TDS Polidan TA HF V 1.0 June 2017

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Polidan® T/A-HF

Product description
Silane grafted compound, moisture curable by addition of a catalyst masterbatch (Sioplas® method). This material complies
with RoHS requirements.

Application: Polidan® T/A-HF is used for the production of pipes for domestic hot and cold water supply as well as indoor/outdoor
gas distribution and is used both for mono layer and composite pipe design.

Standard complying
DVGW (W270, KTW-A); ISO 15875/2; NSF (STD-14 and STD-61)

Africa & Middle East, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America

Verify commercial availability and registration status in each country with local sales representative

Typical properties(1) value
unit test method

Density at 23°C 0.942 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Apparent density(2) 550 kg/m3 ASTM D1895
Melt Flow Index, 190°C/2.16 kg(2) 0.50 g/10’
internal method
Melt Flow Index, 190°C/5.0 kg 1.70 g/10’

Gel Content – Crosslinking level > 65 % EN 579

Hardness, Shore D 56 - ISO 868
Long Term Hydrostatic Strength MRS 8 MPa ISO 9080
Tensile Modulus at 23°C 670 MPa
Tensile Strength at break at 23°C > 20 MPa ISO 527-2
Tensile Elongation at break at 23°C > 350 %

Vicat Softening Temperature (10 N) 126 °C ISO 306
CLTE – Flow at 20°C 1.9 E-4 cm/cm/°C ASTM D696
Specific Heat at 23°C 1920 J/kg/°C ISO 11357
Thermal Conductivity at 23°C(3) 0.46 W/m/K internal method

Typical properties are not to be construed as specification. Tests reported are performed on pressed plates or extruded pipes 18*2 mm,
added with 5% of Catalyst Masterbatch PS/2 and crosslinked in hot water at 95°C for 6 hours
Test performed without Catalyst Masterbatch addition
Hot disk method

Polidan® T/A-HF v 1.0 – June 2017 1

Polidan® T/A-HF

Additional information

The product must be stored under the following conditions:

- closed and undamaged bags
- ambient temperature not exceeding 30°C
- avoid direct exposure to sunlight and weathering

Product alterations could occur due to extended period of storage; shelf life: 6 months

Padanaplast S.r.l accepts no liability of any kind in case the above mentioned conditions are not fulfilled

- 25 kg moisture-resistant bags on 1375 kg pallet
- 500 kg octabin box

Processing information
Extruder temperature setting:
Temperature barrel profile from 130 °C to 210 °C
Head Temperature 190°C / 210 °C

Die Temperature 200°C / 210 °C

Extruder Screw L/D Ratio 25:1 to 40:1
Extruder Screw Compression Ratio > 2.5:1

Extrusion notes:

Polidan® T/A-HF pregrafted base must be added with Catalyst Masterbatch PS/2 at 5% by weight to promote curing. Other
Catalyst Masterbatch grades can be used accordingly to information given in the specific technical literature. Blending must be
done just before using (2-3 hours max.). Catalyst Masterbatch doesn't need any predrying if stored in dry conditions in the
original closed bags; in case, predrying can be made at 50-60°C for 4-8 hours.
Polidan® T grades are sensitive to moisture; open bags must be used within 4 hours. Polidan® T grades must be not predried in
any case.

Extrusion equipment
- standard extruders for thermoplastics equipped with screw having compression ratio between 2.3 and 2.7 and 25÷40 L/D ratio
should be used
- don't use screw thermoregulation

- Polidan® T compounds can be coloured with PE based masterbatches. Padanaplast suggests the predrying of all colour
masterbatches prior to use.

- by immersion in hot water at 60-95°C
- by circulation in hot water inside the pipe at 60-95°C
- by exposure to steam
- by exposure in ambient, crosslinking time depends on ambient temperature and relative humidity
- in all cases curing time depends on the thickness; for pipes 18*2 mm 4-6 hours in immersed hot water at 95°C are generally

Polidan® T/A-HF- v 1.0 – June 2017 2

Polidan® T/A-HF

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available by emailing us or contacting your sales representative.
Always consult the appropriate SDS before using any of our products.

Neither Padanaplast S.r.l. nor any of its affiliates makes any warranty, express or implied,
including merchantability, fitness for use or accepts any liability in connection with this product,
related information or its use. The use of this product is not subject to our direct control,
therefore, the user alone must finally, under his own responsibility, determine suitability of any
information or products for any contemplated use in compliance with applicable law, the manner
of use and whether any patents are infringed. The products are for use by technically skilled
persons, with adequate training on how to use chemical products, at their own discretion and risk.
The information provided does not relate to the use of this product in combination with any other
substance or any other process. In no event Padanaplast S.r.l. will be responsible for damages of
any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon Information.

Padanaplast S.r.l. makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, that the use of
Information will not infringe any patent. This is not a license under any patent or other proprietary
right. All trademarks and registered trademarks belong to Finproject S.p.A., the mother company,
or to the subsidiary companies of Finproject Group.

© Padanaplast S.r.l 2017. All rights reserved.
[email protected]

Polidan® T/A-HF- v 1.0 – June 2017 3

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