(Doi 10.1043 - 0003-3219 (2006) 076 (0388 - VOPRFM) 2.0.CO 2)

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Original Article

Validity of Panoramic Radiographs for Measuring

Mandibular Asymmetry
Panagiotis Kambylafkasa; Edward Murdockb; Edward Gildac; Ross H. Tallentsd;
Stephanos Kyrkanidese

Abstract: The objective of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of panoramic radiographs for
diagnosing vertical asymmetry of the posterior mandible. The first part of the study used a model
to evaluate the reproducibility of this particular panoramic machine. The tube traverse did not
significantly affect the linear measurements, but the side of the machine where the structure was
located produced an average of 2.1% variation in the total height of the mandible. In the second
part of the study, the left-right (%) differences were measured on the panoramics and the lami-
nographs of five skulls with lead markers. These differences were compared with the percent
difference measured directly on the skull and with each other and suggested that the laminograph
could be used as the ‘‘gold standard’’ for measuring posterior vertical mandibular asymmetry. The
third part of the study evaluated a patient sample (N 5 42). The correlation coefficient between
the two types of films was determined to be 0.92 for total height and 0.39 for condyle height.
Using the 6% cutoff reported in the literature, the sensitivity of the panoramics to diagnose asym-
metry for the total height was determined to be 0.62 and the specificity 1.0. This study suggests
that the panoramic radiograph can be used to evaluate vertical posterior mandibular asymmetry,
but there will be some underdiagnosis. (Angle Orthod 2006;76:388–393.)
Key Words: Mandibular asymmetry; Panoramic; Laminograph; TMJ

INTRODUCTION been suggested to contribute to altered skeletal mor-

phology. A shortening of the ramus, steep mandibular
Internal derangements of the temporomandibular
plane angle, and cranial base involvement have all
joint (TMJ) and degenerative joint disease (DJD) have
been reported to be associated with disk displace-
ment, DJD, and rheumatoid arthritis.1–3 Vertical asym-
Resident, Department of Dentistry, Division of Orthodontics, metries may be observed in the mandible as well as
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Roch-
ester, NY.
the cranial base.4–6 Many studies have reported a re-
Resident, Department of Dentistry, Division of Orthodontics, lationship between mandibular asymmetry and internal
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Roch- derangement.6–11
ester, NY. Various radiological modalities have been evaluated
Professor Emeritus, Division of Orthodontics and TMD, De- for imaging of the TMJ and skeletal structures. Pano-
partment of Dentistry, University of Rochester School of Medi-
cine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY. ramic radiography has been suggested for measure-
Professor, Department of Dentistry, Division of Orthodontics ment of side-to-side height differences.12–15 If joints are
and Prosthodontics, Program Director Temporomandibular Joint differentially affected, an asymmetry may develop. A
Disorders, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Den- few studies have used measurements of condylar and
tistry, Rochester, NY.
Associate Professor, Departments of Dentistry and Neuro-
total height to define side-to-side differences.16,17
biology and Chairman of Division of Orthodontics and TMJD, Panoramic radiography is relatively accessible and
Craniofacial Research Core Coordinator, University of Roches- provides a bilateral view of the mandible, and vertical
ter School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY. measurements can be constructed.18 The question is
Corresponding author: Dr. Ross Tallents, Eastman Dental whether panoramic radiographs can be used to de-
Center, Orthodontics and TMJD, 625 Elmwood Avenue, East-
man Dental Center, Rochester, NY 14620 scribe side-to-side differences in condyle and ramus
(e-mail: [email protected]) height. Support for this has come from a series of re-
Accepted: May 2005. Submitted: February 2005.
ports on the panoramic technique.17,19,20 These reports
Q 2006 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, suggested that panoramic radiographs yield accept-
Inc. able results, are noninvasive, have a favorable cost-

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 76, No 3, 2006 388


benefit relationship, and expose subjects to relatively

low doses of radiation. The shortcomings include dis-
tortion and magnification of the mandibular ramus and
the condyle. The lateral margin of the glenoid fossa
and the root of the zygomatic arch may mask the con-
Measurements on panoramic radiographs have
been called into question because of considerable
methodological errors.21 The panoramic image is af-
fected by both magnification errors and displacement,
leading to distortion.22 The technique is quite sensitive
to positioning errors because of a relatively narrow im-
age layer, particularly in the anterior region.23,24 Images
of structures within the sharply depicted plane are free
of distortion. Structures outside this plane will appear
distorted in the image because of the difference be- FIGURE 1. The phantom was set up in the panoramic machine using
tween the velocity of the film and the velocity of the a custom positioner that was representative of an average mandib-
projection of the object on the film. Ramstad et al25 felt ular position in the machine.
that quantitative measurements on panoramic radio-
graphs should be abandoned.
Various anatomic structures were marked with 1-mm-
Still, others feel that standardized positioning of the
diameter stainless steel ball bearings. The model suit-
head and the use of a bite block reduce most of these
ably positioned was capable of representing a right or
distortions.17,20 Horizontal measurements have been
left side of the mandible. The phantom was set up in
shown to be particularly unreliable because of the non-
the panoramic machine using a custom positioner that
linear variation in the magnification at different object
was representative of an average mandibular position
depths, whereas vertical measurements are relatively
(Figure 1).
reliable.22,26 Therefore, most authors suggest that the
Two series of films were taken using the Orthopan-
reproducibility of vertical and angular measurements
tomograph OP100 (Instrumentation Corp. Imaging Di-
is acceptable provided the patient’s head is positioned
vision, Tuusula, Finland). One series used the phan-
properly in the equipment.24,27 Kjellberg et al28 used
tom as the right half of the mandible and the other
panoramic radiography to evaluate condylar destruc-
series as the left half of the mandible (Figure 2). Five
tion on both sides in a juvenile chronic arthritis and
trials were performed on different days and two ex-
postnormal patients (Class II division 2). They devel-
posures for the right and left positions with the tube
oped a reliable method to measure and quantify con-
traveling from left to right and then with the tube trav-
dyle lesions.
eling from right to left.
The purpose of this study was (1) to evaluate the
Measurements of the condyle height and the total
accuracy of our panoramic machine for detecting dif-
ramal height on the phantom were compared with the
ferences between right and left sides on a Plexiglas
measurements on the radiographs. These data were
model of the mandible (phantom), (2) to evaluate the
analyzed with a two-tailed t-test.
ability of panoramic and laminagraphic radiographs in
detecting the asymmetry on a sample of dry skulls
Part 2: Skulls
where direct measurement could be made, and (3) us-
ing the laminagraphs as ‘‘gold standard’’ to evaluate Craniometrical assessment was carried out on five
asymmetries on a temperomandibular disorder (TMD) skulls that were subjectively observed as demonstrat-
patient sample and, using the 6% cutoff reported in ing asymmetry. Measurements of the condyle and ra-
the literature, to test the sensitivity and specificity of mus areas on the different size and shape skulls were
the panoramic in detecting asymmetry. performed using a caliper. Lead markers were at-
tached to the skulls on anatomic points representing:
MATERIALS AMD METHODS (1) Cd (the highest point of the condyle), (2) Go (an-
thropometric gonion), and (3) Sg (the deepest point of
Part 1: Plexiglas phantom
the sigmoid notch) to assure easy identification of
A phantom was constructed of 8-mm thick Plexiglas these points on the radiographs. The skulls were
and was used to simulate selected anatomical fea- placed in both the panoramic machine (using a cus-
tures in one-half of the human mandible using average tom-made positioner) and laminagraphic (Quint Sec-
measurements obtained from a sample of adult skulls. tograph) (linear) tomogram machine (using the ear

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 76, No 3, 2006


FIGURE 2. Two films taken on the panoramic machine, one using the phantom as the right and the other as the left half of the mandible.

graph for performing linear measurements and de-

tecting asymmetries on different sizes and shapes of
skulls. It also evaluated the laminagraphs as the po-
tential gold standard in the patient study.

Part 3: Patient sample

This part of the study compared panoramic radio-

graphs with full-profile laminagraphs in 42 TMD pa-
The panoramic radiograph and full-profile lamina-
graphs were traced and digitized (Houston Instru-
ments Hi Pad Digitizer, England). The center cut lam-
inagraph was selected for measurement. The following
lines and points were identified (Figure 3): (1) a line
tangent to the most prominent points of the inferior
border mandible, (2) a tangent along the posterior
margin of the ascending ramus, and (3) a line perpen-
dicular to the posterior margin tangent extending to the
FIGURE 3. The panoramic and laminagraphic films were traced, and most superior outline of the condyle. Total ramal and
the lines shown were used to measure the condylar and the total condylar heights were identified in similar manner on
ramal height.
the laminagraphs and the panoramic radiographs as
shown in the Figure 3. The mean, standard deviation,
rods). They were positioned using the guidelines for and percent difference for (1) total height and (2) con-
patients specified by the manufacturers. The films dylar height were calculated to evaluate side-to-side
were exposed using machine settings determined by differences.
the investigators to obtain good quality radiographs of Determination of operator error in interpretation,
the dry skulls. tracing, and measurement of the patient radiographs
Measurements of the total and the condylar height was performed by evaluating the differences in mea-
were performed directly on the skulls and the radio- surements on five tracings of five radiographs of each
graphs (Figure 3). Asymmetry between right (R) and type (panoramic and laminagraph). These were then
left (L) vertical measurements was then calculated subjected to a multiple regression analysis to deter-
with the formula: mine an ‘‘intraclass correlation estimate.’’ The intra-
% difference 5 (R 2 L)/(R 1 L)/2 3 100% class correlation analysis revealed values of R to be
0.94 and 0.95 for the measurement of the total ramal
for each radiograph. height on the panoramics and the laminagraphs, re-
These data were subjected to statistical analysis using spectively. The intraclass correlation for the condyle
a multiple regression. height measurement was very low (0.52 for the pan-
This determined the validity of the panoramic radio- oramic and 0.52 for the laminagraph).

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 76, No 3, 2006


TABLE 1. Multiple Regression Analysis Comparing Actual vs Ra- TABLE 2. Multiple Regression Analysis Comparing Panorex With
diographic Measurements on the Phantom. All the Correlation Esti- Laminagraphic Measurements in the Patient Sample
mates Were Significant (P , .05)
R Difference Laminagraph
(Yes) Difference (No)
Panorex—actual Total height 0.95
Condylar height 0.95 Panoramic difference (Yes) 8 0
Laminagraph—actual Total height 0.99 Panoramic difference (No) 5 29
Condylar height 0.99
Panoramic—laminograph Total height 0.95
Condylar height 0.97 TABLE 3. In the Patient Sample: Using the Laminagraph as the
Gold Standard and the 6% Cutoff the Sensitivity and Specificity of
the Two Diagnostic Tests Were 0.62 and 1.0, Respectively
RESULTS Panorex vs
Part 1: Plexiglas phantom Laminagraph Total Height Condylar Height
R 0.92 0.39
The traverse of the machine was tested using the
phantom. Two series of films were performed, one us-
ing the phantom as the right half and one as the left
between the panoramic radiograph and laminagraphic
half of the mandible. When the model was positioned
on the left side, the mean condylar height measure-
Using the laminagraph as the gold standard and a
ment and the mean total height measurement was
6% cutoff17 as an indication of potential asymmetry, a
measured for the L-R and the R-L traverse. Paired t-
2 3 2 table was constructed (Table 3) to evaluate the
test (two-tailed) suggested that these differences were
sensitivity and specificity of the two tests. The sensi-
not significant (P . .05). The same was found when
tivity and specificity of the diagnostic tests were 0.62
the model was positioned in the right side as the
and 1.0, respectively. Therefore, a panoramic radio-
paired t-test (two-tailed) for analysis. These differenc-
graph will not overestimate the asymmetry in this pa-
es were not significant (P . .05).
tient population if we use 6% as our cutoff for true
However, when the R-L and L-R traverses were
asymmetry. There were no false-positive examinations
pooled together and the means of the condylar and
with the panoramic radiograph.
the total height for the right side vs the left were sub-
jected to the paired t-test (two-tailed) for statistical
analysis, the differences were significant (P , .05).
The clinically significant difference for total height was The purpose of this study was to evaluate the po-
found to be a 2.1% difference between the two sides. tential of panoramic radiographs to determine vertical
asymmetry between the right and left side in the man-
Part 2: Skulls dible. Measurements of the total height on the phan-
tom were compared with the measurements on the ra-
The multiple regression analysis for the five skulls
diographs. The consistency of the measurements for
demonstrated high correlation between the measure-
those structures was determined comparing the differ-
ments on the skulls and the radiographs, which was
ent tube traverses and the phantom placed on the left
always more than 0.95 (Table 1). The regression for
vs the right side. This produced good reproducibility
the comparison of the actual measurements on the
for the panoramic machine for repeated positioning
skulls with those on the laminagraphs was 0.99 and
and exposures with different tube travel. The tube trav-
supported the use of the laminagraphs as the gold
el appeared to be negligible on this machine. How-
standard in the patient study.
ever, the side that the phantom was positioned was
not negligible. There was a 1.45-mm difference be-
Part 3: Patient sample
tween right and left side for total height, which was
The asymmetry measured on the panoramic radio- calculated to be a 2.1% difference between the two
graph and that measured on the laminagraphs taken sides. Thus, it appears that there is an average inher-
from the patients had a correlation of 0.92 for total ent error in the machine of 2.1% for total height.
height and 0.39 for condyle height (Table 2). The The skull specimens allowed a direct measure of the
mean disagreement (the mean of the difference per- object being radiographed. The most accurate method
cent of measured asymmetry) between the panoramic to measure the skulls is to use lead markers because
and the laminagraph for the total height asymmetry they can easily be identified on the radiographs. The
was 2.23% and for condyle height was 11.9%. There panoramic and the laminagraph were both good, but
was never more than 6% disagreement for total height the laminagraph was better when compared with the

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 76, No 3, 2006


actual specimen (skull), and the correlation coefficient metry in patients after the 6% cutoff factor and using
was equal (R 5 0.99) for total height and condylar the laminographs as the gold standard. This would in-
height. The validity of the laminographs as the gold dicate that when using 6% as a cutoff for asymmetry,
standard was investigated. The results of the skull por- the panoramic radiograph would underdiagnose asym-
tion support the laminograph as the radiographic gold metry compared with the laminographic radiograph.
standard because we cannot compare the panoramic The specificity of the panoramic radiograph was 1.0
with the actual subject in live patients. (no false positive). This meant that none of the pano-
Measurements from the panoramic films were com- ramic radiographs indicated greater than 6% asym-
pared with the laminographic films for the worst-case metry if the laminograph radiographs indicated less
scenario for potential error in the measurements. The than 6% asymmetry. Therefore, when using the pan-
inherent error in the machine and operator error must oramic radiograph to detect mandibular total ramal
be considered. Both intra- and interoperator error may height differences, one can confidently state that there
be present in positioning and exposing the radio- is a true asymmetry if indicated on the panoramic us-
graphs, as well as intraoperator error in the tracing and ing the 6% cutoff. If one accepts the laminograph ra-
the measurements. diographs as the gold standard, the panoramic radio-
In the patient part of the study, there was a very low graph is reasonable for detecting asymmetries of total
correlation between panoramic and laminograph ra- ramal height.
diographs for the condyle height asymmetry (R 5
0.39), suggesting that the panoramic radiograph CONCLUSIONS
should be questioned for this measurement. This is
• Condylar height was unreliable when determining
probably because of the small dimension of the mea-
asymmetry from the panoramic radiograph.
surement and operator error in tracing and identifica-
• Total ramal height could be used in determining
tion of landmarks. This agrees with the findings of Turp
asymmetry from the panoramic radiograph, but it
et al,29 who evaluated condyle height and found the
must be realized that it would generally underdiag-
correlation to be very low when using Bezuur’s 6%
nose asymmetry.
cutoff for asymmetry. The total height measurement
• Some patients with a less than 6% difference be-
was more encouraging with R 5 0.92. This supports
tween the left and right sides might not be diagnosed
the use of the panoramic radiograph for evaluation of
with panoramic radiograph.
total ramal height asymmetry.20
In the patient sample, the mean disagreement be- REFERENCES
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