Company Background

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The company designs and manufactures

hard ware products: the Macintosh line of
computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the

It specializes in Apple software: the Mac

OS X operating system; the iTunes media
browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and
creativity software; the iWork suite of
productivity software etc.


1) Apple was established on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne to
sell the Apple I personal computer kit. In 1980, Apple went public.
2) The Apple II, also invented by Wozniak, was introduced on April 16, 1977,
3) in 1982 Steve Jobs was pushed from the Lisa team due to infighting. In 1984, Apple next
launched the Macintosh. Jobs resigned from Apple and founded NeXT Inc. in 1985.
4) The success of the PowerBook and other products brought increasing revenue. Apple
introduced the Centris line,the result was disastrous as consumers did not understand the
difference between models.
5) In 1994, Apple allied with IBM and Motorola.The goal was to create a new computing
platform, which would use their hardware coupled with Apple's software. In 1996,Apple
brought Steve Jobs back as an advisor.
6) In 1998, Apple introduced a new all-in-one computer reminiscent: the iMac. Through this
period, Apple purchased several companies to create a portfolio of professional and
consumer-oriented digital production software.
7) The Intel transition On January 10, 2006, the new MacBook Pro and iMac became the first
Apple computers to use Intel's Core Duo CPU. Apple's success during this period was evident
in its stock price.
8) In July of 2008, Apple launched the App Store to sell third-party applications for the iPhone
and iPod Touch. Apple announced a large screen, tablet-like media device known as the iPad
on January 27, 2010.
9) Post–Steve Jobs era In 2011, Jobs announced that he would take another medical leave of
absence to allow him to focus on his health. on October 5, 2011, Apple announced that Jobs
had died, marking the end of an era for Apple Inc.

Now Apple used two versions of this glassy logo: silver and chrome.

The silver logo is used on the hardware products of the company, while the chrome version is
featured on the software products



1) Age
Based on the pie chart, the most highest group age is 35-44 with 32%. age dimension varies
with different products, Such as the smart, compact devices are more used by people of the
20-45 age group. Where iTunes, Apple Pay, app store and iTunes store are used by the age
range 18-30. And finally, the apple watch, tv apple and accessories users are from 20-45+
2) Gender
Based on the pie chart, male users is most likely to buy apple products than female users
with 60% and 40%. So, the target market is expanding in the male market spontaneously.
3) Income
Pie chart graph show that the highest target income for people that buy apple is $100,000
with 50%. Apple targets the market with medium to high-income households or individuals.
A study showed that ⅓ of the users have a household earning of $100,000. So, the target
market of Apple Inc, is undoubtedly conserved in close to standard to high payroll
individuals. And the average individual income of a user stands to be around $98,000 and
$50,000 which is much higher than usual device owner demographics.


Based on the pie chart, the country that have highest percentage for using apple is America with
41%. This is because iPhone is originated from America and their headquarters are there. The retail
stores of Apple are located in the highly populated cities around the world. With the online presence
or official websites in the 88 countries.


this category of the market is specified as loyal customers. The users are offered an operating that is
unique, creative and stands out. So, the apple users get addicted to the product working style. 54%
of Apple users buy nothing but Apple products in the future. 30% of the cellphone market would
claim the iPhone as the best phone. Therefore, the loyal customer base is also a very crucial market
for the company. Because the switchers often get influenced by the loyalists and buy their first


Based on the pie chart, we can see that Apple target most in high class compared to other social
class with 45%, middle class with 42% and lower class is 13%. Most of the Apple’s users are highly
educated millennial. They are career-oriented and lead an active social life. Students, executives,
managers, professionals are the primary target market of Apple Inc. 64% of Apple product users
tend to have college degrees.

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