Rigging Outline (Example) : Competencies Plan, Prepare and Complete Work

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Rigging Outline (Example)

All course participants are required to fulfil the following in order to undertake training for a Statement of Attainment.
 All users and operators of industrial equipment and users and operators in training shall have the necessary
health & fitness required to safely operate the relevant type of industrial equipment.
 An applicant for assessment shall be 18 years of age. (Training may commence at an earlier age if required)
 An applicant shall be able to use language at a level that is appropriate to the safe use and operation of the
particular class of equipment as specified in the competency standard.

Competencies Plan, Prepare and Complete Work

 Plan Job
 Select and Inspect material and tools.
 Move Loads

Course Duration
 Up to 40 hours

The assessment will be conducted in 3 parts as follows:
 Practical (2 hours)
 Written ( 30 minutes)
 Knowledge (20 minutes)

Learning Outcomes
 Duty of Care.
 HSE Regulations.
 Appropriate International Standards.
 Codes of Practice.
 Manufacturer’s specifications.
 Guidance Notes.
 Hierarchy of hazard control measures.
 Identify and control hazards associated with the use of cranes and other load moving equipment and ensure
measures to eliminate or control these hazards are planned.
 List necessary site information with specific reference to crane lifting and working radius area and in accordance
with site procedures.
 Identify potential site hazards
 Identify adequate site access and egress

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Rigging Outline (Example)

 Identify Co-ordination requirements with other site personnel.

 Check appropriate permits for work
 Develop a method and sequence for the job.
 Determine appropriate mass and dimensions of a load.
 Identify appropriate load shifting equipment.
 Inspect and classify lifting gear according to condition.
 Select and assemble sets of lifting gear to Relevant Standards and Codes of Practice as appropriate.
 Calculate appropriate safe working loads to Appropriate International Standards.
 Sling and move loads.
 Remove gear and clean-up work area.
 Clean, inspect and store gear.

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Rigging Outline (Example)


The Rigging training is for employees engaged in lifting operations and will outline various safety aspects
regarding the safe use of slings and lifting equipment relevant to their daily job tasks. The aim of this course is
to provide a basic knowledge in the following fields,
 Identify different types of slings and lifting gear (Hardware)
 Inspection of slings and lifting gear
 Safe slinging techniques
 Safe working practices
 Working load limit of slings in various load configurations
 Assess the mass of loads to be lifted
 Crane signals
 Storage of slings and lifting gear
 Basic knots and hitches

1.0 Introduction
 Company Occupational Health & Safety legislation
 Employee "Duty of Care"
 Course objectives
2.0 Slinging and safe working loads
 Load factors
 Methods of slinging
 Calculating the Working Load Limit of slings
 Slinging and load handling
 Rigging Plan
3.0 Weight of load
 Mass of various materials
 Areas and volumes
 Calculating the weight of a load
4.0 Stacking
 4.1 Safe stacking and storage methods of various materials

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Rigging Outline (Example)

5.0 Crane safety

 Safe working practices
 Moving Crane & Set Up Plan
 Hazards inc Ground Support & Boom Deflection
 Signals including hand and radio
6.0 Slings, Flexible steel wire rope (FSWR)
 Construction
 Inspection & discard
 Safe use and maintenance
 Storage
7.0 Chain (grade 80 & 100)
 Construction
 Inspection & discard
 Safe use and maintenance
 Storage
8.0 Flat webbing and round synthetic slings
 Construction
 Inspection
 Safe use and maintenance
 Storage
9.0 Fibre/Synthetic rope
 Type
 Uses
 Tie Bowline, Clove Hitch & half hitch
 Inspection and maintenance
10.0 Lifting Accessories
 Safe use & Inspection of Lifting Clamps both Vertical and Screw Type, Hooks, Master Links, Shackles, Eyebolts,
Swivels, Chain Falls, Rope Grips, Lever Hoists, Beam Clamps’
11.0 Video
 Inspection, care and storage of slings

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Rigging Outline (Example)

12.0 Practical exercise

 Load assessment
 Selection and inspection of lifting equipment
 Slinging of load including correct tag line tie off and safe use
 Moving loads in and out of the line of sight of operator
 Correct crane signals

Equipment Resource List for Rigging Courses.

To conduct our on-site training course our minimum resources to conduct the written/practical components
are as follows:
Training Room:
 Clean training room suitable to comfortably sit all course participants;
 Table or tables and chairs to sit all course participants;
 Overhead projector and screen for power point (trainer to supply laptop);
 Whiteboard;
 Portable whiteboard with flip charts;
 Toilet and washing facilities;
 Suitable area to conduct the practical component of the course.
Course Participants to provide:
 Personnel protective equipment to suit on-site rules and procedures;
 Pocket calculator;
 Pen, pencil, eraser and ruler;
 Note paper.
Practical Component:
The rigging practical component will be undertaken on-site at the fabrication dept rigging loft. The tasks will
involve lifting materials and or equipment.
The tasks may be used in conjunction with the site every activities if required.

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Rigging Outline (Example)

 Safety Harness & Lanyard ( 1 per course participant) if applicable;
 Barrier tape (or similar);
 Warning signs ( Rigging Training in Progress);
 12 mm diameter natural Fibre/Polypropylene rope (3.0 m per course participant);
 16/19 mm natural ploy plus rope for tag lines (min of 12 m)
 Gloves.
Rigging (Lifting) Equipment:
 Access to a suitable Crane, (R.T. Hydraulic 45 tonnes capacity min requirement);
 Single-leg sling (to be agreed upon on site if applicable);
 Chain slings ( 2 x legs 5.0m long @10mm 3/8” with shorteners);
 FSWR slings including a 4 legged bride assembly (to be agreed upon on site if applicable);;
 Synthetic webbing slings (if applicable to site conditions and or subject to approval by the Rigging
 Bow shackle’s various sizes to suit tasks;
 Assorted types of certified Lifting Clamps, Sorting Hooks and other related Hardware subject to the
Rigging Superintendent approval.

 Minimum of Suitable loads to be lifted including, pipes at least 5.0m long, loose pipes (scaffolding
tube) & stillage at least 1.0t, unbalanced load at least 1.0t plus other odd shaped loads of various

Please ensure that all equipment is made available prior to course commencement.

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