Electrochemistry: 0 8 0 79 0 34 2 37 Ag / Ag - HG / HG - Cu / Cu - MG / MG

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Straight Objective Type

This section contains multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. A solution containing one mol per litre each of Cu(NO3)2, AgNO3, Hg2(NO3) and Mg(NO3)2 is being electrolysed
by using inert electrodes. The values of the standard oxidation potentials in volts are
Ag / Ag  0.8 ; Hg / Hg22  0.79; Cu / Cu2  0.34 ; Mg / Mg2   2.37 The order in which metal will be
formed at the cathode, will be :

(A) Ag, Cu, Hg, Mg (B) Ag, Hg, Cu, Mg

(C) Ag, Hg, Cu (D) Cu, Hg, Ag.

2. In acid medium, MnO4 is an oxidising agent.

MnO 4  8H  5e  Mn2  4H2O

If H+ ion concentration is doubled, electrode potential (at 25°C) of the half-cell MnO4 ,Mn2  / Pt will :

(A) Increase by 28.36 m V (B) Decrease by 28.36m V

(C) Increase by 14.23m V (D) Decrease by 142.30m V

3. 20 ml of KOH solution was titrated with 0.20 M H2SO4 solution in a conductivity cell. The data obtained were
plotted to give the graph shown below :

Relative conductivity

0 15 30 45
Volume of acid added (mL)

The concentration of the KOH solution was :

(A) 0.30 mol L–1 (B) 0.15 mol L–1

(C) 0.12 mol L–1 (D) 0.075mol L–1

4. Consider the following Galvanic cell.

2 Cl(g)
+ –


Anode Cathode
By what value the cell voltage change when concentration of ions in anodic and cathodic compartments both
increased by factor of 10 at 298 K ?
(A) +0.0591 (B) –0.0591 (C) –0.1182 (D) 0
5. A hydrogen electrode X was placed in a buffer solution of sodium acetate and acetic acid in the ratio a : b
and another hydrogen electrode Y was placed in a buffer solution of sodium acetate and acetic acid in the
ratio b : a. If reduction potential values for two cells are found to be E1 and E2 respectively with respect to
standard hydrogen electrode, the pKa value of the acid can be given as

E1  E 2 E2  E1 E1  E2 E1  E 2
(A) (B) (C)  (D)
0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118

6. Calculate the voltage, E, of the cell at 25°C

Mn(s) | Mn(OH)2 (s) | Mn2 (x M), OH ( 2  104 M) || Cu2  (0.675M) | Cu(s)

given that K SP  2 .7  10 13 for Mn(OH) 2 (S), E Mn

2   1 . 18 V ; E 0 Cu 2  / Cu  0 . 34 V

(A) 1.67V (B) 2.67V (C) 1.12V (D) 2.92V

7. Calculate the voltage, E, of the cell

Ag(s) | AgIO3 (s) | Ag (x M), HIO3 (0.300M) || Zn2 (0.4M) | Zn(s)

if K SP  3  108 for AgIO3 (s) and K a  0.15 for HIO3 .

E0 Ag /Ag  0.8 V ; E0 Zn2  /Zn  0.76 V

Given :  0.06
(A) –1.17 V (B) –2.17V (C) –3.02V (D) +1.43
8. Estimate the cell potential of a Daniel cell having 1 MZn++ and originally having 1 M Cu++ after sufficient NH3
has been added to the cathode compartment to make NH3 concentration 2 M.

K f for [Cu(NH3 )4 ]2  1  1012 , E0 for the reaction,

Zn  Cu2   Zn2   Cu is 1.1 V.

(A) 0.92V (B) 0.704V (C) 1.23V (D) 3.26V
–with cobalt (II) is .
9. The overall formation constant for the reaction of 6 mol of CN

1  1019 . The standard reduction potential for the reaction

[Co(CN)6 ]3  e  Co(CN)6  is –0.83 V. Calculate the formation constant of [Co(CN)6 ]3

Given Co3  e  Co2 ;E0  1.81 V

(A) Kf = 1043 (B) Kf = 1032 (C) Kf = 1063 (D) Kf = 1038

10. Calculate the equlibrium concentrations of all ions in an ideal solution prepared by mixing 25.00 mL of
0.100MT+ with 25.00mL of 0.200M Co3+.

E0 (T  / T3 )  1.25 V ; E0 (Co3 / Co2 )  1.84 V, 3

1.25  1

(A) T+ = 10–4, Co3+ = 2 × 10–8 (B) T+ = 10–6, Co3+ = 2 × 10–4

(C) T+ = 10–2, Co3+ = 4 × 10–6 (D) T+ = 10–8, Co3+ = 2 × 10–8

11. Calculate the cell potential of a cell having reaction : Ag2S  2e  2Ag  S2 in a solution buffered at pH=3
and which is also saturated with 0.1 MH2S.

8 13 49
For H2 S : K1  10 and K 2  10 ,K SP (Ag2 S)  10 , EAg / Ag  0.8.

(A) –0.19V (B) 1.19V (C) –1.19V (D) –0.49V


Multiple Correct Answer Type

This section contains multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.

12. If Sn2  2e   Sn;E o  0.14V

Sn4  2e   Sn2 ;Eo  0.13V

Then :

(A) Sn+2 is unstable and disproportionates to Sn+4 and Sn.

(B) Sn+2 is stable and disproportionation reaction is not spontaneous.

(C) Sn+4 is easily reduced to Sn in aqueous solution.

(D) Sn4  Sn  2Sn2 is spontaneous.

13. Electrolyte KCl KNO3 HCl NaOAc NaCl

m (Scm2 mol1 ) 149.9 145 426.2 91 126.5

Which of the following is/are correct ?

(A) 
AcOH is517.2 (B)  HNO3 is 450

(C) AcOH is390.7 (D)  HNO3 is 421.3
14. Perdisulphuric acid (H 2S2O 8) c an be prepared by electrolytic oxidation of H 2 SO 4 as
2H2 SO4  H2S2O8  2H  2e 

Which of the following statements(S) is (are) correct for this electrolysis ?

(A) Oxygen and hydrogen gases are formed as other products at anode and cathode respectively.

(B) Concentrated H2SO4 solution can be used during this electrolysis to get H2S2O8.
(C) Equivalents of H2S2O8 formed is the difference between equivalents of H2 and O2 formed.
(D) Equivalents of H2S2O8 formed is the sum of equivalents of H2 and O2 formed.

15. Which of the following cell reaction is spontaneous ?

(A) Pt | H 2 (1atm) | HCl (0.01M) || H 2SO 4 (0.01M) | H 2 (1atm) | Pt

(B) Pt | H 2 (1atm) | HCl (0.1M) || HCl (0.1M) | H 2 (0.1atm) | Pt

(C) Ag | AgNO 3 (0.01M) || AgCl(saturated) | Ag(K sp of AgCl  1  10 ) , (Ksp of AgBr = 5 × 10–13)

(D) Ag | AgBr (saturated) || AgCl (saturated) | Ag (K sp of AgCl  1 10 )

16. Which of the following is true about the given cell, Ag |saturated AgCl || saturated Ag 2 CrO 4 | Ag ?

(K sp AgCl  1010 M 2 ) (K sp Ag 2 CrO 4  3.2  10 11 M 3 )

(A) It is an electrolyte concentration cell

(B) It is a non-spontaneous concentration cell.

(C) The net reaction is Ag C 

 Ag A

(D) The EMF of cell is 0.0944V

17. An aqueous solution containing 1M NiSO4 and 1M S2O82– is electrolysed using palladium electrodes at 25°C.

Ni 2  2e   Ni E  0.25V  R

O2  4H   4e   2H 2 O E  1.23V  R

P d 2   2e   P d E  0.92V  R

S2 O82  2e  2SO42 E  2.0V R

pH of solution is assumed as 7.
Select the correct statement(s) on the basis of above given information (Ignore over-voltage)

(A) Anode reaction : Pd  Pd 2   2e 

(B) Anode reaction : 2H 2 O  O2  4H   4e 

(C) Cathode reaction : Ni 2   2e   Ni

(D) Cathode reaction : 2H   2e  H 2

18. Standard electrode potential data are useful for understanding the suitability of an oxidant in a reaction. Some
half-cell reactions and their standard potential are given below :

MnO 4 (aq)  8H  (aq)  5e   Mn 2 (aq)  4H 2 O(l) E  1.5V

Cr2 O7 2 (aq)  14H  (aq)  6e  2Cr 3 (aq)  7H 2 O(l) E  1.38V

Fe3 (aq)  e  Fe2 (aq) E  0.77 V

Cl2 (g)  2e  2Cl (aq) E  1.40 V

Identify the correct statement(s) regarding the quantitative estimation of aqueous ferrous nitrate in solution.

(A) MnO4– can be used in aqueous H2SO4

(B) Cr2O72– can be used in aqueous H2SO4

(C) MnO4– can be used in aqueous HCl

(D) Cr2O72– can be used in aqueous HCl

19. For the given half-cell, Ag | AgCl | Cl (M)

The reaction is : A g (s )  A g  (aq )  e —(i)

 AgCl(s) —(ii)

Ag  (aq)  Cl  (aq) 

Ag(s)  Cl (aq)  AgCl(s)  e  —(iii)

Which of the following is (are) true about this half cell?

(A) Eº of reaction (i) and Eº of reaction (iii) are same

(B) E of reaction (ii) is zero

(C) E of reaction (i) is same as E of reaction (iii)

(D) Moles of AgCl precipitated is same as moles of Ag used

20. Which of the following electrolytic arrangement(s) will produce oxygen at anode during electrolysis?

(A) Fused NaOH with inert electrodes (B) Dilute H2SO4 with Cu electrodes

(C) Dilute H2SO4 with Pt electrodes (D) Concentrated NaCl with Pt electrodes

21. Which of the following represents a redox half-cell?

(A) Pt | Fe 2 (0.1M), Fe3 (0.01M)

(B) Pt | H 2 (1atm) | H  (0.05M)

(C) Pt | Mn 2 (0.1M), MnO4 (0.1M),H  (0.8M)

(D) Pt | Cr 3 (0.2M), Cr2 O72 (0.1M), H  (1.4M)

22. Which of the following represents a spontaneous electrolyte concentration cell?

(A) Pt | H 2 (0.1atm) | HCl(0.1M) || H 2SO4 (0.05M) | H 2 (0.05atm) | Pt

(B) Pt | H 2 (0.1atm) | HCl(0.2M) || H 2SO 4 (0.1M) | H 2 (0.2atm) | Pt

(C) Ag | AgBr | Br  (0.1M ) || C l  (0.1M ) | AgC l | Ag

K sp 110  13 K sp 110  10

(D) Zn | Zn 2 (0.2M) || Zn 2 (0.1M) | Zn

23. Which one of the following Statement is/are incorrect regarding an electrochemical cell ?
(A) The electrode on which oxidation takes place is called anode
(B) Anode is the negative pole
(C) The direction of the current is same as that of the direction of flow of electrons
(D) The flow of current is partly due to flow of electrons and partly due to flow of ions.
24. Pick up the false Statement(s) :
(A) Galvanic cell reactions are always redox reactions
(B) In a galvanic cell made of cobalt and cadmium electrodes, cobalt electrode acts as anode
(C) Standard potential increases with increasing concentration of the electrolyte
(D) Calomel electrode is reference electrode having 0.00 potential
25. A metal rod is dipped in a solution of its ions. Its electrode potential is independent of
(A) temperature of the solution
(B) concentration of the solution
(C) area of the metal exposed
(D) nature of the metal
26. After sometime, the voltage of an electrochemical cell becomes zero. This is because
(A) their electrode potential becomes zero
(B) their reduction potential become equal but have opposite sign
(C) their reduction potential become equal and have the same sign
(D) the ions of the electrolyte in the salt bridge stop moving
27. Consider certain observations about electrolysis and mark the correct Statement(s) :
(A) Electric current is used to drive a non-spontaneous reaction

(B) G is nagetive for chemical process in electrolytic cell during electrolysis.

(C) Cations and anions are discharged at the cathode and anode, respectively.
(D) Over-voltage is generally associated with evolution of O2 gas


Linked Comprehension Type

This section contains paragraph. Based upon this paragraph, 2 multiple choice questions have to be answered. Each
question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE is correct.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 28 to 31

The cell potential for the unbalanced chemical reaction:

Hg22+ + NO3– + H3O+  Hg2+ + HNO2 + H2O

Anode Eo = 0.02 V Cathode

(–) (+)

(A) (B)

is measured under standard conditions in the electrochemical cell shown in the accompanying diagram.

28. In which dish, the solution is acidic ?

(A) Dish A (B) Dish B (C) Both (D) None of these

29. What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction ?

(A) 1.97 (B) 4.76 (C) 2.18 (D) 1.40

30. How many moles of electrons pass through the circuit when 0.60 mole of Hg2+ and 0.30 mole of HNO2 are
produced in the cell that contains 0.50 mole of Hg22+ and 0.40 mole of NO3– at the beginning of the reaction?

(A) 0.30 (B) 0.60 (C) 0.15 (D) 1.20

31. How long will it take to produce 0.10 mole of HNO2 by this reaction if a current of 10 A passes through the
cell ?

(A) 965 s (B) 96500 s (C) 1930 s (D) 482.5 s

Paragraph for Question Nos. 32 to 34

A current of 15.0 A is employed to plate nickel in a NiSO4 solution. Both Ni and H2 are formed at the cathode.
The current efficiency with respect to formation of Ni is 60%. The density of nickel = 8.9 g/mL. (Ni = 58.7)

32. How much of nickel is plated on the cathode per hour?

(A) 16.43 g (B) 32.85 g (C) 19.7 g (D) 9.85 g

33. What is the thickness of the plating if the cathode consists of a sheet of metal 4.0 cm 2 which is to be coated
on both sides ?

(A) 13.8 mm (B) 27.6 mm (C) 6.9 mm (D) 23.0 mm

34. Which volume of H2 at STP is formed per hour ?

(A) 6.27 L (B) 3.76 L (C) 2.5 L (D) 5.01 L

Paragraph for Question Nos. 35 to 38

The Edison storage cell is represented as Fe(s)|FeO(s)|KOH(aq)|Ni2O3(s)|Ni(s). The half cell reactions are

Ni2O3(s) + H2O(l) + 2e–  2NiO(s) + 2OH–; Eo = +0.40 V

FeO(s) + H2O(l) + 2e–  Fe(s) + 2OH–; Eo = –0.87 V

35. What is the cell reaction ?
(A) Ni2O3 + Fe(s)  2NiO(s) + FeO(s)
(B) 2NiO + FeO(s)  Ni(s) + Fe2O3(s)
(C) 2NiO + FeO(s)  Ni2O3(s) + Fe(s)
(D) None of these
36. What is the standard cell emf ?
(A) 1.27 V (B) 0.47 V (C) –1.27 V (D) –0.47 V
37. How does cell emf depends on increasing the concentration of KOH ?
(A) increases (B) decreases (C) remains unaffected (D) none of these
38. What is the maximum amount of electrical energy that can be obtained from one mole of Ni2O3 ?
(A) 2.54 J (B) 245.1 kJ (C) 122.56 kJ (D) 90.7 kJ
Paragraph for Question No. 39 and 40

Copper reduces NO3 into NO and NO2 depending upon of HNO3 in solution. Assuming [Cu2+] = 0.1 M, and PNO

= PNO2 = 10–3 atm and using given data answer the following questions.

EoCu2  0.34 volt

ENO   0.96 volt
ENO   0.79 volt

at 298 K (2.303)  0.06 volt
39. Ecell for reduction of NO3  NO by Cu (s), when [HNO3 ] = 1M is [At T = 298]

(A)  0.61 (B)  0.71 (C)  0.51 (D)  0.81

40. At what HNO3 concentration thermodynamic tendency for reduction of NO3 into NO and NO2 by copper is
same ?
(A) 101.23 M (B) 100.56 M (C) 100.66 M (D) 100.12 M


Matrix-Match Type

This Section D have “match the following” type question. Question contains two columns, Col-I and Col-II. Match the
entries in Col-I with the entries in Col-II. One or more entries in Col-I may match with one or more entries in Col-II.

41. Match the following columns:

Column I Column II

(A) Dilute solution of HCl (p) O2 evolved at anode

(B) Dilute solution of NaCl (q) H2 evolved at cathode

(C) Concentrated solution of NaCl (r) Cl2 evolved at anode

(D) AgNO3 solution (s) Ag deposited at cathode

Integer Answer Type
This section contains Integer type questions. The answer to each of the questions is a single digit integer, ranging
from 0 to 9. The appropriate bubbles below the respective question numbers in the ORS have to be darkened. For
example, if the correct answers to question numbers X, Y and Z(say) are 6, 0 and 9, respectively, then the correct
darkening of bubbles will look like the following :

0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
8 8 8
9 9 9

42. For a cell, A(g)  B2  (aq)  B  A 2 (aq). The standard emf of cell is found to be 0.295 volt at 25°C. The

equilibrium constant at 25°C will be x  1010

43. In the electrolysis of KI, I2 is formed at the anode by the reaction;
2I–  I2 + 2e–
After the passage of current of 0.5 ampere for 9650 seconds, I2 formed required 40 ml of 0.1 M Na2S2O3•
5H2O solution in the reaction;
I2 + 2S2O32–  S4O62– + 2I–
What is the current efficiency ?
44. An alloy of Pb-Ag weighing 1.08 g was dissolved in dilute HNO 3 and the volume made to 100 mL. A silver
electrode was dipped in the solution and the emf of the cell set-up.

Pt(s), H2g | H+(1 M)|| Ag+(aq) | Ag(s) was 0.62 V. If Eocell is 0.80 v, what is the percentage of Ag in the alloy ?
(At 25°C, RT/F = 0.06)

45. Consider the cell, Ag | AgBr | Br  || Cl | AgCl | Ag at 25ºC. The Ksp of AgBr and AgCl are 5 10–13 and
[Cl ]
1×10–10. The concentration ratio of ions when the emf of the cell is 0.118V, will be .

46. The conductivity of a saturated solution of CaF2 at 18°C was found to be 5.210–5 S cm-1 and the conductivity
of water used for making the solution was 210–6S cm -1. The molar ionic conductivities at infinite dilution of
Ca2+ and F– ions are 120 and 65 S cm 2 mol-1 respectively. The solubility product of CaF2 is 4x10–12M3. The
Value of x is .
47. When 0.5 L of 16 M SnSO4 is electrolysed for a period of 100 minutes using a current of 96.5 A and inert
electrodes, the final concentration of Sn2+ in the solution will be .
(E°Sn2+/Sn = –0.14 V, E° Sn2+/Sn4+= – 0.13V, E°OH–/O2=–0.4V, E°SO42–/S2O82– = –2.0V).
Reasoning Type
This section contains reasoning type questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE is correct.

48. STATEMENT-1: Electrode potential of any electrode will change on changing any of its intensive properties.
STATEMENT-2: Any intensive property of system changes on changing any of its properties whether intensive
or extensive.
(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is correct explanation for STATEMENT-1
(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True
49. STATEMENT-1: The voltage of mercury cell remains almost constant for long period of time.
STATEMENT-2: It is because net cell reaction does not involve active species.
(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is correct explanation for STATEMENT-1
(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True
50. STATEMENT-1: The SRP of three metallic ions A+, B2+ and C3+ are –0.3, –0.5 and –0.8 V, respectively, hence
the oxidising power of ions is C3+ > A+ > B2+.
STATEMENT-2: Higher the SRP, higher is the oxidising power.
(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is correct explanation for STATEMENT-1
(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True
51. STATEMENT-1: We can add the electrode potential in order to get electrode potential of net reaction.


STATEMENT-2: Electrode potential is an intensive property.

(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is correct explanation for STATEMENT-1

(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for

(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False

(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True

  
1. (C) 2. (A) 3. ( A) 5. (C) 5. (C) 6. (A)

7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (D) 11. (A) 12. (B,D)

13. (C,D) 14. (A,B,C) 15. (A,B,D) 16. (A,C) 17. (B,C) 18. (A,B,D)

19. (C,D) 20. (A,C) 21. (A,B,C,D) 22. (A,C) 23. (C) 24. (C,D)

25. (C) 26. (C) 27. (A,C) 28. (B) 29. (B) 30. (B)

31. (C) 32. (D) 33. (A) 34. (C) 35. (A) 36. (A)

37. (C) 38. (B) 39. (B) 40. (C) 41. (A-p,q,B-p,q,C-q,r,D-p,s)

42. (1) 43. (8) 44. (1) 45. (2) 46. (8) 47. (4)

48. (C) 49. (A) 50. (C) 51. (D)

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