Quadratic Equations: FSC Chapter 4

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Quadratic Equations

Fsc chapter 4

A quadratic equation in x is an equation that can be written in the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0; where
a, b and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
Another name for a quadratic equation in x is 2nd Degree Polynomial in x. The following
equations are the quadratic equations:
i) x 2 - 7x + 10 = 0; a = 1, b = -7, c = 10
ii) 6x 2 + x - 15 = 0; a = 6, b = 1, c = -15
iii) 4x 2 + 5x + 3 = 0; a = 4, b = 5, c = 3
iv) 3x 2 - x = 0; a = 3, b = -1, c = 0
v) x 2 = 4; a = 1, b = 0, c = -4
1.1 Methods for Solving Quadratic Equation:
There are three basic techniques for solving a quadratic equation:
i) By factorization.
ii) By completing squares, extracting square roots.
iii) By applying the quadratic formula.

By Factorization:
 Inmath, factorization is when you break a number down into smaller numbers that, multiplied
together, give you that original number. When you split a number into its factors or divisors,
that's factorization

X 2 - 7x + 10 = 0 ⇒ (x - 2) (x - 5) = 0
∴ Either x - 2 = 0 ⇒ x = 2
Or x - 5 = 0 ⇒ x = 5
∴ the given equation has two solutions: 2 and 5
∴ Solution set = {2, 5}

4x 2 + 20 x +25

here first and last term are perfect square so we will use an identity of
a2 +2ab +b2 = ( a+b)2
(2x) 2 + 2 (2x)(5) +(5) 2

=(2x + 5) 2

Factors are (2x +5)(2x +5)

By completing squares, extracting square roots.

Sometimes, the quadratic polynomials are not easily factorable. For example, consider x 2 + 4x -
437 = 0.
It is difficult to make factors of x 2 + 4x - 437. In such a case the factorization and hence the
solution of quadratic equation can be found by the method of completing the square and
extracting square roots.


x2-2x (1) =899
X2- 2(x) (1) + (1)@2=899+ (1)@2
(X-1)= +-30
Hence solution set {-29, 30}

By applying the quadratic formula

Again there are some quadratic polynomials which are not factorable at all using integral
coefficient. In such a case we can always find the solution of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c = 0
by applying a formula known as quadratic formula. This formula is applicable for every
quadratic equation.

−b ± √ b2−4 ac

System of Two Equations Involving Two Variables

Case I: One Linear Equation and one Quadratic Equation
If one of the equations is linear, we can find the value of one variable in terms of the other
variable from linear equation. Substituting this value of one variable in the quadratic equation,
we can solve it.
x + y = 7 and x2- xy + y2= 13


x + y = 7 ⇒ x = 7 - y (i)
Substituting the value of x in the equation x2- xy + y2= 13 we have;
⇒ (7 - y) 2- y (7 - y) + y2 = 13
⇒ 3y2-21y+36=0
⇒ (y-3) (y-4) =0
⇒ Y=3, y=4

Case II: Both the Equations are Quadratic in two Variables The equations in
this case are classified as:
i) Both the equations contain only x 2 and y 2 terms.
ii) One of the equations is homogeneous in x and y.
iii) Both the equations are non-homogeneous.

Problems on Quadratic Equations

iv) We shall now proceed to solve the problems which, when expressed symbolically,
lead to quadratic equations in one or two variables. In order to solve such problems,
we must:
v) 1) Suppose the unknown quantities to be x or y etc.
vi) 2) Translate the problem into symbols and form the equations satisfying the given
vii) 3) Both the equations contain only x2 and y2 terms
viii) Both equations have no xy term and coefficients of x 2 and y 2 are equal.


The basic idea of Integral calculus is finding the area under a curve. To find it exactly, we can
divide the area into infinite rectangles of infinitely small width and sum their areas—calculus is
great for working with infinite things! This idea is actually quite rich, and it's also tightly related
to Differential calculus.
Suppose your friend gives you a wooden stick. He asks you to break it. Can you do so? Yes, it will
be very easy for you to do so. But what will happen if he gives you five to six sticks to break? It will
not be that easy to break it. As the number of sticks increases it is difficult to break them. The process
of uniting things is an integration of things. Similarly, in mathematics too, we have an integration of
two functions. Integration is like drop by drop addition of water in a container. Let us get ourselves
familiar with the concepts of integrations.
In differentiation, we studied that if a function f is differentiable in an interval say, I, then we get a
set of a family of values of the functions in that interval. Is there any way by which we can get to
know about the function if the values of the function within an interval are known?
This process is the reverse of finding a derivative. Integrations are the anti-derivatives. Integrations
are the way of adding the parts to find the whole. Integration is the whole pizza and the slices are
the differentiable functions which can be integrated. If f(x) is any function and f′(x) is its
derivatives. The integration of f′(x) with respect to dx is given as
∫ f′(x) dx = f(x) + C

Notation Meaning

∫ f(x) dx Integral of f with respect to x

f(x) in ∫ f(x) dx Integrand

x in ∫ f(x) dx Variable of integration

dx in ∫ f(x) dx Differentiation goes in the x direction

C Constant of Integration

The process of differentiation and integration are inverses of each other.

Proof: Let F be an anti-derivative of f, i.e., d⁄dx F(x) = f(x)

Then ∫ f(x) dx = F(x) + C

Therefore, d⁄dx ∫ f(x) dx = d⁄dx [F(x) + C] = d ⁄ dx F(x) = f(x). Similarly,

f′(x) = d⁄dx f(x) and hence ∫ f′(x) dx = f(x) + C. C is the constant of integration
Example 1: Solve ∫ (x5 – 1) ⁄ x2 dx.

Solution: ∫(x5 – 1) ⁄ x2 dx

= ∫x3 dx – ∫x–2 dx

= x 3+1 ⁄ (3 + 1) + C1 – (x–2+1 ⁄ (–2 + 1)) + C2

or, ∫ (x5 – 1) ⁄ x2 dx = x4 ⁄ 4 + 1⁄x + C1 + C2 

= x4 ⁄ 4 + 1⁄x + C where, C = C1 + C2

Example 2: Solve ∫ (cos x – sin x) dx.

Solution: ∫ (cos x – sin x) dx

= ∫ cos x dx – ∫ sinx dx

= sin x – (– cos x) + C

= sin x + cos x + C.

In each section we assumed to apply a certain technique according to the section. There will
often be times when you don't know which method to apply at first, so we will summarize a
strategy for tackling on any integral.
Simplify the integrand as much as possible. Sometimes a daunting integral can be made to be
extremely simple with some algebraic simplification. For example, consider integrating the
x+2 (x +1)+1
f(x) = x+1 integrating this example isn't particularly hard, however, notice that f(x) = (x+1)
=1 x+1 .

Look for an easy u-substitution. U-substitution is probably one of the easier techniques to apply,
so it is definitely a first choice if it is easy to apply. For example, integrating the function f(x) =
x +1
can be tackled on more easily by making the substitution u=x2+1 so that du=2xdx.
x 2+1
If the function is a product of two functions and if one of the functions when differentiated gets
"simpler", then attempt the technique of integration by parts.
Recognize any indicators to utilize other integration tricks. If the function is a product of cosine,
sine, etc…, then applying advanced trigonometric integration techniques will be useful. If the
function is a product where one term differentiated multiple times goes to zero, then tabular
integration might be useful. If a function contains a radical, then trigonometric substitution might
be recommended. Lastly, if the function is a quotient of two polynomials, then integration by
partial fractions might work. Sometimes it may be necessary to use multiple methods to evaluate
an integral.
If none of the earlier steps lead you anywhere, then attempt a method of integration that you
assume is most likely to work. It is important to note however, that some functions are note
integrable, so don't get down if you can't integrate what isn't even integrable!

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