IO Systems Catalogue 2019
IO Systems Catalogue 2019
IO Systems Catalogue 2019
© Siemens 2019
I/O systems
Siemens ST 70 · 2019
© Siemens 2019
I/O systems
Siemens ST 70 · 2019
© Siemens 2019
I/O Systems
I/O systems
■ Overview
PROFIBUS is the international standard (IEC 61158/61784) for
the field level. It is the only fieldbus to allow communication both
in manufacturing applications and in process-oriented applica-
PROFIBUS is used to connect field devices, e.g. distributed I/O
devices or drives, to automation systems such as SIMATIC S7,
PROFIBUS is standardized in accordance with IEC 61158
and is a powerful, open and rugged fieldbus system with short
response times. PROFIBUS is available in different forms for
various applications.
PROFIBUS DP (distributed I/O)
PROFIBUS DP is used for connecting distributed field devices,
e.g. SIMATIC ET 200, or drives with extremely fast response
times. PROFIBUS DP is used when sensors/actuators are
distributed at the machine or in the plant (e.g. field level).
SIMATIC ET 200 offers the right solution for every
application AS-Interface
With SIMATIC ET 200 a wide range of distributed I/O systems is AS-Interface is the international standard (IEC 62026/EN 50295)
available - for solutions in the control cabinet or without a control which, as an alternative to the cable harness, links especially
cabinet directly at the machine, as well as for applications in cost-effective sensors and actuators by means of a two-wire line.
hazardous areas. The modular design makes it possible to scale This two-wire line is also used to supply the individual stations
and expand the ET 200 systems simply and in small stages. with power. This makes the AS-Interface the ideal partner for
Already integrated add-on modules reduce costs and at the PROFINET and PROFIBUS DP. AS-i communication modules in
same time offer a widely diverse range of possible applications. the ET 200SP enable the flexible combination of AS-Interface
You can choose from many different combination options: digital and distributed I/Os. AS-Interface transmits standard data and
and analog inputs/outputs, intelligent modules with CPU func- safety data up to PL e / SIL 3 in the same AS-i network.
tionality, safety systems, motor starters, pneumatic devices, AS-Interface is not only suitable for efficient transmission of
frequency converters, as well as various different technology digital and analog I/O signals but also ideal for the user-friendly
modules (e.g. for counting, positioning). connection of EMERGENCY STOP pushbuttons and protective
Communication over PROFINET and PROFIBUS, uniform engi-
neering, transparent diagnostic possibilities as well as optimal IO-Link
interfacing to SIMATIC controllers and HMI units prove the The communication standard IO-Link permits the intelligent
unique integration of Totally Integrated Automation. connection of sensors and switching devices to the control level.
PROFINET IO-Link facilitates the integration of all components in the control
cabinet and on the field level - for maximum integration and
PROFINET is the open, cross-vendor Industrial Ethernet seamless communication on the final meters to the process.
standard (IEC 61158/61784) for automation.
IO-Link solutions from Siemens ensure maximum precision
Based on Industrial Ethernet, PROFINET enables direct commu- and cost-effectiveness in any production system. IO-Link is
nication between field devices (IO devices) and controllers completely integrated in Totally Integrated Automation (TIA)
(IO controllers), up to and including the solution of isochronous and offers many advantages.
drive controls for motion control applications. • The open standard permits the networking of devices
As PROFINET is based on Standard Ethernet according to from different manufacturers
IEEE 802.3, any devices from the field level to the management • Simple wiring facilitates the installation process
level can be connected. • Reduced wiring effort saves time and money during
In this way, PROFINET enables system-wide communication, installation
supports plant-wide engineering and applies IT standards, such • Efficient engineering facilitates configuration and
as web server or FTP, right down to field level. Tried and tested commissioning
fieldbus systems, such as PROFIBUS or AS-Interface, can be
easily integrated without any modification to the existing • High-speed diagnostics ensures short plant standstill times
devices. and high plant availability
• High process transparency permits, for example, efficient
power management
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
■ Overview
SIMATIC ET 200SP Flexible connection system
• Push-in terminals for cross-sections up to 1.5 mm2 with wire
end ferrule, and up 2.5 mm2 without wire end ferrule
• BaseUnits for 1-wire or direct multi-wire connection
• PotDis module for system-integrated and space-saving
provision of additional potential terminals
• Optimum accessibility for wiring due to spring release and
measuring tap next to the conductor opening
• Flexible PROFINET connection via BusAdapter (RJ45,
FastConnect, plastic or glass fiber-optic cables), also as
integrated media converter
Safety Integrated
• Easy integration of fail-safe modules
• Easy F parameter assignment via software
• Group-by-group disconnection of non-fail-safe modules
High performance
• Isochronous PROFINET
The scalable SIMATIC ET 200SP I/O system is a highly flexible, • Internal data transfer with up to 100 Mbps
modular I/O system with IP20 degree of protection. Via an • Record analog values and output as of 50 μs
interface module with PROFINET or PROFIBUS interface it can
exchange IO data of the connected I/O modules with a higher- • Record digital values and output as of 1 μs
level control system. Alternatively, as further head-end stations, High-performance technology
various PLC, F-PLC and Open Controllers are available as • Modules for the functions Counting, Positioning, Weighing,
compact S7-1500 controllers (Distributed Controller). Output cams, PWM, Force measurement, etc.
ET 200SP components are available as SIPLUS version for
extreme requirements and a high degree of robustness. Energy efficiency
For ET 200SP, a comprehensive range of I/O modules, • Energy meter for recording electrical variables
including fail-safe versions, is available: • System-integrated PROFIenergy with interval substitute
• Digital input modules (DI), with color coding white values
• Digital output modules (DQ), with color coding black Advanced functions
9 • Analog input modules (AI), with color coding light blue • Configuration control:
• Analog output modules (AQ), with color coding dark blue application-based adaptation of the actual configuration
via user software (option handling)
• Technology modules (TM), with color coding turquoise
• Time-based IO:
• Communication modules (CM), with color coding light gray time stamping of the signals to the μs
• Special modules, with color coding mint green • MSI/MSO:
• Motor starters as direct on-line starters (DS) and reversing Simultaneous access to I/O data from up to 4 PLCs
starters (RS) • MtM:
• Pneumatics Direct data exchange between IO modules
(Module-to-Module communication)
Apart from the standard type of delivery as an individual
package, selected I/O modules and BaseUnits are also • Oversampling:
available in a pack of 10 units. The pack of 10 units enables n-fold acquisition or output of digital and analog signals within
the amount of waste to be reduced considerably, as well as a PN cycle
saving the time and cost of unpacking individual modules. • Adaptation of measuring range:
Compact design increased resolution by adapting the measuring range to a
limited section of a measuring range supported by the analog
• Modular configuration with up to 64 modules input module
• System-integrated self-assembling load group supply • Scaling of measured values:
without power module via light BaseUnits permits the transmission of the analog value normalized to the
• Small size and highly flexible due to the modular design required physical value as a REAL value (32-bit floating point)
and comprehensive product range
• Up to 16 channels per module
• Permanent wiring
• Hot swapping: Module replacement without tools in RUN
• Startup and operation with slot gaps (free spaces)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
■ Overview (continued)
Communication standards Labeling of I/O modules
• PROFINET IO • Meaningful labeling on the front of the I/O modules
• PROFIBUS DP V0/V1 - Module type in plain text including function class,
e.g. "DI 8x24VDC HF"
• ET connection for connecting the ET 200AL (IP67) - Article No.
• IO-Link V1.1 - 2D matrix code with article and serial number
• AS-Interface (with call via the "Industry Online Support" app,
direct link to the support page of the module)
• Modbus TCP - Hardware functional status and firmware version
• Point-to-point (RS 232, RS 485, RS 422) - Suitable BU type for the respective I/O module
• Freeport - Color code of the suitable color-coding plate
- Connection diagram
• 3964(R)
• Optionally expandable with
• USS - Labeling strips
• Modbus RTU (master/slave) - Equipment labeling plate
• PROFINET connection with 3 ports
• IO controller and PN IO device
• Optional expansion as DP master/slave
• Also as fail-safe version and Open Controller
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
■ Overview (continued)
Basic components Function Basic components Function
BaseUnit (BU) The BaseUnits provide the electrical Protective cover (BU cover) The ET 200SP system can be
and mechanical connection for the operated with any number of slot
ET 200SP components. gaps (BU slot without I/O module).
• Light BaseUnits permit a new Applications for this include:
potential group up to max. 10 A • partial commissioning
• Dark BaseUnits forward the • prewired, and currently unequipped
self-assembling voltage busbars options
P1, P2 and AUX from the left to the To protect against damage, such slot
right BaseUnit gaps must be covered by a BU cover.
• Suitable BaseUnits Within the BU cover, an equipment
with 12 to 28 terminals are available labeling plate can be kept for the
for different connection systems possible later use of an I/O module.
(single or direct multi-conductor
connection) and functions Versions:
• The I/O module is plugged onto the • for BaseUnits with a width of 15 mm
desired BaseUnit and determines • for BaseUnits with a width of 20 mm
the potential assignment of the Server module The server module concludes the
terminals on the BaseUnit setup of an ET 200SP station.
• For expanding the station On the server module there are
with the I/O systems ET 200AL holders for 3 spare fuses
via ET connection, the BaseUnit (5 × 20 mm). The server module is
BU-Send is available included in the scope of supply of
Potential distributor modules With the potential distributor modules all head-end stations.
(PotDis BU, PotDis TB) for the SIMATIC ET 200SP, additional Standard rail according to EN 60715 The standard rail is the module sup-
potentials required within an port of the ET 200SP. The ET 200SP is
ET 200SP station can be set up mounted on the standard rail.
quickly and in a space-saving
manner. Due to the free combinability Coding element When plugging an I/O module onto a
of PotDis BUs and PotDis TBs, the BaseUnit for the first time, the coding
potential distributor modules allow a element moves from the I/O module
variety of design variants and thus to the BaseUnit. There it prevents the
simple adaptation to individual destruction of the ET 200SP compo-
needs. Within the station, existing nents in the event of a subsequent
potentials can be multiplied or even module replacement with incorrectly
new potential groups can be formed. selected I/O module.
With 36 terminals per 15 mm width, The coding element is available in
the PotDis modules require very little two versions:
space without compromising on the • Mechanical coding element
conductor cross-sections (maximum • Electronic coding element:
2.5 mm²). They allow the connection additionally features an electronic,
of voltages up to 48 V DC with a re-writable memory for the redun-
maximum current carrying capacity dant storage of module-specific
of 10 A, and with the PotDis TB-BR-W configuration data (e.g. F target
even up to 230 V AC/10 A as well as address for fail-safe modules,
the possibility to connect a protective parameter data for IO-Link master).
conductor. Thus these data are automatically
I/O modules and The I/O module determines the backed up during a module
fail-safe I/O modules function at the terminals. The replacement
controller detects the current process System-integrated shield The shield connection permits
state via the connected sensors and connection the connection of cable shields.
triggers corresponding responses via Compared to external shield
the connected actuators. supports, the system offers the
Some I/O modules feature extended following advantages:
functions, in part they are also • Quick installation without tools
designed as individual operating by plugging the shield connection
mode. I/O modules are divided into element onto the BaseUnit
the following module types; the • Automatic low-impedance
fail-safe versions are identified by a connection to the functional ground
preceding 'F-' and a yellow module (mounting rail)
enclosure. • Optimized EMC properties by
• DI (digital input) separating the supply voltage lines
• DQ (digital output) from the signal cables by means of
• AI (analog input) the shield connection element and
• AQ (analog output) short, unshielded cable lengths
• TM (technology modules) • Low space requirements
• CM (communication modules)
• SM (special modules)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
■ Overview (continued)
Basic components Function Basic components Function
Labeling strips Optionally, for system-specific Color-coded labels The I/O modules that are plugged
marking the head-end stations and onto the BaseUnits determine the
I/O modules can be equipped with potentials connected at the push-in
labeling strips (13 x 31 mm). terminals. The +/- potentials can
The labeling strips can be inscribed optionally be identified using
mechanically. Labeling strips are module-specific color-coded labels.
available in two versions in the colors The potentials of the AUX and add-on
light gray and yellow: terminals as well as potential
• 500 strips on the roll, for printing distributor modules can also be
on thermal-transfer printers. marked using color-coded labels.
Core diameter 40 mm, external Color-coded labels are supplied in
diameter 70 mm, width 62 mm packs of 10 or 50 labels.
• 10 DIN A4 sheets with 100 strips Advantages of the color-coded
each, card 180 g/mm2, perforated, labels:
for printing with a laser printer direct • Quick installation (one label for
from TIA Portal or via print templates marking up to 16 terminals)
• Avoidance of wiring errors
Equipment labeling plate Optionally, one equipment labeling • Simple detection of potentials
plate each can be plugged onto during servicing
head-end stations, BusAdapters,
BaseUnits, potential distributor
modules (PotDis BU and PotDis TB),
and I/O modules. Equipment labeling
plates are supplied in packs of
10 sheets with 16 labels each.
The labels can be printed with
thermal-transfer card printers or
plotters, or stickers can be attached
to them. Advantages compared to
labels that are attached directly:
• The inscription on the front is not
• Simple label replacement when
replacing a module
• No parallax errors when marking the
BaseUnits on the mounting plate
The size of the inscribable area of the
labels is 14.8 x 10.5 mm (W x H)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-6
■ Overview
SIMATIC IM155-6DP High Feature with PROFIBUS connection
• Max. 32 I/O modules, also PROFIsafe modules with complete
diagnostic support.
• Expansion option with max. 16 modules from the
ET 200AL series using the BU-Send BaseUnit and the
BA-Send BusAdapter
• Max. 244 bytes in each case for input and output data per
module and per station
• Data update time: typ. 5 ms
• PROFIBUS connection via 9-pin sub D socket
• Package includes server module and PROFIBUS connector
with programming device socket
SIMATIC IM155-6PN Basic with PROFINET access
• Max. 12 I/O modules, no PROFIsafe modules, with complete
diagnostic support
• Max. 32 bytes in each case for input and output data per
module and per station
Thanks to their wide scope of functions, the interface modules of
the scalable SIMATIC ET 200SP I/O system, even in their basic • Data update time: typ.1 ms
versions, cover a wide range of applications. The basic • PROFINET connection via 2 integrated RJ45 sockets
functions of the interface modules include: (integrated 2-port switch)
• Short data update times of typically 1 ms • Package includes server module
• Single Hot Swap (withdrawing and insertion of an I/O module SIMATIC IM 155-6PN Standard with a PROFINET interface
during operation without impairing the communication with the for SIMATIC BusAdapters
remaining modules) • Two types of delivery:
• Operation with gaps (empty BaseUnits) - As package with IM155-6PN ST, with pre-assembled
• Complete diagnostic support, extending to BA 2xRJ45 BusAdapter, including server module
channel-by-channel diagnostics - As package with IM155-6PN ST, without BusAdapter,
including server module
• Configuration control / option handling
(adaptation of the actual configuration via user software) • Max. 32 I/O modules, also PROFIsafe modules, with complete
diagnostic support
• Device replacement without PG, with automatic
re-initialization, with and without topological configuring • Expansion option with max. 16 modules from the
ET 200AL series using the BU-Send BaseUnit and the
• I&M data 0 to 3 (electronic rating plate with non-volatile BA-Send BusAdapter
storage of plant data)
• Max. 256 bytes in each case for input and output data
• Firmware update per module and max. 512 bytes per station (depending on
• Pluggable 24 V DC supply connection configuration)
• Mains/voltage failure buffering time of at least 5 ms or 10 ms • Data update time: typ.1 ms
• Labeling option via optional labeling strips and equipment • Selection of the type of connection of the PROFINET by means
labeling plates of SIMATIC BusAdapter (BusAdapter for copper cables only)
When using PROFINET interface modules, the following basic SIMATIC IM155-6PN/2 High Feature, 2-port IM with one slot
functions are also included: for SIMATIC BusAdapter
• Media redundancy (MRP) • Max. 64 I/O modules, also PROFIsafe modules, with complete
• Integrated 2-port switch diagnostic support
• Freely selectable connection system (Standard function class • Expansion option with max. 16 modules from the
and above) and physical connection (High Feature function ET 200AL series using the BU-Send BaseUnit and the
class and above) by means of SIMATIC BusAdapters, also as BA-Send BusAdapter
system-integrated media converter from fiber-optic to copper • Max. 288 bytes in each case for input and output data per
cable module and max. 1440 bytes per station (depending on
• Reset button for simple return to factory settings without the configuration)
need for programming device • Fast data refresh time from 250 μs, also in isochronous mode
• Automatic synchronization of the backplane bus to the • S2 system redundancy
PROFINET cycle to minimize the response time fluctuations • Choice of connection type and physical connection of the
(jitter) PROFINET by means of SIMATIC BusAdapter.
Listed below is a short overview of the interface modules All BusAdapters with a connection for copper and/or
available for the ET 200SP, showing the essential differences. fiber-optic cables can be used; BusAdapter must be ordered
An up-to-date, clear and more precise comparison of functions separately
of the different interface modules is offered by the TIA Selection • Package includes server module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-6
■ Overview (continued)
SIMATIC IM155-6PN/3 High Feature, 3-port IM with two slots SIMATIC IM 155-6PN High Speed with a PROFINET interface
for SIMATIC BusAdapter for SIMATIC BusAdapters
Additional functions compared to 2-port High Feature IM: • Max. 30 I/O modules, also PROFIsafe modules, with complete
diagnostic support
• Second slot for SIMATIC BusAdapter, max. 3 ports can be
used • Max. 32 bytes in each case for input and output data
per module and max. 968 bytes per station (depending on
• Local IO data coupling between up to 4 controllers configuration)
• Fast refresh data time: from 125 μs, even in isochronous mode
• Performance upgrade for PROFINET
• Choice of connection type and physical connection of the
PROFINET by means of SIMATIC BusAdapter.
All BusAdapters with a connection for copper and/or
fiber-optic cables can be used; BusAdapter must be ordered
• Package includes server module
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7155-6AR00-0AN0 6ES7155-6AA01-0BN0 6ES7155-6AU01-0BN0
ET 200SP, IM155-6PN Basic ET 200SP, IM155-6PN ST ET 200SP, IM155-6PN ST
incl. BA 2xRJ45
General information
Product type designation IM 155-6 PN BA IM 155-6 PN ST IM 155-6 PN ST
Product function
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3
• Module swapping during operation Yes; Single hot swapping Yes; Single hot swapping Yes; Single hot swapping
(hot swapping)
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V13 SP1 V14 V14
integrated as of version
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP4 and higher V5.5 SP4 and higher V5.5 SP4 and higher
as of version
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ V2.3 / - V2.3 / - V2.3 / -
GSD revision
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes Yes
Short-circuit protection Yes Yes
Input current
Current consumption (rated value) 450 mA 450 mA
Power loss
Power loss, typ. 1.8 W 1.9 W 1.9 W
Address area
Address space per station
• Address space per station, max. 32 byte; per input / output 512 byte; Dependent on configuration 512 byte; Dependent on configuration
Hardware configuration
• Modules per rack, max. 12 32; + 16 ET 200AL modules 32; + 16 ET 200AL modules
• Number of submodules per station, 256 256
Number of PROFINET interfaces 1; 2 ports (switch) 1; 2 ports (switch) 1; 2 ports (switch)
1. Interface
Interface types
• Number of ports 2 2 2
• integrated switch Yes Yes Yes
• RJ 45 (Ethernet) Yes; 2 integrated RJ45 ports Yes; Pre-assembled BusAdapter
BA 2x RJ45
• BusAdapter (PROFINET) No Yes; Applicable BusAdapter: Yes; Applicable BusAdapter:
BA 2x RJ45, BA 2x FC BA 2x RJ45, BA 2x FC
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-6
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-6
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-6
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-6
Diagnostics function Yes Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostics indication LED
• RUN LED Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED
• ERROR LED Yes; Red LED Yes; Red LED Yes; Red LED Yes; Red LED
• MAINT LED Yes; yellow LED Yes; yellow LED Yes; yellow LED Yes; yellow LED
• Monitoring of the supply voltage Yes; green PWR LED Yes; green PWR LED Yes; green PWR LED Yes; green PWR LED
• Connection display DP Yes; Green DP LED
• Connection to network LINK (green) Yes; 2x green link LEDs on Yes; 2x green link LEDs on Yes; 2x green link LEDs on
BusAdapter BusAdapter BusAdapter
Standards, approvals, certificates
Network loading class 3 3 3
Security level According to Security According to Security According to Security
Level 1 Test Cases V1.1.1 Level 1 Test Cases V1.1.1 Level 1 Test Cases V1.1.1
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -30 °C; No condensation -30 °C; No condensation 0 °C -25 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C
• vertical installation, min. -30 °C; No condensation -30 °C; No condensation 0 °C -25 °C
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request:
max. Installation altitudes greater Installation altitudes greater Installation altitudes greater
than 2 000 m than 2 000 m than 2 000 m
Strain relief Yes; Optional Yes; Optional
Width 50 mm 100 mm 50 mm 50 mm
Height 117 mm 117 mm 117 mm 117 mm
Depth 74 mm 74 mm 74 mm 74 mm
Weight, approx. 120 g; without BusAdapter 220 g; without BusAdapter 147 g; without BusAdapter 150 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-6
SIMATIC BA 2xRJ45 BusAdapter 6ES7193-6AR00-0AA0 2 km (glass) or 50 m (copper)
For PROFINET interface modules, Station expansion
standard function class or above; with IP67 I/O system ET 200AL
max. cable length 50 m ET 200SP 6ES7193-6AS00-0AA0
SIMATIC BA 2xFC BusAdapter 6ES7193-6AF00-0AA0 BA-Send 1 x FC BusAdapter
For PROFINET interface modules, BaseUnit BU-Send 6ES7193-6BN00-0NE0
standard function class or above;
for increased vibration and
EMC loads; max. cable length 50 m
SIMATIC BA 2xSCRJ BusAdapter 6ES7193-6AP00-0AA0
For PROFINET interface modules
from High Feature function class or
above; fiber-optic cable connection
for POF or PCF; for increased
vibration and EMC load capacity;
max. cable length 50 m (POF) or
100 m (PCF)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-6
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > SIPLUS interface modules
■ Overview
• Interface module for linking the I/O modules to a higher-level
controller with PROFINET or PROFIBUS
• Server module included in the scope of supply
• Station expansion with IP67 I/O system ET 200AL
via ET-connection to BU-Send / BA-Send
• PROFINET bus connection
- 2 ports for line configuration
- PN connection selected via BusAdapter (ST, HF)
Two integrated RJ45 sockets (BA)
• PROFIBUS bus connection
- 9-pin sub D socket
- PROFIBUS connector included in scope of supply
- Hot swapping (module replacement during operation)
- Startup and operation with gaps
- Dynamic re-parameterization in RUN mode
- Configuration control (option handling)
- Pluggable 24 V DC supply connector
- Electronically readable rating plate (I&M data)
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1155-6AA01-7BN0 6AG1155-6AU00-2CN0 6AG1155-6AU01-7BN0 6AG1155-6BA00-7CN0
Based on 6ES7155-6AA01-0BN0 6ES7155-6AU00-0CN0 6ES7155-6AU01-0BN0 6ES7155-6BA00-0CN0
IM155-6PN ST / BA IM155-6PN HF IM155-6PN ST IM155-6DP HF
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin
(incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost); (incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost);
start-up @ -25 °C start-up @ -25 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 70 °C; = Tmax 60 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax
• vertical installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin;
Startup @ -25 °C
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C; = Tmax 50 °C; = Tmax 50 °C; = Tmax 50 °C; = Tmax
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at
795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl.
tested in accordance condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no condensation/frost
with IEC 60068-2-38, max. commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed (no commissioning under
state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation condensation conditions)
Coolants and lubricants
- Resistant to commercially Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil
available coolants and lubricants droplets in the air droplets in the air droplets in the air droplets in the air
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > SIPLUS interface modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital input modules
■ Overview
• Option of connecting sensors compliant with IEC 61131
type 1, 2 or 3 (module-dependent) for rated voltages of
up to 24 V DC or 230 V AC
• PNP (sink input) and NPN (source input) versions
• Clear labeling on front of module
• LEDs for diagnostics, status, supply voltage and faults
(e.g. wire break/short-circuit)
• Electronically readable and non-volatile writable rating plate
(I&M data 0 to 3)
• Extended functions and additional operating modes in some
- MSI operating mode (simultaneous reading of input data
from as many as three other controllers)
- Counting operating mode (multi-channel counter for pulse
generators with 32-bit counting width and up to 10 kHz
counting frequency)
- Oversampling operating mode (n-fold equidistant
acquisition of digital values within one PN cycle for
• 4, 8 and 16-channel digital input (DI) modules increasing the time resolution for slow CPU cycles)
- Parameterizable input delay time
• Apart from the standard type of delivery in an individual - Isochronous mode (simultaneous equidistant reading
package, selected I/O modules and BaseUnits are also of all input channels)
available in a pack of 10 units. The pack of 10 units enables - Hardware interrupts
the amount of waste to be reduced considerably, as well as - Pulse extension
saving the time and cost of unpacking individual modules. - Re-parameterization during operation
For different requirements, the digital input modules offer: - Firmware update
- Diagnosis of wire break and short-circuit
• Function classes Basic, Standard, High Feature and (on channel or module basis)
High Speed as well as fail-safe DI (see "Fail-safe I/O modules") - Value status (optional binary validity information of the input
• BaseUnits for single or multiple-conductor connection signal in the process image)
with automatic slot coding - Supports the PROFIenergy profile
• Potential distributor modules for system-integrated expansion • Optional accessories
with additional potential terminals - Labeling strips (film or card)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital input modules
■ Overview (continued)
Overview of BaseUnits
BaseUnit PU Article No. CC codes CC codes
for push-in terminals for AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0DA0 CC00 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP20-2DA0 CC00 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA0 CC00 to CC05 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2DA0 CC00 to CC05 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 CC00 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0 CC00 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0 CC00 to CC05 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2BA0 CC00 to CC05 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals 9
BU type B1 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0BB1 CC41 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 12 push-in terminals
• 2 x 2 (1L, 2L, 1N, 2N)
direct infeed module
• Without AUX terminals
BU type B1 10 6ES7193-6BP20-2BB1 CC41 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 12 push-in terminals
• 2 x 2 (1L, 2L, 1N, 2N)
direct infeed module
• Without AUX terminals
BU type U0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0DU0 CC00 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type U0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2DU0 CC00 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type U0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0BU0 CC00 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type U0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2BU0 CC00 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital input modules
■ Overview (continued)
Overview of potential distributor modules
Potential distribution module PU Article No. CC codes for push-in terminals
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0DP1 CC00, CC62
Type P1 (light), 17x P1 potential,
1x P2 potential, for starting a
new load group (max. 10 A)
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0BP1 CC00, CC62
Type P1 (dark), 17x P1 potential,
1x P2 potential, for continuing
the load group
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0DP2 CC00, CC63
Type P2 (light), 1x P1 potential,
17x P2 potential, for starting a
new load group (max. 10 A)
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0BP2 CC00, CC63
Type P2 (dark), 1x P1 potential,
17x P2 potential, for continuing
the load group
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP0 CC10 to CC13
Type BR-W, 18x internally jum-
pered terminals, without
reference to P1, P2 or AUX,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP1 CC10, CC12
Type P1-R, 18x P1 potential,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP2 CC10, CC13
Type P2-B, 18x P2 potential,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TN0 CC10
Type n.c.-G, 18x n.c.
(not connected) terminals,
without reference to P1, P2 or
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7131-6BF01-0AA0 6ES7131-6BF61-0AA0 6ES7131-6BF01-0BA0 6ES7131-6BH01-0BA0
ET 200SP, ET 200SP, ET 200SP, ET 200SP,
DI 8x 24V DC Basic, PU 1 DI 8x 24V DC SRC BA DI 8x 24V DC ST, PU 1 DI 16x 24V DC ST, PU 1
General information
Product type designation DI 8x 24 V DC BA, PU 1 DI 8x24 VDC SRC BA DI 8x24 VDC ST DI 16x24VDC ST
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V14 V14 V14 V14
integrated as of version
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP3 / - V5.5 SP3 / - V5.5 SP3 or higher V5.5 SP3
as of version
• PCS 7 configurable/integrated V8.1 SP1 V8.1 SP1
as of version
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ One GSD file each, One GSD file each, One GSD file each, One GSD file each,
GSD revision Revision 3 and 5 and higher Revision 3 and 5 and higher Revision 3 and 5 and higher Revision 3 and 5 and higher
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3
GSD revision
Operating mode
• DI Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Counter No No No No
• Oversampling No No No No
• MSI No No No No
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital input modules
Connectable encoders
• NAMUR encoder/changeover Yes
contact according to EN 60947
• Single contact / changeover contact Yes
• Single contact / changeover contact Yes
connected with 10 kΩ
• 2-wire sensor Yes Yes Yes Yes
- permissible quiescent current 1.5 mA 1.5 mA
(2-wire sensor), max.
Isochronous mode
Isochronous operation (application Yes Yes No No No
synchronized up to terminal)
Filtering and processing time (TCI), 420 μs
Bus cycle time (TDP), min. 500 μs 125 μs
status information
Diagnostics function Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Diagnostic alarm Yes; channel by Yes Yes; channel by No Yes
channel channel
• Hardware interrupt Yes; Parameterizable, Yes Yes; Parameterizable, No
channels 0 to 7 channels 0 to 7
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital input modules
Suitable for safety functions No No No No No
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C
• vertical installation, min. -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request:
max. Installation altitudes Installation altitudes Installation altitudes Installation altitudes
greater than 2 000 m greater than 2 000 m greater than 2 000 m greater than 2 000 m
• Ambient air temperature-barometric On request: Ambient
pressure-altitude temperatures lower
than 0 °C (without
condensation) and/or
installation altitudes
greater than 2 000 m
Width 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 20 mm 20 mm
Height 73 mm 73 mm 73 mm 73 mm 73 mm
Depth 58 mm 58 mm 58 mm 58 mm 58 mm
Weight, approx. 28 g 28 g 32 g 36 g 40 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital input modules
Color-coded labels
Labeling strips
for 20 mm-wide BaseUnits
500 labeling strips on roll, 6ES7193-6LR10-0AA0
Color code CC41, 6ES7193-6CP41-2MB0
light gray, for inscription
for 16 push-in terminals;
with thermal transfer roll printer
BU type B1, gray (terminals 1 to 4),
500 labeling strips on roll, 6ES7193-6LR10-0AG0 red (terminals 5 to 8),
yellow, for inscription blue (terminals 9 to 12); 10 units
with thermal transfer roll printer
Color-coded labels for PotDis BU
1000 labeling strips DIN A4, 6ES7193-6LA10-0AA0
Color code CC62, 6ES7193-6CP62-2MA0
light gray, card, perforated,
for 16 push-in terminals,
for inscription with laser printer
PotDis BU type P1,
1000 labeling strips DIN A4, 6ES7193-6LA10-0AG0 red (terminals 1 to 16); 10 units
yellow, card, perforated,
Color code CC63, 6ES7193-6CP63-2MA0
for inscription with laser printer
for 16 push-in terminals,
BU cover PotDis BU type P2,
blue (terminals 1 to 16); 10 units
For covering empty slots (gaps);
5 units Color-coded labels for PotDis TB
• 15 mm wide 6ES7133-6CV15-1AM0 Color code CC10, 6ES7193-6CP10-2MT0
• 20 mm wide 6ES7133-6CV20-1AM0 for 18 push-in terminals, PotDis TB,
gray (terminals 1 to 18); 10 units
Shield connection 6ES7193-6SC00-1AM0
Color code CC11, for 18 push-in 6ES7193-6CP11-2MT0
5 shield supports and terminals, PotDis TB, yellow-green
5 shield terminals (terminals 1 to 18); 10 units
Color code CC12, for 18 push-in 6ES7193-6CP12-2MT0
terminals, PotDis TB, type P1 and
BR, red (terminals 1 to 18); 10 units
Color code CC13, for 18 push-in 6ES7193-6CP13-2MT0
terminals, PotDis TB, type P2 and
BR, blue (terminals 1 to 18);
10 units
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
■ Overview
• PNP (source output) and NPN (sink output) versions
• Clear labeling on front of module
• LEDs for diagnostics, status, supply voltage and faults
• Electronically readable and non-volatile writable rating plate
(I&M data 0 to 3)
• Extended functions and additional operating modes in some
- MSO operating mode (simultaneous reading of input data
from as many as three other controllers)
- Pulse width modulation mode (output value as pulse-pause
ratio of between 0.0% and 100.0% for controlling the output
- Oversampling operating mode (n-fold equidistant output of
digital values within a PN cycle for the precise time control of
an output or a sequence of output values)
- Isochronous mode (simultaneous equidistant output of all
output channels)
- Output of substitute value in the event of interruptions to
communication (0, 1 or last value retained)
• 4, 8 and 16-channel digital output (DQ) modules - Re-parameterization during operation
• Apart from the standard type of delivery in an individual - Firmware update
package, selected I/O modules and BaseUnits are also - Valve control (output signal does not switch automatically
available in a pack of 10 units. The pack of 10 units enables after a set pickup time to a current-saving PWM output)
the amount of waste to be reduced considerably, as well as - Diagnosis of wire break and short-circuit (on channel or
saving the time and cost of unpacking individual modules. module basis)
- Value status (optional binary validity information of the output
For different requirements, the digital output modules offer: signal in the process image)
• Function classes Basic, Standard, High Feature and - Supports the PROFIenergy profile
High Speed as well as fail-safe DQ (see "Fail-safe I/O • Optional accessories
modules") - Labeling strips (film or card)
• BaseUnits for single or multiple-conductor connection with - Equipment labeling plate
automatic slot coding - Color-coded label with module-specific CC code
• Potential distributor modules for system-integrated expansion - Shielding terminal
with potential terminals
9 • Individual system-integrated load group formation with
A quick and clear comparison of the functions of the different
DQ modules is offered by the TIA Selection Tool.
self-assembling voltage distribution bars (a separate power
module is no longer required for ET 200SP)
• Option of connecting actuators with rated load voltages of
up to 120 V DC or 230 V AC and load currents of up to 5 A
(depending on module)
• Relay modules
- NO contact or changeover contact
- for load or signal voltages (coupling relay)
- with manual operation (as simulation module for inputs and
outputs, jog mode for commissioning or emergency
operation on failure of controller)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
■ Overview (continued)
Overview of digital output modules
Digital output PU Article No. CC code BU type
DQ 16 x 24 V DC/0.5 A BA 1 6ES7132-6BH00-0AA0 CC00 A0
DQ 16 x 24 V DC/0.5 A BA 10 6ES7132-6BH00-2AA0 CC00 A0
DQ 16 x 24 V DC/0.5 A ST 1 6ES7132-6BH01-0BA0 CC00 A0
DQ 16 x 24 V DC/0.5 A ST 10 6ES7132-6BH01-2BA0 CC00 A0
DQ 8 x 24 V DC/0.5 A SNK BA 1 6ES7132-6BF61-0AA0 CC01 A0
DQ 8 x 24 V DC/0.5 A BA 1 6ES7132-6BF01-0AA0 CC02 A0
DQ 8 x 24 V DC/0.5 A BA 10 6ES7132-6BF01-2AA0 CC02 A0
DQ 8 x 24 V DC/0.5 A ST 1 6ES7132-6BF01-0BA0 CC02 A0
DQ 8 x 24 V DC/0.5 A ST 10 6ES7132-6BF01-2BA0 CC02 A0
DQ 8 x 24 V DC/0.5 A HF 1 6ES7132-6BF00-0CA0 CC02 A0
DQ 8 x 24 V DC/0.5 A HF 10 6ES7132-6BF00-2CA0 CC02 A0
DQ 4 x 24 V DC/2 A ST 1 6ES7132-6BD20-0BA0 CC02 A0
DQ 4 x 24 V DC/2 A ST 10 6ES7132-6BD20-2BA0 CC02 A0
DQ 4 x 24 V DC/2 A HF 1 6ES7132-6BD20-0CA0 CC02 A0
DQ 4 x 24 V DC/2 A HS 1 6ES7132-6BD20-0DA0 CC02 A0
With three operating modes:
• Fast isochronous DQ with
valve control
• Pulse width modulation
• Oversampling
DQ 4 x 24 ... 230 V AC/2 A ST 1 6ES7132-6FD00-0BB1 CC41 B0, B1
DQ 4 x 24 ... 230 V AC/2 A ST 10 6ES7132-6FD00-2BB1 CC41 B0, B1
DQ 4 x 24 ... 230 V AC/2 A HF 1 6ES7132-6FD00-0CU0 CC20 U0
With two operating modes:
• DQ
• PC: Power control via phase
angle, half-wave or full-wave
RQ 4 x 24 V UC/2 A CO ST 1 6ES7132-6GD51-0BA0 -- A0 9
RQ 4 x 120 V DC-230 V AC/5 A 1 6ES7132-6HD01-0BB1 -- B0, B1
RQ 4 x 120 V DC-230 V AC/5 A 10 6ES7132-6HD01-2BB1 -- B0, B1
RQ MA 4 x 120 V DC ... 230 V 1 6ES7132-6MD00-0BB1 -- B0, B1
Overview of BaseUnits
BaseUnit PU Article No. CC codes CC codes
for push-in terminals for AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0DA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP20-2DA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2DA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
■ Overview (continued)
BaseUnit PU Article No. CC codes CC codes
for push-in terminals for AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2BA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type B0 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0BB0 CC41 CC81 to CC83
• Forwarding of load group
• 12 push-in terminals
• With 4 AUX terminals
BU type B0 10 6ES7193-6BP20-0BB0 CC41 CC81 to CC83
• Forwarding of load group
• 12 push-in terminals
• With 4 AUX terminals
BU type B1 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0BB1 CC41 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 12 push-in terminals
• 2 x 2 (1L, 2L, 1N, 2N)
direct infeed module
• Without AUX terminals
BU type B1 10 6ES7193-6BP20-2BB1 CC41 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 12 push-in terminals
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
■ Overview (continued)
Overview of potential distributor modules
Potential distribution module PU Article No. CC codes for push-in terminals
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0DP1 CC00, CC62
Type P1 (light), 17x P1 potential,
1x P2 potential, for starting a
new load group (max. 10 A)
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0BP1 CC00, CC62
Type P1 (dark), 17x P1 potential,
1x P2 potential, for continuing
the load group
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0DP2 CC00, CC63
Type P2 (light), 1x P1 potential,
17x P2 potential, for starting a
new load group (max. 10 A)
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0BP2 CC00, CC63
Type P2 (dark), 1x P1 potential,
17x P2 potential, for continuing
the load group
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP0 CC10 to CC13
Type BR-W, 18x internally
jumpered terminals, without
reference to P1, P2 or AUX,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP1 CC10, CC12
Type P1-R, 18x P1 potential,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP2 CC10, CC13
Type P2-B, 18x P2 potential,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TN0 CC10
Type n.c.-G, 18x n.c.
(not connected) terminals,
without reference to P1, P2 or
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7132-6BH00- 6ES7132-6BH01- 6ES7132-6BF61- 6ES7132-6BF01- 6ES7132-6BF01-
0AA0 0BA0 0AA0 0AA0 0BA0
ET 200SP, ET 200SP, ET 200SP, ET 200SP, ET 200SP,
DQ 16X24VDC/0.5A DQ 16x 24V DC/0.5A DQ 8x 24VDC/0.5A DQ 8x 24V DC/0.5A DQ 8x 24V DC/0.5A
BA, PU 1 ST, PU 1 SINK BA, PU 1 Basic, PU 1 ST, PU 1
General information
Product type designation DQ 16x 24 V DC/0.5 A DQ 16x24VDC/0.5A DQ 8x24VDC/0,5A DQ 8x 24 V DC/0.5 A DQ 8x24VDC/0.5A ST
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V14 V14 V14 V14 V14
integrated as of version
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated STEP 7 V5.5 or higher V5.5 SP3 V5.5 SP3 V5.5 SP3 V5.5 SP3 or higher
as of version
• PCS 7 configurable/integrated V8.1 SP1 V8.1 SP1
as of version
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ One GSD file each, One GSD file each, One GSD file each, One GSD file each, One GSD file each,
GSD revision Revision 3 and 5 and Revision 3 and 5 and Revision 3 and 5 and Revision 3 and 5 and Revision 3 and 5 and
higher higher higher higher higher
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3
GSD revision
Operating mode
• DQ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
• DQ with energy-saving function No No No No No
• PWM No No No No No
• Oversampling No No No No No
• MSO No No No No No
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
9 Digital outputs
Type of digital output Source output (PNP, Source output (PNP, Source output (PNP, Triac with zero point
current-sourcing) current-sourcing) current-sourcing) detection
Number of digital outputs 8 4 4 4 4
Current-sinking No No No No No
Current-sourcing Yes Yes Yes Yes; Push-pull output Yes
Digital outputs, parameterizable Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Short-circuit protection Yes Yes Yes Yes No; When using
BU type B1,
a miniature,
quick-response fuse
with 10 A tripping
current must be
Limitation of inductive shutdown Typ. L+ (-50 V) Typ. L+ (-50 V) L+ -(37 to 41V) M (-1 V)
voltage to
Controlling a digital input Yes Yes Yes; Minimum current No Yes
consumption 7 mA
Size of motor starters according to 5
NEMA, max.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
9 Potential separation
Potential separation channels
• between the channels and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
backplane bus
Standards, approvals, certificates
Suitable for safety functions No No No No No
Suitable for safety-related tripping of Yes; From FS02 Yes; From FS03 Yes; From FS02 No
standard modules
Highest safety class achievable
in safety mode
• Performance level PL d PL d PL d
according to ISO 13849-1
• SIL acc. to IEC 61508 SIL 2 SIL 2 SIL 2
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C
• vertical installation, min. -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C 60 °C
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request:
max. Installation altitudes Installation altitudes Installation altitudes Installation altitudes Installation altitudes
greater than 2 000 m greater than 2 000 m greater than 2 000 m greater than 2 000 m greater than 2 000 m
Width 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm 20 mm
Height 73 mm 73 mm 73 mm 73 mm 73 mm
Depth 58 mm 58 mm 58 mm 58 mm 58 mm
Weight, approx. 30 g 30 g 30 g 31 g 50 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
frequency 1 mHz/s
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes Yes
Digital outputs
Type of digital output Relays Relays Relays
Number of digital outputs 4 4 4 4
Current-sinking No Yes Yes
Current-sourcing Yes Yes Yes
Digital outputs, parameterizable Yes Yes Yes
Short-circuit protection No; external fusing No No No
Open-circuit detection Yes; channel by channel
Overload protection No; A miniature fuse
with 10 tripping current and
tripping characteristic "quick
response" must be provided
in the module supply
Controlling a digital input Yes
Switching capacity of the outputs
• with resistive load, max. 2 A; Max. 4 A, see additional
description in manual
• with inductive load, max. 2A
• on lamp load, max. 100 W; Tungsten rating
in accordance with UL;
for thermistors with higher
power ratings, see the notes
in the manual
Output voltage
• for signal "1", min. 20.4 V
Output current
• for signal "1" rated value 2A
• for signal "0" residual current, max. 3 mA
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
9 - up to 30 °C, max.
- up to 40 °C, max.
6A 20 A 20 A
- up to 50 °C, max. 4A 4A 16 A 16 A
Relay outputs
• Number of relay outputs 4 4 4
• Rated supply voltage of relay coil L+ 24 V 24 V 24 V
• Current consumption of relays 40 mA 40 mA 40 mA
(coil current of all relays), max.
• external protection for relay outputs Yes, with 6A Yes, with 6A
• Number of operating cycles, max. 7 000 000; see additional 7 000 000; see additional
description in the manual description in the manual
Switching capacity of contacts
- with inductive load, max. 2 A; see additional 2 A; see additional
description in the manual description in the manual
- with resistive load, max. 2A 5 A; see additional 5 A; see additional
description in the manual description in the manual
- Thermal continuous current, max. 2A 5 A; Max. 1 385 VA, 150 W 5A
- Switching current, min. 1 mA; 5 V DC 100 mA; 5 V DC 100 mA; 5 V DC
- Rated switching voltage (DC) 24 V 24 V DC to 120 V DC 24 V DC to 120 V DC
- Rated switching voltage (AC) 24 V 24V AC to 230V AC 24V AC to 230V AC
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
DQ 4x24 V AC ... 230 V AC/2 A
Standard for BU type B1,
color code CC41
• PU: 1 unit 6ES7132-6FD00-0BB1
• PU: 10 units 6ES7132-6FD00-2BB1
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark) with PotDis BU, type P1 (dark), 6ES7193-6UP00-0BP1
16 push-in terminals (1 ... 16) 17x P1 potential, 1x P2 potential,
to the module and an additional for continuing the load group
10 internally jumpered PotDis BU, type P2 (light), 6ES7193-6UP00-0DP2
AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A); 1x P1 potential, 17x P2 potential,
for continuing the load group for starting a new load group
• PU: 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 (max. 10 A)
• PU: 10 units 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0
PotDis BU, type P2 (dark), 6ES7193-6UP00-0BP2
1x P1 potential, 17x P2 potential,
for continuing the load group
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
■ Overview
• Electronically readable and non-volatile writable rating plate
(I&M data 0 to 3)
• Extended functions and additional operating modes in some
- MSI operating mode (simultaneous reading of input data
from as many as three other controllers)
- Oversampling operating mode (n-fold equidistant
acquisition of analog values within one PN cycle for
increasing the time resolution for slow CPU cycles)
- Isochronous mode (simultaneous equidistant reading in of
all analog values)
- Scalable measuring range (adaptation of measuring range,
increase of the 16-bit resolution by adapting the measuring
range to a limited section)
- Scaling of the measured values (transmission of the analog
value normalized to the required physical value as a 32-bit
floating point value)
- Internal compensation of the line resistance for thermo-
couples by means of terminal temperature measurement in
the BaseUnit for BU type A1
• 2, 4 and 8-channel analog input (AI) modules - Internal compensation also for 2-conductor resistance
• Apart from the standard type of delivery in an individual measurement by means of adjustable line resistance
package, selected I/O modules and BaseUnits are also - Calibration during runtime
available in a pack of 10 units. The pack of 10 units enables - Single-channel galvanic isolation
the amount of waste to be reduced considerably, as well as - HART communication
saving the time and cost of unpacking individual modules. - Re-parameterization during operation
- Firmware update
For different requirements, the digital output modules offer: - Diagnosis of wire break, short circuit, overflow, underflow
• Function classes Basic, Standard, High Feature and - Two upper and lower hardware interrupts in each case,
High Speed interference frequency suppression, smoothing
• BaseUnits for single or multiple-conductor connection with - Value status (optional binary validity information of the
automatic slot coding analog signal in the process image)
- Supports the PROFIenergy profile
• Potential distributor modules for system-integrated expansion
with potential terminals • Optional accessories
- Labeling strips (film or card)
• Individual system-integrated load group formation with
self-assembling voltage distribution bars (a separate power
- Equipment labeling plate
- Color-coded label with module-specific CC code 9
module is no longer required for ET 200SP) - Shielding terminal
• Option of connecting current, voltage and resistance sensors,
as well as thermocouples A quick and clear comparison of the functions of the AI modules
is offered by the TIA Selection Tool.
• Option of connecting force and torque sensors
• Energy Meter for recording up to 200 electrical variables
• Clear labeling on front of module
• LEDs for diagnostics, status, supply voltage and faults
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
■ Overview (continued)
Overview of analog input modules
Analog input PU Article No. CC code BU type
AI 8 x I 2/4-wire BA 1 6ES7134-6GF00-0AA1 CC01 A0, A1
AI 2 x U ST 1 6ES7134-6FB00-0BA1 CC00 A0, A1
AI 8 x U BA 1 6ES7134-6FF00-0AA1 CC02 A0, A1
AI 4 x U/I 2-wire ST 1 6ES7134-6HD00-0BA1 CC03 A0, A1
AI 4 x U/I 2-wire ST 10 6ES7134-6HD00-2BA1 CC03 A0, A1
AI 2 x I 2/4-wire ST 1 6ES7134-6GB00-0BA1 CC05 A0, A1
AI 4 x I 2/4-wire ST 1 6ES7134-6GD00-0BA1 CC03 A0, A1
AI 4 x I 2/4-wire ST 10 6ES7134-6GD00-2BA1 CC03 A0, A1
AI 4 x I 2-wire 4 ... 20 mA HART 1 6ES7134-6TD00-0CA1 CC03 A0, A1
AI 2 x U/I 2/4-wire HF 1 6ES7134-6HB00-0CA1 CC05 A0, A1
AI 2 x U/I 2/4-wire HS 1 6ES7134-6HB00-0DA1 CC00 A0, A1
With two operating modes:
• High-speed isochronous AI
• Oversampling
AI 8 x RTD/TC 2-wire HF 1 6ES7134-6JF00-0CA1 CC00 A0, A1
AI 8 x RTD/TC 2-wire HF 10 6ES7134-6JF00-2CA1 CC00 A0, A1
AI 4 x RTD/TC 2/3/4-wire HF 1 6ES7134-6JD00-0CA1 CC00 A0, A1
AI 4 x RTD/TC 2/3/4-wire HF 10 6ES7134-6JD00-2CA1 CC00 A0, A1
AI 4 x TC High Speed 1 6ES7134-6JD00-0DA1 CC00 A0, A1
AI 2 x SG 4/6-wire High Speed 1 7MH4134-6LB00-0DA0 CC00 A0
AI Energy Meter 400 V AC ST 1 6ES7134-6PA01-0BD0 -- D0
AI Energy Meter 480 V AC ST 1 6ES7134-6PA20-0BD0 -- D0
AI Energy Meter 480 V AC/CT 1 6ES7134-6PA00-0CU0 -- U0
High Feature
AI Energy Meter 480 V AC/RT 1 6ES7134-6PA20-0CU0 -- U0
High Feature
Overview of BaseUnits
BaseUnit PU Article No. CC codes CC codes
for push-in terminals for AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0DA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP20-2DA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2DA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
■ Overview (continued)
BaseUnit PU Article No. CC codes CC codes
for push-in terminals for AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2BA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A1 1 6ES7193-6BP40-0DA1 CC01 to CC05 CC74
• New load group (light)
• With temperature sensor
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 2x5 additional terminals
BU type A1 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA1 CC01 to CC05 --
• New load group (light)
• With temperature sensor
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without 2x5 additional
BU type A1 1 6ES7193-6BP40-0BA1 CC01 to CC05 CC74
• Forwarding of load group
• With temperature sensor
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 2x5 additional terminals
BU type A1 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA1 CC01 to CC05 --
• Forwarding of load group
• With temperature sensor
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without 2x5 additional
BU type D0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0BD0 -- --
• Forwarding of load group
• 12 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type U0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0DU0 CC00 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type U0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2DU0 CC00 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type U0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0BU0 CC00 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type U0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2BU0 CC00 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
■ Overview (continued)
Overview of potential distributor modules
Potential distribution module PU Article No. CC codes for push-in terminals
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0DP1 CC00, CC62
Type P1 (light), 17x P1 potential,
1x P2 potential, for starting a
new load group (max. 10 A)
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0BP1 CC00, CC62
Type P1 (dark), 17x P1 potential,
1x P2 potential, for continuing
the load group
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0DP2 CC00, CC63
Type P2 (light), 1x P1 potential,
17x P2 potential, for starting a
new load group (max. 10 A)
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0BP2 CC00, CC63
Type P2 (dark), 1x P1 potential,
17x P2 potential, for continuing
the load group
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP0 CC10 to CC13
Type BR-W, 18x internally
jumpered terminals, without
reference to P1, P2 or AUX,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP1 CC10, CC12
Type P1-R, 18x P1 potential,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP2 CC10, CC13
Type P2-B, 18x P2 potential,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TN0 CC10
Type n.c.-G, 18x n.c.
(not connected) terminals,
without reference to P1, P2 or
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7134-6GF00- 6ES7134-6FB00- 6ES7134-6FF00- 6ES7134-6HD01- 6ES7134-6GB00-
0AA1 0BA1 0AA1 0BA1 0BA1
ET 200SP, ET 200SP, ET 200SP, ET 200SP, ET 200SP,
AI 8XI 2/4-wire Basic AI 2xU Standard, PU 1 AI 8xU Basic AI 4xU/I 2-Wire ST, AI 2xI 2/4-wire ST,
PU 1 PU 1
General information
Product type designation AI 8xI 2-/4-wire BA AI 2xU ST AI 8xU BA AI 4x U/I 2-wire AI 2xI 2-/4-wire ST
Product function
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3
• Measuring range scalable No No No No No
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V13 SP1 V13 SP1 V13 SP1 V14 / - V13 SP1
integrated as of version
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP3 / - V5.5 SP3 / - V5.5 SP3 / - V5.6 and higher V5.5 SP3
as of version
• PCS 7 configurable/integrated V8.1 SP1
as of version
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ GSD Revision 5 GSD Revision 5 GSD Revision 5 One GSD file each, GSD Revision 5
GSD revision Revision 3 and 5 and
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 V2.3 / -
GSD revision
Operating mode
• Oversampling No No No No No
• MSI No No No No No
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
ground or of an input
to the encoder supply
• Group error Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Overflow/underflow Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostics indication LED
• Monitoring of the supply voltage Yes; Green LED Yes; green PWR LED Yes; green PWR LED Yes; Green LED Yes; green PWR LED
• Channel status display Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED
• for channel diagnostics No No No No No
• for module diagnostics Yes; green/red Yes; green/red Yes; green/red Yes; Green/red LED Yes; green/red
Potential separation
Potential separation channels
• between the channels and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
backplane bus
Standards, approvals, certificates
Suitable for applications Yes; Declaration of
according to AMS 2750 Conformity, see online
support entry
Suitable for applications Yes
according to CQI-9
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C
• vertical installation, min. -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
• Basic execution time of the module 1 ms
(all channels released)
Smoothing of measured values
• Number of smoothing levels 4; None; 4/8/16 times 4; None; 4/8/16 times 6; none; 2-/4-/8-/16-/32-fold 7; none;
• parameterizable Yes Yes Yes Yes
Connection of signal encoders
• for voltage measurement No No Yes Yes
• for current measurement Yes Yes Yes Yes
as 2-wire transducer
- Burden of 2-wire transmitter, max. 650 Ω 650 Ω 650 Ω
• for current measurement Yes Yes Yes
as 4-wire transducer
Basic error limit
(operational limit at 25 °C)
• Voltage, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.05 %; 0.2 %
0.1 % at SFU 4.8 kHz
• Current, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.3 % 0.3 % 0.05 %; 0.2 %
0.1 % at SFU 4.8 kHz
Interference voltage suppression for
f = n x (f1 +/- 1 %), f1 = interference
• Series mode interference 70 dB 60 dB
(peak value of interference < rated
value of input range), min.
• Common mode voltage, max. 10 V 35 V 35 V
• Common mode interference, min. 90 dB 90 dB 90 dB
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
input (destruction limit), max.
Constant measurement current for 2 mA 0.7 mA; 1.7 mA for Cu10 sensors
resistance-type transmitter, typ.
Cycle time (all channels), min. Sum of the basic conversion times Sum of the basic conversion times 5 ms; Sum of the basic conversion
and additional processing times and additional processing times times and additional processing times
(depending on the parameterization (depending on the parameterization (depending on the parameterization
of the active channels) of the active channels); for line of the active channels)
compensation in case of a three-wire
connection, an additional cycle is
Technical unit for temperature Yes; °C/°F/K Yes; °C/°F/K Yes; °C/°F/K
measurement adjustable
Input ranges (rated values),
• -1 V to +1 V Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• -250 mV to +250 mV Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• -50 mV to +50 mV Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• -80 mV to +80 mV Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
Input ranges (rated values),
• Type B Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type C Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type E Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type J Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type K Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type L Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type N Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type R Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type S Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type T Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type U Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
• Type TXK/TXK(L) to GOST Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign Yes; 16 bit incl. sign
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
Measurement principle integrating (Sigma-Delta) integrating (Sigma-Delta) integrating (Sigma-Delta)
Integration and conversion time/
resolution per channel
• Resolution with overrange 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit
(bit including sign), max.
• Integration time, parameterizable Yes Yes Yes
• Basic conversion time, including
integration time (ms)
- additional processing time for 2 ms; In the ranges resistance 2 ms; In the ranges resistance 1 ms
wire-break check thermometers, resistors and thermometers, resistors and
thermocouples thermocouples
- additional power line wire-break 2 ms; for 3/4 wire transducer
check (resistance thermometer and resistor)
• Interference voltage suppression 16.6 / 50 / 60 Hz 16.6 / 50 / 60 Hz 16.6 / 50 / 60 Hz / off
for interference frequency f1 in Hz
• Conversion time (per channel) 180 / 60 / 50 ms 180 / 60 / 50 ms 180/60/50/1.25 ms
Smoothing of measured values
• Number of smoothing levels 4; None; 4/8/16 times 4; None; 4/8/16 times 4; None; 4/8/16 times
• parameterizable Yes Yes Yes
Connection of signal encoders
• for voltage measurement Yes Yes Yes
• for resistance measurement with Yes Yes
two-wire connection
• for resistance measurement with No Yes
three-wire connection
• for resistance measurement with No Yes
four-wire connection
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
• Channel status display Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED
• for channel diagnostics Yes; Red LED Yes; Red LED Yes; Red LED
• for module diagnostics Yes; green/red DIAG LED Yes; green/red DIAG LED Yes; Green/red LED
Potential separation
Potential separation channels
• between the channels and Yes Yes Yes
backplane bus
Standards, approvals, certificates
Suitable for applications Yes; Declaration of Conformity,
according to AMS 2750 see online support entry 109757262
Suitable for applications Yes; Based on AMS 2750 E
according to CQI-9
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -30 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C
• vertical installation, min. -30 °C
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m; On request: Installation
max. altitudes greater than 2 000 m
Width 15 mm 15 mm 15 mm
Height 73 mm 73 mm 73 mm
Depth 58 mm 58 mm 58 mm
Weight, approx. 32 g 30 g 33 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
• Strain gauges (full bridges) Yes
• Monitoring of the supply voltage Yes; green PWR LED
Cable length (PWR-LED)
• shielded, max. 500 m • Channel status display Yes; Green LED
Analog value generation • for channel diagnostics Yes; Red LED
for the inputs
• for module diagnostics Yes; green/red DIAG LED
Measurement principle Sigma Delta
Potential separation
Integration and conversion time/
resolution per channel Potential separation channels
• Resolution with overrange 28 bit; 16 bits with oversampling • between the channels and Yes
(bit including sign), max. backplane bus
• Integration time, parameterizable Yes Ambient conditions
• Interference voltage suppression for 60 / 50 Hz / no Ambient temperature during
interference frequency f1 in Hz operation
• Conversion time (per channel) 100 μs • horizontal installation, min. -25 °C
Smoothing of measured values • horizontal installation, max. 60 °C
• IIR low-pass filter frequency 0.01 ... 600 Hz • vertical installation, min. -25 °C
• IIR low-pass filter ordinal number 1 ... 4 • vertical installation, max. 50 °C
• Notch filter frequency 0.1 ... 1 000 Hz Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Notch filter quality 5.00 ... 250.00
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at
• Average value filter 0.1 ... 655.3 ms pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
Encoder (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax – 1 K/100 m) at
Connection of signal encoders
795 hPa ... 701 hPa
• For strain gauges (full bridges) Yes (+2 000 m ... +3 000 m)
with 4-conductor connection
• For strain gauges (full bridges) Yes
Width 15 mm
with 6-conductor connection
Height 73 mm
• Resistance of full bridge, min. 80 Ω
Depth 58 mm
• Resistance of full bridge, max. 5 000 Ω
Weight, approx. 45 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
for starting a new load group plotter
(max. 10 A) Labeling strips
BU15-P16+A0+12B/T 6ES7193-6BP40-0BA1 500 labeling strips on roll, 6ES7193-6LR10-0AA0
BU type A1; BaseUnit (dark) light gray, for inscription
with 16 push-in terminals (1 ... 16) with thermal transfer roll printer
to the module 2x5 internally 500 labeling strips on roll, 6ES7193-6LR10-0AG0
jumpered additional terminals yellow, for inscription
(1 B to 5 B and 1 C to 5 C); with thermal transfer roll printer
for continuing the load group
1000 labeling strips DIN A4, 6ES7193-6LA10-0AA0
BU15-P16+A0+2B/T 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA1 light gray, card, perforated,
BU type A1; BaseUnit (dark) with for inscription with laser printer
16 push-in terminals to the module; 1000 labeling strips DIN A4, 6ES7193-6LA10-0AG0
for continuing the load group yellow, card, perforated,
Usable type D0 BaseUnits for inscription with laser printer
BU20-P12+A0+0B 6ES7193-6BP00-0BD0 BU cover
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog output modules
■ Overview
• Option for connecting current and voltage actuators
• Clear labeling on front of module
• LEDs for diagnostics, status, supply voltage and faults
• Electronically readable and non-volatile writable rating plate
(I&M data 0 to 3)
• Extended functions and additional operating modes in some
- Oversampling operating mode (n-fold equidistant output of
an analog value within one PN cycle and thus the precisely
timed output of an analog value or a sequence of analog
- Isochronous mode (simultaneous equidistant output of
analog values)
- Output of substitute value in the event of interruptions to
communication (shutdown, output adjustable substitute
value, or keep last value)
- Calibration during runtime
- Re-parameterization during operation
- Firmware update
• 2 and 4-channel analog output (AQ) modules - Diagnosis of wire break, short circuit, overflow, underflow
• Apart from the standard type of delivery as an individual - Value status (optional binary validity information of the
package, selected I/O modules and BaseUnits are also analog signal in the process image)
available in a pack of 10 units. The pack of 10 units enables - Supports the PROFIenergy profile
the amount of waste to be reduced considerably, as well as • Optional accessories
saving the time and cost of unpacking individual modules. - Labeling strips (film or card)
For different requirements, the digital output modules offer: - Equipment labeling plate
- Color-coded label with module-specific CC code
• Function classes Standard, High Feature and High-Speed - Shielding terminal
• BaseUnits for single or multiple-conductor connection with
automatic slot coding A quick and clear comparison of the functions of the
AQ modules is offered by the TIA Selection Tool.
• Potential distributor modules for system-integrated expansion
with potential terminals
• Individual system-integrated load group formation with
self-assembling voltage distribution bars (a separate power
module is no longer required for ET 200SP) 9
Overview of analog output modules
Analog output PU Article No. CC code BU type
AQ 2 x U ST 1 6ES7135-6FB00-0BA1 CC00 A0, A1
AQ 2 x I ST 1 6ES7135-6GB00-0BA1 CC00 A0, A1
AQ 4 x U/I ST 1 6ES7135-6HD00-0BA1 CC00 A0, A1
AQ 2 x U/I HF 1 6ES7135-6HB00-0CA1 CC00 A0, A1
AQ 2xU/I HS 1 6ES7135-6HB00-0DA1 CC00 A0, A1
With two operating modes:
• High-speed isochronous AQ
• Oversampling
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog output modules
■ Overview (continued)
Overview of BaseUnits
BaseUnit PU Article No. CC codes CC codes
for push-in terminals for AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0DA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP20-2DA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2DA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 10 6ES7193-6BP00-2BA0 CC01 to CC05 --
• Forwarding of load group
9 • 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A1 1 6ES7193-6BP40-0DA1 CC01 to CC05 CC74
• New load group (light)
• With temperature sensor
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 2x5 additional terminals
BU type A1 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA1 CC01 to CC05 --
• New load group (light)
• With temperature sensor
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without 2x5 additional
BU type A1 1 6ES7193-6BP40-0BA1 CC01 to CC05 CC74
• Forwarding of load group
• With temperature sensor
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 2x5 additional terminals
BU type A1 1 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA1 CC01 to CC05 --
• Forwarding of load group
• With temperature sensor
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without 2x5 additional
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog output modules
■ Overview (continued)
Overview of potential distributor modules
Potential distributor module PU Article No. CC codes for push-in terminals
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0DP1 CC00, CC62
Type P1 (light), 17x P1 potential,
1x P2 potential, for starting a new load
group (max. 10 A)
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0BP1 CC00, CC62
Type P1 (dark), 17x P1 potential,
1x P2 potential, for continuing the load
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0DP2 CC00, CC63
Type P2 (light), 1x P1 potential,
17x P2 potential, for starting a new
load group (max. 10 A)
PotDis BU 1 6ES7193-6UP00-0BP2 CC00, CC63
Type P2 (dark), 1x P1 potential,
17x P2 potential, for continuing the
load group
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP0 CC10 to CC13
Type BR-W, 18x internally jumpered
terminals, without reference to P1, P2
or AUX, (total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP1 CC10, CC12
Type P1-R, 18x P1 potential,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TP2 CC10, CC13
Type P2-B, 18x P2 potential,
(total current max. 10 A)
PotDis TB 1 6ES7193-6TP00-0TN0 CC10
Type n.c.-G, 18x n.c.
(not connected) terminals,
without reference to P1, P2 or AUX
■ Technical specifications 9
Article number 6ES7135-6FB00- 6ES7135-6GB00- 6ES7135-6HD00- 6ES7135-6HB00- 6ES7135-6HB00-
0BA1 0BA1 0BA1 0DA1 0CA1
ET 200SP, AQ 2xU ET 200SP, AQ 2xI ET 200SP, AQ 4xU/I ST ET 200SP, AQ 2 X U/I ET 200SP, AQ 2 X U/I
Standard, PU 1 Standard, PU 1 High Speed High Feature
General information
Product type designation AQ 2xU ST AQ 2xI ST AQ 4xU/I ST AQ 2xU/I HS AQ 2xU/I HF
Product function
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3
• Output range scalable No No No
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V13 SP1 / - V13 SP1 / - V11 SP2 / V13 V13 SP1 V13 / V13
integrated as of version
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP3 / - V5.5 SP3 / - V5.5 SP3 / - V5.5 SP3 / - V5.5 SP3 / -
as of version
• PCS 7 configurable/integrated V8.1 SP1 V8.1 SP1
as of version
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ GSD Revision 5 GSD Revision 5 One GSD file each, GSD Revision 5 GSD Revision 5
GSD revision Revision 3 and 5 and
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3 GSDML V2.3
GSD revision
Operating mode
• Oversampling No No No Yes; 2 channels per No
• MSO No No No No No
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS digital inputs
■ Overview
• LEDs for diagnostics, status, supply voltage and faults
(e.g. wire break/short-circuit)
• Electronically readable and non-volatile writable rating plate
(I&M data 0 to 3)
• Extended functions and additional operating modes in some
- MSI operating mode (simultaneous reading of input data
from as many as three other controllers)
- Counting operating mode (multi-channel counter for pulse
generators with 32-bit counting width and up to 10 kHz
counting frequency)
- Oversampling operating mode (n-fold equidistant
acquisition of digital values within one PN cycle for
increasing the time resolution for slow CPU cycles)
- Parameterizable input delay time
- Isochronous mode (simultaneous equidistant reading
of all input channels)
- Hardware interrupt pulse stretching
- Re-parameterization during operation
• 4, 8 and 16-channel digital input (DI) modules - Firmware update
- Diagnosis of wire break and short-circuit (on channel or
For different requirements, the digital input modules offer: module basis)
• Function classes Basic, Standard, High Feature and High - Value status (optional binary validity information of the input
Speed as well as fail-safe DI (see "Fail-safe I/O modules") signal in the process image)
- Supports the PROFIenergy profile
• BaseUnits for single or multiple-conductor connection with
automatic slot coding • Optional accessories
- Labeling strips (film or card)
• Potential distributor modules for system-integrated expansion - Equipment labeling plate
with additional potential terminals - Color-coded label with module-specific CC code
• Individual system-integrated load group formation with - Shielding terminal
self-assembling voltage distribution bars (a separate power
module is no longer required for ET 200SP) A quick and clear comparison of the functions of the different
DI modules is offered by the TIA Selection Tool.
• Option of connecting sensors compliant with IEC 61131
type 1, 2 or 3 (module-dependent) for rated voltages of Note:
9 up to 24 V DC or 230 V AC
• PNP (sink input) and NPN (source input) versions
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
• Clear labeling on front of module respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1131-6BF61-7AA0 6AG1131-6BF01-7BA0 6AG1131-6BH01-7BA0
Based on 6ES7131-6BF61-0AA0 6ES7131-6BF01-0BA0 6ES7131-6BH01-0BA0
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -40 °C; -40 °C; -40 °C;
= Tmin (incl. condensation/frost) = Tmin (incl. condensation/frost) = Tmin (incl. condensation/frost)
• horizontal installation, max. 70 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at
795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; incl. condensation / frost 100 %; incl. condensation / frost 100 %; incl. condensation / frost
tested in accordance permitted (no commissioning under permitted (no commissioning under permitted (no commissioning under
with IEC 60068-2-38, max. condensation conditions) condensation conditions) condensation conditions)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS digital inputs
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS digital inputs
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers
environmental conditions acc. to must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over
EN 60721 the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during
operation! operation! operation! operation!
Conformal coating
• Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2
assemblies acc. to EN 61086 for high availability for high availability for high availability for high availability
• Protection against fouling Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection
acc. to EN 60664-3
• Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating
MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life possible during service life possible during service life possible during service life
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating,
Electrical Insulating Compound for Class A Class A Class A Class A
Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS digital inputs
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS digital outputs
■ Overview
• 4, 8 and 16-channel DQ modules
• 4-channel RQ modules
• BaseUnits for single conductor or multiple-conductor
• Function classes Basic, Standard, High Feature and
High-Speed as well as fail-safe DQ and RQ
• Clear labeling on front of module
• LEDs for diagnostics, status and errors
• Individual system-integrated load group formation
with self-assembling potential multi-terminal busbars
(power module not required for ET 200SP)
• Electronically readable rating plate (I&M data)
• Additional operating modes in some cases
• Optional accessories:
- Labeling strips
- Equipment marking label
- Color-coded label with module-specific CC code
- Shielding terminal
Overview of digital output modules
Digital output PU Article No. CC code BU type
DQ 16 x 24 V DC/0.5 A ST 1 6AG1132-6BH01-7BA0 CC00 A0
DQ 8 x 24 V DC/0.5 A SNK BA 1 6AG1132-6BF61-7AA0 CC01 A0
DQ 8 x 24 V DC/0.5 A ST 1 6AG1132-6BF01-7BA0 CC02 A0
DQ 8 x 24 V DC/0.5 A HF 1 6AG1132-6BF00-7CA0 CC02 A0
DQ 4 x 24 V DC/2 A ST 1 6AG1132-6BD20-7BA0 CC02 A0
DQ 4 x 24 V DC/2 A HF 1 6AG1132-6BD20-7CA0 CC02 A0
DQ 4 x 24 ... 230 V AC/2 A HF 1 6AG1132-6FD00-7CU0 CC20 U0
With two operating modes:
• DQ
• PC: Power control via phase
angle, half-wave or full-wave
RQ 4 x 24 V UC/2 A CO ST 1 6AG1132-6GD51-7BA0 -- A0
RQ 4 x 120 V DC-230 V AC/5 A 1 6AG1132-6HD01-7BB1 -- B0, B1
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS digital outputs
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1132-6BF61-7AA0 6AG1132-6BD20-7BA0 6AG1132-6BF01-7BA0
Based on 6ES7132-6BF61-0AA0 6ES7132-6BD20-0BA0 6ES7132-6BF01-0BA0
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin
(incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost)
• horizontal installation, max. 70 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax; > +60 °C number of 70 °C; = Tmax;
simultaneously controllable outputs > +60 °C max. total current 1.0 A
max. 2 x 0.25 A or max. 4 x 0.125 A,
max. total current 0.5 A
• vertical installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C; = Tmax
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at
795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; incl. condensation / frost 100 %; RH incl. condensation / frost 100 %; incl. condensation / frost
tested in accordance with permitted (no commissioning under (no commissioning in bedewed state), permitted (no commissioning under
IEC 60068-2-38, max. condensation conditions) horizontal installation condensation conditions)
Coolants and lubricants
- Resistant to commercially Yes; Incl. diesel and oil droplets in the Yes; Incl. diesel and oil droplets in the Yes; Incl. diesel and oil droplets in the
available coolants and lubricants air air air
Use in stationary industrial systems
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and dry Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and dry Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and dry
according to EN 60721-3-3 rot spores (with the exception of rot spores (with the exception of rot spores (with the exception of
fauna); Class 3B3 on request fauna); Class 3B3 on request fauna); Class 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl. Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl. Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-3 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, * Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, * Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
according to EN 60721-3-3
Use on ships/at sea
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal spores Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal spores Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal spores
according to EN 60721-3-6 (excluding fauna); Class 6B3 on (excluding fauna); Class 6B3 on (excluding fauna); Class 6B3 on
request request request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl. Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl. Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-6 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; * Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; * Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; *
according to EN 60721-3-6
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers must * The supplied plug covers must * The supplied plug covers must
environmental conditions acc. to remain in place over the unused remain in place over the unused remain in place over the unused
EN 60721 interfaces during operation! interfaces during operation! interfaces during operation!
Conformal coating
• Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 for high availability Yes; Class 2 for high availability Yes; Class 2 for high availability
assemblies acc. to EN 61086
• Protection against fouling acc. to Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection
EN 60664-3
• Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating possible Yes; Discoloration of coating possible Yes; Discoloration of coating possible
MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 during service life during service life during service life
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Class A Yes; Conformal coating, Class A Yes; Conformal coating, Class A
Electrical Insulating Compound for
Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS digital outputs
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS digital outputs
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS digital outputs
BU type U0; BaseUnit (light) with
color code CC20,
16 push-in terminals to the module;
2 operating modes: DQ and PC
for starting a new load group
(power control via phase angle,
(max. 10 A)
half-wave and full-wave control)
BU20-P16+A0+2B 6AG1193-6BP00-7BU0
Usable SIPLUS BaseUnits
(Extended temperature range and
BU15-P16+A10+2D 6AG1193-6BP20-7DA0
exposure to media)
(Extended temperature range and
BU type U0; BaseUnit (dark) with
exposure to media)
16 push-in terminals to the module;
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light) for continuing the load group
with 16 push-in terminals (1...16) to
Accessories See SIMATIC ET 200SP,
the module and additionally 10
digital output modules,
internally jumpered AUX terminals
page 9/42
(1 A to 10 A); for starting a new load
group (max. 10 A)
BU15-P16+A0+2D 6AG1193-6BP00-7DA0
(Extended temperature range and
exposure to media)
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light) with
16 push-in terminals to the module;
for starting a new load group
(max. 10 A)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS analog inputs
■ Overview
• 2, 4 and 8-channel AI modules
• Measuring ranges for current, voltage, thermocouples,
resistance thermometer, resistor and PTC
• BaseUnits for 2, 3 and 4-conductor connection
• Function classes Basic, Standard, High Feature and
High Speed
• Clear labeling on front of module
• LEDs for diagnostics, status and errors
• Individual system-integrated load group formation
with self-assembling potential multi-terminal busbars
(power module not required for ET 200SP)
• Electronically readable rating plate (I&M data)
• Additional operating modes in some cases
• Optional accessories:
- Labeling strips
- Equipment marking label
- Color-coded label with module-specific CC code
- Shielding terminal
Overview of SIPLUS analog input modules
Analog input PU Article No. CC code BU type
AI 8 x U BA 1 6AG1134-6FF00-2AA1 CC02 A0, A1
AI 4 x U/I 2-wire ST 1 6AG1134-6HD01-7BA1 CC03 A0, A1
AI 4 x I 2/4-wire ST 1 6AG1134-6GD01-7BA1 CC03 A0, A1
AI 4 x I 2-wire 4 ... 20 mA HART 1 6AG1134-6TD00-2CA1 CC03 A0, A1
AI 2 x U/I 2/4-wire HF 1 6AG1134-6HB00-2CA1 CC05 A0, A1
AI 2xU/I 2/4-wire HS 1 6AG1134-6HB00-2DA1 CC00 A0, A1
With two operating modes:
• High-speed isochronous AI
• Oversampling
AI 8 x RTD/TC 2-wire HF
AI 4 x RTD/TC 2/3/4-wire HF
A0, A1
A0, A1
AI Energy Meter 480 V AC ST 1 6AG1134-6PA20-7BD0 -- D0
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS analog inputs
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1134-6FF00-2AA1 6AG1134-6HD01-7BA1 6AG1134-6GD01-7BA1 6AG1134-6TD00-2CA1
Based on 6ES7134-6FF00-0AA1 6ES7134-6HD01-0BA1 6ES7134-6GD01-0BA1 6ES7134-6TD00-0CA1
AI 8xU BASIC AI 4xU/I 2-w ST AI 4xI 2-/4-w ST AI 4XI 2-WIRE 4...20MA H
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin
(incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost);
start-up @ -25 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax; > 60 °C max. 70 °C; = Tmax; > 60 °C max. 60 °C; = Tmax
1x ±20 mA or 4x ±10 V 1x ±20 mA permissible
• vertical installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin;
Startup @ -25 °C
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C; = Tmax 50 °C; = Tmax 50 °C; = Tmax
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at
795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl.
tested in accordance with condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no condensation/frost (no
IEC 60068-2-38, max. commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed commissioning under
state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation condensation conditions)
Coolants and lubricants
9 - Resistant to commercially
available coolants and lubricants
Yes; Incl. diesel and oil
droplets in the air
Yes; Incl. diesel and oil
droplets in the air
Yes; Incl. diesel and oil
droplets in the air
Yes; Incl. diesel and oil
droplets in the air
Use in stationary industrial systems
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus
according to EN 60721-3-3 and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the
exception of fauna); exception of fauna); exception of fauna); exception of fauna);
Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %)
according to EN 60721-3-3 incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to
EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand,
according to EN 60721-3-3 dust, * dust, * dust, * dust, *
Use on ships/at sea
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and
according to EN 60721-3-6 fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding
fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %)
according to EN 60721-3-6 incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to
EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand,
according to EN 60721-3-6 dust; * dust; * dust; * dust; *
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers
environmental conditions acc. to must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over
EN 60721 the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during
operation! operation! operation! operation!
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS analog inputs
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 080 hPa ... 795 hPa
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at
795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl.
tested in accordance condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no condensation/frost condensation/frost
with IEC 60068-2-38, max. commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed (no commissioning under (no commissioning under
state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation condensation conditions) condensation conditions)
Coolants and lubricants
- Resistant to commercially Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil
available coolants and lubricants droplets in the air droplets in the air droplets in the air droplets in the air
Use in stationary industrial systems
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus
according to EN 60721-3-3 and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the
exception of fauna); exception of fauna); exception of fauna); exception of fauna);
Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %)
according to EN 60721-3-3 incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to
EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand,
according to EN 60721-3-3 dust, * dust, * dust, * dust, *
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS analog inputs
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS analog inputs
(severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
according to EN 60721-3-3
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS analog inputs
BU type A0 or A1,
BU15-P16+A0+12B/T 6AG1193-6BP40-7BA1
color code CC00, 16-bit, ±0.1%,
scalable measuring range (Extended temperature range and
exposure to media)
Analog input module 6AG1134-6PA20-7BD0
AI Energy Meter Standard, BU type A1; BaseUnit (dark)
480 V AC, BU type D0 with 16 push-in terminals (1...16)
to the module and 2x5 internally
Usable SIPLUS BaseUnits
jumpered additional terminals
type A0
(1 B to 5 B and 1 C to 5 C);
BU15-P16+A0+2D 6AG1193-6BP00-7DA0 for continuing the load group
(Extended temperature range and Usable SIPLUS BaseUnits
exposure to media) type D0
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light) with BU20-P12+A0+0B 6AG1193-6BP00-7BD0
16 push-in terminals to the module;
(Extended temperature range and
for starting a new load group
exposure to media)
(max. 10 A)
BU type D0; BaseUnit with
BU15-P16+A0+2B 6AG1193-6BP00-7BA0
12 push-in terminals, without
(Extended temperature range and AUX terminals, bridged to the left
exposure to media)
Accessories See SIMATIC ET 200SP,
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark) with analog input modules,
16 push-in terminals to the module; page 9/61
for continuing the load group
BU15-P16+A10+2D 6AG1193-6BP20-7DA0
(Extended temperature range and
exposure to media)
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light)
with 16 push-in terminals (1...16) to
the module and an additional
10 internally jumpered
AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A);
for starting a new load group
(max. 10 A)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS analog outputs
■ Overview
• Option for connecting current and voltage actuators
• Clear labeling on front of module
• LEDs for diagnostics, status, supply voltage and faults
• Electronically readable and non-volatile writable rating plate
(I&M data 0 to 3)
• Extended functions and additional operating modes in some
- Oversampling operating mode (n-fold equidistant output of
an analog value within one PN cycle and thus the precisely
timed output of an analog value or a sequence of analog
- Isochronous mode (simultaneous equidistant output of
analog values)
- Output of substitute value in the event of interruptions to
communication (shutdown, output adjustable substitute
value, or keep last value)
- Calibration during runtime
- Re-parameterization during operation
- Firmware update
• 2 and 4-channel analog output (AQ) modules - Diagnosis of wire break, short circuit, overflow, underflow
For different requirements, the digital output modules offer: - Value status (optional binary validity information of the
analog signal in the process image)
• Function classes Standard, High Feature and High-Speed - Supports the PROFIenergy profile
• BaseUnits for single or multiple-conductor connection with • Optional accessories
automatic slot coding - Labeling strips (film or card)
• Potential distributor modules for system-integrated expansion - Equipment labeling plate
with potential terminals - Color-coded label with module-specific CC code
• Individual system-integrated load group formation with - Shielding terminal
self-assembling voltage distribution bars (a separate power A quick and clear comparison of the functions of the
module is no longer required for ET 200SP) AQ modules is offered by the TIA Selection Tool.
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS analog outputs
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1135-6HD00-7BA1 6AG1135-6GB00-7BA1 6AG1135-6HB00-2DA1 6AG1135-6HB00-7CA1
Based on 6ES7135-6HD00-0BA1 6ES7135-6GB00-0BA1 6ES7135-6HB00-0DA1 6ES7135-6HB00-0CA1
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin
(incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost); (incl. condensation/frost)
start-up @ -25 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 70 °C; = Tmax; > +60 °C 70 °C; = Tmax 60 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax
max. 2x ±10 V permissible
• vertical installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C; = Tmax 60 °C; = Tmax
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at
795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl.
tested in accordance with condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no
IEC 60068-2-38, max. commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed
state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation
Coolants and lubricants
- Resistant to commercially Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil
available coolants and lubricants droplets in the air droplets in the air droplets in the air droplets in the air
Use in stationary industrial systems
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus
according to EN 60721-3-3 and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the
exception of fauna); exception of fauna); exception of fauna); exception of fauna);
Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %)
according to EN 60721-3-3 incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to
EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand,
according to EN 60721-3-3 dust, * dust, * dust, * dust, *
Use on ships/at sea
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and
according to EN 60721-3-6 fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding
fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %)
according to EN 60721-3-6 incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to
EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand,
according to EN 60721-3-6 dust; * dust; * dust; * dust; *
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers
environmental conditions acc. to must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over
EN 60721 the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during
operation! operation! operation! operation!
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS analog outputs
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM Count 1x24V counter module
■ Overview
• Counting frequency 200 kHz
(800 kHz with quadruple evaluation)
• Counting range: +/- 31 bits
• Measurement function
• Parameterizable hardware interrupts
• Parameterizable input filters for suppressing interferences
at sensor and digital inputs
Supported types of encoders/signals
• 24 V incremental encoder with and without signal N
• 24 V pulse encoder with direction signal
• 24 V pulse encoder without direction signal
• 24 V pulse encoder for pulse up and down respectively
Supported system functions
• Isochronous mode
Technical properties • Firmware update
• Counter module for ET 200SP • Identification data I&M
• Interfaces:
- 24 V encoder signals A, B and N from P, M or
push-pull-switching encoders and sensors
- 24 V encoder supply output, short-circuit proof
- 3 digital inputs for controlling the count operation,
for saving or for setting the count value
- 2 digital outputs for fast reactions regardless of the counter
status or measured value
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7138-6AA00-0BA0 Article number 6ES7138-6AA00-0BA0
ET 200SP, TM Count 1x24V ET 200SP, TM Count 1x24V
9 General information
Product type designation TM Count 1x24V
Digital input functions,
Product function • Gate start/stop Yes
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 • Capture Yes
Engineering with • Synchronization Yes
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V13 (FW V1.0), V14 (V1.2), • Freely usable digital input Yes
integrated as of version V15 (FW V1.3) / V13 (FW V1.0), Input voltage
V14 SP1 (V1.2) • Rated value (DC) 24 V
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated As of V5.5 SP3, only up to FW V1.2 • for signal "0" -5 ... +5 V
as of version
• for signal "1" +11 to +30V
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ GSD Revision 5
GSD revision • permissible voltage at input, min. -30 V; -5 V continuous, -30 V brief
reverse polarity protection
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3
GSD revision • permissible voltage at input, max. 30 V
Supply voltage Input current
Load voltage L+ • for signal "1", typ. 2.5 mA
• Rated value (DC) 24 V Input delay (for rated value
of input voltage)
• Reverse polarity protection Yes
for standard inputs
Encoder supply
- parameterizable Yes; none / 0.05 / 0.1 / 0.4 / 0.8 / 1.6 /
Number of outputs 1 3.2 / 12.8 / 20 ms
24 V encoder supply - at "0" to "1", min. 6 μs; for parameterization "none"
• 24 V Yes; L+ (-0.8 V) - at "1" to "0", min. 6 μs; for parameterization "none"
• Short-circuit protection Yes; electronic/thermal for technological functions
• Output current, max. 300 mA - parameterizable Yes
Digital inputs Cable length
Number of digital inputs 3 • shielded, max. 1 000 m
Digital inputs, parameterizable Yes • unshielded, max. 600 m
Input characteristic curve in Yes
accordance with IEC 61131, type 3
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM Count 1x24V counter module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM Count 1x24V counter module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM Count 1x24V counter module
• Color code CC73, 6ES7193-6CP73-2AA0
for continuing the load group for 10 AUX terminals 1 A to 10 A,
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 for BU type A0, blue, with push-in
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0 terminals; 10 units
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark) with
16 push-in terminals to the module;
for continuing the load group
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP00-2BA0
Double BaseUnit for holding
2 I/O modules;
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark/dark)
with 16 push-in terminals to the
module; for continuing the load
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP60-0BA0
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM PosInput 1 counter and position detection module
■ Overview
• Counter frequency 1 MHz (4 MHz with four-fold evaluation)
• Counting range: +/- 31 bits
• Measurement function
• Parameterizable hardware interrupts
• Parameterizable input filters for suppressing interferences
at sensor and digital inputs
Supported types of encoders/signals
• Incremental encoders with or without N signal
• Pulse encoders with directional signal
• Pulse encoders without directional signal
• Pulse encoders for forward or reverse pulses
• SSI encoders with a frame length of 10 to 40 bits,
of which up to 31 bits position value
Supported system functions
• Isochronous mode
Technical properties • Firmware update
• Counter and position detection module for ET 200SP • Identification data (I&M)
• Interfaces:
- Encoder signals A, B and N for 5 V TTL or RS 422 differential
- SSI interface with clock and data for RS 422 differential
- 24 V encoder supply output, short-circuit proof
- 2 digital inputs for controlling the counting process,
for saving or setting the counter or position value
- 2 digital outputs for fast reactions depending on the counter
reading, position value or measured value
■ Technical specifications
9 Article number 6ES7138-6BA00-0BA0
ET 200SP, TM Posinput 1
Article number 6ES7138-6BA00-0BA0
ET 200SP, TM Posinput 1
General information Digital input functions,
Product type designation TM PosInput 1 parameterizable
Product function • Gate start/stop Yes; only for pulse and incremental
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3
• Capture Yes
Engineering with
• Synchronization Yes; only for pulse and incremental
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V13 (FW V1.0), V14 (V1.2), encoders
integrated as of version V15 (FW V1.3) / V13 (FW V1.0),
V14 SP1 (V1.2) • Freely usable digital input Yes
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated As of V5.5 SP3, only up to FW V1.2 Input voltage
as of version • Rated value (DC) 24 V
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ GSD Revision 5 • for signal "0" -5 ... +5 V
GSD revision • for signal "1" +11 to +30V
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3 • permissible voltage at input, min. -30 V; -5 V continuous, -30 V brief
GSD revision reverse polarity protection
Supply voltage • permissible voltage at input, max. 30 V
Load voltage L+ Input current
• Rated value (DC) 24 V • for signal "1", typ. 2.5 mA
• Reverse polarity protection Yes Input delay (for rated value
Encoder supply of input voltage)
Number of outputs 1 for standard inputs
24 V encoder supply - parameterizable Yes; none / 0.05 / 0.1 / 0.4 / 0.8 / 1.6 /
• 24 V Yes; L+ (-0.8 V) 3.2 / 12.8 / 20 ms
• Short-circuit protection Yes; electronic/thermal - at "0" to "1", min. 6 μs; for parameterization "none"
• Output current, max. 300 mA - at "1" to "0", min. 6 μs; for parameterization "none"
Digital inputs for technological functions
Number of digital inputs 2 - parameterizable Yes
Digital inputs, parameterizable Yes
Input characteristic curve in Yes
accordance with IEC 61131, type 3
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM PosInput 1 counter and position detection module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM PosInput 1 counter and position detection module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM PosInput 1 counter and position detection module
• Color code CC73, 6ES7193-6CP73-2AA0
10 internally jumpered for 10 AUX terminals 1 A to 10 A,
AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A); for BU type A0, blue, with push-in
for continuing the load group terminals; 10 units
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark) with
16 push-in terminals to the module;
for continuing the load group
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP00-2BA0
Double BaseUnit for holding
2 I/O modules;
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark/dark)
with 16 push-in terminals to the
module; for continuing the load
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP60-0BA0
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM Timer DIDQ 10x24V time-based IO module
■ Overview
• 4 digital inputs, 6 digital outputs
• Inputs for detecting the input edges with μs accuracy
• Outputs for outputting the switching signals with μs accuracy
• 32x oversampling
• PWM output
• Counter function
• Outputs can be switched between 0.5 A standard and
especially fast 0.1 A high-speed mode
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7138-6CG00-0BA0 Article number 6ES7138-6CG00-0BA0
ET 200SP, TM Timer DIDQ 10x24V ET 200SP, TM Timer DIDQ 10x24V
General information Input voltage
Product type designation TM Timer DIDQ 10x24V • Type of input voltage DC
Product function • Rated value (DC) 24 V
• I&M data Yes; I&M 0 • for signal "0" -5 ... +5 V
Engineering with • for signal "1" +11 to +30V
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V13 Update 3 • permissible voltage at input, min. -30 V; -5 V continuous, -30 V brief
integrated as of version reverse polarity protection
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP3 / - • permissible voltage at input, max. 30 V
as of version Input current
Supply voltage
• for signal "1", typ. 2.5 mA
Load voltage L+ Input delay (for rated value
• Rated value (DC) 24 V of input voltage)
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction • Minimum pulse width for program 3 μs for parameterization "none"
Encoder supply reactions
Number of outputs 1 for standard inputs
24 V encoder supply - parameterizable Yes; none / 0.05 / 0.1 / 0.4 / 0.8 ms
• 24 V Yes; L+ (-0.8 V) - at "0" to "1", min. 4 μs
• Short-circuit protection Yes - at "1" to "0", min. 4 μs
• Output current, max. 500 mA; Observe derating Cable length
Digital inputs • shielded, max. 1 000 m; Depending on sensor,
cable quality and rate of change
Number of digital inputs 4
• unshielded, max. 600 m; Depending on sensor,
Digital inputs, parameterizable Yes cable quality and rate of change
Input characteristic curve in Yes Digital outputs
accordance with IEC 61131, type 3
Type of digital output Transistor
Digital input functions,
parameterizable Number of digital outputs 6
• Digital input with time stamp Yes Current-sinking Yes; With High Speed output
- Number, max. 4 Current-sourcing Yes
• Counter Yes Digital outputs, parameterizable Yes
- Number, max. 3 Short-circuit protection Yes; electronic/thermal
• Counter for incremental encoder Yes Limitation of inductive shutdown -0.8 V
voltage to
- Number, max. 1
• Digital input with oversampling Yes
- Number, max. 4
• HW enable for digital input Yes
- Number, max. 1
• HW enable for digital output Yes
- Number, max. 3
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM Timer DIDQ 10x24V time-based IO module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM Timer DIDQ 10x24V time-based IO module
• Color code CC73, 6ES7193-6CP73-2AA0
AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A); for 10 AUX terminals 1 A to 10 A,
for continuing the load group for BU type A0, blue, with push-in
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 terminals; 10 units
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark) with
16 push-in terminals to the module;
for continuing the load group
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP00-2BA0
Double BaseUnit for holding
2 I/O modules;
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark/dark)
with 16 push-in terminals to the
module; for continuing the load
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP60-0BA0
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM Pulse 2x24V pulse output module
■ Overview
• Hardware:
- 2 channels 24 V, 2 A output current
- Parallel switching for enhanced performance on 4 A output
- Switching frequencies to 10 kHz; at reduced output current
to 0.1 A up to 100 kHz
- Push-pull output driver for especially steep edges at the
- Polarity change in DC motor operation for direction reversal
- 1 high-speed 24 V digital input per channel with parameter-
izable input delay from 4 μs
• Channel functions:
- HW enable;
start of signal output with the onboard digital input
- Parameterizable ON delay;
for precise deceleration between the HW enable and the
start of output
- Current measurement in the operating modes pulse-width
modulation and pulse chain;
enables control of the output current mean value over a
2-channel pulse output module for ET 200SP period. This allows you to compensate for the effect of
• Operating modes: temperature on the actuator resistance.
- Single pulse with defined length - Cyclic control of the respective main setpoint from the PLC
- Pulse chain with defined number of pulses in every operating mode;
- Pulse width modulation (with flexible ON period, other values can be modified flexibly from the user program.
optional current control and dither function) • Supported system functions:
- PWM signal for controlling a DC motor - Isochronous mode;
- ON and OFF delay; rising and falling edge can be delayed enables precision-timed connection of the setpoint output to
separately to the microsecond a higher-level controller
- Frequency output with defined output frequency - Firmware update
- Identification data I&M
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7138-6DB00-0BB1 Article number 6ES7138-6DB00-0BB1
ET 200SP, TM Pulse 2x24V ET 200SP, TM Pulse 2x24V
General information Digital inputs
Product type designation TM Pulse 2x24 V Number of digital inputs 2; 1 per channel
Product function Digital inputs, parameterizable Yes
• I&M data Yes; I&M 0 Input characteristic curve in Yes
• Isochronous mode Yes accordance with IEC 61131, type 3
Engineering with Digital input functions,
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V13 SP1 + HSP
integrated as of version • Freely usable digital input Yes
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP4 and higher • HW enable for digital output Yes
as of version Input voltage
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ GSD Revision 5 • Type of input voltage DC
GSD revision • Rated value (DC) 24 V
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.31 • for signal "0" -5 ... +5 V
GSD revision
• for signal "1" +11 to +30V
Supply voltage
• permissible voltage at input, min. -30 V; -5 V continuous, -30 V brief
Load voltage L+ reverse polarity protection
• Rated value (DC) 24 V • permissible voltage at input, max. 30 V
• Short-circuit protection Yes Input current
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction • for signal "1", typ. 2.5 mA
Encoder supply Input delay (for rated value
Number of outputs 2; A common 24V encoder supply of input voltage)
for both channels for standard inputs
24 V encoder supply - parameterizable Yes; none / 0.05 / 0.1 / 0.4 / 0.8 / 1.6 /
• 24 V Yes; L+ (-0.8 V) 3.2 / 12.8 / 20 ms
• Short-circuit protection Yes; per module, electronic - at "0" to "1", min. 4 μs; for parameterization "none"
• Output current, max. 300 mA - at "1" to "0", min. 4 μs; for parameterization "none"
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM Pulse 2x24V pulse output module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM Pulse 2x24V pulse output module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > TM StepDrive 24...48V/5A stepper motor control (Phytron Co.)
■ Technical specifications
• Suitable for bipolar control of 2-phase stepper motors of
4-, (6-) or 8-wire design (in 4-wire system)
• 5 A peak phase current with adjustable current steps
• Supply voltage from 24 to 48 V DC
• Up to 1/256 microstep (physical resolution:
approx. 51 200 positions per revolution (0.007°/step)).
The TM StepDrive module from Phytron is a high-precision
stepper motor control with integrated power output stage for • Maximum stepping rate: 250 000 steps/s
use in the SIMATIC ET 200SP distributed I/O system. It is the • 2 digital inputs for limit and reference switches
1-step-drive successor model for the SIMATIC ET 200S. • Diagnostics LEDs (overcurrent, overtemperature, traversing
The module can be used together with system and task or motor running ...)
I/O components of the ET 200SP distributed I/O system. • Short-circuit-proof, overload-proof
Operation is possible with the following head modules: • Data record transfer for power output stage parameter
• IM PROFIBUS assignment and diagnostics during runtime
• IM PROFINET • Overdrive: Current adaptation for higher clock frequencies
• ET 200SP CPU • Booster: Enhanced torque during acceleration or braking
Corresponding GSD files and an HSP are available. • Adjustable response to CPU stop
The ET 200SP TM StepDrive 24...48V/5A is a product of our
Phytron GmbH product partner and is only available from the ■ Ordering data
9 Phytron GmbH company.
TM StepDrive Further information and
Note: stepper motor control ordering options via
Phytron (company):
Product partners are external companies outside Siemens AG
and its associated companies. Information about and descrip- tm-stepdrive
tions of products made by product partners are non-binding, High-precision stepper motor
and are the responsibility of the product partners. control for ET 200SP
These products are manufactured independently and under the Suitable BaseUnits
responsibility of the respective product partner, and are sold and
supplied by it under its terms of business and delivery. BU20-P12+A0+4B 6ES7193-6BP20-0BB1
BU type B1; BaseUnit (dark);
Unless compulsory by law, Siemens assumes no liability or without AUX terminals;
warranty for these products or for connection with these for continuing the load group
products of the product partners. Please refer also to the note
on exemption from liability/use of hyperlinks.
■ More information
■ Application You can find more information about the module as well as
High-precision control of stepper motors: contact information at:
The technology of the StepDrive TM enables precise current
settings which facilitate fine positioning down to 1/256 step with Here you will also find the manual, the data sheet, the HSP, a link
an absolute error of only ~0.003°. This corresponds to approx. to the GSD files as well as sample function blocks for SIMATIC.
51 200 positions per revolution or 0.007°/step with a 200-step Service and support:
The module permits connection of a 2-phase stepper motor in
the 350 W power range up to 5 A peak with a supply voltage of
24 to 48 V DC.
Sample function blocks are available for operation with SIMATIC
and can be downloaded by the user from the Internet site
specified below for modification.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIMATIC ET 200SP ECC charging controllers
■ Overview
AC module ET 200SP TM ECC 2xPWM ST
• Control of charging outputs according to IEC 61851 by
parameterizable SIMATIC ET 200SP TM ECC 2xPWM ST
charging controller
• Control of load tap-off
• Control of connector lock
• Evaluation of connector lock or load contactor status
DC module ET 200SP TM ECC PL ST
• Complete control of a DC charging process according to
DIN 70121 by SIMATIC ET 200SP TM ECC PL ST charging
• The following sequences are executed:
- Session setup enter
- Service discovery
- Service and payment selection
- Cable check
- Charge parameter discovery
SIPLUS and SIMATIC Electrical Charge Controller are the key - Contract authentication
components in infrastructure solutions for the conductive - PreCharge
charging of electric vehicles. - Power delivery
- Welding detection
They perform the following functions: - Current demand
• Detection of the charging cable and its permissible current - Session setup exit
carrying capacity
• Transfer of the maximum charging current from the charging
station to the electric vehicle
• Evaluation of the status signals from the electric vehicle:
- Ready for charging
- Charging
- Charging with ventilation
• Cost-optimized, space-saving charging infrastructure
solutions due to compact design based on SIMATIC ET 200SP
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6FE1242-6TM10-0BB1 6FE1242-6TM20-0BB1
General information
Product brand name SIMATIC SIMATIC
Product designation ET 200SP, TM ECC 2xPWM ST ET 200SP, TM ECC PL ST
Product description Technology module for the conductive charging of electric
vehicles according to DIN 70121
usable BaseUnits BU type B0, B1 BU type B0, B1
Number of channels 2; Acc. to IEC 61851-1 Mode 3 and/or SAE J1772 1; Acc. to IEC 61851-1 Mode 4 and DIN SPEC 70121
Product function
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3
• Isochronous mode No No
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V14 SP1 V15
integrated as of version
Installation type/mounting
Mounting type standard rail standard rail
Mounting position Horizontal Horizontal, vertical
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage DC
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
permissible range, lower limit (DC) 19.2 V 19.2 V
permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V 28.8 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction Yes; against destruction
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIMATIC ET 200SP ECC charging controllers
9 Short-circuit protection
Digital output functions,
Yes; electronic/thermal
• PWM output Yes; According to IEC 61851 Yes; Acc. to DIN SPEC 70121
- Number, max. 2; 1 per channel 1; 1 per channel
• Connection of a DC motor Yes; ACT p/n connector locking No; Only fixed charging cables are permitted for
DC charging systems
Switching capacity of the outputs
• with resistive load, max. 1.3 A 0.6 A; Per digital output
Output voltage
• Type of output voltage DC DC
• Output voltage, min. 24 V 24 V
Cable length
• unshielded, max. 30 m 10 m
Analog outputs
Number of analog outputs 2 1
Type of analog output Control pilot acc. to IEC 61851-1 and/or SAE J1772 Control pilot including Powerline Green Phy,
acc. to DIN SPEC 70121
Connection of a DC motor Yes No
Bus communication Yes Yes; Backplane bus
Vehicle communication according to Yes; MODE 3 Yes; Mode 4
IEC 61851
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIMATIC ET 200SP ECC charging controllers
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIMATIC ET 200SP ECC charging controllers
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIWAREX WP321
■ Overview
SIWAREX WP321 is a versatile and flexible weighing module
for the seamless integration of a static scale into the SIMATIC
automation environment.
The electronic weighing system is integrated in the
SIMATIC ET 200SP series and uses all the features of a modern
automation system, such as integrated communication, operator
control and monitoring, diagnostic system and configuration
tools in the TIA Portal, SIMATIC STEP 7, WinCC flexible and
■ Technical specifications
Integration in automation systems Load cell powering
SIMATIC S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200 Via SIMATIC ET 200SP interface Supply voltage (value applies at 4.85 V DC ±2%
and S7-1500 module (PROFIBUS or PROFINET) sensor, cable-related voltage drops of
up to 5 V are controlled)
Other manufacturers (with restrictions) Via SIMATIC ET 200SP interface
module (PROFIBUS or PROFINET) Permissible load resistance
Communication interfaces • SIMATIC ET 200SP backplane bus • RLmin > 40 Ω
• RS 485 (SIWATOOL, Siebert remote • RLmax < 4100 Ω
display) With SIWAREX IS Ex interface
Commissioning options • Using SIWATOOL V7 • RLmin > 50 Ω
• Using function block in • RLmax < 4100 Ω
SIMATIC CPU / Touch Panel
Load cell characteristic 1 … 4 mV/V
Measuring accuracy
according to DIN 1319-1 of full-scale 0.05%
Permissible range of measuring
signal (at greatest set characteristic
-21.3 ... +21.3 mV 9
value at 20 °C ± 10 K (68 °F ± 10 K) value)
Internal resolution ± 2 million parts Max. distance of load cells 1000 m (459.32 ft)
Measuring frequency 100 / 120 / 600 Hz Connection to load cells in Ex Optionally via SIWAREX IS Ex
Digital filter Variable adjustable low-pass and zone 1 interface (compatibility of the
average filter load cells must be checked)
Limit values • 2 x min/max Max. power consumption typ. 0.1 A @ 24 V DC (0.2 A max.)
• Empty Max. power consumption 30 mA
Zeroing Via command by controller or HMI SIMATIC Bus
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIWAREX WP321
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIPLUS TM Count 1x24V counter module
• Parameterizable hardware interrupts according to EN 60721-3-3 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
• Parameterizable input filters for suppressing interferences (severity degree 3); *
at sensor and digital inputs - to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
according to EN 60721-3-3
Supported types of encoders/signals Use on ships/at sea
• 24 V incremental encoder with and without signal N - to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal
• 24 V pulse encoder with direction signal according to EN 60721-3-6 spores (excluding fauna);
Class 6B3 on request
• 24 V pulse encoder without direction signal - to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl.
• 24 V pulse encoder for pulse up and down respectively according to EN 60721-3-6 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); *
Supported system functions - to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; *
• Isochronous mode according to EN 60721-3-6
• Firmware update
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers must
• Identification data I&M environmental conditions acc. to remain in place over the unused
EN 60721 interfaces during operation!
Conformal coating
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard • Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 for high availability
products. The contents listed here were taken from the assemblies acc. to EN 61086
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific • Protection against fouling acc. to Yes; Type 1 protection
information was added. EN 60664-3
• Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating
MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Class A
Electrical Insulating Compound for
Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIPLUS TM Count 1x24V counter module
■ Ordering data
SIPLUS TM Count 1x24V Further accessories See SIMATIC TM Count 1x24V
counter module counter module, page 9/91
(Extended temperature range and
medial exposure)
With one channel, max. 200 kHz; 6AG1138-6AA00-2BA0
for 24 V encoder
Usable BaseUnits
(Extended temperature range and
medial exposure)
BU15-P16+A0+2D 6AG1193-6BP00-7DA0
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light) with
16 push-in terminals to the module;
for starting a new load group
(max. 10 A)
BU15-P16+A0+2B 6AG1193-6BP00-7BA0
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark) with
16 push-in terminals to the module;
for continuing the load group
BU15-P16+A10+2D 6AG1193-6BP20-7DA0
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light)
with 16 push-in terminals (1...16) to
the module and an additional
10 internally jumpered
AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A);
for starting a new load group
(max. 10 A)
BU15-P16+A10+2B 6AG1193-6BP20-7BA0
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark)
with 16 push-in terminals (1...16) to
the module and an additional
10 internally jumpered
AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A);
for continuing the load group
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIPLUS TM PosInput 1 counting and position detection module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIPLUS TM PosInput 1 counting and position detection module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > Time-based IO module SIPLUS TM timer DIDQ 10x24V
information was added. Use in stationary industrial systems
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and dry
according to EN 60721-3-3 rot spores (with the exception of
fauna); Class 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-3 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
according to EN 60721-3-3
Use on ships/at sea
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal
according to EN 60721-3-6 spores (excluding fauna);
Class 6B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-6 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; *
according to EN 60721-3-6
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers must
environmental conditions acc. to remain in place over the unused
EN 60721 interfaces during operation!
Conformal coating
• Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 for high availability
assemblies acc. to EN 61086
• Protection against fouling acc. to Yes; Type 1 protection
EN 60664-3
• Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating
MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Class A
Electrical Insulating Compound for
Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > Time-based IO module SIPLUS TM timer DIDQ 10x24V
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIPLUS TM Pulse 2x24V pulse output module
■ Overview
• Hardware:
- 2 24V channels, 2A output current can be switched in
parallel to boost performance to 4 A of output current
- Switching frequencies to 10 kHz; at reduced output current
to 0.1 A up to 100 kHz
- Push/pull output driver for especially steep edges at the
- Polarity change in DC motor operation for direction reversal
- 1 high-speed 24 V digital input per channel with
parameterizable input delay from 4 μs
• Channel functions:
- HW enable;
Start of signal output with the onboard digital input
- Parameterizable ON delay;
for precise deceleration between the HW enable and the
start of output
- Current measurement in the operating modes pulse-width
modulation and pulse chain;
enables control of the output current mean value over a
period. Temperature influences can thus be balanced to the
2-channel pulse output module for SIPLUS ET 200SP resistance of the actuator.
• Operating modes: - Cyclic control of the respective main setpoint from the PLC
- Single pulse with defined length in every operating mode;
- Pulse chain with defined number of pulses other values can be modified flexibly from the user program.
- Pulse width modulation (with flexible ON period, optional • Supported system functions:
current control and dither function) - Isochronous mode;
- PWM signal for controlling a DC motor enables precision-timed connection of the setpoint output to
- On and OFF delay; rising and falling edge can be delayed a higher-level controller
separately to the microsecond - Firmware update
- Frequency output with defined output frequency - Identification data I&M
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added. 9
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1138-6DB00-2BB1 Article number 6AG1138-6DB00-2BB1
Based on 6ES7138-6DB00-0BB1 Based on 6ES7138-6DB00-0BB1
Ambient conditions Resistance
Ambient temperature during Coolants and lubricants
operation - Resistant to commercially Yes; Incl. diesel and oil droplets in
• horizontal installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin (incl. condensation/ available coolants and lubricants the air
frost); start-up @ -25 °C Use in stationary industrial systems
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C; Observe derating - to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and dry
• vertical installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin; Startup @ -25 °C according to EN 60721-3-3 rot spores (with the exception of
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C; Observe derating fauna); Class 3B3 on request
Altitude during operation relating to - to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl.
sea level according to EN 60721-3-3 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); *
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m
max. - to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
according to EN 60721-3-3
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at
795 hPa ... 658 hPa
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. condensation / frost
tested in accordance with (no commissioning in bedewed
IEC 60068-2-38, max. state), horizontal installation
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Technology modules > SIPLUS TM Pulse 2x24V pulse output module
SIPLUS TM Pulse 2x24V 6AG1138-6DB00-2BB1 Further accessories See SIMATIC TM Pulse 2x24V
pulse output module pulse output module, page 9/101
(Extended temperature range and
medial exposure)
PWM and pulse output,
2 channels of 2 A for proportional
valves and DC motors
Usable BaseUnits
(Extended temperature range and
medial exposure)
BU20-P12+A0+4B 6AG1193-6BP20-7BB1
BU type B1; BaseUnit (dark);
without AUX terminals;
for continuing the load group
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM PtP serial interface
■ Overview
• Protocols supported
- Freeport: User-parameterizable frame format for universal
- 3964(R) for improved transmission reliability
- Modbus RTU master (requires instructions in SIMATIC S7)
- Modbus RTU slave (requires instructions in SIMATIC S7)
- USS, implemented through instructions
• Interface properties
- RS 232 with auxiliary signals
- RS 422 for full-duplex connections
- RS 485 for half-duplex and multi-point connections
- Transmission rates from 300 to 115200 bps
• Can be plugged into Type A0 BaseUnits (BU)
with automatic coding
• LED display for errors, operation and supply voltage
• Communication display for sending and receiving
• Clear labeling on front of module
- Plain text identification of the module type and function class
• CM PtP communication module; - 2D matrix code (order and serial number)
module for serial communication connections with RS 232 - Connection diagram
and RS 422 interfaces. RS 485 for the Freeport, 3964(R), - Color coding of the CM module type: silver
Modbus RTU and USS protocols, max. 115.2 kbps, - Hardware and firmware version
2 KB frame length, 4 KB receive buffer - Complete Article No.
• Optional labeling accessories
- Labeling strips
- Equipment labeling plate
• Optional system-integrated shield connection
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7137-6AA00-0BA0 Article number 6ES7137-6AA00-0BA0
General information RS 422
Product type designation CM PtP • Transmission rate, max. 115.2 kbit/s
Product function • Cable length, max. 1 200 m
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 • 4-wire full duplex connection Yes
Engineering with • 4-wire multipoint connection Yes
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V12 / V12 Integrated protocols
integrated as of version Freeport
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP2 with GSD file - Telegram length, max. 2 kbyte
as of version
- Bits per character 7 or 8
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ GSD as of Revision 5
GSD revision - Number of stop bits 1 or 2 bit
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3 - Parity None, even, odd, always 1, always 0,
GSD revision any
Supply voltage 3964 (R)
Rated value (DC) 24 V - Telegram length, max. 2 kbyte
Reverse polarity protection Yes - Bits per character 7 or 8
1. Interface - Number of stop bits 1 or 2 bit
Interface types - Parity None, even, odd, always 1, always 0,
• RS 485 Yes
Modbus RTU master
• RS 422 Yes
- Address area 1 to 247, extended 1 to 65535
• RS 232 Yes
- Number of slaves, max. 32
RS 232
• Transmission rate, max. 115.2 kbit/s
- Address area 1 to 247, extended 1 to 65535
• Cable length, max. 15 m
Telegram buffer
• RS 232 auxiliary signals RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, RI, DCD
• Buffer memory for telegrams 4 kbyte
RS 485
• Number of telegrams which 255
• Transmission rate, max. 115.2 kbit/s can be buffered
• Cable length, max. 1 200 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM PtP serial interface
BU15-P16+A10+2D • 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light) • 10 units 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0
with 16 push-in terminals (1 ... 16) BU15-P16+A0+2B
to the module and an additional
10 internally jumpered BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark) with
AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A); 16 push-in terminals to the module;
for starting a new load group for continuing the load group
(max. 10 A) • 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP20-0DA0 • 10 units 6ES7193-6BP00-2BA0
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP20-2DA0 2BU15-P16+A0+2B
BU15-P16+A0+2D Double BaseUnit for holding
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light) with 2 I/O modules;
16 push-in terminals to the module; BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark/dark)
for starting a new load group with 16 push-in terminals to the
(max. 10 A) module; for continuing the load
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA0 group
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP00-2DA0 • 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP60-0BA0
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM 4 x IO-Link
■ Overview
• Expansion limits
- Length of cable: Max. 20 m
- Max. 32 bytes of input and output data per port
- Max. 144 bytes of input data and 128 bytes of output data
per module
• Supported ET 200SP system functions
- Replacement without PG with automatic backup without the
engineering tool of the IO-Link device parameters (V1.1
devices only) and the IO-Link master parameters by means
of redundant saving of parameters on the e-coding element
- Re-parameterization during operation
- Identification data I&M
- Firmware update
- PROFIenergy
• Can be plugged into Type A0 BaseUnits (BU) with automatic
• LEDs
- DIAG: Operating state indicator (green/red) of the module
- C1..C4: Port status indicator (green) for Port 1, 2, 3 and 4
• CM 4x IO-Link communication module - Q1..Q4: Channel status indicator (green) for Port 1, 2, 3
Serial communication module for connecting up to 4 IO-Link and 4
devices in accordance with IO-Link specification V1.0 and - F1..F4: Port fault indicator (red) for Port 1, 2, 3 and 4
V1.1. The IO-Link parameters are configured using the - PWR: Supply voltage indicator (green)
Port Configuration Tool (PCT), version V3.0 and higher • Clear labeling on front of module
• Time-based IO - Plain text identification of the module type and function class
Time-based IO ensures that signals are output with a precisely - 2D matrix code (order and serial number)
defined response time. By combining inputs and outputs, for - Connection diagram
example, passing products can be accurately measured or - Color-coding of the CM module class: silver
fluids dosed in precise quantities - Hardware and firmware version
• Supported data transfer rates - Complete Article No.
- COM1 (4.8 kbps) • Optional accessories
- COM2 (38.4 kbps) - Labeling strips
- COM3 (230.4 kbps) - Equipment labeling plate
- Color-coding plate with color code CC04
• Optional system-integrated shield connection 9
Overview of CM 4 x IO-Link
Communication module Article No. CC Code BU type PU
CM 4 x IO-Link 6ES7137-6BD00-0BA0 CC04 A0 1
Overview of BaseUnits
BaseUnit Article No. CC Codes CC Codes PU
for push-in terminals for AUX terminals
BU type A0 6ES7193-6BP20-0DA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73 1
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 6ES7193-6BP20-2DA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73 10
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA0 CC01 to CC05 -- 1
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 6ES7193-6BP00-2DA0 CC01 to CC05 -- 10
• New load group (light)
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73 1
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM 4 x IO-Link
■ Overview (continued)
BaseUnit Article No. CC Codes CC Codes PU
for push-in terminals for AUX terminals
BU type A0 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0 CC01 to CC05 CC71 to CC73 10
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• With 10 AUX terminals
BU type A0 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0 CC01 to CC05 -- 1
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
BU type A0 6ES7193-6BP00-2BA0 CC01 to CC05 -- 10
• Forwarding of load group
• 16 push-in terminals
• Without AUX terminals
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7137-6BD00-0BA0 Article number 6ES7137-6BD00-0BA0
ET 200SP, CM 4 X IO-Link ST ET 200SP, CM 4 X IO-Link ST
General information Operating modes
Product type designation CM 4 x IO-Link ST, PU 1 • IO-Link Yes
Product function • DI Yes
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 • DQ Yes; max. 100 mA per channel
Engineering with Time Based IO
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ STEP 7 V15 or higher - TIO IO-Link IN No; Only for PROFINET and
integrated as of version configuration as version with
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated STEP 7 V5.5 or higher FW V2.0 or V2.1
as of version - TIO IO-Link OUT No; Only for PROFINET and
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ One GSD file each, configuration as version with
GSD revision Revision 3 and 5 and higher FW V2.0 or V2.1
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3 - TIO IO-Link IN/OUT No; Only for PROFINET and
configuration as version with
GSD revision
FW V2.0 or V2.1
Supply voltage
Connection of IO-Link devices
Rated value (DC) 24 V
• Port type A Yes
Reverse polarity protection Yes
• Port type B Yes; 24 V DC via external terminal
Encoder supply
• via three-wire connection Yes
Number of outputs 4
Output current status information
• Rated value 200 mA; Per channel Alarms
24 V encoder supply • Diagnostic alarm Yes; The port diagnosis is available
• Short-circuit protection Yes in the IO-Link mode only.
IO-Link Diagnostic messages
Number of ports 4 • Monitoring the supply voltage Yes
• of which simultaneously controllable 4 • Wire-break Yes
IO-Link protocol 1.0 Yes • Short-circuit Yes
IO-Link protocol 1.1 Yes • Group error Yes
Transmission rate 4.8 kBaud (COM1); Diagnostics indication LED
38.4 kBaud (COM2), • Monitoring of the supply voltage Yes; green PWR LED
230.4 kBaud (COM3) (PWR-LED)
Cycle time, min. 2 ms; dynamic, depending on user • Channel status display Yes; one green LED for channel
data length status Qn (SIO mode) and port
Size of process data, input per port 32 byte; max. status Cn (IO-Link mode) per
Size of process data, input per 144 byte; max.
module • for channel diagnostics Yes; red Fn LED
Size of process data, output per port 32 byte; max. • for module diagnostics Yes; green/red DIAG LED
Size of process data, output per 128 byte; max.
Memory size for device parameter 2 kbyte; for each port
Master backup Yes
Configuration without S7-PCT Yes
Cable length unshielded, max. 20 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM 4 x IO-Link
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM AS-i Master ST for SIMATIC ET 200SP
■ Overview
The CM AS-i Master ST module has an ET 200SP module
enclosure with a width of 20 mm. A C0 type BaseUnit (BU)
is required for use in the ET 200SP.
The communication module has LED indicators for diagnostics,
operation, AS-i voltage and AS-i slave status and offers informa-
tive front-side module inscription for:
• Plain-text marking of the module type and function class
• 2D matrix code (Article No. and serial number)
• Connection diagram
• Color coding of the CM module type: light gray
• Hardware and firmware version
• Complete Article No.
The CM AS-i Master ST supports all specified functions of the
CM AS-i Master ST for SIMATIC ET 200SP AS-Interface Specification V3.0.
The CM AS-i Master ST communication module is designed for The input/output values of the digital AS-i slaves can be
use in the SIMATIC ET 200SP distributed I/O system and has the activated via the cyclic process image. The values of the
following features: analog AS-i slaves can be attained via the cyclic process image
• As many as 62 AS-Interface slaves can be connected (firmware V1.1 or higher) or via data record transfer.
• Supports all AS-Interface master functions according to the If required, master calls can be performed with the command
AS-Interface Specification V3.0 interface, e.g. read/write parameters, read/write configuration.
• User-friendly configuration with graphic display of the AS-i line Changeover of the operating mode, automatic application
in TIA Portal V12 and higher, or via GSD in other systems of the slave configuration and the re-addressing of a connected
• Supply via AS-Interface cable AS-i slave can be implemented via the control panel of the
CM AS-i Master ST in STEP 7.
• Suitable for AS-Interface with 30-V voltage and AS-i Power24V
• Integrated ground-fault monitoring for the AS-Interface cable Expansions from firmware version V1.1
• Through connection to AS-Interface, the number of digital In order to implement modular machine concepts, the AS-i
9 inputs and outputs available for the control system is greatly slaves can be activated or deactivated via the PLC program
increased (max. 496 DI/496 DQ on the AS-Interface per (option handling). The configuration of AS-i slaves can be
CM AS-i Master ST) modified while being executed, thus enabling variable machine
• Integrated analog value processing setups and tool changing with integrated input/output modules
during ongoing operation. Without deactivating the controller,
ET 200SP Distributed I/O System AS-i input/output modules can be added in the system.
SIMATIC ET 200SP is a scalable and highly flexible An existing AS-i installation can be read into the STEP 7 hard-
distributed I/O system for connecting the process signals to a ware configuration and then adapted and documented in the
central control system via PROFIBUS or PROFINET. project. Analog values are transmitted via the cyclic process
image, the length of which is adjustable and extendable up to
Up to eight CM AS-i Master STs can be plugged into a 288 bytes (depending on the interface module (IM) used).
SIMATIC ET 200SP with the IM 155-6 PN standard interface
module. Diagnostic information is accessed via automatic alarm
indications, via the process image or data record reading in the
More information, user program or in the STEP 7 engineering system in a graphical
see SIMATIC ET 200 SP Manual Collection. overview matrix. The AS-i network's transmission quality can
also be read out. To avoid configuration errors, duplicate
addresses in the AS-i network can be detected.
The new functions are available with TIA Portal STEP 7 V13 SP1
or with STEP 7 V5.5 with HSP 2092 V3.01). Configuration is
possible with SIMATIC CPUs S7-300 up to S7-1500 and with a
SINUMERIK 840D sl or other controller.
In the network view, the AS-i slaves' online diagnostics status
can be displayed directly on the slaves (for S7-1500 CPUs with
firmware version V2.0 or higher, with TIA Portal STEP 7 V14 or
HSP 2092, see
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM AS-i Master ST for SIMATIC ET 200SP
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM AS-i Master ST for SIMATIC ET 200SP
■ More information
SIMATIC ET200SP Manual Collection, see
Diagnostic blocks with visualization, see
AS-Interface block library for SIMATIC PCS 7 for simple connection of
AS-Interface to PCS 7, see
Released combinations of the AS-i modules for ET 200SP, see
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM DP for ET 200SP CPU
■ Overview
• PROFIBUS DP master/slave with electrical interface for
connecting the ET 200SP CPUs to PROFIBUS at up to
12 Mbps
• Expands the ET 200SP CPUs 1510SP-1 PN / 1512SP-1 PN
by one PROFIBUS connection
• For communication with lower-level PROFIBUS devices at
bandwidths of 9.6 Kbps to 12 Mbps
• Communication services:
- PG/OP communication
- S7 communication:
This makes it possible to establish communication between
the ET 200SP CPU and other devices, for example those
from the SIMATIC S7-300/400/1500 range.
• Time synchronization
• Simple programming and configuration over PROFIBUS
• Cross-network PG communication using S7 routing
• Data set routing
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7545-5DA00-0AB0 Article number 6ES7545-5DA00-0AB0
ET 200SP, CM DP for ET 200SP CPU ET 200SP, CM DP for ET 200SP CPU
General information Services
Product type designation CM PROFIBUS DP - PG/OP communication Yes; Only with active interface
Engineering with - Routing Yes; Only with active interface
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V13 Update 3 - S7 communication Yes; Only with active interface
integrated as of version - Direct data exchange Yes; No subscriber possible - only
Supply voltage (slave-to-slave communication) passive publisher
Rated value (DC) 24 V - DPV1 Yes
Reverse polarity protection Yes Transfer memory
1. Interface - Inputs 244 byte
Interface types - Outputs 244 byte
• RS 485 Yes Interrupts/diagnostics/
Protocols status information
• PROFIBUS DP master Yes Diagnostics function Yes
• PROFIBUS DP slave Yes Diagnostics indication LED
• SIMATIC communication Yes • for module diagnostics Yes; green/red DIAG LED
RS 485 Potential separation
• Transmission rate, max. 12 Mbit/s between backplane bus and interface Yes
• Cable length, max. 100 m Ambient conditions
Protocols Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -25 °C; No condensation
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C
- PG/OP communication Yes
• vertical installation, min. -25 °C; No condensation
- S7 routing Yes
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C
- Data record routing Yes
- Isochronous mode No
Width 35 mm
- Equidistance No
Height 117 mm
- Number of DP slaves 125
Depth 75 mm
- Activation/deactivation of Yes
DP slaves Weights
PROFIBUS DP slave Weight, approx. 80 g
• Transmission rate, max. 12 Mbit/s
• automatic baud rate search Yes
• Address area, max. 120
• User data per address area, max. 128 byte
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM DP for ET 200SP CPU
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CP 1543SP-1
■ Overview
processor protects individual ET 200SP distributed controllers
or even entire automation cells against unauthorized access.
The module can also be used for integrating the ET 200SP
Distributed Controller into an IPv6-based network. All functions
can be configured with STEP 7 Professional, V14 (TIA Portal)
and higher.
The CP 1543SP-1 supports the following communication
• PG/OP communication
• S7 communication
• Open communication (Open User Communication)
• IT communication
- Sending emails via SMTP or ESMTP with "SMTP-Auth" for
authentication on an email server (also with IPv6)
• Support of SINEMA Remote Connect with autoconfiguration
• Security Integrated
- Stateful Packet Inspection Firewall
- Secure communication via VPN (IPsec)
• Protocols for secure communication
- Secure access to the web server of the CPU via the
HTTPS protocol
- Secure transfer of the time of day (NTP)
The CP 1543SP-1 communications processor connects the - SNMPv3 for tap-proof transfer of network analysis
ET 200SP Distributed Controller with Industrial Ethernet information
networks. By combining a variety of security features such as
• Integration of the ET 200SP Distributed Controller into
an SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) firewall, VPN and data
IPv6-based networks
encryption protocols (e.g. SNMPv3), the communications
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6GK7543-6WX00-0XE0 Article number 6GK7543-6WX00-0XE0
Product type designation CP 1543SP-1 Product type designation CP 1543SP-1
Transmission rate
Transfer rate
Design, dimensions and weight
Width 60 mm
• at the 1st interface 10 ... 100 Mbit/s Height 117 mm
Interfaces Depth 74 mm
Number of interfaces acc. to 1 Net weight 0.18 kg
Industrial Ethernet Mounting type
Number of electrical connections • 35 mm DIN rail mounting Yes
• at the 1st interface acc. to 2 Product properties, functions,
Industrial Ethernet components general
Type of electrical connection Number of units
• at the 1st interface acc. to via ET 200SP bus adapter • per CPU maximum 2
Industrial Ethernet (RJ45, FC, SCRJ), integrated switch
• Note 2 CPs can be pluged in per CPU,
Supply voltage, current simultaneous operation with
consumption, power loss BA Send and CM DP is possible
Type of voltage of the supply voltage DC Performance data
Supply voltage 24 V open communication
Supply voltage 19.2 ... 28.8 V Number of possible connections for
Power loss [W] 6W open communication
Permitted ambient conditions • by means of T blocks maximum 32
Ambient temperature Amount of data
• for vertical installation during 0 ... 50 °C • as user data per ISO on TCP 65 536 byte
operation connection for open communication
by means of T blocks maximum
• for horizontally arranged busbars 0 ... 60 °C
during operation
• during storage -40 ... +70 °C
• during transport -40 ... +70 °C
Relative humidity at 25 °C without 95 %
condensation during operation
Protection class IP IP20
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CP 1543SP-1
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CP 1543SP-1
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CP 1542SP-1
■ Overview
The CP 1542SP-1 communications processor connects the
ET 200SP Distributed Controller with Industrial Ethernet
The module can also be used for integrating the ET 200SP
Distributed Controller into an IPv6-based network. All functions
are configured using STEP 7 Professional V14 (TIA Portal) or
The CP 1542SP-1 supports the following communication
• PG/OP communication
• S7 communication
• Open communication (Open User Communication)
• IT communication
- Sending emails via SMTP for authentication on an email
server (also with IPv6)
- SNMPv1 for transfer of network analysis information
• Integration of the ET 200SP Distributed Controller into
IPv6-based networks
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6GK7542-6UX00-0XE0 Article number 6GK7542-6UX00-0XE0
Product type designation CP 1542SP-1 Product type designation CP 1542SP-1
Transmission rate Design, dimensions and weight
Transfer rate Width 60 mm
• at the 1st interface 10 ... 100 Mbit/s Height 117 mm
Interfaces Depth 74 mm
Number of interfaces acc. to 1 Net weight 0.18 kg
9 Industrial Ethernet
Number of electrical connections
Mounting type
• 35 mm DIN rail mounting Yes
• at the 1st interface acc. to 2 Product properties, functions,
Industrial Ethernet components general
Type of electrical connection Number of units
• at the 1st interface acc. to via ET 200SP bus adapter • per CPU maximum 2
Industrial Ethernet (RJ45, FC, SCRJ), integrated switch
• Note 2 CPs can be pluged in per CPU,
Supply voltage, current simultaneous operation with
consumption, power loss BA Send and CM DP is possible
Type of voltage of the supply voltage DC Performance data
Supply voltage 24 V open communication
Supply voltage 19.2 ... 28.8 V Number of possible connections for
Power loss [W] 6W open communication
Permitted ambient conditions • by means of T blocks maximum 32
Ambient temperature Amount of data
• for vertical installation during 0 ... 50 °C • as user data per ISO on TCP 65 536 byte
operation connection for open communication
by means of T blocks maximum
• for horizontally arranged busbars 0 ... 60 °C
during operation Performance data
S7 communication
• during storage -40 ... +70 °C
Number of possible connections
• during transport -40 ... +70 °C for S7 communication
Relative humidity at 25 °C without 95 % • maximum 16
condensation during operation
maximum • with OP connections maximum 16
Protection class IP IP20 Performance data
multi-protocol mode
Number of active connections with 32
multi-protocol mode
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CP 1542SP-1
metal enclosure and integrated
SIMATIC BusAdapter BA 2xRJ45 6ES7193-6AR00-0AA0 insulation displacement contacts
for connecting Industrial Ethernet
For PROFINET interface modules, FC installation cables;
standard function class or above; with 180° cable outlet; for network
max. cable length 50 m components and CPs/CPUs with
SIMATIC BusAdapter BA 2xFC 6ES7193-6AF00-0AA0 Industrial Ethernet interface
• 1 pack = 1 unit 6GK1901-1BB10-2AA0
For PROFINET interface modules,
standard function class or above; • 1 pack = 10 units 6GK1901-1BB10-2AB0
for increased vibration and • 1 pack = 50 units 6GK1901-1BB10-2AE0
EMC loads; max. cable length 50 m IE FC RJ45 plug 4 x 2
SIMATIC BusAdapter BA 2xSCRJ 6ES7193-6AP00-0AA0 RJ45 plug connector for Industrial
For PROFINET interface modules, Ethernet (10/100/1 000 Mbps)
High Feature function class or with a rugged metal enclosure and
above; fiber-optic cable connection integrated insulation displacement
for POF or PCF; for increased contacts for connecting Industrial
vibration and EMC load capacity; Ethernet FC installation cables;
max. cable length 50 m (POF) or 180° cable outlet; for network
100 m (PCF) components and CPs/CPUs with
Industrial Ethernet interface
SIMATIC BusAdapter 6ES7193-6AP20-0AA0 • 1 pack = 1 unit 6GK1901-1BB11-2AA0
• 1 pack = 10 units 6GK1901-1BB11-2AB0
For PROFINET interface modules, • 1 pack = 50 units 6GK1901-1BB11-2AE0
High Feature function class or
above; fiber-optic cable connection IE FC TP standard cable GP 2 x 2 6XV1840-2AH10
for POF or PCF; for increased (Type A)
vibration and EMC load capacity; 4-wire, shielded TP installation
max. cable length 50 m (POF) or cable for connection to
100 m (PCF) IE FC RJ45 outlet/ IE FC RJ45 plug;
with UL approval;
sold by the meter;
max. delivery unit 1 000 m,
minimum order quantity 20 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CP 1542SP-1
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CP 1542SP-1 IRC
■ Overview
The CP 1542SP-1 IRC communications processor connects the
ET 200SP Distributed Controller with Industrial Ethernet
networks. In addition, control centers can be connected using
various telecontrol protocols.
The CP is characterized by the following:
• Ethernet-based connection to TeleControl Server Basic,
e.g. via Internet
• Ethernet-based connection to the control center via
SINAUT ST7, IEC 60870-5-104 or DNP3 protocol
• Data transfer of measured values, control variable values or
alarms optimized for telecontrol systems
• Automatic sending of alert emails
• Data buffering of up to 100,000 values ensures a secure
database, even with temporary connection failures
• Clearly laid out LED signaling for fast and easy diagnostics
• Fast commissioning thanks to easy configuration using
UDP The module can also be used for integrating the ET 200SP
Distributed Controller into an IPv6-based network. All functions
are configured using STEP 7 Professional V14 (TIA Portal) or
The CP 1542SP-1 IRC supports the following communication
• Support of multiple telecontrol protocols such as SINAUT ST7,
DNP3, IEC 60870-5-104 and TeleControl Basic
• PG/OP communication
• S7 communication
• Open communication (Open User Communication)
• IT communication
- Sending emails via SMTP or SMTPS with "SMTP-Auth"
for authentication on an email server (also with IPv6)
- Email transfer with addressing by program block 9
- Email transfer via "Notifications" (alerts)
• Support of SINEMA Remote Connect with autoconfiguration
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CP 1542SP-1 IRC
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6GK7542-6VX00-0XE0 Article number 6GK7542-6VX00-0XE0
Product type designation CP 1542SP-1 IRC Product type designation CP 1542SP-1 IRC
Transmission rate Performance data
Transfer rate multi-protocol mode
• at the 1st interface 10 ... 100 Mbit/s Number of active connections with 32
multi-protocol mode
Performance data IT functions
Number of interfaces acc. to 1
Industrial Ethernet Number of possible connections
Number of electrical connections • as e-mail client maximum 1
• at the 1st interface acc. to 2 Performance data telecontrol
Industrial Ethernet Suitability for use
Type of electrical connection • Node station No
• at the 1st interface acc. to via ET 200SP bus adapter • substation Yes
Industrial Ethernet (RJ45, FC, SCRJ), integrated switch • TIM control center No
Supply voltage, current Control center connection IEC 60870-5, DNP3, (Modbus TCP
consumption, power loss by block solutions of the CPU)
Type of voltage of the supply voltage DC capable control stations, connection
Supply voltage 24 V to Telecontrol Server Basic and ST7
capable control station
Supply voltage 19.2 ... 28.8 V
• by means of a permanent supported
Power loss [W] 6W connection
Permitted ambient conditions • by means of demand-oriented supported
Ambient temperature connection
• for vertical installation during 0 ... 50 °C • Note Connection to SCADA system
operation by IEC 60870-5 104, DNP3,
Telecontrol Server Basic and
• for horizontally arranged busbars 0 ... 60 °C ST7 capable control center
during operation
Protocol is supported
• during storage -40 ... +70 °C
• DNP3 Yes
• during transport -40 ... +70 °C
• IEC 60870-5 Yes
Relative humidity at 25 °C without 95 %
condensation during operation • SINAUT ST7 protocol Yes
maximum Product function data buffering Yes
Protection class IP IP20 if connection is aborted
Design, dimensions and weight Number of data points per station 500
Width 60 mm
Number of stations for direct commu-
Height 117 mm nication with Telecontrol Server Basic
Depth 74 mm • in send direction maximum 3
Net weight 0.18 kg • in receive direction maximum 15
Mounting type Product functions management,
• 35 mm DIN rail mounting Yes configuration
Product properties, functions, Product function MIB support Yes
components general Protocol is supported
Number of units • SNMP v1 Yes
• per CPU maximum 2 • SNMP v3 No
• Note 2 CPs can be pluged in per CPU, • DCP Yes
simultaneous operation with
BA Send and CM DP is possible • LLDP Yes
Performance data Configuration software
open communication • required STEP 7 Professional V14 (TIA Portal)
Number of possible connections for or higher
open communication Identification & maintenance function
• by means of T blocks maximum 32 • I&M0 - device-specific information Yes
Amount of data • I&M1 – higher-level designation/ Yes
• as user data per ISO on TCP 65 536 byte location designation
connection for open communication
by means of T blocks maximum
Performance data
S7 communication
Number of possible connections for
S7 communication
• maximum 16
• with OP connections maximum 16
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CP 1542SP-1 IRC
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CP 1542SP-1 IRC
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SCALANCE W761 RJ45 for the control cabinet
■ Overview
Space-saving access point, suitable for applications where the
device is to be mounted in the control cabinet
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6GK5761-1FC00-0AA0 Article number 6GK5761-1FC00-0AA0
6GK5761-1FC00-0AB0 1) 6GK5761-1FC00-0AB0 1)
Product type designation SCALANCE W761-1 RJ45 Product type designation SCALANCE W761-1 RJ45
Transmission rate Supply voltage, current
Transfer rate consumption, power loss
• with WLAN maximum 150 Mbit/s Type of voltage of the supply voltage DC
• for Industrial Ethernet 10, 100 Mbit/s Supply voltage 1
Transfer rate for Industrial Ethernet • from terminal block 19.2 V
• minimum 10 Mbit/s Supply voltage 2
• maximum 100 Mbit/s • from terminal block 28.8 V
Interfaces Consumed current
Number of electrical connections • at DC at 24 V typical 0.15 A
• for network components or 1 Power loss [W]
terminal equipment • at DC at 24 V typical 3.6 W
• for power supply 1 Permitted ambient conditions
• for redundant voltage supply 0 Ambient temperature
Type of electrical connection • during operation 0 ... 55 °C
• for network components or RJ45 socket • during storage -40 ... +85 °C
terminal equipment • during transport -40 ... +85 °C
• for power supply 3-pole screw terminal Relative humidity at 25 °C without 95 %
design of the removable storage condensation during operation
• C-PLUG No maximum
• KEY-PLUG No Ambient condition for operation When used under hazardous
conditions (Zone 2),
Interfaces wireless the SCALANCE W761-1 RJ45 or
Number of radio cards permanently 1 W72x-1 RJ45 product must be
installed installed in an enclosure. To comply
with EN 50021, this enclosure must
Number of electrical connections 1 meet the requirements of at least
for external antenna(s) IP 54 in compliance with EN 60529.
Type of electrical connection for R-SMA (socket) Protection class IP IP20
external antenna(s)
Product feature external antenna Yes
can be mounted directly on device
Wireless approval in the USA
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SCALANCE W761 RJ45 for the control cabinet
• RSTP Yes
Product function iREF No Product functions Security
Product function iPRP No Product function
Product functions management, • ACL - MAC-based Yes
• Management security, Yes
Number of manageable IP addresses 4 ACL-IP based
in client
• IEEE 802.1x (radius) Yes
Product function
• CLI Yes
• access protection Yes
• web-based management Yes according to IEEE802.11i
• MIB support Yes • WPA/WPA2 Yes
• TRAPs via email Yes • TKIP/AES Yes
• Configuration with STEP 7 Yes Protocol is supported
• configuration with STEP 7 Yes • SSH Yes
in the TIA Portal
• operation with IWLAN controller No
Product functions Time
• operation with Enterasys WLAN No
controller Protocol is supported
• forced roaming on IP down Yes • NTP Yes
with IWLAN • SNTP Yes
• forced roaming on link down Yes • SIMATIC Time Yes
with IWLAN
• WDS Yes
Protocol is supported
• Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Yes
• ICMP Yes
• Telnet Yes
• HTTP Yes
• TFTP Yes
• DCP Yes
• LLDP Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SCALANCE W761 RJ45 for the control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SCALANCE W722 RJ45 for the control cabinet
■ Overview
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6GK5722-1FC00-0AA0 Article number 6GK5722-1FC00-0AA0
6GK5722-1FC00-0AB0 1) 6GK5722-1FC00-0AB0 1)
6GK5722-1FC00-0AC0 6GK5722-1FC00-0AC0 2)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SCALANCE W722 RJ45 for the control cabinet
Wireless approval in the USA
Wireless approval in Israel
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SCALANCE W722 RJ45 for the control cabinet
9 • SNTP
• IEEE 802.11e
• IEEE 802.11g
• IEEE 802.11h Yes
• IEEE 802.11i Yes
• IEEE 802.11n Yes
Wireless approval You will find the current list of
countries at:
Marine classification association
• American Bureau of Shipping No
Europe Ltd. (ABS)
• Bureau Veritas (BV) No
• Lloyds Register of Shipping (LRS) No
• Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK) No
• Polski Rejestr Statkow (PRS) No
• Royal Institution of Naval Architects No
accessories 24 V DC screw terminal included in
scope of delivery
Wireless approval in the USA
Wireless approval in Israel
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SCALANCE W722 RJ45 for the control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SCALANCE W721 RJ45 for the control cabinet
■ Overview
Space-saving client module, suitable for applications where the
device is to be mounted in the control cabinet
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6GK5721-1FC00-0AA0 Article number 6GK5721-1FC00-0AA0
6GK5721-1FC00-0AB0 1) 6GK5721-1FC00-0AB0 1)
Product type designation SCALANCE W721-1 RJ45 Product type designation SCALANCE W721-1 RJ45
Transmission rate Supply voltage, current
Transfer rate consumption, power loss
• with WLAN maximum 150 Mbit/s Type of voltage of the supply voltage DC
• for Industrial Ethernet 10, 100 Mbit/s Supply voltage 1
Transfer rate for Industrial Ethernet • from terminal block 19.2 V
• minimum 10 Mbit/s Supply voltage 2
• maximum 100 Mbit/s • from terminal block 28.8 V
Interfaces Consumed current
Wireless approval in the USA
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SCALANCE W721 RJ45 for the control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SCALANCE W721 RJ45 for the control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SIPLUS CM PtP serial interface
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SIPLUS CM PtP serial interface
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SIPLUS CM 4x IO-Link
■ Overview
• Expansion limits
- Length of cable: Max. 20 m
- Max. 32 bytes of input and output data per port
- Max. 144 bytes of input data and 128 bytes of output data
per module
• Supported ET 200SP system functions
- Replacement without PG with automatic backup without
the engineering tool of the IO-Link Device Parameter
(V1.1 devices only) and the IO-Link master parameters by
means of redundant saving of parameters on the e-coding
- Re-parameterization during operation
- Identification data I&M
- Firmware update
- PROFIenergy
• Can be plugged into Type A0 BaseUnits (BU) with automatic
• LED indicators
- DIAG: Operating state indicator (green/red) of the module
• SIPLUS CM 4x IO-Link communication module - C1..C4: Port status indicator (green) for Port 1, 2, 3 and 4
Serial communication module for connecting up to 4 IO-Link - Q1..Q4: Channel status indicator (green) for Port 1, 2, 3
devices in accordance with IO-Link specification V1.0 and and 4
V1.1. The IO-Link parameters are configured using the Port - F1..F4: Port fault indicator (red) for Port 1, 2, 3 and 4
Configuration Tool (PCT), version V3.0 and higher. - PWR: Supply voltage indicator (green)
• Time-based IO • Clear labeling on front of module
Time-based IO ensures that signals are output with a precisely - Plain text identification of the module type and function class
defined response time. By combining inputs and outputs, - 2D matrix code (order and serial number)
for example, passing products can be accurately measured - Connection diagram
or fluids dosed in precise quantities. - Color-coding of the module class CM: silver
• Supported data transfer rates - Hardware and firmware version
- COM1 (4.8 kBd) - Complete Article No.
- COM2 (38.4 kBd) • Optional accessories
- COM3 (230.4 kBd) - Labeling strips
- Equipment labeling plate
- Color-coded label with color code CC04
• Optional system-integrated shield connection
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SIPLUS CM 4x IO-Link
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SIPLUS CM DP for ET 200SP CPU
■ Overview
• PROFIBUS DP master/slave with electrical interface for
connecting the ET 200SP CPUs to PROFIBUS at up to
12 Mbps
• Expands the ET 200SP CPUs 1510SP-1 PN / 1512SP-1 PN
by one PROFIBUS connection
• For communication with lower-level PROFIBUS devices at
bandwidths of 9.6 kbps to 12 Mbps
• Communication services:
- PG/OP communication
- S7 communication:
This makes it possible to establish communication between
the ET 200SP CPU and other devices, for example those
from the SIMATIC S7-300/400/1500 range.
• Time synchronization
• Simple programming and configuration over PROFIBUS
• Cross-network PG communication using S7 routing
• Data set routing
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1545-5DA00-2AB0 Article number 6AG1545-5DA00-2AB0
Based on 6ES7545-5DA00-0AB0 Based on 6ES7545-5DA00-0AB0
Ambient conditions Relative humidity
Ambient temperature during • With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. condensation/frost
• horizontal installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin (incl. condensation/
tested in accordance
with IEC 60068-2-38, max.
(no commissioning under
condensation conditions) 9
frost); start-up @ -25 °C Resistance
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C; = Tmax Coolants and lubricants
• vertical installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin; Startup @ -25 °C - Resistant to commercially Yes; Incl. diesel and oil droplets in
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C; = Tmax available coolants and lubricants the air
Altitude during operation Use in stationary industrial systems
relating to sea level - to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m according to EN 60721-3-3 dry rot spores (with the exception of
max. fauna); Class 3B3 on request
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at - to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl.
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa according to EN 60721-3-3 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (severity degree 3); *
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at - to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
795 hPa ... 658 hPa according to EN 60721-3-3
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > SIPLUS CM DP for ET 200SP CPU
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Digital F-input modules
■ Overview
Important features:
• 8-channel digital fail-safe input module for the ET 200SP
• For fail-safe reading of sensor information (1 or 2 channels)
• Provides integral discrepancy evaluation for 2-out-of-2 signals
• 8 internal sensor supplies (incl. test function) onboard
• Certified up to SIL 3 (IEC 61508), PL e (ISO 13849)
• Can be plugged into type A0 BaseUnits (BU) with automatic
• LED display for error, operation, supply voltage and status
• Clear labeling on front of module
- Plain text identification of the module type and function class
- 2D matrix code (order and serial number)
- Connection diagram
- Color coding of the module type DI: white
- Hardware and firmware version
- Color code CC for module-specific color coding of the
potentials at the terminals of the BU
Digital fail-safe input module: - Complete Article No.
F-DI 8x24 V DC High Feature for BU type A0, color code CC01
• Optional labeling accessories
- Labeling strips
- Equipment labeling plate
• Optional module-specific color identification of the terminals
according to the color code CC
• Optional system-integrated shield connection
• The modules support PROFIsafe in both PROFIBUS and
PROFINET configurations. They can be used with all fail-safe
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7136-6BA00-0CA0 Article number 6ES7136-6BA00-0CA0
ET 200SP, El-Mod.,
ET 200SP, El-Mod.,
F-DI 8x24VDC HF 9
General information Digital inputs
Product type designation F-DI 8x24VDC HF Number of digital inputs 8
Engineering with Source/sink input Yes; P-reading
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V12 Input characteristic curve in accor- Yes
integrated as of version dance with IEC 61131, type 1
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP3 / - Input voltage
as of version • Rated value (DC) 24 V
Supply voltage • for signal "0" -30 to +5V
Rated value (DC) 24 V • for signal "1" +15 to +30V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Input current
Encoder supply • for signal "1", typ. 3.7 mA
Number of outputs 8 Input delay (for rated value
Short-circuit protection Yes; Electronic (response threshold of input voltage)
0.7 A to 1.8 A) for standard inputs
Output current - parameterizable Yes
• up to 60 °C, max. 0.3 A for technological functions
24 V encoder supply - parameterizable No
• 24 V Yes; min. L+ (-1.5 V)
• Short-circuit protection Yes
• Output current, max. 800 mA; Total current of all encoders
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Digital F-input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Digital F-input modules
and programming fail-safe user for BU type A0, yellow/green, with
programs for SIMATIC S7-1200 FC, push-in terminals; 10 units
S7-1500F, S7-1500F Software • Color code CC72, 6ES7193-6CP72-2AA0
Controller, S7-300F, S7-400F, for 10 AUX terminals 1 A to 10 A,
WinAC RTX F, ET 200SP F Controller for BU type A0, red, with push-in
and the fail-safe ET 200SP, terminals; 10 units
ET 200MP, ET 200S, ET 200M, • Color code CC73, 6ES7193-6CP73-2AA0
ET 200iSP, ET 200pro and for 10 AUX terminals 1 A to 10 A,
ET 200eco I/O for BU type A0, blue, with push-in
Requirement: terminals; 10 units
STEP 7 Professional V15.1
E-coding element type F 6ES7193-6EF00-1AA0
Floating license for 1 user, software 6ES7833-1FA15-0YA5
and documentation on DVD; license 5 units, spare part
key on USB flash drive
Floating license for 1 user, software, 6ES7833-1FA15-0YH5
documentation and license key for
email address required for delivery
1) For up-to-date information and download availability, see:
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Digital F-output modules
■ Overview
• Can be plugged into type A0 BaseUnits (BU) with automatic
• LED display for error, operation, supply voltage and
• Clear labeling on front of module
- Plain text identification of the module type and function class
- 2D matrix code (order and serial number)
- Connection diagram
- Color coding of the DQ module type: black
- Hardware and firmware version
- Color code CC for module-specific color coding of the
potentials at the terminals of the BU
- Complete Article No.
• Optional labeling accessories
- Labeling strips
- Equipment labeling plate
• Optional system-integrated shield connection
• The modules support PROFIsafe in both PROFIBUS and
Digital fail-safe output modules: PROFINET configurations
• F-DQ 4x24VDC/2A PM High Feature • They can be used with all fail-safe SIMATIC S7 CPUs
• F-DQ 8x24VDC/0.5A PP High Feature
Important features:
• 4 and 8-channel digital fail-safe output modules for the
ET 200SP
• Fail-safe 2-channel activation (sink/source or source/source
output) of actuators
• Actuators can be controlled up to 2 A or 0.5 A
• Certified up to SIL 3 (IEC 61508), PL e (ISO 13849)
■ Technical specifications
9 Article number 6ES7136-6DB00-0CA0
ET 200SP, El-Mod., F-DQ 4xDC 24V/2A
ET 200SP, F-DQ 8x 24VDC/0.5A PP
General information
Product type designation F-DQ 4x24 V DC/2 A PM HF F-DQ 8x24 V DC/0.5 A PP HF
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V12 V14 SP1 with HSP 202
integrated as of version
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP3 / - V5.5 SP4 HF5
as of version
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ V2.31
GSD revision
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes
Digital outputs
Number of digital outputs 4 8
Digital outputs, parameterizable Yes Yes
Short-circuit protection Yes Yes
Open-circuit detection Yes No
Overload protection Yes
Limitation of inductive shutdown Typ. -2x 47 V Typ. -39 V
voltage to
Controlling a digital input Yes
Switching capacity of the outputs
• with resistive load, max. 2A 0.5 A
• on lamp load, max. 10 W 2W
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Digital F-output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Digital F-output modules
(max. 10 A)
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP20-0DA0
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP20-2DA0 S7 Distributed Safety V5.4 SP5
Update 2 programming tool
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light) with Configuration software for
16 push-in terminals to the module; configuring fail-safe user programs
for starting a new load group for SIMATIC S7-300F, S7-400F,
(max. 10 A) WinAC RTX F, ET 200S, ET 200M,
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA0 ET 200iSP, ET 200pro, ET 200eco,
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP00-2DA0 ET 200SP
2BU15-P16+A0+2DB Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit),
Windows 10 Professional/Enterprise
Double BaseUnit for holding
2 I/O modules;
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light/dark)
with 16 push-in terminals to the
Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit),
module; for starting a new load
Windows Server 2016 (64-bit);
group (max. 10 A)
STEP 7 as of V5.5 SP1
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP60-0DA0 Please also consider the operating
BU15-P16+A10+2B systems that have been released
for the used STEP 7 version
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark)
with 16 push-in terminals (1 ... 16) Floating license for 1 user; software 6ES7833-1FC02-0YA5
to the module and an additional and documentation on DVD; license
10 internally jumpered key on USB flash drive
AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A); Floating license for 1 user; software, 6ES7833-1FC02-0YH5
for continuing the load group documentation and license key for
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 download1);
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0 email address required for delivery
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark) with
16 push-in terminals to the module;
for continuing the load group
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP00-2BA0
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Digital F-output modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Digital F-output module relay
■ Overview
The digital F electronic module relay 1 F-RQ DC 24VDC/
24.230VAC/5 A has the following characteristics:
• 1 relay output (2 NO)
• Total output current 5 A
• Rated load voltage 24 V DC and 24...230 V AC
• The control circuit of the two safety relays must be routed from
the outside to the respective terminals.
The attainable safety integrity level is SIL 3 (IEC 61508) when the
control of the F-RQ module is implemented via a fail-safe output
(e.g. ET 200SP 4F-DQ 24 V DC/2 A PROFIsafe).
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7136-6RA00-0BF0 Article number 6ES7136-6RA00-0BF0
ET 200SP, F-RQ 1x24VDC/ ET 200SP, F-RQ 1x24VDC/
24..230VAC/5A ST 24..230VAC/5A ST
General information Relay outputs
Product type designation F-RQ 1x24 V DC/24 ... 230 V AC/5 A • Number of relay outputs 1; 2 NO contacts
Engineering with • Rated supply voltage of relay coil L+ 24 V
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V13 (DC)
integrated as of version • Current consumption of relays 70 mA
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP4 and higher (coil current of all relays), max.
as of version • external protection for relay outputs yes; 6 A, see data in manual
Supply voltage • Relay approved acc. to UL 508 Yes; Pilot Duty B300, R300
Rated value (DC) 24 V; Coil voltage Switching capacity of contacts
9 Digital outputs
Number of digital outputs 1
- with inductive load, max. see additional description in the
Limitation of inductive shutdown No - with resistive load, max. see additional description in the
voltage to manual
Controlling a digital input Yes - Thermal continuous current, max. 5 A
Switching capacity of the outputs - Switching current, min. 1 mA
• with resistive load, max. 5A - Switching current after exceeding 10 mA
300 mA, min.
• on lamp load, max. 25 W
- Switching current after exceeding 5 A
Switching frequency 300 mA, max.
• with resistive load, max. 2 Hz - Rated switching voltage (DC) 24 V
• with inductive load, max. 0.1 Hz; See data in manual - Rated switching voltage (AC) 230 V
• with inductive load (acc. to 0.1 Hz Cable length
IEC 60947-5-1, DC13), max.
• shielded, max. 500 m; for load contacts
• with inductive load (acc. to 2 Hz
IEC 60947-5-1, AC15), max. • unshielded, max. 300 m; for load contacts
Total current of the outputs • Control cable (input), max. 10 m
(per module) Interrupts/diagnostics/
horizontal installation status information
- up to 40 °C, max. 5 A; Note derating data in the manual Diagnostics function yes, firmware update
- up to 50 °C, max. 4 A; Note derating data in the manual Diagnostics indication LED
- up to 60 °C, max. 3 A; Note derating data in the manual • RUN LED Yes; green/red DIAG LED
vertical installation • Channel status display Yes; Green LED
- up to 50 °C, max. 3 A; Note derating data in the manual Potential separation
Potential separation channels
• between the channels and Yes
backplane bus
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Digital F-output module relay
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Analog F-input modules
■ Overview
Analog fail-safe input module:
F-AI 4xI 0(4) ... 20 mA 2/4-wire High Feature for BU type A0 and
A1, color code CC00
Important properties:
• 4 analog inputs with galvanic isolation between channels and
backplane bus (up to SIL 3/Cat. 4/PLd)
• Short-circuit-proof power supply of 2 or 4-wire transducers
• Measuring ranges: 0 ... 20 mA and 4 ... 20 mA
• Resolution: 16 bits including sign
• Certified up to SIL 3 (IEC 61508), PL e (ISO 13849)
• Can be plugged onto type A0 and A1 BaseUnits (BU)
• LED display for errors, operation, supply voltage and status
• Clear labeling on front of module
- Plain text identification of the module type and function class
- 2D matrix code (order and serial number)
- Connection diagram
- Color coding of the module type DI: white
- Hardware and firmware version
- Color code CC for module-specific color coding of the
potentials at the BU terminals
- Complete Article No.
• Optional labeling accessories
- Labeling strips
- Equipment labeling plate
• Optional module-specific color identification of the terminals
according to the color code CC
• Optional system-integrated shield connection
• The modules support PROFIsafe in both PROFIBUS and
PROFINET configurations. They can be used with all fail-safe
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Analog F-input modules
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7136-6AA00-0CA1 Article number 6ES7136-6AA00-0CA1
ET 200SP, F-AI 4XI (0)4..20mA HF ET 200SP, F-AI 4XI (0)4..20mA HF
General information Interrupts/diagnostics/
Product type designation F-AI 4xI 0(4) ... 20 mA 2/4-wire HF status information
Product function Diagnostics function Yes, "Alarms/diagnostic messages"
section in the manual
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3
Engineering with
• Diagnostic alarm Yes
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V15 with HSP 203
integrated as of version • Limit value alarm Yes
Supply voltage Diagnostic messages
Rated value (DC) 24 V • Monitoring the supply voltage Yes
Reverse polarity protection Yes • Wire-break Yes; Measuring range 4 to 20 mA
Analog inputs
• Short-circuit Yes
Number of analog inputs 4
Diagnostics indication LED
• For current measurement 4
• RUN LED Yes; Green LED
permissible input current for current 35 mA
input (destruction limit), max. • ERROR LED Yes; Red LED
Input ranges (rated values), currents • Monitoring of the supply voltage Yes; green PWR LED
• 0 to 20 mA Yes
• Channel status display Yes; Green LED
• 4 mA to 20 mA Yes
• for channel diagnostics Yes; Red LED
Cable length
• for module diagnostics Yes; Green/red LED
• shielded, max. 1 000 m
Potential separation
Analog value generation
for the inputs Potential separation channels
Measurement principle Sigma Delta • between the channels and Yes
backplane bus
Integration and conversion time/
resolution per channel Standards, approvals, certificates
• Resolution with overrange 16 bit Highest safety class achievable in
(bit including sign), max. safety mode
• Integration time, parameterizable Yes • Performance level PLe
according to ISO 13849-1
• Integration time (ms) 20 / 16,667
• Category according to ISO 13849-1 Cat. 4
• Interference voltage suppression 50 / 60 Hz
for interference frequency f1 in Hz • SIL acc. to IEC 61508 SIL 3
Smoothing of measured values Probability of failure
(for service life of 20 years and
• Number of smoothing levels 7 repair time of 100 hours)
• parameterizable Yes - Low demand mode: < 5.00E-05
Encoder PFDavg in accordance with SIL3
Connection of signal encoders - High demand/continuous mode: < 1.00E-09 1/h
PFH in accordance with SIL3
• for current measurement Yes
as 2-wire transducer Ambient conditions
- Burden of 2-wire transmitter, max. 650 Ω Ambient temperature during
• for current measurement Yes
as 4-wire transducer • horizontal installation, min. 0 °C
Errors/accuracies • horizontal installation, max. 60 °C
Basic error limit • vertical installation, min. 0 °C
(operational limit at 25 °C) • vertical installation, max. 50 °C
• Current, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.1 % Dimensions
Interference voltage suppression for Width 15 mm
f = n x (f1 +/- 1 %), f1 = interference
frequency Height 73 mm
• Series mode interference 40 dB Depth 58 mm
(peak value of interference < rated Weights
value of input range), min. Weight, approx. 48 g
• Common mode interference, min. 70 dB
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Analog F-input modules
Labeling strips
AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A);
for continuing the load group 500 labeling strips on roll, 6ES7193-6LR10-0AA0
• 1 unit 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 light gray, for inscription
• 10 units 6ES7193-6BP20-2BA0 with thermal transfer roll printer
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Special fail-safe modules
■ Overview
• Fail-safe digital output and potential supply pp or pm
switching can be parameterized
• Parameterizable onboard evaluation of the fail-safe inputs for
control of the fail-safe digital outputs and of the potential group
• Digital standard output modules can be shut down up to PL d
(ISO 13849) and SIL 2 (IEC61508) (up to 8 A).
• Can be plugged into type C0 BaseUnits (BU) with automatic
• LED display for error, operation, supply voltage and status
• Clear labeling on front of module
- Plain text identification of the module type and function class
- 2D matrix code (order and serial number)
- Connection diagram
- Color coding of the module type DI: white
- Hardware and firmware version
- Color code CC for module-specific color coding of the
potentials at the terminals of the BU
- Complete Article No.
Digital fail-safe power module:
F-PM-E PPM 24 V DC/8 A for BU type C0, • Optional labeling accessories
color code CC52 - Labeling strips
- Equipment labeling plate
Important features: • Optional module-specific color identification of the terminals
• Certified up to SIL 3 (IEC 61508), PL e (ISO 13849) according to the color code CC
• Safety-related shutdown of output modules within the potential • Optional system-integrated shield connection
group of the F-PM-E • The modules support PROFIsafe in both PROFIBUS and
• Two fail-safe digital inputs, for reading of sensor information PROFINET configurations. They can be used with all fail-safe
(1 or 2 channels) SIMATIC S7 CPUs
• One fail-safe digital output onboard (ppm switching, up to 2 A,
up to SIL 3/PL e)
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7136-6PA00-0BC0
ET 200SP, Power mod.
Article number 6ES7136-6PA00-0BC0
ET 200SP, Power mod.
General information Digital inputs
Product type designation F-PM-E 24 V DC/8 A PPM ST Number of digital inputs 2
Product function Source/sink input Yes; P-reading
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Input characteristic curve in Yes
Engineering with accordance with IEC 61131, type 1
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V12 Input voltage
integrated as of version • Type of input voltage DC
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP3 / - • Rated value (DC) 24 V
as of version • for signal "0" -30 to +5V
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ V2.3 • for signal "1" +15 to +30V
GSD revision
Input current
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ V2.31
GSD revision • for signal "1", typ. 3.7 mA
Supply voltage Input delay (for rated value
of input voltage)
Rated value (DC) 24 V
for standard inputs
Reverse polarity protection Yes
- parameterizable Yes
Encoder supply
for technological functions
Number of outputs 2
- parameterizable No
Short-circuit protection Yes; Electronic (response threshold
0.7 A to 2.1 A) Cable length
Output current • shielded, max. 1 000 m
• up to 60 °C, max. 0.3 A • unshielded, max. 500 m
24 V encoder supply
• 24 V Yes; min. L+ (-1.5 V)
• Short-circuit protection Yes
• Output current, max. 600 mA; Total current of all encoders
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > Special fail-safe modules
Cable length • horizontal installation, max. 60 °C
• shielded, max. 1 000 m • vertical installation, min. 0 °C
• unshielded, max. 500 m • vertical installation, max. 50 °C
Interrupts/diagnostics/ Dimensions
status information
Width 20 mm
Diagnostics function Yes, "Alarms/diagnostic messages"
section in the manual Height 73 mm
Substitute values connectable No Depth 55 mm
Alarms Weights
• Diagnostic alarm Yes Weight, approx. 70 g
• Hardware interrupt No
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > SIPLUS digital F-input modules
■ Overview
• Certified up to SIL 3 (IEC 61508), PL e (ISO 13849)
• Can be plugged into type A0 BaseUnits (BU) with automatic
• LED display for error, operation, supply voltage and status
• Clear labeling on front of module
- Plain text identification of the module type and function class
- 2D matrix code (order and serial number)
- Connection diagram
- Color coding of the module type DI: white
- Hardware and firmware version
- Color code CC for module-specific color coding of the
potentials at the terminals of the BU
- Complete Article No.
• Optional labeling accessories
- Labeling strips
- Equipment labeling plate
• Optional module-specific color identification of the terminals
according to the color code CC
Digital fail-safe input module: • Optional system-integrated shield connection
F-DI 8x24 V DC High Feature for BU type A0, color code CC01 • The modules support PROFIsafe in both PROFIBUS and
Important features: PROFINET configurations. They can be used with all fail-safe
• 8-channel digital fail-safe input module for the ET 200SP
• For fail-safe reading of sensor information (1 or 2 channels) Note:
• Provides integral discrepancy evaluation for 2-out-of-2 signals SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
• 8 internal sensor supplies (incl. test function) onboard products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1136-6BA00-2CA0 Article number 6AG1136-6BA00-2CA0
Based on 6ES7136-6BA00-0CA0 Based on 6ES7136-6BA00-0CA0
F-DI 4/8x24VDC HF F-DI 4/8x24VDC HF
Ambient conditions Use on ships/at sea
Ambient temperature during - to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal
operation according to EN 60721-3-6 spores (excluding fauna); Class 6B3
• horizontal installation, min. -25 °C on request
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C - to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-6 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
• vertical installation, min. -25 °C (severity degree 3); *
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C - to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; *
Altitude during operation according to EN 60721-3-6
relating to sea level Remark
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m - Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers must
max. environmental conditions acc. to remain in place over the unused
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at EN 60721 interfaces during operation!
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa Conformal coating
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m)
• Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 for high availability
Relative humidity assemblies acc. to EN 61086
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. condensation/frost • Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating
tested in accordance (no commissioning under MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life
with IEC 60068-2-38, max. condensation conditions)
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Class A
Resistance Electrical Insulating Compound for
Coolants and lubricants Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
- Resistant to commercially Yes; Incl. diesel and oil droplets in
available coolants and lubricants the air
Use in stationary industrial systems
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and
according to EN 60721-3-3 dry rot spores (with the exception of
fauna); Class 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-3 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
according to EN 60721-3-3
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > SIPLUS digital F-input modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > SIPLUS digital F-output modules
■ Overview
• Can be plugged into type A0 BaseUnits (BU) with automatic
• LED display for error, operation, supply voltage and
• Clear labeling on front of module
- Plain text identification of the module type and function class
- 2D matrix code (order and serial number)
- Connection diagram
- Color coding of the module type DI: white
- Hardware and firmware version
- Color code CC for module-specific color coding of the
potentials at the terminals of the BU
- Complete article number
• Optional labeling accessories
- Labeling strips
- Equipment labeling plate
• Optional module-specific color identification of the terminals
according to the color code CC
Digital fail-safe output module: • Optional system-integrated shield connection
F-DQ 4x24VDC High Feature, BU type A0, color code CC01 • The modules support PROFIsafe in both PROFIBUS and
PROFINET configurations
Important features:
• They can be used with all fail-safe SIMATIC S7 CPUs
• 4-channel digital fail-safe output module for the
ET 200SP Note:
• Fail-safe 2-channel activation (sink/source output) of SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
actuators products. The contents listed here were taken from the
• Actuators can be controlled up to 2 A respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
• Certified up to SIL 3 (IEC 61508), PL e information was added.
(ISO 13849)
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1136-6DB00-2CA0 6AG1136-6DC00-2CA0
Based on 6ES7136-6DB00-0CA0 6ES7136-6DC00-0CA0
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -25 °C -25 °C; = Tmin
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C 60 °C; = Tmax
• vertical installation, min. -25 °C -25 °C
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C 50 °C
Altitude during operation relating to
sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m 2 000 m
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa Tmin ... Tmax at 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
pressure-altitude (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. condensation/frost 100 %; incl. condensation / frost permitted
tested in accordance (no commissioning under condensation conditions) (no commissioning under condensation conditions)
with IEC 60068-2-38, max.
Coolants and lubricants
- Resistant to commercially Yes; Incl. diesel and oil droplets in the air Yes; Incl. diesel and oil droplets in the air
available coolants and lubricants
Use in stationary industrial systems
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and dry rot spores Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and dry rot spores
according to EN 60721-3-3 (with the exception of fauna); Class 3B3 on request (with the exception of fauna); Class 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl. salt spray acc. to Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl. salt spray acc. to
according to EN 60721-3-3 EN 60068-2-52 (severity degree 3); * EN 60068-2-52 (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, * Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
according to EN 60721-3-3
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > SIPLUS digital F-output modules
(Extended temperature range
(Extended temperature range and exposure to environmental
and exposure to environmental substances)
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark)
F-DQ 4x24 V DC High Feature, 6AG1136-6DB00-2CA0 with 16 push-in terminals (1 ... 16)
BU type A0, color code CC01 to the module and an additional
10 internally jumpered
F-DQ 8x24 V DC High Feature, 6AG1136-6DC00-2CA0 AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A);
PP-switching, BU type A0, for continuing the load group
color code CC01
BU20-P12+A4+0B 6AG1193-6BP20-7BB0
Usable BaseUnits
(Extended temperature range
BU15-P16+A0+2D 6AG1193-6BP00-7DA0 and exposure to environmental
(Extended temperature range substances)
and exposure to environmental BU type B0; BaseUnit (dark)
substances) with 12 push-in terminals (1...12)
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light) with to the module and an additional
16 push-in terminals to the module; 4 internally jumpered
for starting a new load group AUX terminals (1 A to 4 A);
(max. 10 A) for continuing the load group; 1 unit
BU15-P16+A0+2B 6AG1193-6BP00-7BA0 Accessories See SIMATIC ET 200SP,
digital F-output modules,
(Extended temperature range page 9/158
and exposure to environmental
BU type A0; BaseUnit (dark) with
16 push-in terminals to the module;
for continuing the load group
BU15-P16+A10+2D 6AG1193-6BP20-7DA0
(Extended temperature range
and exposure to environmental
BU type A0; BaseUnit (light)
with 16 push-in terminals (1 ... 16)
to the module and an additional
10 internally jumpered
AUX terminals (1 A to 10 A);
for starting a new load group
(max. 10 A)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > SIPLUS digital F-output module relay
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > SIPLUS special fail-safe modules
■ Overview
Important features:
• Certified up to SIL 3 (IEC 61508), PL e (ISO 13849)
• Safety-related shutdown of output modules within the potential
group of the F-PM-E
• Two fail-safe digital inputs, for reading of sensor information
(1 or 2 channels)
• One fail-safe digital output onboard (ppm switching, up to 2 A,
up to SIL 3/PL e)
• Fail-safe digital output and potential supply pp or pm
switching can be configured
• Configurable onboard evaluation of the fail-safe inputs for
control of the fail-safe digital output and of the potential group
• Digital standard output modules can be shut down up to PL d
(ISO 13849) and SIL 2 (IEC61508) (up to 8 A).
• Can be plugged into type C0 BaseUnits (BU) with automatic
• LED display for error, operation, supply voltage and status
Digital fail-safe power module: • Clear labeling on front of module
F-PM-E PPM 24VDC/8A for BU type C0, - Plain text identification of the module type and function class
color code CC52 - 2D matrix code (order and serial number)
- Connection diagram
- Color coding of the module type DI: white
- Hardware and firmware version
- Color code CC for module-specific color coding of the
potentials at the terminals of the BU
- Complete article No.
• Optional labeling accessories
- Labeling strips
- Equipment labeling plate
• Optional module-specific color identification of the terminals
according to the color code CC
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe I/O modules > SIPLUS special fail-safe modules
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1136-6PA00-2BC0 Article number 6AG1136-6PA00-2BC0
Based on 6ES7136-6PA00-0BC0 Based on 6ES7136-6PA00-0BC0
Ambient conditions Use on ships/at sea
Ambient temperature during - to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal
operation according to EN 60721-3-6 spores (excluding fauna); Class 6B3
• horizontal installation, min. -25 °C on request
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C - to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-6 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
• vertical installation, min. -25 °C (severity degree 3); *
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C - to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; *
Altitude during operation according to EN 60721-3-6
relating to sea level Remark
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m - Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers must
max. environmental conditions acc. to remain in place over the unused
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at EN 60721 interfaces during operation!
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa Conformal coating
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m)
• Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 for high availability
Relative humidity assemblies acc. to EN 61086
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. condensation/frost • Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating
tested in accordance (no commissioning under MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life
with IEC 60068-2-38, max. condensation conditions)
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Class A
Resistance Electrical Insulating Compound for
Coolants and lubricants Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
- Resistant to commercially Yes; Incl. diesel and oil droplets in
available coolants and lubricants the air
Use in stationary industrial systems
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and
according to EN 60721-3-3 dry rot spores (with the exception of
fauna); Class 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-3 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
according to EN 60721-3-3
■ Ordering data Article No. Article No.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe modules > Fail-safe communication > F-CM AS-i Safety ST for SIMATIC ET 200SP
■ Overview
• Supply via AS-Interface voltage
• Eight LED indicators for diagnostics, operating state,
fault indication and supply voltage
• Informative front-side module inscription
- Plain-text marking of the module type and function class
- 2D matrix code (Article No. and serial number)
- Connection diagram
- Color coding of the CM module type: light gray
- Hardware and firmware version
- Complete Article No.
• Optional labeling accessories
- Labeling strips
- Equipment labeling plate
The fail-safe F-CM AS-i Safety ST module has an ET 200SP
module enclosure with a width of 20 mm.
One AS-i master according to the AS-i Specification V3.0,
F-CM AS-i Safety ST for SIMATIC ET 200SP as well as fail-safe AS-i input slaves and/or AS-i safety output
The FCM AS-i Safety ST fail-safe communication module modules are needed for operation. The CM AS-i Master ST
supplements an AS-Interface network without additional wiring communication module (Article No. 3RK7137-6SA00-0BC1)
to produce a safety-related AS-i network. is recommended as the AS-i master for the ET 200SP, see
page 9/122.
Important features:
• Fail-safe communication module for the ET 200SP Simple combination of the CM AS-i Master ST and
- 31 fail-safe input channels in the process image F-CM AS-i Safety ST modules in one ET 200SP station results
- 16 fail-safe output channels in the process image in a powerful, safety-oriented router between PROFINET
- Certified up to SIL 3 (IEC 61508/EN 62061), PL e (or PROFIBUS) and AS-Interface, which can be expanded
(EN ISO 13849-1) further in a modular fashion.
- Parameterization conforms with other fail-safe I/O modules
of the ET 200SP
• The communication module supports PROFIsafe in
PROFINET and PROFIBUS configurations. It can be used
with fail-safe SIMATIC S7-300F/S7-400F CPUs and
S7-1500F CPUs and also the fail-safe versions of the
ET 200SP station with ET 200SP F-CPU 1510SP F / 1512SP F
(firmware V1.8 or higher) or 1515SP PC F.
• For reading up to 31 fail-safe AS-i input slaves
- Two sensor inputs/signals for each fail-safe AS-i input slave
- Adjustable evaluation of sensor signals: two-channel or
2 x single-channel
- Integrated discrepancy evaluation in the case of
two-channel signals
- Integrated AND operation in the case of 2 x single-channel
- Input delay can be parameterized
- Start-up test can be set
- Sequence monitoring can be activated
Combination of an ET 200SP interface module, CM AS-i Master ST and
• For control of up to 16 fail-safe AS-i output circuit groups F-CM AS-i Safety ST
- The output circuit groups are controlled independently of
one another With the digital and analog I/O modules of the ET 200SP,
- One output circuit group can act on one or more actuators additional local inputs and outputs can be realized so as to
(e.g. to switch drives simultaneously) ensure that the modular AS-i router complies precisely with
- An actuator (e.g. a contactor) is interfaced via an customer requirements. Expansion variants for almost every
AS-i safety output module (e.g. SlimLine S45F safety application are possible thanks to the selection of standard and
module, Article No. 3RK1405-1SE15-0AA2; see fail-safe I/O modules. Besides the single AS-i master, double, triple or generally
Products/10011823?tree=CatalogTree). multiple masters can be realized with or without fail-safe
- Simple fault acknowledgment via the process image functionality.
• Simple module replacement thanks to automatic importing of
the safety parameters from the coding element
• Comprehensive diagnostic options
• Can be plugged onto type C1 or type C0 BaseUnits (BU)
• Informative automatic alarm indications
(firmware V1.0.1 or higher)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe modules > Fail-safe communication > F-CM AS-i Safety ST for SIMATIC ET 200SP
■ Overview (continued)
Supported BaseUnits
With the combination of the CM AS-i Master ST and
F-CM AS-i Safety ST modules, the CM module is plugged
onto a light type C0 BaseUnit and, directly to the right of it,
the F-CM module is plugged onto a dark type C1 BaseUnit.
The AS-i cable is connected only on the light BaseUnit of the
CM module.
Notes on security
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks
against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement – and
continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens products and solutions only
represent one component of such a concept.
For more information on Industrial Security, see
Configuration Diagnostic block for F-CM AS-i Safety ST
The following software is required for configuration of the 1) HSP 0070 see
F-CM AS-i Safety ST module:
• STEP 7 (TIA Portal) V13 and higher with HSP 00701) and HSP 2093 see
Safety Advanced.
For connection to S7-1500F you require STEP 7 V13 SP1.
When configuring with STEP 7 V13 SP1, the latest version of ■ Application
HSP 0070 V2.0 (or higher) is an essential prerequisite. STEP 7
Safety V13 SP1 Update 4 and HSP 0070 V3.0 (or higher) are Thanks to use of the fail-safe module in the ET 200SP, it is
needed for configuration of the F-CM AS-i Safety ST module in possible to fulfill the safety-related application requirements in
an ET 200SP station with ET 200SP F-CPU 1510SP F / a manner that is integrated in the overall automation solution.
1512SP F (firmware V1.8 or higher) or 1515SP PC F. The safety functions required for fail-safe operation are inte-
or grated in the modules. Communication with the fail-safe
SIMATIC S7 CPUs is realized via PROFIsafe.
• STEP 7 (classic) V5.5 SP3 HF4 or higher with HSP 20932) and
Distributed Safety V5.4 SP5 or F-Configuration Pack SP11 or The safety application is programmed in the SIMATIC S7 F-CPU
SIMATIC S7 F/FH Systems with Distributed Safety / S7 F/FH Systems / Safety Advanced.
Configuration and programming are done entirely in the
STEP 7 user interface. No additional configuration software is
The fail-safe input signals of the ASIsafe slave modules are read
via the AS-i bus line and are combined with any chosen further 9
signals in the fail-safe program.
needed for commissioning.
The fail-safe output signals can be output via safe SIMATIC
Data management – together with all other configuration data of output modules or also directly via AS-i – with the help of safe
the SIMATIC – is realized completely in the S7 project. AS-i output modules, e.g. SlimLine S45F safety modules,
The input and output channels are assigned to the process im- article number 3RK1405-1SE15-0AA2
age automatically and manual linking via configuration function (see
blocks is not necessary. Products/10011823?tree=CatalogTree).
No special functions are required for this in the program.
If the F-CM AS-i Safety ST module is replaced, all necessary
settings are automatically imported into the new module. Operation with SINUMERIK 840D sl is possible with
SINUMERIK software version V4.7 SP2 HF1 or higher.
The F-CM AS-i Safety ST module occupies 16 input bytes and
8 output bytes in the I/O data of the ET 200SP station. Together with an ET 200SP F-CPU 1510SP F / 1512SP F
(firmware V1.8 and higher) or 1515SP PC F, pre-processing of
For diagnostics during ongoing operation, diagnostics blocks safe AS-i signals directly in the ET 200SP station is possible, as
with clearly arranged visualization on the SIMATIC HMI panel are well as the configuration of an autonomous AS-i Safety station
available or can be downloaded free of charge via a web without a higher-level CPU.
browser, see
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Fail-safe modules > Fail-safe communication > F-CM AS-i Safety ST for SIMATIC ET 200SP
■ Application (continued)
Configuration examples of AS-Interface networks with CM AS-i Master ST and F-CM AS-i Safety ST for SIMATIC ET 200SP
Operational Safety-oriented
control processing
Safe control
e.g. SIMATIC S7-1500F
or SIMATIC S7-300F/S7-400F
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
AS-Interface configuration comprising an ET 200SP station with CM AS-i Master ST and F-CM AS-i Safety ST modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200SP motor starters
■ Overview
1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7
5 9
1 ET 200SP interface module
2 ET 200SP digital input
3 1 ET 200SP fail safe motor starter 3 ET 200SP digital output
Motor starter, BaseUnit, fan and 3DI/LC control module 3RK1308 motor starter in the ET 200SP I/O system
More information
Homepage, see Further components in the ET 200SP distributed I/O system, see Industry Mall,
Industry Mall, see
TIA Selection Tool, see
ET 200SP motor starters
ET 200SP is a scalable and extremely flexible modular • The signal states in the process image of the motor starter
I/O system with IP20 degree of protection. provide information about protective devices (short circuit
or overload), the switching states of the motor starter, and
As I/O modules, the ET 200SP motor starters are an integral part system faults.
of this I/O system. They are switching and protection devices for
single- and three-phase loads and are available as direct-on-line Use of fan
or reversing starters.
For motor starters with a 12 A rated current, the
Basic functionality 3RW4928-8VB00 fan is included in the scope of supply.
All versions of the ET 200SP motor starter feature the following This fan can also be ordered as an option for motor starters with
functionality: lower rated currents, if the boundary conditions demand this.
• Fully pre-wired motor starters for switching and protecting any For information on the ambient conditions for the use of motor
AC loads up to 5.5 kW from 48 V AC to 500 V AC starters, see chapter "Product overview" in the manual.
• Disconnection possible via fail-safe motor starters up to SIL 3 Designing interference-free motor starters
and PL e Cat. 4 For interference-free operation of the ET 200SP station in
• With self-assembling 32 A power bus, i.e. the load voltage is accordance with IEC 60947-4-2 standard, use a dummy module
only fed in once for a group of motor starters before the first motor starter. The dummy module consists of the
• All control supply voltages connected only once, i.e. when 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0 or 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA0 BaseUnit and
modules are added they are automatically connected to the the 6ES7133-6CV15-1AM0 BU cover 15 mm.
next module The 15 mm BU cover protects the plug contacts of the BaseUnit
• Hot swapping is permissible against dirt.
• Digital inputs can optionally be used via a 3DI/LC module
• Control of the motor starter from the control system and
extensive diagnostics status via the cyclic process image
• Diagnostics capability for active monitoring of the switching
and protection functions
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200SP motor starters
Electromechanical switching devices in series with hybrid motor
starters 1 24 V and 500 V DC
Switching an inductive load - in particular of motors <1 kW with 2 500 V AC
high inductance - with an electromechanical switching device 3 24 V DC
(e.g. contactor) can cause high and steep voltage edges.
4 without infeed
The resulting faults/damage can be prevented by first discon-
necting with the hybrid motor starter or by using EMC suppres- 5 500 V AC with F-DI
sion modules: 6 without infeed
• For 3RT2916-1P.. EMC suppression modules for direct with F-DI
mounting on the contactor, see
• For motor suppression modules that are fitted in the main
circuit, see page 9/186
For more information, see 1 2 3 4 5 6
Article No. scheme
Example 3RK1308 – 0 A D 0 0 – 0 C P 0
For standard motors: Single- or three-phase asynchronous motors, single-
phase AC motors, single-phase asynchronous motors, at 400 V AC and
500 V AC; the actual startup characteristics of the motor as well as its rated
data are important factors here.
The article number schemes show an overview of product For your orders, please use the article numbers quoted in the
versions for better understanding of the logic behind the selection and ordering data.
article numbers.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200SP motor starters
■ Benefits ■ Application
Product advantages The ET 200SP motor starters are suitable for the following
The ET 200SP motor starters offer a number of advantages:
• Switching and monitoring of
• Fully integrated into the ET 200SP I/O system (including - three-phase motors with overload and short-circuit
TIA Selection Tool and TIA Portal) protection (e.g. 400 V asynchronous motors for
• High degree of flexibility when it comes to safety applications secondary drives in conveyor systems)
via SIMATIC F-CPU or 3SK safety relays up to SIL 3 and PL e - single-phase motors with overload and short-circuit
Cat. 4. protection (e.g. 230 V motors for pump applications)
• Simple, integrated current value transmission - resistive loads by means of current value and diagnosis via
the maintenance function (e.g. for heaters)
• Extensive parameterization by means of TIA Portal
• Plant monitoring and energy management in conveyor
• Increase of plant availability through fast replacement of units systems:
(easy mounting and plug-in technology) By means of the phase asymmetry and zero current detection
• Greater endurance and reduced heat losses thanks to hybrid during current measurement, for example, drive belt monitor-
technology ing and blocking monitoring are possible.
• Less space required in the control cabinet (20 to 80%) • Track switching and lifting table control in conveyor systems:
as a result of greater functional density (direct-on-line and Track switches can be implemented using the quick stop
reversing starters in same width) function and lifting table controls by means of the "immediate
• Extensive diagnostics and information for preventive end position disconnection" function without any laborious
maintenance programming.
• Parameterizable inputs via 3DI/LC control module • Safe isolation of the drive from main power supply:
The isolating functions according to IEC 60947-1 offer
• Less wiring and testing required as a result of integrating protection against inadvertent activation during plant
several functions into a single device maintenance.
• Lower overheads for stock keeping and configuration as a
result of the wide setting range of the electronic overload
release (up to 1:3)
• Technology has lower inherent power losses than speed-
controlled drive systems, so that less cooling (and smaller
footprint) are possible (and enabling a more compact design)
• The ET 200SP motor starters can be used with highly
energy-efficient IE3/IE4 motors, see Application Manual.
Take the current characteristics of the connected motor and
motor starter into account when dimensioning.
In addition to the rated current, the maximum permissible
current range of the motor starter and the ratio of the rated
current to the starting current of the motor are relevant.
For more information on IE3/IE4, see
Standards and approvals
• IEC/EN 60947-4-2
• UL 60947-4-2
• IEC 61508-1: SIL 3
• ISO 13849: PL e
• CCC approval for China
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200SP motor starters
■ Technical specifications
More information
Industry Mall, see FAQs, see
Manual, see
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200SP motor starters
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200SP motor starters
BaseUnits for motor starters
Ambient temperature
• During operation °C -25 ... +60
• During transport °C -40 ... +70
• During storage °C -40 ... +70
Degree of protection IP20
Touch protection against electric shock Finger-safe
Type of connectable conductor cross-sections
• at the inputs for supply voltage
- Solid 1 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2 --
- Finely stranded with end sleeve 1 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2 --
- Finely stranded without end sleeve 1 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2 --
- Solid for AWG cables 1 x 20 ... 12 --
• For infeed
- Solid 1 x 1 ... 6 mm2 -- 1 x 1 ... 6 mm2 -- 1 x 1 ... 6 mm2 --
- Finely stranded with end sleeve 1 x 1 ... 6 mm2 -- 1 x 1 ... 6 mm2 -- 1 x 1 ... 6 mm2 --
- Finely stranded without end sleeve 1 x 1 ... 6 mm2 -- 1 x 1 ... 6 mm2 -- 1 x 1 ... 6 mm2 --
- Solid for AWG cables 1 x 18 ... 10 -- 1 x 18 ... 10 -- 1 x 18 ... 10 --
• For load-side outgoing feeder
- Solid 1 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2
- Finely stranded with end sleeve 1 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2
- Finely stranded without end sleeve 1 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2
- Solid for AWG cables 1 x 20 ... 12
Type of electrical connection for auxiliary and Spring-type terminals (push-in)
control circuits
9 Type of screwdriver tip
Size of screwdriver tip
Standard screwdriver 0.6 mm x 3.5 mm
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200SP motor starters
3DI/LC control module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200SP motor starters
Reversing starters
0.3 ... 1 10 3RK1308-0BB00-0CP0
0.9 ... 3 30 3RK1308-0BC00-0CP0
2.8 ... 9 90 3RK1308-0BD00-0CP0
4 ... 12 100 3RK1308-0BE00-0CP0
Fail-safe motor starters
Fail-safe direct-on-line starters
0.3 ... 1 10 3RK1308-0CB00-0CP0
0.9 ... 3 30 3RK1308-0CC00-0CP0
2.8 ... 9 90 3RK1308-0CD00-0CP0
4 ... 12 100 3RK1308-0CE00-0CP0
Fail-safe reversing starters
0.3 ... 1 10 3RK1308-0DB00-0CP0
0.9 ... 3 30 3RK1308-0DC00-0CP0
2.8 ... 9 90 3RK1308-0DD00-0CP0
4 ... 12 100 3RK1308-0DE00-0CP0
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200SP motor starters
For motor starters
with AC/DC infeed 500 24 3RK1908-0AP00-0AP0
with DC infeed -- 24 3RK1908-0AP00-0BP0
with AC infeed 500 -- 3RK1908-0AP00-0CP0
without infeed -- -- 3RK1908-0AP00-0DP0
with AC infeed, 500 -- 3RK1908-0AP00-0EP0
with F-DI for fail-safe
motor starters
without AC infeed, -- -- 3RK1908-0AP00-0FP0
3RK1908-0AP00-0AP0 with F-DI for fail-safe
motor starters
1) The voltage is looped-through from BaseUnits with infeed to subsequent
For dummy modules
dark, looping through the 24 Yes 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0
potential group
light, opening a new 24 No 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA0
potential group
6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0 9
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200SP motor starters
BU cover 15 mm for BaseUnits 6ES7133-6CV15-1AM0
Type A0 or A1
BU cover 30 mm For protection of 3RK1908-1CA00-0BP0
empty slots, 30 mm
Infeed bus cover For ET 200SP 3RK1908-1DA00-2BP0
(1 bag containing
10 covers)
Mechanical bracket Mechanical, 3RK1908-1EA00-1BP0
(1 bag containing for ET 200SP
5 mechanical brackets)
9 3RK1908-1EA00-1BP0
Fan Can be used for 3RW4928-8VB00
Motor suppression module NEW NEU
• Square 3RK1911-6EA00
• Round 3RK1911-6EB00
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Pneumatics > Valve terminals AirLINE SP type 8647 (Bürkert Co.)
■ Overview ■ Application
Valve terminals are widely used in industrial automation, and
serve as pilot valves for controlling actuators in the food, phar-
maceutical and water treatment industries. In combination with
the AirLINE SP, type 8647 from the Bürkert Co., the ET 200SP
forms a universal interface between process and plant control,
and enables the flexible, modular structure of pilot valves and
I/O modules. The valve terminal can also be attached to a
control cabinet floor with an AirLINE Quick Adapter, which
further reduces the space required in the control cabinet, and
significantly simplifies the pneumatic installation.
■ More information
For more detailed information about the AirLINE SP, type 8647
(e.g. data sheet, operating manual) please contact Bürkert
• For pneumatic control of actuators with ET 200SP
Disclaimer of liability
• Can be used together with system and IO components of the
ET 200SP distributed I/O system. This information and the descriptions have been compiled with
great care. However, it is not possible for Siemens to verify that
• Product of the product partners Bürkert Fluid Control Systems, the data supplied by product partners is complete, correct and
and can only be obtained from Bürkert Fluid Control Systems. up-to-date. The possibility that individual items of information
Note: might be incorrect, incomplete, or not up-to-date cannot there-
fore be ruled out. Unless compulsory by law, Siemens accepts
Product partners are external companies outside Siemens AG no liability for the usability of the data or of the products for the
and its associated companies. Information and descriptions of user per se.
products made by product partners are non-binding, and are
the responsibility of the product partners. These products are
manufactured independently and under the responsibility of the
particular product partner, and are sold and supplied by it under
its terms of business and delivery.
Unless compulsory by law, Siemens assumes no liability and
makes no guarantee for for these products or for the connection
with these products of the product partners. Please refer also to
the note on exemption from liability/use of hyperlinks.
■ Benefits
• High process safety by using non-return valves and
pneumatic infeed modules with pressure monitoring.
• System-wide detailed diagnostics in plain text, and also
locally on an LC display
• Quick and easy valve change during operation
(hot swapping)
• Reduced number of components in the control cabinet
(compact control cabinet is possible)
• Quick installation & configuration of the pneumatic
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Power supplies > Single-phase, 24 V DC (for SIMATIC ET 200SP)
■ Overview
In terms of design and functionality, the SIMATIC ET 200SP PS
single-phase load power supply with automatic range switching
of the input voltage is perfectly matched to the SIMATIC
ET 200SP. The SIMATIC component and the power supply are
wired by means of uniform push-in terminal technology.
The 24 V supply provides power to the ET 200SP system com-
ponents such as the interface module, technology module and
communication module, as well as the digital or analog inputs/
outputs. Comprehensive certifications, such as UL or GL,
facilitate universal use. Its extremely flat design also makes this
power supply ideally suited for installation in compact on-site
control boxes.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6EP7133-6AB00-0BN0 6EP7133-6AE00-0BN0
Power supply, type 24 V/5 A 24 V/10 A
Input 1-phase AC 1-phase AC
• Note Automatic range selection Automatic range selection
Supply voltage
• 1 at AC Rated value 120 V 120 V
• 2 at AC Rated value 230 V 230 V
Input voltage
• 1 at AC 85 ... 132 V 85 ... 132 V
9 • 2 at AC
Wide-range input
170 ... 264 V
170 ... 264 V
Overvoltage resistance 2.3 × Vin rated, 1.3 ms 2.3 × Vin rated, 1.3 ms
Mains buffering at Iout rated, min. 20 ms; at Vin = 93/187 V 20 ms; at Vin = 93/187 V
Rated line frequency 1 50 Hz 50 Hz
Rated line frequency 2 60 Hz 60 Hz
Rated line range 47 ... 63 Hz 47 ... 63 Hz
Input current
• at rated input voltage 120 V 2.16 A 4.34 A
• at rated input voltage 230 V 1.22 A 1.92 A
Switch-on current limiting (+25 °C), 45 A 60 A
I²t, max. 3.15 A²·s 6.3 A²·s
Built-in incoming fuse T 3,15 A/250 V (not accessible) T 6.3 A/250 V (not accessible)
Protection in the mains power input recommended LS switch: B/C 6 A/3 A recommended LS switch: B/C 10 A/6 A
(IEC 898)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Power supplies > Single-phase, 24 V DC (for SIMATIC ET 200SP)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Power supplies > Single-phase, 24 V DC (for SIMATIC ET 200SP)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Power supplies > Single-phase, 24 V DC (for SIMATIC ET 200SP)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
■ Overview
With the BaseUnits (BUs), the ET 200SP offers a rugged and
service-friendly design with permanent wiring:
• No tools needed for one-handed wiring using push-in
• Actuation of the spring NC contacts with a standard
screwdriver, with a blade width up to 3.5 mm
• Outstanding access due to arrangement of measuring tap,
spring NC contacts and cable entry in columns, while at the
same time reducing the space required by 64%
• Fault-proof color coding of the spring NC contacts for better
orientation in the terminal panel
• Replacement of I/O modules during operation without
affecting the wiring
• Operation with module gaps (gaps without I/O module)
• Automatic coding of the I/O modules prevents destruction of
the electronics if a module is accidentally inserted in the
wrong slot during replacement
• High EMC interference immunity:
- self-assembling shielded backplane bus
- multi-layer conductor plate with shield levels for inter-
ference-free signal transmission from the terminal to the
I/O module
- system-integrated, space-saving shield connection for quick
• Self-assembling potential groups without external wiring or
• Replaceable terminal box
• Side-by-side latching of the BUs for high mechanical and
EMC loads
• Optional module-specific color identification of the terminals
according to the color code CC
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7193-6BP20- 6ES7193-6BP00- 6ES7193-6BP60- 6ES7193-6BP20- 6ES7193-6BP00- 6ES7193-6BP60-
0DA0 0DA0 0DA0 0BA0 0BA0 0BA0
BaseUnit Type A0, BaseUnit Type A0, 2x BU Type A0, BaseUnit Type A0, BaseUnit Type A0, 2x BU Type A0,
BU15-P16+A10+ BU15-P16+A0+2D 2BU15-P16+A0+ BU15-P16+A10+ BU15-P16+A0+2B 2BU15-P16+A0+
2D 2DB, PU 1 2B 2B, PU 1
General information
Product type designation BU type A0 BU type A0 BU type A0 BU type A0 BU type A0 BU type A0
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C
• vertical installation, min. -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C
• vertical installation, max. 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m; 2 000 m; 2 000 m; 2 000 m; 2 000 m; 2 000 m;
max. On request: On request: On request: On request: On request: On request:
Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation Installation
altitudes greater altitudes greater altitudes greater altitudes greater altitudes greater altitudes greater
than 2 000 m than 2 000 m than 2 000 m than 2 000 m than 2 000 m than 2 000 m
Connection method
• Terminal type Push-in terminal Push-in terminal Push-in terminal Push-in terminal Push-in terminal Push-in terminal
• Conductor cross-section, min. 0.14 mm²; AWG 26 0.14 mm²; AWG 26 0.14 mm²; AWG 26 0.14 mm²; AWG 26 0.14 mm²; AWG 26 0.14 mm²; AWG 26
• Conductor cross-section, max. 2.5 mm²; AWG 14 2.5 mm²; AWG 14 2.5 mm²; AWG 14 2.5 mm²; AWG 14 2.5 mm²; AWG 14 2.5 mm²; AWG 14
• Number of process terminals to 16 16 16; Pro slot 16 16; Pro slot 16; Pro slot
I/O module
• Number of terminals to AUX bus 10 0 0 10 0 0
• Number of add-on terminals 0 0 0 0 0 0
• Number of terminals with connection 2 2 2; Pro slot 2 2; Pro slot 2; Pro slot
to P1 and P2 bus
15 mm
141 mm
15 mm
117 mm
30 mm
117 mm
15 mm
141 mm
15 mm
117 mm
30 mm
117 mm 9
Depth 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm
Weight, approx. 50 g 40 g 80 g 50 g 40 g 80 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
with push-in terminals; 10 units
• Color code CC81, 6ES7193-6CP81-2AB0
for 4 AUX terminals 1 A to 4 A,
yellow/green, for BaseUnit
type B0; 10 units
• Color code CC82, 6ES7193-6CP82-2AB0
for 4 AUX terminals 1 A to 4 A, red,
for BaseUnit type B0; 10 units
• Color code CC83, 6ES7193-6CP83-2AB0
for 4 AUX terminals 1 A to 4 A,
blue, for BaseUnit type B0;
10 units
• Color code CC41, 6ES7193-6CP41-2MB0
module-specific, for 12 push-in
terminals; for BaseUnit type B1;
10 units
• Color code CC84, 6ES7193-6CP84-2AC0
for 2 AUX terminals 1 A to 2 A,
yellow/green, for BaseUnit
type C0; 10 units
• Color code CC85, 6ES7193-6CP85-2AC0
for 2 AUX terminals 1 A to 2 A, red,
for BaseUnit type C0; 10 units
• Color code CC86, 6ES7193-6CP86-2AC0
for 2 AUX terminals 1 A to 2 A,
blue, for BaseUnit type C0;
10 units
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
SIPLUS BaseUnits
■ Overview
• Operation with module gaps (missing I/O module)
• Automatic coding of the I/O modules prevents destruction of
the electronics if a module is accidentally inserted in the
wrong slot during replacement
• High immunity to electromagnetic interference due to
- self-assembling shielded backplane bus
- multi-layer conductor plate with shield levels for inter-
ference-free signal transmission from the terminal to the
I/O module
- system-integrated, space-saving shield connection for quick
• Self-assembling potential groups without external wiring or
• Replaceable terminal box
• Side-by-side latching of the BUs for high mechanical load
• Optional module-specific color identification of the terminals
according to the color code CC
With the BaseUnits, the ET 200SP offers a rugged and • Actuation of the spring NC contacts with a standard
service-friendly design with permanent wiring: screwdriver, with a blade width up to 3.5 mm
• No tools needed for one-handed wiring using push-in
terminals Note:
• Outstanding access due to arrangement of measuring tap, SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
spring NC contacts and cable entry in columns, while at the products. The contents listed here were taken from the
same time reducing the space required by 64% respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
• Fault-proof color coding of the spring NC contacts for better
orientation in the terminal panel
• Replacement of I/O modules during operation without
affecting the wiring
■ Technical specifications
Article number
Based on
BU15-P16+A0+2B BU15-P16+A0+2D BU15-P16+A10+2B BU15-P16+A10+2D
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin
(incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost)
• horizontal installation, max. 70 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at
795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl.
tested in accordance condensation/frost condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no
with IEC 60068-2-38, max. (no commissioning under commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed
condensation conditions) state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
SIPLUS BaseUnits
• Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2
assemblies acc. to EN 61086 for high availability for high availability for high availability for high availability
• Protection against fouling acc. to Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection
EN 60664-3
• Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating
MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life possible during service life possible during service life possible during service life
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating,
Electrical Insulating Compound for Class A Class A Class A Class A
Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
SIPLUS BaseUnits
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers
environmental conditions acc. to must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over
EN 60721 the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during
operation! operation! operation! operation!
Conformal coating
• Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2
assemblies acc. to EN 61086 for high availability for high availability for high availability for high availability
• Protection against fouling acc. to Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection
EN 60664-3
• Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating
MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life possible during service life possible during service life possible during service life
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating,
Electrical Insulating Compound for Class A Class A Class A Class A
Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
SIPLUS BaseUnits
Use in stationary industrial systems
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus
according to EN 60721-3-3 and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the
exception of fauna); exception of fauna); exception of fauna); exception of fauna);
Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %)
according to EN 60721-3-3 incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to
EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand,
according to EN 60721-3-3 dust, * dust, * dust, * dust, *
Use on ships/at sea
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and
according to EN 60721-3-6 fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding
fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %)
according to EN 60721-3-6 incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to
EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand,
according to EN 60721-3-6 dust; * dust; * dust; * dust; *
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers
environmental conditions acc. to must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over
EN 60721 the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during
operation! operation! operation! operation!
Conformal coating
• Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2
assemblies acc. to EN 61086 for high availability for high availability for high availability for high availability
• Protection against fouling acc. to Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection
EN 60664-3
• Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating
MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life possible during service life possible during service life possible during service life
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating,
Electrical Insulating Compound for Class A Class A Class A Class A
Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
SIPLUS BaseUnits
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
SIPLUS BaseUnits
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
■ Overview
SIMATIC BusAdapter BA 2xFC for direct laying of the PROFINET cable ET 200SP BusAdapter BA-Send for expansion of an ET 200SP station
via FastConnect connection with ET 200AL modules
adapter needs to be replaced for subsequent conversion to
the rugged FastConnect technology or a fiber-optic
connection, or to repair defective RJ45 sockets.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7193-6AR00-0AA0 6ES7193-6AF00-0AA0 6ES7193-6AP00-0AA0 6ES7193-6AP20-0AA0
ET 200SP, ET 200SP, ET 200SP, ET 200SP,
Busadapter BA 2xRJ45 Busadapter BA 2XFC Busadapter BA 2xSCRJ Busadapter BA SCRJ/RJ45
General information
Product type designation BA 2x RJ45 BA 2xFC BA 2xSCRJ BA SCRJ/RJ45
Number of PROFINET interfaces 1 1 1; 2 ports (switch) SCRJ FO 1; 2 ports (SCRJ + RJ45)
Supports protocol for PROFINET IO
• Number of RJ45 ports 2 1
• Number of FC (FastConnect) 2
• Number of SCRJ ports 0 2 1
• Number of LC ports 0 0 0
Cable length
- PCF 100 m 100 m
- Plastic FOC (POF) 50 m 50 m
- PCF-GI 250 m 250 m
- Cu conductors 100 m 100 m 100 m
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request:
max. Installation altitudes greater Installation altitudes greater
than 2 000 m than 2 000 m
Width 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
Height 69.5 mm 69.5 mm 69.5 mm
Depth 59 mm 59 mm 59 mm
Weight, approx. 46 g 53 g 50 g 50 g
ET 200SP, SIMATIC Busadapter SIMATIC Busadapter SIMATIC Bus adapter
General information
Product type designation BA SCRJ/FC BA 2xLC BA LC/RJ45 BA LC/FC
Number of PROFINET interfaces 1; 2 ports (SCRJ + FC) 1; 2 ports (switch) 1; 2 ports (switch) LC / RJ45 1
LC Multimode Glass Fibre
Supports protocol for PROFINET IO
• Number of RJ45 ports 1
• Number of FC (FastConnect) 1 1
• Number of SCRJ ports 1 0 0 0
• Number of LC ports 0 2; Wavelength of 1; Wavelength of 1; Wavelength of
1 270 ... 1 380 nm, 1 270 ... 1 380 nm, 1 270 ... 1 380 nm,
corresponds to 100BASE-FX corresponds to 100BASE-FX corresponds to 100BASE-FX
Cable length
- PCF 100 m
- Plastic FOC (POF) 50 m
- PCF-GI 250 m
- Cu conductors 100 m 100 m 100 m
- Multimode graded-index fiber 3 km 3 km 3 km
50/125 μm
- Multimode graded-index fiber 3 km 3 km 3 km
62.5/125 μm
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• min. 0 °C
• max. 60 °C
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request: 2 000 m; On request:
max. Installation altitudes greater Installation altitudes greater Installation altitudes greater
than 2 000 m than 2 000 m than 2 000 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
For IM 155-6PN ST, HF; BaseUnit BU-Send 6ES7193-6BN00-0NE0
for increased resistance to vibration
and EMC loads Accessories
BA 2xSCRJ BusAdapter 6ES7193-6AP00-0AA0 Equipment labeling plate 6ES7193-6LF30-0AW0
For IM 155-6PN HF; fiber-optic 10 sheets of 16 labels, for printing
connection for POF or PCF cables with thermal transfer card printer or
up to 250 m, with monitoring of plotter
BA SCRJ/RJ45 BusAdapter 6ES7193-6AP20-0AA0
For IM 155-6PN HF;
with media converter FOC-Cu;
1 x SCRJ FO connection,
1 x RJ45 connection
BA SCRJ/FC BusAdapter 6ES7193-6AP40-0AA0
For IM 155-6PN HF;
with media converter FOC-Cu;
1 x SCRJ FO connection,
1 x FastConnect connection
BA 2XLC BusAdapter 6ES7193-6AG00-0AA0
For IM 155-6PN HF;
2 glass FO connections
BA LC/RJ45 BusAdapter 6ES7193-6AG20-0AA0
For IM 155-6PN HF; with media
converter glass FO - copper;
1 x LC connection,
1 x RJ45 connection
BA LC/FC BusAdapter 6ES7193-6AG40-0AA0
For IM 155-6PN HF; with media
converter glass FO - copper;
1 x LC connection,
1 x FastConnect connection
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
SIPLUS BusAdapters
■ Overview
Some interface modules of the SIPLUS ET 200SP have a
universal PROFINET interface for BusAdapters. With the appro-
priate bus adapter, the type of connection can be adapted to the
requirements of the respective application:
• For standard applications with a moderate mechanical and
EMC load, the BA 2xRJ45 BusAdapter is used. It offers two
sockets for standard RJ45 plugs.
• For machines and systems in which higher mechanical and/or
EMC loads act on the devices, the BA 2xFC BusAdapter is
recommended. In this case, the bus cables are connected
directly by means of FastConnect terminals – similar to the
PROFIBUS connector, proven in millions of applications.
The technology is extremely quick to assemble and achieves
5 times better vibration resistance and also 5 times greater
resistance to electromagnetic interference, when compared to
RJ45 plug connectors.
• BusAdapters with connections for fiber-optic cables can be
used to cover high potential differences between two stations
ET 200SP BusAdapter (RJ45) and/or high EMC loads.
Another advantage of the BusAdapters: In order to repair
defective RJ45 sockets or for subsequent conversion to the
rugged FastConnect technology or a fiber-optic connection,
only the adapter needs to be replaced.
The following interface modules offer a PROFINET connection
via BusAdapter:
• SIPLUS IM 155-6PN Standard
• SIPLUS IM 155-6PN High Feature
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
BA 2xFC BusAdapter
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
SIPLUS BusAdapters
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1193-6AR00-7AA0 6AG1193-6AF00-7AA0 6AG1193-6AP00-2AA0 6AG1193-6AG00-2AA0
Based on 6ES7193-6AR00-0AA0 6ES7193-6AF00-0AA0 6ES7193-6AP00-0AA0 6ES7193-6AG00-0AA0
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• min. -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin
(incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost) (incl. condensation/frost); (incl. condensation/frost)
start-up @ -25 °C
• max. 70 °C; = Tmax 70 °C; = Tmax 60 °C; = Tmax 60 °C; = Tmax
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at
795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl. 100 %; RH incl.
tested in accordance with condensation / frost (no condensation / frost (no condensation/frost condensation / frost (no
IEC 60068-2-38, max. commissioning in bedewed commissioning in bedewed (no commissioning under commissioning in bedewed
state), horizontal installation state), horizontal installation condensation conditions) state), horizontal installation
Coolants and lubricants
- Resistant to commercially Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil Yes; Incl. diesel and oil
available coolants and lubricants droplets in the air droplets in the air droplets in the air droplets in the air
Use in stationary industrial systems
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus
according to EN 60721-3-3 and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the and dry rot spores (with the
exception of fauna); exception of fauna); exception of fauna); exception of fauna); Class
Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request Class 3B3 on request 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %)
according to EN 60721-3-3 incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to
EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand,
according to EN 60721-3-3 dust, * dust, * dust, * dust, *
Use on ships/at sea
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and Yes; Class 6B2 mold and
according to EN 60721-3-6 fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding fungal spores (excluding
fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request fauna); Class 6B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %)
according to EN 60721-3-6 incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to incl. salt spray acc. to
EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52 EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); * (severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand,
according to EN 60721-3-6 dust; * dust; * dust; * dust; *
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers * The supplied plug covers
environmental conditions acc. to must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over must remain in place over
EN 60721 the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during the unused interfaces during
operation! operation! operation! operation!
Conformal coating
• Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2 Yes; Class 2
assemblies acc. to EN 61086 for high availability for high availability for high availability for high availability
• Protection against fouling acc. to Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection Yes; Type 1 protection
EN 60664-3
• Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating Yes; Discoloration of coating
MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life possible during service life possible during service life possible during service life
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating, Yes; Conformal coating,
Electrical Insulating Compound for Class A Class A Class A Class A
Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
SIPLUS BusAdapters
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
■ Overview
- The top hat rail integrated in the S7-1500 standard rail allows
snapping-on of many standard components such as
additional terminals, miniature circuit breakers or small
- The 1:1 allocation of channel status and diagnostics LED,
terminal and inscription allows fast location and elimination
of errors. Assistance is provided by the wiring diagram
printed on the inside of the front panels
- The integrated shielding concept for analog and technology
modules allows reliable and rugged operation, in particular
with high-speed applications. Installation does not require
any tools
- Particularly space-saving and simple design with slim
25 mm modules;
the maximum possible station configuration with power
supply (PS), interface module (IM) and 30 I/O modules can
be accommodated on a 830 mm-wide S7-1500 standard rail
• Comprehensive product portfolio comprising digital and
analog input or output modules, technology modules, and
communication modules for point-to-point communication;
The SIMATIC ET 200MP is a modular and scalable I/O system further modules, e.g. F-modules, will be available soon.
with IP20 degree of protection for universal use, and offers the - Integrated technological functions in selected modules,
same system advantages as the S7-1500. The SIMATIC such as counting, pulse width modulation (PWM) or
ET 200MP permits extremely short bus cycles and very fast integrated switching cycle counters, make cost-effective
response times, even with large quantity structures. and convenient solutions possible.
SIMATIC ET 200MP consists of the following components: - Selected digital output modules enable safety-related load
group shutdown in accordance with SILCL 2 via an external
• Interface module for connecting S7-1500 I/O modules to safety relay.
PROFINET; up to 30 modules can be connected to one
interface module • Extensive system functions
- Integrated system diagnostics when operated with an
• Interface module for connecting S7-1500 I/O modules to S7-1500 and the TIA Portal
PROFIBUS; up to 12 modules can be connected to one - Increased communication availability by using Media
interface module Redundancy Protocol (MRP) on the PROFINET;
The SIMATIC ET 200MP distributed I/O system is particularly in addition, the IM 155-5 PN HF High Feature interface
easy to install, wire, and commission. module can be operated on an S7-400H. Configuration is
carried out with STEP 7 V5.5 SP3 and a GSDML file. The
IM 155-5 PN HF also supports operation on an S7-400H 9
• Modular I/O system with IP20 degree of protection for CPU (system redundancy)
PROFINET or alternatively for PROFIBUS - Consistent use of identification and maintenance data IM0 to
• Compact dimensions and high channel density IM3 for fast electronic and unambiguous identification of
individual modules (Article No., serial number, etc.)
• High degree of user-friendliness due to the following design - Uniform firmware update for the interface module and
features: all I/O modules for subsequent expansion of functions
- Uniform 40-pin front connector simplifies ordering, logistics, (investment security)
and warehousing - Bus cycle time ≥ 250 μs and coupling to the isochronous
- Uniform pin assignment per module type simplifies wiring task permit implementation of applications with high perfor-
and helps avoid errors mance requirements with PROFINET
- Integrated potential bridges simplify wiring and allow flexible - Up to 30 I/O modules (PROFINET) or 12 I/O modules
subsequent modification (PROFIBUS) within a station save on interface modules and
- The cable storage space grows along with the requirements installation time
and allows a uniform appearance even with insulated - MMC not required with PROFINET; automatic address
conductors with a large cross-section and/or thick insulation assignment via LLDP or manually via TIA Portal or PST tool
- The pre-wiring position for the front connector allows conve- - Shared device on up to two (IM 155-5 PN BA and
nient wiring both when commissioning and making changes IM 155-5 PN ST) or four (IM 155-5 PN HF) IO Controllers
during operation - Module shared input/module shared output as system
function for all S7-1500 I/O modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-5 PN
■ Overview
IM 155-5 PN ST, IM 155-5 PN HF
• Interface modules for linking the ET 200MP to PROFINET
• These handle data exchange with the PROFINET IO controller
in the PLC
• Integrated 2-port switch for line topology
• Max. 30 I/O modules
• Shortest bus cycle 250 μs
• Linking to the isochronous task of the CPU
• Prioritized fast startup (FSU) with max. 12 I/O modules
• Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP)
• Shared device on up to two IO controllers (when configuring
using GSD file; depends on the respective configuration tool)
• Omission of SIMATIC Memory Card (SMC); IM replacement
without PG using LLDP
• Operation of F-modules and PROFIsafe
Starting from FW version V2.0.0, the IM155-5 PN ST interface
• Interface modules for linking the ET 200MP to PROFINET module supports the following new functions:
• These handle data exchange with the PROFINET IO controller • Submodule-granular shared device with up to two IO
in the PLC controllers
• Integrated 2-port switch for line topology • Configuration control (option handling)
IM 155-5 PN BA • Module shared input and module shared output (MSI/MSO),
• Max. 30 I/O modules i.e. the inputs or outputs of a module can be made available
simultaneously to up to two IO controllers
• Shortest bus cycle time 1 ms
• Media redundancy (MRP) The IM155-5 PN HF interface module has the following
additional functions:
• Shared device on up to 2 IO controllers
• Shared device on up to 4 IO controllers
• Omission of SIMATIC Memory Card (SMC); IM replacement
without PG using LLDP • Module shared input and module shared output (MSI/MSO)
on up to four IO controllers
• Operation on a highly available SIMATIC S7-400H
9 • Support for the MRPD function (media redundancy with
planned duplication)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-5 PN
■ Overview (continued)
IM 155-5 PN BA IM 155-5 PN ST IM 155-5 PN HF
Article No. 6ES7155-5AA00-0AA0 6ES7155-5AA01-0AB0 6ES7155-5AA00-0AC0
IO modules All except PROFIsafe All All
Max. number IO modules / IM 12 30 30
Max. number of bytes / slot 64 inputs 256 inputs 256 inputs
64 outputs 256 outputs 256 outputs
Max. number bytes / station 64 inputs 512 inputs 512 inputs
64 outputs 512 outputs 512 outputs
Update time 1 ms 250 μs 250 μs
GSDML Yes Yes Yes
TIA Portal Yes Yes Yes
PCS 7 No No No
General functions
Reset to factory settings TIA Portal TIA Portal TIA Portal
Device replacement: LLDP LLDP LLDP
without PG
Configuration management No Yes Yes
(option handling)
I&M data IM 0 … 3 IM 0 … 3 IM 0 … 3
Isochronous mode No Yes Yes
PROFIsafe No Yes Yes
PROFINET functions
RT Yes Yes Yes
IRT No Yes Yes
S2 redundancy No No Yes
Fast startup No Yes Yes
Shared device Yes; up to 2 ctrl. Yes; up to 2 ctrl. Yes; up to 4 ctrl.
MSI / MSO Yes Yes Yes
Submodules Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-5 PN
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7155-5AA00-0AA0 6ES7155-5AA00-0AC0 6ES7155-5AA01-0AB0
ET 200MP, IM 155-5 PN BA ET 200MP, IM 155-5 PN HF ET 200MP, IM 155-5 PN ST
General information
Product type designation IM 155-5 PN BA IM 155-5 PN HF IM 155-5 PN ST
Product function
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Yes; I&M0 to I&M3
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V14 with HSP 0187 V13 / V13 V14 or higher with HSP 0223 /
integrated as of version integrated with V15 or higher
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP3 / - V5.5 SP3 / - GSDML V2.32
as of version
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ V2.3 / - V2.3 / - V2.3 / -
GSD revision
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes Yes
Short-circuit protection Yes Yes Yes
Input current
Current consumption (rated value) 1A 0.2 A 0.2 A
Power loss
Power loss, typ. 3W 4.5 W 4.5 W
Address area
Address space per station
• Address space per station, max. 64 byte; per input / output 512 byte; per input / output 512 byte; per input / output
Hardware configuration
Integrated power supply Yes Yes Yes
• Modules per rack, max. 12; I/O modules 30; I/O modules 30; I/O modules
• Number of submodules per station, 108; 9 submodules / I/O modules 256
9 Interfaces
Number of PROFINET interfaces 1; 2 ports (switch) RJ45 1 1
1. Interface
Interface types
• Number of ports 2 2 2
• integrated switch Yes Yes Yes
• RJ 45 (Ethernet) Yes Yes Yes
• BusAdapter (PROFINET) No
• PROFINET IO Device Yes Yes Yes
• Media redundancy Yes Yes Yes; PROFINET MRP
Interface types
RJ 45 (Ethernet)
• Transmission procedure PROFINET with 100 Mbit/s full duplex PROFINET with 100 Mbit/s full duplex PROFINET with 100 Mbit/s full duplex
(100BASE-TX) (100BASE-TX) (100BASE-TX)
• 100 Mbps Yes Yes Yes
• Autonegotiation Yes Yes Yes
• Autocrossing Yes Yes Yes
- Isochronous mode No Yes Yes
- Open IE communication Yes
- IRT No Yes Yes
- PROFIenergy No No No
- Prioritized startup No Yes Yes
- Shared device Yes Yes Yes
- Number of IO Controllers with 2 4 2
shared device, max.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-5 PN
• Connection display LINK TX/RX Yes; 2x green-yellow LEDs Yes; yellow LED Yes; 2x green-yellow LEDs
Standards, approvals, certificates
Network loading class 2
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• horizontal installation, min. 0 °C 0 °C 0 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C 60 °C 60 °C
• vertical installation, min. 0 °C 0 °C 0 °C
• vertical installation, max. 40 °C 40 °C 40 °C
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 mm
Width 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm
Height 147 mm 147 mm 147 mm
Depth 129 mm 129 mm 129 mm
Weight, approx. 236 g 350 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-5 PN
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-5 DP
■ Overview
• Interface module for linking the ET 200MP to PROFIBUS
• Handles data exchange with the PROFIBUS master in the PLC
• Max. 12 I/O modules
• Automatic detection of baud rate 9.6 kBd ... 12 MBd
• PROFIBUS addresses 1 ... 125; adjustable using DIP switches
• Identification and maintenance data IM0 ... IM3
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7155-5BA00-0AB0 Article number 6ES7155-5BA00-0AB0
ET 200MP, IM155-5 DP ST ET 200MP, IM155-5 DP ST
General information 1. Interface
Product type designation IM 155-5 DP ST Interface types
Product function • RS 485 Yes
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 Protocols
Engineering with • PROFIBUS DP slave Yes
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V13 / V13 RS 485
integrated as of version • Transmission rate, max. 12 Mbit/s
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated V5.5 SP3 / - PROFIBUS DP
as of version
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ V1.0 / V5.1
GSD revision
Supply voltage
- SYNC capability
- FREEZE capability
Yes 9
Rated value (DC) 24 V - DPV1 Yes
Reverse polarity protection Yes Isochronous mode
Short-circuit protection Yes Isochronous operation (application No
synchronized up to terminal)
Input current
Current consumption (rated value) 0.2 A; at 24 V DC and without load status information
Power loss Status indicator Yes
Power loss, typ. 4W Alarms Yes
Address area Diagnostics function Yes
Address space per station Diagnostics indication LED
• Address space per station, max. 244 byte; per input / output • RUN LED Yes; Green LED
Hardware configuration • ERROR LED Yes; Red LED
Integrated power supply Yes • MAINT LED Yes; yellow LED
Rack • Connection display DP Yes; Green LED
• Modules per rack, max. 12; I/O modules Ambient conditions
Interfaces Ambient temperature during
Number of PROFIBUS interfaces 1 operation
• horizontal installation, min. 0 °C
• horizontal installation, max. 60 °C
• vertical installation, min. 0 °C
• vertical installation, max. 40 °C
Width 35 mm
Height 147 mm
Depth 129 mm
Weight, approx. 360 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 155-5 DP
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > SIPLUS IM 155-5 PN
• Omission of SIMATIC memory card (SMC); IM replacement
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and dry
without PG using LLDP according to EN 60721-3-3 rot spores (with the exception of
Note: fauna); Class 3B3 on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl.
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard according to EN 60721-3-3 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
products. The contents listed here were taken from the (severity degree 3); *
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific - to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
information was added. according to EN 60721-3-3
Use on ships/at sea
■ Ordering data Article No. - to biologically active substances
according to EN 60721-3-6
Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal
spores (excluding fauna);
SIPLUS IM 155-5 PN interface 6AG1155-5AA01-7AB0 Class 6B3 on request
module - to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-6 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(Extended temperature range (severity degree 3); *
and exposure to environmental
substances) - to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; *
according to EN 60721-3-6
IP 20 degree of protection,
module width 35 mm, installation Remark
on S7-1500 mounting rail - Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers must
environmental conditions acc. to remain in place over the unused
Accessories See SIMATIC ET 200MP, EN 60721 interfaces during operation!
IM 155-5 PN interface
module, page 9/216 Conformal coating
• Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 for high availability
assemblies acc. to EN 61086
• Protection against fouling acc. to Yes; Type 1 protection
EN 60664-3
• Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating
MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Class A
Electrical Insulating Compound for
Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules
■ Overview
I/O modules constitute the interface of the SIMATIC ET 200MP to
the process:
• Digital and analog modules provide exactly the inputs/outputs
required for each task
• Technology modules for SIMATIC S7-1500 and ET 200MP
- With integrated functions for high-speed counting and
position detection
- With integrated inputs and outputs for tasks at the process
level and short response times
• Communication modules for SIMATIC S7-1500 and ET 200MP
- For data exchange using point-to-point coupling
- For connecting to PROFIBUS
- For connecting to Industrial Ethernet
• Connection system for user-friendly, low-overhead wiring of
the S7-1500 and ET 200MP modules
You can find additional information under SIMATIC S7-1500,
catalog section 4.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 153-1/153-2
■ Overview
The ET 200M system with various interface modules is available
for the distributed use of S7-300 I/O modules. Depending on the
application purpose, the best suited IM in terms of costs and
functions can be selected:
IM153-1 Standard
The IM153-1 is one reasonably priced variant that is excellently
suited for most applications in the manufacturing environment.
It permits the use of up to 8 S7-300 I/O modules.
IM153-2 High Feature
For higher requirements in manufacturing technology, such as
the use of F technology or the highest performance in conjunc-
tion with clock synchronization, the IM153-2 High Feature is
available. This IM is also designed for use with the PCS7 in the
field of process-oriented applications. This IM can be redun-
dantly used and supports typical functions as they are required
in the control field. These include, for example, clock synchroni-
zation or time stamping with an accuracy of up to 1 ms.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7153-1AA03-0XB0 6ES7153-2BA10-0XB0 6ES7153-2BA70-0XB0
ET200M, Interface Module IM153-1 ET200M, Interface Module IM153-2 HF ET200M, INTERFACE MODULE
General information
Product type designation IM 153-1 DP ST IM 153-2 DP HF IM 153-2 HF
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
• 24 V DC Yes Yes Yes
external protection for power supply not necessary 2,5 A 2,5 A
lines (recommendation)
Input current
Current consumption, max. 350 mA; at 24 V DC 650 mA; with 24 V DC supply 650 mA
Output voltage
Rated value (DC) 5V
Output current
for backplane bus (5 V DC), max. 1A 1.5 A 1.5 A
Power loss
Power loss, typ. 3W 5.5 W 5.5 W
Address area
Addressing volume
• Inputs 128 byte 244 byte 244 byte
• Outputs 128 byte 244 byte 244 byte
Hardware configuration
Number of modules per DP slave 8 12 12
interface, max.
Time stamping
Accuracy 1 ms; 1ms at up to 8 modules; 1 ms; 1ms at up to 8 modules;
10ms at up to 12 modules 10ms at up to 12 modules
Number of message buffers 15 15
Messages per message buffer 20 20
Number of stampable digital inputs, 128; Max. 128 signals/station; 128; Max. 128 signals/station;
max. max. 32 signals/slot max. 32 signals/slot
Time format RFC 1119 RFC 1119
Time resolution 0.466 ns 0.466 ns
Time interval for transmitting the 1 000 ms 1 000 ms
message buffer if a message is
Time stamp on signal change rising / falling edge as signal entering rising / falling edge as signal entering
or exiting or exiting
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 153-1/153-2
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 153-1/153-2
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 153-4 PN
■ Overview
• For connecting ET 200M to PROFINET IO (via copper line,
RJ45) as an IO device
• 2 versions:
- IM 153-4 PN Standard
- IM 153-4 PN High Feature:
supports, in contrast to the Standard version, the operation
of PROFIsafe F and HART modules. The operation of an
S7-400H (system redundancy) is likewise possible.
• Integrated 2-port switch
• 12 modules per station
• Usable I/O capacity: 192 bytes each
• Active bus backplane to hot-swap modules available as an
• Baud rate 10 Mbps / 100 Mbps (autonegotiation / full duplex)
• I&M functions according to PNO Guideline Order No. 3.502,
Version V1.1
Micro Memory Card with at least 64 KB required if not all the
stations in the network support LLDP (Link Layer Discovery
Protocol; proximity detection).
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7153-4AA01-0XB0 6ES7153-4BA00-0XB0
IM153-4 PN IO for 12 Modules S7-300 IM153-4 PN IO HF for 12 Modules S7-300
General information
Product type designation IM 153-4 PN ST IM 153-4 PN HF
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
• 24 V DC Yes Yes
external protection for power supply In a construction with grounded reference potential, In a construction with grounded reference potential,
lines (recommendation) a fuse is necessary for redundant interface modules a fuse is necessary for redundant interface modules
(Recommendation: 2.5 A) (Recommendation: 2.5 A)
Input current
Current consumption, max. 600 mA; with 24 V DC supply 600 mA; with 24 V DC supply
Output voltage
Rated value (DC) 5V 5V
Output current
for backplane bus (5 V DC), max. 1.5 A 1.5 A
Power loss
Power loss, typ. 6W 6W
Address area
Addressing volume
• Inputs 192 byte 672 byte; Extended HART user data
• Outputs 192 byte 192 byte
Hardware configuration
Number of modules per DP slave 12 12
interface, max.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 153-4 PN
9 Isolation tested with 500 V DC Between PROFINET and 24 V supply: 1 500 V AC,
between functional grounding and 24 V supply: 500 V DC
Degree and class of protection
IP degree of protection IP20 IP20
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• min. 0 °C 0 °C
• max. 60 °C 60 °C
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m 2 000 m
Width 40 mm 40 mm
Height 125 mm 125 mm
Depth 118 mm 118 mm
Weight, approx. 215 g 215 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 153-4 PN
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > SIPLUS ET 200M IM 153-1/153-2
■ Overview
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
For technical documentation on SIPLUS, see:
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1153-1AA03-2XB0 6AG1153-2BA10-2XY0 6AG1153-2BA10-7XB0
Based on 6ES7153-1AA03-0XB0 6ES7153-2BA10-0XY0 6ES7153-2BA10-0XB0
SIPLUS IM153-1 SIPLUS ET200M IM153-2 EN50155 SIPLUS ET200M IM153-2 HF
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• min. -40 °C; = Tmin -25 °C; = Tmin -40 °C; = Tmin; Startup @ -25 °C
• max. 70 °C; = Tmax; 60 °C; = Tmax; the rated temperature 70 °C; = Tmax
60 °C @ UL/cUL, ATEX and FM use range of -25 ... +55 °C (T1) applies for
the use on railway vehicles according
to EN50155
• At cold restart, min. -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C
Ambient temperature during
9 storage/transportation
• min. -40 °C -40 °C -40 °C
• max. 70 °C 70 °C 70 °C
Altitude during operation relating to
sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at Tmin ... Tmax at
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) // (-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at
795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa 795 hPa ... 658 hPa
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // (+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at
658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa 658 hPa ... 540 hPa
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) (+3 500 m ... +5 000 m)
Relative humidity
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. condensation/frost 100 %; RH incl. condensation/frost 100 %; RH incl. condensation/frost
tested in accordance (no commissioning under (no commissioning under (no commissioning under
with IEC 60068-2-38, max. condensation conditions) condensation conditions) condensation conditions)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > SIPLUS ET 200M IM 153-1/153-2
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > SIPLUS ET 200M IM 153-1/153-2
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface modules > SIPLUS ET 200M IM 153-4 PN IO
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital modules, analog modules
HART modules
• For the use of HART (Highway Addressable Remote
Transducer) devices in the SIMATIC S7 and PCS 7 automation
• All transducers or HART sensors/actuators which are certified
for communication using the HART protocol can be
• In addition, conventional transducers with 4 to 20 mA
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input module with HART
■ Overview
• Can only be plugged into ET 200M with IM 153-2 and
IM 153-2 FO
• Redundancy switching
• Firmware update
• HART minor variables
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7331-7TF01-0AB0 Article number 6ES7331-7TF01-0AB0
SM331, 8AI, 0/4-20MA HART SM331, 8AI, 0/4-20MA HART
Supply voltage Encoder
Load voltage L+ Connection of signal encoders
• Rated value (DC) 24 V • for current measurement Yes
• Reverse polarity protection Yes as 2-wire transducer
Input current • for current measurement Yes
as 4-wire transducer
from load voltage L+ (without load), 20 mA
max. Errors/accuracies
from backplane bus 5 V DC, max. 120 mA Linearity error (relative to input range), 0.01 %
Output voltage
Temperature error 0.001 %/K
Power supply to the transmitters (relative to input range), (+/-)
• present Yes Crosstalk between the inputs, min. 70 dB
• Rated value (DC) 24 V Repeat accuracy in steady state at 0.1 %
• short-circuit proof Yes 25 °C (relative to input range), (+/-)
• Supply current, max. 60 mA Operational error limit in overall
temperature range
Analog inputs
• Current, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.15 %
Number of analog inputs 8
Basic error limit
permissible input current for current 40 mA (operational limit at 25 °C)
input (destruction limit), max.
• Current, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.1 %
Input ranges (rated values), currents
Interference voltage suppression for
• 0 to 20 mA Yes f = n x (f1 +/- 1 %), f1 = interference
Cable length frequency
• shielded, max. 800 m • Series mode interference 40 dB
(peak value of interference < rated
Analog value generation
value of input range), min.
for the inputs
• Common mode interference, min. 100 dB
Measurement principle Sigma Delta
Isochronous mode
Integration and conversion time/
resolution per channel Isochronous operation (application No
synchronized up to terminal)
• Resolution with overrange 16 bit
(bit including sign), max.
• Integration time, parameterizable Yes
• Integration time (ms) 20 ms at 50 Hz; 16.6 ms at 60 Hz;
100 ms at 100 Hz
• Basic conversion time, including 55 ms @ 60 Hz, 65 ms @ 50 Hz,
integration time (ms) 305 ms @ 100 Hz
• Interference voltage suppression 10 / 50 / 60 Hz
for interference frequency f1 in Hz
Smoothing of measured values
• parameterizable Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog input module with HART
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog output module with HART
■ Overview
• For plugging into ET 200M exclusively with IM 153-2 and
IM 153-2 FO
• Redundancy switching
• Firmware update
• HART minor variables
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7332-8TF01-0AB0 Article number 6ES7332-8TF01-0AB0
SM332, 8AO, 0/4 - 20MA HART SM332, 8AO, 0/4 - 20MA HART
Supply voltage Analog value generation for the
Load voltage L+ outputs
• Rated value (DC) 24 V Integration and conversion time/
resolution per channel
• Reverse polarity protection Yes
• Resolution with overrange 16 bit
Input current (bit including sign), max.
from load voltage L+ (without load), 350 mA • Basic execution time of the module 10 ms; 10 ms in AO mode 50 ms
max. (all channels released) in HART-AO mode
from backplane bus 5 V DC, max. 110 mA Settling time
Analog outputs • for resistive load 0.1 ms
Number of analog outputs 8 • for inductive load 0.5 ms
Current output, no-load voltage, max. 24 V Errors/accuracies
Output ranges, current Output ripple (relative to output range, 0.02 %
• 0 to 20 mA Yes bandwidth 0 to 50 kHz), (+/-)
• -20 mA to +20 mA No Linearity error (relative to output 0.01 %
range), (+/-)
• 4 mA to 20 mA Yes
Temperature error 0.002 %/K
Connection of actuators (relative to output range), (+/-)
• for current output two-wire Yes Crosstalk between the outputs, min. 70 dB
Repeat accuracy in steady state at 25 0.05 %
Load impedance °C (relative to output range), (+/-)
(in rated range of output)
Operational error limit in overall
• with current outputs, max. 750 Ω temperature range
• with current outputs, inductive load, 10 mH • Current, relative to output range, 0.2 %
max. (+/-)
Destruction limits against exter- Basic error limit
nally applied voltages and currents (operational limit at 25 °C)
• Voltages at the outputs towards +60/-0.5 V • Current, relative to output range, 0.1 %
MANA (+/-)
Cable length
• shielded, max. 800 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog output module with HART
Weight, approx. 220 g
Electronic manuals on DVD,
S7-200, TD 200, S7-300, M7-300,
C7, S7-400, M7-400, STEP 7,
Engineering Tools,
Runtime Software,
SIMATIC DP (Distributed I/O),
SIMATIC HMI (Human Machine
Interface), SIMATIC NET
(Industrial Communication)
S7 Manual Collection update 6ES7998-8XC01-8YE2
service for 1 year
Scope of supply: Current DVD
"S7 Manual Collection" and the
three subsequent updates
Labeling sheets for machine
For modules with 20-pin front
connector, DIN A4, for printing
with laser printer; 10 units
Petrol 6ES7392-2AX00-0AA0
Light beige 6ES7392-2BX00-0AA0
Yellow 6ES7392-2CX00-0AA0
Red 6ES7392-2DX00-0AA0
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Ex-analog input module with HART
■ Overview
• For connecting HART devices in hazardous areas.
• Can only be plugged into ET 200M
• 2 AI HART, Ex
• 2 inputs in 2 channel groups (single-channel isolation)
• Measurement type and range can be selected for each
• Diagnostics and diagnostic alarm parameterizable
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7331-7TB10-0AB0 Article number 6ES7331-7TB10-0AB0
SM331, 2AI, 0/4-20MA HART SM331, 2AI, 0/4-20MA HART
Supply voltage Encoder
Load voltage L+ Connection of signal encoders
• Rated value (DC) 24 V • for current measurement Yes
• Reverse polarity protection Yes as 2-wire transducer
Input current • for current measurement Yes
as 4-wire transducer
from load voltage L+ (without load), 180 mA
max. Errors/accuracies
from backplane bus 5 V DC, max. 100 mA Linearity error (relative to input range), 0.01 %
Output voltage
Temperature error 0.01 %/K
Power supply to the transmitters (relative to input range), (+/-)
• present Yes Crosstalk between the inputs, min. 130 dB
• Rated value (DC)
• short-circuit proof
15 V; at 22 mA
Yes; approx. 30 mA
Repeat accuracy in steady state at
25 °C (relative to input range), (+/-)
0.05 %
• No-load voltage (DC) 29.6 V Operational error limit in overall
temperature range
Analog inputs
• Current, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.45 %; From 0/4 to 20 mA
Number of analog inputs 2
Basic error limit
permissible input current for current 40 mA (operational limit at 25 °C)
input (destruction limit), max.
• Current, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.1 %; From 0/4 to 20 mA
Input ranges (rated values), currents
Interference voltage suppression for
• 0 to 20 mA Yes f = n x (f1 +/- 1 %), f1 = interference
• 4 mA to 20 mA Yes frequency
Cable length • Series mode interference 60 dB
(peak value of interference < rated
• shielded, max. 400 m
value of input range), min.
Analog value generation for the
• Common mode interference, min. 130 dB
Measurement principle Sigma Delta
status information
Integration and conversion time/
Diagnostics function Yes; Parameterizable
resolution per channel
• Resolution with overrange 16 bit; 10 bit to 15 bit + sign
(bit including sign), max. • Diagnostic alarm Yes; Parameterizable
• Integration time, parameterizable Yes • Limit value alarm Yes; Parameterizable,
channels 0 and 1
• Integration time (ms) 2,5 / 16,67 / 20 / 100 ms
Diagnostic messages
• Basic conversion time, 2.5 / 16.67 / 20 / 100
including integration time (ms) (1 channel enabled); 7.5 / 50 / 60 / • Diagnostic information readable Yes; possible
300 (2 channels enabled) • Overrange Yes; Red LED, signal
• Interference voltage suppression 10 / 50 / 60 / 400 Hz • Wire-break in signal transmitter Yes; Red LED, signal
for interference frequency f1 in Hz cable
• Short-circuit of the signal encoder Yes; Red LED, signal
• HART communication active Yes; green LED (H)
Diagnostics indication LED
• Group error SF (red) Yes
• Channel fault indicator F (red) Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Ex-analog input module with HART
9 [ib IIIC Db] IIC T4 Gc (10 units, spare part) for signal
modules (not 32-channel modules),
• Test number KEMA DEKRA 14 ATEX 0052X function modules and CPU 312 IFM
Ambient conditions Labeling sheets for machine
Ambient temperature during printing
for modules with 20-pin front
• min. 0 °C connector, DIN A4, for printing
• max. 60 °C with laser printer; 10 units
Connection method Petrol 6ES7392-2AX00-0AA0
required front connector 1x 20-pin Light beige 6ES7392-2BX00-0AA0
Dimensions Yellow 6ES7392-2CX00-0AA0
Width 40 mm
Red 6ES7392-2DX00-0AA0
Height 125 mm
Depth 120 mm
Weight, approx. 260 g
A connector with spring-loaded terminals cannot be used if the cable
guide is used.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Ex-analog output module with HART
■ Overview
• For using HART devices in hazardous areas
• Can only be plugged into ET 200M
• 2 AO HART, Ex
• 2 current outputs in 2 channel groups
(single-channel isolation)
• Output type and range can be selected for each channel
• Diagnostics and diagnostic alarm parameterizable
• Read-back capability of the analog outputs
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7332-5TB10-0AB0 Article number 6ES7332-5TB10-0AB0
SM332, 2AO, 0/4 - 20MA HART SM332, 2AO, 0/4 - 20MA HART
Supply voltage Analog value generation
Load voltage L+ for the outputs
• Rated value (DC) 24 V Integration and conversion time/
resolution per channel
• Reverse polarity protection Yes
• Resolution with overrange 12 bit; + sign
Input current (bit including sign), max.
from load voltage L+ (without load), 150 mA • Conversion time (per channel) 40 ms
Settling time
from backplane bus 5 V DC, max. 100 mA
• for resistive load 2.5 ms
Analog outputs
• for capacitive load 4 ms
Number of analog outputs 2
• for inductive load 2.5 ms
Current output, no-load voltage, max. 19 V
Cycle time (all channels) max. 5 ms
Output ripple (relative to output range, 0.02 %
Output ranges, current bandwidth 0 to 50 kHz), (+/-)
• 0 to 20 mA Yes Linearity error (relative to output 0.03 %
• -20 mA to +20 mA No range), (+/-)
• 4 mA to 20 mA Yes Temperature error 0.01 %/K
(relative to output range), (+/-)
Connection of actuators
Crosstalk between the outputs, min. 130 dB
• for current output two-wire Yes
connection Repeat accuracy in steady state at 0.005 %
25 °C (relative to output range), (+/-)
Load impedance
(in rated range of output) Operational error limit in overall
temperature range
• with current outputs, max. 650 Ω
• Current, relative to output range, 0.55 %
• with current outputs, inductive load, 7.5 mH (+/-)
Basic error limit
Destruction limits against exter- (operational limit at 25 °C)
nally applied voltages and currents
• Current, relative to output range, 0.15 %
• Voltages at the outputs towards max. 17 V / -0.5 V (+/-)
• Current, max. 60 mA / -1 A
Cable length
• shielded, max. 400 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Ex-analog output module with HART
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS S7-300 analog input module with HART
according to EN 60721-3-3
Use on ships/at sea
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal
according to EN 60721-3-6 spores (excluding fauna); Class 6B3
on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-6 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; *
according to EN 60721-3-6
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers must
environmental conditions acc. to remain in place over the unused
EN 60721 interfaces during operation!
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS S7-300 analog output module with HART
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > SIPLUS S7-300 Ex analog input module with HART
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-3 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
according to EN 60721-3-3
Use on ships/at sea
- to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal
according to EN 60721-3-6 spores (excluding fauna); Class 6B3
on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl.
according to EN 60721-3-6 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
(severity degree 3); *
- to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; *
according to EN 60721-3-6
- Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers must
environmental conditions acc. to remain in place over the unused
EN 60721 interfaces during operation!
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > F digital/analog modules, Ex modules
The fail-safe SIMATIC S7 CPUs and the fail-safe signal modules • Input/output modules for applications in chemical plants with
of SIMATIC ET 200S, ET 200pro, ET 200eco and ET 200M have explosion hazards
been specially developed for distributed, safety-related applica- • For connecting sensors and actuators from zones 1 and 2 of
tions in production engineering. Thanks to the discreetly plants with explosion hazards
modular structure of the fail-safe I/Os, safety technology only
has to be applied where actually required. The new system • Associated electrical equipment Ex [ib] [ibD] IIC
replaces conventional electromechanical components, such as: • For separating the non-intrinsically-safe electrical circuits of
• Freely programmable, safe linking of sensors to actuators the automation system and the intrinsically-safe electrical
circuits of the process
• Selective safe shutdown of actuators
• Mixed configuration of F-modules and standard modules in a For further information, see SIMATIC S7-300, chapter 5.
• Single-bus concept;
fail-safe signals and standard signals are transferred over a
single bus medium (PROFIBUS DP, PROFINET)
9 Totally Integrated Automation (TIA)
Safety technology (Safety Integrated) is a component of
Totally Integrated Automation which provides total integration of
safety automation and standard automation (SIMATIC S7).
Whereas standard automation (classical PLCs) and safety
automation (electromechanics) are still separate today, these
two worlds are growing together into a uniform, integrated
overall system.
Siemens can therefore present itself as a complete supplier for
automation technology in which safety engineering is part of
standard automation and system-wide integration exists.
For further information, see SIMATIC S7-300, chapter 5.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Function modules
■ Overview
Function modules
Counting FM 350-1 counter module
FM 350-2 counter module
• of rapid traverse and creep speed FM 351 positioning module
Position and path control FM 357-2 path and position control
SSI position detection SM 338 POS input modules
Electronic cam control FM 352 electronic cam controller
High speed logic operation FM 352-5 high-speed Boolean
Controlling FM 355 controller module
FM 355-2 temperature controller
Weighing and proportioning SIWAREX
Function modules unburden the CPU of work-intensive tasks 1) Not for ET 200M
such as counting, positioning and controlling
Module spectrum
• Counter modules
• Positioning modules for rapid traverse and creep speed
• Positioning modules for stepper motors
• Positioning modules for servo motors
• Positioning and continuous path modules
• SSI position detection modules
• Electronic cam controllers
• High-speed Boolean processor
• Controller modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Function modules
■ Overview (continued)
Applicability with ET 200M distributed I/O device
Almost all function modules can be used in the ET 200M
distributed I/O device. In doing so, the following details must
be observed:
For plugging in behind IM 153-1 For plugging in behind IM 153-2 For plugging in behind For plugging
(6ES7153-1AA03-0XB0) (6ES7153-2BA02-0XB0) IM 153-2 FO in behind
(6ES7153-2BB00-0XB0) IM 153-4 PN
configurable with
Module Article No. STEP 71) GSD2) STEP 71) GSD2) STEP 71) GSD2) STEP 71)
FM 350-1 counter 6ES7350- -- -- --
module 1AH03-0AE0
FM 350-2 counter 6ES7350- -- -- --
module 2AH01-0AE0
FM 351 positioning 6ES7351- -- -- --
module 1AH01-0AE0
FM 352 6ES7352- -- -- --
cam controller 1AH02-0AE0
FM 352-5 high-speed 6ES7352- 3) 3) 3)
Boolean processor 5AH00-0AE0
FM 352-5 high-speed 6ES7352- 3) 3) 3)
Boolean processor 5AH10-0AE0
FM 355 C controller 6ES7355- -- -- -- --
module 0VH10-0AE0
FM 355 S controller 6ES7355- -- -- -- --
module 1VH10-0AE0
FM 355-2 C 6ES7355- -- -- --
temperature 2CH00-0AE0
controller module
FM 355-2 S 6ES7355- -- -- --
temperature 2SH00-0AE0
controller module
--: not configurable
1) Configuration using the meta-knowledge integrated into STEP 7 (in Hardware Catalog under PROFIBUS DP > ET 200M > IM 153-1 / IM 153-2 or
PROFINET IO > I/O > ET 200M > IM153-4 PN).
2) Configuration using GSD file
(after installation of the GSD file configurable from the Hardware Catalog under PROFIBUS DP > Additional field devices > I/O > ET200M).
During configuration on the CP 342-5 as DP master, S5 (IM 308C) as DP master or external masters, the GSD file must be configured.
Visible and configurable only with the corresponding configuration package in STEP 7.
Position measurement systems and pre-assembled connecting
cables for counter and positioning function are offered under
SIMODRIVE Sensor and Motion Connect 500.
For further information, see SIMATIC S7-300, chapter 5.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
I/O modules > Special modules, communication, power supplies
The special modules provide the user with functions for • Load current supplies for S7-300/ET 200M
diagnostics and commissioning. • For converting the line voltage to the required operating
For further information, see SIMATIC S7-300, chapter 5. voltage (24 V DC)
• Output current 2 A, 5 A or 10 A
■ Overview Communication For further information, see SIMATIC S7-300, chapter 5.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
■ Overview
The modular design of the ET 200iSP makes it possible to opti-
mally adapt the remote I/O stations to the respective automation
task through individual configuration and flexible expansion.
To increase plant availability, the pressure-encapsulated power
supply and the intrinsically-safe PROFIBUS DP connection
(RS 485-iS) of the stations can also be of redundant design.
The modern architecture with hardwiring and automatic slot
coding supports pre-wiring without the electronic modules,
simple and reliable hot swapping of individual modules without
a fire certificate as well as configuration in run (CiR).
In addition to analog and digital I/O modules for the automation
of the technological functions of the process (Basic Process
Control), the range of electronic modules also includes fail-safe
F-I/O modules for implementing safety applications.
The various types of electronic module can be arranged mixed
The ET 200iSP is a modular, intrinsically-safe I/O system with within a station. Comprehensive diagnostic options facilitate
IP30 degree of protection which can be operated in gas and commissioning and troubleshooting.
dust atmospheres at ambient temperatures from -20 to +70 °C.
It is optimized for use with SIMATIC PCS 7 and SIMATIC S7,
but can also be integrated in other systems such as SIMATIC S5
per GSD file.
In accordance with ATEX directive 2014/34/EU, the ET 200iSP
remote I/Os stations can be installed directly in the Ex zones 1,
2, 21 or 22 as well as in non-hazardous areas. The intrinsically-
safe sensors, actuators and HART field devices can also be
located in zone 0 or 20 if necessary.
■ Technical specifications
ET 200iSP – general
Degree of protection IP30
Ambient temperature
• Horizontal mounting position -20 … +70 °C
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Power supply unit
■ Overview
An ET 200iSP power supply unit consists of a TM-PS terminal
module (A or B) and a PS power supply module which is
plugged onto this. Terminal modules and power supply modules
can be ordered separately.
The power supply modules are suitable for both individual
operation (standard) and redundant operation. Depending on
the operating mode, they must be combined with the terminal
modules as follows:
• Standard: 1 × PS on TM-PS-A UC
• Redundancy: 1 × PS on TM-PS-A UC (left)
plus 1 × PS on TM-PS-B UC (right)
Power supply modules are available for supplies of 24 V DC and
120/230 V AC.
The operating state of the power supply modules is indicated by
two LEDs on the IM 152 interface module (one for each module).
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7138-7EA01-0AA0 6ES7138-7EC00-0AA0
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V
Rated value (AC) 230 V; 120/230 V AC
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Line frequency
• permissible range, lower limit 47 Hz
• permissible range, upper limit 63 Hz
Input current
from supply voltage L+, max. 4A
from supply voltage L1, max. 1.04 A; at rated voltage 230 VAC:0.45A at rated voltage
120 VAC:0.75A
status information
Status indicator Yes Yes
Alarms No No
Diagnostic messages
• Diagnostic information readable Yes; via IM 152 Yes; via IM 152
Diagnostics indication LED
• Group error SF (red) No No
Ex(i) characteristics
Maximum values of input circuits
(per channel)
• Um (fault voltage), max. 250 V; DC 264 V; AC/DC
Potential separation
primary/secondary Yes Yes
between supply voltage and Yes No
Standards, approvals, certificates
CE mark Yes Yes
Use in hazardous areas
• Type of protection acc. to Ex de [ib]IIC T4 Ex de [ib]IIC T4
EN 50020 (CENELEC)
• Type of protection acc. to KEMA 04 ATEX 2263 09 ATEX 0156
Width 60 mm 60 mm
Height 190 mm 190 mm
Depth 136.5 mm 136.5 mm
Weight, approx. 2 700 g 2 700 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Power supply unit
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface module
■ Overview
The IM 152 is plugged onto a special terminal module
(to be ordered separately). The following terminal modules
are available:
• TM-IM/IM terminal module for two interface modules
(for redundant PROFIBUS DP connection)
• TM-IM/EM60 terminal module for one interface module
and one watchdog, reserve or electronic module
(except 2 DQ relay)
- with blue screw-type or spring-loaded terminals for
hazardous environments
- with black screw-type terminals for non-hazardous
Tasks of the IM 152 interface module
• Connection of ET 200iSP to the intrinsically-safe
• Autonomous communication with the host automation system
• Preparation of data for the fitted electronic modules
The IM 152 interface module connects the ET 200iSP to the • Saving of parameters of the electronic modules
PROFIBUS DP with intrinsically-safe RS 485-iS transmission • Time stamping of digital process signals with an accuracy of
technology with transmission rates of up to 1.5 Mbps. 20 ms
A redundant connection is also possible. In this case the
ET 200iSP is connected via two interface modules to two The maximum address space of the interface module is
redundant PROFIBUS DP segments of a fault-tolerant 244 bytes for inputs, and 244 bytes for outputs.
automation system.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7152-1AA00-0AB0 Article number 6ES7152-1AA00-0AB0
ET200ISP, IM152-1 ET200ISP, IM152-1
Input current Interrupts/diagnostics/
from supply voltage L+, max. 30 mA status information
Time stamping
Description for each digital input, digital input
Diagnostics function
Yes 9
module, total ET 200iS Alarms
Accuracy 20 ms • acyclic function, interrupts Yes
Number of stampable digital inputs, 64; for accuracy class 20 ms • acyclic function, parameters Yes
max. Diagnostics indication LED
Time format RFC 1119 Internet (ISP) • Bus fault BF (red) Yes
Time resolution 1 ms • Group error SF (red) Yes
Time interval for transmitting the 1 000 ms • Monitoring 24 V voltage supply ON Yes
message buffer if a message is (green)
Potential separation
Time stamp on signal change rising / falling edge as signal
entering or exiting between supply voltage and Yes
Standards, approvals, certificates
Interfaces/bus type RS 485
CE mark Yes
Transmission rate, max. 1.5 Mbit/s; 9,6 / 19,2 / 45,45 / 93,75 /
187,5 / 500 kbit/s; 1,5 Mbit/s Use in hazardous areas
Protocols • Type of protection acc. to EN 50020 II2 G Ex ib IIC T4 and I M2 Ex ib I
• Type of protection acc. to KEMA 04 ATEX 1243
Width 30 mm
- SYNC capability Yes
Height 129 mm
- FREEZE capability Yes
Depth 136.5 mm
- Direct data exchange Yes; Slave to slave as publisher
(slave-to-slave communication) Weights
Isochronous mode Weight, approx. 245 g
Isochronous operation (application No
synchronized up to terminal)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Interface module
(black screw-type terminals)
• petrol 6ES7193-7BH00-0AA0
ET 200iSP terminal module 6ES7193-7AB00-0AA0 • yellow 6ES7193-7BB00-0AA0
For two IM 152 modules Labels, inscribed
(redundant operation), For slot numbering,
including terminating module label size H × W (in mm): 5 × 7
• 204 labels, for slots 1 to 20 8WA8361-0AB
• 204 labels, for slots 1 to 40 8WA8361-0AC
• 136 labels, inscription in plain text 8WA8348-0XA
Labels, blank 8WA8348-2AY
136 labels for slot numbering,
label size H × W (in mm): 5 × 7
S7-300 mounting rails
• 585 mm long, 6ES7390-1AF85-0AA0
suitable for assembly of ET 200iSP
in a 650 mm wide wall box
• 885 mm long, 6ES7390-1AJ85-0AA0
suitable for assembly of ET 200iSP
in a 950 mm wide wall box
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Digital electronic modules
■ Overview
Digital output modules
• 4-channel digital output modules DO EEx i, 23.1 V DC/20 mA,
17.4 V DC/27 mA , 17.4 V DC/40 mA or 25.5 V DC/22 mA,
with external actuator switch-off via High or Low signal
(H/L switch-off)
- Load-free switching of outputs via external intrinsically-safe
- Power boosting through parallel connection of
two outputs for one actuator with 4 DO 17.4 V DC/27 mA or
4 DO 17.4 V DC/40 mA
- Short-circuit and wire break monitoring
• 2-channel digital output module DO Relay EEx e, e.g. for
switching solenoid valves, DC contactors or signaling lamps
- Can be plugged onto TM-RM/RM terminal module
- Output current up to 2 A with 60 V UC for each of the two
relay outputs
- Installation up to Ex zone 1
- Intrinsically-safe and non-intrinsically-safe signals can be
mixed in a station
Digital input modules
• 8-channel digital input module DI NAMUR EEx i, for evaluation Extra functions
of NAMUR sensors, connected and non-connected contacts, Actuator shutdown function of the 4 DO EEx i modules
as well as for use as counter or frequency meter
Parameterizable connections: The 4 DO EEx i modules are equipped with a shutdown function.
- NAMUR sensor on/off This permits implementation of an external switch-off indepen-
- NAMUR changeover contact dent of the automation system (controller).
- Single contact connected (mechanical NO contact) As soon as the intrinsically-safe switch-off signal (High or Low)
- Changeover contact connected (mechanical changeover is present at the actuator switch-off input of the electronic
contact) module, its outputs are deactivated.
- Single contact non-connected (mechanical NO contact with
single contact) You can also combine several DO modules into a switch-off
- Changeover contact non-connected group. The intrinsically-safe power supply for the switch-off
(mechanical changeover contact) device is either via the watchdog module or a separate
- Counting function: optional use of 2 channels for recording intrinsically-safe source.
counter pulses or for frequency measurement
- Short-circuit and wire break monitoring
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7131-7RF00-0AB0 Article number 6ES7131-7RF00-0AB0
Input current • Status indicator digital input (green) Yes
Current consumption, typ. 80 mA Integrated Functions
from supply voltage L+, max. 90 mA Frequency measurement Yes; (Gate time) 50 ms; 200 ms; 1 s
Digital inputs Number of frequency meters 2
Number of digital inputs 8 Counter
Number of NAMUR inputs 8 Number of counter inputs 2; normal and periodic count
Encoder function
Number of connectable encoders, 8 Input frequency, max. 5 kHz; with a cable length of 20 m:
max. 5 kHz; with a cable length of 100 m:
1 kHz; with a cable length of 200 m:
Connectable encoders 500 Hz
• NAMUR encoder Yes Potential separation
NAMUR encoder Potential separation digital inputs
• Input current for signal "0", max. 1.2 mA • between the channels No
• Input current for signal "1", min. 2.1 mA • between the channels and Yes
Interrupts/diagnostics/ backplane bus
status information Standards, approvals, certificates
Diagnostics function Yes CE mark Yes
Alarms Use in hazardous areas
• Diagnostic alarm Yes; Parameterizable • Type of protection acc. to EN 50020 II2 G (1) GD Ex ib[ia] IIC T4 and I M2
• Hardware interrupt No (CENELEC) Ex ib[ia] I
Diagnostic messages • Type of protection acc. to KEMA 04 ATEX 1248
• Diagnostic information readable Yes Dimensions
• Short-circuit Yes; R load < 150 ohms with Width 30 mm
NAMUR sensor/sensor and NAMUR Height 129 mm
CO contact/sensor to DIN 19234
Depth 136.5 mm
Diagnostics indication LED
• Group error SF (red) Yes
Weight, approx. 255 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Digital electronic modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Digital electronic modules
from backplane bus 3.3 V DC, max. 10 mA 10 mA
Digital outputs
Number of digital outputs 4; additionally 1 intrinsically- 4; additionally 1 intrinsically- 4; additionally 1 intrinsically- 4; additionally 1 intrinsically-
safe input for L shutdown safe input for L shutdown safe input for L shutdown safe input for L shutdown
Short-circuit protection Yes Yes Yes Yes
No-load voltage Uao (DC) 23.1 V 17.4 V 17.4 V 25.5 V
Internal resistor Ri 275 Ω 150 Ω 167 Ω 260 Ω
Trend key points E
• Voltage Ue (DC) 17.6 V 13.3 V 10.7 V 19.8 V
• Current Ie 20 mA 27 mA; 54 mA when outputs 40 mA 22 mA
connected in parallel
Output current
• for signal "1" rated value 0.02 A 0.027 A 0.04 A 0.022 A
Output delay with resistive load
• "0" to "1", max. 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
• "1" to "0", max. 1.5 ms 1.5 ms 1.5 ms 1.5 ms
Parallel switching of two outputs
• for uprating No; for Ex reasons Yes Yes No
not possible;
nor for predecessor
Switching frequency
• with resistive load, max. 100 Hz 100 Hz 100 Hz 100 Hz
• with inductive load, max. 2 Hz 2 Hz 2 Hz 2 Hz
Cable length
• shielded, max. 500 m 500 m 500 m 500 m
• unshielded, max. 500 m 500 m 500 m 500 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Digital electronic modules
Potential separation
Potential separation digital outputs
• between the channels No No No No
• between the channels and Yes Yes Yes Yes
backplane bus
• Between the channels and load Yes Yes Yes Yes
voltage L+
Standards, approvals, certificates
CE mark Yes Yes Yes Yes
Highest safety class achievable in
safety mode
• SIL acc. to IEC 61508 No No No No
Use in hazardous areas
• Type of protection acc. to EN 50020 II2 G (1) GD Ex ib[ia] IIC T4 II2 G (1) GD Ex ib[ia] IIC T4 II 2 G (1) GD and I M2 Ex II 2 G (1) GD and I M2 Ex
(CENELEC) and I M2 Ex ib[ia] I and I M2 Ex ib[ia] I ib[ia][iaD] IIC T4; Ex ib [ia] I ib[ia][iaD] IIC T4; Ex ib [ia] I
• Type of protection acc. to KEMA 04 ATEX 1249 04 ATEX 1249 04 ATEX 1249 04 ATEX 1249
Width 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm
Height 129 mm 129 mm 129 mm 129 mm
Depth 136.5 mm 136.5 mm 136.5 mm 136.5 mm
Weight, approx. 255 g 255 g 255 g 255 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Digital electronic modules
Status indicator Yes Height 129 mm
Alarms No Depth 136.5 mm
Substitute values connectable Yes Weights
Alarms Weight, approx. 255 g
• Diagnostic alarm Yes
• Hardware interrupt No
Diagnostic messages
• Diagnostic information readable Yes
• Wire-break No; Cannot be determined in contact
power circuit
• Short-circuit No; Cannot be determined in contact
power circuit
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Digital electronic modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Digital electronic modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Analog electronic modules
■ Overview
Analog output modules
• 4-channel analog output module AO I HART EEx i for output
of current signals in the range 0/4 to 20 mA to field devices
(with/without HART functionality)
- Resolution 14 bit
- Parameterizable substitute value in case of CPU failure
- Short-circuit and wire break monitoring
Extra functions
Temperature compensation
A TC sensor module for internal temperature compensation
is provided with the 4 AI TC module, and is fitted on the
corresponding terminals of the associated terminal module.
External temperature compensation is possible via a Pt100
on a 4 AI RTD module.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Analog electronic modules
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7134-7SD00-0AB0 6ES7134-7SD51-0AB0 6ES7134-7TD00-0AB0 6ES7134-7TD50-0AB0
4 AI TC 4 AI RTD, PT100/NI100 4 AI, HART, 2-WIRE 4 AI, HART, 4-WIRE
Input current
Current consumption, typ. 17 mA 19 mA 280 mA 27 mA
from supply voltage L+, max. 30 mA 22 mA 320 mA 30 mA
Output voltage
Power supply to the transmitters
• short-circuit proof Yes
• Supply current, max. 23 mA; per channel
Analog inputs
Number of analog inputs 4 4 4 4
permissible input current for current 90 mA 50 mA
input (destruction limit), max.
Cycle time (all channels) max. 320 ms; 66 ms basic 320 ms; 66 ms basic 120 ms; 30 ms basic 120 ms; 30 ms basic
conversion time x 4 channels conversion time x 4 channels conversion time x4 channels conversion time x4 channels
with interference frequency with interference frequency with 60 Hz, 50 Hz with 60 Hz, 50 Hz
suppression 60 Hz, suppression 60 Hz, interference frequency interference frequency
80 ms basic conversion 80 ms basic conversion suppression suppression
time x 4 channels with time x 4 channels with inter-
interference frequency ference frequency
suppression 50 Hz suppression 50 Hz
Technical unit for temperature Yes Yes Yes Yes
measurement adjustable
Input ranges (rated values),
• -80 mV to +80 mV Yes
Input ranges (rated values), currents
• 4 mA to 20 mA Yes Yes
Input ranges (rated values),
• Type B Yes
• Type C Yes
• Type E Yes
• Type J Yes
• Type K Yes
• Type L Yes
• Type N Yes
• Type R Yes
• Type S Yes
• Type T Yes
• Type U Yes
Input ranges (rated values),
resistance thermometer
• Ni 100 Yes
• Pt 100 Yes
Input ranges (rated values),
• 0 to 600 ohms Yes; Also 1 000 ohms
Thermocouple (TC)
Temperature compensation
- internal temperature Yes; via supplied TC sensor
compensation module
- external temperature Yes; via temperature value,
compensation with acquired by an analog
compensations socket module of the same
ET 200iSP station
Characteristic linearization
• parameterizable Yes Yes
- for thermocouples Yes
- for resistance thermometer Yes
Cable length
• shielded, max. 50 m 500 m 500 m 500 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Analog electronic modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Analog electronic modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Analog electronic modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Analog electronic modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Safety-related electronic modules
■ Overview
F analog input modules
• 4 F-AI Ex HART (0 ... 20 mA or 4 ... 20 mA)
Safety-related digital input module for evaluating the signals
from current sensors in hazardous and non-hazardous areas,
e.g. 2-wire transmitters and HART field devices
- SIL3/Cat.3/PLe with 4 inputs of one module
(1-channel/1oo1 evaluation) or 4 inputs of two modules
(2-channel/1oo2 evaluation)
- Measuring ranges: 0 ... 20 mA or 4 ... 20 mA
- Resolution 15 bit + sign
- HART communication in measuring range 4 ... 20 mA
- 4 short-circuit-proof sensor supplies (min. 12 V DC;
max. 26 V DC) for 1 channel each
- Inputs and sensor supplies electrically isolated from
backplane bus
- Configurable diagnostics
- Configurable diagnostics interrupt
- Internal diagnostics buffer
- Firmware update using HW Config possible
- Exclusively for safety mode
The electronic modules of the SIMATIC ET 200iSP distributed - LED displays for safety mode, group errors, channel faults
I/O-system equipped with safety functions can be used together and HART status per channel
with the safety-related automation systems (controllers) for the
implementation of safety applications. The input modules record
the process signals, evaluate them, and prepare them for
addional processing by the automation system. The output
modules convert the safety-related signals output by the
automation systems so that they are suitable for controlling the
connected actuators.
F digital input modules
Safety-related digital input module for evaluating the signals
from IEC 60947-5-6/NAMUR sensors and connected/
non-connected mechanical contacts in hazardous and
non-hazardous areas
- SIL3/Cat.3/PLe with 8 inputs (1-channel/1oo1 evaluation) or
4 inputs (2-channel/1oo2 evaluation)
- 8 short-circuit-proof sensor supplies (8 V DC) for 1 channel
- Inputs and sensor supplies electrically isolated from power
bus and backplane bus
- Diagnostics evaluation (deactivated for non-connected
mechanical contacts)
- Internal diagnostics buffer
- Programmable diagnostics interrupt
- Supports time stamping
- Channel-selective passivation
- Firmware update using HW Config possible
- Exclusively for safety mode
- LED displays for safety mode, group errors and channel
F digital output modules
• 4 F-DO Ex 17.4 V DC/40 mA
Safety-related digital output module for controlling actuators in
hazardous and non-hazardous areas, e.g. solenoid valves,
DC current relays or indicator lamps
- SIL3/Cat.3/PLe with 4 outputs, P/P-switching
- Galvanic isolation from power bus and backplane bus
- Rated load voltage 17.4 V DC
- Max. output current 40 mA
- Performance enhancement through parallel connection of
two digital outputs for one actuator
- Short-circuit, overload and wire-break monitoring
- Configurable diagnostics
- Internal diagnostics buffer
- Programmable diagnostics interrupt
- Channel-selective passivation
- Firmware update using HW Config possible
- Exclusively for safety mode
- LED displays for safety mode, group errors and channel
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Safety-related electronic modules
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7138-7FN00-0AB0 Article number 6ES7138-7FD00-0AB0
Input current Input current
Current consumption, typ. 145 mA Current consumption, typ. 340 mA
from supply voltage L+, max. 150 mA; int. Powerbus from load voltage L+ (without load), 510 mA; int. Powerbus
Encoder supply max.
Number of outputs 8 Digital outputs
Type of output voltage 8 V DC Number of digital outputs 4
Digital inputs Short-circuit protection Yes
Number of digital inputs 8 Controlling a digital input No
Number of NAMUR inputs 8 No-load voltage Uao (DC) 17.4 V
Input current Internal resistor Ri 167 Ω
• for signal "1", typ. 9.5 mA Load resistance range
Encoder • lower limit 270 Ω
Number of connectable encoders, 8 • upper limit 18 kΩ
max. Trend key points E
Connectable encoders • Voltage Ue (DC) 10.7 V
• NAMUR encoder Yes • Current Ie 40 mA
NAMUR encoder Output voltage
• Input current for signal "0", max. 1.2 mA • for signal "1", min. max. 17.4 V
• Input current for signal "1", min. 2.1 mA Output current
Interrupts/diagnostics/ • for signal "0" residual current, max. 10 μA
status information Parallel switching of two outputs
Status indicator Yes • for uprating Yes
Diagnostics function Yes • for redundant control of a load No
Alarms Switching frequency
• Diagnostic alarm Yes; Parameterizable • with resistive load, max. 30 Hz
• Hardware interrupt No • with inductive load, max. 2 Hz
Diagnostic messages Cable length
• Diagnostic information readable Yes
• shielded, max. 500 m
• Wire-break Yes; NAMUR encoders or single • unshielded, max. 500 m
contact with 10 kOhm parallel
resistor Interrupts/diagnostics/
status information
• Short-circuit Yes; R load < 150 ohms with
NAMUR sensor/sensor and Status indicator Yes
NAMUR changeover contact/sensor Substitute values connectable Yes
to DIN 19234
Diagnostics indication LED
• Diagnostic alarm Yes; Parameterizable
• Group error SF (red) Yes
Diagnostic messages
Potential separation
• Diagnostic information readable Yes
Potential separation digital inputs
• Wire-break Yes
• between the channels No
• Short-circuit Yes
• between the channels and Yes
backplane bus Diagnostics indication LED
Standards, approvals, certificates • Group error SF (red) Yes
CE mark Yes • Status indicator digital output Yes
Highest safety class achievable in
safety mode Potential separation
• Performance level according to ISO PLe Potential separation digital outputs
13849-1 • between the channels No
• SIL acc. to IEC 61508 SIL 3 • between the channels and Yes
Use in hazardous areas backplane bus
• Type of protection acc. to EN 50020 II 2 G (1) GD Ex ib[ia Ga][ia IIIC Da] • Between the channels and load Yes
(CENELEC) IIC T4 GB and I M2 Ex ib[ia Ma] I Mb voltage L+
• Type of protection acc. to KEMA 10 ATEX 0056
Width 30 mm
Height 129 mm
Depth 136.5 mm
Weight, approx. 288 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Safety-related electronic modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Safety-related electronic modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Watchdog module
Watchdog module
Watchdog module 6ES7138-7BB00-0AB0
For failure monitoring and for the
intrinsically-safe power supply of an
external actuator switch-off
The watchdog module has two fundamental functions: Terminal modules
• Monitoring of the ET 200iSP remote I/O station for hardware ET 200iSP terminal module
failures (hardware lifebeat); external, applicative failure TM-EM/EM60
monitoring is also possible via an I/O address area of the For two modules (reserve module,
watchdog module and all
module electronic modules except
• Intrinsically-safe power supply for external actuator switch-off 2 DO relays can be plugged in)
• For hazardous environments
The watchdog module must be plugged onto a terminal module
(order separately). The following terminal modules are suitable - TM-EM/EM60S 6ES7193-7CA00-0AA0
(blue screw-type terminals)
for this:
- TM-EM/EM60C 6ES7193-7CA10-0AA0
• TM-IM/EM60 terminal modules for one interface module and (blue spring-loaded terminals)
one watchdog, reserve or electronic module (for versions, see • For non-hazardous environments
Interface module section) - TM-EM/EM60S 6ES7193-7CA20-0AA0
• TM-EM/EM60 terminal modules with two slots for (black screw-type terminals)
watchdog module, reserve module or electronic modules Accessories
(except 2 DO relay):
Labeling sheet
- with blue screw-type or spring-loaded terminals for DIN A4, perforated, each consisting
hazardous environments of 10 sheets of 30 strips each for
- with black screw-type terminals for non-hazardous electronic modules and 20 strips
environments each for IM 151
• petrol 6ES7193-7BH00-0AA0
The first slot directly next to the interface module is provided for • yellow 6ES7193-7BB00-0AA0
the watchdog module.
Labels, inscribed
for slot numbering,
label size H × W (in mm): 5 × 7
• 204 labels, for slots 1 to 20 8WA8361-0AB
• 204 labels, for slots 1 to 40 8WA8361-0AC
Labels, blank 8WA8348-2AY
136 labels for slot numbering,
label size H × W (in mm): 5 × 7
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
RS 485-iS coupler
■ Overview
Tasks of the RS 485-iS coupler
• Conversion of the electrical PROFIBUS DP RS 485 transmission
technology into the intrinsically-safe RS 485-iS transmission
technology with a transmission rate of 1.5 Mbps
• Required to connect intrinsically-safe PROFIBUS DP stations,
e.g. ET 200iSP or devices from other vendors with
Ex i DP connection
• Acts as a safety barrier
• Additional use as a repeater in the hazardous area
• Passive bus station (no configuration necessary)
• Certified according to ATEX 100a
■ Technical specifications
Technical specifications - RS 485-iS coupler
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions W x H x D (mm) 80 × 125 × 130
Weight Approx. 500 g
Technical data - General
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature - 20 …+ 60 °C
Standards and approvals
• PROFIBUS IEC 61784-1:2002 Ed1 CP 3/1
• EU directive 94/9/EG (ATEX 100a)
• CENELEC II 3 (2) G EEx nA[ib] IIC T4
• UL and CSA Class I, Division2, Group A, B, C, D T4
Class I Zone 2, Group IIC T4
AIS Class I, Divison 1, Group A, B, C, D
[Aexib] IIC, Class I, Zone1, 2, Group IIC
• FM Class I, Division2, Group A, B, C, D T4
Class I Zone 2, Group IIC T4
AIS Class I, Divison 1, Group A, B, C, D
[Aexib] IIC, Class I, Zone1, 2, Group IIC
• IEC IEC61131-2, Part 2
• CE Conforming with 89/336/EWG
Conforming with 73/23/EWG
• Ship-building certification Classification companies
• ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)
• BV (Bureau Veritas)
• DNV (Det Norske Veritas)
• GL (Germanischer Lloyd)
• LRD (Lloyds Register of Shipping)
• Class NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)
Module-specific specifications
Transmission rate on PROFIBUS DP, 9.6; 19.2; 45.45; 93.75; 187.5; 500 kbps
PROFIBUS RS 485-iS 1.5 Mbps
Bus-Protocol PROFIBUS DP
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
RS 485-iS coupler
9 RS 485-IS segment
permitted cable length on a single line RS 485-iS DP Ex i
• 9.6 to 187.5 Kbps 1 000 m 200 m
• 500 kbit/s 400 m 200 m
• 1.5 Mbps 200 m 200 m
Number of PROFIBUS DP nodes that 31 16
can be connected, max.
PROFIBUS RS 485-iS bus terminator switch integrated, can be added
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems for the control cabinet
Stainless steel wall enclosure
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
• Small, multifunctional complete solution: Digital inputs/ Degree of protection IP65/66/IP67 for interface, digital and
analog modules
outputs, fail-safe modules, motor starters up to 5.5 kW, etc.
Material Thermoplastic
• Communication over PROFIBUS or PROFINET (reinforced with glass fiber)
• Mixed arrangement of fail-safe and standard modules in the Environmental conditions
same station
Temperature From -25 °C/0 °C to +55 °C
• Freely selectable connection technique: direct, ECOFAST or
M12 7/8" Relative humidity From 5 to 100%
• Power module for easy implementation of load groups Air pressure From 795 to 1080 hPa
• Module replacement during operation (hot swapping) Mechanical stress
• Vibration Vibration test according to IEC 60068,
• Easy installation as well as permanent wiring Part 2-6 (sinusoidal)
• Transmission rate for PROFIBUS DP up to 12 Mbps
• Constant acceleration 5 g,
• Extensive diagnostics: module-specific or channel-specific occasionally 10 g for interface,
digital and analog modules
• Intelligent motor starters for starting and protection of motors • 2 g motor starters
and loads up to 5.5 kW • Shock • Shock test according to
- Versions: direct and reversing starters - Standard and IEC 680068 Part 2-27, half-sine, 30 g,
High Feature 18 ms duration for interface,
• digital and analog modules
• Fail-safe motor starters • 15 g, 11 ms duration for
• Fail-safe modules with safety-related signal processing motor starters
according to PROFIsafe Approvals UL, CSA or cULus
• Frequency converters
• RFID communication modules
• Pneumatic interface modules
• IO-Link master
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 154-1 and IM 154-2
■ Overview
Interface modules for handling communication between the
ET 200pro and the higher-level master over PROFIBUS DP.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7154-1AA01-0AB0 6ES7154-2AA01-0AB0
ET 200pro, IM 154-1 DP ET 200pro, IM154-2 DP HF
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction Yes; against destruction
Short-circuit protection Yes; over exchangeable fuses Yes; over exchangeable fuses
Load voltage 2L+
• Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction Yes; against destruction
Input current
from supply voltage 1L+, max. 200 mA 200 mA
Power loss
Power loss, typ. 5W 5W 9
Address area
Addressing volume
• Inputs 244 byte 244 byte
• Outputs 244 byte 244 byte
Interfaces/bus type PROFIBUS DP PROFIBUS DP
Interface types
RS 485
• Transmission rate, max. 12 Mbit/s 12 Mbit/s
• automatic detection of transmission Yes Yes
- SYNC capability Yes Yes
- FREEZE capability Yes Yes
- Direct data exchange Yes Yes
(slave-to-slave communication)
status information
• Diagnostic alarm Yes; Parameterizable Yes; Parameterizable
• Hardware interrupt Yes; Parameterizable Yes; Parameterizable
Diagnostics indication LED
• Bus fault BF (red) Yes Yes
• Group error SF (red) Yes Yes
• Monitoring 24 V voltage supply ON Yes Yes
• Load voltage monitoring 24 V DC Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 154-1 and IM 154-2
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 154-1 and IM 154-2
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 154-1 and IM 154-2
Standard PROFIBUS hybrid cable
With male insert. with 2 energy cables (1.5 mm2)
for supplying data and energy for
7/8" cable connector ET 200pro.
For ET 200eco, SIMATIC Manual Collection 6ES7998-8XC01-8YE0
with axial cable outlet.
• With male insert, 5-pack 6GK1905-0FA00 Electronic manuals on DVD,
• With female insert, 5-pack 6GK1905-0FB00 multi-language:
S7-200, TD 200, S7-300,
M12 sealing cap 3RX9802-0AA00 M7-300, C7, S7-400, M7-400,
STEP 7, Engineering Tools,
For protection of unused Runtime Software,
M12 connections with ET 200pro. SIMATIC DP (Distributed I/O),
Sealing cap 7/8" 6ES7194-3JA00-0AA0 SIMATIC HMI (Human Machine
Interface), SIMATIC NET
For protection of unused (Industrial Communication).
7/8" connections with ET 200pro;
10 units per pack. SIMATIC Manual Collection 6ES7998-8XC01-8YE2
update service for 1 year
Scope of supply: Current DVD
"S7 Manual Collection" and the
three subsequent updates.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 154-3 PN and IM 154-4 PN
■ Overview
Interface module for processing the communication between
ET 200pro and a higher-level controller over PROFINET IO.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7154-3AB00-0AB0 6ES7154-4AB10-0AB0
ET 200pro, IM 154-3 PN HF ET 200pro, IM 154-4 PN HF
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction Yes; against destruction
Short-circuit protection Yes; Fuse in lower part is exchangeable, the fuse on the Yes; Fuse in lower part is exchangeable, the fuse on the
IM-LP is not IM-LP is not
Load voltage 2L+
• Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction Yes; against destruction
Input current
from supply voltage 1L+, max. 300 mA 400 mA; Dependent on terminal module, typ. maximum
value for FO connection method, full load on RWB and
20.4 V input voltage
Power loss
Power loss, typ. 5W 6 W; Dependent on terminal module, typ. maximum value
for CU connection method, full load on RWB, for FO the
value is approx. 0.7 W higher
Address area
Addressing volume
• Inputs 256 byte 256 byte
• Outputs 256 byte 256 byte
Interfaces/bus type PROFINET IO PROFINET IO
M12 port
• Autonegotiation Yes Yes
• Transmission rate, max. 100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s
Protocols (Ethernet)
• SNMP Yes Yes
• LLDP Yes
• ping Yes Yes
• ARP Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 154-3 PN and IM 154-4 PN
9 • min.
• max.
-25 °C
55 °C
-25 °C
55 °C
Ambient temperature during
• min. -40 °C -40 °C
• max. 70 °C 70 °C
Width 90 mm 135 mm
Height 130 mm 130 mm
Depth 60 mm 60 mm
Weight, approx. 375 g 490 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 154-3 PN and IM 154-4 PN
and 24 V power supply to max. delivery unit 1 000 m;
PROFINET interface modules, minimum order quantity 20 m.
2 x RJ45 and 2 x push-pull power • IE FC TP trailing cable 2 x 2; 6XV1840-3AH10
connector Sold by the meter,
• Connection module 6ES7194-4AG00-0AA0 max. order quantity 1 000 m;
CM IM PN 2xSCRJ FO minimum order quantity 20 m.
for connecting PROFINET PN and • IE FC TP trailing cable GP 2 x 2; 6XV1870-2D
24 V power supply to sold by the meter,
PROFINET interface modules, max. delivery unit 1 000 m;
2 x SCRJ FO and 2 x push-pull minimum order quantity 20 m.
power connector • IE TP torsion Cable GP 2 x 2; 6XV1870-2F
M12 sealing cap 3RX9802-0AA00 sold by the meter,
max. delivery unit 1 000 m;
For protection of unused minimum order quantity 20 m.
M12 connections with ET 200pro. • IE FC TP marine cable 2 x 2; 6XV1840-4AH10
IE M12 connecting cables Sold by the meter,
max. order quantity 1 000 m;
Pre-assembled with minimum order quantity 20 m.
two M12 connectors,
up to 85 m, in various lengths:
0.3 m 6XV1870-8AE30
0.5 m 6XV1870-8AE50
1.0 m 6XV1870-8AH10
1.5 m 6XV1870-8AH15
2.0 m 6XV1870-8AH20
3.0 m 6XV1870-8AH30
5.0 m 6XV1870-8AH50
10 m 6XV1870-8AN10
15 m 6XV1870-8AN15
Other special lengths with 90° or See
180° cable outlet. http://support.automation.siemens.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 154-3 PN and IM 154-4 PN
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital expansion modules
■ Overview
• Expansion modules with digital inputs/outputs for connection
of actuators/sensors
• With scalable diagnostics
- Standard modules with module-specific diagnostics
- High Feature module with channel-specific diagnostics and
parameterizable input delay or hardware interrupts
• Double or single assignment can be implemented for each
M12 in the case of the 8 DI and 8 DO module by selecting
CM IO 4 x M12 or CM IO 8 x M12
• IO connection modules are available in metal and plastic
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7141-4BF00-0AA0 6ES7141-4BF00-0AB0 6ES7141-4BH00-0AA0
ET 200pro, EM 8DI 24V DC ET 200pro, EM 8DI 24V DC HF ET 200pro, EM 16DI 24V DC
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes; Against destruction; encoder Yes; against destruction; load Yes; Against destruction; encoder
power supply outputs applied with increasing power supply outputs applied with
reversed polarity reversed polarity
Input current
from supply voltage 1L+, max. 20 mA 40 mA 30 mA
from backplane bus 3.3 V DC, max. 20 mA 20 mA 20 mA
Encoder supply
Number of outputs 8 8 8
Short-circuit protection Yes; per module, electronic Yes; per channel, electronic Yes; per module, electronic
Output current
• up to 55 °C, max.
Digital inputs
1A 1A 1A
Number of digital inputs 8 8 16
Input characteristic curve in Yes No Yes
accordance with IEC 61131, type 1
Input characteristic curve in No Yes
accordance with IEC 61131, type 2
Number of simultaneously
controllable inputs
all mounting positions
- up to 55 °C, max. 8 8 16
Input voltage
• Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V
• for signal "0" -3 to +5V -3 to +5V -3 to +5V
• for signal "1" 13 to 30V +11 to +30V +11 to +30V
Input current
• for signal "1", typ. 7 mA 7 mA 4 mA
Input delay (for rated value
of input voltage)
for standard inputs
- parameterizable No Yes No
Connectable encoders
• 2-wire sensor Yes Yes Yes
- permissible quiescent current 1.5 mA 1.5 mA 1.5 mA
(2-wire sensor), max.
Isochronous mode
Isochronous operation (application No No No
synchronized up to terminal)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital expansion modules
9 Supply voltage
ET 200pro, EM 4DO 24V DC/2.0A ET 200pro, EM 4DO 24VDC/2.0A HF ET 200pro, EM 8DO 24VDC/0.5A
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital expansion modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital expansion modules
• for signal "1" +11 to +30V +11 to +30V
Input current
• for signal "1", typ. 7 mA 7 mA
Digital outputs
Number of digital outputs 4 8; 4 DO fixed, 4 DIO parameterizable
• in groups of 4; 2 load groups for 4 outputs each
Short-circuit protection Yes; per channel, electronic Yes; per channel, electronic
Limitation of inductive shutdown Typ. (2L+) -47 V Typ. (L1+, L2+) -47 V
voltage to
Controlling a digital input Yes Yes
Switching capacity of the outputs
• on lamp load, max. 5W 5W
Load resistance range
• lower limit 48 Ω 48 Ω
• upper limit 4 kΩ 4 kΩ
Output voltage
• for signal "1", min. 2L+ (-0,8 V)
Output current
• for signal "1" rated value 0.5 A 0.5 A
• for signal "0" residual current, max. 0.5 mA 0.5 mA
Parallel switching of two outputs
• for uprating No No
• for redundant control of a load Yes Yes
Switching frequency
• with resistive load, max. 100 Hz 100 Hz
• with inductive load, max. 0.5 Hz 0.5 Hz
• on lamp load, max. 1 Hz 1 Hz
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital expansion modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital expansion modules
9 24 V DC, 0.5 A,
with module-specific diagnostics,
8 sockets M8 for connection of
digital sensors or actuators to
including bus module. Connection ET 200pro
module must be ordered separately CM IO 2 x M12 connection 6ES7194-4FB00-0AA0
Digital input and output module 6ES7143-4BF00-0AA0 module
4 DIO / 4 DO 2 M12 8-pin sockets; for use with:
24 V DC, 0.5 A, EM 8 DI, 24 V DC and 8 DO,
with module-specific diagnostics, 24 V DC/0.5 A
including bus module. Connection CM IO 1 x M23 connection 6ES7194-4FA00-0AA0
module must be ordered separately module
1 M23 socket; for use with: EM 8 DI,
24 V DC and 8 DO, 24 V DC/0.5 A
Module identification labels 6ES7194-4HA00-0AA0
For color coding of the CM IOs in
the colors of white, red, blue and
green; pack with 100 units each
M12 sealing cap 3RX9802-0AA00
For protection of unused
M12 connections with ET 200pro
Labels 3RT1900-1SB20
20 x 7, pale turquoise,
340 items per pack
M12 Y circular connector 6ES7194-1KA01-0XA0
For double connection of sensors
via a single cable, 5-pole;
cannot be used for F DI 4/8
M12 Y cable
For double connection of I/O by 6ES7194-6KA00-0XA0
means of a single-cable on ET 200,
M8 sealing cap 3RK1901-1PN00
For IP67 modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog expansion modules
■ Overview
• Expansion modules with analog inputs and outputs for
connecting sensors/actuators
• With diagnostics functionality, limit values and substitute
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7144-4FF01-0AB0 6ES7144-4GF01-0AB0 6ES7144-4JF00-0AB0 6ES7144-4PF00-0AB0
ET 200pro, EM 4AI-U HF ET 200pro, EM 4AI-I HF ET 200pro, EM 4 AI-RTD HF ET 200pro, EM 4 AI-TC HF
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction Yes; against destruction Yes; against destruction Yes; against destruction
Input current
from supply voltage 1L+, max. 40 mA; Typical 40 mA; Typical 27 mA; Typical 34 mA; Typical
from backplane bus 3.3 V DC, max. 12 mA; Typical 12 mA; Typical 10 mA; Typical 20 mA; Typical
Encoder supply
Number of outputs 4 4
Short-circuit protection Yes; per module, electronic Yes; per module, electronic
to frame to frame
Output current
• up to 55 °C, max. 1A 1A
Analog inputs
Number of analog inputs 4 4 4 4
permissible input voltage for voltage 35 V 20 V
input (destruction limit), max.
permissible input current for current 40 mA
input (destruction limit), max.
Constant measurement current for 1.25 mA; 1.25 / 0.5 mA
resistance-type transmitter, typ. depending on measuring
Cycle time (all channels) max. 5 ms 10 ms 83 ms; 83 ms at 50 Hz; Number of active channels
69 ms at 60 Hz per module x basic
conversion time
Technical unit for temperature Yes; Degrees Celsius/ Yes; °C/°F/K
measurement adjustable degrees Fahrenheit
Input ranges (rated values),
• 0 to +10 V Yes
• 1 V to 5 V Yes
• -10 V to +10 V Yes
• -5 V to +5 V Yes
• -80 mV to +80 mV Yes
Input ranges (rated values), currents
• 0 to 20 mA Yes
• -20 mA to +20 mA Yes
• 4 mA to 20 mA Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog expansion modules
9 Thermocouple (TC)
Temperature compensation
- internal temperature Yes
- external temperature Yes
compensation with
compensations socket
Characteristic linearization
• parameterizable Yes
- for resistance thermometer Ptxxx, Nixxx
Cable length
• shielded, max. 30 m 30 m 30 m 30 m
Analog value generation for the
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog expansion modules
• Resistance thermometer, 0.125 %
relative to input range, (+/-)
Interference voltage suppression for
f = n x (f1 +/- 1 %), f1 = interference
• Series mode interference 50 dB 42 dB
(peak value of interference < rated
value of input range), min.
• Common mode interference 70 dB; Interference voltage 85 dB; Interference voltage
(USS < 2.5 V) , min. <5V < 10 V
Interference voltage suppression for
f = n x (f1 +/- 0.5 %), f1 = interference
• Series mode interference 60 dB 60 dB
(peak value of interference < rated
value of input range), min.
• Common mode interference 80 dB; Interference voltage 80 dB; Interference voltage
(USS < 2.5 V) , min. < 10 V <5V
status information
Diagnostics function Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Diagnostic alarm Yes; Parameterizable Yes; Parameterizable Yes; Parameterizable Yes; Parameterizable
• Hardware interrupt Yes; (limit value alarm), Yes; (limit value alarm), No No
can be parameterized for can be parameterized for
channel 0 channel 0
Diagnostic messages
• Diagnostic information readable Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Wire-break Yes; at 1 to 5 V Yes; at 4 to 20 mA Yes Yes
• Short-circuit Yes; at 1 to 5 V Yes; at 4 to 20 mA
• Overflow/underflow Yes Yes
Diagnostics indication LED
• Group error SF (red) Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog expansion modules
ET 200pro, EM 4AO-U HF ET 200pro, EM 4 AO-I HF
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction Yes; against destruction
Input current
from supply voltage 1L+, max. 65 mA 110 mA
from backplane bus 3.3 V DC, max. 10 mA 10 mA
Actuator supply
Number of outputs 4 4
Short-circuit protection Yes; per module Yes; per module
Output current
• up to 55 °C, max. 1A 1A
Analog outputs
Number of analog outputs 4 4
Voltage output, short-circuit protection Yes; per channel, electronic to chassis Yes; per module, electronic to frame
Voltage output, short-circuit current, 50 mA
Current output, no-load voltage, max. 16 V
Cycle time (all channels) max. 3 ms 3 ms
Output ranges, voltage
• 0 to 10 V Yes
• 1 V to 5 V Yes
• -10 V to +10 V Yes
Output ranges, current
• 0 to 20 mA Yes
• -20 mA to +20 mA Yes
• 4 mA to 20 mA Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog expansion modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog expansion modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > IO-Link master modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Fail-safe digital expansion modules
■ Overview
Fail-safe digital inputs/outputs with IP65/66/67 degree of
protection for application on the machine level without control
Fail-safe digital inputs
• For fail-safe reading of sensor information (1 or 2 channels)
• Provide integral discrepancy evaluation for 2-out-of-2 signals
• Internal sensor supplies (incl. test function) available
Fail-safe digital outputs
• Fail-safe 2-channel activation (sink/source output)
by actuators
• Actuators can be driven by up to 2 A
All modules are certified up to SIL 3 (IEC 61508) and feature
detailed diagnostics.
The modules support PROFIsafe, both in PROFIBUS,
and in PROFINET configurations. They can be used with
IM151-7 F-CPU, CPU31xF-2 DP, CPU31xF-2 PN/DP and
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7148-4FA00-0AB0
ET200PRO, Elec. module,
8/16 F-DI 24V DC
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Digital inputs
Number of digital inputs 16
Input current
• for signal "1", typ. 3.7 mA
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Fail-safe digital expansion modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > PM-E power module
■ Overview
PM-E 24 V DC power module
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7148-4CA00-0AA0 Article number 6ES7148-4CA00-0AA0
ET 200pro, PM-E 24V DC ET 200pro, PM-E 24V DC
Supply voltage Parameter
Load voltage 2L+ missing load voltage Potential group of the power module
• Rated value (DC) 24 V Potential separation
• Short-circuit protection Yes; via an exchangeable fuse between load voltage and backplane Yes
in the power module bus
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction Degree and class of protection
Input current IP degree of protection IP65/67
from load voltage 2L+, max. 3 mA Dimensions
Current carrying capacity Width 45 mm
max. 10 A; up to 55 °C (on the internal Height 130 mm
9 Power loss
busbars of the ET 200pro) Depth
35 mm
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > PM-E power module
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > PM-O power module output
■ Overview
PM-O 2x 24 V DC power module
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7148-4CA60-0AA0 Article number 6ES7148-4CA60-0AA0
ET200PRO, PM-O 2x24V DC ET200PRO, PM-O 2x24V DC
Supply voltage Parameter
Load voltage 2L+ Diagnostics short-circuit Diagnosis short circuit implemented
• Rated value (DC) 24 V after M for 1L+
• Short-circuit protection Yes Potential separation
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction between load voltage and backplane Yes
Input current
Degree and class of protection
from load voltage 2L+, max. 3 mA
IP degree of protection IP65/67
Current carrying capacity
9 max. 10 A; up to 55 °C (on the internal
busbars of the ET 200pro) Width
45 mm
130 mm
Power loss
Power loss, typ. 1.1 W Depth 35 mm
Interrupts/diagnostics/ Weights
status information Weight, approx. 150 g
Diagnostics function Yes
Diagnostic messages
• Diagnostic information readable Yes
• missing load voltage No
Diagnostics indication LED
• Group error SF (red) Yes
• Load voltage monitoring 24 V DC No; Signalled in IM or in PM
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200pro pneumatic interface
■ Overview
• Interface for holding an original FESTO CPV 10 or CPV 14
compact performance valve terminal
• For using the ET 200pro in applications with flexible
• Highly flexible pneumatics due to a variety of valve functions
and choice of flow rates
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7148-4EA00-0AA0 6ES7148-4EB00-0AA0
ET200PRO, 16DO, Pneumatic Interface CPV10 ET200PRO, 16DO, Pneumatic Interface CPV14
Supply voltage
Load voltage 2L+
• Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
• Short-circuit protection Yes Yes
• Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes
Input current
from load voltage 2L+, max. 300 mA; Including valves 370 mA; Including valves
from backplane bus 3.3 V DC, max. 25 mA 25 mA
Power loss
Power loss, typ.
Address area
2.6 W 3.7 W
Address space per module
• Address space per module, max. 2 byte 2 byte
Digital outputs
Number of digital outputs 16 16
Load resistance range
• lower limit 500 Ω 500 Ω
• upper limit 2 500 Ω 2 500 Ω
Output current
• for signal "1" rated value 12 mA 16 mA
Switching frequency
• with inductive load, max. 25 Hz 20 Hz
Total current of the outputs
(per group)
all mounting positions
- up to 55 °C, max. 250 mA; only up to 50 °C, limited by valves 330 mA; only up to 50 °C, limited by valves
status information
Diagnostics function Yes Yes
• Diagnostic alarm Yes Yes
Diagnostic messages
• Diagnostic information readable Yes Yes
Diagnostics indication LED
• Group error SF (red) Yes Yes
• Status indicator digital output Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > ET 200pro pneumatic interface
■ Ordering data
Article No. Article No.
EM 148-P pneumatic interface FESTO CPV 10 valve terminal available from FESTO
DO 16 x P/CPV 10 for direct 6ES7148-4EA00-0AA0 FESTO CPV 14 valve terminal available from FESTO
accommodation of FESTO valve
terminal CPV 10 16 DO x P FESTO AG & Co
Ruiterstr. 82
DO 16 x P/CPV 14 for direct 6ES7148-4EB00-0AA0 D-73732 Esslingen
accommodation of FESTO valve More addresses
terminal CPV 14 16 DO x P on the Internet at:
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > RF170C
■ Overview
The SIMATIC RF170C is a communication module for connect-
ing the SIMATIC identification systems to the ET 200pro
distributed I/O system. The readers (SLGs) of all RFID systems
as well as the MV400 optical reader devices and MV300 optical
handheld readers can be operated on the RF170C. In addition,
the RF170C provides a universal RS 232/ RS 422 interface for
connecting devices using the Freeport protocol.
Thanks to the high degree of protection and ruggedness,
ET 200pro is particularly suitable for machine-level use.
The modular structure with PROFIBUS and PROFINET connec-
tion systems allows it to be used in all applications. The uniform
plug-in connection system ensures rapid commissioning.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6GT2002-0HD01 Article number 6GT2002-0HD01
Product type designation RF170C communication module Product type designation RF170C communication module
Suitability for operation ET200pro distributed I/O Permitted ambient conditions
together with RF200/300/600, Ambient temperature
MV300/400, MOBY D/E/I/U and
RS232 devices • during operation -25 ... +55 °C
Transmission rate • during storage -40 ... +70 °C
Transfer rate at the point-to-point 115.2 kbit/s • during transport -40 ... +70 °C
connection serial maximum Protection class IP IP67
Interfaces Shock resistance According to IEC 61131-2
Design of the interface for RS422/RS232 via connection block Shock acceleration 300 m/s²
point-to-point connection
Vibrational acceleration 100 m/s²
Number of readers connectable 2
Type of electrical connection
• of the backplane bus ET 200pro backplane bus
Design, dimensions and weight
Width 90 mm 9
Height 130 mm
• of the PROFIBUS interface (according to the head module)
Depth 35 mm
• of Industrial Ethernet interface (according to the head module)
Net weight 0.27 kg
• for supply voltage ET 200pro backplane bus
Mounting type ET 200pro rack
Design of the interface to the reader Internal plug to the connection block
for communication Wire length for RS 422 interface 1 000 m
Mechanical data
Product properties, functions,
Material Thermoplastic components general
(Valox 467, fiberglass reinforced)
Display version (see connection block)
Color IP Basic 714
Product function transponder file No
Tightening torque of the screw for 1.5 N·m handler can be addressed
securing the equipment maximum
Protocol is supported
Supply voltage, current
consumption, power loss • S7 communication Yes
Supply voltage Type of parameterization HSP
• at DC Rated value 24 V Type of programming FB 45, FB 55, ID profile, library with
functions, (FC 45/55 with restricted
• at DC 20 ... 30 V functionality)
Consumed current at DC at 24 V Type of computer-mediated acyclic communication
• without connected devices typical 0.13 A communication
• with connected devices maximum 1A Standards, specifications,
Certificate of suitability CE, FCC, cULus
MTBF 77 y
accessories Connection block for RF170C
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > RF170C
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Power supplies > 3-phase, 24 V DC (ET200pro PS, IP67)
■ Overview
Power supply for ET200pro:
• 3-phase, 24 V DC/8 A
The SIMATIC ET200pro PS power supply unit with degree of
protection IP67 is used as the electronics/encoder supply
and load voltage supply of the new SIMATIC ET 200pro distributed
I/O system for use close to the machine without a cabinet. With a
signaling contact for "24 V OK" and "Overtemperature", as well as a
second plug-in connector for input voltage loop-through.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7148-4PC00-0HA0 Article number 6ES7148-4PC00-0HA0
Product SIMATIC ET200pro PS Product SIMATIC ET200pro PS
Power supply, type 24 V/8 A Power supply, type 24 V/8 A
Input On/off behavior Overshoot of Vout < 2 %
Input 3-phase AC Startup delay, max. 1.5 s
Rated voltage value Vin rated 400 ... 480 V Voltage rise, typ. 40 ms
Voltage range AC 340 ... 550 V Rated current value Iout rated 8A
• Note 320 ... 340 V for max. 1 min Current range 0 ... 8 A
Wide-range input Yes Supplied active power typical 192 W
Overvoltage resistance Implemented internally with varistors Short-term overload current
Mains buffering at Iout rated, min. 15 ms; at Vin = 400 V • on short-circuiting during the 50 A
Rated line frequency 1 50 Hz start-up typical
Rated line frequency 2 60 Hz • at short-circuit during operation 50 A
Rated line range 45 ... 66 Hz
Duration of overloading capability
Input current for excess current
• at rated input voltage 400 V 0.5 A • on short-circuiting during the 100 ms
Switch-on current limiting (+25 °C), 40 A start-up
max. • at short-circuit during operation 100 ms
I²t, max. 3.5 A²·s Parallel switching for enhanced No
Built-in incoming fuse T4A performance
Protection in the mains power input Required: Circuit breaker Efficiency
(IEC 898) 3RV2011-1DA10 or Efficiency at Vout rated, Iout rated, 88 %
3RV2711-1DD10 (UL 489) approx.
Output Power loss at Vout rated, Iout rated, 25 W
Output Controlled, isolated DC voltage approx.
Rated voltage Vout DC 24 V Closed-loop control
Total tolerance, static ± 3% Dynamic mains compensation 0.5 %
(Vin rated ±15 %), max.
Static mains compensation, approx. 0.5 %
Dynamic load smoothing 1%
Static load balancing, approx. 0.5 % (Iout: 50/100/50 %), Uout ± typ.
Residual ripple peak-peak, max. 200 mV Setting time maximum 2 ms
Spikes peak-peak, max. 250 mV Protection and monitoring
(bandwidth: 20 MHz)
Output overvoltage protection < 33 V
Product function Output voltage No
adjustable Current limitation, typ. 9.4 A
Output voltage setting - Property of the output Yes
Short-circuit proof
Status display Green LED for 24 V OK
Short-circuit protection Electronic shutdown,
Signaling max. 30 V, 10 mA; automatic restart
Power-Good (High-Pegel 1L+
for Vout in range 21.3 ... 29 V); Enduring short circuit current
Overtemperature warning at least RMS value
30 s before switch-off (high level 1L+ • maximum 10 A
when the max. internal temperature
is exceeded) Overload/short-circuit indicator -
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Power supplies > 3-phase, 24 V DC (ET200pro PS, IP67)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro motor starters > General data
■ Overview
ET 200pro motor starters in I/O system ET 200pro
More information
SIMATIC ET 200pro is the modular I/O system with high degree
of protection IP65/66/67 for local, cabinet-free use. The Homepage, see
ET 200pro motor starters with the high degree of protection IP65 Industry Mall, see
are an integral part of ET 200pro. Further components in the ET 200pro distributed I/O system see
Industry Mall,
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro motor starters > General data
As a result of the protection concept with solid-state overload • Expansions are easily possible through the subsequent add-
evaluation and the use of SIRIUS switching devices, size S00, ing of modules. The innovative plug-in technology also does
additional advantages are realized on the Standard and away with the wiring needed up to now. Through the hot swap-
High Feature motor starters – advantages that soon make them- ping function (disconnection and connection during opera-
selves positively felt particularly in manufacturing processes tion) a motor starter can be replaced within seconds if neces-
with high plant stoppage costs: sary, without having to shut down the ET 200pro station and
• Configuration is made easier by the fine modular structure with it the process in the plant. The motor starters are therefore
with ET 200pro. When using ET 200pro motor starters, the recommendable in particular for applications with special
parts list per load feeder is reduced to two main items: the bus demands on availability. Storage costs are also optimized by
module and the motor starter. This makes the ET 200pro ideal the low level of variance (two units up to 5.5 kW).
for modular machine concepts or solutions for conveying • With four locally acting inputs available on the High Feature
systems and in machine-tool building. motor starter it is possible to realize autonomous special func-
tions that work independently of the bus and the higher level
control system, e.g. as a quick stop on gate valve controls or
limit position disconnectors. In parallel with this, the states of
these inputs are signaled to the control system.
Article No. scheme
9 Product versions
Article number
3RK1304 – 0 H S 0 0 – @ A A 0
Product function Isolator modules 6
Isolator modules 7 Safety modules local
400 V disconnecting module 8 Safety modules local/PROFIsafe
Example 3RK1304 – 0 H S 0 0 – 6 A A 0
The article number schemes show an overview of product
versions for better understanding of the logic behind the article
For your orders, please use the article numbers quoted in the
selection and ordering data.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro motor starters > General data
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro motor starters > General data
■ Benefits
ET 200pro motor starters provide the following advantages: • Extensive diagnostics and information for preventive
• High flexibility thanks to a modular and compact design maintenance
• Little variance among all motor starter versions (two units up • Parameterizable inputs for on-site control functions
to 5.5 kW) (High Feature)
• Extensive parameterization using STEP 7 HW Config • Cabinet-free design thanks to high degree of protection IP65
• Increase of plant availability through fast replacement of units
(easy mounting and plug-in technology)
■ Application
The SIMATIC ET 200pro motor starters are ideal for the use of Use of ET 200pro motor starters in conjunction with
several spatially concentrated distributed drive solutions in IE3/IE4 motors
which several motors, or digital or analog sensors and actuators
are addressed from a distributed station. They are perfectly Note:
suited for protecting and switching any AC loads. For the use of ET 200pro motor starters in conjunction with highly
energy-efficient IE3/IE4 motors, please observe the information
Application areas on dimensioning and configuring, see Application Manual.
The SIMATIC ET 200pro motor starters are suitable for numerous For more information, see
sectors of industry, e.g. machinery and plant engineering or
conveying applications.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro motor starters > General data
■ Technical specifications
More information
Manual, see Notes on security:
System networking requires suitable protective measures (including network
segmentation for IT security) in order to ensure safe plant operation.
For more information on the subject of Industrial Security, see
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro motor starters > Standard motor starters
■ Overview
The functionality, device functions, and technical specifications
of the Standard motor starter are described in "ET 200pro motor
starters, General data" (see page 9/307 onwards).
Setting range
Rated operational current
DSe Standard • 0.15 ... 2.0 A K
• 1.5 ... 12.0 A L
1) Only functions when used together with the backplane bus module and the
wide module rack. The backplane bus module and the wide module rack
must be ordered separately (see "Accessories for ET 200pro motor
starters", page 9/323).
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro motor starters > High Feature motor starters
■ Overview
The functionality, device functions, and technical specifications The High Feature motor starter differs from the Standard motor
of the High Feature motor starter are described in "ET 200pro starter in having more parameters and four integrated, freely-
motor starters, General data" (see page 9/307 onwards). parameterizable digital inputs.
Setting range
Rated operational current
RSe High Feature • 0.15 ... 2.0 A K
• 1.5 ... 12.0 A L
High Feature motor starters2), electronic
Full motor protection, comprising thermal motor protection and
thermistor motor protection
Direct-on-line starters sDSSte/sDSte1)2)
• Without brake output and with 4 inputs 3RK1304-5@S70-2AA0
• With brake output 400 V AC and 4 inputs 3RK1304-5@S70-2AA3
Reversing starters sRSSte/sRSte1)2)
• Without brake output and with 4 inputs 3RK1304-5@S70-3AA0
• With brake output 400 V AC and 4 inputs 3RK1304-5@S70-3AA3
Setting range
Rated operational current
sRSSte High Feature • 0.15 ... 2.0 A K
• 1.5 ... 12.0 A L
1) Only functions when used together with the backplane bus module and the
wide module rack. The backplane bus module and the wide module rack
must be ordered separately (see "Accessories for ET 200pro motor
starters", page 9/323).
The solid-state motor starters can be used not only as solid-state motors
starters with a high level of switching frequency but also as fully fledged
soft starters for soft starting and stopping. The changeover from motor
starter to soft starter takes place through reparameterization in HW Config.
Depending on the setting, this results in the following current ranges:
- Parameterization as solid-state motor starter: 0.15 to 2 A and
1.5 to 9 A (4 kW)
- Parameterization as soft starter: 0.15 to 2 A and 1.5 to 12 A (5.5 kW).
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro motor starters > ET 200pro isolator modules
■ Overview
The isolator module with integrated group fusing function (i.e. The following properties apply to the isolator module:
additional group short-circuit protection for all subsequently • Increase of plant availability through fast replacement of units
supplied motor starters) and switch disconnector function is (easy mounting and plug-in technology)
used to safely disconnect the 400 V operating voltage during
repair work in the plant. • Cabinet-free design thanks to high degree of protection IP65
Depending on the power distribution concept, all stations can be The isolator module is available in addition in a safety version
equipped with an isolator module as an option. (see "Safety local isolator module" on page 9/315).
■ Technical specifications
Type Isolator modules Type Isolator modules
General data Degree of protection IP65
Mounting dimensions (W x H x D) Touch protection Finger-safe
• Direct-on-line starters and reversing mm 110 x 230 x 170 Pollution degree 3, IEC 60664 (IEC 61131)
Rated impulse withstand voltage kV 6
Permissible ambient temperature Uimp
• During operation °C -25 ... +55
• During storage °C -40 ... +70 Rated insulation voltage Ui V 400
Permissible mounting position Any Rated operational current
Ie for starters
Vibration resistance acc. to g 2
IEC 60068 Part 2-6 • AC-1 / 2 / 3 at 40 °C
- At 400 V A 25
Shock resistance acc. to IEC 60068 g/ms Half-sine 15/11 - At 500 V A 25
Part 2-27
Rated short-circuit breaking kA 50 at 400 V
Power consumption capacity
• From auxiliary circuit L+/M (U1) mA Approx. 20
• From auxiliary circuit A1/A2 (U2) -- Type of coordination acc. to 2
IEC 60947-4-1
Rated operational current Ie for A 25
power bus Protective separation between V 400,
main and auxiliary circuits according to DIN VDE 0106,
Rated operational voltage Ue V 400 Part 101
Approvals according to Device functions
• DIN VDE 0106, Part 101 V Up to 500 • Group diagnostics Yes, parameterizable
• CSA and UL V Up to 600
Device indications
Conductor cross-sections • Group fault SF LED (red)
• Incoming power supply mm2 Max. 6 x 4
■ Selection and ordering data
Version Article No.
Only functions when used together with the related 110 mm backplane bus
module and the wide module rack. The backplane bus module and the
wide module rack must be ordered separately (see page 9/323).
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro Safety motor starters Solutions local/PROFIsafe > Safety modules local
■ Overview
Safety Solution local Functionality
With the Safety local modules Safety local isolator module
• Safety local isolator module and
• 400 V disconnecting module The Safety local isolator module features the same functions
with an appropriate connection, safety level PL e as a standard isolator module with an additional local safety
(according to ISO 13849-1) can be reached. function.
The Safety local isolator module contains a 3TK2841 module
and is equipped with M12 terminals for the connection of
external safety components.
Terminals 1 and 2 can be used to connect either 1-channel or
2-channel EMERGENCY STOP circuits or protective door
circuits (IN 1, IN 2).
For monitored starts, an external START switch can be
connected to terminal 3.
The required safety functions can be set using two slide
switches located under the left M12 opening.
In the event of an EMERGENCY STOP, the Safety local isolator
module trips the downstream 400 V disconnecting module.
This safely separates the 400 V circuit up to PL e.
In combination with the 400 V disconnecting module, the
Safety local isolator module can be used for safety applications
up to PL e.
400 V disconnecting module
ET 200pro motor starter (Safety Solution local): Safety local isolator
module, disconnecting module, Standard starter and High Feature The 400 V disconnecting module can be used together with the
starter mounted on a wide module rack Safety local isolator module for local safety applications and
together with the F-Switch for PROFIsafe safety applications.
Safety local isolator module
It contains two contactors connected in series for safety-related
The Safety local isolator module is a repair switch with integrated disconnection of the main circuit.
safety evaluation functions that can be parameterized using DIP
switches. The auxiliary circuit supply of the device is over a safety power
rail in the backplane bus module.
It is used for
• Connection of a 1- or 2-channel EMERGENCY STOP circuit up The 400 V disconnecting module can be used in conjunction 9
to PL e (protective door or EMERGENCY STOP pushbuttons) with the Safety local isolator module or with the F-Switch for
and parameterizable start behavior safety applications up to PL e.
• For controlling the 400 V disconnecting module by means of
a safety rail signal
400 V disconnecting module
The 400 V disconnecting module enables the safe disconnec-
tion of an operational voltage of 400 V up to PL e. For operation
in a Safety Solution local application, it functions only in combi-
nation with the Safety local isolator module.
For operation in a Safety PROFIsafe application it functions only
in combination with the F-Switch.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro Safety motor starters Solutions local/PROFIsafe > Safety modules local
■ Technical specifications
Type Safety local isolator module 400 V disconnecting module
General data
Mounting dimensions (W x H x D)
• Direct-on-line starters and reversing starters mm 110 x 230 x 170 110 x 230 x 150
Permissible ambient temperature
• During operation °C -25 ... +55
• During storage °C -40 ... +70
Permissible mounting position Any
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC 60068, Part 2-6 2g
Shock resistance acc. to IEC 60068, Part 2-27 Half-sine 15 g/11 ms
Power consumption
• From auxiliary circuit L+/M (U1) mA Approx. 20
• From auxiliary circuit A1/A2 (U2) --
Rated operational current Ie for power bus A 25
Rated operational voltage Ue V 400 (50/60 Hz)
Approval DIN VDE 0106, Part 101 V Up to 500
CSA and UL approval V Up to 600
Conductor cross-sections
Incoming power supply mm2 Max. 6 x 4
Degree of protection IP65
Touch protection Finger-safe
Pollution degree 3, IEC 60664 (IEC 61131)
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp kV 6
Rated insulation voltage Ui V 400
Rated operational current Ie for starters
• AC-1 / 2 / 3 at 40 °C
- At 400 V A 16 25
- At 500 V A 16 25
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity kA 50 at 400 V
Type of coordination acc. to IEC 60947-4-1 2
Protective separation between main and auxiliary circuits V 400,
according to DIN VDE 0106, Part 101
Operating times at 0.85 ... 1.1 x Us
• Closing delay ms -- 25 ... 100
• Opening delay ms -- 7 ... 10
Device functions
• Group diagnostics Yes, parameterizable
Device indications
• Group fault SF LED (red)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro Safety motor starters Solutions local/PROFIsafe > Safety modules local
400 V disconnecting module3)4)
Rated operational current 25 A 3RK1304-0HS00-8AA0
The Safety local isolator module only functions when used together with
the 400 V disconnecting module.
2) Only in combination with the special backplane bus module for the
Safety Local isolator module (see "Accessories for ET 200pro motor
starters", page 9/323).
The 400 V disconnecting module functions only when used together with
the Safety local isolator module or with the F-Switch.
The 400 V disconnecting module functions only when used together with
the backplane bus module and the wide module rack. The backplane bus
module and the wide module rack must be ordered separately
(see "Accessories for ET 200pro motor starters", page 9/323).
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro Safety motor starters Solutions local/PROFIsafe > Safety modules PROFIsafe
■ Overview
Safety Solution PROFIsafe Functionality
With the Safety PROFIsafe modules The PROFIsafe F-Switch is a fail-safe solid-state module for
• F-Switch and PROFIsafe safety applications. It has two fail-safe inputs and
• 400 V disconnecting module outputs for safe switching of the 24 V supply over backplane
With an appropriate connection, safety levels SIL 3 (according busbars. In combination with the 400 V disconnecting module,
to IEC 62061) and PL e (according to ISO 13849-1) can be fail-safe disconnection of ET 200pro motor starters is possible
reached. in PROFIsafe applications up to SIL 3/PL e.
F-Switch PROFIsafe 400 V disconnecting module
Fail-safe digital inputs/outputs in degrees of protection IP65 to See "Safety modules local", Overview, page 9/315 and Technical
IP67 for near-machine, cabinet-free use. specifications, page 9/316.
Fail-safe digital inputs
• For the fail-safe reading in of sensor information
• Including integrated discrepancy evaluation
for 2v2 signals
• Internal sensor supplies (incl. testing) available
Fail-safe digital outputs
• Three fail-safe PP-switching outputs for safe switching of the
backplane busbars
The F-Switch is certified up to SIL 3/PL e and has detailed
It supports PROFIsafe in PROFIBUS configurations as well as
in PROFINET configurations.
Safety characteristics, see
F-Switch PROFIsafe
24 V DC, including bus module 6ES7148-4FS00-0AB0
Connection module must be ordered separately
Connection modules for F-Switch
24 V DC 6ES7194-4DA00-0AA0
The 400 V disconnecting module functions only when used together with
the Safety local isolator module or with the F-Switch.
2) The 400 V disconnecting module functions only when used together with
the backplane bus module and the wide module rack. The backplane bus
module and the wide module rack must be ordered separately
(see "Accessories for ET 200pro motor starters", page 9/323).
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro Safety motor starters Solutions local/PROFIsafe > Accessories for ET 200pro motor starters
■ Overview
Infeed on
isolator module
3 4 7
2 9
5 / 6
Basic design of an ET 200pro version with (from the left) connection Infeed on the RSM isolator module
module for IM, interface module for communication (IM), RSM isolator
module, two ET 200pro motor starters (MS), and connections for energy
Infeed on Legend:
ET 200pro motor starter $ Power feeder plug (see page 9/321)
% Power connection plug (see page 9/321)
& Power jumper plug (see page 9/321)
( Motor connection plug (see page 9/321)
) Motor plug (see page 9/321)
MS MS * Motor plug with EMC suppressor circuit (see page 9/321)
+ Power loop-through plug (see page 9/321)
, Power connection cable (see page 9/321)
- Power connection cable for isolator module (see page 9/321)
. Motor cable (see page 9/322)
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro Safety motor starters Solutions local/PROFIsafe > Accessories for ET 200pro motor starters
Power bus Interruption-free thanks to power terminal connectors
The power supply to the field devices (ET 200pro motor starters, In finger-safe connection technology the power T terminal
M200D motor starters) is provided via the power bus, in which connectors and power double-T terminal connectors connect
the power T terminal connectors or power double-T terminal the components of a feeder to the power bus. They ensure inter-
connectors are connected by power bus cables. ruption-free operation, i.e. the power bus is not interrupted when
the components are plugged in.
From the terminal connectors, spur lines with Han Q4/2 plugs
lead to the field devices, from which the motors are supplied with
power via motor connection cables.
12 13 13
ET 200pro
M200D M200D
Power supply to the motors via the power bus with power T and double-T terminal connectors linked by power bus cables, spur lines to the field devices
(motor starters), and power loop-through connections to the motors via motor connection cables
Motor control via PROFIBUS Motor control via PROFINET
The interface modules (IM) for PROFIBUS can be combined For the connection modules with the associated accessories,
with three different connection modules for connecting see "Accessories for ET 200pro interface modules", page 9/281
PROFIBUS DP and the power supply: onwards.
• Direct connection with cable bushings
• ECOFAST connection with hybrid fieldbus cables (with two
copper cores for data transmission with PROFIBUS DP,
and four copper cores for the power supply), and ECOFAST
connectors (HanBrid)1)
• M12, 7/8" connection
- with M12 connecting cable and M12 plugs for data
transmission with PROFIBUS DP
- with 7/8" connecting cable and 7/8" plugs for the power
For the connection modules with the associated accessories,
see "Accessories ET 200pro interface modules", page 9/277).
1) 2)
Hybrid fieldbus connections with HanBrid sockets designed as cabinet On the control cabinet bushings with two M12 sockets for the
bushings transmit data and energy from the control cabinet (IP20) to the PROFIBUS M12 connecting cables (see https://mall.industry.siemens.
field (IP65). They are the interface for jointly routing PROFIBUS DP and the com/mall/en/WW/Catalog/Products/10314206?tree=CatalogTree),
auxiliary voltages into the hybrid fieldbus cable the 24 V supply of the motor starters is implemented via separate
(see 7/8" connecting cables.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro Safety motor starters Solutions local/PROFIsafe > Accessories for ET 200pro motor starters
ET 200pro motor starters/ET 200pro isolator modules,
comprising a cable-end connector hood, angular
outgoing feeder, pin insert for HAN Q4/2, including
• 4 male contacts, 2.5 mm2 3RK1911-2BF50
• 4 male contacts, 4 mm2 3RK1911-2BF10
Motor cables
( Motor connection plugs
Connector set for motor cable for connection to
ET 200pro motor starters, comprising a cable-end
connector hood, angular outgoing feeder, pin insert
for HAN Q8/0, incl. bushing
• 8 male contacts, 1.5 mm2 3RK1902-0CE00
• 6 male contacts, 2.5 mm2 3RK1902-0CC00
) Motor plugs
Connector set for motor cable for connection to motors,
comprising a cable-end connector hood, straight
outgoing feeder, female insert for HAN 10e,
incl. star jumper, including bushing
• 7 female contacts, 1.5 mm2 3RK1911-2BM21
• 7 female contacts, 2.5 mm2 3RK1911-2BM22
* Motor plugs with EMC suppressor circuit
Connector set for motor cable for connection to motors,
comprising a cable-end connector hood, straight
outgoing feeder, female insert for HAN 10e with
EMC suppressor circuit, including star jumper,
including bushing
• 7 female contacts, 1.5 mm2 3RK1911-2BL21
• 7 female contacts, 2.5 mm2 3RK1911-2BL22
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro Safety motor starters Solutions local/PROFIsafe > Accessories for ET 200pro motor starters
9 3RK1902-0CW00
Dismantling tools
• For male and female contacts for 9-pole HAN Q4/2 3RK1902-0AB00
• For male and female contacts for 9-pole HAN Q8 inserts 3RK1902-0AJ00
Sealing caps
For 9-pole power socket connectors
• 1 unit per pack 3RK1902-0CK00
• 10 units per pack 3RK1902-0CJ00
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro Safety motor starters Solutions local/PROFIsafe > Accessories for ET 200pro motor starters
Further accessories
Module racks, wide1)
• Length 500 mm 6ES7194-4GB00-0AA0
• Length 1 000 mm 6ES7194-4GB60-0AA0
• Length 2 000 mm 6ES7194-4GB20-0AA0
Module racks, wide, compact1)
• Length 500 mm 6ES7194-4GD00-0AA0
• Length 1 000 mm 6ES7194-4GD10-0AA0
• Length 2 000 mm 6ES7194-4GD20-0AA0
Backplane bus modules 110 mm2) 3RK1922-2BA00
Backplane bus module 3RK1922-2BA01
For Safety local isolator modules
Handheld devices 3RK1922-3BA00
For ET 200pro motor starters (or for
ET 200S High Feature and M200D motor starters)
for local operation
• The motor-starter-specific serial interface cables must
be ordered separately.
• The RS 232 interface cable 3RK1922-2BP00
is used for the MS ET 200pro.
RS 232 interface cable 3RK1922-2BP00
Serial data connection between ET 200pro (or M200D)
motor starters and the RS 232 interface of a PC/PG/
laptop (with the Motor Starter ES software) or the
handheld device 3RK1922-3BA00
USB interface cable, 2.5 m 6SL3555-0PA00-2AA0
Serial data connection between ET 200pro (or M200D)
motor starters and the USB interface of a PC/PG/laptop
(with the Motor Starter ES software)
M12 sealing caps 3RK1901-1KA00
For sealing unused M12 input or output sockets
(one set contains ten sealing caps)
Motor suppression module NEW NEU
RC element for installation in motor terminal box
• Type of construction square 3RK1911-6EA00
• Type of construction round 3RK1911-6EB00
The wide module rack can accommodate all ET 200pro motor starters and
any optional modules (isolator module, Safety local isolator module and
400 V disconnecting module).
The backplane bus module is a prerequisite for operation of the
ET 200pro motor starter and the optional module.
• For motor control with PROFIBUS, see page 9/277
• For motor control with PROFINET, see page 9/281
• For Manual "SIMATIC ET 200pro Motor Starters", see
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 frequency converter
■ Overview
• Distributed configurations offer considerable benefits for
conveyor systems with their extensive coverage (e.g. in the
automotive and logistics industries)
Siemens family of distributed drives
Siemens offers an innovative portfolio of frequency converters to
optimally implement distributed drive solutions. The strengths of
the individual members of the drive family permit simple adapta-
tion to the widest range of application demands:
• Identical connection systems
• Standard commissioning and engineering tools for the family
of distributed drives:
- SINAMICS G110M frequency converters
- SINAMICS G110D frequency converters
- SINAMICS G120D frequency converters
- SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 frequency converters
- SIRIUS M200D motor starters
Safety Integrated
SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 frequency converter
The distributed SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 frequency converters
The SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 frequency converter has the are already equipped with the integrated STO (Safe Torque Off)
design of a SIMATIC ET 200pro module. It supplements the safety function, certified in accordance with IEC 61508 SIL 2
SIMATIC ET 200pro system range with distributed, speed- as well as EN ISO 13849-1 PL d and Category 3. It can be
controlled drives. It is suitable for the open-loop and closed-loop activated locally via the F-RSM or by means of PROFIsafe.
control of asynchronous (induction) motors in a wide range of
industrial applications. It is predestined for conveyor technology STARTER commissioning tool
applications using drives networked via PROFIBUS and The STARTER commissioning tool (V4.4 and higher) plus the
PROFINET, in particular in distributed designs without control corresponding SINAMICS Support Package (SSP) supports the
cabinet with high degree of protection (IP65), when combining commissioning and maintenance of SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2
several drives. The modular, service-friendly concept is ideally frequency converters.
suited to manufacturing processes with high plant standstill
costs. The operator guidance combined with comprehensive,
user-friendly functions for the relevant drive solution allow you to
Reasons for using distributed drive systems: commission the device quickly and easily.
• Modular drive solutions – therefore standardized mechatronic
9 elements that can be individually tested Engineering Framework STEP 7 classic (V5.5 and higher)
Hardware Support Packages (HSP) are available to integrate
• A control cabinet is not required, resulting in a smaller space
requirement and lower cooling requirements SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 in STEP7 classic.
• Long motor cables between converter and motor are not Engineering Framework TIA Portal (as from V13 SP1)
- Less power losses TIA Portal is a powerful engineering framework providing full
- Reduced noise radiation access to the whole digitized automation.
- Reduced costs for shielded cables Hardware Support Packages (HSP) are available to integrate
- No additional filters SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 in TIA Portal.
■ Technical specifications
Distributed frequency converter SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2
Selection features
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 frequency converter
Protective functions
Disconnection on the DC side permits "fast" braking.
• Undervoltage
• Overvoltage
• Ground fault
• Short-circuit
• Stall protection
• Thermal motor protection (I2t or sensor)
• Converter overtemperature
• Motor blocking protection
• Phase failure detection
Connectable motors • Low-voltage asynchronous (induction) motors
• Motor cable lengths: max. 15 m (49 ft) (shielded)
Mechanical data
Degree of protection IP65
Operating temperature 0 ... 55 °C (32 ... 131 °F)
Mounting position Vertical wall mounting (vertical alignment of the cooling fins)
Dimensions (W × H × D) 155 mm × 246 mm × 248 mm (6.10 in × 9.69 in × 9.76 in)
Weight, approx. 4 kg (8.8 lb)
Certificates of suitability UL508C, cUL, CE, Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 frequency converter
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro software > Motor Starter ES
■ Overview
Efficient engineering with three program versions
The Motor Starter ES software program is available in three
versions which differ in their user-friendliness, scope of functions
and price.
Motor Starter ES Basic Standard Premium
ET 200S High Feature ✓ ✓ ✓
ET 200S High Feature ✓ ✓ ✓
ECOFAST AS-Interface ✓ ✓ --
High Feature
ET 200pro PROFIBUS IM ✓ ✓ ✓
ET 200pro PROFINET IM ✓ ✓ ✓
M200D AS-Interface Standard ✓ ✓ (✓ )
M200D PROFIBUS ✓ ✓ ✓
M200D PROFINET ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ Function available, (✓) Available with restricted functionality
-- Function not available
Motor Starter ES for parameterization, monitoring, diagnostics and
testing of motor starters Motor Starter ES Basic Standard Premium
Access via the local interface on ✓ ✓ ✓
More information
the device
Homepage see Parameter assignment ✓ ✓ ✓
Industry Mall see Operating ✓ ✓ ✓
Technical specifications and system requirements, see Diagnostics -- ✓ ✓
Creation of typicals -- ✓ ✓
Motor Starter ES is used for the startup, parameterization, Comparison functions -- ✓ ✓
diagnostics, documentation and preventive maintenance of Standard-compliant printout -- ✓ ✓
SIMATIC ET 200S, ET 200pro, ECOFAST and M200D motor according to EN ISO 7200
starters. Service data -- ✓ ✓
(slave pointer, statistics data)
Interfacing is performed Access via PROFIBUS -- -- ✓
• Via the local interface on the device Access via PROFINET -- -- ✓
• With PROFIBUS DP-V1-capable motor starters from any point S7 routing -- -- ✓
in PROFIBUS (applies to ET 200S DP V1/ET 200pro/ Teleservice via MPI -- -- ✓
ECOFAST/M200D) STEP 7 object manager1) -- -- ✓
• With PROFINET-capable motor starters from any point in Trace function -- ✓ ✓
PROFINET (applies to ET 200S DP V1/ET 200pro/M200D).
✓ Function available
Using Motor Starter ES, the communication-capable motor -- Function not available
starters are easily parameterized during startup, monitored 1)
Only for STEP 7 V5.x
during normal operation and successfully diagnosed for service
purposes. Preventative maintenance is supported by a function
for reading out diverse statistical data (e.g. operating hours, Additional functions
operating cycles, cut-off currents, etc.). The user is supported
during these procedures with comprehensive Help functions Standard-compliant printouts
and plain text displays. The software tool greatly simplifies machine documentation.
Motor Starter ES can either be used as a stand-alone program It enables parameterization printouts according to EN ISO 7200.
or it can be integrated into STEP 7 via an Object Manager. The elements to be printed are easy to select and group
as required.
Easy creation of typicals
Typicals can be created for devices and applications with only
minimum differences in their parameters. These typicals contain
all the parameters which are needed for the parameterization.
In addition it is possible to specify which of these parameters are
fixed and which can be adapted, e.g. by the startup engineer.
Teleservice via MPI
The Motor Starter ES Premium version supports the use of MPI
Teleservice (comprising the Teleservice software and various
Teleservice adapters) for remote diagnostics of the devices.
This facilitates diagnostics and maintenance, and it shortens
response times for service purposes.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200pro software > Motor Starter ES
■ Benefits
• Fast, error-free configuration and startup of motor starters • Trace function (oscilloscope function) for recording measured
even without extensive previous knowledge values and events (included in the Motor Starter ES Standard
• Transparent setting of the device functions and their and Premium software version for M200D PROFIBUS and
parameters – online and offline PROFINET).
• Effective diagnostics functions on the soft starter and display
of the most important measured values
Motor Starter ES 2007 Premium
Floating license for one user
Engineering software,
software and documentation on CD,
3 languages (German/English/French),
communication via system interface or
• License key on USB flash drive, Class A, including CD 3ZS1310-6CC10-0YA5
• License key download, Class A, without CD 3ZS1310-6CE10-0YB5
Please order PC cable separately, see Accessories. For a description of the software versions, see page 9/327.
■ Accessories
Version Article No.
Optional accessories
RS 232 interface cable 3RK1922-2BP00
Serial data connection between ET 200pro MS/FC,
M200D and laptop/PC/PG or MS
USB interface cable 6SL3555-0PA00-2AA0
Serial data connection between ET 200pro MS/FC,
M200D and laptop/PC/PG or MS
USB/serial adapters 3UF7946-0AA00-0
For connecting an RS 232 PC cable to the USB interface
of a PC, recommended for use in conjunction with
ET 200S/ECOFAST/ET 200pro motor starters
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Add-on products for ET 200pro > EtherNet/IP interface module
■ Overview
An interface module (EtherNet/IP adapter) is provided for
operating the ET 200pro on EtherNet/IP. It can be used together
with system and IO components of the ET 200pro distributed I/O
■ Technical specifications
Article number ZNX:EIP200PRO Article number ZNX:EIP200PROCM1
Ethernet/IP Head Assembly ET 200pro, CM IM DP M12 / 7/8"
for ET 200PRO Input current
Supply voltage from supply voltage 1L+, max. No current input, only infeed current,
Rated value (DC) 24 V max. 8 A
Input current from load voltage 2L+ (without load), No current input, only infeed current,
from supply voltage 1L+, max. 400 mA max. max. 8 A
Power loss Dimensions
Power loss, typ. 6W Width 90 mm
Address area Height 130 mm
Addressing volume Depth 51 mm
• Inputs 255 byte Weights
• Outputs 255 byte Weight, approx. 540 g
M12 port
• Autonegotiation Yes
• Transmission rate, max. 100 Mbit/s
Diagnostics indication LED
• Bus fault BF (red) Yes
• Group error SF (red) Yes
• Monitoring 24 V voltage supply ON Yes
• Load voltage monitoring 24 V DC Yes
Potential separation
between backplane bus and Yes
between supply voltage and Yes 9
Degree and class of protection
IP degree of protection IP65/67
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• min. -25 °C
• max. 55 °C
Ambient temperature during
• min. -40 °C
• max. 70 °C
Width 135 mm
Height 130 mm
Depth 59.3 mm
Weight, approx. 490 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
■ Overview
• Compact dimensions
• Low weight
• Safety-oriented collective shutdown of the outputs
(available soon)
• High degree of user-friendliness due to the following design
- Flexible mounting in all positions possible due to screw
fastening through the front or side
- Direct installation on even surfaces or aluminum mounting
- Labels for the identification of channels, modules and slots
- Integrated cable tie opening
- Clear and CAx-compliant interface designations
- Uniform coloring of the system interfaces and system cables
- 1:1 assignment of channel status LED, I/O socket and label
• Modular, distributed I/O system with compact I/O modules - Pin assignment on the side
in IP65/67.
• I/O module portfolio comprising digital and analog modules
• Especially easy and flexible installation, even in extremely as well as IO-Link communication module
confined spaces.
• Ambient temperature range from -25 °C to +55 °C
• Easy wiring
• Extensive system functions
• Easy commissioning - All interface and I/O modules support firmware update
• SIMATIC ET 200AL consists of the following components: - Configuration control (option handling) via user software
- Interface module for communication with IO Controllers on - System support of PROFIenergy for power saving purposes
PROFINET. - Consistent use of identification and maintenance data IM0 to
- Interface module for communication with all masters on the IM3/4 (electronic rating plate) for fast electronic and
PROFIBUS. unambiguous identification of individual modules
- Bus adapters for connection to the ET 200SP I/O system. (Article No., serial number, etc.).
- Various I/O modules, 30 mm and 45 mm wide.
• Maximum configuration of an ET 200AL station:
- Up to 32 I/O modules with PROFINET or PROFIBUS in any
- Up to 16 I/O modules at the ET 200SP in any combination
9 • Connection of the modules via an internal backplane bus
established using bus cables (ET connection).
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 157-1 DP
■ Overview
• Interface module for linking the ET 200AL to PROFIBUS
• As DPV1 slave it handles the data exchange with the
PROFIBUS master in the PLC
• Max. 32 I/O modules can be connected
• Max. data volume of 244 bytes, for input and output data
• Automatic detection of baud rate 9.6 kBd ... 12 MBd
• PROFIBUS addresses 1 ... 99; can be set by means of rotary
• Identification and maintenance data IM0 ... IM3
• Firmware update
• Configuration management (option handling)
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7157-1AA00-0AB0 Article number 6ES7157-1AA00-0AB0
ET 200AL, IM 157-1 DP ET 200AL, IM 157-1 DP
General information PROFIBUS DP
Product type designation IM 157-1 DP Services
Product function - SYNC capability Yes
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 - FREEZE capability Yes
Engineering with - Direct data exchange Yes
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ STEP 7 V13 SP1 or higher (slave-to-slave communication)
integrated as of version - DPV0 Yes
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated From V5.5 SP4 Hotfix 3 - DPV1 Yes
as of version Interrupts/diagnostics/
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ GSD as of Revision 5 status information
GSD revision
Supply voltage
Diagnostics function
Load voltage 1L+ Diagnostics indication LED
• Rated value (DC) 24 V • RUN LED Yes; Green LED
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction • ERROR LED Yes; Red LED
Input current • MAINT LED Yes; yellow LED
Current consumption (rated value) 50 mA • Connection display DP Yes; Green LED
from load voltage 1L+ 4 A; Maximum value Potential separation
(unswitched voltage)
between the load voltages Yes
from load voltage 2L+, max. 4 A; Maximum value
between PROFIBUS DP and all other Yes
Address area circuit components
Address space per station Degree and class of protection
• Address space per station, max. 244 byte IP degree of protection IP65/67
Interfaces Standards, approvals, certificates
Number of PROFIBUS interfaces 1 Suitable for safety-related tripping of Yes; From FS01
1. Interface standard modules
Interface type PROFIBUS DP Highest safety class achievable for
Interface types safety-related tripping of standard
• RS 485 Yes
• Performance level according to PL d
• M12 port Yes; 2x M12 B-coded ISO 13849-1
Protocols • Category according to ISO 13849-1 Cat. 3
• PROFIBUS DP slave Yes • SILCL according to IEC 62061 SILCL 2
Interface types
RS 485
• Transmission rate, max. 12 Mbit/s
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 157-1 DP
1m 6ES7194-2LH10-0AA0 15 m 6ES7194-2LN15-1AA0
9 15 m 6ES7194-2LN15-0AA0 1m 6ES7194-2LH10-1AB0
Pre-assembled at both ends, 2m 6ES7194-2LH20-1AB0
2 M8 connectors, angled
5m 6ES7194-2LH50-1AB0
0.3 m 6ES7194-2LH03-0AB0
10 m 6ES7194-2LN10-1AB0
1m 6ES7194-2LH10-0AB0
15 m 6ES7194-2LN15-1AB0
2m 6ES7194-2LH20-0AB0
Pre-assembled at one end,
5m 6ES7194-2LH50-0AB0 M8 socket
10 m 6ES7194-2LN10-0AB0 2m 6ES7194-2LH20-1AC0
15 m 6ES7194-2LN15-0AB0 5m 6ES7194-2LH50-1AC0
Pre-assembled at one end, 10 m 6ES7194-2LN10-1AC0
1 M8 connector
15 m 6ES7194-2LN15-1AC0
2m 6ES7194-2LH20-0AC0
M8 connector for ET connection 6ES7194-2AB00-0AA0
5m 6ES7194-2LH50-0AC0
4-pin, shielded
10 m 6ES7194-2LN10-0AC0
M8 power connector
15 m 6ES7194-2LN15-0AC0
Male contact insert, 4-pin 6ES7194-2AA00-0AA0
Female contact insert, 4-pin 6ES7194-2AC00-0AA0
ET connection FastConnect 6ES7194-2KA00-0AA0
stripping tool
Stripping tool for stripping the
ET connection bus cable
Labels 6ES7194-2BA00-0AA0
10 x 5 mm, RAL 9016;
5 frames with 40 labels each
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 157-1 PN
■ Overview
• Interface module for linking the ET 200AL to PROFINET
• Handles data exchange with the PROFINET I/O controller in
the PLC
• Max. 32 I/O modules can be connected
• Max. data volume of 1430 bytes, for input and output data
• Shortest bus cycle 250 μs
• Automatic power-up by means of topology recognition
• Autocrossover
• Shared device on up to 4 IO controllers
• Support for the MRP (media redundancy protocol) and MRPD
(media redundancy with planned duplication) functions
• Identification and maintenance data IM0 ... IM4
• Firmware update
• Configuration management (option handling)
• PROFIenergy
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7157-1AB00-0AB0 Article number 6ES7157-1AB00-0AB0
ET 200AL, IM 157-1 PN ET 200AL, IM 157-1 PN
General information Protocols
Product type designation IM 157-1 PN PROFINET IO Device
Product function Services
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M4 - Open IE communication Yes
Engineering with - IRT Yes; 250 μs, 500 μs, 1 ms, 2 ms,
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ STEP 7 V13 SP1 or higher 4 ms, 8 ms, 16 ms, 32 ms, 64 ms,
integrated as of version 128 ms
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated From V5.5 SP4 Hotfix 3 - PROFIenergy Yes
as of version - Shared device Yes
• PROFINET as of GSD version/
GSD revision
GSDML V2.3.1 - Number of IO Controllers with
shared device, max.
Supply voltage Redundancy mode
Load voltage 1L+ • MRP Yes
• Rated value (DC) 24 V • MRPD Yes
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction Open IE communication
Input current • TCP/IP Yes
Current consumption (rated value) 100 mA • SNMP Yes
from load voltage 1L+ 4 A; Maximum value • LLDP Yes
(unswitched voltage) Interrupts/diagnostics/
from load voltage 2L+, max. 4 A; Maximum value status information
Address area Alarms Yes
Address space per station Diagnostics function Yes
• Address space per station, max. 1 430 byte Diagnostics indication LED
Interfaces • RUN LED Yes; Green LED
Number of PROFINET interfaces 1 • ERROR LED Yes; Red LED
1. Interface • MAINT LED Yes; yellow LED
Interface type PROFINET • Connection display LINK TX/RX Yes; 2x green LED
Interface types Potential separation
• integrated switch Yes between the load voltages Yes
• M12 port Yes; 2x M12 d-coded between PROFINET and all other Yes
Protocols circuits
• PROFINET IO Device Yes Degree and class of protection
M12 port IP degree of protection IP65/67
• Transmission procedure PROFINET with 100 Mbit/s full duplex
• 10 Mbps Yes; for Ethernet services
• 100 Mbps Yes; PROFINET with 100 Mbit/s full
duplex (100BASE-TX)
• Autonegotiation Yes
• Autocrossing Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface modules > IM 157-1 PN
9 1m
15 m
Pre-assembled at both ends,
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital I/O modules
■ Overview
• 30 and 45 mm wide modules with parameters and diagnostic
• 8-channel digital input module with M8 or M12 connection
• 16-channel digital input module with M12 connection
• 8-channel digital input/output module with M8 or M12
• 16-channel digital input / output module with M12 connection
• 8-channel digital output module 2A with M12 connection
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7141-5BF00-0BA0 6ES7141-5AF00-0BA0 6ES7141-5AH00-0BA0
ET 200AL, DI 8x24VDC, 8xM8 ET 200AL, DI 8x24VDC, 4xM12 ET 200AL, DI 16x24VDC, 8xM12
General information
Product type designation DI 8x24VDC DI 8x24VDC DI 16x24VDC
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ STEP 7 V13 SP1 or higher STEP 7 V13 SP1 or higher STEP 7 V13 SP1 or higher
integrated as of version
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated From V5.5 SP4 Hotfix 3 V5.5 SP4 Hotfix 7 or higher V5.5 SP4 Hotfix 7 or higher
as of version
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ GSD as of Revision 5 GSD as of Revision 5 GSD as of Revision 5
GSD revision
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3.1 GSDML V2.3.1 GSDML V2.3.1
GSD revision
Supply voltage
Load voltage 1L+
• Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; Against destruction; encoder Yes; Against destruction; encoder Yes; Against destruction; encoder
power supply outputs applied with power supply outputs applied with power supply outputs applied with
reversed polarity reversed polarity reversed polarity
Input current
Current consumption (rated value) 25 mA; without load 25 mA; without load 30 mA; without load
from load voltage 1L+ 4 A; Maximum value 4 A; Maximum value 4 A; Maximum value
(unswitched voltage)
from load voltage 2L+, max. 4 A; Maximum value 4 A; Maximum value 4 A; Maximum value
Encoder supply
Number of outputs 8 4 8
24 V encoder supply
• Short-circuit protection Yes; per module, electronic Yes; per module, electronic Yes; per module, electronic
• Output current, max. 0.7 A; Total current of all encoders 0.7 A; Total current of all encoders 1.4 A; Total current of all encoders
Digital inputs
Number of digital inputs 8 8 16
Input characteristic curve in Yes Yes Yes
accordance with IEC 61131, type 3
Number of simultaneously
controllable inputs
all mounting positions
- up to 55 °C, max. 8 8 16
Input voltage
• Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V
• for signal "0" -30 to +5V -30 to +5V -30 to +5V
• for signal "1" +11 to +30V +11 to +30V +11 to +30V
Input current
• for signal "1", typ. 3.2 mA 3.2 mA 3.2 mA
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital I/O modules
• Performance level according to PL d PL d PL d
ISO 13849-1
• Category according to ISO 13849-1 Cat. 3 Cat. 3 Cat. 3
• SILCL according to IEC 62061 SILCL 2 SILCL 2 SILCL 2
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• min. -25 °C -25 °C -25 °C
• max. 55 °C 55 °C 55 °C
Connection method
Design of electrical connection M8, 3-pole M12, 5-pole M12, 5-pole
for the inputs and outputs
Design of electrical connection M8, 4-pole M8, 4-pole M8, 4-pole
for supply voltage
• ET-Connection M8, 4-pin, shielded M8, 4-pin, shielded M8, 4-pin, shielded
Width 30 mm 30 mm 45 mm
Height 159 mm 159 mm 159 mm
Depth 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm
Weight, approx. 145 g 145 g 184 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital I/O modules
voltage to
ISO 13849-1
Switching capacity of the outputs
• Category according to ISO 13849-1 Cat. 3
• on lamp load, max. 10 W
• SILCL according to IEC 62061 SILCL 2
Load resistance range
Ambient conditions
• lower limit 12 Ω
Ambient temperature during
• upper limit 4 kΩ operation
Output voltage • min. -25 °C
• for signal "1", min. L+ (-0.8 V) • max. 55 °C
Output current Connection method
• for signal "1" rated value 2A Design of electrical connection M12, 5-pole
• for signal "0" residual current, max. 0.5 mA for the inputs and outputs
Switching frequency Design of electrical connection M8, 4-pole
for supply voltage
• with resistive load, max. 100 Hz
• with inductive load, max. 0.1 Hz; 0.25 Hz at 25 °C
• ET-Connection M8, 4-pin, shielded
• on lamp load, max. 1 Hz
Total current of the outputs
Width 45 mm
• Current per group, max. 4 A; For inductive load
max. 2 channels per group Height 159 mm
Cable length Depth 40 mm
• unshielded, max. 30 m Weights
Weight, approx. 192 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital I/O modules
Number of outputs 4 4 8
24 V encoder supply
• Short-circuit protection Yes; per module, electronic Yes; per module, electronic Yes; Per load voltage, electronic
• Output current, max. 0.7 A; Total current of all encoders 0.7 A; Total current of all encoders 1.4 A; Total current of all encoders,
max. 0.7 A per load voltage
Digital inputs
Number of digital inputs 4; Parameterizable as DIQ 4; Parameterizable as DIQ 16; Parameterizable as DIQ
Input characteristic curve in Yes Yes Yes
accordance with IEC 61131, type 3
Number of simultaneously
controllable inputs
all mounting positions
- up to 55 °C, max. 4 4 16
Digital input functions,
• Freely usable digital input Yes
• Counter Yes
Input voltage
• Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V
• for signal "0" -3 to +5V -3 to +5V -3 to +5V
• for signal "1" +11 to +30V +11 to +30V +11 to +30V
Input current
• for signal "1", typ. 3.2 mA 3.2 mA 3 mA
Input delay (for rated value
of input voltage)
for standard inputs
- parameterizable Yes
for technological functions
- parameterizable Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital I/O modules
• unshielded, max. 30 m 30 m 30 m
Connectable encoders
• 2-wire sensor Yes Yes Yes
- permissible quiescent current 1.5 mA 1.5 mA 1.5 mA
(2-wire sensor), max.
status information
Substitute values connectable Yes; channel by channel, Yes; channel by channel, Yes; channel by channel,
parameterizable parameterizable parameterizable
• Diagnostic alarm Yes; Parameterizable Yes; Parameterizable Yes; Parameterizable
Diagnostic messages
• Short-circuit Yes; Outputs to M; encoder supply to Yes; Outputs to M; encoder supply to Yes; Outputs to M; encoder supply to
M; module by module M; module by module M; module by module
Diagnostics indication LED
• Channel status display Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED
• for module diagnostics Yes; Green/red LED Yes; Green/red LED Yes; Green/red LED
• For load voltage monitoring Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED Yes; Green LED
Potential separation
between the load voltages Yes Yes Yes
Potential separation channels
• between the channels, in groups of 4; DIQ channels are isolated from 4; DIQ channels are isolated from 8
DQ channels DQ channels
• between the channels and Yes Yes Yes
backplane bus
• between the channels and the No; DIQ channels are non-isolated and No; DIQ channels are non-isolated and No; 8 channels are non-isolated and
power supply of the electronics DQ channels are isolated from supply DQ channels are isolated from supply 8 channels are isolated from supply
voltage 1L+ voltage 1L+ voltage 1L+
Degree and class of protection
IP degree of protection IP65/67 IP65/67 IP65/67
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital I/O modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Digital I/O modules
2m 6ES7194-2LH20-0AB0
M8 power connector
5m 6ES7194-2LH50-0AB0
Male contact insert, 4-pin 6ES7194-2AA00-0AA0
10 m 6ES7194-2LN10-0AB0
Female contact insert, 4-pin 6ES7194-2AC00-0AA0
15 m 6ES7194-2LN15-0AB0
ET connection FastConnect 6ES7194-2KA00-0AA0
Pre-assembled at one end, stripping tool
one M8 connector
Stripping tool for stripping the
2m 6ES7194-2LH20-0AC0 ET connection bus cable
5m 6ES7194-2LH50-0AC0 Labels 6ES7194-2BA00-0AA0
10 m 6ES7194-2LN10-0AC0 10 x 5 mm, RAL 9016;
15 m 6ES7194-2LN15-0AC0 5 frames with 40 labels each
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog I/O modules
■ Overview
• 30-mm wide module with parameters and diagnostic
• For connecting analog actuators and sensors without
additional amplifiers
• 4-channel analog input module with M12 connection
• 4-channel analog output module with M12 connection
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7144-5KD00-0BA0 Article number 6ES7144-5KD00-0BA0
ET 200AL, AI 4xU/I/RTD, 4xM12 ET 200AL, AI 4xU/I/RTD, 4xM12
General information Analog inputs
Product type designation AI 4xU/I/RTD Number of analog inputs 4
Engineering with • For current measurement 4
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ STEP 7 V13 SP1 or higher • For voltage measurement 4
integrated as of version • For resistance/resistance 4
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated From V5.5 SP4 Hotfix 3 thermometer measurement
as of version permissible input voltage for voltage 30 V
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ GSD as of Revision 5 input (destruction limit), max.
GSD revision permissible input current for current 50 mA
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3.1 input (destruction limit), max.
GSD revision Cycle time (all channels), min. 8 ms
Supply voltage Technical unit for temperature Yes; Degrees Celsius /
Load voltage 1L+ measurement adjustable degrees Fahrenheit / Kelvin
• Rated value (DC) 24 V Input ranges (rated values),
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction voltages
Input current • 0 to +10 V Yes
Current consumption (rated value) 35 mA; without load • 1 V to 5 V Yes
from load voltage 1L+ 4 A; Maximum value Input ranges (rated values), currents
(unswitched voltage) • 0 to 20 mA Yes
from load voltage 2L+, max. 4 A; Maximum value • 4 mA to 20 mA Yes
Encoder supply Input ranges (rated values),
Number of outputs 4 resistance thermometer
24 V encoder supply • Ni 100 Yes; Standard/climate
• Short-circuit protection Yes; per channel, electronic • Pt 100 Yes; Standard/climate
• Output current, max. 0.5 A; Per channel, total current of all Input ranges (rated values),
channels max. 1 A resistors
• 0 to 150 ohms Yes
• 0 to 300 ohms Yes
Cable length
• shielded, max. 30 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog I/O modules
ISO 13849-1
Repeat accuracy in steady state at 25 0.01 %
°C (relative to input range), (+/-) • Category according to ISO 13849-1 Cat. 3
Operational error limit in overall • SILCL according to IEC 62061 SILCL 2
temperature range Ambient conditions
• Voltage, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.35 % Ambient temperature during
• Current, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.45 % operation
• Resistance, relative to input range, 0.25 % • min. -25 °C
(+/-) • max. 55 °C
• Resistance thermometer, 0.25 % Connection method
relative to input range, (+/-)
Design of electrical connection M12, 5-pole
Basic error limit for the inputs and outputs
(operational limit at 25 °C)
Design of electrical connection M8, 4-pole
• Voltage, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.25 % for supply voltage
• Current, relative to input range, (+/-) 0.25 % ET-Connection
• Resistance, relative to input range, 0.15 % • ET-Connection M8, 4-pin, shielded
• Resistance thermometer, 0.15 %
relative to input range, (+/-) Width 30 mm
Interference voltage suppression for Height 159 mm
f = n x (f1 +/- 0.5 %), f1 = interference Depth 40 mm
• Series mode interference 40 dB
Weight, approx. 168 g
(peak value of interference < rated
value of input range), min.
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog I/O modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Analog I/O modules
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM IO-Link
■ Overview
• 30 mm-wide CM IO-Link communication module
• For the connection of up to 4 IO-Link devices according to
IO-Link specification V1.0 and V1.1 and port Class B
• The IO-Link parameters are configured using the S7-PCT Port
Configuration Tool, V3.2 and higher.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7147-5JD00-0BA0 Article number 6ES7147-5JD00-0BA0
ET 200AL, CM 4x IO-Link, 4xM12 ET 200AL, CM 4x IO-Link, 4xM12
General information IO-Link
Product type designation CM 4x IO-Link Number of ports 4
Product function • of which simultaneously controllable 4
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 IO-Link protocol 1.0 Yes
Engineering with IO-Link protocol 1.1 Yes
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ STEP 7 V13 SP1 or higher Transmission rate 4.8 kBaud (COM1);
integrated as of version 38.4 kBaud (COM2),
• STEP 7 configurable/integrated From V5.5 SP4 Hotfix 3 230 kBaud (COM3)
as of version Size of process data, input per port 32 byte
• PROFIBUS as of GSD version/ GSD as of Revision 5 Size of process data, input per 32 byte
9 GSD revision
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ GSDML V2.3.1
Size of process data, output per port 32 byte
GSD revision Size of process data, output per 32 byte
Supply voltage module
Load voltage 1L+ Memory size for device parameter 2 kbyte; for each port
• Rated value (DC) 24 V Master backup Possible with function block
• Reverse polarity protection Yes IO_LINK_MASTER
Load voltage 2L+ Configuration without S7-PCT Possible; autostart/manual function
• Rated value (DC) 24 V Cable length unshielded, max. 20 m
• Reverse polarity protection Yes; against destruction; Operating modes
load increasing • IO-Link Yes
Input current • DI Yes
Current consumption (rated value) 40 mA; without load • DQ Yes; max. 100 mA
from load voltage 1L+ 4 A; Maximum value Connection of IO-Link devices
(unswitched voltage) • Port type A Yes; via 3-core cable
from load voltage 2L+, max. 4 A; Maximum value • Port type B Yes; Additional device supply:
Encoder supply 1.6 A total current of all ports
Number of outputs 4
24 V encoder supply
• Short-circuit protection Yes; per module, electronic
• Output current, max. 1.4 A; Total current of all ports
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM IO-Link
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O modules > Communication > CM IO-Link
9 2m
M8 power connector
Male contact insert, 4-pin 6ES7194-2AA00-0AA0
10 m 6ES7194-2LN10-0AC0
Female contact insert, 4-pin 6ES7194-2AC00-0AA0
15 m 6ES7194-2LN15-0AC0
ET connection FastConnect 6ES7194-2KA00-0AA0
stripping tool
Stripping tool for stripping the
ET connection bus cable
Labels 6ES7194-2BA00-0AA0
10 x 5 mm, RAL 9016;
5 frames with 40 labels each
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
■ Overview
• Pre-assembled cables in various designs and lengths:
- For connecting the interface modules and I/O modules
via the internal backplane bus (ET connection).
- For power supply.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7194-2LH02-0AA0 6ES7194-2LH03-0AA0 6ES7194-2LH10-0AA0 6ES7194-2LH20-0AA0
Bus cable for ET connection, Bus cable for ET connection, Bus cable for ET connection, Bus cable for ET connection,
0.19m 0.3m 1.0M 2.0M
General information
Product description Flexible cable (4-core), Flexible cable (4-core), Flexible cable (4-core), Flexible cable (4-core),
preassembled at both ends preassembled at both ends preassembled at both ends preassembled at both ends
with 2x M8 plugs, 4-pin, with 2x M8 plugs, 4-pin, with 2x M8 plugs, 4-pin, with 2x M8 plugs, 4-pin,
shielded shielded shielded shielded
Suitability for use for connecting for connecting for connecting for connecting
(e.g. SIMATIC ET 200AL) (e.g. SIMATIC ET 200AL) (e.g. SIMATIC ET 200AL) (e.g. SIMATIC ET 200AL)
in degree of protection in degree of protection in degree of protection in degree of protection
IP65 / 67 IP65 / 67 IP65 / 67 IP65 / 67
Degree and class of protection
Degree of protection acc. to
EN 60529
• IP65 Yes Yes Yes Yes
• IP67 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C -30 °C
assembly, min.
Ambient temperature during 80 °C 80 °C 80 °C 80 °C
assembly, max.
Ambient temperature during
• min. -40 °C -40 °C -40 °C -40 °C
• max. 80 °C 80 °C 80 °C 80 °C
Cable designation 2Y(ST)CY 1x4x0.5/
2Y(ST)CY 1x4x0.5/
2Y(ST)CY 1x4x0.5/
2Y(ST)CY 1x4x0.5/
Design of shield Overlapped aluminum-clad Overlapped aluminum-clad Overlapped aluminum-clad Overlapped aluminum-clad
foil, sheathed in a braid of foil, sheathed in a braid of foil, sheathed in a braid of foil, sheathed in a braid of
tin-plated copper wires tin-plated copper wires tin-plated copper wires tin-plated copper wires
Cable length 0.19 m 0.3 m 1m 2m
Number of electrical cores 4 4 4 4
Outer diameter of inner conductor 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm
Outer diameter of core insulation 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm
Outer diameter of cable sheath 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
Number of bending cycles 1 000 000; Cable carrier 1 000 000; Cable carrier 1 000 000; Cable carrier 1 000 000; Cable carrier
compliant for 1 million compliant for 1 million compliant for 1 million compliant for 1 million
bending cycles with a bending cycles with a bending cycles with a bending cycles with a
bending radius of 100 mm, bending radius of 100 mm, bending radius of 100 mm, bending radius of 100 mm,
a speed of 4 m/s and an a speed of 4 m/s and an a speed of 4 m/s and an a speed of 4 m/s and an
acceleration of 4 m/s² acceleration of 4 m/s² acceleration of 4 m/s² acceleration of 4 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
single bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm
multiple bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
Color of cable sheath Green Green Green Green
Color of core insulation of data cores white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange
Weight per length 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet
Material of housing metal metal metal metal
Material of cable sheath PVC PVC PVC PVC
Material of core insulation PE PE PE PE
Material property
• Halogen-free No No No No
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
Number of electrical cores 4 4 4 4
Outer diameter of inner conductor 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm
Outer diameter of core insulation 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm
Outer diameter of cable sheath 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
Number of bending cycles 1 000 000; Cable carrier 1 000 000; Cable carrier 1 000 000; Cable carrier 1 000 000; Cable carrier
compliant for 1 million compliant for 1 million compliant for 1 million compliant for 1 million
bending cycles with a bending cycles with a bending cycles with a bending cycles with a
bending radius of 100 mm, bending radius of 100 mm, bending radius of 100 mm, bending radius of 100 mm,
a speed of 4 m/s and an a speed of 4 m/s and an a speed of 4 m/s and an a speed of 4 m/s and an
acceleration of 4 m/s² acceleration of 4 m/s² acceleration of 4 m/s² acceleration of 4 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
single bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm
multiple bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
Color of cable sheath Green Green Green Green
Color of core insulation of data cores white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange
Weight per length 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet
Material of housing metal metal metal metal
Material of cable sheath PUR PUR PUR PUR
Material of core insulation PE PE PE PE
Material property
• Halogen-free Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
Outer diameter of cable sheath 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
Number of bending cycles 1 000 000; Cable carrier compliant for 1 000 000; Cable carrier compliant for 1 000 000; Cable carrier compliant for
1 million bending cycles with a 1 million bending cycles with a 1 million bending cycles with a
bending radius of 100 mm, a speed of bending radius of 100 mm, a speed of bending radius of 100 mm, a speed of
4 m/s and an acceleration of 4 m/s² 4 m/s and an acceleration of 4 m/s² 4 m/s and an acceleration of 4 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
single bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm
multiple bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
Color of cable sheath Green Green Green
Color of core insulation of data cores white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange
Weight per length 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet
Material of housing metal metal metal
Material of cable sheath PVC PVC PVC
Material of core insulation PE PE PE
Material property
• Halogen-free No No No
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
Outer diameter of cable sheath 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
Number of bending cycles 1 000 000; Cable carrier compliant for 1 000 000; Cable carrier compliant for
1 million bending cycles with a 1 million bending cycles with a
bending radius of 100 mm, a speed of bending radius of 100 mm, a speed of
4 m/s and an acceleration of 4 m/s² 4 m/s and an acceleration of 4 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
single bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm
multiple bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
Color of cable sheath Green Green Green
Color of core insulation of data cores white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange
Weight per length 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet
Material of housing metal metal metal
Material of cable sheath PVC PVC PVC
Material of core insulation PE PE PE
Material property
• Halogen-free No No No
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
Outer diameter of cable sheath 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
Number of bending cycles 1 000 000; Cable carrier compliant for 1 000 000; Cable carrier compliant for 1 000 000; Cable carrier compliant for
1 million bending cycles with a 1 million bending cycles with a 1 million bending cycles with a
bending radius of 100 mm, a speed of bending radius of 100 mm, a speed of bending radius of 100 mm, a speed of
4 m/s and an acceleration of 4 m/s² 4 m/s and an acceleration of 4 m/s² 4 m/s and an acceleration of 4 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
single bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm
multiple bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
Color of cable sheath Green Green Green
Color of core insulation of data cores white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange
Weight per length 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet
Material of housing metal metal metal
Material of cable sheath PUR PUR PUR
Material of core insulation PE PE PE
Material property
• Halogen-free Yes Yes Yes
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
Outer diameter of cable sheath 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
Number of bending cycles 1 000 000; Cable carrier compliant for 1 000 000; Cable carrier compliant for
1 million bending cycles with a 1 million bending cycles with a
bending radius of 100 mm, a speed of bending radius of 100 mm, a speed of
4 m/s and an acceleration of 4 m/s² 4 m/s and an acceleration of 4 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
single bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm
multiple bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
Color of cable sheath Green Green Green
Color of core insulation of data cores white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange
Weight per length 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet 90 degree cable outlet
Material of housing metal metal metal
Material of cable sheath PUR PUR PUR
Material of core insulation PE PE PE
Material property
• Halogen-free Yes Yes Yes
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
Number of electrical cores 4 4 4 4
Outer diameter of inner conductor 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm
Outer diameter of core insulation 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm
Outer diameter of cable sheath 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
Number of bending cycles 1 000 000; Cable carrier 1 000 000; Cable carrier 1 000 000; Cable carrier
compliant for 1 million compliant for 1 million compliant for 1 million
bending cycles with a bending cycles with a bending cycles with a
bending radius of 100 mm, bending radius of 100 mm, bending radius of 100 mm,
a speed of 4 m/s and an a speed of 4 m/s and an a speed of 4 m/s and an
acceleration of 4 m/s² acceleration of 4 m/s² acceleration of 4 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
single bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm
multiple bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
Color of cable sheath Green Green Green Green
Color of core insulation of data cores white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange
Weight per length 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet
Material of housing metal metal metal metal
Material of cable sheath PVC PVC PVC PVC
Material of core insulation PE PE PE PE
Material property
• Halogen-free No No No No
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
Number of electrical cores 4 4 4 4
Outer diameter of inner conductor 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm
Outer diameter of core insulation 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm
Outer diameter of cable sheath 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm
Number of bending cycles 1 000 000; Cable carrier 1 000 000; Cable carrier 1 000 000; Cable carrier
compliant for 1 million compliant for 1 million compliant for 1 million
bending cycles with a bending cycles with a bending cycles with a
bending radius of 100 mm, bending radius of 100 mm, bending radius of 100 mm,
a speed of 4 m/s and an a speed of 4 m/s and an a speed of 4 m/s and an
acceleration of 4 m/s² acceleration of 4 m/s² acceleration of 4 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
single bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm
multiple bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
Color of cable sheath Green Green Green Green
Color of core insulation of data cores white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange white / yellow / blue / orange
Weight per length 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km 34 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet
Material of housing metal metal metal metal
Material of cable sheath PUR PUR PUR PUR
Material of core insulation PE PE PE PE
Material property
• Halogen-free Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
bending radius of 52 mm, bending radius of 52 mm, bending radius of 52 mm, bending radius of 52 mm,
a speed of 3 m/s and an a speed of 3 m/s and an a speed of 3 m/s and an a speed of 3 m/s and an
acceleration of 10 m/s² acceleration of 10 m/s² acceleration of 10 m/s² acceleration of 10 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, 26 mm 26 mm 26 mm 26 mm
single bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, 52 mm 52 mm 52 mm 52 mm
multiple bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 52 mm 52 mm 52 mm 52 mm
Color of cable sheath gray gray gray gray
Color of core insulation of energy core white / brown / blue / black white / brown / blue / black white / brown / blue / black white / brown / blue / black
Weight per length 44 kg/km 44 kg/km 44 kg/km 44 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet
Material of housing plastic plastic plastic plastic
Material of cable sheath PVC PVC PVC PVC
Material of core insulation PP PP PP PP
Material property
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
bending radius of 52 mm, bending radius of 52 mm, bending radius of 52 mm, bending radius of 52 mm,
a speed of 3 m/s and an a speed of 3 m/s and an a speed of 3 m/s and an a speed of 3 m/s and an
acceleration of 10 m/s² acceleration of 10 m/s² acceleration of 10 m/s² acceleration of 10 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, single 26 mm 26 mm 26 mm 26 mm
bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, multiple 52 mm 52 mm 52 mm 52 mm
bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 52 mm 52 mm 52 mm 52 mm
Color of cable sheath gray gray gray gray
Color of core insulation of energy core white / brown / blue / black white / brown / blue / black white / brown / blue / black white / brown / blue / black
Weight per length 44 kg/km 44 kg/km 44 kg/km 44 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet
Material of housing plastic plastic plastic plastic
Material of cable sheath PVC PVC PVC PVC
Material of core insulation PP PP PP PP
Material property
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
a speed of 5 m/s and an a speed of 5 m/s and an a speed of 5 m/s and an a speed of 5 m/s and an
acceleration of 5 m/s² acceleration of 5 m/s² acceleration of 5 m/s² acceleration of 5 m/s²
Permissible bending radius, 26 mm 26 mm 26 mm 26 mm
single bend, min.
Permissible bending radius, 51 mm 51 mm 51 mm 51 mm
multiple bends, min.
Bending radius for continuous 51 mm 51 mm 51 mm 51 mm
Color of cable sheath gray gray gray gray
Color of core insulation of energy core white / brown / blue / black white / brown / blue / black white / brown / blue / black white / brown / blue / black
Weight per length 44 kg/km 44 kg/km 44 kg/km 44 kg/km
Type of cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet 180 degree cable outlet
Material of housing plastic plastic plastic plastic
Material of cable sheath PE-PUR PE-PUR PE-PUR PE-PUR
Material of core insulation PP PP PP PP
Material property
• Halogen-free Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Cables and connectors
4-pin 15 m 6ES7194-2MN15-1AC0
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Accessories > Labels
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
■ Overview
• Compact module in two types of enclosures:
- 30 mm x 200 mm x 37 mm (W x H x D, long and narrow
enclosure), with 4 x M12 for digital signals
- 60 mm x 175 mm x 37 mm (W x H x D, short and wide
enclosure), with 8 x M12 for digital and fail-safe digital
signals and IO-Link
- 60 mm x 175 mm x 37 mm (W x H x D, short and wide
enclosure) with 4 x M12 or 8 x M12 for analog signals
• PROFINET connection: 2 x M12 and
automatic PROFINET address assignment
• Data transmission rate 100 Mbps
• LLDP proximity detection without PG and fast startup
(boot up within approx. 0.5 seconds)
• Supply and load voltage connection: 2 x M12
• Module variance:
- 8 DI
- 16 DI
- 8 DO (2 A)
• Compact block I/O for processing digital, fail-safe digital, - 8 DO (1.3 A)
analog and IO-Link signals for connecting to the PROFINET - 8 DO (0.5 A)
bus system - 16 DO (1.3 A)
- 8 DI/DO (1.3 A)
• Cabinet-free design in IP65/66/67 degree of protection with - 8 F-DI/3 F-DO (2 A)
M12 connections - 8 AI (U, I, TC, RTD)
• Extremely rugged and resistant metal enclosure and casting - 8 AI (TC, RTD)
- 4 AO (U, I)
- 4 IO-Link
- 4 IO-Link + 8 DI + 4 DO (1.3 A)
• Channel-specific diagnostics
• Ambient temperature range -40 °C to 60 °C
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7141-6BF00-0AB0
ET200eco PN, 8DI, 24VDC, 4xM12
ET200eco PN, 8DI, 24VDC, 8xM12
ET200eco PN, 16DI, 24VDC, 8xM12
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes Yes
Input current
Current consumption, typ. 100 mA 100 mA 100 mA
Encoder supply
Number of outputs 4 8 8
24 V encoder supply
• Short-circuit protection Yes; Electronic Yes; Electronic Yes; Electronic
• Output current, max. 100 mA; per output 100 mA; per output 100 mA; per output
Digital inputs
Number of digital inputs 8 8 16
• in groups of 2 1 2
Input characteristic curve in Yes Yes Yes
accordance with IEC 61131, type 3
Number of simultaneously
controllable inputs
all mounting positions
- up to 60 °C, max. 8 8 16
Input voltage
• Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V 24 V
• for signal "0" -3 to +5V -3 to +5V -3 to +5V
• for signal "1" +11 to +30V +11 to +30V +11 to +30V
Input current
• for signal "1", typ. 7 mA 7 mA 7 mA
Cable length
• unshielded, max. 30 m 30 m 30 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
• SNMP Yes Yes Yes
• DCP Yes Yes Yes
• LLDP Yes Yes Yes
• ping Yes Yes Yes
• ARP Yes Yes Yes
status information
Diagnostics function Yes Yes Yes
• Diagnostic alarm Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostic messages
• Diagnostic information readable Yes Yes Yes
• Monitoring the supply voltage Yes; Green "ON" LED Yes; Green "ON" LED Yes; Green "ON" LED
• Wire-break in signal transmitter Yes Yes Yes
• Short-circuit encoder supply Yes; Per channel group Yes; Per channel group Yes; Per channel group
• Group error Yes; Red/yellow "SF/MT" LED Yes; Red/yellow "SF/MT" LED Yes; Red/yellow "SF/MT" LED
Potential separation
between the load voltages Yes Yes Yes
between load voltage and all other No No No
switching components
between Ethernet and electronics Yes Yes Yes
Potential separation channels
• between the channels No No No
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
9 • ARP
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
status information
Diagnostics function Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Diagnostic alarm Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Diagnostic messages
• Diagnostic information readable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Monitoring the supply voltage Yes; Green "ON" LED Yes; Green "ON" LED Yes; Green "ON" LED Yes; Green "ON" LED Yes; Green "ON" LED
• Wire-break in actuator cable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Short-circuit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
• Group error Yes; Red/yellow Yes; Red/yellow Yes; Red/yellow Yes; Red/yellow Yes; Red/yellow
Potential separation
between the load voltages Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
between load voltage and all other No No No No No
switching components
between Ethernet and electronics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Potential separation channels
• between the channels No No No No No
Degree and class of protection
IP degree of protection IP67 IP65/67 IP67 IP67 IP67
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes
Load voltage 1L+
• Rated value (DC) 24 V
• Reverse polarity protection Yes
Load voltage 2L+
• Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
• Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes
Input current
Current consumption, typ. 100 mA 200 mA
from supply voltage 1L+, max. 4A 4A
from load voltage 2L+, max. 4A 4A
Encoder supply
Number of outputs 8 2
24 V encoder supply
• Short-circuit protection Yes; Electronic Yes; Electronic
• Output current, max. 100 mA; per output 300 mA; per output
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Article number 6ES7144-6KD00-0AB0 6ES7144-6KD50-0AB0
ET200eco PN, 8AI; 4 U/I; 4 RTD/TC 8xM12 ET200eco PN, 8AI RTD/TC 8xM12
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes; against destruction
Input current
Current consumption, typ. 110 mA 110 mA
Encoder supply
Number of outputs 4
Analog inputs
Number of analog inputs 8 8
• For voltage/current measurement 4
• For resistance/resistance 4 8
thermometer measurement
permissible input voltage for voltage 28.8 V permanent, 35 V for max. 500 ms
input (destruction limit), max.
Input ranges (rated values),
• 0 to +10 V Yes
• 1 V to 5 V Yes
• -10 V to +10 V Yes
• -80 mV to +80 mV Yes Yes
Input ranges (rated values), currents
• 0 to 20 mA Yes
• -20 mA to +20 mA Yes
• 4 mA to 20 mA Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Interface types
• integrated switch Yes Yes
• M12 port Yes
Interface types
M12 port
• Transmission procedure 100BASE-TX 100BASE-TX
• Autonegotiation Yes Yes
• Autocrossing Yes Yes
• Transmission rate, max. 100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s
Supports protocol for PROFINET IO Yes Yes
PROFIsafe No No
- IRT with the option "high flexibility" Yes
- Prioritized startup Yes Yes
Open IE communication
• TCP/IP No No
• SNMP Yes Yes
• DCP Yes Yes
• LLDP Yes Yes
• ping Yes Yes
• ARP Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Height 175 mm 175 mm
Depth 49 mm 49 mm
Weight, approx. 930 g 930 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
M12 port
Weight, approx. 930 g
• Transmission procedure 100BASE-TX
• Autonegotiation Yes
• Autocrossing Yes
• Transmission rate, max. 100 Mbit/s
Supports protocol for PROFINET IO Yes
PROFIsafe No
- IRT with the option "high flexibility" Yes
- Prioritized startup Yes
Open IE communication
• SNMP Yes
• DCP Yes
• LLDP Yes
• ping Yes
• ARP Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
• Port type B Yes; Additional device supply:
max. 2 A per port, max. 4 A per module
• via three-wire connection Yes
Transmission procedure 100BASE-TX 100BASE-TX
Number of PROFINET interfaces 1 1
1. Interface
Interface types
• integrated switch Yes Yes
• M12 port Yes Yes
Interface types
M12 port
• Transmission procedure 100BASE-TX
• Autonegotiation Yes Yes
• Autocrossing Yes Yes
• Transmission rate, max. 100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s
Supports protocol for PROFINET IO Yes Yes
PROFIsafe No No
- IRT with the option "high flexibility" Yes Yes
Open IE communication
• TCP/IP No No
• SNMP Yes Yes
• DCP Yes Yes
• LLDP Yes Yes
• ping Yes Yes
• ARP Yes Yes
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
Width 60 mm 30 mm
Height 175 mm 200 mm
Depth 49 mm 49 mm
Weight, approx. 910 g 550 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200eco PN IO-Link master
■ Overview
The ET 200eco PN IO-Link master module is part of the
ET 200eco PN compact block I/O range and is characterized by:
• Compact block I/O for connection to IO-Link devices and the
PROFINET bus system
• Cabinet-free installation in IP67 degree of protection with
M12 connection system
• Extremely rugged and resistant metal enclosure and casting
• Compact module with enclosure width of 30 mm or 60 mm
• PROFINET connection: 2 x M12 and
automatic PROFINET address assignment
• Data transmission rate 100 Mbps
• LLDP proximity detection without the need for a programming
• Supply and load voltage connection: 2 x M12
• Channel-specific diagnostics
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7148-6JA00-0AB0 6ES7148-6JD00-0AB0
ET 200eco PN: IO-Link Master ET 200eco PN: IO-Link Master
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes
Load voltage 2L+
• Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V
• Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes; against destruction; load increasing
Input current
Current consumption, typ. 200 mA 100 mA
from supply voltage 1L+, max. 4A 4A
from load voltage 2L+, max.
Encoder supply
4A 4A
Number of outputs 6 4
24 V encoder supply
• Short-circuit protection Yes Yes; per channel, electronic
• Output current, max. 200 mA; 100 mA per output to X5-X6 500 mA; Per channel
Digital inputs
Number of digital inputs 8
Input characteristic curve in Yes
accordance with IEC 61131, type 3
Number of simultaneously
controllable inputs
all mounting positions
- up to 60 °C, max. 8
Input voltage
• Rated value (DC) 24 V
• for signal "0" -3 to +5V
• for signal "1" +11 to +30V
Input current
• for signal "0", max. 1.5 mA
(permissible quiescent current)
• for signal "1", typ. 7 mA
Input delay (for rated value
of input voltage)
for standard inputs
- at "0" to "1", max. typically 3 ms
- at "1" to "0", max. typically 3 ms
Cable length
• unshielded, max. 30 m
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200eco PN IO-Link master
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200eco PN IO-Link master
• Diagnostic alarm Yes Yes
Diagnostic messages
• Diagnostic information readable Yes Yes
• Monitoring the supply voltage Yes; Green "ON" LED Yes; Green "ON" LED
• Wire-break in actuator cable Yes
• Wire-break in signal transmitter Yes
• Short-circuit Yes Yes; Device supply to M
• Short-circuit encoder supply Yes
• Group error Yes; Red/yellow "SF/MT" LED Yes; Red/yellow "SF/MT" LED
Potential separation
between the load voltages Yes Yes
between load voltage and all other No No
switching components
between Ethernet and electronics Yes Yes
Potential separation channels
• between the channels No
Degree and class of protection
IP degree of protection IP65/67 IP65/67
Standards, approvals, certificates
Suitable for safety-related tripping of No
standard modules
Connection method
Design of electrical connection 3/5-pin M12 round connectors
Width 60 mm 30 mm
Height 175 mm 200 mm
Depth 49 mm 49 mm
Weight, approx. 910 g 550 g
I/O Systems
SIMATIC ET 200 systems without control cabinet
ET 200eco PN IO-Link master
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
■ Overview
SIPLUS HCS heating control systems:
Industrial heating processes – maximum precision and
In manufacturing processes where temperature plays a crucial
role, deviations of just a few degrees can cause enormous qual-
ity problems. To avoid this and to minimize rejection rates, high-
precision and reliable, individual control of the electrical heating
elements is essential.
Nearly all industrially manufactured products undergo heat
treatment. Even small deviations in the heating process can
result in enormous negative effects on product quality.
To increase the quality and quantity of a heat-treated product,
it is important to be able to focus the energy required with the
highest level of spatial and temporal precision. The SIPLUS HCS
ensures utmost precision in the control of electric heating
elements such as infrared heaters.
Three heating control systems are available:
SIPLUS HCS family • With integrated power outputs – compact design
• With integrated power outputs - modular design
• Without integrated power outputs
The SIPLUS HCS family of heating control systems saves time,
costs and resources when it comes to configuring, commission-
ing, operation and maintenance.
This is achieved by:
• Simple integration into existing automation systems such as
• Lower wiring costs and user-friendly engineering
• Intelligent diagnostics options for swift fault detection
• Service-friendly design thanks to ready-to-use function and
data blocks
• Reduced volume in the control cabinet with space savings of
up to 50%
For more information, see
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - compact design
SIPLUS HCS3200 heating control system
■ Overview
The SIPLUS HCS3200 heating control system was developed as
a compact solution for controlling linear heat emitter arrays.
Thanks to the high IP65 degree of protection, it can be used
independently of a control cabinet at a distributed location near
the emitters.
• HCS3200 fan: For controlling 9 emitters and 1 output for
switching an external fan on/off
• HCS3200: With UL Recognized Component certification for
controlling 9 emitters
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6BK1932-0BA00-0AA0 6BK1932-0AA00-0AA0
General information
Product brand name SIPLUS
Type of control of the heating Half-wave control
Installation type/mounting
Mounting type screw fixing
Mounting position vertical
Type of ventilation Self-ventilation
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage AC
Rated value (AC) 400 V
Relative negative tolerance 10 %
Relative positive tolerance 10 %
Line frequency
• Rated value 1 50 Hz
• Rated value 2 60 Hz
• Relative symmetrical tolerance 5%
Connection method
• Design of electrical connection for Connector, 4-pole + PE Connector, 2-pole + PE
supply voltage
- Connectable conductor 3x (6 ... 25 mm²) and 1x PE (6 ... 16 mm²) 2x (6 ... 25 mm²) and 1x PE (6 ... 16 mm²)
cross-sections, finely stranded
with wire end processing
- Connectable conductor 3x (8 ... 4) 2x (8 ... 4)
cross-sections for AWG cables
Input voltage
Design of the power supply external
Type of voltage DC
Supply voltage for electronics 24 V
Relative symmetrical tolerance 20 %
of the input voltage
Input current
Current consumption for the 0.25 A
electronics, max.
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - compact design
SIPLUS HCS3200 heating control system
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - compact design
SIPLUS HCS3200 heating control system
9 • Transportation, min.
• Transportation, max.
-40 °C
70 °C
Air pressure acc. to IEC 60068-2-13
• Operation, min. 860 hPa
• Operation, max. 1 080 hPa
• Storage, min. 660 hPa
• Storage, max. 1 080 hPa
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level
• Installation altitude above sea level, 2 000 m
Relative humidity
• Operation at 50 °C, max. 50 %
• Vibration resistance during 10 ... 58 Hz / 0.15 mm, 58 ... 150 Hz / 1 g
operation acc. to IEC 60068-2-6
• Vibration resistance during storage 5 ... 9 Hz / 3.5 mm, 9 ... 500 Hz / 1 g
acc. to IEC 60068-2-6
Width 300 mm
Height 380 mm
Depth 200 mm
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system
■ Overview
The SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system controls and
switches heat emitter arrays and other resistive loads in power
supply systems in industrial environments for the voltage ranges
45 VAC, 70 VAC, 110 VAC, 230 VAC, 277 VAC, 400 VAC, and
480 VAC.
Communication takes place via PROFINET, PROFIBUS or
EtherNet/IP and, in combination with SIMATIC S7, SIMOTION
or an industrial PC, forms a high-performance, state-of-the-art
automation system. The modular, compact and space-saving
distributed I/O system can be individually adapted to suit the
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system > Rack
■ Overview
The rack constitutes the basic mechanical structure of the
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6BK1942-0AA00-0AA0 6BK1942-0BA00-0AA0
HCS Rack4200 for 12 POM HCS Rack4200 for 4 POM
General information
Product brand name SIPLUS
Installation type/mounting
Mounting type Control cabinet backplane
Mounting position Horizontal
Type of ventilation Self ventilation or forced ventilation
Hardware configuration
Type of power output connectable POM4220
9 • Number of slots
12 4
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system > Rack
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system > Central Interface Module (CIM)
■ Overview
The Central Interface Module (CIM) is the intelligent processor
module of the SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6BK1942-1AA00-0AA0 6BK1942-1BA00-0AA0 6BK1942-1CA00-0AA0
General information
Product brand name SIPLUS
Installation type/mounting
Mounting type Screw mounting to rack
Mounting position vertical
Type of ventilation Forced ventilation
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage DC
Rated value (DC) 24 V
Relative negative tolerance 20 %
Relative positive tolerance 20 %
Connection method
• Design of electrical connection Connector 2x 2-pin with tension spring connection
for supply voltage
- Connectable conductor 1x (0.2 ... 2.5 mm²)
cross-sections, solid
- Connectable conductor 1x (0.2 ... 2.5 mm²)
cross-sections, finely stranded
with wire end processing
- Connectable conductor 1x (26 ... 12)
cross-sections for AWG cables
Active power input 3W
Hardware configuration
Type of power output connectable POM4220
• Number of slots 1
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system > Central Interface Module (CIM)
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system > Central Interface Module (CIM)
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system > Power Output Module (POM)
■ Overview
The Power Output Modules (POMs) are an essential
component of the SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system.
Up to 24 Power Output Modules can be operated on one
Central Interface Module (CIM), split over 2 racks.
There are 5 Power Output Module versions:
• POM4220 Lowend
• POM4220 Midrange
• POM4220 Midrange Phase Control
• POM4220 Highend
• POM4220 Flexible
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6BK1942-2AA00- 6BK1942-2CA00- 6BK1942-2CA00- 6BK1942-2DA00- 6BK1942-2FA00-
0AA0 0AA0 0AA1 0AA0 0AA0
Lowend Midrange Midrange phase Highend Flexible
angle control
General information
Product type designation POM4220 Lowend POM4220 Midrange POM4220 mid-range POM4220 High-end POM4220 Flexible
phase control
Installation type/mounting
Mounting type Screw mounting to rack
Mounting position vertical
Type of ventilation Self ventilation or forced ventilation
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage AC
Rated value (AC) 230 V
Relative negative tolerance 10 %
Relative positive tolerance 10 % 30 %
2nd rated value (AC) 277 V
Relative negative tolerance 25 %
Relative positive tolerance 8%
3rd rated value (AC) 400 V 110 V
Relative negative tolerance 10 %
Relative positive tolerance 30 % 50 %
4th rated value (AC) 480 V 70 V
Relative negative tolerance 25 % 10 %
Relative positive tolerance 8% 15 %
5th rated value (AC) 45 V
Relative negative tolerance 10 %
Relative positive tolerance 15 %
Line frequency
• Rated value 50 Hz Yes
• Rated value 60 Hz Yes
• Relative symmetrical tolerance 5%
Mains buffering
• Recovery time after power failure, 1s
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system > Power Output Module (POM)
Short-time withstand current (SCCR) 50 kA 100 kA 100 kA
acc. to UL 508A
Heating power
• Number of digital outputs 16 12 8 12
• Number of heating elements 1 5; Recommended, 1
per output, max. depends on tolerance
of heating elements
• Output voltage for heating power 230 V
• 2nd output voltage for heating power 277 V
• 3rd output voltage for heating power 400 V 110 V
• 4th output voltage for heating power 480 V 70 V
• 5th output voltage for heating power 45 V
• Power carrying capacity per output, 40 W; At 230 V AC 100 W; At 230 V AC 400 W; At 230 V AC 100 W; At 230 V AC
• Power carrying capacity per output, 1 449 W; At 230 V AC 2 760 W; At 230 V AC 3 680 W; At 230 V AC 4 600 W; At 230 V AC 3 680 W; At 230 V AC
- for heating elements with high 750 W; At 230 V AC 1 600 W; At 230 V AC 2 700 W; At 230 V AC 1 600 W; At 230 V AC
inrush current, max.
• Output current for heating power 6.3 A; max. 12 A; max. 16 A; max. 20 A; max. 16 A; max.
• Melting I2t value 57 A²·s 68 A²·s 20 A²·s 120 A²·s 20 A²·s
• Design of short-circuit protection Safety fuse 6.3 A Fuse 16 A Melting fuse 25 A Fuse 16 A
per output
• Design of overvoltage protection Transil Diode
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system > Power Output Module (POM)
• Communication error Yes
• Supply voltage not connected Yes
• Line voltage outside the Yes
permissible range
• Frequency outside the Yes
permissible range
Integrated Functions
Monitoring functions
• Temperature monitoring Yes
• Type of temperature monitoring NTC thermistor
Measuring functions
• Voltage measurement No Yes No
• Current measurement No Yes No
Potential separation
Design of electrical isolation Optocoupler and/or protective impedance between main circuit and PELV
between the outputs No
Overvoltage category III
Degree of pollution 2
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system > Power Output Module (POM)
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4200 heating control system > Power Output Module (POM)
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4300 heating control system
■ Overview
The SIPLUS HCS4300 heating control system controls and
switches heat emitter arrays and other resistive loads in
400 V/480 V voltage supply systems in industrial environments.
Communication takes place via PROFINET or PROFIBUS and
can be used together with SIMATIC S7, for example, to form a
highly modern and powerful automation system.
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4300 heating control system > Central interface module (CIM)
■ Overview
The Central Interface Module (CIM) is the intelligent processor
module of the SIPLUS HCS4300 heating control system.
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6BK1943-1AA00-0AA0 6BK1943-1BA00-0AA0 6BK1943-1CA00-0AA0
General information
Product brand name SIPLUS
Installation type/mounting
Mounting type Screw mounting to POM
Mounting position vertical
Type of ventilation Forced ventilation
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage DC
Rated value (DC) 24 V
Relative negative tolerance 20 %
Relative positive tolerance 20 %
Connection method
• Design of electrical connection Connector 2x 2-pin with tension spring connection
for supply voltage
- Connectable conductor 1x (0.2 ... 2.5 mm²)
cross-sections, solid
- Connectable conductor 1x (0.2 ... 2.5 mm²)
cross-sections, finely stranded
with wire end processing
- Connectable conductor 1x (26 ... 12)
cross-sections for AWG cables
Active power input 3W
Hardware configuration
Type of power output connectable POM4320
• Number of slots 1
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4300 heating control system > Central interface module (CIM)
Conducted interference due to burst 2 kV power supply lines, 2 kV 2 kV power supply lines / 2 kV 2 kV power supply lines, 2 kV
acc. to IEC 61000-4-4 PROFINET cables PROFIBUS cables PROFINET cables
Conducted interference due to surge DC supply lines: 0.5 kV symmetric DC supply lines: 0.5 kV symmetrical DC supply lines: 0.5 kV symmetric
acc. to IEC 61000-4-5 and unsymmetric PROFINET cables: and asymmetrical, PROFIBUS lines: and unsymmetric PROFINET cables:
1 kV unsymmetric 1 kV asymmetrical 1 kV unsymmetric
Conducted interference due to 10 V (0.15 ... 80 MHz)
high-frequency radiation acc. to
IEC 61000-4-6
Degree and class of protection
IP degree of protection IP20
Standards, approvals, certificates
Reference designation according to K
DIN EN 81346-2
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• min. 0 °C
• max. 55 °C
Ambient temperature during
• Storage, min. -25 °C
• Storage, max. 70 °C
• Transportation, min. -25 °C
• Transportation, max. 70 °C
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4300 heating control system > Central interface module (CIM)
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4300 heating control system > Power Output Module (POM)
■ Design
• Module (encapsulated) in a metal enclosure
• 9 outputs for connecting resistive loads
• There are four versions:
- POM4320 busbar mounting (IEC):
a current of up to 16 A can be used per output
- POM4320 busbar mounting (UL):
a current of up to 15 A can be used per output
- POM4320 rear panel mounting (IEC):
a current of up to 16 A can be used per output
- POM4320 rear panel mounting (UL):
a current of up to 15 A can be used per output
• Connection of the phases via rear busbar adapter or
connecting terminals
• Two-pole connection of heat emitters using mating connectors
(mating connectors are included in the scope of supply!)
• Two fuses per output for supply and return line in a fuse
module which can be plugged on and pulled off
• Heat dissipation by fan fitted to top of module
• Internal serial interface
• Three diagnostics LEDs for displaying module faults
• Nine diagnostics LEDs for displaying output errors
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6BK1943- 6BK1943- 6BK1943- 6BK1943- 6BK1943- 6BK1943- 6BK1943- 6BK1943-
2AA00-0AA0 2AA00-0AA2 2BA00-0AA0 2BA00-0AA2 2CA00-0AA0 2CA00-0AA2 2DA00-0AA0 2DA00-0AA2
POM4320 POM4320 POM4320 POM4320 POM4320 POM4320 POM4320 POM4320
busbar busbar busbar busbar panel panel panel panel
mounting mounting mounting mounting mounting mounting mounting mounting
(IEC) (IEC) (UL) (UL) (IEC) (IEC) (UL) (UL)
General information
Product type designation POM4320
Installation type/mounting
Mounting type Busbar mounting Panel mounting
Mounting position vertical
Type of ventilation Self-ventilation
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage AC
Rated value (AC) 400 V
Relative negative tolerance 10 %
Relative positive tolerance 30 %
2nd rated value (AC) 480 V
Relative negative tolerance 25 %
Relative positive tolerance 8%
Line frequency
• Rated value 50 Hz Yes
• Rated value 60 Hz Yes
• Relative symmetrical tolerance 5%
Mains buffering
• Recovery time after power failure, 1s
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4300 heating control system > Power Output Module (POM)
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4300 heating control system > Power Output Module (POM)
9 Measuring functions
• Voltage measurement Yes
• Current measurement No
Potential separation
Design of electrical isolation Optocoupler and/or protective impedance between main circuit and PELV
between the outputs No
Overvoltage category III
Degree of pollution 2
EMC interference emission Limit value in accordance with IEC 61000-6-4:2007 + A1:2011
Electrostatic discharge acc. to 4 kV contact discharge / 8 kV air discharge
IEC 61000-4-2
Field-related interference acc. to 10 V/m (80 ... 1 000 MHz), 3 V/m (1.4 ... 2.0 GHz), 1 V/m (2.0 ... 2.7 GHz)
IEC 61000-4-3
Conducted interference due to burst 2 kV power supply lines, 2 kV load lines
acc. to IEC 61000-4-4
Conducted interference due to surge on supply and load lines: 1 kV symmetric, 2 kV unsymmetric
acc. to IEC 61000-4-5
Conducted interference due to 10 V (0.15 ... 80 MHz)
high-frequency radiation acc. to
IEC 61000-4-6
Degree and class of protection
IP degree of protection IP20
Standards, approvals, certificates
Reference designation according to Q
DIN EN 81346-2
I/O Systems
IO systems for heating elements
with integrated power outputs - modular design
SIPLUS HCS4300 heating control system > Power Output Module (POM)
I/O Systems
PROFIBUS components
Power Rail Booster
conductors and slip rings in IP20 degree of protection Power Rail Booster 6ES7972-4AA02-0XA0
• Permissible baud rates from 9600 bps to 500 kbps, Signal amplifier for PROFIBUS DP
self-optimizing transmission over contact cables,
max. 500 Kbps
• Permissible busbar length:
from 25 m at 500 kbps to 1200 m at 9600 bps PRB segment controller 6ES7972-4AA50-0XA0
• Configuring with PRB Checker software Automatic change-over switch
between PRB segments
• Up to 125 nodes per segment
• Transparent for data communication:
The Power Rail Booster does not reserve DP addresses
• Easy to install due to connection without terminating resistor
and filter element
• Diagnostics LED for power supply, bus activity and group
9 errors
• Isolated electronic changeover contact for external group
error display or diagnostic alarm
• Uninterruptible communication beyond segment limits using
the "PRB segment controller"
I/O Systems
PROFIBUS components
Diagnostic repeater for PROFIBUS DP
■ Overview
• RS 485 repeater with online line diagnostics for PROFIBUS DP
• PROFIBUS DP standard slaves (DP-V1)
• Automatic determination of fault types and locations
• Data transmission rate 9.6 kbps to 12 Mbps
• Connection via FastConnect using IDC
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7972-0AB01-0XA0 Article number 6ES7972-0AB01-0XA0
Diagnostic repeater f. PROFIBUS-DP, Diagnostic repeater f. PROFIBUS-DP,
Supply voltage Connection method
Rated value (DC) 24 V Design of electrical connection for Terminal block
permissible range, lower limit (DC) 20.4 V supply voltage
permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V Design of electrical connection for FastConnect insulation
PROFIBUS cables displacement, 10 clamping cycles
Interfaces possible
PROFIBUS DP Dimensions
• Transmission rate, max. 12 Mbit/s; 9.6 kbit/s to 12 Mbit/s Width 80 mm
Degree and class of protection Height 125 mm
Degree of protection acc. to EN Depth 67.5 mm
• IP20 Yes
Weight, approx. 300 g
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• min. 0 °C
• max. 60 °C
Ambient temperature during
• min. -40 °C
• max. 70 °C
Relative humidity
• Operation, max. 95 %; at 25 °C
I/O Systems
PROFIBUS components
Diagnostic repeater for PROFIBUS DP
I/O Systems
PROFIBUS components
SIPLUS diagnostic repeater for PROFIBUS
■ Overview
• RS 485 repeater with online line diagnostics for PROFIBUS DP
• PROFIBUS DP standard slave (DP-V1)
• Automatic determination of fault type and location
• Transmission rate from 9.6 kbps to 12 Mbps
• Connection via FastConnect IDC
SIPLUS extreme products are based on SIMATIC standard
products. The contents listed here were taken from the
respective standard products. SIPLUS extreme specific
information was added.
For technical documentation on SIPLUS, see:
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6AG1972-0AB01-4XA0 Article number 6AG1972-0AB01-4XA0
Based on 6ES7972-0AB01-0XA0 Based on 6ES7972-0AB01-0XA0
SIPLUS diagnostic repeater for SIPLUS diagnostic repeater for
Ambient conditions Resistance
Ambient temperature during Use in stationary industrial systems
operation - to biologically active substances Yes; Class 3B2 mold, fungus and
• min. 0 °C; = Tmin (incl. condensation/ according to EN 60721-3-3 dry rot spores (with the exception of
frost) fauna); Class 3B3 on request
• max. 60 °C; = Tmax - to chemically active substances Yes; Class 3C4 (RH < 75 %) incl.
Ambient temperature during according to EN 60721-3-3 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
storage/transportation (severity degree 3); *
• min. -40 °C - to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 3S4 incl. sand, dust, *
according to EN 60721-3-3
• max. 70 °C
Use on ships/at sea
Altitude during operation
relating to sea level - to biologically active substances Yes; Class 6B2 mold and fungal
according to EN 60721-3-6 spores (excluding fauna); Class 6B3
• Installation altitude above sea level, 5 000 m on request
- to chemically active substances Yes; Class 6C3 (RH < 75 %) incl.
• Ambient air temperature-barometric Tmin ... Tmax at according to EN 60721-3-6 salt spray acc. to EN 60068-2-52
pressure-altitude 1 140 hPa ... 795 hPa (severity degree 3); *
(-1 000 m ... +2 000 m) //
Tmin ... (Tmax - 10 K) at - to mechanically active substances Yes; Class 6S3 incl. sand, dust; *
795 hPa ... 658 hPa according to EN 60721-3-6
(+2 000 m ... +3 500 m) // Remark
Tmin ... (Tmax -20 K) at - Note regarding classification of * The supplied plug covers must
658 hPa ... 540 hPa environmental conditions acc. to remain in place over the unused
(+3 500 m ... +5 000 m) EN 60721 interfaces during operation!
Relative humidity Conformal coating
• With condensation, 100 %; RH incl. condensation/frost • Coatings for printed circuit board Yes; Class 2 for high availability
tested in accordance (no commissioning under assemblies acc. to EN 61086
with IEC 60068-2-38, max. condensation conditions)
• Protection against fouling acc. to Yes; Type 1 protection
EN 60664-3
• Military testing according to Yes; Discoloration of coating
MIL-I-46058C, Amendment 7 possible during service life
• Qualification and Performance of Yes; Conformal coating, Class A
Electrical Insulating Compound for
Printed Board Assemblies
according to IPC-CC-830A
I/O Systems
PROFIBUS components
SIPLUS diagnostic repeater for PROFIBUS
I/O Systems
PROFIBUS components
■ Overview
• Easy connection of field devices to PROFIBUS
• Integrated low-power management
• Different ASICs for the different functional requirements and
application areas
■ Technical specifications
Application range simple slave application intelligent slave application intelligent slave application intelligent slave application
Transmission rate, max. 12 Mbps 12 Mbps 12 Mbps 12 Mbps
Bus access in ASIC in ASIC in ASIC in ASIC
Automatic determination of yes yes yes yes
transmission rate
Microprocessor required no yes yes integrated
Scope of firmware not required 6 to 24 KB 6 to 24 KB approx. 38 KB
Message buffer - 1.5 KB 1.5 KB 6 KB
Power supply
Power loss, max.
5 V DC
0.35 W
5 V DC
0.5 W
3.3 V DC
<0.5 W
3.3 V DC
0.2 W 9
Permissible ambient -40 °C … +75 °C -40 °C … +85 °C -40 °C … +85 °C -40 °C … +85 °C
Housing MQFP, 80-pin PQFP, 44-pin PQFP, 44-pin PQFP, 100-pin
Frame size 4 cm2 2 cm2 2 cm2 4 cm2
Delivery quantities (pcs.) 6/66/330/4950 6/96/750/960/4800 5/160/800/1000/4800 STEP B:
I/O Systems
PROFIBUS components
interfaces (quantity discount)
• 6 units (lead-free) 6ES7195-0BE02-0XA0
• 60 units (lead-free) 6ES7195-0BE12-0XA0
• 300 units (lead-free) 6ES7195-0BE22-0XA0
• 5100 units (lead-free) 6ES7195-0BE32-0XA0
I/O Systems
PROFINET components
Enhanced Real-Time Ethernet Controller ERTEC
■ Overview
ERTEC 200P-2 – Your path to the fastest PROFINET
The ERTEC 200P-2 (Enhanced Real-Time Controller) sets new
standards for communication.
Designed for cycle times as low as 125 μs, the performance up-
grade for PROFINET has been integrated in the ERTEC 200P-2.
With its 250 MHz ARM9 CPU and integrated IRT (isochronous
real-time) switch, field devices with demanding performance re-
quirements can be implemented. The reduced chip size simpli-
fies integration into compact field devices. The CPU also allows
integration of a user's own applications, which makes an exter-
nal host CPU unnecessary depending on the application.
Development kit for ERTEC 200P-2
The development kit includes an evaluation board with sample
applications so that commissioning can be completed in mini-
mum time. The PROFINET stack is delivered as source code and
includes the eCos open source real-time operating system and
all development tools, analysis programs and documentation.
Innovative and well-proven Field devices with RT (real-time) and IRT (isochronous real-time)
As a dedicated PI member, Siemens has been actively advanc- can be implemented with the ERTEC ASICs. The integrated
ing the development of PROFINET from the beginning. Siemens switch allows the construction of field devices with two ports.
technology components benefit from the accumulated know- Functions:
how. They have been field-proven in countless products, provide
maximum performance capability and can be scaled to exact • Isochronous mode
requirements. • Shared device for 4 controllers
And that is not all. Siemens Competence Centers offer advice for • S2 system redundancy
choosing the right technology component for the device, training • PROFINET performance upgrade with a minimum cycle time
opportunities and support throughout the development process, of 125 μs.
up to and including successful certification. • MRP/MRPD
• Regular, no-cost updates
• Current technology certificate
JTAG / Debug External memory 25 MHz PHY LEDs
System Control
6 x Timer
2 x Watchdog
IO Ports
IRT Switch
100 Mbps 2 x SPI
96 x GPIO
3+< 80 x I Filter
Sync (PN PLL)
I/O Systems
PROFINET components
Enhanced Real-Time Ethernet Controller ERTEC
I/O Systems
PROFINET components
Development kits
The PROFIsafe starter kit permits the implementation of fail-safe
devices. In so doing, the PROFIsafe stack applicatively builds
on the PROFINET stack.
I/O Systems
PROFINET components
PROFINET drivers
■ Overview
PROFINET driver for controllers PROFINET ConfigLib
Reasonably priced components are a major competitive advan- PROFINET networks must be planned. This can be carried
tage, especially in series machine building. Here, users often out for the PROFINET driver using the TIA Portal. A license is
develop in-house control software. For reasons of performance, not required. ConfigLib is a standalone API for generating
flexibility and cost, the individual application is then imple- PROFINET hardware configurations. It can be used to create
mented on standard PCs. The PROFINET driver supports this RT and IRT projects, whereby ConfigLib takes over the planning
in-house development and requires no special hardware thanks algorithm.
to its conventional Ethernet interface.
Because the PROFINET driver is delivered as source code, pro-
prietary solutions can be ported into various operating systems
and hardware platforms. As a result, the PROFINET driver can
also be optimally used in embedded systems for in-house con-
troller solutions. Design and configuration is easy and takes
place via an open XML interface without the need for engineer-
ing tools. The well-proven PROFINET stack from SIMATIC forms
the centerpiece.
The PROFINET driver is suitable for both simple applications,
such as individual PROFINET lines, as well as for complex
machines. It supports PROFINET RT for cycle times starting
from 1 ms via a standard Ethernet interface. Alternatively,
PROFINET IRT can also be used for cycle times starting from
500 μs, in connection with the CP1625 controller development
PN Stack +
I/O Systems
PROFINET components
PROFINET drivers
I/O Systems
Network components for PROFIBUS
Electrical networks (RS 485)
Active RS 485 terminating element
supply voltage
Design of electrical connection for Screw terminal block
Width 60 mm
Height 70 mm
Depth 43 mm
Weight, approx. 95 g
I/O Systems
Network components for PROFIBUS
Electrical networks (RS 485)
RS 485 repeater for PROFIBUS
I/O Systems
Network components for PROFIBUS
Electrical networks (RS 485)
SIPLUS DP active RS 485 terminating element
I/O Systems
Network components for PROFIBUS
Electrical networks (RS 485)
SIPLUS RS 485 repeater
Article number
Based on
■ Ordering data Article No.
I/O Systems
Network transitions
PN/PN couplers
■ Overview
• Fast deterministic data exchange between CPUs with
PROFINET controller, even beyond network boundaries
• Configuration with two PROFINET devices completely
independent of the communication technology
• Very simple configuration of the data exchange via virtual • Shared device with up to four IO controllers per network side
IO modules or alternatively via data records for larger amounts • Module-internal shared input / shared output (MSI/MSO)
of data
• Device replacement without programming device
• Simultaneous data transfer to up to 3 CPUs on own network - With topological configuration via proximity detection (LLDP)
side and/or up to 4 CPUs on opposite network side - Without topological configuration via redundant storage of
• Easy to integrate into any PROFINET network with 2 ports per the station name in the BusAdapter. A separate removable
network side memory card is not required.
• Fieldbus connection via a SIMATIC BusAdapter; • Reset button for restoring the factory settings
this allows free selection of the connection system (RJ45, • Redundant power supply
FC cable direct connection) and connection hardware
(copper, POF, PCF, glass fiber). FO-to-copper media • Galvanic isolation between the two PROFINET IO subnets
I/O Systems
Network transitions
PN/PN couplers
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6ES7158-3AD10-0XA0 Article number 6ES7158-3AD10-0XA0
General information Interfaces
Product function Number of PROFINET interfaces 2; One PROFINET interface
• I&M data Yes; I&M0 to I&M3 per line side
• Tool changer Yes; Docking station and docking With optical interface Yes; Via SIMATIC BusAdapter
unit Supports protocol for PROFINET IO
• Local coupling, IO data Yes • automatic detection of transmission Yes
- Number of coupling modules 16 rate
- Number of coupling submodules 4; 1x write, 3x read • Transmission rate, max. 100 Mbit/s
per module 1. Interface
• Local coupling, data records Yes Interface types
- Number of coupling modules 16 • Number of ports 2; via BusAdapter
- Number of coupling submodules 4; 1x write, 3x read • integrated switch Yes
per module • BusAdapter (PROFINET) Yes; Compatible BusAdapter:
- Record length, max. 4 096 byte BA 2x RJ45, BA 2x FC, BA 2x SCRJ,
- FIFO depth in storage mode 8 BA SCRJ / RJ45, BA SCRJ / FC,
BA 2x LC, BA LC / RJ45, BA LC / FC
Engineering with
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ STEP 7 V15.1 or higher
integrated as of version • PROFINET IO Device Yes
• PROFINET as of GSD version/ V2.3 • Open IE communication Yes
GSD revision • Media redundancy Yes; As MRP or MRPD client;
Installation type/mounting max. 50 or 30 devices in the ring
Mounting Mounting rail 7.5 mm and 15 mm 2. Interface
Supply voltage Interface types
Rated value (DC) 24 V • Number of ports 2; via BusAdapter
permissible range, lower limit (DC) 19.2 V • integrated switch Yes
permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V Protocols
Reverse polarity protection Yes • PROFINET IO Device Yes
Mains buffering • Open IE communication Yes
• Mains/voltage failure stored energy 10 ms • Media redundancy Yes; As MRP or MRPD client;
time max. 50 or 30 devices in the ring
Input current
Current consumption, max. 360 mA; For 19.2 V input voltage
Interface types
RJ 45 (Ethernet)
at the right-hand supply terminal, • Transmission procedure PROFINET with 100 Mbit/s full duplex
including 2 plugged BA 2x LC (100BASE-TX)
from supply voltage 1L+, max. 320 mA; For 19.2 V input voltage • 10 Mbps No
at the left-hand supply terminal, • 100 Mbps Yes; PROFINET with 100 Mbit/s full
including 2 plugged BA 2x LC duplex (100BASE-TX)
Power loss • Autonegotiation Yes
Power loss, typ. 4 W; For 24 V input voltage and • Autocrossing Yes
2 plugged BA 2x RJ45 If
BusAdapters with an optical
interface are plugged, there is
an additional 750 mW per optical
interface (3 W with 2 plugged
BA 2x LC)
Address area
Address space per module
• Address space per module, max. 254 byte; max. 254 bytes of input
data and 253 bytes of output data
Address space per station
• Address space per station, max. 1 440 byte; per input / output
Hardware configuration
• Number of submodules per station, 116
I/O Systems
Network transitions
PN/PN couplers
9 Diagnostics function
Diagnostics indication LED
Yes; Parameterizable
I/O Systems
Network transitions
PN/PN couplers
with media converter FO-Cu; Power supply connector
1 x SCRJ FO connection, For connecting the
1 x RJ45 connection 24 V DC supply voltage
BusAdapter BA SCRJ/FC 6ES7193-6AP40-0AA0 • With push-in terminals 6ES7193-4JB00-0AA0
PROFINET BusAdapter; • With screw-type terminals 6ES7193-4JB50-0AA0
with media converter FO-Cu;
1 x SCRJ FO connection,
1 x FastConnect connection for
direct connection of the bus cable
I/O Systems
Network transitions
■ Overview
• For data exchange between PROFINET and CAN Bus 2.0A/B
or CANopen Manager or Slave (according to CiA 301 & 302)
• CANopen features:
- Node / lifeguarding
- Heartbeat
- SYNC (producer / consumer)
• Integrated in TIA via HSP, TIA Portal V14 or higher
• PROFINET switch and 9-pin D-sub plug integrated for CAN
• Up to 126 CAN nodes
• 512 receiver/transmitter PDOs
• Galvanic isolation between the two networks
• Diagnostic interrupts
• Controllers supported: S7-1200, S7-1500, ET 200SP,
Open Controller
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6BK1620-0AA00-0AA0 Article number 6BK1620-0AA00-0AA0
General information Interfaces
Product type designation PN/CAN Link Interfaces/bus type 2x Ethernet (RJ45), 1x Sub-D (9-pin)
Engineering with Supports protocol for PROFINET IO
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ STEP 7 V14 or higher • automatic detection No
integrated as of version of transmission rate
Installation type/mounting • Transmission rate, max. 100 Mbit/s
Mounting DIN rail, wall mounting, • Number of RJ45 ports 2
portrait mounting • Number of FC (FastConnect) 2
Mounting position Any connections
Recommended mounting position Horizontal PROFINET functions
9 Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage 24 V DC
• Assignment of the IP address,
I/O Systems
Network transitions
Degree and class of protection
Degree of protection acc. to EN IP20 Weight, approx. 212 g
Standards, approvals, certificates
CE mark Yes
UL approval Yes
cULus Yes
RCM (formerly C-TICK) Yes
KC approval Yes
EAC (formerly Gost-R) Yes
PNO certificate Yes
RoHS conformity Yes
Marine approval
• Germanischer Lloyd (GL) Yes
• American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Yes
I/O Systems
Network transitions
■ Overview
• For data exchange between PROFINET and SAE J1939
• J1939 functions:
- Broadcast Announce Message (BAM)
- Connection Mode Data Transfer (CMDT)
- PDU 1 & 2
• Integrated into Totally Integrated Automation via gsdml file
in TIA Portal. No separate software required
• Integrated PROFINET switch with 9-pin Sub-D socket for
• Up to 253 logical nodes
• Up to 30 addressable ECUs
• Galvanic isolation between the two networks
• Diagnostic interrupts
• Controllers supported: S7-1200, S7-1500, ET 200SP,
Open Controller
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6BK1623-0AA00-0AA0 Article number 6BK1623-0AA00-0AA0
General information Interfaces
Product type designation PN/J1939 LINK Interfaces/bus type 2x Ethernet (RJ45), 1x Sub-D (9-pin)
Product function Supports protocol for PROFINET IO
• I&M data Yes • automatic detection of transmission No
• Isochronous mode No rate
Engineering with • Transmission rate, max. 100 Mbit/s
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ STEP 7 V14 SP1 or higher • Number of RJ45 ports 2
integrated as of version • Number of FC (FastConnect) 2
Installation type/mounting connections
PROFINET functions
Mounting DIN rail, wall mounting, portrait
mounting • Assignment of the IP address, Yes
Mounting position Any supported
Recommended mounting position Horizontal • Assignment of the device name, Yes
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage 24 V DC
• CAN operating modes J1939 according to the standard
Rated value (DC) 24 V "SAE J1939"
permissible range, lower limit (DC) 20.4 V • Transmission rate, min. 100 kbit/s
permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V • Transmission rate, max. 500 kbit/s
Reverse polarity protection Yes • Number of slaves, max. 30
Overvoltage protection Yes J1939
Short-circuit protection Yes • Addressable ECUs, max. 30
Mains buffering • Logical nodes, max. 253
• Mains/voltage failure stored energy 10 ms; PN side • PDU 1 Yes
• PDU 2 Yes
Input current
• DM – data Yes
Current consumption (rated value) 0.09 A
• BAM Yes
Current consumption, max. 0.11 A
• CMDT Yes
Power loss
Power loss, typ. 2.2 W
I/O Systems
Network transitions
I/O Systems
Network transitions
■ Overview
• 1 000 subscribe services
• BACnet features:
- Client & Server
- Device profile: B-GW
- Change of value / cyclic and acyclic data exchange
- Scan of BACnet/IP network
• Supported BACnet object types:
- Device
- Binary input
- Binary output
- Analog input
- Analog output
• Supported BACnet services:
• Gateway between PROFINET and BACnet/IP networks • Galvanic isolation between the two networks
according to EN ISO16484-5 and Addendum ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 135-2012. • Diagnostic interrupts
• Integrated in Totally Integrated Automation via HSP, • Controllers supported: S7-1200, S7-1500, ET 200SP,
TIA Portal V14 or higher Open Controller
• Integrated PROFINET switch and RJ45 socket for BACnet
• 1 000 BACnet objects/object references
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6BK1621-0AA00-0AA0 Article number 6BK1621-0AA00-0AA0
General information Interfaces
Product type designation PN/BACnet Link Supports protocol for PROFINET IO
Product function • automatic detection of No
• I&M data Yes transmission rate
Engineering with • Transmission rate, max. 100 Mbit/s
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ V14 SP1 • Number of RJ45 ports 2
integrated as of version • Number of FC (FastConnect) 2
Installation type/mounting connections
Mounting DIN rail, wall mounting, portrait PROFINET functions
mounting • Assignment of the IP address, Yes
Mounting position Any supported
Recommended mounting position Horizontal • Assignment of the device name, Yes
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage 24 V DC
• BACnet device profile B-GW
Rated value (DC) 24 V
• Supported character sets ISO 10646 (UTF-8)
permissible range, lower limit (DC) 20.4 V
• Network Security No
permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V
1. Interface
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Interface type BACnet/IP
Overvoltage protection Yes
Physics RJ45
Short-circuit protection Yes
Isolated Yes; 1 500 V AC or 2 250 V DC
Mains buffering
Interface types
• Mains/voltage failure stored energy 10 ms
time • Number of ports 1
Input current 2. Interface
Current consumption (rated value) 0.11 A Interface type PROFINET
Current consumption, max. 0.13 A Physics Ethernet, 2-port switch, 2*RJ45
Power loss Isolated Yes; 1 500 V AC or 2 250 V DC
Power loss, typ. 2.7 W Interface types
• Number of ports 2
• integrated switch Yes
• PROFINET IO Device Yes
I/O Systems
Network transitions
I/O Systems
Network transitions
■ Overview
• For data exchange between PROFINET and M-Bus networks
• M-Bus functions:
- M-Bus master
- Primary address
- Secondary address
- Read-only access to M-Bus slaves
- Short-circuit detection
• Integrated into Totally Integrated Automation via gsdml file
in TIA Portal. No separate software required
• Integrated PROFINET switch with 3-pin screw terminal for
• Up to 40 slaves (loads/units)
• Diagnostic interrupts
• Controllers supported: S7-1200, S7-1500, ET 200SP,
Open Controller
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6BK1622-0AA00-0AA0 Article number 6BK1622-0AA00-0AA0
General information Interfaces
Product type designation PN/M-Bus LINK Supports protocol for PROFINET IO
Product function • automatic detection of No
• I&M data Yes transmission rate
Engineering with • Transmission rate, max. 100 Mbit/s
• STEP 7 TIA Portal configurable/ STEP 7 V15 or higher • Number of RJ45 ports 2
integrated as of version • Number of FC (FastConnect) 2
Installation type/mounting connections
Mounting DIN rail, wall mounting, portrait PROFINET functions
mounting • Assignment of the IP address, Yes
9 Mounting position
Recommended mounting position
• Assignment of the device name, Yes
Supply voltage
Type of supply voltage 24 V DC
• Bus voltage, typ. 36 V
Rated value (DC) 24 V
• Transmission rate, min. 300 bit/s
permissible range, lower limit (DC) 20.4 V
• Transmission rate, max. 9 600 bit/s
permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V
• Number of slaves, max. 40
Reverse polarity protection Yes
• Short-circuit detection Yes
Overvoltage protection Yes
• short-circuit proof Yes
Short-circuit protection Yes
• Connectable conductor cross- 1.5 mm²
Mains buffering section
• Mains/voltage failure stored energy 10 ms; PN side • Cable length, max. 300 m
1. Interface
Input current
Interface type M-Bus master
Current consumption (rated value) 0.11 A; At 24 V and 5 loads
Physics 3-wire screw-type terminal
Current consumption, max. 0.4 A; At 20.4 V, 40 loads + 100 mA
short-circuit current Isolated No
Power loss Interface types
Power loss, typ. 2.4 W • Number of ports 1
2. Interface
Interface type PROFINET
Physics Ethernet, 2-port switch, 2*RJ45
Isolated Yes; 1 500 V AC or 2 250 V DC
Interface types
• Number of ports 2
• integrated switch Yes
• PROFINET IO Device Yes
Isochronous mode
Isochronous operation (application No
synchronized up to terminal)
I/O Systems
Network transitions
I/O Systems
Network transitions
IE/AS-i Link PN IO
■ Overview
• Compact plastic enclosure in degree of protection IP20 for
standard rail mounting
• COMBICON plug-in screw terminals
• Compact design
• Pixel graphics display in the front panel for detailed display of
the operating state and readiness for operation of all
connected AS-Interface slaves
• Six pushbuttons for starting up and testing the AS-Interface
line directly on the IE/AS-i Link PN IO
• LED display of the operating state of PROFINET IO and
• Integrated 2-port switch (RJ45 socket) for connection to
Industrial Ethernet
• Small mounting depth thanks to recessed plug mounting
• Operation without fans and batteries
IE/AS-i Link PN IO: Single master (left) and Double master (right) Functionality
PN DP-M DP-S AS-i M Communication
The IE/AS-i Link PN IO allows a PROFINET IO controller to
I/O Systems
Network transitions
IE/AS-i Link PN IO
I/O Systems
Network transitions
IE/AS-i Link PN IO
■ Application (continued)
Software Controller SIMOTION
IE/AS-i Link PN IO
ET 200pro
ET 200SP
Power Safe Slave Laser MSS 3RA2 load Power Safe MSS
supply slave with scanner ASIsafe feeders supply slave with ASIsafe
■ More information
Manual, see AS-Interface block library for SIMATIC PCS 7 for simple connection of AS-Interface to PCS 7, see
I/O Systems
Network transitions
DP/DP couplers
The manual is available free on the Internet.
I/O Systems
Network transitions
■ Overview
automation system. SIMATIC CFU has the following interfaces: Thanks to the distributed installation of the SIMATIC CFU, classic
control cabinets are no longer required and you can make con-
• Fieldbus connections for PROFIBUS PA field devices siderable savings in cabling and the number of terminal points
• Freely configurable channels (digital inputs/outputs for as well as reducing planning and documentation overheads.
sensors or actuators) The high granularity (16 I/O per SIMATIC CFU) enables flexible
assignment to the higher-level controllers.
The SIMATIC CFU is a real game changer in field device con-
nection and offers entirely new prospects regarding simplicity
and flexibility. This compact field distributor is installed at the
process level and is connected via PROFINET directly to the
controller to form the foundation for digitalization in the field.
Utilization of digital fieldbus communication simplifies device
interfacing considerably compared to conventional 4 to 20 mA
Plug-and-produce simplicity
Digitalization requires a digital infrastructure facilitating integrated
digital communication right down to the sensors and actuators.
This can be built up using the tried and tested, standard
PROFIBUS PA which has been incorporated into the PA Edition
of the SIMATIC CFU, thus combining ruggedness and simplified
handling with all the advantages of the PROFINET standard
based on Industrial Ethernet. Connected devices are addressed
automatically, and integration is simple via standardized commu-
nication profiles.
This innovative new implementation of the PROFIBUS PA
concept makes it possible to combine the simplicity of a
point-to-point wiring system with the scalability of digital
PROFIBUS PA fieldbus communication.
As with digital field devices, it is not necessary to know prior
to connection whether the discrete field device is a sensor or
actuator – this can be easily configured afterwards with software.
I/O Systems
Network transitions
■ Overview (continued)
Operator station Maintenance Engineering Operator station Maintenance Engineering
station station station station
Field Field
Junction Junction
Box Box
Field device connection with previous technology (left) and with SIMATIC CFU (right)
Most important functions Configuring with SIMATIC PCS 7 and third-party systems
System interfacing over the Industrial Ethernet standard See information in the Siemens Industry Online Support
• Redundant PROFINET connection (S2) for maximum
• Connection versatility with PROFINET BusAdapter
(for example electrical, optical or mixed)
Combination of digital fieldbus and discrete I/Os
• 8 × digital fieldbus (PROFIBUS PA)
• 8 × digital inputs/outputs, freely configurable
Ready for distributed use
• For installation in hazardous areas up to zone 2-22
• Extended temperature range of -40 to +70 °C
• Conformal coating
• Can be used at altitudes of up to 4 000 meters
• Enhanced interference immunity in accordance with
NAMUR recommendation NE21
Easy to use
• Automatic addressing of PROFIBUS PA field devices
• System-supported detection and integration of PROFIBUS PA
field devices into the process control system with the use of
standardized PA profiles and commissioning, device
replacement and service wizards
• Implementation of diagnostic messages in accordance with
NAMUR recommendation NE107
• 35-mm mounting onto standard rail
I/O Systems
Network transitions
Bundles, accessories
■ Overview Accessories
A BusAdapter as a separate component allows a free choice
of SIMATIC CFU connection to PROFINET:
• BA 2×RJ45:
2 electrical connections for bus cable with standard
9 RJ45 connector
• BA 2×FC:
2 electrical connections for direct connection of
FastConnect bus cable
• BA 2×LC:
2 optical ports for fiber-optic cables
I/O Systems
Network transitions
Bundles, accessories
■ Technical specifications
Article number 6DL1193-6AR00-0AA0 6DL1193-6AF00-0AA0 6DL1193-6AG00-0AA0
ET 200SP HA, ET 200SP HA, ET 200SP HA,
General information
Product type designation BA 2x RJ45 BA 2xFC BA 2xLC
Number of PROFINET interfaces 1; 2 ports (switch) RJ45 1; 2 ports (switch) FC 1; 2 ports (switch) LC Multimode Glass
Supports protocol for PROFINET IO
• Number of RJ45 ports 2
• Number of FC (FastConnect) 2
• Number of LC ports 2
Cable length
- Cu conductors 100 m 100 m
- Multimode graded-index fiber 3 km
50/125 μm
- Multimode graded-index fiber 3 km
62.5/125 μm
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature during
• min. -40 °C -40 °C -40 °C
• max. 70 °C 70 °C 65 °C; Redundant design
(2x 6DL1155-6AU00-0PM0):
max. 60 °C horizontal,
max. 50 °C vertical. When using
different I/O devices, the derating
specified there must be observed.
Width 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
Height 69.5 mm 69.5 mm 75 mm; Without protective caps
(approx. 8 mm)
Depth 59 mm 59 mm 59 mm
Weight, approx. 46 g 53 g 60 g
I/O Systems