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Agilent X-Series Signal Analyzer: N9063A & W9063A Analog Demod Measurement Application Measurement Guide

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Agilent X-Series

Signal Analyzer
This manual provides documentation for the
following X-Series Analyzers:

PXA Signal Analyzer N9010A

MXA Signal Analyzer N9020A
EXA Signal Analyzer N9010A
CXA Signal Analyzer N9000A

N9063A & W9063A Analog

Demod Measurement
Application Measurement
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Where to Find the Latest Information

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1. Demodulating AM, FM, ΦM Signals

Setting Up and Making a Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Making the Initial Signal Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Using Analyzer Mode and Measurement Presets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The 3 Steps to Set Up and Make Measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Demodulating an AM Signal Using the Agilent X-Series Signal Analyzer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Demodulating an FM Signal Using the X Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2. Concepts
AM and FM Demodulation Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
AM Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
FM Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Demodulating an AM Signal Using the Analyzer as a Fixed Tuned Receiver (Time-Domain). . . . . . . . 17
Demodulating an FM Signal Using the Analyzer as a Fixed Tuned Receiver (Time-Domain) . . . . . . . . 17
Modulation Distortion Measurement Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Modulation SINAD Measurement Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


1 Demodulating AM, FM, ΦM Signals

The Analog Demod measurement application provides the capability of

demodulating Amplitude, Frequency, or Phase modulated signals (AM, FM, ΦM).
These measurements provide functionality that can generally be categorized as
• Demodulating a modulated carrier and playing the modulating signal over a
speaker (sometimes referred to as tune and listen)
• Displaying demodulated signals in both time and frequency domains
• displaying modulation metrics
The following topics can be found in this section:
Setting Up and Making a Measurement 8
Demodulating an AM Signal Using the Agilent X-Series Signal Analyzer 10
Demodulating an FM Signal Using the X Series 11

Demodulating AM, FM, ΦM Signals
Setting Up and Making a Measurement

Setting Up and Making a Measurement

Making the Initial Signal Connection

CAUTION Before connecting a signal to the analyzer, make sure the analyzer can safely
accept the signal level provided. The signal level limits are marked next to the RF
Input connectors on the front panel.

See the Input Key menu for details on selecting input ports and the AMPTD Y
Scale menu for details on setting internal attenuation to prevent overloading the

Using Analyzer Mode and Measurement Presets

To set your current measurement mode to a known factory default state, press
Mode Preset. This initializes the analyzer by returning the mode setup and all of the
measurement setups in the mode to the factory default parameters.
To preset the parameters that are specific to an active, selected measurement, press
Meas Setup, Meas Preset. This returns all the measurement setup parameters to the
factory defaults, but only for the currently selected measurement.

The 3 Steps to Set Up and Make Measurements

All measurements can be set up using the following three steps. The sequence
starts at the Mode level, is followed by the Measurement level, then finally, the
result displays may be adjusted.
Table 1-1 The 3 Steps to Set Up and Make a Measurement

Step Action Notes

1. Select and Set Up the a. Press Mode All licensed, installed modes
Mode available are shown under the Mode
b. Press Analog Demod
c. Press Mode Preset.
Using Mode Setup, make any required
d. Press Mode Setup adjustments to the mode settings.
These settings will apply to all
measurements in the mode.

2. Select and Set Up the a. Press Meas. The measurement begins as soon as
Measurement any required trigger conditions are
b. Select the specific measurement to
met. The resulting data is shown on
be performed.
the display or is available for export.
c. Press Meas Setup
Use Meas Setup to make any required
adjustment to the selected
measurement settings. The settings
only apply to this measurement.

8 Chapter 1
Demodulating AM, FM, ΦM Signals
Setting Up and Making a Measurement

Table 1-1 The 3 Steps to Set Up and Make a Measurement

Step Action Notes

3. Select and Set Up a Press View/Display. Select a display Depending on the mode and
View of the Results format for the current measurement measurement selected, other
data. graphical and tabular data
presentations may be available.
X-Scale and Y-Scale adjustments may
also be made now.

NOTE A setting may be reset at any time, and will be in effect on the next measurement
cycle or view.

Table 1-2 Main Keys and Functions for Making Measurements

Step Primary Key Setup Keys Related Keys

1. Select and set up a mode. Mode Mode Setup, System

FREQ Channel

2. Select and set up a measurement. Meas Meas Setup Sweep/Control, Restart,

Single, Cont

3. Select and set up a view of the View/Display SPAN X Scale, Peak Search,
results. AMPTD Y Scale Quick Save, Save,
Recall, File, Print

Chapter 1 9
Demodulating AM, FM, ΦM Signals
Demodulating an AM Signal Using the Agilent X-Series Signal Analyzer

Demodulating an AM Signal Using the Agilent X-Series

Signal Analyzer
This section demonstrates how to demodulate and listen to an AM signal. You can
tune to an AM signal and view the results of the detector output displayed in the
quad-view window or in single-window format.
Alternatively, the demodulated signal is also available as an audio output (to the
speaker or headphone jack) and as video output (on the rear panel).
Step 1. Press Mode, Analog Demod.
Step 2. Press Mode Preset.
Step 3. Use an MXG RF source or an antenna for an AM signal to analyze. In this example
an MXG is used transmitting at 680 kHz with AM depth of 50% and AM rate of
1 kHz.

NOTE If you are using a broadcast AM signal in the United States, for example, the AM
channels are broadcasting between 550 kHz to 1650 kHz.

Step 4. Press Meas, AM.

Step 5. Press FREQ Channel, Center Freq, 680, kHz to set the center frequency to the
center of the AM signal.
Step 6. Press Sweep/Control, Demod Wfm Sweep Time, 2, ms.

Figure 1-1 AM Demodulation (AM Signal with 50% Depth)

Step 7. Press Meas Setup, Demod to Speaker to listen to the demodulated AM signal
(adjust the volume as necessary).

10 Chapter 1
Demodulating AM, FM, ΦM Signals
Demodulating an FM Signal Using the X Series

Demodulating an FM Signal Using the X Series

This section demonstrates how to demodulate and listen to an FM signal. You can
tune to an FM signal and view the results of the detector output displayed in the
quad-view window or in single-window format.
Alternatively, the demodulated signal is also available as an audio output (to the
speaker or headphone jack) and as video output (on the rear panel).
Step 1. Press Mode, Analog Demod.
Step 2. Press Mode Preset.
Step 3. Use an MXG RF source or an antenna for an FM signal to analyze. In this example
an MXG is used transmitting at 300 MHz with FM deviation of 10 kHz and FM
rate of 1 kHz.

NOTE If you are using a broadcast FM signal in the United States, for example, the FM
channels are broadcasting between 87.7 MHz to 107.7 MHz.

Step 4. Press Meas, FM.

Step 5. Press FREQ Channel, Center Freq, 300, MHz to set the center frequency to the
center of the FM signal
Step 6. Press Sweep, Demod Wfm Sweep Time, 2, ms.

Step 7. FM Demodulation (FM Signal with 10 kHz Deviation)

Chapter 1 11
Demodulating AM, FM, ΦM Signals
Demodulating an FM Signal Using the X Series

Step 8. Listen to the demodulated FM signal (adjust the volume as necessary):

Press Meas Setup, Demod to Speaker.
Alternatively you can also use the headphone jack (located above the front-panel
USB ports).

12 Chapter 1
2 Concepts

The following topics can be found in this section:

AM Concepts on page 14
FM Concepts on page 15
Demodulating an AM Signal Using the Analyzer as a Fixed Tuned Receiver
(Time-Domain) on page 17
Demodulating an FM Signal Using the Analyzer as a Fixed Tuned Receiver
(Time-Domain) on page 17
Modulation Distortion Measurement Concepts on page 18
Modulation SINAD Measurement Concepts on page 19

AM and FM Demodulation Concepts

AM and FM Demodulation Concepts

AM Concepts

Figure 2-1 AM waveform

In AM (Amplitude Modulation), the instantaneous amplitude of the modulated

carrier signal changed in proportion to the instantaneous amplitude of the
information signal.

Figure 2-2 Calculation AM index in time and frequency domain

The modulation index m represents the amount of the modulation or the degree to
which the information signal modulates the carrier signal.The index for an AM
signal can be calculated from the amplitudes of the carrier and either of the
sidebands by the equation:

Equation 2-1

E max – E c E max – E min E USB + E LSB 2E SB

m = ----------------------- = ---------------------------- = ------------------------------- = ------------
Ec E max + E min Ec Ec

For 100% modulation, the modulation index is 1.0, and the amplitude of each
sideband will be one-half of the carrier amplitude expressed in voltage. On a

14 Chapter 2
AM and FM Demodulation Concepts

decibel power scale, each sideband will thus be 6 dB less than the carrier, or
one-fourth the power of the carrier. Since the carrier power does not change with
amplitude modulation, the total power in the 100% modulated wave is 50% higher
than in the unmodulated carrier. The relationship between m and the logarithmic
display can be expressed as:

Equation 2-2

( E SB ⁄ E c )dB + 6dB = 20 log m

FM Concepts

Figure 2-3 FM waveform

FM (Frequency Modulation) and PM (Phase modulation) belong to angle

modulation. In FM, the instantaneous frequency deviation of the modulated carrier
signal changed in proportion to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating
signal. And in PM, the instantaneous phase deviation of the modulated carrier with
respect to the phase of the unmodulated carrier is directly proportional to the
instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal.
The modulation index for angle modulation, β, is expressed by this equation:

Equation 2-3

β = Δf p ⁄ f m = Δφ p

Where Δfp is the peak frequency deviation, fm is the frequency of the modulating
signal, and Δφp is the peak phase deviation.
This expression tells us that the angle modulation index is really a function of
phase deviation, even in the FM case. Also, the definitions for frequency and phase

Chapter 2 15
AM and FM Demodulation Concepts

modulation do not include the modulating frequency. In each case, the modulated
property of the carrier, frequency or phase, deviates in proportion to the
instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal, regardless of the rate at which
the amplitude changes. However, the frequency of the modulating signal is
important in FM and is included in the expression for the modulating index
because it is the ratio of peak frequency deviation to modulation frequency that
equates to peak phase.
Unlike the modulation index for AM, there is no specific limit to the value of β,
since there is no theoretical limit to the phase deviation; thus there is no equivalent
of 100% AM. However, in real world systems there are practical limits.
Unlike AM, which is a linear process, angle modulation is nonlinear. This means
that a single sine wave modulating signal, instead of producing only two
sidebands, yields an infinite number of sidebands spaced by the modulating
The Bessel function graph shows the amplitudes of the carrier and the sidebands as
a function of modulation index, β. The spectral components, including the carrier,
change their amplitudes as the modulation index varies.

Figure 2-4 Carrier and sideband amplitude for angle-modulated signals

In theory, for distortion-free detection of the modulating signal, all the sidebands
must be transmitted. However, in practice, the sideband amplitudes become
negligibly small beyond a certain frequency offset from the carrier, so the
spectrum of a real-world FM signal is not infinite.

16 Chapter 2
AM and FM Demodulation Concepts

Demodulating an AM Signal Using the Analyzer as a Fixed Tuned

Receiver (Time-Domain)
The X-Series signal analyzer can be used to recover amplitude modulation on a
carrier signal.
The following functions establish a clear display of the waveform:
• Triggering stabilizes the waveform trace by triggering on the modulation
envelope. If the modulation of the signal is stable, video trigger synchronizes
the sweep with the demodulated waveform.
• Sweep time to view the rate of the AM signal.
• RBW and VBW are selected according to the signal bandwidth.

Demodulating an FM Signal Using the Analyzer as a Fixed Tuned

Receiver (Time-Domain)
To recover the frequency modulated signal, aa analyzer can be used as a manually
tuned receiver. However, in contrast to AM, the signal is not tuned into the
passband center, but to one slope of the filter curve as shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5 Determining FM Parameters using FM to AM Conversion

Here the frequency variations of the FM signal are converted into amplitude
variations (FM to AM conversion). The reason we want to measure the AM
component is that the envelope detector responds only to AM variations. There are
no changes in amplitude if the frequency changes of the FM signal are limited to
the flat part of the RBW (IF filter). The resultant AM signal is then detected with
the envelope detector and displayed in the time domain.

Chapter 2 17
AM and FM Demodulation Concepts

Modulation Distortion Measurement Concepts

This measurement is used to measure the amount of modulation distortion
contained in the Modulated signal by determining the ratio of harmonic and noise
power to fundamental power. This measurement verifies the modulation quality of
the signal from the DUT.

Measurement Technique
Modulation Distortion is defined as:

Equation 2-4
P total – P signal
% ModulationDistortion = ----------------------------------- × 100%
P total

where: Ptotal = the power of the total signal,

Psignal = the power of the wanted modulating signal, and

Ptotal - Psignal = total unwanted signal which includes harmonic distortion and
First, the received signal is demodulated and filtered to remove DC. Then the
filtered signal is transformed by an FFT into frequency domain. Next, total power
in the total filter band is measured as Ptotal, the peak power of the modulated signal
is computed as Psignal, the square root of the ratio of Ptotal - Psignal to Ptotal is
calculated. The result is the signal’s modulation distortion. It can be expressed as
dB or %.

18 Chapter 2
AM and FM Demodulation Concepts

Modulation SINAD Measurement Concepts

Modulation SINAD (SIgnal to Noise And Distortion) measures the amount of
Modulation SINAD contained in the modulated signal by determining the ratio of
fundamental power to harmonic and noise power. Modulation SINAD is the
reciprocal of the modulation distortion provided by the Modulation Distortion
measurement. This is another way to quantify the quality of the modulation

Measurement Technique
Modulation SINAD is defined as:

Equation 2-5
P total
dB ModulationSINAD = 20 × log ----------------------------------
P total – P signal

where: Ptotal = the power of the total signal,

Psignal = the power of the wanted modulating signal, and

Ptotal - Psignal = the total unwanted signals which include harmonic distortion
and noise.
First, the received signal is demodulated and filtered to remove DC, then the
filtered signal is transformed by an FFT into frequency domain. Next, total power
in the total filter band is measured as Ptotal, the peak power of the modulated signal
is computed as Psignal, the square root of the ratio of Ptotal to Ptotal - Psignal is
calculated. The result is the signal’s Modulation SINAD. It can be expressed as dB
or %.

Chapter 2 19
AM and FM Demodulation Concepts

20 Chapter 2

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