Turning Data Into Answers: Security and IT Technology To Advance and Protect Your Organization

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Turning Data Into Answers

Security and IT technology to advance and protect your organization

Innovation is a funny thing (in a cosmic sort of way).
While it’s driving your business forward, it can also expose it to new risks. Vulnerabilities increase,
threat vectors get larger, and operating a high-performing IT infrastructure gets harder. In order for
security and IT professionals to ensure our organizations are benefiting from the latest connected
technologies while protected from the risks they introduce, all they have to do make sense of this
lil’ ol’ paradox. If only it were that simple.

Well, with Rapid7, it kind of is. Our products make your data more productive, unlocking answers
you can use to remediate vulnerabilities, detect breaches, enhance IT operations, and more. How?
They collect operational data from across your entire ecosystem - logs, endpoints, everything
- then apply real-time analytics powered by an unmatched understanding of attackers and IT
operations. It’s a process that transforms your data into insight, prioritizes it based on your business
objectives, and helps coordinate workflow to resolve the problem. In other words, we get the
right answers to the right people at the right time, so you’re always ready to detect and remediate
attacks while eliminating obstacles to IT productivity.

We offer a suite of solutions to help you securely develop, operate, and manage your applications
and services:

Nexpose | Vulnerability Management

Metasploit | Penetration Testing
AppSpider | Application Security
InsightIDR | User Behavior Analytics & SIEM
InsightOps | Log Management & IT Ops
Rapid7 Managed | Professionally Managed Services
Rapid7 Consulting | Consulting & Advisory Services
Get enterprise-class
protection with up-
to-date scans for over
75,000 vulnerabilities
and 185,000 checks
across your network.
Act at the Moment of Impact

Reduce today’s risks today with live vulnerability management

Vulnerabilities pop up every day. To be ready to act as soon as they do, you need constant and real-time intelligence. Nexpose provides
up-to-the-minute insights to help you discover, locate, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities—and confirm your exposure has been reduced.

Live in the now Think like an attacker

Nexpose transforms your data into a live action plan, moving you Nexpose prioritizes vulnerabilities based on what will be exploited
beyond the trap of passive scanning and CVSS-only scoring. first, so you can avoid the list of stale alerts.

Know the score Get the job done

Nexpose Liveboards, not dashboards, immediately show whether Nexpose gives IT the context they need and helps manage and
you’re winning or losing. analyze progress.

Get a real-time view of your risk

How stale is your data? A few days? A few weeks? With Nexpose, you’ll never act on intel older than a few seconds. Nexpose collects and analyzes data
in real-time, giving you a live view of your risk, 24/7.

See vulnerabilities as they happen Adapt to your changing environment

Gather fresh data and automatically assess for change and exposures, Automatically detect and scan new devices as they enter your
reducing remediation to a matter of minutes. network and identify which have critical vulnerabilities as soon as
they’re released.
Escape the ‘scan and wait’ trap
Scale from one to one million
Benefit from Live Monitoring of exposures, whether using Adaptive
Security or Rapid7 Agents (Beta). Easily manage any size vulnerability management program with
distributed architecture and advanced discovery capabilities
Implement secure configurations (including integration with VMware and DHCP) from Nexpose. We’ll
Harden your systems based on industry best practices like CIS and even set everything up for you.
Analytics that think like an attacker
Vulnerabilities are not all equal. Knowing which ones are most threatening requires fresh data and more than a list of old scan alerts with CVSS scores. You
need an ever-present action plan customized to your business.

Advanced Exposure Analytics Close the vulnerability loop and confirm the fix was made
Nexpose translates decades of attacker knowledge into a proven Integrate Nexpose with Metasploit, the most widely used penetration
analytics library. Fueled by fresh data, Nexpose spots change as it testing framework in the world, for real-time validation of which
happens and automatically prioritizes where to look, so you act systems are exposed and which controls are working.
confidently and quickly.

Tap into innovative research

Risk scores without the wait
Access Rapid7’s Project Sonar research to understand what external
CVSS doesn’t change. Attackers do. Nexpose is the only scanner that network doors you’re missing and subscribe to our threat feeds to
looks at exploit exposure, malware availability, and age to prioritize quickly scan for and address dangerous new vulnerabilities.
vulnerabilities as an attacker would.

Know the score, from compliance Make IT your best friend and
to progress boost productivity
Nexpose Liveboards transform your exposure management data into Sending stale alerts to IT and hoping things get done usually leads to
detailed visualizations so you can focus resources and easily share each friction between teams and no improvement to security. Nexpose
action across your organization. Remediation Workflow converts vulnerability data into action, helping
you integrate with the people, teams, and technology that get the job
Liveboards, not just dashboards done.

Unlike static dashboards, Nexpose Liveboards show your risk in real-time,
Show what to fix and why
using live data and accessible analytics to help you visualize, prioritize,
assign, and fix your exposures. Nexpose helps prioritize remediation based on likelihood of use in an
attack, so if you can only fix 10 things today, you know you’re fixing the
Simplify compliance and reporting right things.

Show auditors how your environment has changed over time,

Play well with others
demonstrating compliance with PCI DSS, NERC CIP, FISMA (USGCB/
FDCC), HIPAA/HITECH, Top 20 CSC, DISA STIGS, and CIS standards for Only Nexpose integrates with 50+ leading technologies to amplify the
risk, vulnerability, and configuration management. other solutions in your stack. And with the Nexpose open API, your
existing data can make your other tools even more valuable, too.

Get your assets in order

Tag assets by location and ownership to easily see who owns what. Mark
the assets that matter most to your company as critical to automatically
increase their risk score and put them atop your remediation reports.
Put Your Defenses to the Test

Know your weak points

Attackers are always developing new exploits and attack methods—Metasploit penetration testing
software helps you use their own weapons against them. Utilizing an ever-growing database of exploits,
you can safely simulate real-world attacks on your network to train your security team to spot and stop
the real thing. Tables? Turned.

Don’t miss a thing with the world’s largest exploit database

Leading the Metasploit open-source project gives Rapid7 unique insights into the latest attacker
methods and mindset. Rapid7 works with the user community to add an average of one new exploit per
day, currently counting more than 1,300 exploits and more than 2,000 modules.

Simulate attacks to help your defense get real

Metasploit simulates complex attacks against your systems and users so you can see what a bad guy
would do in a real attack and then prioritize the biggest security risks.

Uncover weak and reused credentials

Watch out, admin:password. Metasploit tests your network for weak and reused passwords. Going
beyond just cracking operating system accounts, Metasploit can run brute-force attacks against over 20
account types, including databases, web servers, and remote administration solutions.

“What really pushed us over the top were the

phishing capabilities that Metasploit includes...
That was the real business driver for us.”
–Tim Pospisil, IT Security Supervisor Nebraska Public Power District
Prioritize what matters most
Finding your weak points is only half the battle. After all, what good is knowing your vulnerabilities
if you don’t do anything to fix them? Metasploit pinpoints the weak links in the attack chain and
validates and prioritizes vulnerabilities seamlessly with Nexpose closed-loop integration, so you
always know which risks to focus on first.

Pinpoint weak links in the attack chain

Attacks are more sophisticated today; the adversary is using multiple techniques combined to
breach your systems faster than ever. With Metasploit, you can simulate attacks like the adversary
and easily report the biggest security risks.

Know where to focus first

When other departments question the validity of scan results, demonstrate that a vulnerability
puts systems and data at risk of compromise. You’ll get quick buy-in for remediation measures and
build credibility with stakeholders. Metasploit and Nexpose provide the only closed-loop validation
solution from a single vendor that simplifies vulnerability prioritization and remediation reporting.

Improve your outcomes

Don’t worry, you’ve got plenty of time...said no one ever. Metasploit allows you to accelerate
improvement by running penetration tests at scale and completing compliance programs faster. In Metasploit evades
addition, you can simulate phishing campaigns while improving security awareness by redirecting
users to training after they take a dangerous action. leading anti-virus
Run penetration testing programs at scale solutions 90% of
Conducting an assessment and managing data in networks with over 100 hosts can be challenging.
Metasploit scales to support thousands of hosts per project on engagements and multiple the time, and adds
simultaneous penetration testers. Automate penetration testing steps with task chains and
MetaModules to improve productivity. an average of 1 new
Put your users to the test exploit each day.
Send and track emails to thousands of users with Metasploit Pro scalable phishing campaigns. Clone
web application login pages with one click to harvest credentials. Measure conversion rates at each
step in the phishing campaign funnel. When users take a dangerous action, they can be redirected
to a training site on the spot.

Complete compliance programs faster

Generate reports to show your findings and sort them by regulations such as PCI DSS and FISMA.
Verify that remediations or compensating controls implemented to protect systems are operational
and effective. Create vulnerability exceptions based on hard evidence that easily pass your
next audit. Automatically record actions and findings from your network and application-layer
assessment to save valuable time otherwise spent on cutting and pasting.
Application Security for the Modern World

SPAs, APIs, mobile—the evolution of application technology is measured in months, not years. Is your application security tool designed to keep up?
AppSpider crawls to the deepest, darkest corners of even the most modern and complex apps to effectively test for risk and get you the insight you need
to remediate faster.

Keep pace with the application Know where to focus first

evolution AppSpider includes interactive actionable reports that prioritize the
highest risk and streamline remediation efforts by enabling users to
From Single Page Applications to mobile apps, even today’s most modern quickly get to and analyze the data that matters most.
apps are no match for AppSpider. Equipped with (what we endearingly
call) the Universal Translator, AppSpider collects all the information Sifting through pages and pages of vulnerabilities in a PDF report takes
needed to crawl, interpret, and test all the apps so you aren’t left with too much time. AppSpider reports behave like web pages with great
gaping application risks. Bonus: AppSpider users dramatically reduce organization and links for deeper analysis. Analysis is easy because
manual testing times and the app scan legacy of false positives/negatives. findings are organized and consolidated by attack types (XSS, SQLi, etc.)
and with one click, you can drill deep into a vulnerability to get more
With AppSpider, you can: information. AppSpider’s sophisticated reports reduce remediation time
• Close the coverage gap and streamline communication with developers.
• Intelligently simulate real world attacks
• Continuously monitor your applications With AppSpider, you can:
• Stay authenticated for deep assessment • Conduct deeper analysis with interactive reports
• Quickly re-play web attacks
• Categorize applications for easy reporting

Web application attacks are the most common attack pattern,

representing 40% of all breaches.
–2016 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report
Improve your position
In order to improve your overall security posture, you need a high-level view of your application security program that
enables you to see where things stand. AppSpider enables centralized control, automation, and interoperability over all
aspects of an enterprise web application security program, including continuous scanning configuration, user permissions,
scheduling, and monitoring. In addition, AppSpider includes trends and analysis data to help collaborate with all stakeholders
to ensure your security posture is improving.

Time is critical when remediating vulnerabilities. Using innovative automated rule generation, AppSpider’s defensive
capabilities help security professionals with patching web application vulnerabilities almost immediately—in a matter of
minutes, instead of days or weeks. Without the need to build a custom rule for a web application firewall (WAF) or intrusion
prevention system (IPS), or the need to deliver a source code patch, our software allows you the time to identify the root
cause of the problem and fix it in the code.

With AppSpider, you can:

• Manage and control application security programs
• Automate targeted virtual patching
• Meet compliance requirements
• Integrate into your DevOps workflow


Keeping up with industry best practices and

legal and regulatory compliance issues is no
easy task. AppSpider helps your team quickly
see gaps in compliance and well known best
practices including PCI, FISMA, SOX, HIPAA,
GLBA, OWASP, and more.
From Compromise to Containment. Fast.

Say goodbye to sleepless nights and the sinking feeling that the bad guys are still inside your environment. InsightIDR is the only fully
integrated detection and investigation solution that lets you identify a compromise as it occurs and complete an investigation before
things get out of control.

Cut through the noise to detect attacks

Getting too many worthless alerts? Rapid7 InsightIDR leverages attacker analytics to detect intruder activity, cutting down false
positives and days’ worth of work for your security professionals. It hunts for actions indicative of compromised credentials, spots lateral
movement across assets, detects malware, and sets traps for intruders.

Adapt to evolving threats Trip intruders with deception

InsightIDR leverages machine learning, allowing the solution to InsightIDR makes it easy to set traps to detect intruders when
continuously evolve, as attacker behaviors do. they initially explore the network, before they do damage.

Expose attackers’ hiding spots Eliminate alert fatigue

InsightIDR monitors and tracks to detect local account abuses, InsightIDR’s intruder analytics, based on years of learnings from
malicious processes, and log manipulations. our incident response, penetration testing, and Metasploit teams,
quickly discern likely attacker behavior.

33% of all 62% of 90% of

reported incidents organizations are organizations are
take more than a receiving more worried about
month and up to alerts than they attacks using
a year to discover. can handle* compromised
*Data from the Rapid7 2015 Incident Detection and Response Survey
Investigate incidents faster End the drudgery of security
Before an investigation even begins, InsightIDR devours data from across data management
the network and attributes events to the specific user and asset involved.
InsightIDR is a single solution with vast data coverage and visibility.
This allows security professionals to quickly look throughout the entire
Unlike most SIEMs and technologies designed primarily for compliance,
environment for all evidence of a discovered compromise.
InsightIDR extends data collection and detection to endpoints, as well as
popular cloud applications.
Find missing puzzle pieces with notable behaviors
InsightIDR generates a timeline of notable events, empowering security Get value in days, not weeks or months
teams to dig deeply to validate an incident.
There’s no need to wait weeks to get your security data and analytics
platform set up. InsightIDR’s cloud-based solution connects with your
Pull endpoint data into context without user disruption
internal data sources, reducing the time and effort to set up and maintain
InsightIDR enables you to pull contextual endpoint data on-demand the tasks of collecting, updating, and managing data sets.
without disrupting a user’s work—even while the user is traveling and not
on the company network. View security data in a single, correlated context
InsightIDR brings together asset, user, and behavioral data into a single
Determine the scope of an attack
view, keeping analysts from jumping between tools, saving them time,
Attackers rarely pick one spot. InsightIDR’s advanced search enables and helping to analyze incidents faster.
security analysts to pivot from validating an incident to quickly
determining its scope, so they are poised to contain it quickly. Check the compliance box
PCI DSS requires that you log all events, review security alerts, and
document the results of security investigations. InsightIDR fulfills all of
these requirements without requiring a SIEM.

Gain comprehensive visibility across the network.

InsightIDR provides security teams with immediate visibility across the
network and into potential compromises, without waiting for the security
team to write and validate complex rules.

“[With InsightIDR] all of the information

I need to understand and solve a
problem is at my fingertips.”
–Jordan Schroeder, Security Architect, Visier
Combined Endpoint Visibility and
Log Analytics for Operational Control

Physical servers. Virtual machines. Network appliances. Personal devices. Employees doing, well, whatever they can get away with on your network.
Monitoring the modern infrastructure is more painful by the minute. And that collection of single-function tools you’ve got for individual tasks like managing
logs, tracking assets, and monitoring endpoints? Not making things easier. But InsightOps is.

InsightOps combines endpoint visibility with log analytics to help you gain immediate visibility across every endpoint on your network and seamlessly
perform root cause analysis with related log data, all from one master console. It’s total infrastructure awareness.

Endpoint visibility Log centralization and analysis

How easily can you see every endpoint on your network with up-to- With InsightOps, you can easily centralize logs from across your entire
the-minute accuracy? With InsightOps, you gain visibility across every infrastructure for troubleshooting, monitoring, visualizing, alerting, and
endpoint on your network within seconds, including insight into each maintaining compliance requirements. InsightOps also makes it easy to
endpoint’s status, location, resource utilization metrics, and more. track system metrics like CPU, Memory, Disk I/O, and more.

Asset management Maintaining compliance

With Endpoint Interrogator, you can question your endpoints and receive Many compliance requirements call for the secure centralization of log
immediate answers. Get an up-to-the-minute list of applications running data for regular viewing and reporting. InsightOps has you covered. Even
on endpoints, identify the laptop generating a suspicious amount of traffic, better? InsightOps also dramatically simplifies the process of reviewing
list all users logged into a particular workstation, see all out-of-compliance log data on a regular basis and receiving notifications of suspicious or
software running on your network, and more. anomalous activity. And with ad-hoc and scheduled reports, you’ll always
have the records needed for auditing purposes. Need to monitor for out-
Infrastructure monitoring of-compliance software? Use InsightOps Endpoint Interrogator to find
unapproved software with up-to-the-minute accuracy.
InsightOps simplifies IT infrastructure monitoring and troubleshooting by
centralizing data from across your network into one secure location. By
Up-to-the-minute accuracy
bringing together endpoint visibility and log analytics, it makes it easier to
identify an issue’s root, too. Identify endpoints meeting specific criteria, Old data leads to outdated assumptions and wasted time. Thanks to
then switch to log view for an in-depth record of events. Or start by InsightOps’ preprocessing engine and Endpoint Interrogator, you always
searching logs for known issues, then switch to the Endpoint Interrogator work with live data for up-to-the-minute accuracy.
to identify related endpoints.
Automatic enrichment
Unstructured data without context? You’re just spinning your wheels. InsightOps automatically
enriches live data into one consistent structure for easy analysis, which means you’ll get better
answers with less effort.

Logs and endpoints, together at last

Centralize Log data provides a historical record of events taking place across your infrastructure. But
live data from what about live activity on your endpoints? InsightOps combines endpoint visibility with
across your log analytics to provide unparalleled access to the data you need for total infrastructure
infrastructure awareness.

Visual Search
When it comes to troubleshooting, knowing where to start isn’t always easy. InsightOps Visual
Search automatically visualizes top trends appearing in your data. Just click to drill in and out of
datasets to identify trends and anomalies related to an issue—usually good places to start your

Quick and simple setup

Search and Ask Ready to start focusing on what matters? We make it easy to get started. Unlike most IT tools,
questions of InsightOps is a hosted service, requiring minimal setup and no maintenance. In fact, you can
your logs and start using it today without a credit card or dedicated servers for hosting.

Find answers to
IT issues, fast
Rapid7 Managed Our experts. Our technology.
Your environment.

Limited staff. Limited budget. Soaring security and compliance demands. The “Do More with Less” imperative spares no security
team, from small business to enterprise organization. But with Rapid7 Managed, finding the time, talent, and technology to evolve
your security program isn’t your responsibility—it’s ours. Armed with cutting-edge Rapid7 tools and solutions, our very own security
specialists will hunt the vulnerabilities and attackers putting your business at risk and show you where to focus, what to fix, and how
to do it all, fast. The only thing you have to do is tell us where it hurts. We’ll take it from there.

Managed Detection and Response Managed Application Security

To outpace a skilled attacker, you need an army of cyber guardians Configuring, scheduling, scanning. Verifying. Business logic and
on your side—and we know just where to find one. Rapid7 Managed penetration testing. As web apps get better, your job gets harder.
Detection and Response pairs our industry experts with our industry- So much for technology making life easier, huh? Don’t worry, we’ve
leading incident detection and user behavior analytics technology got you. With Rapid7 Managed Application Security, our app experts
– InsightIDR – to hunt and monitor attackers in your environment will take over your entire program – from scan management and
with unparalleled success. And if attackers are found, we’ll analyze validation to pen testing and business logic – using AppSpider, our
the incident and work closely with you to create a remediation plan deep-crawling dynamic app security testing solution. So you can
tailored to your organization. Whatever happens, you’re covered—all own your app security, without actually owning a thing.
without bringing on your own full-time coverage.

Managed Vulnerability Management

Forget the spreadsheets and scanning interfaces. In fact, you can
forget about your vulnerability management program altogether—
with Rapid7 Managed Vulnerability Management, our well-seasoned
specialists will handle it for you. Leveraging Nexpose, our award-
winning vulnerability management software, we’ll monitor your
network in real-time to uncover vulnerabilities as soon as they pop
up, prioritize them based on our proprietary risk scores, and provide
a remediation workflow that makes IT happy to help.
Rapid7 Consulting Expert support and guidance to
accelerate your security improvement

Whether you’re lacking the resources or just the patience, there’s no shame in asking for a little help to shore up your security. Rapid7 Consulting
offers up the support and guidance of industry leaders and security specialists to help you accelerate your security improvement via cutting-edge
methodologies and risk prioritization.

Advisory Services Incident Response Services

Overwhelmed. Understaffed. Unprotected. Sound familiar? Don’t Death. Taxes. Incident response. Yup—it’s come to that. Make
sweat it! Many security teams can’t free up the time and resources sure you’re ready with Rapid7 Incident Response Services. Our
necessary to analyze their security program, or uncover the insight team of IR experts can help you build a response plan from the
they need to improve it. That’s why we’re here. Rapid7 Advisory ground up, create a roadmap for improving your existing plan,
Services can help you not only get unstuck, but move forward with or, for teams short on IR resources, work with you through every
confidence. Our Advisory Services were designed with your realities stage of response – from analysis and detection to containment,
in mind, built to help you prioritize your security initiatives, and remediation, and cleanup – to accelerate your investigation and
ensure your program meets compliance, exceeds best practices, and containment.
is aligned with your organization’s risk appetite and business goals.
IoT Security Services
Penetration Testing Services
Smart cars. Smart medical implants. Smart… toilet paper holders?
Your parents. A judge. A trained team of security professionals. It’s clear: As the IoT grows, the need to secure it grows at pace.
Depending on who’s presenting the findings, a ruthless report And Rapid7 can help. Whether you’re creating a new IoT product
on your many weaknesses can actually be a good thing. Take our or deploying an IoT solution, our IoT Security Services provide
Penetration Testing Services, for instance. Using Metasploit – the experienced and skilled consultants to help you identify risk and
world’s most used penetration testing software – our practiced, vulnerabilities and apply solutions to mitigate security issues across
perceptive pen testers will simulate a real-world attack on the entire IoT ecosystem.
your networks, applications, devices, and/or people to uncover
weaknesses from the perspective of a motivated attacker to show Product Training and Deployment Services
you what areas of your security program could use a little love.
Prefer to do things in-house? More power to you—literally.
Rapid7 has skilled resources ready to help you get the most out
of your product investments. Whether you need product training,
deployment assistance, help running the software, technical
support, or expert guidance on your overall security program,
we’re here to help.
About Rapid7
With Rapid7, technology professionals gain the clarity, command, and confidence to safely drive innovation and protect against
risk. We make it simple to collect operational data across systems, eliminating blind spots and unlocking the information required
to securely develop, operate, and manage today’s sophisticated applications and services. Our analytics and science transform
your data into key insights so you can quickly predict, deter, detect, and remediate attacks and obstacles to productivity. Armed
with Rapid7, technology professionals finally gain the insights needed to safely move their business forward. Rapid7 is trusted by
more than 5,800 organizations across over 110 countries, including 37% of the Fortune 1000. To learn more about Rapid7 or get
involved in our threat research, visit www.rapid7.com.

Contact Us
North America: 866.7.RAPID7 | [email protected]
EMEA: +44.1183.703500 | [email protected]
APAC: +65.6801.0550 | [email protected]
Rapid7 creates innovative and progressive solutions that help our customers confidently get their jobs done. As such, the development, release, and timing of any product features or
functionality described remains at our discretion in order to ensure our customers the excellent experience they deserve and is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any
functionality. In addition, this information is intended to outline our general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision.

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