Digital Marketing For Beginner's

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Copyright © 2021. Prodigitalbusiness.

My name is MURLI, an Indian, living & doing legitimate online business right here in India.
I am founder of Digital Marketing Lifestyle Business Course & Book (co-founder of

I am Digital Marketer, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online

UDEMY Instructor & off-course a Lovable, Respectful and Helpful guy.

I Write & Published 120+ Books On Amazon.

Click here & SEE

I Published 5+ Digital Courses On Udemy.

Click here & SEE

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I didn’t want to spend my life taking orders from someone else or making my boss rich.

To keep my spirits up, I read books. I pretty much read whatever was on the top 10 list in

the business section.

Think & Grow Rich

Rich Dad Poor Dad

The 4-Hour Workweek

The Millionaire Next Door

How To Win Friends & Influence People

I spent 12 years working in digital marketing and visual designs. I am primarily a Digital
Marketer, with a fountain of knowledge SEO/SEM, Content Marketing, Lead Generation
and Conversion, Online Advertising, Social media, User Experience (UX). Develop efficient
market leading CRM strategies, Marketing Automation and drive inbound enquiries
through SEO, PPC and Digital Marketing Strategies.

I have Strong Experience in DIGITAL MARKETING - Now I am self-employed

(ENTREPRENEUR). I have trained people and companies on ENTREPRENEUR - START,
RUN & GROW your business and Digital Marketing.

Now, I am focusing on helping other people create their own online empires. It is my goal to
help others by teaching and coaching them to achieve their own successes!

I love creating content and helping my students reaches their potential.

I created each one of them thinking about YOU. Let me help you achieve your learning goals
& take you on a journey to success, wealth and happiness!

Over the last decade, I have garnered so much knowledge and a vast wealth of practical
experiences that I can now smell the perfect home based business opportunity a mile away.

And once I identify a promising home business opportunity, I invest in it instantly.

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With the success I have recorded in my numerous online businesses, it is obvious that I
have a complete understanding of what makes many home based businesses fail
where others succeed.

Matter of fact, I will teach you how to make REAL money online from the comfort of your
own home.

My personal resume speaks volume as to the fact that I am the perfect choice when
it comes to the best advice you could ever want on a choice of the hottest home based
business to engage in on the internet.


This Is Not A

Get Rich Quick Book

Get Rich Quick Schemes Don’t Work!

Believe me.

By the time you finish reading this book, you will be able to judge for yourself whether
my claim that I make over hundred thousand DOLLARS monthly from the internet is true
or not.

Without wasting any more of your time, please flip over to the next page and start
your journey to a whole new world of limitless possibilities.

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[Get Your US $1475 BONUS] - FREE COURSE
I am happy to offer you FREE Course worth US $1475 (HURRY UP! This Offer Could End
At Any Time) to my online digital courses.


NOTE: - I regularly update course material like books video & other stuff time to time.

Copyright © 2021 by MURLI (

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author/publisher.
The contents of this manual reflect the author’s views acquired through his experience on

the topic under discussion. The author or publisher disclaims any personal loss or liability

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caused by the utilization of any information presented herein. The author is not engaged in
rendering any legal or professional advice. The services of a professional person are
recommended if legal advice or assistance is needed.

While the sources mentioned herein are assumed to be reliable at the time of writing, the
author and publisher, or their affiliates are not responsible for their activities. From time
to time, sources may terminate or move and prices may change without notice. Sources can
only be confirmed reliable at the time of original publication of this manual.

This manual is a book only and, as such, should be considered solely for basic information.
Earnings or profits derived from participating in the following program are entirely
generated by the ambitions, motivation, desires, and abilities of the individual reader.
Without any further ado, let’s get started.

The Digital Marketing course comprises 20 Modules:

This is not your typical course.

This is not simply about reading a textbook to get a certificate and a pat on the back.

What’s inside is an actionable program with very specific, outlined steps.

Steps for you to follow and learn from.

Steps that will teach you wildly profitable content marketing and strategy skills.

Skills that guarantee you will thrive.

Skills you can take to the bank, to earn respect from your boss or win even
more clients with

Developing Your Skills To Undertake Effective Digital Marketing

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The dynamic qualification will provide you with the essential knowledge and skills you
need to plan, implement and monitor effective digital marketing campaigns and contribute
to operational marketing plans.
You’ll learn what digital marketing is about, including understanding the buzz words

and main trends.

Get a professional, academic & worldwide recognized qualification in as little as 12 weeks

Digital marketing has evolved from a peripheral element of organizational marketing

to one which is at the hub of customer-centric communications in an increasingly
multi-channel environment.

The digital marketing course will ensure that you are equipped to deal with this shift
and make the most of the new business opportunities on offer.
The bundle that’ll help you learn the skills that’ll make you better prepared for

everything businesses are expecting from you.

The simple truth is that you need to choose a solid PLAN & STRATEGIES from day one, be
willing to consistently work on your business over the course of several months and
follow the path laid before you by people that have actually done it.

Whether you simply want to learn how to make your first $ Dollar or $1,000 online or
more than this, create streams of passive income or build your own online business
empire, Online Business from Scratch will help you turn your dream of starting an online
business into reality.

How I Got Started?

For many years my life was in the corporate world.

I worked in Digital Marketing, was in the digital marketing business and got involved in
a number of technology start-ups.

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But I was so burned out dealing with the complexities of businesses with lots of people and
other things over which I had no control, that I decided to look at starting my own Internet

Like you, I had heard all kinds of fantastic claims about people making $19,487 in three
weeks or $150,000 per year working part time.

That got my attention, but knowing the business world as well as I do, I found these
claims VERY HARD to swallow.

Looking for What Works

So prior to making the decision to start an online business, I spent the better part of a year
reading, studying and researching.

I wanted to find out what really worked for the people who succeeded and to discover why
so many people FAILED. I spent a lot of time surfing and visiting sites.

I bought and read a lot of Books. I bought courses on how to market on the Internet.

I interviewed successful internet marketers. And I spent $5,000 on Big Seminars where
I met some heavy hitters.

Being Overwhelmed

At first I WAS OVERWHELMED. There was so much to learn, and there were so many
different stories about how to succeed.
Everybody had a different idea about what worked and what didn’t.

AND there was tons more to understand about marketing and selling on the Internet.
Affiliate programs, traffic generation, conversion ratios, search engines, shopping
carts, merchant accounts, and on and on.

It seemed endless.

Taking the Plunge

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Finally… I just decided to take the plunge, knowing that I would learn more in the

water than watching from the beach.

So I bought a small Internet business, a free traffic exchange. It was a bit bumpy at the
start but that site is now doing almost $500 a month in revenues.

And it only requires a few people to run it.

Bottom line: with all my study, research, interviews,’veuncoveredcoldhard…

cash and hands-on experience (including a bunch of mistakes) I


BUT1)Most…whatoftheyclaimsdon’people make are in fact true! –


weeks or $$$$$$$ working part time.


Then they applied them to building one online business, then a second and a third and
so on, until they had MULTIPLE-STREAMS OF INCOME.

Once they figured out how to do it, they did it again and again. Just as you would never
consider putting all your life savings into one stock, the same is true with online businesses.


Each and every person I talked with about their failures had TRIED TO DO TOO MUCH,

They tried to master the technology, product development, marketing and selling all
at once.

CRASHED AND BURNED… long before they saw their first dollar.

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The whole name of the game is for you to LEARN how to make money online.
You can easily do it, IF you’re willing to work at it for a couple of years because it will take

your that long to learn how to make $5,000 or more, a year.

Remember one of the three secrets, it takes everybody that long. Keep remembering what
I said up front.
Theis is NOT a GET RICH QUICK plan, this is GET RICH PLAN.

QUICK’ is what kills people…because they really get frustrated’ and angry
when it doesn t work right away and then they GIVE UP -- feeling they ve failed.
Our approach may take a little longer but …it WORKS.

Once you’ve mastered all three phases, you’ll have your own SIMPLE MONEY MACHINE.

Then you…buntilild ay second, then a third, fourth, thereby creating MULTIPLE STREAMS OF

INCOME ou make enough to retire!

“What’s really exciting” about this strategy is that by reversing the process and including a

money model with each step, you start making money right from the beginning.

And the MONEY’ is your constant reminder of what you need to focus on and what you

need to LEARN. It s a GREAT TEACHER.




Who Is The Program For?

Those who have decided to start an Internet business, but don’t know where or how to

begin;TheDIGITAL LIFESTYLE ENREPRENUER, program is designed for four types of people:

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Those who already have a website’ or online business that is NOT living up to their

expectations, (everything you ll learn here can be directly applied to your existing online

business or Website);

Those who are looking for a job, have time on their hands, and would like to make
some money while waiting for a new position.

Those who are currently employed and wish to begin developing a business where
they have control in the event their job is outsourced. Almost anyone can learn to make a

Because you can just stay at one level and prefect those skills so until you reach your
financial goals or keep moving to the next level as your skills and confidence grows.

Students, housewives, professional people, even kids are building DIGITAL BUSINESS.

The Internet’s Different

On the Internet, the medium is communications, the product is information, and

the content is intellectual.

Anybody with a brain can play. All you need in order to start is:

(1) a computer,

(2) high-speed access to the Net,

(3) the desire,

(4) the willingness to learn, and

(5) your HEAD.

(While you don’t actually need a high-speed connection, you’ll want one so you don’t waste

so much time waiting for things to happen while you’re working.) So what does all this

mean to YOU?

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1. You can start your business with LITTLE or NO CAPITAL’.

Unlike traditional businesses with hard assets, you don t need to invest in building physical
products, factories, inventory or stores.

Assuming you already have a computer and Web access, you can start with little or no

Never before has it been possible to start a business with so LITTLE CAPITAL and still
have the potential to make millions.

2. You can start your Internet business in your SPARE TIME. ’ A Web business can be

built by one person’ working at any time of the day or night. There s no need to quit your

day job before you ve mastered the skills and built a new income base.

You don’t need EMPLOYEES.

Most of the skills required for running an Internet business can be learned as you go. And
to the extent that you do require the specialized skills of others, you can find these
people on the Net and hire them as contractors, either by the job or by the hour.

No need to worry about employees, insurance or benefits.

You can start and run the business from your HOME.
Other businesses require a place where customers can come to purchase a product, a
place to warehouse inventory, and offices to house a staff. But you can start your Internet
business in the den, a spare bedroom or even a closet!

All of your customers arrive via the Internet and your inventory is on a hard disc in
your computer.

You get to be your own BOSS.

This is a great opportunity for those of you who want to take responsibility for
yourselves and your future. You get to do things the way you want: work when you want,
wear what you want and make as much as you want.

The sense of FREEDOM is fantastic!

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You can build your business ANYWHERE in the world.
You can live and work wherever your heart ’desires you to be. You can start it where

you are, build it up and then move to where you ve always wanted to live.

Moving your business is as easy as carrying your laptop anywhere. All you need is a
high-speed connection to the Internet.

7. You’ can go as FAST or SLOW as you want.

There s no urgency to build a business in the next month.

Start simple, learn the basics, make some money, develop your skills and confidence
and move at your own pace.

The only pressure is the pressure you create for yourself.

Never before has it been so easy to start a business, with no capital, and that has the HUGE
UPSIDE POTENTIAL that the Internet affords.

The leverage is enormous.

You can now reach a world-wide market from your computer. And it will be a few years
before this window of opportunity closes.
As more and more people discover the Net’s potential, the profitable market niches will

get filled by those who get off their butts and swing into ACTION.

So’ Where Do You Start?

I ve talked about what a fantastic financial opportunity the Internet is.

Hundreds of thousands of people make all or some portion of their living from one or more


What we

DIGITAL ENTREPREUR BUSINESS is built by people like YOU.

However, there are three characteristics successful DIGITAL ENTREPREUR BUSINESS has.

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Do you have these characteristics…or are you willing to develop them?


YOU will not create your first Money Machine, much less the second and third, until you
decide to take ACTION.
It’s a lot of fun to dream about having money, but money doesn’t come to people who don’t

see the opportunities in front of them and TAKE ACTION.

You have to identify an OBJECTIVE, develop a PLAN and then start to WORK.

2) You’re NOT AFRAID to make mistakes and you’re quick to fix’ them.
elseYOU andmustkeepbewilltrying…tountilexperiment,youfiguretoit ryoutsomething,. and if it doesn t work,

try something The Internet is still in its infancy. And it’s changing rapidly. It’s in a very dynamic growth

phase. There are no hard and fastlongerruls. There are only guidelines.

What worked yesterday may no work tomorrow…and vice versa. So YOU’ must be

open to change, willing to experiment and not get discouraged when it doesn t work the
first time.
As someone” wise once said, “We don’t learn from our successes, we’ learn from our

failures. Since so many variables have to work right for success, it s not possible to make a

list of the reasons.

But it’s usually pretty easy to see what didn’t work and why.


Because the Internet is so new and changing so fast, the most successful people spend a
lot of time and money on their CONTINUING EDUCATIONS.

They constantly read books, both for new information and for motivation. They often
read the same books multiple times to keep pounding the information home. They invest
in courses and seminars.

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They spend time with’ other successful people looking for new ideas and better’ ways of
doing things. So don t think that by reading and studying this book alone you re going to
get rich.
Though you don’t have to spend $3,000, you must be willing’ to read three books on the

same subject just to get different perspectives. And you re willing to re-read the same book

five times’ to make sure you got it all, and you start hanging out at seminars with the

gurus. Then you re on your way.

There are no shortcuts to success.

’ ’

Thisat bookswhywillGetonly-Richwork-Quickif…books don t work.

YOU work IT.
Still with me?
If so, let’s get to work….

Are you ready to take action?

Let’s take a deeper dive into the skills you’ll be mastering through this Ebook Course offer.

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn

Day 1: Digital Marketing Overview Mastery
What is Digital Marketing?
Importance of Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing: Which One Is Better?
How Digital Marketing works?
How To Start?
How To Structure An Effective Digital Marketing Strategies Plan?
What Are The Most Effective Tactics?

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Day 2: Professional Blogging Mastery
What Is A Blog: Blogging?
How Do Blogs Work?
How To Create A Professional Blog In 15 Minutes
How To Make Money With Your Blog?
Most Essential Blogging Resources Tools That Every Blogger Needs [My
Personal Recommendation]

Day 3: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Mastery

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
How Search Engine Works?
What Are Keywords?
Keyword Research Process: Everything You Need To Know
Different Types Of Keywords
Top Best SEO Keyword Research– Tools That SEO Experts Actually Use [Recommended]

(A) On Page Optimization SEO Everything You Need to Know

- (B) Off Page Optimization

Day 4: Affiliate Marketing Mastery

What Is Affiliate Marketing: An Overview?
How Much Money Can You Make From Affiliate Marketing?
How Affiliate Marketing Works?
What Does An Affiliate Marketer Actually Do?
How To Get Started As An Affiliate Marketer?
How Do Affiliate Marketers Get Paid?
Why Be an Affiliate Marketer?
What To Consider When Applying To Affiliate Programs?
Most Essential Resources Tools That Every Affiliate Marketer Needs [My Personal
Understand Basics Of Online Advertisements: CPA, CPC, CPM , CPL & other metrics
Best Affiliate Programs For Every Marketer: Make Free Money For Life

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Day 5: Email Marketing– Mastery

- Email Marketing What Is It? Why Do It?

Different Types Of Email Marketing Campaigns You Need To Be Sending Your Email List
List Of Best Email Marketing Automation Service/Tools/Software
Successful Email Marketing: Key Factors
Email Template Design Tips You Should Always Follow

Day 6: Video Marketing YouTube Mastery

Introduction To Video Marketing
Reasons Why Video Marketing Is Necessary?
How To Create A Video: Steps To Creating A Promotional Video Program
Video Content Types To Include In Your YouTube Marketing Strategy
Top 5 Professional Video Marketing & Editing Software/Tools

Day 7: Website Planning & Creation Mastery

What is Website & its Importance: An Overview
10 Most Popular Types of Websites You Can Create
Most Effective Web Design Principles You Should Know
Domain Name & Web Hosting Explained

Day 8: Making Money From Domain Website Flipping Mastery

What Is Domain/Website Flipping?
Why Did I Start This?
Choose A Niche
Strategies How To Successfully Flip Domains?
Best Keyword Research Tools
Proven Ways To Promoting Your Website For Free

Day 9: Facebook Marketing & Advertising Mastery

Introduction To FaceBook Marketing
TOP 5 Reasons To Advertise On Facebook
How To Set Up Your Facebook Advertising Account?
How To Set Up Your Facebook Ad Campaigns?

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Facebook Ad Types For Different Goals
How To Create Your First Successful Facebook Ad Creatives And Copy?
How To Master Facebook Audiences & Targeting?
Facebook Ad Bidding And Optimization: Everything You Need To Know
Understanding Facebook Ad Optimization & Reporting For Better Conversions

Day 10: Online Lead Generation Mastery

What Is Lead & Why Lead Generation Marketing Is A Good Idea?
Channels Of Lead Generation
Smart Ways How To Generate Leads For Your Online Business
Landing Pages : Valuable For Lead Generation
Most Important Elements Of A Landing Page
Ways To Scale Your Business Implementing Landing Page Software
Best Landing Page Builder Software Tools(And How To Choose The Right One)

Day 11: Mobile Marketing & Advertising Mastery

Mobile Marketing Overview
Types of Mobile Marketing
A 6 Step Plan How To Build A Mobile Marketing Strategy That WORKS!
50+ Mobile’ Marketing & Advertising Terms Every Marketer Should Know

The 7 P s Of The Mobile Marketing Mix

Mobile Apps Content Marketing Best Practices
Reasons Your Website Needs To Be Mobile Optimized

Day 12: Google Adwords PPC Mastery

Google AdWords Overview Introduction
Why Use Google Adwords For Advertising?
How Does Google AdWords Work?
How Do You Rank on Google AdWords?
How To Setup Your Google AdWords Account In Easy Steps
How To Do Keywords Research To Start Your First Campaign’

How To Use Third-Party Tools To Spy On Competition s Keywords?

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How To Setup Your First Ad Group & Write New Ads
How To Setup A Landing Page That Convert
Review, React, Repeat

Day 13: Twitter Marketing & Advertising Mastery

An Introduction To Twitter Advertising
How To Set Up A Twitter Business Account?
Types Of Twitter Ad Campaigns
How To Create Your Twitter Ads In 3 Easy Steps
How To Target You Twitter Ads?

Day 14: Instagram Marketing Mastery

An Introduction To Instagram Marketing
Why You Need To Use Instagram Ads?
Instagram Story Ads - All You Need To Know
Creating, Running, & Managing’ Instagram Ads In Simple Steps

The Ad Level: The Creative s

Best Practices You Must Follow To Succeed In Instagram

Day 15: Pinterest Marketing Mastery

Quick Introduction To Pinterest Marketing
How To Set Up A Pinterest Business Account
Pinterest Analytics Learning The Basics
The DOs And Donts Of Pinterest Marketing
Final Thoughts

Day 16: LinkedIn Marketing Mastery

What Is Linkedin & Who Joins It
How To Create Linkedin Ads?
How To Get Started Linkedin Campaign Manager?

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Day 17: Google Analytics Mastery
What Is Google Analytics? An Overview
How To Install Google Analytics?
How To Add User Or Share Account Info?
Google Analytics Reports Explained: How And Why To Use Them?
How To Set Up Goals To Track Conversion?
Closing Thoughts

Day 18: Content Marketing Mastery

What Is Content Marketing?
Why Content Marketing Is Important?
Types Of Content Marketing
Top Best Content Marketing Software Tools & Resources For Every Marketer
Final Thoughts

Day 19: Make Money From Freelancing Mastery

What Is Freelancing?
How Do You Start Out As A Freelancer?
Major Pros & Cons Of Freelancing
How To Grab Your First Freelancing Project Online?
Top Best Freelance Websites To Make Money As A Freelancer

Day 20: Make Money From Online Coaching & Consulting

Selling Your Advice
How I Got Into Coaching And Consulting?
How To Become A Coach And Consultant?
Putting It All Together


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1. What Is Digital Marketing

Before we talk about how digital marketing works, let’s first answer the question – what is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a way to promote brands and products online and through other digital

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Most businesses have a specific audience they are trying to reach, and digital
marketing aims to help businesses reach these target consumers through the internet
and other digital avenues.

Digital marketing is a broad term that encapsulates all marketing channels and methods
you can use to promote products or services on the Internet but also on electronic
devices such as TVs, mobile phones and electronic billboards.

The main difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing is that digital
marketing campaigns are executed exclusively through digital channels and this gives
marketers more control, tools and data to analyze the effectiveness of a campaign.

User & Business View:

78% of Users research & read reviews on Internet before Making a Purchase.

64% Users have said Digital Presence has affected their First purchase.

97% Hours an average Internet Users Spends on Social Media.

93% People using social media wants businesses to Respond Back there.

75% Mobile Internet Users have Used Apps in Their Bathroom/Washroom

Digital Spends Will Grow from 8% to 35% Minimum.

2. Importance of Digital Marketing

Technology is integrated into our lives more than ever before. We own Smartphone’s, conversational AI devices such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home, laptops, and tablets.

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With so many people online, it’s essential for businesses to be online as well.

As our online presence continues to grow, the way we make online purchases will
continue to evolve.

Digital marketing is important because more and more consumers are online;
digital marketing is an immediate way to reach them.

Digital media is so pervasive that consumers have access to information any time and
any place they want it.

Gone are the days when the messages people got about your products or services
came from you and consisted of only what you wanted them to know.

Digital media is an ever-growing source of entertainment, news, shopping and social

interaction, and consumers are now exposed not just to what your company says
about your brand, but what the media, friends, relatives, peers, etc., are saying as well.

And they are more likely to believe them than you.

People want brands they can trust, companies that know them, communications that are
personalized and relevant, and offers tailored to their needs and preferences.

Traditional marketing can no longer reach people quite like digital marketing.

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For so many reasons!

Benefits that come from implementing an effective, strategic digital marketing plan include:

 An increase in brand visibility

 Provides platforms for you to interact with your target audience
 Increased product and service loyalty
 Builds credibility
 Creates new customers
 Interact With Your Clients Online
Producing More Conversion Rates

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 Cost Reduction
 Real-Time Product Solving
 Enhanced Revenues Generation
 Connect with Smart Phone Users
 Be Ahead Of Competition
 Increased ROI
Obtain Real-Time Customer Data

Technological advancements have opened the gateway to a plethora of new communication

vehicles, and internet platforms provide companies with the opportunity to reach a whole
new audience.
No matter the size of your organization, there’’s simply no excuse for not utilizing

digital marketing tools to improve your company s position in the marketplace.

3. Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing: Which One Is Better?

What's the difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing, and why does it

Many small businesses struggle with deciding which kind of marketing to do, because their
budget will only stretch to one or the other, not both.

The decisions that must be made are not easy: which method of marketing will give me
the most bangs for my buck?

How do I know if my marketing is working?

Who should I trust with my marketing?

Should I do it myself?

The answers may surprise you.

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In the wake of the digital era, there are multifarious marketing channels at the disposal of
brands that act as a medium to convey the brand message and build brand engagement
through its interactive features.
Which is better – Traditional marketing or Digital marketing?

This is one question many have asked me till now and my answer is always the same-
both of them are good in their own way.

However, it is essential to understand the difference between the two before going
any further.

What is Traditional Marketing?

The conventional method of marketing in the advertising space with one-way
communication and a larger reach which comprise of print ads, hoardings, magazines,
billboards, newsletters, promotional brochures, flyers, radio ads, television ads, etc. is
called traditional marketing.

Traditional marketing revolves around the 4 Ps of marketing, they are:

Product: A product is a tangible good or an intangible service that fulfills the

requirements of the consumers. It is very important to have a clear grasp of your
product or service for better marketing.

Price: After knowing your product thoroughly, the cost is decided. Price will
determine the factors like profits, supply, demand and further marketing strategy. The
other two Ps are dependent on the price elasticity.

Promotion: Promotion means figuring out the ways to marketing your product.
Promotion includes elements like: advertising, public relations, social media marketing,
email marketing, search engine marketing, video marketing and more.

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Place: Marketing is all about putting the right product, at the right price, at the right
place and at the right time. Placement is done after evaluating the ideal locations to market
your product; so that the potential clients can be converted into actual clients.

Many of the common and most tried offline marketing tactics come under the following five
major categories:

 Print (magazines, newspapers, etc.)

 Broadcast (TV, radio, etc.)
 Direct Mail (catalogues, postcards, etc.)
 Telephone (telemarketing, sms marketing, etc.)
Outdoor (billboards, fliers, etc.)

Importance Of Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing has a higher success rate, as it is more personal form of media. Big
organizations still look for traditional ways of marketing when it comes to developing the
most effective strategy for their clients. Traditional marketing is necessary because:

A personal touch causes high returns - Personal interactions with potential clients
build relationships with clients that yield higher returns for business. There are more
chances of referrals from the existing customers. Follow-ups are majorly required in
traditional marketing.

Cost effective - Traditional marketing has less expensive options available. For
example, if there are personal invites that need to be sent, it can be hand- written, which
will have comparatively more impact.

Reaching every type of audience - It is hard to believe, but it is true that’ not every

person of your target audience is online. It may be a small percentage that s offline, but

there is still a target market out there. Hence, traditional marketing reaches out even to
those strata of your audience.

Larger access - A large percentage of your target audience has access to TV or radio in
some form. Be that at work, home, car or even in-store. The reach of these mediums is huge

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and unavoidable. This invasive nature of the audience makes them extremely
effective when it comes to traditional marketing.

Easily accessible - Everyone has access to the traditional form of media in one-way or
the other. Therefore, traditional marketing has an easy access to its potential market.

What is Digital Marketing?

The constantly evolving new media landscape that consists of all the digital technologies
to bring a more personalized experience and reach the right audience by means of social
media, SEO, blogging, content marketing, lead management, paid search, etc. forms the
digital marketing.

If you want to reach a Wider Audience, traditional marketing is still relevant:

Many opine that traditional marketing is dead with the onslaught of digital
marketing channels. However, the reality is something different.

Though digital marketing has caught the fancy of people, messages publicized through
traditional mediums have a better recall value and has large acceptance from people.

Traditional marketing channels have been present for decades; hence, older
generations find the message communicated through these channels more credible than
any other mediums.

However, traditional marketing also has an authoritarian’ nature. Be it any channel, the
message is broadcasted from just the advertiser s perspective i.e. the one-sided view.
The advertisers couldn’t immediately come to know its products or services impact in

the market as these channels do not bring instant reactions from the audience.

If you want to reach the Target Audience, digital marketing works better:

The technological convergence has helped the brands communicate in an appealing

manner and has revolutionized the way consumers consume information.

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Marketers now build a meaningful relationship with their consumers and request the
audience to participate in the brand building process.

As technology has opened the gates to the worldly exposure, brands now sitting at
one location can make a global impact and spread their philosophy far and wide.

Due to the availability of different channels, advertisers often cross-promote the brands
that help them to connect with their target audience at different points.

Also, when the organizations promote themselves on social media channels, they can delve
deeper into their strength and weaknesses as the choices of their audience can be easily
known through their feedback in various formats.

Importance Of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the most widely used marketing in today’s world. It is considered an effective tool of marketing. It not only works in the favor of marketers, it also works in the
favor of the customers.

Opens options for small scale organizations - With digital marketing in trend, even
the small scale organizations can flourish. They can select their marketing method and can
reach their selected audience at a lesser cost.

Wider reach - As more and more people are consuming all kinds of information online;
digital marketing is becoming the best way to reach out to your targeted customers.
Growth’ beyond boundaries - It’s important to understand that digital marketing

doesn t only apply to your website; it is much more than that. To make your business stand

out from the crowd, you need a real strategy that puts potential customers first and use all
the available tools to acquire them.

A step ahead - Digital marketing’ gives you a chance to grow a step ahead of your

competitors. If you learn more, you ll grow more. It is all about the learning process. The

more you become good at it, the better your organization will flourish.

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Traceable results - Digital marketing has more traceable results as compared to any
other medium. You can trace them on digital platforms as they have various tools to do
that. Feedback is the most important thing for any organization and here; feedback results
are instantly and can be traceable.

Which’ Method Should You Choose? ’

If you ve already tried traditional marketing before and haven t seen the rapid growth
results’ you wanted, then give digital marketing a shot. There is little risk and great reward.
That s not a combo you see often in the business world.

For this, you need to have an exhaustive and in-depth knowledge of your business and your

target customers. You need to conduct a study to see how each method may affect your

business. If your target audience is the type that has limited access to digital media or does

not prefer digital media, then you may do better with traditional’ methods. But if your

target audience is permanently connected to the internet, you ll need to stick with digital.

4. How Digital Marketing Works?

Over the past few years, digital marketing (aka internet marketing) has, in some form or
another, found a valuable and permanent place among the majority of corporations and
And while traditional marketing is certainly still relevant, you’re more likely to find

campaigns that incorporate both direct and online marketing tactics.

However, although digital marketing is widespread, there is still some confusion among
clients as to what it involves, and what strategies are best suited to individual requirements
and marketing goals.

Each client is different, and therefore campaigns are generally tailored with this in mind.

Digital marketing is made up of a number of strategies each of them serves a different

valuable, relevant traffic to your site

purpose, although the end goal is the same – ‘driving ’–

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and helping convert one-time visitors into repeat, paying customers.

The key to understanding how it all works is getting to know each element of digital
marketing and recognizing how each can help you reach your marketing goals.
I’ll go through each digital marketing tactic below and explain how you can use each

one for your own business.

1. Website/Blog Marketing ’

In many ways, your company s website/blog is the cornerstone of your digital

marketing strategy.

MUST READ -> How To Start A Blog

This is where many of your target customers first get an impression of your brand, and
more often than not, this is where your leads will eventually convert into paying customers.
So let’s talk more about how your website plays a role in how digital marketing works.

The goal of digital marketing is to attract, engage, and convert your leads.

Many of the tactics that you will use to do this will ultimately lead your target customers
back to your website/blog to get more information or make a purchase.
Your website/blog is sometimes your brand’s only chance to make a good first

impression with consumers in your target market.

MUST READ -> Why Start A Blog?

For this reason, you should pay attention to the layout of your site as well as the colors
and graphics that you use in your site/blog design.

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In fact, according to Adobe, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website/blog if they
find the content or layout to be unattractive.

However, the appearance of your site is not the only thing that matters.
Since your website is the center of many of your digital marketing campaigns, it’s

important that it is designed and optimized for conversions.

MUST READ -> 5 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Blog

This means creating a site/blog that is easy to navigate and read with clear guidance for
the next steps consumers need to take to move further down the funnel.

This also means’ creating a site/blog that optimized for mobile devices to improve
the mobile user s site experience.
If you aren’t sure that your website is effective, it may be time to work with web

design experts who can help you improve and optimize your website/blog design.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization also plays a big role in how digital’ marketing works. If you
want to reach and convert consumers in the digital age, you ll need to start with the
search engines.


A recent research study by Forrester found that 71% of consumers start their

buyer’s journey on search engines like Google.

If you are not taking the right steps to improve your site’s SEO then you may be missing

out on a powerful opportunity to reach a significant amount of leads.

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Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your site’s content so that

it appeals to the search engines.

MUST READ -> Why SEO Is Important For Business?

The end goal is to rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP) to increase
visibility in your target market.

The higher you rank on the SERP, the more organic traffic you can drive back to
your website.

Search engine optimization not only brings more traffic to your website, but it also
helps ensure that the leads you are bringing in care of a higher quality.

MUST READ -> Basic SEO Strategies

The goal of digital marketing is to attract those who are right for your products or services,
and SEO plays an important role in doing just that.

By emphasizing certain keywords and topics within your content, you can work to
reach those online who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

MUST READ -> On Page SEO Make Sure Your Website Structure Is SEO Friendly

Now that you know how important search engine optimization is to all of your digital
marketing efforts, you may be wondering how you can optimize your site and content
for best results.

SEO plays in your digital campaigns and how an SEO agency can help you achieve
your goals.

Email Marketing

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Email marketing is yet another piece of the puzzle that is how digital marketing works.
Companies can use branded emails to communicate with their target audience.

Marketing emails are often used as a way to increase brand awareness, establish industry
leadership, promote events, and get the word out about special promotions.

The content of your marketing emails will ultimately depend on your campaign goals.

Here are just a few examples of the types of email marketing content you might develop to
support your digital marketing campaigns:


- Advanced email marketing automation tool.


Marketing Course for more information on Learn How To Create And Launch An
Buyers And Grow Your Email List can help
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boost your campaign results. ”

Social Media Marketing

Most brands today are using social media marketing to support their digital marketing
campaigns and drive more traffic to their website.

MUST READ -> How To Increase Website Traffic Immediately In Easy Steps?

Social media marketing involves promoting your content and engaging with your target
consumers on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

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This tactic is used in digital marketing to help businesses increase brand
awareness, generate more leads, and improve customer engagement.

One of the biggest appeals of social media marketing is that it allows businesses to reach a
wider audience online.

For example, 79% of American internet users are active on Facebook.

If your business is not trying to reach and engage these consumers on the social platform,
then you are certainly missing out on an important opportunity to reach new leads.

MUST READ -> [24 Tips]How To Build An Audience On Facebook

Social media not only works as its own tactic, but it can also support all of your other
digital marketing efforts.

For instance,’ if your brand develops an informative eBook that speaks to your target
audience s pain points, you can use social media to promote the eBook and drive traffic
to the landing page for the download.

MUST READ -> Building Awesome Websites Landing Squeeze Pages[TIPS]

You can then re-purpose pieces of the eBook for future social media posts as a way to
generate further interest for the content piece.

Content Marketing
Content marketing is another important tactic that plays a significant role in how
digital marketing works.

Content marketing is essentially when your business creates and promotes certain
content assets that are aimed at attracting and engaging your target customers.

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These content assets can be created for a number of different purposes, including
generating brand awareness, growing site traffic, boosting leads, or retaining customers.

No matter which tactics that you use as part of your digital marketing strategy, you
will need to create content to support these tactics.

MUST READ -> Content Marketing Strategy Basics For Your Business Growth

This can be something as short and simple as a thank you email to someone who has
subscribed to your email list.

Or it can be a longer, more detailed piece like an e-book that describes and provides
information about one of the biggest challenges that your target customers face.

Here are just a few types of content marketing that you might create to support your
digital marketing campaign goals:

 Website pages
 Blog posts
 Social media posts
 E-books
 White papers
 Case Studies
 Testimonials
 Videos
 Images
 Infographics
 Podcasts
Ad Content

MUST READ -> Social Media Marketing Tips For Absolute Beginners

The key to creating great content assets that help support your digital marketing
campaigns is strategically choosing topics that appeal most to your audience.

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If you haven’t already, make sure that you do some target audience research and even

create customer personas to ensure that you know your customers well and’ can identify

what types of content will attract and engage them at each step in the buyer s journey.

PPC(pay-per-click) Advertising
Though the goal of your digital marketing strategy may be to bring in as much organic
traffic as possible, your business should not ignore the value of pay-per-click (PPC) ads.
PPC ads are a type of advertising that involves paying the ad publisher every time a
new lead clicks on your ad.

Google AdWords is one of the most popular and effective types of PPC ads. Google
AdWords helps your business appear on the first page of the search engine results.
You’ may be wondering, why should I pay for ads when I’m already working to improve

my site s SEO?

Though search’ engine optimization is important, it takes a long time to start working

its magic. That s where PPC ads come in handy.

PPC ads can help you see results more quickly by putting your site at the top of the search
engine results page for relevant search terms.

By appearing on the first page of the SERP, your business gains new visibility and searchers
are more likely to find and click on your site.

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PPC ads not only generate more traffic to your site, but they can help you ensure that
the leads you are getting are qualified.

Those who are clicking on your PPC ads are consumers who are searching for the
topics that are most relevant to your products or services.

This means that they are more likely to be interested in your brand and the products
or services that you provide.

5. How To Start?

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•EducationalContent,Content, Content






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•Unexpected (wow, guerilla)


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6. How To Structure An Effective Digital Marketing Strategies Plan?

Does Your Business Have A Digital Marketing Plan?

Running a business is hard with lots of moving parts and demands on your time.
One important task is marketing, especially digital marketing.

Developing an actionable marketing plan is critical to success.

Implementing digital marketing actions without a plan and pre-determined strategy can
lead to failure because not planning leads to not considering all the aspects that can lead to
developing the various components of a digital marketing plan.

Determining a specific target audience (buyer persona), business objectives, and a suitable
value proposition are some of the aspects that must play an integral role in a digital
marketing plan.

There's no question that, in the modern landscape, a big part of your marketing strategy is

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Consumers and businesses alike are almost always online -- and you want to be able to
reach them and observe their behavior where they spend the most time.

But when you're growing a business, it seems like this ever-evolving landscape can
quickly become overwhelming.

There's already enough to do -- how are you also supposed to create, fine-tune, and
maintain an agile digital marketing strategy?

Step 1: Situational Analysis

The first thing you need to do when developing your digital marketing plan is to carry
out an internal and external analysis (SWOT analysis) of the firm: market, resources,
competition, strengths, and weakness.

We need to be familiar with the ecosystem we operate in, what our customers' needs
are, and where they get addressed.

This evaluation is a qualitative and quantitative evaluation with components examined

such as digital habits, intermediaries, influencers, and more.

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We also need to conduct an internal study to know what our company’s situation is like in

the digital age: is our website customer-oriented?

How is the usability and browsing experience?

Do we update our blog periodically?

What is our website’s current positioning?

And what is our social media presence?

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Step 2: Establish Objectives
When working in this part of developing your marketing plan, keep the principals
of SMART goals in mind: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely goals.

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Here are some types of objectives that the SOSTAC methodology lays out to help
you classify them accordingly:

Sell (customer acquisition and retention goals).

Serve (customer satisfaction goals).

Talk (customer attraction).

Surprise (surprise factor, added value).

Recover (quantified efficiency increase).

Step 3: Strategy’ Definition

Once you ve defined your business objectives, what can you do to achieve them?

Personalization is becoming increasingly important in digital marketing.

With that in mind, you need to take these factors into account when defining
your marketing plan's strategy:

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– Segmenting your target audience: Know who you want to address, what their

tastes, needs, or preferences are where you are looking to meet their expectations, etc.

This is the part of your marketing plan development where you create your
buyer personas.

– Positioning: To achieve proper positioning, it's crucial that you are very clear (and reach
your audience in the same way) about what your value proposition is and what it entails.
In short, it’s why’ the consumer should choose you and not the competition. You need to

know how you re going to communicate your unique value proposition and how to do so

appropriately in the channels where your audience is present (social media, blogs, email

– Marketing mix: This is the set of tools that a company uses to implement marketing

strategies and achieve the established,andmore).

The four pillars of the marketing mix are known as the '4Ps':





These are the factors to take into consideration when creating our strategies across all the
channels we are going to use: display advertising, blog, Adwords campaigns, social media,

– Content strategy: it's essential to create, distribute, and manage original content to attract users and position the

brand as a reference in its 'top of the mind.' A specificspecificadvertisingoneachsocialmediaplatform,andsoon.

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communication policy (content marketing) for each channel is fundamental. Some of the

Keyword research: This is a vital component of any content strategy. It’s about

identifying the right keywords to use them correctly in our content to naturally improve

(not by paying for it) our positioning.

Content Calendar: This is the key to creating a sensual content strategy. It provides
value, allow you to think long-term and optimize resources, help generate ideas, and more.
In a content calendar, you should include publication date, author, post idea, keyword, and
labels to use/keep in mind, among others.

Social Posting: Writing an article’ and not 'moving' it over social networks is a mistake.
But it is not about 'spreading but having a plan where you can decide what to publish and

when on every social network.toolsusedtoexecutethisstrategy are:

The place and timing get matched with copies adapted to each social media platform's
characteristics such as the number of characters, links, the number of hashtags to use, and

Step 4: Digital & Tactical Strategies’

Depending on our marketing plan s objectives (attraction, conversion, and loyalty) we

will implement some strategies but not others: email marketing campaigns, social
networks, CRM, web optimization, SEO - SEM strategies, paid media, and so on.

Step 5: Measuring results

We must measure every action using different KPIs to figure out if we have gotten the
expected ROI. Measuring the’ effectiveness of the strategies and activities implemented
will help us correct what doesn t work for achieving the goals we set.
When creating’ your digital marketing plan, follow these steps and don ’t leave anything

to improvise; it s your biggest rival if you are looking to position yourself and improve

your presence in the digital field.

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Your strategy will be very individual to your business, which is why it's almost impossible
for us to create a one-size-fits-all digital marketing strategy.

Remember, the purpose of your strategy is to map out the actions you're going to take to
achieve your goal over a period of time -- as long as it communicates that, then you've
nailed the basics of creating a digital strategy.

7. What Are The Most Effective Tactics?

We tackle digital marketing via a digital strategy made up of many different tactics.

An effective digital strategy will help you take the right decisions to make a
company successful online.

A strategy process model provides a framework that gives a logical sequence to follow
to ensure inclusion of all key activities of strategy development and implementation.

When all these tactics are used together, they create a holistic approach to getting your
business more leads.

Here are some of the digital marketing most effective tactics:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Content Marketing (Blogging & Article Writing)

Downloadable Content Offerings (eBooks, Whitepapers, Webinars)

Email Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing

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Video Production

Website Design A/B Testing

Landing Page Strategy

Call-To-Action Strategy

Link Building/Earning

Infographic Design

Marketing Automation

Lead Nurture Strategy

Public Relations (PR)

Planning can be time consuming.

The important thing is to develop your marketing system with the right

expectations. ’

Start with a prioritized plan and focus on consistency and continual improvement to
the marketing system.

The process is likely to include website improvements but only when your strategy work
is complete.

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1. What Is A Blog Blogging?

Blogs, or weblogs, started out as a mix of what was happening in a person’s life and

what was happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/news site.

The word“ “blog”” is a shortened version of web logs or weblogs“. Besides” being shorter

and’ catchier, blog seems less likely to cause confusion, as web log can also mean a server

s log files.

MUST READ -> Why Start A Blog?

People maintained blogs before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum
with the rise of automated published systems, most notably Blogger at, which
lowered the technical barrier to entry for formatting and organizing posts.

Now, self-hosted platforms such as WordPress offer new levels of functionality, with a
large ecosystem of talented designers and developers serving the varied needs of millions
of users.

Despite its grassroots beginnings, blogging has also become a popular platform for
business, from companies trying to humanize their brand to solopreneurs seeking to
make a full-time income online.

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But with increased opportunity comes increased competition, and it takes more to
stand out now than in the early days of blogging.

Still, there are so many more people online today, so the potential rewards are higher
for bloggers who break through.

Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile

Some are more eclectic, presenting links to all types of other sites. And others are more like
personal journals, presenting the author's daily life and thoughts.

What Is A "Blogger"?
A blogger is a person who owns or runs a blog or a person who maintains the blog. That is,
posting articles or new posts, information, sharing the most up-to-date news, opinions and
case studies to name but a few. Such entries are known as blog posts.

MUST READ -> 5 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Blog Business

Why People Blog?

Blogs are made and used for many different reasons.
I’ll explain that to you shortly.“But in the meantime, you can actually have “a look at

my recent blog post that I wrote: Why you should start a blog (10 reasons) .

To express themselves

To delivery valuable information and news to other people on the internet

To make money (Yes, some people are making a lot of money with blogging)


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To connect with like-minded people

To gain knowledge

To find a better job

To improve writing skills

People blog for a wide range of reasons beyond those already mentioned. Many people
simply dislike traditional offline diary writing and need an outlet for their thoughts and
feelings beyond that format, face-to-face interactions, phone calls or online chat.

Some people love that they can share their innermost thoughts and information with
someone else half way around the world.

MUST READ -> Blogging Brings Fame

Sometimes this outlet is desired because they have no offline friends or support system and
use blogging to help them deal with stressful life events like acute and chronic health
conditions or grief after the death of loved ones.

Since many other forms of content on various websites do not require frequent updates,
a lot of people, especially business owners, use their blogs as part of their search engine
optimization toolkit to maintain or improve their search engine result ranking and drive
more traffic to their websites.

Search engine algorithms rank fresh, valuable content higher than older content and
when a website receives more traffic that site owner has a higher chance of increasing
their revenue.

What Can I Post in My Blog?

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The short answer is anything. You can start a blog on any topic, including yourself. Most
blogs are a mix of commentary, personal notes and links to other websites.

You can write in-depth essays on serious subjects, or you can use blogging as a form of
journal writing, posting thoughts on the movie you saw last night or something you thought
of on the way to work. You can also upload graphics, video and sound files.

Most blogs contain links to websites you think your readers would be interested in, or to
a post on someone else's blog that pertains to what you're discussing in your blog.
Bloggers can even hold "conversations" between their blogs, with each blogger agreeing
or disagreeing with another blogger's posts.

2. How Do Blogs Work?

Blogs consist of a series of posts made by one or more bloggers? The posts appear in
reverse chronological order, with the most recent post at the top of the main page.

MUST READ -> How To Start A Successful Blog

All posts are archived, and are usually sorted into categories. Readers can browse
these categories or page back through the blog to read older entries.

Blogs can focus on a single topic or contain a wide range of themes and ideas. Some of
the most common blogs focus on things like:

 Small businesses and their products

 Various aspects of parenting
 Food and cooking
 Celebrity sightings and gossip
 Professional sports and specific teams
 Product reviews
Career advice

This is just a small sampling of blog topics. For almost every niche subject you can think
of, there are likely several related blogs in existence.

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3. How To Create A Professional Blog In 15 Minutes
Exactly How I Make Money Blogging Online, And You Can Too

Blogging is fun, And when you can Make Money Blogging, it's life changing!

The core foundation of my business that has allowed me to earn well over $2000
per month online has been my blog,
Through creating high quality content consistently, I’ve been able to build my own

brand and reputation.

This blog has allowed me to build a following of loyal fans and people that trust me,
which has led to further success in all of my other income streams.

My blog, my Kindle e-books, allows me to profit from affiliate marketing, promoting

courses, as well as getting coaching clients.

MUST READ -> Make Money Online From Affiliate Marketing Business

I reveal how my blog works and how I use it to make money online.

I also share what it takes to create your own blog and how to make your blog profitable
from scratch.

MUST READ -> How To Start A Blog - Easy & Simple

Are you sick of being confused about how to make money online?

Sick and tired with this entire information overload?

If you're not making money blogging, you soon will be!

If you haven't started blogging yet, don't sweat it, this book has got you covered.

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MUST READ -> Make Money From Successful Blogging In Just 5 Easy Steps

A quick review of the "How-To's" complete with valuable links and resources, and you'll be
on solid footing. Then this book hits the ground running!

This book will inspire You, Light a Fire under Your Ass, and Give You All the Valuable
Resources you need to MAKE MONEY BLOGGING!

It's Time To Start Making Money!

It seems that every single entrepreneur’s first goal when they get into a business idea is to

learn how to make $$$$ a month..

So in order to make the process easier for you.

I lay out the complete step by step guide on how to do it in this guide.

What would you do with an extra $500, $1,000, or even $5,000 per month?

And what if you could bring in that type of income every single month.
Using the knowledge and skills you already have? It might seem farfetched, but it’s not.

In fact, thousands of people are doing that right now. Not by working traditional jobs.

But through blogs, websites, and small, online businesses.

Will everyone who attempts any one of these methods earn $5,000 per month online? Not

Can you bring in an extra $500 to $1,000 per month with the right guidance,
dedication, and a little work?


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Stick with it for a few years, improve and grow, and you can turn that $1,000 into
$10,000. Per month!

I know there are plenty of ways to make money online.

In fact, here’s a The 5 Step Formula for Earning $5,000 Per Month Online from home, all

are online jobs. But at some point, you want to get picky.

You don’t want to spend hours upon hours every week taking surveys or doing

customer service.

In this STEP, I’m going to focus on things that just about anyone can start.

That can scale easily.

And that are the most likely to create a residual, or passive, monthly income over time.
So, with that in mind, here’s my proven ways to turn what you already know into a 5-

figure monthly income stream, with real-life examples included.

There are more bloggers who start blogging to create an income compared to those
just doing out of passion.

There are more blogs that never get read compared to those that get large traffic and

There are more blogs that generate zero income than those who make a living out
of blogging.

Wouldn’t it be nice to learn from the pro bloggers who make a living out of their

blogs? Wouldn’t it be nice to know, how much they make every month and what their

major source of income is?

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What do they focus on?

Providing services, products, affiliate marketing’ or simply advertising revenue.

Making $5,000/month with a blog is everybody s dream.

MUST READ -> How To Increase Website Traffic Immediately In Easy Steps?
That’s when you’re finally making the big bucks. 5-figures per year!

You’re making a huge amount for relatively little work, especially when you compare it

to most real-world careers.

There’s no going into work 8 hours per day, 5 days a week. There’s no annoying

office politics to deal with, or irritating coworkers bothering you.

You don’t need to request vacation days or feel bad for missing a few days of work due

to illness.

For the most part, a blog business is passive income.

If set up properly, it runs 24/7, 365 days out of the year whether you’re actually present or

not. The work you do put in is to grow your passive income.

There are a lot of different monetization options you can choose for your blog.
I’ve tried all of them extensively. The quickest and most effective strategy for growing

a new blog to $5K/month is to sell your own products.

MUST READ -> What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Yes, it’s possible to get there using advertising or affiliate marketing,– but selling your

own products provides the shortest path to big revenue numbers with the least amount

of traffic.

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This makes it easy for most people to replicate.

With advertising and affiliate marketing, you need a lot of traffic.

You’re not making much per conversion, so you need big traffic numbers.

MUST READ -> Start A Successful Profitable Blog In 15 Minutes: Make Money From
Blogging In Just 10 Easy Steps

4. How To Make Money With Your Blog?

Once I started to get a consistent stream of visitors to my blog, I was then able to look at
ways of making money from blogging. I currently have monetized my blog in the following
• Affiliate Marketing

• Information Products

• Coaching & Consulting

When people visit my blog and enjoy my content, then it leads them to wanting to
learn more from me.
This is why Kindle publishing and having your own Kindle e-book is so useful, as it’s

a product that you can sell to the visitors of your blog. In my blog posts, I sometimes

do reviews of certain products or things that have benefited me.

If I refer people to purchase someone else’s product or service, I can sometimes earn a

commission (or referral fee) by doing so. This is called affiliate marketing, which is another

way that I make money blogging.

MUST READ -> What Is Affiliate Marketing?

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And finally, I’ve been able to make money through coaching and consulting. When you

become successful, people want to learn from you and be around you.

They want to model your success or have you help’ them achieve success’ in their own

lives. They“ look up” to you and are inspired by what you re doing. In my case, I ve never

really had to promote myself as a coach.

I have people come to me and message me, asking me to work with me 1-on-1 and offer to
pay me in exchange.
That’s what led me to create an actual coaching program, which gives me the ability to help

people on a more personal level.

These are the main ways that I make money blogging. Of course, there are many other
ways you can monetize a blog as well, which I will go into below.
I’ve put together main steps that anyone can follow to begin making money blogging.

These are the steps that I personally took that got me to where I am today.

MUST READ -> Making Money From Your Own Blog

If you follow them, I have no doubts that you can achieve the same success as me.

Find A Niche Or Market That You Want To Blog About

a. Since blogging is a ’long-term, active process that requires years of hard work, then you
want to make sure it s going to be on something that you are going to ENJOY blogging
about and have a passion for.

MUST READ -> Kick Start Your Online Business With Blogging
b. Make sure there’s a market for your niche if you expect to make money from it down

the road.

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MUST READ -> How To Choose Profitable Affiliate Niches?

2. Come Up With’ A Name For Your Blog

a. Make sure it s something that represents what your blog will be about.

b. It has to be something that people can easily remember, so they can come back to it.

c. You want to ensure that the .com domain name is available for the name of your blog.

Order Your Domain Name, Get Hosting And Set Up Your Blog Using WordPress
Buy the domain name for your blog. Always use a .com if possible. I use Namecheap (or
you can use BlueHost and get a free one with hosting).

Set up hosting for your blog, which will require a small monthly fee to host your blog. I
use BlueHost.

Install WordPress (free) on your hosting platform and set it up.

See this detail article on my blog blog I created on how to set up your blog in minutes
(includes free domain name and WordPress blog).

Set Up A Theme And Design For Your Blog

a. Install a theme for your blog to make it look good (there are many free ones available

b. If you want to pay for a theme, there are many good ones at ElegantThemes.

I started all my blogs on a Genesis framework structure available on StudioPress.

The website provides many themes and designers and developers. You only have to buy
a child theme once and you can implement it to however many blogs you own.

c. I use Thesis theme for my blog, which allows me to customize it in any way that I want.

d. Get a logo designed for your blog. I used 99Designs for my logo, but you can also get
one inexpensively at Fiverr for only $5.

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Write And Produce High Quality Content That Helps People
a. 90% of your efforts should be focused on producing high quality content that helps

b. Your content has to be SO GOOD that people will like and share it naturally. It has to
make people want to come back to your blog again and again.

MUST READ -> Simple Secrets To Keep Readers Coming Back To Your Blog

c. Try to be personal in your content. Share stories about yourself and your life, so that
people can relate to you.
d. Go beyond just writing – explore doing YouTube videos or even a podcast.

e. The more content you put out, the more you will get found on the internet, which will
get you more visitors.

Share Your Content As Much As You Can

a. With each blog post, you want to share it as much as you can to get it out there.

b. Share it on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

c. Use websites like Reddit and StumbleUpon to get your content out there.

Make Sure Your Blog Is SEO Optimized

a. Optimize your blog for Google and the search engines, to take advantage of free traffic.

MUST READ -> On Page SEO Make Sure Your Website Structure Is SEO Friendly

b. Install a Sitemap and Privacy Policy to your blog.

c. Set up a SEO Plugin, like All In One SEO Pack, and optimize your titles, descriptions
and keywords.

d. Include keywords in your titles and descriptions of each blog post.

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e. Make sure you use internal linking between blog posts.

f. Produce high quality content, aim for over 1,000+ words for each blog post.

Set Up An E-Mail List And Begin Collecting E-Mails

a. Set up an opt-in form on your blog to begin collecting e-mail addresses from your

b. Give away something for free, in exchange for their e-mail, like a free report or video.

c. Use Convertkit(now it s become SEVA) to collect the e-mails and set up an auto-

responder series. ’

d. I also use Bloom to further collect e-mails from my subscribers.

e. Share any new content you produce with your e-mail subscribers to build a relationship
with them.

f. You can build every type of marketing funnel your business needs to grow
with ClickFunnels.

Start your FREE 14 day trial to ClickFunnels now..

Start Monetizing Your Blog

a. You can begin looking at ways to monetize your blog once you are getting around 100+
visitors per day.

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b. You don’t want to try to monetize your blog too soon, as it will turn people off and

prevent you from getting loyal fans.

c. You can make money from your blog in the following ways:

• Advertising

• Affiliate Marketing

• Kindle Publishing

• Information Products

• Physical Products

• Apps or Softwares

• Coaching & Consulting

d. You want to survey your list and followers to find out what they want and then give that
to them.

e. The goal is to build a following and audience first before you considers making
money from them in any way.

This is the most important thing. You always must put their interest above yours
and cherish your audience.

Promote Your Blog As Much As You Can

a. Once your e-mail list and a monetization strategy is set up, you now want to drive as
much traffic to your blog as you can.

b. Do guest posting on other peoples blogs to get visitors from them.

MUST READ -> Powerful Strategy Increase Blog Awareness

Try to get interviewed on others blogs, podcasts or YouTube channels.

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MUST READ -> How To Make A Successful YouTube Channel [10 Proven Steps-THE

c. Set up a Facebook fan page and use Facebook ads to drive traffic back to your blog.

MUST READ -> How To Increase Website Traffic Immediately In Easy Steps?

d. Comment on others blogs and include a link back to your blog in your name.

e. Post in forums and message boards in your market. Be an active, contributing member
and add value to others. You can include a link in your signature back to your blog.
f. These are the steps that I’ve taken to build to where it is today.

My blog now gets over 2,000 unique visitors per day and has a great following’ of loyal fans,
which continues to grow every day. It took me a long time to get here, but it s been worth it.
If you’re looking for a great course to’ help you learn blogging and get started, then

there are two that I can recommend that I ve personally been through.

1.) The first is CB Passive Income, which has developed by Partic Chan.

2.) The second is Affilorama, which is a powerful course that actually taught me, and
Complete Beginners To Build Up A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business From Scratch by

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Mark Ling.



Making goals is extremely important and I highly encourage you to have an

accountability partner in your goals. Each month, you check in with your accountability
partner. It really does help.


When I first started blogging, I thought there was a secret sauce out there and once I found
it, I would know and have everything. The truth is that no two audiences are alike, same as

You have two kids, even twins, and they are completely different in their
personalities, even if they look the same.

Same thing with a blog. Every blog is different. Every audience is different. What works
well for one blog may tank on another.
While it’s a good idea to glean principles from other blogs, it’s never a good idea to copy.

You MUST do the work yourself.

YOU MUST try different things.


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Last and most importantly, you need coaching.
If you think you don’t, you need it more than others!

onItdoesn.There’t misatterwayifyoucanare gotheaboutCEO ofthisABC… company; there is SOMETHING you can improve

The first is to purchase a personalized coaching package by an experience

professional’. Their expertise can really help catapult you to the next level. Just make

sure it s PERSONALIZED one-on-one coaching.

Most Essential Blogging Resources Tools That Every Blogger Needs [My Personal

1.’ Passive Income

It s common knowledge that all businesses (online or offline), need tools and resources
to run day to day operations.

But there is a common misconception that to run a successful blogging & marketing
business, you need to have a very significant budget and have a plethora of online tools.

So how do you build a successful affiliate marketing business?

You start with the right tools.

I’ve built out a list of the best blogging & marketing tools that you need to use.

I want to share with you a list of essential tools for blogging & marketing which I
personally use for my business.

Many of these tools are indispensable not just for me, but also for many other
successful bloggers & marketers.

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It is very crucial to have the right tools for you to achieve success more efficiently.

I hope my list of tools here can give you some inspirations or even help you directly for
your blogging & marketing business.

Running On A Tight Budget?

I'm aware that many of you are running on a really tight budget especially at the beginning
stage of your business. I was in that situation before as well. I know the pain and

As much as possible, I try to use tools that are free. However, sometimes investments
are inevitable if you're really serious at making money.

I'm sure that's what you are looking for, right?

Let's get started with a quick navigation of contents first...

The 4 main things you need to get started with affiliate marketing are:

A Website for you to connect buyers to sellers

Some Training and Help to keep you on the right track
A Keyword Research Tool for you to write SEO friendly contents
Affiliate Networks with various affiliate products for you to promote & make

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Website Builder & Hosting: BLUEHOST

BLUEHOST offers both website hosting and website building services.

You're able to build your very own WordPress website under a minute with just a few
simple clicks and no coding is required.

Recommending Bluehost for web hosting, for building your blog.

There are many other web hosting services but I recommend BLUEHOST because of
2 main reasons:

They have a really strong Support Team to help you efficiently solve your technical
They offer a couple of useful tools for FREE to help optimize your website.

The 3 main tools are SiteSpeed, SiteSSL and SiteProtection. Their purposes are to speed
up your site, secure your site and protect your site against spam respectively.

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Affiliate Marketing Training & Community: AFFILIATE BOOTCAMP

"How To Retire In 100 Days As A ClickFunnels Super Affiliate..."

As a beginner, you definitely need proper guidance and training in order to succeed and
make money online.

Affiliate Bootcamp is the platform that taught me everything from scratch when I started
looking for ways to make money online.

There are 4 main things you can benefit from Affiliate Bootcamp:

Thorough Step-by-step Training

Useful Tools.
Technical Support from Support Team as well as the Founders directly
Help & Support from the entire Community with thousands of helpful and friendly
online marketers and entrepreneurs

Now, it's my turn to recommend this powerful place with you to help you start your own
online business.

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Keyword Research Tool: SEMRUSH

All-in-one Marketing Toolkit, for digital marketing professionals. Gives you fantastic
insight into search volume, average cost per click, number of competing pages, related
keywords, rank results, and even companies currently buying ad space

So, SEMRUSH is not a necessary tool if you're a beginner but it's a more powerful
Keyword Tool for those more advanced marketers.

If you're a more experienced and advanced marketer, you may want to check
out SEMRUSH. It has much more functions and more detailed results.

Marketing Automation Tool For Sales, Marketing & Bloggers: CLICKFUNNELS

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Complete sales funnels with upsell/downsell functionality and even membership groups
landing page powerful builder software online tool, is very customizable and very easy to
use, or sales page exactly as you want it.

Email Service Provider (ESP): ConvertKit

Email Service Provider is a tool for you to build an Email list and market your products in
the form of Email Marketing.

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At ConvertKit, our features are built by creators, for creators. Because we’ve been in

your shoes, we know what it takes to grow a successful online business. To help you get

there, we built an app with features tailored to your needs as a creator.

Grow your audience

Your email list is your biggest asset. ConvertKit helps you use that list to grow your
business through attractive forms, trackable data, and simple but powerful automations.


Fiverr is a freelancing platform for marketers and online entrepreneurs like you
to outsource technical works to the gurus and get it done in an cost-effective way.

Most of the basic services offered on Fiverr are charged at $5. That's why it's
called "Fiverr". But there are also custom services and add-ons available at custom
prices depending on the seller.

As a blogger or affiliate marketer, you can outsource stuffs like logo design,
programming, web design, content creation, etc.

I've personally outsourced logo design and content creation before to the gurus on Fiverr.
From my experience, you can really get what you want because the platform allows you

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communicate with the gurus easily.

Affiliate Networks
Affiliate networks are the main platforms for you to find relevant affiliate products to
promote on your website. They are all Free to join. Simply create an account with them.

The 4 main platforms are:

Amazon Associate (More for Physical Products)

ClickBank (More for Digital Products)
Commission Junction

There are a lot more these kind of affiliate networks and also private affiliate programs.

Simply do some research in Google and you'll find out that there are a lot of potential in
this affiliate marketing world!


Canva is a FREE graphic design tool which allows you to create your own graphics
for your website.

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For your information, I create almost all the graphics in this website using Canva. I use
it for my social media posts as well.

It's a really easy-to-use and powerful graphic design tool that every blogger, marketer
and website owner should be using.


Piktochart is a tool that allows you to create good-looking infographics for your website
content without the need to hire professional graphic designers.

It has been proven that having infographics allow your content to be more easily shared.
It's a good way to boost your social sharing and make certain contents go viral.

The Free Version is enough for basic usage. You can upgrade your plans if you need
more templates.

Free Stock Images

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When you're building your site, you'll definitely need some photos along the way to
make your content more visually appealing.

However, many photos online are actually copyrighted and you need to pay in order to use
them. These are called "Royalty Free Images".

I'm sure those of you with tight budgets wouldn't want to pay a lot of money just to get the
rights to use the images. That's when "Free Stock Images" comes in.

Following are 3 websites for you to download Free Stock Images without any
copyright issues:

Make sure to bookmark these websites so that you know where to go next time when you
need some free and good-looking images.

Other "Royalty Free Images" Sites For Your Reference:


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(Take note of the differences between "Royalty Free Images" and "Free Stock Images".
Basically, Royalty Free Images are paid and Free Stock Images are absolutely FREE
for download.)

Theme: ElegantThemes

ElegantThemes is a company that offers conversion focused WordPress themes &

plugins. Their themes are built for speed, readability and clarity.

Premium themes for website & blogs. I've been using majority of the ElegantThemes
products since I became an ElegantThemes member.
I love ElegantThemes products because they make my website building experience a
lot easier and enjoyable.

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WordPress Themes: MyThemeShop

A great user experience - Most other themes haven’t put thought into making your

job easy so that you can free your mind to what you do best: publish killer content. Ours


Dedicated, knowledgeable support’ - Questions come up, it’s perfectly normal, and unlike other companies, we don t keep

customer, not an inconvenience. you waiting for a reply and we treat you like


3. Lightning fast load times - You’ve probably’ noticed…’Attention spans are getting

shorter and shorter. If your page doesn t load pronto, it s adios valuable visitor. Our
themes will have your users loving your site.

Compatibility - We've designed our code to respect your server's resources.

Optimum Performance - All of our themes are optimized for performance, following
best practices. We use asynchronous loading to shave seconds off of render times.

Clean Code - We focus on clean front end code that is user-friendly and search engine

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31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles: Attract More Leads, Get More Clients,
and Make More Sales

This book covers all the necessary things you need to know to get started with
online marketing, from the mindset to the solid marketing skills and knowledge.

Think and Grow Rich

A must for anyone wanting to improve their lives and their positive thinking. There have

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been more millionaires and indeed, billionaires, who have made their fortunes as a result of
reading this success classic than any other book every printed.

It is noted in the book, that an individual with desire, faith, and persistence can reach great
heights by eliminating all negative energy and thoughts and focusing at the greater goals
in hand.

The 4-Hour Work Week

Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan - there is no need
to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times.

Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning
a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less,
this book is the blueprint.

How To Win Friends & Influence People

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You can go after the job you want—and get it!

You can take any situation—and make it work for you!

Dale Carnegie’s rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder

of success in their business and personal lives.

1. -Six ways to make people like you

2. -Twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking
3. -Nine ways to change people without arousing— resentment

And much more! Achieve your maximum potential a must-read for the twenty-first
century with more than 15 million copies sold!

Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning
a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less,
this book is the blueprint.

So there’s My full list of blogging tools.

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A. On Page Optimization SEO – Everything You Need to Know

On-page optimization is a search engine optimization (SEO) tactic that configures

the structural elements of a website to increase its search engine visibility and reach.

It includes a series of different processes that collaboratively optimize the website

structure to help it be found by search engines in specific and searchers (end users)
in general.

In search engine optimization, on-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect
on your Web site or Web page listing in natural search results. These factors are
controlled by you or by coding on your page
That’s basically what SEO is about. The factors in Google’s algorithm can be divided into

two categories which will determine the ranking of your website: on-page factors and off-

page factors.

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Here, I’ll discuss the differences between the two, explain the importance of on-page SEO

and go over the most essential on-page SEO factors.

On-Page SEO Factors

When Google looks at a web page; it considers a number of factors. How well it is able to
process the page contents is a good indicator of how well your page is optimized.
But let’’s take an even closer look at how Google does this, and how you can

improve Google s understanding of your website content.

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Now that you have a basic understanding of on-page search engine optimization, let’s dive

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in to the checklist itself.

Follow these techniques (that range from beginner to advanced) to optimize your
own content.

1. Title Tag
First and foremost, you want to have your focus keyword in the title of your page.
The closer your keyword is to the beginning of the title, the better.

But above all, make sure that your title makes sense and the keyword use is natural.
Title length also matters. You’ll want it to be somewhere between 40 and 70 characters.

Any longer than that and it will often get cut off in the search results’.
The title tag is one of the oldest attributes there is to a webpage s layout. Title Tags have
been existent since websites came to being.

There are multiple tags on your page. The most important is your title tag. The title is what
users see in the search engines for both organic results and paid ads, and the words that
appear at the top of each tab in your browser.

Title tags are also one of the most important attributes that you will ever get to use in your
on site optimization.
If you’re working in HTML, the code for the title tag looks like this:

<title>Everything You Need to Know About On-Page SEO</title>

However, the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast allows you to create a custom title tag
within the platform. Keep your title tags descriptive and short. Google recently increased
the character limit for page titles to 70 characters before showing ellipses.

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Use your title tag to stand out from your competitors, appealing to your visitors. Make
sure all the pertinent information is included, including your keywords and location for
local businesses.
While it’s recommended to use your core keyword within ’the title, Google is shifting

toward relevance and semantics in the results. Users aren t blindly clicking on the first

result, reading the titles and descriptions to find the best answer to their query.

2. Meta Descriptions
The meta description conveys what users will find on the page. While not’ a direct
ranking factor, search engines read the meta descriptions to determine the page s topic
and the audience that will find value.

A well-written meta description can generate a competitive advantage in the search

results, creating a higher click-through rate with a greater chance of conversions.

While there is a possibility that Google will omit the custom description and pull an excerpt
of the content on the page, it is recommended that you fill in the meta description for every
page of your site.

Many people forget to include meta descriptions for their pages. These descriptions are an
important place to include relevant keywords for your content, as these are used within
the search results when your page is listed.
For instance, if we continue to use the ‘Chocolate Cake Recipe’ example, then a“ good meta

description for that page would include those keywords and related ones. So, This easy

chocolate” cake recipe is possibly the most delicious, mouth watering, chocolatey cake ever

made. would be a great meta description to use, as it is relatively short, whilst containing a

number of specific keywords.

3. URLs Structure & Optimization

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When you’re picking what’ URL to use for a new page or post, be’ sure to consider

your target keywords. This isn t as important as it used to be, but it s still best practice

to be mindful.

For instance, your URL should never look like this ->

Ugh. Users will find that unhelpful. So will search crawlers.

Including search engine friendly URLs for each of your pages is highly recommended,
as these bring better crawling.

Shorter URLs seem to perform better in search engine results; however that is not the only

URLs that include targeted keywords also perform better. The location of these keywords
can also be a major influence.

For example would perform better than etc.
Instead, keep your urls neat, keyword-focused, and descriptive.

A permanent link (also known as a slug) is the unique URL of each page.
Good URLs should be less than 255 characters and use hyphens to ‘-‘separate the

different parts.

Just like the page title, an SEO friendly URL is short, descriptive and includes your
target keyword.

4. Page Titles
Your page titles are one of the most important SEO factors on your site. Each of your pages &
posts should have its own unique title, which includes the main keywords for that page.

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For example, you could write a blog post about a new chocolate cake recipe that you have
tried. It is therefore“ vitally important that you include”“ ‘Chocolate Cake Recipe’ within” your

post title, perhaps Easy Chocolate Cake Recipe or Chocolate Cake Recipe for kids , etc.

This way, whenever someone searches for Chocolate Cake Recipes in a search engine, your
post has a better chance of showing up because you have included those keywords.

5. Meta Tags
For each of your pages, you can include a set of keywords in the form of Meta tags. These
should be all the relevant keywords of your content, which you will have researched
I use a WordPress plug-in on my sites called ‘All In One SEO Pack’. This allows me to

enter all of my Meta tag keywords, Meta description and page title at the bottom of each

of my posts before publishing. This simply inserts all of the information into your page

HTML format for you, making your life a little easier.

6. Body Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.)

When writing your articles, you should break up your content into smaller sections &
paragraphs to make it easier for people to read. These sections can be given heading,
which is where H1, H2, H3, H4, etc. tags are used.

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Generally H1 tags are reserved for your main page title, with subsequent headings (just
like the ones I have used throughout this post) being issued H2, H3, etc. Search engines use
these to determine what is important within your content.

This is why keyword rich headiness is more useful than generic ones. Make sure you
write keyword rich headings in the order of priority in H1, H2 and H3 title tags. They
are used by many crawlers to differentiate important content.

7. Image SEO Optimization

Using images within your content is a great way to make your site more visually appealing
and break up boring chunks of text.

Images are important for presentation purposes. They make a page more interesting and
easier to understand.
When you’re adding images to the page, it benefits the user experience. But, you can also

help your SEO strategy by optimizing the image.

Make your top targeted keyword the alt text and create a title that is unique, but stays
applicable to the image.

The featured image of this article has a unique title and the alt-text of what this post is

When dealing with images, there are actually quite a few things to consider.
For starters, it’s wise to use your focus keyword in the filename of your image, as well as in

the tile, and alt-tags.

For example, using the example from Mary’s chocolate donuts, you would add an image

to the page with a url structure like this:

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<img src =”chocolate-donuts.jpg” alt=”Delicious Chocolate Donuts” title=”Delicious
Chocolate Donuts” />

Notice how the image is named with the keyword?

You’d also include image and alt tags that further described the image

You can utilize these images to help improve your site SEO.

8. Content Optimization: Publish Long Content

Content over 1,000 words performs better in search and gives you ample room to naturally
add keywords throughout the page.

SerpIQ analyzed the top 10 positions on search results pages and counted the words in each’
article. Their data included all text on the page (including sidebars and comments), so that s
something to keep in mind. As you can see, the higher the word counts, the higher the

Copyright © 2021.

What it really comes down to is effort. Good content gets links. Great content gets shared.

9. Link To Other Posts And Pages (Internal Linking)

Link internally within your site to important posts and pages. This keeps Google bot on
your site longer, which means more pages, get crawled on your site.

People often think that the only links that count are those from other websites. While these
links are important, these are not the only important links!

Placing links to your other website pages, is a great way of improving your site and
used properly, internal links can be a useful weapon in your SEO arsenal.

Not only does it make it much easier for your visitors to navigate around your site and find
all of your content, but it also ensures that your site gets properly crawled allowing the
search engines to find all of your pages.

It also helps to build the relevancy of a page to relevant keywords and phrases, whilst also
helping to increase the Google PageRank of your pages.

There are a number of different methods that you can use to improve your internal
linking structure. The main being; content links and permanent navigation links.

For bloggers, content links are very useful when used properly. These are links that are
placed within your article posts, which redirect people to other relevant pages on your site.
It also helps improve visitor “time on site” — meaning more opportunities to convert

traffic into conversions.

10. Make’ Your Site Mobile-Friendly

Google s mobile update means sites that ’are not mobile-friendly will have a harder time

showing up in mobile search. This doesn t affect desktop search results, but if you get heavy

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mobile traffic your site will definitely see a dip in traffic. Regardless, moving to
a responsive website should be top priority.

11. Website Speed Analysis

A fast website is one of the quickest (no pun intended) paths towards better conversions.
Google measures bounce rate and dwell time. A slow website impacts the user experience,
and therefore can ding you in the SEO department.

The speed of your server is just one more factor that plays into good on-page SEO. A fast
website is a must-have.

There are a number of things you can do to speed up your website.

 Minimize HTTP Requests

 Reduce server response time
 Enable compression
 Enable browser caching
 Minify resources
 Optimize images
 Optimize CSS Deliver
 Prioritize above-the-fold content
 Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site
Reduce redirects

Get more info on speeding up your website here.

12. Use Outbound Links Link to 1-2 authoritative sites. Do’ not use a “nofollow’” tag. Linking to reputable sources adds trust to your site in Google s
eyes. Plus, it s a great way to offer your readers

additional value by pointing them to new resources they can discover.

13. Add Social Sharing Buttons

Give your visitors the opportunity to amplify your message by adding social sharing

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buttons throughout your site’. Looking for a solution? You can grab a free social

sharing widget, just like the one we re using right here on the site.

Check out

14. Keyword Density

Including relevant keywords throughout your content is very important, as it helps
search engines work out what your content is about.

However, try not to excessively repeat and overuse keywords just for search engine robots.
This can lead to your site being banned from search engines.

To avoid this, try to keep your keyword density to roughly 2-5%. If you find this hard,
get out a thesaurus and broaden your writing vocabulary.

This way, you are still writing about the same thing, without risk of being banned.

15. Reduce Bounce Rate

All you have is 3 seconds. Make it count.

What you want your visitors to do should be immediately obvious within 3 seconds of
landing on your site.

Check Google Analytics and see what your bounce rate is, from their work to reduce the
number by testing different value propositions and calls-to-action.

16. Breadcrumb Optimization

What does Breadcrumbs mean?

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This is a section of a webpage which helps users understand their location within the whole
website. It is coded by the webmaster and usually appears close to the top of the page.

An example can be seen on this page where the breadcrumbs are:

Home > SEO Glossary > What are Breadcrumbs?

This states that the route to this page (from the home page) is via the SEO Glossary page.

Breadcrumbs are extremely helpful to internet users in very large websites and especially
in shopping sites where they can confirm they are browsing in the right area.

For example:
Home > Electronic Goods > Televisions > LCD

In the same way breadcrumbs help search engines structure your website correctly in
their index.

Recently Google added breadcrumbs in their search results and they can be seen in
green text below the description if the website uses them.

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How To Optimize Breadcrumbs For SEO
Here are some best practices you can implement to optimize your breadcrumbs for SEO:

 Use breadcrumbs only when they help users; SEO is an additional benefit.
 Use bread crumbs at the top of your webpage.
If you use them on one page, use them across the website.
Start’ from your Home page, and degrade step-by-step to the current page.

 Don t link to the current page.
Stylize them to make them appealing, but not the center of attraction.

Your breadcrumbs are your secondary navigation. They should never replace the
primary navigation.

Include full navigation path in your bread crumbs. Skipping a level can confuse
 users.
Do not use the breadcrumb in your page title.

Breadcrumbs are a very useful tool for enriched user experience, especially when your site
has a complex hierarchy that deters users from digging deeper. They also help the search
engines to understand the internal structure of your site, casting an overall positive impact
on the SEO of your website.

With the numerous benefits they come with, there is no point in not using them.

17. Sitemap Optimization

Using sitemaps for SEO can increase your website’s visibility and help get it indexed.

Here we bring you through the different types of sitemaps out there and how content
marketers should use them.

What’s a sitemap?

According to Google, a sitemap is a file where you list the subordinate web pages of your
site to inform search engines about the organization of your content. Sitemaps help search

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engines to easily explore your website.

However, certain types of sitemaps also make it easier for users to find things on
your website.

To summarize, sitemaps’ improve:

 A search’ engine s crawling and indexing experience

 A user s search experience

If you want a website that functions well and ranks in SERP results, you need a well-
structured sitemap. This will make your site more visible to search engines and
provide users with more accurate search results.

18. SEO Friendly URLS URL Slugs

URL slugs are the exact address of a specific website. It is the location where webpages are
accessed when typing their URL in the address bar. Optimizing URL slugs is not a very hard
thing to do. But if you ask me, it is one of the most important things you can do in your on
site optimization process.

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19. Robots.txt Optimization
The robots.txt file act as traffic signals for search engine crawlers. Get to know them,
and you can begin to understand how crawlers such as Googlebot move throughout
your website.

20. Duplicate Content

Defining Duplicate Content

Simply put, its identical content that appears on more than one website.

Let's say you write a blog post and want to share it on other sites to build your brand or
to share your resources. If you share it as is, without any or only very minor changes that
is considered duplicate content.

When search engines see duplicate content, they need to decide which piece is
more authoritative and then display that one in search results.

Google's View On Duplicate Content

Google has several goals when it comes to search engine rankings. It wants to avoid
showing searchers identical content repeated across multiple pages. Most —
importantly, however, Google wants to give credit to the original creator of the content
in this case, you!

Google's algorithms do have some negative consequences for sites that frequently post
duplicate content, especially those who don't post fresh content of their own. Sites
that steal and recycle content are penalized heavily in terms of search engine ranking.

How to check for duplicate content on your site

There are several tools which will help identify areas to improve on your own site such as:

Siteliner will give you a more in-depth analysis of which pages are duplicated, and how
closely related they are and which areas of text are replicated. This is useful where large

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bodies of text are used but the whole page may not be a complete replication:

Copyscape’s plagiarism checker will also check for copies of your pages being used on

the wider web:

If you can’t access these tools for any reason but are concerned that duplicate content

may be influencing your site, try selecting a snippet of text and searching for it to see if

any direct duplication is returned in the results.

1. What Is Off Page Optimization

Off-page SEO, also known as off-site SEO, is a description of efforts taken to boost a
website's position in search engine results beyond the usual optimization strategies,
which are mostly confined to the site itself.

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Off-page SEO's more holistic approach is likely to take longer to be reflected in search
engine results pages (SERP) but the improvements are likely to last longer and to have
a greater effect on the overall business.

Although the focus of off-page SEO is specific to boosting an organization's website, the
strategies are integral to many approaches designed to foster good customer relations and
ensure sustainability.

Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in
the search engine results page (SERPs).

Many people associate off-page SEO with link–building but it is not only– that. In general,
off Page SEO has to do with promotion methods beyond website design for the purpose of
ranking a website higher in the search results.
Unlike On- page SEO, Off-page SEO refers to activities you can perform outside the
boundaries of your website. The most important are:

Link Building

Social Media Marketing

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- Social bookmarking

Why Is Off-Page SEO Valuable?

Off-page SEO is tremendously valuable because it tells search engines that your website
is important to others on the web. Every link that you receive acts as an endorsement
from another source that your website is quality.

This lets external sources act as tie-breakers for websites that have the same quality of on-
page SEO so search engines know the best to rank websites on search engine results pages

For example, say that Company A has a website that includes tons of on-page SEO. Each
page is optimized for keywords, and the back-end code includes the appropriate tags,
page titles, and more.

Company B also with on-page SEO. However, popular news outlets have linked to its blog,
it has active social media accounts, and its CEO has been featured as an expert in the
industry by other websites.
When a search engine crawls Company A’s site, it will note the on-page SEO, but also

note that the off-page SEO is poor.

Company B, by extension, will earn a higher place in search engine rankings with
its multiple backlinks, brand mentions, social media, publicity, and more.
And that’s what makes off-page SEO essential to any web page.

What are the benefits of ‘off-site SEO’ to website owners?

A successful off-site SEO strategy will generate the following benefits to website owners:

more traffic.

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More exposure – Higher rankings also means greater exposure because when a website

ranks’ in the top positions: it gets more links, more visits and more social media

mentions. It s like a never ending sequence of events where one thing leads to another

and then to another etc.

MUST READ -> Link Building & Link Baiting Strategies

Off-page optimization primarily involves creating or building links on third-party or

external websites. Typically, off page optimization includes:

Creating links on third-party websites that link back to the optimized website

Placing keywords/website name/webpage in anchor text of links created

Building links on authoritative websites (that are established and recognized globally)

Building links on related websites

Creating links on social media networks

Submitting the website to search engines and Web directories.

2. Off Page Optimization Techniques For Better Rankings

By applying off page Seo tactics, you can boost’ the ranking of your web page, be noticeable
and get drive traffic on your webpage. Let s go through various techniques to optimize your
web page.

Link building - It is one of the most famous ways of doing off page optimization. Link
building is defined as building external links with your website. The main aim is to get as
much links or votes you can to rank higher than your competitors.

The webmasters are looking out for cheat codes that how they can build links to their
websites. The more the backlinks, the better is the authority. Some of the ways which the
helps in increasing link building are:

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MUST READ -> Powerful Link Building Techniques To Gain The Most Engagement

Blog Directories - These are directories like yellow pages which link the entry back to
a website.

Forum signatures - By commenting on forums, people were getting a link back to

their website as they used to leave links in their signatures.

Comment link - Just as in forum’ signatures, where you leave a link in your signature

when you comment on any other s blog to get a link back, here, instead of writing‘ your
name’ you write‘ keywords in the comment. For’ example, Instead of writing Comment
by Joe you write comment by where to buy dogs or something of that sort.

Article directories - If you publish your article in the article directories, you will get a
backlink to your website. Mainly directories accept only original content, but there can
be some directories which accepts article which are reworded or spinned.

Shared content directories - In shared content directories, websites like hubpages or

infobarrel allows you to publish your content and in return, you can add links favouring
your website.

Link exchange schemes - This is an interesting way to build links. The scheme talks
about getting in ‘touch’ with the‘ webmasters’ of different‘ websites’ and exchange links,‘’ i.e.

linking website X to website Y and in return website Y would link to website X‘ . ’There is

another ‘complex’ method‘ which’ is by exchanging links with 3, i.e. linking website X
from website Y and website Y links to another website.

Social Media - Another way of building links is by engaging your website on social
media platforms. It is a great way to attract traffic. The links which you see on social
media are generally no-follow links, but this does not indicates that those links do not
have any value. Mentioning your brand on social media platforms will drive a hell lot of
traffic. Go straight with your strategy and website, you will definitely start ranking.

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Social Bookmarking - This is another great way of promoting and attracting huge
traffic to your website. This can be done by promoting your blogs on famous websites
such as, Reddit, ScoopIt, digg, StumbleUpon etc. The content is very frequently updated on
such sites, which is appreciated by Search engines.

Guest Blogging - We know the fact that by curetting new, unique, compelling content,
building up new links will drive traffic to your website. Blogging is a way to attract traffic
with bare cost. By posting comments on other websites will allow you to add links in the
comments section? The links will be crawled by the search engines leading to driving
traffic to your website.

Off-page SEO is as important as on-site SEO. If you want your SEO campaigns’ to be
successful you have to do both. When thinking about link building doesn t take the easy
way, but try to get links from hard-to-get places.

The more difficult is to get a link, the more value it has.

In the past, you could easily get thousands of links and rank higher but nowadays you
have to do more than that.

My advice is to forget about link building all together and put all your efforts in making a
great website, promote it correctly and everything else will follow.

1. What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of
traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the name given to activity that attempts to improve
search engine rankings.


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In addition, it is a great way to increase the quality of your web site by making it user-
friendly, faster and easier to navigate.

SEO can also be considered as a framework since the whole process has a number of
rules (or guidelines), a number of stages and a set of controls.

SEO helps you improve your visibility within the organic (or natural) search results, not to
be confused with the paid search results.

2. How Search Engine Works?

All search engines work using a 3 phase approach to managing, ranking and returning
search results.

But a lot of people have no idea what is happening behind that search box when they type

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in their search queries.

So just how do Google, Bing and the rest of them work out what is on the web, what is
relevant to your general query and which specific websites should be ranked highly?

There are three functions which need to be done:

Web Crawling
This is the means by which search engines can find out what is published out on the World
Wide Web. Essentially, crawling is copying what is on web pages and repeatedly checking the
multitude of pages to see if they are changed and make a copy of any changes found.


The programs which have the job‘ of doing’ this are variously referred to as robots,

crawlers, spiders or some variation using web , e.g. Web crawler...

Once a spider has crawled a web page, the copy that is made is returned to the search

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engine and stored in a data center. Data centers are huge, purpose built collections of
servers which act as a repository of the all the copies of web pages being made by the

Google owns dozens of them dotted around the world, which it guards very closely and
which are among the most hi-tech buildings in the world.
The repository of web pages is referred to as the ‘Index’, and it is this data store which

is organized and used to provide the search results you see on the search engine.

Indexing is the process of organizing the masses of data and pages so they can be searched
quickly for relevant results to your search query.

The Algorithm
Finally, we have a huge collection of web page copies which are being constantly
updated and organized so we can quickly find what you are looking for.

But we– need a means by which they can be ranked in order of relevance to your

search term this is where the Algorithm comes into play.

The algorithm is a very complex and lengthy equation which calculates a value for
any given site in relation to a search term.
We don’t know what the algorithm actually is, because search engines tend to keep this

a closely guarded secret from competitors and from people looking to game the search

engine to get to the top spots.

That said, enough about the algorithm has been worked out to let SEOs advice website
owners on how to improve their sites and SEO factors to move up in the rankings.

Different Search Engine Methods

Each of the three main search engines use different methods to rank websites.

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Understanding these methods will help you understand the SEO strategies outlined in this

The three main search engines are:

Google - Google assesses the value of a webpage based on the number of backlinks ie
links back to your website. Links from pages that are seen as important by Google
weigh more heavily and increase the ranking of the linked pages.

Google also analyses the relevancy of the content on the page and other factors like mobile-

The Google ranking algorithm changes constantly. It can be useful to keep up to date with
the latest changes.

Yahoo! - Yahoo! began as a manually edited directory. It now uses link analysis tools
to determine page relevancy, though content is also important in deciding search
relevance. Other factors that are important include backlinks and a good site design.

Bing - Microsoft's Bing search engine ranks websites based on the webpage content, the
number and quality of websites that link to your pages, and the relevance of your website's
content to keywords.

For more detailed information on how to best optimize your website for a particular search
engine, refer to their webmaster pages.

All the leading search engines provide information and tools to help you improve your SEO.

3. What Are Keywords?

Any time you type a word or phrase into a search box—on Google, for example—you are using keywords to try to find relevant images, videos, or information.

Keywords are basically terms that we send to a search engine when we’re on the prowl for

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answers, knowledge, products, or services.
“Ever go to Google”“ and type in something like “How”do I make money off my

blog?” or Good pizza or Dry cleaners in my neighborhood Guess what?

Those are keywords. Or, they are a “key phrase search” to be specific.

“dating”) is a keyword, but a phrase (i.e. “dating tips”) is a

Technically a single word

(i.e. keyword phrase.

Simple, right?
They can be short, or they can be long. Most “keywords “are actually three to five

word phrases. Keywords, in a nutshell, are what you are searching for.

Whatever you type in Google (or Bing, Yahoo, or whatever) is a keyword or a string
of keywords.

For example, if you re shopping for or doing research on pregnancy tests, you wouldn t
“ ”“ ”“
simply type in the word’ pregnancy, you would more than likely enter search phrases’ like
” where to buy pregnancy tests, what type of pregnancy test is most

pregnancy tests, “ ”
accurate, etc.
For example”, if you’re looking for gluten-free recipes, you ’d probably type “gluten-

free recipes into Google. The search engine would respond by showing you the sites it

most recommends for that topic.

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Make Sense?

The more specific you are with’ your keywords, the more likely it is you will get

search results that match what you re looking for.

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As an Internet marketer, you want to think like your potential customers and identify
keyword phrases that they will likely use to find your business, products or services.

Ask yourself this:

What kind of search term do you want to be found for?

Which words do you think people will use in search engines to find you?

What would the search query look like?

Why Choose A Keyword?

Another important question after what are keywords? is: why choose a keyword?

Web pages contain information that people are looking for, so while writing a page, one has
to think of the search terms that people will use to find their web page in the search engine.

Defining a keyword narrows the search results down, making it easier for people who are
interested in certain information to find it without going to the wrong web pages.

Finding the right keywords for your web page could sometimes be tricky, so here are
some points you should be mindful of when integrating keywords in your web page.

Here is a great keyword tool for you to check it. It can take a little getting used to, at first.

But once you play with them a little bit they get easier to use, and it really helps to know as
much about your niche as possible.

That way you can hone in on the words that your audience is most likely to use to try
to find the kind of content you have to offer online.
Here is a great keyword tools for you to check it. It can take a little getting used to, at first.

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But once you play with them a little bit they get easier to use, and it really helps to know as
much about your niche as possible.

That way you can hone in on the words that your audience is most likely to use to try
to find the kind of content you have to offer online.
LONGTAILPRO – Discover thousands of profitable, targeted keywords for almost any

niche, powerful keyword research tool; see your competition in any niche. Long Tail Pro is

powerful keyword research“ software”. Long Tail Pro allows the user to generate hundreds or

thousands of unique Long Tail keywords in a matter of minutes based on 1 single root

keyword or multiple root keywords at once.


SEMRUSH – All-in-one Marketing Toolkit, for digital marketing professionals. Gives you

fantastic insight into search volume, average cost per click, number of competing pages,

related keywords, rank results, and even companies currently buying ad space.

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4. Keyword Research Process: Everything You Need To Know

What Is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is a search engine optimization technique used to identify search terms
that people type in to locate information for a given topic.

This can be done through a variety of different methods.

By finding popular search terms and including them in your content, you can be sure
that you are providing content that readers are actively looking for.

Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the
search marketing field.

Ranking for the right keywords can make or break your website.

By researching your market's keyword demand, you can not only learn which terms
and phrases to target with SEO, but also learn more about your customers as a whole.

If you are writing content for your blog or website, it is critical that you perform basic
keyword research to target potential customers and search engines.

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Placing targeted keywords in your content can mean the difference between a site that gets
lost in a sea of similar content and a site that gets noticed in search engine results pages

Why Is Keyword Research Important?

Researching keywords is one of the single most important things you can do to improve
your search marketing. Tracking and incorporating popular keywords offer the
following benefits:

Keep your finger on the pulse of trends in your industry

Gain insight into the most popular products and services

Find out what your customers really want

Increase quality web traffic to your site

Better understand marketing conditions

Obtain a more prominent position in SERPS

How To Do Keyword Research?

For us, there are four steps to keyword research. First, you write down the mission of
your business.

Next, you make a list of all the keywords you want to be found for. Then you look at search
intent and finally, you create landing pages for each of those keywords. This ultimate guide
takes you through these steps in much more detail.
Step by step, we’ll guide you through the entire keyword research process, and we’ll

give you practical tips to easily start your own keyword research.

Step 1: What Is Your Mission?

Before starting anything, think about your mission.

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- Think about questions like:
- Who are you?
- What is your website/blog about?
- What makes you special?
- And what promises do you make on your website?
A lot of people can’t effectively answer these questions at first. You have to figure out what

makes you stand out from the crowd. So take your time– and literally write down your

mission on’ a piece of paper, a computer or an iPad anything will do, as long as you do it.

Once you re able to answer these questions in detail, you will have taken the first and most

important step in your keyword strategy.

Step 2: Make A List Of Keywords

The second step of keyword research is creating a list of your keywords.

With your mission in mind, try to get into the heads of your potential buyers. What
will these people be looking for?

What kind of search terms could they be using while looking for your amazing service
or product?

Ask yourself these questions and write down as many answers as possible.

If your mission is clear, you will have a pretty clear image of your niche and your unique
selling points (the things that set your business apart from others). These are the terms you
want to be found for.

Tools You Can Use In Your Keyword Research ->

Making a list of possible search terms is hard. Up until a few years ago you could just

check Google’ Analytics and see the terms people used to find your website, but

unfortunately, that s no longer possible.

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So you have pretty much no idea which terms people use in search engines to end up
at your website.

Luckily, there are still some other tools which make your keyword research a bit easier.
LONGTAILPRO – Discover thousands of profitable, targeted keywords for almost any

niche, powerful keyword research tool; see your competition in any niche. Long Tail Pro is

powerful keyword research“ software”. Long Tail Pro allows the user to generate hundreds or

thousands of unique Long Tail keywords in a matter of minutes based on 1 single root

keyword or multiple root keywords at once.


SEMRUSH – All-in-one Marketing Toolkit, for digital marketing professionals. Gives you

fantastic insight into search volume, average cost per click, number of competing pages,

related keywords, rank results, and even companies currently buying ad space.

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Step 3: Look At’ Search Intent

Much of today s SEO strategy should revolve around answering the questions people have.

Whenever someone enters a search query into a search engine, they are on a quest
for something.

Every type of question needs a specific answer.

“Search intent has to do with the reason why people conduct a specific search.

Why are they searching?

Are they searching because they have a question and want an answer to that question?

Are they searching for a specific website?

Or, are they searching because they want to buy something?”

When planning your content, always ask yourself these questions. There are 4 types
of intents:

Informational intent: Just like it says on the tin, people are trying to find
information on a specific topic.

Navigational intent: People want to access a specific website by entering the term in a
search engine.

Commercial intent: People want to buy something sometime soon and are
doing research before making a purchase.

Transactional intent: People are looking to buy something after doing their commercial
intent searches.

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Find out which intents apply to you and try to answer these search intents by
literally giving people what they want.

Step 4: Construct Landing Pages

The next step towards a long-term keyword strategy is to create awesome landing pages.

MUST READ -> Building Awesome Websites Landing Squeeze Pages[TIPS]

In the past, every one of the keywords you want to be found for got its own landing page.
Today, however, search engines are so smart that they mostly use search intent to give
searchers the best answer to their questions.

The page that answers those questions best will rank on top. ’Search engines also
understand subtle differences between keywords so you don t have to create landing pages
for all subtle variations of a keyword.

You can just optimize a page for multiple key phrases, synonyms and related key phrases.

Hopefully this keyword research process will provide a good structure and
solid foundation for your own SEO program.

Keyword research should be the start’ of any sustainable SEO strategy. The result will be

a long list of keywords for which you d like to be found.

But the hardest part is still ahead: writing all that content. You should write’ articles and

blog posts on every single keyword you would like to be found for. That s quite a challenge!

Good luck!

5. Different Types Of Keywords

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Keyword is the first step to a successful SEO. And when you nailed your SEO, that’s when

your organic views start coming in.

More views, more potential customers, more conversions, profit.

The thing is, there are so many talks on keywords.

But how can we know what kind of keywords to choose when we’re doing a keyword


Keywords are the language’ of search engine optimization, search engine advertising,
and even search on a retailer s own website.
So the better’ an online store’s managers and marketers understand the intent behind

a shopper s keyword query, the better that store can respond.

Keyword Selection is very important factor in search engine optimization. Because it

will desire your website traffic and rankings in search engines.

You may select several numbers of keywords to attain traffic to your site.

There are several keyword suggestion tools are available throughout the internet like
LONGTAILPRO, Google keyword planner, SEMRUSH etc. While selecting the
keywords, you should keep in mind what type of keywords we are selecting.

You need to understand that you should use different keywords to target
different audiences at each stage of the funnel.

That way you can reach a broader range of people and increase your chance of securing
a customer.

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There are different types of keywords, but the most common ones have been discussed

Types Of Keywords

1. Short-Tail Keywords
“ ” “ ”
These are phrases that are comprised of 1-2 words that are really generic; e.g. shoes ,

cards , and coffee . “ ”

When someone types short-tail keywords into a search bar, it’s not clear exactly what they


Do they want to buy shoes?

What kind of shoes?

Or maybe they’re looking for a shoemaker?

Getting the top spot on the search engine results pages (SERPs) for a keyword so
generic is extremely difficult, if not impossible.
It also doesn’t always make sense’ to target generic keywords, because even if you land

on the 1st position and get the lion s share of all visitors, are these visitors really your

potential clients?

The majority of them are not, because although short-tail keywords bring higher traffic,
their conversion rates are lower than more focused keywords.

2. Long-Tail Keywords
”“ ”“ ”
These are keywords with 3 or more words that are more specific, e.g. red shoes for
Santa Monica .

women , where to buy Cards Against Humanity , best coffee shop “

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If someone types into a search bar a question of where they can purchase something, you
know exactly what they want.

In comparison to short-tail keywords, long-tail is easier to rank for due to having lower
organic competition.

The search volume for this type of keyword is smaller, but the possibility of conversion
substantially increases.

Branded Keywords
These are phrases that contain the name (and all its variations) of your brand or business.

If someone types into a search engine a keyword with your brand name, it means they’
already know your brand, but may want to know something else, such as: where you
re located, or read something about you.
Therefore, you may think they’ll find you without your efforts to rank high. This,

however, is not always the case.

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Your goal should be to rank no. 1 for your brand name, especially if it’s not

unique. ’

However, because“” Apple Inc. has some great SEO experts on board, the company

succeeded at pushing apple (the fruit) way down the SERPs.

For Example, See below:

Non-Branded Keywords
Non-branded keywords are the opposite of branded keywords, which means they do
not contain the name of your business.

SEO is mainly focused on non-branded keywords, because they attract visitors who do
not know of your business yet.

Monitoring these keywords is crucial, as it explicitly shows you whether your SEO
practices are effective or not.

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Make sure you separate non-branded from branded keywords by adding them to
different groups. If you do not do that, you will never know if your growth (or decline) is
caused by SEO, other marketing strategies, or something completely different.
You can do it easily by adding keywords to a “Branded” group and tracking them under

the Groups section in Positional.

Seasonal Keywords
These are the keywords that are super popular during a specific period of time.

The number of searches during an event like Christmas or Easter will besky-high then.
You can easily see this trend on the graph below.

For Example, See below:

Inferred Keywords (Also Referred To As Geo-Keywords, Or Geographical

Inferred keywords contain a location within the phrase. Using inferred keywords
is especially beneficial if you have a local business.
For instance,” if you provide“ shoe repair services, ”just add your location; use not only

“shoe repair , but try also shoe repair Columbus Ohio.

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This way, you’ll bring a more highly targeted audience to your site, who will be more

likely to convert.

Just remember not to make the region too small, because then you might be cutting out a
wider location. Be sure to include all local possibilities.

Our resources allow you to learn more about regionalized tracking and SEO.

7. Keywords With Purchase Intent’

Keywords which include the user s intent to purchase a product are those which you
should definitely be targeting, as they will bring you higher conversion rates.
People type this type of keyword into a search engine if they’re ready to buy a

specific product. Examples of a keyword with purchase intent would be:

 shoes red soles buy

 bike rack for suv shipping
 candles with ring inside discount
buy used bikes online

The search volume for these keywords is quite low, but the conversion rate could be

Misspelled Keywords
A lot of people make typos or spelling variations when entering a phrase into a search
engine box.
For example, Americans“ would write” “favorite” (2,410,000,000 results in Google), while

Canadians would write favourite “(with 444,000,000” “results). People”“ also very” often

make mistakes when spelling words like accommodation , mortgage , or jewelry .

Ranking for misspelled keywords was a great traffic opportunity in the past; they were way
less competitive than their correct versions.
This, however, changed substantially, when Google released its highly sophisticated

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algorithms that provide spelling correction right after typing misspelled words into
a search bar.
The example below shows that it’s not longer relevant to optimize your page for keywords

with typos.

For Example, See below:

Keywords With Navigational Intent

This type of keyword is similar to branded keywords, as the person typing a query into a
search box is already looking for a particular brand. The aim of this search is usually to
find the location (both on and offline) of a known place.

Examples of these keywords would be:

- The name’ of the company or site when a searcher doesn’t know what is after a

dot (whether it s .com, or something else)

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a keyword starting with “how can I get to”, “where is”, “how to get to” etc.

The fact that people may search for the location of your website or shop should
encourage you to make sure that all important info (N.A.P) is available on your site.

10. Keywords With Informational Intent’

With this type of keyword, the searcher s intent is to find an answer to his or her question.

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The person is not ready to buy anything and is unlikely to convert at the moment of
conducting a search.

The searcher may become a buying user with time, so it is recommended to target this
type of keyword.

It may bring really high traffic, micro conversions (like signing up for a newsletter),
and eventually macro conversion (purchase).
“Examples of this” keyword would be phrases starting with “how to”, “I need to”, “where

to”, best ways to etc.

Keywords With Commercial Intent

The intent of searchers using this keyword is to know more about a product or
service before the purchase.
“Commercial”“ intent can”“ be spotted” when the keyword includes words such as:

“review”, best , comparison , cheap etc., or when the intent is quite clear from the context.

As with informational keywords, the searcher using this query may become a buying
user with time, so it is highly recommended to target this type of keyword. It may bring
really high traffic, micro conversions (like signing up for a newsletter), and eventually
macro conversion (purchase).

To make sure that a keyword is valuable and will bring you high conversion rates, make
sure you check the Competition and Suggested Bid in Google Keyword Planner.

If the Competition and Suggested Bid is high, that means the advertisers understand and
confirm the value of the keyword.

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In the example below,“ you can see that the keyword “private” schools in Los Angeles”

is more valuable than best private schools in Los Angeles .

You can subjectively tell that the intent of“ the” first searcher looking for the best private

school was clear, which made the word best redundant. However, always make sure you
back your subjective opinion with solid data.

Hint for SEO businesses“ when” trying to target commercial intent keywords:

 Provide the BUY NOW button with pricing; makes it easy to find for the visitors 
List the benefits of the product
 Provide original and unique description of the product (do not copy the description
straight from the manufacturer), and place the keywords naturally throughout the
 Add customer reviews
 Create a FAQ section, where your customers will be able to find more information
on the product

When it comes to finding, organizing and using keywords, the biggest piece of advice I can
give you is to be patient and keep digging.
The more you search and investigate, the more you’ll uncover. After you have your list,

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organize keywords by action, and develop your plan. Optimize your site, and then focus on
your outreach.
Using these keywords, you’ll be able to build a community that helps drive your site in

the right direction.

To learn more about optimizing your ecommerce site for SEO, make sure to read this e-

Learn SEO Strategies To Rank At The Top Of Google With SEO, From Beginner To

Top Best Seo Keyword Research Tools That Seo Experts Actually Use

Keyword research is the bread and butter of any search campaign. Keywords are one of
the most critical and important parts of SEO.

Building a strategy around the keyword you wish to rank for is vital, and there are plenty
of SEO keyword tools to help you with that.

Many companies invest thousands of dollars to pay for keyword research to get such
targeted content & traffic.

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But you don’t need to do that. Just follow this guide…

Of course, knowing where to start can be difficult. Below you'll find the best SEO
keyword research tools I recommend for startups to begin a well-rounded keyword
foundation for your campaigns.

As online marketers, bloggers, and small business owners, SEO is important.

Some may even call it critical. A make or break type of thing.

There are many SEO tools that can help you with your quest for free ongoing organic
search traffic but it can take time and money to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Fast-forward to online marketing. How can you work smarter and faster with SEO?
You don’t need’ to try all these tools, you just need to figure out which one works best

for your store s need.

In this exclusive guide, I have covered both the type of Keywords. Most of these
keyword research tools are paid and only a few of them are free.

Here are the list of tools listed below:

Let’s get started.

SEMRush: Marketing SEO Tools

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Masters in their field, SEMrush is a one-stop shop with an impressive keyword research
tool with a huge amount of features.

Useful for: Advanced keyword research, topic discovery, opportunity analysis, content

This makes it easier for you to find short-tail and long-tail keywords that you can target
and beat out your competition.

You can get in-depth details on:

 Traffic stats
Search engine reports

Adsense CPC and so many other details that you need in properly managing an SEO

This is a highly recommended product.



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You need not be an SEO master to use this tool. The user interface is simple
and straightforward. You will get used to it very quickly.
This SEO tool is more than just a keyword research tool, as it’s packed with tons of features

and now comes with online version as well.

LongTailPro is cloud-based software for keyword research and one of the most popular
in this list.



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KWFinder is a long tail keyword research tool with a great interface. It shows you
trend, search volume, CPC, and level of difficulty in results.

If you are looking for one tool which is completely dedicated to Keyword research
only, KWFinder is your best bet. They are new in the market yet they are one of the
fastest growing SEO tool company.
KWFinder also helps you dig into local keyword research – you can target your

search results by city, state or country.

An SEO Keyword Tool like KWFinder helps you find long-tail keywords that have a lower
level of competition. The experts use this SEO tool to find the best keywords and run
analysis reports on backlinks and SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

Their Rank Tracker tool helps you easily determine’ your ranking while’ tracking your
improvement based on one key metric. Plus, if that s not enough, you ll get a ton of new
keyword ideas to help you rank your website even higher.

Visit KWFinder

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Serpstat is an all-in-one digital growth hacking tool to help you optimize your SEO, PPC
and content marketing campaigns.

This SEO tool has the following key features:

 Collect keywords for SEO and PPC campaigns

 Determine the value of keywords
 Find keyword variations and search suggestions to expand your semantic core
Get long-tail keywords
Discover international’ data

 Check your webpages relevance
 Analyze keyword trends
Find out what pages are showing up in search results for a keyword

Serpstat is used by small businesses to research keywords, build new links, and develop
a strategic SEO platform.

Visit Serpstat

Google Keyword Planner

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The Keyword Planner is a major part of the Google Adwords advertising platform. It
allows users to research and analyze the lists of keywords with their search volumes.
The best SEO tools on this list aren’t enough.

I mean, they’re’ definitely going to help you’ better understand how you’ can improve

your website s optimization but they won t do the work for you. You re going to have to

put in the work to get the results you want.

That means producing content that’s SEO optimized, rewriting all your manufacturer

descriptions’ and turning them into something that suits your niche and taking
what you ve learned from these SEO tools and making adjustments.
If you’re on a budget most of these tools have free features or trials you can play

around with. Try them out. Think of these SEO checker tools as mentors telling you

what you need to improve on.

And follow their suggestions to skyrocket your growth. Your success falls on you.

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Whether you like it or not, SEO is a big part of your online business. It’s the

largest source of free organic traffic, leads, and customers.

And don’t forget about Google—arguably the most powerful free SEO tool.

Whatever you choose, use these tools to supercharge your SEO.

So go out there and make it yours.

My Recommendation:

If you are looking for an easy, yet a great solution, go for SEMRUSH.

Take that next step.

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1. What Is Affiliate Marketing: An Overview?
Affiliate marketing is when you get paid a commission for referring customers to purchase
someone else's product or service?

It's a very easy way of making money, simply because you don't have to do any of the
work in creating the product or service.

The only thing that you have to do is provide the visitors and traffic to someone else's
website and then they do the rest.

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MUST READ -> Why Affiliate Marketing Is Good For You?


customergenerate for them.

Everything is tracked through a unique link that the vendor will give you, so you get credit
for every sale you generate for the vendor.

The key to making reliable, repeatable money as an affiliate is to find a product that is in
high demand, pays a good commission to you, and is backed by a company that takes care
of their customers.

That means finding the perfect affiliate products to promote.

You also want to work with the best affiliate marketing programs that have good
reputations, and that work very diligently marketing to your prospects, so that they do a
lot of the hard sales work for you.

So, What Is Affiliate Marketing All About?

A simple definition for affiliate marketing is:

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways people make money online. It is a
strategy where an individual partners with’ a business in order to make a commission by
referring readers or visitors to a business s particular product or service. But that really
is quite a simple explanation. To be really successful at making money with affiliate
marketing there is a little more to it.

Affiliate Marketing is a performance-based marketing system that basically involves

four distinct elements: the merchant, the affiliate, the consumer and the network.

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1. The merchant, also known as a seller or retailer, is an individual or a business that sells
a product or provides a service. The merchant and affiliate marketer collaborates to
promote the products and services.

2. The affiliate is (or can be) an individual who promotes products and services and gets ’

commission on each sale. The affiliate works with the merchant to promote the merchant s

products and services. The affiliate creates’ marketing campaigns that use ads, links and

banners to find buyers for the merchant s products and services.

The consumer, can be all of us. In affiliate marketing, the consumer is a person who uses
goods or services to satisfy his or her needs.

The network, also called program or platform, acts as an intermediary between the
merchant and the affiliate. The network is completely digital and requires varying levels
of involvement from both the merchant and affiliate.

2. How Much Money Can You Make From Affiliate Marketing?

As far as the amount of money you can make, the sky is the limit. There are affiliate’

marketers who quietly make thousands of dollars per month and more. We re not
talking just a handful of affiliates here either.

This is a business that rewards effort.

The more time, effort and resources you put into your affiliate marketing business, the
better your chances of earning a significant income.

Basically, you get rewarded for referring customers to someone else.

How cool is that?

If you’re a beginner who wants to learn how to make money from affiliate marketing,

then this is THE place to be!

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In this STEP, I’m gonna walk you through the 4 essential steps from a newbie perspective

for not only building an affiliate marketing business from scratch, but also generating a

full-time income that grows exponentially month-after-month.

Sound awesome to you?

However, please do bear one thing in mind – it’s gonna take a lot of hard work if you want

a 4 or 5-figure monthly income. Some affiliates even make as much as 6 figures PER


YEP, you better believe it!

The most successful online business owners may have a wealth of experience under their
belts, but like you, they started out with little to no knowledge on internet and affiliate

They simply learned what to do, knuckled– down, and put the time into building an
empire. In addition, they made sacrifices none of this sofa, snack bowl and JUST SURFING

Work like a donkey, first. Chill out time, second.

That’s the secret formula to success. If they can do it – you sure as hell can! I believe in

YOU. But before you start your new adventure in the land of affiliate marketing, it’s

important to write down your financial and non-financial goals on paper because it will

fuel your journey across cyberspace to success.

For more help, read my article on creating an affiliate marketing business plan. Are your
goals and plan set?
Now, let’s look at the main criteria for a successful biz…


1) What hobby or interest do you have during your spare time?

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What are you insanely passionate about?
What do you love doing that you’d love to share with

others? Pick just one thing.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, you must start with a passion for 2 very simple
• It will be your direction online.

• You need something fun.

If you’re working on something that you don’t enjoy, how successful do you reckon

you’ll be, huh?

Not very. Choose the wrong interest, and it will feel like working a 2nd mundane “JOB”

lol. Your passion is your starting’ point, and will be the “niche market” you’ll be focusing

on, going forward on the web. I ve found that the most successful affiliates are also the

most passionate ones.

So it’s important that you get this step right from the very beginning.


In today s fast-growing internet marketing world, blogging is the best and most popular
way to publish content, recommend products and services, and above all, build your
own brand.

MUST READ -> How To Start A Profitable Blog In Just 15 Minutes

If you do a Google search right now for a specific topic in your niche, you’ll see a lot of blog

posts in the search results. These blogs provide visitors with lots of useful content, and

content that converts into income.

People love blogs. Google loves blogs. Blogs rule. Period.

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Writing articles and becoming an authority in your niche, not only builds you a following of

readers who perceive you as an expert“ on ”the topic and“ trust you, but” is an awesome

way to earn a full-time income from that trust and those relationships .

MUST READ -> Make Money Online From Affiliate Marketing Business
In my opinion and experience – owning a website’ (aka blog) is the most lucrative way

to generate commissions as an affiliate. (You ll see why in step #3).


This is every affiliate marketer s favorite aspect (besides money) and that s website
visitors (aka traffic). Your goal ’here is a simple one, and that s to
drive TONS of traffic to
– ’

your blog daily. ’

To create a successful business online, you need potential customers visiting your site.
applies to the real offline world.
Without people, you have no business. That also “ ”

It’s an easy formula:

Traffic = Sales = Profit.

For an ABUNDANCE of free traffic, you must learn current content, keyword research, and
abc SEO strategies for search engine rankings and organic visitors from Google, Yahoo,
and Bing.

MUST READ -> Basic SEO Strategies

Using these internet marketing concepts for scaling out your site and generating
website visitors is gonna lead to an incredible online business as an affiliate.
Some affiliates are literally generating 1,000s – 10’000s of visitors per day to their blogs.

Insane, right?

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The harder you work at attracting customers, the chances are you’re gonna become a

highly successful Entrepreneur in the digital world.

You’ll be a traffic magnet… an unstoppable machine, like The Terminator! LOL.

MUST READ -> How To Optimize Website For Search Engines?

Now, this is the most exciting bit you’ve been waiting for, and I don’t blame you!

When you have a flow of traffic (audience of people) to your website,– you can join free
affiliate programs such as Amazon Associates and MANY others and make money from the
promotion of MILLIONS of products and services available to you in your niche market.
You’ll earn certain percentages of commissions, depending on the programs you sign up for

and the types of products/services you promote for sales.

The awesome thing you’ll love about affiliate marketing is the hassle-free approach.

No inventory, shipping or dealing with awkward customers, etc.

You simply promote stuff on your blog, attract the traffic for sales, and let the
marketplaces/affiliate programs handle the rest.

MUST READ -> How To Increase Website Traffic Immediately In Easy Steps?

FREE ‘Crash Course’ On How To Make Money From Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to start your own online business.

You don’t need to create a product, sort out online payment systems or product delivery.

The product owner takes care that.

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Your job is to send prospective customers to an offer. You then get paid a commission’
every time someone buys through your affiliate link. Bear in mind that success won t
happen overnight.

It takes dedication, thoughtful research, and relationship building to really make

money from affiliate marketing.

But as an affiliate marketer, you have the potential to make a great income when
you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience.
If you want know more about marketing affiliate programs this free ‘crash course’ shows

you how to do affiliate marketing and why most people struggle to scale their results

and make any real money.


Summing Up
When it comes to making money with affiliate marketing, there are a number of different
ways it can be done. But blogging about your hobby or passion and generating free traffic
from the search engines is definitely the best way to build a profitable web-based business,

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in my opinion.
Unfortunately, this “online money making thing” isn’t gonna be an overnight success –

it will require a combination of education, hard work, time commitment, and making

the necessary sacrifices.

If you can do all of those things, then’ BIG success is gonna betimeonbizthe….cards for you. So let’s

quickly recap on the aspects you ll need for creating a full-

Here’s To Your long- term Success…

3. How Affiliate Marketing Works?

With affiliate marketing you typically have a website, like the site you
can see below.

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Now you don’t actually need a website’ – there are loads of different– ways to do

affiliate marketing and some of them don t even involve owning a website but most

affiliates prefer to have their own digital real estate.

It’s also the method teach here at Affilorama, because there's so much more potential

to build a brand, and grow an affiliate strategy that will profit you in the longer-term.

On your website you talk about different affiliate products – recommend them to readers,

give detailed reviews, and make comparisons and so on.

You’ll have a special link, known as an affiliate link, for every product that you’re

promoting. Affiliate links have tracking in them to make sure that you get credited with

every sale you make.

When someone clicks your affiliate link, then the merchant knows it was you who sent the

Let me’ stress that affiliate links don’t affect the customer at all… they don’t pay more,

they don t miss out on anything, and they will most likely never know that they purchased
through an affiliate link.

All it means is that when a customer buys something within a certain time period
after clicking on your affiliate link, you get the commission.

So the big goal of affiliate marketing is to get as many people as possible click on your
links and visiting merchant pages; the more people that click on your affiliate links, the
more chances you have of a sale occurring and earning a commission.

In the Affilorama lessons, we cover loads of different ways of getting traffic! Some of these
methods are paid, such as PPC (pay-per-click) advertising, and some are free, like SEO
(search engine optimization) but take a little more time and effort on your part.

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You can find more information on both of these traffic methods in "introduction to PPC"
and "introduction to SEO."
If this all seems a bit overwhelming, don’t panic. Getting started with affiliate marketing is

actually really easy.

MUST SEE -> Start By Checking Out The Affiliate Marketing For Beginner’s Lesson.

These exciting video lessons will get you started on the right foot, and teach you the basics
of affiliate marketing.

Most importantly, you need to take action. The most successful affiliate marketers are those
who do, rather than those who think about doing.

Take what you learn from Affilorama and start working hard. You might not get it right the
first time, but the experience is what really counts when you are learning’ affiliate
marketing. You will hone your skills and abilities over time, so don t sweat the fine points!
If you want to get it right the first time, and then you need to try AffiloBlueprint. It’s our

exclusive step-by-step blueprint for building profitable affiliate sites to a proven formula.

MUST SEE -> Check out how AffiloBlueprint will help you start earning faster.

4. What Does An Affiliate Marketer Actually Do?

An affiliate marketer promotes one or multiple products and/or services, and works to
attract interested potential customers who may, or may not, go on to make purchases.

If a purchase’ is made as a result of a customer clicking through to an offer via the

affiliate marketer s link, the affiliate marketer will be due a commission from the seller.

MUST READ -> How To Choose The Best Affiliate Programs?

Is Affiliate Marketing A Passive Business Model?

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It is absolutely possible for this business model to eventually generate passive income for
you, once the hard work has been put in at the start.
And it’s like everything else in this life…the more effort you put in, the more

success you will enjoy, and conversely, neglect will undoubtedly show up in your

results before too long.

In broad outline, there are 8 steps to follow:

Choose a potential niche

Check for a decent amount of keywords around the niche, both short-tail and long-tail
Check there are good products/services in that niche that you can genuinely
Research your niche for indications of it being a good buyer’s market withoutrecommend(andthatwillbeprofitable)

excessive competition
5. Build a high-quality website around your niche, the days of throwing up trash
micro-sites are long gone
6. Attract targeted visitors to your website (organically and/or through PPC ads)
7. Build an email list from the visitors to your website
8. Make affiliate sales either directly off your website or with follow-ups to your email
“ list (earning an income)

If you are truly serious about making an ongoing income from affiliate marketing, I would

1. Only recommend
strongly suggest that you follow the guidelines below from day one:
products/services that you know and understand well — do

not promote stuff that you cannot genuinely recommend.

2. Simply recommend products/services based on your experience – try to avoid telling people to make a purchase.

Try and keep this at the front of your mind:

MUST READ -> 9 Myths About Affiliate Marketing

Are your recommendations likely to help people?

If the answer is yes, then it’s all good.

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If not, find another niche where what you can offer to potential product buyers will
be helpful.
Let’s take a closer look at the critical first step…

Choosing A Niche
Undoubtedly one of the most important steps when starting out is finding and deciding on
the right niche for you.

What will your site be about?

Who will it be for?

The first three steps noted further above are all about selecting and qualifying a niche
that is right for you.

Get this part wrong and you will have nothing to sell and no market to sell to.

Start by thinking about what interests you!

What do you like doing? What excites you, or at least interests you?
Don’t get’ me wrong here; I’m not saying your chosen niche has to be a passion. It

absolutely doesn t.

But it does need to be something you find interesting enough to build a website about. If
you come up with a potential niche idea’ but the thought of spending hours researching
and producing content about it bores you, it s probably not the niche for you.
Anyway, possible niches…
…these could be absolutely anything…and I really do mean anything, try this lot

on for size:

how to become an actor, how to be a better DJ, muscle building, great fitness in middle-age,
best vacuum cleaners, cake decorating, home schooling, virtual worker advice, career change,

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being a better public speaker, best home robots, home fitness equipment, alternative
energy advice, learn to play the guitar, self-sufficiency, wilderness survival, best home
coffee machines etc.

You get the picture.

Let your mind wonder, and when you think you’ve got an idea for your first niche,

start your research.

Don’t rush this part, but equally don’t make the mistake of looking for the “perfect

niche” and end up spending all of your time on this part, without ever getting your site

up and running.

Ideally, you’d want to promote products that you’ve used and benefited from yourself,

and as long as there is an affiliate program available for them, you can do exactly that.

If choosing the right niche is like building the engine of your car, the next phase is all about
the putting in the chassis and frame.

Build A Website Or Blog

Your website/blog is going to be the gateway to your business and will be your chance
to make a great first impression.

My preferred route is to use the Schema theme for WordPress by elegantThemes because
these guys know how to turn out speed optimized SEO ready, responsive themes.

I get’ all my hosting done ’with BLUEHOST Hosting where I only moved to in June

2018. Can t quite believe I didn’ t move sooner, never any downtime, unbelievably fast

and customer support that s pretty much unbeatable.

Whichever theme and hosting provider you’ choose, you have to make sure that your
website is fast and mobile friendly, if it isn t either of these things you will be on the back
foot when trying to rank in search.

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Do not get bogged down spending weeks and weeks building out your website before
launching it.

Get a few pages of outstanding quality, core content up, and get it launched. You can then
continue building out your site with additional quality content related to your initial
core pages.

Attracting Targeted Traffic

Being able to find and attract targeted internet traffic is the lifeblood of an
affiliate marketer.

Do not focus only on volume, focus on targeting.

If you can repeatedly attract well targeted people to your website and have them sign-up to
offers then you are well on target to achieving online success.

In fact, many people would say that if you can do this part, you are an affiliate marketer.

Finding Targeted Visitors Is Crucial.

People are relentlessly searching for all sorts of things on Google, YouTube and on all of
the social media platforms.

MUST READ -> How To Promote Your Website And Get More Traffic In 5 Easy Steps?

You need to get in front of them when they are searching, with quality content that is
of interest and that will potentially help them in their decision making process.

Make Sales And Earn An Income

The global industry is now a multi-billion dollar industry and is getting ever stronger.

Spending online continues to rise as each year and many affiliates are continuing to see
explosive growth in their businesses.

You can claim your share of this amazing industry.

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Learn the skills, find your niche, choose your preferred affiliate program and provide great
value to your target audience.
And never forget that people can tell when’ you’re sincere about wanting to help them,

just as easily as they can tell when someone s just trying to make a quick buck out of them.

I Would Also Highly Recommend You Check Out:

Affiliate Marketing Domination: Become A Super Affiliate marketing Digital
Course (Build and bulletproof your affiliate marketing business, and learn what
it takes to become a 6-figure super affiliate.).

This a comprehensive guide on getting started with affiliate marketing.

5. How To Get Started As An Affiliate Marketer?

The internet is your playground. Just remember to play by your strengths, do something
that you like to do, something that you are good at. To get you thinking, here are some
ways in which you can build an online presence:

Personal Blog
You may be passionate about fashion, gadgets, travelling, spirituality or anything else;
you can start writing about your experiences, thoughts,’ and ideas on a personal blog and
successfully monetize it with affiliate marketing. It s easy to set up your blog with
WordPress in 15 minutes and you will find many tutorials and courses on YouTube/
Udemy to become a full-time blogger in no time.

A Deals and Coupons Website

Online shopping is only getting bigger by the day, and one of the reasons it is spreading so
wildly is the low prices available online. This gave rise to the concept of deals and discounts
aggregator sites. You can start a deals and discounts site too; it is the most direct and
easiest way to be an affiliate marketer.

Online Community
You can start a community bringing together people interested in a particular subject like

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writing, fashion, technology, etc. This makes the site a dynamic store house of
information, and converting members into customers becomes much easier.

[ is an online shopping community]

A Social Media Page

Be it Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, et al.; if you have a
strong presence, following and influence in any of the social media channels, you can
make it a source of your income through affiliate marketing. In fact, even if you create a
WhatsApp Group with a good number of members and share great products, services, or
offers on it, you can start earning affiliate commission through it, too.

Price Comparison Site:

Online shopping has made instant price comparison easier than ever. You can simply give
people a platform where they can see all the prices offered by various stores of a single
product/ service, to help them grab the best one.

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Online Review Site:
Another factor that has played an important part in adoption of online shopping is
firsthand reviews of products and services online. You may start reviewing various
products and services for people, make recommendations and earn affiliate commission
on them.

However, make sure that your reviews are genuinely helping people make informed buying
decisions. Reviewing things that you actually use or relate to is the best way to establish an
authority and convince people to buy something. This is called involved affiliate marketing.

Online Guide:
Are you passionate about coding?

Do you understand make-up better than others?

Develop your expertise and share your knowledge with people.

Micro Niche Website

Creating a high-quality website/ blog on a specific subject rather than a broad category, is
much more profitable because such sites attract quality targeted traffic, and they convert

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into customers better than un-targeted traffic.

[Love That Pet only talks about pets and their needs]

The best thing about niche sites are that once you have done the hard work, you can keep
earning from it without having to constantly worry about keeping the site evergreen.

Mobile App:
With internet connectivity’ and mobile phones getting cheaper by the day, people are now
using their Smartphone s for much more than just checking emails and chatting with
friends. Thus, nowadays there are mobile apps being developed for almost everything from
shopping to studying. If you can turn your idea into a mobile app, then currently it is the
best way to go online and make money through affiliate marketing.

YouTube Channel:
Reviews, DIY guides, hacks, advice, opinion, and all kind of content can now be made easily
accessible to people in video forms, too. If you manage to gain fame as a YouTuber,
earning commission on selling something is quite easy.

Product Discovery Site

The internet is full of unique, niche, and never-seen-before products waiting to be
discovered. The inventory of uncommon artifacts is so large that you can build a website

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around helping people discover such interesting products, while earning a commission
on them.

[Take My Paycheck helps people discover bizarre products online]

Today, online content has metamorphosed completely and any form of valuable content
like photographs, montages, videos; can be a great source, which can be monetized
easily with affiliate partnerships.

These are some primary ways of going online and getting started as an affiliate marketer.
Once you become more familiarized with the concept, you can even consider some of
these advanced ways to make money as an affiliate marketer:

Media Buying
It is exactly like traditional media buying, only online. Media buying is buying advertising
space (like banner ads) on a website or network of websites for a set budget and period of
time. You can then promote various offers on these advertising banners for affiliate

For e.g. if you buy advertising banners on a network of skin care blog and websites, you
can promote a number skin care or beauty product offers through it. The commission for
this is usually on the basis of how many times the ads were seen by a customer or how
many customers signed up via the ad.

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Some of the niches in which affiliate marketers are making great money via media
buying are dating, languages, weight loss, adults, and skin care.

However, this method needs a slightly higher investment, at least of around $500 to $1000,
to get started.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) / Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

When you buy ad space from Google and Bing, and use it to promote various offers
for affiliate commission, it is called Search Engine Marketing or SEM.

Google AdWords is the most popular paid search platform used by search
marketers, followed by Bing Ads and Yahoo Search Ads.

When people search for something on Google or other search engines, you can display your
ads among the other (organic or unpaid) search results through Pay Per Click. PPC is a
model of advertising in which you only pay the search engine when someone clicks on your
ad, irrespective of how many times the ad was shown.

PPC is available on auction basis i.e. marketers bid on various keywords and search
phrases, then the search engine platforms choose the best bidder depending on the
relevancy, validity and other quality aspects of the ad and give their ad a prominent place
in the search results.

Email Marketing
Email marketing is using email to promote products/ services/ offers.
If you have a stockpile of email id’s, you can easily become an affiliate marketer by

promoting your affiliate campaigns via emails sent out to those potential customers.

E.g. of you have a beauty blog then you can ask your visitors to sign up for a weekly/
daily offers newsletter, and then you can promote various offers on beauty products
through those emails.

Email marketing is one of the most inexpensive and easiest ways to advertise offers.

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At the end of the day, above-and-beyond the types of affiliates I’ve outlined merchants’

need to consider how each affiliate drives traffic to promote their offers to ensure they re

compliant and playing by the rules.

6. How Do Affiliate Marketers Get Paid?

A quick and inexpensive method of making money without the hassle of actually selling
a product, affiliate marketing has an undeniable draw for those looking to increase their
income online.

But how does an affiliate get paid after’ linking the seller to the consumer? The answer is
complicated. The consumer doesn t always need to buy the product for the affiliate to get a
Depending on the program, the affiliate’s contribution to the seller’s sales will be

measured differently. The affiliate may get paid in various ways:

Pay Per Sale.

This is the standard affiliate marketing structure. In this program, the merchant pays the

affiliate a percentage of the sale price’ of the product after the consumer purchases the

product as a result of the affiliate s marketing strategies.

In other words, the affiliate must actually get the investor to invest in the product
before they are compensated.

Pay Per Lead.

A more complex system, this program compensates the affiliate based’ on the conversion of
leads. The affiliate must persuade— the consumer’ to visit the merchant s website and
complete the desired action whether it s filling out a contact form, signing up for a trial of
a product, subscribing to a newsletter, or downloading software or files.

Pay Per Click.

This program focuses on incentivizing the affiliate to redirect consumers from their

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marketing platform to the merchant’s website. This means the’ affiliate must engage’ the

consumer to the extent that they will move from the affiliate s site to the merchant s site.

The affiliate is then paid based on the increase in web traffic.

7. Why Be An Affiliate Marketer?

1. Passive “Income”

While any regular job requires you to be at work to make money, affiliate marketing offers
you the ability to make money while you sleep. By investing an initial amount of time into a
campaign, you will see continuous returns on that time as consumers purchase the product
over the following days and weeks.
You receive money for your work long after you’ve finished it. Even when you’re not in front

of your computer, your marketing skills will be earning you a steady flow of income.

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No Customer Support.
Individual sellers and companies offering products or services have to deal with their
consumers and ensure they are satisfied with what they have purchased.
Thanks to the affiliate marketing structure, you’ll never have to be concerned with

customer support or customer satisfaction. The entire job of the affiliate marketer is to link

the seller with the consumer.

The seller deals with any consumer complaints after you receive your commission from
the sale.

3. Work’ From Home.

If you’ re someone who hates going to the office, affiliate marketing is the perfect
solution. You ll be able to launch campaigns and receive revenue from the products that
sellers create while working from the comfort of your own home.

This is a job you can do without ever getting out of your pajamas.

Cost Effective.
Most businesses require startup fees as well as a cash flow to finance the products being
sold. However, affiliate marketing can be done at a low cost, meaning you can get started
quickly and without much hassle.
There are no affiliate program fees to worry about and no need to create a product.
Beginning this line of work is relatively straightforward.

5. Convenient’ And Flexible.

Since you re essentially a freelancer, you get ultimate independence in setting your own
goals, redirecting your path when you feel so inclined, choosing the products that
interest you, and even determining your own hours.

This convenience means you can diversify your portfolio if you like or focus solely on

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simple and straightforward campaigns. You’ll also be free from company restrictions

and regulations as well as ill-performing teams.

6. Performance-Based Rewards.
With other jobs, you could work an 80-hour week and’ still earn the same salary. Affiliate

marketing is purely based on your performance. You ll get from it what you put into it.

Honing your reviewing skills and writing’ engaging campaigns will translate to direct

improvements in your revenue. You ll finally get paid for the outstanding work you do!

You Gain Professional Independence

Why is affiliate marketing the best thing for you?

 You are your own boss!

You decide your own hours.
You can work from ’home, cafés, beaches.

Well, wherever you d like, as long as you have an internet connection.

You can also earn as much as you want if you happen to be good enough and put an honest
effort into it.

One poll shows affiliate marketers can earn anything from thousands to millions of dollars

You’ve read it.


Super affiliates earn $100.000 like it ain’t no big deal!

After a while in the business, you’ll even start generating passive income.
– ’
Nothing is as awesome as being someplace having fun while you know that at that very
into rainy

moment there s money trickling down like a consistent waterfall turned –

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It’s A Cheap Business For You To Start Doing Your Thing

There are virtually no start-up costs.
You don’t have any goods to store or produce.

Indeed, you don’t even have to develop services.

You can start by choosing how you wanna play the game.

You can create your own website and make money by going for effective
monetization methods.
All you’ve gotta do is set up a website, and sign up for an affiliate program.

Affiliate programs are free.

At the beginning, you’re gonna have to pay for website hosting and your site domain.

MUST READ -> Selecting A WordPress Friendly Hosting Service

This amounts to something like 10-15 bucks a month.

8. What To Consider When Applying To Affiliate Programs?

Passive Income
Before you throw yourself headlong’ into the marketing activities that will dominate
most of your time as an affiliate, it s critical that you select a good market in which to
exercise your marketing skill.
Whether you use affiliate marketing to add an extra funding stream to your website or it’s

your main source of income, finding the best programs to promote is crucial for success.

With so much to choose from, this may initially seem a daunting task but with a little

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guidance, selecting quality affiliate programs shouldn’t be as challenging as you think.

Not all products with affiliate ’programs are profitable and even’ the best marketing efforts

can wasted if the program isn t attractive to visitors, or doesn t pay out a good commission.

Affiliate programs are one of the most effective ways to earn money online. It is possible to
find various types of programs on the market that promote a large variety of products.

Therefore, we need to carefully select the Affiliate programs that we use on our website, so
we can offer relevant products and quality service to our readers.
You’ve done it. You’ve decided’ to become an affiliate marketer, your first’ steps will be to

find your blogging niche, you ve setup your own blog name, and you ve purchased

best WordPress Friendly Hosting.

DOWNLOAD HERE 1500+ Profitable Niche Ideas For Your Online Business That
Are Guaranteed To Be Popular’.
Your next step is clear: it s time to apply to some affiliate programs.
There are endless options when it comes to affiliate programs and networks, and

it’s important to make sure that you apply to ones that make sense for you.

Many new affiliate marketers’ get started and try to apply to every single one, but this is
a rookie mistake. You ll be putting in a lot of effort to get set up on those sites, and not all
of them will even suit you and your audience.

So before you go through the application process and sign up for every affiliate
program available, make sure to consider a few important things first.

1. Promoting Products With Good Market Acceptance ’ When promoting a product,

research it first. Do a quick search online and look for people s

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opinions about this product.

Promoting products that have poor market acceptance can damage the image of your

If a product is well-accepted, it will give you a better chance of sales, because people have a
greater tendency to trust quality products.

2. Promote Products Related To Your Web Content

The next tip I can give is perhaps the most important for a good converting affiliate. It’s important that your readers identify the product with the theme of your site.

If your website is about mobile phones and applications,’ you can promote an affiliate
program about cooking, but you probably won t reach the same success as if you
promoted a program related to mobile phones or technology.

Be The Client Of The Product You Promote

The best way for you to certify the quality of a product is to be a customer yourself. In some
cases, this will not be feasible, because of the costs involved in purchasing the product.

Good Commissions Are An Incentive

When we promote an affiliate program, we have a very clear intention: to make
money online.

Thus, commissions paid by affiliate programs are one of the most important factors in
analyzing the program. If you consider the commission fair and motivating, surely this will
give you extra motivation in promoting the program.

5. Promotional Materials Will Boost Sales’

Before choosing an affiliate program, it s important to check the promotional materials you
get to promote the product.

The most common methods are banners, but there may be other methods like sending

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ready-made text in a newsletter, for example product reviews or even
publications optimized for sharing in social networks.

Permissions For Product Promotion

Some affiliate programs have special’ conditions for promoting a product. For example,
certain affiliate programs don t allow you to create campaigns on Facebook for selling
a product.
Therefore, affiliates who run large Facebook fan pages won’t be interested in joining any

affiliate program with such restrictions.

Other programs may not allow you to create email campaigns or to create campaigns
in Google AdWords.

The Importance Of Long-Term Gain

Earning money by promoting a good affiliate program in the long term is a
factor sometimes overlooked. But this should not be the case.
If you plan to have regular earnings for a period of time (and not just a short-term gain),

it’s crucial to see if affiliate programs offer commission when the customer renews the

product you recommended.

Available Payment Methods

For you to earn money to disclose affiliate programs, it is essential that people buy the
service you recommend. And that will only happen if the product has the right payment
methods available to most people.

Affiliate Networks Are An Extra Advantage

Many affiliate programs work in a multilevel network. This means when someone registers
and you earn the affiliate commission and if that affiliate advertises the service and other
affiliates register, you will receive a percentage of those sales.

In some affiliate programs, you can attract many affiliates who then have their own affiliate

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network, and you will receive part of the profits they received from their affiliates in their
own network.

When you are choosing a product, how much you can earn is important, but you will find
you are most successful with the programs that you are genuinely passionate about.

When you sell something you care about, your customer can tell.

This can be one of the most important choices of all - do you love the product?

To recap, they are:

- Understand your blog’s niche.

- Start with a list of products you currently use.

- Research your potential affiliates using popular marketplaces.

“ ”

It’s a continuous optimization work, and this strategy gives you the tools to do just that.

Optimize for success.

Most Essential Resources Tools That Every Affiliate Marketer Needs[My

Personal Recommendation]

1.’ Passive Income

It s common knowledge that all businesses (online or offline), need tools and resources
to run day to day operations.

But there is a common misconception that to run a successful affiliate marketing business,
you need to have a very significant budget and have a plethora of online tools.

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So how do you build a successful affiliate marketing business? You start with the
right tools.
I’ve built out a list of the best affiliate marketing tools that you need to use.

I want to share with you a list of essential tools for affiliate marketing which I
personally use for my business.

Many of these tools are indispensable not just for me, but also for many other
successful affiliate marketers.

It is very crucial to have the right tools for you to achieve success more efficiently.

I hope my list of tools here can give you some inspirations or even help you directly for
your affiliate marketing business.

Running On A Tight Budget?

I'm aware that many of you are running on a really tight budget especially at the beginning
stage of your business. I was in that situation before as well. I know the pain and

As much as possible, I try to use tools that are free. However, sometimes investments
are inevitable if you're really serious at making money.

I'm sure that's what you are looking for, right?

Let's get started with a quick navigation of contents first...

The 4 main things you need to get started with affiliate marketing are:

A Website for you to connect buyers to sellers

Some Training and Help to keep you on the right track

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A Keyword Research Tool for you to write SEO friendly contents
Affiliate Networks with various affiliate products for you to promote & make

Website Builder & Hosting: BLUEHOST

BLUEHOST offers both website hosting and website building services.

You're able to build your very own WordPress website under a minute with just a few
simple clicks and no coding is required.

Recommending Bluehost for web hosting, for building your blog.

There are many other web hosting services but I recommend BLUEHOST because of
2 main reasons:

They have a really strong Support Team to help you efficiently solve your technical
They offer a couple of useful tools for FREE to help optimize your website.

Copyright © 2021.

The 3 main tools are SiteSpeed, SiteSSL and SiteProtection. Their purposes are to speed
up your site, secure your site and protect your site against spam respectively.

Affiliate Marketing Training & Community: AFFILIATE BOOTCAMP

"How To Retire In 100 Days As A ClickFunnels Super Affiliate..."

As a beginner, you definitely need proper guidance and training in order to succeed and
make money online.

Affiliate Bootcamp is the platform that taught me everything from scratch when I started
looking for ways to make money online.

There are 4 main things you can benefit from Affiliate Bootcamp:

Thorough Step-by-step Training

Useful Tools.

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Technical Support from Support Team as well as the Founders directly
Help & Support from the entire Community with thousands of helpful and friendly
online marketers and entrepreneurs

Now, it's my turn to recommend this powerful place with you to help you start your own
online business.

Keyword Research Tool: SEMRUSH

All-in-one Marketing Toolkit, for digital marketing professionals. Gives you fantastic insight
into search volume, average cost per click, number of competing pages, related keywords,
rank results, and even companies currently buying ad space

So, SEMRUSH is not a necessary tool if you're a beginner but it's a more powerful
Keyword Tool for those more advanced marketers.

If you're a more experienced and advanced marketer, you may want to check
out SEMRUSH. It has much more functions and more detailed results.

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Marketing Automation Tool For Sales, Marketing & Bloggers: CLICKFUNNELS

Complete sales funnels with upsell/downsell functionality and even membership groups
landing page powerful builder software online tool, is very customizable and very easy to
use, or sales page exactly as you want it.

Email Service Provider (ESP): ConvertKit

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Email Service Provider is a tool for you to build an Email list and market your products
in the form of Email Marketing.
At ConvertKit, our features are built by creators, for creators. Because we’ve been in

your shoes, we know what it takes to grow a successful online business. To help you get

there, we built an app with features tailored to your needs as a creator.

Grow your audience

Your email list is your biggest asset. ConvertKit helps you use that list to grow your
business through attractive forms, trackable data, and simple but powerful automations.


Fiverr is a freelancing platform for marketers and online entrepreneurs like you
to outsource technical works to the gurus and get it done in an cost-effective way.

Most of the basic services offered on Fiverr are charged at $5. That's why it's
called "Fiverr". But there are also custom services and add-ons available at custom
prices depending on the seller.

As a blogger or affiliate marketer, you can outsource stuffs like logo design,
programming, web design, content creation, etc.

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I've personally outsourced logo design and content creation before to the gurus on Fiverr.
From my experience, you can really get what you want because the platform allows you
to communicate with the gurus easily.

Affiliate Networks
Affiliate networks are the main platforms for you to find relevant affiliate products to
promote on your website. They are all Free to join. Simply create an account with them.

The 4 main platforms are:

Amazon Associate (More for Physical Products)

ClickBank (More for Digital Products)
Commission Junction

There are a lot more these kind of affiliate networks and also private affiliate programs.

Simply do some research in Google and you'll find out that there are a lot of potential in
this affiliate marketing world!


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Canva is a FREE graphic design tool which allows you to create your own graphics
for your website.

For your information, I create almost all the graphics in this website using Canva. I use
it for my social media posts as well.

It's a really easy-to-use and powerful graphic design tool that every blogger, marketer
and website owner should be using.


Piktochart is a tool that allows you to create good-looking infographics for your website
content without the need to hire professional graphic designers.

It has been proven that having infographics allow your content to be more easily shared.
It's a good way to boost your social sharing and make certain contents go viral.

The Free Version is enough for basic usage. You can upgrade your plans if you need
more templates.

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Free Stock Images

When you're building your site, you'll definitely need some photos along the way to
make your content more visually appealing.

However, many photos online are actually copyrighted and you need to pay in order to use
them. These are called "Royalty Free Images".

I'm sure those of you with tight budgets wouldn't want to pay a lot of money just to get the
rights to use the images. That's when "Free Stock Images" comes in.

Following are 3 websites for you to download Free Stock Images without any
copyright issues:

Make sure to bookmark these websites so that you know where to go next time when you
need some free and good-looking images.

Other "Royalty Free Images" Sites For Your Reference:


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(Take note of the differences between "Royalty Free Images" and "Free Stock Images".
Basically, Royalty Free Images are paid and Free Stock Images are absolutely FREE
for download.)

Theme: ElegantThemes

ElegantThemes is a company that offers conversion focused WordPress themes &

plugins. Their themes are built for speed, readability and clarity.

Premium themes for website & blogs. I've been using majority of the ElegantThemes
products since I became an ElegantThemes member.
I love ElegantThemes products because they make my website building experience a
lot easier and enjoyable.

Copyright © 2021.

WordPress Themes: MyThemeShop

A great user experience - Most other themes haven’t put thought into making your

job easy so that you can free your mind to what you do best: publish killer content. Ours


Dedicated, knowledgeable support’ - Questions come up, it’s perfectly normal, and unlike other companies, we don t keep

customer, not an inconvenience. you waiting for a reply and we treat you like


3. Lightning fast load times - You’ve probably’ noticed…’Attention spans are getting

shorter and shorter. If your page doesn t load pronto, it s adios valuable visitor. Our
themes will have your users loving your site.

Compatibility - We've designed our code to respect your server's resources.

Optimum Performance - All of our themes are optimized for performance, following
best practices. We use asynchronous loading to shave seconds off of render times.

Clean Code - We focus on clean front end code that is user-friendly and search engine

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Copyright © 2021.
31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles: Attract More Leads, Get More Clients,
and Make More Sales

This book covers all the necessary things you need to know to get started with
online marketing, from the mindset to the solid marketing skills and knowledge.

Think and Grow Rich

A must for anyone wanting to improve their lives and their positive thinking. There have

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been more millionaires and indeed, billionaires, who have made their fortunes as a result of
reading this success classic than any other book every printed.

It is noted in the book, that an individual with desire, faith, and persistence can reach great
heights by eliminating all negative energy and thoughts and focusing at the greater goals
in hand.

The 4-Hour Work Week

Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan - there is no need
to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times.

Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning
a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less,
this book is the blueprint.

How To Win Friends & Influence People

Copyright © 2021.

You can go after the job you want—and get it!

You can take any situation—and make it work for you!

Dale Carnegie’s rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder of

success in their business and personal lives.

4. -Six ways to make people like you

5. -Twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking
6. -Nine ways to change people without arousing— resentment

And much more! Achieve your maximum potential a must-read for the twenty-first
century with more than 15 million copies sold!

Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning
a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less,
this book is the blueprint.

So there’s My full list of affiliate tools.

10. Understand Basics Of Online Advertisements: CPA, CPC, CPM , CPL And Other

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A strong foundation helps you to achieve success in the longer run. It is crucial to know
the basics of your trade.

Today, we will discuss basic terminologies used in online marketing to make money from

CPM: Cost Per Mille (Thousand)

When used in online advertising it relates to the cost per thousand page impressions.
CPM is usually referred to the number of clicks registered in a website by the readers. Ad
Networks, such as AdSense, calculate ad revenue for websites based on CPM.

CTR: Click-Through Rate

This is a way of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign. A CTR is a
percentage obtained by dividing the number of users who clicked on an ad on a web page
by the number of times the ad was delivered (impressions).

For example, if a banner ad was delivered 100 times (100 impressions) and one person
clicked on it (clicks recorded), then the resulting CTR would be 1 percent and be displayed
as 1.00.

Let me explain you it in more details. Suppose you have put one ad on your blog and it
appears to your visitor 100 times a day and 3 people click on it then your CTR will be 3%
or 0.03

If 10 people out of 10000 impressions of ads are clicking on ads then your CTR will be
0.1% or 0.001

CTR Calculation formula

(Number of Clicks / Number of impressions) x 100

So if number of impression is 100000 and number of click is 1000 then CTR will be

Copyright © 2021.

CTR = (1000/100000) * 100 = 1%

CPA: Cost Per Action Or Cost Per Acquisition

Advertising is performance based and is common in the affiliate marketing sector of the
business. In this payment scheme, the publisher takes all the risk of running the ad, and
the advertiser pays only for the amount of users who complete a transaction, such as a
purchase or sign-up.

For example, action can be of any type, it may be filling out a form on destination
website or joining e-mail list at destination websites etc.

CPA refers to any campaign where“ a value” is assigned to the acquisition of a lead,

sale, subscription, or any predefined action .

CPA is most commonly used in affiliate marketing when discussing campaigns that are
paying for sales.

This is the best type of rate to pay for banner advertisements and the worst type of rate
to charge.

CPC: Cost Per Click

This is a payment option that compensates a publisher whenever their referred
customers click on a link for an advertiser's offer. CPC is also an internet-marketing
formula used to price banner ads.

Google adsense is famous example of it.

Some advertisers will pay publishers based on the number of times a banner is clicked.

CPS : Cost Per Sale

CPS refers to any campaign where’ an advertiser pays an affiliate for each sale that their

traffic produces. If an advertisers product sells for $100, they are often willing to pay a

Copyright © 2021.

large percentage of each sale that an affiliate generates.

For example, a purchase in a web shop

The thought process behind the CPS model is that there is little to no risk for the advertiser,
as they are not paying for leads or clicks to their product.

They are only paying a preset value for each sale, and thus do not have to worry about
converting leads into sales, or clicks into leads and then those leads into sales. Since
quality issues arise fairly infrequently on the CPS model, the main factor determine
pay increases for traffic is volume of sales produced.

6. CPL : Cost per Lead. ’

CPL is an affiliate network s favorite model to work with. When advertisers purchase leads,
they are inherently taking a risk that they can offset lead costs with product sales on their

For example, an advertiser may purchase leads for $5.00 per lead, and sell their product
for $100. In order to break even on their lead costs, they will need 1 sale for every 20 leads.

For example, a newsletter subscription

Since purchasing leads is typically performance based, if an affiliate can do strong volume
with high quality traffic, the advertiser will pay more for the leads.

CPI: Cost Per Install

The CPI model is a very interesting one. It refers primarily to app install offers.

The advertiser or app owner will pay the affiliate each time a new user installs an App onto
their smart phone, tablet, or sometimes desktop.

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Often times, the acquisition includes the install, and then the user opening the app for the
first time. This model has become gradually more popular as mobile apps have exploded in

The Bottom Line

Although the most popular online advertising model is CPC because of search
engines, which one is actually best depends on the ad platform and other factors.

CPMs work best for the publisher because they provide a guaranteed and predictable
stream of revenue over the course of the agreement.

CPCs work better than CPMs for the advertisers because they pay only for results in the
form of clicks. They represent a higher risk to the publisher.

CPAs work best of all for advertisers because they pay for actual results in the form
of either leads or transactions. They represent the highest risk to the publisher.

I hope this helped you to understand the basic terms.

11. Best Affiliate Programs For Every Marketer: Make Free Money For Life
As you already know, affiliate marketing is one of the largest online industries and
has become a key source of online income for many thousands of professional
bloggers, webmasters, and entrepreneurs.

So, what you think, what it takes to become the king of Affiliate Marketing?

And, how can you stop yourself to come into the herds of people barely earning any

Well, the questions are plenty so are the answers.

Affiliate marketing is a very large industry and has become a key source of online income

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for many thousands of professional bloggers.

With more and more online businesses becoming involved in affiliate marketing, more
opportunities have arisen for bloggers, like you and I, to make money with their blog.

To be honest, to become a global success, you will have to opt for the Best Affiliate
Programs, as simple as that.

A. Marketing Automation Tool For Sales, Marketing & Bloggers

ClickFunnels Affiliate Program

Want to have your dream car paid for? Simply refer 100 customers to ClickFunnels and
your new car could arrive sooner than you think.

"Get Just 100 New ClickFunnels Users...And We'll [ClickFunnels] Cover The Payments On
YOUR Dream Car!"

As an affiliate you also have the ability to earn huge recurring commissions on all of their

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top level products and services. The ClickFunnels Affiliate Program offers a generous 40%
recurring commissions on all sales you send their way. On a starter plan that equates to
$38.80 every month (MRR*), per customer, for life!

B. Web Hosting Affiliate Programs


BlueHost are another well known popular web hosting brand and one which I have
featured on this website for the past few years, you can read my BlueHost Review to see

They offer $65 commission for new customers which can go above $120 per signup if
you can provide high volumes of new customers to them.

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C. Blog Design Wordpress Themes, Templates Tools & Plugins

ElegantThemes are creators of beautiful premium WordPress themes. They offer 87

high quality themes to their members who sign up on an annual subscription.

For affiliates, you receive a 50% commission from every sale, over the lifetime of
your referrals subscription with ElegantThemes.
If you’re looking for a new WordPress theme, one name you’ll almost certainly come across

is Elegant Themes. With a large portfolio of attractive themes, a selection of powerful

plugins, and an active user community, Elegant Themes is one of the biggest names in the

WordPress ecosystem.

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D. Email Marketing Tools

Offering 33% lifetime commissions, the email marketing software provider GetResponse’s

affiliate program is one of the highest recurring payments you can get.

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Convertkit is a marketing automation tool that delivers a simple solution for drip email
campaigns and create easy forms and drip campaigns to automatically send mails to
new subscribers.

A relative newcomer that was only founded in 2014, ConvertKit has taken the world of
email marketing by storm. According to the company, they now have nearly 20,000 active
customers of their email services.

Their affiliate program works by paying existing customers a lifetime 30 percent

commission for referrals that subsequently become ConvertKit customers or who sign
up for ConvertKit webinars and other digital products.


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ShareASale is one of the largest affiliate networks. The Shareasale platform has about 4,000
merchants listed, of which over one thousand of them are exclusive to them. ShareASale
publishes a large amount of data on each of the offers they are running, these include:

 Earnings per Click

 Reversal Rates
Average Sale Amount
 Average Commission’ ’

While these figures aren t guarantees of payouts you can expect, they re certainly very
helpful in assessing a campaign.


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JVZoo was founded in 2011 and has since rocketed to near the top as one of the most
popular affiliate programs out there. JVZoo is unusual in that there are no upfront costs for
either publishers or merchants (advertisers).
JVZoo’s income is exclusively from charging fees (to both the merchant and“ the affiliate)”

after a sale has been made. It is also unusual in that it pays commissions instantly via

PayPal rather than once a week/fortnight/month like other affiliate programs.

Berush Affiliate Program

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This is the affiliate program for which is an all in one marketing toolkit for
digital marketing professionals. They claim to be the world's leading competitive research
service for online marketing.

As an affiliate you can earn 40% recurring commissions on initial sales and all further
subscription renewals. They also offer a 10 year cookie life and two payments per month.

Long Tail Pro Affiliate Program

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This affiliate program is run via the ClickBank network so you need to become a member
on there first. Once you do, you can earn 30% recurring commissions on all your
referrals (their plans start at $25 per month).

Long Tail Pro provide a system for finding targeted keywords and calculating
keyword competitiveness for any niche.

StudioPress Affiliate Program

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StudioPress offer premium WordPress themes and plugins with over 190,000 users. Their
affiliate program is run through the ShareASale network and provides affiliates with 35% on
every sale. With a range of price options, you could be earning up to $350 per sale.

So there you have it!

Enough information on affiliate marketing to make your head explode.

Don’t worry if you feel overwhelmed, you’ve just had tons of information thrown at

you. ’ ’

If I had to give you one piece of advice, it would be to decide on what you want and stick to
that one thing.
Affiliate marketing isn’t easy, and it won’t make you rich overnight. But if you’ align

yourself’ with the right product, receive the right training and execute on what you ve

learnt, there s no limit to what you can achieve.

No matter what stage you’re at, or who you want to target, or how much you want to earn;

the most important thing is to get started now.

There’s no limits to the number of affiliate programs you sign up for so applying for one

today will not prevent you from picking another one later on.

In fact, being a member of more affiliate’ programs simply gives you more options in
terms of products to promote plus they re pretty much all free to join.
You can always leave a program if it’s not working out for you or there are no products you

want to promote.

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Have another look through the list and apply to join one of the affiliate programs right now.
Go on, we dare you.

Although each of the affiliate programs has its own advantages and setbacks, the best way
to find the best network for you is to try several of them simultaneously.

Remember there are even people who are pursuing multiple affiliates programs
to maximize their gains.

Again, if you are absolutely new to affiliate marketing and wish to learn the ropes of
earning money online, I highly recommend the bootcamp training here: Affiliate

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1. What Is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is a type of direct digital marketing that uses electronic mail (also
called email or e-mail) as the marketing communication delivery method.

Email marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to
prospects and customers.

Effective marketing emails convert prospects into customers, and turn one-time
buyers into loyal, raving fans.

Email marketing is used in a number of ways by organizations and marketers for brand
and customer loyalty building, acquiring or converting customers, company
advertisements, or for communicating promotional offers and more.

Email is a remarkably flexible tool that can accommodate a wide range of messages. Ads
can be quite simple, or they can be flashy, multimedia packages.

The aesthetic of the ad will depend on the company and the product for sale.

Some ads are only text while others include images, video, and long lists of links.

Let's say you own a store that sells children's clothing. You receive a shipment of
summer clothes and swimwear, and you're anxious to tell your customers about the cute
new selections as well as see immediate sales results.

You create an email that includes photos, product information, and a special coupon that's
only valid for 24 hours.

Within minutes of sending your email, you get responses in the form of questions,
comments, and orders. Your email marketing brings immediate results.

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Email marketing has several key advantages over traditional mail
marketing, including the following:

An exact return on investment can be tracked and has proven to be high when done
properly. Email marketing is often reported as second only to search marketing as the most
effective online marketing tactic.

Advertisers can reach substantial numbers of email subscribers who have opted in
to receive email communications on subjects of interest to them.

Over half of all Internet users check or send email on a typical day.

Email allows marketers to reach out to consumers with personalized, relevant, dynamic

Transactional emails allow businesses to respond automatically to important consumer

events like purchases or shop-cart abandonment.

So the questions are why should one go about email marketing?

Well here are a few thoughts on the matter:

Cost – Email marketing is CHEAP, there are no two ways about it. Whether you do it

yourself, or through an email marketing agency, marketing to hundreds of consumers via

email is going to cost you tiddlywinks compared to other channels of advertising.

Success – Emails can be targeting specifically’ to the ideal consumer. With this’ concept in mind,
along with email cost-effectiveness, it s no wonder –that email marketing s ROI often blows other

direct marketing strategies out of the water The trick is that you have to getWhy?

Measureability and Flexibility – With the analytics available today it’s easy to track responses

to your emails exactly, in order to work out what parts of your campaign areitright!

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working and what parts aren’t. With this knowledge, you can then react instantly to

modify your campaign strategy if need be.

So yes… Email marketing is a vital component in many industries, especially for

creating those important customer-firm relationships.

Learn to use it well and it will definitely bump up your company’s success.

Through email, companies can target specific customers who are interested in niche
products or programs. It also provides quick and immediate communication,
allowing companies to send emails to customers and get results almost instantly.

Additionally, email marketing is effective in building brand awareness and

customer loyalty.

By communicating regularly with your customers, you encourage repeat business and
a stronger connection to your business.
Some people think email marketing is outdated, but they couldn’t be more wrong.

Email marketing has been utilized since shortly after the birth of the Internet. It
has evolved considerably since then and is still an incredibly useful marketing tool.

In fact, many entrepreneurs’ argue that email marketing is more important now than
ever before. There s a good reason 85% of U.S. retailers consider email marketing one of
the most effective customer acquisition tactics!

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Email marketing is a powerful driver of sales & revenue for your business, and has
a greater reach and return on investment than any other channel available to marketers

Different Types Of Email Marketing Campaigns You Need To Be Sending Your

Email List
Do you know what types of emails you should be sending your email list?

You probably know that email marketing is the best way to sell online, but after you grow
your email list, then what?

Email marketing is a practical, low-cost marketing tool that combines convenience with
technology. It provides small business owners with the ability to reach more
customers, which in turn can result in increased sales.

But what about the follow-up email?

Or any email that may be included in an automated email workflow?

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It's time to stop focusing on the design of just your biggest sends, and spend some
time stiffing up all those other emails you're sending.

Most business owners today use email marketing campaigns to promote all sorts
of services and products, from babysitting services to mobile phones and beyond.
Why You Need Different Types Of Emails?
The problem with many ineffective’ email marketing campaigns’ isn ’t that’ they send

emails too frequently or infrequently. It s that the content they re sending isn t

differentiated enough.

If you’re simply sending out the same old weekly newsletter over and over again, your

subscribers will stop being interested in your emails before they have a chance to convert.

The other problem“” with ineffective email“ marketing” campaigns is that they don’t include a

good mix of value based emails versus ’selling emails. If you are constantly sending’
either one or the other type of email, you ll either turn your subscribers off or you ll never
sell anything.
Be willing to mix things up. Your subscribers will appreciate it, and you’ll enjoy the

benefit of higher open and click through rates, leading to increased sales.

beTo sendingtyou started,yourlistlet… ’s review some of the different types of emails you absolutely need to

1. Welcome Emails Series

Welcome emails are the first email your subscribers receive after they’ve confirmed their email address.

Since this is their first interaction with your brand in their inbox, make it memorable
and worth their while.

After all, subscribers are highly likely to open and click welcome emails compared to other

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types of promotional emails.

These are the automated responses an organization sends when a new subscriber joins an
email list. Welcome emails have among the highest open rates of all types of emails,’ so
be sure your welcome emails make a great first impression of your organization s email-
marketing program.

These emails are a huge opportunity to upsell, build credibility and trust, and enhance your

Another type of transactional email, the welcome email is the perfect option for thanking
and providing more information to people who have signed up for your newsletter, product
trial, or other offer.
It’s a simple email that tells them how happy you are that they’ve subscribed, and then

lays out some of the things they can expect to receive in their inbox.

Educational Emails Series

These types of’ emails should help solve a problem or answer questions that an
organization s subscribers may have. A good opportunity to send educational emails, for
example, is to highlight new content on your website or to share an interesting article or

3. Newsletter Email Series

Sent on a regular basis such as monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly newsletter emails are a
organizations to reinforce their industry expertise, build loyalty and
great way for — —
engagement with subscribers, as well as grow a list of qualified prospects and customers.

Newsletter emails inform customers of current promotions, sales, and the newest offering.
Newsletter emails are more than merely sales tools; they also help develop a long-term
impact on readers.

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Press Release Email Series
Press releases are a marketing tool underutilized by most small businesses. A press release
is typically associated with print publication, such as newspapers and trade magazines, but
can be used by small businesses to communicate with customers, informing them of a
particular new inventory item or promotion.

Unlike a newsletter or catalog, press releases focus on one message and are designed
to inform readers and entice them to visit the business online or in person.

Offer Email Series

This email includes“ a discount,” coupon, or some other special deal that you send out

to subscribers as a thank you for being on your VIP list.

Offer emails typically have high open rates.

Whether or not your business model includes offering sales and discounts, it’s a good

idea to send out some sort of special offer just for your subscribers every now and then.

This shows your appreciation, and drives sales.

Free Gift Email Series

Did you know that the average office worker receives 121 emails per day?

Furthermore, open rates for marketing emails’ hover right around 18 percent. So, if
you want your email to be one of the few that s actually opened, you need to give free
value now and again.

An exclusive, free gift email sprinkled in to your email marketing campaign will work
like magic to keep your subscribers engaged and, well, subscribed.

So what kind of a free gift should you send?

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An easy way to start is with something downloadable.

For example, Slides sends out a huge pack of free design resources to download.

Reorder Email Series

If your company sells a product that needs to be reordered regularly, such as vitamins or
ink cartridges, you can use a reorder email program to remind customers before they
run out.

Coming up with an effective reorder email strategy for your products/services could result
in a significant boost in sales and revenue.

Especially if you run a subscription service, or sell consumable goods that are ordered
in regular intervals, a simple reorder email can be an effective way to retain customers.

8. Shopping-Cart Abandonment ’Email Series

One type of transaction email that s essential for any online store is cart abandonment
emails. These are the emails that’ you send out when potential customers add items to
their online shopping cart, but don t follow through on a purchase. These could provide an
opportunity to increase your potential profits since approximately two-thirds of shopping
cart transactions is abandoned.

Typically set up as a series of trigger messages, shopping-cart abandonment emails ’

encourage users to come back and complete the purchases’ they started at a company’ s e-
commerce site. If you have a shopping cart and aren t doing recovery emails, you re missing
out on a huge opportunity.

Birthday/Holiday Email Series

Sending birthday or holiday wishes to your subscribers is a great way to keep your
organization top of mind. And because of the fantastic targeting, these emails tend to get a
remarkable response.

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To send birthday wishes, you would have to collect date of birth information on your
sign-up or subscriber profile forms. By also including a special offer or coupon in these
emails, you can help boost interest and possibly new sales, as well.

Thank-You Email Series

The lifeblood of a small business comes from good customer service, and thank-you
marketing emails are compelling and rewarding to patrons. Customers feel real value
when a business takes the time to respond to their experience and ensure that all
expectations were met.

Thank-you emails should be customized to the consumer and include current and future
offers, along with a small token of gratitude, such as a discount on the next purchase.

Event Invitation Email Series

Email can be a great vehicle for promoting an upcoming event you're hosting. But if you
want to invite your contacts to an event and motivate them to register, it's extremely
important to clearly showcase why that event is worth their attendance.

A great way to do so is through visuals. A lot of events cost money to attend, and most cost
a pretty penny.

So if you want to attract registrants, cut down on the copy and show potential registrants
why the event will be awesome.
With these emails, you can create a comprehensive —email campaign around your

events— including webinars, presentations, and conferences to help build interest and

encourage participation.

Event emails would include invitations, follow-up invitations, reminders, and thank-you

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Catalog Email Series
Catalog email marketing is much like newsletter email, but focuses on images and short
descriptions with pricing, rather than communicating through the use of short articles or
dialogue pieces.

Catalog emails can be compared to hard copy catalogs sent through the mail, but they
do not require printing and shipping costs to be incurred.

Video Email Series

Video email is another form of email marketing that is a hybrid of newsletter and
catalog marketing--combining a narrative with images, video footage, and graphics.

Video marketing requires more technical expertise than other email marketing tools.

Lead-Nurturing Email Series

This type of email helps you move a lead through your sales funnel, while cutting the
amount of time required by a sales team to educate prospects about your services
and products.
Lead-nurturing emails should be short emails with the main purpose of driving prospects
to take action on your website.

15. Anniversary Email Series’

Celebrating a subscriber s anniversary for joining your email list is another

excellent opportunity for keeping your company top of mind and encouraging sales.

At the end of the day, your emails should not only be visually appealing, but they should
also be valuable.

Focus on sharing the key information in the most appropriate format depending on
the type of email you're sending -- and the audience you're sending it to.

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After all, what's the use of a crazy-beautiful email if it doesn't provide any true value to the

Getting the best results from each email campaign requires a comprehensive strategy,
effective implementation, and continual improvement of a number of components
that work together to deliver against your campaign goals.

Deciding where to expend your energy and spend your time is a major challenge for
email marketers.

Do you spend time generating new subscribers, or is it better to focus on writing different
types of emails to convert your subscribers into paying customers?

Well, the truth is that you need both subscribers and effective emails in order to
make email marketing work for your business.
With ConvertKit, you don’t have to spend hours of your week focusing on lead capture

strategies. Our unique lead generation software features an intuitive drag and –drop

builder, powerful A/B testing features, page level targeting, and exit intent technology all of

which work together and allow you to focus on what really matters: crafting influential

emails that engage your subscribers.

Get started with ConvertKit today, and start converting more website visitors
into subscribers and customers!

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3. List Of Best Email Marketing Automation Service/Tools/Software
Is email marketing a priority for your business?

Are you looking for the email marketing software?

Choosing the best email marketing service can have a significant impact on the success of
your marketing campaign.
In a survey, the data revealed that emailing had a staggering median ROI of 122%–

four times higher than other marketing formats.

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But surprisingly,’ not many small business owners take advantage of email marketing.
Make sure you don t make the same mistake by finding email marketing software
platforms fit for your company.

Why should small and large businesses opt for email marketing?

Because statistics overwhelmingly indicate the effectiveness of this marketing strategy.

To start, 205 billion emails are sent every day and email users are predicted to grow to
three billion by 2020. Plus, email marketing is top of the category as you get an average
return of $40 for every dollar spent.

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80% of marketing executives state that email helps a lot to acquire and retain customers. In
fact, it is better than Facebook as your followers are more likely to subscribe to your email
newsletters than engage you on Facebook.

Another impressive stat is email gives higher conversion rates than the combined power of
search and social media. With email, you can garner the attention of tech-savvy
Smartphone users as a survey shows that 88% of them check email on their phones.

What are the top benefits of email marketing?

Perhaps the most important one is you can send personalized messages to target
consumer segments. This is something you would not be able to do on social media. Email
marketing is also cost effective, measurable and easily shareable, and it serves to improve
brand awareness.
Other advantages are flexible design as you can send text, images, and attach files,
and scalability for large audiences. In addition, email marketing is less than intrusive
than phone marketing and green friendlier than postal marketing.

Do you want to automate your email marketing campaigns?

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Smart marketers know that utilizing the right tools is crucial for creating scalable
campaigns that convert.

In this article, I will share the best email marketing automation tools for your


Want some of the more advanced features of a CRM without the price tag?

ConvertKit allows you to send targeted autoresponders to subscribers based on their

interaction with your emails with Automation Rules.

They even have blueprints that you can use to quickly create autoresponder
sequences for almost any situation.

You can also use ConvertKit Subscriber Tags + OptinMonster to segment your emails
based on on-site behavior.

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GetResponse is a hugely popular email marketing solution. It is extremely easy to use

and simplifies email marketing for small businesses and absolute beginners.

It comes with some amazing marketing automation tools which allow you to create smart
automated campaigns. With a drag and drop builder, you can create campaigns, segment
contacts, and send content designed for specific groups.

These tools help you create effective campaigns to boost your profits.

GetResponse comes with beautiful responsive forms, landing pages, A/B testing, tracking,
and autoresponders. It also integrates with third party lead generation software like
OptinMonster, SalesForce, Google Docs, ZenDesk, etc.

Support is provided by phone, live chat, and email. Their help section is full of free learning
material including videos, webinars, how-tos, guides, etc.

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GetResponse offers a 30 day free trial. Their pricing starts from $15/month.


Best for information product businesses

When Mindvalley was looking for an email marketing tool their COO spent six months
testing email marketing providers, and Ontraport came out on top.

Ontraport is a good product with a fantastic user community, and it has undergone
several’ major updates over the past year or so. Starting at $79/month for just 1,000
contacts, it s on the pricey end of the scale (for comparison, ActiveCampaign charge
$17/month for 1,000 contacts).

Constant Contact

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Constant Contact is one of the largest and fastest growing email marketing service in
the world. It is also the most easy to use and beginner friendly email marketing service.

You can easily manage your email lists, contacts, email templates, and more.

Each account gives you access to easy tracking and reporting, built-in social media sharing
tools, an image library and 1GB of storage for your own files.

Constant Contact offers unmatched support with live chat, email, community support, and
a vast library of resources.

They also offer online training as well as live seminars in your neighborhood. This allows
small business to quickly learn the basics of email marketing and start using it like a pro.

For all the reasons above, we rate Constant Contact the best email marketing service
for small businesses.

Constant Contact has a 60 day free trial (no credit-card required). After that their pricing
starts as low as $20/month.

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AWeber is one of the most popular email marketing service providers in the world. They
offer a wide-range of tools for small and medium sized businesses to manage their email

Getting started with AWeber is easy. It connects seemlessly to most platforms including
WordPress. For detailed instructions, see our ultimate guide on how to connect AWeber to

You get access to ready to use email templates, list management, autoresponders,
and email tracking with detailed insights.

Support options include live chat, phone support, email support, live webinars, and a
vast library of how-tos and tutorials.

AWeber offers a 30 day free trial. After that, their pricing starts from $19/month.

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As your business and clientele begin to grow, pulling off a successful email marketing
campaign becomes more and more complicated.

Simplify your campaigns and yield better results by finding the right tools for the job.

With our list of top best email marketing software solutions for business, you will surely
be able to find quality options that suit your business.
All you have to do is determine the tools you need and how much you’re willing to invest

for an email management system.

4. Successful Email Marketing: Key Factors

Email marketing is surely one of the most cost effective and fastest growing e-marketing
tools. This channel of communication makes marketers lives easier and helps companies
generate higher revenues.

When successfully implemented, email marketing is also one of the easiest and most
effective methods to deliver your brand directly to your targeted audience.

When compared to mobile marketing, social media marketing and other

mainstream channels, one may argue that email is less effective.

However, when done in the right way, the ROI achieved via email marketing can almost double
the ROI generated through other marketing tools that companies try to utilize from.

If you have absolutely no idea how to make use of this powerful marketing tool, you may
have a bad experience– and a fail. There is no exact flow for email marketing as it consists
of all the best practices so in order to be successful in email marketing, you should be
following the best practices closely.

Below are some terms and concepts that should help guide more successful
email marketing campaigns:

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The most important key in email marketing is to get the permission of the audience
before contacting them. Members, who are not subscribed to your marketing emails,
should NEVER be sent an email whatever the reasons. Transactional emails such as order
confirmations, e-receipts, or password reminders serve other purposes and therefore can
be excluded from this strict rule.

Members, who are subscribed to your newsletters but are not totally engaged with you
company, should also be approached with caution. Subscribers should ideally consist of
users, who REALLY want to receive emails from you.
 Do not have the newsletter subscription– opt-in box pre-ticked by default.

 Try to be as simple as possible do not ask for great details in the first step of
information collection. Feel privileged that your potential customer chooses to
share their email address with you!
 Make your visitors feel comfortable and safe about your registration forms.
 NEVER force the visitors to subscribe to your newsletters to become a member.
Tell them that they are free to unsubscribe from your newsletters in just one click.

Always let them know what will happen once they subscribe to your newsletters
 and give information about the benefits.
 Allow them to choose communication frequency.
Do always include your company details and contact information.

Do not buy lists, do not crawl websites to increase your list size, and do not share your
list with other companies, even if the other company is a sister company or you
belong to the same group.

Content is the visual design that your subscribers see in your newsletters and the correct
message should be given to the subscribers. Most of the deliverability issues are caused by
sending irrelevant contents to the subscribers, which results in increased unsubscribe and
spam complaint rates.

Nobody will be interested in reading a totally unrelated newsletter to their needs

and preferences.

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You should definitely be sending messages on what the users have subscribed for in the
first place. If they subscribed to hear about discounts on a specific product, inform
them’ about available discounts on that product. The message should always match the
user s interests and needs.

The visual design of your content should also be consistent. Do not change the look and
feel of your content every time you launch a campaign. Make your subscribers feel like they
are reading a newspaper whose design stays the same. Your company should have a well
structured email design, which your subscribers will get used to.

 Deliver the message the subscribers are asking for.

 Send emails that you know the audience will be interested in.
 Be consistent in the design.
 Use personalization in your content to maximize open rates.
 Provide an easy-to-find and visible unsubscribe link in your content.
Include company details and a link to your privacy policy in all of your email
Always use the same “from name” and “from address” to gain trust and build

 Create mobile adaptive designs.

3) Segmentation
Successful segmentation can guarantee that the right message is reaching the right
person. It is the key point to increase open rates and generate higher revenues.
Segmentation can be done based on demographical, geographical or behavioral data.

You should let go off the idea that you will make less money if you do not launch the
campaign to all of your subscribers. Sending the same content to all subscribers
without segmenting them will result in deliverability issues, higher unsubscribe and
spam complaint rates, which will then lead to less revenue.

Almost 99% of your male subscribers will not be interested in and be happy
about receiving daily discounts on female goods.

Do not send the same content to all your subscribers, i.e. do not send bulk emails.

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Segment your list using demographical, geographical or behavioral criteria’s.

Make your subscribers feel like the email is tailored to their special needs only.

Timing is one of the most critical points in building up loyalty. You may be sending your
email campaigns daily, weekly or monthly but irregular timing in your campaigns can
make your subscribers feel uncomfortable and cause complaints for your services, which
can in return damage your brand reliability.

TV shows and radio programmed, for example, always start on their scheduled– days
and times. You should be scheduling your campaigns exactly like a TV show so that the
subscribers wait for your email, which will make them feel comfortable and therefore
create trust.

You may follow all the best practices but still be delivered to the spam folder. It is a sign
that something’ is wrong either with your content or there are a technical“ issues” involved
in your email s infrastructure. You should think of deliverability as a science , which you
experiment gradually by doing tests.

Do not expect your ESP to deliver your messages right into the inbox. ESPs are companies
that provide you with an infrastructure to send emails. So’ you determine your own
delivery rate. You should be careful with your campaign s content in order not to be
specified as a spammer by the ISPs.

Sending regular email campaigns and to the active members will help you maintain a
higher reputation. Keep in mind that the IP reputation is not as important as it was before.

The main point you should be dealing with, is the reputation of the sender, i.e. your
sender reputation.

Monitor your IP reputation scores.

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Do not send to your inactive members, who have not responded to your emails in
 the past 6-9 months.
 Be aware of the spam traps and try to eliminate them by sending to your active list.
 Avoid using phishing links in your content.
 Add an unsubscribe link to the top of your content.
 Ask users to add your sender domain to their address book.
 Provide a link to the online version of your email in all of your campaigns.
 Privacy policy and company details should exist in every single campaign.
 Keep the text/image ratio to a minimum of 50%
 Do not use bright red, green colours in the content.
Do not use all-uppercase words.

Try not to use too many special characters in the content as well as in the subject
 line.
Try to follow all the deliverability best practices.

The success of an email campaign can always be increased by testing. Testing can be done
by using A/B split tests on the subject line, content, call to action wordings, etc.

By doing so, you will have the chance to monitor the open rates, click rates, as well as the
purchasing rates and‘ then’ analyze the winner campaign to then continue with it. Testing
cannot give you an exact result but it will help you progress with the best performing
version of a campaign.

Perform an A/B test before launching your campaigns.

Try to test every existing criterion that you have: subject lines, content or CTAs.

Final Thoughts
For those of you who may have struggled with email marketing in the past, we hope this
post has provided some insights on how to make your campaigns more successful moving

While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for email marketing, these best practices and
tips should be considered when aiming to improve results.

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5. Email Template Design Tips You Should Always Follow
So how do you make sure your messages stand out in a subscriber’s inbox? Well, great content, for one.

But another extremely important factor: email design. Eye-catching emails that
effectively communicate your message will improve metrics like open rates, click through
rates, and conversions.
Not only are most of your customers opening their emails on a mobile device, they’re

clicking through to your website and often making purchases while on the go as well.

We love using our Email Design Workshop blog to show you how to build’ creative,
effective email campaigns, step by step, with plenty of detail. But sometimes it s nice to
have a short-and-snappy list with tips and ideas all in one place.
That’s I have rounded up top email design tips for you, so they’re easy to scan, reference,

and remember.

I hope you find them useful as you kick off email marketing and plan your best email
campaigns ever!

One important thing to note about our list: Because mobile opens now account for up to
70% of all email opens, making sure your emails are readable on a mobile device is THE
most important thing you can do to make your email campaigns as effective as possible.
Without further ado, here’s top email design tips list for your business:

Be brief
Think of your email as a teaser. Readers have short attention spans and are increasingly’

reading on mobile devices on the go. Your email should be a preview of what s to
come when readers tap your call-to-action button and get to your website.

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Don’t Rely On Images To Be The Only Visually Interesting Part Of Your Email
Images can increase your’ span score and be slow to load, or they may not appear at all
depending on a reader s settings. Capitalize on flat design tactics and bold HTML
background colors to create a dynamic, visually-interesting email without depending
on images.

Don’t Overcrowd Your Header

Cut down on extraneous links (social media, special sales, etc), menus, and extraneous text.
Your email is not a website.

4. Don’’t say “Click here” on your CTA button

Don t waste space by telling readers where to click, especially because on mobile devices,
readers are tapping, not clicking“. Skip it and tell readers” directly“ what they should” do

using a clear, direct action verb; try Reserve my spot now or Get my free ticket.

Don’t Put Your CTA Button First

Research has shown that placing a CTA’ button below the —fold actually increases clicks
by— 304%! Let readers know what they re signing up for first with great copy and
visuals then invite them to act. Reference the inverted pyramid.

6. Minimize Image File Sizes

Allow for quicker load times on mobile devices with images that don’t exceed 1MB.

Tell Your Story In Multiple Ways

Readers take in information in different ways: use multiple formats to improve
comprehension and retention. Vary your content between videos, infographics, text,
images, illustrations, and more. Have fun! And monitor engagement.

Alternate Between Two Email-Safe Fonts

Using too many fonts can be distracting. Stick with one or two, and use them consistently:
try using one font for all headers, for example, and another for body text to improve scan-

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Clearly Label Advertisements

Make in-email ads distinguishable from the surrounding email content with a special label
and/or with a change of color in the header’ or background. Use a consistent approach

so your readers always know when they re looking at an ad.

Start With The Subject Line

About 35% of readers decide whether or not to open your email based on the subject line

alone. Stand out by putting some thought into your subject line. Try getting readers“

curious about” your email with a line that asks a question, promises a deal or coupon, has a

how to, or includes a number.

Selecting the right email marketing application is a difficult decision. Each one has different
features, drawbacks and price points.

The Best Email Marketing Services Are:

Constant Contact

Keep in mind what your current needs are as well as your future goals.

Once you have all your lists and data in one program, it may be a hassle to switch
providers when you need a system with more features.

Select a provider now that can grow with your business and subscriber lists in the future.

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1. Introduction To Video Marketing

What Is Video Marketing?

Video marketing can be defined in digital marketing context as all uses of video contents
to promote a brand, product or service.

Video marketing can take many different forms. It has been empowered by the increase
in bandwidth and video consumption

MUST READ -> The Best Video Editing Software Lists

Videos can be used for advertising purposes by buying ad spaces (in-stream video, in-
banner video, etc.) or by simply posting a video on a video platform (e.g., YouTube)
and looking for viral dissemination.

Videos are also used for showing and promoting products and services on commercial
websites. For some products or services it can help transformation.

Finally, video can be used for educational’ purposes in a content marketing strategy. In
this case, videos can be placed on the seller s website or/and on a video platform (e.g.
YouTube channel)
The definition of video marketing is not complex. In fact, it’s rather simple: using video

to promote or market your brand, product or service.

A strong marketing campaign incorporates video into the mix. Customer testimonials,

videos from live events, —how-to videos, explainer videos, corporate training videos,

viral (entertainment) videos the list goes on.

Video Marketing Stats

- 75 million people in the US watch online videos daily.

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Viewers retain 95% of a message when it’s in a video compared to 10% when reading

it in text.

Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.

Videos on Facebook Pages increase end user engagement by 33%.

Merely mentioning the word video in an email subject line increases click-through rate
by 13%.

Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from Search Engine Result Pages.

Embedded videos in websites can increase traffic by up to 55%.

Marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users.

Videos can increase landing page conversions by 80% or more.

76% of marketing professionals plan to use video to increase their brand awareness.

As with any other content strategy, utilize video to its maximum benefit.
Marketers need not have a hundred videos out there… even just a though leadership

overview of a company, an explainer video that explains something difficult, or a client

testimonial can have an incredible impact on your digital marketing strategies.

2. Reasons Why Video Marketing Is Necessary?

It’s no secret that the use of video in content marketing is on the rise. And, it’s certainly not

a tactic to be taken lightly.

In fact, YouTube is now the second largest search engine on the web and while video
marketing is frequently an afterthought, its value demands a front-runner position in your
content marketing plan.

Video Marketing may not be a new topic, but it is one that needs to be talked about. Many

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feel that using video within marketing strategy is a huge commitment, but it is a
commitment that reaps huge rewards.

MUST READ -> Know Who Your Viewers On YouTube Are

Using video within marketing takes work, time and energy; however, it is a
worthwhile endeavor.

Video is the present and the future, and it is absolutely necessary for every brand
and company to be using video to its fullest potential.

Videos have been an important part of marketing strategies for years. As social
media and mobile technology continues to advance, video marketing has played a central
role in campaigns and practices.

You might wonder why you even need video marketing but the more pressing question
to ask is actually what video marketing is and how your company can benefit from
powerful video marketing strategies?

Simply put, video marketing is integrating videos into your marketing campaigns
whether to promote your company, product or service.

Video marketing needs to be taken seriously, in fact YouTube is now the 2nd largest
search engine on the web and by 2020, 75% of mobile traffic will be video

Reason 1) Increases User Engagement

It starts with user engagement.

The biggest problem that most of the business faces is lack of user-engagement that affects
their ranking. As compared to text content, the video content is more liked and shared by
the viewers.

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According to the statistics, a video content is shared about 1200 percent more than the
traditional text content. The video marketing even helps you increase the session duration
of your users that provides you enough opportunities to showcase your products/services.

MUST READ -> Why Create A Professional High Quality YouTube Videos?

Customers prefer to go with those they trust, and it always begins with video content. They
will want to see the product/service in action and gain a better explanation of what it has
to offer.

It also shows that you are not selling a random product and have put in time and
effort before marketing it.

This is a powerful sign for customers who are willing to purchase and just need a bit of
convincing before spending their money.

Reason 2. Video Is Easily Accessible

There are endless platforms for video marketing. YouTube, broadcast television, video
boards and street marketing, you name it. The possibilities are endless. With a
Smartphone, consumers can access online video anytime, anywhere.

The same is not true with traditional, paper marketing. With video, you can reach
your audience wherever they are in a cost-effective way.

Reason 3. Future-Friendly
Being future-friendly is a must while creating a marketing plan and that’s what videos bring into the equation.

You’re able to present a future-centric option, which is going to help customers

recognize what you bring to the table. This is empowering and is an ideal way to

separate yourself and become a persuasive authority in the niche.

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Looking like a brand that cares about its customers is always going to be a winning point.

This is what makes this form of marketing such a unique opportunity with numerous

Reason 4. Videos Encourage Social Sharing

Videos serve as crowd accelerated innovation. The more your video is shared, the more
audience you reach and higher are the chances of conversion, sales, and revenue.

Think about how many auto-play videos you regularly share on Facebook?
Even if they are not good, you can’t deny that they are engaging. With the increase in a

number of smart device users, video sharing on social networks has taken a huge leap.

92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others.

Social sharing increases the traffic to your website and if you can create intuitive, relevant,
valuable and innovative videos, then it can benefit your inbound marketing strategy.
The audience on social media has a deeper connection with you. “And if you give them

content where they can react and respond, or interact with” you, it can be very

effective for your business and might lead to conversations later, .

Reason 5. Videos Boost Search Engine Rankings

Google loves videos. Online studies conducted over the years have indicated that if your
website has relevant and valuable video content, there is a significant’ chance of your
website achieving a better ranking on Google SERPs. And who doesn t want to be on the
first page of Google?

Research found that videos are 53 times more likely to receive an organic first-
page ranking. Consumers spend 88% more time on a website which has video.

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And greater time spent on your website sends signals to search engines that the site has
new and valuable content.

39% of business decision-makers contact a vendor after viewing a branded video.

Studies have also revealed that a video placed on the landing page of your website
can increase conversions by 80%. So, if you continuously add fresh, engaging, useful
and’ informational video on your website, then it improves organic SEO of your
company s website and lowers the bounce rate.
If you can add the video’s link back to your website, make shorter videos and use proper

keywords, it again enhances SEO of the organization.

“People remember videos more than text. Also, if you ”can make a video entertaining

and informative, there are more chances of getting views, .

Today a number of online platforms and tools are available to create and host engaging
videos. He also informs that through a video you can easily convey the message
effectively to a wider audience easily.

Reason 6. Stronger Emotional Connections

Video is the most powerful way to evoke emotions online. It’s King because it offers a slew of attributes above and beyond traditional content like tone of voice, face expressions, and music, to name a few.

While you may not have feel the immediate need to run out and buy a product from an
emotion-filled video, they will likely be at play later on in a more subtle and subconscious

Evoking emotion in marketing has been proven to positively impact consumer decision-
making, even in B2B markets.

Reason 7. Increased Conversions

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The number one reason for using video in your content marketing plan? Video converts
more customers.
Since video has a large impact in the purchase decision process, it’s not a surprise to see it

can also help you increase your conversion rate.

Simple, right?

Recent research shows that 71% of marketers say video conversion rates outperform other
marketing content.

Reason 8. Video Commands More Attention

There is so many things in the world that are demanding a consumer’s attention — and there is only so much attention to go around. Because video uses both visual and aural stimuli, it dominates static advertisements in capturing audience attention.

By catching your viewer’s eye, video can raise awareness and possible ROI.

For example, in a heat map study done tracking consumer eye movement and attention on
the search page, videos were shown to be particularly powerful in capturing eyeballs
compared to static ads, even when these videos were not the first results.

Reason 9. Easy To Use On Mobile

People are flooded with content on their social media feeds, so it’s critical that yours stands out. According to reports, 92% of mobile video viewers share videos with others. The more widely you distribute your video on different social media platforms and web pages, the
more likely someone will see it and share it.

In addition, most social media platforms have the “autoplay’” option, where a video

will start playing as you scroll past it, grabbing the viewers attention easily.

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Reason 10. Videos Showcase Your Products Better
Why shows off your products in a flat image when you can display it in a 3D realm,
where customers can actually see how to use it?

Videos are useful especially for your business to change how customers interact with
the product.

For example, why take a photo of a new lipstick product when you can highlight the
colors and the product in use?

The power video has in the purchase decision process explains why, 93% of businesses
who use video believe that it has increased user understanding of their product or service,
which affects their conversion rate

Reason 11. Google Loves Videos

Videos allow you to increase the time spent by visitors on your site. Thus, longer
exposure builds trust and signals search engines that your site has good content.
You’re 53 times more likely show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on

your website.

Since Google now owns YouTube, there has been a significant increase in how much video
affect your search engine rank.

Final Thoughts:
To get the most out of video marketing, you need well-thought-out and properly-executed
commercial videos that represent your brand and effectively communicate your products
or services.

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It’ll help reinforce your brand positioning and effectively engage with prospects to

build trust and relationships.

You have found over two dozen facts that have shown you the power of video for
any online business.

First, you saw how consumers love to watch videos and engage with them.

Thanks to the attention you can get with video, you can increase the relevance of
your website and attract more organic traffic.
You can’t deny the fact that content is still ruling the market. But the type of content has

become versatile. The need for rich content is the need of the hour. And hence visual

content in the form of graphics and videos is in high demand.

So, if you are looking for business promotion tactics, consider video marketing
and promote your business.

Video also helps consumers learn more about your company and your products. Thanks to
that, video affects their decision-making process and makes them convert more.

Video’ marketing is an opportunity to stand out and’ have your voice heard. Regular text
isn t going to cut it, and video content is a must. It s a way to gain traction in your niche
and differentiate your business from the rest.

3. How To Create A Video: Steps To Creating A Promotional Video Program?

Have you ever wanted to create a promotional video?

Video content, after all, can be used in so many ways, from social media posts and
advertisements to emails and marketing sites.
But how do you go from “wanting to create a video” to actually scripting and

producing one? Seems complicated, right?

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It’s actually pretty simple!

MUST READ -> How To Beat Your Competition On YouTube

Now, I’ve written million-dollar commercials for big clients like Samsung and Visa, and I’ve

written scrappy videos for SaaS companies like StartupThreads and Amino.

And no matter the company, budget, or reason for the video, there’s a pretty basic format

every video follows, from first idea to final cut.

Below I’ve outlined the 8 steps,’ which I hope will help to get your video idea out of

your head and onto your audience s screens!

Step 1: Identify Your Goal

Before you sit down to script out your video, you’ll want to take a step back and consider why you want to create a video in the first place.

Videos can be expensive to produce, so it’s important to get crystal clear on your

goals before you start writing dialogue.

For example: perhaps you’re a new company and you want a video that introduces your

brand/mission to web visitors. Or perhaps you’ have a new product line that needs

further explanation to prospective buyers. Maybe you re just running a sale and need a

video that pushes people to take action.

Here are some common reasons many companies create promotional videos:

 Brand awareness
 Drive sales
 Drive traffic
 Increase customer engagement
Educate customers

One thing to note: if you have multiple goals, you may want to consider creating multiple
videos. The more’ goals (or ideas) you try to cram into one video (especially a short one)
the more likely you ll complicate the script and confuse your audience.

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If you have multiple goals, you may want to consider creating multiple videos.
Once you’ve identified why you want to create a video, it’s time to start looking at potential

directions for how you could bring your video to life.

Step 2: Choose A Direction“ ”

Now that you have your why, it should be a little bit easier to determine what makes
sense in terms of direction.
For example, let’s say you’re a new company who wants to create an intro video for the

homepage hero on your site; the goal of the video is to introduce the brand and get people

to sign up.
In this“ case, you”would likely go with a video that’s more along the lines of “introductory”

or explanatory in nature. You may even find that a combination of several directions

makes sense.

MUST READ -> Creating Winning Profitable YouTube Content

For example,“ maybe you’re” a new company, but“ you’re up against” a lot of competition.

Perhaps an introductory“” style video with a problem/solution“” angle would be ideal

(showing the old way as the problem and the new way [meaning your company] as the
To give you some ideas, here’s a list of possible directions you could go in:

Introductory: tell your audience who you are, explain your mission, etc.
Explanatory: explain how something works (like your product or a specific feature)
Problem/solution: show the old way/new way and how your product is the
Narrative: use story elements (like plot, conflict, resolution, etc) to subtly introduce
or explain something:getthe audience to do something (i.e. — shop now)

Drive action
Product-focused: introduce or showcase a specific product or feature
Testimonial: interviews, quotes, soundbytes, etc, with customers around a
specific topic or theme

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8. Endorsement: use of celebrity or influencer approval / likeness
9. Informative: educate your audience about something specific, tutorial-style, etc.
10. Entertainment: delight or inspire your audience’ using story, humor, etc.

Once you have your goal and direction finalized, it s time to further refine your approach
by setting the tone for your video.

Step 3: Set The Tone“ ”

Tone is defined as the general character or attitude of something. But to make it simple,
you can just think of it as how your video is going to make your audience feel.

For example, do you want to make your audience laugh or do you want them to be moved?
Do you want them to feel informed, or do you want to tell them a story?

Keep in mind, the creative direction (chosen in Step 2) should“play well with” whatever tone
you decide to go with. For example, if you’ decide to create an introductory“” style video’ for

your homepage hero, it probably doesn t make sense to use an urgent tone, as that s best
for things like a sale.
a(Ofbadcourse,thing —pa itringjustacomesparticulardowncreativetoproperdiexecution)ctionwith. an unexpected tone isn’t necessarily

Below are some various tones you can explore for your concept and creative direction:

Conv ersat ion al casual an d

Dram atic
 — moves you emotionally.— c lear a nd co ncise.

Ex mple: P&G Oly mpics com mercial

 Straightforward/informative Example: gumroad

— ’
 authentic. Example: Glossier get ready with me video
 you to take action, like now. Example: Macy s holiday sale
Urgent urges — “ ”
 Fun/playful uses fun creative devices (like anthropomorphism, for example).
 Quirky  — come Example: Zazzle
Example: —

 Cutesy  — uses peculiarity or the unexpected to drive home a point.

 Humorous d c; makes you laugh or smile. Example: Old Spice

 — “ ”
this category.  — aims to inform and entertain. Super Bowl ads typically fall under
someth ng that makes you go, awww! . Example: Cheerios
Example: Nerd Skin Care
 Inspirational uses inspiration to drive action (manifestos are typically done in
Example: Squarespace
this style). —

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 Artsy /hip/cool — shiny, feelsfancy,youthful,flashy,sexy,stylish,richtrendy,.Thinketcluxe.Excarmplecommercials,:Convere high

 Luxurious -end
hotel chains, etc. Example: Vegas Hotel commercial

There are certainly many more tones and directions you can explore, but hopefully
this gives you some ideas as to how your video may come to life.

Step 4: Decide On Duration

Will this be a 30-second video? 60-second? A minute plus? 5 minutes?
You may be thinking: “how can I know the length of the video until I script it out?”

And trust me, I hear ya! But the reality is, without using some type of time parameters,
your video will likely end up too long and potentially unfocused.

Without using some type of time parameters, your video will likely end up too long
and potentially unfocused.

Remember, your idea should only be as big as the time it has to unfold, so putting
restrictions on your concept will only help to make it stronger and more effective.

MUST READ -> Why Informative Videos Work?

This will also help you avoid frustrating situations, like forcing yourself to cut a two-minute
script down to 30 seconds (which is like torture, btw).
If you’re not sure how long your video should be, you’ll want to consider these factors:

 Your goal (i.e. — brand awareness, clicks, etc)

 Where the

 ad will(i.e. — shoeappear (i.e. — TV, social media, website, etc)

Overall budget -string, low, mid, high, unlimited, etc.
For example, if your goal is to promote your holiday’ sale, a 30-second ad is probably
enough to get your point across. However, if you re trying to move your audience to tears,
you might need a 1.30, or even 2 minutes+ to get the job done.

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To get a gauge, think back to the direction and tone you’re aiming for. Next, check out

existing videos that use a similar tone and see how long they are, as that may help guide

you (for example, if all the videos are at least one-minute long, that may be a good starting


The second thing to consider is where the ad will appear.

For example, 30–60 second commercials are very’ common for cable TV, while longer-

form videos are more common online. And then there s online ads takeovers,

Facebook/Instagram video ads, pre-roll ads, etc, all of which have their own set of

restrictions and best practice guidelines.

It doesn’t matter where your video is appearing, you just want to make sure you’re
taking placement into consideration when planning it all out.
Lastly, there’s your budget. If you’re on the lower end of the spectrum, you’re likely only–

going to be able to“ afford one cut” (or one version) of the video, which is why Steps 1 3

are so important for getting it right the first time.

If you’re on the higher —end of the budgetary spectrum, you may be able to cut many
different versions (i.e. 90, 60, 30, and 15 sec spots) which will give you more wiggle room
when it comes to things like video placement, reworking the storyline with different
focus/angles, etc.
Once you’ve settled on duration, it’s time to think about what your video will look like.

Step 5: Choose A Video Style

By this point, you should have your goal, direction, tone, and duration figured out.

The next thing to consider will be the visual style of the video, meaning what it will look

The visual style of your video can come to life in many different ways, but here are some
general ideas for how it can be done:

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animation  — illustrated (or “ ”
 Animated cartoon -like ) in style and brought to life through
may not — as in actors who play out the characters you’
(2D, 3D, et ).
 Real people  ve created; this may or
or — “ ”
include dialogue (depends on your script).
 B-roll supplemental or alternative footage typically used in between main shots
 — stock video you can purchase to create your story (usually used sparingly,
used as background, a tion, or flashba k-style scenes.
 Stock  — combining real

versus the entire video being stock).

 Live action -life footage with elements of animation or special

audio, or  — a digital recording of a computer screen often containing movement,

 Screencast  — this is similar to a screencast, except imagine a hand holding a
marker as it

some type of demonstr tion.

 Whiteboard
writes on a whiteboard (it can be any type of writing instrument /
writing medium). This is usually used to write out a message (leading the story with
something specific  — again, this is sort of similar to screencast, but you’
visual text), create drawings, etc.
 Phone/tablet/app re showing
on the device (like a scrolling website, an action like clicking an
icon, etc).

Many videos are a combination of some (or all) of these visual styles. For example, human
actors who talk to animated characters (live action) or narrative-style videos that use a
combination of main shots and b-roll footage.

The combinations are endless, really.

To decide what makes sense for your video, think back to Steps 1–4 (your goal, creative

direction, tone, and duration) as all of these factors should ultimately influence the visual
style you go with.
Alright, at this point’ you’ve done a lot of the pre-planning work that will hopefully set

you up for success. It s now finally time to start mapping out your idea!

Step 6: Outline The Idea

Assuming you have a loose idea for your video, it’s now time to start fleshing out the


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To do it, I would suggest you start at a high level, then work backward from there.

For example, before I start laying out a script and all of the details, I usually write out a
paragraph that essentially summarizes the idea from a high-level perspective.

MUST READ -> Simple Ways To Increase Watch Time On YouTube For Better YouTube

This paragraph should focus on the concept itself, so you always have something to refer
back to when you begin building out the ideas (and the script inevitably gets a little murky).
Now that you’ve got your high-level overview, it’s time to start thinking about the details

of the story. For example:

How many different scenes will there be? How many locations will be needed?

How many characters? Who are they? What is their storyline? What do they look like?

Audio / Voice over / text overlay

Will the video be set to the sound of someone’s voice? Will there be background music?

Will any text need to appear on screen in order to get the message across?

How does the product fit into the story? How many times will the product appear and

Props eded to make your story work (i.e. — iPhone, car, bridge, elephant, etc)? Any

major props ne

Final’ CTA

What s the last message we leave the audience with? What do we want them to feel / do?

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There’s really an endless number of details to consider here, and every answer you

come up with will likely lead to another question.

The idea is to try and figure out as many details as you can, so when you go to write
your script, all the pieces will start to fit together.
Speaking of which, it’s time to get out your pen and pencil — it’s script time, baby!

Start Your Video Marketing

If you followed the above steps outlined above, you’re well on your way to creating an amazing set of videos and your learners will thank you for it.

Video is a highly effective medium for instruction, and by breaking the learning into
a series, you have a set of reusable content that your users can easily navigate.

Create Fully Interactive 3D, 2D and Human Talking Video Avatars In Seconds With Our
Futuristic Technology...

Get started making your own video series with videopal.

4. Video Content Types’ To Include In Your YouTube Marketing Strategy YouTube is

the internet s second largest search engine. The magnitude of that number allows for the
platform to speak for itself and the power of a successful YouTube Marketing Strategy for
your business.
If you’re venturing into the world of the video platform as a creator or the manager of a

future famous YouTuber then you should be well versed in the type of content that gets the

most views on the website.

The world is shifting, and video marketing is the new darling of content marketing!

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The purpose of content marketing is to create and offer valuable content– customized for
your audience. It should attract, engage and convert your visitors basically it should carry
them down the marketing funnel.

That s where video marketing comes in. There are so many opportunities for you to offer
your’ audience video content throughout the buyer s journey videos that will help educate
purchase decision faster.
them, make it easy to trust your brand, and move them ’ to a –
Simply producing and publishing engaging videos, however, doesn’t always guarantee that

a branded or brand-sponsored YouTube video will be viewed, liked, and shared.

So how can marketers ensure that audiences will be receptive to their YouTube videos?

Content Type 1: ‘How to’ Videos

Nowadays, if anyone wants to know how to do something, the first thing they are‘ most ’
likely to do, is to check if there is a YouTube video of what they are looking for. How to –
‘videos are’ only gaining popularity, and because YouTube is optimised for mobile devices
How to videos are perfect for audiences who need tips and guidelines asap. These types of
videos allow you to engage with your audience on a more personal level, yet still,
communicate information that they need.

Content Type 2: Interviews

There are many types of interviews that a brand can use as part of its video promotional
–material. From building thought leadership to getting to know the people in your company

interviews are personal and engaging. For thought leadership, try inviting an industry

expert for a filmed discussion about the future market.

For a more personal approach,’ employees can be interviewed to show a little behind the
scenes footage of what it s like at your company. Fans could even be interviewed
answering questions about why they love your– brand. One of the best things’ about
interviews is that the content is real and unforced making the viewer feel that it s genuine
and can be trusted.

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Creating interview videos can boost your company’s credibility in an industry or add

personality to your brand.

Content Type 3: Vlogs

People love stories; it’s that simple. Why do ramblings about someone’’s favourite food, or

brand or a day in the life of videos get so many views? Because they re unscripted and real. In

a world where social media is dominating, everyone tries to put their best lives online.

With Vlogs, it’s more natural. Vlogs are as diverse as videos come. They give fans an insight

into the lives of personal heroes, loved brands and so forth. The communities these vlogs

create have the ability to strengthen understanding and relationships, while also giving
the audience rare and true insights.
The beauty of vlogging and ‘vloggers’ is that most influential vloggers never intended for
their vlogs to turn into a career. It was merely a creative outlet or hobby. This is what is
making them gain popularity – the sheer honesty behind most of it.

Viewers relate to Vloggers as they too started out just like them and started climbing
the ladder of success.

By including vlog-style videos into your YouTube Marketing Strategy, you allow that
same feeling of relatability to resonate with your viewers and your brand.
Rest‘ assured, you don’’t need to commit to daily vlogs as a company but including

videos like a day in the life of may boost your brand credibility loyalty and customer


Content Type 4: Testimonials

Testimonials fall under the four most common videos on YouTube in 2017.

Back to stories, Testimonials are ways where your clients can see stories that relate back
to them and their lives. People want other people to tell them that your product works.

- Testimonial improve brand credibility

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Adds authentic insights

Improves brand relatability

Content Type 5: Latest News/Tech

Latest’ News and Tech videos stand out from the rest of the YouTube content as Tech

videos don t delve into the personal lives of the creators. They offer one thing: Facts.

Tech videos cover areas like unboxing videos or product reviews. These types of videos
need creators who have an eye for detail and are extremely clued up in the field of
technology, being able to provide information that is relevant, factual and insightful.

Content Type 6: Lifestyle

Anything from cooking or recipes to fashion or beauty. This type of content acts as
entertainment. People are scrolling or looking for something to watch. Lifestyle has been
one of the most popular styles of videos, with people eagerly waiting until YouTube
channels upload new videos containing not only the interests of watchers but more
importantly the interests of the creators. Viewers want to know what recipes to make, what
clothes to wear, daily routines and’ everything else that could possibly fall into the space of
an average person and celebrity s day.
The effect of Lifestyle videos is exactly that. You are selling a lifestyle, not a product. People
purchase products to fit in with a certain type of lifestyle that they are going for. Or to fit in
with their current lifestyle.

Lifestyle videos include:




Health and Fitness

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- Music/Dance -

- Tech

- Travel

’ Product reviews have set up the rise of a whole new form of influencers, where it isn t
Content Type 7: Product Reviews
even really about the product anymore, but about the person who is reviewing it. People
engage in these types of video content styles because the people reviewing have trusted
voices and massively influence the general opinion about a certain product.

Now, how can this benefit my brand? Many businesses partner up with these types of
influencers by sending them complimentary products and packages to review on their
YouTube channel. This could either be sponsored content or not.

The clear trend to go to the internet for guidelines on whether or not to purchase a product

Polls have regularly shown that people are more likely to purchase if the product has
received a positive review online.

Product review videos are also a great way to keep your’ brand promise and show your
viewers that the benefits you keep talking about aren t just a clever marketing tactic, but
real. Product review videos are great for building

Content Type 8: Tutorials

Similar to ‘how to’ videos, tutorials don’t just make learning easier, but they usually guide

the viewer through the entire process. Tutorials are different to step-by-step videos as

they generally include the entire walk-through along with comments from the creator.

Tutorials aren’t just purely educational but can be entertaining and aren’t always even

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given by ‘experts’ in the field. In those cases, they act more as entertainment with a

clever promotional value than anything else

You can include tutorials in your YouTube Marketing Strategy and combine with it various
other types of content. Tutorials can also act as product reviews as many brands partner up
with either influencers or clients to film tutorial videos of how the product works, including
and benefiting from alternative and authentic opinion.

Content Type 9: Educational

Educational videos are excellent examples of teaching and learning concepts. As video
uses the primary senses of sight and sound, using video in education allows concepts to be
taught more easily and be retained better than reading off a page!
This is thanks to the models of ‘multi-modal learning’ and ‘dual-coding theory’, which

have shown that communicating with visuals and sound simultaneously will greatly

increase comprehension and retention of new ideas.

Examples of Educational Videos

Remote Online Classroom Instruction

Online Courses with Video Lessons (MooC)

How-To Training Videos

Student ‘Show and Tell’ Videos

Webinar Informational Videos

Video Lesson Series

Animated Explainer Videos

Content Type 10: Promotional Videos

Promotional videos have become exceptionally popular with the convenience of fast

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wireless Internet, powerful mobile devices and businesses realizing that they can
afford and use video with their marketing.

These style of videos have adapted quickly to the habits of the modern viewer; short
length videos, relevant information, engaging style and available where the viewer will be
interested in viewing, and then ideally sharing the video with their social networks!
Promotional videos differ from instructional and educational videos in that they’re

targeting a very specific‘ viewer ’and speaking to their needs, then presenting a solution

and concluding with a call to action , asking the viewer to take action.

With the art of persuasion and rapport, –similar ’to an experienced salesperson, a viewer
will ideally feel that the video offered value and it s their choice if they respond to the call
to action. Taking action: a social like or share, or a purchase, are all common goals for
promotional video marketers.

Examples of Promotional Videos:

Talking-head Videos

Corporate Videos

Testimonial Videos

Presentation Videos

Explainer Videos

Human Resources Videos

Unboxing Videos

Product Demonstration Videos

Real Estate Tour Videos

Event Videos

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- Presentation Videos

- Keynote Slideshow Presentation Videos -

Advertising Videos

- Comparison Videos

- Giveaway Videos

- Product Review Videos

- Announcement Videos -
Destination Videos

Content Type 11: Entertainment Videos

Finally, the fun stuff, entertaining videos simply for entertainment s sake. The sky is the
limit’ here, and many of the prior examples of video can fall under entertainment as well,
so it s not a hard and fast category. Entertaining videos can vary in scope, genre and

Examples of Entertainment
Videos: - Music Videos

- Travel Videos

- Automotive Enthusiast
Videos - Wedding Videos

- Comedy Shows

- YouTube Channel
Stars - Reality Shows

- Movies (Hollywood, etc)

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But remember, at the end’ of the day, these different types of video content won’t do

you much good if you aren t approaching content marketing from the right place.

Great content engages by having an intrinsic value of its own apart from any product
or service so create video content that will really wow your viewers!

Create Fully Interactive 3D, 2D and Human Talking Video Avatars In Seconds With Our
Futuristic Technology...

Get started making your own video series with videopal.

Top 5 Professional Video Marketing & Editing Software/Tools

Why video?

Just read the stats:

 Social video draws 1,200% more shares than image and text content combined 
Video posts on Facebook have 135% greater organic reach than photo posts  By
2019, consumer video traffic will account for 80% of all Internet traffic
 More than half (55%) of people watch video online every day 
92% of mobile video viewers share’ videos with others
So if you skip out on video marketing, you re limiting your reach.
So you’ve worked out that you need to start making videos to push your business on to the

next level whilst staying in line with changing demands of the digital user, but where on
earth do you start?
Video is one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s arsenal. In fact, a recent survey

has shown that video as a marketing tool is up 63 percent in the past year and is on track

to keep rising.

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As more and more marketers discover what– video marketing can do for them, the field

is poised to become saturated with videos both good and bad in quality.

For you to make an impact on your clients or customers, you should start by having
the best software at your disposal.

Some’ of these are paid platforms; others are free programs in case your business or

brand isn t quite prepared for that type of expense yet.

These tools will help you tell the stories that your customers want to see, show your
clients how to solve’ problems, and spread awareness of your brand to the masses. No
matter your objective, it s time to make video a regular part of your marketing plan.
With all of this in mind, you’ll be pleased to know that there are a number of video

marketing tools and software out there that can help you along the’ way; enabling you to

create incredible looking videos for your business even if you don t have any experience in

video creation previously.

But if you’re ’looking to take your video to the next level, be it for personal or

professional reasons, you re going to want to have a solid understanding of what kinds of

video editing software is out there and what it can do.

In this section, I’ll touch on a few of the highest rated pieces of software that you can

use throughout the entire video marketing pipeline.

To help you on the road to great video marketing, here are a few tools you might want to
explore and look into in more detail to help you on your way:


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GoAnimate is video animation software that allows marketers, communicators and ’

educators ’to create engaging instructional or explainer videos to capture their audience

s interest. It s a cost-effective alternative to pricey video production companies.

With GoAnimate, you can craft do-it-yourself videos using elements from its extensive
library of themes, characters, backgrounds and actions. It also offers lip sync narration
features to give your characters lines, or if you choose not to narrate the videos
yourself, GoAnimate has professional voice partners you can tap for your projects.

A free 14-day trial is available, and for $50 a month, the tool offers unlimited production,
embed, hosting, playback and download capabilities. You can also benefit from GoAnimate
coupons and read some reviews about this product.

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VideoPal is the latest in website talking head technology with both animated & human
video hosts. It enables you to place these 2d & 3d characters right on top of your web-site,
or ANY web-site, and is equipped with the BEST text to speech technology available, in 24
different languages!

Your animated spokesperson will say anything you want or you can load the ready-made
done-for-you hosts which will work across dozens of niches.


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We, as online marketers, are aware of the importance of videos in the growth of our online
business empire. No matter how big your budget is, the cost of creating professional videos
will always be a massive number.

Not to mention that producing a high-converting video is a complicated process

with lengthy steps.

A video can deliver emotions and messages in the most impactful manner. That is why a huge
chunk of each major marketing budget goes in video advertising every year, whether on
YouTube or TV. I wished to give it a try but I also knew the depth of my pockets.

So the only choice that was left with me was to do it on my own and in limited budget
or probably buy a great package. After trying everything I found that the answer lied in

It is more of a great idea than just a product, as it lets you create interactive and sensible
videos by combining pre-loaded slides.

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Camtasia by TechSmith is a high-quality screen recorder that captures windows, specific
areas of your computer screen, even your entire desktop, with astounding precision.

It comes preloaded’ with features that allow users to import’ video footages, incorporate
your computer s webcam to put a face to the narrator s voice, separately edit audio and
video for maximum quality, clean up unwanted noise, add video captions, splice and stitch
videos together, and cut out mistakes, among others.

A free version of Camtasia with limited features is available for download, while a single-
user license is priced at $299. No monthly subscriptions or annual fees to worry about.

Video marketing isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it’s only going to get bigger. While creating

and publishing videos may have been costly in the past, there are more than enough tools

to generate,– guide, or let you make the entire video yourself’ for an incredibly
reasonable price which is great news for your budget. In short, there s absolutely no
excuse for not launching a video marketing campaign.
If you’re interested in learning how to create videos and you ’re just starting out in the

field of digital, learning some tools on your own or even taking a course will be safe bets,

given the popularity of videos in content marketing and social media today.

Premiere Pro CC for Beginners: Video Editing in Premiere

Learn how to edit videos in Adobe Premiere Pro with these easy-to-follow Premiere Pro video

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editing tutorials.

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1. What Is Website & Its Importance: An Overview?

What Exactly Is A Website?

A website is a collection of publicly accessible, interlinked Web pages that share a single
domain name. Websites can be created and maintained by an individual, group, business or
organization to serve a variety of purposes.

Together, all publicly accessible websites constitute the World Wide Web.

MUST READ -> How To Start A Website In Just 15 Minutes

Websites are without doubt the most important element of the internet. The term is
often used inconsistently, so to make it clear once and for all, this article answers the
question: what is a website?

The central page of a website is called a home page‘. This is usually’‘ the first ’page you

see when you call a website up and can also’ be called a start page or index page . From

here onwards, the user delves into the site s subpages.

A website is also known as a web presence.

Importance Of Having A Website

Most consumers are looking online for information that will help them make
smarter purchasing decisions.

In fact, according to the online survey, 88% of consumers will research product
information before they make a purchase online or in the store.
This buying behavior trend emphasizes the importance of a website for today’s businesses.

When it comes to highlighting your online presence, there are several things that you need
to put into great consideration.

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What does this actually imply to online marketers?

Basically, the act of establishing your online presence does not simply end by just creating a
basic website for your business and/or company.

Your website is the single most important marketing tool for your business. It serves as
a virtual equivalent of a physical business for the 3 billion internet users.

Think about it: when you want to learn more about a company, you usually turn to Google
and search and eventually end up on their website. The same goes for the products and
services you are looking for.

Reasons Why A Website Is Important For Your Business

1. Cost Effective
’ –

You know exactly how much your website is going to cost you and it s ongoing a brick
and mortar store, on the other hand, is susceptible to many out of the ordinary
occurrences which could blow out the costs such as leaving the lights on, theft,
damage, extra staff etc.
A strategically developed website and online presence solution provides
tremendous benefits and costing outlines.

2. Accessible around the clock

Your website and social media accounts are accessible 24/7/365. Imagine that you
want to buy from’ a store. You put in all the effort required to go to the store, but’
when you get there, it s closed. We all know how irate we feel in that situation. You ll
think twice about going back given the bad taste its left (ok might have been your
fault for not checking but hey, this is proving the point here!). You will just find
another store that is more easily accessible.

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Since your website is operational around the clock, from the convenience of the local
coffee shop, their couch or their bed, your customers and clients can easily access your
website and services.

3. Convenient
What is more convenient: driving outside to look for different stores that are available’
to shop in, or sitting in the comfort of your own home and shopping for the products you
re looking for?

Pretty obvious answer, unless you like aimlessly driving around. Smart businesses realize
this and thus have their own website housing their products and services so that
potential customers can browse online for the products they want to purchase.

4. Credibility
By building a website you are giving your business the opportunity to tell consumers why
they should trust you and the testimonials and facts to back up those opportunities.
Believe it or not, most people will search the internet for a product or service before the
purchase to check the credibility first. When you provide good service or product, positive
word-of-mouth about your business is likely to spread. Which in turn, delivers more repeat
and new business.

People tend to trust a business after they have done business with it. Using your website,
you can continuously serve consumers online and increase your credibility as a business

5. Sales
Without sales, or selling more than you spend, your business is doomed. By having an
online presence you allow for the sale of your products or services around the clock
to whoever whenever with’ no or hardly any limitations; Unless you run out of stock
or overworked, but that s a good problem to have right! Giving your business the
online presence it deserves is crucial to your brand and accountants smile.

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In short, being visible worldwide means you are very likely to gain more customers. The
more customers and visitors you have, the more sales you will generate. The more sales
you generate the happier you and your shareholders will be!

6. Marketing
Having a website and online presence strategy allows you to market your business
online. There are lots of marketing strategies you can use to advertise and market your
business. All online marketing strategies have been proven to be effective. Which ones
you choose depends on the type of business you are in. Speak to us to see which are best
for your business.

7. Visibility
Increasing visibility is one major factor that makes having a website important. Even if
people have heard about your company, they may want to carry out research online first,
before leaving the house. Provide a map and directions to your company's shops or
offices on your website so that visitors are less likely to have trouble finding the place.

8. Communication
Potential customers who want to connect with you might not have your contact details
handy. In this age of Google, people often rely on its search powers to dig out
information they want. Having a website will give them your contact details and they can
initiate a communication via e-mail, phone or chat.

A proper online communication channel thus gives you the power to draw customers
towards you rather than reaching out to them all the time. On the other hand, if your
business does not have online presence, the customer is more likely to look out for the next
guy rather than fret about wasting time digging your contact information.

9. Global Business Reach

A website is accessibly globally and any person in this world can reach to your website
within fraction of seconds. This does not matter from which location they are or how they

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will reach to you.

Your customers just require a computer & internet connection to reach you from any part
of the world. But do you have a website available for them to reach to you?

10. Lead Generation

Internet become the new way to generating new leads and business opportunities. Most of
users just look in to internet through search engines to find out the best vendor who can
deliver what they are looking for.

If you are having a website and have done proper Search Engine Optimization of your
website properly than those users can easily converted into your potential customers.

MUST READ -> How To Optimize Website For Search Engines?

So you don’t need to neglect this new way of lead and business generation

through business websites.

Bottom Line
It is imperative for every business to have a website. The more professional your
website is, the more advantages you can gain.

These are few quick things which’ you must know to understand the importance of a

website and if you still don t have a website than you must start looking for a website

designing company right now to make a high quality business website for your business.

2. 10 Most Popular Types of Websites You Can Create“ ”–

Quite often I receive calls where other person say I need to build a website my first
question is normally what type of website?

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This section aims to discuss the types of website available and what they are suitable for.

The web is vast. As of now, there are billions of websites online, all competing for some
share of the attention people give to their online browsing each day.
When you’re starting a new website, it can be overwhelming to think about all the

other websites out there.

But it’s helpful to remember that within that huge number of websites, you have a lot

of different categories of types of websites trying to accomplish different things.

As you consider how best to build your own website, carefully consider what type of
website you want it to be.

MUST READ -> How To Start A Website In Just 15 Minutes

When you can narrow down the goals and setup you have in mind, you can more
easily identify the other websites in your category to look to for inspiration.

WordPress was just beginning to gain popularity as a useful tool for creating blogs.
Eventually, the available plugins and tools led to an increased interest in this platform.

MUST READ -> What Is WordPress?

Now, WordPress is used to create millions of websites, ranging from personal blogs to
professional websites for major brands. Whatever types of websites you plan on
creating, you could probably find the tools you need with WordPress.

I have put together a breakdown of the most popular kinds of websites to help you make
that decision.

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Personal Website Or Blog
Not all websites exist to make money in some way or another. Many people find value in
creating personal websites to put their own thoughts out into the world.

This category includes personal blogs, vlogs, and photo diaries people share with
the world.

Personal websites have been a favorite for families and people who wish to document
the big occasions of their lives such as weddings, new babies or their travels.

These days, the modern alternative; blogging has become an extremely popular.

Sometimes these websites can evolve into something that makes money if they become
popular enough and the person who started them wants to make that shift, but they
primarily exist as a way to share your feelings, insights, and art with any friends and
strangers that might be interested.

Recommended WordPress Themes For Personal Website or Blog:


Business Website
If you are trying to find a way to create a professional website without spending thousands
of dollars on web design, WordPress offers a simple solution.You can choose from
thousands of business themes for your WordPress site and then tweak the layout to better
represent your business.

Recommended WordPress Themes For Business Website or Blog:

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X The Theme

eCommerce Website
An E-commerce website is an online shop where people can order goods and make
payments from the comfort of their own homes. If you have products to sell and would
like to enjoy the benefits of not having to run a traditional bricks-and-mortar shop with
things like overheads to consider, then this is definitely the way forward.

E-commerce websites are online markets for any product you want to buy online. You can
choose a variety of products of any kind from different ranges.

You get the variety in products, good deals to buy, easy selection and safe transactions
doing commerce on the web.

Some examples of e-commerce websites are Amazon, Ebay, Flipkart, and many more.

Recommended WordPress Themes For eCommerce Website:


Online Job Board

Create a community job board using WordPress. By using a forum theme for WordPress,
you can easily organize job categories and create a space for people to post or find jobs.

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Several popular sites like Smashing Magazine, Problogger etc use job boards as an
extra source of income. There is a growing demand of niche job boards catering the needs
of a specific industry or specialization.

WordPress allows you easily create a job board where employers can post job listings
and professionals can respond to them.

WordPress includes options for accepting subscribers and additional plugins will allow
you to customize the website to meet your needs.

Recommended WordPress Themes For Online Job Board Website:


Business Directory
Just like job boards, there is increasing demand of niche business directories on the web.

There are some great WordPress business themes which allow you to easily create a
business directory.

Instead of flicking through the pages of a massive phone directory to find services and
businesses, in this day and age we use online directory websites.

They can be dedicated to a specific location, topic or industry. Directory websites serve as
useful lists of resources.

You can even create web directory that is not limited to businesses alone.

Recommended WordPress Themes For Business Directory Website:


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Portfolio Websites
Showcase your talents with a portfolio website. There are hundreds of premium and free
WordPress themes for setting up your own online portfolio. These themes tend to focus on
images instead of using a traditional blog layout.

You can easily add a portfolio to your WordPress site with stunning image galleries, and
beautiful sliders.

WordPress can be used to provide a very sleek and polished user experience for your
portfolio site making it easier for others to browse and learn about your work.

This allows visitors to be drawn in by your art, design, crafts, or products.

Recommended WordPress Themes For Portfolio Websites:


Niche Affiliate Websites

Want to make a commission by referring your users to products and services? Here are
the best affiliate marketing themes available for WordPress.
Affiliate marketing can be a useful way to earn extra money, especially if you go about it in the
right way. When your website is dedicated to niche affiliate marketing, your main goal

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is to gain as much traffic as possible, with the hopes that your visitors will
purchase products discussed in your blog posts.

With WordPress, you can use an SEO plugin to increase your search engine rankings
and draw more visitors to your website. There are many resources available for
boosting traffic, including social media plugins.

These tools will boost your affiliate earnings and make things a lot easier.

Recommended WordPress Themes For Niche Affiliate Websites:


Photography Websites
Are you a professional or amateur photographer? Want to share your family vacation

As with portfolio themes for WordPress, you will have a large variety of photography
themes to choose from. These also focus on the images used on your website, instead of
the content. Easily upload your photos and display them right on your homepage.

Many of the newer designs being used for photography and portfolio themes feature a one-
page web design, where all of the content is available right from the homepage.

This makes it easier for visitors to browse your images. You could also take advantage of
the various slider plugins and image gallery plugins for WordPress.

With WordPress and Envira Gallery, you can create astonishingly beautiful photography

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You can add galleries, albums, titles, captions, lightbox popups, slideshows, and the
bells and whistles.

There are also tons of photography templates available for WordPress.

Recommended WordPress Themes For Photography Websites:


News & Magazine Websites

News and magazine websites need little explanation. The primary purpose of a
news website is to keep its readers up to date on current affairs.

The same can be true of an online magazine website, to some extent, although there is
much more of a focus on entertainment.

These sites give the latest news in entertainment, weather, and sports. They offer
breaking news, news update concerning the country/ the world and overall global news.

Recommended WordPress Themes For News & Magazine Websites:


School or College Websites

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WordPress powers thousands of schools and college websites around the world. It is
safe, secure, and easy to manage.

WordPress could be a useful option for creating a school or college website. You can easily
design a professional website for the school or college while adding resources that faculty
and students will find useful.

Include a teacher directory, course directory, and allow provide teachers with their own
for posting content for their classes.

Recommended WordPress Themes For School or College Websites:

Clever Course
Grand College
WPLMS Learning Management System

This is just a sampling of the potential types of websites that you can build using
WordPress. It is the most used platform for building websites and blogs. Millions
of websites are created with WordPress.

If you are interested in building a new website or want to redesign your existing site, then
consider using WordPress.

What Type of Website Will You Create?

Whatever type of website you choose to create, it’s important to think through what you want from it and make sure you design it based on the particular goals you have in mind.

MUST READ -> Selecting A WordPress Friendly Hosting Service

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And one of the first things you’ll need to figure out before your website goes live is

where to host it.

BLUEHOST has a number of affordable web hosting plans that are right for all kinds of
types of websites.

Building a website does require some work, but the benefits of having one are usually
well worth the effort.

For more information, review the options on our website or get in touch with any questions
you have.

3. Most Effective Web Design Principles You Should Know

The design of your website is more important for conversions than you think. You can

implement any’ conversion boosting tactic in the world, but if your web design looks

like crap, it won t do you much good.

Design is not just something designers do.

Design Is Marketing. Design is your product and how it works.

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Pay attention to the basics as you design your webpage, and you'll be rewarded by return
The more I’ve learned about the principles of web design, the better results I’ve gotten.

These simple tips help you deliver reader-friendly pages that welcome viewers.

Simple Is The Best

Over-designed website may not work. Putting too many elements on the page may lead to
distract visitors from the main purpose of your website. Simplicity always works in an
effective web page design.

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Clean and fresh design of your website not only makes the website appealing, but also help
user to navigate from one page to another seamlessly. Loading a website having design
features which do not serve the purpose may be frustrating.

Keep your design as simple as possible so that the visitors can feel it easy-to-use and
can find their ways easily.

Consistency in website design matter a lot. Give your attention to match design elements
throughout each of the pages. It can be understood that your fonts, sizes, headings, sub-
headings, and button styles must be the same throughout the website. Plan everything
in advance.

Finalize the fonts and the right colors for your texts, buttons etc, and stick to them
throughout the development. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) would come in handy to
keep the complete information about design styles and elements.

Typography & Readability

No matter how good your design is text still rules the website as it provides users the
desired information. Since search engine crawlers are very much familiar with this data, it
becomes an integral part of SEO activities.

You should keep your typography visually appealing and readable for visitors, along
with tricky use of keywords, meta-data, and other SEO-sensitive elements.

Consider using fonts that are easier to read. The modern sans-serif fonts as Ariel, Helvetica
etc. can be used for the body texts. Make proper combinations of typefaces for each and
every design elements such as headlines, body texts, buttons etc.

Mobile Compatibility
Keeping in mind the ever-growing usage of smart phones, ’tablets, web design must be
effective for’ various screens. If your website design doesn t support all screen sizes,
chance is that you ll lose the battle to your competitors.

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There are a number of web design studios or service points from where you can turn your
desktop design into a responsive and adaptive one for all screen sizes.

Color Palette & Imagery

A perfect color combination attracts users while a poor combination can lead to
distraction. This necessitates you to pick a perfect color palette for your website which can
create a pleasing atmosphere, thus leaving a good impact on visitors.

Enhance users experience by selecting complementary color palette to give a balanced-look

to your website design. Remember to white space use as it avoids your website from visual
clutter and mess.

Also avoid using too many colors. 3 or 4 tones for the whole websites’ are ample to give

appealing and clear design. Same is the case with images. Don t use multiple vibrant images

Easy Loading
No one likes the website that takes too much time to load. So take care of it by optimizing
image sizes, combing code into a central CSS or JavaScript file as it reduces HTTP
requests. Also, compress HTML, JavaScript and CSS for enhanced loading speed.

Easy Navigation
Study shows that visitors stay more time on the websites having easy navigation. For
effective navigation, you may consider creating a logical page hierarchy,“ using bread”
scrums, and designing clickable buttons. You should follow the three-click-rule so that
visitors can get the required information within three clicks.

The ultimate purpose of the visitors is to get information, and if your website is able to
communicate your visitors efficiently, most probably they would spend more time on
your website.
Tricks that may work to establish effortless communication with the visitors are –

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organizing information by making good use of headlines and sub-headlines, cutting the
waffle, and using bullet points, rather than long gusty sentences.

To Wrap It Up
It is easy to create a beautiful and functional website, simply by keeping these design
elements in mind.

Have you got a website design that needs reviewing or optimizing?

Or perhaps, you are planning a website and you are looking to get the design right from the
ground up.

Either way, these principles of effective web design can help your website be more
engaging, useful, and memorable for visitors. Effective web design and art are not the same.

You should design for the user and by having a business objective in mind. Using these
web design principles you can get to aesthetically and financially rewarding results.

Keeping the aforementioned principles of good website design, you can easily develop an
aesthetic and functional website.

Without this base, it would be difficult to travel a long path. Only with a clean and user-
friendly design, you can think to succeed.

4. Domain Name & Web Hosting Explained’

When setting up your first website it s not uncommon to get confused between
domain name registration and web hosting.

Your domain name is the name of your site or your url (
and can be purchased by going to a domain name registrar.

Domain names usually range from about $10 to $50/year depending on the extension.

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In order for your website“ to appear” on the Internet, the files need to be uploaded to a
server. These can be hosted at a hosting company. Hosting is usually billed monthly or
annually at a rate of $10 to $50/month depending on how the type of server you need
and how much space and bandwidth you are using.
Domain names can be purchased anywhere, but it’s convenient to buy the domain and

set up hosting in the same location.

When setting up WordPress sites, I recommend the following hosting providers:

If you’re looking for Bluehost alternatives that give you a free domain while purchasing a

web hosting account, then here are a few web hosting providers to consider.

All of these hosting companies provide domain name registration as well as hosting
making it very convenient.

You can however, purchase a domain name and then host it somewhere else.

The following domain name registrars are quite popular:
Once you’ve purchased’ a domain name, you will be provided with login details to access your

account. It s important to keep this info on hand and pass it on to your web developer.

If you’ve ’purchased a domain name at one company and decide to host it somewhere else,

then you ll need to login to your domain registrar and modify the dns. This dns change just

tells your domain registrar that the url you are using is now being hosted by someone else.

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Before modifying the dns, be mindful of your email addresses. If you’ve set up email

addresses with your domain registrar, you will need to set these up again with your

hosting provider.

Before making any changes, it’s best’ to contact your web developer or IT department

and make sure that any changes won t incur email loss.

This whole’ domain name registration and’ hosting may seem daunting but it’s very simple

once you ve done it once or twice. If you re setting up a brand new site, choosing one of the

hosting companies to purchase both domain name and hosting will make it simpler.

If you’ve already purchased the domain name somewhere else, just make sure that you

keep your login details to both domain registrar and hosting provider and pass this info

to your web developer.

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1. What Is Domain Website Flipping?
Domain flipping is the process of purchasing a domain name with the intent of quickly
selling it at a significantly higher cost.

This is similar to house flipping, where a home is purchased and fixed up in order to sell
for a quick profit.

Similar to real estate flipping. You are flipping website domains. These’ are the addresses

you type into your internet browsers that direct you to the website you re looking for.

These are the addresses that end with (.com), (.org), (.biz), (.net) and so on.

Unlike house flipping, however, there is essentially nothing to be done with the domain
name in order to increase its value.

Therefore, the key to a successful domain flip is being in the right place at the right time
in order to acquire a valuable domain name before it is given a premium price.

According to Wikipedia, was bought by Xiaomi for 3.6 million dollars in 2014, was sold at 8.8 million dollars in 2014 and something as basic as
was sold at 35.6 million dollars which is the most expensive domain name ever sold.

Followings are some of the best places to start you domain flipping ventures. However,
you may try any of the following places.

1 Godaddy
2, Flippa Marketplac.
3, Sedo Domain Marketplace
4, Website Broker
5, Ebay
6, Brand Bucket
7, Afternic

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2. Why Did I Start This?

Here are some other crazy sales in the millions

• Cameras(.com) was sold in 2006 for $1,500,000

• DataRecovery(.com) was sold in 2008 for $1,659,000

• Computer(.com) was sold in 2007 for $2,100,000

• CreditCards(.com) was sold in 2004 for $2,750,000

• Candy(.com) was sold in 2009 for $3,000,000

• Toys(.com) was sold in 2009 for $ 5,100,000

• Business(.com) was reported to have sold in 1999 for $7,500,000

• This is a simple domain flipping guide for some extra cash online.

You could buy 1 or 2 domains and just let them sit. Even if it took a while to sell it’s still


Definition of a “Good” Domain & Our Main Objective Most of the Time Is to Find:
Two-word domains (maybe rarely three-words if it makes sense)
• The shorter the better. Lowest number of characters and words as possible.

• .COM is priority, but you can get lucky with the other new domain

extensions as mentioned above.

• .NET, .ORG are also still really good.

• Brand potential

• Easy to pronounce and to spell. Some keywords can be misspelled if it is still


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• Can it be easily replaced by an alternative?

All these factors constitute if a domain name is premium or not.

To search these, I use only these domain registrars: is great because they are reliable and I’ve been using them for over

5 years and have never had a problem.

3. Choose A Niche
It often helps to have expert knowledge when you’re searching for domains.

If you understand a niche very well – whether it’s fishing or small business advice –

make use of your knowledge and search for domains for sale within your niche.

With an expert’s perspective, you’re bound to discover domains’ being sold on

most registrars and auction websites for significantly less than they re worth.

If you’re an expert, you’ll also find it easier to contact potential buyers in your niche.

For Example:-
From interior decorating to automotive repair, every niche has opportunities for a
smart domain investor to profit.

Put your expert knowledge to use and scout your favorite niche for good domain investing

Are You Ready To Start Domain Flipping?

Domain flipping is an excellent way to put your research and investment skills to the test
and generate real online income.
It’s also a fantastic way to learn what startups, online companies and marketer’s value in

a domain name and online presence.

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4. Strategies How To Successfully Flip Domains?
Domain flipping refers to the practice of buying website domains and then selling them
with a profit. When done properly, domain flipping can be a very fulfilling and rewarding

Domain names such as, and were sold for thousands
of dollars.

Though you might not make this much money initially, you will be able to increase your
income gradually as you get more experienced.

Here are some strategies that will help you make the most of domain flipping?

Choose the right keywords

You need to ensure that your domain name has the right keywords for the industry you
are targeting. This will enhance its search engine ranking, thus making it easier for people
to find it on Google.

For instance,‘ a domain like seattlepizzadelivery’.com is likely to be ranked high for

the keywords Seattle pizza delivery .

Visit domain registrars such as Bluehost and Namecheap, and explore several domain
names which businesses in your area would find valuable.

Buy a few of these domains and then start getting in touch with establishments which
would be interested in them.

Don’t rush into selling

Though it is possible to flip a domain name within a few days, some may take weeks,
months, or even years. Therefore, you need to be ready to hold on to a domain name
for some time before selling it for what it is worth.

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This should especially be the case for domain names which are valuable to small niches.
Having a long-term strategy can result in much greater profits. Instead of selling the
domain for a few hundred in days, it would be better to wait a few years and sell it for
thousands of dollars.

Look for high page rank (PR) expired domains

Though some people say page rank is dead, Google still considers PR in determining its
search engine results. Therefore, while buying new domain names, you should also look for
expired domains with good page ranks.

Such domains might also come with a good number of quality backlinks.

To find expired domains, you can either check with domain registrars or auction
websites such as Sedo, Flippa, and WebsiteBroker.
Alternatively, you could simply Google the term ‘expired domains’. Though finding such

domains can be a time-consuming exercise, it can turn out to be immensely profitable.

Focus on your area of expertise

When buying a domain name, you need to consider your area of expertise. For instance,
you might have a good understanding of a niche such as fishing, soccer, music,
landscaping, or real estate.

It would be advisable to look for domain names with keywords which are associated with your
niche. When you are an expert in a field, you will be able to choose valuable keywords.

In addition, you will find it easy to pitch such domain names to prospective buyers.

Think of alternative top level domains (TLDs)

For a long time, many domain extensions such as .org, .net and .com were considered
valuable. Nowadays, however, alternative extensions such as .io, .us and .ca are
gaining popularity.

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Therefore, don’t ignore any good domain just because of its extension. It might just turn

out to be your best investment ever.

Flip websites
At times, a domain becomes far more valuable when it comes along with a great website.
Such a domain would be especially appealing to buyers if it has significant and traffic, and is
generating some income.

Therefore, when you buy a domain, consider building a website around it. This
could double or even triple its value.

Flipping domain names is not very complicated.

Keep the factors above in mind and you could be smiling all the way to the bank.

5. Best Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research is the bread and butter of any search campaign. None more so than for

Building a strategy around the keyword you wish to rank for is vital, and there are plenty
of SEO keyword tools to help you with that.

Of course, knowing where to start can be difficult.

Below you'll find the five best SEO keyword research tools I recommend for startups
to begin a well-rounded keyword foundation for your campaigns.

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SEMRush: Marketing SEO Tools

Useful for: Advanced keyword research, topic discovery, opportunity analysis, content



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Useful for: Advanced keyword research, topic discovery, opportunity analysis, content



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Useful for: Advanced keyword research, topic discovery, opportunity analysis, content

Visit KWFinder


Useful for: Advanced keyword research, topic discovery, opportunity analysis, content

Visit Serpstat

Google Keyword Planner

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Useful for: keyword research.

My Recommendations:

If you are looking for an easy, yet a great solution, go for SEMRush.
6. Proven Ways To Promoting Your Website For Free
So you’ve just finished creating your stunning website or blog, but now it’s time to share

it with the world.

After all, what good is your site if no one is around to see it?
Promoting your website doesn’t have to cost you a ton of money. In fact, it doesn’t have

to cost you any money at all.

Read on to discover the 10 best ways to promote your website for free:

Solidify Your Website Or Blog SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization is hands-down one of the most effective ways to get

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your website ranking’ on Google– (and other search engines). Unlike SEM (search
engine marketing), it s totally free the competition is open to everyone, based on the
quality of the content you publish, the fluidity of the navigation you offer to your
visitors, and the number of links you receive from the outside.

SEO requires some time and effort, but in order to make your life a little easier, you
can take advantage of Weebly SEO Wiz.


The magical (and totally free) Weebly will walk you through the process, as well ‘as create
an in-depth’ checklist of all the elements you need to optimize in order for you to
get found .
On top of all this, Weebly websites are now instantly indexed by Google, so you’ll be able to

see your site in search results then and there.

2. Take’ Advantage Of Email Marketing

There s a reason you will always see email marketing placed high up on articles that talk
about how to drive traffic to your website.
Because it’s proven to be effective over and over. (For every $1 you spend on email

marketing, the average rate of return is $38) Sure, anyone can send a newsletter and get

some hits, but one that is carefully written and effective is almost an art form.

Keep your content punchy, your CTAs prominent, and your tone pressing to get across to
your reader. That is what will separate you and the sea of other newsletters your visitors
have subscribed to.

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Thanks to Convertkit [RECOMMENDED] - Advanced email marketing automation tool, you
can create, send and share beautiful emails in minutes.

Start A Blog
Blogs are great.
No, I’m not just saying that because you’re reading one. Having a blog on your website

can increase your ranking on search engines, help establish yourself as an expert in your

field, and dramatically improve your conversion rate.

The cherry on top: writing articles will force you to research your market, and in
turn broaden your knowledge and grow your professional skills.

As for the technical side of starting a blog, I makes it super easy to create a killer blog
that can be connected to your site in just one simple click.
Don’t fancy yourself much of a writer?

Lucky for you, I’ve created the definitive guide on how to start your own blog, so you can

be well on your way to becoming a blogging pro.

MUST READ -> How To Start A Successful Blog

Try Guest Blogging

In addition to starting your own blog, you may want to bring in a guest blogger. This is a
popular tactic that is mutually beneficial for both parties involved.

Having another’ writer in your industry write a post on your own blog allows you to

dive into the person s network and hopefully get some quality leads.

MUST READ -> Powerful Strategy Increase Blog Awareness

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Not only that, you’re building relationships along the way with people in your

industry therefore’ growing’ your own network. You both get exposure, traffic, and

social media shares. I d say it s a win-win for all.

Vice versa, it’s strongly recommended that you become a guest blogger yourself – that

is, you start writing articles to be published on other platforms.

Here too, the benefits are huge: your website’s link appears on external pages (giving a nice

boost to your SEO), you get exposed to a new audience, and you improve your writing skills

by trying new formats.

MUST READ -> How To Optimize Website For Search Engines?

5. Harness The Power Of Social’ Media

Believe it or not, social media isn t just a way for your friends from high school to show
off pictures of their children or for snapping a photo of what they ate for lunch.

Businesses that use social media as a tool can tap into a following that helps fuel brand
awareness and overall growth.
Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat (and hopefully it’s a combination of

one or all of them), posting and commenting is important to build a community. Regularly

engaging with your audience can also increase the chances of them sharing your content,

which is free promotion for your website.

Don’t forget to cross-promote so all of your networks get to benefit from as much of your

content as possible, like sharing your Instagram video to Twitter or your latest blog post on

your Facebook page.

You can also add a social bar to your website so that your visitors can easily find your social
profiles and share your website.

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Reach Out With Outreach Marketing
Outreach marketing involves connecting with others in your business category,
bloggers and influencers to promote your website in some way, shape or form.

The technique starts with identifying the targets you need in order to attain your goal.
This involves reaching out with a pitch, and following up when necessary.
This can be done via email or social media, and depending on your targets’ following, one

may be better than the other. The idea is to create a lasting relationship all while getting

the exposure for your website you originally set out for.

7. Post On ’Forums

Who doesn t like a little shameless self promotion every now and then? Forums are another
way of getting your website out to another crowd that may not normally run across it.
You can start a new thread on a well known forum like Reddit and let others decide if it’s

worthy of getting upvoted, or you can engage in an existing conversation thread that is on-

topic and throw in your website when appropriate.

(Please, don’t spam. It’s just plain rude.) As’ with the directories above, try to find

forums that are specifically about your businesses industry so that you can reach your

specific audience in a more intimate way.

8. Submit Your Site To Online Directories

While a majority of people will be searching Google to find what they’re looking for, submitting your website to online directories is still a good idea.

You want your URL in as many places as you can get it so that more people can find it. So
why not take advantage of this free advertising space?

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Depending on the industry you work in, there may be a dedicated directory for your
business type. If you have a brick and mortar store, submitting to local directories is even

Free services like Google My Business allow you to claim your business so that when
someone searches for your business your website plus a map with your location, hours and
contact will appear on the right side of the results page.
Other places you’ll want to look into adding your website or business to be Yellow Pages,

and Yelp. Remember, the more the merrier.

9. Say It With Your Signature

Your email signature is basically an online bumper sticker, in that people are going
to see it whether they care to or not. This, however, can very much be a good thing
for you and your website.

Make sure that at the bottom of any email that you send out (regardless to whom)
you place your business logo, links to your social accounts and website, plus any
other contact information.

Online promotion? Easy.

10. Focus On Quality

When making your own coffee, it’s easy to fix if you’ve made it too

Simply add some more water and let it brew to even out its potency. However,
adding too much water will ruin the entire pot.

When creating’ content to advertise or promote your website, focus on creating

quality work or you ll end up with a watered-down mess that no one wants.

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This tip can be applied to all of the other tips you’ll find in this article.

Attention to detail and a “quality over quantity” attitude will be one of the best things

you can do for your business in the long run.

Ready To Conquer The World Wide Web?

Create Your FREE Stunning Website Today!

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1. Introduction To FaceBook Marketing

Are you struggling to figure out how to use Facebook for your business?

With over 4 billion users, Facebook can be an extremely effective tool for converting a sale
or to gaining a new sales lead.

However, the tasks for content creation, community management, user acquisition, and
managing advertisements can be time consuming and frustrating.

In this session, I will equip you with the information you need to determine if Facebook is
a worthwhile tool for meeting your overall marketing and business goals.

Over 2 billion people use Facebook every month, making it the most popular social
media platform in the world.

The average Facebook user spends one hour a day on the site.
Which seems like a ton of time to grab someone’s attention?

Not so!
If you have any friends or fans, you’re automatically fighting to stand out from

the thousands of posts an average Facebook user could see.

On top of that, Facebook assigns mysterious “ranks” to every single post, so

Facebook users see only a few specific posts at a time in their News Feed.

On top of even THAT, Facebook continues to nudge business Pages towards paid
content and paid advertising as the primary means to get seen.


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While Facebook’’s focus on targeted, paid advertising and paid content is the real

deal, thankfully it s not the only way to get your posts seen by your audience!

Facebook continues to be the reigning champ of social media sites, as the #1 spot where
friends connect and share online.

More than just a meeting place for friends, Facebook has grown into a venue for businesses
to market themselves through interaction with customers and self-promotion.
Whether–’ you’re a big corporation or a small local biz, Facebook is a powerful marketing

tool it s a great space to keep customers informed, develop brand identity, and broaden

your reach.

2. TOP 5 Reasons To Advertise On Facebook

Unsure whether Facebook advertising is for you?

Will it get you the results you’re looking for?

How much time does it take to manage Facebook campaigns?

Read this chapter to find out all these answers and much more!

Did you know that 96% of social media marketers consider Facebook the most
effective social media advertising platform?!

MUST READ -> Building Your Brand Business With Facebook

See how a’ single Facebook ad campaign can help you get more leads and increase

your company s revenue.

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Reason #1. Facebook Advertising Is Highly Effective
According to study, 96% of social media marketers consider Facebook the most
effective social media advertising platform.

In the past years,’ social media’ advertising has grown into a highly popular marketing
channel. That s because it s one of the most effective paid advertising channels, helping to
get new leads and turn them into paying customers.

Facebook Ads work both for B2C and B2B companies, and there are so many success
stories that show more than 5x increases in marketing results after advertising on
If you think it’s too late to jump on the Facebook advertising wagon, don’t worry. There’s

a continuous growth both in terms of new Facebook users and advertising opportunities.

Social media advertising budgets have doubled worldwide over the past 2 years—going

from $16 billion U.S. in 2014 to $31 billion in 2016.

In 2017, analysts predicted a 26.3% global increase in spending for social media ads.
As reported by TechCrunch, Facebook’s daily active users’ number rose 18% to 1.23

billion people in 2016.

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Reason #2. You Can Reach Your Perfect Audience
As of January 2018, more than 2 billion people see an advert through the
Audience Network every month.

Add to the’ equation the people viewing their Facebook newsfeeds and Instagram accounts,
and you ll grasp the extent of target audiences available via Facebook advertising.
Out of Facebook’s 1.6 billion monthly users, the average person spends 50 minutes daily

on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger.

That’s more than on any other social media network. With Facebook ads, you’ll have

the opportunity to reach every single one of them.

Facebook target audiences are highly customizable, making it possible to target people
based on their interest, demographics, location, actions on your website, engagement in
your app, and much more.

This makes Facebook the best advertising network to create granular target audiences
with a high ROI.

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Reason ’#3. Simple Set-Up Process And Fast Results

You don t need to be a Fortune500 company or acquire funding to advertise on Facebook.

In fact, a couple hundred dollars can get you pretty far already.

The best thing about Facebook ads is that you can get started without a large effort, and
see the first results when spending as– few as $10. In fact, you can even drive people to
your landing page at the cost of $0.10 $0.30 per click, depending on the ad placement.
Perhaps that’s why 65 million businesses are using Facebook Pages, and there are over

6 million business profiles on Instagram. If they can do it, so can you!

When compared to Google AdWords, managing Facebook ads is a significantly

easier process.
Moreover,’ you don’t need to spend as much time learning about Facebook ads

before you re able to set up your first campaign.

Reason #4. Facebook Ad Campaigns Are Highly Customizables

With Facebook constantly adding new ad placements, including video ads and instant
article ads, there are countless opportunities for creating good-looking ad formats.

In addition to your Facebook ad design and copy, you can also customize every element of
your Facebook ad campaign, including:

 Campaign objective
 Target audience
 Bidding
Delivery optimization

These options make Facebook the most customizable advertising network, allowing you to
create the exact ad campaigns you have in mind.

Reason #5. Facebook Is Adding New Features Every Month

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In 2017 alone, Facebook has added so many newupdates,featuresimprovedit’shardadtoreportingkeepthe…count:

Messenger Day, Instagram Stories, Live Video

Along with all these Facebook updates, advertisers have an increasing number of tools and
tactics to reach their target audience.

Who would have thought that video ads can be so easy to set up that anyone can do it?
This far, we’ve noticed Facebook making six monthly product updates on average,

which means that there will be more than 70 new and improved features every year. No

other advertising network can keep up with this!

The faster you learn to advertise on Facebook, the sooner you’ll unlock the full potential

of social media advertising.

The best way to start learning about Facebook ads as a beginner is to set up your Facebook
Business Manager account and create your first ad campaign.

covered.’ ’ –’
3. How To Set Up Your Facebook Advertising Account?
If you re unsure how to get started with Facebook advertising, don t worry I ve got you

MUST READ -> How To Run A Successful Facebook Marketing Campaign An Overview?
Up next, you’ll find step-by-step instructions for setting up your Facebook

advertising account, including the guidelines for working with Facebook Business

Manager and Facebook Ads Manager.

What Is Facebook Business Manager?

Business Manager is a tool designed for managing your Facebook Pages and ad accounts.

By using Business Manager, you can:

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Manage access to your Facebook Pages and ad accounts – see who has access to

 your Pages and ad accounts– and remove or change their permissions.
Work with agencies you can also share your Business Manager account with
agencies so that they can help you manage your ad campaigns.

You can have multiple ad accounts and users all combined under your Business Manager

Here’s a quick overview of the two roles available in Facebook Business Manager:

Admin and Employee:

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There’s a different set of roles for Facebook ad accounts that you can also manage and

edit in the Business Manager.

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In order to start advertising on Facebook, you need a Business Manager account that
manages at least one Facebook Page.

To add a Facebook Page:

1. Go to Business Manager Settings. “ ”

Select one”of the 3 options: “Claim a Page”, “Request Access to a Page” or “Create

a New Page

If you choose to request access or claim a Page, enter the Facebook page name or
URL2.3.Under the“ People and Assets” tab, select PagesClickonAddNewPage
To add an advertising account to your Business Manager:

1. Open your Business Manager Settings.

2. Under the People and Assets tab, click on Ad Accounts
New Ad Accounts

3. On the right side of the page, select “Add “ ” ”

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5. If “ ”
Choose one of the 3 options: Claim Ad Account , Request Access to an Ad Account

4. or Create a New Ad Account ” “ ”
you choose to request access or claim an ad account, enter the ad account ID.
(Learn where to find the account’ ID)
Before you can start advertising, you ll need to give Facebook additional account
information and enter your credit card data.

Setting Up Your Ad Account Info ’ ’

As you might imagine, Facebook won t let you start spending unless you ve entered a valid
payment method and shared some business information.
Navigate your Business Manager menu to find “Ad Account Settings” and click.

Fill in all the blanks by entering your company’s name, address, and other relevant


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You can enter your” billing information under the “Payments” tab by clicking on

“Add Payment Method.

If you’re a business in the EU, you’ll also be prompted to insert your VAT number. Facebook

will also allow you to choose your’ billing currency and your timezone’. Be extremely careful

with this information as you won t be able to change it once you ve created your account.

After you’“ve filled in your ad account information,” hit the “Save Changes” button and

move on to the Billing & Payment Methods page.

Setting Up’ Your Billing & Payment Information

Alright, let s add your first credit card to your Facebook advertising account.
To do that, you’ll need to navigate to the “Billing & Payment Methods” in the

Business Manager menu.

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You will land on the Billing page where you can:

Add new payment methods

Edit your current’ payment methods
Set your account s spending limit

To add a new payment method:

Click on the green “Add Payment Method” button

Choose the method you want to add

Fill in your“ information”
Click on Continue

Facebook accepts multiple payment options, including credit cards and PayPal payments.

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If you need additional help, here’s Facebook’s guide that explains how your ad billing and

payments work.

Tip: Add multiple payment options

As you start advertising more and more, we suggest that you also add a secondary payment

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method. This way, should your primary card’ expire, reach the monthly limit, or be blocked

for whatever reason, your advertising won t stop being delivered to potential customers.

If your primary card billing fails, all of’ your campaigns will be immediately paused until
you pay the outstanding’ balance. You ll also have to manually restart them one by one.
This is a tedious task if you re running several campaigns. If you have a secondary payment
method set up, Facebook will begin billing your secondary method and everything will
keep working smoothly.

Editing Your Payment Options

If you want to make changes“ to your Facebook advertising” payments, you can do it on
the same page by clicking on Edit Payment Methods.
If you have entered multiple payment options, you can choose which one’s primary.

Note that you cannot delete your primary source, so you’ll need to make another

option your primary source before removing your current primary payment method.

How And When Are You Billed?

You can expect a bill from Facebook on two occasions:

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At the end of every month
When you reach your billing threshold (if you use direct debit to pay for Facebook

The billing threshold means that your primary payment method will be charged every
time you reach a certain billing threshold. The sum of the threshold varies based on your
billing history.
This threshold will be pretty low when you first start advertising (usually $25), and you’ll

be billed every time you spend $25 in Facebook Ads. As you keep spending and your

payments are correctly processed, your threshold will be automatically increased to $50,

$250, $500, and finally, $750.

These thresholds don’’t have any direct impact on your advertising campaigns; they

just affect’ how often you ll be charged. The big advantage of having a high threshold is

that you ll have to deal with fewer invoices. If you want to change your threshold or

have problems with billing, you can contact Facebook support.

Setting up the account spending limit ’

If you want to rest assured that your ad campaigns won t exceed your monthly
advertising budgets, you can cap your Facebook ad account spend.

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This is also useful when’ working with agencies; whenever’ you want to be sure

your consultant/agency won t be able to spend more than you ve planned.

Setting the limit is very simple. Just click the “Set Account Spending Limit” and set

the amount.

Don’t set it too low or you’ll have to update it very often. Remember that each time the limit

is reached, all of your accounts will be paused for at least 15 minutes.

As a final note, rest assured that the account spending limit doesn’t have any impact on

your ad delivery pace.

Facebook Ad Account Limits

Whether you like it or not, your Facebook Advertising’ account will have some limits.

They should not bother you most of the time, but it s better to get to know them from the

Here are the limits of Facebook Power Editor:

A user can manage up to 25 ad accounts.

An ad account can have a max of 25 users per account. ’
A regular ad account can have up to 5,000 ads that aren ’t deleted.
A regular ad account can have up to 1,000 sets that aren t deleted’.
A regular ad account can have up to 1,000 campaigns’ that aren t deleted.
An ad account can have up to 50 ads that aren t deleted per ad set.

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These limits only’ apply to non-deleted ads and campaigns. When you reach any of

these limits, all you ll have to do is delete old campaigns and their ads.

Review Your Notification Settings’

It comes without saying that you ll want to be informed about important

updates happening on your advertising account.

Facebook Notifications are a good way to stay in touch with your campaigns. However,
they can also flood your inbox very quickly, so you may want to change the frequency of
email notifications you receive from Facebook.

To edit your notification settings:

Go to the’ Ad Account Settings page (this is the same page where you set up your
ad account s information).
Select “Notifications” from the menu on the left.

Add or remove checkmarks in front of the notifications, depending on what you want
to receive.

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Set up your notifications so that you’ll get the most important notifications via email and

others as Facebook notifications (that will appear in the top menu of your Business

Manager, like in the image above).

Review Your Ad Account Roles

If you“ want to add new” users and admins to your Facebook advertising account, navigate

to the Account Roles menu tab.

Here’s’ where you can add new users (invite your team members) and edit the

existing users permissions.

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Once you’ve completed the account management and invited your team members,

you’re all set.

Congratulations! You’re ready to go!

Your Facebook ad account is finally ready and waiting for you to set up those first

4. How To Set Up Your Facebook Ad Campaigns?’

In this chapter of our Facebook Ads Guide, I ll walk through the entire process of setting
up your first ad campaign in the Facebook Ads Manager.

What Is Facebook Ads Manager?

Facebook has two ad management tools: Facebook Ads Manager and Power Editor.

MUST READ -> How To Build An Audience On Facebook [24 Tips]

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Both of these tools are free. If you’re just starting out, I suggest that you setup’ your

campaigns in the Ads Manager (Power’ Editor is a more complex tool that s mainly used

for managing large-scale campaigns. It s mainly used by agencies and enterprise-level


By using the Facebook Ads Manager, you can:

 Set up Facebook ad campaigns

 Create new ad sets and ads
 Manage Facebook ad bids
Target many different audiences
Optimize your ad campaigns ’

 Keep track of your campaigns performance
A/B test your Facebook ad campaigns.

How To Use And Navigate The Ads Manager?

There are three ways to access your Facebook Ads Manage
There are three ways to access your Facebook Ads Manager account:

Use this link that will take you to your Ads Manager account (You better bookmark
the link for quick access!)
Click on the drop-down arrow in the upper“-right corner” of any Facebook page (that
you have Admin’ access to) and select Manage Ads in the drop-down menu.

Use Facebook s Ads Manager mobile app to access and manage your ad campaigns
anytime and anywhere. ’

To help you better understand your Facebook Ads Manager account, here s a
quick roadmap.

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However, I suggest that you play around inside the Ads Manager and see what else

you’ll discover.

If you’re left wondering where are all your Facebook audiences, advanced reports, etc.,

know that you can access all the important tools inside the Facebook Business Manager

by using the main navigation menu in the top-left corner of your screen.

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Now that you’re’ familiar with the navigation of the Facebook Ads Manager, let’s move

fast to the part you ve been waiting for: creating your first ad campaign on Facebook.

How To Set Up A Facebook Ad Campaign

Alright, let’s start with the basics, i.e”. by answering the question “How can you

start creating a new Facebook campaign?

First, make sure you’ve chosen the Ads Manager“ tool from” the top-left menu shown in

the screenshot above. Then, click on the green Create Ad button in the top-right side of

the page.

I’ll be guided through the entire campaign creation funnel (image below). All you have to

do is select your preferred options and enter some ad details like images and copy.

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Let me show you how to do it, step by step.

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Step 1: Select Your Campaign’ Objective
The first selection you re going to make is choosing your campaign objective.
Here’s the complete list of Facebook campaign objectives available in the Ads Manager:

 Brand awareness
 Local awareness
 Reach
 Traffic
 Engagement
 All installs
 Video views
 Lead generation
 Conversions
 Product catalog sales
Store visits

How to choose your campaign objective?

The reason Facebook’s asking’ about your campaign’s goal, i.e. objective, is because it

will determine the campaign s ad formats, bidding options, and auto-optimization.

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If you tell Facebook your goal, it can auto-optimize your ads to deliver you more results.

Anyway, I recommend that you’ always select the campaign objective that’ reflects on

your end goal. Most of the time, it s Conversions“. However, if ”your campaign s ultimate

goal is to increase brand awareness, select the Brand awareness objective and so on.

Step 2: Give Your Ad Campaign a Name

Do I need to explain this point?

Well, the name tells it all, but maybe I can share one of my secret tips with you:

When naming your Facebook ad campaign, don’t forget to add the date range so that it
will be easier to navigate between your campaigns later.

Step 3: Set Up the Audience Targeting

In this phase of your campaign setup, you have two options:

 Create a new Facebook target audience

Use a Saved Audience

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You can also select Custom Audiences’ that you’ve previously created in the Audience

Manager. (Note that you can t create new Custom Audiences in the campaign creation

phase. You need to create these first in the Audience Manager).

Right now, let’s keep on walking through the rest of the Facebook campaign setup.

Step 4: Set Up Your Ad Placement

Facebook ads appear in multiple places, including:

Facebook News Feeds (Mobile and Desktop)

Facebook Right-Hand Column
Audience Network
Instant Articles
In-Stream Video

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In this phase of your campaign setup, you have two options: you can either select the

Automatic“ Placement” or configure’ your ad campaign so that your ads are only shown

in some real estates of Facebook s advertising network.

How to’ select your Facebook ad placements?

If you re setting up your first campaign, I recommend that you use the
Automatic Placements.
However, if you’re trying to get people convert on your website and it’s difficult to navigate on

mobile, de-select the Mobile Newsfeed, Instagram and Audience Network placements.

Here are the ad placements recommended by Facebook for every campaign objective:

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Brand awareness: Facebook and Instagram
Engagement: Facebook and Instagram
Video views: Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network
App installs: Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network
Traffic (for website clicks and app engagement): Facebook and Audience Network
Product catalog sales: Facebook and Audience Network
Conversions: Facebook and Audience Network
Step 5: Set Up Your Campaign Budget and Bidding ’

Your Facebook ad budget and bidding options are such important topics, that I ve devoted
the entire Chapter to it.

Step 6: Set Up Your Facebook Ads

As the final step of your campaign setup process, you can select your preferred Facebook
ad type and insert your ad images and copy.

You can either select an existing Facebook Page post or create new ads:

I won’t stop on this topic right now. Instead, I am going to cover it in the following

chapters of this guide.

5. Facebook Ad Types For Different Goals

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Ad Types for Each Objective
In this Chapter of Facebook Ads Guide, I am going to discover all the different Facebook ad
types. (And believe us, there are many!)
 You’ll find answers to a load of hot questions, including:

 What are all the different Facebook ad types

 What are the specifications for each ad type
 What are’ some great examples of different Facebook ad types
 Why it’ s important to use the right ad type
 What’ s the best Facebook ad type to use

Alright, let s have a look at all the different ad types and find out which ones match with
your desired campaign goals!

Traffic And Leads For Your Website

One of the most common purposes of Facebook Advertising is driving traffic to
your website.
This can be either to increase your site’s overall reach or to send users to a dedicated

landing page and have them potentially buy your product, sign up for a newsletter, or
participate in some other kind of lead generation.
Here’s a breakdown of Facebook ads that help to drive traffic to your website.

Link Click Ads

Supported placements:

 Right Column
 Desktop Newsfeed
 Mobile Newsfeed
 Audience Network

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If you think about Facebook ads, you’re probably thinking about the Link Click Ads.

This ad type helps to promote your external website and send people to your landing pages
or blog posts. You can use Link Click Ads with several placements; this allows you to deliver
the same ad across multiple News Feeds and reach a large audience.

These ads perform really well and have the side benefit of generating Likes for your
page. Just remember to check the comments and reply to them for an engagement boost!

 Specs:
 Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
 Ad copy text: 90 characters
 Headline: 25 characters
Link Description: 30 characters

Here’s an example of a Link Click Ad for Facebook’s Desktop Newsfeed

Video Ads
Supported placements:
Desktop Newsfeed

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- Mobile Newsfeed
- Instagram
- Audience Network
Facebook Video Ads ’are actually another form of the Link Click Ads – just which instead

of a still image, your ad s featuring a video.


Ad copy text: 90 characters

Aspect ratios supported: 16:9 to 9:16
File size: up to 4 GB max
Continuous looping available
Video can be as long as 120 min., but most top-performing videos are 15-30 seconds

Here’s an example of a Video Ads for Facebook’s

Boosted Page Posts

Supported placements:

Desktop Newsfeed
Mobile Newsfeed
Audience Network

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Every time you post’ something on your Facebook Page, Facebook offers you the chance
to amplify the post s reach with a Boosted Post.
As you click on “Boost Post,” you can set up the target audience’ and bidding methods

and promote your Page post to more people across Facebook s advertising network.

- Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
- Ad copy text: unlimited
- Headline: 25 characters
- Link Description: 30 characters
The Boosted Page Post will look exactly like an ordinary Facebook post, with a

“Sponsored” note on top of the ad.

Here’s an example of a Boosted Page Posts for Facebook’s

Sales And Leads For Your Product Or Service

If you’re running an e-commerce store or have multiple offers you’d like to promote,

Facebook allows you to showcase a range of products and services in a single ad.

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Facebook has also developed ad types that allow users to submit their email or interact
with your brand without leaving the Facebook platform. By not leaving the platform,
load times are up to 10X faster! This makes for a great user experience and reduces the
time (and often, money) required to acquire new leads.

Multi-Product (Carousel Ads)

Supported placements:
Desktop Newsfeed
Mobile Newsfeed
Audience Network

The carousel ad format lets you show up to 10 images and/or videos, headlines and links,
or calls to action in a single ad unit.

It is extremely useful for eCommerce advertisers looking to promote multiple products

from their store, or for marketers looking to promote different posts and offers to see
what works and attracts leads with their audience.

Recommended image size: 1080 x 1080 or 600 x 600 pixels
Ad copy text: 90 characters
Headline: 25 characters
Link Description: 30 characters

Here’s an example of a Carousel Ads for Facebook’s

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Dynamic Product Ads (DPA)
Supported placements:

- Desktop Newsfeed
- Mobile Newsfeed
- Right Column
- Audience Network
- Instagram’

Facebook s dynamic product ads are like re-marketing display ads on steroids. They
target users based on past actions (or inactions) on your website or application with a
perfectly timed ad.

All you have to do is upload your product catalogue to’ Facebook and double-check
that your Facebook Pixel is installed correctly on your site s pages. Facebook handles
the automation and re-targeting!

Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels or 600 x 600 pixels
Ad copy text: 90 characters
Headline: 25 characters
Link Description: 30 characters

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Here’s an example of a Dynamic Product Ads (DPA) for Facebook’s

Facebook Lead Ads

Supported placements:
Desktop Newsfeed
Mobile Newsfeed
Audience Network

Lead Ads are the perfect way for, you guessed it, getting new leads!

This Facebook ad type allows people to download your content or sign up for your offer
without leaving Facebook platform.

This makes the Lead Ads a perfect method for quickly getting a potential customers email

Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
Ad copy text: 90 characters
Headline: 25 characters

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Link Description: 30 characters
Context card can be in paragraph format, which has no character limit, or 5-
bulletpoint format, which allows for 80 characters per bullet
Context card headline: 60 characters
Context card button: 30 characters
Privacy Policy and website URL links are required

Once a person has filled in the form, their email addresses will be stored on your
Facebook ads account.

The easiest way to move the new leads from Facebook to your CRM system is to
automate the entire process.

Here’s an example of a Facebook Lead Ads for Facebook’s

Canvas Ads
Supported placements:

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- Mobile Newsfeed

Canvas is an interactive ad that lets users engage with your content on Facebook and is
currently only available on mobile due to how we interact with mobile devices.

With Canvas, your target audience members can swipe through a carousel of images, tilt
the image in different directions, and/or zoom in or zoom out by moving their fingertips.
Canvas also loads 10 times faster than standard mobile web applications!

Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
Ad copy text: 90 characters
Headline: 45 characters
Canvas has the following possible components:
Header with logo
Full-screen image
Text block
Button for offsite links
Image carousel
Auto-play video
Full-screen tilt-to-pan image
Product set

Here’s an example of a Collection Ads for Facebook’s

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Collection Ads
Supported placements:
- Mobile Newsfeed

Facebook Collection Ads let you showcase multiple products that are being sold on your

This new format makes it easier for people to discover, browse and purchase products in
a visual and immersive way!

Image Size: 1,200 x 628 pixels recommended
Image Ratio: 1.9:1
Your image may not include more than 20% text. Check how much text is on your image.
Headline: 25 characters recommended

Here’s an example of a Collection Ads for Facebook’s

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Likes & Engagement for Your Page
Your choice of Facebook ad type should depend on your campaign objective – what you want to get out of the ad campaign. Two campaign objectives in particular help to increase the number of Likes on your Facebook Page and/or to increase the reach of the content you
post on Facebook.

Due to recent Facebook updates, the usual post on your page will only organically reach an
average of 2-3% of your fan base. Promoting your posts is a great way to be sure that all
your fans see your message.

Page Like Ads

Supported placements:
Right Column
Desktop Newsfeed
Mobile Newsfeed

Here’s an example of a Page Like Ads Facebook’s

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Page Post Photo Ads
Supported placements:
Right Column
Desktop Newsfeed
Mobile Newsfeed

Want to engage your page fans? This Facebook Ad Type has the most space to show your
beautiful pictures!
Pick the right image and you’ll be flooded with comments and Likes.

You could also insert a link in the text description of the post, but don’t expect too much

traffic from it.

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Here’s an example of a Page Post Photo Ads Facebook’s

Page Post Video Ads

Supported placements:
Right Column
Desktop Newsfeed
Mobile Newsfeed

Video Advertising drives high audience engagement. It builds a strong connection, and even
smaller companies can make simple videos to entertain and connect with their audience.

With the ability to re-target subsets of visitors based on how much of your video they
watched, this ad type is perfect for creating stellar custom audiences to re-target with other
ad types!

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Ad copy text: 90 characters
Aspect Ratios Supported: 16:9 (full landscape) to 9:16 (full portrait)
File size: up to 4 GB max
Video can be as long as 120 min, but most top-performing videos are 15-30 seconds
Audio: Stereo AAC audio compression, 128kbps + preferred

Here’s an example of a Page Post Video Ads Facebook’s

Page Post Text

Supported placements:
Right Column
Desktop Newsfeed
Mobile Newsfeed

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This ad format is focused on page –engagement. However, there is very little reason to use
it instead of the Page Post Photo ad pictures simply perform better.
If you can, avoid this type of format as it’ll likely deliver lower engagement.

Here’s an example of a Page Post Text Facebook’s

Mobile and Desktop Apps Install

Since the launch of its mobile application, Facebook has become one of the biggest
players in the mobile advertising space. Mobile App Install ads present a unique
opportunity to bring in new mobile app users on both Android and iOS.
If you’re trying to promote your mobile app, pay attention to these ad units, they

are designed for that specific purpose.

Mobile App
Supported placements:
- Mobile Newsfeed

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Mobile App Ads are the perfect choice to drive more installs to“ your mobile” app. This ad is
displayed only on the Mobile Newsfeed. When users click the Install call to action, the App
Store will immediately pop up. This delivers a great conversion rate.
When using this Facebook ad format, ’you’ll have many additional targeting options to fine-

tune your audience. For example, you ll be able to choose which iOS/Android version you

want the user to have, or if you only want to target mobile devices or also tablets, and if

you want to target only users connected to a WiFi network.

Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
Image ratio: 1.9:1
Ad copy text: Up to 90 characters

Your image may not include more than 20% text. See how much text is on your image

Here’s an example of a Mobile App Ads Facebook’S AdS

Desktop App

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Supported placements:
Right Column
Desktop Newsfeed

This ad unit allows you to drive users to your Facebook app and make people engage
with it.

Since Facebook apps are not supported on mobile, you can only target either the Desktop
Newsfeed or the right column.

Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
Image ratio: 1.9:1
Ad copy text: Up to 90 characters

Here’s an example of a Desktop App Ads Facebook’S AdS

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Instagram Mobile App Ads
Supported placements:
- Instagram

Last but not least (not at all!), you can also advertise your mobile app on Instagram. This
makes perfect sense as Instagram users are using the app on mobile, meaning that they
might be more interested in downloading additional mobile apps.

You can select both photo and video ads for your Instagram Mobile App Ads.

Image ratio: 1:1
Image size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
Minimum resolution: 600 x 315 pixels (1.91:1 landscape) / 600 x 600 pixels (1:1 square)
/ 600 x 750 pixels (4:5 vertical)
Maximum resolution: 1936 x 1936 pixels
Caption: Text only, 125 characters recommended

Here’s an example of a Instagram Mobile App Ads Facebook’S AdS

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Event Ads
Supported placements:
Right Column
Desktop Newsfeed
Mobile Newsfeed

Facebook Events are a great way for event organizers to attract more visitors. If you want
to boost the reach of your event, use this ad unit with the right targeting options.
According to the size and relevance of the event you’re promoting, you may want to limit the

geographical reach of the ad to people living in the same city or region as the event.

Recommended image size: 1920×1080 pixels
Image ratio: 1.9:1
Ad copy text: Up to 90 characters
Headline: 25 characters

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- Link Description: 30 characters

Here’s an example of a Facebook Events Facebook’S AdS

Offer Claims
Supported placements:
Right Column
Desktop Newsfeed
Mobile Newsfeed

This ad type is perfect for brick-&-mortar store owners who want to attract more people to
their stores.

Once your offer ad is live, any user who clicks on your ad and redeems the offer will
receive an email containing the details and terms of use.

- Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels

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Image ratio: 1.9:1
Offer title: Up to 25 characters
Ad copy text: Up to 90 characters

In order for you to be able to create an offer, your Facebook Page needs to have at least 50

Here’s an example of a Facebook Offer Claims AdS

Local Awareness Ads

Supported placements:
Right Column
Desktop Newsfeed
Mobile Newsfeed
Another way to draw people’s attention’ to your store is by using the Local Awareness

Ads. This ad type works best with Facebook s location-based targeting, helping you to

reach people who are currently near your store.

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You can include different call to actions like “Call Now” and “Send Message” to allow

people to contact you more easily.

Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
Image ratio: 1.9:1
Text: 90 characters
Headline: 25 characters
News Feed description: 30 characters

Here’s an example of a Facebook Local Awareness AdS

And Now’ Let's Get To Work

As you ve seen, Facebook has a very broad offering of ad types that meet every need of your
business. Whenever possible, we suggest you test different ad formats and see which ones
perform better for you. This will deliver the best results at the lowest cost.

For a complete overview of all Facebook ad types and specs, see this guide by Facebook.

6. How To Create Your First Successful Facebook Ad Creatives And Copy?

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Ad Performance and Creative

Your Facebook ad creatives and copywriting are among the top ad elements that
decide whether your ad campaign succeeds. Depending on’ the ad creative you use,
there can be a 100% or higher difference between different ads CPC (cost-per-click)
and CPA (cost-per-acquisition).

Consumer Acquisition even found that images are responsible for 75%-90%
of ad performance. So you better make your ad design (and ad copy) work!.

How to Set Up Your Facebook Ad Creatives ’ In the campaign creation phase, you
can select between several types of ad creative s, depending on your campaign

Facebook allows you to select and test up to 6 different image ads to find the best-
performing option. We suggest that you always test some ad elements, and your Facebook
ad design is a great place to start.

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To select ad images, you have three options:

Upload a picture from your computer

Browse your library to reuse a picture you had previously uploaded
Find images in the free stock images database
Thanks to a partnership between Facebook and’ the image bank Shutterstock, you can
have access to millions of stock pictures for free! It s very important to frequently refresh
the images of your ads, so users keep seeing them as fresh and attractive.

Being able to immediately find and use new pictures for free is very useful (and will
save you a lot of money).

However, keep in mind that these free images are available to all Facebook advertisers,
meaning that most of these images are used across thousands of ad campaigns. If
possible, always use original images for your ad.

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Facebook Ad Design Best Practices ’

To help you create winning ad creative s that will bring you clicks at a low CPC, we made a
list our favorite Facebook ad design hacks.

To create beautiful Facebook ad designs, you’ have to:

- Keep your ads colorful, so that they ll immediately catch attention

- Place your main value proposition in the ad image, so that people will read it right as
they see your ad
- Create ads that contrast with the newsfeed
- Use the right image size (1200 x 628 pixels), so that your ad creatives look good on
every screen

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If you’d like to learn more about Facebook ad design, I suggest you read these guides:

MUST READ -> Top 16 Facebook Ad Design Trends

The Ad Copy
Your ad copy is the second most important part of ’your Facebook ads, right after the
ad image. The ad copy should first catch an ad viewer s interest and then convince
them to take action, e.g. make a purchase.

Your Facebook ads have multiple fields where you can place text:

- The main ad text up to 90 characters (up to 500 for News Feed Ads with
AdEspresso) –
Link – –
- Headline up to 25 characters
- description up to 90 characters

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It’s a good idea to have several different headlines and descriptions ready before you

start creating your ad. This will make it easier for you to find something you like instead

of making it up on the spot.

As you can see, you have some more options available when dealing with News Feed“

and Mobile” Ads, compared to the classic Right Column Ads. First of all, you can pick a

Call to Action button among those offered by Facebook.

These buttons have proven to be really effective to increase the click through rate. If
they fit your product, we strongly advise you to use them.
Remember, keep your ad copy short and extremely clear. Here, the goal isn’t selling.

It’s about convincing users to click on the ad to discover more.

Try to be catchy and clearly explain to users why they should click. Offering discounts and

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freebies usually help. However, be careful not to attract too many cheap clicks that won’t


How To Set Up Your Facebook Ad Copy

Setting up your ad copy is super easy. All you need to do is enter text in the right fields.
You’ll also see a preview of your ad campaign. If you’re testing multiple ad images or

wish to see how your ad looks on different screens (Desktop vs. Mobile), you can do so by

selecting other views from the two menus highlighted in the image below.

You have three choices when it comes where your Facebook Ads will appear: the
News Feed, Mobile, and right column.
Many marketers assume right column ads are a waste of money since they don’t perform

as well as News Feed ads. However, right side ads are relatively cheap and you’ll never

know which ad type is best for your campaign without testing. Give them a try.

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Another thing to keep in mind is mobile targeting. Some advertisers make the mistake of
sending users who click mobile ads to non-mobile optimized sites.
Only use mobile advertising if your site is mobile-friendly otherwise you’ll waste

lots of money since Facebook mobile generates lots of clicks.

Removing a target is pretty simple. When creating an ad, you’ll have three tabs to check

a preview of it in the three available placements.

At the end of each placement’s tab, you have a “Remove” link. Just click it to disable

a placement.

You’ve created your first Facebook ad!

7. How To Master Facebook Audiences & Targeting?

Who Are Your Customers?

Getting to know who your customers really are is a crucial step for a successful
Facebook Ads campaign.
With more than 2 billion daily active Facebook users, it’s absolutely critical that you target

only those who are potentially interested in your product.

Luckily, Facebook offers a wide range of targeting options that will help you find the
right niche!

Remember that advertising is about getting customers, not cheap clicks.

Choose the audience who’ll see your ads and keep testing different targeting options to find

your sweet spot.

How to Create Facebook Audiences

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To create and manage your Facebook target audiences, you’ll have to use the Audience

Manager tool.

You can find“ this tool ”in the Business Manager, by clicking on the top-right menu

and selecting Audiences.

On the Audiences page, you can see all your saved Facebook audiences as well as create

new’ ones. To understand the wide range of targeting options that come with Facebook

ads, let s start from the basics.

Facebook has three primary audience types:

Saved Audiences
Custom Audiences
Lookalike Audiences

Each of these audience types gives you plenty of additional options for creating the perfect
target audience for your Facebook campaigns.

Facebook Saved Audiences

Saved Audiences are the audiences that you can define by choosing people’s interests location, age, gender, used devices,
income level, etc. You can create Saved Audiences both in the campaign setup phase and in the Audience Manager.

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Location Based Targeting
Facebook allows you to target people in specific locations, including:


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DMA (Designated Market Area)
Postal Code
Specific Address Radius

Simply type in the regions you wish to target.

You also have another layer of location targeting, allowing being even more specific:

an actual Facebook user

People who live in this location – Location is set by the location on a user’s Facebook

profile and confirmed by their IP address.

People recently in this location – Tracked by mobile device usage in the geographic area

you intend to target.

People traveling’ to this location – Users who had this

geographic area as a recent location that s at least 100 miles away from their home


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Demographics Based targeting
As you click on the Demographics tab, you’ll get plenty of targeting topics to refine your audience based on many options. The basic 3 are:

Age – If you’re targeting an audience with a specified age range, you can easily reach

them by telling Facebook who your ideal customers are.

Gender – You can also select to target a particular gender.

Language – If you’re advertising in a particular language, you might want to only target

the people who can understand your ads.

But you can get way more detailed. As an example, you’ll be able to target people by their

political views, life events, job titles, ethnicity, and so on.

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Interest Based targeting
Interests are one of the best (and easiest) Facebook ads targeting options as they allow
you to target people specifically interested in a subject related to your product.

For example, you could target people interested in your competitors or your broader
market segment, or magazines and blogs covering your market.

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To target based on interests, you can either browse the menu with hundreds of interests
or simply type in one interest, so that Facebook will suggest to you other related topics.

The interests are based on Facebook users’ likes and interests, apps they use, Pages they’ve

Liked, ’and more. Adding more than one interest will target people with at least one of

them so you ll make your reach broader.

Behaviour Based targeting

Unlike precise Interests, Behaviors allow you to target people by purchase history, events
they like, personal anniversaries, etc. This data is gathered by Facebook analyzing many

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factors and also using external data sets.

targetTheyarepeoplenotalwayscurrentlyuseful,travelingbutwhenorplanningtheyaretheirtheynextworktripgreat!…pricelessAsanexample,ifyou’ you can re

in the

hotel or event booking market. Check them out and see if they can work for your business.

Facebook Custom Audiences

Facebook Custom Audiences are probably your most high-value target audiences as they
allow retargeting past website visitors and people who have engaged with your content
or app.
There are multiple ways to create a Custom Audience, and we’re going to cover each

of them briefly.

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Creating Custom Audiences from Customer Files
This first type of Facebook Custom Audience is based on your existing customer files – the lists of email accounts, phone numbers or app IDs. The Customer File audience is a great way to target your newsletter subscribers or app users.

To create a Facebook Custom Audience, follow these steps:

Create a Facebook“ Custom” Audience

Select the Customer File option-

Select whether you wish to add a customer file or import contacts from MailChimp.

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Import your customer data to create a new Custom Audience
Select the identifiers
Upload a customer file
Give your Custom Audience a name

Your customer files can include 15 different identifiers, the most popular ones being:

Phone number
Mobile advertiser ID

If you need to clean up the data inside your customer files before the import, this

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Facebook’s guide can help you out.

Creating Custom Audiences Based on Website Traffic

Website traffic-based Facebook audiences allow you to create remarketing campaigns for
people who have engaged with your website. These are high-value audiences as the users
seeing your ads have already shown some interest in it.

Important! To create audiences based on your website traffic, you first need to install
Once you’ve installed the Facebook Pixel, you can simply go to the Audience Manager and create a Custom

Audience based on past website traffic.FacebookPixel.SeethePixelsetupinstructionsbyFacebook.

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You can choose between multiple options:
Target everyone who visited your website
Target people who visited specific web pages
Target people who visited’ specific web pages but not others
Target people who haven t visited your website for a certain amount of time
Other custom combinations

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Creating Custom Audiences Based on App Activity
If you want to reach the people who have engaged with your iOS or Android app, you
can set up a Facebook target audience to do that. To target people based on the app
activity, you first need to register your app and set up app events.

To create a Facebook Custom Audience based on app activity, target people who have taken
specific actions (events) in your app. You can also select the timeframe for targeted events.

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For example, you could select a purchase event and specify “In The Last 90 days” to

reach people who have completed an in-app purchase event in the past 90 days.

Here’s the official guide by Facebook to help you create Custom Audiences based on

app activity.

Creating Custom Audiences Based on Engagement

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Did you know that you can also target the users that have engaged with your content
on Facebook, e.g. viewed your videos or liked a Page post.

The latest addition to Custom Audiences is the possibility to target people who have
done one of the following:

Visited your Facebook Page

Engaged with your Facebook Page posts or ads
Clicked on any call-to-action buttons
Sent a message to your Page
Saved your Page or posts

This gives you the perfect opportunity to reach high-potential audiences that are interested
in learning more about your brand or product.

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Facebook Lookalike Audiences
Facebook Lookalike–Audiences let you reach the people who are similar to your

existing customer database making them highly likely to convert as well.

To create a Lookalike Audience, you first need to create“ a Custom Audience” to tell

Facebook what type of users you want to reach. Next, select the Lookalike Audience from

the audience creation’ menu and select a target country and a percentage (1%-10%) of the

targeted country s Facebook users.

The percentage signifies the people most similar to your selected Custom Audience.

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Lookalike Audiences help you to extend your ad campaign’s reach so that you only target

people who are likely to be interested in your offer.

How To Narrow Down Your Audiences

Sometimes, a Facebook audience can include millions of users. Unless you’ve got hundreds of thousands of dollars advertising budgets waiting around the corner, you should keep your target audiences smaller and
more precise.

When creating Saved Audiences, you can narrow your audience with the AND/OR
targeting options. The OR targeting means that when you add new targeting options under
the same category of targeting, your audience will grow larger.
The AND targeting means that a person who’s in your target audience must fall

into multiple categories. This will help to decrease your audience size and create

niche audiences.

As you may have noticed from the image above, you can also EXCLUDE people who match
specific interests or demographics. You can also EXCLUDE specific Custom Audiences
from the general target audience.

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For example, you could exclude past converters to avoid your ads reaching people who are
already customers.

Bonus Tip
If some Lookalike Audience or Custom Audiences are too large (hundreds of thousands of
people), narrow them down with interest-based targeting by creating a Saved Audience.

Here’s how it works:

Create a Facebook Saved Audience

Select a Custom Audience or Lookalike Audience
Add interest- or demographics-based targeting options

Ok, now that you have a pretty decent overview of Facebook audience types.

8. Facebook Ad Bidding And Optimization: Everything You Need To Know

The nice thing about Facebook’s campaign creation process is that it’s super logical

and straightforward.

I’ll walk you through all the settings and options in the order they appear in the

Ads Manager.

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Facebook’ Campaign Structure

Facebook s campaign structure has three levels:

Ad set

A Facebook campaign can contain several Ad Sets and it has a unique campaign objective.
Your campaign is basically just a container to help you better organize your advertising.

The only attribute of the campaign is the objective you want to reach with it. So if you

want to: 1)’ drive sales to your Ibsite and 2) increase the number of likes on your

Facebook page, you ll have to create two campaigns, one for each objective.

A Facebook ad set can include multiple ads and it has a unique audience targeting,
budget, schedule,– bidding, and placement. Ad sets are also the best units to use for
Facebook A/B testing remember to always place all the variations inside different ad sets.
The Facebook ad (basically what I’ve been creating so far in this guide), is’ the smallest unit of

your campaign. Ads can have different URLs, ad image, and ad copy. Let s visualize it to

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make it “rookie-proof”:

Facebook Ads Campaign Structure

As you go through the campaign setup process, you ll hardly even notice whether you re

’ ’
editing the campaign, ad sets, or ads it s that simplified and easy! As you adjust your ad
set s settings, you ll have plenty of – ’

explore’ each of these’ ad set elements individually. ’

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How to Set Up Your Facebook Ad Campaign Budget
“Picking the right budget” for your campaign is critical to success. The first step of

the Budget & Schedule setup is to assign a budget for your campaign.

Daily budget – Facebook will spend this sum on delivering’ your ads every day during your

campaign. When’ you set your daily budget, you re telling Facebook to get you roughly your daily

budget s worth of the results every day.Facebookgivesyoutwobudgetingoptions:

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Some days, when Facebook spots high-potential opportunities, it may spend up to 25%
more than your daily budget (and then loIr the spend on the low-potential days). As
you select the daily budget, your daily ad spends could look like a set of curves.
Don’t worry, that’s completely normal and means that Facebook’s auto-optimizing your

ad delivery (which is a good thing).

(image source)
2. Lifetime budget – Facebook will divide the total campaign budget more or less evenly

across the campaign dates. If you set a lifetime budget, Facebook will ask you for the

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campaign dates, so that it can calculate the average spend for each day.

I recommend that you set a daily budget and an unlimited campaign duration, so that you
can later edit the size of your daily budgets and pause the campaign whenever you see fit.
Important! You can’t change an ad set’s budget type after the ad set has been created.

Make sure you make the right selection during the campaign setup.

Ad Delivery’ Optimization ’

After you ve set up your ad campaign s budget, you can select the Ad Delivery Optimization

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The Optimization for Ad Delivery tells Facebook what’s the end goal you’re most interested

in. For example: If your goal is to drive traffic to your Ibsite, optimize your ad delivery for

Link Clicks.

If your goal is to drive traffic to your Ibsite, optimize your ad delivery for Link Clicks.
If you want people to convert on your Ibsite, choose the Conversions objective.
If you want people to install your app, choose the App Install objective.

Facebook Ads Bidding – How it Works?’

As you advertise on Facebook, you ll be competing with hundreds of thousands of

advertisers, each wishing’ to reach their– target audience. Facebook ad bidding works on

an auction basis. Who s winning the“ bid? The advertiser” who has the best combination

of best bid, relevance score, and estimated action rates.

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Manual’ vs. Automatic Bidding
If you re putting your first steps in the world of’ Facebook advertising, I suggest that
you use the Automatic bidding. This way, you don t need any previous knowledge about
the average bids and the average cost-per-result.

Use the manual bidding if you know how much the results are worth to you.

For example’, when optimizing your ad set for Link Clicks, you can set the highest price
per click you re willing to pay. As you set a manual bid, Facebook will show you the range
of suggested bids and automatically inserts a suggested bid in the box.
ifAlwaysFacebookchangefirsthesuggestsFacebookthat’s youpre -bidset €manual1.0perblinkdinclickthe

customandthe biddingbidrangeboxis. (For€0.example,43– €0.88), you could bid €0.60 or even €0.44.

Facebook Ads Scheduling

Facebook also allows advertisers to set up custom ad delivery schedules, so that your ads

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will reach people at your chosen Iekdays, at your chosen time of day.

I recommend that you use the “Run ads all the time” option for your first ad campaign.

Later, as you can see from your ad reports what days and hours work best, you can use

these insights to set up a custom schedule.

Facebook’ Ads Delivery Type

As you re setting up a Facebook campaign, the last selection in the Ad Set level is Delivery
you can choose betIen:

- Standard ad delivery Facebook will deliver your ads with the optimal speed at
the loIst cost –
- Accelerated ad delivery costs
Facebook will deliver your ads as quickly as possible,

resulting in higher ad –

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I recommend that you leave the Delivery Type option set to “Standard.” The accelerated

ad delivery is mainly relevant to large advertisers with time-sensitive campaigns. Since

accelerated delivery optimizes for speed, not value, you may end up with a higher cost per


Place Order and’ Publish!

Now that you ve set ’up all your campaign elements’ such as the campaign“ objective,”
budgets, ad creative s, ad copy, URLs, etc. you re ready to click on the Place Order button
and publish your Facebook campaign.

You see, creating your first Facebook advertising campaign wasn’t as terrifying
as you might have thought.

Really! It’s actually pretty fun, with all the different options available.
9. Understanding Facebook Ad Optimization & Reporting For Better Conversions

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espressoAfteryou’andveset…getup backyour tofirstworkFacebook. ad campaign, it’s time to enjoy a nice creamy double

While Facebook does a pretty ’good job auto-optimizing your ad campaigns, you still
need to review whether everything s running smoothly.
Plus, you can see what’s working and apply the new insights both to existing and

upcoming ad campaigns.

Remember: No (unattended) campaign will last forever!.

No matter how amazing’ your campaign is, you need to monitor it to check how

it’s performing and when it s time to refresh it.

Facebook Ads Reporting in the Ads Manager

The easiest way to review your campaign performance is to use the“ Facebook” Ads
Manager. Here, you can filter your campaigns by dates, objectives, etc. and zoom in any
campaign to measure the performance of every single ad set or ad.
Don’t forget to set the correct date range when checking your ad reports! You can also

compare two different date ranges to see how your campaign performance has changed

over time.

If you want to understand how a campaign is performing right now, select only the last 7
days. A longer period could change all your metrics and make it difficult to understand
your recent campaign performance.

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As you look at the Campaigns tab in the Ads Manager, you’ll notice the reporting table with

different metrics such as:

- Cost-per-click
- Cost-per-conversion
- Impressions
- Unique Link Clicks
That s where you can get a complete overview of all your Facebook campaigns

performance.’ ’

You’ can select a campaign by clicking on the checkbox in front of the campaign name.
Next, you re able to navigate to the Ad Sets and Ads tabs to see the performance of every
individual campaign unit.

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Managing Your’ Ad Report’s Columns

While Facebook s doing a pretty good job by displaying the most relevant ad metrics;
you can actually change the metrics you see in your ad reports.

Click on the Columns menu to select between different ad reports to change the metrics
in your ad reports.

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You can either select pre-set reports or create new custom ad reports by clicking on

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“Customize Columns.”

There’ are truly many metrics available in Facebook Ads Manager. To help you get started,
I ve highlighted in bold the most important and insightful report’ metrics. Of course, the
choice of your ad report metrics depends on the campaign s goal and campaign objective
(in red).

Performance: Results, Result Rate, Reach, Frequency, Impressions, Delivery, Social Reach,
Social Impressions, People Taking Action, Positive & Negative Feedback, Amount Spent, etc.

Engagement: Post Engagement, Post Comments, Post Shares, Page Engagement, Page
Likes, Page Mentions, Event Responses, Check-Ins, Offer Claims, etc.

Clicks: Link clicks, Unique Link Clicks, CTR, Social Clicks, etc.

Messaging: New Messaging Conversations, Messaging Replies, Cost per New Messaging
Conversation, etc.

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Media: Video Average Watch Time, Canvas View Time, 3-Second Video Views, 10-Second
Video Views, 30-Second Video Views, Video Watches at 25%, Video Watches at 100%, etc.

Website Conversions: Website Leads, Website Searches, Website Adds to Cart,

Website Registrations Completed, Cost per Website Conversion, Cost per Website
Purchase, Website Conversion Value, Website Custom Conversions, etc.

Apps: Desktop App Installs, Mobile App Actions, Mobile App Adds to Cart, Mobile
App Purchases, Cost per App Install, etc.

On-Facebook: On-Facebook Purchases, Leads (Form), Cost per On-Facebook Purchase, etc.

Offline: Offline Leads, Store Visits, Offline Purchases, Offline Adds to Cart, Cost per
Offline Purchases, etc.
Once you’ve created the ad reports you need, don’t forget to save them! You can also

set any new report as the default option.

Advanced reporting With Campaign Breakdown

In addition to the campaign metrics you see in your Ads Manager reports, you can take
your Facebook ads reporting routine one step by using the Breakdown menu. By using the
Breakdown menu, you can break down your campaign reports by:

Delivery: age, gender, location, browsing platform, platform, device, time of day, etc.
Action: conversion device, destination, video view type, video sound, carousel card,
Time: day, week, two weeks, month

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You can select up to one criterion from each section (i.e. one from Delivery, one from
Action, and one from Time).

Using the campaign breakdown, you can find answers to many questions, including:

Which ad placements are performing the best?

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What times of day or weekdays deliver the most conversions at the lowest cost?
What are the best-performing target countries?

To break down your ad campaigns by different criteria, first select one or more Facebook
campaigns. Then, select a criterion from the Breakdown menu.
For example, in the example below, I’ve broken down our ad campaigns by Placements,

allowing us to find all the poorly performing placements and turn them off.

Take your time when getting’ used to all the Facebook Ads reporting options in the Ads
Manager. After a while, you ll get a better understanding of the most important ad metrics
and campaign optimization best practices.

Save & Automate Campaign Reports

Did you know that you can schedule weekly (or daily) Facebook campaign reports to
be delivered to your inbox for free?
Once you’ve created a report in the Facebook Ads Manager, you can save the report and

have it delivered to you periodically. To do that, click on the Report icon next to your

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Account name. (It’s quite hidden, but take a look at the screenshot below):

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As you click on “Save new report…” a small window pops up. You can name the

saved report and set up a monthly, weekly or daily email.

Moving Forward With Facebook Advertising

Alright, I did my best not to overwhelm you with too much new information.

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However, everything I discussed in’ this Facebook Advertising Guide for Beginners is

really important for your first campaign s success.

You now know all the opportunities that Facebook Ads have to offer such as how to create
a new campaign,’ set up the right creative, target the right audiences, and how to analyze
your campaign s performance.
But, remember, in online marketing, there’s no one-size-fits-all guide or tips.

You need to apply what you learn and’ keep testing everything, never assuming

that something will work just because you ve read it online.

Every business is different: While there are many tips and best practices I can teach you,

only you know how’ your business works, who your customers are, and how to

effectively apply what you ve learned here!

Still craving some knowledge?

Ok last but not least here are 2 additional great courses [RECOMMENDED]:

Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing MASTERY

(Facebook Marketing from beginner to advanced! Join 100,000+ students who
MASTERED Facebook and are Facebook Ads experts!)

The Complete Digital Marketing Course - 12 Courses In 1

(Master Digital Marketing: Social Media Marketing, SEO, YouTube, Email, Facebook
Marketing Strategy, and Analytics & More!)

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1. What Is Lead Generation?

What Is A Lead?
A lead is a person who has expressed interest in the product or service that a company

Collecting a lead means that you have already skipped the first two steps of the sales cycles
which are the dreaded prospecting and cold-calling and can directly proceed to a warm call.

A warm call is much more valuable than a cold one. Many have already declared cold calling
dead and would rather focus on warm leads because when you contact a warm lead, a
person is expecting to hear from you or at least has shown some interest towards your

This means that he or she is much more willing to listen to you and consider
purchasing your offering since they have already considered you an option.

When you contact a lead, you use the information collected to personalize the sales outreach
efforts so that the sales call is as personal and enjoyable for the client as possible.
Lead generation is the process of finding“people (leads)” who’re likely to become your

customers immediately or in the future. Finding’ people implies finding information about

people, like their name, email ID or organization s name, all of which you can use to initiate

a business relationship with them.

You can generate leads organically and/or by spending money, depending on

your resources.

What Is Online Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the use of a computer program, a database, the Internet, or a specialized
service to obtain or receive information for the purpose of expanding the scope of a
business, increasing sales revenues, looking for a job or for new clients or conducting
specialized research.

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Leads can consist of the names and addresses (or e-mail addresses) of individuals,
corporations, institutions or agencies. Lists of leads can be gathered or filtered from
targeted databases such as telephone and Internet directories.

For Examples:-
If you meet fifty people at a conference, request them for their email ID, and they share
it with you, that are an example of lead generation.
If a visitor to your website fills out your signup form, that’s lead generation too.

Or let’s say you’ve posted about your product/service on social media. A visitor leaves
a comment, expressing interest in your business. This is also lead generation.

Lead Generation In The Digital Age

The buying journey has changed dramatically with the growth of the internet and the
increased availability of information.

In the past it was common practice for sales representatives to reach out to
uneducated potential buyers in order to introduce them to their products and

Today customers have an abundance of information at their fingertips. They can use
search engines, social media, blogs, and other online channels to research and
become experts about a product before ever communicating directly with a
representative of the company. The sales cycle will continue to evolve thanks to
new and upcoming technologies.
This vast quantity of information also means that’ customers are no longer as interested in

listening to a traditional sales pitch that doesn t relate directly to their needs and it might

even push them away.

It is now important for companies to focus on generating new leads by developing a strong
internet presence. This is often accomplished using inbound marketing methods that

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employ techniques like search engine optimization and content marketing.


The digital age has also made it easier for companies to research and understand their
perspective leads. By understanding the wants and needs of their target customers,
companies can tailor information to better draw them in, as well as qualify any potential
leads based on a variety of factors, such as engagement and demographic information.

It is increasingly important for companies to not only generate new leads but also
develop and nurture relationships with them.

Why Lead Generation Marketing Is A Good Idea?

If your ’business is not doing this now, you have been missing out on a big chunk of revenue.

Well, it s simple. All businesses need customers to grow.

And to get those customers, they need to market to potential customers first and gain their
attention. This is where lead generation marketing comes into play.

These leads can then be passed on to the sales team to convert them into buying customers.
This generally involves adding them to an email list for further nurturing.

And with advancing technologies, business intelligence software can even track your
product demand and customer trends from the lead generation marketing data.

2. Channels Of Lead Generation

Broadly speaking, there are two channels of lead generation: inbound and outbound.
Both channels are obviously aimed at generating leads for your business. But there’s

a slender difference in the way they work.

Most companies employ multiple different strategies for lead generation rather than

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relying on a single one.

This allows them to reach a variety of target customers at different stages of the
buying cycle. These include:-

Inbound marketing
Outbound marketing

What Is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is a key lead generation strategy. It can be described as a process
of generating interest in your company through content creation and promotion.

Content Creation is a marketing strategy that involves creating relevant content to draw
in leads looking to address a specific issue.

Some examples of outbound marketing:-

This can be achieved with blogs, videos, eBooks, infographics, and other publications.

Content Promotion is how that content is then made visible to potential customers using
search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC) advertising, and social media,
among other techniques.

In inbound lead generation, you educate your target audience through a carefully
planned content strategy. This takes time and involves very little budget spend.

What Is Outbound Marketing?

Certain elements of outbound marketing have become less effective in the age of internet
research, but it can still be a useful tool when combined with inbound marketing to
target specific opportunities and reach out to leads.

The outbound method involves a proactive attempt to reach out to your audience.
This usually begins with purchasing lead lists.

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Some examples of outbound marketing:-
You then contact these leads by calling them directly (cold calling) or sending them
physical mails (direct mail).

For a wider reach, businesses look beyond lead lists and use billboards, print
ads, television ads, and radio ads.

In outbound lead generation, your pitch is quite apparent and there are no efforts made
to educate your audience.

3. Smart Ways How To Generate Leads For Your Online Business

Now that we understand how lead generation fits into the whole inbound
marketing methodology, let's walk through the steps of the lead generation process.

First, a visitor discovers your business through one of your marketing channels, such as
your website, blog, or social media page.

Gone are the days when your customers would see your ad in the local newspaper and call
you with inquiries about a particular product.

The expansion of technology and advertising platforms has allowed customers to shift
from traditional media outlets like newspapers and television to social media and digital

This has given rise to various advertising and marketing platforms online.

From selling on social media giants like Facebook and Twitter’ to online stores with

delivery options– on Amazon, Ebay. It sure is a marketer s dream with so many options

to choose from for lead generation marketing of all sorts.

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Below are some lead capturing tactics we can help you scale your business with:

Content Marketing
Content marketing involves creating and distributing educational content about your
domain. Your primary intent is not to sell your product/service, but to create trust and
authority around your voice and, by extension, your business.
This is an “inbound” way of generating leads for your business, as opposed to

the outbound model of making a plain sales pitch up front.

Create and distribute content with a primary focus on education, not selling.
Content can be produced in various formats—blogs, infographics, videos, case studies,

white papers.

The great thing about using your blog posts to promote an offer is that you can tailor the
entire piece to the end goal.

MUST READ -> How To Start A Successful Blog

So, if your offer is an instructional video on setting up Google Search…whichConsowoulde,

makethenyourcan write a blog post about how to select your marketing metrics

CTA highly relevant and easy to click.

You’ should create a wide variety of content such as special blog series, educational

how-to s, and round-ups that educate your customers.

By consistently adding value, you can easily earn the trust of your users and convert
them into buyers.

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Email is a ’great place to reach the people who already know your’ brand and product or
service. It s much easier to ask them to take an action since they ve previously
subscribed to your list.

Emails tend to be a bit cluttered, so use ’CTAs that have compelling copy and an

eye-catching design to grab your subscriber s attention.

With email, you get to initiate a one-to-one conversation with your recipient, while sharing
a blog, inviting them for a webinar, informing them about a product update, or offering a

And the reasons’ are pretty ’straightforward too.’ ’

- It s simple (you don t need a developer s efforts or a designer s time to rite an

- It’s valuable (an email is often the first point of entry’ to a lead).
- It s ubiquitous (everybody has an email ID, and that s not changing anytime soon).

Get started with ConvertKit today, and start converting more website visitors
into subscribers and customers!

Social Media
Depending on your business, every social media platform can be a precious lead
generation channel. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are essential for B2C;
LinkedIn is elementary for B2B.

Social media platforms make it easy to guide your followers to take action.

Although social is still important for branding and generating buzz, lead generation is
becoming more and more important.

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By tapping into all the social media channels, from Facebook and Twitter to LinkedIn
and Google+, you can be where your customers are and create that trust.

Webinars require people to share their email ID, which makes it an ideal lead gen activity.
Timely webinars, with relevant topics and quality speakers, can build a brand around
your business.

If you have some time on hand, recording a live video in the form of a virtual meeting
can be a great tactic too.

You can schedule webinars in advance and generate interest from your target audience
who will be happy to give you their information if you are solving their business problem.
Because of the live nature of this video, you can engage with a lead to know more about the
problems they face. This will help you better market your product.

Webinars are to online lead generation what events/trade shows/conferences are to offline
lead generation.

It all comes down to picking a topic that people are interested in, getting the right speaker
on board, and having a quality conversation.

6. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Ads

Clicking on a PPC ad takes the visitor to a landing page, which collects the lead’s information. PPC ads work because they contain keywords relevant to your audience, plus

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they appear on page one of Google.

When we say pay-per-click (PPC), we’re referring to ads on search engine result pages

(SERPs). Google gets 3.5 billion searches a day, making it prime real estate for any

ad campaign, especially lead gen.

The effectiveness of your PPC campaign relies heavily on a seamless user flow, as well
as your budget, target keywords, and a few other factors.

With Pay-per-Click (PPC ) ads you pay for each click on your ad which is displayed on a
search engine such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing, or on a website.

For PPC on search engines, your ads show up as sponsored results on the top and side of
the organic search terms. PPC ads are a terrific way to draw attention to your latest content
or service offerings.

They are also highly targeted so they can generate very high quality leads. Advertisers bid

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on keyword phrases relevant to their target markets and your ads will display when a
keyword query matches your chosen keyword list.

Display Ads
Display ads are the digital equivalent of hoardings and billboards, on a much
smaller canvas, of course.

Also called banner ads, display ads are like print ads for digital.

Display ads are more creatively satisfying than PPC ads—you get to play around with copy,

images, illustrations, and even animation. But a couple of features from PPC ads remain the

same here:

 You work with limited ad space.

When someone clicks on your ad, they go to a landing page.

Display ads are typically highly targeted to different demographic or behavioral actions.
You can select where you want the ads to be seen by choosing an online publication that

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you feel is a place where your leads spend time, or you can also leverage re-targeted
ads that can cookie a lead that views your site.

With re-targeted ads, once a person gets cookie, your ads appear on other sites that he or
she visits afterwards. Through online ads you can reach more of your target audience,
educate potential prospects, and drive leads.

Video How To’s

If you are a subject matter expert or just passionate about your business industry, you
can pop in front of a camera to record tips and best practices.
This can then be pushed out through your online channels to capture potential leads.

MUST READ -> How To Make A Successful YouTube Channel[Proven Steps-THE


This, in’ particular, is a great lead generation tactic used by business owners banking

on video s popularity and media consumption.

Network At Conferences
Have you ever attended an industry conference? If not, then find the big cities near you.
You will surely find conferences related to your field.

Attending conferences can help you network with influencers who may promote
your product as well as potential customers.

You can also apply to speak at conferences as long as you can add value. Speaking can help
you get a lot of exposure.

One of the best ways to build your personal brand and elevate your thought leadership
within your industry is speaking at local events all the way up to international conferences.

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Landing Page
An effective landing page is one where you have a clear call to action. There is one goal,
one reason why a visitor is on that page.
Because of the focused goal, it is clear to your page’s visitor what it is they should do

while there.

MUST READ -> Building Awesome Websites Landing Squeeze Pages[TIPS]

This focused goal helps to achieve your desired result, which in this case is gaining a lead
or making a sell. Review your page, determine how many CTAs you have, and eliminate the
lower priority CTAs.

Look at your landing page. How many different links are there? If possible, reduce them.

So you’ve worked hard, created a great lead generation strategy, and gotten a ton of

What next?
Clickfunnels[RECOMMENDED] – Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market, Sell, &

Deliver Your Products & Services Online!(Without Having To Hire or Rely On A Tech


Referral Marketing
Referral, or word-of-mouth, marketing is useful for lead generation in a different way.
That is, it gets your brand in front of more people, which, in turn, increases your chances
of generating more leads.

So there you have it.

Each with a unique ability to generate more sales leads for your business.

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You must be wondering: leads come in through so many channels; do I need multiple
sales tools to handle them all?


Now that you know more about how to generate leads for your business, we
recommend you try Clickfunnels free lead generation tool.

Use it to add simple conversion assets to your site (or scrape your existing forms) to help
you learn more about your site visitors and what content prompts them to convert.

With a single tool like Clickfunnels, you can store leads, make calls, send emails, set up
meetings, create reports and find out what your leads are looking for on your website
and inside your product.

Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL

4. Landing Pages: Valuable For Lead Generation

What Is A Landing Page?

Sometimes the term 'landing page' is meant as a destination page - i.e., any page
where website visitors land when they first reach your site.

In fact, you'll notice a report in Google Analytics which examines landing page traffic.

In digital marketing, a landing page is a standalone web’ page, created “specifically” for
the purposes of a marketing or advertising campaign. It s where a visitor lands when
they have clicked on a Google AdWords ad or similar.

A landing page is also an important term and concept for inbound marketing and lead

It's a web page deliberately created to help you convert visitors to your site into leads

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because it provides you with the means for capturing an email address.

Why Landing Page Optimization Matters For Your Online Business?

Landing pages are a key component of online marketing campaigns. A landing page is a
specially designed page whose main goal is to generate sales or capture leads.

Landing pages are often the main destination of paid online marketing campaigns, and a lot
of money and resources are spent driving traffic to these pages.Since landing pages are
focused on conversions, improving their performance can lead to significant improvements
in business results.
That’s where LPO comes in.

Optimizing a landing page ensures that you achieve the highest possible conversion rate
from the visitors who arrive at that landing page.

Landing page optimization can help you lower your customer acquisitions costs, acquire
more customers, and maximize the value of your ad spend.

Landing Pages: Valuable For Lead Generation

What makes landing pages valuable is that, once you have an email address, you can begin
the lead nurturing process via a sequence of email messages sent manually or via
automated email workflows.

During lead nurturing, you get to learn more about your lead - including where s/he is
in the buying process - and your lead learns more about you, your organization and the
solutions you provide.

During that process, you can expose your lead to your thought leadership, examples of
your problem solving and start providing information and education about problems your
lead may be facing.

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You can also direct or guide your lead to specific parts of your website and to additional

Lead nurturing plays an important role in converting an interested and qualified lead into
a customer.

Without a landing page which converts an anonymous visitor into an email address and
name, you never have the opportunity to find out if your website traffic is right for your

 The right traffic is traffic that is interested in what you have to say and offer.
 It wants to spend time on your site learning about your organization.
 The right traffic will want to download your new offers.
It also delivers customers and fans.

Landing pages are particularly valuable when you consider that the majority of due
diligence takes place before speaking with a sales representative.

In fact, by the time a potential customer actually reaches out to a person in your
organization, 70% of the decision-making process will already have taken place.

5. Most Important Elements Of A Landing Page

Ok, so the Landing Page is a powerful tool for lead generation. How does it work?

You Need An Offer.

First off, you need to have an offer. It can be an eBook, a checklist, a bundle of delicious
and relevant information consisting of links and downloads.

The offer must be of interest to your ideal customer (aka persona) and relate to the stage of
the buying cycle s/he is in.

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Generally, when a prospect is at the early stages (e.g., awareness), the offer will be
more educational and relate to research on options available.

Further down the buying journey (e.g, interest and decision), the offer will be more
focused on buying criteria and the decision-making process.

Landing pages can inspire visitors to:

 Buy products.
 Sign up for email lists.
 Create social media connections.
 Download exclusive content, such as videos or ebooks.
 Access webinars and other live materials.
 Set up a free account.
 Contact a sales or technical rep for information.
 Obtain product demos or free samples.
Get an online estimate/credit check/etc.

Then, you create a landing page for the offer

A landing page includes several elements:

A page completely focused on the offer. Even website navigation gets removed so as
not to distract from the offer.

A compelling headline and space to explain how the offer delivers sufficient
value that a visitor would agree to leave an email address and other information.
 Included bullets to detail benefits.
An image showing what the offer looks like.

A form for capturing at minimum an email address, and as relevant more
information (name, company name, persona qualification question,
 business questions...)
A means for delivering the offer - aka the 'thank you' page

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Next, you deliver the offer with a 'Thank You' page

The 'thank you' page is critical to completing the landing page experience.

It's a separate web page that appears after you complete the form and click on the
Download button.

It also delivers the offer you are promising and restores navigation to the rest of
your website.

Don't forget to include additional calls to action in your thank you experience: an
invitation to subscribe to your blog, or to download another related offer.
Clickfunnels is the modern marketer’s go-to destination to learn how to harness the

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power of the landing page and build their business. With Clickfunnels you can build
persuasive and conversion-worthy landing pages that will double, and in many cases
triple your conversion rates.

Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL

So next time you are creating a landing page or revisiting’ your current landing pages, see

if you can add the above qualities as part of your page s construction.

Apart from being good for your landing pages, the above factors are a good common’ sense
approach to any page on your website because they help enhance your readers experience
and hence improve your favorability with Google.

Remember:’ Always Keep Experimenting

There s no One True Way to build a landing page. You should be constantly experimenting
with designs and running A/B tests, to judge which approaches work best for your
However, with a well-designed landing page, you’ll greatly increase your lead generation

and create more enthusiastic leads in the process!

6. Ways To Scale Your Business’ Implementing Landing Page Software

Business is a struggle. We re constantly vying to stay in-the-know with all the parts and
pieces it takes to build and scale out our companies.
There’s a lot to absorb and even more to manage on a day-to-day basis.

For most entrepreneurs, it’s overwhelming to say the least.

Especially at the outset. Who has the time or the resources to be able to do it all on their
own, and to do it successfully?

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Of’ course, the key to success in business isn’t just about what you sell, but how you sell it.

It s about automation.

The more we can automate different aspects of our businesses, the faster we can scale
(while also keeping our sanity). To that end, sales funnels offer a resplendent haven for
those that are looking to escape the proverbial 9-to-5 hustle and bustle.

But we all know that building out sales funnels without landing page software can be
a nightmare.

It can cost tens of thousands of dollars to hire out a team to build out all of your code and
design your pages and integrate your payment gateways and your email sequences and to
do all the other things that are required when building out a sales funnel.
That’s why landing page software is so crucial to the recipe. It offers automation and scale

without all the headache and aggravation and hassle of dealing with teams of developers

and designers and writers.

In essence, it helps you automate your marketing. It reduces the investment of time and
decreases the investment of capital necessary to go to market, removing the larger
barriers of taking any product or service to market. In effect, the right landing page
software can quite literally help you create explosive results.
Without it, you’re caught in a storm of chaotic turbulence and immersed in the unknown.

In short, without the right software to build out your funnels and landing pages, you’ll

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be left in the dust.

Take it from us. With over 56,000 members and growing strong, Clickfunnels offers one
of the largest (and fastest-growing) lists of benefits, integrations and features for quickly
launching sales funnels to sell just about anything.

From physical products to digital products and even high-ticket coaching and more, the
right piece of marketing automation software can quite literally hold the key between
losing money or churning a massive profit in your business.

What Is Landing Page Software?

The right landing page software helps you automate the marketing process. It helps you
to implement highly technical and complex systems for tracking and analyzing any of your
efforts to reach your prospects and turn those leads into sales.

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Without it, building out a sales funnel is a long and arduous and expensive process. It can
take you weeks to months to do without the right piece of software.

Most people think that they need to be technical to launch a sales funnel. Most people think
that using landing page software is just as complex as the underlying processes that it
Well, it’s not. And amongst this growing list of benefits, you’ll find a number of ways

that are going to save you in time, money and expenses while also helping you optimize

the overall process of acquiring customers.

At the end of the day, those acquisition costs are’ crucial. If you’re not converting your ad

spend at a profitable level, your business won t survive. However, alternatively, if you can

spend a dollar and make two or three or five or ten, then you can scale almost infinitely.

But to get there, you need the proper landing page software to help you implement these
systems and ultimately track all your traffic and conversions.

15 Benefits of Having Great Landing Page Software

Not all landing page software is created equally.


There are features and benefits that vary greatly amongst some of the most popular
software platforms out there. But regardless of which suite of marketing automation you
use, there are benefits that stem across the board.

While there might be dozens or even hundreds of benefits, these 15 offers the most
compelling evidence that you should be implementing landing page software in
some aspect of your sales funnel building process.
It’s far easier to do this than it would be to go out there and spend thousands of dollars and

weeks of work hiring a team to build funnels for you.

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Speed and efficiency are key in the marketing process.’ If you’re not nimble and you

can’t quickly change aspects of the entire process, then you ll be left in the dust.

When you’re losing money on ad spends, it ’s easy to quite literally’ lose your shirt. You

need great software to quickly change things on the fly and ensure you re profitable.

It Helps You To Grow Your Email List

Slick landing pages with sizzling copy can help you grow your list. But building and
launching those pages is no easy task. Often, it requires bringing together a variety of
disciplines and integrations. When you do have the right formula and you launch that
landing page to the world, it can help you create exponential results. In turn, your email
list will blossom and grow by leaps and bounds.

It Helps You Improve Your Customer Conversions

Landing page software allows you to track your customer conversions. In ClickFunnels,
you can see every last detail of the purchase process. You can see things like:

 Earnings Per Click (EPC)

 Gross Sales
 Average Cart Value
 Page Views
 Opt-Ins
 Sales
Earnings Per Pageview

These are crucial factors that will allow you to make tweaks to increase your conversions.
For example, if you can see that a certain page in your sales funnel is under-performing,
you can make some tweaks to adjust the copy or images or colors or buttons, to increase
your conversions.

By having all the data, you can actively monitor the entire process, and slowly make
improvements over time.

It Saves You Time

Building a proper sales funnel takes time. Instead, by using landing page software, you can

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save the hassle of wasting time and resources on a variety of steps. The truth?
It’s hard to code’ and implement and integrate all the necessary parts and components of

a funnel. If you re not a developer, it will be next to impossible without the proper team to

help you implement this.

It Saves You Money

Building sales funnels is a costly process without the proper landing page software to

help you ’achieve that goal. Developers are expensive. So are designers. So are

copywriters. You re already going to have to spend money in a variety of areas.

Why waste it on a team of developers having to build out all the parts and components
for you? Find a fully-featured piece of software that can help you build and scale the
entire funnel.

It Automates Your Sales Processes

The old ways of manually fulfilling orders is done. Today, sales funnels are powerful
automation tools. Not only do they offer a great way to help you convert prospects into
leads into customers and raving fans, but they also allow you to perform intricate functions.

You can segment lists. Offer differing email’ sequences. And direct the automation in

a variety of avenues based on the consumer s interaction. All automatically.

It Reduces Your Overall Expenses And Overhead

Without the necessity for a development team, you can drastically reduce on-going
expenses and overhead when launching or maintaining a sales funnel. The best part? You
can launch them quickly and efficiently.

Without the need to pay expensive invoices or on-going costs for having employees on staff
to help you manage the entire process. You can do it all on your own with the right suite of
marketing tools.

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It Helps You Build A Sales Funnel Without Knowing How To Code
Platforms like ClickFunnels and other landing page software help you build a funnel
without knowing how to code.

In Clickfunnels, for example, you can drag and drop elements’ and quickly piece together a
funnel within hours and days rather than weeks or months. It s simple, straightforward
and easy to use.

It Helps You Improve Your Overall Engagement

The proper funnel built by the proper piece of landing page software can drastically
improve your overall engagement. You can take the time to tweak different elements
and add videos and other interactivity that will help you get your message across fast.

And, you can change all of this quickly. Without having to resort to expensive coders
or teams of developers that often take weeks to implement or adjust the parts and
components of a funnel.

It Qualifies Your Audience

By implementing the right funnel, you can easily qualify your audience. For example, lead
magnets are great, but when you build out a free-plus-shipping (FPS) offer, you can identify
your buyers quickly.

FPS funnels work great. But building them without the right landing page software is often

It Helps Increase Average Cart Value

Average cart value (ACV) is a crucial metric. Knowing what the average cart value is and
actually working to increase it is important in any funnel. Your marketing automation tools
can assist you in doing that.

You can make tweaks and add different offers and elements, quickly change copy, and track

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your results. It’s easy to adjust elements to help boost the average cart value. In turn,

you can scale a profitable funnel quicker.

Allows You To Implement Up-Sells And Down-Sells

Up-sells and down-sells are crucial components of profitable funnels. In fact, one up-sell
can take a funnel from losing money to being profitable. By using marketing automation
tools like easy-to-use landing page software, you can quickly add and edit up-sells and

You can easily add’ in payment plans and make other modifications on the fly, quickly

and easily. You won t need costly developers to help you out here.

12. Good Landing Page Software Allows You To Maximize Return On Ad Spends
Ads are expensive. Often, most people don’t have many chances to get it right. If you

can’t tweak and amend your funnel on the fly, you could end up losing thousands, to tens

of thousands, of dollars on ad spend.

With the right marketing automation software, you can maximize your return on ad
spends. Not only can you track and analyze your conversions, but you can also ensure that
your funnel is profitable.

It Helps Create And Build Brand Awareness

Design and update your landing pages with software that lets you drop graphical elements
in with ease. You can quickly build brand awareness by adding logos and colors and tag-
lines and other elements that are associated with your brand.
You don’t need to understand web design or know anything about HTML or CSS code

to quickly and easily manipulate the elements on your funnel or landing pages.

It Helps You To Split Test Your Offers

Split-testing is one of the most important aspects of building and scaling out a funnel. Easily
split-test copy, headlines, colors, button text, graphics, VSLs and more with the right
landing page software.

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Clickfunnels helps you’ do this with ease. You can test for winners and implement the best

converting elements. It s as easy as pushing just a few buttons.

It Helps You Track And Analyze Traffic And Sales In-Depth

The right landing page software should allow you to track and analyze your traffic
and sales in-depth.

There are lots of metrics that count beyond just a page view. You want to understand
how many of your visitors opted in to your list versus how many just viewed the page.

That should allow you to carefully monitor how well your pages are performing. Not
just your opt-ins, but your sales as well.

Ease Of Use:
Clickfunnels is the easiest to use if you are an internet novice (which is no problem btw)

 Start to finish in a few minutes with onboarding videos

 Easy to move content around and get a business live online
 Has plugins, form creation and page design
 Templates are very simple
Easy to add videos, tracking code, etc.

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Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL

7. Best Landing Page Builder Software Tools (And How To Choose The Right One)
Landing page software is an important tool for anyone looking for leads on the internet.

Whether you want to create a landing page for your project, or a mini website that takes
your visitors through a sales journey, Instapage, Leadpages, GetResponse,
OptimizePress and Clickfunnels are three of the best tools on the market.


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Clickfunnels allows you to pick the sales funnel that is designed to sell your type of product,
so you can send traffic to the offer.

Clickfunnels allows you to sell any product online. You simply pick your sales funnel, pick
your design and upload a few custom elements like a logo. Modify the page with a few drag
and drop tools and your entire funnel is ready to roll.

Ease of Use:
ClickFunnels is the easiest to use if you are an internet novice (which is no problem btw)

Start to finish in a few minutes with on boarding videos

Easy to move content around and get a business live online

Has plugins, form creation and page design

Templates are very simple

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- Easy to add videos, tracking code, etc.

Several out of the box “ClickFunnels” (templates)

Captures leads with forms in an easy formatFeatures:

Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL


Leadpages allows you to easily build stunning opt-in campaigns that capture leads, convert

customers, and integrate across all your favorite digital marketing tools: from Facebook
ads to e-commerce. Easily fine-tune your campaigns ’for maximum impact by testing ’
multiple versions side-by-side so you can keep what s working and ditch what doesn t.

 Ease of Use:
 Easy to move content around: truly drag-and-drop
 Has plugins, form creation and page design
Can edit pages to make them mobile-responsive

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The user interface is clunky and is objectively outdated looking

160+ out of the box templates

Unlimited Mobile-Responsive Pages

Works with 40+ tools

Captures leads with forms in an easy format

A/B testing

Can integrate with WordPress

Cannot easily publish pages to your own URL

There is very little customer support at the lowest pricing tier

Considering the high quality of the designs, it’s not hard to see why Leadpages is eager to

show off its templates. As well as allowing you to search the template library, another

nice feature of Leadpages is the ability to sort templates by highest converting or newest


Click Here To Get Your Leadpages - FREE TRIAL


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GetResponse allows you to create high-converting, mobile responsive landing pages.

Generate interest, leads, and revenue for your business.

Ease of Use:
 Easy set up
 Easy to move content around
 Publish to your own domain with a few button clicks
 Features:
 Built in analytics
 Integrates with many platforms including Adwords, Bing, KissMetrics and Facebook
 Capture leads with forms and integrate them with your GetResponse email platform
 A/B testing
Add PayPal button to take payments on the fly

With a built-in image editor that has 1,000+ free images, GetResponse allows you
to customize your landing page and make it your own.

The templates available are 100% responsive making them a great choice in the current
mobile first environment. Drag and drop editors, email editors and flexible publishing
options make GetResponse a user-friendly option. They even offer sub domains for those
that have ventured into their web address.

Click Here To Get Your GetResponse - FREE TRIAL

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Instapage allows you to create stunning, on-brand, mobile-responsive landing pages

from one of 200+ templates. No developer needed.

Instapage is a useful tool for the casual blogger, online small business owner and the

“powerhouse search” agency alike. It makes creating beautiful landing page as simple

as drag and drop.

It has a 2 minute setup process and an extremely user-friendly, customizable editor,

which will undoubtedly garner you more leads, cheaper.

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In their own words: “own your post-click experience and maximize your conversion rates

with Instapage,” the most powerful landing page platform for marketing teams

and agencies.

Plus, integrating your pages into into your website requires no code.

 Ease of Use:
 Best user interface and easiest to use
 Direct WordPress integration
 Easy to move content around: truly drag-and-drop
 Friendly plugins, form creation and page design
 Can edit pages to make them mobile-responsive in under a minute
Easy to read analytics and lead list exports

200+ out of the box templates

Built-in analytics with A/B testing reads and winners and trend graphs

Codeless integration with Google Analytics, Facebook Advertising and more

Capture leads with forms and send them to Mailchimp, Salesforce, Marketo, Zapier,
Hubspot, GetResponse, Autopilot, AWeber and more

A/B testing

Dynamic keyword insertion for PPC campaigns


Direct integration with Google Adwords, Facebook and Google Analytics

Ability to add custom code to pages.

I Think: Instapage is the most functional, user-friendly, high-performing, easiest and most
affordable landing page software. It truly requires no code to operate and is perfect for
large businesses and mom-and-pop ecommerce shops alike.

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Click Here To Get Your Instapage - FREE TRIAL

Final Thoughts: Which One Should You Choose?

Every tool on this list I consider to be a fully drag-and-drop solution. We all love landing
page software because it allows us marketers and founders to avoid code.
—There are a few landing page builders I like for small businesses and large companies alike
Instapage, Leadpages, GetResponse, OptimizePrendssorsesandClickfunnels.
Of course, there’s only one landing page tool this nerd …

Clickfunnels is the’ most powerful tool here, and, if you can afford the fees and will use
the main features, it s probably going to have the biggest impact on your business.
However, the funnels functionality may take you a while to master.

Get a Free 14 Day Clickfunnels Trial by clicking below.

Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL

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1. Mobile Marketing Overview

What Is Mobile Marketing?

In short, mobile marketing is the sharing of a brand or business in a way that is
optimized for smart phones and other mobile devices throughout apps, social media
channels, and websites.

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel,’ digital marketing strategy aimed at reaching a

target audience on their Smartphone s, tablets, and/or other mobile devices, via websites,
email, SMS and MMS, social media, and apps.

As you can see from the graph below, more users are spending larger amounts of time
engaged with mobile devices than ever before. We can expect this trend to continue even
further in the future, so get ready!

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I would tell you that mobile is the future of marketing, but really the era of mobile has
already arrived. If you're not implementing some kind of mobile marketing strategy,
you're already trailing behind!

How Does Mobile Marketing Work?

Mobile marketing consists of ads that appear on mobile Smartphone’s, tablets, or other mobile devices. Mobile marketing ad formats, customization, and styles can vary, as many social media platforms, websites, and mobile apps offer their own unique and tailored
mobile ad options.

Why Mobile Marketing?

Mobiles have gained unprecedented importance in our lives, today. People around the
world choose mobile devices as their preferred medium to connect with other people

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gather information or even do business. As a result, many businesses are actively
devising new mobile marketing strategies to reach out to their audience.

In the present world, mobile marketing is a common technique that almost every company,
irrespective of the business it is into, is pursuing some kind of mobile marketing campaign.

Mobile marketing strategies will look different for every brand.’ The key is to take the
time to understand your audience, your business goals and how you ll measure them, and
the opportunities available on mobile to get started.

2. Types Of Mobile Marketing

Why You Need A Mobile Marketing Strategy

Your business needs a mobile– marketing strategy for the same reason that you need
a computer and wi-fi access this is the age in which we live!
Walk around any major city and you’ll find more than just a few folks with faces glued to

their Smartphone screens.

According to recent reports, 40% of users’ internet’ time is spent on mobile devices,

which means simply ignoring the rise of mobile just isn t an option.

Some other interesting mobile marketing statistics:

80% of mobile device time in spent on apps, with game apps eating up the largest
People browse 70% more web pages on tablets than Smartphone’spercentofapptime

Retail conversion rates are 2.2% on tablets, considerably higher than 0.7% on
 smartphones, but traditional PC conversion rates are still highest at 3.3%
 Mobile searches have increased 400% year over year in 2019
Mobile is predicted to surpass desktop in 2019
Mobile is’ here to stay, and if forecasts are correct, ’it will soon by eclipsing desktop usage.

If you don t have a mobile marketing strategy yet, it s time to get going!

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Mobile marketing has revolutionized the way in which marketers create, target and deliver
campaigns. With the recent introduction of mobile advertising into everyday marketing
campaign distribution, advertisements are more relevant and successful than ever before.

Each form of mobile–marketing encompasses the many ways marketers promote a brand
via a mobile device including in-app ads, mobile web searches and more. Check out these
forms of mobile marketing to enhance your future campaigns.

Types’ Of Mobile Marketing Strategies

There s a healthy variety of mobile marketing strategies to try. The kind that works best for
your business will depend on your industry, target audience, and budget.

App-Based Marketing: This is mobile advertising’ involving mobile apps. While 80% of
mobile time is
on the action. spent engaged with apps, you don t have to create an app yourself to get in

Services like Google AdMob help advertisers create mobile ads that appear within third-
party mobile apps.

With the introduction of the Apple App Store on the iPhone, companies have jumped on
board with developing their own Application to interact with their customers.

Some applications are free of charge for users to download; others come with a small fee.
Facebook also ’allows advertisers to create ads that are integrated into Facebook’s’ mobile

app. Facebook s mobile Promoted’ Post’ ads integrate so seamlessly with Facebook s

news feed that users often don t realize they re looking at ads.

In-Game Mobile Marketing: In-game mobile marketing refers to mobile ads that appear
within mobile games, like in the example below.

Alongside the Applications, companies have also started creating Mobile Games which can

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be downloaded straight to a user’s phone.

The games ’are embedded with various marketing messages enticing users to visit

their companies website.

In-game ads can appear as banner pop-ups, full-page image ads or even video ads that
appear between loading screens.

Example of an in-game mobile marketing ad

QR codes: QR codes are scanned by users, who are then taken to a specific webpage that
the QR code is attached to. QR codes are often aligned with mobile’ gamification and have
an element of mystery’ to them, since users who scan them don t always know exactly
which rabbit hole they re jumping down.

Location-Based Marketing’: Location-based mobile ads are ads that appear on

mobile devices based upon a user s location relative to a specific area or business.

Mobile owners are using their mobiles on the move when looking for a company close
to their current location.

For example, some advertisers may only want their mobile ads to appear when users are
within a 1-mile radius of their business.

Mobile Search Ads: These are basic Google search ads built for mobile, often
featuring extra add-on extensions like click-to-call or maps.

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Mobile Image Ads: Image-based ads designed to appear on mobile devices.

This essentially involves placing banners on mobile ready websites promoting a company
or service. Companies can be selective on where they place their banners, reaching out
easily to their target market.

Banner Advertising campaigns on a mobile are priced in the same way as computer

SMS / MMS / VMS (Video): SMS marketing involves capturing a user’s phone number and sending them text

offers. This is considered somewhat passé.advertising,onaCostperClick(CPC)orCostperImpression(CPM) basis.

This is the most common form of Mobile Marketing used by companies to interact with
their customers quickly. This is also one of the cheapest Mobile Marketing methods.

One example of this could be a restaurant chain sending a text message (SMS) or picture
message (MMS) to their customers offering them a discount if they show the text
message on arrival at the restaurant.

Measure it
Whatever you do in mobile, it is measurable, and should be measured.
Whether it’s the number of people clicking on an ad, responding to a marketing text

message, or downloading your app, the mobile marketing firms you work with should

be able to provide you with detailed analytics that will help you to refine your mobile

marketing campaigns and make them work harder to deliver the maximum return on



From the above discussion, it is clear that Smartphone’s have become an inevitable part

of our lives.

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People are spending most of their time on mobile handsets it may be making calls,
messaging, chatting on social media, sending email, surfing the internet or doing
online shopping.

Digital marketers need to have a mobile media marketing strategy in their sales plans
and to retain and increase their customer base.

3. A 6 Step Plan How To Build A Mobile Marketing Strategy That WORKS!

How Is Your Mobile Marketing Strategy Doing?

If you can’t answer this question, it’s time to change that. Data shows that marketing

is going mobile more and more by the day.

Your customers are using mobile as an integral part of their everyday lives, and as
a marketer, you need to get on board.

But, not every mobile marketing activity will make sense for your particular business,
so you need to diligently think through your options.
In fact, there’s a good chance you’re reading this on a mobile device right now.

 Mobile accounts for 65% of the time people spend consuming media
 59% of Smartphone owners expect websites to be mobile-optimized
68% of companies are investing in mobile marketing

These are a just a few stats, but together, they tell one compelling story: its past time for all
of us to pay attention to mobile.
Understanding the importance of mobile marketing isn’t enough on its own.

You also need to build an actionable strategy to provide users with a great mobile

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experience across all your content.

Planning Your Mobile Marketing Strategy With These Stage Framework

Keep It Simple
The first thing to understand about creating the perfect mobile marketing strategy is that
it has to be simple. While the amount of time users are spending on mobile is growing,
their attention spans certainly are not.

For this reason, your mobile marketing message needs to be crystal clear. In fact, every
aspect of your mobile marketing strategy needs to be simplified to allow it to be
consumed in a shorter time period.
To achieve this: Consider getting rid of everything but the essentials. If it doesn’t play a

direct role in getting your message across or helping your user achieves their goal, leave

it out.

Speed Things Up
Speaking’ of shorter time periods, the average mobile use session’ lasts just over a
minute. But don t be fooled, if you keep your approach simple that s more than enough
time to conduct research, analyze options, and even convert.
Speed is another reason it’s important to keep things simple. The cleaner your interface

and the clearer your message, the faster your users can make it through their desired

series of actions to complete their intended goal.

When it comes to speeding things up, your mobile site or app can’t hold your users back.

Make sure your mobile representation or your brand is a fast (if not faster) than your

desktop site.

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On mobile there is no time to lose, so waiting for things to load or actions to be completed
is out of the question. The last thing you want to do is frustrate a mobile user. Frustration
can make for a quick decision in the wrong direction.

To achieve this: Make sure your mobile site or app design is free of anything but the
essentials. Eliminating excess will help to streamline the process. Also, make sure your
hosting is up to par. Try eliminating steps with click-to-call buttons, an integrated GPS
navigation feature, or other single-click simplifications.

Always Be There to Provide What Your Customers Need

The mobile touch points that matter occur around the clock, so making sure your brand is
there to connect is an imperative part of developing your mobile marketing strategy.
When someone picks up their phone, it’s because they want to buy, learn, find, or

do something right NOW.

Brand’ loyalty falls to the ’wayside on mobile, so you have to opportunity to take on
another brand s customers if you re the one supplying the information, product, or service
they need right then and there.

To achieve this: Make sure your marketing message is what shows up when your
customers are searching. This can be done in different ways. You may decide to optimize
your existing content strategy for mobile, making it easier than ever to pull the relevant
information from your posts in a few moments.

You may also decide to turn your focus toward an optimized mobile advertising strategy
on Facebook, Adwords, etc.

4. Create an Integrated’ App

If your company doesn t already have one, consider whether an integrated app is something
your customers need. With the popularity of apps and the fact that users turn to

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them on a regular (read daily) basis, apps are becoming an important part of a successful
mobile marketing strategy.

Fashion retail’ brands like JackThreads have made their apps an indispensable part of

their customer s shopping experience.

Not only does their app make the process of shopping and ordering faster and easier, users
get a customized selection of recommendations’ based on their interests, meaning
they have to do less to achieve the look they re after.
On top of that, they’re first to know about specials and new releases, making the app a win-

win situation for both the company and users.

Can your business integrate the same kind of extra features that improve your customer’s

experience in doing business with you?

To achieve this: Analyze the parts of doing business with your company online that
your customers might find frustrating, confusing, or lackluster.

Are there ways to eliminate of streamline these processes in an app format?

What sort of additional features could you include in your app to make the
customer/user experience stand out amongst the crowd?

Your Mobile Strategy Revolves Around Customer Habit

Identifying what YOUR customers do before making a purchase decision is
imperative. Analyze the steps taken before your customers reach you on mobile and
use that information to meet them on their level.

Then, take a look at what your customers do when they do reach you.

Do they take a look around and come back another time to convert?

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Do they eventually convert on desktop?

What role does your mobile offering play in their purchase process?
Once you identify the answers to these important questions, you’ll be able to optimize your

mobile site, app, and advertising accordingly.

Your customers’ habits are the key to understanding what role your mobile

marketing strategy should play in the big picture.

Test and Optimize

The most important’ part of any mobile marketing strategy is understanding what

works and what doesn t.

Without a thorough’ understanding of how your mobile marketing is affecting your

business, you ll never understand which parts to need to be optimized or eliminated or
those parts that are succeeding and need a budget increase.

To achieve this: Be sure to look at our list of Marketing’ KPIs and head down to the

mobile section for the full scoop on which metrics you ll want to pay attention to.

Determine which are most important to your mobile marketing strategy and each of your
individual marketing activities and look for opportunities to optimize them.

Ready’ to Master Mobile Marketing?

We ve covered how to plan a basic mobile marketing strategy. Now comes the hard part:
rolling up your sleeves, and getting the work done.

4. 50+ Mobile Marketing & Advertising Terms Every Marketer Should Know
Have you ever been in a business meeting or on a sales call,’ and the potential customer

or business associate uses a marketing term that you just don t understand?

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In order to get the results you want converting more prospects into customers and
to know what you re talking about.
increasing your revenue you have –
– ’
Or at least sound like you do!

Having a handle on these words and phrases will allow you to confidently speak
with prospects, vendors, your sales team, and your marketing partner.
If you’ve explored digital advertising, you’re probably aware that getting started with it

can be fairly overwhelming.

To begin with, it’s full of specialized terms that may be new to you, which is why we

created this digital advertising glossary.

What follows are (relatively) jargon-free explanations of the most common digital
advertising terms?

Getting familiar with these will help you navigate the world of online advertising – and get
more value out of our upcoming series of blog posts about digital advertising and digital

For marketers in the mobile’ tech industry, developer and software jargon can be tricky

to learn. Especially if you don t have a technical background.

So, to help non-technical marketers get familiar with the mobile vocab, I've put together
a list of the most common 51 mobile development terms marketers need to know.

Web Apps.
Applications that are accessible from the web – they don’t need to be downloaded (examples include HootSuite and Evernote). While websites cater to users who are simply browsing around the
site, web apps are more task-oriented and help users meet specific objectives (such as scheduling social media posts for the upcoming week).

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SoLoMo. –

SoLoMo is the abbreviation for Social, Local, Mobile the perfect mobile-oriented triad. Use
social elements and localization to create the perfect mobile app!

A Software Developer Kit (SDK) is a collection of tools for software developers. SDKs
allow developers to create apps for specific platforms, and third-party SDKs can be
installed into existing apps for analytics and marketing purposes.

Second Screen. Second screens are Smartphone’s and tablets that an individual uses while simultaneously engaging with a larger screen (usually a TV). Common second screen
activities are tweeting while watching a television show, or browsing Instagram on an iPad while watching a YouTube video on your desktop computer.

Jailbreaking. ’

Jailbreaking is the practice of removing a phone s hardware restrictions, allowing the user
to make advanced changes and adjust settings that would normally be locked. Apple
products are most commonly subjected to jailbreaking due to their rigid restrictions.

Unlocked phones are GSM phones’ that are not tied to any specific carrier and can be used
with any cellular service carrier s SIM card. GSM (Global System for Mobiles) and CDMA
(Code Division Multiple Access) are the two major radio systems used in cell phones. In the
U.S., Sprint and Verizon use CDMA, while AT&T and T-Mobile (and the majority of carriers
outside the USA) use GSM.

Wearable Tech.
Wearable tech is technology that can be worn on your body, such as Google Glass or
a smart watch.

The operating system developed by Apple and distributed for Apple devices,
including iPhones, iPads, etc.

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Android is the operating system developed by Google (and is currently the most
popular mobile operating system available).

Mobile Analytics Terms

App Analytics.
Analytics information as it pertains to your mobile app! Because apps’ are task-oriented
and websites are information-oriented, you need to measure your app s performance using
mobile metrics (like users, sessions, etc.) Understanding your app analytics is key to
developing an intelligent mobile marketing strategy that wins over users.

MAU stands for Monthly Active Users, concerning the number of users who are using your
app in any given month. MAU is often a better metric for analyzing app performance
because it counts users who download your’ app and actually used it. Only looking’ at the
number of app installs completed doesn t provide a great overview of your app s success
because some users will install’ your app but never open it. MAU is a much more helpful
metric for measuring your app s performance.

DAU stands for Daily Average Users a metric measuring how many users open your app

each day. –

Click-Through Rate.
Click-Through Rate (CTR) is the ratio of clicks your ad receives compared to the number of
impressions (aka views) the ad receives. CTR = clicks / impressions. High CTRs are a huge
deal for marketers (both mobile and web).

Conversion Rate.
Your conversion rate is the percent of users who– complete your desired goal.
Conversion goals are different depending on your business some apps want e-mail
addresses, some want in-app purchases, and others want ad clicks.

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NPS Surveys.
NPS (aka Net Promoter Score) is a metric that measures your user’s level of loyalty. NPS surveys ask a user“ to rate your” app on a scale of 1 - 10. Those rate “your app with” a 9 or 10
are considered promoters,“ those”who rate you at 6 or below are detractors, and anyone who rates you a 7-8 are passives.

You can use NPS surveys– to decide which users you want to ask for app reviews.
Promoters are super valuable send them to the app store so that’ they can write a raving
review of your app (which they adore)! Passives probably won t bother taking the time to
review you. Detractors could potentially burn you in the app store, so avoid directing them
there when possible.

User Segments.
Groups of users that share similar profile data or behavior.

The ’operating system users use on their mobile devices to access the web and your app.

You ll likely need to create different versions of your app for different device platforms.

A group of users that have completed a specific action within a specific time frame.
Cohorts are different from segments because they use the added dimension of time. For
example, one cohort could be users who downloaded your app in the month of June.

Time in App.
How much time are users spending in your app? This mobile metric differs from
session length in that you can see the time a user spent in your app within the last day,
week, or month.

This is a great indicator of how valuable users consider your app.

Sessions occur whenever a user opens your mobile app.

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Session Length.
How long a user spends actively engaging with your app. Session length is typically counted
from app open to app close (or until they navigate away from the app for more than 15

Session Interval.
The time between a user’s last session with your app, and their next session, reflecting how frequently users are returning to your app.

The app version of website pages, screens tell you how many different app screens a user
explored during their session.

Screen Flow.
Screen flow tracks how users move through your app (which screens did they visit and
in which order?).

Actions that a user takes in your app during a session. Examples of events include logins,
video plays, in-app purchases, information entries, setting changes,
Event Attributes. etc.

Event attributes provide more“ context”around“ events. For example,” the event “article read” could have attributes like article title or article publish date.

App Funnels.
Funnels are sets of events that allow you to get a better sense of how users interact with
your app and track key behavior paths. In“ other words,” an app funnel is a series of
connected in-app events that lead to the ultimate in-app action (like a purchase or social

Dimensions are pieces of session-level data that can be used as filters. Examples of

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dimensions are new vs. returning users, device type, or time dimensions (days,
weeks, months).

Lifetime value (LTV) is the value your user delivers over the course of their entire lifetime
engagement with your app. For apps, lifetime value can be a traditional monetary amount, or
a form of data, like levels completed, articles read, notes taken, or images taken.

Mobile Marketing Terms

App Marketing.
App marketing involves all efforts in earning (and keeping) app users. App marketing ’
involves everything from promoting your app to drive installs, to improving your app s UX
and sending the right messages to keep users engaged.

ASO stands for App Store’ Optimization - the process of refining your app store listing’
page to improve your app s visibility. Key elements of ASO include optimizing your app s
title, selecting relevant keywords, and earning high user reviews.

App Reviews.
As discussed above, app reviews are an essential part of ASO. In both the iOS App Store
and the Google Play Store, users can rate and review your app. These reviews have
tremendous power, as new users will be much more likely to install an app that has
received favorable reviews over an app with 2 or 3 stars.

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App Versions.
When you improve and update your app, you create a new version of your app that users
must download in order to get access to the latest features or bug fixes.

App Monetization.
App monetization is how you make money from your app. When it comes to earning that
great green stuff, you have a few different options:

 In-app advertising (third-party apps advertising to your users).

Charge for your app (users pay to download your app).

In-app purchases (such an upgrade from a free to pro version with more features
or a gaming app which allows you to buy levels or upgrades).

In-App Messaging.
In-app messages are nurturing messages sent to users while they are actively using your
app. In-app messages should be a natural part of the app experience because they highlight
new features, offers, surveys, etc. These pop-up messages allow for more customization
and design compared to standard push notifications.

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Push Notifications.
Push notifications are messages delivered to a user’s home

screen (or lockscreen) when he or she is not actively using your app.
These messages are intended to drive attention and traffic back to your app – for

example, a push notification from Amazon about a limited-time lightening deal could be

the gentle nudge that gets the user back into the Amazon shopping app for a purchase.

Banner Messages.

These types of push notifications appear at the top of a user’s screen and disappear after a few seconds.

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Alert Messages.
Alerts are push notifications that take up prime real estate on a user’s screen and require action by the user. Alert messages are often associated with calendar and event-based apps.

Lock Screen Messages.

“The lock” screen is the screen users see when they begin to engage with their phone,

or wake the phone up from sleep mode.

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Lock screen alerts are another form’ of push notifications. Lock screen messages are
similar to banner alerts in that they don t require user action, and disappear when the user
unlocks their phone.

Targeting users based on their current location (whether by country, state, or street) and

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sending app messages relevant to where they are.

Mobile CRM.
Customer relationship management (CRM) refers to strategies and tools used to manage
interactions with customers, in hopes of improving retention and driving sales. A mobile
CRM is focused specifically on managing your relationship with your app users.

User Behavior.
The general term for what users are up to in your app.

App Store’.

Apple s online store where iOS users can search for and purchase apps, which are then

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downloaded to their devices. The App Store is home to over 1.5 million apps for iOS users.

Google’ Play Store.

Google s version of the App Store, the one-stop shop for finding and downloading
mobile apps, ebooks, music, video content, and more. The Google Play Store offers a
selection of over 1.6 million apps to Android users.

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Call To Actions (CTA) are the directions you give mobile“ users, in” hopes of spurring a
conversion“. Some common” mobile CTAs could be upgrade now or, for mCommerce,
simply add to cart. These CTAs can either be text only (for push notifications) or look like a
button (for in-app messages).

mCommerce’. –

It s ecommerce but for mobile! mCommerce apps are retail or shopping apps, focused on
getting users to make product purchases via their mobile devices.

When users choose to no longer’ receive push notifications from your app. To avoid

getting unsubscribe, make sure you re not spamming your users!

In-App Purchases.
Purchases that users make from within your app. This can involve upgrades from the free
to paid versions of your app, real money purchases used to obtain in-game currency,

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physical goods and services purchased within an app, etc.

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Cross-platform apps can be used across multiple operating systems (for example, an app
that is available for iOS, Android, and Windows phones).

Multi-Channel Marketing.
Marketing that takes place across several avenues a user frequents. For example, a multi-
channel marketing campaign might involve mobile app notifications, emails, and
remarketing campaigns.

The act of tailoring offers and messages to users based on their profile or previous
actions in your app (and across your other marketing channels!)

A/B (or Multivariate) Testing.

A/B testing is one of the cornerstones of online marketing, and it’s just as essential when dealing with mobile. A/B (or C/D/E) tests multiple messages to see what resonates with
users and what falls flat.

For example, you can test different copy, colors, button sizes, offers, etc. to see which
one drives the most clicks and conversions.

UX refers to the overall user experience of someone using a mobile app. Developers and
marketers should focus on creating an app that works smoothly, is well designed, and
easy to use.

Geofencing uses GPS to create a virtual boundary or radius. Geofencing can be used to
send app users offers or messages when they enter a certain range.

For example, geofencing may be used to send an app user a coupon for 20% off hamburgers
once they are within a half-mile radius of one of your brick and mortar stores.

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That concludes our glossary of the mobile app terms you need to know for
mobile marketing success.

5. The 7 P’s Of The Mobile Marketing Mix

The marketing mix,’–or the elements available to the marketing manager are

commonly known as the 4 P s Product, Price, Promotion, Place.

Also, with the move towards more– and more service based offerings, there ’are the

additional elements to consider People, Processes, Physical Evidence. 7 P s in total.

Companies can also use the 7Ps model to set objectives, conduct a SWOT analysis
and undertake competitive analysis.

It's a practical framework to evaluate an existing business and work through

appropriate approaches whilst evaluating the mix element as shown below and ask
yourself the following questions:

 Products/Services: How can you develop your products or services?

Prices/Fees: How can we change our pricing model?

Place/Access: What new distribution options are there for customers to experience
our product, e.g. online, in-store, mobile etc.

Promotion: How can we add to or substitute the combination within paid, owned
and earned media channels?

Physical Evidence: How we reassure our customers, e.g. impressive buildings, well-
 trained staff, great website?
 People: Who are our people and are there skills gaps?
Partners: Are we seeking new partners and managing existing partners well?.

Prices for mobile products typically come in at under £5. Premium and exclusive products
can charge more. Many mobile apps are free and sell add-ons within the app (in-app
purchasing). Many mobile apps use only banner advertising within the app to generate
revenue. Rates such as £1 per 1,000 page impressions can be achieved and so popular free
apps with millions of impressions can generate thousands of pounds per month.

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Mobile provides many promotion opportunities. Mobile users interact with text messages,
MMS messages, mobile internet sites, mobile email, and mobile apps. Opt-in text
messaging currently commands most of the mobile advertising budgets but banner ads
within mobile web sites and mobile apps are a fast growing business.

Mobile provides a new place to interact with your customers. Your mobile’ products can be

discovered in the mobile phone manufacturer app stores such as Apples s iTunes or the

Android Marketplace and mobile commerce from mobile websites is growing in popularity.

Mobile can change the dynamic around the people involved in delivering a service. Mobile
apps can remove the need to make a phone call and talk with someone for example.

When delivering a service the process the customer is expected to follow is key. Mobile
offers alternatives which can be much personalized based on knowledge of the customer.

6.Physical Evidence
Mobile can be used to provide additional substitutes for physical evidence of delivering a
service. Examples include mobile ticketing where an SMS message, bar code or QR code can
be provided to the mobile phone of the customer.

Mobile technology provides a platform for the delivery of a new product to
complement existing products in the market or even develop a new line of business.
The product can take the shape of a mobile optimized website or a mobile app, or a
service delivered through the mobile phone such as SMS text based voting.

In the last few years the use of mobile phones for more than just making calls and sending
text messages has dramatically increased. The above examples shows a wide range of

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options for integrating the marketing 7 P’s into the world of the customer’s mobile

phone experience.

Each of the above P’s will examined in more detail in future posts and the benefits explored


6. Mobile Apps Content Marketing Best Practices

Digital mobile media is redefining how we read view and are entertained. This is not a fad
but a trend that will be a generational change.

Mobile is becoming the default device of choice not the laptop.

This device shift will be most prevalent in emerging nations including Asia and Africa as 3
billion more people go online on mobile devices. Not tethered personal computers.

For many people the way they consume is not when they use a PC but when they grab
their phone from their pocket or purse or swipe their tablet screen.

This has major implications for content marketers and the future of content marketing.

Want proof?

A recent article on posed this statement

“TV is over: Mobile has officially demoted TV to second-rung media status“.

The percentage of time spent on digital is now over 46% and TV is only 36%.

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But there is a mismatch on spend versus advertising. There needs to be a re-balancing to
match spends to share of time.

The mobile-first approach to content marketing is gaining popularity.

What’s so unique about it?

What takeaways does it offer to digital marketers?

How to incorporate these changes into your mobile content marketing?

What Is Mobile Content Marketing

Consumers are using their smart devices for everything from watching sports to
shopping online. Brands feel the need to design product experience for handheld users.

Many are adopting the mobile content marketing approach. This approach places mobile at
the helm and considers it more pertinent than desktop.

If you are thinking to create a mobile app and you want to get people interested in your

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product then you should know that content marketing is very effective for this purpose.

As its name shows, content“marketing is” the form of marketing through interesting

content, and we highlight the word interesting .

In other words, you write helpful things for your possible users and they will be curios
to try your app. Readers will become valuable users.

A great advantage in using this advertising strategy is that you present your entire brand
in front of customers, not only an app. This is very useful if you have more than one app.

It creates awareness with long term effects.

Not to mention that the support is reciprocal: you help them by improving their lives and
they help you with their feedbacks and their actions. In the same time you need to
concentrate your attention on both, the quality of your app and the essence of your
content. Ignoring one side of the project will have the opposite effect.
According to the Content Marketing Institute’s data, the average B2C marketer

creates seven different types of content:

In addition to the tactics shown above, survey respondents also identified the
following content types as part of their marketing mix:

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 Ebooks/white papers (35%)
 Interactive tools (31%)
 Online presentations (31%)
 Webinars/webcasts (31%)
 Print magazines (22%)
 Mobile apps (21%)
 Video/live-streaming media (16%)
 Books (16%)
 Digital magazines (15%)
 Print newsletters (14%)
 Research reports (14%)
 Podcasts (10%)
 Separate content hubs (10%)
 Virtual conferences’ (6%)

Certainly, these aren t all applicable to mobile app creators (heck, some of these marketers
consider mobile apps to be promotional techniques in and off themselves).
To define content marketing as it explicitly relates to mobile app marketing, I’d suggest that

there are five types of content app promoters need to be aware of.

Let’s find out.

1. Start with Creating A Content Marketing Strategy Before Launch

’ ’
The first question that comes in every person s mind is: When should I start? Well, you
your app will be about.
can t start too early when you don t even know ’ what “ ”
And definitely you can’t start too late when your app is already on the market.

First you need to decide how you are going to create your app. What kind of app will it be?

Who will be your target audience? What will be the main feature? After you have these
things settled start coding and after you create the first page ask yourself if between
the coding and the design tasks you will have time to write about your app.

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If the answer is “No”, then you should get somebody“ else” to do that if you really want to

adopt this technique for your app. If the answer is Yes , then you found the right moment

to start creating content for marketing your new born app.

2. Show’ Your Audience You Understand“ Their Pain Points ”

Now, let s pass to the next question: What should I write about? If you have your target
audience in mind, find out what are their main interests. The reason why people use their
phones is to look for something.
A friend, a place for dinner, a good movie, reviews about their travel destinations…

Discover the most interesting topics for your users. A good strategy is to talk about
their problems and to find solutions related to your app to solve those problems.

Or you can write something that will entertain your users during the commute to work.
Anything goes, with the condition to be there to help your users.

3. Use Your Audience’s Language in Every Single Piece of Your Content

After you found the main topics you are wondering: How to write this content? From the
promote a game or a funny app, then your
start you need to follow your users tone. If you “ ”

articles should be amusing, as well. ’

If you have a time managing app then you should know that your users have limited time to
read your posts. In this case you need to create short texts. On the other hand if you create
an app for recipes, then you must add as many photos as you can with delicious food.
Maybe you should create’ step – by – step guides in pictures or videos on how you

created lovely dishes. But don t forget that all the elements must match. The text, the

photos and the videos should tell a story that will make people come back and read your

articles and, of course they will use your app, because this is what we are talking about.

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Find The Most Effective Channels To Promote Your Content
With all those social networks available there are many solutions for you to promote your
content. Of course, you need to find channels suitable for your domain.

It is easy to discover what are the blogs, forums or social sites preferred by your users. The
next thing you should do is to join those communities. Add valuable comments for their
articles and only after that, promote your content and your app.

On the other hand you can create your own blog or website, but you still need to let
people know about it. Either way, an essential requirement is to post frequently in order
to be noticed.

Every article matters but, you must be sure that your content will make a difference for
your followers.

5. Use Different’ Content Types According to Your Audience’s Needs

Your users aren t a homogeneous group. Maybe some of them are athletes, others are
students or some of them are workaholics. But they have something in common. They
read your content and they use your app.

You need to create different text for every type of users. Maintain the same idea and share
other thoughts according to the topic you choose. Try to involve them all into your content
and relate your ideas to all your readers.
It is very hard to concentrate on everybody’s needs but if you get the spirit of it, you

will enjoy every time someone brags your work.

6. Get Benefit From’ User – Generated Content

What if you can t find inspiration for new topics?

A great method to create– content is to convince your users to share snippets from their

lives. This is called user generated content. Give them a motive to send you photos or

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quotes related to your app and the only thing left for you to do is to manage their messages.

People love when they are part of something– extraordinary and they will enjoy
spreading the word about your app. This is a win win situation: they become popular and
you will have great content for promoting your app.

Moreover, this type of promotion can make your’ content or your app go viral. And this

is what you were looking for from the start. Didn t you?

Generate Useful Content in Your Blog

It goes without saying that you need to create relevant content. If you just throw some
words on the screen hoping that somebody will read them then spear your time.
Obviously, you have something better to do.

But if you are interested to meet your users publishing your ideas then you will achieve
your objective. The higher the number of people you help through your content the
greater will be the number of downloads for your app.

Make people realize that you write valuable text and it is all worthy of reading you. After
they finish your article they should feel that they want to read the next one and they
want to use your app, because of your effective content.

If you gain their trust, then you will be sure about the fact that the engagement rate will be
also high.

Analyze The Results And Don’t Forget That Content Marketing is Something
You Can Calculate Its ROI
As you saw above everything depends on your app category. You need to test every step
you make and to change your approach according to the results you get. If you keep an
eye on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like social shares, number of views, number of
links generated you can calculate the effects of your work.

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When you will see an increase for the number of downloads or a higher engagement rate
due to the content published for your app, then you will know how effective your
strategy is.

If you follow a well-defined plan you are on the right path’ to success. Be creative and keep
up with the changes that can occur in your domain. Don t forget that you need to start
small and to grow along with your audience.

The Return Of Investment (ROI) can be calculated differently for every content marketing
campaign depending on its goal. The best thing is that you can try all the available resources
until you are sure that your users are interested in what you are offering them.

Final Thoughts
There are so many questions regarding content marketing, but you are on the right track.
If you find the proper answers for them, then this is the right strategy for you to advertise
your app.
You don’t need a high budget, but you need a lot of time. The condition is to have always

in minded your users with their problems and to figure out how you can help them

through your app.

Write about that and they will reward your efforts by downloading your app and enjoying
your articles.

7. Reasons Your Website Needs To Be Mobile Optimized

For a long time, responsive design dominated the web as the format of choice for
business and personal sites.

Now, however, mobile optimization has begun to gain credence as a potentially

preferable strategy.

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To understand the importance of having a mobile-friendly website, look at some of
the interesting statistics revealing the future and current scenario.

The percentage of companies optimizing email for mobile devices increased by 22% in
 2014. (Adestra)
 48% of consumers start mobile research with a search engine. (Smart Insights)
By 2019, mobile advertising will represent 72% of all US digital ad spending
79% of people surveyed use their smartphone for reading email — a higher(MarketingLand)

percentage than those who used it for making calls (Email Monday)
Average smartphone conversion rates are up 64% compared to the average desktop
 conversion rates. (CMS Report)
4 out of 5 consumers shop on smartphones (Comscore)

40% of people will choose a different search result if the first is not mobile friendly

Designing a mobile-friendly website at present is same as that of oxygen to live. No matter,

how well you have designed your website unless it is not mobile friendly; you are not going
to taste the fruitful reward.
The internet is changing and that’s an obvious’ fact. Users are now able to access the

internet in a number of ways that couldn t have even been imagined 10 years ago.

Tablets, laptops, gaming devices, watches, and mobile devices are becoming
increasingly popular as a way for visitors to find your website.
That’s why having a website that is optimized for devices like mobile (i.e. mobile versions

of websites) is extremely important to your business.

Mobile Optimization Defined:

Mobile optimization is the process of ensuring that visitors accessing your website from
mobile devices have an engaging and user-friendly experience that's been optimized for
that specific device.

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For example, when you cruise over to Amazon, the site will be functional and easy-to-use
whether you are on your PC, your iPad, Android phone or any other possible access point.

The ’savvy folks over at Amazon want to make sure the site is mobile optimized, so

they don t miss a single sale over something like platform preference.

Understanding the Importance of Mobile Optimization

In this modern technologically advanced society, having a mobile optimized website is
essential. It ensures that visitors who are accessing your site from mobile devices have
an optimal experience.

This design will also account for different screen sizes and load times.

This process addresses the design of the site, the structure, speed’ of the page, and
more. You want to optimize site for mobile to ensure that visitors won t simply leave
due to inconvenience.
Check out these 10 reasons your website can’t afford to remain unresponsive, and then

see how I can help you optimize your mobile site.

Everyone’s On Mobile.

We are no longer living in a world where Smartphone users can be considered the

We are not even living in a world where excessive smartphone users can be
considered exceptions.

Today, more than 1.2 billion people are accessing the web from mobile devices.’ An
incredible 80% of all internet users use a smartphone. In other words, if they re online,
they are most likely on their phones.

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And today’s statistics are only half the story. These numbers will be even more

skewed towards mobile in the future. Simply put, you NEED to be thinking mobile,

because EVERYONE is on mobile.

2. Over Half Of Web Traffic Is Mobile.

I have yet to meet a website owner who wasn’t interested in increasing traffic.

As of May, 2018 (over a year ago), mobile media consumption was 21% higher than that of
desktop, accounting for a 51% of ALL digital media consumption.

This means that over half of all web traffic is via mobile. If you are interested in
attracting mobile traffic (aka traffic), you need to be thinking mobile.
The obvious question that comes” up here is, “Why can’t mobile users just engage with
my desktop site via their phones?
The answer to that is…

Google Favors Mobile Responsiveness

For some time now, Google has favored mobile friendliness in its SERP rankings.

As of April, however, the stakes have been raised, and mobile responsiveness is
more important than ever for pleasing Google and acquiring organic traffic.
With Google’s latest major algorithm update, the company enacted significant penalties’ for

websites failing“ to meet its” standards’ for mobile friendliness. While this change wasn t
quite the mobile-geddon SEO s predicted, it did create some waves, with mobile friendly
pages taking much less of a hit.

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If you are serious about improving your organic traffic (or simply not losing it), you need
to optimize your website for mobile.

Social Media Referrals Are On Mobile.

91% of mobile internet’ access is used for social activities. As social media continues

to grow and evolve, it s finding its primary hub on mobile devices.

If your business is involved social media marketing of any sort, there is a better
than average chance incoming traffic will be accessing your site via mobile devices.

An unresponsive site can negate your content marketing efforts and waste your
paid advertising dollars.

If you want to take full advantage of your social audiences, you need a site designed to
seamlessly catch their social browsing click-through.

5. Great Mobile Sites Differentiate Your Brand.

By this point, if your brand has yet to optimize its website, you may be feeling like you
need to play catchup.
While that’s true to some extent, the reality is that many sites remain unoptimized for mobile.

According to a recent survey, only 56% of small business websites are responsive.

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What does this mean for your business?

It means you have a fantastic opportunity to differentiate yourself from the competition.
Statistically, nearly half you competitors could have unoptimized sites.

Furthermore, a big chunk of those who have implemented responsive design are probably
doing a pretty poor job of it. Optimized your site for mobile is an easy way to immediately
gain an edge.

The first step to optimizing for mobile is implementing a responsive website design. The
second step is optimizing your marketing efforts for mobile within your responsive design.
This involves analyzing how customers are engaging with your site and adjusting
In a nutshell, that’s why we put in the many hours of designing websites that will

work across all platforms and devices.

It’s not an easy job, but we take great pride in making sure our customers accomplish

inbound success through every possible phone, tablet, laptop, Surface or anything.

So in conclusion, if you have’ not yet updated your site, I would strongly encourage you
to do so soon. If you haven t been hit by Google yet, it could only be a matter of time as
this update rolls out over the coming weeks.

And as internet traffic increases’ more and more on mobile devices, and with the advent of

smart watches, Google s favorability towards mobile friendly sites will only increase with it.

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1. Google AdWords Overview Introduction

What Is Google Ads?’

Google Ads is Google s online advertising program.

It allows users and companies to advertise ’and reach audiences that are interested in
the products and services they offer on Google s Search Network as well as their
network of partner websites.

AdWords is the service where you can buy ads on Google and Google's search partners.
Using AdWords, you can display your website above, besides or under the organic search
results on the search engine result pages (SERP).

A SERP is the page you see when you have typed a search within Google.

Google AdWords is an online platform, owned by Google, which is used by advertisers and
agencies to advertise online on Google.

Since over the last few years, Internet usage has become increasingly associated with the
use of Google as a search engine, we can rightly assume that the majority of online users,
especially in Bulgaria, know how to use the search engine for finding relevant
information and topics of interest.

Besides the natural, organic results for a query, however, Google allows for additional paid,
advertising results, which are targeted by advertisers and agencies via Google AdWords

However, ads on search result pages are far from all that can be offered by AdWords.

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2. Why Use Google Adwords For Advertising?
Unlike tons of popular marketing tactics in the digital world, advertising isn’t free.

You can post on social media, build a brand and connect with influencers without spending
a dime.

You can write new content and drive organic search traffic without ever pulling out
the credit card or paying large bills.

You can create new YouTube videos and build a hyper-engaged audience for free.
But with advertising, it’s always a pay to play landscape where money can be lost in just

a matter of days or weeks.

While it’s loaded with risk in both your time and money, AdWords is worth it.

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Here are the topconvincethree reasons as to why you should be advertising on Google.

If these can’t you, nothing can…

Reason #1. Google Is The Most Popular Search Network and Packs a High Average
Google dominates just about every aspect of the online world.
Even offline in“daily life, it’s almost” impossible to go a single day without saying (or

hearing someone say) just Google it.

When it comes to other search engines, they simply don’t compare in terms of user

base and beloved success.

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According to Net MarketShare, Google dominates the search engine market with
over 72% of users worldwide:

It’s by far the most widely used search engine on the market, dominating rivals like

Bing and Yahoo.

And when it comes to advertising, unless you are a major corporation selling products
that appeal to anyone, you need a platform that reaches even the most segmented and
specific audiences.

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Nothing compares to Google when it comes to doing just that.

Not only is Google great’ for reaching your target audience and broad spectrums of

demographics, but it s also great at producing a high return on your investment.

According to Google studies and their Economic Impact’ Report, advertisers on the
platform will on average generate $2 for every $1 spent. That s an average of doubling your
And using this guide, you’ll be able to implement tactics to improve that ROI even more!

Reason #2. AdWords Has Diverse Ad Options To Fit Any Business Model and Goals
Google AdWords is far from a one-trick show pony.

Packing diverse features, any and every business in any and every industry can
find success.

Want to just stick to text-based ads on Google search results?

No problem. You can run search network ads in a matter of seconds.

Want to show your local business on Google Maps?

You can easily do that, too.

Good at creating videos that showcase your business?

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Advertise with Google TrueView on YouTube:

Google AdWords- youtube trueview search result

The options are almost endless.

You can run campaigns using:

 Gmail
 YouTube
 Google search results
 Maps
 Partner websites
Mobile app downloads
Phone call only

… and
With remarketing, you can bring back people who didn’t buy from you the first time.

For instance, if they click on your ads but don’t buy or fill out a form, you can easily fire up

a new campaign that targets those specific users.

Long story short: AdWords can be successful for any business type.

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Reason #3. Google AdWords Produces Fast Sales With Less Work
Social media requires you to start with nothing. No followers, shares, likes or retweets.

Growing your social media following and building up active and consistent engagement
is brutally difficult.

Unless you already have a following or a massively popular site, generating

social engagement takes months if not years to accumulate.
Similarly, SEO isn’t an overnight hack or some random growth tip. It’s a marketing

tactic that takes months to come to fruition.

You have to find keywords, create content, optimize your entire site and
everything you will do moving forward.

Even then, you are competing with thousands of other businesses for the same
keyword. Your content has to be top notch, have tons of shares and backlinks, and
be consistently updated.
And only once you’ve done that, you can start to expect noticeable results in maybe

six months to a year. Ouch

The bottom line is: Most digital marketing tactics don’t produce success overnight.

But there is one giant exception: Pay per click marketing with Google AdWords.

In just minutes’ you can launch an AdWords campaign and generate real sales.

And this isn t some snake oil pitch. Nobody is getting paid to pitch AdWords.

With AdWords, sales can come instantly when a campaign begins.

How? Intent.

What is intent on Google AdWords?

Essentially, intent can be derived by examining keywords.

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For example, if someone searches for “tv buying guide,” they probably aren’t ready to

buy yet, right? Right.

That keyword is an indication that they want to compare products, not purchase
them yet.
But “60-inch flat screen smart tv” is a higher intent keyword, indicating a prospect

is close to purchasing. That keyword shows that the user has done their research.

They know what they want.

And according to the latest studies, high-intent keywords are almost always driven by ad
clicks, not organic search!
Meaning targeting your SEO strategy around near-purchase keywords won’t do anything.

You need AdWords for that.

Through keyword bidding on AdWords, you know which keywords are going to
drive nearly instant sales.
With SEO, you need to create a funnel to accommodate the buyer’s journey. You“ have” to

plan content, keywords and lead magnets to drive them down the funnel and warm them

up for converting.

But with AdWords, you can capitalize on searches that are already low in the funnel.

For instance: plumber near me.

Google AdWords - Searching for plumbers on google

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You can be sure that’ a person searching for a plumber needs one ASAP. Ranking your ad
#1 ensures that you ll be capturing their attention first and likely driving a sale without
ever engaging with them previously.

That’s the power of AdWords and intent.

It’s far less work than producing content and planning out your SEO strategy.

3. How’ Does Google AdWords Work ’

You ve no doubt heard about Google Adwords before. It s why you are here, after all. But
you might still be confused on how AdWords results in customers for your business.

Google AdWords is tough to explain. Some oversimplify it, and some overcomplicate it.
In this section, we’ll tell you exactly what you can expect on Google AdWords and how

it works.

We will break down the different advertising networks, options and how you can rank your
ads against competitors.

Here is everything you need to know about how Google AdWords actually works.

Google Networks:’ What They Are and What They Mean

If you aren t familiar with AdWords, it’s currently divided into two different
Google networks, each one containing varied advertising options to fit your goals:

 Search Network
Display Network

The search network contains advertising locations like the actual search results on Google,
other Google properties like Google Maps and Google Shopping, as well as partner sites on

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Google that show text ads.

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Similarly, you might see direct products shown on a given Google search, like this specific
search for 4k LED TVs:

That’s Google Shopping, another entity of the search network.

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If you are searching for local businesses on Google or even directly within Google Maps, you
might also see ads:

On the’ other hand, the display network focuses on platforms and advertising methods
that aren t text-based like the search network. I mean platforms like YouTube, Gmail and
thousands of partner sites on Google.
If you ever browse YouTube and’ notice ads, that’s the display network. If you

navigate Gmail and see inbox ads, that s the display network.

Have you ever noticed image ads on the sidebar or headers of a website you have
browsed? Those are ads on Google partner sites on the display network!
To give you an example of how AdWords works in action, let’s head directly to Google

to conduct a basic search:

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I’m in the market for a new camping tent for the summer. So I search for it:

In the search results, I see Google Shopping ads promoting sites that sell tents:

And when I scroll down, I also see basic search network text ads from other
businesses selling tents:

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Being interested, I click on the Ad that captures my attention to see what they have to offer:

After clicking, the advertiser (Scheels, in this case) pays a few dollars for my click in
hopes that I will convert.

Hitting their landing page (shown above), I explore the products and buy one.

That’s AdWords in a nutshell. It simply involves running ads based on keywords

or audiences and then using compelling ads and landing pages to get someone to
buy from you.
So, what if someone doesn’t buy from you? You use remarketing!

ne doesn’t buy from you? You use remarketing!

What is Google AdWords Retargeting?

Remarketing (otherwise known as retargeting) is the act of sending another marketing

message,’ ads in this case, back to users who already interacted with your previous ads

but didn t convert.

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You are bringing them back for a second chance at driving the sale.

Thankfully, Google packs excellent remarketing software and custom audience options
to do just that.

For the display network, advertisers can target audiences or keywords, showing their
ads on sites that potential customers are browsing.

From there, it works just like the search network: click on the ad and buy.
Now that you’ve got the network under your belt, it’s time to learn how your ads show up

and how you rank on the paid network.

4. How Do You Rank On Google Adwords?

When you search on Google, you will likely notice that ads are displayed in order, just
like organic search results:

Depending on what position you hold, it can have significant impacts on the
amount of traffic you get.

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Being at the top four positions is obviously better than the bottom of the page.

Ad Rank, a value created by Google, is used to determine what position your ads are

But how do you do it? What factors go into ad ranking?

The top factors of ad rank are: ’

 Bid amount: bidding higher means higher rankings. But only bidding high isn t
 Auction-time ad quality: quality score (more below)
 Context of search: location, device, time, etc. relating to your ads. Is your ad the best
choice, logically based on the context of each person and your current offering?
 Ad extension impact: how much of an improvement do your ad extensions make?
More = better. Higher CTRs will provide bigger impacts.

Google says,

“Even if your competition has higher bids than yours, you can still win a higher position at
a lower price by using highly relevant keywords and ads.”
Essentially, bidding isn’t everything. Sure, higher bids are going to rank you higher than

most. But if you want the first or second spot, you need to nail all of those factors listed

Your ads need to have high-quality scores, matching contextual information and
higher CTRs than average.

What Exactly is the AdWords Quality Score?

If you hover over the quality score metric in your AdWords account, you should see

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something like this:

The quality score’ is a rank from 1-10 (with ten being the best) of how each ad or

keyword is performing. It s a general score to give you an idea of how well you are doing.

Expected clickthrough rate: What’s the average CTR for your space? If you are

higher than average, you can expect a better quality score than most.

Ad relevance: How specific are your ads? Does the “offer and call to action” make
sense for what you are advertising? If your ads say, visit store now, but you are
selling online products only, your ad relevance will be low.
Landing page experience: Does your landing page communicate the same

information as your ads? Same offer? Same keyword? If not, your quality score is likely
low.Currently,thequality score is made up of three distinctive portions:

These three factors are all critical to nailing a higher quality score and in turn, converting
more users.

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Why is Quality Score Important?
Well, the higher your quality score, the cheaper your conversions:

Combined in ad rank, your quality score is a function of your ranking. You can’t just bid

high. You have to have a good quality score too. Quality scores are simple, straightforward

measures that tell you if you are doing the right or wrong thing when optimizing your


The higher your quality score, the cheaper your clicks and final acquisition costs
will be.
5. How To Setup Your Google AdWords Account In Easy Steps?
You now know how Google AdWords works. And you know the top three reasons as to
why advertising on Google AdWords is worth your time, money and effort.
Now it’s time to capitalize and create your free AdWords account to get started ASAP.

In this section, I will walk you through the setup process, help you decide between
AdWords and AdWords Express, and show you the key factors most people miss in
the setup process that hinders their progress and advertising potential.
Without further ado, here’s how to setup your account for success.

AdWords or AdWords Express?

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One thing you will notice when attempting to signup for AdWords is the promotion
or option of AdWords Express, another AdWords service:
What is it? How is it different than general AdWords? That’s what this section is all about.

To summarize it:

AdWords Express is a simplified, automated version of AdWords where Google handles

most of the work.
It’s only available for local businesses with stores or an online e-commerce shop.

If you don’t have a physical store or an online store, you can’t use AdWords Express.

With regular Google AdWords, things can get complicated fast.

Just look at the standard dashboard:

AdWords dashboard
It’s complex and contains dozens of sections with different metrics, reports and more.

It can take a ton of time to manage every week.

AdWords Express is best for users who:

 Are brand new to PPC advertising

 Are limited on time or resources
Own stores and want to generate extra revenue without much work

But beware: AdWords Express is very simplified. After a period of time, you will likely
find your sales stalling at a certain point with very little room to improve performance.

Regular AdWords packs so many features to improve your account that Express does not.

If you are brand new to paid search or have limited time, Express is a great way to
start out. But sooner or later, you will likely realize that you need to switch to the
full AdWords experience.

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Creating Your Free AdWords Account in Just Five’ Minutes

To create your free AdWords account, if you don t already have one, head to Google
AdWords and sign up using your email and website URL:

welcome screen google adwords

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Next, you will likely notice a whole bunch of overwhelming setup factors that you

aren’t even sure of yet:

For example, budgets, targeting, bidding and already writing a text ad.

Let us walk you through the key factors here.

First off, for your budget, start small. You can always increase from here, and the
beginning stages are always going to be random.

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Set a comfortable budget that allows you to bring in some traffic and
conversions without breaking the bank just yet.

When choosing your targeted audience, start by selecting locations that you want to target:

“Do you only sell products to the” US? Select that. Are your products sold worldwide?

Select All countries and territories.

When choosing networks, as we discussed earlier, select the networks you want to focus on
the most:

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We recommend simply selecting both, as you can easily change this later and will likely
want to use the display network for remarketing at some point in the near future.

Lastly, for keywords, enter a few that you want to focus on in relation to your business
or specific products you want to sell.

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For what bidding, let AdWords automatically set your keyword bidding for the start
(bidding options and detailed guides for bidding can be found in next Chapter):

Your daily budget won’t change, and AdWords will never spend more than what you
set, so don’t worry!

Next, write a basic text ad and click continue.

Once you enter your payment and hit continue, your AdWords account is live and ready
to use.
Voila! That’s it.

Remember: you can edit all of this later! And we will walk you through campaign setup
including ads, keywords and more.

How To Setup Conversion Tracking (And Why You Need It)

Now’ that you have linked Google Analytics and the basics of your account are good to

go, it s time for one final setup item: Conversion tracking.

Conversion tracking is relatively simple:

Setting up scripts on your website to allow AdWords to track how many people buy
from you.

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While this process seems simple in nature, most people don’t understand how it

works, how to set it up properly, or why they even need it in the first place.

71% of accounts had no conversion tracking or had set it up improperly, causing faulty and
unreliable data and reports.
That’s not good.

Without proper conversion tracking, you are basically shooting blind. You’re

throwing money at something without any idea of how it worked.

You just set up your account. You are running new campaigns in no-time, spending $500
a day on AdWords. Until you look at your reports and data and realize you have zero

How? No conversion tracking.

Sure, real conversions and sales were happening. But how many were from AdWords?
How much are your acquisition costs? You have no clue if you are even profitable.

Conversion tracking is one of the most (if not the most) essential factors in a
successful AdWords account.

So, how do you set it up?

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It’s simple. Head over to the conversions section of your dashboard:

Select the blue “+” button to create a new conversion.

From here, you can decide between four types of conversions:

As you can see we can:

 Website: tracking conversions on your site, store, etc.

 App: track how many people download your app
Phone: record how many phone calls your ads generate

Import: import your own conversions (not recommended unless you have great
outside conversion tracking software already)

More than likely, the most common conversion tracking elements you will use are
website codes and phone call tracking.

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Give your new conversion tracking element a name that you can recognize in
relation to your campaign.

Next, select the category of your conversion:

Is it a purchase or direct sale? A form sign-up? A generalized lead?

Here is your chance to specify exactly what a conversion is to each campaign you run.

In terms of the value, you can opt to select no value, same value or use a specific value
for each conversion:

If you decide to use specific/different values for’ each sale (most commonly used for
online stores and ecommerce), you can follow Google s setup to edit your tracking tags

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Click to continue, and you will have three different options for installing your new codes:

Self-install (install the tag yourself)

Email the tag to a webmaster

Use the tag manager

If you opt to install it yourself, first you must install the global site tag for AdWords.

This will allow you to create remarketing lists where you can bring back users who
engaged with you in previous marketing campaigns.

You need to install this tag on every page of your website.

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Next, you’ll want to install the “Event snippet,” which is what you just created

when selecting value and type.

This will allow you to create remarketing lists where you can bring back users who
engaged with you in previous marketing campaigns.

You need to install this tag on every page of your website.

Next, you’ll want to install the “Event snippet,” which is what you just created

when selecting value and type.

Install Your Event Snippet

The easiest way to install your event snippet is using the “Page load” method.

What is it?

Essentially, you want to place this tag on a final destination or thank you page only, not
every page of your site like you did with the global tag.

This code is meant for a page that customers will land on after completing their
conversion action.

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“For instance,” if someone buys a product in your online store, they should be directed
to a thank you page after purchasing that only buyers will be directed to. This is where
you place the event snippet.

This way you can ensure that the page only loads and records a conversion when
someone buys from you!

This seemingly simple idea is easy to complicate or install wrongly.

Let’s recap to make sure you’ve got it down:

Global site tag: your global AdWords tracking script that goes on every single page of
your website.

Event snippet: individual conversion tracking scripts that you make for each
campaign. These go on thank you pages only.


You’ve just successfully installed the right conversion tracking scripts. Ready to
keywords research for your first campaign?

6. How To Do Keywords Research To Start Your First Campaign?

To have your ads show up, you have to target and’ bid on specific keywords in your
industry. For instance, if you sell handbags, you d want to target common searches that real
people conduct when looking to buy handbags.

But frequently, finding the right keywords that you can afford to bid on without sinking
your budget feels next to impossible.

Especially when competitors are dominating the top ad spots with higher bids than you.
In this section, you’ll learn the ins and outs of keyword research to start your campaign

off on the right foot.

Start With The Google Keyword Planner

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The best place to start keyword research for your first campaign is right on Google
AdWords itself, utilizing Google’s own keyword tool.

Why? Because you can get clear suggestions on basic topics without knowing much about
keyword research in the first place.
For instance, if you haven’t ever done keyword research before, it’s hard to know where

to start.

When you fire up the keyword planner, you can enter topics and phrases or even
URLs from your own site (or others). Google will then create ideas for you:

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To start, simply enter a summary about your business in 1-3 words:

Hit “Get Started,” and you will find an entire list of curated keyword ideas:

Wonderful, but confusing, right?

This new list contains tons of potential keywords for your next campaign.

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On the right-hand side of your columns, focus your attention and effort on the
following metrics:

Top of the page bid low and high. These are the amounts of money you need to bid (per
click) on each keyword to be at the top of the first page or the bottom of the first page.

This gives you an idea of what you can expect to spend on keywords.

Want to rank first? You will be paying something close to “Top of the page bid

Next, look at the average monthly searches and competition levels for keywords that
interest you.

You want a mix of high and low volume keywords.

Generally speaking, most keywords with higher average monthly searches will have
more competition. But they will also be more general in nature, leading to fewer sales.

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Having a mix of both will give you specificity and tons of traffic that you
can remarket.

The key with keywords (pun intended) is to analyze intent behind the search.

When keywords are closer to the bottom of your funnel, you can expect more direct
conversions without the need for remarketing.
More generic terms, like “tv reviews,” are clearly not looking to buy from you yet.

When selecting new keywords for your campaign, you need to match them to your

Ask yourself the following before selecting a keyword:

Is this campaign meant to drive new sales?

Is it meant to bring in new traffic and turn them into brand-aware leads that can be
converted into sales later?

Always analyze the intent behind a keyword before you run with it. Match keywords
directly to your campaign goals.

If you want to sell more shoes in this campaign, focus on keywords that are lower in
the funnel. If you want to educate people about your shoe brand, target top of the
funnel review searches.

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After compiling a big list of potential keywords using the keyword tool, you can move on
to using a few more tools that can help you dig deeper into potential ideas by investigating
your competition.

7. How To Use Third-Party Tools To Spy On Competition’s Keywords?

The keyword planner is a great start to generate basic ideas and get a feel for keyword

But nothing beats spying on competitors and seeing what keywords they target and find
success with.

If you aren’t sure who your competition is, conduct a basic search on Google for
a keyword that you found using the keyword planner:

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You should be able to find multiple companies bidding on the terms you searched
for. These are your competitors and they likely have tons of experience that you can
steal with a few nifty tools.

SEMRush, a Goldmine of Informations

To start, open up SEMRush and create a free account.
In the search bar, type in your competitor’s website and hit “Search.”

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On the left-hand side, click “Advertising Research” to pull up all of your competitors’

Google PPC history:

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Here you can analyze their current keywords, positions for those keywords, costs per click
that they pay and even their landing pages.

It’s a goldmine of information. Your competitors have already done the research on

the most effective keywords.

And using the “Traffic %” column, you can see which keywords generate the most traffic

for their site, giving you ideas of how much you need to spend to outrank them and steal

their traffic.

Use this tool to analyze a few of your top competitors and piggyback off their
existing work to dominate AdWords.


8. How To Setup Your First Ad Group ’& Write New Ads?

Setting up your account in AdWords isn t a simple process, unfortunately.

How your campaigns and ad groups are created and setup is some of the most important
factors when it comes to improving your click-through rate, quality score, and general

Using the wrong setup makes your account and campaigns hard to manage. On top of that,
writing great quality ads on AdWords can be strenuous due to the limited character space.

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If you haven’t had experience writing ads, it can quickly become frustrating.

In this section, I’ll walk you through setting up your first ad group and writing

Top AdWords ads.

Step-by-step setup instructions and a bunch of formulas for writing the best quality ads at
scale is what you get if you keep on reading!

Ad Group Setup: Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs)

When starting your first ad group on Google AdWords, Google gives advice that is easily
misconstrued by new PPC advertisers:

Did you see it? “Start with 10-20 keywords.” Start with??

That’s a lot of keywords for a single ad group.

Way too many, in fact. Why?

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When you’ add too many keywords in a single ad group, you run the risk of showing

ads that can t possibly relate to all your keywords:

Ad group success boils down to one major factor: Specificity.

If your ad groups contain dozens of similar keywords like the image above, it’s still

not specific enough.

If someone searches for size six dresses, they don’t want to see an ad with text about a

sleeveless dress. Despite being contextually similar, those keywords are worlds apart.

Even simple changes between keywords are going to cost you potential sales.

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People want” what they searched for. Exactly what they searched for. It’s why

“Ad Relevance is a massive factor in calculating your quality score:

If you aren’t giving relevant ads to searchers, they are going to click elsewhere.

The best way to ensure that every ad you post generates interest is to vastly simplify
your ad groups.

And that’s the practice of creating single keyword ad groups, otherwise known as

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Here’s what a single keyword ad group (SKAG) looks like:

Taking your single keyword, you can use that keyword with three different match
types like the example above.
Broad match modifier“: +keyword”

Phrase match: keyword

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Exact match: [keyword]

Or, you can get even more specific by using only a single match type.

The choice is up to you, and many PPC experts will have their own favorite method.
Personally, I’ve found great success using those three match types. They work together

well to combine reach and relevance while producing high-quality scores.

And I’m not the only one. ConversionXL improved a client’s quality score from 5 to 8,

and their CTR jumped by 28.1% using SKAGs.

How to set up your single keyword ad group

All you have to do is pull keywords from the list you developed earlier in this guide
during the keyword research portion into your new ad groups.

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To do this, head over to the ad groups section of your dashboard and create a new
ad group:

For the purposes of clean, easy to access account organization, give your ad group the
name of the keyword you are going to use for this ad group.

For instance, one of my current ad groups is named “b2b website design”:

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And the keyword(s) contained in this ad group are also b2b website design:

This is my single keyword ad group.

Giving it the name of the keyword you are using will make your AdWords
experience feel 100x better as you can see exactly what keywords are in your ad
group without ever clicking on them.

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Next, you should see two more options: Bidding and keywords.

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In the keywords section, enter your keyword in the three match types
discussed earlier:

For bidding, reference back to the keyword“ planner tool on AdWords” that you used

earlier chapter. Remember the specific metric Top of page bid (high)?

Set that as your default bid, otherwise known as the max CPC for this ad group.

That would be the maximum cost you will pay and will ensure that you are in the
running for the top few spots on the first page results.

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Hit “Save and Continue” and move on to the next section!

Writing New Ads: How To Write 3-5 Ads Per Ad Group At Scale
Writing ads on AdWords is a tiring process. You have character limits and writing
anything compelling in a short limit can feel next to impossible.

Due to this, most people write a single ad and then move on.

After all, all you need is one great ad, right? I wish.

According to Google, you should always “create specific ad groups with at least
3 ads.”

They even confirm the idea of creating SKAGs to help with ad relevance:

Why do you need so many ads? Because your ad groups will automatically rotate
ads and show the ads that perform the best.
It’s essentially built in split testing that can help you refine your ads, value proposition,

and calls to action over time.

For instance, while your first ad may have a CTR of 2%, maybe writing a new one that’s

better and more compelling can increase that CTR to 5%. Then you can try using ad

extensions in your next ad to increase CTR even more.

This process helps to get the most out of your ads. But obviously, it requires a bit more

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To write your ads, you will notice a bunch of different factors in the anatomy of an
AdWords ad:

Final URL: the destination that searchers will land on when clicking your ads.
Otherwise known as a landing page.

 Headline 1: First headline space

 Headline 2: Second headline space
 Display Path: 15 characters to customize what your URL looks like to searchers
Description: 80 characters to describe your offer

The trick here is knowing what to include.

One of the best templates for writing dozens of AdWords ads in just a few minutes is
keeping it simple.

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Focus on the benefits, keywords, and using a great call to action

Using the keyword of your ad group in your ad will help you with specificity and
ad relevance.

Benefits are a great way to entice users to keep reading and click through.

And your call to action is a great way to remind the searcher of exactly what you want them
to do.

This simple yet effective ad is easy to craft for any keyword.

From here, you can start to subtly modify the ads by tweaking your call to action
and benefits to see what offers are most compelling to searchers in your space.

Test different discounts or offers and different contact methods like phone calls.
Once you’ve created your ads, you can start to use ad extensions to help you boost

your click-through rate.

How To Use Ad Extensions in AdWords

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Ad extensions are nifty add-on’ features in AdWords that can help you provide additional

information that normally can t fit in the limited character space of an AdWords ad.

For instance, things like additional links to your website:

These related links will help you boost click-through rates by providing alternate points
of interest for potential searchers.
If they don’t find your original ad text compelling, they might find a link interesting

enough to click.

And according to Google, ad extensions can raise your CTR by 10-20% on average!

Ad extensions come in a variety of options that can fit dozens of different goals.

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For instance, if you sell an online product, you can use review extensions to
showcase ratings and user reviews:

Currently, AdWords offers the following ad extension options:

Location extensions: used to showcase your businesses address. Can be great for
driving local store sales and foot traffic.

Affiliate location: if you sell products in third-party retailers, you can display local
stores nearby a searcher where your products are carried. For instance, if your
merchandise is at the local Best Buy, that store location would show up.

Callouts: add additional text to your ads. Great for coupons, discounts, and calls to
 action.
 Calls: showcase your business phone number to encourage phone calls
 Message: allow searchers to text message your business from the ad
 Sitelinks: add more sitelinks to relevant pages
 Price: show the price of your product on the ad itself
Apps: link to your application for downloading

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Once you’ve written your first ad, you can start to apply ad extensions right below it:

Simply select the ad extension you want to use and begin to build it out.

Depending on which extensions you use, you will be required to enter business information
or link to direct URLs on your website.
Once you’re done, hit save and you can publish your ads live.

Compliments! You’re halfway done!

9. How To Setup A Landing Page That Convert?

Landing pages are the pages that searchers will arrive at when clicking on your
AdWords ads.

Landing pages are an essential piece of the AdWords puzzle.

MUST READ -> Building Awesome Websites Landing Squeeze Pages [TIPS]

Good landing pages will help users convert and complete their purchases on your website.

Bad ones will tank your sales and cost you thousands of dollars in clicks without any
sales to show for it.

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In this section, we’ll showcase great landing page examples and best practices you

can follow to drive more conversions.

landingRemember:pagesif…youit won’getyour keywords, your audience and your

ads right but not your t matter!

What Are Landing Pages? The Best Examples From Top Companies

Landing pages are simple in practice:

They are individual pages on your website that are specifically created to entice
a user to buy from you or complete an action.
They aren’t usually existing pages on your website, like your homepage.

Landing pages are stripped of most navigation elements and focus mostly on the
offer that you present to a given user.
For instance, this is a Clickfunnels[RECOMMENDED] – Gives You EVERYTHING You Need

To Market, Sell, & Deliver Your Products & Services Online!(Without Having To Hire or

Rely On A Tech Team!) landing page for a free trial of their software:

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Why? It helps to focus the attention on the offer and not give users external routes to
leaving the page.

The sole purpose of the page is to drive action.

Most new advertisers on AdWords make the mistake of using their homepage as
the landing page because it contains similar content like calls to action and detailed
information on the products or services offered.

But this is a big mistake.

There’ are too many other elements that distract users from converting and the

content isn t specific enough to each ad group.

In a perfect world, every ad group you make should have its own keyword
and content specific landing page.

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One of the best examples of landing page.

That’s what you want to see on an AdWords landing page.

With CTAs on the header and the body, users can convert from anywhere they want.

Before creating your next landing page, here are a few key factors that make up a
great landing page.

AdWords Landing Page Best Practice #1: Message Match

Message match is’ the idea of conveying the same message and offer that your ad

and keyword does. It s simple but often overlooked.

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It goes all the way back to the root of the search: keywords.

Keywords pack different intent and therefore, users expect certain things when they
For instance, searchers typing for “seo guide” clearly want a guide to help them with

SEO, not an agency to hire, right?


It’s imperative to put yourself in the shoes of the searcher to understand what they’d
likely expect out of the search.

Next, you carry that information over to your ad to reassure the searcher that your content
is what they need.

Lastly, your landing page should convey a matching offer that doesn’t exceed or
miss expectations.

Going back to the SEO guide example, your landing page would need to display an SEO
guide in exchange for an email.
You can’t trick people into clicking for an SEO guide and demand they pay or hire

your agency.

More commonly, advertisers will fail to repeat their offer on a landing page, leading to
confusing experiences for users.

Even small moments of hesitation can be devastating to your conversion momentum.

Let me show you an example.

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I recently searched for a social media marketing tool’. I found this ad from a company

and the 90-day trial was very compelling. 90 days! That s huge.

So naturally, I clicked through to their landing page. But instead of being told to sign up
for my 90-day, risk-free trial, the call to action was this:

What happened to the 90-day trial? This CTA is unclear and leaves me guessing if that
90-day offer is still there.
I don’t know what to expect when clicking on “Get Started Today.”

If the call to action said “starts your 90-day free trial now,” you can bet that I’d click.

Now, let me show you a great example of successful message match.

I searched for another social tool and saw another trial offer:

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Clicking to the landing page, I was met with exactly what I expected to get:

They repeated the 15-day free trial offer twice in the above-the-fold content alone.
They also used the same language as their ad, including terms like simple, easy, and no
That’s perfect message match.

When creating your landing page, make sure that the offers on your page match
your ads. Re-use keywords and text from your ads to inform your value proposition.

AdWords Landing Page Best Practice #2: Value Propositions

Value propositions are short statements that seek to explain to a potential
customer the value of your product to their needs and wants.
Just browsing the internet, you’ve seen thousands if not millions of value propositions. On

almost every single website you can spot a value proposition in the first few sections of


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Check out this landing page and see if you can spot the value proposition:

Utilize intelligent chatbots to improve customer engagement. The value of this

product is helping businesses improve engagement with their customers.

Your value proposition should be concise and should explain the final benefits that
customers can expect, not features.
For example, nobody really cares about chatbots. Heck, most probably don’t even know

what they are. But people definitely care about improving customer engagement.

Focus on benefits, not features.

Keep your value proposition concise (1-2 short sentences) and display it at the
center of your landing page header below your headline (keyword).

10. Review, React, Repeat

As with everything you do, you should review your AdWords data and pivot as
much as needed.
Once you launch your AdWords campaign and allow some real data to flow through,

you’ll most likely find you need to make some edits.

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Quality Scores will shift, CPCs will go up, and Keywords will change, and you need to
be ready to adapt.
Focus on your conversion rates. If you’re getting tons of clicks but no conversions, you may

be attracting the wrong audience, or your landing page copy may not be valuable enough

to entice them to convert.

Set reminders for yourself to review your campaign data each week and don’t be afraid to

make changes.

Experiment with different landing page content, try new ad copy, or even add a different
modified keyword. Small changes can sometimes make a huge difference when it comes
to optimizing your Google AdWords Campaign.

—There are a few landing page builders I like for small businesses and large companies alike
Instapage, Leadpages, GetResponse, OptimizePrendssorsesandClickfunnels.
Of course, there’s only one landing page tool this nerd …

Clickfunnels is the’ most powerful tool here, and, if you can afford the fees and will use
the main features, it s probably going to have the biggest impact on your business.
However, the funnels functionality may take you a while to master.

Get a Free 14 Day Clickfunnels Trial by clicking below.

Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL

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1. An Introduction To Twitter Advertising

What is Twitter? Introduction: Twitter for business

Twitter: a punchy name’ that reveals a great deal about the nature of the service. Founded in
2006, the’ company s deliberately chosen name and’ its signature bird logo emphasizes
the service s main function;’‘ ’just as a tweeting bird s call reaches everyone within
earshot, so do Twitter users tweets (text posts containing 140 characters or fewer) reach
everyone within their online network.
Twitter can be an effective platform to advertise your business. Here’s how to create

the perfect ad for your campaign objectives.

Twitter counts a total number of 328 million monthly active users, with more than 500
million tweets sent each day. This brings out a great opportunity for brands to take
advantage of the platform to promote their presence.

Twitter is making some big changes with how brands can and should be using the platform,
which could potentially increase activity.
Even if it doesn’t rise back to its original’ superstar popularity, it’s still a powerhouse of

a social media platform, and there s a lot to be gained from it.

Why use Twitter?’

According to DMR s most recent study in February 2018, around 74% of Twitter users in
the US follow a business on Twitter. This means that Twitter users ’have actively signed
up to listen to what these companies have to say. In other words, they re engaged. There
are very few places online where you will be able to reach such an engaged audience.

Twitter ads allow you to connect with more of these types of users, and also allows you
to ensure that these users are seeing your message.

Benefits Of Social Media Marketing With Twitter

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Twitter has drastically changed the way that businesses and the public interact’ with each
other; communication is now much faster and more direct. This means it s now possible for
a business with any kind of budget to attract international attention and reach potential

Twitter has dedicated a section of its website to providing comprehensive

information about tweeting for business.

There is also a separate Twitter blog about marketing that is aimed at small businesses.
In summary, there are four main aspects’ that make Twitter an interesting avenue for
businesses to explore: with Twitter, it s possible to follow current affairs and emerging
trends in real time, increase brand awareness, offer a direct customer service, and build
connections with potential customers and influencers.

Twitter prides itself on cultivating close relationships between businesses and consumers.

This is possible thanks to its live update function, which allows companies to keep their
finger on the pulse and quickly react to queries and comments. By following tweets in
real time, the platform can also be used to assess the current mood.
However, Twitter can be an unforgiving place at times – particularly for businesses that are

still establishing their image. Because of the high outreach’ potential, you should

always think carefully before you tweet to ensure you don t harm your brand.

But Twitter can also be an ideal place to learn from mistakes. Thanks to the constantly
updating newsfeed, unsuccessful tweets will be quickly forgotten. Twitter is therefore a
useful tool for gathering some early experiences in social media marketing.

For those experienced in marketing, user reactions to your tweets are helpful for
publishing exciting new offers, as well as trying out new concepts and
developing innovative approaches to marketing.
2. How To Set Up A Twitter Business Account? ’

Never forget: first impressions matter. Therefore, as a business, you can t afford to neglect

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any area of your online presence.

The following introduction to signing up your business on twitter provides a step-by-step

demonstration of how to create an interesting Twitter account.

Registration and configuration

A Twitter account is quick and easy to set up; all you need is an e-mail address and a
password, after’ which you can choose a username (which can also be changed at a
later date), and you re ready to go. Be careful with the username; it should be
memorable, not too long, and have a clear reference to your company or brand.

To register with Twitter, you just need to enter a name, phone number or e-mail address,
and a password. Then you just need to select a username, and just like that, you have your
Twitter account. Source:
If you don’t want to set up your Twitter business page under your personal name, then the

name (i.e. Example Inc.) and username (i.e. @Example_Inc) should be the same as the

company name (i.e. Example Inc.).

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New users will then automatically be led through several optional stages to complete the
profile and build up a follower base. These include linking your Twitter to other sites and
social media accounts, creating a timeline, and importing contacts from your e-mails.

The basic components of a Twitter account

A Twitter profile is made up of six basic components: the profile picture, the header
image, the design, the biography, location information, and a link to the company website.

To adjust different elements of the Twitter‘ account’ such as the profile image, the
header image, and the design color, click on Edit profile . Here you can also enter
important information, such as the biography, the location, and links to other sites.

The profile picture is a crucial design element for any account. To appear professional
and trustworthy, the image should represent the’ business in a simple and clear way. The
company logo is ideal for this; however, it s also worth considering a high-quality
photograph of a company employee. After all, Twitter is a somewhat personal medium, and
users tend to prefer to interact with a person rather than with a logo.

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The header image is displayed in the upper’ area of the Twitter profile and can be used
to convey a mood or further information. It s better to use a simple and clear image,
rather than a high-resolution photograph, which has too many distracting details.

The chosen’ design should fit thematically and visually with the profile picture and
the profile s general image.
The biography’ area to the left of the timeline can be used as an extended kind of

‘business card . As only 160 characters are available, the text should be short and only

convey key information about your brand, goods, or services.

You can also use this area for specific, brand-related hashtags or linking further
company accounts. For example, the 1&1 IONOS Twitter account offers a very concise
biography with a link to its support team:

You can also use the biography to include key promotional messages or any special
achievements earned by your company, as well as information on what kind of content
followers can expect from the account.

A full Twitter business account should also include the company’s location and a link
to the website. This makes the company appear more professional and helps interested
customers find further information about the business.

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More settings and first activity
If you click on the smile profile picture icon in the upper right-hand’ corner of the menu,

you can find further account settings. Among other things, you ll be able to adjust your
preferences on a range of information, including shipping information, orders, e-mail and

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online messaging options, and data privacy settings.

Under the ‘Settings and Privacy’ option, you can make additional settings to customize

your Twitter business account. Source:

Now you’re ready to start tweeting!

To compose a tweet, you simply need to click on the quill icon, which you can find in
the upper right corner of the menu.

Particularly important tweets can be pinned‘ to the’ top of your‘ feed’, so that users

see these first. This function can be found under Options and then More .

3. Types Of Twitter Ad Campaigns

There are currently two options you can choose from when you go to create a Twitter Ad in
terms of what you want to do. These options are to automatically promote your tweets and
to create a conventional ad campaign.

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Automatic promoted tweets is a new system that will automatically’ take the first ten tweets

you post per day and promote them, placing them’ in users feeds. This excludes’ retweets and

replies, and all tweets must pass Twitter s quality inspection before they re promoted.

For enormous businesses who want to run campaigns quickly and on an automated
basis to build brand awareness and expand reach, this is one potential option.
Personally, I’d almost always choose the second, which is to manually create Twitter

Ad campaigns.

You can still use past tweets, but you get to choose exactly which ones you want to be
promoting. Your ad campaigns come with a wide variety of objectives, too, like the
ability to increase site clicks, get more followers, or encourage app downloads.

Where Will My Ads Appear?

Two different factors will determine where your ads appear: what objective you select, and
then which placements you choose.

Not all objectives offer every placement, but you can choose to select or deselect any of
the placements each objective gives you.

The full lists of potential placements include:

In searches
On your’ profile and tweet detail pages

 In users feeds
The Twitter Audience Platform

There are three different kinds of ads you can purchase on Twitter: Promoted Tweets,
Promoted Accounts and Promoted Trends.

Promoted Tweets
Promoted Tweets are typically used to place your best content in front of an audience which
you select through targeting. This means your audience will see your Promoted Tweet in
their timeline, just once, near the top. Then it will scroll through the timeline like

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any other Tweet.

They can be used to:

increase awareness of a product or an event

build engagement for a’ campaign

 drive traffic to a brand s site
promote sales and giveaways

A Promoted Tweet will appear in a user's timeline only if the Tweet is likely to
be interesting and relevant to that user.

When setting up a campaign, you are asked to decide whether your goal is to drive a
particular action, such as increase website traffic, drive clicks to a coupon or to promote
a sale or giveaway.

Another option is to drive awareness of your business by expanding the reach of your
content, like blog posts and white papers.

You might run Promoted Tweets to connect with more influencers, or to

promote awareness around events and product launches.

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Promoted Tweets can also be used to increase retweets, which will also drive awareness
of your business by building up an even broader audience for your messages.

Promote Mode
Twitter has recently launched Promote Mode, which is an always-on subscription version

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of Promoted Tweets. Twitter Promote Mode grows your influence by automatically
amplifying your messages to a larger, interested audience, for a flat monthly fee of $99 per

This removes the manual process of setting up ads, and allows Twitter to make
the decisions as to what to advertise on your behalf.

Promoted Accounts
Promoted Accounts (otherwise known as Follower Campaigns) suggests accounts that
people don't currently follow, and may find interesting.

Promoted Accounts boost your follower growth, and are best used when you would like to
be more discoverable to people who are likely to love your business. These adverts will
promote your Twitter account to a range of users who are likely to enjoy your content.

Promoted accounts are displayed in in multiple locations across the Twitter platform,
including Home Timelines, Who to Follow, and search results.

Promoted Trends
Promoted Trends offer the facility to become a sponsored Trending Topic on Twitter. They
are not available to self-serve advertisers, and you must have a Twitter representative to
be able to purchase these adverts. They are also reserved for advertisers with large

Selecting an audience

When selecting an audience on Twitter, you can use the following criteria:

 gender;
 age;
 location;
 device;

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other audience features, eg interests, keywords used, or if they are similar to followers of a
specific @username.

Find an audience
Twitter also offerTailored Audiences, which is the ability to advertise to a bespoke audience
based on data you already have, such as cookie data or an email database. This enables you to
create highly relevant campaigns for an audience that has already opted in.

Advertising costs
Twitter Ads is an auction-based system, so your budget and bid determine the price of
your campaign. Twitter will only charge advertisers when you acquire an action (based on
your campaign objective).

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If you are running a website click or conversion campaign, you will be charged for the
clicks to your website that are acquired. All other actions and engagements
(impressions, replies, and Retweets, for example) are free.

If you are running a Followers campaign, you will only be charged for the new follows
you acquire through the campaign. All other actions and engagements (impressions,
replies, and Retweets, for example) are free.

If you are running a Promoted Tweets campaign, you will only be charged for
engagements on your Promoted Tweets. Impressions are free.

The daily budget is the maximum amount you want to spend per day. Your campaign will
stop showing for the day once it reaches its daily budget; it will start again the following

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The total budget is the maximum amount you want to spend for the duration of
your campaign. Once your campaign hits the total budget it will stop.

Setting a budget
When setting up a campaign, advertisers have two options to choose from when
determining how to set bids for their campaigns: automatic or maximum bidding.
Automatic bidding enables Twitter to auto-optimize bids for a given campaign
objective and budget on your behalf.

Maximum bidding allows advertisers to manually select how much a lead, click, or
engagement is worth to their business.

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Remember that you can pause your campaign at any point, and review the results in your
Twitter Ads dashboard.

4. How To Create’ Your Twitter Ads In 3 Easy Steps?

If you haven t used Twitter as’ an advertising platform for a while, then you may be
surprised when you log in. It s undergone some big changes over the years, so it will
likely look a little different than how you remember.
To get started, you can access Twitter’s Ad platform here.

First, you’ll be asked if you want to promote existing tweets (which works a lot like

Boosted Posts on Facebook and Instagram) or create separate ads.

For this example, we’re going to create actual, separate ads that seek to send users to

take action off-site, as opposed to boosting engagement on a specific post.

Step’ 1: Setting Objective and Budget

You ll then be taken to another site, where you can choose from the following objectives:

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Choose the objective that’s best suited to your specific campaign goals (and
’remember to focus on only one goal and desired action for each individual campaign, or
you ll confuse users).

Note that what you’re optimizing for will affect what you pay for; website clicks or
conversions, for example,’ charges you every time someone clicks. Select your objective
by clicking on it and you ll be taken to the next screen.
Here, you’ll name your campaign; set a daily and/or total budget, and schedule your


You’ll also be given additional information on the objective you’ve chosen.

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Once you enter all this information, click the blue Next button in the top right-hand corner.

Step 2: Creating’ an Ad Group

Next, you ll create your Ad Group.

This makes it easier to split test different campaigns, and even divide up your total
campaign budget into different ad groups as you see fit.

You can set different start and end times for the campaigns as well.
Here,’ you’ll also choose your bid type (automatic is the best bet for most businesses, as

it s optimized to get more results at a low price instead of manual, which can cost you

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placements), and your key conversion metrics.

Step 3: Create your Twitter ads

Next is the creative section (though targeting used to come first).

You’ll be asked to select past tweet, or to create a new one, and to select
display creative’s.
In many cases, when you’re creating a new ad and not promoting a tweet, it will be the

better option to create a new tweet.

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Because it can be difficult to spot, it’s highlighted in the screenshot here:

If you want to create Tweets that won’t show up until the promotion begins, you have

that option by clicking the Promoted Only checkbox in the Create a Tweet tool.

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During this step, you should also add appropriately sized images and Twitter Cards
to your Tweet.

Note that some objectives– including clicks to a website– must have Twitter Cards
It’s a good best practice to have, anyways, since Twitter Cards help your add stand out and

give you a lot more room to share information with the user that will get them to click.

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You can create and manage Twitter Cards in your Card Library, and they can be
used to inspire site clicks, add videos or images to the tweet, or feature app videos.

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At this stage, you’ll also have to make final decisions on where your tweets will appear

for this Ad Group.

You can choose whether you want them to appear on profiles, in searches, and/or
the Twitter Audience Platform.

If you have searches selected, you’ll be asked to categorize your Tweet so Twitter
knows what searches to have it appear in.
You’ll also need to enter the domain name for the business that is running the ad.

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After you’ve selected your Display Creative’s, you’ll move on to the targeting section.

5. How To Target You Twitter Ads?

Because targeting is so important and complex, we figured it should get its own mini-

When setting up a Twitter ad campaign, you can create a target audience based on these
targeting options:

 Location
 Gender
Devices, Platforms, and Carriers ’

Keywords, which works like Google s keywords and allows you to show up in
specific searches
Followed Accounts, so you can reach users who follow certain accounts’ similar or
complementary to yours(this can be particularly effective if you re featuring that
add in your account)

Interests, which can include people interested in job searching, bowling, and

TV market, which includes people who have watched certain TV shows or movies,
 which again can be used to create niche ads
 Behaviors, which can include everything from Charmin buyers to home gardeners.

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You can get pretty granular at targeting niche audiences on Twitter. They’ve majorly
stepped up their game to compete with Facebook’s exceptional targeting system.
We’’ll also look a bit more at Tailored Audiences in the next’ section, but after that,

once you ve selected your targeting and reviewed your ad, you re good to go.

Twitter Tailored Audiences

To keep up with Google’s remarketing audiences and Facebook’s Custom Audiences,

Twitter has added the Tailored Audiences targeting option. This allows advertisers to

reach the existing customers or past website visitors and deliver them highly

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relevant ads.

If you want to target past website visitors, you also need to install Twitter’s tracking
pixel on your website.

Twitter lets you track several different conversion events:

Twitter retargeting best practices:–

Remarket website visitors Create landing page-specific Twitter ads to turn your landing
page visitors into customers.
Exclude past converters – Don’t forget to exclude the people that have already converted

on your offer.

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Use remarketing for lead nurturing – Promote engaging content to increase brand

awareness and make people trust your brand even further.

Target your email subscribers – Upload the lists of existing email subscribers to target

them with relevant offers.

Deselect “Expand reach by targeting similar users” – This way, you’ll only be

targeting the people who have actually been to your website.

Twitter Video Ads

According to data by Twitter, the majority of Twitter users (82%) watch video content
on Twitter and 90% of them watch it on their mobile devices.

Which leads us to another Twitter advertising rule: When creating Twitter Video
Ads, make sure your videos are optimized for Mobile views.

To set up a Twitter Video Ads campaign, select the Promoted Video Views
campaign objective.

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You can upload new videos to Twitter Cards under Creatives > Media.
You’ll also be able to insert a headline, call-to-action, and URL to your ad.
Your videos will auto-play on scroll, encouraging people to tap or click.

Pro Tip:

When trying to upload ’the GIF to my Twitter ad,’ I was first confused why it didn t
appear in my media library. That s because Twitter doesn t support GIF files. (Use a
free GIF-MP4 converter to upload GIFs as MP4s to your Twitter ads)

Twitter Video Ads specs:

File Type: MP4 or MOV

Max Play Time: 2 minutes and 20 seconds (select accounts get 10-minute access)

File Size: Under 1GB recommended

Video Codec: H264, baseline, Main or High profile with 4:2:0 color space

Sure, Twitter’ advertising isn t as glamorous or popular as Facebook or Instagram
Ads, but that doesn t mean that you should count it out.

It still offers value, and when used as part of a diversified marketing strategy, it
can help you to connect with new members of your target audience on an entirely
different platform.

Twitter is powerful in starting a conversation, influencing people over purchasing

decisions, or simply setting up new trending topics. All of these can be valuable for
brands trying to increase their reach, engage with their followers, drive traffic to
their site, or promote a new offer.

Twitter ads are highly useful provided that they are used to target the most
relevant audience in a way that they will genuinely connect with.

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As with organic social media, different types of content can be more successful, with
creative and authentic messaging giving you the best chance of success.

The various different targeting option can help brands to custom-build the perfect
audience for each campaign. It may take some time to know how each type of targeting can
help your campaign, but the testing with a smaller budget at first can ensure a message is
sent to the most relevant audience.
Not every campaign will necessarily be successful at first, but Twitter’s focus on

offering best practice tips and new advertising features will ensure that your effort and

patience pays off.

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1. An Introduction To Instagram Marketing
Across the globe, there are over 800 million Instagrammers — more than 500 million of

whom use Instagram every single day, sharing more than 250 million piece of content

each day.

It’s clear that Instagram isn ’t just for personal use anymore. It’s now a global platform

that allows brands to humanize their content, recruit new talent, showcase products, and

inspire their audience.

Instagram users aren’t just active, they’re engaged. This photo and video sharing app

has quickly turned into a top social media site.

More than half of the platform’s active users visit the site daily and 35% say they check

it multiple times a day.

Instagram can also help you grow brand awareness and introduce products. 70%
of Instagram users have spent time looking up a brand on the platform.

Instagram allows you to promote your brand and product in a friendly, authentic way
without hard selling to your customers.

When Instagram was bought out by Facebook, we all knew that it would mean great things

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for the photo-sharing social media app. One of the best parts of this merger was easily
the addition of Instagram Ads to the outstanding Facebook Ads system.

While you can create both Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads under a single campaign
(exactly like you can also enable the Audience Network or Messenger placements), there
are several differences’ between Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads that marketers should
be mindful of when they re setting up and monitoring their campaigns.
In this guide to Instagram Ads, I am going to go over everything you need to know to:

• set up your Instagram Ad account,

• create and run campaigns,

• evaluate them for success,

• optimize them with the best strategies, formatting, and writing techniques.

2. Why You Need To Use Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads gives you an opportunity to create well-rounded campaigns for users at all
stages of the funnel, more effectively build brand awareness and driving conversions at the
same time.

3 Good Reasons To Give Instagram A Try

Instagram’ Ads is fully integrated with Facebook Ads, so you get the benefits of

Facebook s superior campaign customization options,’ diverse formatting, and

assorted targeting capabilities combined with Instagram s high engagement.

Instagram users are interested and ready to engage with brands and their ads on the
platform. According to Yotpo, 58x more likely to engage with branded content on Instagram
than on Facebook, and 120x more likely to engage on Instagram than Twitter.

Instagram users are not just more willing to engage, though; Yotpo also found that
ad recall on Instagram Ads is 2.8x higher than ad recall from’ all other social networks. Not
only are they more likely to click or like the ad, but they re also more likely to remember it.

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Instagram Ads is the ideal solution, letting you pay to ensure that your content is seen.

Statistics You Need To Know

For sure you know about the 600+M’ (yes, million) of monthly active Instagram users, and

the 400+M of daily active’ users. Let s add to these the 150+M daily active Instagram Story

users, the 4.2B (yes, that s Billion) Likes per day and the 40+B photos posted to date.

Does this sound like a good reason for your business to be on Instagram?
Your competitors are there already. It’s estimated that Instagram will add another

26.9 million users by 2020.

Did you know that 90% of “Top 100 Global Brands” use Instagram?

36% of B2C” brands and 13% of B2B brands consider’ Instagram to be “critical” or “very

important in their marketing strategy and it s estimated that Instagram will add another

26.9 million users by 2020.

And there’s more!

On Instagram, 53% of users’ follow their favorite brand and, if compared to other popular
social platforms, Instagram s engagement with brands is 10 times higher than Facebook,
54 times higher than Pinterest and 84 times higher than Twitter.

Convinced to give Instagram a try now?

3. Instagram Story Ads - All You Need To Know’

Instagram Story Ads are also part of Facebook s Ad system, but they work a little differently
than conventional Instagram newsfeed ads.
Unlike the newsfeed ads, Instagram Story Ads can only be run by themselves; you can’t

simultaneously’ run them under the same ad set with any other placement type,

because there just isn t any equivalent on other platforms.

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These ads have such different creative and technical requirements that there’s no way

around this.

You can still choose detailed targeting, budgeting, bidding, and scheduling, but that’s about

where the similarities end between Story Ads and the traditional Instagram newsfeed ads.

Instagram Story Ad Objectives

Instagram Story Ads are technically a separate placement and ad feature from the
newsfeed Instagram Ads, and is currently limited to different objectives.

You can use the following ads for Instagram Story ads:

Reach, with the goal of showing your ad to as many people as possible

Video Views, which has the goal of getting as many people to view your video as possible

Traffic, which seeks to send the most amount of traffic to your site

Conversions, where the goal is to drive conversions like email signups, registrations,
or sales

Mobile App Installs, which encourages users to download and install your app

Lead generation,’ which opens up a lead gen form that automatically fills out as much of

a users information as possible

When possible, choosing Traffic, Conversions, Lead generation, or Mobile App installs are
preferable to Video Views and Reach; the former four allow you to add links to your
Story Ads, making them much more actionable, while the latter two do not.

Overtime, Instagram Story Ads may become available on additional objectives; when the
feature was first released, it was only available through the Reach objective, and the other
four were released soon after.
After you’ve chosen an applicable objective, you’ll be able to choose Instagram Story

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Instagram Story Ads Placement: Technical Requirements
Instagram Story Ads have different creative requirements than all other types of
Facebook Ads. Your Instagram Story Ads can be videos or images.

Image requirements and recommendations include:

 9×16 image ratio

Recommended image size of 1080 x 1920 pixels

Video requirements and recommendations include:

 Maximum time of fifteen seconds

 4:5 vertical aspect ratio
 Recommendations for .mp4, .mov, or .gif files
 Minimum width of 600 pixels
Maximum file size of 4GB

There is one striking similarity in creative requirements between newsfeed ads and
Story Ads: you should be shooting for minimum text, especially on images.

Too much text (which translates into 20% of the image or more) can penalize you with ad

You do want to keep in mind that Instagram Stories have a different aesthetic than
newsfeed ads; Stories should be fun, using the Snapchat-like features of filters, stickers, and
drawing tools when applicable.

Unlike regular Stories, however, you have to add these on yourself beforehand in other
image or video editing tools like Photoshop, as you need to upload the completed file to the
Ads Manager.
Instagram Story Ads are a relatively newer feature for many brands, but it’s clear that

they can be exceptionally profitable and engaging.

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Best Practices for Instagram Story Ads

To get the most out of your Instagram Story Ads, you should follow these best practices:

Do something that demands that customers’ watch–’ ’

If a user clicks away from your’ Story Ad, that s it it s gone. Because of this, it s
essential to use content that grabs users attention immediately and is incredibly
memorable. Some brands users humor for this, others use textual cues to clue
customers in, and some use images that just make you stop and think.

The example from Purple below shows all three.

Use video. ’ Video is particularly powerful in Instagram Story Ads; it gives you more time
on a user s screen, and it gives you more room to get your point across. Fifteen seconds is
better than five, after all.

Add your logo & branding onto the video. ’ Because you have to make a significant
impression in a short amount of time (users can t click back to your ad, so it has to stick),
clearly place your logo and brand name in ’the story. This will help with brand recognition,
and allows users to seek you out if they don t click fast enough.

4. Creating, Running, & Managing Instagram Ads In Simple Steps

Creating Instagram Ads is exceptionally easy. You’ can create them through Power
Editor, the Ads Manager. This tutorial will use Facebook s Ads Manager and include
a section on boosting posts directly on Instagram.

How To Create Your Instagram’ Ads

Get started in Facebook s Ads Manager.
You’ll be taken through the Campaign, Ad Set, and Ad levels.

You can create multiple ads that fit into a single ad set, and multiple ad sets that fit under a
single campaign.

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 At the campaign level, you’ll’ choose an objective.

 During the ad set level, you ll choose your targeting, budget, schedule, placements,
and bidding. ’
At the ad level, you ll decide on the creative.

Campaign Level: Choosing’ An Objective

The first thing that you ll do is choose your objective.

When creating Instagram newsfeed ads, you can use any objective listed.

The objectives you can currently choose from include:

Brand awareness, with the goal of showing your ad to users who would be
 interested in your brand
 Reach, which seeks to show your ad to as many people as possible
Traffic, which prioritizes sending traffic to your site

Engagement, which seeks to increase engagement like comments, shares, likes,
 event responses, and offer claims
 App Installs, where customers are encouraged to download your app
Video Views, which prioritizes more video views

Lead Generation, where users who click on your ad will be shown a lead gen form
that is mobile-friendly and automatically filled out as much as possible

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Messages, in which the goal is to get users to message your brand, generating

Conversions, where the goal is to get conversions like purchases, email sign-ups,
and registrations

Catalog Sales, which automatically displays ads showing items from your Facebook
product catalog to interested customers

Store visits, which are only available to businesses with multiple locations and
seeks to send customers to your brick-and-mortar store.

Choose the objective that aligns with the direct goal of your ads.

If you have a video ad, for example, but want to drive conversions, choose the
conversions objective instead of video views.

Facebook will use your objective to determine which audience members to show your
ad too, optimizing for users most likely to take the desired action.

The Ad Set Level

Next, you’ll start making decisions at the ad set level.

If you’re sending traffic to a secondary location with your ad, you’ll first choose where

to send them. You can send them to your site, your app, or messenger to contact you.

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Underneath this, you may see the option to create an offer to drive conversions.

Below this, you’ll set your targeting options.

Instagram Ads gives you full access to Facebook’s incredible targeting options. You can

target both cold and warm audiences.

You can target users based on location, or those of certain demographics. These include:

 Gender
 Age
 Languages spoken
 Job title
 Education
 Parental status
Relationship status

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You can also target based on interests and behavior, such as:

 Diet, like vegetarianism or veganism

 Bodybuilding
 Engaged online shoppers
 Dog owners
People who shop at high-end retail stores, or low-end department stores

The connections targeting feature can work to your advantage when you aren’t

using custom audiences.

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They allow you to choose to target people who exclusively are or are not connected to you
through your Page, app, or events.

You can use custom audiences to connect with warm audiences.

Here are some examples of custom audiences you can create include (but are not limited

People who have visited your site (or a certain page on your site) within a set period of

An uploaded list of email addresses of customers, including segmented lists of
customers to create highly targeted ads

People who have interacted with your on-site content, including your Instagram
profile, your event, or watched certain amounts of time on your videos

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After creating a custom audience, you can create a lookalike audience off of it to try to
reach similar customers to your segmented audience lists.

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Instagram Ads Placements
Facebook will automatically“ have most” placements selected. If you want to change

them, you need to select Edit Placements.

When you’re running newsfeed Instagram Ads, you can also choose run other

placement options at the same time.

If you’re running Instagram Story Ads, however, you can’t choose any other placements.

You can choose to run mobile-only ads, but you can’t run Instagram Ads if you have

desktop-only ads enabled.

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For Instagram’ newsfeed ads, you can choose to enable other placements, including

Facebook s newsfeed and side column ads, audience network ads, and messenger ads.

Some marketers make the mistake of running campaigns where only Instagram Ads are
enabled, thinking that it will be easier to create due to formatting.

In reality, however, sometimes this can end up affecting cost in a negative way.

Instagram Ads, as we already know, can cost more than other placements on Facebook Ads.

Many advertisers find it beneficial to use a combination of placements to keep the average
bid cost low (even if Instagram placements cost slightly more), staying on budget and

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getting more results.

Instagram Ads Budget & Scheduling

When it comes to your budget, you have two options. You can set a daily budget, or a
lifetime budget. A lifetime budget can be ideal when you want Facebook to automatically’
distribute the ad spend for you over a set period of time, while guaranteeing you ll never go
over budget if you schedule incorrectly.

Next, you can choose to run your ad set’ continuously, or schedule a start and end date.
Setting an end date ensures that you ll never have a campaign that gets forgotten, and
you can always extend the end date at a later time.

Instagram Ads Bidding

Instagram and Facebook Ads work on a bidding system. This means whoever is willing
to bid more can win the ad placement in their target audience. What you bid on depends
on what you optimize for. You can bid for clicks, 1,000 impressions, landing page views,
and daily unique reach.

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You can utilize manual bidding to control how much you’re spending per results on your

Instagram Ads. If you know, for example, that a lead’ is only worth a certain amount, you

can put a cap at on your bid to ensure that you aren t spending more than you can afford or

would be profitable

“Be careful when” “utilizing manual” bidding, however. If you switch your maximum CPA
from average bid to maximum bid, you could lose out on placements.
Instagram Ads cost higher on average than other platforms, and having an “average bid”

can work to your advantage; this allows the lower priced placements, like network ads, to

balance out more expensive Instagram Ads and can boost your placements.

Note that you don’t have to do anything with the manual bidding. Facebook

will automatically bid on your behalf, and their bids are normally good.

5. The Ad Level The Creative’s

The last stage of Instagram Ad creation’ is the creative section. This shapes what your ad

looks like and what it says and it s unsurprisingly a crucial part of how successful your ad

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Instagram Ad Formats
There are four different ad formats“ you can use on Instagram” Ads. These are single image

ads, carousel ads (also known as multiple image ads ), video ads, and Instagram Stories.

Single image formats can be clear and to the point. They work well for simple concepts and

ads ’featuring a single product. If you are selling something with a high visual appeal, you

can t go wrong with a single image ad.

These ads should:

 Have an image ratio of 1.91:1

 Come at the recommended image size of 1200 x 628 pixels
Have less than 20% of the image containing text

Multiple image formats can be a dynamic way to showcase several products (or a single

product up close, like the example below, that had customers swipe’ to view the full

iPhone X). It gives you more visual space to elaborate on the point you re trying to make.

You can also add videos to one or more slides in your carousel to make them even
more engaging. These images and videos should be square instead of rectangular.

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Encouraging users to Swipe is beneficial for these ads, as they aren’t as obvious

on Instagram as they are on Facebook.

Instagram video ads run on auto-play, just like Facebook. Also like Facebook, they start
playing without any sound. You should combat this by adding closed captions to your
videos, especially since the biggest perk of video ads is the ability to more completely tell
a story.
Your’ Instagram video ads can be sixty seconds or less, though it’s recommended that

they re at least 15 seconds long. Most video file types are accepted, but they need to be

a minimum width of 600 pixels and under the maximum file size of 4G.

Image & Copy Creation

The very last part of the ad will require you to choose your visual components and your ad
Choose the image or video first, and then base the copy’ around it. You’ll notice

almost immediately that there will be some text that doesn t apply to Instagram Ads.

The “headline ” section is a great example;’ while this will still show up in Facebook Ads,

requiring you to fill it in, it doesn t show up at all on Instagram Ads in their current

formatting. Because of this, preview your ad in every placement before publishing it to

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make sure that the meaning is clear.

You’ll“also want to” choose“ your Call to”Action“ button. Options” for this include

everything from Learn More to Get Showtimes to Send Message.

Choose the one that best reflects the action“ you want your” audience to take, and consider

where“ they are in” the digital sales funnel. Learn More feels less risky to first-time

viewers than Shop Now.

After you’ve previewed your ad, it’s ready to submit.

How to Connect Your Instagram Ad Account to Facebook

Connecting your’ Instagram Ad account to Facebook is quick and easy. Once in the Ad
creation, you ll be given the option to choose which Page and Instagram account you want
to run the campaigns under.
Your Facebook Page will likely be hooked up. If you haven’t connected your Instagram

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account yet, it will look something like this:

You have two choices. You can either run Instagram Ads under your Facebook“ Page, or”
you can connect your Instagram account to the ads manager. Click on the Add an Account
button to do the latter, and it will pull up a login screen for you to sign in to your company
Instagram account.

6. Best’ Practices You Must Follow To Succeed In Instagram

There s a ton of competition on Instagram, both organic and paid, so you want to make
sure that every ad you run is perfectly crafted for the platform.

This will allow you to get maximum results at the best possible CPC, getting you the most
out of every ad spend dollar.
Here’s some of the most important best practices for Instagram Ads to remember:

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Always test different ad formats.
Split testing of just about every element of your ads, in fact, is always recommended.
Test different copy, different images and videos, and yes, formats to see what your
audience is most responsive to.

Not all businesses are created equal when it comes to this information, and neither are
all audiences. The only way to discover what they really respond to is to test.

Include closed captions for videos.

All Instagram video ads will start without any sound; many will actually be watched all the

way through without it. Because of this, closed captions’ are a necessity to ensuring high

viewer retention rates and whatever other goal you re optimizing for.
Choose images that are best suited for Instagram.
Images that work well on one social media platform may not automatically work well
on another.

Utilize segmented lists.

Segmented marketing works well on all other platforms, and Instagram is no exception.

Showcase relevant products to high-value custom audiences, and use what you know
about these audience members to create laser-sharp messaging that you know will
resonate with them.

5. Remember’ that the focus is on the visual.

The image s description that you choose absolutely does matter and should be carefully
crafted, but remember that visual is key on Instagram.

Your video or image should be able to stand for itself in feeds of brightly colored,
beautifully-edited, boomerang-ing content that serves as a distraction. Because of
this, sometimes a simple description is ideal.

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Get creative.
Sometimes the best way to stand out is to do something unconventional.
Do whatever you can to grab users’ attention. Smart marketing is just as important on

Instagram as’ it is on any other platform, and it provides a great opportunity to

showcase your brand s personality.

A great example is a video ad from Disruptive Advertising that compares finding

a marketing agency to online dating.

7. Conclusion
No, It’s Not Too Late to Master Instagram for Business
With 700 million monthly active users, there’s no denying Instagram’s power and reach.

What was once a simple photo sharing app has transformed’ into an immersive

social experience that allows users to explore a company s visual identity.

Instagram users value high-quality content. Create visuals that provide your audience
with interesting information or showcase your brand in a new, unique way. Optimize your
content by writing entertaining captions that engage.
Creating and maintaining a platform that captures your brand’s visual identity may seem

intimidating, but Instagram makes it fun and easy

If you haven’t gotten started as a business on Instagram, don’t panic.

With an active, ever-growing user base, Instagram has proven itself as a staple of
social marketing rather than a flash in the pan.

For brands with a’ visual story to tell and a desire to grow a tribe of dedicated followers
and customers, there s still a place waiting for you on the platform.
Whether it’s through influencer marketing, unique and captivating video, or by leveraging

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current events, each of these campaigns is an excellent example of the potential of
Instagram marketing.

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1. Quick Introduction To Pinterest Marketing

What Is Pinterest?
Pinterest is a social media platform that allows you to share, discover, and save your
own or others posts to your profile, making it a collection.
You don’t need many sentences to explain Pinterest. Here’s how Pinterest describes it:

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas.

With six million advertisers on Facebook alone, it s easy to think of it as the go-to

advertising platform. But with all the competition ’ to contend with, there needs to be
another option to consider. Pinterest ads are the answer.

They re underutilized compared to a behemoth platform like Facebook, Pinterest only
brands connecting with users every month but offer tremendous
has 1.5’ million —
opportunity to get in front of more people.

Why Pinterest?
People use Pinterest to find and store images of clothes they wish to buy, the food they
wish to cook, places they wish to visit and furniture that they would love in their homes.

 Pinterest is powerful
 Pinterest is growing
 Pinterest is unique
Pinterest is free

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With over 250 million active monthly users on the platform, there’s no denying that

Pinterest has become a hub for businesses to connect directly with their audience.

Here are seven reasons why you need to include Pinterest in your advertising strategy
or risk missing out on skyrocketing your customer acquisition:

1. The platform continues to grow.

There are currently 40% more people on Pinterest now compared to last year. The
opportunity to reach a larger segment of your audience is huge.

2. Users are motivated to buy.

Fifty percent of people buy products after they see a Promoted Pin.

3. There’s access to a larger market segment.

Sixty-seven percent of people discover new brands and products while browsing Pinterest.

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4. There’s potential for global reach for your products.

Fifty percent of users and 75% of new signups, come from outside of the U.S. The
largest pool of users from outside of the U.S. are in Brazil, India, and Turkey.

5. Users have more disposable income.

35% of users make more than $75,000 per year.

6. Active users spend a lot of time pinning.

The longer users are on the platform, the better your chances of getting exposure and
acquiring new customers. Active users spend about 34 minutes using the site compared to
Facebook, Instagram, and even Twitter.

7. Users use Pinterest as a shopping guide.

Ninety-three percent of users use Pinterest to plan what they’ll buy. Plus, Pinterest is the top shopping platform for millennials.

Now that the benefits of Pinterest ads are clear, let’s look at how to get

started. Let’s get started!

2. How To Set Up A Pinterest Business Account?

In order to share Pinterest ads with users and track analytics, you need a business account.

To convert your personal account,’ go to the business conversion site and enter the

email address of the account you d like to convert:

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Next, fill out your business profile. Include your company logo, business type, and a
description about who you are and what your business does.

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If you’re new to Pinterest and want to set up a brand new account:

Head to Pinterest’s home page and select “create a business account” at the bottom of

the page:

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Enter your email address, a new password, business name, and business type to create a
new account:

Complete your business profile then agree to the terms of service.

The last step is to create your first board. To make it easier— for users to find your
content, such as blogs, special offers, new products, and more create a business board
first and then add relevant Pins.
For example, for blog content you’ve posted on your first board, you can then create feature

images for each blog post and include a summary of the post in the description to pique

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user interest.

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How To Create Pinterest Ads And Campaigns
Now you’re ready to create ads’ using your business’ account. Pinterest’s advertising

process is similar to Facebook s and Instagram s in that you can create campaigns,

ad groups, set your bid amount, and track the results.

Before we get into the details of creating your first ad, let’s look at how campaigns are


There are three levels:

Campaign. This is where you set the objective of your campaign.

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Ad group. This is where you decide on your budget, where to display your ads, your
target audience, and how long the ads will run. Also, depending on the’ objective, you can
have more than one ad group in each campaign. For example, if you re a clothing retailer,
your campaign can focus— on driving traffic to’ your website while each ad group’ is
dedicated to specific products one group for women s dresses and another for men s suits.

Promoted Pins. This is the end result of your campaign and what users see.

“To create” your“ first ad,” head over to your Ads Manager dashboard to get started —

Under Ads click Overview.

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You’ll be able to track all of your campaigns from here. Click “Create ad” to get started.

Next, choose your campaign objective based on the outcome you want your ads to have:

There are four objectives to choose from depending on whether you want to build

awareness— for your brand and products or drive consideration so that people take

specific action like visit your site or download your app:

1. Brand awareness
2. Video views
3. Traffic
4. App install ’

Then, choose whether you re creating a new campaign or updating an existing one.

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Once you’ve done that, set your budget limits, and decide whether this campaign is

paused or ready to launch live:

The next step is to specify the ad group details. Start by choosing an existing ad group
or create a new one:

Next, select your audience.

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Depending on what you’re advertising, this is where you can get specific to ensure only

the most relevant leads see your ads:

For your first ad, you’ll need to create an audience first:

Once you’ve created and chosen an audience, specify who you want the ads to target.

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Remember, you can set up multiple ad groups, so be as specific as possible to ensure
the right people see your ads:

Then decide on ad placement.

You can set your ad to appear when users browse their feed or explore similar Pins. Or
you can show your ad in search results when users search for specific terms. Or you can
show your ads in both places to ensure as much exposure as possible for your brand and

To make your ads even more targeted, input the interests and keywords associated with
your brand and product:

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Now, set your bid amount depending on your budget.
The “Ad group budget” field is a drop-down menu that lets you choose between’ setting

a daily budget or a lifetime budget. A daily budget is the maximum amount you d like to

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spend for the ad group and a lifetime budget indicates the total budget you want to spend
for as long as the ad runs.

Hint: As you enter more details, the “Potential audience size” field at the side of the screen

will auto-adjust to show you how many monthly users your ad will potentially reach.

The final step in creating your campaign and ad groups is to select the Pins that you want to
appear to your ad group.

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These saved Pins become the Promoted Pins your audience sees.

Pinterest’ outlines criteria that your Promoted Pins must follow in order to guarantee

that they re seen:

Save’ Pins to your own profile

Don t use Pins that are saved to secret boards
Include’ destination URLs within each Pin

 Don’t use link shorteners in the destination URL or description
 Don t include third’-party videos or GIFs
Follow Pinterest s Ad Standards
The last step of Pinterest ad creation is to get your ad reviewed.
Review takes no more than 24 hours, so plan your campaign accordingly so that you’re not

waiting for review during the time your ad should be running.

A Guide To Ad Types And Formats

Promoted Pins are just one example of the types of ads you can run on Pinterest. There
are also:

 Promoted App Pins

Promoted videos

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Promoted App Pins
These look like standard Promoted Pins, but the difference is users can download apps
directly from Google Play and the App Store.

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These Pinterest ads include a download button that links users directly to Google Play or
the App Store for users to learn more about the product“ before” downloading it. When you

create a campaign for a Promoted App Pin, select, App Install as your campaign objective.

The benefit of Promoted App Pins is the added exposure your app gets with a different
audience. Eighty percent of Pinterest traffic is from mobile devices, which improves the
chances of users downloading apps they encounter while browsing.

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Promoted videos
These Pins come in the form of short videos

that showcase your brand and products. — 30 to 90 seconds — that users can watch

You can use either standard width videos that are the same size as Pins or use max width
Pins that are the size of two Pins. Both video types play automatically when at least half of
the ad is visible.

This ad type is also a great way to introduce a new product. Video gets people to stop
scrolling and watch, which improve your chances of someone buying something.

3. Pinterest’ Analytics Learning The Basics

Now it s time to track how your ads perform. To do this, head over to your Ads Manager

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dashboard and click on the Analytics link:

From the dashboard, you can see all of the campaigns you’ve run, how many times the

ads were seen, saved, clicked on, and liked.

And if you want to see even more details about how your Pins performed, click “More >”

on each of the graphs at the top of the dashboard.

For example, if you click on the “People you reach” table, you’ll see how many people

saw your ads and how many people clicked on them over the past 7, 14, and 30 days.

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You can even track engagement’ overtime to find out where your audience is coming from
and what types of content they re most likely to engage with. Use this data to improve
your ads so you get better engagement and conversion rates.

Placement options
Now you have the flexibility to choose where to promote your ads. You know your
audience best, where they spend their time in Pinterest and how they search within it.

Choose whether you show your Pinterest ads while users browse the site and while they
search. Based on the type of audience you choose, your placement gives you a better
chance of reaching the right people.

Upgrades to the analytics dashboard means you can:

 Monitor how well your ads perform and make adjustments to future ads
Identify and bring awareness to your best performing pins
’ Use your number of monthly views to see how much influence you have

Let s look at examples of how businesses use Pinterest ads to grow their business.

4. The DO’s And Don’ts Of Pinterest Marketing

Don’t upload pictures to Pinterest from your computer. This will not link back to
your website.

Do put them on your website and pin them from your site. Not only does this link people
directly to your site, but the more links you have going to your website, the higher your
search engine rankings can be.

Don’t pin pictures from your site that have no content on your site. If someone has
followed the photo to your website it is because they want to read more about the topic
of the photo.

Do provide a visible subscription button to your page. If they like the content they may
want to subscribe, you should make this as easy as possible.

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Don’t direct people to a sales page (the “add to cart” page) with no product information.

Prices, reviews, etc are always good to have immediately.

Do provide easy purchasing directions on your site. If it is confusing, or there are technical
problems, customers may be deterred from following through with their purchase.

5. Final Thoughts’

Now you re ready to take Pinterest by storm. Start by figuring out who your audience
is and what types of content resonates with them.

Use this information to create targeted campaigns and test different types of ads.
Remember, you don’t have to be a big brand or a have a massive marketing budget to

make Pinterest ads work for you.

Use your creativity and your brand’s uniqueness to showcase your products and

engage with your target audience.

If you have a larger brand and a sizable budget, then pay more attention to the trends
and patterns users respond to within your industry.

When you promote industry trends with Pinterest ads, you give your audience
another platform to discover you and your products.

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1. What Is Linkedin & Who Joins It
LinkedIn is a social networking website geared towards professionals. When you create
a profile on LinkedIn, you can contact current and former colleagues and research job
We all know what social media is — Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, even Instagram.

These platforms give us a way to interact with friends and peers. We can share our
feelings, discuss hot-button issues, and show off our personalities to the world.

LinkedIn is another social— media network that can be used to show off another side

of yourself to the world your professional self.

Anyone can use LinkedIn, but the site is most beneficial for people looking to network
and broaden business connections.

LinkedIn operates the world’s largest professional network on the Internet with

more than 313 million members in over 200 countries and territories.

Professionals are signing up to join LinkedIn at a rate of more than two new
members per second.
There are over’ 39 million students and recent college graduates on LinkedIn. They
are LinkedIn s fastest-growing demographic.

LinkedIn counts executives from all 2018 Fortune 500 companies as members;
its corporate talent solutions are used by 94 of the Fortune 100 companies.

There are more than 1.5 million unique publishers actively using the LinkedIn Share button on their
sites to send content into the LinkedIn platform.LinkedIncertainlyhassomeimpressivestatistics:

Despite the social nature of LinkedIn, it is very different than other social media
networks like Facebook or Twitter.

Given the professional purpose of the site, as a networker, you are expected to maintain
a higher level of professionalism and formality in how you present yourself to a potential
employer and how you interact with others.

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Professional Exposure
When you create a profile on LinkedIn, you will have an online resume that lists your
previous work history, job titles and qualifications.

Your profile is important for future employers or contacts that wish to research you before
collaborating on a job or project. You can also use LinkedIn to research profiles of potential
employers or business connections, so that you can connect with them on a more personal

LinkedIn Users
A wide variety of people use LinkedIn, from people seeking to reconnect with colleagues or
people searching for a new job. Specialized professionals, such as attorneys, use LinkedIn
to make contacts and find new clients.

Self-employed people, entrepreneurs and small-business owners all use the networking of
LinkedIn to find new clients, solve business problems and connect with other professionals.

New Opportunities
Because LinkedIn keeps you connected with your colleagues and associates; you'll have
instant access to a network of people in your field in the event that you need a new job or
business opportunity.

LinkedIn also offers a search function, where you can search for new opportunities or post
a position on the job boards. Your options are not limited to traditional employment
listings; you can also search for sales leads and other types of business opportunities.

To Follow the Leaders:

LinkedIn is a hub for trendsetters and industry influencers – companies and individuals who are transforming industries and making a mark on the world. LinkedIn provides these
companies and individuals with platforms to share their messages.

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Business Ventures:
If you are an entrepreneur or delving inzto the “gig economy”, LinkedIn provides several options to help you market your businesses and / or services including buying targeted ads and publishing
strategic content. LinkedIn also offers tools to help you track your reach and engagement.

Job Search:
If you are looking for employment, LinkedIn should be at the heart of your job search. At
the most basic level, LinkedIn allows you to research a prospective employer and to
create a visible online resume that highlights your skills, credentials and work experience
(in essence, your personal brand).

It also allows you to include recommendations and endorsements from colleagues

and/or former colleagues.
To Grow Your Network:
The top reason most people join LinkedIn is for the opportunity to network. A seasoned
networker as well as a novice can leverage and maintain several professional networks
on the site.

While networking on LinkedIn does not replace the genuine’ connection that can be made
in a face-to-face interaction, it can be more efficient. LinkedIn s functionality provides
couple of methods to help users connect with other members.

2. How To Create Linkedin’ Ads?

To create’ LinkedIn Ads, you ll start at your campaign manager which can be found here.

You ll first be asked to choose which type of campaign you want.

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Unlike other platforms, you CAN’T choose multiple placements at once, but that’’s ok;

each of these ad formats is so different, they require completely different creative s.

The process of creating the Ads is almost entirely the same, with a few small differences in
For this example,’ we’ll look at creating Sponsored’ Content. If you haven ’t created an

ad account, you ll be asked to do so unless you re running Text Ads (which do not

require a Page). If you do, search for the company name and select it.

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You’ll then choose the language you want your ad to be displayed in, and to enter

a campaign name.

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Next, decide“ if you want” to send users to your content or ’your Page (you’ll have the

option of adding a Follow CTA), or if you want to use LinkedIn s lead gen forms.

On the next screen, you can choose a company update to sponsor or create a new one.

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To create a new one, add text. You can also upload an image.

Next, you’ll choose your targeting. Targeting options include targeting by:

 Location
 Company name, size, or industry
 Job title
 Job function
 Degrees
 Fields of study
 Skills
 Age
 Years of experience
 Gender
 LinkedIn groups belonged to
 Schools
Job seniority

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After targeting, you’ll make two decisions.

The first is if you want to enable your ads to’ be shown on LinkedIn’’s audience network,

which means it will’ be shown on LinkedIn s partner sites. You ll also choose’ if you want

to enable LinkedIn s Audience Expansion, which works similarly to Facebook s Lookalike

Audiences, showing your content to people similar to your targeted audience.

If you targeted Home Depot employees, for example, Audience Expansion might also
show your ad to Lowes employees.

Next, set your budget.

LinkedIn Ads do cost more than other sites like Facebook Ads, with the
recommended bid for CPC being over $8 and over $44 for CPM.

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You’ll set your daily budget and your maximum bid. You’ll also set a start date and an

end date if you choose. You can also choose a total budget, which I recommend doing.

That’s it. Your ad is ready to submit for approval.

You’ll see small differences in the creative’s section of different ads.

Text ads, for example, let you choose headlines, images, and descriptions, as
seen above.

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3 How To’ Get Started With The Linkedin Campaign’ Manager?

LinkedIn s Campaign Manager is similar to Facebook s Business Manager in several

ways (except without a lot of the extra options and complexity).

In here you can manage your ad campaigns, edit Page or account details, get analytics
feedback, and more.

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After logging in, they’ll ask you to select which Page you’d like to manage or

advertise under. Select it, and you should see something that looks like this:

Up above, you’ll see a quick snapshot of ad campaign performance over time“. Over on

the right-hand” corner, you can fire up a new campaign by simply clicking the Create

Campaign button.

On the bottom end of the page, you can see any active campaigns and get quick a
dashboard with a snapshot of their metrics like performance, leads, conversions, etc.
There’s a Tools link in the very far upper right corner (by your account profile). Here,

you’ll find some more Facebook-inspired options including conversion tracking, matched

audiences, and lead forms.

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In the new version, Key tools have moved under “account assets” in the top navigation

to help you more efficiently manage your Insight Tag, API keys, targeting, conversions

and more, including features like Matched Audiences and Lead Gen Forms.

First, let’s dive into the conversion tracking tool.

Clicking that’ text link takes you to a page like the one below, which asks you to select

the website you d like to track conversions on:

Next, they’ll provide a tracking script similar to most other apps you’re already familiar

with. You know the drill here: Copy/paste that sucker into onto your site before the closing

body tag (</body>).

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If you’re not tech savvy (or don’t have access), you can also email this to someone who

is (and does) directly from this screen.

Next up, we need to assign a conversion action.

For example, is someone going to opt-in? Add a product to cart? Actually, follow through
with the purchase?

This process is almost exactly like creating a Goal inside Google Analytics. Depending on your
conversion action, you can drop in the Thank You or Confirmation page to track new

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unique visits back to your ad campaigns.

When finished, click “Finish” to confirm the new conversion action.

Go back to the Tools drop down and click on the link:

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It will bring you to this dashboard that gives you two Matched Audience choices
(website traffic audiences and uploaded list audiences).

Thankfully, LinkedIn recently unveiled these new Matched Audiences as the answer.

So now your first Matched Audience option is based on targeting previous website
visitors. You can retarget all website visitors, or target those that hit certain page URLs
(just like inside Facebook).

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So for example, let’s say“ you only” want to target blog post visitors. You can quickly do

that now if your blog has a /blog/ subfolder in the URL path. The same holds true if you

have specific blog post categories.

For example, Unbounce uses the category before the post title in their URL:

So now you can drop: “” into the Matched Audience

option above to retarget all PPC blog post readers with PPC-related ads.

Then after selecting your new website’ audience, you need to install your insight tag to
track those views. Once again, you ll need to copy and paste this bad boy onto your site
before the closing body tag.

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And then you will start to see the list fill up with those visitors to retarget:

Easy, right?!

Next up is your list option for uploading specific contacts.

To get started, hit “Connect to data integration” or “Upload a list.”

Then you can combine your ads with marketing automation, webinars, SMS, and even
direct mail for all sorts of omnichannel marketing fun.
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Otherwise, the “Upload a list” feature is exactly what it sounds like. You have two

options were:

The first is matching based on a list of accounts. In this case, you can send specific ads to
employees of companies you are interested in targeting with account-based marketing.

For example, if you are a Facebook advertising software company (coincidence) and you
want to target your product to interested users, you can target accounts in the
marketing space that need your service.

Simply create a spreadsheet with the proper “file guidelines” and hit upload.

You can also select the second option to upload a list of emails from another platform. So
you can export a CSV file of subscribers, leads, and customers from any platform and run

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new ads against them in minutes.

Like Facebook, LinkedIn will attempt to match those emails against user accounts in their
The final option inside the Tools section is Linkedin’s Lead Forms:

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Once here, head over to the “Create a new form template” button on the far right to

get started.

Now you can literally create an opt-in form, similar to Facebook’s own Lead Ads:

Here you can setup your offer headline, details, and privacy policy link (don’t leave home

without it).

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Keep in mind that this is essentially your ad. So all the same ad creative rules apply: You
want to make sure the value prop is clear and compelling, short punchy headline,
evocative wordless images, etc. etc.
Next, you can select which form fields to require (hint: fewer requirements doesn’t always

= more conversions).

The next option will allow you to essentially re-create a Thank you page that people
will see after opting in.

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You enter the fields on the left and it’ll show you a preview on the right of what it looks like.

Once you’re done, hit save and you’re good to go!

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1. What Is Google Analytics An Overview
Definition: Google Analytics is an online analytics service that provides webmasters with
a wide variety of information about the activity that takes place on their website.

Google Analytics enables ecommerce businesses— to segment their visitors, study

traffic trends, and optimize conversion funnels among many other functions.

Why You Need Google Analytics

Do you have a blog? Do you have a static website? If the answer is yes, whether they are for
personal or business use, then you need Google Analytics. Here are just a few of the many
questions about your website that you can answer using Google Analytics.

How many people visit my website?

 Where do my visitors live?

 Do I need a mobile-friendly website?
 What websites send traffic to my website?
 What marketing tactics drive the most traffic to my website?
 Which pages on my website are the most popular?
 How many visitors have I converted into leads or customers?
 Where did my converting visitors come from and go on my website?
 How can I improve my website's speed?
What blog content do my visitors like the most?

There are many, many additional questions that Google Analytics can answer, but these
are the ones that are most important for most website owners. Now let's look at how you
can get Google Analytics on your website.

Google Analytics features include:

Data visualization tools including a dashboard, scorecards and motion charts, which
display changes in data over time.

 Segmentation for analysis of subsets, such as conversions.

Custom reports.

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Email-based sharing and communication.

Integration with other Google products, such as AdWords, Public Data Explorer and
Website Optimizer.

Google Analytics is geared toward small and medium-sized retail websites. The service
has limitations that make it less suited to more complex websites and larger

For example, the system collects data through a JavaScript page tag inserted in the code
of pages the user wants to collect data on. The page tag functions as a Web bug to gather
visitor information.
However, because it’s reliant on cookies, the system can’t collect data for users who have

disabled them. Google also uses sampling in its reports rather than analyzing all available

Let’s start.

2. How To Install Google Analytics

To begin using Google Analytics, all you have to do is follow a few basic steps.

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Head to Admin section of your dashboard:

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Locate the “Property” column of your admin settings. In here, you can find the

tracking code that you will have to install on your website:

You have to’ install this“tracking code into” the <HEAD> section of every page of your
website. It s called the Global Site Tag, meaning it should be present on any and every
page on your site that you want to track.

If you have a webmaster, send them a link to this blog post and have them install your
global site tag.

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If you don’t, you can quickly install it by using plugins for WordPress or manually

installing it via the header section of your current site theme:

Once you’ve done this, run the test on your dashboard and ensure that you’ve placed

your tag correctly:

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3. How To Add User Or Share Account Info
Google Analytics is great for collaborating with your team. If you have team members that
also need to access data, you can give them specific permissions and access based on what
you want them to see.
For instance, if it’s a newer employee, you can give them far less access to analyze

rather than make significant account changes.

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To find the account management section, click on the administrator panel on
your dashboard:

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Next, select the User Management section under the account selection:

Here you can manage total users who have access to your account and what permissions
each individual has.

Customize this to fit your team!

4. Google Analytics Reports Explained: How And Why To Use Them?

Reporting features in Google Analytics are currently broken up into five distinct sections:


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Let’s break down each separate reporting segment in Analytics and what they can do for


Real-Time Reporting in Google Analytics

Real-time reporting in Analytics is pretty much exactly what it sounds like:

Analytics and data in real-time as users are on your site.

Howdy from Belgium! Do they say howdy in Belgium? Who knows?

Anyway, real-time reporting gives you data on what real users are doing right now.

For instance, what pages they are viewing, their session history, and referral traffic,
keywords, and more:

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Within the real-time reporting section, you have a bunch of different reporting options:

 Overview: a dashboard overview of all of the below metrics

 Locations: where your real-time visitors are in the world
 Traffic Sources: where your traffic originated from (organic, social, etc.)
 Content: what pages people are viewing right now
 Events: what event actions people are taking right now
 Conversions’: see if anyone is converting in real time

While I don t use the real-time reporting features all that often, they can be very useful.

Audience Reporting in Google Analytics

Audience reporting in Analytics packs all of the data you need in regards to your audience.

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Data on where traffic is originating from, what pages they like (and don’t), their

demographics, behavior, and more.

In the audience overview, you will see data on demographics, sessions (traffic),
pageviews and more.

You can also adjust dates based on data you want to analyze:

In the Interests section, you can find useful information on affinity and in-market segments
of your audience:

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This information is critical for building buyer personas.

Another key report is the mobile report, where you can compare your mobile traffic,
conversion rate, and other high-level metrics against desktop and tablet traffic:

Overall, the audience reporting section contains anything and everything you need to
know about your audience to better target them and draw their interest.

Acquisition Reporting in Google Analytics

Acquisition reports in Google Analytics give you data sets on how you acquire new site

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For example, helping you to analyze what sources your traffic comes from:

Did you get traffic from organic search and your SEO efforts? What about direct visits or
referral traffic?

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What about social networks? Which is driving the most traffic for your website? There’s a

report for that:

Acquisition reports can help you dive deep into specifics. For instance, in the
social overview report above, you can click on each highlighted social network:

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This will bring up a detailed report on how users engaged with your site based on
what social channel you click:

Pretty awesome, right?!?

This is a fantastic way to see what’ social channels are producing big wins for
your marketing efforts and which aren t doing well.
Use that data to inform your strategy in the future as to what’s working and what needs

to change.

Behavior Reporting In Google Analytics

Behavior reporting is one of my favorite sections in Google Analytics.
It’s a bit more technical than other sections as it touches on behavioral trends that

are somewhat harder to practically apply to a campaign.

Analyzing audiences and acquisition is pretty straightforward: demographic X came from

organic traffic.

But how do you apply user behavior?

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It all starts with the overview report.

The behavior overview gives you essential data on how your traffic behaves on site.

But the real gems are hidden in reports like:

Behavior flow. A report that shows you common behavioral trends on your website from
A to B to C.

For instance, the report shows you common routes that users take on your site. What
they visit first and last before leaving:

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The behavior section is also where you can analyze your top content.

Did you just create a blog post? Want to see how it performed?

Head to the All Pages report under Site Content:

This report is a master list of all of the pages on your website. Look at your latest blog
post and see how many sessions you generated.

Another amazing report in behavior is the Site Speed report:

Is your site fast enough? Are specific pages slowing your users down?

Use this report to find out and improve your speed for better results.

The behavior section is packed full of useful data on your best content and how
users interact with it.

Conversion Reporting In Google Analytics

Conversion reporting is essential in Google Analytics. Conversion reporting gives
you information on where, when, and why people convert on your website.

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A conversion can be anything you want it to be in Analytics: completing a form, buying
a product, or signing up for an email list.

All of these can be set up as different goals and tracked in your dashboard:

To get more data in this section, it requires some setup work.

Here’s how to create new goals and events to have proper conversion tracking data

show up in your Google Analytics account.

5. How To Set Up Goals To Track Conversion?

Goals and events are the means by which you track action on your website.

For instance, when someone completes your signup form or buys a product or service,
you will need established goal tracking for Google Analytics to report that.
Without tracking, you won’t know what is driving sales.

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To set up a new goal, head to the admin section of your dashboard and locate the
goals section:

Now, create a new goal:

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Next, you see this:


So, what are these goal templates?

In your goal set up, goals are broken down into multiple types:

Revenue: goals that, when completed, are directly tied to revenue, like a product
purchase on an online store.
Acquisition: goals that, when completed, are related to acquiring leads, like a sign-up.

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Inquiry: goals that, when completed, are tied to inquiring about the business, like
requesting a sample or engaging with contact info or filling out forms.
Engagement: goals that, when completed, are related to elements on your site, like
video, media, etc.
Custom: creating your own custom goals.

Chances are, you will be focusing most of your efforts on revenue, acquisition, and inquiry.

Personally, I love using custom goal creation.

It’s much more flexible and honestly easier to use than the others.

For example, when creating a goal for form completions on your lead magnet, you can
select the custom option.

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As the type, I select destination. What does it mean?

Destination means that I will track this goal by placing a code on a final destination page.
For example, when someone uses your form, they will be directed to a “thank you”

page with the tracking code on it.

Every time someone hits that thank you page, you know you got a new lead, and it
registers directly in Analytics.

In the third and final section, enter your thank you destination page that you want to
install the tracking code on:

Hit save, and you’re all set. You’ve just created a conversion goal!

Google Analytics: Directional, not transactional

While it's a strong indicator of performance, free Google Analytics accounts generally use
sampled data. This data can be used directionally, as an indicator of overall performance.
Sampled data cannot be relied upon for decisions that require transactional — or exact —

data. Use Google Analytics in tandem with internal sales figures and investigate any data

that does not quite match up.

It’s as simple as that.

6. Closing Thoughts
Google Analytics is a powerful tool.

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Analytics is a critical component to building your business.

Google Analytics is your best friend for tracking marketing data from organic traffic to
paid results or analyzing specific pages on your site.

But getting to know it takes some time.

Get familiar with the different analytics reporting measures to know exactly where to go
when you need information.

When you become more advanced, start developing custom dashboards to speed up
the process.

Set up goal and event tracking to get data on your latest campaigns, too.

If you have staff, or other users to add, simply give them the permissions that they need
and restrict access, if necessary.

Now go crunch some data and get to work.

Without analytics, ’you’ll be running your website in the dark with no way to know

what’s working and what s not.

So there you have it, some of the most important reports within Google Analytics and what
you can get out of them.
Google Analytics reveals a lot of data about how visitors engage with your

website’s content.

I hope this helps you stay on top of your data and get the best results you can from
your website or blog.

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1. What Is Content Marketing?
Content marketing is the creation and distribution of online content designed to attract and
engage an audience.

Unlike traditional marketing, content marketing has no sales pitch. It does not try to
directly advertise or sell a particular brand, product or service.

Rather, it aims to capture mindshare with valuable, relevant information that

is educational, entertaining and/or emotionally satisfying.
“ Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing

valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract “and retain a clearly defined audience

— and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

In this way, content marketing succeeds in creating interest and awareness of the brand
and its offerings.

The best kind of content marketing gently leads the audience to convert their interest into
some form of online action - whether clicking on a website link, downloading a
whitepaper or brochure, requesting a demo, or contacting a sales rep.

Content marketing is one of the most versatile tools in the digital marketing tool belt; it
can take on a host of different topics and formats and be developed to impact any stage of
the sales funnel.
“Content marketing is not about “what you sell”, it’s about “what you stand for”.

Content marketing, when you peel away all the layers’ of techniques, trends, and

possibilities, is a business opportunity. At its core, it s a tool businesses can use for growth.

2. Why Content Marketing Is Important

Do you want to:

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 Build your reputation?
 Grow your social community?
 Generate new leads?
 Increase email sign ups?
 Communicate your brand identity?
 Keep customers coming back?
 Reach’ a niche audience?
In today s’ world, content is an imperative. Content marketing must be a key part of

every company s digital strategy. The customer journey is more complicated than ever.

There are countless touch points, on and offline, where users can interact with brands.

It’s harder than ever to reach our target audiences. Yet, they want us to reach them –

with compelling content.

Eighty’-four percent of people expect companies to produce content, according to

Havas Group s 2017 Meaningful Brands survey.

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After asking "What is content marketing?" the next question should be "why?"

"First you need to understand the four steps of the typical buying cycle:


Traditional advertising and marketing is great when it comes to the second two steps, but
after that it tends to trail off.

Content marketing taps into the first two stages of the buying process by raising awareness
of solutions and educating consumers about a product they may have never considered

The return on investment for content marketing can be phenomenal....

It provides additional content for social media marketing and contributes to SEO efforts by

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generating natural inbound links and building up good content on your website that
gets found in search engines.

In fact, for many companies the bulk of their SEO efforts should be focused on
content marketing."
Content marketing is good for your bottom line — and your customers

Specifically, there are three key reasons — and benefits — for enterprises that use

content marketing:

Increased sales
Cost savings
Better customers who have more loyalty

Content is the present – and future – of marketing

Go back and read the content marketing definition one more time, but this time remove
the relevant and valuable.
That’s the difference between content“marketing” and the other informational garbage

you get from companies trying to sell you stuff.

Companies send us information all the time – it’s just that most of the time it’s not very

relevant or valuable (can you say spam?).

That’s what makes content marketing so intriguing in today’s environment of thousands

of marketing messages per person per day.

The Business Advantage Of Good Content Marketing

So, what exactly does a business have to gain from throwing their weight behind content

Increase in website traffic. Content marketing leaders see 7.8 times higher year-
over-year growth in unique site traffic.

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More leads. Content marketing garners 3 times as many leads as paid search for
every dollar spent.

Thought leadership. Brands who offer relevant, useful content are viewed as thought
leaders in their industry, which helps to build brand trust and authority.

Higher conversion rates. Organizations that use content marketing see 6 times
higher conversion rates.
More’ attention on your brand. 20 percent of the time users are on the internet,
they re consuming content.

3. Types Of Content Marketing

Without content, you have nothing to market. Content creation is how you execute on
great ideas and bring them to life for your audience.

The key to great content marketing, however, is to deploy assets that are multidimensional
and repurposable.
A white paper today may serve as a fine series of thematic blog posts tomorrow – you

already have the information, you just need the aptitude to repackage and redeploy it for

a new strategic goal.

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And the list of assets is ongoing and ever-evolving. To fully customize your
strategy, consider.

Before’ getting started with the best types of content that will work in your business, I

think it s important to stress the importance of creating a content marketing strategy.

In order to have a good content marketing strategy, you will need to have the following:

A list of your goals from content marketing:

What do you want to achieve?

Do you want to get more leads from content, or are you simply looking to increase
your brand awareness?

Is your goal to get more traffic to your blog or to improve customer retention?

Whatever your goals are, by putting them into perspective, you will be able to better
plan out what steps you need to take in order to achieve them

A study of your target audience:

In order to have successful content, you need to tailor it to your target audience. But
what do you know about them?

What are their interests and passions?

What are their needs?

What do they want to read about, or learn about?

The more you know about your audience, the better you will be able to target your
content to them.

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Content Creation:
What types of content are you going to create and when?’ Plan out your content creation
in an editorial calendar and it will help you make sure you re always providing content
when you need to and it will also help you save time.

Content Promotion:
How are you going to promote your content?

Have a clear plan for’ how to promote your content and it will make your job that

much easier for when you ve published a new piece of content.

Make sure to account for all different types of content, as some will require a
different promotional strategy to others.

How are you going to measure the success of your content?
It’s important to stay on top of your analytics as it will help you make necessary

changes and adjustments to your strategy as needed.

Now, Let’s Get Into The Major Types Of Content Marketing:

Blogging/Guest Posting
Blogging interesting and relevant articles about your industry will make your clients
trust you and strengthen your brand.

When industry specialists do guest blogging, it keeps their customers returning and
also helps broaden their audience.

Doing guest blogging once in a day or a week is highly essential for the content marketer.

The Benefits:

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82% of marketers who blog get positive ROI from their inbound marketing
activities. (Hubspot)

61% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations
from a blog. (BlogHer)

Marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13x more likely to enjoy positive ROI.

MUST READ -> How To Start A Successful Blog

2. Social Media ’

Social Networks are where you ll be able to find and interact with your audience, which
makes it the medium of choice for diffusing your content.

Thus, you should remember to optimize your blog or website so that people can share your
articles on Social Media.

So be sure to share your content with them! It can even help answer many of their
questions while simultaneously establishing your credibility.

The Benefits:

Reps using social media as part of their sales techniques outsell 78% of their peers.
 (Forbes)
A lead developed via social media is 7x more likely to close. (IBM)

33% of Millennials identify social media as one of their preferred channels for
communicating with businesses. Less than 5% of those 55 and older agree.

The most popular social media channels include:

 Facebook
 Twitter
 Instagram
 LinkedIn
 Snapchat

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Videos are one of the most popular content marketing strategies today. It is more
entertaining and attractive than a simple text and you can easily show your content to
your clients.

However, when your video gets outdated, you must take care that you replace with the
most recent one.

You can place your videos in various places like your blog, social media, or your website.

The Benefits:

Embedding videos in landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80%.

Mobile video consumption grows by 100% every year’. (YouTube)

65% of business decision-makers visit a marketer s website after viewing a branded
video. (Hubspot)

MUST READ -> Why Create A Professional High Quality YouTube Videos?

An infographic can be a highly beneficial content for the visual learners and
performs particularly well on large visual platforms like Pinterest.

An infographic tells the complex idea in an easy way so that the learners understand it
very easily.

So, this is a great way to put your message across for the visually minded people.

The Benefits:
 Infographics are “liked” and shared on social media 3X more than

other any other type of content. (Massplanner)

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An infographic is 30 times more likely to be read than a purely textual article.
(Search Engine Journal)

The median cost to reach one reader for an infographic was $0.04 versus $1.77 for a
blog post. (Contently)

Webinars are not new to us. But their accessibility is being increased due to the
improvement in technology, emergence of platforms, and cut down on costs.

The likes of FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts makes it very easy to offer live
tutorials, discussions, and Intractable about a topic from the comfort of your home/office.

The Benefits:

Between 20% and 40% of webinar attendees turned into qualified leads.

Of the lead generation tactics available, webinars are the second most effective type of
high-quality content for marketers. (Ascend 2)

Over 60% of marketers are using webinars as part of their content marketing
programs. (Content Marketing Institute)

Podcasts have become highly popular these days as people can listen to quality content
at work, at home, while traveling, or working out at the gym.

If you consider creating a podcast as part of your content marketing strategy, you must
provide a story-driven and compelling premise that will create huge interest within
your audience.

The Benefits:

1 in 5 Americans make podcasts a priority in their busy schedules.

(Edison Research)

63% of podcast listeners actually purchased something the host had
promoted. (Midroll)

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88% of podcast listeners that subscribe to your podcast will listen to
every episode. (WhyPodcasts)

Email Marketing, which is mailing newsletters and promotions to your audience via e-mail,
is an excellent form of keeping your public informed on your content and news as well as
spreading your commercial proposals.

Convertkit [RECOMMENDED] - Advanced email marketing automation tool.

The Benefits:

The average order value of an email is at least three times higher than that of social
media. (McKinsey)

Segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue. (Data & Marketing
 Association)
Email marketing has an ROI of 3800%. (Data & Marketing Association)

MUST READ -> [10 Best] Email Marketing Books Guides To Level Up Your Marketing
White Papers
White papers are information-dense content that can offer solutions and data on
a particular subject. The focus here is all on the details.
They’re exceptional when you want to build thought leadership and respect within the

industry, and can make great lead magnets.

White papers are similar to eBooks in a lot of ways. The whitepaper is another type of
long-form content that can be effective as a lead magnet.

However, the main difference between eBooks and white papers is that white papers tend
to be a bit more information-dense, data-driven, and detail-focused.

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You can use white papers which include clear graphs and images to show your expertise
in a particular area. Make sure you also pay attention to the report layout and your logo is
visible clearly all through the report.

White papers offer your audience, the in-depth examination of a particular topic that really
matters to them. Thus, it solves your customer pain points and builds your credibility.

8. Ebooks
— —
Ebooks seem a little daunting the first time you write them, but they re great lead magnets

and if evergreen can stay great lead magnets forever. ’

While they do take more time and money to make, you can outsource the process to
a freelance writer who has experience with writing them.

Ebooks can’ be five pages long or thirty pages long, but they must offer value. A lot of
ebooks I ve read spend’ so much time talking about why the business advertising it is
so great that they don t actually offer real solutions.
This won’t convince users to convert’ later on. While you can offer your product as a

solution to a problem, that shouldn t be more than 10% of the ebook (and really, 5%

is typically plenty).

eBooks are one of the best types of content marketing for collecting lead
That’s because they are typically gated, which means that visitors must provide some

type of information about themselves in exchange for the eBook download.

So, what type of content will your prospect and customers find valuable?

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Regular blog posts?

Snapchat videos?

An informative podcast?
While the options out there are exhaustive, it’s best to use a combination of all the types

of content marketing in a way that will serve your audience the best.

And remember, this is an ever-evolving digital marketing field—what resonates with

your target market today might be old news tomorrow. Continue to adjust your strategy

as needed.

Today, the most popular content marketing strategies include infographics, videos, and
guest blogging.

However, you should not blindly rely on the most famous ones and try to understand
what type of content marketing strategy is ideal for your business.

Thus, the content marketing strategies will help you provide valuable information that is
eminently shareable, easily digestible, and grow your brand.

4. Top Best Content Marketing Software Tools & Resources For Every Marketer
Are you struggling with too much content marketing work?

Looking for ways to improve your productivity and free up some time?
“’ ”

This is absolutely the truth in both social media AND content marketing.

In fact, using the right tools as part of your content marketing strategy can make all the

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difference in the world!

–There are many free and paid tools that can help you find, create and promote your content

and that will not only save you tons of time, but will ultimately mean better, more
relevant and more shareable content.
If you don’t have a good strategy, even the best of tools won’t be of much help.

But with the right strategy in place, tools will certainly help improve your productivity.

This list includes tools, articles, templates, case studies and everything else you need to
become a content marketing pro.
No professional is complete without the tools to do their work effectively—imagine a

doctor without a stethoscope or a gardener without shears!

Using the right tools won’t make you a great content marketer, but it will give you the

best chance of getting there.

By using tools, we can automate the most tedious parts of our work and focus on what
matters: creating awesome content.

Let’s get started…

A. Seo Analytics Tools

This SEO Analysis Tool is to help you analyze and measure the ranking potential of
your web pages.

Here are some useful seo analytics tools to help with this type of content marketing.
SEMRush [RECOMMENDED]– Gives users the ability to track keywords across both paid

and organic search– campaigns.

LongTailPro Discover thousands of profitable, keywords & Keyword Competitiveness

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for almost any niche.
Mangools – Find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty.

B. Digital Marketing & Funnel Analytics Tools

Your analytics platform plays the most crucial role in your growth stack, as it helps
you analyze all stages of your website or app marketing funnel.

From acquisition to on boarding, through engagement, retention, and monetization, your

analytics tool gives you an insight on conversion at each stage of your funnel.

Here are some useful digital marketing & funnel analytics tools to help with this type

Clickfunnels [RECOMMENDED] – Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market, Sell, &

Deliver Your Products & Services Online!(Without Having To Hire or Rely On A Tech

LeadPages – Easily build stunning opt-in campaigns that capture leads, convert


OptimizePress – Create Landing Pages & Sales Pages that Increase Leads & Sales On

Your Website.

Crowdfire – Social Media Management, Simplified, helps you discover, schedule content,

& manage all your social accounts from one place.

SocialPilot – Social media marketing tool to increase brand & awareness & traffic. We have

tailored social media scheduling automation for marketers.ofcontentmarketing.

C. Email Marketing Tools

Email marketing presents more opportunities for your business and drives a better return

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on investment. With email marketing, your business can create deeper relationships with
a wider audience at a fraction of the cost of traditional media.

Here are some email marketing great tools to help with this type of
content marketing.

Convertkit [RECOMMENDED] - Advanced email marketing automation tool.

OntraPort - Automate Your Marketing Campaigns At-A-Glance tool.

GetResponse - It comes with some amazing marketing automation tools.

ConstantContact - The largest & fastest growing email marketing service in the world.

AWeber - Simple, Personalized Email Marketing & Automation Tool.

Drip - Simple, Personalized Email Marketing & Automation Tool.

D. Blogging Themes, Templates & Cms Tools

A blog which you update on topics which are important to you, or perhaps on topics which
you wish to write about for clients.

Here are some blogging themes, templates & cms great tools to help with this type
of content marketing.

ElegantThemes [RECOMMENDED] - Premium themes for website & blogs.

ThemeForest - Premium WordPress themes, web templates & more.

TemplateMonster - Offers the best & the biggest collection of website

templates, themes.

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MyThemeShop - The right choice for most WordPress bloggers who want to make
their blog look beautiful.

StudioPress - The Genesis Framework & StudioPress Themes work seamlessly with
the new WordPress editor.

E. Video Creation Tools

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to lure free and targeted traffic to your
website and to market your product or services. This is the major reason why internet
entrepreneurs are dwelling in massively creating high-quality video content for their
target market.

Here are some video creation & visual great tools to help with this type of content

VideoMakerfx [RECOMMENDED] - Make Videos Like The PROs With the Most
Powerful Video Creation Software.

VideoPal - Create Fully Interactive 3D, 2D & Human Talking Video Avatars In
Seconds With Our Futuristic Technology.[ Boost Attention, Leads & Sales!]

Graphic Creation Tools

The right kind of graphic design tools can easily modernize your workflow, assisting you to
execute in a smart way and more proficiently.

You are actually’ investing your time and energy in crafting wonderful, eye-catchy

designs for your clients satisfaction and to the delight of your regular users.

Here are some graphic creation great tools to help with this type of content

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GraphicRiver – GraphicRiver is a marketplace to buy fonts, icons, vectors,

logo templates and other designs.

Fiverr – Fiverr isn’t exactly a content upgrade tool; it’s a tool to help you get your

content upgrades created. This massive online marketplace gives you access to services

from graphic designers, web designers, content creators and others, so you can create an
appealing content upgrade at a reasonable price.

Canva: Canva is a simple drag and drop graphic design tool. It comes with a huge library
of free templates, design elements and helpful articles to improve your design skills.

Piktochart: Piktochart allows you to make professional looking infographics from scratch
or with the help of customizable templates.

Infogram: If you have a lot of stats and data, you can use Infogram to turn them
into beautiful charts and graphs.

G. Content Ideas Tools

One of the most’ difficult parts of content marketing is coming up with ideas. You need to

make sure you re creating and sharing content about topics your audience cares about.

At the same time, your topics should have SEO value so keywords play a role.

LongTailPro – Discover thousands of profitable, keywords & Keyword

Competitiveness for almost any niche–. is another keyword research tool. In addition to Trythesetoolsforasteadysupplyofcontentideas.

sourcing ideas from Google, it also checks YouTube, Amazon, Bing and the App Store.
Buzzsumo – Buzzsumo helps you find content that has been highly shared on

social media, as well as the top influencers in your industry.

H. Website Analytics Tools

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Google Analytics – Customize reports, measure the impact of social media and mobile on

website traffic, measure conversion rates, and more.

Simplereach – Collects real-time data to track the impact of digital content. Offers

insights into which direction users should take their created content strategy.

Trialfire – A visual editor for analytics. Helps marketers circumvent coding their

website in order to put tracking on different pages.

If you have a good content marketing plan, the tools support this plan, improve your
impact, and maximize your success.

Content Marketing is’ one of the most popular ways of your products and services

promotion. And if it s done properly, it can help you increase brand awareness and profit.

5. Final Thoughts
So, if you can weave together the endless list of possible content choices and channels, with
the strategy that speaks to your audience in the voice of your brand, you know exactly
what content marketing is and how to make it grow your business.

I know that was a lot to take in and you might feel a bit overwhelmed at this point.
All you have to worry about for now is mastering the fundamentals of content marketing

— you can always refer back to this article for guidance.

Essentially, content marketing can be successfully implemented by completing

the following tasks:

Form a strong strategy with your team for how content marketing fits into your
 overall marketing mix
Get to know your buyer personas or target audience

Decide which types of content will best serve your market and create high-quality
content on a regular basis

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 Promote your content through social media
Leverage content marketing at all stages of the buying cycle

Find ways to involve your customers in your content marketing with user-generated
 Measure, test, improve, repeat —

The best practices in content marketing change slowly executing on the best practices
will put your brand in position to succeed now and in the long-term.

Content marketing has proven that it powerfully grows traffic and sales.
If you’re planning to run your store for the long haul, a content strategy will help you build

your growth over time.

It can seem overwhelming to create content regularly. Fortunately, you can use some
content marketing tools to help you out.

Be patient. Content marketing results are worth the wait.

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What Is Freelancing? What
Exactly Is Freelancing?

A freelancer is a self-employed person who offers services to clients, and often to multiple
clients at a time.

A freelancer is a professional who offers her or his services to one or several clients at
once without being exclusively obligated to any one of them.

Freelancers offer varied services and their work can take different forms.

Nearly every type of service needed by most businesses could be provided by a

freelancer, including:-

 marketing,
 publicity,
 advertising,
 technological support (such as web programming),
 creative works such as graphic design,
financial support such as bookkeeping.

Ask yourself what you're good at.

What is it that you do better than just about anyone else?

In what areas do you excel?

Can businesses or individuals use your skills?

2. How Do You Start Out As A Freelancer?

Starting out as a freelancer can be done quickly if one knows the skill or service they are
willing to offer to clients.

Understanding this important facet and where this skill fits in the overall canvas of the

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industry sets the pace for the freelancer to begin operating.

Once the first step has been achieved, focus shifts onto the next step, that of finding the first
client. This can be effectively done by first building oneself a well populated website and
boosting their Linkedin profile and online resume.

In today's hyper connected world, these two arenas are the first to be investigated to get a
ring side view of a professional.

Networking begins within quarters which are well known, be it among old colleagues and
professional circles or from referrals from encouraging friends or online through Linkedin.

Getting started as a freelancer can be as easy as visiting one of the freelance sites to find
work and networking within your current sphere of influence to find your first client.

Consider using a freelance site, such as or Upwork to find work.

They might pay less than you want, but this can be a great way to get your name out there
and to get testimonials and referrals.

Does A Freelancer Need A Website?

Freelancing operations usually are quick off the ground because the freelancer
operates within a professional space s/he is already acquainted with.

As such the physical requirements are already present in the operating landscape.

What the freelancer must do is to invest in a business building tool like a website.

A website which supports the work of the freelancer while detailing her/his works history
and background in a seamless user-friendly fashion attracts clients and assignments.

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MUST READ -> How To Start A Successful Blog

How To Start Freelancing?

Here are some of our top tips to help you get started as a freelancer:

Choose a craft that’s in demand.

Not only should you find something you enjoy (and are good at), you should also do your
research to make sure your skill is marketable.

Build a reputable brand.

Even though you re going it alone, you still have to sell yourself as a brand meaning an

impressive online’ presence (e.g. through blogs and social media) is key. –
Put together a portfolio.
Employers are primarily concerned with your previous experience – so choose your jobs wisely to gain the best reputation, even if it means working for free when you first start

Pitch properly.

Similar to job applications, employers don’t like it when you don’t tailor’ your proposal to their job. Focus on how your skills could meet their needs, and you re far more likely to

3. Major Pros & Cons Of Freelancing

Freelancing can be a fast and affordable way to get started working as your own boss, often
from the comfort of home.

Set your own hours.

Freelancing is flexible. You can often work full- or part-time on projects of your choice.

You're an independent— contractor. —

Although clients can and usually will set specifications for the work they want done, a
freelancer is still an independent contractor, not an employee. You'd be free to control how

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the work is completed. Of course, if your clients don't like the final product, you might
find yourself out of a gig.

Get paid what you're worth.

Freelancing allows you to set your own price for your services, which is often higher than
what you'd make as an employee doing the same work. Make sure you charge enough to
cover your overhead and to compensate you fairly for the time it will take you to do the

It's often affordable.

If you have the ability to provide a certain service, you most likely also already have the
equipment or software you need to deliver it. You shouldn't face steep startup costs.

There's a high demand for help.

Although the freelance marketplace is competitive, the need for quality, reliable
freelancers is growing. Many businesses don't have employees these days. They rely upon
a team of freelancers instead.

You can pick and choose your clients.

You'll probably want to take on any client who will hire you when you're starting out, but
you also have the option not to take on difficult clients, especially as you grow. You can
even fire them.

The Disadvantages of Freelancing

Freelancing isn't perfect for everyone, and not everyone is suited to it. Here are a few of the

Your clients have schedules, too.

Yes, you can set your own hours for the most part, but if a client can only see you at
dawn on Tuesday, you'll need to get up with the crows.

The work isn't always consistent.

This is particularly the case if you're offering one-and-done services, like creating—a certain

product. You turn the finished product over to your client, and that's the end of it you

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have to find a new client who wants your product so you can create another one and be
paid for it.

More seasoned freelancers can avoid this issue by finding clients with a substantial volume
of consistent work, and impressing them so that they become regular vendors or service
providers. A freelance writer, for instance, might have a client that requires an article
twice a week on an ongoing basis.

You probably won't be super-successful overnight.

Getting enough clients to support yourself and your family through freelancing can take a
while, and many freelancers experience an ebb and flow in their work. You'll have to plan
for lean times and be ready to work hard to deliver work on time when work is plentiful.

Breaking in with lower costs might be necessary, but find clients willing to pay for quality
as quickly as possible.

Managing multiple clients and projects can be a challenge.

Although some people like the variety of working on several projects at once, others might
find it difficult to keep track of deadlines. You have to pace yourself to produce and deliver
quality work on time. Great time management systems and organization are key.

You'll have to pay for your own benefits.

You'll lose out on perks like employer-sponsored healthcare and retirement plans.

And finally
With experience and confidence you can look forward to a good career as a freelancer.
However, it’s a mistake to think that you need a wealth of experience before you can

become a freelancer.

These greatly help, of course, but you’ll also find your first breaks by demonstrating

talent, enthusiasm and a positive attitude.

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4. How To Grab Your First Freelancing Project Online?
I come across different blogs and websites which say that you can earn income online
or you can get projects by working on these portals but no one explains you the process
involved in winning the project.
Now the question arises, that when others can win projects then why can’t you?

Before I proceed further you need to understand as how these freelancing portals like
Elance and Freelancer works. These freelancing portals work as mediators where
they bring in freelancers like us and clients on the other end, thus by creating a win
win situation for both the parties.

Freelancer or Upwork on the other hand charges a small ratio as their commission for
each project won by you.

Few years back it was not that difficult to acquire a project through these portals as the
registered freelancers were comparatively less.

So, if you scroll through any of the freelancer profile built 3 to 5 years back or beyond
you could see the number of project won, their portfolio and then the Reviews they had

Of course dedication is the core factor that matters, when you start working on these
portals. But once you start receiving positive reviews from your client, then it becomes
a cakewalk for you to acquire more projects in the future.

Today, I would like to share with you the 5 tips that had helped me build a successful
freelancing profile.

Understanding The Project You are Bidding For.

If you select the interested category, where you are hunting for your maiden freelance
job, you will find that there are plenty of works available for you as well as for your other

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freelance competitors posted by different clients from different countries.

Show you Interest only to the Project if you are clear with what the Client demands and
that you are confident in executing the Project successfully, then go for it or else leave
it and hunt for other work.

Be clear when drafting the Proposal.

Avoid using the stereotype” mechanism while drafting your proposal like “I am the best,

or please assign me the work .

Remember for a project posted by the client they receive plenty of bids so try to be clear
and concise while drafting your proposal, for e.g. show the client that you have understood
the proposal, explain the technicalities in executing the project, the actions to be taken by
you during the implementation on his project, the skills you got, the time limit taken with a
proper reasoning.
This shows the client that you had actually read and understood the client’s requirement

and who knows you might be shortlisted from the big list.

Attach Your Sample Work.

Once you are able to clear the step 1 and 2, the next thing that a Client would love to see
would be the work of yours. The portfolio should have the sample work of yours.

Even if you do not have much in your portfolio ensured that the ones that you do have are
the best and anyone should fall for it.

Your first impression is the final impression. Once you are able to impress him with
your portfolio you are almost there to acquire your first project.

Playing with the Pricing – the Bid Amount.

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This is where I have seen many go wrong. Never think that just by bidding on the lower
price amount will help you win a freelance project. Calculate the cost involved in
executing the project and bid accordingly.

Try to maintain an average bid amount of the Project. If you feel that the cost for the Project
described by the Client is less compared to your cost and if you want to proceed with your
Bid, give a proper break-up of the cost involved for executing the Project and explain the
scenario as what made you raise the Bid Amount higher than the actual amount projected
by the Client.

There are Clients who can understand and I have seen clients placing orders to
freelancers with the highest bid amount.

Double Check Your Proposal before Your Submit

Once after all the necessary steps have been completed from Step 1 to 4, make sure that
you cross check the proposal before you submit. Do make a point that there are no
misspellings, the grammar is perfect and that you had attached all your files including your
sample work.

Once you have submitted the proposal take a deep breath, if required take a small
break and then proceed with the hunting for your next project.

Overall, during the starting phase of yours into these freelance portals just to bid on 1
project might take you an hour to one and half.

Do not spend your time over thinking about the project that you had submitted. Leave that
part to your client, let him decide. For me it took around 24 days to win my first project.

Just have that patience in you flowing and give your dedication towards the work.
Things will take time to roll on but yes results would be guaranteed.

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There are many freelancing portals available where you can register yourself and start
working, but it would be my suggestion that to stay focused on to 1 or 2 portals initially and
then once you start getting awarded with projects you can start increasing your exposure
towards other portals as well.

5. Top Best Freelance Websites To Make Money As A Freelancer

Using a freelance website is great for those searching for additional ways to earn extra
money, those who simply enjoy the freedom of freelancing, and those who want to gain
more development professionally.

Millions of individuals are reaping the benefits of professional freelancing, just as

the digital nomad lifestyle rises in popularity.

Sure, you can pick up a guide on how to land great freelancing gigs, but it's so much
more than simply signing up on popular platforms. Whether you are working on location
or remotely, there are options for anyone in almost any trade to find freelance work.

Once you've established a good portfolio, there are some great websites that you can find
work as a freelancer.

Sometimes, the platform will even provide all of the tools that are needed to develop your
portfolio so that clients are attracted to it.

Freelance platforms have changed the way professionals do their job and how companies

Through these applications, businesses can easily source workers for projects that do not
require permanent employment, and independent professionals can search for work
without the pressure of aiming for tenure.

Freelancing has become incredibly popular in recent years, with some people using it to

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supplement their monthly income and others pursuing it full-time for the freedom it
accords them.

This surge in popularity is understandable seeing that freelancers get to choose the
projects they work on, schedule their own hours, work from new locations each day,
and charge their own fees.
Being a freelancer has a lot ’of benefits – you can work from anywhere you like, you make up

your own rules, you don t have to concern yourself with trivial office politics, there is less

stress involved and you get to spend a lot more time with your friends and family.

Here are 5 best great freelance websites you should definitely check out.


Freelancers sought: graphics & design, digital marketing, writing & translation, video
& animation, music & audio, programming & tech, business, fun & lifestyle.

Fiverr is probably one of the most well-known best freelancer websites on the web.

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Originally a source for finding low cost logos and design work, Fiverr has since ballooned
into a massive freelancer site with plenty of opportunities for hard working freelancers.

Whether you are looking for graphic artists, writers, digital marketers, programmers,
or other freelancers, employers will surely find affordable and skillful talents using this
platform. Moreover, joining Fiverr is free.

FREE Sign Up For Fiverr Here

Envato Studio

Created for designers, developers, and creatives, Envato Studio is a platform where buyers
can find and closely collaborate with experts on a job.

From branding creation and animation to app development and website design, this site
has a large pool of hand-picked freelancers ready to assist you with any project you have in

Offering one-time payment pricing plans as well as quote-based subscriptions, this site is a
boon for both small companies looking for assistance on short-term project as well as large

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firms that are constantly in need of extra help with their operations.

Free Sign Up For Envato Studio Here


DesignContest is a web marketplace wherein companies conduct contests for graphic

designers to showcase their work to try to win. The business owner simply needs to fill
out a creative brief and provide a deadline and budget, all for free.

Then, professionals can send in their entries, making sure to comply with the creative brief
and other conditions set by the platform and the company. The entrepreneur then chooses
a winner, and the designer transfers the copyrights and all necessary files and receives

DesignContest works on all devices and all browsers for user convenience.

Sign Up For upwork Here

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Upwork is a cloud-based freelance platform known for having the largest pool of employers
and job finders. Perfect for business of all sizes and freelancers with different skill levels,
this application allows users to easily sift through available listings per their needs.

It also has features that detect potentially fake employers or employees to protect the
integrity of legitimate users.

Free Sign Up For upwork Here

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DesignCrowd is a custom design marketplace where businesses and organizations can

bring their ideas to life by crowdsourcing. From the logo of your brand to graphic
designs, DesignCrowd is a platform where you can receive multiple quality proposals
from artists all over the world

Free Sign Up For DesignCrowd Here

I hope you find this information useful and that you succeed in your freelance career.

Just remember to be patient and to keep looking.

It takes time to see some serious results, but freelancing can be a fulfilling career once
you get pass the initial stages.

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1. Selling Your Advice
Have you ever heard of an online coach or consultant?

Online coaching and consulting have been getting more and more popular over the past
few years.

Online coaching and consulting allows for people to meet with experts virtually. Rather
than having to meet with the coach/consultant in person.

This allows for the consumers to be able to gain knowledge or help from wherever
they please.

Coaches and consultants online have been making thousands every month by selling their
knowledge and advice. Some are receiving enough monthly income, to quit their jobs.
Everyone wants an automated business that runs in their sleep. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t


But if you start with an automated ’business, you miss out on an incredible opportunity

to really get to know your audience. I m talking about one-on-one coaching.

Are you ready to turn your passions into profits and start your own online business but not
sure where to get started? The final way that I make money online is through coaching and

Coaching and consulting was one of the first ways that I monetized my blog and is often one
of the easiest ways to make money online, if you have the following and visitors.

When you're an expert or authority in your market, people will often seek you out for help
and advice.

In my case, I literally receive hundreds of e-mails and messages everyday asking for my
help, advice or to mentor people. While I wish I could help everyone and had an
unlimited amount of time, it's unrealistic for me to think that.

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That's why I decided to create coaching programs for those that wish to work with me 1-
on-1 or at least in a group coaching format. This is the best way for people to get access to
me and for me to help them.

As a result, I've been able to make additional income month after month by offering my
services as a coach and consultant.

Most people who are buying from you would love the opportunity to speak with you
to answer specific questions and get personalized advice.

With tools like Skype, video conferencing, and webinar technology you can offer one-
on-one calls, group coaching calls, and small mastermind meetings.

I can tell you, few jobs have benefited from the reach and distribution of the internet
like coaching and consulting.
I’ve waited to include it because for most people, making money as an online consultant

takes more time to set up than some of the other income streams like advertising and

affiliate sales.

Other people though start their websites for the sole purpose of making money coaching or
consulting. Either way, using your blog to funnel visitors to your business consulting
service can be extremely profitable.
• Open your coaching to groups through an online mastermind session

• Reach out to potential coaching clients from across the country…or even the world

• Charge higher hourly rates in more competitive markets even as you add more clients

Private coaching, like consulting, is another situation where you trade“” time for dollars,

but in terms of your hourly pay rate it is hard to find a higher paying job .

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Of course you don’t have to start off charging thousands of dollars. Depending on your

expertise and what kind of outcome you help people achieve, will determine how much you

can charge.

Offering coaching for $100 per session is not out of reach for most people, and that’s not

a bad starting rate if you are looking to build up your experience through helping others


Again the Internet is by far the easiest and most affordable tool to attract coaching clients.

In many cases you can add private coaching to many of the other methods I listed
above, including selling info products you create, affiliate products, sponsorship
banners and physical products.
There's potential for coaching and consulting in almost any industry – whether it be health,

etcfiness,… dating, relationships, business, finance, investing, real estate, online marketing,

In fact, just go to Google and type in “fitness coach” and you will see that there are

even coaches available in the health fitness industry!

Whatever you decide to coach…your goal should be transformation, not information.

Clients can get just about any information free on the internet.

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They’ pay you to transform them through’ your guidance. Transform your clients and you
won t need to advertise for long. You ll start getting more referrals than you can handle.
If you’re already an expert in a topic - either through your current job, freelance business,

or coaching - you can package that knowledge into a high-value course and sell it for

years to come.

Everyone is an expert at something. It may be cooking or starting a business or even how to

dress professionally.

Regardless of your education and professional background, chances are good you
have some valuable knowledge to share with others.

2. How I Got Into Coaching And Consulting?

I got my first taste of coaching when I was 28 years old. I was heavily involved in
attempting to improve my self-confidence, social skills and digital marketing.

I had a friend at the time that was starting an internet marketing coaching company in
India, and I originally started helping him out with that.

I had made such a transformation in myself in every way that I was asked to help out
with coaching.

At the age of 32, I decided to start my own internet marketing coaching business called
WITSOURCETECHNOLOGY. I had two friends that were my partners in it and we ran
this company for 4-5 years in India.

We started by offering 1-on-1 coaching and then eventually hosted our own seminars and

Our business model was to offer free seminars in our city, have up to 20-30 people attend,
offer massive value to them for free, and then up-sell them on one of our 3- day boot camps.

As a result of this, I gained massively experience working with and coaching hundreds
of people.

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While it was fun and I gained a lot of experience doing it, I eventually learned that it wasn't
the most profitable business model. You see, coaching and consulting requires time.
It's not a “passive income stream” by any measure and doing it means you're still stuck

in the paradigm of trading your time for money.

As long as you're trading your time for money, you'll never be able to scale up your
income or have freedom.

That's why I'm huge on creating AUTOMATED SYSTEMS that make you predictable,
repeatable passive income while you're sleeping, day-after-day, month- after-month.

Kindle Publishing, Affiliate Marketing“ and Information” Products are all systems
that will make you passive income. It's a set it and forget it type model, which doesn't
require your time or attention down the road.

However, I learned that there's still a lot of opportunity to be made from coaching and
consulting and I've learned the right way to do it.

When I started blogging with, I invested my time producing quality

content that would help people.

I wrote lengthy, high quality articles and video blogs (similar to this) that would provide
value to others. While doing this was very time consuming, I was willing to do it because
I was creating an asset.

Each video blog I produce is a way of leveraging myself by creating an asset that will be on
the internet forever. It will be a consistent way of people finding me and driving traffic and
visitors to my website.

I only had to invest the time and energy to do it ONE TIME and it will be around

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When people discover my content and receive value from it, then they'll come to
my website and have the opportunity to hire me as a coach if they choose.

My content and website does all of the marketing and selling for me.

I no longer have to “hustle” to get clients or customers, but instead they SEEK ME

For example, right now as you're reading this book, there are hundreds of other people
that are on my book reading my content.

There's hundreds of people right now watching my videos on YouTube, too.

These people are receiving value from me and building a relationship with me, without
me having to actively do anything.

At the same time, they're visiting my blog and they're applying to work with me as part of
my coaching program.

That is what I've learned to be the RIGHT WAY to getting clients and customers.
Most coaches or consultants think, “Hey I want to be a coach or a consultant” and

they spend hours each day trying to find people and convince them to hire them.

What a horrible business model!

Instead, you want them coming to YOU and for YOU to be the selector of who you
want to work with.

The best way to do that is by producing high quality content and helping people as much
as you can.

As I've done this over the years, my coaching and consulting business has grown rapidly.

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The more that my blog, Kindle books and DIGITAL ENTREPRENER COURSE program
grows, the more requests I get from people for coaching.

The more requests I get, the more in-demand I am. As a result, I become more valuable
and am in a position to charge higher coaching rates for my time.

My rates for coaching have grown substantially when I first started, as now my time is
more valuable.

My time can now better be spent growing my passive income streams and building systems
that make me thousands of dollars per month every month.

Since coaching and consulting isn't a passive income stream and it actively requires my
time, there's an opportunity cost for me in taking on clients.

That opportunity cost is it takes away my time that I could spend on creating passive
income streams. That's why I'm in a position where I can charge whatever I want if
people want my 1-on-1 help.

As I grow and make even more money, I will be forced to continue to raise my rates,
as whatever I'm charging now won't be worthwhile enough for me to take on
clients at.

I believe coaching and consulting can be an excellent way to make money online, but only
if you have the system set up right.

It has to be worth your time and I only would recommend it as a secondary source of

I continue to offer coaching and consulting on my website simply because there's a big
enough demand and market for it. I also enjoy it immensely too.

There's always people that prefer to work with someone 1-on-1 and require
that personalized attention and feedback to get to where they want to go.

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Some people don't just want to “read the manual”, but want someone to SHOW THEM

HOW TO DO IT and guide them every step of the way. They want accountability.

They want access to someone that can answer their questions and give them that
feedback that can make a huge difference in their lives. This is the fastest way for anyone
to achieve results and to get to where they want to go.

I've also personally hired and worked with so many coaches in my own life and received so
much value from them.

I know I wouldn't have the success that I enjoy today if I tried to do things on my own and
didn't make those investments in myself. I continue to find coaches and mentors that I can
learn from, in all areas of my life.

It's the fastest and easiest way to get to where you want to go. Just find someone
that's done it and do exactly what they say. It's pretty simple.

3. How To Become A Coach And Consultant?

I've provided 5 steps that someone“ ”can take to become a coach or consultant. These are
the steps that I took and is my method of doing things, as this is exactly what has worked
for me. These steps work for any industry that you're in.

Start Putting Yourself Out There With High Quality Content To Get Found.
The first step is really just putting yourself out there with a blog, videos or a podcast so
that you can get found.

Publish high quality content and give it away for free.

This will help you attract visitors and a following. If your stuff is good, people will WANT to
work with you and hire you as their coach.

You can also do this through publishing Kindle books or selling your own information
products, as people will see you as an authority and expert and will be more likely to
hire you.

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If you“ just had a ”website up with your picture that says “I'm a coach, hire me!”, people

will say Who cares?

People are much more likely to hire and work with someone if they've already
provided value to them in advance (through your content) and they've established a
relationship with you (through your content).
If you just have a coaching website that offers coaching – nobody cares because nobody

knows anything about you, haven't received any value from you, nor do they have any

relationship with you whatsoever.

Begin Offering Coaching And Consulting Once The Demand Is There.

You really only want to start offering coaching and consulting once the demand is there.

The demand is there when you have a certain number of visitors coming to your blog per
day or you have people contacting you asking for your help and advice.

Once you have people contacting you and asking for your help, this is a good sign that they
trust you and see you as an expert. They now WANT your help and advice. All you have to
do now is put together a coaching page or website that makes yourself available to them as
a coach.

Consider Coaching People For Free At The Beginning To Gain Experience.

When I first wanted to become a coach, I offered myself to people for free. I just wanted to
gain experience and get a few testimonials to help build my business. After I became more
confident with the coaching process, I began charging a bit of money for my time. At first,
it was around $40/hour.

As I gained more experience, helped people get more results and became in even
more demand, I was able to raise the rates to over $100/hour and beyond.

Find Out Exactly What Your Followers Want And Give It To Them.
With my blog, I realized that the #1 thing that people were coming to me for was how to

Copyright © 2021.

make money online. 80% of my coaching requests are for that and so that's why I decided to
create a coaching program specifically for working with me to make money online.

This way it's targeted and geared towards what people are looking for from me.

I also realized that there are many people that can't afford to work with me 1-on-1, but still
want to receive value from me, get their questions answered and receive feedback and

That's why I decided to create a Group Coaching Mastermind. This has allowed me to take
on a group of people and coach them every two weeks in a webinar session where they
can ask me questions and receive feedback.

This was another way of leveraging myself while giving people something that they
wanted and was valuable.

Qualify And Screen People To Weed Out The Tire-kickers And Those That
Aren't Committed.
The truth is, in order to be successful at anything you have to be COMMITTED.

Most people simply aren't committed enough to be successful and there for they never will.

They aren't willing to do whatever it takes.

They “want” success, but aren't “committed” to it.

They basically only way to be successful if it's convenient and falls in their lap.

Then after that I start to hear the excuses and you can see the crack in their commitment

“A moment ago they said…” to me“ that they'd do ANYTHING”“ and now all of a

sudden…”they say, Oh, I can't afford that or I don't have the time or I can't do this because xyz

At that point I already know that they won't be successful because they don't have
the commitment and aren't willing to do what it takes.

Copyright © 2021.

They're already coming up with excuses. They aren't willing to invest in
themselves or take a risk, which is what is required to be successful.
I can point out to them the fact that Isfuldidn'tatahaveyoungermoney,age…timebutorthehaddifferencethesamebetweenlimitationsme as

them when I wanted to be succes

and them is that I didn't let those excuses get in the way.
I found a way” to make it happen. I always believed that “Resourceful people find

the resources .

I was willing to work extra hours at my job or find ways to come up with the cash to invest
in myself.

I was willing to work late and on weekends. I was willing to bust my ass and be resourceful.

THOSE are the people that I want to work with – the ones that are committed and
make things happen.

They find a way.

They don't have excuses. They take massive action. They are COMMITTED. And guess

haveIthemanytime,clientshave theiratdon'tfamilies,haveetc,money,etc…

workbuttheyfullfind-timea jobsway (or go to college) and don't to hire me and take action,

because they are committed and willing to do whatever it takes.

These are people that get results working with me.

Most aren't willing to invest money or commit themselves fully and I'm not willing to
work with those people, as it's often a waste of time.

If you follow these 5 steps then you'll be able to easily make money as a coach or
a consultant.

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I will say that while coaching and consulting isn't passive by any means, it is one
of the most rewarding and fulfilling things that I do.

While creating passive income streams is fun and the best use of your time, sometimes
you lose that human connection and relationship with people.

I've found it to be very pleasurable and rewarding to work with someone on a personal
level and help them achieve their goals.

You don't get that same level of joy and fulfillment through a video blog or a course, as
you're sometimes disconnected from people. That's why I love coaching and consulting
and will always continue to do it.

Every client that I coach becomes my friend and I form a bond with them that can't
be created in any other way through the internet.

Sometimes I even become emotionally attached to my clients and it's fun to share the
victories and successes with them, as it makes me feel good that I helped them to achieve it.

So that's the other reason to do coaching: the emotional rewards and fulfillment that it
can bring!

With all the strategies outlined above, you can leverage your coaching expertise into
generating a sustainable income stream.

4. Putting It All Together

All said and done, being seen as a thought leader is critical in this business -- both for
generating progressively increasing revenue as well as establishing your successful
coaching brand.

Making money consulting or as an online coach may be one of the first ways you consider
to create income from your blog or it may take a while to build up to it.
It’s one of the higher-paying online income sources but takes time to build the

credibility and experience to be successful.

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Whichever path you decide to take, don’t count out the value of your experience and

don’t neglect this great way to make money online.

There’ is no shortcut to SUCCESS; you probably can’t make a million dollars by tomorrow

if you ve never done it before.

But there is a process you can follow that will get you there.

A massive amount of ACTION and PERSISTENCE is required.

After all, you should be willing to do whatever it takes.

To Your Success,


(DIGITAL MARKETER, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online

UDEMY Instructor)


I am happy to offer you FREE Course worth US $1475 (HURRY UP! This Offer Could End
Ay Any Time) to my online digital courses.

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NOTE: - I regularly update course material like books video & other stuff time to time.

Copyright © 2021by MURLI (


This is my list of tools & resources that I regularly use to supercharge my websites & boost
my online income which I know you'll find useful for your own online business.

There's everything from WordPress plugins to email marketing tools, content

creation, traffic generation & more.

Email Marketing Automation Tool

Getresponse [RECOMMENDED] - Free your marketing machine automation tool, Simple,
easy interface.

Click Here To Get Your Getresponse – 30 Day FREE TRIAL

Domain, Hosting Tool

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Bluehost [RECOMMENDED]- Recommending Bluehost for web hosting, for building your

Click Here To Get Your Bluehost - Hosting

Wordpress Themes, Templates Tool

MyThemeShop [RECOMMENDED]- Premium WordPress themes, web templates & more.

Click Here To Get Your MyThemeShop - Themes

4. Digital Marketing Automation– Tool

Clickfunnels [RECOMMENDED] Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market, Sell, &
Deliver Your Products & Services Online!(Without Having To Hire or Rely On A Tech

Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL

Video Animation Creation Tool

Explaindio [RECOMMENDED] - Video Creator That Will Attract, Engage, And Convert
Visitors to Buyers, Make Videos Like The PROs With the Most Powerful Video
Creation Software.

Click Here To Get Your Explaindio - Tool

Freelance Services
Fiverr [RECOMMENDED] - The world's largest freelance services marketplace for lean
entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs.

Click Here To Get Your Fiverr - Marketplace

Many more useful tools to come!

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NOTE: Certain products/services are affiliate links, & I may earn a commission for any purchases that
you make. Those links won't cost you any extra money when you buy products after clicking on them. I
mention these products/services to you because I believe in them & want to help you improve your life.
I only recommend products/services that I feel deliver value to you. All efforts are made to ensure that
affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC.


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