Smart Test Series: 1-Circle The Correct One. (15x1 15)

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SMART TEST SERIES : [email protected]
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: Computer Science-11 Date: Time:
Test Type # Type 15 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-1, Unit-2, Unit-3, Unit-4, Unit-5,

1- Circle the correct one. (15x1=15)

1. A special device that is used for playing games is:
 (A) Keyboard (B) Mouse (C) Joystick (D) Light Pen
2. An internet software that is used for transferring files from one complete to another:
(A) FTP (B) ELD (C) Token (D) Ethernet
3. Many networks include a central computer that may be called:
(A) Server (B) Bridge (C) Gateway (D) Client
4. In which of the topology if the central device failed the entire network breakdown;
(A) Star (B) Mesh (C) Tree (D) Bus
5. Which of the following techniques uses modulation?
(A) Baseband (B) Broadband (C) Bandwidth (D) Topology
6. Start and stops Bits are not required in these types of transmission:
(A) Archnchronous (B) Isosynchronous (C) Synchronous (D) Monochronous
7. The communication channels can be divided into:
(A) Two types (B) Three types (C) Four types (D) Five types
8. Which is not included in document management system?
(A) Word processing (B) Desktop Publishing (C) Re Prographic (D) E-Shapping
9. An important characteristic of RAM is:
(A) Read Only (B) Write Only (C) Not valotile (D) Volatile
10. The insertion point in a document is called:
(A) Mouse (B) End marks (C) Courser (D) Erasor
11. Which of the following is not the component of CPU?
(A) Primary Memory (B) Register (C) Control Unit (D) ALU
12. Data can be erased using ultraviolet rays written on:
13. RAM holds the data/instruction:
(A) Temporarily (B) Permanently (C) Partially (D) Casually
14. Which register holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched for execution?
(A) PC (B) IR (C) MAR (D) MBR
15. Language Translatorare of ______ types:
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
SMART TEST SERIES : [email protected]
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: Computer Science-11 Date: Time:
Test Type #: Type 15 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-1, Unit-2, Unit-3, Unit-4, Unit-5,

2- Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i) Convert 145 MB of memory into bytes. (ii) What is network protocol? (iii) What is encoder?
(iv) Describe data representation in computer. (v)
Differentiate between PROM and EPROM. (vi) Define Register.
(vii) Write down the function of memory address register. (viii) Define the term compiler. (ix) Define object code.
3- Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i) List four basic units of data storage? (ii) What do you mean by implementation? (iii) State the purpose of Router.
(iv) What is function of physical Layer? (v) Define Broad band. (vi) What is the use of computer in stock exchange?
(vii) Define the role of main memory in computer system. (viii) Why RA is called Random Access Memory?
(ix) Give two parts of instruction formate.
4- Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i)What is DSL? (ii) Write two function of Network Layer. (iii) Which two topologies are combined to make a tree topology?
(iv) What is parallel data transmission? (v) What is asynchronous transmission?
(vi) What is the use of message handing system? (vii) What is logic unit of ALU? (viii) What is FLAGS register?
(ix) What is zero-address instructin format?
Attempt any THREE (3) questions. (8x3=24)
5. What is ring topology? Explain its Working advantages and disadvantages.
6. What do you mean by network topology with the helo of diagram?
7. What is Guided media? Write in detail twiste pair and coaxial cable.
8. Define Computer. Discuss any three primary components of a computer system.
9. Describe Language Processor or translators and their use.
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (C) Q:2 (A) Q:3 (A) Q:4 (A) Q:5 (B) Q:6 (A)
Q:7 (A) Q:8 (D) Q:9 (B) Q:10 (C) Q:11 (A) Q:12 (C)
Q:13 (A) Q:14 (A) Q:15 (B)

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