QUESTIONNAIRE - Environmental Screening
QUESTIONNAIRE - Environmental Screening
QUESTIONNAIRE - Environmental Screening
1. Facility Information:
a. Process flow or block flow diagram showing all raw materials and auxiliaries used, water consumption per process, wastewater generation, emission points as
well as solid and hazardous waste generation.
b. Does the facility operation involve trucking of solid/liquid/waste materials or raw materials or products? If yes, provide estimated number of trucks that will be
employed per day.
2. Raw Materials: Complete the following table relating to all raw materials/ used in the proposed facility.
Max. Hourly Annual
On-Site Storage
Raw Material Process Delivery Method Storage Method Consumption Consumption
(unit) (unit)
3. Other Materials/ Auxiliaries Used: Complete the following table relating to other materials used in the proposed facility.
Material Process Delivery Method Storage Method On-Site Storage Max. Hourly Annual
Quantity Consumption Consumption
(unit) (unit)
Including Environmental Screening
4. Products/ By-Products: Complete the following table relating to all products or materials produced by the proposed facility.
Product/ By-Product Max. Hourly Annual Production Storage/ Delivery Maximum Storage
Process Production (unit) Method Capacity
5. Hazardous Materials:
(a) Complete the following table relating to all hazardous materials to be utilized by the facility. Include fuels, oils, paints, coating materials, solvents,
degreasing agents, cleaning materials, acids, alkalis, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, batteries, toxic compounds, refrigerants etc.
Hazardous Physical Properties Hazardous Material Process/ Unit Max. Storage Delivery/ Storage Surplus Disposal
Substance/ Classification1 Used Quantity Method Method
Constituent (kg)
Including Environmental Screening
6. Fuels:
(a) Complete the following table relating to processes using fossil fuels (Crude oil, Fuel oil, Natural Gas, LPG, etc.)
Fuel Fuel Consumption Alternative Fuels Used? (Y/N)
Type with Composition (unit) If yes, please specify type
(a) Complete the following table relating atmospheric emissions from point sources. Include all point sources such as stacks, vents, extraction hoods, ducts etc.
Pollutants should include any emissions that may contain gases, particulate emissions, volatile organic compounds, acid gases, toxic gases, fumes, visible
emissions and odors.
Pollutant Emission Emission
Unit Emission Height
Source Pollutant Concentration Rate Control
ID (m)
(unit) 2 (kg/hr) Method/ Efficiency
Including Environmental Screening
8. Fugitive Air Emissions: Complete the following table relating to potential fugitive emissions. Include all potential emissions of volatile organic compounds, dust
sources, toxic gases and odor sources (e.g. water treatment lagoons, etc.).
VOC/ HAP Control Efficiency Controlled
Source3 Component Uncontrolled Emission (%) Emissions
(Name & Number) (kg/h) (kg/h)
(b) Complete the following table relating to effluent discharges. Include all discharges of industrial wastewater, cooling water, liquid effluents and pre-treatment
methods, if any.
Discharge Flow Pollutant Concentration Pre-Treatment Required?
Source Rate Temp. pH TDS TOC TSS If yes, please specify
(Ave) o
( C) mg/l mg/l mg/l type of pre-treatment
Process wastewater effluent to IWTP (m3/day)
Return sea water cooling (m3/hr)
Cooling tower blow down (m3/day)
Other effluents (m3/ day)
Sanitary wastewater to SWTP (m3/day)
11. Solid / Liquid Waste (Hazardous and Non Hazardous): Complete the following table relating to the production, storage and disposal of all solid, sludge and
liquid wastes.
Amount Maximum
Generated Composition Storage Treatment, Disposal Methods and
(tons/year) (tons) Location
Including Environmental Screening
12. Noise: Complete the following table relating to sources of noise from the facility.
Noise Level Inside Noise Level at
Source Premises Boundary Fence Control Methods
(dBA) (dBA)