Main Points of Video Games

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Action Step 3

Name: Syed Muhammad Ibtisam Roll#19i-0422 Section:CS-D

Date: Total Marks: 60 Marks Obtained:

Action Step 3.a

Determining Main Points

Topic of your speech: Video Games

1. List three to five main ideas/ main points which are related to the specific goal of your
speech. [05 Marks]

1)Videos games generally improve your co-ordinations skills during online games

2)It improves your problem solving skills by solving mysterious in and outs of the game.

3)It increases your memory as you have to memorize some of the important data of the game
to play it all the time.

4)It creates your multitasking skills better by playing different types of games during online

Action Step 3.b

Writing a Thesis Statement

1. Now write a complete sentence that includes both your specific goal and your main
points. [05 Marks]

Videos games are important to improve your problem solving skills, logic, your daily co-
ordination in your daily work and management skills.

Action Step 3.c

Organizing and Outlining the Main Points of Your Speech

1. Rewrite your thesis statement; underline main points/ key words, and write topic
sentence for each key word. [05 Marks]

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Thesis Statement:
Videos games are important to improve your problem solving skills, logic, your daily co-
ordination in your daily work and multitasking skills.

Topic Sentences:
1. Every game has certain rules that has to be followed so player makes decision
according to it and thus improves problem solving skills.
2. During online games players has to in contact with other teammates to play
effectively thus improves co-ordination skills
3. Online games usually required to be very observant thus doing a lot of work at the
same time and improves multitasking skills.

Action Step 3.d & Action Step 3.e

Selecting and Outlining Supporting Material
Preparing Section Transitions

1. Using your secondary research/ research cards, list the key information (full sentences)
related to the each main point. (If required, you can use extra sheet for this section)
2. Use transitions from one main point to the other main point as well as for sub points.
Underline the transitions used in this section. [(5+5)+ 5= 15 Marks]
First Main Point Second Main Point Third Main Point
Primary Support Primary Support Primary Support

The examination proposes Obviously, computer games Playing your preferred

that playing activity are extraordinary for helping computer game may require
computer games benefits you gain from a slip-up. With both visual and audial
hand-eye coordination. a computer game, when you memory. The player is
Playing these games requires commit an error, you required to peruse or tune in
responding rapidly and frequently acknowledge it to the directions which may
precisely to occasions that right away. On the off chance just be given toward the start
occur on the screen. This that you attempted to bounce of the game, hence the need
training improves from a precipice and you to recall them all through the
coordination in different were unable to arrive at the whole game. Authority of the
undertakings as well. Even opposite side, you figure out keys on your console causes
five hours of game play was how to comprehend what you effectively move your
sufficient for members to separations are unreasonably characters in the game. This
start to see some long for those hops. You improves your memory,
improvement in execution. continually break down your regardless of whether present
conduct in the game – you moment or long haul.
Secondary Support: figure out how to modify
At the point when a grown- your methodology as you Secondary Support
up or kid is playing a come. This is a significant Playing your favored PC
computer game, the aptitude. The capacity to gain game may require both visual

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individual in question isn't from slip-ups will likewise and audial memory. The
just gazing at the PC . The help you, all things player is required to
exercises and activities on considered. You understand scrutinize or check out the
the screen give a ton of you don't have to abandon headings which may simply
mental incitement. For one to things, however simply be given close to the
play, the person should improve how you accomplish beginning of the game, thus
facilitate their visual, audial something. You figure out the need to review them all
and physical development. how to utilize input to further through the entire game.
your potential benefit and Authority of the keys on your
improve your own range of comfort causes you
abilities. successfully move your
characters in the game. This
improves your memory,
whether or not present
second or long stretch.

Action Step 3.f

Writing Speech Introductions

1. For the speech body you outlined earlier, write three different introductions—using a
startling statement, rhetorical or direct question, joke, personal reference,
quotation, story, or suspense—that you believe meet the goals of effective introductions
and that you believe would set an appropriate tone for your speech goal and audience.
[(5+3)+3+3+3= 17 Marks]

i. Computer games currently incorporate everything from virtual toys to hyper-realistic

blockbuster activity encounters to slow-paced strolling test systems. Generally, you
play with a handheld controller, with button presses meaning onscreen activities.
With the ascent of touchscreens, a portion of those catches got virtual; others shunned
virtual fastens for swipes and different signals. A few games track your hands in 3D
space; others don't require your hands by any means.

ii. “Sunday is like this entertainment scrum for me, because I've only got a day, one day
of fun. So I want to have brunch, and I want to see a movie, and I want to watch
'Game of Thrones,' and I'm trying to watch 'The Sopranos' from the beginning, and I
want to play four hours of video games. So, it's, like, as regimented as my work life.”
Aisha Tyler
The discussion regarding whether computer games are positive or negative for
us has been going since the times of Pong and Space Invaders. Shockingly, a great
many people have consistently expected they were the reason for some psychological
and physical issues. Regardless of whether there was an absence of logical proof to
demonstrate it. Some state it is in our human instinct to discover something to accuse
when there's an issue, and computer games have consistently been an obvious
objective. Yet, things have changed and now increasingly proficient investigations are
being led to discover reality.

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iii. From activity stuffed shooter games to testing system games, we love a decent
computer game. As innovation advances and game designers continue making new
substance, there is by all accounts another game to attempt each day. Fortunately for
gamers like us, there are numerous advantages to playing computer games that will
urge you to continue playing — as though you required another explanation. The
beneficial outcomes of computer games are various, from better memory and critical
thinking to improved state of mind and social aptitudes. While the individuals who
don't play computer games may contend that they make you languid, hurt your mind
or ruin your public activity, computer games really have numerous physical,
intellectual and social advantages. Whenever somebody discloses to you that you play
such a large number of computer games, you can go to this rundown of 10 reasons
computer games are useful for your mind.

 Of the three you drafted which do you believe is the best? Why?
The second one is the best as it started from a daily gamer quote and explaining
how a young child spend his day with videos games and which is also important for
his growth.

2. Next, plan how you will introduce your thesis statement.

The reason why we should play video games on daily basis is that are important to
improve your problem solving skills, logic, your daily co-ordination in your daily work and
management skills.

3. Develop a very short statement that will establish your credibility.

As I am plying videos games from childhood and it helps me in making good progress in
management skill, increases my logic, and also problem solving skills thats why I have made
a lot interest in it and keep doing it.

4. Consider how you might establish goodwill during the introduction.

I'll guarantee that I keep up suitable outward appearances.
Grinning is basic and I will likewise utilize open-palm motions to make
my crowd agreeable.

Action Step 3.g

Creating Speech Conclusions
1. For the speech body you outlined earlier, write three different conclusions that review
important points you want the audience to remember and leave the audience with vivid
imagery or an emotional appeal. [5+3= 8 Marks]
i. Computer games are a type of media that is frequently connected with negative well
being outcomes. Be that as it may, when games are played with some restraint and
with care, they are a reasonable wellspring of stress help just as an impetus for
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emotional well-being improvement and advancement of social abilities. Computer
games themselves are a generally present day type of diversion. They are connecting
with and vivid on a level not quite the same as that of customary table games and
different types of amusement. The player effectively adds to the degree of fulfillment
he/she achieves from this medium and along these lines is more put and ready to take
part in the components of the computer game. The measure of play time is likewise a
significant factor in the impacts of gaming. Albeit unnecessary recess can have
negative outcome, gaming with some restraint can be solid, fun, and instructive.

ii. The current study showed that exposure to violent video games is positively related
to adolescent aggression; normative beliefs about aggression have a mediating effect
on exposure to violent video games and adolescent aggression, while the family
environment regulates the first part of the mediation process. For individuals with
good family environment, exposure to violent video games only has a direct effect on
aggression; however, for those with poor family environment, there is an indirect
effect mediated by normative beliefs about aggression alongside a direct effect. This
moderated mediation model incorporates some perspectives of GAM and CM,
enriching studies of generative mechanism of adolescent aggression.

iii. In the end, I would like to state that video games were made as a source of pleasure
and fun for the people of all ages but in a very short time, games turned into
something more, a sort of escape from the harsh and cruel reality of the real world,
which in turn tested the players patience and self-control. Those who overcame the
desire to play became casual gamers who enjoy their time playing video games no
matter how much time they have, they improved exponentially in different aspects of
real life as well like social skills, management skills, quick and critical thinking etc.
while those who fell prey to their desire became addicted but they also have two
separate types. Those who profited from their addiction and became professional
gamers and started earning millions and those who were not so lucky. They became
physically cutoff from the world and indulged them selves into the virtual world. In
the end, no matter what happens, a person’s self-control and determination decide
what his future hold, my name is Syed Muhammad Ibtisam, Goodbye.

 Which do you believe is the best? Why?

I think that the last ending is good because in a few lines, it presents the gist of the
gaming world, it’s ups and downs, highs and lows and all kinds of positive and
negative impacts it has on the player while ending with a strong statement.

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Action Step 3.h
Compiling a List of Sources

For short lists, organize your list alphabetically by the last name of the first author. Be sure to
follow the form shown in Figure 12.2. If you did not record some of the bibliographic
information on your research card, you will need to revisit the database, or other source to find it.

Lisa Bowen, “Video game play may provide learning, health, social benefits, review finds”

Mark Griffiths, “Playing video games is good for your brain”


Ferris Jabr, “Can You Really Be Addicted to Video Games?”


Hannah Nichols, “How video games affect the brain”


Kendall Powell, “What electronic games can teach us”


Ronaldo Tumbokon, “25+ Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games”


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