Questions The Silent Way Suggestopedia Community Lang Learning Total Physical Response

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Questions The Silent Way Suggestopedia Community Lang Learning Total Physical Response

cognitive approach (shares

Based on Affective- humanistic Counselling-learning approach.
certain principles)
approaches approach İnfluenced by humanistic pyschology
Students should be able to use
the language for self-expression- their students enjoy their experience
to express their thought,views, Teachers hope to accelerate
Students learn how to use target in learning to communicate in a
feelings etc. Students need to the process by which
The goals of language communicately. Students foreign lang. TPRM purposes to
develop indepedence from the students learn to use a
the teachers should learn about their own learning in reduce the stress people feel when
teacher to develop their inner foreign language for eveyday
order to take responsibility. studying foreign lang and to
own criteria for correctness. communication
encourage students to persist in their
language studies.
The teacher is a technician or
The role of the The teacher is primarily that of
engineer. The teacher is authority in The teacher is the director of all
teachers counselor but not therapist.
the classroom student behavior.
The role of students is to make once the students trust the Learner become members of community
sense of what they know, to free teacher, they can feel more and learn interacting with members of
The role of themselves of any obstacles secure. İf they feel secure, community. The learners are vey The students are imitators of
the student they can be more dependent upon the teacher. Learners teacher's nonverbal model.
spontaneous and less continue to study in order to become
inhibited. increasingly independent.

The teacher initiates

interactions with whole The nature of student-teacher The teacher interacts with whole
The nature of
for much of the student- teacher group of students and with interaction in CLLM changes within the group of students and with individual
interaction, the teacher is silent individuals right from lesson over time. Sometimes the students. Initially the interaction is
but he is still active. Student- beginning of a lang course. students are assertive when they are characterized by the teacher speaking
interaction and
student verbal interaction is The students can only having a conversation. At these times, and the students responding
desirable. They can learn from respond nonverbally then The teacher faciliates their ability to nonverbally. Later on the students
one another. they have more control of express themselves in the target lang. become more verbal and teacher
target lang. And can respond teacher-student-centered. responds nonverbally
more appropriately.
Questions The Silent Way Suggestopedia Community Lang Learning Total Physical Response
the sound is basic to any lang.
What areas of Pronunciation is worked on from Grammar points,pronunciation patterns,
language is beginning. Focus on the vocabulary is emphasized and vocabulary are worked with, based Vocabulary and grammatical
emphasized? structures of lang. on the lang the students have generated structures are emphasized over other
language areas.
All four skills are worked on
What Speaking communicately is
from the beginning of the course
language emphasized. Student also The spoken language is emphasized
skills are read in the target lan.( over written language.
emphasized? dialogs) and write(
imaginative compositions)
Meaning is made clear by
focussing the student's
The role of perceptions, not by translations. L1 translation is used to the purpose of using the L1 is to provide TPR is usually introduced in the
students's L1 might be used during the make the meaning of the a bridge from the familiar to the student's native language. After the
native lang. feedback sessions and it migt bu dialog clear. unfamiliar. introduction, rarely would L1 be used.
used to give instructions Meaning is made clear through body
How does The teacher works with students
teacher in getting them self-correct The teacher repeats correctly what the
respond to errors are corrected gently, student has said incorrectly, without
student with the teacher using soft a calling further attention to the error. Teachers should be tolerant of errors
errors? voice and only correct major errors.
how does teaching is subordinated to Formal evaluations can be conducted
take a test at the end of a course
evaluation learning evaluation usually conducted simply by commanding individual
(integrative test). Write a paragraph or
accomplished on students' normal in class students to perfrom a series of
be given an oral interview.
? performance. actions.

Learning Grammar is taught inductively.

Theory grammar is dealt with imperative plays on important.
(deductive or explicitly but minimally. Vocabulary is introduced through
inductive) imperatives
teachers aid to overcome
How are the If students are relaxed and students can speak when they are
students' negative feelings by The teacher help them overcome
feelings of confident, they will be not ready. Forcing them to speak can be
giving feedback. negative feelings by showing students
the students need to try hard to learn the to create anxiety. To relieve anxiety is
lang. İt will just come he understands how they feel. to make language learning as
dealt with?
naturally and easily. enjoyable as possible.
Questions The Silent Way Suggestopedia Community Lang Learning Total Physical Response
Each language has its owns
unique reality or spirit. Their The culture which students
culture, as reflected in their own learns concerns the everyday Language is for communication. Culture
viewed? How
unique world view. life of people who speak the is an integral part of language learning. The oral modality is primary. Culture
lang. The use of fine arts is is the lifestyle of people who speak
also important. the lang natively
Sound-clor chart, Teacher's
silence, Peer correction, rods, Classroom set up, peripheral
self-correction errors and learning, Positive suggestion, Tape recording student
gestures,word chart, fidel charts, choose a new identit, role conversation,transcription, reflection on using commands to direct behavior,
structured feedback play, First concert(active), experience, reflective listening, human role reversal, action sequence
second concert(passive), computer,small group tasks
primary activation, creative
syllabus/ The syllabus develops according to sentence based with grammatical and
materials Each unit has a long dialogue learning needs. Topic based. lexical criteria..
Language is separated from the Students are not given the
social context and taught Differences in characteristics In the begining, some learners find it opportunity to express their own
through artificial situations between students. difficult to speak on tape other learners views and thoughts in a creative way.
usually by the rods. This method Environment limitations. The might find the conversation lack of Over using TPR causes someone easily
is suitable for small groups of use of de-suggestopedia is spontaneity bored. It can be challange for shy
the students very expensive students.

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