performance_Additives_ES.indd 33 11.05.12 10:16

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