Statement On Analysis and Interpretation of Clinical Human Gastrointestinal Microbiome Testing Using Nextgeneration Sequencing in South Africa
Statement On Analysis and Interpretation of Clinical Human Gastrointestinal Microbiome Testing Using Nextgeneration Sequencing in South Africa
Statement On Analysis and Interpretation of Clinical Human Gastrointestinal Microbiome Testing Using Nextgeneration Sequencing in South Africa
Statement on analysis and interpretation of clinical
human gastrointestinal microbiome testing using next-
generation sequencing in South Africa
J M Wojno,1 MB BCh, MMed (Microbiology), FC Path (SA); E du Toit,2 BSc Hons, PhD; A Deffur,3 MB ChB, DTH, MMed (Internal Medicine),
Cert ID (SA) Phys, PhD; A Brink,2 MB BCh, MMed (Medical Microbiology)
Lancet Laboratories, Cape Town, South Africa
Division of Medical Microbiology, Department of Pathology and National Health Laboratory Service, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Advances in DNA sequencing technologies and computational tools over the past few years have led to vast improvements in the
metagenomic analysis of the human microbiota. While this has also significantly improved our understanding of the role of the host-
microbiome interaction in health and disease, the current clinical expectation is that testing, particularly of the gastrointestinal biome, can
be used to diagnose, manage and treat patients. The authors outline the available technologies and highlight current limitations of these
techniques to address this clinical demand. Through understanding the limitations of and need for more research and data collection, one
can improve the appropriate utilisation and interpretation, as well as the current rational clinical application of these techniques.
The evolution of humans has occurred in association with many The role of microbiome testing and how to use the results of these
forms of microbial life.[1] The human body is home to a variety of tests in an appropriate manner, also need to be established. The
microbes, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, parasites and viruses. immense challenge of microbiota assessments is the standardisation
This microbial community is referred to as the microbiota. The of microbiota testing and reporting, as there are a variety of
collective genome content of the microbiota or the microbial laboratory techniques. Even though new diagnostic approaches for
metagenome is known as the microbiome.[2] microbiome analysis are more advanced and accessible, these are
Microbiota can be found throughout the human body, which variable.
contains about as many microbial cells as there are cells in the human There is much interest in precision medicine and the tailoring
body.[3] of therapy according to individual microbiota profiles/functions
Technical advances have led to an exponential rise in microbiome based on accurate microbiota assessments. The future aim would
research and consequently to clinician and patient interest in the be to manipulate the microbiota to affect function and composition –
human microbiome, which has increased the clinical demand for thereby treating disease. The fundamental notion of primum
laboratory microbiome testing and diagnostics. It is anticipated that non nocere,[10] – ‘first, do no harm’ – should be inherent in such
these tests will provide enough information to diagnose and/or treatment. Any manipulation of the microbiota using strategies as
manage patients with chronic/complex conditions, where existing dramatic as faecal microbiota transplantation, or potentially simple
diagnostic and management tools might have been deficient. or ‘harmless’ interventions, such as probiotic administration, may
It has been well established that the microbiota play an important potentially have a deleterious effect. Therefore, a case for a donor
role in human biology and that the microbe-human interaction may stool bank in South Africa (SA) is proposed.[11] As an example, even
be significant in determining disease and health.[4] probiotics may have an effect on metabolic activities, cause systemic
Many factors, such as diet, age and medication, are known to infection, such as endocarditis in susceptible populations, and have
change the composition and function of gastrointestinal tract (GIT) inappropriate effects on host immune responses.[12]
microbiota.[5] As an example, urbanisation, which involves, e.g. changes
in diet, environmental exposures, antibiotics and caesarean section How are the human microbiota
delivery, has been associated with changes and/or an imbalance in assessed?
the gut microbiota and an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as The current standard ‘microbial analysis’ in clinical practice involves
asthma, inflammatory bowel disease and other systemic conditions, pathogen-specific diagnostic procedures, where clinicians suspect
e.g. obesity, atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.[5-8] that a specific infectious aetiology causes a certain infectious clinical
Although there are clear associations between the composition and syndrome. These pathogen-specific tests, e.g. stool or sputum
functions of certain microbiota and specific metabolic/neurological/ microscopy, culture and sensitivity, and standard molecular tests,
autoimmune disorders, many of these relationships may not be causal. e.g. multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), focus on the
Establishing causation, albeit more challenging, is important to differentiation and isolation of pathogens from normal flora. This
inform accurate diagnostic and safe management practices.[9] testing does not specifically address the detection of the ‘microbiome’
in that particular environment, i.e. all of the uncultivable normal Once a context-dependent normal is established, can one more easily
commensals or transient colonisers or pathobionts. define imbalanced flora? The term dysbiosis is used in the literature
Assessment of the microbiome requires the use of robust protocols. to describe an unhealthy imbalanced ecosystem that results in
The standardisation of each step from sample collection to data disease or an unhealthy phenotype. This may be due to imbalance in
analysis is empirical, but still emerging. An important step is the physiological/metabolic functions of the microbes to the detriment
method used to profile the microbial community, which gives varying of the host.
results. For example, 16S rRNA next-generation sequencing uses Various methods have been used to assess dysbiosis. Some
primers that target one or more of the variable regions within the indicators include diversity and resilience.[15]
16S rRNA gene, giving a high-level, low-resolution overview of the
bacterial and archaeal community.[13] This method is well tested Diversity
and applicable to a wide range of sample types and study designs. Diversity in a microbial community refers to richness (number of taxa
It is also quick and cost effective. Whole metagenomic sequencing, present) and evenness (abundance of many microbial constituents).
however, provides a deeper insight into all the microbial genomes Tools have been developed to compare patient cohorts. These
present in a sample, including viral and eukaryotic, narrowing down include alpha diversity (variation of microbes in a single sample),
to strain-level resolution and allowing for functional assessment of e.g. the Shannon diversity index, which combines richness and
genes present.[13] This method is more expensive to perform and the diversity and measures the number of species and inequality between
analysis is more complex than the targeted gene approach mentioned species abundances. Beta diversity measures variation of microbial
above. communities between samples, e.g. the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity. It
The technical challenges include standardising of protocols for has been postulated that high diversity has generally been associated
specimen collection, laboratory processing, testing/analysis and with health. Although this principle has mainly referred to the GIT,
storage, reporting, interpretation, as well as various computational where a relative lack of diversity has been noted in many disease
methods. This may result in a variety of test results.[14] Taking into states and the skin where a low diversity is associated with, e.g. atopic
account the dynamic nature of the microbiota and the ability of the dermatitis,[17] diversity may not be the only marker of a healthy
composition to change quite rapidly, a single snapshot in addition to ecosystem.[18] This is because the principle of a low diversity only
the technical variation may produce a result that is very difficult to being present with disease, and a high diversity only being present
interpret. with health, is not always true.[18] Also, there are other anatomical
sites where an increased diversity approximating health may not
Normal v. abnormal microbiomes necessarily apply, e.g. the vaginal microbiome, where increased
Microbiota analysis to assess taxonomic content and abundance of diversity may be associated with bacterial vaginosis and therefore
organisms has been used to assess organisms at a particular site. local inflammation.[19]
The composition and abundance of organisms based on taxonomic The notion of a diverse community being healthy is in part due
grouping are assessed, e.g. at phylum, genus or species level. The to the concept of temporal stability (ability to withstand external
organisms may be grouped into operational taxonomic units, which perturbations and rapidly return to a healthy state). This is coined
are working definitions to classify groups of related organisms. ‘resistance’/‘resilience’, e.g. ‘colonisation resistance’, which is the
Once again, there is much variation in composition and abundance ability to withstand colonisation with a pathogen, thus potentially
of organisms in and between individuals. Because of temporal preventing disease.
variation/dynamics, the taxonomic content of the microbiota of It is pivotal to consider that there is no standard normal definition
various individuals may differ significantly and is highly personalised, and testing protocol to assess diversity and that it is dependent on
and thus a normal that is context dependent may be more appropriate context.[18] Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we need to take
to consider. into account that the analytical variability/lack of standardisation of
Based on taxonomy, the assessment of a healthy core of organism testing methods has a major impact on the assessment of microbiota.
in people without disease has been proposed. Furthermore, the
possibility of finding organisms/biomarkers/disease signatures, Beyond the microbiome
where their presence is always indicative of a disease state, has also We have, however, noted that industrialisation has had an impact
been suggested.[15] on microbiota and the ‘disappearing microbe’ hypothesis, where
Defining context-specific ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ microbiota for certain microbes are no longer present in modern civilizations
a specific region may be important. To define ‘unhealthy/abnormal’, compared with primitive societies, with a loss of diversity as a result
one needs to describe normal, or normal core of organisms for a of industrialisation.[20]
specific area, i.e. normal vaginal, normal GIT. We know that each Researchers have argued that analysis based purely on taxonomic
region is vastly different in terms of taxonomic composition and content may not be appropriate, as it does not factor in the metabolic
function of the microbes[16] and thus each region has its own normal. activity/core functions of the population assessed.
How do we then characterise a normal healthy anatomical site- The concept of functional redundancy occurs when different
specific microbiome? A couple of important factors need to be taxonomic profiles lead to ecosystems with similar behaviour/
considered. These include physiological intra-individual variation (at function. Integration of both metabolomic and metagenomic data
the individual level) of the microbiota, i.e. circadian rhythm, sex, age, with standardised computational data analysis tools for the assessment
genetic factors, menstrual cycle and normal interindividual variation of the functions/metabolites of a particular community may be more
(at the population level) that may have an effect on the microbiota, accurate.[13] Multi-omic analysis is therefore a new approach, where
such as geographical location and race/ethnicity.[5] data sets of different omic groups are combined during analysis. The
If a patient sample is therefore tested at a certain time point, one different omic strategies employed during multi-omics are genome,
must consider that this snapshot of the microbiota at one point in proteome, transcriptome, epigenome, exome and microbiome, which
time may not be appropriate. may provide better clinical applications in the future.
Microbiome analysis in routine diagnostic, treatment and preventive interventions and tools. A
patient management myriad of proof-of-concept or principle studies are imminent to
Advances in the microbiome testing pipelines, especially the unlock the multitude of functions and confirm cause and effect in
bioinformatics tools and applications in analysing the data, have been disease states before routine analysis is recommended.
valuable in finding associations with disease in humans and making
one aware of the importance of the microbiota.
Although the microbiome and health and disease are very topical Declaration. None.
and microbiome testing is becoming more accessible locally and Acknowledgements. We acknowledge Prof. Mark Nicol for motivation
internationally, it is important to note that testing of the microbiota with initiation of this article.
(microbiome) is currently not part of routine clinical diagnostics Author contributions. JMW and EdT contributed to the writing of the
and it may take some time before microbiome-based tests become article. AD and AB checked the article for clinical relevance and applicability.
routine practice. Funding. None.
The results of these tests should not be used for diagnostic Conflicts of interest. JMW and EdT have research interests in
purposes or to inform treatment and management decisions. If personalised medicine and clinical applicability of personalised GIT
testing is performed, the results should be used for informative microbiome reports.
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