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This standard practice outlines procedures for determining dynamic mechanical properties of plastics using oscillatory testing over a range of temperatures and frequencies.

This standard practice provides guidelines for determining transition temperatures, elastic and loss moduli of plastics using techniques such as free vibration and forced vibration over a range of temperatures, frequencies or time.

Instruments commonly called dynamic mechanical analyzers or dynamic thermomechanical analyzers are used to apply oscillatory deformations to specimens and measure their elastic and viscous responses.

Designation: D 4065 – 01

Standard Practice for

Plastics: Dynamic Mechanical Properties: Determination and
Report of Procedures 1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4065; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope* responsibility of the user of this practice to establish appro-

1.1 This practice is for general use in gathering and report- priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
ing dynamic mechanical data. It incorporates laboratory prac- bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazards
tice for determining dynamic mechanical properties of speci- statements are given in Section 8.
mens subjected to various oscillatory deformations on a variety NOTE 1—This practice is technically equivalent to ISO 6721, Part 1.
of instruments of the type commonly called dynamic mechani-
cal analyzers or dynamic thermomechanical analyzers. 2. Referenced Documents
1.2 This practice is intended to provide means of determin- 2.1 ASTM Standards:
ing the transition temperatures, elastic, and loss moduli of D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics and Electrical
plastics over a range of temperatures, frequencies, or time, by Insulating Materials for Testing2
free vibration and resonant or nonresonant forced vibration D 4000 Classification System for Specifying Plastic Mate-
techniques. Plots of elastic and loss moduli are indicative of the rials3
viscoelastic characteristics of a plastic. These moduli are D 4092 Terminology Relating to Dynamic Mechanical
functions of temperature or frequency in plastics, and change Measurements on Plastics3
rapidly at particular temperatures or frequencies. The regions 2.2 ISO Standard:
of rapid moduli change are normally referred to as transition ISO 6721, Part 1 Plastics— Determination of Dynamic
regions. Mechanical Properties, Part 1, General Principles4
1.3 The practice is primarily useful when conducted over a
range of temperatures from −160°C to polymer degradation 3. Terminology
and is valid for frequencies from 0.01 to 1000 Hz. 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms relating to this
1.4 This practice is intended for materials that have an practice, see Terminology D 4092.
elastic modulus in the range from 0.5 MPa to 100 GPa (73 psi
to 1.5 3 107 psi). 4. Summary of Practice
1.5 Apparent discrepancies may arise in results obtained 4.1 A specimen of known geometry is placed in mechanical
under differing experimental conditions. Without changing the oscillation either at fixed or natural resonant frequencies.
observed data, reporting in full (as described in this practice) Elastic or loss moduli, or both of the specimen are measured
the conditions under which the data were obtained will enable while varying time, temperature of the specimen or frequency,
apparent differences observed in another study to be recon- or both, of the oscillation. Plots of the elastic or loss moduli, or
ciled. both, are indicative of viscoelastic characteristics of the speci-
1.6 Test data obtained by this practice are relevant and men. Rapid changes in viscoelastic properties at particular
appropriate for use in engineering design. temperatures, times, or frequency are normally referred to as
1.7 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the transition regions.
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information NOTE 2—The particular method for measurement of elastic and loss
only. moduli depends upon the operating principle of the instrument used.
1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the

1 2
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on Plastics and Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01.
is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.10 on Mechanical Properties. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
Current edition approved September 10, 2001. Published November 2001. Available from American National Standards Institute, 25 W. 43rd St., New
Originally published as D 4065 – 82. Last previous edition D 4065 – 95. York, NY 10036.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 4065 – 01
5. Significance and Use 7.2.2 Oscillatory Deformation (Strain)—A device for ap-
5.1 Dynamic mechanical testing provides a method for plying an oscillatory deformation (strain) to the specimen. The
determining elastic and loss moduli as a function of tempera- deformation (strain) may be applied and then released, as in
ture, frequency or time, or both. A plot of the elastic modulus free-vibration devices, or continuously applied, as in forced-
and loss modulus of material versus temperature provides a vibration devices (see Table 1).
graphical representation of elasticity and damping as a function 7.2.3 Detectors—A device or devices for determining de-
of temperature or frequency. pendent and independent experimental parameters, such as
5.2 This procedure can be used to locate transition tempera- force (stress or strain), frequency, and temperature. Tempera-
tures of plastics, that is, changes in the molecular motions of a ture should be measureable with an accuracy of 61°C,
polymer. In the temperature ranges where significant changes frequency to 61 %, and force to 61 %.
occur, elastic modulus decreases rapidly with increasing tem- 7.2.4 Temperature Controller and Oven—A device for con-
perature (at constant or near constant frequency) or increases trolling the specimen temperature, either by heating (in steps or
with increasing frequency (at constant temperature). A maxi- ramps), cooling (in steps or ramps), or maintaining a constant
mum is observed for the loss modulus. specimen environment. Any temperature programmer should
5.3 This procedure can be used, for example, to evaluate by be sufficiently stable to permit measurement of sample tem-
comparison to known reference materials: perature to 60.5°C.
5.3.1 Degree of phase separation in multicomponent sys- 7.3 Nitrogen or other gas supply for purging purposes.
tems, 7.4 Calipers or other length-measuring device capable of
5.3.2 Filler type, amount, pretreatment, and dispersion, and measuring to an accuracy of 0.01 mm.
5.3.3 Effects of certain processing treatment.
5.4 This procedure can be used to determine the following: 8. Hazards
5.4.1 Stiffness of polymer composites, especially as a func- 8.1 Precautions:
tion of temperature, 8.1.1 Toxic or corrosive effluents, or both, may be released
5.4.2 Degree of polymer crystallinity, and when heating the specimen near its decomposition point and
5.4.3 Magnitude of triaxial stress state in the rubber phase of can be harmful to personnel or to the apparatus.
rubber modified polymers. 8.1.2 Take care to prevent buckling of the clamped speci-
5.4.4 This procedure is useful for quality control, specifica- men due to thermal expansion during the test.
tion acceptance, and research.
5.5 For many materials, there may be a specification that 9. Test Specimens
requires the use of this practice, but with some procedural 9.1 Specimens may be any uniform size or shape but are
modifications that take precedence when adhering to the ordinarily analyzed in rectangular form. If some heat treatment
specification. Therefore, it is advisable to refer to that material is applied to the specimen to obtain this preferred analytical
specification before using this practice. Table 1 of Classifica- form, this treatment should be noted in the report.
tion System D 4000 lists the ASTM materials standards that 9.2 Due to the numerous types of dynamic mechanical
currently exist. instruments, specimen size is not fixed by this practice. In
6. Interferences many cases, a specimen of 0.75 by 9.4 by 50 mm (0.03 by 0.38
by 2.0 in.) is found to be usable and convenient.
6.1 Since small quantities of specimen are used, it is
essential that the specimens be homogeneous or representative, NOTE 3—It is important to select a specimen size consistent with the
or both. modulus of the material under test and capabilities of the measuring
apparatus. For example, thick specimens of low modulus materials may be
7. Apparatus suitable for measurement, while thin specimens of high modulus materials
may be required.
7.1 The function of the apparatus is to hold a plastic
specimen of uniform cross section, so that the specimen acts as 9.3 Condition the specimen at 23 6 2°C (736 4°F) and 50
the elastic and dissipative element in a mechanically oscillated 6 5 % relative humidity for not less than 40 h prior to test in
system. Instruments of this type are commonly called dynamic accordance to Procedure A of Practice D 618, for those tests
mechanical or dynamic thermomechanical analyzers. They where conditioning is required. If other specimen conditioning
typically operate in one of seven oscillatory modes: (1) freely is used, it should be noted in the report.
decaying torsional oscillation, (2) forced constant amplitude,
resonant, flexural oscillation, (3) forced constant amplitude, 10. Calibration
fixed frequency, compressive oscillation, (4) forced constant 10.1 Using the same heating rate or schedule to be used for
amplitude, fixed frequency, flexural oscillation, (5) forced, specimens, calibrate the instrument temperature axis, using the
constant amplitude, fixed frequency, tensile oscillation, (6) instrument manufacturer’s procedures with either or both of the
forced constant amplitude, fixed frequency, torsional oscilla- following substances.
tion and (7) forced constant amplitude, fixed frequency, or Standard Transition Temperature, °C Type of Transition
variable frequency dual cantilever. Water 0.0 fusion
Indium 156.6 fusion
7.2 The apparatus shall consist of the following:
7.2.1 Clamps—A clamping arrangement that permits grip- 10.2 Calibrate the instrument using procedures recom-
ping of the sample. mended by the manufacturer.

D 4065 – 01
11. Procedure 11.3 If temperature is to be the independent variable:
11.1 Measure the length, width, and thickness of the speci- 11.3.1 The test frequency may be from 0.01 to 500 Hz, fixed
men to an accuracy of 61 %. or changing as the dependent variable.
11.2 Maximum strain amplitude should be within the linear
viscoelastic range of the material. Strains of less than 1 % are

TABLE 1 Summary of Techniques and Calculations Used to Determine Dynamic Mechanical Properties

Input Frequency Range, Specimen Size,
Technique Mode of Oscillation Oscillating Elastic Damping
Excitation Hz mm
Strain Component Component

Dynamic Sinusoidal/ Forced constant amplitude- 0.001 to 60 Hz t = 0.01–1.6 6 3tA (2D + Rectangular: Tan d = JV/f2
mechanical fixed or fixed or resonance fre- b = 0.02–13 L)/L2R E8 5
analyzer resonance quency flexural oscillation L = 18, 25, or 33 4p2 f 2 I2H
frequency [L/t#3
2b~L/2 1 D!2

E8 = 4p2f2I-H/3r4
(2D + L)2 [2L3]

Visco- Sinusoidal Forced constant amplitude- 3.5, 11, 35, L = 7 cm DL/L Rectangular cross E9 = NL/tbDL·sin d
elastometerA fixed fixed frequency- 110 T = 0.05 cm section: Tan d directly read
frequency tensile oscillation B = 0.4 cm E8 = NL:/btD L
(see Fig. 4) cos d
Circular cross
DL / L E8 = NL cosd/p r2 E9 = NL sind/p r2
Tan d directly read

Mechanical Sinusoidal Forced constant amplitude; 0.0016 to 80 t = 0.025–1.0 DL/L Rectangular cross
spectrometerB,C fixed or fixed or variable b = 12.7 section:
variable frequency-tensile L = 63.5 E8 = NL cos d/bt E9 = NL sind/
frequency oscillation (see Fig. 5) D/L tbDL
Circular cross Tan d directly read
r = 1.6, 2.35, DL/L E8 = NL cosd/p r2 E9 = NL sind/p r2
3.15 D/L D/L
L = 63.5 Tan d directly read

Mechanical Sinusoidal Forced constant amplitude; 0.0016–80 Up to 38 3 38: DL/L Rectangular cross E9 = NL sind/
fixed or fixed or variable t = 38 section: tbDL
spectrometerB,C variable frequency-compressive b = 38 E8 = NL cos d/tb Tan d directly read
frequency oscillation (see Fig. 6) L = 1–10 DL
r = 8–50 Circular cross E9 = NL cos d/
t = 1–10 section: pr2D L
E8 = NL cosd/p r2 Tan d directly read

Mechanical Sinusoidal Forced constant amplitude; 0.0016–80 t = 0.5–6.4 3 ta/L2 Rectangular cross
spectrometerB,C fixed or fixed or variable b = 12.7 section:
variable frequency-flexural L = 63.5
frequency oscillation (see Fig. 7)

D 4065 – 01

TABLE 1 Continued
Input Frequency Range, Specimen Size,
Technique Mode of Oscillation Oscillating Elastic Damping
Excitation Hz mm
Strain Component Component

E8 NL3 cos d/ E9 = NL3 sind/

2bt3a 2bt3a
Tan d directly read

r = 0.25–3.2 3 ra/L2 Circular cross E9 = 4NL3 sind/

L = 63.5 section: 3r4a
E8 = 4NL3 Tan d directly read
cos d/3r4a
Dynamic Sinusoidal Constant force 0.01–50 t = up to 2.0 DL/L Rectangular cross
Mechanical fixed or amplitude; b = up to 10 section:
AnalyzerB,D variable fixed or variable L = up to 24 E8 = NL cosd/ bt E9 = NL sin d/
frequency frequency-tensile D/L tbDL
oscillation (see Fig. 5) Tan d directly read
r = up to 2.0 DL/L Circular cross
L = up to 24 section:
E8 = NL cosd/p r2 E9 = NL sind/p r2
Tan d directly read

Dynamic Sinusoidal Constant force amplitude; 0.01–50 Up to 3 3 20 D L /L Rectangular cross

Mechanical fixed or fixed or variable t = up to 20 section:
AnalyzerB,D variable frequency-compression b = up to 20 E8 = NL cosd/ tb E9 = NL sin d/
frequency oscillation (see Fig. 6) L = 0.001-24 DL tbDL
r = 1–20 Tan d directly read
t = up to 20
DL/L Circular cross
E8 = NL cosd/p r2 E9 = NL cosd/
DL pr2DL
Tan d directly read

Dynamic Sinusoidal Constant force amplitude; 0.01–50 t = up to 24 3 ta/L2 Rectangular cross

Mechanical fixed or fixed or variable b = up to 10 section:
AnalyzerB,D variable frequency-flexural L = up to 20
frequency oscillation (see Fig. 7)
E8 NL3 cos d/ E9 = NL3 sind/
2bt3a 2bt3a
Tan d directly read

r = up to 5 3 ra/L2 Circular cross

L = up to 20 section:
E8 = 4NL3 E9 = 4NL3 sin d/
cos d/3r4a 3r4a
Tan d directly read
Mechanical Sinusoidal Forced constant amplitude; 0.0016–80 0.5 to 6.4t 12.7b Rectangular Rectangular cross G9 = TL sind/u K
spectrometerB,C fixed or fixed or variable 63.5L cross section:
variable frequency-torsional section:
frequency oscillation (see Fig. 8) Ku
(3a + 1.8b)/
8b 2L t 2
TL cosd
G8 5 KQ

D 4065 – 01

TABLE 1 Continued
Input Frequency Range, Specimen Size,
Technique Mode of Oscillation Oscillating Elastic Damping
Excitation Hz mm
Strain Component Component

F t
K 5 bt 3 16/3 2 3.36 b ~1 2 t4/12b4! G

Tan d directly read

3.2, 4.7, 6.4 dia, Circular Circular cross
63.5L cross section:
ru/L G8 = 2TL cos d/pr4u G9 = 2TL sind/p r4u
Tan d directly read

Mechanical Sinusoidal Forced constant amplitude .01–200 L = 1–46 3 ta/L2 S810 D Tan d directly read
spectrometerB,C fixed fixed frequency flexural t = .1–5 E8 5
frequency oscillation (single or dual b = .1–18

Mechanical Sinusoidal Forced constant amplitude .01–200 t = .1–3 a/t S810 D t Tan d directly read
spectrometerB,C fixed fixed frequency shear G8 5 2A
frequency oscillation

Mechanical Sinusoidal Forced constant amplitude .01–100 t = .005–1 a/L S810DL Tan d directly read
spectrometerB,C fixed fixed frequency tensile b = .01–18 E8 5 wt
frequency oscillation L = 1–20

Mechanical Sinusoidal, Forced constant amplitude 0.00016–16.0 t = up to 1.59 12 tA/L E8 = (NL3/Bt3A)cosd E9 = (NL3/Bt3A)sind
spectrometerB,C fixed fixed or variable frequency in b = up to 6.4
or variable dual cantilever geometry L = up to 44.5

Instruments of this type are available from IMASS, Inc., Box 134, Accord, MA 02018.
Instruments of this type are available from TA Instruments, 109 Lukens Drive, New Castle, DE 19720.
Instruments of this type are available from Rheometric-Scientific, Inc., One Possumtown Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854.
Instruments of this type are available from The Perkin-Elmer Corp., 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859-0256.
I = moment of inertia of the inertial member D = clamping distance
f = frequency of oscillation H = instrument constant
L = specimen length between clamp J = instrument constant
b = specimen width V = instrument provided dependent variable

D 4065 – 01
t = specimen thickness A = oscillation amplitude
r = specimen radius u = angular displacement
k = constant
a = parallel axes displacement
G8 = elastic modulus in shear
D = logarithmic decrement T = torque,
G9 = loss modulus in shear RR = relative rigidity
DL = change in length n = number of cycles for oscillation to decay a specific amount
E8 = elastic modulus P = period of oscillation
E9 = loss modulus d = phase angle
N = axial force
Z = elapsed time
R = instrument arm length

11.3.2 Vary the temperature of the test specimen from the 13.1.2 Description of the instrument used for test.
lowest to the highest temperature of interest while measuring 13.1.3 Dimensions of the test specimen.
its elastic and viscous properties. 13.1.4 Description of the calibration procedure.
NOTE 4—Preferably, tests conducted over a temperature range should 13.1.5 Identification of the sample atmosphere by gas com-
be performed in incremental steps or at a rate slow enough to allow position, purity, and rate used.
temperature equilibrium throughout the entire specimen. The time to reach 13.1.6 Details of conditioning the specimen prior to test.
equilibrium will depend upon the mass of the particular specimen and the 13.1.7 The temperature program including initial and final
gripping arrangement. Temperature program rates of 1 to 2°C/min or 2 to temperatures as well as rate of linear temperature change or
5°C step intervals held for 3 to 5 min have been found suitable. The effect
of heating rate may be observed by running specimens at two or more
size and duration of temperature steps.
rates and comparing the elastic and viscous property results obtained. 13.1.8 Table of data and results.
NOTE 5—The accuracy required of the temperature measurement will 13.1.9 Number of specimens tested.
depend upon the rate of change of moduli with temperature of the plastic 13.1.10 A plot of the elastic moduli and loss moduli versus
being investigated. In transition regions, experience has indicated that the temperature (or frequency) where tests are conducted at more
specimen temperature should be read to 60.5°C.
than one temperature (or frequency).
11.3.3 Duplicate specimens should be examined, and the Moduli should be plotted on the ordinate with
mean results reported. upward deflections as increase in elasticity and damping. The
11.4 If frequency is to be the independent variable: ordinate should be clearly labeled with title and units of
11.4.1 The test temperature should be fixed at the desired measurement.
value. Temperature, frequency, or time should be plotted
11.4.2 Vary the frequency applied to the test specimen while on the abscissa, increasing from left to right. The abscissa
measuring its elastic and viscous properties. should be clearly labeled with title and units of measurement.
11.4.3 Duplicate specimens should be examined and the Transition temperatures are taken from the peak
mean results reported. values in the loss modulus profile.
12. Calculation Wherever possible, each thermal effect should be
identified and supplementary supporting evidence reported.
12.1 Calculate the dynamic mechanical properties using the 13.1.11 Average values and standard deviations of elastic
equations given in Table 1 or in the manufacturer’s operating (or relative rigidity) and loss modulus (or damping) reported to
manual. two significant figures.
12.1.1 Use the average measured values of specimen length,
13.1.12 Date of test.
width, and thickness.
13.1.13 Maximum strain amplitude and frequency.
13. Report 13.1.14 Equations used to calculate values.
13.1 Report the following information:
13.1.1 Complete identification and description of the mate- 14. Keywords
rial tested including name, stock or code number, date made, 14.1 dynamic mechanical; modulus; rheological; tan delta;
form, source, etc. viscoelastic

D 4065 – 01

This section identifies the location of selected changes to this practice. For the convenience of the user,
Committee D20 has highlighted those changes that may impact the use of this practice. This section may also
include descriptions of the changes or reasons for the changes, or both.

D 4065 – 01: (3) Footnote C in Table 1 has been changed. Company name
(1) Title has been changed. change.
(2) ISO statement has been added. (4) Summary of Changes section added.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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