Tuturial Letter 101 - 2021
Tuturial Letter 101 - 2021
Tuturial Letter 101 - 2021
Civil Procedure
Semesters 1 and 2
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 5
3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 6
4 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Prescribed book ............................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Recommended book(s) ................................................................................................................. 7
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Library services and resources ..................................................................................................... 7
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................ 8
6 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................... 8
7 PRACTICAL WORK / HOW TO STUDY ONLINE ........................................................................ 8
8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 9
8.1 Assessment criteria....................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 Assessment plan .......................................................................................................................... 9
8.3 Assignment numbers .................................................................................................................. 11
8.3.1 General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 11
8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 11
8.4 Assignment due dates ................................................................................................................ 11
8.5 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 11
8.6 Plagiarism ................................................................................................................................... 12
8.8 Other assessment methods ........................................................................................................ 12
9 THE EXAMINATION ................................................................................................................... 12
10 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ....................................................................................... 13
11 SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 13
12 IN CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 13
13 ADDENDUM .............................................................................................................................. 14
14 GLOSSARY / WOORDELYS / LENANEO LA MAREO / IGLOSARI............................................ 27
Dear Student
As part of this tutorial letter, we wish to inform you that Unisa has implemented a transformation
charter based on five pillars and eight dimensions. In response to this charter, we have also
placed curriculum transformation high on the agenda. For your information, curriculum
transformation includes the following pillars: student-centred scholarship, the pedagogical
renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and the
infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. These pillars and their principles will be
integrated at both the programme and module levels, as a phased-in approach. You will notice
the implementation thereof in your modules, and we encourage you to fully embrace these
changes during your studies at Unisa.
Firstly, we would like to warmly welcome you to the module Civil Procedure (CIV3701). We hope
that you will find the module both interesting and stimulating.
This tutorial letter contains important information about this module. We urge you to read it
carefully and to have it available when working through the study material, doing the assignments,
preparing for the examination and addressing questions to your lecturers. Please read Tutorial
Letter 301 together with Tutorial Letter 101, as both contain important information on long-
distance study.
Please note that this module is offered as a blended module. This means that you will need to
use myUnisa to study and complete the learning activities (the assignments) for this module. (Visit
the website for CIV3701 on myUnisa frequently. The module site for this module is CIV3701-21-
S1/S2.) It also means that although some study material may be available in printed format, not
all study material will be available in this format. However, please note that ALL tutorial material
is available on myUnisa, and if for ANY reason a delay occurs in the dispatching or receiving of
study material, or if it is not made available in print, you are required to access such material
online. Consequently, there is no reason why assignments cannot be submitted on the due date,
or why examination preparation cannot be undertaken timeously.
This module requires in-depth learning and concentration; however, as lecturers, we are
privileged to guide you through the module. Civil Procedure is an important module for legal
practice, and focuses on how the South African judicial system resolves civil disputes in the real
world (as opposed to prescribing how people should behave). Therefore, Civil Procedure is not
about studying substantive law: the module focuses on how we enforce rights, and not just what
those rights are. We encourage you not only to study, but to think carefully about the content of
the various study units in the study guide and their practical application in order to develop a
critical understanding of the law of civil procedure.
We would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you receive during the
semester immediately, as they always contain important and, sometimes, urgent information.
1.1 Tutorial matter
The tutorial matter for the Civil Procedure module (CIV3701) comprises the following:
• Additional tutorial letters which you will be able access on myUnisa as they become
available during the year
Please note:
Some of the study material may not be readily available when you register; however, it will be
available on myUnisa. (Go to the website at https://my.unisa.ac.za and log in using your student
number and password. You will see the module site in the row of modules dispatched in the
orange blocks at the top of the webpage. Select the ‘More’ tab if you cannot find the module you
require in the blocks displayed. Then click on the module you want to open.)
We also want to point out that you will not pass the examination without a great deal of
preparation. Start your preparation as soon as possible. The following are useful hints on
preparing for the examination:
• Before commencing with a study unit, get an overview of the whole study unit.
• Having done this, carefully study the whole study unit in conjunction with the sections in the
prescribed handbook as indicated in each study unit. Integrate the compulsory reading
where appropriate.
• Now do the activities and then assess your answers by referring to our feedback.
• Lastly, think about what you have studied in a particular study unit and try to place the
information within the context of the rest of the study guide.
• You will find that you will be able to grasp the information more easily if you make sketches
and diagrams.
Finally, do not feel that you have to study in isolation. You can contact your lecturers by phone or
by e-mail for any questions about your studies. You can also make an appointment if you need
to have a one-on-one consultation with your lecturer.
We hope that you will enjoy this module and we wish you all the best with your studies.
2.2 Outcomes
The main outcomes of this module are designed to assist you to:
• evaluate the law of civil procedure in South Africa in the historical and cultural context in
which the law developed
• demonstrate a well-rounded knowledge base for the law of civil procedure in the Superior
Courts and the lower courts respectively
• exhibit an understanding of the theoretical framework of, and the most pressing and
prevalent issues relating to the general principles of the law of civil procedure, including
reference to alternative methods for resolving civil disputes and jurisdiction in the superior
courts and lower courts in current South African law and everyday life
• display an understanding of the theoretical framework underlying the civil litigation process,
and thereby demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge, skills and competencies to
practical situations arising in the field of civil litigation
• produce candidates with graduate-level knowledge, specific skills and applied competence
In the examination, you will get several theoretical questions (where you will be required to
demonstrate your knowledge of the study content), as well as application questions (to assess
your understanding of and ability to use this knowledge in practice). Apart from such formal
assessment during the examination, you, as a student learning through distance education, have
to constantly evaluate your own progress on the basis of the outcomes stated at the beginning of
each study unit. The activities at the end of each study unit play an important role here.
You are welcome to visit us to discuss any queries or problems. However, please make an
appointment. Our offices are on the 8th floor of the Cas van Vuuren Building, Main Campus,
Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria.
Adv B Ndlazi Cas van Vuuren Building 8-72
Ms M Mothapo Cas van Vuuren Building 8-68
If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this
module, consult Study @ Unisa. This resource contains information on how to
contact the University (e.g. to whom you may write, important telephone and fax
numbers, addresses, and details of the times certain facilities are open).
4.1 Prescribed book
There is one prescribed textbook for this module:
Peté Hulme Du Plessis Civil procedure: a practical guide 3ed (2017) Oxford University
Palmer Sibanda Palmer Press Cape Town
Apart from a reference to the applicable pages of the prescribed textbook, you will find a reference
to the other compulsory reading material (the various sections in legislation and rules of court) at
the beginning of each study unit in the study guide. This (latter) compulsory reading material can
be accessed on the Internet. One such website is www.gov.za (click on “Documents”). Particulars
of additional websites will be made available in other tutorial letters. Various publications that
contain this material are also available, and you can make copies of this material at law libraries.
However, in an attempt to assist you, we will also make available most of this reading material on
myUnisa under “Additional resources”, but you may find it necessary to also access the internet
sources mentioned from time to time.
4.2 Recommended book(s)
If you wish to consult textbooks on civil procedure, the works mentioned under this heading are
your primary resources. We encourage you to consult these works in order to supplement your
knowledge. However, mastering the content of the study guide, supplemented by the compulsory
reading, is sufficient to enable you to answer the questions in the examination. You are not
expected to go further than this for examination purposes.
Van Loggerenberg Erasmus: Superior court practice (2015) 2ed (loose-leaf ed) Juta
Cilliers Loots Nel Herbstein & Van Winsen The civil practice of the high courts of South
Africa (vol 1 & 2) 5ed (2009) Juta
Recommended books can be requested online, via the Library catalogue.
• For research support and services (eg personal librarians and literature search services),
go to https://www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default/Library/Library-services/Research-
• The Library has created numerous Library guides: https://libguides.unisa.ac.za
Recommended guides:
You may also send an e-mail to [email protected] (please add your student number in the
subject line).
5.1 General
For information on the various student support systems and services available, please consult
the brochure Study @ Unisa. This brochure is available on myUnisa:
www.unisa.ac.za/brochures/studies. This website has all the tips and information you need to
succeed at Unisa.
Discussion classes may be presented in certain of the main centres during both semesters.
Particulars of the dates and venues will be furnished in announcements on myUnisa, should these
classes be presented.
Please refer to the brochure Study @ Unisa for general time-management and planning skills.
• All your study material and learning activities for blended and fully online modules
area designed to be delivered online on myUnisa. Although blended modules include
printed material, the module is designed to be delivered online.
• All communication between you and the University happens online. Lecturers will
communicate with you by email and sms, as well as using the Announcements, and the
Discussion Forums. You may also use these ways to ask questions and contact your
Please note: Announcements are regularly placed on myUnisa. Please visit the site often
to keep up to date with the information, especially before the submission of an assignment
or when you are preparing for the examination. Please note that some of the tutorial letters
will ONLY be available online on myUnisa.
• Check for new announcements. You can also set your myLife email account so that you
receive the announcement emails on your cell phone.
• Do the Discussion Forum activities. When you do the activities for each study unit, we
suggest you share your answers with the other students in your group.
8.1 Assessment criteria
Because Civil Procedure is a practice-oriented subject, your approach to studying the subject
contents will necessarily differ from how you approach predominantly theoretical subjects. The
emphasis is on problem solving, and you will be required to solve simplified real-life legal
problems in the formative and summative assessments. Therefore, you will not pass this subject
if you simply memorise the study material – you need to first understand it and must then be able
to apply what you have learned to any given set of facts. This implies that you should be able to,
inter alia, analyse the various jurisdictional principles and understand when each is applicable –
the same applies to the various processes and procedures. You should not study any principle,
process or procedure in isolation, but should study them with a view to understanding how each
one fits into the whole litigation process.
After the submission date for Assignment 02, you are encouraged to start your preparation for the
examination. This entails
(1) studying the whole study guide in depth in order to acquire detailed factual knowledge and
the requisite insight
(2) revising the comments on both Assignments 01 and 02
(3) preparing to write the mock examination paper supplied in the final tutorial letter
When answering a problem-type question, you should analyse and discuss the problem by
applying the applicable legal principles before reaching a conclusion. Note also that a problem-
type question cannot be answered by merely giving a “yes” or “no” answer. No marks will be
awarded in such a case. Here, reasons for an answer should always be provided.
It is recommended that you use the method below, because it will ensure more systematic and
logical answers. Where you are not sure about the conclusion to a specific set of facts, you will
nevertheless earn marks for the way in which you set out the law (provided it was done correctly).
4 Conclusion
Conclude by stating your own opinion and summarising the solution to the problem.
Semester 1
There are two compulsory assignments for this module, namely Assignment 01 and
Assignment 02. Refer to 8.2.1 above.
The submission dates are as follows:
Semester 1
Assignment 01: 19 March 2021
Assignment 02: 23 April 2021
Semester 2
Assignment 01: 20 August 2021
Assignment 02: 30 September 2021
To submit an assignment via myUnisa:
• Go to myUnisa
• Log in with your student number and password
• Select the module
• Click on assignments in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen
• Click on the assignment number you wish to submit
• Follow the instructions
Please note: no extension for submission of the compulsory assignments will be granted to any
8.6 Plagiarism
Although students may work together when preparing assignments, each student must write and
submit his or her own assignment. It is unacceptable for students to submit identical assignments
on the basis that they worked together. That will amount to plagiarism and none of these
assignments will be marked. The University may also institute disciplinary proceedings against
these students.
Plagiarism is the act of taking the words, ideas and thoughts of others and passing them off as
your own. It is a form of theft that involves several dishonest academic activities.
This module is a semester module, which means that if you are registered for the first semester,
you will write examination in May/June 2021 and the supplementary examination in
October/November 2021. If you are registered for the second semester, you will write the
examination in October/November 2021 and the supplementary examination in May/June 2022.
At the end of each semester, you will write an examination for this module. The paper counts
100 marks. This mark will be reduced to 80% of the final mark for the module. The assignment
counts 20%.
The sources consulted are “cited under 4 above”. We have also included the legislation used for
the module in the study guide, which will be made available upon registration.
We hope that you enjoy this module, and we wish you every success with your studies.
You should under no circumstances e-mail your assignment directly to your lecturers.
1. Answer the following questions.
1. This assignment covers study units 6-13; 16 and 22-25 in the Study Guide.
2. This assignment has a tutorial purpose. You need to
• absorb the relevant information in the Study Guide
• integrate this information with the prescribed portions in the textbook
• reduce this information to the essential principle that relates to the given facts
• apply the principle or section to the given facts
3. You may expect questions of a similar kind in the examination.
X has a claim against Z in the amount of R600 000 based on breach of contract which occurred
in Cape Town. X is an incola of Cape Town and Z is an incola of Pretoria. With these facts in
mind, answer the following questions. Give full reasons for your answers.
(a) Explain why it will be inappropriate for X to use an ordinary application to institute
proceedings against Z. (2)
(b) Explain why X can institute proceedings against Z in the Cape Town High Court. (2)
(c) Would your answer to (b) above differ if Z was a foreign peregrinus of the Republic? (4)
(d) Would your answer to (b) above differ if the claim related to the registration of fixed property,
and the property was situated in Johannesburg? (2)
J and T are married to each other and are domiciled in Lesotho. After having been married to
each other for a period of eight years, J wishes to divorce his wife, T. At the time of the institution
of the divorce proceedings, J had been living in Pretoria for ten months while T remained in
Lesotho. With these facts in mind, answer the following questions. Give full reasons for your
(a) Will the Pretoria High Court have jurisdiction to hear the action for divorce? (3)
(b) If J decides to issue summons against T, explain how the summons will be served on T.
B and C are involved in a motor vehicle collision in Durban. B suffers damages to his vehicle in
the amount of R100 000, as well as damages due to bodily injury in the amount of R300 000. C
resides in Benoni, whilst B resides in Cape Town. B issues summons against C. Answer the
following questions.
(a) Name the correct type of summons that B may use to commence the proceedings and give
the reason for your answer. (2)
(b) Will the magistrates’ court situated in Durban have jurisdiction to hear the action instituted
by B against C? Fully explain. (3)
(c) Shortly after C delivers his plea on the merits, B requests C in terms of magistrates’ courts
rule 23 to make discovery of all documents and tape recordings in C’s possession. Explain
fully why C may not do so at this stage. (2)
(d) C successfully defends the case brought by B, and is awarded party-and-party costs. The
attorney-and-client costs between B and his attorney amount to R12 000. The taxed party-
and-party costs amount to R15 000. You are B’s attorney. Fully explain to B whether he is
liable for either, or both, these amounts. (2)
1. Your answer must be completed on a Unisa mark-reading sheet. The unique number must
appear on the cover of your mark-reading sheet.
2. Only one of the statements (i.e. (1)-(4)) is correct. You must therefore choose only one of
the statements in respect of each question.
3. Bear in mind that some of the statements in a given question might be partially correct. You
must, however, select the one which is the most accurate.
Marking of Assignment 02
During the trial, it becomes clear that X concealed certain documents, which were prejudicial to
his case, and lied about their existence. At the end of the trial Y’s advocate argues that in these
circumstances it would be appropriate for the court to make the following costs order –
Indicate the most accurate statement:
(1) De bonis propriis against X.
(2) Party-and-party costs against X.
(3) Attorney-and-client costs against X.
(4) That costs should be costs in the cause.
1. Answer the following questions.
1. This assignment covers study units 8; 11; 15-16 and 28 in the Study Guide.
2. This assignment has a tutorial purpose. You need to
• absorb the relevant information in the Study Guide
• integrate this information with the prescribed portions in the textbook
• reduce this information to the essential principle that relates to the given facts
• apply the principle or section to the given facts
3. You may expect questions of a similar kind in the examination.
(a) X, a photographer, is employed by a local magazine, Disclosures of the Rich and Powerful.
She takes some photographs of a local politician, B, in the act of bribing a police officer at a
nightclub in Pretoria. A close source informs B that some of the photographs of him paying
the police officer will be published on the front page of the newspaper the following day. B
is worried that his wife, a well-respected judge, and his political allies will find the
photographs unacceptable. With these facts in mind, answer the following questions:
(i) Briefly discuss the procedure that B may use to approach the court to prevent
publication of the article and the photographs. (3)
(ii) Name and discuss the order that the court will grant to ensure that the audi alteram
partem principle is adhered to in the event that B is successful with this action.
(iii) Briefly name and discuss the documents that comprise the procedure identified in (i)
above (3)
(b) X has a claim against Z in the amount of R600 000 for personal injuries suffered as a result
of Z’s unprovoked attack on him in Pretoria. X is an incola of Pretoria, and Z is an incola
of Johannesburg. Answer the following questions, giving full reasons for your answers.
(i) Fully explain why the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, would have jurisdiction to
hear the claim. (2)
(ii) Fully explain the type of summons that X would employ to institute the claim against Z.
(iii) Fully explain whether your answer to (i) above would differ if Z was a peregrinus of the
Republic, and owner of a Lamborghini which he kept in a garage in Johannesburg?
A drives through a red traffic light and collides with B’s motor vehicle. B suffers damages in the
amount of R420 000. B lives and works in Johannesburg. A lives in Pretoria. B wishes to issue a
summons against A in the magistrates’ court for damages suffered.
(a) Explain whether any regional magistrates’ court be competent to exercise jurisdiction? (3)
(b) Assume on the same facts that A owes B an amount of R20 000 for services rendered by B
to A, the amount which A admits. Will your answer in (a) above differ? Explain. (2)
N institutes proceedings in a magistrates’ court against Y. The magistrate grants judgment against
Y. Y is dissatisfied and takes the matter on appeal. On the basis of these facts, answer the
following questions.
(a) Must Y apply for leave to appeal to a High Court? Explain. (1)
(b) How many judges must hear the appeal? (1)
(c) Name the three types of judgments which may be appealed against in the magistrates
courts, as set out in section 83 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act, 1944. (3)
1. Your answer must be completed on a Unisa mark-reading sheet. The unique number must
appear on the cover of your mark-reading sheet.
2. Only one of the statements (i.e. (1)-(4)) is correct. You must therefore choose only one of
the statements in respect of each question.
3. Bear in mind that some of the statements in a given question might be partially correct. You
must, however, select the one which is the most accurate.
Marking of Assignment 02
D, who lives in Gauteng, wishes to divorce her husband, F. F lives in a caravan and drifts around
the KwaZulu-Natal south coast where he works as a handyman, doing repairs to holiday homes.
D does not know his exact whereabouts. The summons must be served on F by way of—
(1) Substituted service.
(2) Normal service.
(3) Edictal citation.
(4) A combination of substituted service and edictal citation.
Abandonment (of portion Afstanddoening (van `n Tlhokomologo (ya karolo Ukuyekwa (kwengxenye
of claim) gedeelte van `n eis) ya kleimi) yesicelo-nkokhelo)
Absolution from the Absolusie van die Tokollo molatong wo Ukuchithwa kwecala
instance instansie itšeng
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
kokuqulwa kwecala
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
Return of service Relaas van betekening Bohlatse bja tirelo Umbiko obhalwe phansi
ovela kusherifu
(isikhonzi senkantolo)
obonisa ukuthi
amaphepha enkantolo
wawahambisa nini,
kuphi futhi kanjani
kumuntu othintekayo
Review Hersiening Tshekatsheko Ukubukezwa
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
esikhundleni saleyo
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu
English Afrikaans NSotho IsiZulu