Quarter 2: Summative Test in Science
Quarter 2: Summative Test in Science
Quarter 2: Summative Test in Science
I. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the blank before the
_______2. Which among of the following is the safest location during an earthquake?
_______4. What will be produced if there is a sudden movement of the earth's crust due to the release of
stress accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity?
_______6. Which of the following faults occurs where the “hanging wall” moves up or is thrust over the
_______7. Which fault is characterized on which the two blocks slide past one another?
_______10. Friction between the two sides of a fault keeps it from moving until the stress on the fault
overcomes the friction, then the fault slips and creates an earthquake.
______11. What point along the fault where movements first occur?
______12. What point on the earth’s surface is directly above the focus?
______13. Which agency of the government in the Philippines is monitoring the movement of the earth
_______14. It is a sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by the release of stress accumulated along
geologic faults or by volcanic activity:
During earthquake