Human Factors Methods and Sports Science - A Practical Guide (PDFDrive)

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Paul M.

Neville A. Stanton
Adam C. Gibbon
Daniel P. Jenkins
Guy H. Walker

Boca Raton London New York

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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data

Salmon, Paul, 1948-

Human factors methods and sports science : a practical guide / Paul Salmon, Adam
Gibbon, and Neville Anthony Stanton.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4200-7216-7
1. Sports sciences. 2. Athletes--Training of. 3. Sports--Psychological aspects. 4.
Sports--Physiological aspects. I. Gibbon, Adam. II. Stanton, Neville Anthony. III. Title.

GV558.S28 2010
613.7’1--dc22 2009023394

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List of Figures............................................................................................................................... xxiii
List of Tables.................................................................................................................................xxvii
About the Authors....................................................................................................................... xxxiii

Chapter 1  Introduction..................................................................................................................1
Human Factors Methods...............................................................................................3
Application in Sport......................................................................................................5
Structure of the Book....................................................................................................7

Chapter 2  Data Collection Methods.............................................................................................9

Interviews.................................................................................................................... 10
Background and Applications................................................................................ 10
Domain of Application........................................................................................... 13
Application in Sport............................................................................................... 13
Procedure and Advice (Semi-Structured Interview).............................................. 13
Step 1: Clearly Define the Aim(s) of the Interview........................................... 13
Step 2: Develop Interview Questions................................................................. 13
Step 3: Piloting the Interview............................................................................ 14
Step 4: Modify Interview Procedure and/or Content........................................ 14
Step 5: Select Participants................................................................................. 14
Step 6: Conduct Interviews................................................................................ 14
Step 7: Transcribe Data...................................................................................... 14
Step 8: Data Gathering...................................................................................... 14
Step 9: Data Analysis......................................................................................... 15
Advantages............................................................................................................. 15
Disadvantages......................................................................................................... 15
Approximate Training and Application Times...................................................... 16
Reliability and Validity.......................................................................................... 16
Tools Needed.......................................................................................................... 16
Example.................................................................................................................. 16
Flowchart................................................................................................................ 16
Recommended Texts.............................................................................................. 16
Questionnaires............................................................................................................. 16
Background and Applications................................................................................ 16
Domain of Application........................................................................................... 18
Application in Sport............................................................................................... 19
Procedure and Advice............................................................................................20
Step 1: Clearly Define Study Aims and Objectives...........................................20
Step 2: Define Target Population....................................................................... 22

vi Contents

Step 3: Questionnaire Construction................................................................... 23

Step 4: Piloting the Questionnaire..................................................................... 23
Step 5: Questionnaire Administration...............................................................24
Step 6: Data Analysis.........................................................................................24
Step 7: Follow-Up Phase....................................................................................25
Related Methods.....................................................................................................25
Approximate Training and Application Times......................................................25
Reliability and Validity..........................................................................................25
Tools Needed..........................................................................................................26
Recommended Texts..............................................................................................26
Observational Study....................................................................................................26
Domain of Application...........................................................................................28
Application in Sport............................................................................................... 29
Procedure and Advice............................................................................................ 29
Step 1: Define Aims and Objectives.................................................................. 29
Step 2: Define Scenario(s).................................................................................. 29
Step 3: Develop Observation Plan..................................................................... 29
Step 4: Pilot Observation................................................................................... 29
Step 5: Conduct Observation............................................................................. 30
Step 6: Data Analysis......................................................................................... 30
Step 7: Further Analysis.................................................................................... 30
Step 8: Participant Feedback............................................................................. 30
Advantages............................................................................................................. 30
Disadvantages......................................................................................................... 31
Related Methods..................................................................................................... 31
Approximate Training and Application Times...................................................... 31
Reliability and Validity.......................................................................................... 31
Tools Needed.......................................................................................................... 31
Example.................................................................................................................. 32
Flowchart................................................................................................................ 32
Recommended Texts.............................................................................................. 32

Chapter 3  Task Analysis Methods.............................................................................................. 35

Introduction................................................................................................................. 35
Hierarchical Task Analysis......................................................................................... 37
Background and Applications................................................................................ 37
Domain of Application........................................................................................... 37
Application in Sport...............................................................................................40
Procedure and Advice............................................................................................40
Step 1: Define Aims of the Analysis..................................................................40
Step 2: Define Analysis Boundaries..................................................................40
Step 3: Collect Data Regarding Task/System/Procedure/Device under
Step 4: Determine and Describe Overall System/Task Goal............................40
Step 5: Determine and Describe Sub-Goals...................................................... 41
Step 6: Decompose Sub-Goals.......................................................................... 41
Contents vii

Step 7: Create Plans........................................................................................... 41

Step 8: Revise Analysis..................................................................................... 41
Step 9: Verify and Refine Analysis.................................................................... 42
Advantages............................................................................................................. 42
Disadvantages......................................................................................................... 42
Related Methods..................................................................................................... 42
Approximate Training and Application Times...................................................... 42
Reliability and Validity.......................................................................................... 43
Tools Needed.......................................................................................................... 43
Example.................................................................................................................. 43
Flowchart................................................................................................................ 43
Recommended Texts.............................................................................................. 43
Task Decomposition.................................................................................................... 47
Background and Applications................................................................................ 47
Domain of Application........................................................................................... 48
Application in Sport............................................................................................... 48
Procedure and Advice............................................................................................ 48
Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis..................................................... 48
Step 2: Select Task Decomposition Categories................................................. 48
Step 3: Construct HTA for the Task, Scenario, System, or Device under
Analysis............................................................................................................. 48
Step 4: Create Task Decomposition Table......................................................... 49
Step 5: Collect Data for Task Decomposition.................................................... 49
Step 6: Complete Task Decomposition Table.................................................... 49
Step 7: Propose Redesigns/Remedial Measures/Training Interventions, Etc... 49
Advantages............................................................................................................. 49
Disadvantages......................................................................................................... 50
Related Methods..................................................................................................... 50
Approximate Training and Application Times...................................................... 50
Reliability and Validity.......................................................................................... 50
Tools Needed.......................................................................................................... 50
Example.................................................................................................................. 51
Flowchart................................................................................................................ 51
Recommended Text................................................................................................ 51
Verbal Protocol Analysis............................................................................................. 51
Background and Applications................................................................................ 51
Domain of Application........................................................................................... 51
Application in Sport............................................................................................... 55
Procedure and Advice............................................................................................ 56
Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis..................................................... 56
Step 2: Define Task/Scenario under Analysis................................................... 56
Step 3: Brief Participant(s)................................................................................. 56
Step 4: Conduct Pilot Run................................................................................. 56
Step 5: Undertake Scenario and Record Data................................................... 56
Step 6: Transcribe Data..................................................................................... 56
Step 7: Encode Verbalisations........................................................................... 56
Step 8: Devise Other Data Columns.................................................................. 57
Step 9: Establish Inter- and Intra-Rater Reliability........................................... 57
Step 10: Perform Pilot Study............................................................................. 57
Step 11: Analyse Structure of Encoding............................................................ 57
Advantages............................................................................................................. 57
viii Contents

Disadvantages......................................................................................................... 57
Related Methods..................................................................................................... 58
Approximate Training and Application Times...................................................... 58
Reliability and Validity.......................................................................................... 58
Tools Needed.......................................................................................................... 58
Example.................................................................................................................. 58
Flowchart................................................................................................................ 59
Recommended Texts.............................................................................................. 59
Operation Sequence Diagrams.................................................................................... 59
Domain of Application........................................................................................... 59
Application in Sport............................................................................................... 59
Procedure and Advice............................................................................................ 59
Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis..................................................... 59
Step 2: Define Task/Scenario under Analysis................................................... 61
Step 3: Collect Data via Observational Study................................................... 61
Step 4: Describe the Task or Scenario Using HTA........................................... 61
Step 5: Construct the OSD Diagram................................................................. 62
Step 6: Add Additional Analyses Results to OSD............................................. 62
Step 7: Calculate Operational Loading Figures................................................ 62
Advantages............................................................................................................. 62
Disadvantages......................................................................................................... 62
Related Methods.....................................................................................................64
Approximate Training and Application Times......................................................64
Reliability and Validity..........................................................................................64
Tools needed...........................................................................................................64
Flowchart................................................................................................................ 67
Recommended Texts.............................................................................................. 67

Chapter 4  Cognitive Task Analysis............................................................................................ 69

Introduction................................................................................................................. 69
Cognitive Work Analysis............................................................................................ 71
Domain of Application........................................................................................... 74
Application in Sport............................................................................................... 74
Procedure and Advice............................................................................................ 75
Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis..................................................... 75
Step 2: Select Appropriate CWA Phase(s)......................................................... 75
Step 3: Construct Work Domain Analysis......................................................... 75
Step 4: Conduct Control Task Analysis............................................................. 77
Step 5: Conduct Strategies Analysis.................................................................. 77
Step 6: Conduct Social Organisation and Cooperation Analysis...................... 79
Step 7: Conduct Worker Competencies Analysis..............................................80
Step 8: Review and Refine Outputs with SMEs................................................ 81
Advantages............................................................................................................. 81
Disadvantages......................................................................................................... 82
Related Methods..................................................................................................... 82
Approximate Training and Application Times...................................................... 82
Reliability and Validity.......................................................................................... 83
Tools Needed.......................................................................................................... 83
Example.................................................................................................................. 83
Contents ix

Recommended Texts.............................................................................................. 85
Critical Decision Method............................................................................................ 85
Domain of Application........................................................................................... 86
Application in Sport............................................................................................... 86
Procedure and Advice............................................................................................ 86
Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis..................................................... 86
Step 2: Identify Scenarios to Be Analysed........................................................ 87
Step 3: Select/Develop Appropriate CDM Interview Probes............................ 87
Step 4: Select Appropriate Participant(s)........................................................... 88
Step 5: Observe Scenario under Analysis or Gather Description of Incident... 88
Step 6: Define Timeline and Critical Incidents................................................. 88
Step 7: Conduct CDM Interviews...................................................................... 88
Step 8: Transcribe Interview Data..................................................................... 88
Step 9: Analyse Data as Required..................................................................... 88
Advantages............................................................................................................. 88
Disadvantages......................................................................................................... 89
Related Methods..................................................................................................... 89
Approximate Training and Application Times...................................................... 89
Reliability and Validity..........................................................................................90
Tools Needed..........................................................................................................90
Recommended Texts..............................................................................................90
Concept Maps..............................................................................................................90
Background and Applications................................................................................90
Domain of Application........................................................................................... 91
Application in Sport............................................................................................... 91
Procedure and Advice............................................................................................ 91
Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis..................................................... 91
Step 2: Identify Scenarios to Be Analysed........................................................ 91
Step 3: Select Appropriate Participant(s)........................................................... 93
Step 4: Observe the Task or Scenario under Analysis....................................... 93
Step 5: Introduce Participants to Concept Map Method................................... 93
Step 6: Identify Focus Question........................................................................ 93
Step 7: Identify Overarching Concepts.............................................................. 95
Step 8: Link Concepts........................................................................................ 95
Step 9: Review and Refine Concept Map.......................................................... 95
Advantages............................................................................................................. 95
Related Methods..................................................................................................... 98
Approximate Training and Application Times...................................................... 98
Reliability and Validity.......................................................................................... 98
Tools Needed.......................................................................................................... 98
Example.................................................................................................................. 98
Flowchart................................................................................................................ 98
Recommended Text................................................................................................ 98
Applied Cognitive Task Analysis.............................................................................. 101
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 101
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 101
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 101
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 101
x Contents

Step 1: Define the Task under Analysis........................................................... 101

Step 2: Select Appropriate Participant(s)......................................................... 102
Step 3: Observe Task or Scenario under Analysis........................................... 102
Step 4: Conduct Task Diagram Interview........................................................ 102
Step 5: Conduct Knowledge Audit Interview.................................................. 102
Step 6: Conduct Simulation Interview............................................................. 103
Step 7: Construct Cognitive Demands Table................................................... 103
Advantages........................................................................................................... 103
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 104
Related Methods................................................................................................... 105
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 105
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 106
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 106
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 106
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 106

Chapter 5  Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods............................................. 109

Introduction............................................................................................................... 109
Defining Human Error.............................................................................................. 110
Error Classifications.................................................................................................. 110
Slips and Lapses................................................................................................... 111
Mistakes............................................................................................................... 111
Violations.............................................................................................................. 111
Theoretical Perspectives on Human Error................................................................ 112
The Person Approach........................................................................................... 113
The Systems Perspective Approach..................................................................... 113
Human Error Methods.............................................................................................. 115
Human Error Analysis Methods........................................................................... 115
Human Error Identification Methods................................................................... 115
Taxonomy-Based Methods.............................................................................. 116
Error Identifier Methods.................................................................................. 116
Accimaps................................................................................................................... 117
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 117
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 117
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 117
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 120
Step 1: Data Collection.................................................................................... 120
Step 2: Identify Physical Process/Actor Activities Failures............................ 120
Step 3: Identify Causal Factors........................................................................ 120
Step 4: Identify Failures at Other Levels......................................................... 120
Step 5: Finalise and Review Accimap Diagram.............................................. 120
Advantages........................................................................................................... 120
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 121
Example................................................................................................................ 121
Related Methods................................................................................................... 121
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 123
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 123
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 123
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 123
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 123
Contents xi

Fault Tree Analysis.................................................................................................... 123

Background and Application................................................................................ 123
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 123
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 124
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 124
Step 1: Define Failure Event............................................................................ 124
Step 2: Collect Data Regarding Failure Event................................................. 125
Step 3: Determine Causes of Failure Event..................................................... 125
Step 4: AND/OR Classification....................................................................... 125
Step 5: Construct Fault Tree Diagram............................................................. 125
Step 6: Review and Refine Fault Tree Diagram.............................................. 125
Advantages........................................................................................................... 125
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 126
Related Methods................................................................................................... 126
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 126
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 126
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 126
Example................................................................................................................ 126
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 128
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 128
Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach................................ 128
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 128
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 128
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 130
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 130
Step 1: Conduct HTA for the Task or Scenario under Analysis...................... 130
Step 2: Task Classification............................................................................... 130
Step 3: Identify Likely Errors.......................................................................... 130
Step 4: Determine and Record Error Consequences....................................... 130
Step 5: Recovery Analysis............................................................................... 131
Step 6: Ordinal Probability Analysis............................................................... 131
Step 7: Criticality Analysis.............................................................................. 132
Step 8: Propose Remedial Measures............................................................... 132
Step 9: Review and Refine Analysis................................................................ 132
Advantages........................................................................................................... 132
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 132
Related Methods................................................................................................... 133
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 133
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 133
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 134
Example................................................................................................................ 134
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 134
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 134
Human Error Template.............................................................................................. 134
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 134
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 141
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 142
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 142
Step 1: Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA)...................................................... 142
Step 2: Human Error Identification................................................................. 142
Step 3: Consequence Analysis......................................................................... 146
xii Contents

Step 4: Ordinal Probability Analysis............................................................... 142

Step 5: Criticality Analysis.............................................................................. 142
Step 6: Interface Analysis................................................................................ 142
Step 7: Review and Refine Analysis................................................................ 143
Advantages........................................................................................................... 143
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 143
Related Methods................................................................................................... 143
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 143
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 144
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 144
Example................................................................................................................ 144
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 144
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 145
Task Analysis for Error Identification....................................................................... 146
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 146
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 146
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 146
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 147
Step 1: Construct HTA for Device under Analysis......................................... 147
Step 2: Construct State Space Diagrams......................................................... 147
Step 3: Create Transition Matrix..................................................................... 147
Advantages........................................................................................................... 148
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 149
Related Methods................................................................................................... 149
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 149
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 150
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 150
Example................................................................................................................ 150
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 150
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 150
Technique for Human Error Assessment.................................................................. 153
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 153
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 153
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 153
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 154
Step 1: System Description.............................................................................. 154
Step 2: Scenario Description........................................................................... 155
Step 3: Task Description and Goal Decomposition......................................... 155
Step 4: Error Analysis...................................................................................... 156
Step 5: Design Implications/Recommendations.............................................. 156
Advantages........................................................................................................... 156
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 156
Related Methods................................................................................................... 158
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 158
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 158
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 158
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 158
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 158
Contents xiii

Chapter 6  Situation Awareness Assessment Methods............................................................ 161

Introduction............................................................................................................... 161
Situation Awareness Theory..................................................................................... 161
Individual Models of Situation Awareness........................................................... 162
Team Models of Situation Awareness.................................................................. 164
Situation Awareness and Sport.................................................................................. 166
Measuring Situation Awareness................................................................................ 167
Situation Awareness Requirements Analysis............................................................ 168
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 168
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 169
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 169
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 169
Step 1: Define the Task(s) under Analysis....................................................... 169
Step 2: Select Appropriate SMEs.................................................................... 169
Step 3: Conduct SME Interviews..................................................................... 169
Step 4: Conduct Goal-Directed Task Analysis................................................ 172
Step 5: Compile List of SA Requirements Identified...................................... 172
Step 6: Rate SA Requirements........................................................................ 172
Step 7: Determine SA Requirements............................................................... 172
Step 8: Create SA Requirements Specification............................................... 172
Advantages........................................................................................................... 173
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 173
Related Methods................................................................................................... 173
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 173
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 174
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 174
Example................................................................................................................ 174
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 176
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 176
Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique................................................. 177
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 177
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 177
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 179
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 179
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims.......................................................................... 179
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis.......................................... 179
Step 3: Conduct SA Requirements Analysis and Generate SAGAT Queries.. 179
Step 4: Brief Participants................................................................................. 179
Step 5: Conduct Pilot Run(s)............................................................................ 179
Step 6: Begin SAGAT Data Collection............................................................ 179
Step 7: Freeze the Simulation.......................................................................... 180
Step 8: Administer SAGAT Queries................................................................ 180
Step 9: Query Response Evaluation and SAGAT Score Calculation.............. 180
Step 10: Analyse SAGAT Data........................................................................ 180
Advantages........................................................................................................... 180
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 181
Related Methods................................................................................................... 181
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 181
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 181
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 182
xiv Contents

Example................................................................................................................ 182
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 182
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 182
Situation Present Assessment Method...................................................................... 182
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 182
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 182
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 183
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 183
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims.......................................................................... 183
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis.......................................... 185
Step 3: Conduct SA Requirements Analysis and Generate Queries................ 185
Step 4: Brief Participants................................................................................. 185
Step 5: Conduct Pilot Runs.............................................................................. 185
Step 6: Undertake Task Performance.............................................................. 185
Step 7: Administer SPAM Queries.................................................................. 185
Step 8: Calculate Participant SA/Workload Scores......................................... 185
Advantages........................................................................................................... 185
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 186
Related Methods................................................................................................... 186
Training and Application Times........................................................................... 186
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 186
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 186
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 187
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 187
Situation Awareness Rating Technique..................................................................... 187
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 187
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 187
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 187
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 187
Step 1: Define Task(s) under Analysis............................................................. 187
Step 2: Selection of Participants...................................................................... 189
Step 3: Brief Participants................................................................................. 189
Step 4: Conduct Pilot Run............................................................................... 189
Step 5: Performance of Task............................................................................ 189
Step 6: Complete SART Questionnaires......................................................... 189
Step 7: Calculate Participant SART Scores..................................................... 189
Advantages........................................................................................................... 189
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 190
Related Methods................................................................................................... 190
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 190
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 190
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 190
Example................................................................................................................ 191
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 191
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 191
Situation Awareness Subjective Workload Dominance............................................ 191
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 191
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 191
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 191
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 191
Step 1: Define the Aims of the Analysis.......................................................... 191
Contents xv

Step 2: Define Task(s) under Analysis............................................................. 191

Step 3: Create SWORD Rating Sheet.............................................................. 191
Step 4: SA and SA-SWORD Briefing.............................................................. 193
Step 5: Conduct Pilot Run................................................................................ 194
Step 6: Undertake Trial.................................................................................... 194
Step 7: Administer SA-SWORD Rating Sheet................................................ 194
Step 8: Constructing the Judgement Matrix.................................................... 194
Step 9: Matrix Consistency Evaluation........................................................... 194
Advantages........................................................................................................... 194
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 195
Related Methods................................................................................................... 195
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 195
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 195
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 195
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 196
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 196
Propositional Networks............................................................................................. 196
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 196
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 196
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 196
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 198
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims.......................................................................... 198
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis.......................................... 198
Step 3: Collect Data Regarding the Task or Scenario under Analysis............ 198
Step 4: Define Concepts and Relationships between Them............................ 198
Step 5: Define Information Element Usage..................................................... 199
Step 6: Review and Refine Network................................................................ 199
Step 7: Analyse Networks Mathematically.....................................................200
Related Methods................................................................................................... 201
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 201
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 201
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 201
Example................................................................................................................ 201
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 201
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 201

Chapter 7  Mental Workload Assessment Methods................................................................207

Mental Workload.......................................................................................................207
Workload and Sport...................................................................................................209
Mental Workload Assessment................................................................................... 210
Primary and Secondary Task Performance Measures.............................................. 212
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 212
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 212
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 212
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 212
Step 1: Define Primary Task under Analysis................................................... 212
Step 2: Define Primary Task Performance Measures...................................... 213
xvi Contents

Step 3: Design Secondary Task and Associated Performance Measures........ 213

Step 4: Test Primary and Secondary Tasks..................................................... 213
Step 5: Brief Participants................................................................................. 213
Step 6: Conduct Pilot Run............................................................................... 213
Step 7: Undertake Primary Task Performance................................................ 213
Step 8: Administer Subjective Workload Assessment Method....................... 213
Step 9: Analyse Data....................................................................................... 216
Advantages........................................................................................................... 216
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 216
Related Methods................................................................................................... 216
Training and Application Times........................................................................... 217
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 217
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 217
Example................................................................................................................ 217
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 217
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 217
Physiological Measures............................................................................................. 219
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 219
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 219
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 219
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 219
Step 1: Define Task under Analysis................................................................. 219
Step 2: Select the Appropriate Measuring Equipment.................................... 220
Step 3: Conduct Initial Testing of the Data Collection Procedure.................. 220
Step 4: Brief Participants................................................................................. 220
Step 5: Fit Equipment...................................................................................... 220
Step 6: Conduct Pilot Run............................................................................... 220
Step 7: Begin Primary Task Performance....................................................... 220
Step 8: Administer Subjective Workload Assessment Method....................... 220
Step 9: Download Data.................................................................................... 221
Step 10: Analyse Data...................................................................................... 221
Advantages........................................................................................................... 221
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 221
Related Methods................................................................................................... 221
Training and Application Times........................................................................... 222
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 222
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 222
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 222
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 222
NASA Task Load Index............................................................................................ 222
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 222
Domain of Application.........................................................................................224
Application in Sport.............................................................................................224
Procedure and Advice..........................................................................................224
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims..........................................................................224
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis..........................................224
Step 3: Select Participants...............................................................................224
Step 4: Brief Participants.................................................................................224
Step 5: Conduct Pilot Run................................................................................224
Step 6: Performance of Task under Analysis................................................... 225
Step 7: Conduct Weighting Procedure............................................................. 225
Contents xvii

Step 8: Conduct NASA-TLX Rating Procedure.............................................. 225

Step 9: Calculate NASA-TLX Scores.............................................................. 225
Advantages........................................................................................................... 225
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 226
Related Methods................................................................................................... 226
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 226
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 226
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 226
Example................................................................................................................ 227
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 227
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 229
Subjective Workload Assessment Technique............................................................ 229
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 229
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 229
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 229
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 229
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims.......................................................................... 229
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis.......................................... 230
Step 3: Select Participants............................................................................... 230
Step 4: Brief Participants................................................................................. 230
Step 5: Undertake Scale Development............................................................. 230
Step 6: Conduct Pilot Run............................................................................... 230
Step 7: Performance of Task under Analysis................................................... 231
Step 8: Conduct SWAT Rating Procedure....................................................... 231
Step 9: Calculate SWAT Scores....................................................................... 231
Advantages........................................................................................................... 231
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 231
Related Methods................................................................................................... 232
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 232
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 232
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 232
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 232
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 232
The Subjective Workload Dominance Method......................................................... 232
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 232
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 234
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 234
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 234
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims.......................................................................... 234
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis.......................................... 234
Step 3: Create SWORD Rating Sheet.............................................................. 234
Step 4: Select Participants............................................................................... 234
Step 5: Brief Participants................................................................................. 235
Step 6: Conduct Pilot Run............................................................................... 235
Step 7: Undertake Task(s) under Analysis....................................................... 235
Step 8: Administration of SWORD Questionnaire......................................... 235
Step 9: Construct Judgement Matrix............................................................... 235
Step 10: Evaluate Matrix Consistency............................................................. 235
Advantages........................................................................................................... 236
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 236
Related Methods................................................................................................... 236
xviii Contents

Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 237

Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 237
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 237
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 237
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 237
Instantaneous Self-Assessment Method.................................................................... 237
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 237
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 238
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 239
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 239
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims.......................................................................... 239
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis.......................................... 239
Step 3: Select Participants............................................................................... 239
Step 4: Brief Participants................................................................................. 239
Step 5: Conduct Pilot Run................................................................................240
Step 6: Begin Task(s) under Analysis and Collect ISA Ratings......................240
Step 7: Construct Task Workload Profile.........................................................240
Related Methods...................................................................................................240
Training and Application Times........................................................................... 241
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 241
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 241
Example................................................................................................................ 241
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 241
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 241

Chapter 8  Teamwork Assessment Methods............................................................................ 243

Introduction............................................................................................................... 243
Teamwork.................................................................................................................. 243
Teamwork Assessment Methods............................................................................... 245
Social Network Analysis...........................................................................................246
Background and Applications..............................................................................246
Application in Sport.............................................................................................246
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 247
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims.......................................................................... 247
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis.......................................... 247
Step 3: Collect Data......................................................................................... 247
Step 4: Validate Data Collected....................................................................... 247
Step 5: Construct Agent Association Matrix................................................... 247
Step 6: Construct Social Network Diagram.................................................... 247
Step 7: Analyse Network Mathematically....................................................... 250
Advantages........................................................................................................... 251
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 251
Related Methods................................................................................................... 251
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 251
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 252
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 252
Example................................................................................................................ 252
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 255
Contents xix

Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 255

Team Task Analysis.................................................................................................. 255
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 255
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 255
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 255
Procedure and Advice (Adapted from Burke, 2004)............................................ 256
Step 1: Conduct Requirements Analysis.......................................................... 256
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis.......................................... 257
Step 3: Identify Teamwork Taxonomy............................................................. 257
Step 4: Conduct Coordination Demands Analysis.......................................... 257
Step 5: Determine Relevant Taskwork and Teamwork Tasks.......................... 258
Step 6: Translation of Tasks into Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes............... 258
Step 7: Link KSAs to Team Tasks................................................................... 258
Advantages........................................................................................................... 258
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 258
Related Methods................................................................................................... 259
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 259
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 259
Example................................................................................................................ 259
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 259
Coordination Demands Analysis..............................................................................260
Background and Applications..............................................................................260
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 262
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 262
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 265
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims.......................................................................... 265
Step 2: Define Task(s) under Analysis............................................................. 265
Step 3: Select Appropriate Teamwork Taxonomy...........................................266
Step 4: Data Collection....................................................................................266
Step 5: Conduct an HTA for the Task under Analysis.....................................266
Step 6: Taskwork/Teamwork Classification....................................................266
Step 7: Construct CDA Rating Sheet...............................................................266
Step 8: Rate Coordination Levels....................................................................266
Step 9: Validate Ratings..................................................................................266
Step 10: Calculate Summary Statistics............................................................266
Advantages........................................................................................................... 267
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 267
Related Methods................................................................................................... 267
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 267
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 268
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 268
Example................................................................................................................ 268
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 268
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 268
Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork..................................................................... 268
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 268
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 270
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 270
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 270
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims.......................................................................... 270
Step 2: Define Task(s) under Analysis............................................................. 270
xx Contents

Step 3: Conduct Observational Study of the Task or Scenario under

Analysis........................................................................................................... 271
Step 4: Conduct CDM Interviews.................................................................... 271
Step 5: Transcribe Data................................................................................... 271
Step 6: Reiterate HTA...................................................................................... 271
Step 7: Conduct Coordination Demands Analysis.......................................... 271
Step 8: Construct Communications Usage Diagram....................................... 271
Step 9: Conduct Social Network Analysis....................................................... 271
Step 10: Construct Operation Sequence Diagram........................................... 272
Step 11: Construct Propositional Networks..................................................... 272
Step 12: Validate Analysis Outputs................................................................. 272
Advantages........................................................................................................... 272
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 272
Related Methods................................................................................................... 272
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 273
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 273
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 273
Example................................................................................................................ 273
Flowchart . ........................................................................................................... 273
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 273

Chapter 9  Interface Evaluation................................................................................................ 275

Introduction............................................................................................................... 275
Interface Evaluation Methods................................................................................... 275
Checklists.................................................................................................................. 278
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 278
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 279
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 279
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 279
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims.......................................................................... 279
Step 2: Select Appropriate Checklist...............................................................280
Step 3: Identify Set of Representative Tasks for the Device in Question........280
Step 4: Brief Participants.................................................................................280
Step 5: Product/Device Familiarisation Phase................................................280
Step 6: Check Item on Checklist against Product...........................................280
Step 7: Analyse Data........................................................................................280
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 281
Related Methods................................................................................................... 281
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 281
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 281
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 281
Example................................................................................................................ 281
Recommended Texts............................................................................................284
Heuristic Analysis.....................................................................................................284
Background and Applications..............................................................................284
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 286
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 286
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 286
Contents xxi

Step 1: Define Aims of the Analysis................................................................ 286

Step 2: Identify Set of Representative Tasks for the Device in Question........ 286
Step 3: Product/Device Familiarisation Phase................................................ 286
Step 4: Perform Task(s).................................................................................... 286
Step 5: Propose Design Remedies................................................................... 286
Advantages........................................................................................................... 287
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 287
Related Methods................................................................................................... 287
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 287
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 287
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 287
Example................................................................................................................ 287
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 288
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 288
Link Analysis............................................................................................................ 289
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 289
Domain of Application.........................................................................................290
Application in Sport.............................................................................................290
Procedure and Advice..........................................................................................290
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims..........................................................................290
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis.......................................... 290
Step 3: Collect Data.........................................................................................290
Step 4: Validate Data Collected.......................................................................290
Step 5: Construct Link Analysis Table............................................................ 291
Step 6: Construct Link Analysis Diagram....................................................... 291
Step 7: Offer Redesign Proposals/Analyse Link Analysis Data...................... 292
Advantages........................................................................................................... 292
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 292
Related Methods................................................................................................... 292
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 292
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 292
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 293
Example................................................................................................................ 293
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 294
Recommended Texts............................................................................................ 296
Layout Analysis......................................................................................................... 297
Background and Applications.............................................................................. 297
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 297
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 297
Procedure and Advice.......................................................................................... 297
Step 1: Define Aims of the Analysis................................................................ 297
Step 2: Identify Set of Representative Tasks for the Device in Question........ 297
Step 3: Create Schematic Diagram.................................................................. 297
Step 4: Familiarisation with Device................................................................ 297
Step 5: Arrange Interface Components into Functional Groupings................ 298
Step 6: Arrange Functional Groupings Based on Importance of Use............. 298
Step 7: Arrange Functional Groupings Based on Sequence of Use................ 298
Step 8: Arrange Functional Groupings Based on Frequency of Use............... 298
Advantages........................................................................................................... 299
Disadvantages....................................................................................................... 299
Related Methods................................................................................................... 299
xxii Contents

Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 299

Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 299
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 299
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 301
Interface Surveys....................................................................................................... 301
Background and Application................................................................................ 301
Control and Display Survey.............................................................................302
Labelling Surveys............................................................................................ 303
Coding Consistency Survey............................................................................. 303
Operator Modification Survey......................................................................... 303
Domain of Application......................................................................................... 303
Application in Sport............................................................................................. 303
Procedure and Advice..........................................................................................304
Step 1: Define Analysis Aims..........................................................................304
Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis..........................................304
Step 3: Data Collection....................................................................................304
Step 4: Complete Appropriate Surveys............................................................304
Step 5: Propose Remedial Measures...............................................................304
Related Methods................................................................................................... 305
Approximate Training and Application Times.................................................... 305
Reliability and Validity........................................................................................ 305
Tools Needed........................................................................................................ 305
Example................................................................................................................ 305
Flowchart.............................................................................................................. 305
Recommended Text.............................................................................................. 305

Chapter 10  Human Factors Methods Integration: Case Study...................................................309

Integrating Human Factors Methods........................................................................309
Summary of Component Methods....................................................................... 310
Methodology............................................................................................................. 312
Participants........................................................................................................... 312
Materials............................................................................................................... 313
Procedure.............................................................................................................. 313
Results.................................................................................................................. 314
Discussion................................................................................................................. 316
Conclusions............................................................................................................... 323
References...................................................................................................................................... 325

Index............................................................................................................................................... 339
List of Figures
Flowchart 2.1  Interviews flowchart....................................................................................... 22
Figure 2.1  System Usability Scale. Source: Adapted from Brooke, J. (1996)........................... 27
Flowchart 2.2  Questionnaire flowchart.................................................................................28
Flowchart 2.3  Observational flowchart.................................................................................34
Figure 3.1  “Defeat opposition” soccer HTA extract with example decomposition...................44
Figure 3.2  “Tackle opposition player” decomposition............................................................... 45
Figure 3.3  “Score goal from penalty kick” decomposition.......................................................46
Flowchart 3.1  HTA flowchart................................................................................................ 47
Flowchart 3.2  Task decomposition flowchart........................................................................ 55
Figure 3.4  Runner VPA extract..................................................................................................60
Flowchart 3.3  Verbal Protocol Analysis flowchart............................................................... 61
Figure 3.5  Standard OSD template............................................................................................ 63
Figure 3.6  Scrum HTA description........................................................................................... 65
Figure 3.7  Scrum OSD diagram................................................................................................66
Flowchart 3.4  Operation sequence diagram flowchart.......................................................... 68
Figure 4.1  Decision ladder (showing leaps and shunts)............................................................. 79
Figure 4.2  Strategies analysis simplified flow map...................................................................80
Figure 4.3  Mapping actors onto strategies analysis output for SOCA.......................................80
Figure 4.4  SRK behavioural classification scheme.................................................................... 81
Figure 4.5  Golf abstraction hierarchy........................................................................................84
Figure 4.6  Golf shot decision ladder.......................................................................................... 85
Figure 4.7  Example approach shot strategies analysis flow map............................................... 86
Flowchart 4.1  Critical decision method flowchart.................................................................96
Figure 4.8  Concept map about concept maps. Adapted from Crandall et al. 2006...................97
Figure 4.9  Example concept map for identifying the factors considered by golfers when
determining approach shot strategy..................................................................................................99
Flowchart 4.2  Concept map flowchart................................................................................ 100
Flowchart 4.3  ACTA flowchart........................................................................................... 107
Figure 5.1  Unsafe acts taxonomy. Source: Reason, J. (1990). Human error. New York:
Cambridge University Press........................................................................................................... 112

xxiv List of Figures

Figure 5.2  Reason’s Swiss cheese systems perspective on error and accident causation.
Source: Adapted from Reason, J. (2000) Human error: Models and management. British
Medical Journal 320:768–70.......................................................................................................... 114
Figure 5.3  Hillsborough disaster Accimap.............................................................................. 122
Flowchart 5.1  Accimap flowchart........................................................................................ 124
Figure 5.4  Fault tree diagram of Jean Van de Velde’s final-hole triple bogey in the 1999
British Open.................................................................................................................................... 127
Flowchart 5.2  Fault tree flowchart....................................................................................... 129
Figure 5.5  SHERPA external error mode taxonomy............................................................... 131
Figure 5.6  Golf HTA extract.................................................................................................... 135
Flowchart 5.3  SHERPA flowchart....................................................................................... 141
Figure 5.7  HET analysis extract.............................................................................................. 144
flowchart 5.4  HET flowchart.............................................................................................. 145
Figure 5.8  HTA for boil kettle task.......................................................................................... 147
Figure 5.9  State space TAFEI diagram................................................................................... 148
Figure 5.10  HTA for “Use Forerunner device to complete sub 5.30-minute mile 10-mile
run” scenario................................................................................................................................... 151
Figure 5.11  Garmin 305 Forerunner SSD................................................................................ 152
flowchart 5.5  TAFEI flowchart.......................................................................................... 154
Flowchart 5.6  THEA flowchart........................................................................................... 159
Figure 6.1  Endsley’s three-level model of situation awareness. From Endsley, Human
Factors, 1995. With permission...................................................................................................... 162
Figure 6.2  Smith and Hancock’s perceptual cycle model of situation awareness. Source:
Adapted from Smith, K. and Hancock, P. A. (1995). With permission.......................................... 164
Figure 6.3  HTA passing sub-goal decomposition.................................................................... 174
Figure 6.4  SA requirements extract for “make pass” sub-goals.............................................. 175
flowchart 6.1  SA requirements analysis flowchart............................................................. 178
flowchart 6.2  SAGAT flowchart......................................................................................... 184
flowchart 6.3  SPAM flowchart........................................................................................... 188
Figure 6.5  SART rating scale.................................................................................................. 192
flowchart 6.4  SART flowchart............................................................................................ 193
flowchart 6.5  SA-SWORD flowchart................................................................................. 197
Figure 6.6  Propositional network diagram about propositional networks............................... 198
Figure 6.7  Example relationships between concepts............................................................... 199
Figure 6.8  Soccer propositional network example...................................................................202
List of Figures xxv

Figure 6.9  Attacking midfielder in possession of ball propositional network; the shaded
information elements represent the attacking midfielder’s awareness............................................ 203
Figure 6.10  Defender without possession of the ball propositional network; the shaded
information elements represent the defender’s awareness..............................................................204
flowchart 6.6  Propositional network flowchart..................................................................205
Figure 7.1  Framework of interacting stressors impacting workload. Source: Adapted
from Megaw, T. (2005). The definition and measurement of mental workload. In Evaluation
of human work, eds. J. R. Wilson and N. Corlett, 525–53. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press...............208
flowchart 7.1  Primary and secondary task performance measures flowchart.................... 218
flowchart 7.2  Physiologial measures flowchart.................................................................. 223
Figure 7.2  NASA-TLX pro-forma (Figue courtesy of NASA Ames Research Center)........... 227
flowchart 7.3  NASA-TLX flowchart................................................................................... 228
flowchart 7.4  SWAT flowchart............................................................................................ 233
flowchart 7.5  SWORD flowchart........................................................................................ 238
flowchart 7.6  ISA flowchart................................................................................................ 242
Figure 8.1  Example social network diagram for five-a-side soccer team................................ 250
Figure 8.2  Social network diagram for 2006 FIFA World Cup Final game............................ 253
Figure 8.3  Social network diagrams for sub-teams and passing links between them............. 253
Figure 8.4  Social network diagrams for different pitch areas................................................. 254
flowchart 8.1  Social network analysis flowchart................................................................ 256
Figure 8.5  Standard scrum formation......................................................................................260
Figure 8.6  Retrieve ball from scrum HTA.............................................................................. 261
flowchart 8.2  Coordination demands analysis flowchart................................................... 269
Figure 8.7  Network of networks approach to analysing distributed teamwork; figure
shows example representations of each network, including hierarchical task analysis (task
network), social network analysis (social network), and propositional network (knowledge
network) representations. Source: Adapted from Houghton, R. J., Baber, C., Cowton,
M., Stanton, M. A., and Walker, G. H. (2008). WESTT (Workload, Error, Situational
Awareness, Time and Teamwork): An analytical prototyping system for command and
control. Cognition Technology and Work 10(3):199–207............................................................... 270
flowchart 8.3  Event analysis of systemic teamwork flowchart........................................... 274
Figure 9.1  Garmin 305 Forerunner wrist unit. Source:, with
permission....................................................................................................................................... 278
flowchart 9.1  Checklist flowchart....................................................................................... 285
flowchart 9.2  Heuristics flowchart...................................................................................... 289
Figure 9.2  Link analysis diagram example for goal scored during Euro 2008 group game... 291
Figure 9.3  Link diagram for goal scored in Euro 2008 group game....................................... 294
xxvi List of Figures

Figure 9.4  Goals scored and mean number of passes leading to goals per team for the
soccer European Championships 2008........................................................................................... 295
Figure 9.5  Link analysis diagram and tables showing comparison of player passing; the
darker arrows depict the origin, destination, and receiving player for each successful pass
made, and the lighter arrows depict the origin, destination, and intended receiving player for
each unsuccessful pass.................................................................................................................... 295
flowchart 9.3  Link analysis flowchart................................................................................ 296
Figure 9.6  Garmin Forerunner 305 schematic diagram.......................................................... 298
Figure 9.7  Interface reorganised based on importance of use during running events............300
Figure 9.8  Interface reorganised based on sequence of use....................................................300
Figure 9.9  Interface reorganised based on frequency of use................................................... 301
Figure 9.10  Interface redesign based on layout analysis.......................................................... 301
flowchart 9.4  Layout analysis flowchart.............................................................................302
flowchart 9.5  Interface surveys flowchart..........................................................................308
Figure 10.1  Network of networks approach. Source: Adapted from Houghton, R. J.,
Baber, C., Cowton, M., Stanton, N. A., and Walker, G. H. (2008). WESTT (Workload,
Error, Situational Awareness, Time and Teamwork): An analytical prototyping system for
command and control. Cognition Technology and Work 10(3):199–207........................................ 310
Figure 10.2  Network of network approach overlaid with methods applied during case
study................................................................................................................................................ 311
Figure 10.3  Network of network approach overlaid with questions potentially addressed..... 312
Figure 10.4  Internal structure of integrated Human Factors methods framework.................. 313
Figure 10.5  Fell race HTA....................................................................................................... 315
Figure 10.6  Task model of fell race......................................................................................... 316
Figure 10.7  Ascent and descent propositional networks for amateur runner.......................... 318
Figure 10.8  Example social network diagram showing associations between runner,
GPS device, other runners, and stewards........................................................................................ 320
Figure 10.9  Mean workload ratings for typical training run and race ascent and descent...... 320
Figure 10.10  Ascent mean workload ratings per runner group............................................... 320
Figure 10.11  Descent mean workload ratings per runner group.............................................. 321
Figure 10.12  Multi-perspective output example...................................................................... 322
List of Tables
Table 1.1  Human Factors Methods and Their Potential Application in Major Sports..................6
Table 2.1  Data Collection Methods Summary Table.................................................................. 11
Table 2.2  Critical Decision Method Interview Transcript for “Select Race Strategy”
Decision Point................................................................................................................................... 17
Table 2.3  Critical Decision Method Interview Transcript for “6 Miles—Check Condition
and Revise Race Strategy as Appropriate” Decision Point.............................................................. 18
Table 2.4  Critical Decision Method Interview Transcript for “13 Miles—Check
Condition and Revise Race Strategy as Appropriate” Decision Point............................................. 19
Table 2.5  Critical Decision Method Interview Transcript for “18 Miles—Decision
Regarding Strategy for Remainder of the Race................................................................................20
Table 2.6  Critical Decision Method Interview Transcript for “22 Miles—Decision
Regarding Strategy for Remainder of the Race................................................................................ 21
Table 2.7  Questionnaire Questions.............................................................................................24
Table 2.8  World Cup 2006 Game Passing Observational Transcript......................................... 33
Table 3.1  Task Analysis Methods Summary Table..................................................................... 38
Table 3.2  Task Decomposition Categories.................................................................................. 49
Table 3.3  Score Goal from Penalty Kick Task Decomposition Output...................................... 52
Table 4.1  Cognitive Task Analysis Methods Summary Table.................................................... 72
Table 4.2  Example WDA Prompts.............................................................................................. 78
Table 4.3  Critical Decision Method Probes................................................................................ 87
Table 4.4  Example “Ascent” CDM Output.................................................................................92
Table 4.5  Example “Descent” CDM Output...............................................................................94
Table 4.6  Example Simulation Interview Table........................................................................ 104
Table 4.7  Example Cognitive Demands Table.......................................................................... 105
Table 5.1  Human Error Assessment Methods Summary Table................................................ 118
Table 5.2  Golf SHERPA Extract............................................................................................... 136
Table 5.3  Transition Matrix...................................................................................................... 148
Table 5.4  Error Descriptions and Design Solutions.................................................................. 149
Table 5.5  Transition Matrix...................................................................................................... 153
Table 5.6  Scenario Description Template................................................................................. 155
Table 5.7  Example THEA Error Analysis Questions............................................................... 157
Table 6.1  Situation Awareness Assessment Methods Summary Table..................................... 170

xxviii List of Tables

Table 6.2  Example SAGAT Queries for “Make Pass” Task..................................................... 183

Table 7.1  Mental Workload Assessment Methods Summary Table.......................................... 214
Table 7.2  SWAT Dimensions.................................................................................................... 230
Table 7.3  ISA Scale................................................................................................................... 239
Table 8.1  Teamwork Models..................................................................................................... 245
Table 8.2  Teamwork Assessment Methods Summary Table....................................................248
Table 8.3  Social Network Agent Association Matrix Example................................................ 250
Table 8.4  Sociometric Status Statistics..................................................................................... 254
Table 8.5  Teamwork Taxonomy................................................................................................ 257
Table 8.6  CDA Results for Scrum Task.................................................................................... 262
Table 8.7  Scrum Task KSA Analysis........................................................................................ 263
Table 9.1  Interface Evaluation Methods Summary Table......................................................... 276
Table 9.2  Visual Clarity Checklist Evaluation Extract............................................................. 282
Table 9.3  System Usability Problems Checklist Evaluation Extract........................................ 283
Table 9.4  Garmin Forerunner Device Heuristic Evaluation Example...................................... 288
Table 9.5  Control Survey Analysis for Garmin Forerunner Training Device..........................306
Table 9.6  Display Survey Analysis for Garmin Forerunner Training Device..........................307
Table 9.7  Labelling Survey Analysis for Garmin Forerunner Training Device.......................307
Table 10.1  CDM Probes............................................................................................................ 314
Table 10.2  Example Elite Runner “Ascent” CDM Output....................................................... 317
Table 10.3  Information Element Usage by Runner Group....................................................... 319
Two of my many loves in life are Sport and Human Factors methods. Having begun academic
life way back as an undergraduate studying for a degree in Sports Science, and having since pro-
gressed to a research career in the discipline of Human Factors and Ergonomics, I am continually
struck by the similarities in the concepts being investigated in both disciplines. Accordingly, this
book began life as a result of a discussion between Professor Neville Stanton and I on the utility
of using social network analysis, a currently popular Human Factors method for analysing the
associations between entities in networks, to analyse passing performance in team sports such as
soccer. As the discussion continued, more and more Human Factors methods capable of contribut-
ing to sports performance description and evaluation were thrown into the conversation, and more
and more intriguing possibilities for cross-disciplinary interaction were identified. At the end of
the conversation, I had managed to persuade Neville (or had he managed to persuade me?) that
provided the work could be undertaken as a personal project, as a labour of love so to speak, in
our own spare time, we could write a book on how Human Factors methods could be applied in a
sporting context.
I therefore cajoled a collection of close friends and colleagues who know a lot more about Sport
(Adam Gibbon) and Human Factors methods (Prof. Stanton, Dr. Walker and Dr. Jenkins) than I do,
into working on the project. The project initially began with a review of the Human Factors litera-
ture in order to identify the Human Factors concepts and methods that could be studied and applied,
with worthwhile outputs, in a sporting context. Following this, the chosen methods were applied,
in our spare time and more often than not involving ourselves and/or sporting friends and associ-
ates (often those who we run with, and play soccer and golf with) as willing participants or subject
matter experts, in a variety of sporting scenarios. Refreshingly, and perhaps a sign of the utility of
such research in a sporting context, all the people we engaged with gave their consent enthusiasti-
cally, and were extremely interested in the outputs produced and the potential uses to which they
could be put—particularly where it helped their own game. We owe a great debt of gratitude to all
those sports men and women who freely and voluntarily helped make this book possible. This book
therefore provides an overview of those Human Factors concepts that are applicable in a sporting
context, and detailed guidance on how to apply them. We hope that the material in this book will
provide those wishing to apply such methods, and study such concepts in a sporting context, with
sufficient guidance and background information to do so.
This book has been constructed so that students, practitioners, and researchers with interest in
one particular area of Human Factors can read the chapters non-linearly independently from one
another. Each category of Human Factors methods is treated as a separate chapter containing an
introduction to the area of interest and an overview of the range of applicable methods, including
practical guidance on how to apply them, within that category area. Each of the chapters is therefore
self-contained, so those wanting to explore a particular topic area can choose to simply read the
chapter relevant to their needs. For example, if a reader wishes to investigate situation awareness,
the concept that deals with how actors develop and maintain sufficient levels of awareness to per-
form optimally in complex sociotechnical systems, then they would proceed to the situation aware-
ness chapter, read the introduction for background and theoretical perspectives, and then select the
method that is most suited to their analysis needs. By following the guidance presented, they can
then apply their chosen method in the field. We feel that this book will be of most use to those who
are involved in the evaluation of sports performance and products, and those who are seeking infor-
mation to inform the design of sports products, the development of coaching and tactical interven-
tions, and the development of Sports Science and Human Factors theory and methodologies. This

xxx Preface

book will also be useful for students wishing to learn about Human Factors in general and about
the application of structured Human Factors methods. They can apply the methods to their own
area of study and use the material within the book to prepare case studies, coursework, and report
The prospect of Human Factors methods being applied in new domains by researchers from other
disciplines is a fascinating one, and testing theory and methods across domains can only advance
knowledge in both fields. Toward this end, it is our hope that this book provides Sports Scientists
with the methods necessary to investigate core Human Factors concepts in a sporting context.

Dr. Paul M. Salmon

We owe a great debt of gratitude to all those sportsmen and -women who freely and voluntarily
helped make this book possible. Special thanks go to all of the runners from the running club who
were involved in the case study described in the final chapter. Many thanks go also to a number of
subject matter experts who have gone over and above the call of duty to review and refine analy-
ses, discuss ideas, and provide invaluable domain knowledge, opinions, and viewpoints. We would
also like to thank Kirsten Revell for designing the book cover, and Linda Paul for all of her help
and assistance throughout the work undertaken and the production of this book. Thanks go also to
Steven Thomas for assistance in collecting data and refining some of the ideas presented.

About the Authors
Paul M. Salmon, PhD
Human Factors Group
Monash University Accident Research Centre
Monash University
Victoria, Australia
Paul Salmon is a senior research fellow within the Human Factors Group at the Monash University
Accident Research Centre and holds a BSc in Sports Science, an MSc in Applied Ergonomics, and
a PhD in Human Factors. Paul has eight years experience of applied Human Factors research in a
number of domains, including the military, aviation, and rail and road transport, and has worked
on a variety of research projects in these areas. This has led to him gaining expertise in a broad
range of areas, including situation awareness, human error, and the application of Human Factors
methods, including human error identification, situation awareness measurement, teamwork assess-
ment, task analysis, and cognitive task analysis methods. Paul has authored and co-authored four
books and numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, conference articles, and book chapters, and was
recently awarded the 2007 Royal Aeronautical Society Hodgson Prize for a co-authored paper in the
society’s Aeronautical Journal and, along with his colleagues from the Human Factors Integration
Defence Technology Centre (HFI DTC) consortium, the Ergonomics Society’s President’s Medal
in 2008.

Neville A. Stanton
Transportation Research Group, University of Southampton
School of Civil Engineering and the Environment
Highfield, Southampton, United Kingdom
Professor Stanton holds a chair in Human Factors in the School of Civil Engineering and the
Environment at the University of Southampton. He has published over 140 peer-reviewed journal
papers and 14 books on Human Factors and Ergonomics. In 1998, he was awarded the Institution of
Electrical Engineers Divisional Premium Award for a co-authored paper on Engineering Psychology
and System Safety. The Ergonomics Society awarded him the Otto Edholm medal in 2001 and the
President’s Medal in 2008 for his contribution to basic and applied ergonomics research. In 2007,
The Royal Aeronautical Society awarded Professor Stanton and colleagues the Hodgson Medal
and Bronze Award for their work on flight deck safety. Professor Stanton is an editor of the journal
Ergonomics and is on the editorial boards of Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science and the
International Journal of Human Computer Interaction. Professor Stanton is a fellow and char-
tered occupational psychologist registered with the British Psychological Society, and a fellow of
the Ergonomics Society. He has a BSc (Hons) in Occupational Psychology from the University
of Hull, an MPhil in Applied Psychology, and a PhD in Human Factors from Aston University in

Adam C. Gibbon
Head of Physical Education
Staindrop Enterprise College
Staindrop, Darlington
County Durham, United Kingdom
Adam Gibbon is head of Physical Education at Staindrop Enterprise College and holds a BSc
in Sports Science. Adam has over seven years’ experience in teaching and coaching a range of

xxxiv About the Authors

sports, and was recently graded as an outstanding teacher by the Office for Standards in Education,
Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED), the UK teaching inspectorate. Adam has an interest in
the analysis of sports performance in both team and individual sports, and has practical experience
in the use of human factors methods, including task analysis, cognitive task analysis, teamwork
assessment, and mental workload assessment methods for this purpose. Adam is also a keen sports-
man, having previously being involved in professional football, and now a keen marathon and fell
race runner, golfer, and cyclist.

Daniel P. Jenkins, PhD

Sociotechnic Solutions Ltd.
2 Mitchell Close
St. Albans, UK
Dan Jenkins graduated in 2004, from Brunel University with an M.Eng (Hons) in mechanical engi-
neering and design, receiving the University Prize for the highest academic achievement in the
school. As a sponsored student, Dan finished his work at Brunel with more than two years of experi-
ence as a design engineer in the automotive industry. Upon graduation, Dan went to work in Japan
for a major car manufacturer, facilitating the necessary design changes to launch a new model in
Europe. In 2005, Dan returned to Brunel University taking up the full-time role of research fellow
in the Ergonomics Research Group, working primarily on the Human Factors Integration Defence
Technology Centre (HFI-DTC) project. Dan studied part-time on his PhD in human factors and
interaction design – graduating in 2008, receiving the ‘Hamilton Prize’ for the Best Viva in the
School of Engineering and Design. In March 2009, Dan founded Sociotechnic Solutions Limited,
a company specialising in the design and optimisation of complex sociotechnical systems. Dan has
authored and co-authored numerous journal paper, conference articles, book chapters and books.
Dan and his colleagues on the HFI DTC project were awarded the Ergonomics Society’s President’s
Medal in 2008.

Guy H. Walker, PhD

School of the Built Environment
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh, Scotland
EH14 4AS
Guy Walker has a BSc Honours degree in psychology from the University of Southampton and
a PhD in human factors from Brunel University. His research interests are wide ranging, span-
ning driver behaviour and the role of feedback in vehicles, railway safety and the issue of signals
passed at danger, and the application of sociotechnical systems theory to the design and evalua-
tion of military command and control systems. Guy is the author or co-author of more than forty
peer-reviewed journal articles and several books. This volume was produced during his time as
senior research fellow within the HFI DTC. Along with his colleagues in the research consortium,
Guy was awarded the Ergonomics Society’s President’s Medal for the practical application of
ergonomics theory. Guy currently resides in the School of the Built Environment at Heriot-Watt
University in Edinburgh, Scotland, working at the cross-disciplinary interface between engineer-
ing and people.
The following is a reference list of acronyms used within this book.

ACTA Applied Cognitive Task Analysis

ADS Abstraction Decomposition Space
AH Abstraction Hierarchy
CARS Crew Awareness Rating Scale
CDA Coordination Demands Analysis
CDM Critical Decision Method
CIT Critical Incident Technique
Comms Communications
ConTA Control Task Analysis
CREAM Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method
CRM Crew Resource Management
CTA Cognitive Task Analysis
CUD Communications Usage Diagram
CWA Cognitive Work Analysis
DM Decision Making
DRAWS Defence Research Agency Workload Scales
DSA Distributed Situation Awareness
EAST Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork
EEG Electroencephalogram
EEM External Error Mode
FA Football Association
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FCR Fire Control Radar
FIFA Fédération Internationale de Football Association
FWDs Forwards
H Hooker
HAZOP Hazard and Operability
HCI Human Computer Interaction
HEI Human Error Identification
HEIST Human Error Identification in Systems Tool
HET Human Error Template
HFACS Human Factors Analysis and Classification System
HR Heart Rate
HRV Heart Rate Variability
HSE Health and Safety Executive
HSF Horizontal Situational Format
HTA Hierarchical Task Analysis
HUD Head-Up Display
ICAM Incident Cause Analysis Method
ISA Instantaneous Self-Assessment
KSA Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes
MA Mission Analysis
MACE Malvern Capacity Estimate
MART Malleable Attentional Resources Theory
NASA TLX National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index

xxxvi Acronyms

No. 8 Number 8
OSD Operation Sequence Diagram
PC Personal Computer
PFA Professional Footballers Association
QUIS Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction
RNASA TLX Road National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index
SA Situation Awareness
SAGAT Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique
SARS Situation Awareness Rating Scales
SART Situation Awareness Rating Technique
SA-SWORD Situation Awareness-Subjective Workload Dominance
SH Scrum Half
SHERPA Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach
SME Subject Matter Expert
SNA Social Network Analysis
SPAM Situation Present Assessment Method
SOCA Social Organisation and Co-operation Analysis
SRK Skill, Rule, Knowledge
SSD State Space Diagram
SUMI Software Usability Measurement Inventory
SUS System Usability Scale
SWAT Subjective Workload Assessment Technique
SWORD Subjective Workload Dominance
TAFEI Task Analysis For Error Identification
THEA Technique for Human Error Assessment
TOTE Test-Operate-Test-Exit
TRACEr Technique for Retrospective Analysis of Cognitive Error
TTA Team Task Analysis
UEFA Union of European Football Associations
WCA Worker Competencies Analysis
VPA Verbal Protocol Analysis
WDA Work Domain Analysis
WESTT Workload Error Situation Awareness Time and Teamwork
1 Introduction

It is the 1996 soccer European Championship semifinals and, with the score tied at 5-5, Gareth
Southgate, England’s centre-half, steps up to take England’s sixth penalty kick in a sudden
death shoot-out against Germany. With a place in the European Championship final at stake,
Southgate has to score at all costs; missing the penalty gives Germany the chance of scoring
with its next shot and securing a place in the final, knocking England out of the competition. The
German goalkeeper Andreas Köpke stands between Southgate, the ball, and the goal. Awaiting
the referee’s instruction, Southgate makes his decision regarding power and placement of the
penalty; in doing so he uses his training, experience, observation of the goalkeeper’s behaviour
on the previous five penalties, advice given to him by teammates and his manager, and attempts
to read Köpke’s likely strategy. The 75,000-plus crowd waits in anticipation, with the German
contingent attempting to distract Southgate from his task.
It is the final round of golf’s 1999 British Open at Carnoustie, Forfarshire, and Frenchman
Jean Van de Velde stands on the final tee. Leading the 72-hole tournament by three shots, Van
de Velde knows that he needs only a double bogey 6 or better on the par 4 hole (which he has
birdied twice in the previous three rounds) to become the first Frenchman to win the tournament
in over 90 years. Having never before won a major, nor having led one on the final hole, Van de
Velde has to decide what strategy he should use to play out the final hole in six shots or fewer.
Placing his ball on the tee, he muses over his tee shot; should he play easy and take a mid-iron
down the left or right of the fairway, or should he take a driver and try to play as far down the
hole as he possibly can? The first strategy will allow him to lay up with his approach shot and
pitch onto the green in three, leaving him with three putts for victory, whereas the latter will
leave the green reachable in two shots, giving him four putts for victory.

Both scenarios bear all of the hallmarks of the complex domains in which Human Factors
researchers work. Human Factors, the study of human performance in sociotechnical systems, has
previously been defined as “the scientific study of the relationship between man and his working
environment” (Murell, 1965); “the study of how humans accomplish work-related tasks in the con-
text of human-machine systems” (Meister, 1989); and “applied information about human behaviour,
abilities, limitations and other characteristics to the design of tools, machines, tasks, jobs and envi-
ronments” (Sanders and McCormick, 1993). Human Factors is therefore concerned with human
capabilities and limitations, human–machine interaction, teamwork, tools, machines and material
design, environments, work, organisational design, system performance, efficiency, effectiveness,
and safety.
In the scenarios described, critical cognitive and physical tasks are being performed in a dynamic,
complex, collaborative system consisting of multiple humans and artefacts, under pressurised, com-
plex, and rapidly changing conditions. Highly skilled, experienced, and well-trained individuals
walk a fine line between task success and failure, with only slightly inadequate task execution
leading to the latter. Accordingly, all manner of Human Factors concepts are at play, including

2 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

naturalistic decision making, situation awareness, expertise, human error, teamwork, physical and
mental workload, stress, trust, communication, and distraction.

Southgate steps up and places the ball low and to the keeper’s right hand side; his execution is
not perfect, and Köpke, guessing correctly, dives to his right and saves the ball. Next, Andreas
Möller steps up for Germany, and following his own decision-making and course of action
selection process, drives the ball high and powerfully down the middle of the goal, sending
the English goalkeeper, David Seaman, the wrong way. Germany is through to the final, and
England is out, defeated once again on penalties at the semifinal stage of a major professional
soccer tournament.
Van De Velde chooses to take a driver off the tee in an attempt to get as far down the 18th
hole as possible. Struck badly, the shot goes wide to the right and ends up in the rough of the
17th hole fairway. Following this, a series of bad decisions and poorly executed shots results
in Van de Velde making a triple bogey 7 and ending the tournament in a three-way tie for first
place, resulting in a four-hole playoff, which he eventually loses to Paul Lawrie.

In the aftermath of both incidents, there is much debate and discussion over why Southgate and
Van de Velde had failed. Why did they make the decisions that they did? Did their lack of experi-
ence of similar scenarios affect their performance? Did factors such as crowd, pressure, expectation,
and other players detract them from their task? Exactly what was going through each player’s mind
as they prepared for, and took, their shots? Had they had sufficient appropriate training for such
situations? All were pertinent questions; however, the majority of which were answered, as is often
the case in spectator sports, with only conjecture, hearsay, and personal opinion.
As Human Factors researchers, we have a range of valid, reliable, and scientifically supported
methods for describing and evaluating human performance and the concepts underpinning it
in complex settings such as those described above. The impetus for this book comes from our
contention that most Human Factors methods are highly applicable in a sporting context, and
the notion that they can be used to answer some of the questions described above. For example,
although sports scientists have hypothesised about why penalties are missed (e.g., Jordet, 2009)
and how success can be achieved in penalty shoot-outs (e.g., McGarry and Franks, 2000), it is
notable that structured Human Factors methods, despite being highly applicable, have not yet
been used in this area.
Traditionally, Human Factors methods have been applied in the safety critical domains, such as
the military, nuclear power, aviation, road transport, energy distribution, and rail domains; however,
there is great scope for applying these methods in a sporting context. Further, advances in scientific
theory and methodology are often brought about by cross-disciplinary interaction (Fiore and Salas,
2006, 2008), whereby methods and theories developed and applied in one domain are applied in
another. In this book, we argue that Human Factors methods can be applied, with significant gains
to be made, within the sporting domains. Accordingly, we present an overview of the core Human
Factors concepts and guidance on the methods available to study them, with a view to these meth-
ods being applied in a sporting context.
The purpose of this book is therefore to present a range of Human Factors methods for describ-
ing, representing, and evaluating human, team, and system performance in sports. Traditionally,
the application of Human Factors (and Ergonomics) methods in the sporting domains has focused
on the biomechanical (e.g., Dixon, 2008; Lees, Rojas, Cepero, Soto, and Gutierrez, 2000; Rojas,
Cepero, Ona, and Gutierrez, 2000), physiological (e.g., Rahnama, Lees, and Bambaecichi, 2005;
Tessitore, Meeusen, Tiberi, Cortis, Pagano, and Capranica, 2005), environmental (e.g., Noakes,
2000; Sparks, Cable, Doran, and MacLaren, 2005), and equipment (e.g., Lake, 2000; Purvis and
Introduction 3

Tunstall, 2004; Webster, Holland, Sleivert, Laing, and Niven, 2005) related aspects of sports per-
formance. Accordingly, methods from the realm of Physical Ergonomics have most commonly
been applied and there has been only limited uptake of Cognitive Ergonomics or Human Factors
methods (as we will call them from now on) in sports science circles. More recently, however,
significant interest has begun to be shown in the psychological or cognitive aspects of sporting
performance, and sports scientists are beginning to look at various aspects of cognition and
sports performance, some of which Human Factors researchers deal with on a daily basis. For
example, naturalistic decision making (e.g., Macquet and Fluerance, 2007), situation awareness
(e.g., James and Patrick, 2004), and human error (e.g., Helsen, Gilis, and Weston, 2006; Oudejans,
Bakker, and Beek, 2007) are examples of popular Human Factors concepts that have recently
been investigated in a sporting context.
It is hoped that this book promotes cross-disciplinary interaction between the Human Factors
and Sports Science disciplines. Despite obvious similarities in the concepts requiring investiga-
tion within sport and the more typical Human Factors domains, traditionally there has been a lack
of cross-disciplinary interaction between Human Factors and Sports Science researchers. Fiore
and Salas, for example, point out the surprising paucity of cross-disciplinary interaction between
sports scientists and researchers working in the area of military psychology (Fiore and Salas,
2008), and between researchers in team cognition and sports psychologists (Fiore and Salas,
2006). This is not to say the potential for both groups learning from the other does not exist. A
recent special issue of the Military Psychology journal (Fiore and Salas, 2008), for example, was
devoted to communicating contemporary sports psychology research and methods to researchers
working in the area of military psychology, with the intention of promoting cross-disciplinary
interaction between the two domains. Similarly, a recent special issue of the International Journal
of Sports Psychology was used to provide a medium for team cognition researchers to discuss
their research in the context of sports psychology, with a view to enhancing cross-disciplinary
interaction between the two fields.
Among other things, one of the reasons for the lack of cross-disciplinary interaction between
sports scientists and human factors researchers appears to be a lack of appreciation (in both direc-
tions) of the methods used in both disciplines. Increasing other researchers’ awareness of our meth-
ods, in terms of what they do, how they are applied, and what outputs they produce, is therefore
one way of enhancing cross-disciplinary research. Accordingly, the aim of this book is, first, to
introduce some of the fundamental Human Factors concepts which are likely to be of interest to
sports scientists; second, to identify those Human Factors methods which can be applied for study-
ing these concepts in the sports domain; third, to provide guidance on how to apply the methods
identified; and fourth and finally, to present example applications in a sporting context of the meth-
ods described.

Human Factors Methods

Structured methods form a major part of the Human Factors discipline. A recent review identi-
fied well over 100 Human Factors methods (Stanton, Salmon, Walker, Baber, and Jenkins, 2005),
and the International Encyclopaedia of Human Factors and Ergonomics (Karwowski, 2001) has
an entire section devoted to various methods and techniques. Human Factors methods are used
to describe, represent, and evaluate human activity within complex sociotechnical systems. These
methods focus on human interaction with other humans, products, devices, or systems, and cover a
variety of issues ranging from the physical and cognitive aspects of task performance, errors, deci-
sion making, situation awareness, device usability, time, and physical and mental workload. They
are applied by researchers for various reasons, including to inform system and product design and
redesign; to evaluate existing systems, devices, procedures, and training programmes; for perfor-
mance evaluation; for theoretical development purposes; and for training and procedure design.
4 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

For the purposes of this book, the many Human Factors methods available can be categorised as:

1. Data collection methods. The starting point in any Human Factors analysis, be it for sys-
tem design or evaluation or for theoretical development, involves describing existing or
analogous systems via the application of data collection methods (Diaper and Stanton,
2004). These methods are used by researchers to gather specific data regarding a task,
device, system, or scenario, and the data obtained are used as the input for the Human
Factors analyses methods described below.
2. Task analysis methods. Task analysis methods (Annett and Stanton, 2000) are used to
describe tasks and systems and typically involve describing activity in terms of the goals
and physical and cognitive task steps required. Task analysis methods focus on “what an
operator … is required to do, in terms of actions and/or cognitive processes to achieve a
system goal” (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992, p. 1). Also included in this category for the
purposes of this book are process charting methods, which are a representational form of
task analysis method that use standard symbols to depict a task or sequence of events.
3. Cognitive task analysis methods. Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) methods (Schraagen,
Chipman, and Shalin, 2000) focus on the cognitive aspects of task performance and are
used for “identifying the cognitive skills, or mental demands, needed to perform a task
proficiently” (Militello and Hutton, 2000, p. 90) and describing the knowledge, thought pro-
cesses, and goal structures underlying task performance (Schraagen, Chipman, and Shalin,
2000). CTA method outputs are used for a variety of different purposes, including, amongst
other things, to inform the design of new technology, systems, procedures, and processes;
for the development of training procedures and interventions; for allocation of functions
analysis; and for the evaluation of individual and team performance within complex socio-
technical systems.
4. Human error identification/analysis methods. In the safety critical domains, a high propor-
tion (often over 70%) of accidents and incidents are attributed to human error. Human error
identification methods (Kirwan, 1992a, 1992b, 1998a, 1998b) use taxonomies of human
error modes and performance shaping factors to predict any errors that might occur during
a particular task. They are based on the premise that, provided one has an understanding
of the task being performed and the technology being used, one can identify the errors that
are likely to arise during the man–machine interaction. Human error analysis approaches
are used to retrospectively classify and describe the errors, and their causal factors, that
occurred during a particular accident or incident.
5. Situation awareness measures. Situation awareness refers to an individual’s, team’s, or
system’s awareness of “what is going on” during task performance. Situation awareness
measures (Salmon, Stanton, Walker, and Jenkins, 2009) are used to measure and/or model
individual, team, or system situation awareness during task performance.
6. Mental workload measures. Mental workload represents the proportion of operator
resources that are demanded by a task or series of tasks. Mental workload measures are used
to determine the level of operator mental workload incurred during task performance.
7. Team performance measures. Teamwork is formally defined by Wilson, Salas, Priest and
Andrews (2007, p. 5) as “a multidimensional, dynamic construct that refers to a set of
interrelated cognitions, behaviours, and attitudes that occur as team members perform a
task that results in a coordinated and synchronised collective action.” Team performance
measures are used to describe, analyse, and represent various facets of team performance,
including the knowledge, skills, and attitudes underpinning team performance, team cog-
nition, workload, situation awareness, communications, decision making, collaboration
and coordination.
8. Interface evaluation methods. A poorly designed interface can lead to unusable products,
user frustration, user errors, inadequate performance, and increased performance times.
Introduction 5

Interface evaluation approaches (Stanton and Young, 1999) are used to assess the interface
of a product or device; they aim to improve interface design by understanding or predict-
ing user interaction with the device in question. Various aspects of an interface can be
assessed, including layout, usability, colour coding, user satisfaction, and error potential.

Other forms of Human Factors methods are also available, such as performance time prediction
and analysis methods (e.g., critical path analysis and the keystroke level model) and system and prod-
uct design approaches (e.g., allocation of functions analysis, storyboarding, scenario-based design);
however, since they do not fit in with the scope of this book we have not described them here.

Application in Sport
All of the different categories of methods described above can potentially make a significant con-
tribution within the sporting domains (indeed some of them already do). Data collection methods
are already prominent, since they form the basis for any empirical scientific study. Task analysis
methods are also applicable, since they are used to describe and represent systems and the activ-
ity that goes on within them. This description is required for understanding performance in any
domain, and acts as the description on which most Human Factors methods are applied. The outputs
of cognitive task analysis methods are likely to be of particular interest in sports domains, since
they can be used to describe the cognitive processes (e.g., decision making) underlying expert sports
performance. Human error identification and analysis methods can be used to predict and/or anal-
yse the different errors that sports performers, coaches, and officiators make, which in turn can be
used to inform the development of countermeasures and remedial measures. Situation awareness,
the concept that describes how individuals, teams, and systems develop and maintain sufficient
awareness of what is going on during task performance, is a pertinent line of inquiry in the sport-
ing domains since it represents what it is exactly that performers need to know in a given sport
in order to perform optimally. Also of interest is how the introduction of new methods, coaching
interventions, technologies, and strategies affects performer situation awareness, and what the dif-
ferences between the situation awareness levels achieved by sports performers of differing abilities
are. Similarly, the concept of mental workload can be studied in order to determine how different
events, technologies, devices, strategies, and procedures affect the levels of mental workload expe-
rienced by sports performers. Workload optimisation is critical for enhancing human performance
(e.g., Sebok, 2000; Young and Stanton, 2002), and the application of workload assessment methods
through the product design process is critical for this purpose. Measures of different teamwork
constructs are of obvious interest, particularly in relation to the differences between successful and
unsuccessful teams in the sporting domains. Finally, interface evaluation methods are likely to be
of significant use to sports product designers. Such approaches can be used to evaluate and redesign
existing or design concept sports products, such as training devices (e.g., Global Positioning System
[GPS]-based running watches) and performance aids (e.g., digital caddie devices).
The classes of methods described above can therefore all potentially make a significant contribu-
tion within the sporting domains, which in turn can lead to theoretical and methodological advances
in both the Human Factors and sport science arena. In our view, Human Factors analyses methods
outputs could potentially be used for the following reasons in a sporting context:

1. Theoretical development. Applications across domains are required for theoretical devel-
opment. Applying Human Factors methods within the sporting domains will lead to theo-
retical developments both in the fields of Human Factors and Sports Science. For example,
concepts such as situation awareness, human error, workload, and decision making all
represent key concepts that remain largely unexplored in a sporting context.
2. Methodological development. Methodological development occurs based on continued
application, testing, and validation in different domains. Applying Human Factors methods,
6 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

or variations of them, in a sporting context will lead to the development and validation of
existing and new forms of analysis methodologies for Sports Science and Human Factors
3. Product and interface design. Human Factors methods have a critical role to play in the
design of products and interfaces; such methods are designed to improve product design by
understanding or predicting user interaction with those devices (Stanton and Young, 1999).
Applying Human Factors methods in a sporting context will lead to significant contribu-
tions to the sports product design process, be it for identifying user situation awareness
requirements, specifying optimal interface layouts, or minimising device interaction times
and user errors.
4. Product and interface evaluation. As disappointing as the standard post product/system
design and development Human Factors evaluation is, it means that Human Factors meth-
ods are good at evaluating operational products and producing insightful suggestions for
how they can be improved. Existing sports products, devices, and interfaces will thus
benefit via evaluation with structured Human Factors methods.
5. Coaching and training intervention development. Human Factors methods have also
played a significant role in the development of training programmes for the complex safety
critical domains. Applying such methods in a sporting context will lead to recommenda-
tions for training and coaching interventions designed to improve performance.
6. Performance evaluation and tactical development. The Human Factors methods described
are highly suited to performance evaluation and the subsequent reorganisation of systems
so that performance levels are improved. Using Human Factors methods for evaluat-
ing sports performance will lead to suggestions for ways in which performance can be
improved, such as the specification of new tactics, equipment, or organisation, and also for
ways in which opposition team performance can be combated.

Of course, not all of the Human Factors methods described are applicable to all sports. Table 1.1
presents a selection of major sports and a judgement as to whether the different methods from within
each category identified can be applied, with a useful output, in each sporting domain. Table 1.1

Table 1.1
Human Factors Methods and Their Potential Application in Major Sports
Football Rugby Golf Tennis Running Motorsport Basketball Boxing Cycling Hockey
Data collection ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Task analysis ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cognitive task ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Human error ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
identification and
Situation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mental workload ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Teamwork ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Interface × ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ × ✓ ×
Introduction 7

makes it clear that there is likely to be significant utility associated with the application of most
forms of Human Factors methods in a sporting context. Of the different methods categories identi-
fied, it is only interface evaluation approaches that may not be applicable in some of the sporting
domains in which technological devices are not currently used by players and officials, such as soc-
cer and basketball; however, with the introduction of referee assistance technologies proving to be
successful in some sports, such as Hawkeye in tennis and the use of video replays in rugby, it is likely
that a requirement for interface evaluation within other sports involving referees will emerge (i.e., to
evaluate new technological systems such as goal line technology and referee replays in soccer).

Structure of the Book

This book has been constructed so that students, practitioners, and researchers with interest in one
particular area of Human Factors can read the chapters non-linearly and independently from one
another. Each category of Human Factors methods described above is treated as a separate chapter
containing an introduction to the area of interest (e.g., for human error identification methods, an
introduction to the concept of human error is provided; for situation awareness measurement meth-
ods an introduction to the concept of situation awareness is provided; and so on), and an overview
of the range of applicable methods within that category area.
Each method presented is described using an adapted form of standard Human Factors methods
description criteria that we have found useful in the past (e.g., Stanton, Hedge, Brookhuis, Salas,
and Hendrick, 2004; Stanton et al., 2005). An overview of the methods description criteria is pre-
sented below.

1. Name and acronym—the name of the method and its associated acronym
2. Background and applications—provides a short introduction to the method, including a
brief overview of the method and its origins and development
3. Domain of application—describes the domain that the method was originally developed
for and applied in and any domains in which the method has since been applied
4. Application in sport—denotes whether the method has been applied to the assessment of
sports performance and gives an overview of recommended application areas in a sporting
5. Procedure and advice—describes the step-by-step procedure for applying the method as
well as general points of advice
6. Flowchart—presents a flowchart depicting the procedure that analysts should follow when
applying the method
7. Advantages—lists the main advantages associated with using the method
8. Disadvantages—lists the main disadvantages associated with using the method
9. Example output—presents an example, or examples, of the outputs derived from applica-
tions of the method in question
10. Related methods—lists any closely related methods, including contributory methods that
should be applied in conjunction with the method, other methods to which the method acts
as an input, and similar methods
11. Approximate training and application times—estimates of the training and application
times are provided to give the reader an idea of the commitment required when using the
12. Reliability and validity—any evidence, published in the academic literature, on the reli-
ability or validity of the method is cited
13. Tools needed—describes any additional tools (e.g., software packages, video and audio
recording devices, flipcharts) required when using the method
14. Recommended texts—a bibliography lists recommended further reading on the method
and the surrounding topic area
8 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

The criteria work on three levels. First, they provide a detailed overview of the method in ques-
tion. Second, they provide researchers with some of the information that they may require when
selecting an appropriate method to use for a particular analysis effort (e.g., associated methods,
example outputs, flowchart, training and application times, tools needed, and recommended further
reading). And third, they provide detailed guidance, in a step-by-step format, on how to apply the
chosen method.
In the final chapter an example case study, utilising a method from each of the different meth-
ods categories described, is presented. Although example applications are presented for each of
the methods described throughout the book, the purpose of the case study presented in the final
chapter is to demonstrate how Human Factors methods can be applied together in an integrated
manner. This has a number of compelling advantages, because not only does the integration of
existing methods bring reassurance in terms of a validation history, but it also enables the same data
to be analysed from multiple perspectives. These multiple perspectives, as well as being inherent
in the object that is being described and measured (i.e., sporting scenarios), also provides a form
of internal validity. Assuming that the separate methods integrate on a theoretical level, then their
application to the same data set offers a form of “analysis triangulation” (Walker, Gibson, Stanton,
Baber, Salmon, and Green, 2006).
The potential for cross-disciplinary interaction between Human Factors researchers and sports
scientists has already been recognised (e.g., Fiore and Salas, 2006, 2008), and testing theory and
methods across domains can only advance knowledge in both fields. Toward this end, it is our hope
that this book provides sports scientists with the methods necessary to investigate core Human
Factors concepts in a sporting context.
2 Data Collection Methods
In any form of research, when we want to understand, analyse, and/or describe something in detail,
we use structured and valid approaches to collect data. Human Factors is no different; once a Human
Factors analysis has been scoped in terms of aims and expected outcomes (i.e., defining hypotheses
and identifying research questions that the analysis is intended to answer) researchers use structured
data collection methods to collect valid data regarding the system, activity, personnel, or device
that the analysis is focused upon. This data is then used to inform the impending Human Factors
analyses. The importance of reliable and valid data collection methods is therefore manifest; they
are the cornerstone of any Human Factors analysis effort and, in addition to providing significant
insights into the area of study themselves, provide the input data for the range of different methods
that Human Factors researchers use.
Data collection methods, from a Human Factors point of view, are typically used to collect data
regarding the nature of human activity within sociotechnical systems, and therefore focus on the
interaction between humans, as well as between humans and artefacts. This includes the activities
being performed (e.g., what the activity actually is, what goals and task steps are involved, how it is
performed, what is used to perform the activity, how well the activity is performed), the individu-
als or teams performing the activity (e.g., their organisation and interactions with artefacts and one
another; their physical and mental condition; their decision-making strategies, situation awareness,
workload, and the errors that they make), the devices used (e.g., usability and errors made), and the
system in which the activity is performed (e.g., environmental data, such as temperature, noise, and
lighting conditions).
The importance of having an accurate representation of the system, personnel, or activity under
analysis should not be underestimated. Such representations are a necessary prerequisite for further
Human Factors analysis efforts. There are various data collection methods available—of course,
it could be argued that every Human Factors method has some form of data collection component.
For the purposes of this book, we focus on the three most commonly used data collection methods
within Human Factors: interviews, questionnaires, and observational study. Typically, these three
approaches are used to collect the data that is used as the basis for additional Human Factors analy-
ses such as task analysis, cognitive task analysis, human error identification, usability and interface
evaluation, and teamwork assessment.
Interviews are commonly used when researchers have good levels of access to Subject Matter
Experts (SMEs) for the area of study, and involve the use of focused questions or probes to elicit infor-
mation regarding a particular topic or area of interest. Interviews can be structured (e.g., involving a
rigid, predefined series of questions), semi-structured (e.g., using a portion of predefined questions,
but with the added flexibility of pursuing other areas of interest), or unstructured (e.g., no predefined
structure or questions). Various interview-based Human Factors methods exist, each providing their
own predefined questions or interview “probes.” For example, the Critical Decision Method (CDM;
Klein, Calderwood, and McGregor, 1989), Applied Cognitive Task Analysis (ACTA; Militello and
Hutton, 2000), and the Critical Incident Technique (CIT; Flanagan, 1954) all use interviews to
evaluate the cognitive elements of task performance.
Questionnaires are another popular data collection approach and involve participants respond-
ing, either verbally or on paper, to a series of predefined, targeted questions regarding a particular

10 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

subject area. A range of established Human Factors questionnaires already exists. For example, the
Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction (QUIS: Chin, Diehl, and Norman, 1988), the Software
Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI; Kirakowski, 1996), and the System Usability Scale (SUS;
Brooke, 1996) are all examples of questionnaires designed specifically to assess the usability of a par-
ticular device or interface. Further, questionnaire-based approaches are also used in the assessment
of situation awareness (e.g., Taylor, 1990) and mental workload (e.g., Hart and Staveland, 1988).
Observational study is another popular data collection approach that is used to gather data
regarding the observable aspects (e.g., physical and verbal) of task performance. Observational
study typically forms the starting point of any investigation, and the data derived often form the
input for various other Human Factors methods, such as task analysis, human error identification
and analysis, process charting, and teamwork assessment methods. Various forms of observa-
tional study exist, including direct observation, whereby analysts directly observe the task or sce-
nario in question being performed in its natural habitat; participant observation, whereby analysts
observe activities while engaging in them themselves; and remote observation, whereby analysts
observe activities from a remote site (i.e., via video camera link-up). Due to the difficulties in
gaining access to elite sports performers, observational study offers perhaps the most suitable
means of collecting data for the analysis of elite sports performance.
The selection of data collection method to be used is dependent upon the aims of the analysis
and the opportunities for access to SMEs from within the domain in question. For example, often
interviews with SMEs may be not be possible, and so observational study and/or questionnaires
will have to suffice. Similarly, there may be no opportunity for questionnaires to be distributed and
completed, so observational study may be the only means of data collection available. Annett (2003)
argues that data collection should comprise observation and interviews at the very least, and both
Annett (2003) and Kieras (2003) argue for the least intrusive method of observation that circum-
stances permit. A summary of the data collection methods described in this chapter is presented in
Table 12.1.

Background and Applications
Interviews provide a flexible approach for gathering specific data regarding a particular topic.
Interviews involve the use of questions or probes to elicit information regarding a particular topic
or area of interest. Within Human Factors they have been used extensively to gather data regarding
all manner of subjects, including decision making (e.g., Klein, Calderwood, and McGregor, 1989),
usability (Baber, 1996), situation awareness (Matthews, Strater, and Endsley, 2004), teamwork
(Klinger and Hahn, 2004), and command and control (Riley, Endsley, Bolstad, and Cuevas, 2006).
There are three main forms of interview available: structured interviews, semi-structured interviews,
and unstructured interviews, although group interview methods, such as focus groups, are also often
used by Human Factors researchers. Here is a brief description of each interview method:

1. Structured interviews. Structured interviews involve the use of predefined questions or

“probes” designed to elicit specific information regarding the subject under analysis. In
a structured interview, the interview content in terms of questions and their order is pre-
determined and is adhered to quite rigidly; no scope for discussion outside of the pre-
defined areas of interest is usually permitted. The interviewer uses the predefined probes
to elicit the data required, and does not take the interview in any other direction. Due to
their rigid nature, structured interviews are probably the least popular form of interview
used during Human Factors data collection efforts; however, they are particularly useful if
only limited time is available for data collection purposes, since they serve to focus data
collection considerably.
Table 2.1
Data Collection Methods Summary Table
Application Training Application
Name Domain in Sport Time Time Tools Needed Main Advantages Main Disadvantages Outputs
Interviews Generic Data High High Audio and video 1. Flexible approach that can 1. Highly time consuming to design, Interview
collection recording equipment be used to assess range of apply, and analyse transcript
Pen and paper issues 2. Subject to a range of biases
Word processing 2. Interviewer has high degree 3. Quality of data collected is highly
Data Collection Methods

software of control over data dependent upon skill of interviewer

collection process and quality of interviewee
3. Offers a good return in
terms of data collected in
relation to time invested
Questionnaires Generic Data Low Medium Audio and video 1. Flexible approach that can 1. Can be highly time consuming to Participant
collection recording equipment be used to assess range of design and analyse responses to
Pen and paper issues 2. Questionnaire design is more of an targeted
Word processing 2. Requires little training art than a science (Wilson and questions
software 3. Offers high degree of Corlett, 1995) and may require a
control over the data high level of training and experience
collection process since 3. Responses can be rushed,
targeted questions can be non-committal, and subject to
designed a priori various biases, such as prestige bias
Observational Generic Data Low High Audio and video 1. Provides real-life insight 1. Observational data are prone to Observational
study collection recording equipment into task performance various biases transcript of
Pen and paper 2. Can be used to investigate a 2. The data analysis component can be activities
Word processing range of issues hugely time consuming for large, observed
software 3. Observational study data are complex tasks involving numerous
Observer Pro used as the input to various actors
other methods, including 3. Offers very little experimental
task analysis, social network control to the analyst
analysis, and error analysis
12 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

2. Semi-structured interviews. In a semi-structured interview, a portion of the questions and

their order is predetermined; however, a degree of flexibility is added which allows the
interviewer to use additional questions, explore topics of interest further as they arise, and
even shift the focus of the interview as they see fit during the interview itself. As a corol-
lary of this, semi-structured interviews often uncover data regarding new or unexpected
issues. The use of predefined questions allows semi-structured interviews to retain the
focused nature of structured interviews, but the added flexibility allows them to be a much
more usable and useful data collection tool. This focused yet flexible nature has led to
semi-structured interviews becoming the most popular form of interview for data collec-
tion purposes.
3. Unstructured interviews. When using unstructured interviews, there is no predefined
structure or questions. The interviewer is given full freedom to explore, on an ad-hoc
basis, different topics of interest as he or she sees fit. The high level of flexibility
is attractive, however, in order to ensure useful data are gathered the use of skilled
interviewers is required, and the data transcription process is often lengthy due to the
large amount of data gathered. Of the three different forms of interview, unstructured
interviews are the least attractive, since their unstructured nature often leads to key
information not being collected.
4. Focus groups. Group interviews are also heavily used by Human Factors researchers. One
popular form of group interview is focus groups, which involve the use of group discussions
to canvass consensus opinions from groups of people. A focus group typically involves a
researcher introducing topics and facilitating discussion surrounding the topic of interest
rather than asking specific questions.

The questions used during interviews are also of interest. Typically, three different types of ques-
tion are used: closed questions, open-ended questions, and probing questions. A brief description of
each is presented below.

1. Closed questions. Closed questions are designed to gather specific information and typi-
cally invoke Yes/No answers only. An example of a closed question would be, “Did you
agree with your coach’s tactics during the second half of the game?” The question is
designed to elicit a Yes/No response and the interviewee does not elaborate on his or her
chosen answer unless the interviewer probes further.
2. Open-ended questions. An open-ended question is used to gather more detail than the sim-
ple Yes/No response of a closed question. Open-ended questions are designed so that the
interviewee gives more detail in their response than merely yes or no; they allow intervie-
wees to answer in whatever way they wish and to elaborate on their answer. For example,
an open-ended question approach to the coach’s tactics topic used for the closed question
example would be something like, “What did you think about the coach’s tactics during
the second half of the game?” By allowing the interviewee to elaborate upon the answers
given, open-ended questions elicit more insightful data than closed questions. Whereas a
closed question might reveal that a player did not agree with his coach’s tactics, an open-
ended question would reveal that the player did not agree with the tactics and also provide
an insight into why the player did not agree with them. On the downside, open-ended ques-
tions are likely to lead to more time-consuming interviews, produce significantly more
data than closed questions, and the data gathered take significantly longer to transcribe and
3. Probing questions. A so-called probing question is normally introduced directly after an
open-ended or closed question to gather targeted data regarding the topic of discussion.
Examples of probing questions following on from a question regarding a player’s agree-
ment with his or her coach’s tactics would be, “Why did you not agree with the coach’s
Data Collection Methods 13

tactics in the second half?”, “What tactics do you think would have been more appropri-
ate?”, and “What effect did the tactics used have on your own performance and the overall
performance of the whole team?”

It is recommended that interviewers should begin with a specific topic, probe the topic until it
has been exhausted, and then move on to another topic. Stanton and Young (1999) advocate the use
of an open-ended question, followed by a probing question and then a closed question. According
to Stanton and Young, this cycle of open-ended, probe, and then closed questions should be main-
tained throughout the interview.

Domain of Application
Interviews are a generic procedure that can be used in any domain to collect data regarding any subject.

Application in Sport
Interviews can be used to collect data on a wide range of sporting issues, including the cognitive
aspects of performance (e.g., decision making, problem solving, situation awareness) and sports
performer’s subjective opinions on performance, equipment, and training. Accordingly, they have
been heavily used in the past for data collection purposes in various sporting domains. For example,
Macquet and Fleurance (2007) used interviews to assess expert badminton player decision-making
strategies, Smith and Cushion (2006) used semi-structured interviews to investigate the in-game
behaviour of top-level professional soccer coaches, and Hanton, Fletcher, and Coughlan (2005) used
interviews to investigate the nature of stress in elite sports performers.

Procedure and Advice (Semi-Structured Interview)

Step 1: Clearly Define the Aim(s) of the Interview
Initially, before the design of the interview begins, the analyst should clearly define what the aims
and objectives of the interview are. Without clearly defined aims and objectives, interviews can lack
focus and inappropriate or inadequate data may be obtained. Clear specification of the aims and
objectives ensures that interviews are designed appropriately and that the interview questions used
are wholly relevant.

Step 2: Develop Interview Questions

Once the aims and objectives of the interview are clearly defined, development of appropriate inter-
view questions can begin. As pointed out previously, the cyclical use of open-ended, probing, and
closed questions is advocated as the best approach. Therefore, cycles of questions for each topic of
interest should be developed. For example, for an interview focusing on golfer shot selection, one
cycle of questions regarding the use of information for shot selection purposes could be:

• Open-ended question: “What information did you use to inform shot selection?”
• Probing questions: “Where did the information come from?”, “Which piece of informa-
tion was the most important in determining your final shot selection?”, “Was any of the
information incorrect or erroneous?”, “Is there any other information that you would have
liked when making your shot selection?”
• Closed question: “Were you happy with your shot selection?”

Once the initial set of questions is developed, they should be reviewed and refined as much as is possi-
ble. It is particularly useful at this stage to pass the questions to other researchers for their comments.
14 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 3: Piloting the Interview

Once the questions have been developed, reviewed, refined, and placed in an appropriate order, the
next step involves conducting pilot runs of the interview. This is a particularly important aspect of
interview design; however, it is often ignored. Piloting interviews allows problems with the question
content and ordering to be ironed out. Also, questions not initially thought of are often revealed
during pilot testing. Piloting interviews can be as simple as performing a trial interview with a col-
league, or more sophisticated, involving the conduct of a series of pilot runs with a test participant
set. The data collected during interview piloting is also useful, as it gives an indication of the kind
of data that will be gathered, which allows analysts to modify or change the interview questions if
the appropriate data was not forthcoming during piloting.

Step 4: Modify Interview Procedure and/or Content

Following the piloting phase, any changes to the interview procedure or questions should be
made. This might include the removal of redundant or inappropriate questions, rewording of
existing questions, or addition of new questions. If time permits, the modified interview should
also be subject to a pilot run.

Step 5: Select Participants

If the participant set has not already been determined, the next step requires that appropriate par-
ticipants be selected for the study in question. This may or may not be constrained by the nature of
the study and the participant sample available (i.e., an investigation into the injury profiles of male
amateur soccer players under the age of 30). Normally, a representative sample from the target
population is used.

Step 6: Conduct Interviews

The interviewer plays a key role in the overall quality of data collected. The interviewer(s) used
should be familiar with the aims of the analysis and the subject area, should be confident, and
should communicate clearly and concisely. Establishing a good rapport with the interviewee is also
critical. Things for the interviewer to avoid include being overbearing during the interview, using
technical jargon or acronyms, and misleading, belittling, embarrassing, or insulting the interviewee.
Conducting the interview itself involves using a cycle of open-ended, probe, and closed questions
to exhaust a topic of interest (Stanton and Young, 1999). The interviewer should persist with one
particular topic until all avenues of interest are explored, and then move on to the next topic of inter-
est. All interviews should be recorded using either audio or visual recording equipment. It is also
recommended that a second analyst take notes of interest during the interview.

Step 7: Transcribe Data

Once all interviews are completed, the data should be transcribed. This should take place immedi-
ately after the interviews are completed, as it can be difficult to return to interview data after a signifi-
cant period. Transcribing interview data involves using interview notes and recordings to create a full
transcript of each interview; everything said by both the interviewer and interviewee should be tran-
scribed, and notes of interest can be added. For interviews, the data transcription process is typically
a time-consuming and laborious process. Due to the time saved, it is often useful to pay somebody
(e.g., undergraduate/postgraduate students, temporary agency workers) to transcribe the data.

Step 8: Data Gathering

Data gathering involves reviewing the interview transcripts in order to pick out data of interest
(i.e., the sort of data that the study is looking for); this is known as the “expected data.” Once all of
the expected data are gathered, the interview transcripts should be analysed again, but this time to
Data Collection Methods 15

identify any “unexpected data,” that is, any data that are of interest to the study but that were not
expected to be gained during the interviews.

Step 9: Data Analysis

The final step involves analysing the data using appropriate statistical tests. The form of analysis
used is dependent upon the aims of the study but typically involves converting the interview tran-
scripts into numerical form in readiness for statistical analysis. A good interview will always involve
planning so that the data are collected with a clear understanding of how subsequent analyses will
be performed. A good starting point for data analysis is to perform some form of content analy-
sis on the interview transcripts, i.e., divide the transcription into specific concepts. One can then
determine whether the data collected can be reduced to some numerical form, e.g., counting the
frequency with which certain concepts are mentioned by different interviewees, or the frequency
with which concepts occur together. Alternatively, if the interview transcripts are not amenable to
reduction in numerical form and it is not possible to consider statistical analysis, it is common prac-
tice to look for common themes and issues within the data.

1. Interviews are a flexible approach that can be used to gather data on any topic of interest.
2. Interviews have been used extensively within the sporting domain for all manner of
3. Interviews offer a good return in terms of data collected in relation to time invested.
4. Interviews are particularly good for revealing participant opinions and subjective judge-
ments (Wilson and Corlett, 2004).
5. Interviews offer a high degree of control over the data collection process. Targeted inter-
view questions can be designed a priori and interviewers can direct interviews as they see
6. Interview data can be treated in a variety of ways, including statistically.
7. Structured interviews offer consistency and thoroughness (Stanton and Young, 1999).
8. A range of Human Factors interview methods and probes focusing on a variety of con-
cepts already exist. For example, the Critical Decision Method (Klein, Calderwood, and
McGregor, 1989) is an interview methodology that focuses on the cognitive processes
underlying decision making.

1. Designing, conducting, transcribing, and analysing interviews is a highly time-consuming
process, and the large amount of time required often limits the number of participants that
can be used.
2. A high level of training may be required for analysts with no experience in conducting
3. The reliability and validity of interviews is difficult to address.
4. The quality of the data collected is heavily dependent upon the skill of the interviewer and
the quality of the interviewees used.
5. Interviews are susceptible to a range of interviewer and interviewee biases.
6. Participants often do not have sufficient free time to fully engage in interviews. Often
interviewers are given only a short period of time to collect their data.
7. Depending on the subject area, interviewees may be guarded with their responses for
fear of reprisals.
16 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Approximate Training and Application Times

In conclusion to a study comparing 12 Human Factors methods, Stanton and Young (1999) report
that interviews had the greatest training time of all of the methods tested. The application time for
interviews is also typically high. Typically, interviews take anywhere between 10 and 60 minutes
each; however, the data transcription, gathering, and analysis components require considerable time
to complete.

Reliability and Validity

The reliability and validity of interviews is difficult to address; however, when comparing 12 Human
Factors methods, Stanton and Young (1999) found the reliability and validity of interviews to be poor.

Tools Needed
At its most basic, an interview can be conducted with pen and paper only; however, it is recommended
that audio and/or visual recording devices are also used to record the interview. For transcription
and data gathering purposes, a word processing package such as Microsoft Word is required. For
the data analysis component, a statistical analysis package such as SPSS is normally used.

Interview transcripts taken from a CDM interview focusing on marathon runner decision making
during the course of a marathon event are presented. The purpose of conducting the CDM inter-
views was to examine the nature of athlete decision making during marathon running. A series
of predefined interview probes (adapted from O’Hare, Wiggins, Williams, and Wong, 2000) were
used. Initially, the interviewer and interviewee decomposed the marathon event into the following
five key decision points: select race strategy prior to race beginning, reconsider/revise race strategy
at 6 miles, reconsider/revise race strategy at 13 miles, reconsider/revise race strategy at 18 miles,
and decide on finishing strategy at 22 miles. CDM interview transcripts for each decision point are
presented in Tables 2.2 to 2.6.

(See Flowchart 2.1.)

Recommended Texts
Lehto, J. R., and Buck, M. (2007). Introduction to Human Factors and ergonomics for engineers. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC Press.
McClelland, I., and Fulton Suri, J. F. (2005). Involving people in design. In Evaluation of human work: A
practical ergonomics methodology, eds. J. R. Wilson and E. Corlett, 281–334. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor
& Francis.

Background and Applications
Questionnaires are another popular data collection approach. Questionnaires have been used within
Human Factors in many forms to collect data regarding a plethora of issues, including usability, user
opinions, error, decision making, and situation awareness. The use of questionnaires involves partici-
pants responding, either verbally or on paper, to a series of predefined, targeted questions regarding a
Data Collection Methods 17

Table 2.2
Critical Decision Method Interview Transcript for “Select Race Strategy” Decision Point
Goal specification What were your specific goals during this part of the race?
• My goal was to select an appropriate race strategy that would allow me to run a PB on
the day (i.e., in the conditions that were present).
Decisions What decisions did you make during this part of the race?
• I needed to make a decision regarding the strategy to use during the marathon. Should
I go out quick and attempt to maintain a fast pace, or should I take it steady and
attempt a quicker finish?
Cue identification What features were you looking for when you formulated your decisions?
• My training performance, my performance in half marathons and other training events,
my previous times and pace (from my training system), and the weather conditions on
the day.
How did you know that you needed to make the decisions? How did you know when to
make the decisions?
• I knew that I needed to have a race strategy (pace in minutes per mile, drinks, and
gels) in order to achieve the best time possible
Expectancy Were you expecting to make these sorts of decisions during the course of the event?
Describe how this affected your decision-making process.
• Yes.
Conceptual Are there any situations in which your decisions would have turned out differently?
• Yes, if my body was feeling different; also the weather has a significant impact, for
example, if it was very hot weather I know that my pace would have to be slower.
Influence of uncertainty At any stage, were you uncertain about either the reliability or the relevance of the
information that you had available?
• Yes, I was uncertain about the weather and also about my knowledge of the course and
terrain, such as where there were big ascents and descents.
Information integration What was the most important piece of information that you used to make your decisions?
• Training performance (from my training system).
Situation awareness What information did you have available to you at the time of the decisions?
• My physical condition, my training performance, the weather, course information,
advice from other athletes (who had run this course before).
Situation assessment Did you use all of the information available to you when making decisions?
• Yes.
Was there any additional information that you might have used to assist you in making
• Yes, race times from previous years, more accurate information regarding my own
physical condition (on the race day it felt like more of a gut feeling than anything
else), more detailed information regarding the weather, more detailed information
regarding the course (i.e., where it is more difficult, where the fast parts are, etc.).
Options Were there any other alternatives available to you other than the decisions you made?
• Yes, I could have chosen a different race strategy (quicker or slower).
Decision blocking—stress Was their any stage during the decision-making process in which you found it difficult to
process and integrate the information available?
• No.
Basis of choice Do you think that you could develop a rule, based on your experience, that could assist
another person to make the same decisions successfully?
• No.
Analogy/generalisation Were you at any time reminded of previous experiences in which similar/different decisions
were made?
• No.
18 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 2.3
Critical Decision Method Interview Transcript for “6 Miles—Check Condition and Revise
Race Strategy as Appropriate” Decision Point
Goal specification What were your specific goals during this part of the race?
• To check my race strategy and check that I was on course for under 3 hours, 30 minutes
and 1 hour, 40 minutes for half marathon.
Decisions What decisions did you make during this part of the race?
• I needed to decide whether to speed up/slow down or stay at the same pace.
Cue identification What features were you looking for when you formulated your decisions?
• Pace (minutes per mile from my training system), previous experiences at this point in
half marathons, training performance, how I felt physically.
How did you know that you needed to make the decisions? How did you know when to make
the decisions?
• I knew I had to keep on top of my pace and race strategy in order to maximise my
Expectancy Were you expecting to make these sorts of decisions during the course of the event?
Describe how this affected your decision-making process.
• Yes, I knew I had to check pace and how I was feeling physically throughout the race.
Conceptual Are there any situations in which your decisions would have turned out differently?
• Yes, if I had found the first 6 miles very difficult or very easy.
Influence of uncertainty At any stage, were you uncertain about either the reliability or the relevance of the
information that you had available?
• No.
Information integration What was the most important piece of information that you used to make your decisions?
• Minutes per mile pace, distance (ran and remaining).
Situation awareness What information did you have available to you at the time of the decisions?
• Minutes per mile pace, distance (ran and remaining), physical condition.
Situation assessment Did you use all of the information available to you when making decisions?
• Yes.
Was there any additional information that you might have used to assist you in making
• No.
Options Were there any other alternatives available to you other than the decisions you made?
• Yes, a different race strategy.
Decision blocking—stress Was their any stage during the decision-making process in which you found it difficult to
process and integrate the information available?
• No.
Basis of choice Do you think that you could develop a rule, based on your experience, that could assist
another person to make the same decisions successfully?
• No.
Analogy/generalisation Were you at any time reminded of previous experiences in which similar/different decisions
were made?
• Yes, previous half marathons and training runs.

particular subject area. The questions used can be either closed or open-ended questions (see Interviews
section). A range of established Human Factors questionnaires already exist; however, depending on
the aims and objectives of the study, specific questionnaires can also be developed from scratch.

Domain of Application
Questionnaires are a generic procedure that can be used in any domain to collect data regarding
any subject.
Data Collection Methods 19

Table 2.4
Critical Decision Method Interview Transcript for “13 Miles—Check Condition and Revise
Race Strategy as Appropriate” Decision Point
Goal specification What were your specific goals during this part of the race?
• To keep my current pace going so that I was on target for sub 3 hours, 30 minutes
finishing time.
Decisions What decisions did you make during this part of the race?
• I needed to decide whether to speed up/slow down or stay at the same pace in order to
maximise my time.
Cue identification What features were you looking for when you formulated your decisions?
• Pace in minutes per mile, physical condition, knowledge of previous half marathons.
How did you know that you needed to make the decisions? How did you know when to make
the decisions?
• I knew what time I wanted to go through 13 miles.
Expectancy Were you expecting to make these sorts of decisions during the course of the event?
Describe how this affected your decision-making process.
• Yes.
Conceptual Are there any situations in which your decisions would have turned out differently?
• If I had gone out too quickly or too slowly or if I was finding it too difficult or too easy.
Influence of uncertainty At any stage, were you uncertain about either the reliability or the relevance of the
information that you had available?
• No.
Information integration What was the most important piece of information that you used to make your decisions?
• Distance (ran and remaining) and minutes per mile pace.
Situation awareness What information did you have available to you at the time of the decisions?
• Time, minutes per mile pace, distance (ran and remaining), how I felt physically.
Situation assessment Did you use all of the information available to you when making decisions?
• Yes.
Was there any additional information that you might have used to assist you in making
• No.
Options Were there any other alternatives available to you other than the decisions you made?
• Yes, I could have opted to finish at the half marathon point or to speed up or slow down
Decision blocking—stress Was their any stage during the decision-making process in which you found it difficult to
process and integrate the information available?
• No.
Basis of choice Do you think that you could develop a rule, based on your experience, that could assist
another person to make the same decisions successfully?
• No.
Analogy/generalisation Were you at any time reminded of previous experiences in which similar/different decisions
were made?
• Yes, previous half marathon events and training runs.

Application in Sport
Due perhaps to their ease of application and flexibility, questionnaires have long been used for
data collection in the sporting domains. For example, Tsigilis and Hatzimanouil (2005) used a
self‑report questionnaire to examine the influence of risk factors on injury in male handball players,
and Lemyre, Roberts, and Stray-Gundersen (2007) used a questionnaire to examine the relationship
between motivation, overtraining, and burnout in elite athletes. There is scope to use questionnaires
in a sporting context to collect data regarding a range of issues of interest, including device usability,
20 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 2.5
Critical Decision Method Interview Transcript for “18 Miles—Decision Regarding Strategy
for Remainder of the Race
Goal specification What were your specific goals during this part of the race?
• To keep my pace up for a sub 3-hour, 30-minute time.
Decisions What decisions did you make during this part of the race?
• Had to decide on strategy required in order to achieve a sub 3-hour, 30-minute time.
Cue identification What features were you looking for when you formulated your decisions?
• Distance remaining, physical condition, current mile per minute pace.
How did you know that you needed to make the decisions? How did you know when to make
the decisions?
Expectancy Were you expecting to make these sorts of decisions during the course of the event?
Describe how this affected your decision-making process.
• Yes.
Conceptual Are there any situations in which your decisions would have turned out differently?
• If I was going too quickly or too slowly pace-wise, or if I was finding it too difficult.
Influence of uncertainty At any stage, were you uncertain about either the reliability or the relevance of the
information that you had available?
• No.
Information integration What was the most important piece of information that you used to make your decisions?
• Pace, distance remaining, time.
Situation awareness What information did you have available to you at the time of the decisions?
• Pace, distance ran and remaining, and time.
Situation assessment Did you use all of the information available to you when making decisions?
• Yes.
Was there any additional information that you might have used to assist you in making
• No.
Options Were there any other alternatives available to you other than the decisions you made?
• Yes, to speed up, slow down, or stop!
Decision blocking—stress Was their any stage during the decision-making process in which you found it difficult to
process and integrate the information available?
• No.
Basis of choice Do you think that you could develop a rule, based on your experience, that could assist
another person to make the same decisions successfully?
• No.
Analogy/generalisation Were you at any time reminded of previous experiences in which similar/different decisions
were made?
• Yes, how I felt at this point in training runs.

situation awareness, decision making, workload, and human error. Due to difficulties associated
with gaining the level of access required for interviews, questionnaires potentially offer a useful
approach for gathering data from elite sports performers.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Clearly Define Study Aims and Objectives
Although somewhat obvious, the clear definition of study aims and objectives is often ignored or not
adequately achieved. Wilson and Corlett (1995), for example, suggest that this component of ques-
tionnaire construction is often neglected and the data collected typically reflect this. It is vital that,
Data Collection Methods 21

Table 2.6
Critical Decision Method Interview Transcript for “22 Miles—Decision Regarding Strategy
for Remainder of the Race
Goal specification What were your specific goals during this part of the race?
• To keep going to the finish, my goal of achieving sub 3 hours, 30 minutes was now
forgot about.
Decisions What decisions did you make during this part of the race?
• I needed to decide on the best strategy that would enable me to finish.
Cue identification What features were you looking for when you formulated your decisions?
• Physical condition, pain levels (in legs), mental condition, distance remaining.
How did you know that you needed to make the decisions? How did you know when to make
the decisions?
• I knew that I needed to keep on running to finish.
Expectancy Were you expecting to make these sorts of decisions during the course of the event?
Describe how this affected your decision-making process.
• No. As I had never run the full distance before, I was unsure.
Conceptual Are there any situations in which your decisions would have turned out differently?
• Yes. If I were running quicker or feeling physically and mentally better I would have
kept going for a sub 3-hour, 30-minute finish.
Influence of uncertainty At any stage, were you uncertain about either the reliability or the relevance of the
information that you had available?
• No.
Information integration What was the most important piece of information that you used to make your decisions?
• Physical and mental condition, decision on whether I could continue or not.
Situation awareness What information did you have available to you at the time of the decisions?
• Pace, distance remaining, time, pain levels, physical condition, mental condition.
Situation assessment Did you use all of the information available to you when making decisions?
• Yes.
Was there any additional information that you might have used to assist you in making
• No.
Options Were there any other alternatives available to you other than the decisions you made?
• Yes, I could have decided to stop or to walk.
Decision blocking—stress Was their any stage during the decision-making process in which you found it difficult to
process and integrate the information available?
• No.
Basis of choice Do you think that you could develop a rule, based on your experience, that could assist
another person to make the same decisions successfully?
• No.
Analogy/generalisation Were you at any time reminded of previous experiences in which similar/different decisions
were made?
• No, as I had never run this distance before.

before any questionnaire or study design begins, the aims and objectives of the overall study are
clearly defined. Researchers should go further than merely stating the goal of research. Questions to
pose during this step include what is the research question(s), why are we undertaking this research,
what data is required, what types of question will be used to collect the data, what data are expected,
what analysis procedures will we use, and what do we want to achieve through this study? Without
clearly defined aims and objectives, questionnaires can lack focus and inappropriate or inadequate
data may be gathered. Clear specification of the aims and objectives ensures that questionnaires are
designed appropriately and that the questions used are wholly relevant.
22 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define aims of analysis

Design interview

Analyse data
Conduct pilot run(s)
of interview

Record expected and

Y Does interview unexpected data
need more work?

N Transcribe data
Begin interview

Take first/next Y Are there any more

interview area areas of interest?

Are more
Ask open ended
Y open-ended
question and record questions required?

Ask probing question Y Are more probing

and record response questions required?

Ask closed question

and record response

Y Are more closed N

questions required?

Flowchart 2.1  Interviews flowchart.

Step 2: Define Target Population

Once the objectives of the study are clearly defined, the analyst should define the sample population
to which the questionnaire will be administered. Again, the definition of the participant population
should go beyond simply describing a group of personnel, such as “soccer players” and should be as
exhaustive as possible, including defining age groups, different positions, and different organisations.
Data Collection Methods 23

The sample size should also be determined at this stage. Sample size is dependent upon the aims of
the study and the amount of time and resources that are available for data analysis.

Step 3: Questionnaire Construction

Questionnaire construction is complex and involves deciding on the appropriate type of questions to
use, how the questionnaire is to be administered, and the format and layout of the questionnaire. A
questionnaire typically comprises four parts: an introduction, a participant information section, an
information section, and an epilogue (Wilson and Corlett, 1995). The introduction should contain
information that informs the participant who you are, what the purpose of the questionnaire is, and
what the results are going to be used for. One must be careful to avoid putting information in the
introduction that may bias the participant in any way. The participant information part of the ques-
tionnaire normally contains multiple-choice questions requesting demographic information about
the participant, such as age, sex, occupation, and experience. The information part of the question-
naire is the most important part, as it contains the questions designed to gather the data related to
the initial objectives of the study. There are various types of question that can be used in the infor-
mation part of the questionnaire, and the type used is dependent upon the analysis aims and the
type of data required. Where possible, the type of question used should be consistent (i.e., if the first
few questions are multiple choice, then all of the questions should be kept as multiple choice). The
different types of questions available are displayed in Table 2.7. Each question used should be short
in length and worded clearly and concisely, using relevant language. It is also important to consider
the data analysis component when constructing this part of the questionnaire. For instance, if there
is little time available for data analysis, then the use of open-ended questions should be avoided, as
they are time consuming to collate and analyse. If time is limited, then closed questions should be
used, as they offer specific data that is quick to collate and analyse. Questionnaire size is also an
important issue; too large and participants will not complete the questionnaire, and yet a very short
questionnaire may seem worthless and could suffer the same fate. Optimum questionnaire length
is dependent upon the participant population, but it is generally recommended that questionnaires
should be no longer than two pages (Wilson and Corlett, 1995).

Step 4: Piloting the Questionnaire

Once the questionnaire construction stage is complete, a pilot run of the questionnaire should be
undertaken (Wilson and Corlett, 1995). This is a critical part of the questionnaire design process,
yet it is often neglected due to various reasons, such as time and financial constraints. During this
step, the questionnaire is evaluated by its potential user population, SMEs, and/or by other Human
Factors researchers. This allows any problems with the questionnaire to be removed before the criti-
cal administration phase. Typically, numerous problems are encountered during the piloting stage,
such as errors within the questionnaire, redundant questions, and questions that the participants
simply do not understand or find confusing. Wilson and Corlett (1995) recommend that question-
naire piloting should comprise three stages:

1. Individual criticism. The questionnaire should be administered for a critique to several col-
leagues who are experienced in questionnaire construction, administration, and analysis.
2. Depth interviewing. Following individual criticism, the questionnaire should be adminis-
tered to a small sample of the intended population. Once they have completed the question-
naire, the participants should be subjected to an interview regarding the questionnaire and
the answers that they provided. This allows the analyst to ensure that the questions were
fully understood and that appropriate data is likely to be obtained.
3. Large sample administration. The redesigned questionnaire should then be administered
to a large sample of the intended population. This allows the analyst to ensure that appro-
priate data is being collected and that the time required for data analysis is within that
available for the study. Worthless questions are also highlighted during this stage. The
24 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 2.7
Questionnaire Questions
Type of Question Example Question When to Use
Multiple choice On approximately how many occasions have you When the participant is required to
made the wrong decision in a one-on-one choose a specific response
situation? (0–5, 6–10, 11–15, 16–20, More than
Rating scales I found the tactics unnecessarily complex. When subjective data regarding
(Strongly Agree [5], Agree [4], Not Sure [3], participant opinions are required
Disagree [2], Strongly Disagree [1])
Paired associates Which of the two tasks A + B subjected you to the When two alternatives are available to
(bipolar alternatives) most mental workload? (A or B) choose from
Ranking Rank, on a scale of 1 (Very Poor) to 10 (Excellent) When a numerical rating is required
your performance during the game.
Open-ended questions What did you think of the coach’s tactics? When data regarding participants’ own
opinions about a certain subject are
required, i.e., subjects compose their
own answers
Closed questions Which of the following errors have you made in a When the participant is required to
one-on-one situation? (Action Mistimed, Action choose a specific response
Omitted, Wrong Selection)
Filter questions Have you ever committed an error while taking a To determine whether participant has
conversion kick? (Yes or No. If Yes, go to specific knowledge or experience
question 10. If No, go to question 15.) To guide participant past redundant

likely response rate can also be predicted based on the number of questionnaires returned
during this stage.

Step 5: Questionnaire Administration

Once the questionnaire has been successfully piloted and refined accordingly, it is ready to be
administered. Exactly how the questionnaire is administered is dependent upon the aims and
objectives of the analysis and the target population. For example, if the target population can
be gathered together at a certain time and place, then the questionnaire could be administered
at this time, with the analyst(s) present. This ensures that the questionnaires are completed.
However, gathering the target population in one place at the same time is often difficult to
achieve and so questionnaires are often administered by post. Although this is quick and incurs
little effort and cost, the response rate is often very low, with figures typically around the 10%
mark. Procedures to address poor response rates are available, such as offering payment on
completion, the use of encouraging letters, offering a donation to charity upon return, contact-
ing non-respondents by telephone, and sending shortened versions of the initial questionnaire to
non-respondents, all of which have been shown in the past to improve response rates, but almost
all involve substantial extra cost. More recently, the Internet is becoming popular as a way of
administrating questionnaires.

Step 6: Data Analysis

Once all (or a sufficient amount) of the questionnaires have been returned or collected, the data
analysis process can begin. This is a lengthy process and is dependent upon the analysis needs.
Questionnaire data are typically computerised and analysed statistically. The type of statistical
analysis performed is dependent upon the aims and objectives of the study.
Data Collection Methods 25

Step 7: Follow-Up Phase

Once the data are analysed and conclusions are drawn, the participants who completed the question-
naire should be informed regarding the outcome of the study. This might include a thank-you letter
and an associated information pack containing a summary of the research findings.

1. Questionnaires can be used in any domain to collect large amounts of data on any topic
of interest.
2. The use of postal or on-line questionnaires significantly increases the participant sample
3. Administering and analysing questionnaires requires very little training.
4. When questionnaires are appropriately designed and tested, the data collection and analy-
sis phase is relatively quick and straightforward.
5. Questionnaires offer a good return in terms of data collected in relation to time invested.
6. Questionnaires offer a high degree of control over the data collection process since tar-
geted questions can be designed a priori.
7. Once the questionnaire is designed, very few resources are required to administer it.

1. The process of designing, piloting, and administering a questionnaire, and then analysing
the data obtained is time-consuming.
2. Questionnaire design is more of an art than a science (Wilson and Corlett, 1995) and
requires a high level of training, experience, and skill on behalf of the analysts involved.
3. The reliability and validity of questionnaires is questionable.
4. For postal questionnaires, response rates are typically very low (e.g., around 10%).
5. Questionnaire responses can be rushed, non-committal, and subject to various biases, such
as prestige bias.
6. Questionnaires can be limited in terms of what they can collect.

Related Methods
There are various Human Factors questionnaires available, covering a range of concepts including
usability, situation awareness, decision making, workload, and cognition. Different types of ques-
tionnaires include rating scales, paired comparison, and ranking questionnaires.

Approximate Training and Application Times

Questionnaire design is more of an art than a science (Wilson and Corlett, 1995). Practice makes
perfect, and researchers normally need numerous attempts before they become proficient at ques-
tionnaire design (Openheim, 2000). For this reason, the training time associated with question-
naires is high. Although the actual time required to complete questionnaires is typically minimal,
the lengthy process of questionnaire design and data analysis renders the total application time
as high.

Reliability and Validity

The reliability and validity of questionnaires is questionable. Questionnaires are prone to a series
of different biases and often suffer from social desirability bias, whereby participants respond in
26 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

the way in which they feel analysts or researchers want them to. Questionnaire answers can also be
rushed and non-committal, especially when the analysts or researchers are not present. In a study
comparing 12 Human Factors methods, Stanton and Young (1999) reported an acceptable level of
inter-rater reliability, but unacceptable levels of intra-rater reliability and validity.

Tools Needed
Although traditionally a paper-based method requiring no more than pen and paper, questionnaires
are increasingly being administered electronically on the Internet or via telephone (McClelland and
Fulton Suri, 2005). For electronic administration, an Internet domain and specialist on-line ques-
tionnaire design software is required. For analysing questionnaire data, statistical analysis software
programmes such as SPSS are typically used.

Various questionnaires have been developed specifically for the evaluation of Human Factors
concepts, including usability, situation awareness, teamwork, and human error. For example, the
Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction (QUIS: Chin, Diehl, and Norman, 1988), the Software
Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI; Kirakowski, 1996), and the System Usability Scale (SUS;
Brooke, 1996) are all examples of questionnaires designed specifically to assess the usability of a
particular device or interface. The SUS questionnaire offers a quick, simple, and low cost approach
to device usability assessment, and consists of 10 usability statements that are rated by partici-
pants on a Likert scale of 1 (strongly disagree with statement) to 5 (strongly agree with statement).
Answers are coded and a total usability score is derived for the product or device under analysis.
Each item on the SUS scale is given a score between 0 and 4. The items are scored as follows
(Stanton and Young, 1999):

• The score for odd numbered items is the scale position (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) minus 1.
• The score for even numbered items is 5 minus the scale position.
• The sum of the scores is then multiplied by 2.5.

The final figure represents a usability score for the device under analysis and should range between
0 and 100. The SUS questionnaire proforma is presented in Figure 2.1.

(See Flowchart 2.2.)

Recommended Texts
Lehto, J. R., and Buck, M. (2007). Introduction to Human Factors and ergonomics for engineers. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC Press.
McClelland, I., and Fulton Suri, J. (2005). Involving people in design. In Evaluation of human work, 3rd ed.,
eds. J. R. Wilson and E. N. Corlett, 281–333. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Observational Study
Observational study is used to gather data regarding the observable aspects (e.g., physical and ver-
bal) of task performance. Within Human Factors, observational study typically forms the starting
point of any investigation; Annett (2003), for example, argues that, at the very least, data collec-
tion should comprise observation and SME interviews. Further, most of the methods in this book
Data Collection Methods 27

Strongly Strongly
disagree agree
1 2 3 4 5

1. I think that I would like to use this

system frequently

1 2 3 4 5

2. I found the system unnecessarily complex

1 2 3 4 5

3. I thought the system was easy to use

1 2 3 4 5
4. I think that I would need the support of a
technical person to be able to use this system

1 2 3 4 5
5. I found the various functions in this system
were well integrated

1 2 3 4 5
6. I thought there was too much inconsistency
in this system

1 2 3 4 5
7. I would imagine that most people would learn to
use this system very quickly

1 2 3 4 5

8. I found the system very cumbersome to use

1 2 3 4 5

9. I felt very confident using the system

1 2 3 4 5
10. I needed to learn a lot of things before I
could get going with this system

Figure 2.1  System Usability Scale. Source: Adapted from Brooke, J. (1996).

require an observation of the task or system under analysis as an initial step in the process. Various
forms of observational study exist including direct observation, whereby analysts directly observe
the task or scenario in question being performed in its natural habitat; participant observation,
whereby analysts observe activities while engaging in them themselves; and remote observation,
whereby analysts observe activities from a remote site (i.e., via video camera link-up). The utility
of the observational study method lies in the range of data that can be collected. Drury (1990), for
example, highlights the following five key types of information that are derived from observational
study: sequence of activities, duration of activities, frequency of activities, fraction of time spent in
states, and spatial movement.
28 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Define target
participant population

Determine type of questions,

administration, format, and
layout of questionnaire

Construct/revise draft
version of


Yes Are modifications




Collect completed

Transfer raw data to

computer and analyse


Flowchart 2.2  Questionnaire flowchart.

Domain of Application
A generic approach, observational study is used extensively in a wide range of domains. The authors,
for example, have undertaken observational studies within the domains of military (Stanton et al.,
2006), energy distribution (Salmon, Stanton, Walker, Jenkins, Baber, and McMaster, 2008), air
traffic control (Walker, Stanton, Baber, Wells, Gibson, Young, Salmon, and Jenkins, in press), rail
(Walker et al., 2006), and aviation (Stewart, Stanton, Harris, Baber, Salmon, Mock, Tatlock, Wells,
and Kay, 2008).
Data Collection Methods 29

Application in Sport
The use of observational study is extremely common within Sports Science. Unlike the traditional
Human Factors domains, professional sports are, by nature, spectator sports and so there are no
restrictions on access to live performance. Indeed most professional sports are transmitted regu-
larly on TV and so observational data can be easily obtained. As a corollary, observational study
has been used for all manner of purposes within a Sports Science context. Andersson, Ekblom, and
Kustrup (2008), for example, observed professional Swedish soccer games in order to examine the
movement patterns (e.g., distance covered, sprints, etc.) and ball skills (tackles, headers, passes,
etc.) of elite football players on different playing surfaces (turf versus natural grass). Notational
analysis (Hughes and Franks, 1997; James, 2006), a structured observational study method used
in the sports domain, has also been used extensively to analyse various aspects of sports perfor-
mance, for example, during soccer (e.g., James, 2006), rugby (Hughes and Franks, 2004), and tennis
(O’Donoghue and Ingram, 2001) matches.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Aims and Objectives
The first step involves clearly defining the aims and objectives of the observation. This should
include identifying what task or scenario is to be observed, in which environment the observa-
tion will take place, which participants will be observed, what data are required, and what data
are expected.

Step 2: Define Scenario(s)

Once the aims and objectives of the observation are clearly defined, the scenario(s) to be observed
should be defined and described further. Normally, the analyst(s) have a particular task or scenario
in mind. It is often useful at this stage to use task analysis methods, such as Hierarchical Task
Analysis (HTA), to describe the scenario under analysis. Often organisations have existing descrip-
tions or standard operating procedures that can be used for this purpose.

Step 3: Develop Observation Plan

Next, the analysis team should proceed to plan the observation. They should consider what they
are hoping to observe, what they are observing, and how they are going to observe it. Depending
upon the nature of the observation, access to the system in question should be gained first. This
might involve holding meetings with the organisation in question, and is typically a lengthy pro-
cess. Any recording tools should be defined and the length of observations should be determined.
An observational transcript detailing the different types of data required should also be developed.
The physical aspects of the observation also require attention, including the placement of observers
and video and audio recording equipment. To make things easier, a walkthrough or test observation
of the system/environment/scenario under analysis is recommended. This allows the analyst(s) to
become familiar with the task in terms of activity conducted, the time taken, and location, as well
as the system under analysis.

Step 4: Pilot Observation

In any observational study, a pilot observation is critical. This allows the analysis team to assess
any problems with the observation, such as noise interference, aspects of the task that cannot be
recorded, or problems with the recording equipment. The quality of data collected can also be
tested, as well as any effects upon task performance that may result from the presence of observers.
Often it is found during this step that certain data cannot be collected or that the quality of some
data (i.e., video or audio recordings) is poor; or it emerges that other data not previously thought
of are likely to be of interest. If major problems are encountered, the observation may have to be
30 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

redesigned. Steps 2 to 4 should be repeated until the analysis team is happy that the quality of the
data collected will be sufficient for the study requirements.

Step 5: Conduct Observation

Once the observation has been designed and tested, the team should proceed with the observation(s).
Typically, data are recorded visually using video and audio recording equipment and an observa-
tional transcript is created by the analysts during the observation. The transcript categories used
are determined by the aims of the analysis. The observation should end when the required data are
collected or when the task or scenario under analysis is completed.

Step 6: Data Analysis

Once the observation is complete, the data analysis procedure begins. Typically, the starting
point of the data analysis phase involves typing up the observation notes or transcripts made
during the observation. Depending upon the analysis requirements, the team should then pro-
ceed to analyse the data in the format that is required, such as frequency of tasks, verbal interac-
tions, and sequence of tasks. When analysing visual data, typically user behaviours are coded
into specific groups. The Observer Pro software package is typically used to aid the analyst in
this process.

Step 7: Further Analysis

Once the initial process of transcribing and coding the observational data is complete, further anal-
ysis of the data begins. Depending upon the nature of the analysis, observation data are used to
inform a number of different Human Factors analyses, such as task analysis, teamwork assessment,
error analysis, and communications analysis. Typically, observational data are used to develop a
task analysis (e.g., HTA) of the task or scenario under analysis, which is then used to inform other
Human Factors analyses.

Step 8: Participant Feedback

Once the data have been analysed and conclusions have been drawn, the participants involved should
be provided with feedback of some sort. This could be in the form of a feedback session or a letter to
each participant. The type of feedback used is determined by the analysis team.

1. Observational study provides real-life insight into task performance, since performance is
observed in its natural habitat.
2. Most professional sports are televised, enabling easy access to observational data.
3. Various aspects of sporting performance can be analysed via observational study, such as
movement patterns, behaviours exhibited, communications, passing, errors, goals scored,
4. Observation has a long history of use within Human Factors for analysing various
aspects of performance.
5. Observation has also been used extensively within Sports Science for analysis of sports
6. The data gathered are objective.
7. Recorded data can be revisited for in-depth analysis.
8. Observation offers a good return in terms of data collected in relation to time invested.
9. The data derived from observational study inform various Human Factors analyses, such
as task analysis, human error identification and analysis, social network analysis, team-
work assessment, etc.
Data Collection Methods 31

1. Observational study generates large amounts of data.
2. Observational study can be intrusive, although this is likely to be less of a problem in the
sporting arena.
3. Observational data are prone to various biases.
4. The quality of the data collected is dependent on the skill of the observer. Inexperienced
observers often attempt to record everything and miss key aspects of task performance.
5. The data analysis component can be hugely time consuming for large, complex tasks
involving numerous actors. Kirwan and Ainsworth (1992), for example, point out that one
hour of recorded data can take approximately eight hours to transcribe.
6. It is difficult to study the cognitive aspects of task performance (i.e., situation aware-
ness, decision making, error causality, and cognitive workload) using observational study
7. Observational studies can be difficult to arrange due to access problems; however, this is
less likely to be a problem in the sporting domains.
8. Observational study offers very little experimental control to the analyst.
9. For complex collaborative tasks, it is likely that a large team of analysts will be required to
conduct the observation.

Related Methods
Various forms of observational study exist, including direct, indirect, participant, and remote
observation. Observational study data are typically used as the input for various Human Factors
analysis methods, including task analysis, process charting, human error identification and analy-
sis, social network analysis, and teamwork assessment methods. Within Sports Science, observa-
tional study is typically used as the basis to undertake task analyses such as notational analysis and
activity analysis.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training time for observational study methods is typically low (aside from participant observa-
tion, which requires some form of training in the job or task that is to be observed). Despite this, a
significant amount of experience is required before analysts become proficient with the method. The
overall application time of the method is typically high due to the time-consuming data transcrip-
tion and analysis phases.

Reliability and Validity

Despite having high face (Drury, 1990) and ecological (Baber and Stanton, 1996b) validity, vari-
ous issues can potentially limit the reliability and validity of observational study methods. These
include problems with causality (i.e., observing errors but misunderstanding why they occurred),
biases, construct validity, and internal and external validity, all of which can potentially manifest
themselves unless the appropriate precautions are taken (Baber and Stanton, 1996b).

Tools Needed
On a simplistic level, observational study can be undertaken using pen and paper only. However, for
complex tasks it is recommended that visual and audio recording equipment is used to record all
activities being observed. For data analysis purposes, a PC with a word processing package such as
32 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Microsoft Word is required. Specific observational study software packages, such as Observer Pro,
are also available. For indirect observation, a television and a video/DVD player are required.

An observational study of the passing performance of the England International Soccer Team dur-
ing the 2006 World Cup and qualification for the 2008 European Championships was undertaken.
The observational study component involved observing video-recorded television coverage of the
games under analysis. Two analysts observed the games and recorded data regarding the passes
made between the England soccer players. This included which player was making the pass, which
player the pass was intended to go to, whether or not the pass reached its intended recipient, the
area of the pitch in which the pass was initiated (e.g., defensive, middle, or attacking third), and the
area of the pitch in which the pass was received. The data collected were used to conduct social
network analyses on the England Soccer Team’s passing during the games analysed (see Social
Network Analysis, Example section in Chapter 8). An extract of the observational transcript from
the England versus Ecuador World Cup 2006 game is presented in Table 2.8.

(See Flowchart 2.3.)

Recommended Texts
Baber, C., and Stanton, N. A. (1996). Observation as a technique for usability evaluations. In Usability evalua-
tion in industry, eds. P. W. Jordan, B. Thomas, B. A. Weerdmeester, and I. McClelland, 85–94. London:
Taylor & Francis.
Drury, C. (1990). Methods for direct observation of performance. In Evaluation of human work, 2nd ed., eds.
J. R. Wilson and E. N. Corlett, 45–68). London: Taylor & Francis.
Data Collection Methods 33

Table 2.8
World Cup 2006 Game Passing Observational
England versus Ecuador
Word Cup 2006, Second Round, Sunday 25th June 2006
Score: England 1 – 0 Ecuador
Beckham, 60
Possession: England 51%, Ecuador 49%
Pass From Pass To Zone From Zone To Completed? Score
HAR XXX 1 — No 0–0
TER XXX 1 — No 0–0
ROO XXX 1 — No 0–0
HAR XXX 3 — No 0–0
HAR FER 1 1 Yes 0–0
FER COL 1 1 Yes 0–0
COL JCO 1 2 Yes 0–0
COL XXX 2 — No 0–0
BEC XXX 2 — No 0–0
BEC XXX 3 — No 0–0
LAM XXX 3 — No 0–0
GER COL 2 2 Yes 0–0
COL XXX 2 — No 0–0
COL LAM 2 2 Yes 0–0
LAM TER 2 1 Yes 0–0
TER FER 1 1 Yes 0–0
FER HAR 1 2 Yes 0–0
HAR FER 2 1 Yes 0–0
FER TER 1 1 Yes 0–0
TER COL 1 2 Yes 0–0
COL LAM 2 2 Yes 0–0
LAM XXX 2 — No 0–0
CAR XXX 2 — No 0–0
TER FER 1 — No 0–0
FER CAR 1 2 Yes 0–0
CAR XXX 2 — No 0–0
FER GER 2 — No 0–0
GER BEC 2 — No 0–0
BEC XXX 2 — No 0–0
ROB XXX 1 3 Yes 0–0
HAR GER 2 — No 0–0
GER BEC 2 — No 0–0
BEC HAR 2 3 Yes 0–0
HAR BEC 3 2 Yes 0–0
34 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Define scenarios/games/
training sessions to be

Design and prepare


Conduct pilot

Are modifications

Conduct observation,
recording all data
of interest

Transcribe data

Analyse data


Flowchart 2.3  Observational flowchart.

3 Task Analysis Methods
Methods of collecting, classifying, and interpreting data on human performance in work situations
lie at the very heart of Ergonomics and Human Factors (Annett and Stanton, 2000). Accordingly, task
analysis approaches are the most commonly used and well-known form of Human Factors methods.
They are used to collect data about and describe tasks, systems, and devices in terms of the physical
and cognitive activities involved during task performance; they focus on “what an operator … is
required to do, in terms of actions and/or cognitive processes to achieve a system goal” (Kirwan and
Ainsworth, 1992, p. 1). The outputs from task analysis methods are used for a variety of purposes,
including task and system design and evaluation, interface design, training programme design and
evaluation, allocation of functions analysis, error identification and analysis, and procedure design.
Their popularity is such that there are over 100 task analysis approaches described in the litera-
ture (Diaper and Stanton, 2004), and they have been applied in all manner of domains, including
the military (e.g., Matthews, Strater, and Endsley, 2004), aviation (e.g., Stanton, Harris, Salmon,
Demagalski, Marshall, Young, Dekker, and Waldmann, 2006), driving (e.g., Walker, Stanton, and
Young, 2001), healthcare (e.g., Lane, Stanton, and Harrison, 2007), public technology (e.g., Adams
and David, 2007; Stanton and Stevenage, 1998), music (e.g., Hodgkinson and Crawshaw, 1985), and
sport (Doggart, Keane, Reilly, and Stanhope, 1992).
The origins of task analytic approaches go as far back as the early 1900s to the so-called scien-
tific management movement of that time. Scientific management methods, advocated by the likes of
Frederick Taylor and the Gilbreths, were used to analyse tasks in order to investigate more efficient
ways in which to undertake them. They were primarily concerned with the analysis of physical
work so that new, more economical work methods could be proposed (Annett and Stanton, 2000).
Early methods focused on how the work was performed, what was needed to perform the work, why
the work was performed in this way, and how the work could be improved (Stanton, 2006). Due
to the changing nature of industrial work processes around the 1950s and 1960s, which meant that
tasks were becoming more cognitive in nature, new task analysis approaches, such as Hierarchical
Task Analysis (HTA; Annett, Duncan, Stammers, and Gray, 1971) emerged, which focused also
on the cognitive elements of task performance, such as cues, decisions, feedback, and knowledge
(Annett and Stanton, 2000).
The popularity of task analytic approaches is partly due to their flexibility and the resultant utility
of their outputs. The main benefit is that they structure information about the task in question (Annett
and Stanton, 2000). Further, not only is the process enlightening in terms of allowing the analyst to
develop a deep understanding of the task in question, but also the outputs form the basis for various
other Human Factors analyses approaches, such as human error identification, interface evaluation,
and process charting methods. For example, the Systematic Human Error and Prediction Approach
(SHERPA; Embrey, 1986) is a human error identification approach that uses task analysis data as
its input; whereas operation sequence diagrams are built based on the task steps identified in a task
analysis of the activity in question. Typically, a task analysis of some sort is required for any form of
Human Factors analysis, be it usability evaluation, error identification, or performance evaluation.
Although their utility is assured, task analysis methods are not without their flaws. The resource
usage associated with task analysis efforts can be considerable both in terms of data collection and
in developing, reiterating, and refining the task analysis itself. For complex collaborative systems,

36 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

in particular, the time invested can be considerable and the outputs can be large, complex, and
unwieldy. The process can also be laborious, with many iterations often being required before an
appropriate representation of the activity in question is developed. Further, for complex tasks and
systems, video and audio recording equipment and access to SMEs is often a necessity.
Task analysis is one form of methodology that has received attention from sports scientists, albeit
most often under slightly different guises. Notational analysis (e.g., James, 2006), for example, is
a popular task analytic approach that is used by sports scientists for analysing different aspects of
performance via recording different events that occur during sports activities. According to Hughes
and Franks (2004; cited in James, 2006) notational analysis is primarily concerned with the analy-
sis of movement, technical and tactical evaluation, and statistical compilation. Similarly, activ-
ity analysis is often used to identify the different physical activities required during a sporting
endeavour. Martin, Smith, Tolfrey, and Jones (2001), for example, used activity analysis to analyse
the movement activities of referees, and their frequency and duration, during English Premiership
Rugby Union games. Martin et al. (2001) recommended that such analyses be used to design physi-
cal training programmes. Of course, these two approaches differ from task analysis approaches as
we know them, since they are descriptive in nature and describe the activity that did occur, whereas
Human Factors task analysis approaches can be either normative (describe activity as it should
occur), descriptive, or even formative (describing activity as it could occur).
For the potential contribution that task analysis approaches can make within sport one only has
to look at the range of different applications to which such approaches have been put by Human
Factors researchers. For example, HTA (Annett et al., 1971), the most popular of all task analysis
approaches, has been used by Human Factors researchers for a range of purposes, including sys-
tem design and evaluation (e.g., Stanton, Jenkins, Salmon, Walker, Rafferty, and Revell, in press),
interface design and evaluation (e.g., Hodgkinson and Crawshaw, 1985; Shepherd, 2001; Stammers
and Astley, 1987), job design (e.g., Bruseberg and Shepherd, 1997), training programme design
and evaluation (e.g., Piso, 1981), human error prediction (e.g., Stanton et al., 2006; event analysis
Lane, Stanton, and Harrison, 2007), as well as analysis (e.g., Adams and David, 2007), team task
analysis (e.g., Annett, 2004; Walker et al., 2006), allocation of functions analysis (e.g., Marsden and
Kirby, 2004), workload assessment (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992), and procedure design (Stanton,
2006). Transferring these applications to a sporting context identifies a range of useful applications
to which sports task analyses could potentially be put, including coaching and training design and
evaluation, the design and evaluation of tactics, the design and evaluation of sports technology
and performance aids, error prediction, role allocation, and performance evaluation. The approach
seems to be particularly suited to coaching and training design. Kidman and Hanrahan (2004), for
example, suggest that task analysis is important for coaching design as it identifies the purpose of
a particular task and then breaks the task in question into sub-tasks. They suggest that conducting
task analyses is a key component of sports coaching. Citing the example of a rugby coach wishing
to teach a drop kick, Kidman and Hanrahan (2004) recommend that a drop kick task analysis should
be completed and the component sub-tasks and coaching requirements should then be specified
from the task analysis output. In addition, the requirement for initial task analysis descriptions to
inform most forms of Human Factors analyses was articulated above. Therefore, if Human Factors
methods are to be applied in sporting contexts, then it is imperative that task analysis approaches,
such as HTA, are used initially.
Many task analysis approaches exist. This book focuses on four popular task analysis methods:
HTA (Annett et al., 1971), task decomposition (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992), Verbal Protocol
Analysis (VPA), and Operation Sequence Diagrams (OSDs; Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992). HTA is
by far the most commonly used task analysis approach and is essentially a descriptive task analysis
method that is used to describe systems, goals, and tasks. It works by decomposing activities into
a hierarchy of goals, subordinate goals, operations, and plans, which allows systems and goals,
sub-goals, and activities to be described exhaustively. Using HTA outputs as its input, task decom-
position (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992) is used to further analyse component task steps by looking
Task Analysis Methods 37

specifically at the different aspects involved, including the equipment used, the actions required,
feedback, and errors made. VPA is used to generate information regarding the processes, cogni-
tive and physical, that individual operators use to perform tasks, and involves operators “thinking
aloud” (i.e., describing how they are undertaking tasks) as they perform the task under analysis.
Finally, OSDs are a representational task analysis approach that use standardised symbols to graph-
ically represent collaborative activities and the interactions between team members (and technol-
ogy, if required). The output of an OSD graphically depicts the task, including the different types
of tasks performed (e.g., action, request, receipt of information, delay, transport), and the interaction
between operators over time. A summary of the task analysis methods described is presented in
Table 3.1.

Hierarchical Task Analysis

Background and Applications
The popularity of HTA is unparalleled; it is the most commonly used method, not just out of task
analysis methods, but also out of all Human Factors and ergonomics methods (Annett, 2004; Kirwan
and Ainsworth, 1992; Stanton, 2006). The “task” in HTA, however, is something of a misnomer.
HTA does not in fact analyse tasks; rather, it is concerned with goals (an objective or end state) and
these are hierarchically decomposed (Annett and Stanton, 1998). Inspired by the work of Miller
and colleagues on “plans and the structure of behaviour” (Miller, Galanter, and Pribram, 1960),
HTA was developed in the 1960s in response to a need to better understand complex cognitive
tasks (Annett, 2004). The changing nature of industrial work processes around that time meant that
tasks were becoming more cognitive in nature, and approaches that could be used to describe and
understand them were subsequently required. HTA was unique at the time in that, in addition to
the physical tasks being performed, it also attempted to describe the cognitive processes that were
required to achieve the goals specified (something that is often overlooked by antagonists of the
method). The HTA method therefore represented a significant departure from existing approaches
of the time, since it focused on goals, plans, and cognitive processes rather than merely the physical
and observable aspects of task performance.
Stanton (2006) describes the heavy influence of control theory on the HTA methodology and
demonstrates how the test-operate-test-exit (TOTE) unit (central to control theory) and the notion
of hierarchical levels of analysis are similar to HTA representations (plans and sub-goal hierarchy).
HTA itself works by decomposing systems into a hierarchy of goals, subordinate goals, operations,
and plans, which allows systems and goals, sub-goals, and activities to be described exhaustively. It
is important to note here that an “operator” may be a human or a technological operator (e.g., system
artefacts such as equipment, devices, and interfaces). HTA outputs therefore specify the overall goal
of a particular system, the sub-goals to be undertaken to achieve this goal, the operations required
to achieve each of the sub-goals specified, and the plans, which are used to ensure that the goals are
achieved. The plans component of HTA are especially important since they specify the sequence
and under what conditions different sub-goals have to be achieved in order to satisfy the require-
ments of a superordinate goal.
The HTA process is simplistic, involving collecting data about the task or system under analysis
(through methods such as observation, questionnaires, interviews with SMEs, walkthroughs, user
trials, and documentation review, to name but a few), and then using these data to decompose and
describe the goals, sub-goals, and tasks involved.

Domain of Application
HTA was originally conceived for the chemical processing and power generation industries (Annett,
2004); however, due to its generic nature and flexibility the method has since been applied in all

Table 3.1
Task Analysis Methods Summary Table
Application in Training App.
Name Domain Sport Time Time Input Methods Tools Needed Main Advantages Main Disadvantages Outputs
Hierarchical Task Generic Task description Low High Observational Audio and 1. Extremely popular 1. Provides mainly Goal-based
Analysis (HTA; Task analysis study video and flexible approach descriptive information description of
Annett, Duncan, Coaching design, Interviews recording that can be used for and has little direct activity
Stammers, and and evaluation Questionnaires equipment all manner of input into design
Gray, 1971) Tactics design, Walkthrough Pen and paper purposes 2. For complex tasks and
evaluation, and Word 2. Considers the systems the analysis
selection processing physical and may be highly time
Sports product software cognitive elements of consuming and may
design and Task analysis task performance require many iterations
evaluation software, e.g., along with context 3. Can be a laborious
Performance the HTA tool 3. HTA outputs act as method to apply
evaluation the input to most
Error prediction forms of Human
Allocation of Factors methods
Task Generic Task description Low High Hierarchical Task Audio and 1. Highly 1. Can be highly time Detailed analysis
decomposition Task analysis Analysis video comprehensive consuming to apply of the
Coaching design Observational recording 2. Offers a structured 2. The analysis often component
and evaluation study equipment approach for becomes repetitive and sub-tasks
Tactics design, Interviews Pen and paper analysing, in detail, laborious involved in a
evaluation, and Questionnaires Word the task steps 3. The initial data particular
selection Walkthrough processing involved in a collection phase may process
Sports product software particular scenario be highly time
design and Task analysis 3. Extremely flexible, consuming, especially
evaluation software, e.g., allowing the for complex tasks and
Performance the HTA tool analyst(s) to choose systems
evaluation the decomposition
Error prediction categories based
upon analysis
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Verbal Protocol Generic Data collection Low High Observational Audio and 1. VPA provides a rich 1. Highly time consuming Verbal transcript
Analysis (VPA; Cognitive task study video data source to apply of task
Walker, 2004) analysis recording 2. All manner of 2. The data analysis phase performance
Situation equipment concepts can be is often extremely List of key
awareness Pen and paper analysed, including laborious and time concepts/themes
assessment Word situation awareness, consuming related to task
Identification of processing decision making, 3. There are various performance
strategies software teamwork, human issues associated with
Task Analysis Methods

Coaching design Observer Pro error, and workload the use of verbal
and evaluation 3. Can be used to protocol data. For
compare the example, Noyes (2006)
processes adopted by reports that some
sports performers of mental processes
differing expertise cannot be verbalised
and skill levels accurately
Operation Generic Task description Low High Hierarchical Task Pen and paper 1. Provides an 1. Can be hugely time Graphical
Sequence Task analysis Analysis Microsoft Visio exhaustive analysis consuming to apply, representation
Diagrams Coaching design Observational of the task in particularly for large, of activity
(OSD; Kirwan and evaluation study question complex tasks
and Ainsworth, Tactics design, 2. Particularly useful involving multiple
1992) evaluation, and for representing team members
selection collaborative 2. Without any supporting
Performance activities software, OSD
evaluation 3. Also useful for construction is overly
demonstrating the time consuming and
relationship between laborious
tasks, technology, 3. OSDs can become
and team members large, unwieldy,
cluttered, and
40 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

manner of domains, ranging from safety critical domains, such as the military (Stanton et al., in
press), healthcare (Lane et al. 2007), road transport (Walker, Stanton, and Young, 2001), and avia-
tion domains (Stanton et al., 2006), to others such as public technology (Adams and David, 2007;
Stanton and Stevenage, 1998), and music (Hodgkinson and Crawshaw, 1985).

Application in Sport
While there are no published applications of the HTA method in a sporting context, it is clearly
suited to the analyses of sports tasks, activities, and systems since it deals with the goal-related
physical and cognitive elements of task performance. The output could potentially be used for all
manner of purposes, including coaching intervention design and evaluation, sports product design,
performance prediction and evaluation, and tactics design and selection. Further, the requirement
of most other Human Factors methods for initial HTA descriptions to act as input data means that
sporting applications of the method are imperative if the other methods described in this book are
to be applied within the sporting arena.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Aims of the Analysis
The first step in conducting an HTA involves clearly defining what the overall purpose of the analy-
sis is. HTA has been used in the past for a wide range of purposes, including system design, inter-
face design, operating procedure design, workload analysis, human error identification and analysis,
and training design, to name only a few. Defining the aims of the analysis also includes clearly
defining the system, task, procedure, or device that is to be the focus of the HTA.

Step 2: Define Analysis Boundaries

Once the purpose and focus of the analysis is clearly defined, the analysis boundaries should be con-
sidered. Depending on the purpose of the analysis, the analysis boundaries may vary. For example,
for analyses focusing on training design for individuals, or the prediction of errors that a particular
sports performer is likely to make, the system boundary should be drawn around the tasks per-
formed by the individual in question. On the contrary, if the analysis is focusing on the level of
coordination between sports team members, then the overall team task should be analysed. Annett
(2004), Shepherd (2001), and Stanton (2006) all emphasise the importance of constructing HTAs
appropriate to the analyses’ overall purpose.

Step 3: Collect Data Regarding Task/System/Procedure/Device under Analysis

Once the task under analysis is clearly defined, specific data regarding the task should be collected.
The data collected during this process are used to inform the development of the HTA and to
verify the output once completed. It is important here to utilise as many sources of data as possible
(Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992; Shepherd, 2001; Stanton, 2006). Data regarding the goals, physical
and cognitive activities, technology used, interactions between man and between man and technol-
ogy, decision making, temporal aspects, environmental conditions, and task constraints should be
collected. A number of data sources can be used, including direct and indirect (i.e., video record-
ings) observation, interviews with SMEs, walkthrough/talk-through analysis, verbal protocol analy-
sis, standard operating procedure documents, training manuals, and simulation. It is also important
that the sources of data used to inform the analysis are clearly documented (Stanton, 2006).

Step 4: Determine and Describe Overall System/Task Goal

The process of constructing the HTA output begins with specification of the overall goal of the
activity or system under analysis. For example purposes, we will use the goal of scoring after a
Task Analysis Methods 41

penalty during a game of soccer. The overall goal in this case would be “Score goal via penalty
kick.” The overall goal should be numbered as “0”.

Step 5: Determine and Describe Sub-Goals

Once the overall goal has been specified, the next step is to decompose it into meaningful sub-
goals (usually four or five are recommended but this is not rigid), which together form the goals
required to achieve the overall goal. For example, the overall goal of “Score goal via penalty
kick” can be meaningfully decomposed into the following sub-goals: 1) Place ball; 2) Check
goal and goalkeeper; 3) Determine kick strategy; 4) Make run; 5) Strike ball as intended; and 6)
Observe outcome.

Step 6: Decompose Sub-Goals

Next, the analyst should decompose each of the sub-goals identified during step five into further sub-
goals. All of the lower level goals should be an appropriate expansion of the higher goals (Patrick,
Spurgeon, and Shepherd, 1986). This process should go on until all sub-goals are exhausted. For
example, the sub-goal “determine kick strategy” is broken down into the following sub-goals:
“determine placement,” “determine power,” and “visualise shot.” The level of decomposition used
is dependent upon the analysis; however, Stanton (2006) suggests that analysts should try to keep
the number of immediate sub-goals under any superordinate goal to a minimum (between 3 and
10). Stanton (2006) points out that, rather than turn the analysis into a procedural list of operations,
the goal hierarchy should contain clusters of operations that belong together under the same goal.
The decomposition of goals and sub-goals is a highly iterative process and often involves several
reviews and revisions until the decomposition is appropriate. A commonly cited heuristic for end-
ing decomposition is the PxC rule (e.g., Annett, 2004; Stanton, 2006); however, since analysts often
have trouble quantifying these aspects, it is more often than not recommended that the decomposi-
tion should be stopped before it continues beyond a point where it will be useful (Stanton, 2006).
For example, for team communications analysis purposes, sub-goal decomposition should stop at
the point of interactions between team members (e.g., transmission of information between team
members). Alternatively, for error prediction purposes, sub-goal decomposition should continue to
the point where the interaction between humans and devices is described sufficiently for errors aris-
ing from the interaction to be identified (i.e., press this button, read this display).

Step 7: Create Plans

Plans are used to specify the sequence and conditions under which different sub-goals have to be
achieved in order to satisfy the requirements of the superordinate goal; they represent the conditions
under which sub-goals are triggered and exited. Various forms of plans exist. The most commonly
used include linear (i.e., do 1 then 2 then 3), simultaneous (i.e., do 1 and 2 and 3 simultaneously),
selection (i.e., choose one from 1 to 3), and non-linear plans (i.e., do 1 to 3 in any order). For more
complex tasks, custom plans, often including a mixture of the four types described, are also used.
Stanton (2006) points out that plans contain the context in which sub-goals are triggered, including
time, environmental conditions, completion of other sub-goals, system state, and receipt of informa-
tion. Once the plan is completed, the agent returns to the superordinate level.

Step 8: Revise Analysis

As pointed out earlier, HTA is a highly reiterative process that requires multiple reviews and revi-
sions of its output. Stanton (2006) points out that the first pass is never going to be acceptable,
regardless of its purpose. It is therefore recommended that, once a first pass has been drafted, it is
subject to various reviews and revisions depending on the time and purpose of the analysis (i.e., level
of detail required). As a general rule of thumb, Stanton (2006) suggests that simple analyses require
at least three iterations, whereas analyses that are more complex require at least 10 iterations.
42 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 9: Verify and Refine Analysis

Once an acceptable draft HTA is created, it should be reviewed by SMEs and subsequently refined
based on their feedback. The involvement of SMEs at this stage is critical to ensure the validity of
the output.

1. HTA is an extremely flexible approach that can be used for all manner of purposes.
2. HTA outputs act as the input to various Human Factors methods, including human error
identification, interface design and evaluation, training design, allocation of function, and
teamwork assessment methods.
3. The output provides a comprehensive description of the task or system under analysis.
4. The process of constructing an HTA is enlightening itself, enabling the analyst to develop
an in-depth understanding of the task or system in question.
5. HTA is a generic approach that can be applied in any sporting domain or context.
6. The analyst has control over the analysis boundaries and the level of decomposition used.
7. In most cases HTA is a quick and simplistic approach to use.
8. HTA is the most commonly used of all Human Factors methods and has been applied in
all manner of domains for a wide range of purposes.
9. Various software tools exist that expedite the process (e.g., Salmon, Stanton, Walker,
Jenkins, and Farmillo, 2009).

1. When used in isolation HTA provides mainly descriptive information only and outputs
have little direct input into design.
2. For complex tasks and systems the analysis may be highly time consuming and may require
many iterations.
3. HTA can be a laborious method to apply, especially for complex tasks and systems.
4. The initial data collection phase may also be time consuming, especially for complex
tasks and systems.
5. The reliability of the approach is questionable; for example, different analysts may produce
very different decompositions for the same task or system.
6. Applying HTA has been described as “more art than science” (Stanton, 2006) and a great
deal of practice is required before proficiency in the method is achieved.

Related Methods
Various data collection methods are used to gather the data required to construct an HTA, includ-
ing interviews, questionnaires, observation, walkthrough, and verbal protocol analysis. Following
completion, the HTA output can be used to inform all manner of Human Factors analysis methods,
including process charting, human error identification, cognitive task analysis, situation awareness
assessment, teamwork assessment, workload assessment, and timeline analysis.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training time for HTA is likely to be high. Although the training itself can be undertaken in a
short period of time, in order to ensure that analysts become proficient in the approach, a substantial
amount of practical experience is required. Stanton and Young (1999) report that the training time
for HTA is substantial, and Annett (2004) describes a study by Patrick, Gregov, and Halliday (2000)
Task Analysis Methods 43

which found that students given only a few hours’ training in the method produced unsatisfactory
results for a simplistic task, but that performance improved significantly with further training. The
application time incurred when applying HTA is dependent upon the task or system being analysed.
For simplistic tasks it is likely to be low; however, for more complex tasks and systems it is likely
to be considerable. For example, Salmon, Stanton, Jenkins, and Walker (in press) report that the
development of an HTA for an Apache helicopter 3-phase mission-planning task took approxi-
mately 30 hours, with the associated data collection procedure involving around 3 days’ worth of
observational study, walkthrough analysis, and SME interviews.

Reliability and Validity

The reliability and validity of HTA is difficult to assess (Annett, 2004). Notwithstanding this, it is
apparent that although the validity of the approach is high, the reliability is low. For example, in
conclusion to a study comparing 12 Human Factors methods, Stanton and Young (1999) reported
that HTA achieved an acceptable level of validity but a poor level of reliability. The level of reli-
ability achieved by HTA seems to be problematic; in particular, intra-analyst reliability and inter-
analyst reliability levels may often be poor.

Tools Needed
HTA can be carried out using pen and paper only; however, HTA outputs are typically developed
using some form of software drawing tool application, such as Microsoft Visio or Microsoft Word.
Further, a number of HTA software tools exist (e.g., Bass, Aspinall, Walters, and Stanton, 1995;
Salmon, Stanton, Walker, Jenkins, and Farmillo, 2009).

An example HTA for a soccer game was produced. The data collection phase for the soccer HTA
involved direct observation of a series of recorded English Premier League games and international
soccer matches that took place as part of the World Cup 2006 and the European Championship 2008.
The HTA produced was subsequently refined as a result of discussions with one SME. Extracts from
the HTA, which was originally developed in draft form using Microsoft Notepad and then drawn
using Microsoft Visio, are presented in Figures  3.1 through 3.3. An extract of the overall HTA,
including example decompositions, is presented in Figure 3.1. Depending on the analysis require-
ments, the HTA description can be decomposed to a low level of analysis. For example, the sub-goal
“1.2 Tackle opposition player” decomposition is presented in Figure 3.2 and the sub-goal “Score
goal from penalty kick” decomposition is presented in Figure 3.3.

(See Flowchart 3.1.)

Recommended Texts
Annett, J. (2004). Hierarchical task analysis. In The handbook of task analysis for human-computer interaction,
eds. D. Diaper and N. A. Stanton, 67–82. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Stanton, N. A. (2006). Hierarchical task analysis: Developments, applications, and extensions. Applied
Ergonomics 37:55–79.

Figure 3.1  “Defeat opposition” soccer HTA extract with example decomposition.
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Task Analysis Methods

1.2: Tackle Plan 1.2. Do either 1.2.1 or 1.2.2. as

1.1. Take kick opposition appropriate
off player

Plan 1.2.1. Do then until Plan 1.2.2. Do until it is
it is appropriate to make tackle then do appropriate to make tackle then do if tackle is successful then do 1.2.1. Tackle 1.2.2. Tackle if tackle is successful then do then Exit, if not then repeat opposition opposition then Exit, if not then repeat - 3 until tackle is successfully player using player using - 3 until tackle is successfully
made then Exit block tackle slide tackle made then Exit Move Move
Advance Jockey Make away from Advance away from
Attempt slide
towards opponent block tackle opponent with towards opponent with Plan Do then
opponent ball opponent ball then then then Exit

Plan Do then then then Slide Hook Kick
Exit Move across path of
Strike ball ball with ball away with
weight forward Check outcome ball and Check outcome
firmly with foot leading foot leading foot

Figure 3.2  “Tackle opposition player” decomposition.


Plan 0: Do 1 then 2 then 3 then do 4, when

ref blows whistle then do 5 and 2, then 3 if
required, then do 6 then do 7, if goal is
0: Score goal scored then Exit, if keeper saves and ball
rebounds back into play then do 8 then
Exit, if ball misses target then Exit

2. Check goal and 3. Determine 4. Wait for 6. Strike ball as 7. Observe 8. Attempt to
1. Place ball 5. Make run up
keeper kick strategy referee’s whistle intended outcome score rebound

3.1. Determine 3.2 Determine 3.3. Visualise

placement power level shot

Figure 3.3  “Score goal from penalty kick” decomposition.

Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Task Analysis Methods 47


State overall goal

State subordinate operations Select next operation

State plan

Check adequacy of Revise

redescription redescription

Is redescription N

Consider the first/next


Is further Y


Terminate the
redescription of this Are there any more
operation operations?


Flowchart 3.1  HTA flowchart.

Task Decomposition
Background and Applications
The task decomposition methodology (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992) is used to gather detailed infor-
mation regarding a particular task, scenario, or system. When a lower level of analysis is required
than that provided by HTA, the task decomposition method can be used to analyse, in detail, goals,
tasks, and sub-tasks. It involves further decomposing each of the operations described in an HTA
using a series of decomposition categories. Depending on the purpose of the analysis, tasks are
decomposed to describe a variety of task-related features, including goals, physical and cognitive
48 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

actions required, devices and interface components used, time taken, errors made, feedback, and
decisions required. According to Kirwan and Ainsworth (1992), the method was first used by Miller
(1953; cited in Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992), who recommended that tasks be decomposed using
the following decomposition categories:

• Task description
• Sub-task(s)
• Cues initiating action
• Controls used
• Decisions
• Typical errors
• Response
• Criterion of acceptable performance
• Feedback

Domain of Application
The task decomposition methodology is a generic approach that can be used in any domain.
Applications presented in the literature include in the aviation domain (Stanton et al., 2005) and the
military (Salmon, Jenkins, Stanton, and Walker, in press).

Application in Sport
While there are no published applications of the approach in a sporting context, it is clearly suited
to the analyses of sports tasks, activities, and systems, particularly those that involve technology or
devices of some sort. It is likely to be particularly useful for sports product and coaching interven-
tion design and evaluation.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis
It is important to first clearly define what the overall aims of the task decomposition analysis
are. Without clearly defined aims and objectives, the analysis can lack focus and inadequate or
inappropriate data may be gathered. Clear specification of the aims and objectives ensures that
the task decomposition analysis is well designed and that the appropriate task decomposition
categories are used.

Step 2: Select Task Decomposition Categories

Once the aims of the analysis are clearly defined, the next step involves selecting a series of
appropriate decomposition categories that will ensure that the analysis aims are met by the
output produced. The selection of task decomposition categories is entirely dependent upon the
analysis requirements. Kirwan and Ainsworth (1992) identify three main decomposition catego-
ries: descriptive, organisation specific, and modelling. A series of task decomposition categories
are presented in Table 3.2.

Step 3: Construct HTA for the Task, Scenario, System, or Device under Analysis
Before decomposing tasks in detail, an initial task description is required. For this purpose, it is
recommended that an HTA is constructed for the task, scenario, system, or device under analysis.
This involves using the procedure described in the HTA section, including data collection, and con-
struction and validation of the HTA.
Task Analysis Methods 49

Table 3.2
Task Decomposition Categories
Task Description Critical Values Sub-Tasks
Activity/behaviour type Job aids required Communications
Task/action verb Actions required Coordination requirements
Function/purpose Decisions required Concurrent tasks
Sequence of activity Responses required Task outputs
Requirements for undertaking task Task complexity Feedback
Initiating cue/event Task criticality Consequences
Information Amount of attention required Problems
Skills/training required Performance on task Likely/typical errors
Personnel requirements/manning Time taken/time permitted Errors made
Hardware features Required speed Error consequences
Location Required accuracy Adverse conditions
Controls used Criterion of response adequacy Hazards
Displays used Other activities

Source: Kirwan, B., and Ainsworth, L. K. (1992). A guide to task analysis. London, UK: Taylor &

Step 4: Create Task Decomposition Table

Once the HTA description has been completed and verified by appropriate SMEs, a task decom-
position table should be constructed. This involves taking the task steps of interest from the HTA
description (usually the bottom level operations) and entering them into a table containing a column
for each task decomposition category. Each task step description should be included in the table,
including the numbering from the HTA.

Step 5: Collect Data for Task Decomposition

Using the task decomposition table as a guide, the analyst should next work through each cat-
egory, collecting appropriate data and performing the appropriate analyses for each one. This might
involve observing the tasks in question, reviewing associated documentation such as standard oper-
ating procedures (SOPs), training and user manuals, or holding discussions with SMEs.

Step 6: Complete Task Decomposition Table

Once sufficient data are collected, the analyst should complete the task decomposition table. Each
decomposition category should be completed for each task step under analysis. The level of detail
involved is dependent upon the analysis requirements.

Step 7: Propose Redesigns/Remedial Measures/Training Interventions, Etc.

Normally, task decomposition analysis is used to propose redesigns, remedial measures, counter-
measures, etc., for the system under analysis. The final step involves reviewing the decomposition
analysis and providing redesign/remedial measure/countermeasure/training intervention sugges-
tions for each of the problems identified.

1. Task decomposition offers a structured approach for analysing, in detail, the task steps
involved in a particular scenario or process or with a particular device or system.
50 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

2. The task decomposition approach is extremely flexible, allowing the analyst(s) to choose
the decomposition categories used based upon the analysis requirements (analysts can even
create their own decomposition categories).
3. Since the approach is generic it can be applied in any domain.
4. Task decomposition offers high levels of comprehensiveness.
5. The approach is easy to learn and apply.
6. It provides a much more detailed task description than most task analysis approaches.
7. Since the analyst(s) has control over the categories adopted, any aspect of the tasks in ques-
tion can be analysed.
8. The approach normally produces redesign/remedial measure/countermeasure/training

1. Task decomposition can be highly time consuming in application.
2. The analysis often becomes repetitive and laborious, especially for large tasks.
3. The initial data collection phase may also be time consuming, especially for complex
tasks and systems.
4. Without involving specialists (e.g., designers, sports scientists) in the analysis process the
output may be more descriptive than anything else and may offer little in the way of guid-
ance for improving task performance or device design.

Related Methods
The task decomposition approach relies heavily on various data collection methods, such as obser-
vation, interviews, and questionnaires. HTA is also typically used to provide the initial task/system
description on which the decomposition analysis is based.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The time associated with training in the task decomposition approach alone is minimal; however,
it is worth remembering that the analyst also requires experience in various other methods, such
as interviews, observational study, and HTA. Due to its exhaustive nature, application times are
typically high. Kirwan and Ainsworth (1992) point out that the method’s main disadvantage is the
large amount of time associated with collecting the data on which the task decomposition analysis
is based.

Reliability and Validity

Although the analysis is based largely on analyst and SME subjective judgement, it is structured
somewhat by the use of task decomposition categories. For this reason the reliability of the method,
when the same decomposition categories are applied, is likely to be high. The validity of the approach,
provided an accurate HTA underpins the analysis, is also likely to be high in most cases.

Tools Needed
Task decomposition analysis can be carried out using pen and paper only; however, the data collec-
tion phase often requires video and audio recording equipment. Since task decomposition outputs
are often so large, a drawing package such as Microsoft Visio may also be used to construct them
(since they may be too large for standard Microsoft Word table presentation).
Task Analysis Methods 51

A task decomposition analysis was undertaken for the task “Score goal from penalty kick,” for
which the HTA is presented in Figure 3.3. For the purposes of this example, the following decom-
position categories were selected:

• Task description
• Activity/behaviour type
• Function
• Initiating event/cue
• Information
• Skills required
• Training required
• Decisions required
• Actions required
• Performance shaping factors
• Communications
• Typical errors

The task decomposition was undertaken by one Human Factors analyst and one soccer SME. The
output is presented in Table 3.3.

(See Flowchart 3.2.)

Recommended Text
Kirwan, B., and Ainsworth, L. K. (1992). A guide to task analysis. London, UK: Taylor & Francis.

Verbal Protocol Analysis

Background and Applications
Verbal Protocol Analysis (VPA), also commonly referred to as “think aloud” protocol analysis, is
used to describe tasks from the point of view of the individual performing them. It is used to elicit
verbalisations of the processes, both cognitive and physical, that an individual undertakes in order
to perform the task under analysis. Noyes (2006) points out that VPA is as close as we can get to
observing people’s thoughts. Conducting VPA involves creating a written transcript of operator
behaviour as he or she thinks aloud while undertaking the task under analysis. The verbal transcript
obtained is then coded and analysed in order to generate insight regarding the processes used dur-
ing task performance. VPA is commonly used to investigate the cognitive processes associated with
complex task performance and has been used to date in various domains, including the military
(Salmon et al., “Distributed awareness,” 2009), process control (Bainbridge, 1972; Vicente, 1999),
the Internet (Hess, 1999), road transport (Walker, Stanton, and Young, 2001), and sport (McPherson
and Kernodle, 2007).

Domain of Application
VPA is a generic approach that can be applied in any domain.

Table 3.3
Score Goal from Penalty Kick Task Decomposition Output
Activity/ Performance
Task Behaviour Initiating Skills Decisions Actions Training Shaping
Task Step Description Type Function Event/Cue Information Required Required Required Required Factors Typical Errors
1. Place ball Player places Cognitive To place the Award of Whistle from Physical What is the Retrieve ball Practice Ground (surface Inappropriate
the ball on the selection of ball in an penalty by referee placement of optimum Determine penalty kicks condition) placement of
penalty spot optimum ball optimum referee Penalty spot ball placement of optimum ball with different Weather ball
prior to taking placement position Personal the ball for placement ball Pitch makings Failure to
penalty Physical which preference on this penalty Place ball placements, Ball consider ball
placement of maximises placement kick? Check ball e.g., valve up Crowd placement
ball efficiency of Ball position What is my placement Pressure
penalty kick preference
regarding ball
2. Check goal Player checks Visual check of To gather Placement of Goalkeeper Ability to Which way is Visual check of Penalty kick Goakeeper Misread
and the goal and goal and information ball position visually check the goal and training Crowd goalkeeper’s
goalkeeper goalkeeper in goalkeeper’s regarding the Goalkeeper the goal and goalkeeper goalkeeper Training in Pressure intentions
an attempt to positioning goalkeeper in stance goalkeeper likely to dive? reading
read the goal and actions an attempt to Goalkeeper Ablity to read Where should I goalkeepers
keeper and to read which expressions goalkeeper place my Revision of
make initial way he will Goal kick? goalkeepers’
selection of dive Ball typical
where to put penalty
penalty responses
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
3. Select kick Player makes Cognitive To select Placement of Goalkeeper Ability to select What is the Check the goal Penalty kick Goalkeeper Selection of
strategy selection decision- optimum ball or whistle position optimum optimum and training Score inappropriate
regarding making penalty kick from referee Goalkeeper penalty penalty kick goalkeeper Training in Teammates/ penalty kick
placement and activity of strategy with to take stance strategy strategy (i.e., Make decision reading manager strategy, e.g.,
power of selecting regard to the penalty Goalkeeper Abilty to block power and regarding goalkeepers Crowd dink
penalty penalty kick goalkeeper expressions out pressure placement) optimum Revision of Pressure Change
placement and faced and Goal and maintain for this penalty kick goalkeeper’s Own selection due
power conditions Ball optimum goalkeeper strategy typical performance in to pressure
Performance in strategy and these penalty game/over
training selection conditions? responses season
Task Analysis Methods

Previous Ablity to read Mental state

performance goalkeeper Goalkeeper
Personal Ablity to read performance in
preference conditions game
Knowledge of and Criticality of
this comprehend penalty
goalkeeper’s impact on Overconfidence
previous penalty kick
weather, etc.)
4. Visualise Player Cognitive To rehearse Selection of Simulation of Ability to N/A Mental Mental Pressure Failure to
shot visualises simulation of chosen penalty kick penalty kick mentally simulation/ simulation/ Referee whistle perform mental
penalty kick how penalty penalty kick strategy simulate rehearsal of rehearsal of Crowd rehearsal
will unfold strategy and chosen penalty kick penalty kicks
generate view penalty kick
of positive strategy

Table 3.3 (Continued)
Score Goal from Penalty Kick Task Decomposition Output
Activity/ Performance
Task Behaviour Initiating Skills Decisions Actions Training Shaping
Task Step Description Type Function Event/Cue Information Required Required Required Required Factors Typical Errors
5. Make run Player makes Physical act of To move Whistle from Whistle Ability to make How long Physical Training in the Weather Mis-time run up
up run up toward running towards ball referee Position of ball run up should the run movement use of run and Pitch Position body
ball prior to towards ball and position indicating that Chosen penalty towards ball up be? towards ball signal to Pressure inappropriately
striking ball oneself penalty is to stategy and position How quick Look in deceive Crowd for striking ball
optimally to be taken body should the run direction of goalkeeper Current score optimally
strike the ball optimally for up be? intended/ Criticality of
ball strike Should a feign feigned strike penalty
be used?
6. Strike ball Player strikes Physical act of To score goal Whistle from Whistle Ablity to Do I stick Strike ball Penalty kick Goalkeeper Mis-hit ball
ball towards striking the referee Ball strike dead with selected based on training Score Miss target
goal based ball into the indicating Chosen ball strategy? chosen Shooting Teammates/
on strategy goal that penalty penalty Ability to How hard penalty kick training manager
selected in is to be taken stategy deceive should I strategy Crowd
step 3 Goalkeeper goalkeeper strike the Pressure
Condition ball? Own
Which way is performance in
the game/over
goalkeeper season
likely to Physical state
dive? Mental state
performance in
Critically of
Condition (e.g
pitch, weather)
Placement of
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Task Analysis Methods 55


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task


Collect data regarding

task/system under

Construct HTA for the

task/system under

Take first/next task


Take first/next task


Analyse task step using

category and record

Y Are there any

more decomposition

Y Are there any more

task steps?


Flowchart 3.2  Task decomposition flowchart.

Application in Sport
VPA offers a simplistic means of gaining insight into the processes used during task performance
and is clearly suited to the analysis of sports performance; in particular, it appears to be suited to
identifying and analysing the differences between the processes and strategies adopted by sports
performers of differing abilities and expertise levels (e.g., elite versus amateur sports perform-
ers). For these reasons, the VPA method has already received attention from sports scientists.
56 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

McPherson and Kernodle (2007), for example, used verbal reports in between points to inves-
tigate the differences between problem representation by tennis players of differing levels of
expertise during singles games. Nicholls and Polman (2008) used think aloud trials to measure
stress and the coping strategies used by high performance adolescent golfers during play. James
and Patrick (2004) also report the use of verbal reports to identify the cues used by expert sports

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis
It is important to first clearly define what the overall aims of the VPA are. Without clearly
defined aims and objectives, the analysis can lack focus and inadequate or inappropriate data
may be gathered. Clear specification of the aims and objectives ensures that the VPA is well
designed, that appropriate participants are recruited, and that the appropriate data are collected
and analysed.

Step 2: Define Task/Scenario under Analysis

Next, the task or scenario under analysis should be clearly defined and described in accordance with
the analysis requirements. It is important that the analysts involved have a clear and detailed under-
standing of the task or scenario under analysis. For this purpose it is recommended that an HTA of
the task or scenario under analysis be constructed.

Step 3: Brief Participant(s)

Participants should be briefed regarding the VPA method, the analysis, and what is required of them
during the data collection phase. What they should report verbally should be clarified at this stage
and it is important that participants are encouraged to continue verbalising even when they feel that
it may not make much sense or that what they are saying may not be of use to the analysts. It is use-
ful at this stage to give the participant(s) a short demonstration of the VPA data collection phase.

Step 4: Conduct Pilot Run

Next, a pilot run of the data collection procedure should be undertaken. This process is important,
as it allows any problems with the data collection procedure to be resolved, and gives the participant
a chance to ask any questions. A simple small-scale task usually suffices for the pilot run.

Step 5: Undertake Scenario and Record Data

Once the participant fully understands the data collection procedure, and what is required of them
as a participant, the VPA data collection phase can begin. This involves getting the participant to
perform the task under analysis and instructing them to “think aloud” as they perform it. All ver-
balisations made by the participant should be recorded using an audio recording device. Analysts
should also make pertinent notes throughout. It is also recommended that, if possible, a video
recording be made of the task being performed. This allows analysts to compare physical aspects of
task performance with the verbalisations made by participants.

Step 6: Transcribe Data

Once the trial is finished, the data collected should be transcribed into a written form. Microsoft
Excel or Word is normally used for this purpose.

Step 7: Encode Verbalisations

Next, the verbal transcript needs to be categorised or coded. Depending upon the analysis require-
ments, the data are coded into pertinent categories. Typically, the data are coded into one of the
Task Analysis Methods 57

following five categories: words, word senses, phrases, sentences, or themes. The encoding scheme
chosen should then be encoded according to a rationale determined by the aims of the analysis.
Walker (2004) recommends that this involve grounding the encoding scheme according to some
established concept or theory, such as mental workload or situation awareness. Written instructions
should also be developed for the encoding scheme and should be strictly adhered to and referred to
constantly throughout the encoding process. Once the encoding type, framework, and instructions
are completed, the analyst should proceed to encode the data. Various software packages are avail-
able to aid the analyst in this process, such as General Enquirer.

Step 8: Devise Other Data Columns

Once the encoding is complete, any other pertinent data columns should be devised. This allows the ana-
lyst to note any mitigating circumstances that may have affected the verbal transcript data obtained.

Step 9: Establish Inter- and Intra-Rater Reliability

It is important that the reliability of the encoding scheme is established (Walker, 2004). Reliability is typ-
ically established through reproducibility, i.e., independent raters need to encode previous analyses.

Step 10: Perform Pilot Study

The protocol analysis procedure should now be tested. This is normally done via the conduct of a
small pilot study, the output of which can be used to determine whether the verbal data collected
are useful, whether the encoding system works, and whether inter- and intra-rater reliability levels
are satisfactory. Any problems identified at this stage should be refined before any further analysis
of the data is undertaken.

Step 11: Analyse Structure of Encoding

Finally, the data are ready to be analysed. For this purpose, the responses given in each category
should be summed by adding the frequency of occurrence noted in each category.

1. VPA provides a rich data source.
2. The data collection phase is quick and typically does not take significantly longer than the
task under analysis itself.
3. VPA is particularly effective when used to analyse sequences of activities.
4. All manner of Human Factors concepts can be analysed, including situation awareness,
cognition, decision making, teamwork, distraction, human error, and workload.
5. VPA can be used to compare the processes adopted by sports performers of differing
expertise and skill levels (e.g., elite versus amateur performers).
6. When done properly, the verbalisations generated provide a genuine insight into the cogni-
tive and physical processes involved in task performance.
7. VPA has been used extensively in a wide range of domains, including sports domains such
as tennis and golf.
8. VPA is simple to conduct provided the appropriate equipment is available.
9. VPA data can be used as input data for other Human Factors methods, such as HTA,
propositional networks, and cognitive task analysis methods.

1. Even for simplistic tasks VPA is a highly time-consuming method to apply.
2. The data analysis (encoding) phase is often extremely laborious and time consuming.
58 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

3. The difficulties associated with verbalising cognitive behaviour may raise questions over
the data collected. Militello and Hutton (2000), for example, point out that researchers
have been cautioned about relying on verbal protocol data. Further, Noyes (2006) reports
that some mental processes cannot be verbalised accurately.
4. Participants may find it difficult to verbalise certain aspects of task performance.
5. Providing concurrent verbal commentary can sometimes affect task performance.
6. More complex tasks that incur high demand on participants often lead to a reduced quan-
tity of verbalizations.
7. The strict procedure involved is often not adhered to.
8. VPA is often not appropriate during “real-world” task performance, and so it may be dif-
ficult to apply during professional sports games.
9. Verbalisations can often be prone to bias on behalf of the participants making them, i.e.,
participants merely verbalising what they think the analysts want to hear (Bainbridge,
1995; Noyes, 2006).

Related Methods
Most of the time, VPA involves some form of direct observation of the task or scenario under
analysis. The data collected during VPA is also often used to inform the conduct of other
Human Factors analyses, such as task analysis (e.g. HTA) and situation awareness modelling
(e.g. propositional networks). Content analysis is also often undertaken on VPA data for data
analysis purposes.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The method itself is easy to train and typically incurs only a minimal training time. Applying the
VPA method, however, is highly time consuming, with the data analysis phase in particular being
hugely time consuming. Walker (2004) points out that, if transcribed and encoded by hand, 20 min-
utes of verbal transcript data, transcribed at around 130 words per minute, would take between 6 to
8 hours to transcribe and encode.

Reliability and Validity

According to Walker (2004), the reliability of the VPA method is reassuringly good. For example,
Walker, Stanton, and Young (2001) used two independent raters and established inter-rater reliabil-
ity at Rho = 0.9 for rater 1 and Rho = 0.7 for rater 2. Intra-rater reliability during the same study was
also found to be high, being in the region of Rho = 0.95.

Tools Needed
Collecting the data for VPA requires pen and paper, and audio and video recording devices. For the
data analysis phase, Microsoft Excel is normally used. A number of software packages can also be used
to support the VPA process, including Observer Pro, General Enquirer, TextQuest, and Wordstation.

VPA was used to collect data regarding the cognitive processes involved during running. The exam-
ple presented is taken from one participant who completed a 7-mile running course (the runner was
familiar with the course having ran it previously on numerous occasions during event training). The
runner took a portable audio recording device (Philips Voicetracer) on the run and was asked to
verbalise all elements of the task. Once the run was completed and the data transcribed, the runner
Task Analysis Methods 59

and one analyst went through the transcript in order to identify the different events that occurred
throughout the run. Four encoding groups were defined: behaviour, cognitive processes, physical
condition, and route. The behaviour group consisted of verbalisations relating to the runner’s own
behaviour, performance, and the running environment. The cognitive processes group consisted
of perception, comprehension, and projection. The physical condition group included condition,
pain, and breathing rate, and finally the route group was used to cover verbalisations relating to
the course route. A compressed (i.e., non-salient verbalisations removed) extract from the VPA is
presented in Figure 3.4.

(See Flowchart 3.3.)

Recommended Texts
Bainbridge, L. (1995). Verbal protocol analysis. In Evaluation of human work: A practical ergonomics method-
ology, eds. J. R. Wilson and E. N. Corlett, 161–79). London: Taylor & Francis.
Noyes, J. M. (2006). Verbal protocol analysis. In International encyclopaedia of ergonomics and Human
Factors, 2nd ed., ed. W. Karwowski, 3390–92. London: Taylor & Francis.
Walker, G. H. (2004). Verbal protocol analysis. In Handbook of Human Factors and ergonomics methods, eds. N.
A. Stanton, A. Hedge, K. Brookhuis, E. Salas, and H. Hendrick, 30.1–30.8). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Operation Sequence Diagrams

Operation Sequence Diagrams (OSDs) are used to graphically describe the activity and interactions
between team members (and technology, if required) during collaborative activities. The output of
an OSD graphically depicts the activity, including the tasks performed and the interaction between
operators over time, using standardised symbols. There are various forms of OSDs, ranging from a
simple flow diagram representing task order, to more complex OSDs that account for team interac-
tion and communication. OSDs have recently been used by the authors for the analysis of command
and control activities in a number of domains, including the military, emergency services, naval
warfare, aviation, energy distribution, air traffic control, and rail domains.

Domain of Application
The OSD method was originally used in the nuclear power and chemical process industries (Kirwan
and Ainsworth, 1992); however, the method is generic and can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
OSDs can be used to depict sporting activity and are particularly useful for representing complex
team tasks, such as those seen in team sports such as rugby league and union, soccer, and American

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis
It is important to first clearly define what the overall aims of the analysis are. Without clearly
defined aims and objectives, the analysis can lack focus and inadequate or inappropriate data may
be gathered. Clear specification of the aims and objectives ensures that appropriate data are col-
lected and analysed.
60 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Figure 3.4  Runner VPA extract.

Task Analysis Methods 61


Define study aims and

objectives Devise encoding
scheme and encode
Select appropriate
task(s)/scenario(s) to
analyse Devise other data

participants Establish inter and intra
rater reliability

Conduct pilot run

Test protocol analysis

Are there any

Y problems with the
data collection N Does procedure
procedure? work?


Undertake scenario
and record data Analyse structure
of encoding

Transcribe data STOP

Flowchart 3.3  Verbal Protocol Analysis flowchart.

Step 2: Define Task/Scenario under Analysis

Next, the task or scenario under analysis should be clearly defined and described in accordance
with the analysis requirements. It is important that the analysts involved have a clear and detailed
understanding of the task or scenario under analysis.

Step 3: Collect Data via Observational Study

The next step involves collecting data regarding the task under analysis via observational study. An
observational transcript should be created that includes a description of the activities performed and
who they are performed by, the communications between team members, and the technology used.
A timeline of the task or scenario should also be recorded.

Step 4: Describe the Task or Scenario Using HTA

OSD diagrams are normally built using task analysis outputs. Once the data collection phase is
completed, a detailed task analysis should be conducted for the scenario under analysis. The type
of task analysis used is determined by the analyst(s), and in some cases, a task list will suffice.
However, it is recommended that an HTA be conducted for the task under analysis.
62 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 5: Construct the OSD Diagram

Once the task has been described adequately, the construction of the OSD can begin. The process
begins with the construction of an OSD template. The template should include the title of the task
or scenario under analysis, a timeline, and a row for each agent involved in the task. In order to con-
struct the OSD, it is recommended that the analyst walk through the HTA of the task under analy-
sis, creating the OSD in conjunction. OSD symbols that we have used in the past are presented in
Figure 3.5. The symbols involved in a particular task step should be linked by directional arrows in
order to represent the flow of activity during the scenario. Each symbol in the OSD should contain
the corresponding task step number from the HTA of the scenario. The artefacts used during the
communications should also be annotated onto the OSD.

Step 6: Add Additional Analyses Results to OSD

One of the endearing features of the method is that additional analysis results can easily be added
to the OSD. According to the analysis requirements, additional task features can also be annotated
onto the OSD. For example, in the past we have added coordination demand analysis results to each
task step represented in the OSD (e.g., Walker et al., 2006).

Step 7: Calculate Operational Loading Figures

Operational loading figures are normally calculated for each actor involved in the scenario under anal-
ysis. Operational loading figures are calculated for each OSD operator or symbol used, e.g., operation,
receive, delay, decision, transport, and combined operations. The operational loading figures refer to
the frequency in which each agent was involved in the operator in question during the scenario.

1. The OSD provides an exhaustive analysis of the task in question. The flow of the task is
represented in terms of activity and information; the type of activity and the actors involved
are specified; a timeline of the activity, the communications between actors involved in the
task, the technology used, and also a rating of total coordination for each teamwork activ-
ity is also provided.
2. The OSD method is particularly useful for analysing and representing distributed team-
work or collaborated activity.
3. OSDs are useful for demonstrating the relationship between tasks, technology, and team
4. The method is generic and can be applied to the analysis of sports team performance.
5. The method has high face validity (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992).
6. OSDs have been used extensively and have been applied in a variety of domains.
7. A number of different analyses can be overlaid onto the OSD.
8. The OSD method is very flexible and can be modified to suit the analysis needs.
9. The WESTT software package (Houghton, Baber, Cowton, Stanton, and Walker, 2008)
can be used to automate a large portion of the OSD procedure.
10. Despite its exhaustive nature, the OSD method requires only minimal training.

1. The OSD method can be hugely time consuming to apply, particularly for large, complex
tasks involving multiple team members.
2. Without any supporting software, the construction of OSDs is overly time consuming and
3. OSDs can become cluttered and confusing (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992).
Divider. This divides
the OSD into Phases,
where the Phases are Key To Symbols
Notes. These are the top level goals from Operation
used to note second the HTA. Dividers are
level HTA sub-goals. also used to track the
The aim is to help time of other
the reader navigate significant tasks Receive
through the OSD
Task Analysis Methods

4.4.6 Delay

Location Date Scenario

Timeline Top Level of HTA and Time Process Decision
Functional Bands. Symbols
There is 1 Functional
Band for each of
the main Agents 1.3 Transport
in the Scenario

Second Level Task Step Combined Operations
Functional Band for
Further Agents. Further
Agents only appear
occasionally within the
Scenario, and the
Functional Band
title changes to
reflect this Person to person

Further Agent 7 Agent 6 Agent 5 Agent 4 Agent 3 Agent 1 Agent 2
Symbols Telephone
Where 2 or more
Total Coordination = 1.26
Further Agents appear
Total Coordination = 2.68 Mobile Telephone
in one sheet, additional Values for Total Co-
boxes give the title ordination from CDA.
for each Further Agent Colour coded according to
the amount of Total Co- Total Coordination = 2.14
ordination required. 0-1.9
= Green, 2-2.5 = Orange,
2.6-3 = Red

Figure 3.5  Standard OSD template.

64 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

4. The output of OSDs can become large and unwieldy, and it can be difficult to present out-
puts in full in reports, presentations, and scientific journal articles.
5. The reliability of the method is questionable. Different analysts may interpret the OSD
symbols differently.

Related Methods
Various types of OSDs exist, including temporal operational sequence diagrams, partitioned opera-
tional sequence diagrams, decision action diagrams, and spatial operational sequence diagrams
(Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992). During the OSD data collection phase, various data collection pro-
cedures, such as observational study and interviews, are typically employed. Task analysis methods
such as HTA are also used to provide the input for the OSD. Timeline analysis may also be used in
order to construct an appropriate timeline for the task or scenario under analysis. Additional analy-
ses results can also be annotated onto an OSD, such as coordination analysis and communications
analysis outputs. The OSD method is also used as part of the Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork
framework (Stanton et al., 2005) for analysing collaborative activities.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The OSD method requires only minimal training; however, analysts should be proficient in observa-
tional study and task analysis methods, such as HTA, before they apply the approach. The applica-
tion time for OSDs is typically high. The construction of the OSD in particular can be highly time
consuming, although this is dependent upon the complexity and duration of the task under analy-
sis. From our own experiences with the method, constructing OSD diagrams can take anywhere
between 1 and 5 days.

Reliability and Validity

According to Kirwan and Ainsworth (1992), OSD methods possess a high degree of face validity.
The intra-analyst reliability of the method may be suspect, as different analysts may interpret the
OSD symbols differently.

Tools needed
When conducting an OSD analysis, pen and paper can be sufficient. However, to ensure that data
collection is comprehensive, it is recommended that video or audio recording devices are also
used. For the construction of the OSD, it is recommended that a suitable drawing package, such
as Microsoft Visio, is used. The WESTT software package (Houghton, Baber, Cowton, Stanton,
and Walker, 2008) can also be used to automate a large portion of the OSD construction process
(WESTT constructs the OSD based upon an input of the HTA for the scenario under analysis).

An OSD was developed based on an HTA description of a rugby union scrum. A scrum or “scrum-
mage” is used in rugby union to restart play when the ball has either been knocked on, gone for-
ward, has not emerged from a ruck or maul, or when there has been an accidental offside (BBC
sport, 2008). Nine players from either side are involved in the scrum, including the hooker, loose-
head prop, tight-head prop, two second rows, blind-side flanker, open-side flanker, and number 8,
who form the scrum, and the scrum half, who feeds the ball into the scrum and/or retrieves the ball
from the scrum. For the task definition part of the analysis, an HTA was conducted. The HTA is
presented in Figure 3.6. The OSD for the scrum task is presented in Figure 3.7.
Task Analysis Methods

and and



Figure 3.6  Scrum HTA description.

66 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Scenario: Retrieve ball from scrum

3. Maintain bind 4. Feed scrum and 5. Hook
Timeline 1. (FWDs) Form scrum and 2 (BACKS) Take up positions and engagement ball backward

Hooker 5.1
1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 3
1.3 Touch
5.1. Attempt
Tight-head to hook ball
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 3
Prop backward

Prop 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 3

2nd Row 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 3

2nd Row 1.2 1.5

1.1 1.4 3

Flanker 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 3

1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 3

No. 8 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 3

1.1. Bind
together 1.2. Crouch 1.4. Pause 3. Maintain
Scrum Half in 3-4-1 into position bind 4.1 4.2 4.3
formation 1.5. Engage and engagement
4.2. Roll ball
4.1. Inform into scrum
2 hooker of 4.3. Roll
Backs 2. Take up positions back of

Scenario: Retrieve ball from scrum
Timeline 6. Drive forward 7. Dribble 8. Retrieve ball

Hooker 6 6

Prop 6 6

Prop 6 6

2nd Row 6 6

2nd Row 6 6

Flanker 6 6

6 6
5.3. Allow ball to leave scrum
No. 8 6 6, 7 5.3.

Scrum Half 6. Drive forward 7. Dribble 8.4. Run with ball

8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4.

8.1. Wait for ball

Backs 8.2. Pick up 8.3. Distribute
8.3. ball

Figure 3.7  Scrum OSD diagram.

Task Analysis Methods 67

(See Flowchart 3.4.)

Recommended Texts
Kirwan, B., and Ainsworth, L. K. (1992). A guide to task analysis. London, UK: Taylor & Francis.
Stanton, N. A., Salmon, P. M., Walker, G., Baber, C., and Jenkins, D. P. (2005). Human Factors methods: A
practical guide for engineering and design. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
68 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Select appropriate
task(s) to analysis

Collect data regarding

task/system under

Construct HTA for the

task/system under

Take first/next
task step

Define activity type,

actors involved, technology
used and communications
between actors

Add to OSD using

appropriate symbols
and directional links

Are there additional Y Add additional

analyses results to add results (e.g. CDA
for this task step? ratings) to OSD

Y Are there any more

task steps?

Calculate operational
loading figures


Flowchart 3.4  Operation sequence diagram flowchart.

4 Cognitive Task Analysis
Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) methods focus exclusively on the cognitive processes and skills
required during task performance. CTA methods are used for “identifying the cognitive skills, or
mental demands, needed to perform a task proficiently” (Militello and Hutton, 2000, p. 90), and
to identify and describe the knowledge, thought processes, and goal structures underlying task
performance (Schraagen, Chipman, and Shalin, 2000). As tasks have become more cognitive in
nature, and as the cognitive demands imposed on operators have increased (due to increases in
the use of technology and complex procedures), the need for system, procedure, and training pro-
gramme designers to understand the cognitive aspects of task performance has become paramount.
Accordingly, CTA methods provide a structured means for describing and representing the cogni-
tive elements that underlie goal generation, decision making, and judgements (Militello and Hutton,
2000). The outputs derived from CTA efforts are used for a variety of different purposes including,
amongst other things, to inform the design of new technology, systems, procedures and processes;
for the development of training procedures and interventions; for allocation of functions analysis;
and for the evaluation of individual and team performance within complex sociotechnical systems.
Flanagan (1954) first probed the cognitive processes associated with the decisions and actions
made by pilots during near-miss incidents using the Critical Incident Technique (CIT; Flanagan,
1954). The foundations for cognitive task analysis methods were laid, however, in the 1960s when,
in response to the need to better understand tasks that were becoming more complex and cognitive
in nature, the HTA method was developed (Annett and Stanton, 2000). HTA was unique at the time
in that, in addition to the physical tasks being performed, it also attempted to describe the cognitive
elements of task performance. The actual term “Cognitive Task Analysis,” however, did not appear
until the early 1980s when it began to be used in academic research texts. Hollnagel (2003) points
out that the term was first used in 1981 to describe approaches used to understand the cognitive
activities required in man-machine systems. Since then, CTA methods have enjoyed widespread
application, particularly in the defence, process control, and emergency services domains. For
example, domains where CTA has recently been applied include the military (e.g., Jenkins, Stanton,
Walker, and Salmon, 2008; Riley et al., 2006), emergency services (Militello and Hutton 2000),
aviation (O’Hare et al., 2000), energy distribution (Salmon et al., 2008), rail transport (Walker et al.,
2006), naval maintenance (Schaafstal and Schraagen, 2000), and even white-water rafting (O’Hare
et al., 2000).
There are many CTA methods available; the CTA Resource Web site (,
for example, lists over 100 methods designed to evaluate and describe the cognitive aspects of task
performance. Most approaches involve some sort of observation of the task under analysis and then
interviews with SMEs (Militello and Hutton, 2000); however, Roth, Patterson, and Mumaw (2002)
describe three different kinds of approach. The first involves analysing the domain in question in
terms of goals and functions in order to determine the cognitive demands imposed by the tasks
performed. The second involves the use of empirical methods, such as observation and interview
methods, in order to determine how the users perform the task(s) under analysis, allowing a specifi-
cation of the knowledge requirements and strategies involved. The third and more recent approach
involves developing computer models that can simulate the cognitive activities required during
the task under analysis. Roth (2008), on the other hand, describes five different forms of the CTA

70 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

method, including structured interview approaches; critical incident analysis approaches; concept
mapping methods, which represent knowledge concepts and the relationships between them; psy-
chological scaling methods, which look at knowledge organisation; and cognitive field observation
methods, which look at actual performance in the real world or simulated settings.
CTA methods offer a relatively simplistic approach to understanding the cognitive elements of
task performance. In addition to looking at knowledge, goals, and thought processes, this approach
allows various concepts to be studied, such as expertise, decision making, problem-solving strate-
gies, situation awareness, and mental workload. The utility of CTA approaches is reflected in their
current popularity; however, these methods are not without their flaws. The resources invested dur-
ing CTA applications are typically high, and CTA methods are often criticised due to the high finan-
cial and time costs associated with them (Seamster, Redding, and Kaempf, 2000; Shute, Torreano
and Willis, 2000) and the requirement for highly skilled analysts (Seamster, Redding, and Kaempf,
2000; Shute, Torreano, and Willis, 2000; Stanton et al., 2005). CTA methods also rely heavily on
analysts having high levels of access to SMEs—something that is often difficult to organise and
is often not available. Interpretation and application of CTA outputs has also been problematic.
Once a CTA has been conducted, exactly what the results mean in relation to the problem and
analysis goals can also be difficult to understand or misinterpreted. Shute, Torreano, and Willis
(2000), for example, highlight the imprecise and vague nature of CTA outputs, whereas Potter,
Roth, Woods, and Elm (2000) describe the bottleneck that occurs during the transition from CTA to
system design, and suggest that the information gained from CTA must be effectively translated into
design requirements and specifications. In conclusion to a review of CTA methods and computer-
based CTA tools, Schraagen, Chipman, and Shalin (2000) reported that, although there were a large
number of CTA methods available, they were generally limited. It was also concluded that there
is limited guidance available in assisting researchers in the selection of the most appropriate CTA
methods, in how to use CTA methods, and also in how CTA outputs can be utilised.
Roth’s (2008) description of previous CTA method applications highlights their potential util-
ity within the sporting domains. According to Roth (2008), CTA approaches have been used to
inform the design of new technology and performance aids, in the development of training pro-
grammes, for performance evaluation, to investigate human error, to evaluate competing design
proposals, for allocation of functions analysis, and to identify experts’ cognitive strategies. All of
these applications would be of use to sports scientists. The design of technology and performance
aids for professional sports requires an in-depth understanding of the cognitive elements of task
performance, and yet, to the authors’ knowledge at least, CTA methods have not previously been
used for this purpose. The identification of experts’ or elite performers’ cognitive strategies is
also of interest to sports scientists, in particular how these differ from novice and amateur per-
former strategies.
CTA approaches have had some exposure in a sporting context. O’Hare et al. (2000), for exam-
ple, describe an application of a semi-structured interview CTA method in the white-water rafting
domain. In doing so, they wished to demonstrate the benefits of theoretically driven CTA in sup-
porting enhanced system design effectiveness through improved design and training. Their findings
had a number of implications for training, both at the novice and guide level. Due to the requirement
during non-routine incidents for rapid decision making, and commitment to a course of action and
action selection based on experience, O’Hare et al. (2000) recommended that guide training should
be tailored to enable them to recognise critical environmental cues that are indicative of potential
trouble, while avoiding distracting or irrelevant information. Potential training measures suggested
by O’Hare et al. (2000) were to provide training on mental simulation in order to select appropri-
ate routes and to demonstrate the cue recognition strategies of expert white-water rafters through
multi-media packages. Hilliard and Jamieson (2008) describe an application of the Cognitive Work
Analysis (CWA; Vicente, 1999) framework in the design of a graphical interface for driver cognitive
support tools in solar car racing. By modelling the solar racing domain using CWA methods, the
authors were able to develop a prototype in-vehicle display designed to decrease monitoring latency,
Cognitive Task Analysis 71

increase the accuracy of fault diagnosis, and free up driver cognitive resources to enable more effi-
cient strategy planning (Hilliard and Jamieson, 2008). Hilliard and Jamieson (2008) report that the
CWA analysis informed the content, form, and structure of the interface developed, and also that
the racing team involved adopted the design and were, at the time of writing, planning to implement
it during the upcoming race season. Burns and Hajdukiewicz (2004) also describe an application of
CWA in the design of responsible casino gambling interfaces.
This chapter focuses on the following four CTA methods: CWA (Vicente, 1999), the Critical
Decision Method (CDM; Klein, Calderwood, and McGregor, 1989), concept mapping (Crandall,
Klein, and Hoffman, 2006), and Applied Cognitive Task Analysis (ACTA; Militello and Hutton,
2000). Alongside HTA, the CWA framework is arguably currently the most popular Human Factors
method. Developed at the Risø National Laboratory in Denmark (Rasmussen, 1986), CWA offers
a framework for the evaluation and design of complex sociotechnical systems. The framework
focuses on constraints, which is based on the notion that making constraints explicit in an interface
can potentially enhance human performance (Hajdukiewicz and Vicente, 2004), and comprises
the following five phases, each of which model different constraint sets: Work Domain Analysis
(WDA), control task analysis (ConTA), strategies analysis, Social Organisation and Cooperation
Analysis (SOCA), and Worker Competencies Analysis (WCA). Probably the most well-known CTA
approach is the CDM (Klein, Calderwood, and McGregor, 1989), which uses semi-structured inter-
views and cognitive probes in order to analyse the cognitive processes underlying decision mak-
ing and performance in complex environments. Using this approach, tasks are decomposed into
critical decision points, and cognitive probes are used to elicit information regarding the cognitive
processes underlying decision making at each decision point. Concept mapping (Crandall, Klein,
and Hoffman, 2006) is used to represent knowledge and does this via the use of networks depict-
ing knowledge-related concepts and the relationships between them. ACTA (Militello and Hutton,
2000) offers a toolkit of three semi-structured interview methods that can be used to investigate the
cognitive demands and skills associated with a particular task or scenario. The ACTA approach was
developed so that the information generated could be represented in a manner that could easily be
used to improve training programmes or interface design (Militello and Hutton, 2000). A summary
of the CTA methods described is presented in Table 4.1.

Cognitive Work Analysis

More of a framework than a rigid methodology, CWA (Vicente, 1999) was originally developed at
the Risø National Laboratory in Denmark (Rasmussen, 1986) for use within nuclear power process
control applications. Underlying the approach was a specific need to design for new or unexpected
situations; in a study of industrial accidents and incidents, Risø researchers found that most acci-
dents began with non-routine operations. CWA’s theoretical roots lie in general and adaptive control
system theory and also Gibson’s Ecological psychology theory (Fidel and Pejtersen, 2005). The
approach itself is concerned with constraints, based on the notion that making constraints explicit in
an interface can potentially enhance human performance (Hajdukiewicz and Vicente, 2004).
The CWA framework comprises the following five phases, each of which model different con-
straint sets:

1. Work Domain Analysis (WDA). The WDA phase involves modelling the system in question
based on its purposes and the constraints imposed by the environment. The Abstraction
Hierarchy (AH) and Abstraction Decomposition Space (ADS) methods are used for this
purpose. According to Jenkins et al. (2008), WDA identifies a fundamental set of con-
straints that are imposed on the actions of any actor. In modelling a system in this way, the
systemic constraints that shape activity are specified. This formative approach leads to an
event, actor, and time-independent description of the system (Sanderson, 2003; Vicente,

Table 4.1
Cognitive Task Analysis Methods Summary Table
Training App.
Name Domain Application in Sport Time Time Input Methods Tools Needed Main Advantages Main Disadvantages Outputs
Cognitive Work Generic Task description High High Observational Pen and paper 1. A flexible framework that 1. CWA is more complex Abstraction
Analysis Task analysis study Microsoft Visio can be applied for a than other methods and Hierarchy model of
(CWA; Coaching design and Interviews CWA software tool variety of different may require system
Vicente, 1999) evaluation Questionnaires purposes considerable training Control task analysis
Tactics design, evaluation, Walkthrough 2. The approach is and practice Strategies analysis
and selection formative, and goes 2. Can be extremely time Social organisation
Sports product design and beyond the normative and consuming to apply and cooperation
evaluation descriptive analyses 3. Some of the methods analysis
Performance evaluation provided by traditional and phases have Worker competencies
Error prediction task analysis approaches received only limited analysis
Allocation of functions 3. The five different phases attention and are still in
allow the approach to be their infancy
highly comprehensive
Critical Decision Generic Cognitive task analysis High High Interviews Pen and paper 1. Can be used to elicit 1. Quality of data Transcript of
Method (CDM; Coaching design and Observational Audio recording information regarding the obtained is highly decision-making
Klein, evaluation study device cognitive processes and dependent upon the process
Calderwood, Tactics design, evaluation, Word processing skills employed during skill of the interviewer
and McGregor, and selection software task performance 2. Extent to which verbal
1989) Sports product design and 2. Various sets of CDM interview responses
evaluation probes are presented in reflect exactly the
Performance evaluation the academic literature cognitive processes
Identification of strategies 3. Particularly suited to employed by decision
comparing the makers during task
decision-making performance is
strategies used by questionable
different performers 3. Highly time consuming
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Concept maps Generic Cognitive task analysis Low Low Observational Pen and paper 1. Can be used to elicit 1. A high level of access Concept map of
(Crandall, Coaching design and study Microsoft Visio information regarding the to SMEs is required linked concepts
Klein, and evaluation Interviews Whiteboard knowledge used during 2. Can be difficult and underpinning
Hoffman, Tactics design, evaluation, Questionnaires Flipchart task performance time consuming, and knowledge required
2006) and selection HTA 2. Relatively easy to learn outputs can become during task
Sports product design and and quick to apply complex and unwieldy performance
evaluation 3. Particularly suited to 3. A high level of skill
Performance evaluation comparing the knowledge and expertise is
Identification of strategies used by different required in order to use
performers the method to its
Cognitive Task Analysis

maximum effect
Applied Generic Cognitive task analysis Low High Observational Pen and paper 1. Offers a structured 1. Few applications of the Interview transcripts
Cognitive Task Coaching design and study Audio recording approach to CTA and aids method reported in the detailing the
Analysis evaluation Interviews device the analyst through the literature cognitive elements
(ACTA; Tactics design, evaluation, Word processing provision of probes and 2. Highly time consuming of task performance
Militello and and selection software questions 3. The process may be Cognitive demands
Hutton, 2000) Sports product design and 2. Comprehensive, covering laborious, for both table highlighting
evaluation various aspects of the analysts and difficult tasks,
Performance evaluation cognitive elements of task interviewees, since common errors, and
Identification of strategies performance there appears to be the cues and
3. The approach is generic some repetition strategies used.
and seems suited to between the three
analysing the cognitive interviews used
requirements associated
with sporting tasks
74 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

2. Control Task Analysis (ConTA). The second phase, ConTA, is used to identify the tasks that
are undertaken within the system and the constraints imposed on these activities during
different situations. ConTA focuses on the activity necessary to achieve the purposes, pri-
orities and values, and functions of a work domain (Naikar, Moylan, and Pearce, 2006).
Rasmussen’s decision ladder (Rasmussen, 1976; cited in Vicente, 1999) and the contextual
activity template of Naikar, Moylan, and Pearce (2006) are used for the ConTA phase.
3. Strategies Analysis. The strategies analysis phase is used to identify how the different
functions can be achieved. Vicente (1999) points out that whereas the ConTA phase pro-
vides a product description of what needs to be done, strategies analysis provides a process
description of how it can be done; Jenkins et al. (2008) point out that the strategies analysis
phase fills the “black-box” that is left by the ConTA phase. It involves the identification of
the different strategies that actors might employ when performing control tasks.
4. Social Organisation and Cooperation Analysis (SOCA). The fourth phase is used to iden-
tify how the activity and associated strategies are distributed amongst human operators
and technological artefacts within the system in question, and also how these actors could
potentially communicate and cooperate (Vicente, 1999). The objective of this phase is to
determine how social and technical factors can work together in a way that enhances sys-
tem performance (Vicente, 1999).
5. Worker Competencies Analysis (WCA). The fifth and final stage attempts to identify the
competencies that an ideal worker should exhibit (Vicente, 1999); it focuses on the cogni-
tive skills that are required during task performance. Worker competencies analysis uses
Rasmussen’s Skill, Rule, and Knowledge (SRK) framework in order to classify the cogni-
tive activities employed by actors during task performance.

The different CWA phases therefore allow researchers to specify the constraints related to why
the system exists (WDA), as well as what activity is conducted (ConTA), how the activity is con-
ducted (strategies analysis and WCA), with what the activity under analysis is conducted (WDA),
and also who the activity is conducted by (SOCA).

Domain of Application
The CWA framework was originally developed for applications within the nuclear power domain;
however, its generic nature allows it to be applied within any sociotechnical (i.e., consisting of
social, technical, and psychological elements) system. Since its conception, CWA has been applied
in various domains, including air traffic control (e.g., Ahlstrom, 2005), road transport (e.g., Salmon,
Stanton, Regan, Lenne, and Young, 2007), aviation (e.g., Naikar and Sanderson, 2001), healthcare
(e.g., Watson and Sanderson, 2007), maritime (e.g., Bisantz, Roth, Brickman, Gosbee, Hettinger,
and McKinney, 2003), manufacturing (e.g., Higgins, 1998), the military (e.g., Jenkins et al., 2008),
petrochemical (e.g., Jamieson and Vicente, 2001), process control (e.g., Vicente, 1999), and rail
transport (e.g., Jansson, Olsson, and Erlandsson, 2006).

Application in Sport
There is great potential for applying the CWA framework in a sporting context, both for system
evaluation and design purposes. The flexibility of the framework and the comprehensiveness of
its five phases has led to it being applied in a variety of domains for various purposes, including
system modelling (e.g., Hajdukiewicz, 1998), system design (e.g., Bisantz et al., 2003), training
needs analysis (e.g., Naikar and Sanderson, 1999), training programme evaluation and design (e.g.,
Naikar and Sanderson, 1999), interface design and evaluation (Vicente, 1999), information require-
ments specification (e.g., Ahlstrom, 2005), tender evaluation (Naikar and Sanderson, 2001), team
design (Naikar, Pearce, Drumm, and Sanderson, 2003), allocation of functions (e.g., Jenkins et
Cognitive Task Analysis 75

al., 2008), the development of human performance measures (e.g., Yu, Lau, Vicente, and Carter,
2002), and error management strategy design (Naikar and Saunders, 2003). Potential applications
in sport include for modelling and evaluating systems, designing and evaluating training and coach-
ing methods, designing and evaluating sports technology, performance aids and tactics, identifying
the cognitive requirements of sports tasks, and for allocations of functions analysis. To date, the
approach has been applied in a sporting context for interface design and performance optimisation
purposes. Hilliard and Jamieson (2008), for example, describe an application of CWA in the design
of a graphical interface for driver cognitive support tools for a solar car racing team. In addition,
Burns and Hajdukiewicz (2004) describe an application of the WDA component of CWA in the
design of casino gambling interfaces.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis
It is first important to clearly define the aims of the analysis. Exactly what the aims of the analysis
to be undertaken are should be clearly defined so that the appropriate CWA phases are undertaken.
It is important to note that it may not be necessary to complete a full five phase CWA; rather, the
appropriate phases should be undertaken with regard to overall aims of the analysis.

Step 2: Select Appropriate CWA Phase(s)

Once the aims of the analysis are clearly defined, along with the required outputs, the analyst(s)
should select the appropriate CWA phases to undertake. The combination of phases used is entirely
dependent on the analysis requirements.

Step 3: Construct Work Domain Analysis

The WDA phase involves modelling the system in question based on a functional description
of the constraints present within the system. The Abstraction Hierarchy (AH) and Abstraction
Decomposition Space (ADS) methods are normally used for this phase. It is recommended that an
AH is constructed first and then the ADS is constructed based on the AH. The AH consists of five
levels of abstraction, ranging from the most abstract level of purposes to the most concrete level of
form (Vicente, 1999). A description of each of the five AH levels is given below (Naikar, Hopcroft,
and Moylan, 2005). Most of the levels have two names; the first set is typically more appropriate for
causal systems, whereas the second set is more appropriate for intentional systems.

• Functional purpose— the overall purposes of the system and the external constraints on
its operation
• Abstract function/values and priority measures— the criteria that the system uses for mea-
suring progress towards the functional purposes
• Generalised function/purpose-related functions— the general functions of the work sys-
tem that are necessary for achieving the functional purposes
• Physical function/object-related processes— the functional capabilities and limitations of
the physical objects within the system that enable the purpose-related functions
• Physical form/physical objects— the physical objects within the work system that affords
the physical functions

The ADS comprises a combination of the AH and a decomposition hierarchy and thus provides
a two-dimensional representation of the system under analysis (Vicente, 1999). Each of the cells
within the ADS presents a different representation of, or “way of thinking about,” the same system.
For example, the top left cell describes the functional purposes of the entire system (e.g., why the
system exists and what its primary purposes are), while the bottom right cell describes the physical
76 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

components that comprise the system (e.g., the people, objects, tools, and technological artefacts
used within the system).
The decomposition hierarchy uses a number of levels of resolution (typically five), ranging from
the broadest level of total system to the finest level of component, comprising total system, sub-sys-
tem, function unit, sub-assembly, and component (Vicente, 1999). WDA is flexible in that all of the
cells within the ADS do not need to be populated during the course of an analysis. The ADS also
employs structural means-ends relationships in order to link the different representations of the sys-
tem. This means that every node in the ADS should be the end that is achieved by all of the linked
nodes below it, and also the means that (either on its own or in combination with other nodes) can
be used to achieve all of the linked nodes above it. The means-ends relationships capture the affor-
dances of the system (Jenkins et al., 2008) in that they examine what needs to be done and what the
means available for achieving these ends are. The ADS provides an activity independent description
of the work domain in question. It focuses on the purpose and constraints of the domain, which can
be used to understand how and why structures work together to enact the desired purpose.
Naikar, Hopcroft, and Moylan (2005) and Burns and Hadjukiewicz (2004) both present guid-
ance on how to undertake the WDA phase. Based on both sources, Jenkins et al. (2008) present the
following guidance:

1. Establish the purpose of the analysis. At this point it is important to consider what is
sought, and expected, from the analysis. This will influence which of the five phases are
used and in what ratio.
2. Identify the project constraints. Project constraints such as time and resources will all
influence the fidelity of the analysis.
3. Identify the boundaries of the analysis. The boundary needs to be broad enough to capture
the system in detail; however, the analysis needs to remain manageable. It is difficult to
supply heuristics, as the size of the analysis will in turn define where the boundary is set.
4. Identify the nature of the constraints in the work domain. According to Naikar, Hopcroft,
and Moylan (2005), the next step involves identifying the point on the causal-intentional
continuum on which the focus system falls. The purpose of this is to gain an insight into
the nature of the constraints that should be modelled in the WDA (Hajdukiewicz et al.,
1999; cited in Naikar, Hopcroft, and Moylan, 2005). Naikar, Hopcroft, and Moylan (2005)
describe five categories of work systems that can be used to identify where a particular
system lies on the causal-intentional continuum.
5. Identify the sources of information for the analysis. Information sources are likely to
include, among others, engineering documents (if the system exists), the output of struc-
tured interviews with SMEs, and the outputs of interviews with stakeholders. The lower
levels of the hierarchy are most likely to be informed from engineering documents and
manuals capturing the physical aspects of the system. The more abstract functional ele-
ments of the system are more likely to be elicited from stakeholders or literature discussing
the aims and objectives of the system.
6. Construct the AH/ADS with readily available sources of information. Often the easiest
and most practical way of approaching the construction of the AH is to start at the top, then
at the bottom and meet in the middle. In most cases, the functional purpose for the system
should be clear—it is the reason that the system exists. By considering ways of determining
how to measure the success of the functional purpose(s), the values and priority measures
can be set. In many cases, at least some of the physical objects are known at the start of the
analysis. By creating a list of each of the physical objects and their affordances, the bottom
two levels can be partially created. Often, the most challenging part of an AH is creating
the link in the middle between the physical description of the system’s components and a
functional description of what the system should do. The purpose-related functions level
involves considering how the object-related processes can be used to have an effect on the
Cognitive Task Analysis 77

identified values and priority measures. The purpose-related functions should link upward
to the values and priority measures to explain why they’re required; they should also link
down to the object-related processes, explaining how they can be achieved. The next stage
is to complete the means-ends links, checking for unconnected nodes and validating the
links. The why-what-how triad should be checked at this stage.
7. Construct the AH/ADS by conducting special data collection exercises. After the first
stage of constructing the AH/ADS there are likely to be a number of nodes that are poorly
linked, indicating an improper understanding of the system. At this stage, it is often neces-
sary to seek further information on the domain from literature or from SMEs.
8. Review the AH/ADS with domain experts. The validation of the AH/ADS is a very impor-
tant stage. Although this has been listed as stage 8 it should be considered as an iterative
process. If access to SMEs is available, it is advantageous to consult with them throughout
the process. Often the most systematic process for validating the AH is to step through,
node-by-node checking the language. Each of the links should be validated along with
each of the correct rejections.
9. Validate the AH/ADS. Often the best way to validate the ADS is to consider known recur-
ring activity, checking to see that the AH contains the required physical objects, and
that the values and priority measures captured cover the function aims of the modelled

Naikar, Hopcroft, and Moylan (2005) also present a series of prompts designed to aid analysts
wishing to conduct WDAs. Examples of their prompts are presented in Table 4.2.

Step 4: Conduct Control Task Analysis

The control task analysis phase is used to investigate what needs to be done independently of how
it is done or by whom; it allows the requirements associated with known, recurring classes of situ-
ations to be identified (Jenkins et al., 2008). The decision ladder (Figure 4.1) is normally used for
the control task analysis phase; however, Naikar, Moylan, and Pearce (2006) have more recently
proposed the Contextual Activity Template (CAT) for this phase.
The decision ladder contains two types of nodes: data processing activities, as represented by the
rectangular boxes, and states of knowledge that arise from the data processing activities, as repre-
sented by the circular nodes. Vicente (1999) points out that the ladder represents a linear sequence
of information processing steps but is bent in half; novices are expected to follow the ladder in a
linear fashion, whereas experts use short cuts (known as leaps and shunts) to link the two halves
of the ladder. “Shunts” connect an information processing activity to a state of knowledge, and
“leaps” connect two states of knowledge. Undertaking decision ladder analyses typically involves
interviewing SMEs in order to determine how they undertake the control tasks identified in the
generalised functions component of the WDA.

Step 5: Conduct Strategies Analysis

The strategies analysis phase involves identifying the different strategies that can potentially be
employed to achieve control tasks; as Jenkins et al. (2008) point out, the strategy adopted in a given
situation may vary significantly depending upon the constraints imposed. Naikar (2006) suggests
that strategies analysis is concerned with identifying general categories of cognitive procedures. The
strategy adopted is dependent upon various factors, including workload and task demands, training,
time pressure, experience, and familiarity with the current situation. Ahlstrom (2005) proposes a
modified form of Vicente’s (1999) information flow map for the strategies analysis phase; here the
situation is broken down into a “start state” and a desired “end state.” The strategies available for
achieving the end state connect the two states. An example of a simplified flow map is presented in
Figure 4.2. The strategies available are typically identified via interviews with appropriate SMEs.
78 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 4.2
Example WDA Prompts
Prompts Keywords
Functional Purposes: Purposes:
purposes • For what reasons does the work system exist?   Reasons, goals, objectives, aims, intentions,
• What are the highest-level objectives or ultimate mission, ambitions, plans, services, products, roles,
purposes of the work system? targets, aspirations, desires, motives, values, beliefs,
• What role does the work system play in the views, rationale, philosophy, policies, norms,
environment? conventions, attitudes, customs, ethics, morals,
• What has the work system been designed to principles
achieve? External constraints:
External constraints:   Laws, regulations, guidance, standards, directives,
• What kinds of constraints does the environment requirements, rules, limits, public opinion, policies,
impose on the work system? values, beliefs, views, rationale, philosophy, norms,
• What values does the environment impose on the conventions, attitudes, customs, ethics, morals,
work system? principles
• What laws and regulations does the environment
impose on the work system?
Values and • What criteria can be used to judge whether the Criteria, measures, benchmarks, tests, assessments,
priority work system is achieving its purposes? appraisals, calculations, evaluations, estimations,
measures • What criteria can be used to judge whether the judgements, scales, yardsticks, budgets, schedules,
work system is satisfying its external constraints? outcomes, results, targets, figures, limits
• What criteria can be used to compare the results Measures of: effectiveness, efficiency, reliability,
or effects of the purpose-related functions on the risk, resources, time, quality, quantity, probability,
functional purposes? economy, consistency, frequency, success
• What are the performance requirements of various Values: laws, regulations, guidance, standards,
functions in the work system? directives, requirements, rules, limits, public
• How is the performance of various functions in opinion, policies, values, beliefs, views, rationale,
the work system measured or evaluated and philosophy, norms, conventions, attitudes, customs,
compared? ethics, morals, principles
Purpose- • What functions are required to achieve the Functions, roles, responsibilities, purposes, tasks,
related purposes of the work system? jobs, duties, occupations, positions, activities,
functions • What functions are required to satisfy the external operations
constraints on the work system?
• What functions are performed in the work system?
• What are the functions of individuals, teams, and
departments in the work system?
Object- • What can the physical objects in the work system Processes, functions, purposes, utility, role, uses,
related do or afford? applications, functionality, characteristics,
processes • What processes are the physical objects in the capabilities, limitations, capacity, physical
work system used for? processes, mechanical processes, electrical
• What are the functional capabilities and limitations processes, chemical processes
of physical objects in the work system?
Physical • What are the physical objects or physical Man-made and natural objects: tools, equipment,
objects resources in the work system—both man-made devices, apparatus, machinery, items, instruments,
and natural? accessories, appliances, implements, technology,
• What physical objects or physical resources are supplies, kit, gear, buildings, facilities, premises,
necessary to enable the processes and functions of infrastructure, fixtures, fittings, assets, resources,
the work system? staff, people, personnel, terrain, land,
meteorological features

Source: Adapted from Naikar N., Hopcroft, R., and Moylan A. (2005). Work domain analysis: Theoretical concepts and
methodology. Defence Science and Technology Organisation Report, DSTO-TR-1665, Melbourne, Australia.
Cognitive Task Analysis 79

Data processing

States of knowledge
knowledge Goals
resulting from


Options Goal


System Target
State State

Diagnose state Definition of task

Infor- Task

Observe information
Observe information Planning of
and data, scanning
and scanning procedure
for cues

Alert dure

Activation Execute

Figure 4.1  Decision ladder (showing leaps and shunts).

Step 6: Conduct Social Organisation and Cooperation Analysis

The SOCA phase looks at how tasks can potentially be allocated across a system (comprising human
and technological operators). The objective of this phase is to determine how social and technical
factors can work together in a way that maximises system performance. SOCA typically uses the
outputs generated from the preceding three phases as its input. For example, simple shading can
be used to map actors onto the ADS, decision ladder, and strategies analysis outputs. An example
SOCA, based on the strategies analysis flow map presented in Figure 4.2, is depicted in Figure 4.3.
SOCA is best informed through SME interviews, observation, and review of relevant documenta-
tion such as training manuals and standard operating procedures.
80 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Do 1

Do 2a Do 2b

Do 3a Do 3b

Start state End state

Do 4a Do 4b

Do 5a Do 5b Do 5c

Do 6a Do 6b Do 6c Do 6d

Figure 4.2  Strategies analysis simplified flow map.

Step 7: Conduct Worker Competencies Analysis

The final phase, WCA, involves identifying the competencies required for undertaking activity
within the system in question. This phase is concerned with identifying the psychological constraints
that are applicable to system design (Kilgore and St-Cyr, 2006). Vicente (1999) recommends that
the Skill, Rule, and Knowledge (SRK) framework (Rasmussen, 1983; cited in Vicente, 1999) be
used for this phase. The SRK framework describes three hierarchical levels of human behaviour:
skill, rule, and knowledge-based behaviour. Each of the levels within the SRK framework defines
a different level of cognitive control or human action (Vicente, 1999). Skill-based behaviour occurs
in routine situations that require highly practised and automatic behaviour and where there is only
small conscious control on behalf of the operator. According to Vicente (1999), skill-based behav-
iour consists of smooth, automated, and highly integrated patterns of action that are performed
without conscious attention. The second level of behaviour, the rule-based level, occurs when the
situation deviates from the normal but can be dealt with by the operator applying rules that are

= Actor 1
Do 1
= Actor 2

Do 2a Do 2b
= Actor 3

Do 3a Do 3b
Start state End state
Do 4a Do 4b

Do 5a Do 5b Do 5c

Do 6a Do 6b Do 6c Do 6d

Figure 4.3  Mapping actors onto strategies analysis output for SOCA.
Cognitive Task Analysis 81



Identification Decision Planning
Rule-Based Level

Associated Stored Rules
State/Task for Activities
Skill-Based Level

Feature (Signs) Automated

Information Sensorimotor

Sensory Signals Actions


Figure 4.4  SRK behavioural classification scheme.

either stored in memory or are readily available, for example, emergency procedures. According
to Vicente (1999), rule-based behaviour consists of stored rules derived from procedures, experi-
ence, instruction, or previous problem-solving activities. The third and highest level of behaviour
is knowledge-based behaviour, which typically occurs in non-routine situations (i.e., emergency
scenarios) where the operator has no known rules to apply and has to use problem-solving skills
and knowledge of the system characteristics and mechanics in order to achieve task performance.
According to Vicente (1999), knowledge-based behaviour consists of deliberate, serial search based
on an explicit representation of the goal and a mental model of the functional properties of the envi-
ronment. Further, knowledge-based behaviour is slow, serial, and effortful, as it requires conscious,
focused attention (Vicente, 1999). The SRK framework is presented in Figure 4.4.
Worker competencies are expressed in terms of the skill, rule, and knowledge-based behaviours
required. It is recommended that interviews with SMEs and relevant documentation review (e.g.,
procedures, standard operating instructions, training manuals) are used for the WCA phase.

Step 8: Review and Refine Outputs with SMEs

Once the appropriate phases are completed, it is important that they are reviewed and refined on the
basis of input from SMEs. Undertaking CWA is a highly iterative process and the original outputs
are likely to change significantly over the course of an analysis.

1. CWA provides a flexible framework that can be applied for a variety of different
2. There is great potential for applying the framework in a sporting context, particularly for
the design of sports technology.
82 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

3. The approach is formative, and so goes beyond the normative and descriptive analyses
provided by traditional cognitive task analysis and task analysis approaches.
4. The approach has sound underpinning theory.
5. The five different phases allow the approach to be highly comprehensive. Researchers can
potentially identify the constraints related to the environment in which activity takes place,
why the system exists, what activity is conducted and what with, how the activity can be
conducted, who the activity can be conducted by, and what skills are required to conduct
the activity.
6. The framework has received considerable attention of late and has been applied in a range
of domains for a range of purposes.
7. Due to its formative nature the framework can deal with non-routine situations.
8. The approach goes further than most Human Factors approaches in bridging the gap
between Human Factors analysis and system design.
9. CWA can be used for both design and evaluation purposes.
10. Jenkins et al. (2008) recently developed a CWA software tool that supports both experts
and novices in applying the method and significantly expedites the process.

1. CWA is more complex than other Human Factors methods and researchers wishing to use
the framework may require considerable training and practice.
2. CWA can be extremely time consuming to apply, although this can be circumvented some-
what by using appropriate analysis boundaries.
3. Some of the methods and phases within the framework have received only limited atten-
tion and are still in their infancy. It is notable that there are only limited applications using
the latter three phases published in the academic literature. As a corollary, guidance on the
latter three phases is also scarce.
4. Reliability of the approach is questionable and validity is difficult to assess.
5. CWA outputs can often be large, complex, and unwieldy and can be difficult to present
6. It is often difficult for analysts to conduct the analysis independent of activity.

Related Methods
In terms of other similar Human Factors approaches, CWA remains the only formative system
design and evaluation framework available. CWA is often compared with HTA (e.g., Hajdukiewicz
and Vicente, 2004; Miller and Vicente, 2001; Stanton, 2006; Salmon, Jenkins, Stanton, and Walker,
in press); however, this is more due to popularity and theoretical differences rather than any simi-
larities between the two. As described above, a number of different methods have previously been
used to support CWA efforts, including the ADS, AH, decision ladder, contextual activity template,
information flow maps, and the SRK framework.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training time associated with the CWA framework is high, particularly if all phases and meth-
ods are to be trained. The application time is also typically high, although the setting of appropriate
analysis boundaries goes a long way to reducing it to a more reasonable figure. The application time
therefore varies depending on the analysis aims and the boundaries set. For example, Naikar and
Sanderson (2001) report that a WDA of an airborne early warning and control system took around
six months to complete, whereas Salmon et al. (in press) report an application of the WDA, control
Cognitive Task Analysis 83

task analysis, and SOCA phases for the evaluation of an attack helicopter digitised mission planning
system that took around 20 hours to complete.

Reliability and Validity

The reliability and validity of the CWA framework is difficult to assess. The reliability may be
questionable, although there are no data presented in the literature.

Tools Needed
CWA can be applied using pen and paper. As observational study and interviews are normally
used during the data collection phase, video and audio recording equipment is typically required.
A software drawing package, such as Microsoft Visio, is also helpful for producing the CWA out-
puts. Jenkins et al. (2008) recently developed a CWA software tool that supports construction of
the CWA outputs for each phase and allows files to be saved, copied, edited, and exported into
Microsoft Word documents.

For this example, selected CWA phases were conducted for the golf domain. An AH (from the
WDA phase) for the golf domain is presented in Figure 4.5. The functional purpose of the golf
“system” in this case is for the golfer to shoot as low a score as possible. At the bottom of the AH,
the physical objects include those physical objects that are necessary to enable the processes and
functions of the work system. In this case they include the course, holes, golf clubs, GPS device,
golf ball and tee, distance markers, crowd, flags, and hazards (since the AH is actor independent
the golfer is not included at this level). The next level up in the AH specifies what the physical
objects do or afford. For example, the golf tee affords elevation and support of the golf ball; the
clubs afford striking of the ball and the production of spin; and the course card depicts the course
and hole layout, provides distance information, and allows the golfer to determine his or her
position on the course. The generalised functions level specifies the functions that are required
to achieve the purposes of the work system, such as club and shot selection, shot visualisation,
setting up swing, and the various types of shots available (e.g., drive, approach, lay up, pitch and
run). The abstract functions level specifies the criteria that can be used to determine whether the
work system is achieving its purposes or not, and in this case includes overall score in strokes,
number of strokes per hole, number of fairways hit, greens in regulation, and number of putts
per hole.
An example of means-ends links can be seen in Figure 4.5 by tracing the links up the hierarchy
from the golf course card. This shows how the golf course card depicts the course and hole layout,
provides distance information, and allows the golfer to determine his or her position on the course.
This information then informs club and shot selection and allows the golfer to visualise the forth-
coming shot, which all play a key role in the achievement of a low overall score, optimum score per
hole, number of fairways hit, and number of greens in regulation achieved. Optimum performance
on these priority measures is essential for the golfer to achieve the lowest score possible, which is
the functional purpose in this case.
An example decision ladder for an approach shot is presented next. The decision ladder repre-
sents the processes and knowledge states involved in making an approach shot, and is presented in
Figure 4.6. Constructing the decision ladder involved discussing and walking through the process
of making an approach shot with one golf SME.
Next, the strategies analysis phase is used to identify the range of strategies available for getting
from a particular start state to a desired end state. For this example, we present an example strate-
gies analysis flowchart for an approach shot to the green, with the start state being “ball on fairway,”

Functional lowest
purpose score

function/ Strokes per
Values and Strokes Number of Greens in Putts per
hole (Birdies, Fairways hit
priority (Overall) regulation hole
Bogies etc)

function/ Club Shot Shot Swing Practice Hinder Scorekee-
Drive Approach Lay up Pitch Putt shot
Purpose- selection selection visualisation set up swing progress ping

Physical Provide
function/ Travel Provide hole Depict Provide Provide Provide Provide shot green Depict hole Depict wind Provide Carry/
Elevate and Produce Accomodate Record
Object-related toward/into Strike ball layout location on distance encourage- feedback on selection information position on direction information manage Trap ball
support ball spin ball score
processes hole information course information ment shots advice (elevation, green and speed on hazards equipment
slope etc)

Physical form/ GPS device

Physical Tee Ball Clubs Course card e.g. Holes Flags Crowd Caddie Hazards
objects Caddieaid

Abstraction Hierarchy

Figure 4.5  Golf abstraction hierarchy.

Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Cognitive Task Analysis 85

To complete the round in as few

strokes as possible by scoring as
many birdies and pars as possible
and by avoiding making bogies Goals


Is play for birdie the chosen goal?

Do I attack the hole? Is play for par the chosen goal?
Do I play for the green? Options Chosen Is avoid bogey the chosen goal?
Do I lay up? Goal Is keep score to a minimum the
chosen goal?

What is the distance to the hole?
Is the hole in range?
Are any traps in play?
Can I stop the ball on the green? System Target Should the hole be attacked?
Are there any obstacles in play? State State Should I play for the green?
Is the wind an issue? Should I lay up?

Diagnose state Definition of task

Where is the ball? What club should be used?
Where is the hole? What type of shot should be used?
What is the balls lie? What grip should be used?
What is the grass type? What swing should be used?
Inform- How much power should be used?
Where is the green? Task
ation What stance should be used?
Where are the traps?
What is the topology? What preparation is needed (e.g.
What is the wind direction? swing set up, practice swing)?
What is the wind strength? Observe information
What par is the hole? and data, scanning Planning of
How many shots have I taken so far? for cues procedure What steps are needed to prepare for
the shot?
What steps are needed to make the
Proce- What steps are needed to observe
Alert the outcome of the shot?
Locate ball

Activation Execute

Figure 4.6  Golf shot decision ladder.

and the desired end state being “ball in hole.” The approach shot strategies analysis flow map is
presented in Figure 4.7.

Recommended Texts
Bisantz, A. M., and Burns, C. M. (2008). Applications of cognitive work analysis. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Jenkins, D. P., Stanton, N. A., Walker, G. H., and Salmon, P. M. (2009). Cognitive work analysis: Coping with
complexity. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Vicente, K. J. (1999). Cognitive work analysis: Toward safe, productive, and healthy computer-based work.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Critical Decision Method

The Critical Decision Method (CDM; Klein, Calderwood, and McGregor, 1989) uses semi-struc-
tured interviews and cognitive probes to identify the cognitive processes underlying decision mak-
ing in complex environments. Typically, scenarios are decomposed into critical decision points and
so-called “cognitive probes” (targeted interview probes focussing on cognition and decision mak-
ing) are used to identify and investigate the cognitive processes underlying operator performance
at each decision point.
The CDM approach can be applied for a range of purposes, including for the identification of
training requirements, the development of training materials, and for the evaluation of task perfor-
mance. It is also useful for comparing the decision-making strategies employed by different (e.g.,
novice and expert) operators. The CDM is a popular approach and has been applied in various
domains. For example, recent published applications have taken place in the emergency services
86 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Play aggressive approach shot directly into hole

Play aggressive approach

Putt for birdie
shot at pin

Play approach shot onto Putt out (two putt

green for par)

Play pitch and

Lay up in run shot onto Putt out
front of green green

Ball on Lay up in Pitch onto Putt out Ball in hole

fairway front of green green

Lay up in Play flop shot

front of green Putt out
onto green

Lay up in Putt onto

front of green green Putt out

Play into greenside Play bunker shot

bunker into hole

Play into Play bunker

greenside shot onto Putt out
bunker green

Figure 4.7  Example approach shot strategies analysis flow map.

(Blandford and Wong, 2004), the military (Salmon et al., 2009), energy distribution (Salmon et al.,
2008), road transport (Stanton, Walker, Young, Kazi, and Salmon, 2007), rail transport (Walker et
al., 2006), and white-water rafting (O’Hare et al., 2000) domains.

Domain of Application
The procedure is generic and can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
There is great potential for applying CDM in a sporting context; the approach offers a simplistic
means of gathering data regarding the cognitive processes used during task performance and is
clearly suited to the analysis of sports performance. In particular, it appears to be suited to identify-
ing and analysing the differences between the cognitive processes adopted by sports performers of
differing abilities and expertise levels (e.g., elite versus amateur sports performers). Further, it may
also be useful for identifying training requirements for complex cognitive tasks.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis
It is first important to clearly define the aims of the analysis. Exactly what the aims of the analysis
to be undertaken are should be clearly defined so that appropriate scenarios can be analysed using
appropriate participants and an appropriate set of CDM probes.
Cognitive Task Analysis 87

Step 2: Identify Scenarios to Be Analysed

Once the aims of the analysis are clearly defined, it is next important to identify what scenarios
should be analysed. In a sporting context, for example, this may be a particular event or a series
of specific training or game scenarios. Most CDM analyses focus on non-routine events or criti-
cal incidents. For example, in a game of soccer a critical incident may be a penalty kick or a free
kick located on the edge of the oppositions box, or a one-on-one attack situation. In golf, a critical
incident may be a bunker shot or, alternatively, an entire hole may be broken down into critical
incidents, such as select strategy for hole, make drive, make approach shot, and putting out. Critical
incidents can also be identified once the scenario has unfolded by asking participants, post task, to
identify the critical incidents that occurred during task performance.

Step 3: Select/Develop Appropriate CDM Interview Probes

The CDM works by probing SMEs using predefined “cognitive probes,” which are designed specifi-
cally to elicit information regarding the cognitive processes undertaken during task performance.
It is therefore highly important that an appropriate set of probes are selected or developed prior to
the analysis. There are a number of sets of CDM probes available in the literature (e.g., Crandall,
Klein, and Hoffman, 2006; Klein and Armstrong, 2004; O’Hare et al., 2000); however, it may also
be appropriate to develop a new set of probes depending on the analysis requirements. A set of CDM
probes that we have used in the past (e.g., Salmon et al., 2009; Stanton et al., 2006; Stewart et al.,
2008; Walker et al., 2006) is presented in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3
Critical Decision Method Probes
Goal Specification What Were Your Specific Goals at the Various Decision Points?
Cue identification What features were you looking for when you formulated your decision?
How did you know that you needed to make the decision?
How did you know when to make the decision?
Expectancy Were you expecting to make this sort of decision during the course of the event?
Describe how this affected your decision-making process.
Conceptual Are there any situations in which your decision would have turned out differently?
Influence of uncertainty At any stage, were you uncertain about either the reliability or the relevance of the
information that you had available?
Information integration What was the most important piece of information that you used to formulate the decision?
Situation awareness What information did you have available to you at the time of the decision?
Situation assessment Did you use all of the information available to you when formulating the decision?
Was there any additional information that you might have used to assist in the formulation
of the decision?
Options Were there any other alternatives available to you other than the decision you made?
Decision blocking—stress Was their any stage during the decision-making process in which you found it difficult to
process and integrate the information available?
Basis of choice Do you think that you could develop a rule, based on your experience, which could assist
another person to make the same decision successfully?
Analogy/generalisation Were you at any time reminded of previous experiences in which a similar/different decision
was made?

Source: O’Hare. D., Wiggins, M., Williams, A., and Wong, W. (2000). Cognitive task analysis for decision centered design
and training. In Task analysis, eds. J. Annett and N. A. Stanton, 170–90. London: Taylor & Francis.
88 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 4: Select Appropriate Participant(s)

Once the aims, task, and probes are defined, appropriate participants should be selected; again,
this is entirely dependent upon the analysis context and requirements. Normally the participants
selected should be SMEs for the domain in question, or the primary decision makers in the chosen
task or scenario under analysis.

Step 5: Observe Scenario under Analysis or Gather Description of Incident

The CDM is normally applied based on an observation of the task or scenario under analysis;
however, it can also be used retrospectively to analyse incidents that occurred some time ago. If the
analysis is based on direct observation, then this step involves the analyst(s) observing the task or
scenario. An observational transcript should be completed for the scenario (see Chapter 2). If the
analysis is based on an incident that has already occurred then the analyst and SME should work
together to develop a description of the incident.

Step 6: Define Timeline and Critical Incidents

Once the observation is complete, the analyst and participant should develop a task model or
event timeline for the scenario. This is then used to define a series (normally four or five) of
critical incidents or incident phases for further analysis. These normally represent critical deci-
sion points for the scenario in question; however, distinct incident phases have also been used
in the past.

Step 7: Conduct CDM Interviews

CDM interviews should then be conducted with the participant(s) for each critical incident or
key decision point identified during step 6. This involves administering the cognitive probes in a
semi-structured interview format in order to elicit information regarding the cognitive processes
employed by the decision maker during each critical incident or incident phase. An interview tran-
script should be recorded by the interviewer and the interview should be recorded using video and/
or audio recording equipment.

Step 8: Transcribe Interview Data

Once the interviews are completed, the data should be transcribed using a word processing software
package such as Microsoft Word. It is normally useful for data representation purposes to produce
CDM tables containing the cognitive probes and interviewee responses for each participant.

Step 9: Analyse Data as Required

The CDM data should then be analysed accordingly based on the analysis requirements. For exam-
ple, when comparing the decision-making strategies employed by elite and novice sports perform-
ers, the analyst should compare and contrast the interviewee responses. Often content analysis is
used to pick out key themes or concepts.

1. The CDM can be used to elicit information regarding the cognitive processes and skills
employed during task performance.
2. Various sets of CDM probes are available (e.g., Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman, 2006; Klein
and Armstrong, 2004; O’Hare et al., 2000).
3. The CDM approach is particularly suited to comparing the decision-making strategies
used by different operators and could be applied in a sporting context for this purpose.
4. The method is a popular one and has been applied in a number of different domains.
Cognitive Task Analysis 89

5. The data obtained are useful and can be used for a number of purposes, including perfor-
mance evaluation, comparison of decision-making strategies, training programme design
and evaluation, situation awareness requirements analysis, and interface and system design.
6. The method offers a good return in terms of data collected in relation to time invested.
7. The flexibility of the approach allows all manner of Human Factors concepts to be studied,
including decision making, situation awareness, human error, workload, and distraction.
8. Since it uses interviews, CDM offers a high degree of control over the data collection
process. Targeted interview probes can be designed a priori and interviewers can direct
interviews as they see fit.
9. The data obtained can be treated both qualitatively and quantitatively.
10. The approach has sound underpinning theory.

1. The output offers little direct input into design.
2. The data obtained are highly dependent upon the skill of the interviewer and the quality
and willingness to participate of the interviewee.
3. Participants may find it difficult to verbalise the cognitive components of task performance,
and the extent to which verbal interview responses reflect exactly the cognitive processes
employed during task performance is questionable.
4. Designing, conducting, transcribing, and analysing interviews is an extremely time-con-
suming process and the large amount of time required may limit the number of partici-
pants that can be used.
5. The reliability and validity of interview methods is difficult to address and it appears that
the reliability of this approach is questionable. Klein and Armstrong (2004), for example,
point out that methods that analyse retrospective incidents may have limited reliability due
to factors such as memory degradation.
6. A high level of expertise is required in order to use the CDM to its maximum effect (Klein
and Armstrong, 2004).
7. Since it involves the conduct of interviews, the CDM approach is susceptible to a range of
interviewer and interviewee biases.
8. When analyzing real-world tasks, participants often do not have sufficient free time to fully
engage in interviews. Often interviewers are given only a short period of time to collect their
9. It is often difficult to gain the levels of access to SMEs that are required for successful
completion of CDM interviews.
10. Depending on the subject area, interviewees may be guarded with their responses for
fear of reprisals.

Related Methods
The CDM is based on Flanagan’s Critical Incident Technique (Flanagan, 1954) and is primarily an
interview-based approach. The CDM procedure also utilises observational study methods and time-
line analysis methods during the scenario observation and description phases. More recently, CDM
outputs have been used to analyse, via content analysis, situation awareness and situation awareness
requirements in command and control environments (Salmon et al., 2009).

Approximate Training and Application Times

Although the time taken for analysts to understand the CDM procedure is minimal, the training
time is high due to the requirement for experience in interviews and for trainees to grasp cognitive
90 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

psychology (Klein and Armstrong, 2004). In addition, once trained in the method, analysts are
likely to require significant practice until they become proficient in its application. The application
time is dependent upon the probes used and the number of participants involved; however, due to the
high levels of data generated and the requirement to transcribe the interview data, the application
time is typically high. Normally a typical CDM interview, focussing on four to five critical inci-
dents, would take around 1 to 2 hours. The transcription process for a 1 to 2 hour CDM interview
normally takes between 2 and 4 hours.

Reliability and Validity

The reliability of the CDM approach is questionable. Klein and Armstrong (2004) suggest that
there are concerns over reliability due to factors such as memory degradation. The validity of the
approach may also be questionable, due to the difficulties associated with the verbalisation of cog-
nitive processes. Interview approaches also suffer from various forms of bias that affect reliability
and validity levels.

Tools Needed
At a simplistic level, CDM can be conducted using only pen and paper; however, it is recommended
that the scenario and interviews are recorded using video and audio recording devices. The inter-
viewer also requires a printed set of CDM probes for conducting the CDM interviews.

As part of a study focussing on the decision-making strategies used by novice, amateur, and elite
fell runners (see Chapter 10), the CDM approach was used to analyse fell runner decision making
during a recent local amateur fell race. Upon receipt of consent to take part, participating runners
were asked to complete CDM transcripts upon completion of the race. The race was broken down
into two key decision points, the first being the ascent (885 ft) part of the race, and the second being
the descent towards the finish. A series of cognitive probes, adapted from those presented in Table
4.3 were used. Example outputs are presented in Table 4.4 and Table 4.5.

(See Flowchart 4.1.)

Recommended Texts
Crandall, B., Klein, G., and Hoffman, R. (2006). Working minds: A practitioner’s guide to cognitive task analy-
sis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Klein, G., and Armstrong, A. A. (2004). Critical decision method. In Handbook of Human Factors and ergo-
nomics methods, eds. N. A. Stanton, A. Hedge, E. Salas, H. Hendrick, and K. Brookhaus, 35.1–35.8.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Klein, G., Calderwood, R., and McGregor, D. (1989). Critical decision method for eliciting knowledge. IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 19(3):462–72.

Concept Maps
Background and Applications
Concept maps (Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman, 2006) are used to elicit and represent knowledge via
the use of networks depicting concepts and the relationships between them. Representing knowledge
Cognitive Task Analysis 91

in the form of a network is a popular approach that has been used by cognitive psychologists for
many years. According to Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman (2006), concept maps were first developed
by Novak (1977; cited in Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman, 2006) in order to understand and track
changes in his students’ knowledge of science. Concept maps are based on Ausubel’s theory of
learning (Ausubel, 1963; cited in Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman, 2006), which suggests that mean-
ingful learning occurs via the assimilation of new concepts and propositions into existing concepts
and propositional frameworks in the mind of the learner. Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman (2006)
point out that this occurs via subsumption (realising how new concepts relate to those already
known), differentiation (realising how new concepts draw distinctions with those already known),
and reconciliation (of contradictions between new concepts and those already known). Crandall,
Klein, and Hoffman (2006) cite a range of studies that suggest that building good concept maps
leads to longer retention of knowledge and a greater ability to apply knowledge in novel settings.
An example concept map of the concept map method (adapted from Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman,
2006) is presented in Figure 4.8.

Domain of Application
Concept maps were originally developed as an educational method for supporting meaningful
learning (Ausubel and Novak, 1978; cited in Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman, 2006); however, the
approach is generic and can be applied in any domain. Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman (2006) cite a
range of domains in which the method has been applied, including education, astrobiology, rocket
science, and space exploration.

Application in Sport
Concept maps are used to elicit and represent SME knowledge; therefore, there is great scope to
use them in a sporting context in order to determine and represent elite sports performer knowledge
during task performance. Concept maps can also be used to compare and contrast the knowledge of
sports performers of differing ability, for example, novice versus elite sports performers. Crandall,
Klein, and Hoffman (2006) point out that research using the approach has demonstrated that exper-
tise is typically associated not only with more detailed knowledge but also with better organisation
of knowledge when compared to novices. The identification of knowledge requirements for differ-
ent sports is also an important line of enquiry for training and coaching programme development.
The output of concept map–type analyses can therefore be used for a range of purposes, including
coaching and training programme development, sports product design, and information require-
ments analysis.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Clearly Define Aims of the Analysis
It is first important to clearly define the aims of the analysis. Exactly what the aims of the analysis
to be undertaken are should be clearly defined so that appropriate scenarios and participants can be
focussed on.

Step 2: Identify Scenarios to Be Analysed

Once the aims of the analysis are clearly defined, it is next important to identify what scenarios
should be analysed. In a sporting context, for example, this may be a particular task, event, or
a series of specific training or game scenarios. It may also be useful to use different event or
game phases.
92 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 4.4
Example “Ascent” CDM Output
Goal What were your specific goals during this part of the race?
specification • To get to Captain Cook’s monument (the top of the ascent) as quickly as possible.
• To stay in touch with the runners around me at the beginning of the ascent (to not let any runners get
away from me during the ascent).
Decisions What decisions did you make during this part of the race?
• Which route to take up the ascent.
• When it was more appropriate to stop and walk, i.e., when the trade-off between speed and energy
expired became such that it was more appropriate to walk up the ascent.
• Whether to try and keep up with runners passing me.
• When to get going again.
Cue What features were you looking for when you formulated your decisions?
identification • Physical condition, heart rate, breathing rate, pain in legs and lungs, incline level, other runners’
strategies, pace (minute miles), other runners’ pace, terrain, etc.
How did you know that you needed to make the decisions? How did you know when to make the
• All decisions were part and parcel of competing in the race.
Expectancy Were you expecting to make these sorts of decisions during the course of the event?
• Yes.
Describe how this affected your decision-making process.
• I knew what information I was looking for and what elements I needed to monitor during the ascent
Conceptual Are there any situations in which your decisions would have turned out differently?
• Yes, if I felt better or felt that I could maintain a quicker pace, or if pain levels and my physical
condition were such that I had to stop earlier on the ascent.
Influence of At any stage, were you uncertain about either the reliability or the relevance of the information that you
uncertainty had available?
• I wasn’t sure how far the ascent would go on for at such a steep incline. I wasn’t sure if it was going
to get worse or better (the incline, that is) and also how far from the end of the ascent I was.
Information What was the most important piece of information that you used to make your decisions?
integration • My physical condition, e.g., my heart rate, breathing rate, pain levels, legs, fatigue, etc.
Situation What information did you have available to you at the time of the decisions?
awareness • Physical condition (all subjective, of course, including my heart rate, breathing rate, pain levels, legs,
fatigue, etc.).
• Pace (minute miles) taken from Garmin Forerunner watch.
• Distance travelled taken from Garmin Forerunner watch.
• Distance remaining based on calculation using distance travelled information and knowledge of race
• Time taken from Garmin Forerunner watch.
• Visual information, including incline, routes available, other runners, etc.
• Knowledge of route taken from map prior to race.
• Previous experience of route and race.
Situation Did you use all of the information available to you when making decisions?
assessment • Yes, but some information was more prominent than others in my decision making, such as my own
physical condition.
Was there any additional information that you might have used to assist you in making decisions?
• Yes, distance remaining on the ascent.
• A real-time display of route depicting my own position, maybe a 3D elevation diagram also. Such
information would have allowed me to determine whether I could have maintained my pace (as I
would have known that I was towards the end of the ascent or nowhere near the end of it).
Cognitive Task Analysis 93

Table 4.4 (Continued)
Example “Ascent” CDM Output
Options Were there any other alternatives available to you other than the decisions you made?
• Yes, to keep a quicker pace or to slow or stop earlier, to take a different route, and whether to try to go
with passing runner.
Decision Was there any stage during the decision-making process in which you found it difficult to process and
blocking— integrate the information available?
stress • No.
Basis of choice Do you think that you could develop a rule, based on your experience, which could assist another person
to make the same decisions successfully?
• Well, I could certainly develop a personal rule for when to slow down/speed up on severe ascents.
• I guess I could identify what runners need to be focussing on in order to make such decisions, yes.
Analogy/ Were you at any time reminded of previous experiences in which similar/different decisions were made?
generalisation • Yes, previous fell racing events.

Step 3: Select Appropriate Participant(s)

Once the scenario under analysis is defined, the analyst(s) should proceed to identify an appropriate
SME or set of SMEs. Typically, experts for the domain and system under analysis are used; how-
ever, if the analysis is focussing on a comparison of novices versus elite performers, then a selection
of participants from each group should be used.

Step 4: Observe the Task or Scenario under Analysis

It is important that the analyst(s) involved familiarises him- or herself with the task or scenario under
analysis. This normally involves observing the task or scenario, but might also involve reviewing
any relevant documentation (e.g., training manuals, standard operating procedures, existing task
analyses) and holding discussions with SMEs. If an observation is not possible, a walkthrough of
the task may suffice. This allows the analyst to understand the task and the participant’s role during
task performance.

Step 5: Introduce Participants to Concept Map Method

Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman (2006) suggest that it is important to give an introductory presenta-
tion about the concept map method to the participants involved. The presentation should include
an introduction to the method, its background, an overview of the procedure, and some example
applications, including a description of the methodology employed and the outputs derived.

Step 6: Identify Focus Question

Next, the knowledge elicitation and concept map construction phase can begin. Crandall, Klein, and
Hoffman (2006) recommend that one analyst should act as the interviewer and one analyst act as the
mapper, constructing the map on-line during the knowledge elicitation phase. They stress that the
interviewing analyst should act as a facilitator, effectively supporting the participant in describing
their knowledge during the task or scenario under analysis. This involves the use of suggestions such
as “leads to?” “comes before?” and “is a precondition for?” (Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman, 2006).
Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman (2006) recommend that the facilitator and participant(s) should first
identify a focus question that addresses the problem or concept that is to be the focus of the analysis.
Examples in a sporting context could be “How does a golfer prepare for a drive?” or “What is a
94 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 4.5
Example “Descent” CDM Output
Goal What were your specific goals during this part of the race?
specification • To maintain a sub 6-minute, 30-second–mile pace.
• To not let any runners pass me.
• To pass all runners ahead of me in my visual field of view.
Decisions What decisions did you make during this part of the race?
• What routes to take down the various sharp descents.
• When to quicken pace.
• When to reign pace in.
Cue What features were you looking for when you formulated your decisions?
identification • For routes, I was looking at the terrain, obstacles, and other runners’ routes down.
• For pace decisions, I was looking at my own physical condition, heart rate, breathing rate, pain in
legs and lungs, incline level, pace (minute miles), and other runners’ pace.
How did you know that you needed to make the decisions? How did you know when to make the
• Based on my knowledge of the race route I knew that the last 2 and a half miles were pretty much
a constant descent all the way to the finish. I also knew that gains were to be made by not going
down the typical descent routes.
Expectancy Were you expecting to make these sorts of decisions during the course of the event?
• Yes.
Describe how this affected your decision-making process.
• I knew what information I was looking for and what elements I needed to monitor during the
descent phase.
Conceptual Are there any situations in which your decisions would have turned out differently?
• Yes, if I knew for sure that I could maintain it without breaking down, I would have chosen to run
at an even quicker pace on the descent phase. Also, if I knew what the best descent routes were for
definite, I would have taken them.
Influence of At any stage, were you uncertain about either the reliability or the relevance of the information that
uncertainty you had available?
• Yes, I was very uncertain about the distance remaining, which I was trying to calculate mentally
but did not know for sure as I did not know for definite how long the race was in duration.
Information What was the most important piece of information that you used to make your decisions?
integration • My physical condition, e.g., my heart rate, breathing rate, pain levels, legs, fatigue, etc. Basically
whether or not I felt I could maintain a quicker pace all the way to the finish.
Situation What information did you have available to you at the time of the decisions?
awareness • Physical condition (all subjective, of course, including my heart rate, breathing rate, pain levels,
legs, fatigue, etc.).
• Pace (minute miles) taken from Garmin Forerunner watch.
• Distance travelled taken from Garmin Forerunner watch.
• Distance remaining based on calculation using distance travelled information and knowledge of
race length.
• Time taken from Garmin Forerunner watch.
• Visual information, including terrain, routes available, other runners, etc.
• Knowledge of route taken from map prior to race.
• Previous experience of route and race.
Situation Did you use all of the information available to you when making decisions?
assessment • Yes, but physical condition, distance remaining, terrain, and other runners’ strategies were the
most important for the decisions described.
Was there any additional information that you might have used to assist you in making decisions?
• Exact distance remaining, for example, a countdown facility on my watch.
• Knowledge (based on training) of my own ability to maintain a quicker pace.
Cognitive Task Analysis 95

Table 4.5 (Continued)
Example “Descent” CDM Output
Options Were there any other alternatives available to you other than the decisions you made?
• Yes, different descent routes, and a quicker pace taken on earlier or later.
Decision Was their any stage during the decision-making process in which you found it difficult to process and
blocking— integrate the information available?
stress • I did find it difficult to estimate the distance remaining as the figures weren’t exact and I had other
runners on my tail and felt under pressure and exhausted.
Basis of choice Do you think that you could develop a rule, based on your experience, which could assist another
person to make the same decisions successfully?
• Yes, see ascent response.
Analogy/ Were you at any time reminded of previous experiences in which similar/different decisions were made?
generalisation • Yes, previous fell races.

Step 7: Identify Overarching Concepts

Following the focus question, the participant should be asked to identify between 5 and 10 of
the most important concepts underlying the concept of interest (Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman,
2006). These concepts should be organised in a so-called step 1 concept map. Crandall, Klein, and
Hoffman (2006) suggest that the most important or most closely related concepts should be located
toward the top of the concept map.

Step 8: Link Concepts

Once the concepts are defined, the next phase involves linking them based on the relationships
between them. Directional arrows and linking words are used on the concept map for this pur-
pose. According to Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman (2006), the links between concepts can express
causal relations (e.g., is caused by, results in, leads to), classificational relations (e.g., includes, refers
to), property relations (e.g., owns, comprises), explanatory relations (e.g., is used for), procedure or
method relations (e.g., is achieved by), contingencies and dependencies (e.g., requires), probabilistic
relations (e.g., is more likely than), event relations (e.g., occurs before), and uncertainty or frequency
relations (e.g., is more common than).

Step 9: Review and Refine Concept Map

The concept map is a highly iterative approach and many revisions are normally required. The next
step therefore involves reviewing and refining the map until the analysts and participant are happy
with it. Refining the map might include adding concepts, subtracting concepts, adding further sub-
ordinate concepts and links, and/or changing the links. One important factor is to check that all
node-link-node triples express propositions (Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman, 2006).

1. The concept maps procedure can be used to elicit information regarding the knowledge
used during task performance.
2. The method is relatively easy to learn and quick to apply, at least for simple concepts and
3. The approach is particularly suited to comparing the knowledge used by different perform-
ers and could be applied in a sporting context for this purpose; for example, concept maps
could be used for identifying the knowledge concepts used by elite performers, which in
turn could be used for developing coaching and training interventions.
96 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Select appropriate
cognitive probes

Observe task/scenario/

Create scenario
description and define
key incidents

Take first/next key


Conduct interview
using CDM probes

Y Are there any more

critical incidents?

Transcribe data

Analyse data as


Flowchart 4.1  Critical decision method flowchart.

Cognitive Task Analysis 97

What are concept maps? Concept


Aepr Rely on
e based on
A r

Meaningful The theory of Research in Research in

Knowledge Hierarchical Cross links
diagrams meaningful Psychology Education
Consists of
Puts near Cut Has
Relate to investigated
the top across Postulates investigated
Concepts Hold Relations


within Learning

Focus General reasoning and



Cmap processes comprehension

denoted by question context

Beliefs Combine Express Most

to form Are Cmaps as tool
Perceived important Show
Linking for learning and
Feelings patterns and concepts as
phrases teaching

Relate to Differentiation
Propositions Assimilation and Facilitate
Are denoted by and

Lead to
Words or “UK£”
“Creativity” New
e.g. “infancy”
Must be fit Must
“Paul” into adapt to

Begin in

Figure 4.8  Concept map about concept maps. Adapted from Crandall et al. 2006.

4. The method is a popular one and has been applied in a number of different domains.
5. The flexibility of the approach allows all manner of Human Factors concepts to be studied,
including decision making, situation awareness, human error, workload, and distraction.
6. The output can be used for a range of purposes, including performance evaluation, training
and teaching materials development, and concept analysis.
7. The approach has sound underpinning theory.
8. The concept map output provides a neat representation of participant knowledge.

1. The output offers little direct input into design.
2. For complex concepts the process may be difficult and time consuming and the output may
become complex and unwieldy.
3. Many revisions and iterations are normally required before the concept map is complete,
even for simplistic analyses.
4. The data obtained are highly dependent upon the skill of the interviewer and the quality
and willingness to participate of the interviewee. A high level of skill and expertise is
required in order to use the concept map method to its maximum effect.
5. It is often difficult to gain the levels of access to SMEs that are required for the concept
map method.
98 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Related Methods
The concept map method is a knowledge elicitation approach that is often used in CTA efforts.
Other network-based knowledge representation methods exist, including the propositional network
approach (Salmon et al., 2009) and semantic networks (Eysenck and Keane, 1990). Concept maps
use interviews and walkthrough type analyses as the primary form of data collection. Concept maps
might also be used to identify the situation awareness requirements associated with a particular task
or concept.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training time for the concept map method is low. The application time is also typically low,
although for more complex concepts or tasks this may increase significantly. Crandall, Klein, and
Hoffman (2006) suggest that typical concept map knowledge elicitation sessions take around 1
hour, which normally produces two semi-refined concept maps.

Reliability and Validity

No data regarding the reliability and validity of the method are presented in the literature.

Tools Needed
Primarily a representational method, concept maps can be constructed simply using pen and paper,
whiteboard, or flipcharts; however, for the purposes of reports and presentations it is normally use-
ful to construct them using a drawing software package such as Microsoft Visio. Crandall, Klein,
and Hoffman (2006) point to a number of software packages that have been developed to sup-
port concept map analyses (e.g., Chung, Baker, and Cheak, 2002; Hoeft et al., 2002; both cited in
Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman, 2006) and also CmapTools, which is a free downloadable tool that
can be found at

An example concept map for identifying the factors that a golfer considers when determining an
appropriate strategy for an approach shot is presented in Figure 4.9. The concept map was developed
based on discussions and walkthrough analyses held with one golf SME. The aim of constructing
the concept map was to identify the knowledge, and underpinning information, that an elite golfer
uses when making an approach shot, including the process of shot and club selection, shot visualiza-
tion, and shot completion.

(See Flowchart 4.2.)

Recommended Text
Crandall, B., Klein, G., and Hoffman, R. (2006). Working minds: A practitioner’s guide to cognitive task analy-
sis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
What factors does a golfer
consider when making an
approach shot? Approach shot
Checks Golfer Can be
Requires Is for
Consults For
Cognitive Task Analysis

Knows Getting the
Strategy Is influenced by ball onto
Under Over
Can be Score the green Par
Is influenced by par par
Traps Can be In order to In order to In order to
Is influenced by
Is influenced by
Is influenced by
Play for Play for Achieve lowest
Lie of birdie par score possible
ball Advises
Location Determines Can be
of ball on
Wind Wind Determines
strength direction on
Course Distance Distance Location
of hole on Affects
conditions to green to hole Affects Shot type
green Can
Range Caddie Green Elevation Selects be
Is shown by Lay up
Is recorded on Can be
Advises Determines Go for pin
Distance Course
markers card Advises on on
Go for
Advises Advises green
Displays on on
Are Hole Is Is
displayed on layout
Has Fway Irons Driver



Figure 4.9  Example concept map for identifying the factors considered by golfers when determining approach shot strategy.
100 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Observe task/scenario/

Y Are there more

Introduce participants
to concept map method

Identify key concepts Are there Y

more links?

Take first/next concept

Decompose concept/
add further concepts

Link concepts

Y Are there anymore

key concepts?

Review concept map

Flowchart 4.2  Concept map flowchart.

Cognitive Task Analysis 101

Applied Cognitive Task Analysis

Background and Applications

Applied Cognitive Task Analysis (ACTA; Militello and Hutton, 2000) offers a toolkit of comple-
mentary interview methods that can be used to identify the cognitive demands associated with
tasks. The ACTA framework was originally developed as a solution to the inaccessibility and diffi-
culty of existing CTA methods and was designed with the aim that analysts with little or no training
in cognitive psychology could use it (Militello and Hutton, 2000). ACTA comprises the following
three interview methods designed to allow the analyst to elicit pertinent information surrounding
operator decision making:

1. Task diagram interview  The task diagram interview is used to provide the analyst with
an in-depth overview of the task under analysis. In particular, those elements of the task
that are cognitively challenging are identified.
2. Knowledge audit interview  The knowledge audit interview is used to highlight those
parts of the task under analysis where expertise is required. Once examples of expertise
are highlighted, the SME is probed for specific examples within the context of the task.
3. Simulation interview  The simulation interview is used to identify and investigate the
cognitive processes used by the SME during the task under analysis.

Upon completion of the three interviews, a cognitive demands table is used to integrate and present
the data obtained from the ACTA interviews.

Domain of Application
ACTA was developed as part of a Naval research programme; however, the approach is generic and
can be applied in any domain. Militello and Hutton (2000), for example, describe an application
focussing on fire-fighters.

Application in Sport
There is great potential for applying ACTA in a sporting context; the approach offers a means of
gathering data regarding the cognitive processes used during task performance and is a generic
approach so is suited to the analysis of sports performance. In particular, the method appears to
be suited to identifying and analysing the differences between the processes adopted by sports
performers of differing abilities and expertise levels (e.g., elite versus amateur sports performers).
Further, it may also be useful for identifying training, decision making, and situation awareness
requirements for different sports tasks.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define the Task under Analysis
The first part of an ACTA analysis is to select and define the task or scenario under analysis. This
is dependent upon the nature and focus of the analysis. Exactly what the aims of the analysis to
be undertaken are should be clearly defined so that appropriate scenarios and participants can be
focussed on.
102 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 2: Select Appropriate Participant(s)

Once the scenario under analysis is defined, the analyst(s) should proceed to identify an appropriate
SME or set of SMEs. Typically, operators of the system under analysis or SMEs for the task under
analysis are used.

Step 3: Observe Task or Scenario under Analysis

If the analysis is based on direct observation, then this step involves the analyst(s) observing the task
or scenario. An observational transcript should be completed for the scenario, including a descrip-
tion of the scenario, the actors and activities involved, the technology used, the interactions between
actors and between actors and technology, and the outcome of the scenario. Otherwise, the task can
be described retrospectively from memory by an appropriate SME, or a walkthrough of the task
may suffice. Following step 3, the analyst should fully understand the task and the participant’s role
during task performance.

Step 4: Conduct Task Diagram Interview

The purpose of the task diagram interview is to elicit a broad overview of the task under analysis in
order to focus the knowledge audit and simulation interview parts of the analysis. Once the task dia-
gram interview is complete, the analyst should have created a diagram representing the component
task steps involved and those task steps that require the most cognitive skill. According to Militello
and Hutton (2000), the SME should first be asked to decompose the task into relevant task steps. The
analyst should use questions like, “Think about what you do when you (perform the task under analy-
sis),” and “Can you break this task down into less than six, but more than three steps?” (Militello and
Hutton, 2000). Once the task is broken down, the SME should then be asked to identify which of the
task steps require cognitive skills. Militello and Hutton (2000) define cognitive skills as judgements,
assessments, and problem-solving and thinking skills.

Step 5: Conduct Knowledge Audit Interview

Next, the analyst should proceed with the knowledge audit interview. This allows the analyst to
identify instances during the task under analysis where expertise is required, and also what sort of
expertise is used. The knowledge audit interview uses a series of predefined probes based upon the
following knowledge categories that characterise expertise (Militello and Hutton, 2000):

• Diagnosing and predicting

• Situation awareness
• Perceptual skills
• Developing and knowing when to apply tricks of the trade
• Improvising
• Meta-cognition
• Recognising anomalies
• Compensating for equipment limitations

Once a probe has been administered, the analyst should then query the SME for specific examples
of critical cues and decision-making strategies. Potential errors should also be discussed. The list of
knowledge audit interview probes typically used is presented below (Militello and Hutton, 2000).

Basic Probes
1. Past and Future  Is there a time when you walked into the middle of a situation and knew
exactly how things got there and where they were headed?
2. Big Picture  Can you give me an example of what is important about the big picture for
this task? What are the major elements you have to know and keep track of?
Cognitive Task Analysis 103

3. Noticing  Have you had experiences where part of a situation just “popped” out at you,
where you noticed things going on that others didn’t catch? What is an example?
4. Job Smarts  When you do this task, are there ways of working smart or accomplishing
more with less that you have found especially useful?
5. Opportunities/Improvising  Can you think of an example when you have improvised in
this task or noticed an opportunity to do something better?
6. Self-Monitoring  Can you think of a time when you realised that you would need to
change the way you were performing in order to get the job done?

Optional Probes
1. Anomalies  Can you describe an instance when you spotted a deviation from the norm, or
knew something was amiss?
2. Equipment Difficulties  Have there been times when the equipment pointed in one direc-
tion but your own judgement told you to do something else? Or when you had to rely on
experience to avoid being led astray by the equipment?

Step 6: Conduct Simulation Interview

The simulation interview allows the analyst to determine the cognitive processes involved during the
task under analysis. The SME is presented with a typical scenario. Once the scenario is completed,
the analyst should prompt the SME to recall any major events, including decisions and judgements
that occurred during the scenario. Each event or task step in the scenario should be probed for situa-
tion awareness, actions, critical cues, potential errors, and surrounding events. Militello and Hutton
(2000) present the following set of simulation interview probes:

For each major event, elicit the following information:

• As the (job you are investigating) in this scenario, what actions, if any, would you take
at this point in time?
• What do you think is going on here? What is your assessment of the situation at this
point in time?
• What pieces of information led you to this situation assessment and these actions?
• What errors would an inexperienced person be likely to make in this situation?

Any information elicited here should be recorded in a simulation interview table. An example simu-
lation interview table is shown in Table 4.6.

Step 7: Construct Cognitive Demands Table

Once the knowledge audit and simulation interview are completed, it is recommended that a cogni-
tive demands table be used to integrate the data collected (Militello and Hutton, 2000). This table
is used to help the analyst focus on the most important aspects of the data obtained. The analyst
should prepare the cognitive demands table based upon the goals of the particular project involved.
An example of a cognitive demands table is presented in Table 4.7 (Militello and Hutton, 2000).

1. ACTA offers a structured approach to CTA and aids the analyst through the provision of
pre-defined probes.
2. The ACTA probes are quite comprehensive, covering various aspects of the cognitive ele-
ments of task performance.
3. The ACTA approach is generic and seems suited to analysing the cognitive requirements
associated with sporting tasks.
104 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 4.6
Example Simulation Interview Table
Events Actions Assessment Critical Cues Potential Errors
On scene arrival Account for people It’s a cold night, need Night time Not keeping track of
(names) to find place for Cold >15° people (could be
Ask neighbours people who have Dead space looking for people
Must knock on or been evacuated Add on floor who are not there)
knock down to make Poor materials, metal girders
sure people aren’t Common attic in whole
there building
Initial attack Watch for signs of Faulty construction, Signs of building collapse Ventilating the attic,
building collapse building may include: this draws the fire up
If signs of building collapse What walls are and spreads it
collapse, evacuate doing—cracking through the pipes and
and throw water on it What floors are electrical system
from outside doing—groaning
What metal girders are
doing—clicking, popping
Cable in old buildings hold
walls together

Source: Militello, L. G., and Hutton, J. B. (2000). Applied cognitive task analysis (ACTA): A practitioner’s toolkit for under-
standing cognitive task demands. In Task analysis, eds. J. Annett and N. S. Stanton, 90–113. London: Taylor &

4. ACTA was originally conceived for use by analysts with no training in cognitive psychol-
ogy and so is relatively easy to learn and apply.
5. The training time for such a comprehensive method is minimal. In a validation study,
Militello and Hutton (2000) gave participants an initial 2-hour workshop introducing CTA
followed by a 6-hour workshop introducing the ACTA method.
6. The use of three different interviews ensures the method’s comprehensiveness.
7. Militello and Hutton (2000) report positive ratings for the approach in a usability study.
The findings indicate that the method was flexible and easy to use, and that the outputs
generated were both clear and useful.
8. The provision of probes and questions facilitates relevant data extraction.

1. Compared to other CTA methods, such as CWA and CDM, there are only limited applica-
tions of the method reported in the academic literature.
2. The use of three interviews ensures that ACTA is time consuming in its application.
3. The process may be laborious, both for analysts and interviewees, since there appears to be
some repetition between the three interviews used. The data analysis component may also
be highly laborious and time consuming.
4. The output offers little direct input into design.
5. The data obtained are highly dependent upon the skill of the interviewer and the quality
and willingness to participate of the interviewee.
6. Designing, conducting, transcribing, and analysing interviews is an extremely time-con-
suming process, and the large amount of time required may limit the number of partici-
pants that can be used.
Cognitive Task Analysis 105

Table 4.7
Example Cognitive Demands Table
Difficult Cognitive
Element Why Difficult? Common Errors Cues and Strategies Used
Knowing where to search Novices may not be Novice would be likely to Start where you are most
after an explosion trained in dealing with start at the source of the likely to find victims,
explosions. explosion keeping in mind safety
Other training suggests Starting at the source is a considerations
you should start at the rule of thumb for most Refer to material data sheets
source and work outward other kinds of incidents to determine where
dangerous chemicals are
likely to be
Consider the type of
structure and where victims
are likely to be
Consider the likelihood of
further explosions
Keep in mind the safety of
your crew
Finding victims in a burning There are lots of Novices sometimes don’t Both you and your partner
building distracting noises recognise their own stop, hold your breath, and
If you are nervous or tired, breathing sounds; they listen
your own breathing mistakenly think they Listen for crying, victims
makes it hard to hear hear a victim breathing talking to themselves,
anything else victims knocking things
over, etc.

Source: Militello, L. G., and Hutton, J. B. (2000). Applied cognitive task analysis (ACTA): A practitioner’s toolkit for under-
standing cognitive task demands. In Task analysis, eds. J. Annett and N. S. Stanton, 90–113. London: Taylor &

7. The reliability and validity of interview methods is difficult to address. Klein and Armstrong
(2004), for example, point out that methods that analyse retrospective incidents may have
limited reliability due to factors such as memory degradation.
8. Since it involves the conduct of interviews, the ACTA approach is susceptible to a range of
interviewer and interviewee biases.
9. When analysing real-world tasks, participants often do not have sufficient free time to fully
engage in interviews. Often interviewers are given only a short period of time to collect
their data.
10. It is often difficult to gain the levels of access to SMEs that are required for successful
completion of ACTA interviews.

Related Methods
ACTA is an interview-based CTA method and so is similar to the CDM approach. ACTA can also
utilise other data collection methods such as direct observation and walkthrough methods.

Approximate Training and Application Times

In a validation study (Militello and Hutton, 2000), participants were given 8 hours of training,
comprising a 2-hour introduction to CTA and a 6-hour workshop on the ACTA method. In the same
106 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

study the application time was 7 hours, consisting of 3 hours for the conduct of the interviews and
4 hours for data analysis.

Reliability and Validity

Militello and Hutton (2000) point out that there are no well-established metrics for testing the reli-
ability and validity of CTA methods. In an attempt to establish the reliability and validity of the
ACTA method they addressed the following questions:

1. Does the information gathered address cognitive issues?

2. Does the information gathered deal with experience-based knowledge as opposed to class-
room-based knowledge?
3. Do the instructional materials generated contain accurate information that is important for
novices to learn?

Each item in the cognitive demand tables was examined for its cognitive content. The analysis found
that 93% of the items were related to cognitive issues. To establish the level of experience-based
knowledge elicited, participants were asked to subjectively rate the proportion of information that
only highly experienced SMEs would know. In one study, the average proportion was 95%, and in
another it was 90%. Finally, the importance of the instructional materials generated was validated
via domain experts rating their importance and accuracy. The findings indicated that the majority
(70% in one study, 90% in another) of the materials generated contained important information for
novices. Reliability was assessed by determining whether the analysts involved generated similar
information. Militello and Hutton (2000) concluded that analysts were able to consistently elicit
relevant cognitive information using ACTA.

Tools Needed
ACTA can be applied using pen and paper only, providing the analyst has access to the ACTA
probes required during the knowledge audit and simulation interviews. It is recommended that an
audio recording device be used to record the interviews conducted. A word processing software pro-
gramme such as Microsoft Word is required for creating interview transcripts and output tables.

(See Flowchart 4.3.)

Recommended Text
Militello, L. G., and Hutton, J. B. (2000). Applied cognitive task analysis (ACTA): A practitioner’s toolkit
for understanding cognitive task demands. In Task Analysis, eds. J. Annett, and N. A. Stanton, 90–113.
London: Taylor & Francis.
Cognitive Task Analysis 107


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Observe task/scenario/

Conduct task diagram


Take first task step

requiring cognitive skills

Conduct knowledge
audit interview

Conduct simulation

Construct cognitive
demands table

Are there any more

task steps requiring
cognitive skills?

Analyse data as


Flowchart 4.3  ACTA flowchart.

5 Human Error Identification
and Analysis Methods

Human error is probably the most well known and widely publicised of all Human Factors concepts.
High profile incidents such as the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear power disasters, the
Tenerife and Kegworth air disasters, the Herald of Free Enterprise ferry disaster, and the Ladbroke
Grove rail disaster have ensured that human error has received considerable attention, not only
from the relevant safety and research communities, but also from the public. As a corollary, human
error has been investigated across a wide range of safety critical domains; however, it continues to
be identified as a contributory factor in a high proportion of accidents and incidents. For example,
typical estimates suggest human error plays a role in around 70% of all commercial aviation acci-
dents and incidents (e.g., BASE, 1997; cited in McFadden and Towell, 1999), 95% of all road traffic
incidents (Rumar, 1995), and over half of all UK rail network collisions (Lawton and Ward, 2006).
Further, within the health care domain, the U.S. Institute of Medicine estimates that between 44,000
and 88,000 people die each year as a result of human errors (Helmreich, 2000).
Although the costs are not typically as severe, the concept is just as captivating within the sport-
ing domains, and the history books in most sports are littered with accounts of players, coaches,
and game officiators making errors that have ultimately decided the outcome of games and cost
titles, championships, cups, careers, and in the worst cases even human life. Recent high profile
examples include golfer Ian Woosnam, leading in the final round of the British Open tournament
in 2001, incurring a two-shot penalty for carrying 15 clubs instead of the regulation 14 (the error
was blamed on an oversight by Woosnam’s caddie). In soccer, the England international team have
missed numerous penalties during recent World Cup and European championship knockout stages
(e.g., in the semifinals of World Cup 1990 and Euro 1996, and in the quarterfinals of World Cup
1998, Euro 2004, and World Cup 2006). In golf’s Ryder Cup, Bernhard Langer missed a 3-foot putt
on the final green, costing the European team victory at Kiawah Island in 1991. In one of the big-
gest sporting collapses of recent times, Jean Van de Velde, leading by three shots in the 1999 British
Open, inexplicably triple bogeyed the final hole and eventually lost golf’s most prestigious title in a
three-way playoff.
Errors are not confined to sporting performance alone; errors in tactical decisions, team selec-
tion, training, equipment selection, and preparation can all be catastrophic in terms of the result-
ing performance. A recent example was the England international soccer team manager Steve
McLaren’s selection of rookie goalkeeper Steve Carson for England’s final Euro 2008 qualification
game (Carson went on to make a catastrophic error which led to Croatia’s first goal and a subsequent
3-2 defeat). In addition, errors made by match officials (e.g., referees) are currently controversial in
light of the continuing debate over whether technology should be used to aid officiator decisions.
Recent high profile examples of match official errors in soccer include referee Mark Clattenburg’s
(and his assistant’s) decision not to award a goal for Pedro Mendes’ strike for Tottenham Hotspur
against Manchester United, even though the ball was clearly over the line and referee Graham Poll’s
booking of the same player three times in the World Cup 2006 game between Australia and Croatia
(a second booking should result in the player being sent off the field of play). More recently, in

110 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

what has been labelled as a “blunder of monumental ineptness” (Montgomery, 2008), referee Stuart
Attwell awarded a goal, on the advice of his assistant, in a Coca Cola Championship match between
Watford and Reading, when the ball had actually gone out of play 4 yards wide of the goal.
It is notable that, within tennis and rugby union, technology is now used as a backup for umpir-
ing (e.g., Hawk-Eye) or refereeing and touch judge decisions; however, despite repeated calls for
similar technology to be introduced in soccer, at the time of writing this has not yet happened.
Despite its prolificacy, there has been little investigation into the concept of human error within
the sporting arena. This is despite the fact that sporting errors are often the subject of great debate
amongst sports fans and professionals; how, they ask, can highly trained elite professionals make
such basic errors? Why do these errors continue to occur from game to game? How can they be
eradicated? As a result of over three decades of research into the concept, Human Factors research-
ers now have a considerable understanding of human error, its causes and consequences, and how
it can be eradicated or managed. Further, various approaches have been developed that allow us
to comprehensively analyse the errors made and even predict the errors that are likely to occur in
particular situations. Most of the research into human error, and the methods developed to investi-
gate it, are applicable across domains and there is great scope to apply these approaches within the
sporting domain. This chapter presents a brief summary of the concept of human error along with
a description of the different approaches that Human Factors researchers use to understand what
errors are made or are likely to be made, why they are made, and how they can be prevented or their
consequences mitigated.

Defining Human Error

At its simplest, human error can be defined as the performance of an incorrect or inappropriate
action, or a failure to perform a particular action, that leads to an unwanted outcome. Hollnagel
(1993; cited in Strauch, 2002) define errors as “an action which fails to produce the expected result
and which therefore leads to an unwanted consequence.” Senders and Moray (1991) suggest that an
error is something that has been done which was:

• Not intended by the actor;

• Not desired by a set of rules or an external observer; or
• That led the task or system outside of its acceptable limits.

Probably the most widely recognised definition of human error is offered by Reason (1990), who for-
mally defines human error as “a generic term to encompass all those occasions in which a planned
sequence of mental or physical activities fails to achieve its intended outcome, and when these fail-
ures cannot be attributed to the intervention of some chance agency.”

Error Classifications
At the most basic level of error classification, a distinction between errors of omission and errors
of commission is proposed. Errors of omission are those instances where an actor fails to act at all,
whereas errors of commission are those instances where an actor performs an action incorrectly or
at the wrong time. Payne and Altman (1962; cited in Isaac, Shorrock, Kennedy, Kirwan, Anderson,
and Bove, 2002) proposed a simplistic information processing theory–based error classification
scheme containing the following error categories:

1. Input errors—those errors that occur during the input sensory and perceptual processes,
e.g., visual perception and auditory errors
2. Mediation errors—those errors that occur or are associated with the cognitive processes
employed between the perception and action stages
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 111

3. Output errors—those errors that occur during the selection and execution of physical

The most commonly referred to error classification within the literature, however, is the slips and
lapses, mistakes and violations classification proposed by Reason (1990), an overview of which is
presented below.

Slips and Lapses

The most common form of human error is slip-based errors. Slips are categorised as those errors
in which the intention or plan was correct but the execution of the required action was incorrect.
In a sporting context, examples of slip-based errors would be when a soccer player intending to
kick the ball inadvertently misses the ball completely or strikes it incorrectly, or when a golfer
intending to drive onto the fairway inadvertently drives the ball out of bounds. In both cases,
the intention (i.e., to kick the ball or drive the ball onto the fairway) was correct, but the physi-
cal execution of the required action was incorrect (i.e., failing to make contact with the ball or
striking the golf ball erroneously). Slips are therefore categorised as actions with the appropri-
ate intention followed by the incorrect execution, and are also labelled action execution failures
(Reason, 1990).
Lapse-based errors refer to more covert error forms that involve a failure of memory that may not
manifest itself in actual behaviour (Reason, 1990). Lapses typically involve a failure to perform an
intended action or forgetting the next action required in a particular sequence. Examples of lapses
within the sporting context include a defender failing to mark his allotted opposition striker on a set
piece, or a caddie failing to check the golfer’s clubs prior to commencing the round. Whereas slips
occur at the action execution stage, lapses occur at the storage stage, whereby intended actions are
formulated prior to the execution stage of performing them.

While slips reside in the observable actions made by operators, mistakes reside in the unobservable
plans and intentions that they form, and are categorised as an inappropriate intention or wrong deci-
sion followed by the correct execution of the required action. Mistakes occur when actors intention-
ally perform a wrong action and therefore originate at the planning level, rather than the execution
level (Reason, 1990). Mistakes are rife in the sporting arena and examples include choosing to play
the wrong pass, selecting the wrong shot to play, selecting the wrong tactics, and choosing to make
an incorrect manoeuvre. According to Reason (1990), mistakes involve a mismatch between the
prior intention and the intended consequences and are likely to be more subtle, more complex, less
well understood, and harder to detect than slips. Reason (1990) defines mistakes as “deficiencies or
failures in the judgmental and/or inferential processes involved in the selection of an objective or
in the specification of the means to achieve it, irrespective of whether or not the actions directed by
this decision-scheme run according to plan.”

Another, altogether more complex category of error is violations. Violations are categorised as any
behaviour that deviates from accepted procedures, standards, and rules. Violations can be either
deliberate or unintentional (Reason, 1997). Deliberate violations occur when an actor deliberately
deviates from a set of rules or procedures. This form of violation is rife in sport, and typically involves
players knowingly breaking the rules, for example, tackling from behind in soccer or making a high
tackle in rugby. Erroneous or unintentional violations, whereby players unintentionally break the
112 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Basic error types Attentional failures

Slip Omission
Unintended Mistiming

Memory failures
Lapse Omitted planned items
Forgetting intentions

Unsafe acts
Rule-based mistakes
Misapplication of good rule
Mistake Application of bad rule
Many forms
Intended action

Routine violations
Violation Exceptional violations
Acts of sabotage

Figure 5.1  Unsafe acts taxonomy. Source: Reason, J. (1990). Human error. New York: Cambridge
University Press.

rules, are also common; one example of an unintentional violation is when players attempting to
make a legitimate tackle instead commit a foul of some sort.
In addition to the simplistic slips and lapses, mistakes and violations classification described
above, further error types have been specified within each category. For example, Reason (1990)
proposed a taxonomy of unsafe acts, which prescribes a number of different error types within each
of the four error categories. The taxonomy of unsafe acts is presented in Figure 5.1.

Theoretical Perspectives on Human Error

There are two distinct schools of thought concerning human error, namely the person and system
perspective approaches (Reason, 2000). Early research into human error focused upon the tendency
that operators had for making errors at the so-called “sharp end” of system operation; it looked at
the problem from an individual operator or person perspective. Johnson (1999) describes how public
attention was focused upon the human contribution to system failure during the 1970s and 1980s
due to a number of high profile catastrophes, including the Flixborough, Seveso, Three Mile Island,
Bhopal, and Chernobyl disasters. In recent years, however (and in line with most other Human
Factors constructs), the focus on human error in complex systems has shifted from the individual
operator onto the system as a whole, to consider the complex interaction between error-causing con-
ditions residing within systems and the consequential errors made by operators performing activity
within them. No longer seen to be at fault for errors made, individual operators are now seen as
victims of poorly designed systems and procedures, and errors are treated as the end product of
a chain of systemic failures. This so-called systems view on human error and accident causation
first began to gain recognition in the late 1980s due to a number of high profile accident investiga-
tions that highlighted the contribution of so-called latent failures (i.e., error-causing conditions). For
example, Johnson (1999) points out how investigators focussed upon managerial factors in the wake
of the Challenger, Piper Alpha, Hillsborough, and Narita catastrophes.
Making the same distinction but with different labels, Dekker (S. W. A., 2002) describes the
old view and new view on human error. In the old view, human error is treated as the cause of
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 113

most accidents; the systems in which people work are safe; the main threat to system safety is
human unreliability; and safety progress is achieved by protecting systems from human unreli-
ability through automation, training, discipline, selection, and proceduralisation. In the new view,
however, human error is treated as a symptom of problems within the system; safety is not inherent
within systems; and human error is linked to the tools used, tasks performed, and operating envi-
ronment. A brief overview of both perspectives is given below.

The Person Approach

The person approach focuses upon the errors that operators make at the “sharp end” of system
operation (Reason, 2000) and views error occurrence as the result of psychological factors within
an individual. According to the person approach, errors arise from aberrant mental processes such
as forgetfulness, inattention, poor motivation, carelessness, negligence, and recklessness (Reason,
2000). Person approach–related research typically attempts to identify the nature and frequency
of the errors made by operators within complex systems, the ultimate aim being to propose strate-
gies, remedial measures, and countermeasures designed to prevent future error occurrence. While
person-based research is worthwhile for these reasons, it is often criticised for its contribution to
individualistic blame cultures within organisations (e.g., operator X made these errors so the inci-
dent was operator X’s fault). Also, person approach–based error countermeasures, such as poster
campaigns, additional procedures, disciplinary measures, threat of litigation, retraining, and nam-
ing, blaming, and shaming (Reason, 2000), are ultimately focussed upon reducing the variability
in human behaviour rather than flaws in the system itself. Despite these failings, however, it still
remains the dominant approach in a number of domains, including healthcare (Reason, 2000) and
road transport (Salmon, Regan, and Johnston, 2007). Person-based approach models of human error
include Rasmussen’s SRK framework (Rasmussen, 1983; cited in Vicente, 1999), Reason’s Generic
Error Modelling System (GEMS; Reason, 1990), and Rasmussen’s model of human malfunction
(Rasmussen, 1982).

The Systems Perspective Approach

The systems perspective approach treats error as a systems failure, rather than an individual opera-
tor’s failure. Systems approaches consider the presence of latent or error-causing conditions within
systems and their role in the errors made at the sharp end by operators, purporting that the errors
are a consequence of the error-causing conditions present within the system. Unlike the person
approach, human error is no longer seen as the primary cause of accidents; rather, it is treated as
a consequence of the latent failures residing within the system. The notion that human error is a
consequence of latent failures rather than a cause of catastrophes was first entertained by Chapanis
in the 1940s (1949; cited in Stanton and Baber, 2002) who, in conclusion to an analysis of a series of
crashes in which the landing gear was not lowered, found that pilots were erroneously adjusting the
flaps. Chapanis suggested that in this case “pilot error” was really “designer error,” since the landing
gear and flap controls were identical and were located adjacent to one another.
The systems perspective model of human error and accident causation (Reason, 1990) is the most
influential and widely recognised systems approach model. Reason’s (1990) “Swiss cheese” model,
as it is more commonly known, focuses on the interaction between latent conditions and errors and
their contribution to organisational accidents. According to the model, complex systems consist of
various levels, each of which contributes to production (e.g., decision makers, line management,
productive activities, and defences). Each layer has defences, such as protective equipment, rules
and regulations, training, checklists, and engineered safety features, which are designed to prevent
the occurrence of occupational accidents. Weaknesses in these defences, created by latent conditions
and unsafe acts, create “windows of opportunity” for accident trajectories to breach the defences
and cause an accident. Accidents and incidents occur when the holes in the systems defences line up
114 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Latent and Active Failures Accident

Unsafe Acts

Psychological Precursors of
Unsafe Acts
Line Management Problems

Fallible Board Decisions and Policy

Figure 5.2  Reason’s Swiss cheese systems perspective on error and accident causation. Source: Adapted
from Reason, J. (2000) Human error: Models and management. British Medical Journal 320:768–70.

in a way that allows the accident trajectory to breach each of the different layers. Reason’s systems
perspective model is presented in Figure 5.2.
Within Reason’s model, latent conditions and unsafe acts combine to produce organisational
accidents and incidents. Latent conditions are inadequate conditions or failures residing throughout
a system and include poor designs, inadequate supervision, manufacturing defects, maintenance
failures, inadequate training, clumsy automation, inappropriate or ill-defined procedures, inade-
quate equipment, and procedural short cuts, to name only a few (Reason, 1997). Unsafe acts, on the
other hand, represent those errors that are made by human operators that have an immediate impact
upon system safety.
At the fallible board decisions and policy level, fallible decisions made by system designers and
higher-level management create latent conditions within the system. Examples of fallible board
decisions and policy include the selection of inadequately designed equipment, the vetoing of sys-
tem improvement measures, and the use of policies that incur time pressure on actors within the
system. The next level of Reason’s model is the line management level. According to Reason (1990),
line management problems arise from incompetent management and also the fallible board deci-
sions and policy from the preceding level in the model. Line management problems represent those
instances where management is either inadequate and/or inappropriate. Examples of line manage-
ment problems include inadequate management or supervision and the use of inadequate or inap-
propriate training and procedures. The psychological precursors of unsafe acts failure level refers to
latent states that create the potential for unsafe acts. According to Reason (1990), the precise nature
of unsafe acts is defined through the complex combination of a number of factors, including the task
being performed, the environmental conditions, and the presence of hazards. Each precursor can
contribute to a great number of unsafe acts, depending upon the associated conditions. Examples of
these precursors include poor motivation, negative attitudes, and a failure to perceive hazards.
Reason’s model can be easily applied to the sporting arena. Just like complex safety-critical
systems, sporting systems too have error-causing latent conditions residing within them. Inadequate
management, training, preparation, tactics, and equipment, and poor player motivation and condi-
tion are all examples of latent conditions that can cause errors in different sporting domains. For
example, within the UK soccer domain, the fallible board decisions and policy level could repre-
sent the level of government and sporting bodies, such as the Football Association (FA) and the
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 115

Professional Footballers Association (PFA). Examples of poor decisions and policies here might
include a lack of investment in the development of coaching and in grassroots coaching. The line
management level could represent the board and management of a particular sporting team or orga-
nization, such as the chairman, the board, manager, and coaches. Examples of inadequate manage-
ment at this level include inadequate coaching and training techniques, lack of investment, and poor
tactics selection on behalf of the management. The psychological precursors level relates to the psy-
chological conditions of the managers and players and includes factors such as lack of motivation,
negative attitude, and mental fatigue. Finally, the unsafe acts level represents those errors made by
sports players as a result of the preceding latent conditions.

Human Error Methods

Such has been the level of investigation into the concept over the past three decades, Human Factors
researchers now have a variety of approaches designed to investigate, eradicate, remove, or miti-
gate human error. These approaches include error management systems, human error analysis, and
human error identification methods. This chapter focuses on human error identification and human
error analysis methods.

Human Error Analysis Methods

One of the most obvious means of collecting and analysing error data is the retrospective investiga-
tion and analysis of accidents and incidents involving human error. Accident investigation is used
to reconstruct accidents and identify the human and system contribution to a particular accident or
incident and allows researchers to identify exactly what happened and why, and then use the findings
to ensure similar accidents do not occur again. There are various accident investigation and analysis
methods available (our review identified over 30 accident analysis–related methods), although most
are domain specific. For the purposes of this chapter, we focus on two generic approaches: fault tree
analysis (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992) and Accimaps (Svedung and Rasmussen, 2002). Fault tree
analysis is used to depict accident or failure scenarios. Most commonly used for probabilistic safety
assessment purposes in the nuclear power domain, fault trees are tree-like diagrams that define fail-
ure events and display the possible causes of an accident in terms of hardware failure or human error
(Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992). Accimap (Svedung and Rasmussen, 2002) is an accident analysis
method that is used to graphically represent the systemic causal factors involved in a particular
accident. An Accimap identifies and represents the failures involved in an incident at the following
six main levels: government policy and budgeting; regulatory bodies and associations; local area
government planning and budgeting (including company management); technical and operational
management; physical processes and actor activities; and equipment and surroundings.

Human Error Identification Methods

Human Error Identification (HEI) or error prediction offers a proactive strategy for investigating
human error in complex sociotechnical systems. The prediction of human error is used within risk
assessments in order to identify potential error occurrence and determine the causal factors, con-
sequences, and recovery strategies associated with the errors identified. The information produced
is then typically used to highlight system design flaws, propose remedial design measures, iden-
tify procedural deficiencies, and quantify error incidence probabilities. HEI works on the premise
that an understanding of a work task and the characteristics of the technology being used allows
us to indicate potential errors that may arise from the resulting interaction (Stanton and Baber,
1996). First attempted in response to a number of high profile catastrophes attributed to human
error in the nuclear and chemical processing domains (e.g., the Three Mile Island, Bhopal, and
Chernobyl disasters), the use of HEI methods is now widespread, with applications in a wide range
116 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

of domains, including nuclear power and petrochemical processing (Kirwan, 1996), air traffic
control (Shorrock and Kirwan, 2002), aviation (Stanton et al., 2006), space operations (Nelson,
Haney, Ostrom, and Richards, 1998), healthcare (Lane et al., 2007), and public technology (Baber
and Stanton, 1996a).
HEI methods can first be broadly classified into two groups: qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative HEI methods are used to predict the different types of errors that may occur, while
quantitative HEI methods are used to predict the numerical probability of the different errors occur-
ring. There are a range of HEI methods available, from simple error taxonomy-based methods,
which offer error modes linked to operator behaviours, to more sophisticated error quantification
and computational error modelling methods. Our literature review identified over 50 HEI methods,
which were subsequently broadly classified into the following categories:

• Taxonomy-based methods
• Error identifier prompt methods
• Error quantification methods
• Cognitive modelling methods
• Cognitive simulation methods

For the purposes of this chapter, only taxonomy-based methods and error identifier prompt methods
are considered. A brief overview of the different approaches considered is presented below.

Taxonomy-Based Methods
Taxonomy-based HEI methods use External Error Mode (EEM) taxonomies to identify potential
errors. Typically, EEMs are considered for each step in a particular task or scenario in order to iden-
tify credible errors that may arise. Taxonomic approaches are typically the most successful in terms
of sensitivity and are the cheapest, quickest, and easiest to use. However, these methods depend
greatly on the judgement of the analyst, and their reliability and validity may at times be question-
able. For example, different analysts with different experience may make different error predictions
for the same task (inter-analyst reliability). Similarly, the same analyst may make different judge-
ments on different occasions (intra-analyst reliability).
This chapter focuses on the following taxonomy-based HEI methods: SHERPA (Embrey, 1986)
and the Human Error Template (HET; Stanton et al., 2006). The SHERPA method (Embrey, 1986)
was originally developed for use in the nuclear reprocessing domain and uses an EEM taxonomy
linked to a behavioural taxonomy in order to identify the errors that are likely to emerge from man-
machine interactions. The HET approach (Stanton et al., 2006) was developed for the civil aviation
domain and uses a generic EEM taxonomy in order to identify the design-induced errors that are
likely to emerge during task performance with a particular device or interface.

Error Identifier Methods

Error identifier methods use predefined prompts or questions in order to aid the analyst in
identifying potential errors. Examples of error identifier prompts include, “Could the opera-
tor fail to carry out the act in time?” “Could the operator carry out the task too early?” and
“Could the operator carry out the task inadequately?” (Kirwan, 1994). Prompts are typically
linked to a set of error modes and associated error reduction strategies. While these methods
attempt to remove the reliability problems associated with taxonomy-based approaches, they
add considerable time to the analysis because each prompt must be considered. For the pur-
poses of this chapter we focus on the Technique for Human Error Assessment (THEA; Pocock,
Harrison, Wright, and Johnson, 2001). In addition, we also describe the Task Analysis for Error
Identification (TAFEI; Baber and Stanton, 2002) method, which does not fall in either category.
THEA (Pocock et al., 2001) is a highly structured error identifier–based approach that employs
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 117

cognitive error analysis based upon Norman’s (1988) model of action execution. THEA uses a
scenario analysis to consider context and then employs a series of questions in a checklist-style
approach based upon goals, plans, performing actions, and perception/evaluation/interpreta-
tion. Using a slightly different approach, TAFEI (Baber and Stanton, 1996a) is used to identify
errors that occur when using technological devices, and combines an HTA of the task under
analysis with State Space Diagrams (SSDs) for the device in question, to identify illegal interac-
tions between the human and the device. TAFEI is suited only to those sports where performers
use a technological device of some sort.
A summary of the human error methods described is presented in Table 5.1.

Background and Applications
Accimap (Rasmussen, 1997; Svedung and Rasmussen, 2002) is an accident analysis method that
is used to graphically represent the systemic failures involved in accidents and incidents. The
Accimap method differs from typical accident analysis approaches in that, rather than identify-
ing and apportioning blame at the sharp end, it is used to identify and represent the causal flow
of events upstream from the accident and looks at the planning, management, and regulatory
bodies that may have contributed to the accident (Svedung and Rasmussen, 2002). Although the
number of organisational levels can vary according to domain, a typical Accimap uses the fol-
lowing six main levels: government policy and budgeting; regulatory bodies and associations;
local area government planning and budgeting (including company management); technical and
operational management; physical processes and actor activities; and equipment and surround-
ings. Failures at each of the levels are identified and linked between and across levels based on
cause-effect relations. Starting from the bottom of the list, the equipment and surroundings level
provides a description of the accident scene in terms of the configuration and physical charac-
teristics of the landscape, buildings, equipment, tools, and vehicles involved. The physical pro-
cesses and actor activities level provides a description of the failures involved at the “sharp end.”
The remaining levels above the physical processes level represent all of the failures by decision
makers that, in the course of the decision making involved in their normal work context, did or
could have influenced the accident flow during the first two levels.

Domain of Application
Accimap is a generic approach that was designed for use in any complex safety-critical system.
The method has been applied to a range of accidents and incidents, including gas plant explosions
(Hopkins, 2000), police firearm mishaps (Jenkins et al., 2009), loss of space vehicles (Johnson and
de Almeida, 2008), aviation accidents (Royal Australian Air Force, 2001), public health incidents
(Woo and Vicente, 2003; Vicente and Christoffersen, 2006), and road and rail accidents (Svendung
and Rasmussen, 2002; Hopkins, 2005).

Application in Sport
Accimap is suited to the analysis of failures in sports performance at the individual, team, and
organisation levels; for example, at an organisational level, Accimaps might be used to investigate
the failure of a sporting body or organisation to produce elite players in a particular sport, or a
national team’s poor performance in a major tournament. At the individual level, sporting failures
can be evaluated in order to identify the wider systemic failures, such as inadequate training or
poorly designed equipment.

Table 5.1
Human Error Assessment Methods Summary Table
Application in Training App. Tools
Name Domain Sport Time Time Input Methods Needed Main Advantages Main Disadvantages Outputs
Accimaps Generic Performance Low High Interviews Pen and paper 1. Considers both the errors at 1. Time consuming due to its Graphical
(Svedung and evaluation Observational Flipchart the sharp end and also the comprehensiveness representation of the
Rasmussen, Accident/ study Microsoft system-wide contributory 2. Suffers from problems with incident in question
2002) incident Visio factors involved analyst hindsight including errors at the
analysis 2. The output is visual and 3. The quality of the analysis sharp end and the
easily interpreted produced is entirely causal factors at six
3. Considers contributory dependent upon the quality of organisational levels
factors at six different levels the input data used

Fault tree analysis Generic Performance Low Med Interviews Pen and paper 1. Defines possible failure 1. For complex scenarios the Graphical
(Kirwan and evaluation Observational Flipchart events and associated causes; method can be complex, representation of the
Ainsworth, Accident/ study Microsoft this is especially useful difficult, and time consuming incident in question
1992) incident Visio when looking at failure to construct, and the output
analysis events with multiple causes may become unwieldy
2. Quick to learn and use in 2. Offers no remedial measures
most cases or countermeasures
3. When completed correctly 3. Little evidence of their
they are potentially very application outside of the
comprehensive nuclear power domain

Systematic Generic Human error Low Med Hierarchical Task Pen and paper 1. Offers a structured and 1. Can be tedious and time Description of errors
Human Error identification Analysis Microsoft comprehensive approach to consuming for large, likely to occur during
Reduction and Sports product Observational Word the prediction of human complex tasks task performance,
Prediction design and study error 2. The initial HTA adds including the error, its
Approach evaluation Walkthrough 2. The SHERPA behaviour and additional time to the consequences,
(SHERPA; Interviews error mode taxonomy lend analysis probability and
Embrey, 1986) themselves to the sporting 3. SHERPA only considers criticality, recovery
domain errors at the sharp end of steps, and any
3. According to the Human system operation and does remedial measures
Factors literature, SHERPA not consider system or
is the most promising HEI organisational errors
method available
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Human Error Generic Human error Low Med Hierarchical Task Pen and paper 1. Quick, simple to learn and 1. For large, complex tasks Description of errors
Template identification Analysis Microsoft use, and requires very little HET analyses may become likely to occur during
(Stanton et al., Sports product Observational Word training overly time consuming and task performance,
2006) design and study 2. The HET taxonomy prompts tedious to perform including the error, its
evaluation Walkthrough the analyst for potential 2. HET analyses do not provide consequences,
Interviews errors remedial measures or probability and
3. Encouraging reliability and countermeasures criticality
validity data 3. Extra work is required if the
HTA is not already available

Task Analysis for Generic Human error High High Hierarchical Task Pen and paper 1. Offers a structured and 1. Time consuming compared TAFEI matrix
Error identification Analysis Microsoft thorough procedure for to other error prediction depicting illegal (i.e.,
Identification Sports product State Space Word predicting errors that are methods errors) interactions
(TAFEI; Baber design and Diagrams Microsoft likely to arise during 2. For complex systems, the between man and
and Stanton, evaluation Observational Visio human-device interaction analysis is likely to be machine
2002) study 2. Has a sound theoretical complex and the outputs
Walkthrough underpinning large and unwieldy
Interviews 3. TAFEI is a flexible and 3. The number of states that a
generic methodology that complex device can
can be applied in any potentially be in may
domain in which humans overwhelm the analyst
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods

interact with technology

Technique for Generic Human error Low High Hierarchical Task Pen and paper 1. HEA offers a structured 1. THEA does not use error Description of errors
Human Error identification Analysis Microsoft approach to HEI modes and so the analyst likely to occur during
Assessment Sports product Observational Word 2. Easy to learn and use may be unclear on the types task performance,
(THEA; Pocock, design and study 3. Error identifier prompts the of errors that may occur their consequences,
Harrison, Wright evaluation Walkthrough analyst for errors 2. Highly time consuming and and any associated
and Johnson, Interviews may be difficult to grasp for design issues
2001) analysts with little experience
of human error theory
3. Little evidence of validation
or uptake of the method in
the literature
120 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Data Collection
Being a retrospective approach, the Accimap approach is dependent upon accurate data regarding
the incident under analysis. The first step therefore involves collecting data regarding the incident in
question. Data collection for Accimaps can involve a range of activities, including interviews with
those involved in the incident or SMEs for the domain in question, analysing reports or inquiries
into the incident, and observing recordings of the incident. Since the Accimap method is so com-
prehensive, the data collection phase is typically time consuming and involves analysing numerous
data sources.

Step 2: Identify Physical Process/Actor Activities Failures

Essentially Accimap analyses involve identifying the failures and errors involved in an incident and
then identifying and linking the causes of the errors at each of the different organisational levels; the
process therefore begins with the identification of the failures at the “sharp end” of system opera-
tion. These failures should be placed at the physical processes and actor activities level.

Step 3: Identify Causal Factors

For each error or failure identified during step 2, the analyst should then use the data collected
during step 1 to identify the contributory factors at each of the following levels: government policy
and budgeting; regulatory bodies and associations; local area government planning and budgeting;
physical processes and actor activities; and equipment and surroundings. This involves taking each
failure at the physical processes and actor activities level and identifying related failures at the other
five levels.

Step 4: Identify Failures at Other Levels

The process of identifying failures at the physical processes and actor activities level and the causal
factors from the other levels is normally sufficient; however, it is often useful to step through the
other levels to see if any failures have been missed. If any failures are identified at the other levels
then the consequences and causal factors should be identified.

Step 5: Finalise and Review Accimap Diagram

It is normally best to construct the Accimap diagram as one proceeds through the analysis. The final
step involves reviewing the Accimap diagram and making sure the links between the causal factors
and errors identified are appropriate. It is important to use SMEs during this process to ensure the
validity of the analysis. Normally an Accimap requires multiple revisions before it is acceptable.

1. Accimap offers an approach to analysing both the errors at the sharp end and also the
system-wide contributory factors involved. When undertaken properly the entire sequence
of events is exposed.
2. It is simple to learn and use.
3. Accimap permits the identification of system failures or inadequacies, such as poor prep-
aration, inappropriate or inadequate government policy, inadequate management, bad
design, inadequate training, and inadequate equipment.
4. Accimap considers contributory conditions at six different levels.
5. Accimap outputs offer an exhaustive analysis of accidents and incidents.
6. The output is visual and easily interpreted.
7. Accimap is a generic approach and can be applied in any domain.
8. It has been used in a variety of different domains to analyse accidents and incidents.
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 121

9. The different levels analysed allow causal factors to be traced back over months and even
10. It removes the apportioning of blame to individuals and promotes the development of sys-
tematic (as opposed to individual-based) countermeasures.

1. Accimap can be time consuming due to its comprehensiveness.
2. Accimap suffers from problems with analyst hindsight; for example, Dekker (S. W. A., 2002)
suggests that hindsight can potentially lead to oversimplified causality and counterfactual
3. The quality of the analysis produced is entirely dependent upon the quality of the input
data used. Accurate and comprehensive data are not always available, so much of the inves-
tigation may be based on assumptions, domain knowledge, and expertise.
4. The output does not generate remedial measures or countermeasures; these are based
entirely on analyst judgement.
5. The errors involved are not classified into error types or modes.
6. The approach can only be used retrospectively.

The Accimap approach can be used to analyse sporting failures, accidents, and incidents. The exam-
ple presented is an Accimap, completed for representational purposes, of the Hillsborough Stadium
disaster. On April 15, 1989, the Liverpool Football Club was scheduled to play Nottingham Forest
in the FA Cup semi-final at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield. As a result of severe overcrowding
just prior to kick-off an attempt was made to facilitate the entry of the fans into the stadium. As a
result, a major crush developed, and 96 fans lost their lives, mainly due to asphyxiation, and over
400 required hospital treatment (Riley and Meadows, 1995). The disaster remains the UK’s worst
football tragedy.
For the purposes of this example, an Accimap was produced for the Hillsborough soccer disaster.
The Accimap was developed based on the data contained in Lord Justice Taylor’s Inquiry Report
(Taylor, Lord Justice, 1990) and is presented in Figure 5.3 The analysis reveals a number of failures
at the physical actor and processes levels, including communications failures, a failure (despite
requests) to call off the game prior to kick-off, inadequate leadership and command, and a delay in
initiating a major disaster plan. Various systemic failures that contributed to the failures on the day
were also identified, including failures in the Police Force’s planning for the game (e.g., a failure to
review a previous operations order and the production of an inadequate operations order), a change
of command part way through the planning process, and a lack of experience of handling similar
events on behalf of the new Commanding Officer. At the local area and government level and regu-
latory bodies level a number of failures also allowed the continued use of an inadequate stadium
design (e.g., the division of the terraces into pens).

Related Methods
The Accimap method adopts a systems perspective on human error as advocated by Rasmussen
(1997) and Reason’s (1990) Swiss cheese model. Using Accimaps also involves considerable
data collection activities and might involve the use of data collection methods such as inter-
views, questionnaires, and/or observational study. Another Swiss cheese–inspired analysis
method is the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS; Wiegmann and
Shappell, 2003).
122 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

, and

Figure 5.3  Hillsborough disaster Accimap.

Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 123

Approximate Training and Application Times

Accimaps are relatively easy to learn; however, depending upon the incident under analysis they can
be highly time consuming to apply, with both the data collection procedure and the analysis itself
requiring substantial effort on the behalf of the analyst.

Reliability and Validity

No reliability and validity data are presented in the literature. Since the analysis is only guided by
the different failure levels, it may be that the reliability of the approach is low, as different analysts
may classify events differently and also may miss contributory factors.

Tools Needed
Accimaps can be conducted using pen and paper. Typically, a rough Accimap is produced using
pen and paper or a flipchart and then drawing software tools such as Microsoft Visio or Adobe
Illustrator are used for constructing the final Accimap.

(See Flowchart 5.1.)

Recommended Texts
Rasmussen, J. (1997). Risk management in a dynamic society: A modelling problem. Safety Science
Svedung, J., and Rasmussen, J. (2002). Graphic representation of accident scenarios: Mapping system structure
and the causation of accidents. Safety Science 40:397–417.

Fault Tree Analysis

Background and Application
Fault trees are used to graphically represent failures and their causes. They use tree-like diagrams to
define failure events and possible causes in terms of hardware failures and/or human errors (Kirwan
and Ainsworth, 1992). The fault tree approach was originally developed for the analysis of complex
systems in the aerospace and defence industries (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992) and is now most
commonly used in probabilistic safety assessment. Fault trees begin with the failure or top event,
which is placed at the top of the fault tree, and the contributing events are placed below (Kirwan
and Ainsworth, 1992). The fault tree is held together by AND and OR gates, which link contribu-
tory events together. An AND gate is used when more than one event causes a failure. The events
placed directly underneath an AND gate must occur together for the failure event above to occur.
An OR gate is used when the failure event could be caused by more than one contributory event in
isolation, but not together. The event above the OR gate may occur if any one of the events below
the OR gate occurs. Fault tree analysis can be used for the retrospective analysis of incidents or for
the prediction of failure in a particular scenario.

Domain of Application
Fault tree analysis was originally applied in the nuclear power and chemical processing domains.
However, the method is generic and could potentially be applied in any domain.
124 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Collect data regarding


Identify and record

physical activities/actor
processes involved

Take first/next physical

activity/actor process

Identify, record and link

contributory factors at
next level

Are there
Y contributory factors at
the next level up?

Are there any more

Y physical activities/
processes involved?

Review and revise



Flowchart 5.1  Accimap flowchart.

Application in Sport
Fault trees provide a powerful way of representing system or human failures, and could be used in a
sporting context to depict why a particular failure occurred. Fault trees could also be used to predict
potential failures and their causes.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Failure Event
The failure or event under analysis should be defined first. This may be either an actual event that
has occurred (retrospective incident analysis) or a projected failure event (predictive analysis). This
event then becomes the top event in the fault tree.
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 125

Step 2: Collect Data Regarding Failure Event

Fault tree analysis is dependent upon accurate data regarding the incident under analysis. The first
step therefore involves collecting data regarding the incident in question. This might involve a range
of activities, including conducting interviews with those involved in the incident or SMEs, analysing
reports or inquiries into the incident, and observing recordings of the incident.

Step 3: Determine Causes of Failure Event

Once the failure event has been defined, the contributory causes associated with the event
should be defined. The nature of the causes analysed is dependent upon the focus of the anal-
ysis. Typically, human error and hardware failures are considered (Kirwan and Ainsworth,
1992). It is useful during this phase to use various supporting materials, such as documentation
regarding the incident, task analyses outputs, and interviews with SMEs or those involved in
the incident.

Step 4: AND/OR Classification

Once the cause(s) of the failure event is defined, the analysis proceeds with the AND/OR causal
classification phase. Each causal factor identified during step 3 of the analysis should be classified
as either an AND or an OR event. If two or more contributory events contribute to the failure event,
then they are classified as AND events. If two or more contributory events can cause the failure even
when they occur separately, then they are classified as OR events. Again, it is useful to use SMEs or
the people involved in the incident under analysis during this phase.
Steps 3 and 4 should be repeated until each of the initial causal events and associated causes are
investigated and described fully.

Step 5: Construct Fault Tree Diagram

Once all events and their causes have been defined fully, they should be put into the fault tree dia-
gram. The fault tree should begin with the main failure or top event at the top of the diagram with
its associated causes linked underneath as AND/OR events. Then, the causes of these events should
be linked underneath as AND/OR events. The diagram should continue until all events and causes
are exhausted fully or until the diagram satisfies its purpose.

Step 6: Review and Refine Fault Tree Diagram

Constructing fault trees is a highly iterative process. Once the fault tree diagram is complete, it
should be reviewed and refined, preferably using SMEs or the people involved in the incident.

1. Fault trees are useful in that they define possible failure events and associated causes. This
is especially useful when looking at failure events with multiple causes.
2. A simple approach, fault trees are quick and easy to learn and use.
3. When completed correctly they are potentially very comprehensive.
4. Fault trees could potentially be used both predictively and retrospectively.
5. Although most commonly used in the analysis of nuclear power plant events, the method
is generic and can be applied in any domain.
6. Fault trees can be used to highlight potential weak points in a system design concept
(Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992).
7. The method could be particularly useful in modelling team-based errors, where a failure
event is caused by multiple events distributed across a team of personnel.
126 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

1. When used in the analysis of large, complex systems, fault trees can be complex, difficult,
and time consuming to construct, and the output may become unwieldy.
2. The method offers no remedial measures or countermeasures. These are based entirely on
the judgement of the analysts involved.
3. To utilise the method quantitatively, a high level of training may be required (Kirwan and
Ainsworth, 1992).
4. The use of fault trees as a predictive tool remains largely unexplored.
5. There is little evidence of their application outside of the nuclear power domain.

Related Methods
The fault tree method is often used with event tree analysis (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992). Fault
trees are similar to many other charting methods, including cause-consequence charts, decision
action diagrams, and event trees. Data collection methods, such as interviews and observational
study, are also typically used during the construction of fault tree diagrams.

Approximate Training and Application Times

A simplistic method, the training time required for the fault tree method is minimal. The applica-
tion time is dependent upon the incident under analysis. For complex failure scenarios, the applica-
tion time is high; however, for simpler failure events, the application time is often very low.

Reliability and Validity

No data regarding the reliability and validity of the fault tree approach are presented in the literature.

Tools Needed
Fault tree analysis can be conducted using pen and paper. If the analysis were based upon an exist-
ing system, an observational study of the failure event under analysis would be useful. This would
require video and audio recording equipment. It is also recommended that when constructing fault
tree diagrams, a drawing package such as Microsoft Visio or Adobe Illustrator is used to produce
the final fault tree diagram.

One of golf’s most famous failures in recent times is Frenchman Jean Van de Velde’s catastrophic
collapse on the final hole of the British Open at Carnoustie in 1999. Leading the 72-hole tourna-
ment by three shots, Van de Velde needed only a double-bogey 6 on the par 4 final hole to win the
tournament. Unfortunately, Van de Velde triple-bogeyed the hole and eventually lost the title in the
resulting three-way playoff. Using an observation of a video recording of the incident and descrip-
tions of the incident from both eyewitnesses and Van de Velde himself, a simple fault tree diagram
analysis of the failure is presented in Figure 5.4.
The fault tree diagram shows that Van de Velde’s failure was ostensibly down to three main
causal events: his pushed second shot, which landed in deep rough; his third shot into Carnoustie’s
famous Barry Burn water trap; and his fourth shot into a greenside bunker. Each of these failures led
to the overall failure event, which was the triple-bogey 7 that he carded. Each causal event can be
further decomposed using fault tree AND/OR logic. For example, his second shot into deep rough
was caused by five events: his decision to drive off the tee to gain maximum distance rather than
play a mid-iron onto the fairway (with such a big lead he could have played safe with a mid-iron onto
Triple bogey at the
18th hole


Third shot into Fourth shot into

Second shot into
burn greenside
deep rough

And And And

Poor drive Decision not to lay Strike

Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods

Decision to Ball strikes grandstand Poor lie

drive off tee into 17th up and to go for Pushed underneath
and rebounds back into of ball
fairway rough the green with second shot ball
second shot deep rough

Club gets
And Lie of ball tangled in rough
And on downswing

Good lie Only 185 3 shot

Hole in Desire not Pressure/
of ball in yards to cushion
range to hit left nerves
rough carry water

Incorrect Pressure/ Desire not to

strike of nerves go left
ball (push)

Figure 5.4  Fault tree diagram of Jean Van de Velde’s final-hole triple bogey in the 1999 British Open.
128 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

the fairway); the ensuing poorly executed drive which landed in the 17th hole fairway rough; his
decision to go for the green with his second shot rather than lay up before the green (which is what
most players would have done in the circumstances); his poor execution of the second shot (the shot
was “pushed”); and finally the ball striking the grandstand and rebounding backwards into the deep
rough. These causal events too are decomposed. For example, his decision to go for the green with
his second shot instead of laying up was a function of six factors: despite the ball landing in the 17th
fairway rough it had a good lie; he only needed to hit his second shot 185 yards in order to clear the
water trap (which should have been easily achieved given the lie of the ball); the green was easily
in range; Van de Velde had a desire not to hit left, which he would have done had he chosen to lay
up; he had a three-shot lead, which meant he could afford to play risky; and finally, the pressure of
the situation also undoubtedly had some bearing—this was the final hole in the British Open, golf’s
most prestigious major tournament, and Van de Velde was inexperienced in this situation, never
before having led a major tournament at the final hole. The next primary failure event was his third
shot, which ended up in Barry Burn. This was caused by the poor lie of the ball in the deep rough
and also the fact that, on his downswing, Van de Velde’s club got tangled in the rough and reduced
the power of his shot. Finally, the fourth shot into the bunker was caused by the poor lie of the ball
and poor execution of the shot, with Van de Velde getting underneath the ball, which caused it to
drop short of the green and land in the greenside bunker.

(See Flowchart 5.2.)

Recommended Text
Kirwan, B., and Ainsworth, L. K. (1992). A guide to task analysis. London: Taylor & Francis.

Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach

Background and Applications
The most popular of all HEI approaches is the Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction
Approach (SHERPA; Embrey, 1986). Originally developed for use in the nuclear reprocessing
industry, to date SHERPA has had further application in a number of domains, including the mili-
tary (Salmon, Jenkins, Stanton, and Walker, in press), aviation (Stanton et al., 2009), healthcare
(Lane et al., 2007), public technology (Baber and Stanton, 1996a; Stanton and Stevenage, 1998),
and in-car entertainment (Stanton and Young, 1999). SHERPA uses an EEM taxonomy linked to a
behavioural taxonomy and is applied to an HTA of the task under analysis in order to predict poten-
tial human- or design-induced error. In addition to being the most commonly used of the various
HEI methods available, according to the literature SHERPA is also the most successful in terms of
accuracy of error predictions (Kirwan, 1992, 1998a; Baber and Stanton, 1996a, 2001; Stanton et al.,
2009; Stanton and Stevenage, 1998).

Domain of Application
Despite being developed originally for use in the nuclear process industries, the SHERPA behaviour
and error taxonomies are generic and can be applied in any domain. To date SHERPA has been
applied in a range of domains for error prediction purposes, including process control, the military,
aviation, healthcare, public technology, and in-vehicle entertainment design.
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 129


Define the failure


Determine event

Take first/next
causal event

Classify causal
event as either
AND or OR events

Yes Are there any more

causal events?


Take first/next
causal event

Determine event

Yes Is there more than

one causal event?


Yes Are there any more

causal events?



Flowchart 5.2  Fault tree flowchart.

130 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Application in Sport
There is great potential for applying the SHERPA method in a sporting context. For example,
SHERPA could be used during the sports product design concept phases to identify potential errors
that could be made with sports technology and devices, or it could be applied to identify, a priori,
errors that performers might make during task performance, the findings of which could be used
to develop training interventions designed to reduce the probability that the errors are made during
future performances.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Conduct HTA for the Task or Scenario under Analysis
The first step involves describing the task under analysis. For this purpose, an HTA is normally
constructed. Data collection methods, such as observational study, walkthrough analysis, and inter-
views may be employed during this phase to collect the data required for constructing the HTA. The
SHERPA method works by indicating which of the errors from the SHERPA error taxonomy are
credible during performance of each bottom-level task step in the HTA.

Step 2: Task Classification

SHERPA is best conducted in conjunction with SMEs; however, if they are not available to under-
take the analysis initially then it is normal practice to involve them in the review and validation
steps. Once the HTA is constructed, the analyst should take each bottom-level task step from the
HTA and classify it as one of the following SHERPA behaviours:

• Action (e.g., pressing a button, pulling a switch, opening a door)

• Retrieval (e.g., getting information from a screen or manual)
• Check (e.g., conducting a procedural check)
• Selection (e.g., choosing one alternative over another)
• Information communication (e.g., talking to another party)

For example, for a golf HEI analysis the task step “check distance from hole” would be classified
as a “Check” behaviour, whereas the task steps “set up swing” and “make shot” would both be
“Action” type behaviours, and the task step “discuss options with caddie” would be an “Information
communication” behaviour.

Step 3: Identify Likely Errors

Each SHERPA behaviour has a series of associated EEMs. The SHERPA EEM taxonomy is pre-
sented in Figure 5.5. The analyst uses the associated error mode taxonomy and domain expertise
to identify any credible error modes for the task step in question. For example, if the task step in
question is classified as an “Action” behaviour during step 2, then the analyst should consider each
of the 10 “Action” EEMs and consider whether they could potentially occur or not. A performance-
shaping factor taxonomy, which introduces error-causing conditions such as time pressure, fatigue,
and inadequate equipment, might also be used to aid this process. For each error identified, the
analyst should give a description of the form that the error would take, such as, “golfer miscalculates
distance to hole,” “golfer selects the wrong club for shot,” or “golfer over hits shot.”

Step 4: Determine and Record Error Consequences

The next step involves determining and describing the consequences associated with the errors iden-
tified in step 3. The analyst should determine the consequences associated with each error identified
and provide clear descriptions in relation to the task under analysis. For example, for the error “golfer
miscalculates distance to hole” would have the consequences of “golfer selects wrong club” and
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 131

Behaviour Error Modes

A1 – Operation Too Long/Short

A2 – Operation Mistimed
A3 – Operation in the Wrong Direction
A4 – Operation Too Little/Much
A5 – Misalign
A6 – Right Operation on Wrong Object
A7 – Wrong Operation on Right Object
A8 – Operation Omitted
A9 – Operation Incomplete
A10 – Wrong Operation on Wrong Object

C1 – Check Omitted
C2 – Check Incomplete
C3 – Right Check on Wrong Object
C4 – Wrong Check on Right Object
C5 – Check Mistimed
C6 – Wrong Check on Wrong Object

R1 – Information Not Obtained

Retrieval R2 – Wrong Information Obtained
R3 – Information Retrieval Incomplete

I1 – Information Not Communicated

Communication I2 – Wrong Information Communicated
I3 – Information Communication Incomplete

S1 – Selection Omitted
S2 – Wrong Selection Made

Figure 5.5  SHERPA external error mode taxonomy.

“golfer leaves shot short or overshoots the green,” and for the error “golfer over hits shot” the conse-
quence would be “ball travels through the back of the green and into rough/greenside bunker.”

Step 5: Recovery Analysis

Next, the analyst should determine the recovery potential of the identified error. If there is a later
task step in the HTA at which the error could be recovered, it is entered here; if there is no recovery
step then “None” is entered; finally, if the error is recognised and recovered immediately, the ana-
lyst enters “immediate.” For example, there would be no recovery for the error of over hitting the
shot; however, the recovery for the error of “selecting the wrong club for shot” may be recovered
either when the golfer sets up his swing or when the golfer takes a practice swing. The correspond-
ing task steps should be entered in the SHERPA output table.

Step 6: Ordinal Probability Analysis

Once the consequences and recovery potential of the error have been identified, the analyst should
rate the probability of the error occurring. An ordinal probability scale of low, medium, or high is
typically used. If the error has not occurred previously then a low (L) probability is assigned. If the
error has occurred on previous occasions then a medium (M) probability is assigned. Finally, if the
132 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

error has occurred on frequent occasions, a high (H) probability is assigned. SME judgements are
particularly useful for this part of the analysis.

Step 7: Criticality Analysis

Next, the analyst rates the criticality of the error in question. A scale of low, medium, and high is
also used to rate error criticality. Normally, if the error would lead to a critical incident (in relation
to the task in question), or if the error results in the task not being successfully performed, then it is
rated as a highly critical error. For example, if the error resulted in the golfer hitting the ball out of
bounds or into a water trap, then the error criticality would be rated as “High,” since it would incur
a two shot penalty and invariably lead to a bogey score for the hole. On the contrary, if the error led
to a slightly pushed shot then criticality would be rated as “Low.” SME judgements are particularly
useful for this part of the analysis.

Step 8: Propose Remedial Measures

The final stage in the process is to propose error reduction strategies. Normally, remedial measures
comprise suggested changes to the design of the process or system. Remedial measures are nor-
mally proposed under the following four categories:

• Equipment (e.g., redesign or modification of existing equipment)

• Training (e.g., changes in training provided)
• Procedures (e.g., provision of new, or redesign of old, procedures)
• Organisational (e.g., changes in organisational policy or culture)

Step 9: Review and Refine Analysis

SHERPA is an iterative process and normally requires many passes before the analysis is completed
to a satisfactory level. The analyst should therefore spend as much time as possible reviewing and
refining the analysis, preferably in conjunction with SMEs for the task or scenario under analysis.
The probability and criticality ratings in particular typically require numerous revisions.

1. The SHERPA method offers a structured and comprehensive approach to the prediction of
human error.
2. The SHERPA taxonomy prompts the analyst for potential errors.
3. The SHERPA behaviour and error mode taxonomy lend themselves to the sporting
4. According to the Human Factors literature, SHERPA is the most promising HEI method
available. SHERPA has been applied in a number of domains with considerable success.
There is also a wealth of encouraging validity and reliability data available.
5. SHERPA is easy to learn and apply, requiring minimal training, and is also quick to apply
compared to other HEI methods.
6. The method is exhaustive, offering error reduction strategies in addition to predicted errors,
associated consequences, probability of occurrence, criticality, and potential recovery steps.
7. The SHERPA error taxonomy is generic, allowing the method to be used in any domain.
8. The outputs provided could be of great utility in a sporting context, potentially informing
the design of sports technology, training, and tactical interventions.

1. SHERPA can be tedious and time consuming for large, complex tasks.
2. The initial HTA adds additional time to the analysis.
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 133

3. SHERPA only considers errors at the sharp end of system operation. The method does not
consider system or organisational failures.
4. In its present usage SHERPA does not consider performance-shaping factors, although
these can be applied by the analyst.
5. SHERPA does not model cognitive components of errors.
6. Some predicted errors and remedies are unlikely or lack credibility, thus posing a false
7. The approach is becoming dated and the behaviour and error mode taxonomies may
require updating.
8. While the approach handles physical tasks extremely well, it struggles when applied to
purely cognitive tasks.

Related Methods
The initial data collection for SHERPA might involve a number of data collection methods, includ-
ing interviews, observation, and walkthroughs. An HTA of the task or scenario under analysis
is typically used as the input to a SHERPA analysis. The taxonomic approach to error predic-
tion employed by the SHERPA method is similar to a number of other HEI approaches, such as
HET (Harris, Stanton, Marshall, Young, Demagalski, and Salmon, 2005), Human Error HAZOP
(Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992), and the Technique for Retrospective Analysis of Cognitive Error
(TRACEr; Shorrock and Kirwan, 2002).

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training and application time for SHERPA is typically low, although the application time can
increase considerably for large, complex tasks. In order to evaluate the reliability, validity, and
trainability of various methods, Stanton and Young (1999) compared SHERPA to 11 other Human
Factors methods. Based on the application of the method to the operation of an in-car radio-cassette
machine, Stanton and Young (1999) reported training times of around 3 hours (this is doubled if
training in HTA is included). It took an average of 2 hours and 40 minutes for people to evaluate the
radio-cassette machine using SHERPA. In a study comparing the performance of SHERPA, Human
Error HAZOP, Human Error Identification in Systems Tool (HEIST), and HET when used to pre-
dict design induced pilot error, Salmon et al. (2002) reported that participants achieved acceptable
performance with the SHERPA method after only 2 hours of training.

Reliability and Validity

SHERPA has enjoyed considerable success in HEI method validation studies. Kirwan (1992)
reported that SHERPA was the most highly rated of five human error prediction methods by expert
users. Baber and Stanton (1996a) reported a concurrent validity statistic of 0.8 and a reliability sta-
tistic of 0.9 in the application of SHERPA by two expert users to the prediction of errors on a ticket
vending machine. It was concluded that SHERPA provided an acceptable level of validity based
upon the data from two expert analysts. Stanton and Stevenage (1998) reported a concurrent validity
statistic of 0.74 and a reliability statistic of 0.65 in the application of SHERPA by 25 novice users to
prediction of errors on a confectionery vending machine. It was concluded that SHERPA provided
a better means of predicting errors than a heuristics-type approach did. Harris et al. (2005) reported
that SHERPA achieved acceptable performance in terms of reliability and validity when used by
novice analysts to predict pilot error on a civil aviation flight scenario. Further, Harris et al. (2005)
and Stanton et al. (2006) both reported that the SHERPA approach performed better than three
other HEI approaches when used to predict pilot errors for an aviation approach and landing task.
134 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Tools Needed
SHERPA can be conducted using pen and paper. A representation of the interface, device, or
equipment under analysis is also required. This might be the device itself or can take the form of
functional drawings or photographs. SHERPA output tables are normally constructed using word
processing software such as Microsoft Word.

A SHERPA analysis focussing on golf stroke play was conducted. Initially, a golf HTA was con-
structed in conjunction with an amateur golfer. Following this, a Human Factors analyst with con-
siderable experience in the SHERPA approach applied SHERPA to the HTA to predict the errors
likely to be made during a round of golf. An extract of the golf HTA is presented in Figure 5.6. An
extract of the golf SHERPA output is presented in Table 5.2.

(See Flowchart 5.3.)

Recommended Texts
Embrey, D.E. (1986) SHERPA: A systematic human error reduction and prediction approach. Paper presented
at the International Meeting on Advances in Nuclear Power Systems, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
Stanton, N. A., Salmon, P. M., Baber, C., and Walker, G. (2005). Human Factors methods: A practical guide for
engineering and design. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Human Error Template

Background and Applications
The Human Error Template (HET; Harris et al., 2005) was developed for use in the certification
of civil flight deck technology in order to predict design-induced pilot error. The impetus for HET
came from a US Federal Aviation Administration report (FAA, 1996), which, amongst other things,
recommended that flight deck designs be evaluated for their susceptibility to design-induced flight
crew errors and also to identify the likely consequences of those errors during the type certification
process (Harris et al., 2005). The HET method is a simple checklist HEI approach that is applied
to each bottom-level task step in an HTA of the task under analysis. Analysts use the HET EEMs
and subjective judgement to identify credible errors for each task step. The HET EEM taxonomy
consists of the following generic error modes:

• Fail to execute
• Task execution incomplete
• Task executed in the wrong direction
• Wrong task executed
• Task repeated
• Task executed on the wrong interface element
• Task executed too early
• Task executed too late
• Task executed too much
• Task executed too little
• Misread information
• Other
and and
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods



Figure 5.6  Golf HTA extract.


Table 5.2
Golf SHERPA Extract
Task Step Mode Description Consequence Recovery P C Remedial Measures
1.2. Locate ball A8 Golfer fails to locate ball (i.e., Golfer has to take a drop and incurs a None L M N/A
ball is in deep rough, trees, or two shot penalty
water hazard) Check lie of R2 Golfer misreads lie of ball Golfer misunderstands lie of ball and L M Practise reading ball lies
ball shot selection is affected Assistance from caddie in reading ball lie Check grass R2 Golfer misreads grass type Golfer misunderstands grass type and L M Practise reading ball lies
type shot selection is affected Assistance from caddie in reading ball lie Check grass C1 Golfer fails to check grass type Golfer does not account for grass type 2.2. L M Practise reading ball lies
type and shot selection is inappropriate Assistance from caddie in reading ball lie
2.1.2. Check distance R2 Golfer/caddie miscalculates Golfer misunderstands distance to hole 2.2. M M Practise reading distances
to hole distance to hole and club and shot selection may be GPS device, e.g., “caddie aid”
inappropriate Check R2 Golfer/caddie miscalculates Golfer misunderstands distance 2.2. M M Practise reading distances
bunkers distance to bunker/bunker required to carry bunker GPS device, e.g., “caddie aid”
placement Check water R2 Golfer/caddie miscalculates Golfer misunderstands distance 2.2. M M Practise reading distances
hazards distance to water hazard required to carry water hazard GPS device, e.g., “caddie aid” Check rough R2 Golfer/caddie miscalculates Golfer misunderstands distance 2.2. M M Practise reading distances
distance to rough required to carry rough GPS device, e.g., “caddie aid” Check wind R2 Golfer/caddie misreads wind Golfer misunderstands wind speed and 2.2. M M Practise reading wind speeds
speed speed shot selection is inappropriate Check wind C1 Golfer fails to check wind speed Golfer does not account for wind speed 2.2. L M Practise reading wind speeds
speed and shot selection is inappropriate Check wind R2 Golfer/caddie misreads wind Golfer misunderstands wind direction 2.2. M M Practise reading wind direction
direction direction and shot selection is inappropriate Check wind C1 Golfer fails to check wind Golfer does not account for wind 2.2. L M Practise reading wind direction
direction direction direction and shot selection is
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
2.1.7. Check pin/hole R2 Golfer misreads hole placement Shot selection is inappropriate as 2.2. L M Practise reading hole placements in
placement golfer misunderstands hole placement context of green layout and green
2.1.8. Check green R2 Golfer/caddie misreads green Shot selection is inappropriate as 2.2. L M Practise reading greens (e.g., elevation
elevation/terrain elevation/terrain golfer misunderstands green and terrain)
2.2. Discuss options/ I1 Caddie fails to inform golfer of Shot selection does not take into 2.4. L M Standard strategy discussion items, e.g.,
strategy with caddie critical information, e.g., green account critical information and is distance, wind, green topography, traps,
topography inappropriate for conditions etc.
2.2. Discuss options/ I2 The information provided by the Golfer is misinformed and shot 2.4. M M N/A
strategy with caddie caddie is incorrect selection is inappropriate
2.2. Discuss options/ I3 Not all critical information is Shot selection does not take into 2.4. L M Standard strategy discussion items, e.g.,
strategy with caddie given to the golfer by the caddie account critical information and is distance, wind, green topography, traps,
inappropriate for conditions etc.
Golfer defines information required prior
to round
2.2. Discuss options/ R2 Golfer misunderstands some of Golfer misunderstands critical 2.4. L M Read back for confirmation of receipt of
strategy with caddie the information given by the information and shot selection is information
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods

caddie inappropriate
2.3.1. Determine A5 Golfer determines an Shot selection is inappropriate 2.4. M H Use training to enhance awareness of
desired placement of inappropriate or unachievable limitations
ball end state
2.3.2. Consider shot A9 Golfer fails to fully consider full Shot selection may be inappropriate as 2.4. M M Specific training in shot selection
type range of shot possibilities another shot type is more appropriate strategies
2.3.3. Consider club A6 Golfer considers and selects Wrong club selection leads to over or 2.4. H M Use training to enhance awareness of
wrong club under hit shot limitations
Specific training in club selection
2.3.3. Consider club A9 Golfer fails to fully consider club Wrong club selection leads to over or 2.4. M M Use training to enhance awareness of
options available under hit shot limitations
Specific training in club selection
2.3.4. Consider power/ A5 Golfer considers/selects an Shot selection is inappropriate and 2.4. H M Use training to enhance awareness of
swing strength inappropriate level of power/ leads to over or under hit shot limitations
swing strength Specific training in power/swing strength

Table 5.2 (Continued)
Golf SHERPA Extract
Task Step Mode Description Consequence Recovery P C Remedial Measures
2.3.5. Consider shot A5 Golfer considers/selects an Shot selection is inappropriate and 2.4. H M Specific training on influences on shot
direction inappropriate direction (i.e., leads to wayward shot direction
wrongly overcompensates for
2.3.6. Consider shot A5 Golfer considers/selects an Shot selection is inappropriate and 2.4. H M Specific training on influences on shot
height inappropriate height for shot leads to wayward shot height
(i.e., wrongly overcompensates
for wind or ability to stop ball
on green)
2.3.7. Consider spin A4 Golfer considers/selects too much Level of spin selected for shot is 2.4. M M Specific training in spin selection
required spin for shot inappropriate and ball may fall short/
run off green
2.3.8. Consider effects A5 Golfer misunderstands effects of Shot selection is inappropriate and 2.4. H M Specific training on influences on shot
of weather on shot weather on shot leads to wayward shot direction
2.4. Visualise shot A5 Shot visualisation does not Shot visualisation is inappropriate and 3.1.3. H M Training in shot visualisation
correctly take into account all of shot selection will be wrong or 3.1.4. Training in correctly weighing scenario
the effects applicable from inappropriate for conditions 3.1.5. features and their impact on shots
2.4. Visualise shot A9 Shot visualisation does not fully Shot visualisation is inappropriate and 3.1.3. H M Training in shot visualisation
take into account all of the shot selection will be wrong or 3.1.4. Training in correctly weighing scenario
effects applicable from inappropriate for conditions 3.1.5. features and their impact on shots
2.5. Select shot S1 Shot selected is inappropriate Shot selected is inappropriate for 3.1.3. H H Training in shot selection
(e.g., wrong club, wrong situation/conditions/hole 3.1.4. Training in correctly weighing scenario
placement, wrong shot type) 3.1.5. features and their impact on shots Select tee S1 Wrong tee is selected for Tee selected is inappropriate for shot Immediate L M N/A
conditions and chosen shot and conditions (e.g., too long/high) or
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide Place tee in A4 Tee is placed too far into ground Ball position is too low for shot Immediate L M N/A
ground or
3.1.3. Place tee in A4 Tee is not placed into ground Ball position is too high for shot Immediate L M N/A
ground sufficiently or
3.1.3. Place ball on A5 Golfer misaligns placement of Ball falls off tee Immediate L L N/A
tee ball on tee
3.1.2. Read green R2 Golfer/caddie misreads green Misunderstands the green and putt shot 1.5. H H Training in reading greens
is inappropriate (e.g., too hard, too Putt practise
soft, too far right, too far left)
3.1.3. Make practice A4 Swing is too strong Golfer is not happy with swing and Immediate H L N/A
swing repeats
3.1.3. Make practice A4 Swing strength is too little Golfer is not happy with swing and Immediate H L N/A
swing repeats
3.1.3. Make practice R2 Golfer wrongly assumes that Swing may be too light/too strong and 1.5. H H Swing training
swing practice swing is appropriate shot execution will be inadequate
3.1.5. Set up swing A5 Swing is not set up optimally Shot execution may suffer due to swing 3.1.7 L H Swing set-up training
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods

set-up being inadequate

4.1. Make drive A4 Golfer strikes ball with too much Shot is over hit and overshoots desired Immediate H H Driving training including reduced power
power in swing location driving
4.1. Make drive A4 Golfer strikes ball with too little Shot is under hit and overshoots Immediate M H Driving training including reduced power
power in swing desired location driving
4.1. Make drive A5 Swing is misaligned and golfer Shot is sliced and ball travels from left Immediate M H Driving training/practise
slices ball to right and does not end up in desired
4.1. Make drive A5 Swing is misaligned and golfer Shot is hooked and ball travels from Immediate M H Driving training/practise
hooks ball right to left and does not end up in
desired location
4.1. Make drive A5 Swing is misaligned and golfer Shot is shanked and ball travels sharply Immediate L H Driving training/practise
shanks ball to the right
4.1. Make drive A5 Swing is misaligned and golfer Ball is thinned and ball does not travel Immediate L H Driving training/practise
strikes ball too high distance required

Table 5.2 (Continued)
Golf SHERPA Extract
Task Step Mode Description Consequence Recovery P C Remedial Measures
4.1. Make drive A5 Swing is misaligned and golfer Ball is thinned and ball does not travel Immediate L H Driving training/practise
strikes ball too high distance required
4.1. Make drive A5 Swing is misaligned and golfer Ball travels up and high and does not Immediate L H Driving training/practise
“gets underneath” ball reach desired location
4.1. Make drive A8 Golfer hits a thin air shot Golfer fails to make drive and incurs Immediate L H Driving training/practise
a shot penalty
4.1. Make drive A9 Swing incomplete Backswing/downswing incomplete due Immediate L H Take drop
to snagging on tree branch, rough,
4.1. Make drive A9 Pull out of swing due to external Shot is not completed and penalty shot Immediate L H N/A
influence, e.g., spectator noise may be incurred
4.1. Make drive A6 Wrong club selected Shot is over or under hit 5. M H Club selection training
Consult caddie
4.2–4.7. See 4.1. A5 A8 4.2–4.7. See 4.1. 4.2–4.7. See 4.1. 4.2–4.7. 4.2–4.7. See 4.1.
See 4.1.
4.8. Make putt A4 Golfer over hits putt Ball may overshoot hole or skip hole Immediate H M Putting practise
4.8. Make putt A4 Golfer under hits putt Ball does not reach hole Immediate H M Putting practise
4.8. Make putt A5 Golfer misaligns putt Ball misses hole Immediate H M Putting practise
4.8. Make putt A6/A9 Golfer strikes green first Putt does not have sufficient power Immediate L H Putting practise
4.8. Make putt A5 Golfer mis-hits ball Putt is not struck appropriately Immediate M H Putting practise
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 141


Develop HTA for the Task/

System under analysis

Take the First/Next Bottom

Level Task Step from the

Classify Task Step as a

Behaviour from the
SHERPA Behaviour

Are any of the

SHERPA Error N Are there any N
more Task Steps? STOP
Modes Credible?

Describe the error

Describe the consequences
Enter any recovery steps (from HTA)
Rate Probability of the error occurring
Rate the Criticality of the error
Propose Remedial Design Measures

Are there any more

Error Modes?

Flowchart 5.3  SHERPA flowchart.

Domain of Application
The HET method was originally developed for the aviation domain for use in the certification of
flight deck technology. However, the HET EEM taxonomy is generic, allowing the method to be
applied in any domain.
142 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Application in Sport
There is great potential for applying the HET method in a sporting context. It is a simplistic
and quick to use HEI method and is easily auditable. HET could be used during the design
concept phases to identify potential errors that could be made with sports technology and
devices, and it could be applied to identify, a priori, errors that performers may make dur-
ing task performance. The findings could be used to propose remedial design measures or to
develop training interventions designed to reduce the probability of error occurrence during
future performances.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA)
The first step involves constructing an HTA of the task or system under analysis. The HET method
works by indicating which of the errors from the HET error taxonomy are credible at each bottom-
level task step in an HTA of the task under analysis. A number of data collection methods may be
used in order to gather the information required for the HTA, such as interviews with SMEs, walk-
throughs of the task, and/or observational study of the task under analysis.

Step 2: Human Error Identification

In order to identify potential errors, the analyst takes each bottom-level task step from the HTA
and considers the credibility of each of the HET EEMs. Any EEMs that are deemed credible by the
analyst are recorded and analysed further. At this stage, the analyst ticks each credible EEM and
provides a description of the form that the error will take.

Step 3: Consequence Analysis

Once a credible error is identified and described, the analyst should then consider and describe the
consequence(s) of the error if it were made in the context of the task step in question. The analyst
should provide clear descriptions of the consequences in relation to the task under analysis.

Step 4: Ordinal Probability Analysis

Next, the analyst should provide an estimate of the probability of the error occurring, based upon
subjective judgement. An ordinal probability value is entered as low, medium, or high. If the analyst
feels that chances of the error occurring are very small, then a low (L) probability is assigned. If the
analyst thinks that the error may occur and has knowledge of the error occurring on previous occa-
sions, then a medium (M) probability is assigned. Finally, if the analyst thinks that the error would
occur frequently, then a high (H) probability is assigned.

Step 5: Criticality Analysis

Next, the analyst rates the criticality of the error in question. A scale of low, medium, and high is
also used to rate error criticality. Normally, if the error would lead to a critical incident (in relation
to the task in question), or if the error results in the task not being successfully performed, then it is
rated as a highly critical error.

Step 6: Interface Analysis

If the analysis is focussing on the errors made using a sports device, such as a training watch or a
cycle computer, then the final step involves determining whether or not the interface under analy-
sis passes the certification procedure. The analyst assigns a “pass” or “fail” rating to the interface
under analysis based upon the associated error probability and criticality ratings. If a high prob-
ability and a high criticality have been assigned, then the interface in question is classed as a “fail”;
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 143

otherwise, any other combination of probability and criticality and the interface in question is
classed as a “pass.”

Step 7: Review and Refine Analysis

HET is an iterative process and normally requires many passes before the analysis is completed to a
satisfactory level. The analyst should therefore spend as much time as possible reviewing and refin-
ing the analysis, preferably in conjunction with SMEs for the task or scenario under analysis. The
probability and criticality ratings in particular often require numerous revisions.

1. The HET methodology is quick, simple to learn and use, and requires very little training.
2. HET provides a comprehensive EEM taxonomy, developed based upon a review of existing
HEI EEM taxonomies.
3. HET is easily auditable as it comes in the form of an error pro-forma.
4. The HET taxonomy prompts the analyst for potential errors.
5. HET validation studies have generated encouraging reliability and validity data (Harris et
al., 2005; Stanton et al., 2006).
6. Although the error modes in the HET EEM taxonomy were developed specifically for the
aviation domain, they are generic, ensuring that the method can potentially be used in a
wide range of different sporting domains.

1. For large, complex tasks HET analyses may become overly time consuming and tedious to
2. HET analyses do not provide remedial measures or countermeasures.
3. Extra work is required if the HTA is not already available.
4. HET does not deal with the cognitive component of errors.
5. In its present form HET does not consider performance-shaping factors, although these can
be applied by the analyst.
6. HET only considers errors at the sharp end of system operation. The method does not con-
sider system or organisational failures.

Related Methods
There are many taxonomic-based HEI methods available, including SHERPA (Embrey, 1986),
Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM; Hollnagel, 1998), and TRACEr
(Shorrock and Kirwan, 2002). An HET analysis requires an initial HTA (or some other specific task
description) to be performed for the task in question. The data used in the development of the HTA
may be collected through the application of a number of different methods, including observational
study, interviews, and walkthrough analysis.

Approximate Training and Application Times

In HET validation studies Harris et al. (2005) reported that with non-Human Factors professionals,
the approximate training time for the HET methodology is around 90 minutes. Application time is
typically low, although it varies depending on the scenario being analysed. Harris et al. (2005), for
example, reported a mean application time of 62 minutes based upon an analysis of the flight task,
“Land aircraft X at New Orleans using the Autoland system.”
144 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Reliability and Validity

Harris et al. (2005) and Stanton et al. (2006) report sensitivity index ratings between 0.7 and 0.8
for participants using the HET methodology to predict potential design-induced pilot errors for an
aviation approach and landing task. These figures represent a high level of accuracy of the error pre-
dictions (the closer to 1.0 the more accurate the error predictions are). It was also reported that par-
ticipants using the HET method achieved higher SI ratings than those using the SHERPA, Human
Error HAZOP, and HEIST methods to predict errors for the same task.

Tools Needed
HET can be carried out using the HET error pro-forma, an HTA of the task under analysis, func-
tional diagrams of the interface under analysis, and a pen and paper.

An HET analysis was conducted for the Garmin 305 forerunner device (see Chapter 9). The analysis
focussed on the device programming and then running task “Use forerunner device to complete sub
5.30-minute mile 10 miles run.” The HTA for this task is presented in Figure 5.10. An extract of the
HET analysis is presented in Figure 5.7.

(See Flowchart 5.4.)

Scenario: Use forerunner device to complete sub

5.30 minute mile 10 miles run Task Step: 4.2.3. Read distance ran Interface Elements: Main display screen (distance)

Likelihood Criticality
Error Mode Description Outcome Pass Fail
Runner may misunderstand
Fail to execute Fail to check distance ran distance ran and may
inappropriately alter race strategy

Task execution incomplete

Task execution in wrong


Wrong task executed

Task repeated

Runner may misunderstand

Task executed on the Runner checks pace or time display distance ran and may
wrong interface element instead inappropriately alter race strategy

Task executed too early

Task executed too late

Task executed too much

Task executed too little

Runner may misunderstand

Misread information Runner misreads distance reading distance ran and may
inappropriately alter race strategy
Runner cannot read display due Runner does not get distance
Other to glare/shadow ran information and has to use
backlight feature

Figure 5.7  HET analysis extract.

Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 145


Take the first/next

bottom level task step
from the HTA

Enter scenario and

task step details in
error pro-forma

Take first HET error

mode and consider
potential occurrence

No Is the error


For credible errors, provide:

- Description of the error;
- Consequences of the error;
- Error likelihood (L, M, H);
- Error criticality (L, M, H);
- PASS/FAIL rating


Are there any No Are there any

more error more task step?


flowchart 5.4  HET flowchart.

Recommended Texts
Stanton, N., Harris, D., Salmon, P. M., Demagalski, J. M., Marshall, A., Young, M. S., Dekker, S. W. A., and
Waldmann, T. (2006). Predicting design induced pilot error using HET (Human Error Template)—A new
formal human error identification method for flight decks. Journal of Aeronautical Sciences February:
146 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Task Analysis for Error Identification

Background and Applications
Task Analysis for Error Identification (TAFEI; Baber and Stanton, 2002) is a method that enables
analysts to predict the errors associated with device use by modelling the interaction between the
user and the device under analysis. TAFEI assumes that people use devices in a purposeful manner,
such that the interaction may be described as a “cooperative endeavour,” and it is by this process
that problems arise. Furthermore, the method makes the assumption that actions are constrained by
the state of the product at any particular point in the interaction, and that the device offers informa-
tion to the user about its functionality. Thus, the interaction between users and devices progresses
through a sequence of states. At each state, the user selects the action most relevant to their goal,
based on the system image.
The foundation for the approach is based on general systems theory. This theory is potentially
useful in addressing the interaction between sub-components in systems (i.e., the human and the
device). It also assumes a hierarchical order of system components, i.e., all structures and functions
are ordered by their relation to other structures and functions, and any particular object or event is
comprised of lesser objects and events. Information regarding the status of the machine is received
by the human part of the system through sensory and perceptual processes and converted to physical
activity in the form of input to the machine. The input modifies the internal state of the machine and
feedback is provided to the human in the form of output. Of particular interest here is the bound-
ary between humans and machines, as this is where errors become apparent. It is believed that it is
essential for a method of error prediction to examine explicitly the nature of the interaction.
The method draws upon the ideas of scripts and schema. It can be imagined that a person
approaching a ticket-vending machine might draw upon a “vending machine” or a “ticket kiosk”
script when using a ticket machine. From one script, the user might expect the first action to be
“Insert Money,” but from the other script, the user might expect the first action to be “Select Item.”
The success, or failure, of the interaction would depend on how closely they were able to determine
a match between the script and the actual operation of the machine. The role of the comparator is
vital in this interaction. If it detects differences from the expected states, then it is able to modify
the routines. Failure to detect any differences is likely to result in errors.
Examples of applications of TAFEI include the prediction of errors when boiling a kettle (Baber
and Stanton, 1994; Stanton and Baber, 1998), using word processing packages (Stanton and Baber,
1996), withdrawing cash from automatic teller machines (Burford, 1993), using medical applications
(Baber and Stanton, 1999; Yamaoka and Baber, 2000), recording on tape-to-tape machines (Baber
and Stanton, 1994), programming video-cassette recorders (Baber and Stanton, 1994), operating
radio-cassette machines (Stanton and Young, 1999), retrieving a phone number on mobile phones
(Baber and Stanton, 2002), buying a rail ticket on the ticket machines on the London Underground
(Baber and Stanton, 1996a), and operating high-voltage switchgear in substations (Glendon and
McKenna, 1995).

Domain of Application
The method was originally conceived as a way of identifying errors during product design; however,
the procedure is generic and can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
There is great scope to apply TAFEI in a sporting context during the design and evaluation of sports
products, equipment, and technology, such as training (e.g., training watches) and performance aids
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 147

(e.g., golf GPS devices). In this context, TAFEI would enable analysts to predict errors associated
with device use by modelling the interaction between the user and the device under analysis.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Construct HTA for Device under Analysis
For illustrative purposes of how to conduct the method, a simple, manually operated electric kettle
is used. The first step in a TAFEI analysis is to obtain an appropriate HTA for the device, as
shown in Figure 5.8. As TAFEI is best applied to scenario analyses, it is wise to consider just one
specific goal, as described by the HTA (e.g., a specific, closed-loop task of interest) rather than the
whole design. Once this goal has been selected, the analysis proceeds to constructing State Space
Diagrams (SSDs) for device operation.

Step 2: Construct State Space Diagrams

Next, SSDs are constructed to represent the behaviour of the artefact. An SSD essentially consists
of a series of states through which the device passes from a starting state to the goal state. For each
series of states, there will be a current state, and a set of possible exits to other states. At a basic
level, the current state might be “off,” with the exit condition “switch on” taking the device to the
state “on.” Thus, when the device is “off” it is “waiting to …” an action (or set of actions) that will
take it to the state “on.” Upon completion of the SSD, the analyst should have an exhaustive set
of states for the device under analysis. Numbered plans from the HTA are then mapped onto the
SSD, indicating which human actions take the device from one state to another. Thus the plans are
mapped onto the state transitions (if a transition is activated by the machine, this is also indicated on
the SSD, using the letter “M” on the TAFEI diagram). This results in a TAFEI diagram, as shown
in Figure 5.9. Potential state-dependant hazards have also been identified.

Step 3: Create Transition Matrix

Finally, a transition matrix is devised to display state transitions during device use. TAFEI aims to
assist the design of artefacts by illustrating when a state transition is possible but undesirable (i.e.,
illegal). Making all illegal transitions impossible should facilitate the cooperative endeavour of
device use. All possible states are entered as headers on a matrix—see Table 5.3. The cells represent
state transitions (e.g., the cell at row 1, column 2 represents the transition between state 1 and state
2), and are filled in one of three ways. If a transition is deemed impossible (i.e., you simply cannot
go from this state to that one), “-------” is entered into the cell. If a transition is deemed possible

0 Boil kettle
Plan 0: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

1 Fill kettle 2 Switch 3 Check water 4 Switch 5 Pour water

kettle on in kettle kettle off
Plan 2: 1 - 2
Plan 5: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
2.1 Plug into 2.2 Turn on 5.1 Lift 5.2 Direct 5.3 Tilt 5.4. Replace
socket power kettle spout kettle kettle

Plan 1: 1 - 2 - 3 (if full then 4 else 3) - 5

1.1 Take to 1.2 Turn on 1.3 Check 1.4 Turn off 1.5 Take to
tap water level water socket

Figure 5.8  HTA for boil kettle task.

148 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Weight Shock Shock Steam

No water Balance Shock Heat Steam Heat Spillage

Empty Filled On Heating Boiling Off Pouring

1 2 M M 4 5
Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting
to be filled to be to heat to boil to be to be poured to stop
switched on switched off

Figure 5.9  State space TAFEI diagram.

and desirable (i.e., it progresses the user towards the goal state—a correct action), this is a legal
transition and “L” is entered into the cell. If, however, a transition is both possible but undesirable (a
deviation from the intended path—an error), this is termed illegal and the cell is filled with an “I.”
The idea behind TAFEI is that usability may be improved by making all illegal transitions (errors)
impossible, thereby limiting the user to only performing desirable actions. It is up to the analyst to
conceive of design solutions to achieve this.
The states are normally numbered, but in this example the text description is used. The charac-
ter “L” denotes all of the error-free transitions and the character “I” denotes all of the errors. Each
error has an associated character (i.e., A to G), for the purposes of this example and so that it can
be described Table 5.4.
Obviously the design solutions presented in Table 5.4 are illustrative and would need to be for-
mally assessed for their feasibility and cost. What TAFEI does best is enable the analysis to model
the interaction between human action and system states. This can be used to identify potential
errors and consider the task flow in a goal-oriented scenario. Potential conflicts and contradictions
in task flow should become known.

1. TAFEI offers a structured and thorough procedure for predicting errors that are likely to
arise during human-device interaction.
2. TAFEI enables the analyst to model the interaction between human action and system
3. TAFEI has a sound theoretical underpinning.

Table 5.3
Transition Matrix
To State
Empty Filled On Heating Boiling Off Pouring
Empty --------- L (1) I (A) --------- --------- --------- I (B)
Filled --------- L (2) --------- --------- --------- I (C)
On --------- L (M) --------- --------- I (D)
Heating L (M) --------- I (E)
From State
Boiling I (F) L (4) I (G)
Off L (5)
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 149

Table 5.4
Error Descriptions and Design Solutions
Error Transition Error Description Design Solution
A 1 to 3 Switch empty kettle on Transparent kettle walls and/or link to water supply
B 1 to 7 Pour empty kettle Transparent kettle walls and/or link to water supply
C 2 to 7 Pour cold water Constant hot water or autoheat when kettle placed on base
after filling
D 3 to 7 Pour kettle before boiled Kettle status indicator showing water temperature
E 4 to 7 Pour kettle before boiled Kettle status indicator showing water temperature
F 5 to 5 Fail to turn off boiling kettle Auto cut-off switch when kettle boiling
G 5 to 7 Pour boiling water before turning Auto cut-off switch when kettle boiling
kettle off

4. TAFEI is a flexible and generic methodology that can be applied in any domain in which
humans interact with technology.
5. TAFEI can include error reduction proposals and can be used to inform product design/
6. It can be used for identifying human errors which can be used to inform the design of
anything from kettles to railway ticket machines (Baber and Stanton, 1994).
7. It can be applied to functional drawings and design concepts throughout the design

1. Due to the requirement for HTA and SSDs, TAFEI can be time consuming to apply com-
pared to other HEI approaches. Kirwan (1998a), for example, reports that TAFEI is a
highly resource intensive method.
2. For complex systems the analysis is likely to be complex and the outputs (i.e., SSDs and
transition matrix) large and unwieldy.
3. Depending on the HTA used, only a limited subset of possible errors may be identified.
4. For complex devices the SSDs may be difficult to acquire or develop and the number of
states that the device can potentially be in may overwhelm the analyst.
5. Any remedial measures are based on the judgement of the analysts involved.
6. TAFEI requires some skill to perform effectively and is difficult to grasp initially.
7. TAFEI is limited to goal-directed behaviour.
8. TAFEI may be difficult to learn and time consuming to train.

Related Methods
TAFEI uses HTA and SSDs to predict illegal transactions. The data used in the development of
the HTA and SSDs may be collected through the application of a number of different methods,
including observational study, interviews, and walkthrough analysis, and also review of relevant
documentation, such as user and training manuals.

Approximate Training and Application Times

Analysts with little or no knowledge of schema theory may require significant training in the TAFEI
method. The application time is dependent upon the device; however, for complex devices with
many different states it may be high. Stanton and Young (1999) report that TAFEI is relatively quick
150 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

to train and apply. For example, in their study of radio-cassette machines, training in the TAFEI
method took approximately 3 hours. In the application of the method by recently trained people, it
took approximately 3 hours in the radio-cassette study to predict the errors.

Reliability and Validity

Provided the HTA and SSDs used are accurate, the reliability and validity of the method should be
high. Stanton and Baber (2002) and Baber and Stanton (1996a) report promising performance of the
TAFEI method in validation studies.

Tools Needed
TAFEI is normally conducted using pen and paper; however, drawing software packages such as
Microsoft Visio are typically used to produce TAFEI output diagrams.

A TAFEI analysis of a Garmin Forerunner 305 training watch was conducted. The first step
involved constructing an HTA for the Garmin device. In order to make the analysis manageable,
particularly the SSD construction phase, the analysis focussed on the following specific goal-
related scenario: “Use Forerunner device to complete sub 5.30-minute mile 10-mile run.” The
scenario involved using the Forerunner device to set up a sub 5.30-minute mile pace alert system
and then completing a 10-mile run using the device and pace alert system to maintain a sub
5.30-minute mile pace. The purpose of restricting the task in this way was to limit the analysis
in terms of size and time taken. The HTA for the scenario “Use Forerunner device to complete
sub 5.30-minute mile 10-mile run” is presented in Figure 5.10. Next, an SSD for the Garmin 305
Forerunner device was constructed. The SSD is presented in Figure 5.11. The transition matrix is
presented in Table 5.5.
For this scenario, 27 of the possible transitions are defined as illegal. These can be reduced to the
following basic error types:

1. Inadvertently switching the device off

2. Inadvertently starting the timer while programming the device
3. Inadvertently stopping the timer during the run
4. Inadvertently selecting/going back to the wrong mode
5. Inadvertently starting the timer once the run has been completed

(See Flowchart 5.5.)

Recommended Texts
Baber, C., and Stanton, N. A. (2002). Task analysis for error identification: Theory, method and validation.
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 3(2):212–27.
Stanton, N. A., and Baber, C. (2005). Validating task analysis for error identification: Reliability and validity of
a human error prediction technique. Ergonomics 48(9):1097–1113.
Plan 5. Do 5.1. and 5.2.
has time stopped, Yes
then Exit, No then
repeat 5.1. and 5.2. until
time has stopped then
Plan 4. Do 4.1. and 4.2. until desired
pace is reached, then do 4.2.
intermittently, if 4.3. then do 4.4.,
if speed is too quick then do 4.5,
repeat as appropriate to maintain
speed then Exit

Plan 3.2. Do 3.2.1. and 3.2.2.

has timer started? Yes then
EXIT, No then repeat 3.2.1.
and 3.2.2. until timer starts
then Exit

Plan 4.2. Do 4.2.1. and 4.2.2./4.2.3./

4.2.4. as required then Exit

Plan 2.1.1. Do

then and
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods

Plan 2.2. Do 2.2.1. and 2.2.2.

then then Exit
then 2.2.3. then 2.2.4. then
2.2.5. then 2.2.6. then 2.2.7
then Exit

Plan 2.1.2. Do Plan 2.1.3. Do and and
then then then then
Exit Exit

Plan 2.2.6. Do and Is pace/distance/time
Plan 2.2.5. Do and
display presented? Yes then then and
Exit, No then repeat and
then and then until it is then Exit then Exit

Plan 2.1.4. Do Plan 2.2.4. Do

and then and then
then Exit then Exit

Figure 5.10  HTA for “Use Forerunner device to complete sub 5.30-minute mile 10-mile run” scenario.

1 2.1.1 In training 2.1.2 In training 2.1.3 In alerts 2.1.4 In speed alert 2.2 3 4.4 Timing 5
Off On Slow pace Timer started Alerting Stopped
function options function function
Waiting to be alert set Waiting for
Waiting to be function Waiting for
Waiting to be Waiting to be Waiting for pace to Waiting for Waiting for
turned on taken to
taken to taken to fast pace decrease pace to timer to be device to be
training mode Waiting to be Waiting for stopped
training speed alert alert to be set below increase turned off
taken to alerts timer to be
options mode mode 5.30 m/m
mode started
Waiting to be Waiting to be Waiting for
taken to Waiting to be taken to time/
Waiting to be slow pace
history mode taken to distance alert
taken to auto alert to be set
workouts mode
Waiting to be pause mode
taken to
Waiting to be
navigation Waiting to be Waiting to be taken to HR
mode taken to taken to auto alert mode
courses lap mode
Waiting to be
taken to
Settings Waiting to be Waiting to be
mode taken to Auto taken to
multisport virtual
mode partner mode

Figure 5.11  Garmin 305 Forerunner SSD.

Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 153

Table 5.5
Transition Matrix
In In In Speed Pace
Training Training In Alerts Alert Alert Timer
Off On Function Options Function Function Set Stalled Alerting Timing Stopped
Off — L — — — — — — — — —
On L — L — — — — I — I —
In training I — — L — — — I — I —
In training I — I — L — — I — I —
In alerts I — — I — L — I — I —
In speed alert I — — — I — L I — I —
Slow pace I — — — — I — L L L I
alert set
Timer started I — — — — — — — L L I
Alerting I — — — — — — — — L I
Timing I — — — — — — — L — I
Stopped L — — — — — — — — I —

Technique for Human Error Assessment

Background and Applications
The Technique for Human Error Assessment (THEA; Pocock et al., 2001) was developed to aid
designers and engineers in the identification of potential user interaction problems in the early
stages of interface design. The impetus for the development of THEA was the requirement for an
HEI tool that could be used effectively and easily by non-Human Factors specialists. To that end, it
is suggested by the creators that the method is more suggestive and much easier to apply than typical
HEI methods. The method itself is based upon Norman’s model of action execution (Norman, 1988)
and uses a series of questions or error identifier prompts in a checklist-style approach based upon
goals, plans, performing actions and perception, evaluation, and interpretation. THEA also utilises
a scenario-based analysis, whereby the analyst exhaustively describes the scenario under analysis
before any error analysis is performed.

Domain of Application
The THEA method is generic and can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
In a similar fashion to the TAFEI approach, there is scope to apply THEA in a sporting context
during the design of sports equipment and technology, such as training (e.g., training watches) and
performance aids (e.g., golf GPS devices). In this context THEA would enable analysts to predict
errors associated with a device, throughout the design life cycle (e.g., concept, mock-up, prototype),
by modelling the interaction between the user and the device under analysis.
154 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Define device/system/

Define user goals and Define system states

relate to actions using for specific operations
HTA using SSD

Define transitions
between states on SSD
from actions and plans on
HTA to produce TAFEI

Draw transition on
matrix of states ‘from’
and states ‘to’

Take first (1,1)/next cell

Is it possible
to move from ‘from’ N Are there any more N
Enter ‘ -’ in cell STOP
state to ‘to’ state in cells?
current cell

Is it this transition N
consistent with current Enter ‘ I ’ in cell

Enter ‘L’ in cell

flowchart 5.5  TAFEI flowchart.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: System Description
Initially, a THEA analysis requires a formal description of the system and task or scenario under
analysis. This system description should include details regarding the specification of the systems
functionality and interface, and also if and how it interacts with any other systems (Pocock, Fields,
Harrison, and Wright, 2001).
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 155

Step 2: Scenario Description

Next, the analyst should provide a description of the type of scenario under analysis. The
creators have developed a scenario template that assists the analyst in developing the sce-
nario description. The scenario description is conducted in order to give the analyst a thorough
description of the scenario under analysis, including information such as actions and any con-
textual factors that may provide error potential. The scenario description template is presented
in Table 5.6.

Step 3: Task Description and Goal Decomposition

A description of the goals and tasks that the operator or user would perform in the scenario is also
required. This should describe goals, plans, and intended actions. It is recommended that an HTA of
the task under analysis is conducted for this purpose. The HTA should then be used for decompos-
ing the task goals into operations.

Table 5.6
Scenario Description Template
The human agents involved and their organisations
The roles played by the humans, together with their goals and responsibilities

Why is this scenario an interesting or useful one to have picked?

Situation and Environment

The physical situation in which the scenario takes place
External and environmental triggers, problems, and events that occur in this scenario

Task Context
What tasks are performed?
Which procedures exist, and will they be followed as prescribed?

System Context
What devices and technology are involved?
What usability problems might participants have?
What effects can users have?

How are the tasks carried out in context?
How do the activities overlap?
Which goals do actions correspond to?

Exceptional Circumstances
How might the scenario evolve differently, either as a result of uncertainty in the
environment or because of variations in agents, situation, design options, system,
and task context?

What, if any, assumptions have been made that will affect this scenario?

Source: Pocock, S., Fields, R. E., Harrison, M. D., and Wright, P. C. (2001). THEA—A
reference guide. University of York Technical Report.
156 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 4: Error Analysis

Next, the analyst has to identify and explain any human error that may arise during task perfor-
mance. THEA provides a structured questionnaire or checklist-style approach in order to aid the
analyst in identifying any possible errors. The analyst simply asks questions (from THEA) about
the scenario under analysis in order to identify potential errors. For any credible errors, the analyst
should record the error, its causes, and its consequences. The questions are normally asked about
each goal or task in the HTA, or alternatively, the analyst can select parts of the HTA where prob-
lems are anticipated. The THEA error analysis questions comprise the following four categories:

• Goals
• Plans
• Performing actions
• Perception, interpretation, and evaluation

Examples of the THEA error analysis questions for each of the four categories are presented in
Table 5.7.

Step 5: Design Implications/Recommendations

Once the analyst has identified any potential errors, the final step of the THEA analysis is to offer
any design remedies for each error identified. This is based primarily upon the analyst’s subjective
judgement. However, the design issues section of the THEA questions also prompt the analyst for
design remedies.

1. THEA offers a structured approach to HEI.
2. The THEA method is easy to learn and use and can be used by non-Human Factors
3. As it is recommended that THEA be used very early in the system life cycle, potential
interface problems can be identified and eradicated very early in the design process.
4. THEA error prompt questions are based on sound underpinning theory (Norman’s action
execution model).
5. THEA’s error prompt questions aid the analyst in the identification of potential errors.
6. According to the method’s creators, THEA is more suggestive and easier to apply than
typical human reliability analysis methods (Pocock et al., 2001).
7. Each error question has associated consequences and design issues to aid the analyst.
8. THEA is a generic method, allowing it to be applied in any domain.

1. Although error questions prompt the analyst for potential errors, THEA does not use any
error modes and so the analyst may be unclear on the types of errors that may occur.
2. THEA is a time-consuming approach and may be difficult to grasp for analysts with little
experience of human error theory.
3. Error consequences and design issues provided by THEA are generic and limited.
4. There is little evidence of validation or uptake of the method in the academic literature.
5. HTA, task decomposition, and scenario description create additional work for the analyst.
6. For a method that is supposed to be usable by non-Human Factors professionals, the
terminology used in the error analysis questions section may be confusing and hard to
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 157

Table 5.7
Example THEA Error Analysis Questions
Questions Consequences Design Issues

G1—Are items triggered by stimuli If not, goals (and the tasks that achieve Are triggers clear and meaningful?
in the interface, environment, or them) may be lost, forgotten, or not Does the user need to remember
task? activated, resulting in omission errors. all of the goals?
G2—Does the user interface If not, goals may not be activated, resulting Example: graphical display of
“evoke” or “suggest” goals? in omission errors. flight plan shows predetermined
If the interface does “suggest” goals, they goals as well as current progress
may not always be the right ones, resulting
in the wrong goal being addressed.

P1—Can actions be selected in If the correct action can only be taken by
situ, or is pre-planning required? planning in advance, then the cognitive
work may be harder. However, when
possible, planning ahead often leads to less
error-prone behaviour and fewer blind
P2—Are there well practised and If a plan isn’t well known or practised, then
predetermined plans? it may be prone to being forgotten or
remembered incorrectly. If plans aren’t
predetermined, and must be constructed
by the user, then their success depends
heavily on the user possessing enough
knowledge about their goals and the
interface to construct a plan.
If predetermined plans do exist and are
familiar, then they might be followed
inappropriately, not taking account of the
peculiarities of the current context.

Performing Actions
A1—Is there physical or mental Difficult, complex, or fiddly actions are
difficulty in executing the actions? prone to being carried out incorrectly.
A2—Are some actions made
unavailable at certain times?
Perception, Interpretation, and
I1—Are changes in the system If there is no feedback that an action has
resulting from user action clearly been taken, the user may repeat actions,
perceivable? with potentially undesirable effects.
I2—Are the effects of user actions If feedback is delayed, the user may become
perceivable immediately? confused about the system state,
potentially leading up to a supplemental
(perhaps inappropriate) action being taken.

Source: Pocock, S., Fields, R. E., Harrison, M. D., and Wright, P. C. (2001). THEA—A reference guide. University of York
Technical Report.
158 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Related Methods
THEA is similar to HEIST (Kirwan, 1994) in that it uses error prompt questions to aid the analysis.
A THEA analysis should be conducted on an initial HTA of the task under analysis; also, various
data collection methods may be used, including observational study, interviews, and walkthrough

Approximate Training and Application Times

Although no training and application time data are offered in the literature, it is apparent that the
amount of training time would be minimal. The application time, however, would be high, espe-
cially for large, complex tasks.

Reliability and Validity

No data regarding reliability and validity are presented in the literature. The reliability of this approach
may be questionable; however, the use of error prompts potentially enhances the method’s reliability.

Tools Needed
To conduct a THEA analysis, pen and paper is required. The analyst would also require functional
diagrams of the system/interface under analysis and the THEA error analysis questions.

(See Flowchart 5.6.)

Recommended Texts
Pocock, S., Harrison, M., Wright, P., and Johnson, P. (2001). THEA—A technique for human error assessment
early in design. In Human-computer interaction: INTERACT’01, ed. M. Hirose, 247–54. IOS Press.
Pocock, S., Fields, R. E., Harrison, M. D., and Wright, P. C. (2001). THEA—A reference guide. University of
York Technical Report.
Human Error Identification and Analysis Methods 159


Define study aims and


Describe system

Describe scenario using

scenario description

Conduct HTA for

scenario under analysis

Take first/next goal/


Apply first/next THEA

error analysis prompt

N Are there any


Record description of
error, its causes, and
its consequences

Specify and record

design implications/

Are there any Y

more prompts?

Are there any more Y



Flowchart 5.6  THEA flowchart.

6 Situation Awareness
Assessment Methods

Situation Awareness (SA) is the term that is used within Human Factors circles to describe the level
of awareness that operators have of the situation that they are engaged in; it focuses on how opera-
tors develop and maintain a sufficient understanding of “what is going on” (Endsley, 1995b) in order
to achieve success in task performance. A critical commodity in the safety critical domains, SA is
now a key consideration in system design and evaluation (Endsley, Bolte, and Jones, 2003; Salmon
et al., 2009). Accordingly, various theoretical models have been postulated in relation to individu-
als (e.g., Endsley, 1995b; Smith and Hancock, 1995), teams (e.g., Endsley and Robertson, 2000;
Salas, Prince, Baker, and Shrestha, 1995), and systems (e.g., Artman and Garbis, 1998; Stanton et
al., 2006). Further, various measurement approaches have been developed and applied in a range
of domains (e.g., Endsley, 1995a; Hogg, Folleso, Strand-Volden, and Torralba, 1995; Stanton et al.,

Situation Awareness Theory

The concept first emerged as a topic of interest within the military aviation domain when it was
identified as a critical asset for military aircraft crews during the first World War (Press, 1986; cited
in Endsley, 1995b). Despite this, it did not begin to receive attention in academic circles until the late
1980s (Stanton and Young, 2000), when SA-related research began to emerge within the aviation
and air traffic control domains (e.g., Endsley, 1989, 1993). Following a seminal special issue of the
Human Factors journal on the subject in 1995, SA became a topic of considerable interest, and it
has since evolved into a core theme within system design and evaluation. For example, SA-related
research is currently prominent in the military (e.g., Salmon, Stanton, Walker, and Jenkins, 2009),
civil aviation and air traffic control (e.g., Kaber, Perry, Segall, McClernon, and Prinzel, 2006),
road transport (e.g., Ma and Kaber, 2007; Walker, Stanton, Kazi, Salmon, and Jenkins, in press),
energy distribution (Salmon, Stanton, Walker, Jenkins, Baber, and McMaster, 2008), rail (Walker
et al., 2006), naval (e.g., Stanton, Salmon, Walker, and Jenkins, 2009), sports (James and Patrick,
2004), healthcare and medicine (Hazlehurst, McMullen, and Gorman, 2007), and emergency ser-
vices domains (e.g., Blandford and Wong, 2004).
Various definitions of SA are presented in the academic literature (e.g., Adams, Tenney, and
Pew, 1995; Bedny and Meister, 1999; Billings, 1995; Dominguez, 1994; Fracker, 1991; Sarter and
Woods, 1991; Taylor, R. M., 1990). The most prominent is that offered by Endsley (1995b), who
defines SA as a cognitive product (resulting from a separate process labelled situation assessment)
comprising “the perception of the elements in the environment within a volume of time and space,
the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future” (Endsley,
1995b, p. 36). Despite its popularity, Endsley’s definition is by no means universally accepted. We
prefer Smith and Hancock’s (1995) view, which describes the construct as “externally directed
consciousness” and suggests that SA is “the invariant in the agent-environment system that gener-
ates the momentary knowledge and behaviour required to attain the goals specified by an arbiter

162 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

of performance in the environment” (Smith and Hancock, 1995, p. 145), with deviations between
an individual’s knowledge and the state of the environment being the variable that directs situation
assessment behaviour and the subsequent acquisition of data from the environment.
The main incongruence between definitions lies in the reference to SA as either the process of
gaining awareness (e.g., Fracker, 1991), as the product of awareness (e.g., Endsley, 1995b), or as a
combination of the two (e.g., Smith and Hancock, 1995). This is a debate that will no doubt continue
unabated; however, we feel that in order to fully appreciate the construct, an understanding of both
the process and the product is required (Stanton, Chambers, and Piggott, 2001).

Individual Models of Situation Awareness

Inaugural SA models were, in the main, focussed on how individual operators develop and main-
tain SA while undertaking activity within complex systems (e.g., Adams, Tenney, and Pew, 1995;
Endsley, 1995b; Smith and Hancock, 1995). Indeed, the majority of the models presented in the
literature are individual focussed models, such as Endsley’s three-level model (Endsley, 1995b),
Smith and Hancock’s perceptual cycle model (Smith and Hancock, 1995), and Bedny and Meister’s
activity theory model (Bedny and Meister, 1999). As well as being divided by the process versus
product debate, SA models also differ in terms of their underpinning psychological approach. For
example, the three-level model (Endsley, 1995b) is a cognitive theory that uses an information
processing approach; Smith and Hancock’s (1995) model is an ecological approach underpinned by
Neisser’s perceptual cycle model (Neisser, 1976); and Bedny and Meister’s (1999) model uses an
activity theory model to describe SA.
Endsley’s three-level (Endsley, 1995b) model has undoubtedly received the most attention. The
three-level model describes SA as an internally held cognitive product comprising three hierar-
chical levels that is separate from the processes (termed situation assessment) used to achieve it.
Endsley’s information processing–based model of SA is presented in Figure 6.1.

System Complexity
Interface Design
Stress and Workload

Task And System Factors


Situation Awareness

State of the Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Action

Environment Perception of the Comprehension Projection of Execution
elements of situation future states

Individual Factors Goals and Objectives

Preconceptions and Information Processing
Expectations Mechanisms

Long Term
Memory Stores


Figure 6.1  Endsley’s three-level model of situation awareness. From Endsley, Human Factors, 1995. With
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 163

The model depicts SA as a component of the information processing chain that follows perception
and leads to decision making and action execution. According to the model, SA acquisition and mainte-
nance is influenced by various factors including individual factors (e.g., experience, training, workload,
etc.), task factors (e.g., complexity), and systemic factors (e.g., interface design) (Endsley, 1995b).
Endsley’s account focuses on the individual as a passive information receptor and divides SA
into three hierarchical levels. The first step involves perceiving the status, attributes, and dynamics
of task-related elements in the surrounding environment (Endsley, 1995b). At this stage, the data
are merely perceived and no further processing takes place. The data perceived are dependent on a
range of factors, including the task being performed; the operator’s goals, experience, and expec-
tations; and systemic factors such as system capability, interface design, level of complexity, and
automation. Level 2 SA involves the interpretation of level 1 data in a way that allows an individual
to comprehend or understand its relevance in relation to their task and goals. During the acquisition
of level 2 SA “the decision maker forms a holistic picture of the environment, comprehending the
significance of objects and events” (Endsley, 1995b, p. 37). Similar to level 1, the interpretation and
comprehension of SA-related data is influenced by an individual’s goals, expectations, experience
in the form of mental models, and preconceptions regarding the situation. The highest level of SA,
according to Endsley, involves prognosticating future system states. Using a combination of level 1
and 2 SA-related knowledge, and experience in the form of mental models, individuals can forecast
likely future states in the situation. For example, a soccer player might forecast, based on level 1–
and level 2–related information, an opposing soccer team player’s next move, which may be a pass
to a certain player, an attempt to dribble round his or her marker, or a shot on goal. The player can
do this through perceiving elements such as the locations of opposing players, player posture, or
positioning and gestures, comprehending what they mean and then comparing this to experience to
derive what might happen next. Features in the environment are mapped to mental models in the
operator’s mind, and the models are then used to facilitate the development of SA (Endsley, 1995b).
Mental models are therefore used to facilitate the achievement of SA by directing attention to criti-
cal elements in the environment (level 1), integrating the elements to aid understanding of their
meaning (level 2), and generating possible future states and events (level 3).
Smith and Hancock’s (1995) ecological approach takes a more holistic stance, viewing SA as a
“generative process of knowledge creation and informed action taking” (p. 138). Their description
is based upon Neisser’s (1976) perceptual cycle model, which describes an individual’s interaction
with the world and the influential role of schemata in these interactions. According to the percep-
tual cycle model, our interaction with the world (termed explorations) is directed by internally held
schemata. The outcome of interaction modifies the original schemata, which in turn directs further
exploration. This process of directed interaction and modification continues in an infinite cycli-
cal nature. Using this model, Smith and Hancock (1995) suggest that SA is neither resident in the
world nor in the person, but resides through the interaction of the person with the world. Smith and
Hancock (1995, p. 138) describe SA as “externally directed consciousness,” that is, an “invariant
component in an adaptive cycle of knowledge, action and information.” Smith and Hancock (1995)
argue that the process of achieving and maintaining SA revolves around internally held schema,
which contain information regarding certain situations. These schema facilitate the anticipation of
situational events, directing an individual’s attention to cues in the environment and directing his
or her eventual course of action. An individual then conducts checks to confirm that the evolving
situation conforms to his or her expectations. Any unexpected events serve to prompt further search
and explanation, which in turn modifies the operator’s existing model. The perceptual cycle model
of SA is presented in Figure 6.2.
Smith and Hancock (1995) identify SA as a subset of the content of working memory in the mind
of the individual (in one sense it is a product). However, they emphasise that attention is externally
directed rather than introspective (and thus is contextually linked and dynamic). Unlike the three-
level model, which depicts SA as a product separate from the processes used to achieve it, SA is
therefore viewed as both process and product. Smith and Hancock’s (1995) complete model therefore
164 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Actual Environment
(potentially available


Modifies Samples

Modifies Samples

Schema of Present Perceptual

Cognitive Map Environment Exploration
of the World
and its
and action


Figure 6.2  Smith and Hancock’s perceptual cycle model of situation awareness. Source: Adapted from
Smith, K. and Hancock, P. A. (1995). With permission.

views SA as more of a holistic process that influences the generation of situational representations.
For example, in reference to air traffic controllers “losing the picture,” Smith and Hancock suggest,
“SA is not the controller’s picture. Rather it is the controller’s SA that builds the picture and that
enables them to know that what they know is insufficient for the increasing demands” (Smith and
Hancock, 1995, p. 142). The model has sound underpinning theory (Neisser, 1976) and is complete
in that it refers to the continuous cycle of SA acquisition and maintenance, including both the pro-
cess (the continuous sampling of the environment) and the product (the continually updated schema)
of SA. Their description also caters to the dynamic nature of SA and more clearly describes an indi-
vidual’s interaction with the world in order to achieve and maintain SA, whereas Endsley’s model
seems to place the individual as a passive information receiver. The model therefore considers the
individual, the situation, and the interactions between the two.

Team Models of Situation Awareness

Team SA is indubitably more complex than individual SA. Salas et al. (1995) point out that there is
a lot more to team SA than merely combining individual team member SA. Various models of team
SA have been proposed (e.g., Salas et al, 1995; Shu and Furuta, 2005; Stanton et al., 2006; 2009;
Wellens, 1993). The most commonly used approach has involved the scaling up of Endsley’s (1995b)
three-level model to cater for team SA, using the related but distinct concepts of team and shared SA
(e.g., Endsley and Jones, 1997; Endsley and Robertson, 2000). Shared SA is defined as “the degree
to which team members have the same SA on shared SA requirements” (Endsley and Jones, 1997).
Team SA, on the other hand, is defined as “the degree to which every team member possesses the
SA required for his or her responsibilities” (Endsley, 1989). Shared SA models suggest that during
team activities SA overlaps between team members, in that individuals need to perceive, compre-
hend, and project SA elements that are specifically related to their role within the team, but also
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 165

elements that are required by themselves and by other members of the team. Successful team per-
formance therefore requires that individual team members have good SA on their specific elements
and the same SA for shared SA elements (Endsley and Robertson, 2000). Again using soccer as an
example, different players within the team have their own distinct SA requirements related to their
role and position within the team, but also have shared SA requirements that are common across all
players. For example, a midfielder whose role it is to man mark a specific opposition player would
have very different SA requirements to a striker whose job it is to create space in the attacking third
and score goals; however, they would also possess shared SA requirements, such as the ball, time,
score, rules, overall team tactics, and the referee.
Much like individual SA, the concept of team SA is plagued by contention. For example, many
have expressed concern over the use of Endsley’s individual operator three-level model to describe
team SA (Artman and Garbis, 1998; Gorman, Cooke, and Winner, 2006; Patrick, James, Ahmed,
and Halliday, 2006; Salmon, Stanton, Walker, and Green, 2006; Salmon et al., 2008; Stanton et
al., 2009; Shu and Furuta, 2005; Siemieniuch and Sinclair, 2006; Sonnenwald, Maglaughlin and
Whitton, 2004), and also regarding the relatively blunt characterisation of shared SA (e.g., Stanton
et al., 2009). Describing team SA using the three-level model is problematic for a number of rea-
sons, not least because it was and is primarily an individual operator model. Further, the concept of
shared SA remains ambiguous and leaves key questions unanswered. For example, does “shared”
SA mean that team members understand elements of a situation in exactly the same manner, or is
SA shared in the sense that different agents each have a different piece of it? Can team members
with access to the same information really arrive at the same situational picture? How do different
team member roles, tasks, experience, and schema map onto the idea of shared SA? As a conse-
quence of existing team SA models with individualistic origins, these are all significant issues that
have not been satisfactorily dealt with by existing team and shared SA approaches.
In response to these problems, recent distributed cognition-based Distributed Situation Awareness
(DSA) models have attempted to clarify SA in collaborative environments (e.g., Salmon et al., 2009;
Stanton et al., 2006; Stanton et al., 2009). Distributed cognition (e.g., Hutchins, 1995) moves the
focus on cognition out of the heads of individual operators and onto the overall system consist-
ing of human and technological agents; cognition transcends the boundaries of individual actors
and “systemic” cognition is achieved by the transmission of representational states throughout the
system (Hutchins, 1995). Artman and Garbis (1998) first called for a systems perspective model of
SA, suggesting that the predominant individualistic models of that time were inadequate for study-
ing SA during teamwork. Instead they urged a focus on the joint cognitive system as a whole, and
subsequently defined team SA as “the active construction of a model of a situation partly shared
and partly distributed between two or more agents, from which one can anticipate important future
states in the near future” (Artman and Garbis, 1998, p. 2). Following this, the foundations for a
theory of DSA in complex systems, laid by Stanton et al. (2006) were built upon by Stanton et al.
(2009) who outlined a model of DSA, developed based on applied research in a range of military
and civilian command and control environments.
Briefly, the model of Stanton et al. is underpinned by four theoretical concepts: schema theory
(e.g., Bartlett, 1932), genotype and phenotype schema, Neisser’s (1976) perceptual cycle model of
cognition, and, of course, Hutchins’s (1995) distributed cognition approach. Following Hutchins
(1995) and Artman and Garbis (1998), the model takes a systems perspective approach on SA and
views SA as an emergent property of collaborative systems; SA therefore arises from the interac-
tions between agents. At a systemic level, awareness is distributed across the different human and
technological agents involved in collaborative endeavour. Stanton et al. (2006; 2009) suggest that
a system’s awareness comprises a network of information on which different components of the
system have distinct views and ownership of information. Scaling the model down to individual
team members, it is suggested that team member SA represents the state of their perceptual cycle
(Neisser, 1976); individuals possess genotype schema that are triggered by the task-relevant nature
of task performance, and during task performance the phenotype schema comes to the fore. It is
166 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

this task- and schema-driven content of team member SA that brings the ubiquitous shared SA (e.g.,
Endsley and Robertson, 2000) notion into question. Rather than possess shared SA (which sug-
gests that team members understand a situation or elements of a situation in the same manner), the
model instead suggests that team members possess unique, but compatible, portions of awareness.
Team members experience a situation in different ways as defined by their own personal experi-
ence, goals, roles, tasks, training, skills, schema, and so on. Compatible awareness is therefore the
phenomenon that holds distributed systems together (Stanton et al., 2006; Stanton et al., 2009). Each
team member has their own awareness, related to the goals that they are working toward. This is not
the same as that of other team members, but is such that it enables them to work with adjacent team
members. Although different team members may have access to the same information, differences
in goals, roles, the tasks being performed, experience, and their schema mean that their resultant
awareness of it is not shared; instead the situation is viewed differently based on these factors. Each
team members’ SA is, however, compatible since it is different in content but is collectively required
for the system to perform collaborative tasks optimally.
Of course, the compatible SA view does not discount the sharing of information, nor does it
discount the notion that different team members have access to the same information; this is where
the concept of SA “transactions” applies. Transactive SA describes the notion that DSA is acquired
and maintained through transactions in awareness that arise from communications and sharing of
information. A transaction in this case represents an exchange of SA between one agent and another
(where agent refers to humans and artefacts). Agents receive information; it is integrated with other
information and acted on; and then agents pass it on to other agents. The interpretation of that infor-
mation changes per team member. The exchange of information between team members leads to
transactions in SA; for example, when a soccer coach provides instruction to a soccer team during
the game, the resultant transaction in SA for each player is different, depending on their role in the
team. Each player is using the information for their own ends, integrated into their own schemata,
and reaching an individual interpretation. Thus, the transaction is an exchange rather than a sharing
of awareness. Each agent’s SA (and so the overall DSA) is therefore updated via SA transactions.
Transactive SA elements from one model of a situation can form an interacting part of another with-
out any necessary requirement for parity of meaning or purpose; it is the systemic transformation
of situational elements as they cross the system boundary from one team member to another that
bestows upon team SA an emergent behaviour.

Situation Awareness and Sport

The concept of SA is highly applicable in sport. James and Patrick (2004), for example, point out that
within various sports, expert performers are defined by an ability to be aware of key components of
the game and to make more appropriate decisions when faced with multiple options under time con-
straints (Ward and Williams, 2003; cited in James and Patrick, 2004). James and Patrick (2004) go
on to emphasise the importance of investigating the nature of SA in a sporting context. Surprisingly
then perhaps, a review of the literature reveals that there has been scant reference to the concept
within Sports Science journals. Further investigation reveals, however, that this may be down to
semantics more than anything else, since there are close similarities between the SA concept and
other concepts that have been investigated by sports scientists. Fiore and Salas (2008), for example,
suggest that research on SA is very similar to anticipation, perceptual-cognitive skills, and tactical
decision-making research undertaken by sports psychologists. They also suggest that many sports
psychology studies have generated significant findings with regard to gaining and maintaining SA
in fast, externally paced environments. James and Patrick (2004) also identify various sports-based
research which is applicable to SA, including the use of occlusion methods, eye tracking devices,
and verbal reports to identify the cues used by expert sports performers and also the identification
and specification of SA requirements in both individual and team sports.
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 167

Within individual and team sports, having an accurate awareness of the situation is obviously a
critical commodity. In individual sports, such as tennis, running, and cycling, being aware of what
is going on and what is likely to happen are key to successful performance. In tennis, for example,
being aware of where the ball and opponent are, where the ball and opponent are going, and how
the ball is going to behave are key aspects of performance, as are being aware of one’s own position
on the court, condition, and current score. In particular, being able to comprehend aspects of the
situation, relate them to stored knowledge and previous experiences, project future states, and then
behave accordingly is paramount. For example, in tennis, forecasting, based on posture, stance,
grip, previous behaviour, ability, and countless other factors, which shot the opponent is about to
play and where the ball is likely to end up, is critical. Further, when making a shot, awareness of
the flight of the ball, one’s own position on court, the opponent’s position, and likely reactions are
also key aspects.
The concept is equally applicable to team sports. For example, in soccer, knowing what is going
on and what is going to happen next is critical. When in possession, being aware of where one is
and where team-mates and opposition players are and are likely to be in the near future, what tactics
are applicable to the situation, and which team-mates want the ball and are making runs in order to
receive the ball are examples of key SA requirements. When a team-mate is in possession, knowing
what he or she is likely to do next is also important. Further, when the opposition is in possession,
being aware of who to mark and what opposition players are going to do next are also key elements
of performance. The identification of SA requirements for different sports is of particular interest;
for example, the differences in SA requirements across positions, identifying which SA require-
ments are compatible across team members, and also analysing the processes that are used by the
team to build and maintain team SA are all pertinent lines of enquiry.
As pointed out above, evidence of studies focussing on the concept of SA is sparse. Pederson
and Cooke (2006) do highlight the importance of SA in American football and speculate on ways
to improve American football team SA, such as enhancing coordination through Internet video
games or expert instruction; however, this aside we found no studies making a specific reference to
the concept of SA within Sports Science journals. Ostensibly, much of this is down to semantics;
however, James and Patrick (2004) also highlighted the difficulty associated with the assessment of
SA in a sporting context and the lack of ecologically valid methods that also capture the diversity
of the sporting situations under analysis. Certainly, there is no doubt that studying the SA concept
is likely to lead to theoretical and performance gains. From a sporting point of view, identifying SA
requirements, and instances where players have degraded or erroneous levels of SA, can be used to
develop coaching interventions and performer strategies designed to enhance SA. In addition, new
tactics, formations, sports technology, or performance aids require testing for their affect on the SA
levels of the performers using them. The differences between the nature and level of SA acquired by
elite and novice performers is also likely to be of interest, as is the differences in SA requirements
between different sports.

Measuring Situation Awareness

Elaborating on the nature of SA during sporting activities requires that valid measures be in place
for describing and assessing the concept. Various methods of SA measurement exist (for detailed
reviews see Salmon et al., 2006; Salmon et al., 2009). Existing SA measures can be broadly categor-
ised into the following types (Salmon et al., 2006): SA requirements analysis, freeze probe recall
methods, real-time probe methods, post-trial subjective rating methods, observer rating methods,
and process indices. SA requirements analysis forms the first step in an SA assessment effort and
is used to identify what exactly it is that comprises SA in the scenario and environment in question.
Endsley (2001) defines SA requirements as “those dynamic information needs associated with the
major goals or sub-goals of the operator in performing his or her job” (p. 8). According to Endsley
(2001), they concern not only the data that operators need, but also how the data are integrated to
168 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

address decisions. Matthews, Strater, and Endsley (2004) highlight the importance of conducting
SA requirements analysis when developing reliable and valid SA metrics. By far the most popular
approach for assessing SA, freeze probe methods involve the administration of SA-related queries
on-line (i.e., during task performance) during “freezes” in a simulation of the task under analysis.
Participant responses are compared to the state of the system at the point of the freeze and an over-
all SA score is calculated at the end of the trial. Developed to limit the high level of task intrusion
imposed by freeze probe methods, real-time probe methods involve the administration of SA-related
queries on-line, but with no freeze of the task under analysis (although the reduction in intrusion is
questionable). Self-rating methods involve the use of rating scales to elicit subjective assessments of
participant SA; they reflect how aware participants perceived themselves to be during task perfor-
mance. Observer rating methods typically involve SMEs observing participants during task perfor-
mance and then providing a rating of participant SA based upon pre-defined observable SA-related
behaviours exhibited by those being assessed. Using performance measures to assess SA involves
measuring relevant aspects of participant performance during the task under analysis; depending
upon the task, certain aspects of performance are recorded in order to determine an indirect mea-
sure of SA. Finally, process indices involve analysing the processes that participants use in order to
develop SA during task performance. Examples of SA-related process indices include the use of eye
tracking devices to measure participant eye movements during task performance (e.g., Smolensky,
1993), the results of which are used to determine how the participant’s attention was allocated dur-
ing task performance, and concurrent verbal protocol analysis, which involves creating a written
transcript of operator behaviour as they perform the task under analysis (see Chapter 3).
This chapter focuses on the following six SA assessment methods: SA requirements analy-
sis (Endsley, 1993); the Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT; Endsley,
1995a); the Situation Present Assessment Method (SPAM; Durso, Hackworth, Truitt, Crutchfield,
and Manning, 1998); the Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART; Taylor, R. M., 1990); the
SA-Subjective Workload Dominance method (SA-SWORD; Vidulich and Hughes, 1991); and the
propositional network method (Salmon et al., 2009; Stanton et al., 2006; Stanton et al., 2009). VPA,
a process index that is also used to assess SA, is described in Chapter 3.
The SA requirements analysis method (Endsley, 1993) uses SME interviews and goal-directed
task analysis to identify the SA requirements for a particular task or scenario. SAGAT (Endsley,
1995a) is the most popular freeze probe method and was developed to assess pilot SA based on the
three levels of SA postulated in Endsley’s three-level model. The SPAM method (Durso at al., 1998)
is a real-time probe method that was developed for use in the assessment of air traffic controllers’
SA and uses on-line real-time probes to participant SA. SART (Taylor, R. M., 1990) is a subjective
rating method that uses 10 dimensions to measure operator SA. Participant ratings on each dimen-
sion are combined in order to calculate a measure of participant SA. SA-SWORD is a subjective
rating method that is used to compare the levels of SA afforded by two different displays, devices,
or interfaces. The propositional network method (Salmon et al., 2009) is used to model DSA in
collaborative environments and represents SA as a network of information elements on which dif-
ferent team members have differing views. A summary of the SA assessment methods described is
presented in Table 6.1.

Situation Awareness Requirements Analysis

Background and Applications
SA requirements analysis is used to identify exactly what it is that comprises SA in the scenario
and environment under analysis. Endsley (2001) defines SA requirements as “those dynamic infor-
mation needs associated with the major goals or sub-goals of the operator in performing his or her
job” (p. 8). According to Endsley (2001), SA requirements concern not only the data that operators
need, but also how the data are integrated to address decisions. Matthews, Strater, and Endsley
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 169

(2004) suggest that a fundamental step in developing reliable and valid SA metrics is to identify
the SA requirements of a given task. Further, Matthews, Strater, and Endsley (2004) point out that
that knowing what the SA requirements are for a given domain provides engineers and technology
developers a basis to develop optimal system designs that maximise human performance rather than
overloading workers and degrading their performance.
Endsley (1993) and Matthews, Strater, and Endsley (2004) describe a generic procedure for con-
ducting SA requirements analyses that uses unstructured interviews with SMEs, goal-directed task
analysis, and questionnaires in order to determine SA requirements for a particular task or system.
Endsley’s methodology focuses on SA requirements across the three levels of SA specified in her
information processing–based model of SA (level 1—perception of elements, level 2—comprehen-
sion of meaning, level 3—projection of future states).

Domain of Application
The SA requirements analysis procedure is generic and has been applied in various domains, includ-
ing the military (Bolstad, Riley, Jones, and Endsley, 2002; Matthews, Strater, and Endsley, 2004)
and air traffic control (Endsley, 1993).

Application in Sport
Endsley’s methodology provides a useful means of identifying the SA requirements extant in dif-
ferent sports. The SA requirements of different team members in sports teams are also a pertinent
line of enquiry. This information can then be used to inform the development of SA measures for
different sports, the design and development of coaching and training interventions, and the design
and evaluation of sports products, technology, and performance aids.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define the Task(s) under Analysis
The first step in an SA requirements analysis is to clearly define the task or scenario under analysis.
It is recommended that the task be described clearly, including the different actors involved, the
task goals, and the environment within which the task is to take place. An SA requirements analysis
requires that the task be defined explicitly in order to ensure that the appropriate SA requirements
are comprehensively assessed.

Step 2: Select Appropriate SMEs

The SA requirements analysis procedure is based upon eliciting SA-related knowledge from SMEs.
Therefore, the analyst should next select a set of appropriate SMEs. The more experienced the
SMEs are in the task environment under analysis the better, and the analyst should strive to use as
many SMEs as possible to ensure comprehensiveness.

Step 3: Conduct SME Interviews

Once the task under analysis is defined clearly and appropriate SMEs are identified, a series of
unstructured interviews with the SMEs should be conducted. First, participants should be briefed
on the topic of SA and the concept of SA requirements analysis. Following this, Endsley (1993)
suggests that each SME should be asked to describe, in their own words, what they feel comprises
“good” SA for the task in question. They should then be asked what they would want to know in
order to achieve perfect SA. Finally, the SME should be asked to describe what each of the SA ele-
ments identified is used for during the task under analysis, e.g., decision making, planning, actions.
Endsley (1993) also suggests that once the interviewer has exhausted the SME’s knowledge, they

Table 6.1
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods Summary Table
Application in Training App. Input Tools
Name Domain Sport Time Time Methods Needed Main Advantages Main Disadvantages Outputs
Situation Awareness Generic Identification of Low High Task analysis Audio 1. Provides a structured approach 1. Highly time consuming to List of SA requirements
Requirements situation awareness Interviews recording for identifying the SA apply for the task or scenario
Analysis requirements Questionnaire device requirements associated with a 2. Requires a high level of under analysis across
(Matthews, Strater, Pen and paper particular task or scenario access to SMEs Endsley’s three levels:
and Endsley, 2004) Microsoft Word 2. The output tells us exactly 3. Identifying SA elements and 1. Perception of the
what it is that needs to be the relationships between elements
known by different actors them requires significant skill 2. Comprehension of
during task performance and knowledge of SA on their meaning
3. The output has many uses, behalf of the analyst involved 3. Projection of future
including for developing SA states
measures or to inform the
design of coaching and
training interventions,
procedures, or new
Situation Awareness Generic Situation awareness Low Low SA Simulator 1. Avoids the problems 1. Highly intrusive and cannot SA scores for
Global Assessment measurement requirements associated with collecting SA be applied during real-world participants across
Technique Analysis of SA levels analysis data post task, such as tasks Endsley’s three levels:
(SAGAT; Endsley, afforded by different memory degradation and 2. Various preparatory activities 1. Perception of the
1995a) tactics, positions, and forgetting low SA periods of are required, making the total elements
sports products/ the task application time high 2. Comprehension of
equipment 2. SA scores can be viewed in 3. Typically requires expensive their meaning
Analysis of SA levels total and also across the three high fidelity simulators and 3. Projection of future
achieved during levels specified by Endsley’s computers states
different events model
3. By far the most popular
approach for measuring SA
and has the most validation
evidence associated with it
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Situation Present Generic Situation awareness Low Low SA Simulator 1. On-line administration 1. Highly intrusive and cannot SA scores for
Assessment measurement requirements removes the need for task be applied during real-world participants across
Method (SPAM; Analysis of SA levels analysis freezes tasks Endsley’s three levels:
Durso et al., 1998) afforded by different 2. On-line administration 2. Probes could alert 1. Perception of the
tactics, positions, and removes the various problems participants to aspects of the elements
sports products/ associated with collecting SA task that they are not aware 2. Comprehension of
equipment data post trial of their meaning
Analysis of SA levels 3. Requires little training 3. Various preparatory activities 3. Projection of future
achieved during are required, including the states
different events conduct of SA requirements
analysis and the generation of
Situation Awareness Generic Situation awareness Low Low Observational Pen and paper 1. Quick and easy to apply and 1. There are various problems Subjective rating of
Rating Technique measurement study requires very little training associated with collecting total SA and across
(SART; Taylor, R. Analysis of SA levels 2. Data obtained are quick and subjective SA data post trial three dimensions:
M., 1990) afforded by different easy to analyse 2. It is questionable whether the 1. Demand
tactics, positions, and 3. The SART dimensions are SART dimensions actually 2. Supply
sports products/ generic, allowing it to be represent SA or not 3. Understanding
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods

equipment applied in any domain 3. SART has performed poorly

Analysis of SA levels in various validation studies
achieved during
different events
SA-SWORD Generic Comparison of SA Low Low Observational Pen and paper 1. Quick and easy to use and 1. What provides good SA for Rating of one task/
(Situation levels afforded by study requires only minimal one operator may provide device’s SA
Awareness different device, training poor SA for another dominance over
Subjective tactics, position, etc. 2. Generic; can be applied in 2. Does not provide a direct another
Workload any domain measure of SA
Dominance; 3. Useful when comparing two 3. There are various problems
Vidulich, and different devices and their associated with collecting
Hughes, 1991) affect on operator SA subjective SA data post trial
Propositional Generic Model of systems Low High Observational Pen and paper 1. Depicts the information 1. More of a modelling Network model of
networks (Salmon awareness during study Microsoft Visio elements underlying the approach than a measure system’s SA
et al., 2009) task performance Verbal protocol WESTT system’s SA and the 2. Can be highly time including information
analysis relationships between them consuming and laborious elements and the
Hierarchical 2. Also depicts the awareness of 3. It is difficult to present larger relationships between
task analysis individuals and sub teams networks within articles, them
working within the system reports, or presentations
3. Avoids most of the flaws
associated with measuring/
modelling SA
172 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

should offer their own suggestions regarding SA requirements, and discuss their relevance. It is
recommended that each interview be recorded using either video or audio recording equipment.
Following completion of the interviews, all data should be transcribed.

Step 4: Conduct Goal-Directed Task Analysis

Once the interview phase is complete, a goal-directed task analysis should be conducted for the task
or scenario under analysis. Endsley (1993) prescribes her own goal-directed task analysis method;
however, it is also possible to use HTA (Annett et al., 1971) for this purpose, since it focuses on
goals and their decomposition. For this purpose, the HTA procedure presented in Chapter 3 should
be used. Once the HTA is complete, the SA elements required for the completion of each step in
the HTA should be added. This step is intended to ensure that the list of SA requirements identified
during the interview phase is comprehensive. Upon completion, the task analysis output should be
reviewed and refined using the SMEs used during the interview phase.

Step 5: Compile List of SA Requirements Identified

The outputs from the SME interview and goal-directed task analysis phases should then be used to
compile a list of SA requirements for the different actors involved in the task under analysis.

Step 6: Rate SA Requirements

Endsley’s method uses a rating system to sort the SA requirements identified based on importance.
The SA elements identified should be compiled into a rating type questionnaire, along with any
others that the analyst(s) feels are pertinent. Appropriate SMEs should then be asked to rate the
criticality of each of the SA elements identified in relation to the task under analysis. Items should
be rated as not important (1), somewhat important (2), or very important (3). The ratings provided
should then be averaged across subjects for each item.

Step 7: Determine SA Requirements

Once the questionnaires have been collected and scored, the analyst(s) should use them to determine
the SA elements for the task or scenario under analysis. How this is done is dependent upon the
analyst(s’) judgement. It may be that the elements specified in the questionnaire are presented as
SA requirements, along with a classification in terms of importance (e.g., not important, somewhat
important, or very important).

Step 8: Create SA Requirements Specification

The final stage involves creating an SA requirements specification that can be used by other prac-
titioners (e.g., system designers, methods developers). The SA requirements should be listed for
each actor involved in the task or scenario under analysis. Endsley (1993) and Matthews, Strater,
and Endsley (2004) demonstrate how the SA requirements can be categorised across the three
levels of SA as outlined by the three-level model; however, this may not be necessary depending
on the specification requirements. It is recommended that SA requirements should be listed in
terms of what it is that needs to be known, what information is required, how this information is
used (i.e., what the linked goals and decisions are), and what the relationships between the differ-
ent pieces of information actually are, i.e., how they are integrated and used by different actors.
Once the SA requirements are identified for each actor in question, a list should be compiled,
including tasks, SA elements, the relationships between them, and the goals and decisions associ-
ated with them.
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 173

1. SA requirements analysis provides a structured approach for identifying the SA require-
ments associated with a particular task or scenario.
2. The output tells exactly what it is that needs to be known by different actors during task
3. The output has many uses, including for developing SA measures or to inform the design
of coaching and training interventions, procedures, or new technology.
4. If conducted properly the method has the potential to be exhaustive.
5. The procedure is generic and can be used to identify the SA requirements associated with
any task in any domain.
6. It has great potential to be used as a method for identifying the SA requirements associ-
ated with different sports, and also with different positions in sporting teams, the outputs
of which can be used to inform the design of training interventions, tactics, performance
aids, and sports technology.
7. It has been used to identify the SA requirements associated with various roles, including
infantry officers (Matthews, Strater, and Endsley 2004), pilots (Endsley, 1993), aircraft
maintenance teams (Endsley and Robertson, 2000), and air traffic controllers (Endsley and
Rogers, 1994).

1. Due to the use of interviews and task analysis methods, the method is highly time consum-
ing to apply.
2. It requires a high level of access to SMEs for the task under analysis.
3. Identifying SA elements and the relationships between them requires significant skill on
behalf of the analysts involved.
4. Analyses may become large and unwieldy for complex collaborative systems.
5. Analysts require an in-depth understanding of the SA concept.
6. The output does not directly inform design.

Related Methods
The SA requirements analysis procedure outlined by Endsley (1993) was originally conceived as
a way of identifying the SA elements to be tested using the SAGAT freeze probe recall method.
The SA requirements analysis method itself uses interviews with SMEs and also goal-directed task
analysis, which is similar to the HTA approach.

Approximate Training and Application Times

Provided analysts have significant experience of the SA concept, interviews, and task analysis meth-
ods, the training time for the SA requirements analysis method is low; however, for novice analysts
new to the area and without experience in interview and task analysis methods, the training time
required is high. The application time for the SA requirements analysis method is high, including
the conduct of interviews, transcription of interview data, conduct of task analysis for the task in
question, the identification and rating of SA elements, and finally the compilation of SA require-
ments and the relationships between them.
174 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Reliability and Validity

The reliability and validity of the SA requirements method is difficult to assess. Provided appropri-
ate SMEs are used throughout the process, the validity should be high; however, the methods reli-
ability may be questionable.

Tools Needed
At its most basic, the SA requirements analysis procedure can be conducted using pen and paper;
however, in order to make the analysis as simple and as comprehensive as possible, it is recom-
mended that audio recording equipment is used to record the interviews, and that a computer with a
word processing package (such as Microsoft Word) and SPSS are used during the design and analy-
sis of the questionnaire. A drawing package such as Microsoft Visio is also useful when producing
the task analysis and SA requirements analysis outputs.

For example purposes, the soccer HTA presented in Chapter 3 was used to generate the SA require-
ments extant during a soccer game. The example extract presented focuses on the sub-goal decom-
position for the task “make pass.” The SA requirements were derived for each of the “make pass”
sub-goals. The HTA sub-goal decomposition is presented in Figure 6.3. The associated SA require-
ments are presented in Figure 6.4.

Plan 0: Do 1 then do 2 and 3 until goal

scoring opportunity is created then 4 then
repeat 1-4 (if lose ball then do 5 and 1)N.B.
Ordering may change based on score and
0: Defeat opposition
coaches instructions e.g. if an unassailable
lead is built then do 2, 5 and 1 until end of game

Plan 1: If win toss do 1.1. then Exit, Plan 2: Do 2.1. and 2.2. and 2.3 and 2.4. in
if not then do 1.2. -1.6 until continuously as appropriate
possession is gained then Exit
1. Acquire 2. Maintain 3. Attack 4. Score goal
possession possession opposition 5. Defend

1.2. Tackle 1.4. Pick up 1.6. Allow

1.1. Take 1.3. Intercept loose ball from 1.5. Jockey
opposition opposition pass opposition ball to
kick off misplaced pass/ opposition run out of play

Plan 2.3: Do 2.3.1. and/or 2.3.2. then

2.3.3. then 2.3.4. then 2.3.5. then
2.3.6 or 2.3.7. as appropriate then
2.2. Beat 2.4. Receive
2.1. Dribble 2.3. Make pass pass from Exit
with ball opposition to teammate
player teammate

Plan 2.3.1: Do - when

potential pass is identified do and 2.3.7. Return to
2.3.1. Identify 2.3.6. Move into if satisfied that pass is appropriate passing 2.3.2. Receive 2.3.3. Select 2.3.4. Execute 2.3.5. Observe space to receive position e.g.
then Exit if not then repeat -5 opportunities request for ball pass pass outcome ball marking
until appropriate pass is identified opposition striker Look Look for Check Check Plan 2.4.3. Do and/or Look
for players in for players players making if player(s) are opposition as appropriate until
space requesting ball run into space unmarked players request is received by
teammate then Exit

2.4.1. Check 2.4.2. Move 2.4.3. Request 2.4.4. Receive

Plan 2.3.2: Do and/or space and into space ball ball and/or then Exit opposition Receive Receive
Receive verbal visual request for instruction for
request for ball pass e.g. point pass Plan 2.4.4. Do then
then then Exit Request Request

ball verbally ball via pointing Select Select Select Select Select
short pass long pass diagonal ball through ball back pass Adjust Bring

Plan 2.3.3: Do Monitor ball body accordingly ball under - to receive ball control
as appropriate then

Figure 6.3  HTA passing sub-goal decomposition.

Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 175

2.3.1. Identify passing opportunities

What passing opportunities are available?
Who is in space/not in space?
Who is marked/unmarked?
Which passing opportunity is the most appropriate?

Level 1 SA requirements Level 3 SA requirements

- Players (own team, and opposition) Level 2 SA requirements - Projected player locations
- Player locations - Passing opportunities (own team and opposition)
- Ball - Player intentions - Projected outcome of passes
- Communications (e.g., requests) - Players who want ball available
- Gesture - Players who do not want ball - Projected play post pass
- Player movements - Difficulty associated with - Likelihood of success of passes
- Free space different passes available available
- Proximity between players - Type of pass required - Likelihood of interception of
- Marking - Distance of passes passes available
- Ability of own players - Power required
- Fitness level of own players
- Own position
- Own ability
- Instructions
- Tactics Receive verbal request for ball

Who is making verbal request for the ball?
Where will they be when receiving the ball?

Level 1 SA requirements Level 2 SA requirements Level 3 SA requirements

- Players (own team, and opposition) - Requesting player - Projected location of requesting
- Player locations player
- Request for ball
- Ball
- Player movements
- Free space
- Own position Receive visual request for ball

Who is making request for the ball?
Where will they be when receiving the ball?

Level 1 SA requirements
- Players (own team, and opposition) Level 2 SA requirements Level 3 SA requirements
- Requesting player - Projected location of requesting
- Player locations
- Request for ball (e.g., player gestures)
- Ball
- Player movements
- Free space
- Own position Receive instruction for pass

Who am I being told to pass the ball to?
Where will they be when receiving the ball?

Level 1 SA requirements Level 2 SA requirements Level 3 SA requirements

- Players (own team, and opposition) - Player to pass to - Projected location of player who
- Player locations is to be passed to
- Instructions for pass
- Ball
- Player movements
- Free space
- Own position

Figure 6.4  SA requirements extract for “make pass” sub-goals.

176 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

2.3.3. Select pass type

What type of pass is required for the intended pass?

Level 1 SA requirements Level 2 SA requirements Level 3 SA requirements

- Players (own team, and opposition) - Distance of pass - Projected recipient location
- Intended recipient - Power level required - Projected locations of other pla-
- Location of intended recipient - Type of passes available yers (own team and opposition)
- Location of other players - Type of pass required - Outcome of passes available
- Ball - Most appropriate pass available - Likelihood of success of different
- Player movements (i.e., runs) pass types
- Player comms (i.e., gestures) - Likelihood of interception of
- Free space different pass types
- Proximity between players
- Marking
- Own position
- Own ability

2.3.4. Execute pass

Is chosen pass still on?

Level 1 SA requirements Level 2 SA requirements Level 3 SA requirements

- Players (own team, and opposition) - Type of pass required - Projected player locations
- Player locations - Distance of passes (own team and opposition)
- Ball - Power required - Projected player actions
- Communications (e.g., requests) - Action required (i.e., attempt to intercept pass)
- Player movements - Viability of chosen pass
- Free space
- Proximity between players
- Marking
- Own position
- Own ability
- Posture

2.3.5. Observe outcome

Did pass make it to intended recipient?
Are my own team still in possession of the ball?

Level 1 SA requirements Level 2 SA requirements Level 3 SA requirements

- Players (own team, and opposition) - Outcome of pass - N/A
- Player locations
- Ball
- Possession of ball
- Player movements

Figure 6.4  (Continued.)

(See Flowchart 6.1.)

Recommended Texts
Endsley, M. R., Bolte, B., and Jones, D. G. (2003). Designing for situation awareness: An approach to user-
centred design. London: Taylor & Francis.
Matthews, M. D., Strater, L. D., and Endsley, M. R. (2004). Situation awareness requirements for infantry
platoon leaders. Military Psychology 16:149–61.
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 177

2.3.6. Move into space to receive ball

Where do I need to be to receive the ball?
What are the implications of me moving to receive the ball?

Level 1 SA requirements Level 2 SA requirements Level 3 SA requirements

- Players (own team, and opposition) - Passing opportunities - Projected actions of player in
- Player locations - Action required to get into possession of ball
- Ball position to receive ball - Projected return pass
- Player in possession of ball - Likelihood of being given a - Projected location of
- Communications (e.g., requests) return pass return pass
- Gesture
- Player movements
- Free space
- Proximity between players
- Marking
- Own position
- Own ability
- Instructions
- Tactics

2.3.8. Return to position (e.g., marking opposition striker)

Where is my required position?
Where is opposition striker?

Level 1 SA requirements Level 2 SA requirements Level 3 SA requirements

- Players (own team, and opposition) - Positioning required - Projected player locations
- Player locations (own team and opposition)
- Ball
- Player in possession of ball
- Communications (e.g., requests)
- Player movements
- Marking
- Own position
- Instructions
- Tactics

Figure 6.4  (Continued.)

Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique

Background and Applications
The Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT; Endsley, 1995b) is the most popu-
lar freeze probe recall method and was developed to assess pilot SA based on the three levels of
SA postulated by Endsley’s three-level model (level 1, perception of the elements; level 2, compre-
hension of their meaning; and level 3, projection of future states). SAGAT is simulator based, and
involves querying participants for their knowledge of relevant SA elements during random freezes
in a simulation of the task under analysis. During the freezes, all simulation screens and displays are
blanked, and relevant SA queries for that point of the task or scenario are administered.

Domain of Application
SAGAT was originally developed for use in the military aviation domain; however, numerous varia-
tions of the method have since been applied in other domains, including an air-to-air tactical aircraft
version (Endsley, 1990), an advanced bomber aircraft version (Endsley, 1989), and an air traffic
control version (Endsley and Kiris, 1995). SAGAT-style approaches can be applied in any domain
provided the queries are developed based on an SA requirements analysis carried out in the domain
in question.
178 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define task or scenario

under analysis

Select appropriate

Conduct SME

Conduct goal directed

task analysis

Identify and compile SA


Use rating
questionnaire to
validate SA elements

Take first/next actor

involved in task under

Identify actor SA
requirements, including
links between them

Are there any

Y more actors
involved in task?

Create SA specification

Review and refine

analysis with SMEs


flowchart 6.1  SA requirements analysis flowchart.

Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 179

Application in Sport
The SAGAT method can be applied in a sporting context provided simulations of the task or sce-
nario under analysis exist. This may be for performance aid or sports technology evaluation in order
to determine the effect that a new device has on SA. Further, comparisons of the SA levels achieved
by novice and expert performers could also be made using SAGAT type analyses.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined, since this affects the scenarios used and the
types of SAGAT queries administered. For example, the aims of the analysis may be to evaluate the
impact that a new performance aid or technological device has on SA during task performance, or
it may be to compare novice and expert performer SA during a particular task.

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task or scenario under analysis. It is recommended that
the task be described clearly, including the different actors involved, the task goals, and the environ-
ment within which the task is to take place.

Step 3: Conduct SA Requirements Analysis and Generate SAGAT Queries

Once the task under analysis is determined, the SA requirements analysis procedure should be
undertaken and a series of appropriate queries should be developed based on the SA requirements
analysis outputs. Jones and Kaber (2004) highlight the importance of this phase, suggesting that the
foundation of successful SAGAT data collection efforts rests solely on the efficacy of the queries
used. The queries generated should cover the three levels of SA as prescribed by Endsley’s model
(i.e., perception, comprehension, and projection). Jones and Kaber (2004) stress that the wording
of the queries should be compatible with the operator’s frame of reference and appropriate to the
language typically used in the domain under analysis.

Step 4: Brief Participants

Once appropriate participants have been recruited based on the analysis requirements, the data
collection phase can begin. First, however, it is important to brief the participants involved. This
should include an introduction to the area of SA and a description and demonstration of the SAGAT
methodology. At this stage participants should also be briefed on what the aims of the study are and
what is required of them as participants.

Step 5: Conduct Pilot Run(s)

Before the data collection process begins, it is recommended that a number of pilot runs of the
SAGAT data collection procedure be undertaken. A number of small test scenarios should be used
to iron out any problems with the data collection procedure, and the participants should be encour-
aged to ask any questions. The pilot runs should include multiple SAGAT freezes and query admin-
istrations. Once the participant is familiar with the procedure and is comfortable with his or her
role, the “real” data collection process can begin.

Step 6: Begin SAGAT Data Collection

Once the participants fully understand the SAGAT method and the data collection procedure
involved, the SAGAT data collection phase can begin. This begins by instructing the participant(s)
to undertake the task under analysis.
180 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 7: Freeze the Simulation

SAGAT works by temporarily freezing the simulation at predetermined random points and blank-
ing all displays or interfaces (Jones and Kaber, 2004). According to Jones and Kaber (2004) the
following guidelines are useful:

• The timing of freezes should be randomly determined.

• SAGAT freezes should not occur within the first 3 to 5 minutes of the trial.
• SAGAT freezes should not occur within one minute of each other.
• Multiple SAGAT freezes should be used.

Step 8: Administer SAGAT Queries

Once the simulation is frozen at the appropriate point, the analyst should probe the participant’s SA
using the pre-defined SA queries. These queries are designed to allow the analyst to gain a measure
of the participant’s knowledge of the situation at that exact point in time and should be directly
related to the participant’s SA at the point of the freeze. A computer programmed with the SA
queries is normally used to administer the queries; however, queries can also be administered using
pen and paper. To stop any overloading of the participants, not all SA queries are administrated in
any one freeze, and only a randomly selected portion of the SA queries is administrated at any one
time. Jones and Kaber (2004) recommend that no outside information should be available to the
participants during query administration. For evaluation purposes, the correct answers to the que-
ries should also be recorded; this can be done automatically by sophisticated computers/simulators
or manually by an analyst. Once all queries are completed, the simulation should resume from the
exact point at which it was frozen (Jones and Kaber, 2004). Steps 7 and 8 are repeated throughout
the task until sufficient data are obtained.

Step 9: Query Response Evaluation and SAGAT Score Calculation

Upon completion of the simulator trial, participant query responses are compared to what was actu-
ally happening in the situation at the time of query administration. To achieve this, query responses
are compared to the data recorded by the simulation computers or analysts involved. Endsley (1995a)
suggests that this comparison of the real and perceived situation provides an objective measure of
participant SA. Typically, responses are scored as either correct (1) or incorrect (0) and a SAGAT
score is calculated for each participant. Additional measures or variations on the SAGAT score can
be taken depending upon study requirements, such as time taken to answer queries.

Step 10: Analyse SAGAT Data

SAGAT data are typically analysed across conditions (e.g., trial 1 vs. trial 2) and the three SA levels
specified by Endsley’s three-level model. This allows query responses to be compared across condi-
tions and also levels of SA to be compared across participants.

1. SAGAT provides an on-line, objective measure of SA, removing the problems associated with
collecting subjective SA data (e.g., a correlation between SA ratings and task performance).
2. Since queries are administered on-line during task performance SAGAT avoids the prob-
lems associated with collecting SA data post task, such as memory degradation and forget-
ting low SA periods of the task.
3. SA scores can be viewed in total and also across the three levels specified by Endsley’s
4. SAGAT is the most popular approach for measuring SA and has the most validation evidence
associated with it (Jones and Endsley, 2000, Durso et al., 1998).
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 181

5. The specification of SA scores across Endsley’s three levels is useful for designers and
easy to understand.
6. Evidence suggests that SAGAT is a valid metric of SA (Jones and Kaber, 2004).
7. The method is generic and can be applied in any domain.

1. Various preparatory activities are required, including the conduct of SA requirements
analysis and the generation of numerous SAGAT queries.
2. The total application time for the whole procedure (i.e., including SA requirements analy-
sis and query development) is high.
3. Using the SAGAT method typically requires expensive high fidelity simulators and
4. The use of task freezes and on-line queries is highly intrusive.
5. SAGAT cannot be applied during real-world and/or collaborative tasks.
6. SAGAT does not account for distributed cognition or distributed situation awareness theory
(Salmon et al., 2009). For example, in a joint cognitive system it may be that operators do not
need to be aware of certain elements as they are held by displays and devices. In this case
SAGAT would score participant SA as low, even though the system has optimum SA.
7. SAGAT is based upon the three-level model of SA (Endsley, 1995b), which has various
flaws (Salmon et al., 2009).
8. Participants may be directed to elements of the task that they are unaware of.
9. In order to use this approach one has to be able to determine what SA consists of a priori.
This might be particularly difficult, if not impossible, for some scenarios.

Related Methods
SAGAT queries are generated based on an initial SA requirements analysis conducted for the task in
question. Various versions of SAGAT have been applied, including an air-to-air tactical aircraft ver-
sion (Endsley, 1990), an advanced bomber aircraft version (Endsley, 1989), and an air traffic control
version (Endsley and Kiris, 1995). Further, many freeze probe methods based on the SAGAT approach
have been developed for use in other domains. SALSA (Hauss and Eyferth, 2003), for example, was
developed specifically for use in air traffic control, whereas the Situation Awareness Control Room
Inventory method (SACRI; Hogg et al., 1995) was developed for use in nuclear power control rooms.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training time for the SAGAT approach is low; however, if analysts require training in the SA
requirements analysis procedure, then the training time incurred will increase significantly. The
application time for the overall SAGAT procedure, including the conduct of an SA requirements
analysis and the development of SAGAT queries, is high. The actual data collection process of
administering queries and gathering responses requires relatively little time, although this is depen-
dent upon the task under analysis.

Reliability and Validity

There is considerable validation evidence for the SAGAT approach presented in the literature. Jones
and Kaber (2004) point out that numerous studies have been undertaken to assess the validity of the
SAGAT, and the evidence suggests that the method is a valid metric of SA. Endsley (2000) reports
that SAGAT has been shown to have a high degree of validity and reliability for measuring SA.
Collier and Folleso (1995) also reported good reliability for SAGAT when measuring nuclear power
182 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

plant operator SA. Fracker (1991), however, reported low reliability for SAGAT when measuring
participant knowledge of aircraft location. Regarding validity, Endsley, Holder, Leibricht, Garland,
Wampler, and Matthews (2000) reported a good level of sensitivity for SAGAT, but not for real-time
probes (on-line queries with no freeze) and subjective SA measures. Endsley (1995a) also reported
that SAGAT showed a degree of predictive validity when measuring pilot SA, with SAGAT scores
indicative of pilot performance in a combat simulation.

Tools Needed
Typically, a high fidelity simulation of the task under analysis and computers with the ability to
generate and score SAGAT queries are required. The simulation and computer used should possess
the ability to randomly blank all operator displays and “window” displays, randomly administer
relevant SA queries, and calculate participant SA scores.

Based on the example soccer SA requirements analysis presented earlier, a series of SAGAT probes
for a soccer game situation were developed. Level 1, 2, and 3 SA SAGAT probes for the task “make
pass” are presented in Table 6.2.

(See Flowchart 6.2.)

Recommended Texts
Endsley, M. R. (1995). Measurement of situation awareness in dynamic systems. Human Factors
Jones, D. G., and Kaber, D. B. (2004). Situation awareness measurement and the situation awareness global
assessment technique. In Handbook of Human Factors and ergonomics methods, eds. N. Stanton, A.
Hedge, H. Hendrick, K. Brookhuis, and E. Salas, 42.1–42.7. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Situation Present Assessment Method

Background and Applications
The Situation Present Assessment Method (SPAM; Durso et al., 1998) is an on-line, real-time probe
method that was developed for use in the assessment of air traffic controller SA. The idea behind
real-time on-line probe methods is that they retain the objectivity of on-line freeze probe approaches
but reduce the level of intrusion on task performance by not using task freezes. SPAM focuses on
operator ability to locate information in the environment as an indicator of SA, rather than the recall
of specific information regarding the current situation. The analyst probes the operator for SA using
task-related on-line SA queries based on pertinent information in the environment (e.g., which of
the two aircraft, A or B, has the highest altitude?) via telephone landline. Query response and query
response time (for those responses that are correct) are taken as indicators of the operator’s SA.
Additionally, the time taken to answer the telephone acts as an indicator of mental workload.

Domain of Application
The SPAM method was developed for measuring air traffic controller SA. However, the principles behind
the approach (assessing participant SA using real-time probes) could be applied in any domain.
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 183

Table 6.2
Example SAGAT Queries for “Make Pass” Task
Level 1 Queries
• Where are your team-mates?
• Where are the opposition players?
• Where are you?
• Where is the ball?
• What is the score?
• Who is requesting the ball?
• Where is the player(s) who wants the ball?
• Where is the free space on the pitch?
• What instructions have you just been given by your manager?
• What are the current weather conditions?
• Was the pass successful?

Level 2 Queries
• What passing opportunities are available at the present moment?
• Is the player who wants the ball being marked?
• Which players are currently being marked by opposition players?
• Are any of your own team-mates making a run into space?
• Which of the passes available is the most appropriate?
• What are your instructions/tactics for this sort of situation?
• What type of pass is required?
• What is the approximate distance of the pass?
• How much power is required for the pass?
• Which pass do you need to make to fulfill the instructions just given?

Level 3 Queries
• Will the chosen pass be successful?
• Which player will receive the ball?
• Where will the intended recipient of the ball be?
• What are the projected actions of player X?
• What is the opposition player X going to do next?
• Are there any opposition players who could potentially intercept the pass?

Application in Sport
SPAM can be applied in a sporting context for performance aid or sports technology evaluation in
order to determine the effect that a new device has on SA. Further, comparisons of the SA levels
achieved by novice and expert performers could also be made using SPAM type analyses.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined, since this affects the scenarios used and the
SPAM queries administered. For example, the aims of the analysis may be to evaluate the impact
that a new performance aid or technological device has on SA during task performance, or it may
be to compare novice and expert performer SA during a particular task.
184 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Conduct SA
requirements analysis

Develop and validate

SAGAT queries

Brief participants

Conduct pilot runs until

participants are comfor-
table with procedure

Begin trial

Freeze simulation and

blank all screens,
displays and interfaces

Administer queries

Y Are more data


Evaluate responses
and calculate scores

Analyse data


flowchart 6.2  SAGAT flowchart.

Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 185

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task or scenario under analysis. It is recommended that
the task be described clearly, including the different actors involved, the task goals, and the environ-
ment within which the task is to take place.

Step 3: Conduct SA Requirements Analysis and Generate Queries

Once the task or scenario under analysis is determined, an SA requirements analysis procedure
should be undertaken and a series of appropriate queries should be developed based on the SA
requirements analysis outputs. For SPAM analyses, the queries developed should be generic so
that they can be applied throughout the task under analysis. Rather than concentrate on informa-
tion regarding single aircraft (like the SAGAT method) SPAM queries normally ask for “gist type”
information (Jeannott, Kelly, and Thompson, 2003).

Step 4: Brief Participants

Once appropriate participants have been recruited based on the analysis requirements, the data col-
lection phase can begin. It is important first to brief the participants involved. This should include
an introduction to the area of SA and a description and demonstration of the SPAM methodology.
Participants should also be briefed on what the aims of the study are and what is required of them
as participants.

Step 5: Conduct Pilot Runs

Before the data collection process begins, it is recommended that participants take part in a number
of pilot runs of the SPAM data collection procedure. A number of small test scenarios should be
used to iron out any problems with the data collection procedure, and the participants should be
encouraged to ask any questions. The pilot runs should include multiple SPAM query administra-
tions. Once the participant is familiar with the procedure and is comfortable with his or her role, the
data collection process can begin.

Step 6: Undertake Task Performance

Once the participants fully understand the SPAM method and the data collection procedure, they
are free to undertake the task(s) under analysis as normal. The task is normally performed using a
simulation of the system and task under analysis; however, it may also be performed in the field (i.e.,
real-world task performance). Participants should be instructed to undertake the task as normal.

Step 7: Administer SPAM Queries

SPAM queries should be administered at random points during the task. This involves asking the
participant a question or series of questions regarding the current situation. Once the analyst has
asked the question, a stopwatch should be started in order to measure participant response time. The
query answer, query response time, and time to answer the landline should be recorded for each
query administered. Step 7 should be repeated until the required amount of data are collected.

Step 8: Calculate Participant SA/Workload Scores

Once the task is complete, the analyst(s) should calculate participant SA based upon the correct
query responses and response times (only correct responses are taken into account). A measure of
workload can also be derived from the landline response times recorded.

1. SPAM is quick and easy to use, requiring minimal training.
2. There is no need for task freezes.
186 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

3. SPAM provides an objective measure of SA.

4. On-line administration removes the various problems associated with collecting SA data post-

1. Even without task freezes the method remains highly intrusive to task performance.
2. Various preparatory activities are required, including the conduct of SA requirements
analysis and the generation of queries.
3. SPAM probes could potentially alert participants to aspects of the task that they are unaware
4. It is difficult to see how the method could be applied to real-world sporting tasks.
5. The total application time for the whole procedure (i.e., including SA requirements analy-
sis and query development) is high.
6. There is only limited evidence of the method’s application.
7. Often it is required that the SA queries are developed on-line during task performance,
which places a great burden on the analyst involved.
8. SPAM is based on the three-level model of SA, which has various flaws (Salmon et al.,
9. In order to use the approach one has to be able to determine what SA should be a priori.

Related Methods
SPAM is essentially the SAGAT approach but without the use of task freezes. An SA requirements
analysis should be used when developing SPAM queries. Other real-time probe methods also exist,
including the SASHA method (Jeannott, Kelly, and Thompson 2003), which is a modified version
of the SPAM method.

Training and Application Times

Training time for the SPAM approach is low; however, if analysts require training in the SA require-
ments analysis procedure, then the training time incurred will increase significantly. The application
time for the overall SPAM procedure, including the conduct of an SA requirements analysis and the
development of queries, is high. The actual data collection process of administering queries and gath-
ering responses requires relatively little time, although this is dependent upon the task under analysis.

Reliability and Validity

There are only limited data regarding the reliability and validity of the SPAM method available in
the open literature. Jones and Endsley (2000) conducted a study to assess the validity of real-time
probes as a measure of SA. In conclusion, it was reported that the real-time probe measure dem-
onstrated a level of sensitivity to SA in two different scenarios and that the method was measuring
participant SA, and not simply measuring participant response time.

Tools Needed
SPAM could be applied using pen and paper only; however, Durso et al. (1998) used a landline
telephone located in close proximity to the participant’s workstation in order to administer SPAM
queries. A simulation of the task and system under analysis may also be required.
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 187

(See Flowchart 6.3.)

Recommended Text
Durso, F. T., Hackworth, C. A., Truitt, T., Crutchfield, J., and Manning, C. A. (1998). Situation awareness as a
predictor of performance in en route air traffic controllers. Air Traffic Quarterly 6:1–20.

Situation Awareness Rating Technique

Background and Applications
The Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART; Taylor, R. M., 1990) is a simplistic post-trial
subjective rating method that uses the following 10 dimensions to measure operator SA: familiarity
of the situation, focussing of attention, information quantity, information quality, instability of the
situation, concentration of attention, complexity of the situation, variability of the situation, arousal,
and spare mental capacity. SART is administered post trial and involves participants subjectively
rating each dimension on a seven point rating scale (1 = Low, 7 = High) based on their performance
of the task under analysis. The ratings are then combined in order to calculate a measure of par-
ticipant SA. A quicker version of the SART approach also exists, known as the 3D SART. The 3D
SART uses the 10 dimensions described above grouped into the following three dimensions:

1. Demands on attentional resources  A combination of complexity, variability, and insta-

bility of the situation
2. Supply of attentional resources  A combination of arousal, focussing of attention, spare
mental capacity, and concentration of attention
3. Understanding of the situation  A combination of information quantity, information
quality, and familiarity of the situation

Domain of Application
The SART approach was originally developed for use in the military aviation domain; however,
SART has since been applied in various domains, and since the SART dimensions are generic it is
feasible that it could be used in any domain to assess operator SA.

Application in Sport
The SART method could be applied in a sporting context in order to elicit post-trial, sub-
jective ratings of SA. The method is administered post task and so SART could be
used where it is not possible to use other on-line SA measures such as SAGAT and
SPAM (i.e., during real-world performance of sports tasks).

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Task(s) under Analysis
The first step in a SART analysis is to define the tasks that are to be subjected to analysis. The type
of tasks analysed are dependent upon the focus of the analysis. For example, when assessing the
effects on operator SA caused by a novel design or training programme, it is useful to analyse as
representative a set of tasks as possible. To analyse a full set of tasks will often be too time consum-
ing and labour intensive, and so it is pertinent to use a set of tasks that use all aspects of the system
under analysis.
188 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Conduct SA
requirements analysis

Develop and validate

SPAM queries

Brief participants

Conduct pilot runs until

participants are comfor-
table with procedure

Begin trial

Administer query

Record response and

time taken to respond

Y Are more data


Evaluate responses
and calculate scores

Analyse data


flowchart 6.3  SPAM flowchart.

Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 189

Step 2: Selection of Participants

Once the task(s) under analysis are clearly defined, it is useful to select the participants that are to be
involved in the analysis. This may not always be necessary and it may suffice to select participants
randomly on the day; however, if SA is being compared across rank or experience levels, then effort
is required to select the appropriate participants.

Step 3: Brief Participants

Before the task(s) under analysis are performed, all of the participants involved should be briefed
regarding the purpose of the study, the concept of SA, and the SART method. It may be useful at
this stage to take the participants through an example SART analysis, so that they understand how
the method works and what is required of them as participants.

Step 4: Conduct Pilot Run

It is recommended that participants take part in a pilot run of the SART data collection procedure. A
number of small test scenarios should be used to iron out any problems with the data collection proce-
dure, and the participants should be encouraged to ask any questions. Once the participant is familiar
with the procedure and is comfortable with his or her role, the data collection process can begin.

Step 5: Performance of Task

The next step involves the performance of the task or scenario under analysis. For example, if the
study is focussing on SA during fell racing, the race should now commence. Participants should be
asked to perform the task as normal.

Step 6: Complete SART Questionnaires

Once the task is completed, participants should be given a SART questionnaire and asked to pro-
vide ratings for each dimension based on how they felt during task performance. The participants
are permitted to ask questions in order to clarify the dimensions; however, the participants’ ratings
should not be influenced in any way by external sources. In order to reduce the correlation between
SA ratings and performance, no performance feedback should be given until after the participant
has completed the self-rating process.

Step 7: Calculate Participant SART Scores

The final step in the SART analysis involves calculating each participant’s SA score. When using
SART, participant SA is calculated using the following formula:

SA = U – (D – S)

U = summed understanding
D = summed demand
S = summed supply

Typically, for each participant an overall SART score is calculated along with total scores for the
three dimensions: understanding, demand, and supply.

1. SART is very quick and easy to apply and requires minimal training.
2. The data obtained are easily and quickly analysed.
3. SART provides a low-cost approach for assessing participant SA.
190 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

4. The SART dimensions are generic and so the method can be applied in any domain.
5. SART is non-intrusive to task performance.
6. SART is a widely used method and has been applied in a range of different domains.
7. SART provides a quantitative assessment of SA.

1. SART suffers from a host of problems associated with collective subjective SA ratings,
including a correlation between performance and SA ratings and questions regarding
whether or not participants can accurately rate their own awareness (e.g., how can one be
aware that they are not aware?).
2. SART suffers from a host of problems associated with collecting SA data post task, includ-
ing memory degradation and poor recall, a correlation of SA ratings with performance,
and also participants forgetting low SA portions of the task.
3. The SART dimensions are not representative of SA. Upon closer inspection the dimensions
are more representative of workload than anything else.
4. SART has performed poorly in a number of SA methodology comparison studies (e.g.,
Endsley, Sollenberger, and Stein, 2000; Endsley, Selcon, Hardiman, and Croft, 1998;
Salmon et al., 2009).
5. The SART dimensions were developed through interviews with RAF aircrew (Taylor,
R. M., 1990).
6. The method is dated.

Related Methods
SART is a questionnaire-based methodology and is one of many subjective rating SA measurement
approaches. Other subjective rating SA measurement methods include the Situation Awareness Rating
Scale (SARS; Waag and Houck, 1994), the Crew Awareness Rating Scale (CARS; McGuinness and
Foy, 2000), and the SA-SWORD method (Vidulich and Hughes, 1991).

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training and application times associated with the SART method are very low. As it is a self-
rating questionnaire, there is very little training involved. In our experience, the SART question-
naire takes no longer than 5 minutes to complete, and it is possible to set up programmes that
auto-calculate SART scores based on raw data entry.

Reliability and Validity

Along with SAGAT, SART is the most widely used and tested measure of SA (Endsley and Garland,
2000); however, SART has performed poorly in a number of validation and methods comparison
studies (e.g., Endsley, Sollenberger, and Stein, 2000; Endsley et al., 1998; Salmon et al., 2009). In
particular, SART has been found to be insensitive to display manipulations. Further, the construct
validity of SART is limited, and many have raised concerns regarding the degree to which SART
dimensions are actually representative of SA (e.g., Endsley, 1995a; Salmon et al., 2009; Selcon et
al., 1991; Uhlarik and Comerford, 2002).

Tools Needed
SART is applied using pen and paper only; however, it can also be administered using Microsoft
Excel, which can also be used to automate the SART score calculation process.
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 191

The SART rating scale is presented in Figure 6.5.

(See Flowchart 6.4.)

Recommended Text
Taylor, R. M. (1990). Situational Awareness Rating Technique (SART): The development of a tool for aircrew
systems design. In Situational awareness in aerospace operations (AGARD-CP-478), 3/1–3/17. Neuilly
Sur Seine, France: NATO-AGARD.

Situation Awareness Subjective Workload Dominance

Background and Applications
The Situation Awareness Subjective Workload Dominance method (SA-SWORD; Vidulich and
Hughes, 1991) is an adaptation of the SWORD workload assessment method that is used to test the
levels of SA afforded by two different displays or devices. SA-SWORD elicits subjective ratings of
SA in terms of one task, or displays dominance over another based on the level of SA afforded. For
example, Vidulich and Hughes (1991) used SA-SWORD to assess pilot SA when using two different
display design concepts.

Domain of Application
The method was originally developed to test display design concepts within the military aviation
domain; however, it is a generic approach and can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
SA-SWORD could potentially be used in a sporting context in order to test two devices, displays, or
performance aids in terms of the level of SA that they afford.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define the Aims of the Analysis
The first step involves clearly defining what the aims of the analysis are. When using the SA-SWORD
method the aims may be to compare the levels of SA afforded by two different display design con-
cepts or two different performance aids or devices. Alternatively, it may be to compare the different
levels of SA achieved during performance of two different tasks.

Step 2: Define Task(s) under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task(s) under analysis. Once this is done a task or sce-
nario description should be created. Each task should be described individually in order to allow the
creation of the SWORD rating sheet. It is recommended that HTA be used for this purpose.

Step 3: Create SWORD Rating Sheet

Once a task description (e.g., HTA) is developed, the SWORD rating sheet can be created.
When using SA-SWORD, the analyst should define a set of comparison conditions. For exam-
ple, when using SA-SWORD to compare to F-16 cockpit displays, the comparison conditions
192 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Instability of the situation
How changeable is the situation? Is the situation highly unstable and likely to change suddenly
(high) or is it stable and straightforward (low)?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Complexity of the situation

How complicated is the situation? Is it complex with many interrelated components (high) or is
it simple and straightforward (low)?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Variability of the situation

How many variables are changing within the situation? Are there a large number of factors
varying (high) or are there very few variables changing (low)?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
How aroused are you in the situation? Are you alert and ready for activity (high) or do you
have a low degree of alertness (low)?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Concentration of attention
How much are you concentrating on the situation? Are you concentrating on many aspects of
the situation (high) or focussed on only one (low)?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Division of attention
How much is your attention divided in the situation? Are you concentrating on many aspects of
the situation (high) or focussed on only one (low)?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Spare mental capacity

How much mental capacity do you have to spare in the situation? Do you have sufficient to
attend to many variables (high) or nothing to spare at all (low)?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Information quantity
How much information have you gained about the situation? Have you received and
understood a great deal of knowledge (high) or very little (low)?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Familiarity with the situation
How familiar are you with the situation? Do you have a great deal of relevant experience (high)
or is it a new situation (low)?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 6.5  SART rating scale.

Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 193


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Brief participants

Conduct pilot run of

data collection

Undertake task

Administer SART

Calculate participant
SART scores

Analyse data


flowchart 6.4  SART flowchart.

used were Fire Control Radar (FCR) display versus Horizontal Situational Format (HSF) dis-
play, flight segment (ingress and engagement), and threat level (low vs. high). To do this, the
analyst should list all of the possible combinations of tasks or artefacts (e.g., A vs. B, A vs. C,
B vs. C).

Step 4: SA and SA-SWORD Briefing

Once the trial and comparison conditions are defined, the participants should be briefed on the con-
cept of SA, the SA-SWORD method, and the purposes of the study. It is critical that each participant
has an identical, clear understanding of what SA actually is in order for the SA-SWORD method
194 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

to provide reliable, valid results. Therefore, it is recommended that participants be given a group
briefing, including an introduction to the concept of SA, a clear definition of SA, and an explana-
tion of SA in terms of the operation of the system in question. It may also prove useful to define
the SA requirements for the task under analysis. Once the participants clearly understand SA, an
explanation of the SA-SWORD method should be provided. It may be useful here to demonstrate
the completion of an example SA-SWORD questionnaire. Finally, the participants should then be
briefed on the purpose of the study.

Step 5: Conduct Pilot Run

Next, a pilot run of the data collection process should be conducted. Participants should perform a
small task and then complete an SA-SWORD rating sheet. The participants should be taken step-
by-step through the SA-SWORD rating sheet, and be encouraged to ask any questions regarding any
aspects of the data collection procedure that they are not sure about.

Step 6: Undertake Trial

SA-SWORD is administered post trial. Therefore, the task(s) under analysis should be performed next.

Step 7: Administer SA-SWORD Rating Sheet

Once task performance is complete, the SA-SWORD rating procedure can begin. This involves the
administration of the SA-SWORD rating sheet immediately after task performance has ended. The
SWORD rating sheet lists all possible SA paired comparisons of the task conducted in the scenario
under analysis, e.g., display A versus display B, condition A versus condition B. The analyst has to
rate the two variables (e.g., display A vs. display B) in terms of the level of SA that they provided
during task performance. For example, if the participant feels that the two displays provided a
similar level of SA, then they should mark the “Equal” point on the rating sheet. However, if the
participant feels that display A provided a slightly higher level of SA than display B did, they would
move towards task A on the sheet and mark the “Weak” point on the rating sheet. If the participant
felt that display A imposed a much greater level of SA than display B, then they would move towards
display A on the sheet and mark the “Absolute” point on the rating sheet. This allows the participant
to provide a subjective rating of one display’s dominance in terms of SA level afforded over the over.
This procedure should continue until all of the possible combinations of SA variables in the task
under analysis are rated.

Step 8: Constructing the Judgement Matrix

Once all ratings have been elicited, the SWORD judgement matrix should be conducted. Each cell
in the matrix should represent the comparison of the variables in the row with the variable in the
associated column. The analyst should fill each cell with the participant’s dominance rating. For
example, if a participant rated displays A and B as equal, a “1” is entered into the appropriate cell. If
display A is rated as dominant, then the analyst simply counts from the “Equal” point to the marked
point on the sheet, and enters the number in the appropriate cell. The rating for each variable (e.g.,
display) is calculated by determining the mean for each row of the matrix and then normalising the
means (Vidulich, Ward, and Schueren, 1991).

Step 9: Matrix Consistency Evaluation

Once the SWORD matrix is complete, the consistency of the matrix can be evaluated by ensuring
that there are transitive trends amongst the related judgements in the matrix.

1. SA-SWORD is quick and easy to use and requires only minimal training.
2. The SA-SWORD method is generic can be applied in any domain.
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 195

3. SA-SWORD has a high level of face validity and user acceptance (Vidulich and Hughes,
4. The method is useful when comparing two different interface concepts and their effect
upon operator SA.
5. Intrusiveness is reduced, as SA-SWORD is administered post trial.

1. What is good SA for one operator may be poor SA for another, and a very clear definition
of SA would need to be developed in order for the method to work. For example, each
participant may have different ideas as to what SA actually is, and as a result, the data
obtained would be incorrect. In a study testing the SA-SWORD method, it was reported
that the participants had very different views on what SA actually was (Vidulich and
Hughes, 1991).
2. The method does not provide a direct measure of SA. The analyst is merely given an
assessment of the conditions in which SA is greatest.
3. The reporting of SA post trial has a number of problems associated with it, such as a corre-
lation between SA rating and task performance, and participants forgetting low SA periods
during task performance.
4. There is limited evidence of the use of the SA-SWORD method in the literature.

Related Methods
The SA-SWORD method is an adaptation of the SWORD workload assessment method. SA-SWORD
appears to be unique in its use of paired comparisons to measure SA.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The SA-SWORD method is both easy to learn and apply and thus has a low training and application
time associated with it.

Reliability and Validity

Administered in its current form, the SA-SWORD method suffers from a poor level of construct
validity, i.e., the extent to which it is actually measuring SA. Vidulich and Hughes (1991) encoun-
tered this problem and found that half of the participants understood SA to represent the amount of
information that they were attempting to track, while the other half understood SA to represent the
amount of information that they may be missing. This problem could potentially be eradicated by
incorporating an SA briefing session or a clear definition of what constitutes SA on the SA-SWORD
rating sheet. In a study comparing two different cockpit displays, the SA-SWORD method dem-
onstrated a strong sensitivity to display manipulation (Vidulich and Hughes, 1991). Vidulich and
Hughes (1991) also calculated inter-rater reliability statistics for the SA-SWORD method, reporting
a grand inter-rater correlation of 0.705. According to Vidulich and Hughes, this indicates that par-
ticipant SA-SWORD ratings were reliably related to the conditions apparent during the trials.

Tools Needed
SA-SWORD can be administered using pen and paper. The system under analysis, or a simulation
of the system under analysis, is also required for the task performance component of the data col-
lection procedure.
196 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

(See Flowchart 6.5.)

Recommended Text
Vidulich, M. A., and Hughes, E. R. (1991). Testing a subjective metric of situation awareness. Proceedings of
the Human Factors Society 35th Annual Meeting 1307–11.

Propositional Networks
Background and Applications
The propositional network methodology is used for modelling DSA in collaborative systems.
Moving away from the study of SA “in the heads” of individuals towards the study of the level of
DSA held by the joint cognitive system brings with it a requirement for new methods of modelling
and assessing SA. Existing individual-based measures such as SAGAT and SART are not applicable
as they focus exclusively on awareness “in the head” of individual operators (Salmon et al., 2009).
In response, Stanton et al. (2006, 2009) and Salmon et al. (2009) outline the propositional network
methodology as a method for modelling a system’s SA. Propositional networks use networks of
linked information elements to depict the information underlying a system’s awareness, the relation-
ships between the different pieces of information, and also how each component of the system is
using each piece of information.
When using propositional networks, DSA is represented as information elements (or concepts) and
the relationships between them, which relates to the assumption that knowledge comprises concepts
and the relationships between them (Shadbolt and Burton, 1995). Anderson (1983) first proposed the
use of propositional networks to describe activation in memory. They are similar to semantic networks
in that they contain linked nodes; however, they differ from semantic networks in two ways (Stanton
et al., 2006): First, rather than being added to the network randomly, the words instead are added
through the definition of propositions. A proposition in this sense represents a basic statement. Second,
the links between the words are labelled in order to define the relationships between the propositions,
i.e., elephant “has” tail, mouse “is” rodent. Following Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman (2006), a propo-
sitional network about propositional networks is presented in Figure 6.6.

Domain of Application
The approach was originally applied for modelling DSA in command and control scenarios
in the military (e.g., Stanton et al., 2006; Salmon et al., 2009) and civilian (e.g., Salmon et al.,
2008) domains; however, the method is generic and the approach can be applied in any domain.
Propositional networks have since been applied in a range of domains, including naval warfare
(Stanton et al., 2006), land warfare (Salmon et al., 2009), railway maintenance operations (Walker
et al., 2006), energy distribution substation maintenance scenarios (Salmon et al., 2008), and mili-
tary aviation airborne early warning systems (Stewart et al., 2008).

Application in Sport
Propositional networks can be used in a sporting context to model DSA during sports performance.
The approach is likely to be particularly useful for modelling DSA and identifying the differences
in DSA and DSA requirements between team members or between players (e.g., different positions),
managers, coaching staff, and game officials (e.g., referees).
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 197


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

paired comparisons
rating sheet

Brief participant

Conduct pilot run of

data collection

Take first/next task

Instruct participants to
undertake task

Y Are there any

more tasks

Administer SA-SWORD
paired comparison
rating sheet

Construct judgement

Evaluate matrix

N Is matrix
Discard data consistent?


flowchart 6.5  SA-SWORD flowchart.

198 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Intera Arfefacts
Human Ha
Un e
rtak Distributed



Propositional situation
networks Have awareness
Agents up
Ar ke

eu h

sed hic

by W






resent elements
h rep Are used Task

ke up
Whic performance
to support



h ma





d on

Figure 6.6  Propositional network diagram about propositional networks.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined, since this affects the scenarios used and
the propositional networks developed. For example, the aims of the analysis may be to evaluate
the DSA levels of different performers or team members during task performance; to evaluate the
impact that a new training intervention, performance aid, or technological device has on DSA
during task performance; or it may be to compare novice and expert performer DSA during a
particular task.

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task or scenario under analysis. It is recommended that
the task is described clearly, including the different actors involved, the task goals, and the environ-
ment within which the task is to take place. The HTA method is useful for this purpose.

Step 3: Collect Data Regarding the Task or Scenario under Analysis

Propositional networks can be constructed from a variety of data sources, depending on whether
DSA is being modelled (in terms of what it should or could comprise) or assessed (in terms of
what it did comprise). These include observational study and/or verbal transcript data, CDM data,
HTA data, or data derived from work-related artefacts such as Standard Operating Instructions
(SOIs), user manuals, standard operating procedures, and training manuals. Data should be col-
lected regarding the task based on opportunity, although it is recommended that, at a minimum, the
task in question is observed and verbal transcript recordings are made.

Step 4: Define Concepts and Relationships between Them

It is normally useful to identify distinct task phases. This allows propositional networks to be
developed for each phase, which is useful for depicting the dynamic and changing nature of DSA
throughout a task or scenario. For example, a soccer game scenario might be divided temporally
into game phases or into “attacking” and “defending” phases. In order to construct propositional
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 199

networks, first the concepts need to be defined followed by the relationships between them. For
the purposes of DSA assessments, the term “information elements” is used to refer to concepts.
To identify the information elements related to the task under analysis, a simple content analysis is
performed on the input data and keywords are extracted. These keywords represent the information
elements, which are then linked based on their causal links during the activities in question (e.g.,
player “has” ball, defender “marks” striker, referee “enforces” rules, etc.). Links are represented by
directional arrows and should be overlaid with the linking proposition. A simplistic example of the
relationship between concepts is presented in Figure 6.7.
The output of this process is a network of linked information elements; the network contains all
of the information that is used by the different actors and artefacts during task performance, and
thus represents the system’s awareness, or what the system “needed to know” in order to success-
fully undertake task performance.

Step 5: Define Information Element Usage

Information element usage is normally represented via shading of the different nodes within the net-
work based on their usage by different actors during task performance. During this step the analyst
identifies which information elements the different actors involved used during task performance.
This can be done in a variety of ways, including by further analysing input data (e.g., verbal tran-
scripts, HTA), and by holding discussions with those involved or relevant SMEs.

Step 6: Review and Refine Network

Constructing propositional networks is a highly iterative process that normally requires numer-
ous reviews and reiterations. It is recommended that once a draft network is created, it be subject
to at least three reviews. It is normally useful to involve domain SMEs or the participants who
performed the task in this process. The review normally involves checking the information ele-
ments and the links between them and also the usage classification. Reiterations to the networks
normally include the addition of new information elements and links, revision of existing infor-
mation elements and links, and also modifying the information element usage based on SME

Marks Attacker

s ts
Observes and



s er


Referee Rules


s er


Figure 6.7  Example relationships between concepts.

200 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 7: Analyse Networks Mathematically

Depending on the analysis aims and requirements, it may also be pertinent to analyse the propo-
sitional networks mathematically using social network statistics. For example, in the past we have
used sociometric status and centrality calculations to identify the key information elements within
propositional networks. Sociometric status provides a measure of how “busy” a node is relative to
the total number of nodes present within the network under analysis (Houghton et al., 2006). In
this case, sociometric status gives an indication of the relative prominence of information elements
based on their links to other information elements in the network. Centrality is also a metric of the
standing of a node within a network (Houghton et al., 2006), but here this standing is in terms of its
“distance” from all other nodes in the network. A central node is one that is close to all other nodes
in the network, and a message conveyed from that node to an arbitrarily selected other node in the
network would, on average, arrive via the least number of relaying hops (Houghton et al., 2006).
Key information elements are defined as those that have salience for each scenario phase; salience
being defined as those information elements that act as hubs to other knowledge elements. Those
information elements with a sociometric status value above the mean sociometric status value, and
a centrality score above the mean centrality value, are identified as key information elements.

1. Propositional networks depict the information elements underlying a system’s DSA and the
relationships between them.
2. In addition to modelling the system’s awareness, propositional networks also depict the
awareness of individuals and sub-teams working within the system.
3. The networks can be analysed mathematically in order to identify the key pieces of infor-
mation underlying a system’s awareness.
4. Unlike other SA measurement methods, propositional networks consider the mapping
between the information elements underlying SA.
5. The propositional network procedure avoids some of the flaws typically associated with
SA measurement methods, including intrusiveness, high levels of preparatory work (e.g.,
SA requirements analysis, development of probes), and the problems associated with col-
lecting subjective and SA data or post trial.
6. The outputs can be used to inform training, system, device, and interface design and
7. Propositional networks are easy to learn and use.
8. Software support is available via the WESTT software tool (see Houghton et al., 2008).

1. Constructing propositional networks for complex tasks can be highly time consuming and
2. It is difficult to present larger networks within articles, reports, and/or presentations.
3. No numerical value is assigned to the level of SA achieved by the system in question.
4. It is more of a modelling approach than a measure, although SA failures can be represented.
5. The initial data collection phase may involve a series of activities and often adds consider-
able time to the analysis.
6. Many find the departure from viewing SA in the heads of individual operators (i.e., what
operators know) to viewing SA as a systemic property that resides in the interactions
between actors and between actors and artefacts (i.e., what the system knows) to be a dif-
ficult one to take.
7. The reliability of the method is questionable, particularly when used by inexperienced
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 201

Related Methods
Propositional networks are similar to other network-based knowledge representation methods such
as semantic networks (Eysenck and Keane, 1990) and concept maps (Crandall, Klein, and Hoffman,
2006). The data collection phase typically utilises a range of approaches, including observational
study, CDM interviews, verbal protocol analysis, and HTA. The networks can also be analysed
using metrics derived from social network analysis methods.

Approximate Training and Application Times

Providing the analysts involved have some understanding of DSA theory, the training time required
for the propositional network method is low; our experiences suggest that around 1 to 2 hours of
training is required. Following training, however, considerable practice is required before analysts
become proficient in the method. The application time is typically high, although it can be low pro-
vided the task is simplistic and short.

Reliability and Validity

The content analysis procedure should ease some reliability concerns; however, the links between
concepts are made on the basis of the analyst’s subjective judgement and so the reliability of the
method may be limited, particularly when being used by inexperienced analysts. The validity of
the method is difficult to assess, although our experiences suggest that validity is high, particularly
when appropriate SMEs are involved in the process.

Tools Needed
On a simple level, propositional networks can be conducted using pen and paper; however, video
and audio recording devices are typically used during the data collection phase and a drawing pack-
age such as Microsoft Visio is used to construct the propositional networks. Houghton et al. (2008)
describe the WESTT software tool, which contains a propositional network construction module
that auto-builds propositional networks based on text data entry.

Example propositional networks for a soccer game are presented below. The propositional network
presented in Figure 6.8 represents a typical network for a soccer game. The propositional network
presented in Figure 6.9 shows those information elements that are used by an attacking midfielder
currently in possession of the ball and looking to build an attack. The propositional network pre-
sented in Figure 6.10 represents the opposition defender’s awareness for the same (attacking mid-
fielder in possession of ball) scenario.

(See Flowchart 6.6.)

Recommended Text
Salmon, P. M., Stanton, N. A., Walker, G. H., and Jenkins, D. P. (2009). Distributed situation awareness:
Advances in theory, modelling and application to teamwork. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
202 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Own Crowd
team Midfielders
Runs locations
Manager Goal


Proximity Physical

Role Time

Att 3rd Tactics Score Options


Location Pitch

Positioning Set piece

Conditions Training
Def 3rd Areas

Mid 3rd play

Figure 6.8  Soccer propositional network example.

Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 203


team Midfielders
Runs locations
Manager Goal


Proximity Physical

Role Time

Att 3rd Tactics Score Options


Location Pitch

Positioning Set piece

Conditions Training
Def 3rd Areas

Mid 3rd play

Figure 6.9  Attacking midfielder in possession of ball propositional network; the shaded information ele-
ments represent the attacking midfielder’s awareness.
204 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


team Midfielders
Runs locations
Manager Goal


Proximity Physical

Role Time

Att 3rd Tactics Score Options


Location Pitch

Positioning Set piece

Conditions Training
Def 3rd Areas

Mid 3rd play

Figure 6.10  Defender without possession of the ball propositional network; the shaded information ele-
ments represent the defender’s awareness.
Situation Awareness Assessment Methods 205


Collect data ragarding
task under analysis

Use content analysis

to identify keywords
from data

Link information
Take first/next
information element

Link (based on causal

links during task) to
other information

Add proposition

Yes Are there any

more information

Define usage of No
Take first/next
information element

Determine usage of
information by each
agent; shade element

Yes Are there any

more information


Identify key Use network statistics

information or five links rule to
elements identify key
information elements


flowchart 6.6  Propositional network flowchart.

7 Mental Workload
Assessment Methods

Workload represents the cost of accomplishing task requirements for the human element of systems
(Hart and Wickens, 1990; cited in Gregoriades and Sutcliffe, 2007) and is a critical issue within
Human Factors. For the purposes of this book, we will focus on the concept of mental workload,
although there is a range of methods that Human Factors researchers also use to measure levels of
physical workload (see Stanton et al., 2004). Inappropriate mental workload levels (both too high
and too low), caused by factors such as poor system design, inappropriate procedures, and adverse
environmental conditions, have a range of consequences, including fatigue, errors, monotony, men-
tal saturation, reduced vigilance, and stress (Spath, Braun, and Hagenmeyer, 2007).

Mental Workload
Human operators possess a finite attentional capacity, and during task performance our attentional
resources are allocated to component tasks. Workload is a function of the human operator’s atten-
tional capacity and the demand for resources imposed by the task, of the supply and demand of
attentional resources (Tsang and Vidulich, 2006). The level of mental workload therefore represents
the proportion of resources that are required to meet the task demands (Welford, 1978). Young and
Stanton (2001) formally define mental workload as follows:

[T]he level of attentional resources required to meet both objective and subjective performance crite-
ria, which may be mediated by task demands, external support, and past experience.

According to Tsang and Vidulich (2006) there are two main determinants of workload: the exog-
enous task demand (as specified by factors such as task difficulty, priority, and contextual factors),
and the endogenous supply of attentional resources available to support information processing
activities. Mental workload is therefore a multidimensional construct that is characterised by the
task (e.g., complexity, demands, etc.) and the individual involved (e.g., skill, experience, training,
etc.) (Young and Stanton, 2001).
Sanders and McCormick (1993) also suggest that the concepts of stress and strain are relevant to
human workload. Stress refers to “some undesirable condition, circumstance, task or other factor
that impinges upon the individual” (Sanders and McCormick, 1993, p. 225) and sources of stress
include heavy work, immobilisation, heat and cold, noise, sleep loss, danger, information overload,
and boredom (Sanders and McCormick, 1993). Strain, on the other hand, refers to the effects of the
stress on the individual and is measured by observing changes in elements such as blood oxygen-
ation, electrical activity of the muscles, heart rate, body temperature, and work rate (Sanders and
McCormick, 1993).
When operators are faced with excessive task demands and their attentional resources are
exceeded they become overloaded. Mental overload therefore occurs when the demands of the
task are so great that they are beyond the limited attentional capacity of the operator. Conversely,

208 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

when an operator experiences excessively low task demands they may experience a state of mental
underload. Both conditions can be detrimental to task performance (Wilson and Rajan, 1995), since
operators become less likely to attend to potentially important sources of information (Lehto and
Buck, 2007). There are various consequences associated with inappropriate levels of workload that
can potentially lead to performance decrements. These include inattention, complacency, fatigue,
monotony, mental saturation, mental satiation, reduced vigilance, and stress.
In an attempt to clarify the concept and the factors affecting it, Megaw (2005) presents a frame-
work of interacting stressors on an individual (see Figure 7.1). According to Megaw’s model, work-
load is affected by a variety of factors, including task factors (e.g., task demands, task constraints,
etc.), environmental factors (e.g., workspace, interfaces, etc.), and organisational factors (e.g., staff-
ing levels, team organisation, allocation of functions, etc.).
There are various other models of attention and workload presented in the literature. Kahneman
(1973), for example, presented a capacity model of attention, which suggests that individuals possess
a single pool of attentional resources that has a finite limit. The ability to perform concurrent tasks
is therefore dependent upon the effective allocation of attention to each (Young and Stanton, 2002).
More recently, multiple resource theory models have contended the notion of a single pool of atten-
tional resources. For example, Wickens’ (1992) multiple resource view of attentional resources argues
that rather than simply having one single supply of resources, individuals instead have several dif-
ferent capacities with resource properties. This means that tasks will interfere more when resources
are shared. Regardless of the theoretical standpoint, it is now generally agreed that individuals pos-
sess a finite pool of attentional resources and that these resources are allocated to tasks during task
The importance of operator workload as a critical consideration in system design has been articu-
lated by many. For example, Nachreiner (1995) points out that the level of workload imposed on
operators is one of the key criteria for evaluating system design, since it is directly connected to the
operator’s capabilities and skills and also the impairing effects of work on operators. Most in the
field agree that when considering operator workload in complex systems, designers should aim to
maximise the match between task demands and human capacity (Young and Stanton, 2002). This is

Task Factors
Competing Tasks/Modalities

Operator Response Additional Stressors

Workload/Strain Environmental/Organisational

Operator Performance
Primary Task Performance

Figure 7.1  Framework of interacting stressors impacting workload. Source: Adapted from Megaw, T.
(2005). The definition and measurement of mental workload. In Evaluation of human work, eds. J. R. Wilson
and N. Corlett, 525–53. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 209

known as workload optimisation. It is hypothesised that when operator workload falls below or rises
above this optimal level, performance decrements will occur. System and procedure designers should
therefore strive to optimise the level of workload experienced by process control operators. Workload
optimisation involves achieving a balance between task demands and operator resources.
One issue that has dominated workload research in recent times is that of automation—the
replacement of human operator sensing, planning, decision making, and manual activities with
computer-based technology (Sharit, 2006). Originally conceived to reduce operator workload levels,
automation is now increasingly being used in process control rooms and other complex safety criti-
cal systems. Despite its many well-reported benefits (e.g., reduced levels of operator physical and
mental workload), many have identified effects of automation that adversely impact operator perfor-
mance and system safety (e.g., Bainbridge, 1987; Lee, 2006; Young and Stanton, 2002, etc.). These
include manual and cognitive skill degradation, operator underload, out-of-the loop performance
decrements (Endsley and Kiris, 1995), and increased levels of workload due to system monitoring
requirements. Lee (2006), for example, identifies the following automation pitfalls:

• Out-of-loop unfamiliarity
• Clumsy automation
• Automation-induced errors
• Inappropriate trust (misuse, disuses, and complacency)
• Behavioural adaptation
• Inadequate training and skill loss
• Job satisfaction and health
• Eutectic behaviour

Despite the impetus for most automated systems being a requirement to reduce operator work-
load, automation can potentially cause both decreases and increases in workload levels (Young and
Stanton, 2002). It has been postulated, for example, that automation can lead to overload through a
lack of feedback, increased vigilance demands (Hancock and Verwey, 1997), and increased deci-
sion options in certain situations (Hilburn, 1997). Various studies have also identified poorer per-
formance in automated control conditions (e.g., Stanton, Young, and McCaulder, 1997). The general
consensus is that great caution should be taken when using automation in an attempt to enhance
performance efficiency and safety in complex systems. Lee (2006) articulates a series of strate-
gies for designing effective automation that includes effective allocation of functions, the use of
dynamic function allocation (adaptive and dynamic automation), matching automation to human
performance characteristics, representation aiding and multimodal feedback, matching automation
to user mental models, and the use of formal automation analysis methods.
One theory that has been posited in order to explain why automated systems may lead to per-
formance decrements is the Malleable Attentional Resources Theory (MART; Young and Stanton,
2002). MART introduces the concept of malleable (as opposed to static) attentional resource pools
and suggests that during low demand tasks an operator’s resources shrink to accommodate the
reduced level of demand. According to Young and Stanton, this reduced pool of attentional resources
explains why operator performance suffers during low workload tasks. Further, the model suggests
that operator performance suffers when the task demand increases quickly (e.g., emergency or non-
routine scenarios) since the diminished resources cannot keep up.

Workload and Sport

Workload is of interest to sports scientists as it is one of the factors that influences exercise and
sports performance. The physical level of workload experienced by athletes and sports performers
has traditionally been a common research theme (e.g. Davidson and Trewartha, 2008; McClean,
1992; Reilly, 1986, 1997; Roberts, Trewartha, Higgitt, El-Abd, and Stokes, 2008; Wright and Peters,
210 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

2008), and is typically assessed using physiological measures (e.g., heart rate) and activity analysis
(e.g., McClean, 1992; Roberts et al., 2008). The level of mental workload experienced by athletes
and sports performers, however, has not received nearly as much attention. Mental workload lev-
els, of course, are of interest. The difference in workload levels across different sports, different
positions within sports teams, different events, different ability levels, and when using different
tactics and sports technology, devices, and performance aids are all important lines of enquiry.
A limited number of studies focussing on mental workload in sports scenarios have been under-
taken. For example, Helsen and Bultynck (2004) investigated the physical and perceptual-cogni-
tive demands imposed on elite UEFA referees and assistant referees during the final round of the
European Championships in 2000. Physical workload levels were measured using heart rate mea-
surements, and the level of cognitive demand was assessed by counting (via notational analysis) the
number of observable decisions made by referees during games. In conclusion, Helsen and Bultynck
(2004) reported that, over the 31 games analysed, the mean number of observable decisions made by
the referees was 137 (range 104–162). Helsen and Bultynck (2004) speculated that non-observable
decisions (i.e., those decisions that the referee makes but do not interfere with play) would bring the
total number of decisions made by elite referees to approximately 200, although they had no data to
back this up (data of this type could be obtained using the subjective workload assessment measures
described in this chapter). They reported that, when taken into consideration along with the actual
playing time of around 51 minutes, elite referees are required to make three to four decisions every
minute. Based on their study, Helsen and Bultynck (2004) recommended video training as a way
of improving referee decision-making skills. It is notable that Helsen and Bultynck (2004) did not
use a standard form of mental workload assessment method as we know them, and thus it seems
that valid, structured workload assessment methods of the type used by Human Factors research-
ers in the safety critical domains do not seem to have yet crossed over to the discipline of Sports

Mental Workload Assessment

There is a range of different mental workload assessment approaches available, including primary
and secondary task performance measures, physiological measures, and subjective-rating methods.
Typically, a combination of all four, known as a battery of workload assessment methods, is used dur-
ing mental workload assessment efforts. A brief summary of each method type is presented below.
Primary task performance measures are used to assess an individual’s ability to perform a par-
ticular task under varying levels of workload, based on the supposition that an individual’s perfor-
mance will diminish as their level of workload increases. For example, when assessing the level of
workload imposed by driver support systems, Young and Stanton (2004) measured speed, lateral
position, and headway as indicators of performance on a driving task. Poor performance on the
primary task is taken to be indicative of an increased level of workload, while efficient task perfor-
mance indicates that the level of workload is manageable. Wierwille and Eggemeier (1993) recom-
mend that primary task performance measures should be included in any assessment of operator
workload. The main advantages associated with the use of primary task measures are their reported
sensitivity to variations in workload (Wierwille and Eggemeier, 1993) and their ease of use, since
performance of the primary task is normally measured anyway. However, there are a number of
disadvantages, including the ability of operators to perform efficiently under high levels of work-
load, due to factors such as experience and skill. Similarly, performance may also suffer during low
workload parts of the task. It is recommended that great care be taken when interpreting the results
obtained through primary task performance assessment of workload.
Secondary task performance measures are used to measure an individual’s ability to perform a
secondary task (in addition to the primary task), the hypothesis being that as the level of workload
imposed by the primary task increases, performance on the secondary task will diminish, since
the resources available for the secondary task are reduced. There is a range of secondary task
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 211

performance measures available, including memory recall tasks, mental arithmetic tasks, reaction
time measurement, and tracking tasks. The main disadvantages associated with secondary task
performance methods are a reported lack of sensitivity to minor workload variations (Young and
Stanton, 2004) and their intrusion on primary task performance. One way around this is the use of
embedded secondary task measures, whereby the operator is required to perform a secondary task
with the system under analysis. Since the secondary task is no longer external to that of operating
the system, the level of intrusion is reduced. Researchers adopting a secondary task measurement
approach to the assessment of workload are advised to adopt discrete stimuli, which occupy the
same attentional resource pools as the primary task (Young and Stanton, 2004). For example, if
the primary task is a driving one, then the secondary task should be a visual-spatial one involving
manual response (Young and Stanton, 2004). This ensures that the method is actually measuring
spare capacity and not an alternative resource pool.
Physiological measures of workload involve the measurement of physiological responses that
may be affected by increased or decreased levels of workload. Examples of physiological measures
include heart rate, heart rate variability, eye movement, and brain activity. The main advantage asso-
ciated with the use of physiological measures of workload is that they do not intrude upon primary
task performance and that they can be applied in the field, as opposed to simulated settings. There
are a number of disadvantages, however, including the cost, physical obtrusiveness, and reliability
of the technology used, and doubts regarding the construct validity and sensitivity of the methods.
Subjective-rating methods involve participants providing subjective ratings of their workload
during or post task performance. Subjective rating methods can be unidimensional (assessing over-
all level of workload only) or multidimensional (assessing various dimensions associated with work-
load), and typically offer a quantitative rating of the level of workload imposed on an individual
during task performance. Although the data obtained when using unidimensional methods are far
simpler to analyse than the data obtained when using multidimensional methods, multidimensional
approaches possess greater levels of diagnosticity. Subjective-rating methods are attractive due to
their ease and speed of application, and also the low cost involved. They are also nonintrusive to
primary task performance and can be applied in the field in “real-world” settings, rather than in
simulated environments. That said, subjective workload assessment methods are mainly only used
when there is an operational system available and therefore it is difficult to employ them during the
design process, as the system under analysis may not actually exist, and simulation can be costly.
There are also a host of problems associated with collecting subjective data post trial. Often, work-
load ratings correlate with performance on the task under analysis. Participants are also prone to
forgetting certain parts of the task where variations in their workload may have occurred.
More recently, a number of analytical workload prediction models and methods have been devel-
oped (e.g., Gregoriades and Sutcliffe, 2007, Neerincx, 2003; Vidulich, Ward, and Schueren, 1991);
however, due to their infancy we do not consider them in this chapter. For the purposes of this
book, we focus on the following seven workload assessment methods: primary and secondary task
performance measures, physiological measures, the NASA Task Load Index ( NASA-TLX; Hart
and Staveland, 1988), Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT; Reid and Nygren, 1988),
Subjective Workload Dominance Technique (SWORD; Vidulich and Hughes, 1991), and instanta-
neous self-assessment (ISA) subjective rating methods.
Primary task performance measures involve the measurement of an operator’s ability to perform
the primary task under analysis. It is expected that operator performance of the task under analysis
will diminish as workload increases. Secondary task performance measures of workload involve
the measurement of an operator’s ability to perform an additional secondary task, as well as the
primary task involved in the task under analysis. Typical secondary task measures include memory
recall tasks, mental arithmetic tasks, reaction time measurement, and tracking tasks. The use of
secondary task performance measures is based upon the assumption that as operator workload
increases, the ability to perform the secondary task will diminish due to a reduction in spare capac-
ity, and so secondary task performance will suffer. Physiological measures involve the measurement
212 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

of those physiological aspects that may be affected by increased or decreased levels of workload;
for example, heart rate, heart rate variability, eye movement, and brain activity have all been used
to provide a measure of operator workload. The NASA-TLX (Hart and Staveland, 1988) is a multi-
dimensional subjective rating tool that is used to derive a workload rating based upon a weighted
average of six workload sub-scale ratings (mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand,
effort, performance, and frustration level). The SWAT method (Reid and Nygren, 1988) is a multidi-
mensional tool that measures three dimensions of operator workload: time load, mental effort load,
and stress load. After an initial weighting procedure, participants are asked to rate each dimension
and an overall workload rating is calculated. The SWORD method (Vidulich and Hughes, 1991)
uses paired comparison of tasks in order to provide a rating of workload for each individual task.
Administered post trial, participants are required to rate one task’s dominance over another in terms
of workload imposed. The ISA method involves participants self-rating their workload throughout
task performance (normally every 2 minutes) on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high). A summary of the
mental workload assessment methods described is presented in Table 7.1.

Primary and Secondary Task Performance Measures

Background and Applications
Primary task performance measures of workload involve assessing suitable aspects of participant
performance during the task(s) under analysis, assuming that an increase in workload will facilitate
a performance decrement of some sort. Secondary task performance measures typically involve par-
ticipants performing an additional task in addition to that of primary task performance. Participants
are required to maintain primary task performance and perform the secondary task as and when
the primary task allows them to. The secondary task is designed to compete for the same resources
as the primary task. Any differences in workload between primary tasks are then reflected in the
performance of the secondary task. Examples of secondary tasks used in the past include tracking
tasks, memory tasks, rotated figures tasks, and mental arithmetic tasks.

Domain of Application

Application in Sport
Primary and secondary task performance measures could be used in a sporting context as part of
a battery of workload assessment methods in order to assess sports performer mental workload.
Mental workload (hereafter referred to as “workload”), in a sporting context, is likely to be of
interest when new technology or performance aids are being tested. Alternatively, the workload
levels experienced by performers of differing ability and experience levels are also likely to be
of interest.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Primary Task under Analysis
The first step in an assessment of operator workload is to clearly define the task(s) under analysis.
When assessing the workload associated with the use of a novel or existing system, procedure, or
interface, it is recommended that the task(s) assessed are as representative of the system or device
under analysis as possible.
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 213

Step 2: Define Primary Task Performance Measures

Once the task(s) under analysis is clearly defined and described, the analyst should next define those
aspects of the task that can be used to measure participant performance. For example, in a driving
task Young and Stanton (2004) used speed, lateral position, and headway as measures of primary
task performance. The measures used are dependent upon the task in question and equipment that
is used during the analysis.

Step 3: Design Secondary Task and Associated Performance Measures

Once the primary task performance measures are clearly defined, an appropriate secondary task
measure should be selected. Young and Stanton (2004) recommend that great care be taken to
ensure that the secondary task competes for the same attentional resources as the primary task. For
example, Young and Stanton (2004) used a visual-spatial task that required a manual response as
their secondary task when analysing driver workload.

Step 4: Test Primary and Secondary Tasks

Once the primary and secondary task performance measures are defined, they should be tested in
order to ensure that they are sensitive to variations in task demand. The analyst should define a set
of tests that are designed to ensure the validity of the primary and secondary task measures chosen.
Trial runs of the measures using other researchers as participants are often used for this purpose.

Step 5: Brief Participants

Once the measurement procedure has been validated during step 4, the appropriate participants
should be selected and then briefed regarding the area of workload, workload assessment, the
purpose of the analysis, and the data collection procedure to be employed. Before data collection
begins, participants should have a clear understanding of workload theory, and of the measurement
methods being used. It may be useful at this stage to take the participants through an example
workload assessment, so that they understand how the secondary task measure works and what is
required of them as participants.

Step 6: Conduct Pilot Run

Once the participant(s) understand the data collection procedure, a small pilot run should be con-
ducted to ensure that the process runs smoothly and efficiently. Participants should be instructed to
perform a small task (separate from the task under analysis), and an associated secondary task. This
acts as a pilot run of the data collection procedure and serves to highlight any potential problems.
The participant(s) should be instructed to ask any questions regarding their role in the data collec-
tion procedure.

Step 7: Undertake Primary Task Performance

Once a pilot run of the data collection procedure has been successfully completed and the partici-
pants are comfortable with their role during the trial, the data collection procedure can begin. The
participant should be instructed to perform the task under analysis, and to attend to the secondary
task when they feel that they can. The task should run for a set amount of time, and the secondary
task should run concurrently.

Step 8: Administer Subjective Workload Assessment Method

Typically, subjective workload assessment methods, such as the NASA-TLX (Hart and Staveland,
1988), are used in conjunction with primary and secondary task performance measures to assess
participant workload. The chosen method should be administered immediately upon completion
of the task under analysis, and participants should be instructed to rate the appropriate workload
dimensions based upon the primary task that they have just completed.

Table 7.1
Mental Workload Assessment Methods Summary Table
Training App. Input
Name Domain Application in Sport Time Time Methods Tools Needed Main Advantages Main Disadvantages Outputs
Primary and Generic Measurement of workload Low Low Observational Simulator 1. Useful when measuring 1. Difficult to apply during Indication of workload
secondary task during different tasks study workload in tasks that real-world tasks throughout task via
performance Comparison of workload are lengthy in duration 2. The sensitivity of primary primary and
measures across performers of (Young and Stanton, and secondary task secondary task
different levels (e.g., elite 2004) performance measures may performance scores
vs. novice) 2. Easy to use and the data be questionable
Measurement of workload gathered are easy to 3. May prove expensive, as a
imposed by different analyse simulator is normally
tactics, technology, etc. 3. Little training required required
Physiological Generic Measurement of workload High Low Observational Physiological 1. Various physiological 1. Data are easily confounded Indication of workload
measures during different tasks study measurement measures have by extraneous interference throughout task via
Comparison of workload equipment, e.g., demonstrated a 2. The equipment can be physiological
across performers of heart rate monitor sensitivity to task physically obtrusive, response data
different levels (e.g., elite demand variations temperamental, and difficult
vs. novice) 2. Data are recorded to operate
Measurement of workload continuously throughout 3. Physiological data can be
imposed by different task performance difficult to obtain and
tactics, technology, etc. 3. Equipment, such as analyse, and analysts require
heart rate monitors, is a thorough understanding of
now cheap and easy to physiological responses to
obtain workload
NASA TLX (Hart Generic Measurement of workload Low Low Observational NASA TLX 1. Provides a low cost, 1. Construct validity may be Subjective rating of
and Staveland, during different tasks study pro-forma quick, and simple-to-use questionable (i.e., is it workload
1988) Comparison of workload Pen and paper method for assessing assessing mental workload
across performers of workload or something else?)
different levels (e.g., elite 2. Is the most commonly 2. Suffers from the problems
vs. novice) used approach and has associated with collecting
Measurement of workload previously been used in subjective data post task
imposed by different a sporting context performance
tactics, technology, etc. 3. Software support is 3. The sub-scale weighting
available and a number procedure is laborious and
of studies have shown its adds more time to the
superiority over other process
workload methods
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Subjective Generic Measurement of workload Low Low Observational SWAT pro-forma 1. Provides a low cost, 1. Construct validity may be Subjective rating of
Workload during different tasks study Pen and paper quick, and simple-to-use questionable (i.e., is it workload
Assessment Comparison of workload method for assessing assessing mental workload
Technique (SWAT; across performers of workload or something else?)
Reid and Nygren, different levels (e.g., elite 2. The SWAT sub-scales 2. Suffers from the problems
1988) vs. novice) are generic, so the associated with collecting
Measurement of workload method can be applied to subjective data post task
imposed by different any domain performance
tactics, technology, etc. 3. Has been applied in a 3. The scale development
range of different procedure is laborious and
domains and has adds more time to the
significant validation process
evidence associated with
Subjective Generic Comparison of workload Low Low Observational Pen and paper 1. Quick and easy to use 1. High workload for one Rating of one task/
Workload levels imposed by study and requires only participant may be low device’s workload
Dominance different devices, tactics, minimal training workload for another dominance over
Mental Workload Assessment Methods

(SWORD; positions, etc. 2. Generic; can be applied 2. Does not provide a direct another
Vidulich, 1989) in any domain measure of workload
3. Useful when comparing 3. There are various problems
two different devices associated with collecting
and their effect upon subjective data post trial
operator workload
Instantaneous Generic Measurement of workload Low Low Observational Audio recording 1. Provides a simple, low 1. Intrusive to primary task Subjective rating of
Self-Assessment during different tasks study device cost, and quick means of performance workload throughout
(ISA) Comparison of workload analysing varying levels 2. The data are subjective and a task (i.e., ratings
across performers of of workload throughout a may often be correlated with elicited every 2
different levels (e.g., elite particular task task performance minutes)
vs. novice) 2. Requires very little (if 3. Participants are not very
Measurement of workload any) training efficient at reporting mental
imposed by different 3. Output is immediately events
tactics, technology, etc. useful, providing a
workload profile for the
task under analysis
216 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 9: Analyse Data

Once the data collection procedure is completed, the data should be analysed appropriately. Young
and Stanton (2004) used the frequency of correct responses on a secondary task to indicate the
amount of spare capacity the participant had, i.e., the greater the correct responses on the primary
task, the greater the participant’s spare capacity was assumed to be.

1. Primary task performance measures offer a direct index of performance.
2. Primary task performance measures are particularly effective when measuring workload
in tasks that are lengthy in duration (Young and Stanton, 2004).
3. Primary task performance measures are also useful when measuring operator overload.
4. It requires no further effort on behalf of the analyst to set up and record, as primary task
performance measures are normally taken anyway.
5. Secondary task performance measures are effective at discriminating between tasks when
no difference was observed assessing performance alone.
6. Primary and secondary task performance measures are easy to use and the data gathered
are easy to analyse.

1. The sensitivity of primary and secondary task performance measures may be questionable.
For example, primary task performance measures alone may not distinguish between dif-
ferent levels of workload, particularly minimal ones. Operators may still achieve the same
performance levels under different workload conditions.
2. When used in isolation, primary task performance measures have limited reliability.
3. Secondary task performance measures have been found to be only sensitive to gross
changes in participant workload.
4. Secondary task performance measures are highly intrusive to primary task performance.
5. Great care is required during the design and selection of the secondary task to be used.
The analyst must ensure that the secondary task competes for the same resources as the
primary task.
6. Extra work and resources are required in developing the secondary task performance
7. The methods need to be used together to be effective.
8. It is difficult to apply both approaches during real-world tasks undertaken in the field.
9. Using primary and secondary task performance measures may prove expensive, as simula-
tors and computers are often required.

Related Methods
Primary and secondary task performance measures are typically used in conjunction with physi-
ological measures and subjective workload assessment methods in order to measure participant
workload. A number of secondary task performance measurement methods exist, including task
reaction times, tracking tasks, memory recall tasks, and mental arithmetic tasks. Physiological mea-
sures of workload include measuring participant heart rate, heart rate variability, blink rate, and
brain activity. There are a number of subjective workload assessment methods available, including
the NASA-TLX (Hart and Staveland, 1988), and the SWAT (Reid and Nygren, 1988).
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 217

Training and Application Times

The training and application times associated with both primary and secondary task performance
measures of workload are typically low. However, when no applicable secondary task measure
exists, substantial time may be required for the development of an appropriate secondary task mea-
sure. The application time is also dependent upon the duration of the task under analysis.

Reliability and Validity

It is not possible to comment on the reliability and validity of primary and secondary performance
measures of workload, as they are developed specifically for the task and application under analysis.
The reliability and validity of the methods used can be checked to an extent by using a battery of
measures (primary task performance measures, secondary task performance measures, physiologi-
cal measures, and subjective assessment methods). The validity of the secondary task measure can
be assured by making sure that the secondary task competes for the same attentional resources as
the primary task.

Tools Needed
The tools needed are dependent upon the nature of the analysis. For example, in the example
described below a driving simulator and a PC were used. The secondary task is normally presented
separately from the primary task via a desktop or laptop computer. A simulator or a PC is normally
used to record participant performance on the primary and secondary tasks.

Young and Stanton (2004) describe the measurement of workload in a driving simulator environ-
ment. Primary task performance measurement included recording data regarding speed, lateral
position, and headway (distance from the vehicle in front). A secondary task was used to assess
spare attentional capacity. The secondary task used was designed to compete for the same atten-
tional resources as the primary task of driving the car. The secondary task was comprised of a
rotated figures task whereby participants were randomly presented with a pair of stick figures (one
upright, the other rotated through 0°, 90°, 180°, or 270°) holding one or two flags. The flags were
made up of either squares or diamonds. Participants were required to make a judgement, via a push
button device, as to whether the figures were the same or different, based upon the flags that they
were holding. The participants were instructed to attend to the secondary task only when they felt
that they had time to do so. Participant correct responses were measured, and it was assumed that
the higher the frequency of correct responses, the greater participant spare capacity was assumed
to be.

(See Flowchart 7.1.)

Recommended Text
Young, M. S., and Stanton, N. (2004). Mental workload. In Handbook of Human Factors methods, eds. N. A.
Stanton, A. Hedge, K. Brookhuis, E. Salas, and H. Hendrick. London: Taylor & Francis.
218 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Define primary task

performance measures

appropriate secondary

Test data collection


Do measures

Brief participants

Conduct pilot runs until

participants are comfor-
table with procedure

Begin trial

Collect primary and

secondary task
performance data

When trial is complete

administer subjective
rating method

Analyse data


flowchart 7.1  Primary and secondary task performance measures flowchart.

Mental Workload Assessment Methods 219

Physiological Measures
Background and Applications
Physiological and psychophysiological measures have also been used extensively for assessing
workload in many domains. Physiological methods are used to measure variations in participant
physiological responses to the task under analysis. The indication of workload is based upon the
assumption that as task demand increases, marked changes in physiological systems are apparent.
In the past, heart rate, heart rate variability, endogenous blink rate, brain activity, electrodermal
response, eye movements, papillary responses and event-related potentials have all been used to
assess workload. Measuring heart rate, whereby increases in participant heart rate are taken to be
indicative of increased workload, is one of the most common physiological measures of workload.
Heart rate variability has also been used as a measure of workload, where a decrease in heart rate
variability (heart rhythm) is taken to be indicative of an increased level workload (Salvendy, 1997).
Endogenous eye blink rate has also been used in the assessment of operator workload. Increased
visual demands have been shown to cause a decreased endogenous eye blink rate (Salvendy, 1997)
and a relationship between blink rate and workload has been demonstrated in the flight environment
(Wierwille and Eggemeier, 1993). It is assumed that a higher visual demand causes the operator
to reduce his or her blink rate in order to achieve greater visual input. Measures of brain activity
involve using EEG recordings to assess operator workload. According to Wierwille and Eggemeier
(1993), measures of evoked potentials have demonstrated a capability of discriminating between
levels of task demand.

Domain of Application

Application in Sport
The use of physiological measures is popular within Sports Science research, although this is typi-
cally for assessing the levels of physical workload experienced by performers. For example, Helsen
and Bultynck (2004) used heart rate measurements to investigate the physical workload levels expe-
rienced by UEFA referees and assistant referees during the final round of the Euro 2000 soccer
championships; however, for assessing mental workload they instead used the number of decisions
made during games. The use of physiological measures to assess mental workload has therefore not
received significant attention within the Sports Science domain; however, the well-developed physi-
ological measures that exist make it a potentially viable way of assessing mental workload levels.

Procedure and Advice

The following procedure offers advice on the measurement of heart rate as a physiological indicator
of workload. When using other physiological methods, it is assumed that the procedure is the same,
only with different equipment being used.

Step 1: Define Task under Analysis

The first step in an assessment of operator workload is to clearly define the task(s) under analy-
sis. It is recommended that an HTA be conducted for the task(s) under analysis. When assessing
the workload associated with the use of a novel or existing device or system, it is recom-
mended that the task(s) assessed are as representative of the device or system under analysis
as possible.
220 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 2: Select the Appropriate Measuring Equipment

Once the task(s) under analysis is clearly defined and described, the analyst should select the appro-
priate measurement equipment. For example, when measuring workload in a driving task, Young
and Stanton (2004) measured heart rate using a Polar Vantage NV Heart Rate Monitor. Polar heart
rate monitors are relatively cheap to purchase and comprise a chest belt and a watch.

Step 3: Conduct Initial Testing of the Data Collection Procedure

It is recommended that various pilot runs of the data collection procedure are conducted, in order
to test the measurement equipment used and the appropriateness of the data collected. Physiological
measurement equipment can be temperamental and difficult to use and it may take some time for
the analyst(s) to become proficient in its use.

Step 4: Brief Participants

Once the measurement procedure has been subjected to sufficient testing, the appropriate par-
ticipants should be selected and briefed regarding the purpose of the study and the data collec-
tion procedure employed. Before the task(s) under analysis are performed, all of the participants
involved should be briefed regarding the purpose of the study, workload, workload assessment,
and the physiological measurements methods to be employed. It may be useful at this stage to take
the participants through an example workload assessment, so that they understand how the chosen
physiological measures work and what is required of them as participants.

Step 5: Fit Equipment

Next, the participant(s) should be fitted with the appropriate physiological measuring equipment.
The heart rate monitor consists of a chest strap, which is placed around the participant’s chest, and a
watch, which the participant can wear on their wrist or the analyst can hold. The watch collects the
data and is then connected to a computer post trial in order to download the data collected.

Step 6: Conduct Pilot Run

Once the participant(s) understand the data collection procedure, a small pilot run should be conducted
to ensure that the process runs smoothly and efficiently. Participants should be instructed to perform
a small task (separate from the task under analysis), and an associated secondary task while wearing
the physiological measurement equipment. Upon completion of the task, the participant(s) should be
instructed to complete the chosen subjective workload assessment method. This acts as a pilot run
of the data collection procedure and serves to highlight any potential problems. The participant(s)
should be permitted to ask any questions regarding their role in the data collection procedure.

Step 7: Begin Primary Task Performance

Once a pilot run of the data collection procedure has been successfully completed, and the par-
ticipants fully understand their role during the trial, the data collection procedure can begin. The
participant should be instructed to begin the task under analysis, and to attend to the secondary task
(if one is being used) when they feel that they can. The task should run for a set amount of time, and
the secondary task should run concurrently. The heart rate monitor continuously collects participant
heart rate data throughout the task. Upon completion of the task, the heart rate monitor should be
turned off and removed from the participant’s chest.

Step 8: Administer Subjective Workload Assessment Method

Typically, subjective workload assessment methods, such as the NASA-TLX (Hart and Staveland,
1988), are used in conjunction with primary and secondary task performance measures and physi-
ological measures to assess participant workload. The chosen method should be administered
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 221

immediately after the task under analysis is completed, and participants should be instructed to rate
the appropriate workload dimensions based upon the primary task that they have just completed.

Step 9: Download Data

The heart rate monitor data collection tool (typically a watch) can now be connected to a laptop
computer in order to download the data collected. Normally, the associated software package can
be used to analyse and represent the data in a number of different forms.

Step 10: Analyse Data

Once the data collection procedure is completed, the data should be analysed appropriately. It is
typically assumed that an increase in workload causes an increase in operator heart rate. Heart rate
variability has also been used as an indicator of operator workload, where decreased variability
indicates an increase in workload (Salvendy, 1997).

1. Various physiological measures have demonstrated a sensitivity to task demand
2. When using physiological measures, data are recorded continuously throughout task
3. Physiological measures are popular in the Sports Science domains and so analysts should
be proficient in their use.
4. Physiological measurement equipment, such as heart rate monitors, is now cheap and
easy to obtain.
5. Physiological measurement equipment typically comes with a software package that auto-
mates some of the data analysis and presentation.
6. Physiological measurements can often be taken in a real-world setting, removing the need
for a simulation of the task.
7. Advances in technology have resulted in increased accuracy and sensitivity of the various
physiological measurement tools.
8. Physiological measurement typically does not interfere with primary task performance.

1. The data are easily confounded by extraneous interference (Young and Stanton, 2004).
2. Physical workload is likely to contaminate data.
3. The equipment used to measure physiological responses is typically physically obtrusive.
4. The equipment can be temperamental and difficult to operate.
5. Physiological data are difficult to obtain and analyse.
6. In order to use physiological methods effectively, the analyst(s) requires a thorough under-
standing of physiological responses to workload.
7. It may be difficult to use certain equipment in the field, e.g., brain and eye measurement

Related Methods
A number of different physiological measures have been used to assess operator workload,
including heart rate, heart rate variability, and brain and eye activity. Physiological measures
are typically used in conjunction with other workload assessment methods, such as primary
and secondary task measures and subjective workload assessment methods. Primary task
performance measures involve measuring certain aspects of participant performance on the
222 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

task(s) under analysis. Secondary task performance measures involve measuring participant
performance on an additional task, separate from the primary task under analysis. Subjective
workload assessment methods are completed post trial by participants and involve participants
rating specific dimensions of workload. There are a number of subjective workload assess-
ment methods, including the NASA-TLX (Hart and Staveland, 1988), and the SWAT (Reid and
Nygren, 1988).

Training and Application Times

The training time associated with physiological measurement methods is high. The equipment is
often difficult to operate, and the data may be difficult to analyse and interpret correctly. The appli-
cation time for physiological measurement methods is dependent upon the duration of the task under
analysis. For lengthy, complex tasks, the application time may be high; however, the typical applica-
tion time for a physiological measurement of workload is generally low.

Reliability and Validity

There is a considerable body of research that validates the use of physiological measures for assess-
ing workload, and it is suggested that heart rate variability is probably the most promising approach
(Young and Stanton, 2004). While a number of studies have reported the sensitivity of a number of
physiological measures to variations in task demand, a number of studies have also demonstrated a
lack of sensitivity to demand variations.

Tools Needed
When using physiological measurement methods, the relevant equipment is required, e.g., Polar
heart rate monitor strap, watch, and software. A PC is also required to transfer the data from the
measuring equipment to the software programme.

(See Flowchart 7.2.)

Recommended Text
Young, M. S., and Stanton, N. (2004). Mental workload. In Handbook of Human Factors and ergonomics meth-
ods, eds. N. A. Stanton, A. Hedge, K. Brookhuis, E. Salas, and H. Hendrick. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

NASA Task Load Index

Background and Applications
The NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX; Hart and Staveland, 1988) is a subjective workload
assessment method that is used to elicit subjective ratings of workload upon completion of task
performance. By far the most commonly used workload assessment method with applications in a
range of domains, the NASA-TLX is a multidimensional approach that uses the following six sub-
scales: mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, effort, performance, and frustration
level. Upon completion of the task under analysis, participants provide a rating of between 1 (low)
and 20 (high) for each subscale and, based on a weighted average of the six sub-scales, an overall
workload score is derived. Researchers using the TLX also often employ a paired comparisons
procedure. This involves presenting 15 pair-wise combinations to the participants and asking them
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 223


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Select physiological

Test data collection


N Do measures

Brief participants

Fit/set up equipment

Conduct pilot runs until

participants are comfor-
table with procedure

Begin trial

Once trial is complete,

transfer data to

Analyse data


flowchart 7.2  Physiologial measures flowchart.

to select the scale from each pair that has the most effect on the workload during the task under
analysis. This procedure accounts for two potential sources of between-rater variability: differ-
ences in workload definition between the raters, and differences in the sources of workload between
the tasks.
224 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Domain of Application
The NASA-TLX uses generic sub-scales and can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
The NASA-TLX can be used to elicit subjective ratings of workload from sports performers. This
may be to investigate differing workload levels of sports performers of different ability or experi-
ence levels (e.g., elite vs. amateur), or it may be to investigate differences in the level of workload
experienced in different game situations and events, or brought about by the introduction of new
technology, performance aids, or devices. The NASA-TLX has had some exposure in the Sports
Science discipline. For example, McMorris, Delves, Sproule, Lauder, and Hale (2005) report the use
of the TLX to elicit ratings of perceived workload during a cycling test in order to investigate how
exercise at moderate and maximal intensities affects performance on a choice response time, whole
body psychomotor task.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. For example, the aims of the analysis may
be to evaluate the impact that a new performance aid or technological device has on workload
during task performance, or it may be to compare novice and expert performer workload during a
particular task. Clearly defining the aims of the analysis is important as it affects the methods and
tasks used during the analysis.

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task or scenario under analysis. It is recommended that
the task is described clearly, including the different actors involved, the task goals, and the environ-
ment within which the task is to take place. HTA may be useful for this purpose if there is sufficient
time available.

Step 3: Select Participants

Once the task(s) under analysis is clearly defined and described, it may be useful to select the par-
ticipants that are to be involved in the analysis. This may not always be necessary and it may suffice
to select participants randomly on the day. However, if workload is being compared across rank or
experience levels, then clearly effort is required to select the appropriate participants.

Step 4: Brief Participants

Before the task(s) under analysis is performed, all of the participants involved should be briefed
regarding the purpose of the study, the area of workload and workload assessment, and the NASA-
TLX method. It is recommended that participants be given a workshop on workload and workload
assessment. It may also be useful at this stage to take the participants through an example NASA-
TLX application, so that they understand how the method works, what it produces, and what is
required of them as participants.

Step 5: Conduct Pilot Run

Before the data collection process begins, it is recommended that participants take part in a pilot run
of the NASA-TLX data collection procedure. Pilot runs should be used to iron out any problems
with the data collection procedure, and the participants should be encouraged to ask any question
throughout this process. Once the participant is familiar with the procedure and is comfortable with
his or her role, the data collection phase can begin.
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 225

Step 6: Performance of Task under Analysis

Next, the participant(s) should be instructed to perform the task under analysis. The NASA-TLX can
be administered either during or post trial. However, it is recommended that it is administered post
trial, as on-line administration is intrusive to primary task performance. If on-line administration is
required, then the TLX should be administered at predefined points and responded to verbally.

Step 7: Conduct Weighting Procedure

If using the weighting procedure, then this should be undertaken directly after task performance is
completed. The WEIGHT software presents 15 pair-wise comparisons of the six sub-scales (men-
tal demand, physical demand, temporal demand, effort, performance, and frustration level) to the
participant. Participants should be instructed to select, from each of the 15 pairs, the sub-scale from
each pair that contributed the most to the workload of the task. The WEIGHT software then cal-
culates the total number of times each sub-scale was selected by the participant. Each scale is then
rated by the software based upon the number of times it is selected by the participant. This is done
using a scale of 0 (not relevant) to 5 (more important than any other factor).

Step 8: Conduct NASA-TLX Rating Procedure

Upon completion of task performance (and the NASA-TLX weighting procedure if it is being
applied), participants should be presented with the NASA-TLX pro-forma and asked to provide a
rating of between 1 (low) and 20 (high) for each sub-scale based on the task undertaken. Ratings
should be made purely on the basis of the participant’s subjective judgement, and no assistance
should be given during the ratings procedure.

Step 9: Calculate NASA-TLX Scores

The final step involves calculating NASA-TLX scores for each participant. This can be done via the
NASA-TLX software or simply by hand. Normally, an overall workload score is calculated for each
participant. This is calculated by multiplying each rating by the weight given to that sub-scale by
the participant. The sum of the weighted ratings for each task is then divided by 15 (sum of weights).
A workload score of between 0 and 100 is then derived for the task under analysis. NASA-TLX
data are normally analysed across participants, tasks, and sub-scales. NASA-TLX data can also be
presented simply as mean overall scores and mean ratings for each sub-scale.

1. The NASA-TLX provides a low cost, quick, and simple method for assessing workload.
2. Its simplicity allows it to be easily understood by participants.
3. The results obtained can be compared across participants, trials, and sub-scales.
4. The NASA-TLX sub-scales are generic, so it can be applied to any domain.
5. It has previously been used in a sporting context (e.g., McMorris et al., 2005) and could
potentially be applied in any sporting domain.
6. The NASA-TLX has been applied in a range of different domains and has significant vali-
dation evidence associated with it, e.g., Wierwille and Eggemeier (1993).
7. Software support is available via the NASA-TLX software tool (see http://humansystems.
8. It is by far the most commonly applied of all workload assessment methods.
9. A number of studies have shown its superiority over other approaches such as the SWAT
method (Hart and Staveland, 1988; Nygren, 1991).
10. When administered post trial the approach is nonintrusive to primary task performance.
226 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

1. When administered on-line, the TLX can be intrusive to primary task performance.
2. The level of construct validity may be questionable (i.e., is it assessing mental workload or
something else?).
3. It suffers from the problems associated with collecting subjective data post task perfor-
mance, such as poor recall of events (e.g., low workload parts of the task) and a correlation
with performance (e.g., poor performance equals high workload).
4. The sub-scale weighting procedure is laborious and adds more time to the procedure.

Related Methods
The NASA-TLX is one of a number of multi-dimensional subjective workload assessment methods.
Other multi-dimensional methods include the SWAT, Bedford scales, Defence Research Agency
Workload Scales (DRAWS), and the Malvern Capacity Estimate (MACE) method. Often task anal-
ysis approaches, such as HTA, are used to describe the task so that analysts can determine which
tasks should be involved in the data collection effort. Further, subjective workload assessment meth-
ods are typically used in conjunction with other forms of workload assessment, such as primary and
secondary task performance measures and physiological measures. Finally, in order to weight the
sub-scales, the TLX uses a pair-wise comparison weighting procedure.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training time associated with the NASA-TLX method is low and the method is extremely quick
to apply. Based on our experiences it should take participants no longer than 5 minutes to complete
one NASA-TLX pro-forma for a task of any duration.

Reliability and Validity

A number of validation studies concerning the NASA-TLX method have been conducted (e.g., Hart
and Staveland, 1988; Vidulich and Tsang, 1985, 1986). Vidulich and Tsang (1985, 1986) report that
the NASA-TLX produced more consistent workload estimates for participants performing the same
task than the SWAT (Reid and Nygren, 1988) did. Hart and Staveland (1988) report that the NASA-
TLX workload scores suffer from substantially less between-rater variability than one-dimensional
workload ratings did. Luximon and Goonetilleke (2001) also report that a number of studies have
shown that the NASA-TLX is superior to SWAT in terms of sensitivity, particularly for low mental
workloads. In a comparative study of the NASA-TLX, the Road NASA-TLX (RNASA-TLX),
SWAT, and Modified Cooper Harper scale methods, Cha (2001) reported that the RNASA-TLX
is the most sensitive and acceptable when used to assess driver mental workload during in-car
navigation-based tasks.

Tools Needed
The NASA-TLX method is typically applied using pen and paper only; however, a software ver-
sion of the tool also exists (see It is
also useful to get participants to enter ratings directly into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that then
automatically calculates overall workload scores.
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 227

As part of a study focussing on workload and decision making during fell running, the NASA-TLX
method was used to analyse fell runner workload during a recent local amateur fell race. Consenting
runners were asked to complete two NASA-TLX pro-formas upon completion of the race, one for the
ascent portion of the race (an 885-ft ascent to a local monument) and one for the descent portion of the
race towards the finish. The NASA-TLX pro-forma used for the ascent portion of the race is presented
in Figure 7.2. The results derived from this study are presented in the final chapter of this book.

(See Flowchart 7.3.)

Finishing time:

Please place a cross on the scale for each question e.g.

Mental Demand How mentally demanding was the task?

Very Low Very High

Physical Demand How physically demanding was the task?

Very Low Very High

Temporal Demand How hurried or rushed was the pace of the task?

Very Low Very High

Performance How successful were you in accomplishing what

you were asked to do?

Perfect Failure

Effort How hard did you have to work to accomplish

your level of performance?

Very Low Very High

Frustration How Insecure, discouraged, irritated, stressed,

and annoyed were you?

Very Low Very High

Figure 7.2  NASA-TLX pro-forma (Figure courtesy of NASA Ames Research Center).
228 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Brief participants and

conduct pilot run of data
collection procedure

Take first/next task

Instruct participants to
undertake task

Is weighting procedure N
being used?

Undertake weighting

Administer NASA-TLX

Y Are there any more

tasks remaining?

Analyse data


flowchart 7.3  NASA-TLX flowchart.

Mental Workload Assessment Methods 229

Recommended Texts
Hart, S. G., and Staveland, L. E. (1988). Development of a multi-dimensional workload rating scale: Results
of empirical and theoretical research. In Human mental workload, eds. P. A. Hancock and N. Meshkati.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
Vidulich, M. A., and Tsang, P. S. (1986). Technique of subjective workload assessment: A comparison of SWAT
and the NASA bipolar method. Ergonomics 29(11):1385–98.

Subjective Workload Assessment Technique

Background and Applications
The Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT; Reid and Nygren, 1988) was developed by
the US Air Force Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory at the Wright Patterson Air
Force Base, USA, to assess pilot workload in cockpit environments. SWAT is a multi-dimensional
method that measures the following three dimensions of operator workload:

1. Time load  Refers to the time limit within which the task under analysis is performed, and
also the extent to which multiple tasks must be performed concurrently
2. Mental load  Refers to the attentional, cognitive, or mental demands associated with the
task under analysis.
3. Stress load  Refers to the level of stress imposed on the participant during performance
of the task under analysis, and includes fatigue, confusion, risk, frustration, and anxiety

Upon completion of task performance, and after an initial weighting procedure, participants are
asked to rate each dimension (time load, mental effort load, and stress load) on a scale of 1 to 3. A
workload rating is then calculated for each dimension and an overall workload score between 1 and
100 is derived. The SWAT dimensions are presented in Table 7.2.

Domain of Application
Although originally developed for assessing fighter pilot workload, the SWAT dimensions are
generic and can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
Much like the NASA-TLX, the SWAT method can be used to elicit subjective ratings of workload
from sports performers. This may be to investigate differing workload levels of sports performers
of different ability or experience levels, or it may be to investigate differences in the level of work-
load experienced in different game situations or events, or brought about by the introduction of new
technology, performance aids, or devices.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. For example, the aims of the analysis may
be to evaluate the impact that a new performance aid or technological device has on workload
during task performance, or it may be to compare novice and expert performer workload during a
particular task.
230 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 7.2
SWAT Dimensions
Time Load Mental Effort Load Stress Load
1. Often have spare time: interruptions 1. Very little conscious mental effort 1. Little confusion, risk, frustration, or
or overlap among other activities or concentration required: activity anxiety exists and can be easily
occur infrequently or not at all is almost automatic, requiring accommodated
little or no attention
2. Occasionally have spare time: 2. Moderate conscious mental effort 2. Moderate stress due to confusion,
interruptions or overlap among or concentration required: frustration, or anxiety noticeably
activities occur frequently complexity of activity is adds to workload: significant
moderately high due to compensation is required to
uncertainty, unpredictability, or maintain adequate performance
unfamiliarity; considerable
attention is required
3. Almost never have spare time: 3. Extensive mental effort and 3. High to very intense stress due to
interruptions or overlap among concentration are necessary: confusion, frustration, or anxiety:
activities are very frequent, or very complex activity requiring high to extreme determination
occur all of the time total attention and self-control required

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task or scenario under analysis. It is recommended that
the task be described clearly, including the different actors involved, the task goals, and the environ-
ment within which the task is to take place. HTA may be useful for this purpose if there is sufficient
time available.

Step 3: Select Participants

Once the task(s) under analysis are clearly defined and described, it may be useful to select the par-
ticipants that are to be involved in the analysis. This may not always be necessary, and it may suffice
to select participants randomly on the day. However, if workload is being compared across rank or
experience levels, then effort is required to select the appropriate participants.

Step 4: Brief Participants

Before the task(s) under analysis are performed, all of the participants involved should be briefed
regarding the purpose of the study, the area of workload and workload assessment, and the
SWAT method. It is recommended that participants be given a workshop on workload and work-
load assessment. It may also be useful at this stage to take the participants through an example
SWAT application, so that they understand how the method works and what is required of them
as participants.

Step 5: Undertake Scale Development

Once the participants understand how the SWAT method works, the SWAT scale development pro-
cess can take place. This involves participants placing in rank order all possible 27 combinations of
the three workload dimensions—time load, mental effort load, and stress load—according to their
effect on workload. This “conjoint” measurement is used to develop an interval scale of workload
rating, from 1 to 100.

Step 6: Conduct Pilot Run

Before the data collection process begins, it is recommended that the participants take part in a
number of pilot runs of the SWAT data collection procedure. A number of small test scenarios
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 231

should be used to iron out any problems with the data collection procedure, and the participants
should be encouraged to ask any questions. Once the participant is familiar with the procedure and
is comfortable with his or her role, the real data collection can begin.

Step 7: Performance of Task under Analysis

Next, the participant(s) should be instructed to perform the task under analysis. The SWAT can be
administered either during or post trial. However, it is recommended that the SWAT is administered
post trial, as on-line administration is intrusive to primary task performance. If on-line administra-
tion is required, then the SWAT should be administered and responded to verbally.

Step 8: Conduct SWAT Rating Procedure

Upon completion of task performance, participants should be presented with the SWAT pro-forma
and asked to provide a rating between 1 (low) and 3 (high) for each SWAT dimension based on the
task undertaken. Ratings should be made purely on the basis of the participant’s subjective judge-
ment and no assistance should be given in calculation of sub-scale ratings. Assistance may be given,
however, if the participants do not understand any of the sub-scales (although participants should
fully understand each sub-scale upon completion of the briefing during step 4).

Step 9: Calculate SWAT Scores

The final step involves calculating SWAT scores for each participant. Normally, an overall workload
score is calculated for each participant. For the workload score, the analyst should take the scale
value associated with the combination given by the participant. The scores are then translated into
individual workload scores for each SWAT dimension. Finally, an overall workload score should
be calculated.

1. The SWAT method provides a low cost, quick, and simple-to-use method for assessing
2. Its simplicity allows it to be easily understood by participants.
3. The results obtained can be compared across participants, trials, and dimensions.
4. The SWAT sub-scales are generic, so the method can be applied to any domain.
5. When administered post trial the approach is nonintrusive to primary task performance.
6. The PRO-SWAT (Kuperman,1985) variation allows the method to be used to predict oper-
ator workload.

1. When administered on-line, the SWAT method can be intrusive to primary task
2. The level of construct validity may be questionable (i.e., is it assessing mental workload or
something else?).
3. It suffers from the problems associated with collecting subjective data post task perfor-
mance, such as poor recall of events (e.g., low workload parts of the task) and a correlation
with performance (e.g., poor performance equals high workload).
4. The scale development procedure is laborious and adds more time to the procedure.
5. A number of validation studies report that the NASA-TLX is superior to SWAT in terms of
sensitivity, particularly for low mental workload scenarios (Hart and Staveland, 1988; Nygren,
6. SWAT has been criticised for having a low level of sensitivity to workload variations (e.g.,
Luximon and Goonetilleke, 2001).
232 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Related Methods
The SWAT is one of a number of multidimensional subjective workload assessment methods. Other
multidimensional methods include the NASA-TLX, Bedford scales, DRAWS, and the MACE
method. Often task analysis approaches, such as HTA, are used to describe the task so that analysts
can determine which tasks should be involved in the data collection effort. Further, subjective work-
load assessment methods are typically used in conjunction with other forms of workload assess-
ment, such as primary and secondary task performance measures and physiological measures. A
predictive version of the SWAT, known as PRO-SWAT (Kuperman, 1985), also exists.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training time associated with the SWAT method is minimal and the method is extremely quick
to apply. Based on our experiences it should take participants no longer than 5 minutes to complete
one SWAT pro-forma; however, in a study comparing the NASA-TLX, workload profile, and SWAT
methods (Rubio et al., 2004), the SWAT incurred the longest application time of the three methods.

Reliability and Validity

A number of validation studies involving the SWAT method have been conducted (e.g., Hart and
Staveland, 1988; Vidulich and Tsang, 1985, 1986). Vidulich and Tsang (1985, 1986) reported that
NASA-TLX produced more consistent workload estimates for participants performing the same
task than the SWAT approach did (Reid and Nygren, 1988). Luximon and Goonetilleke (2001) also
reported that a number of studies have shown that the NASA-TLX is superior to SWAT in terms of
sensitivity, particularly for low mental workloads (Hart and Staveland, 1988; Nygren, 1991).

Tools Needed
The SWAT method can be applied using pen and paper only; however, it is useful to get participants
to enter ratings directly into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which then automatically calculates
overall workload scores.

(See Flowchart 7.4.)

Recommended Texts
Reid, G. B., and Nygren, T. E. (1988). The subjective workload assessment technique: A scaling procedure
for measuring mental workload. In Human mental workload, eds. P. S. Hancock and N. Meshkati.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
Vidulich, M. A., and Tsang, P. S. (1986) Technique of subjective workload assessment: A comparison of SWAT
and the NASA bipolar method. Ergonomics 29(11):1385–98.

The Subjective Workload Dominance Method

Background and Applications
The Subjective Workload Dominance method (SWORD; Vidulich, 1989) is a subjective workload
assessment method that uses paired comparisons in order to elicit ratings of workload for different
tasks. The SWORD method is administered post trial and requires participants to rate one task’s
dominance over another in terms of the level of workload imposed. The SWORD method has typi-
cally been used in assessments of the level of workload imposed by two or more different display or
interface design concepts (e.g., Vidulich, Ward, and Schueren, 1991).
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 233


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Brief participants and

conduct pilot run of data
collection procedure

Undertake scale

Take first/next task

Instruct participants to
undertake task

Administer SWAT pro-


Y Are there any more

tasks remaining?

Analyse data


flowchart 7.4  SWAT flowchart.

234 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Domain of Application
The SWORD method was originally developed for the aviation domain to assess pilot workload;
however, the approach is generic and can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
The SWORD method could potentially be used in a sporting context in order to assess the level of
workload imposed on performers when using two different devices, displays, or performance aids.
The level of workload imposed when playing in two different positions or roles within a team could
also potentially be assessed using the SWORD method.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. For example, the aim of the analysis may
be to evaluate the levels of workload imposed by two different devices or procedures. Alternatively,
it may be to compare the levels of workload experienced by novice and expert performers when
performing two different tasks or using two different devices.

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task or scenario under analysis. It is recommended that
the task be described clearly, including the different actors involved, the task goals, and the environ-
ment within which the task is to take place. HTA may be useful for this purpose if there is sufficient
time available.

Step 3: Create SWORD Rating Sheet

Once a task description (e.g., HTA) is developed, the SWORD rating sheet can be created. The ana-
lyst should list all of the possible combinations of tasks involved in the scenario under analysis (e.g.,
task A vs. B, A vs. C, B vs. C, etc.) and also the dominance rating scale. An example of a SWORD
rating sheet is presented in Figure 7.3.

Step 4: Select Participants

Once the task(s) under analysis is clearly defined and described, it may be useful to select the par-
ticipants that are to be involved in the analysis. This may not always be necessary and it may suffice
to select participants randomly on the day.

Very Very
Task Absolute Strong Strong Weak EQUAL Weak Strong Strong Absolute TASK

FIGURE 7.3  Example SWORD paired comparison rating sheet.

Mental Workload Assessment Methods 235

Step 5: Brief Participants

Before the task(s) under analysis is performed, all of the participants involved should be briefed
regarding the purpose of the study, the area of workload and workload assessment, and the SWORD
method. It is recommended that participants be given a workshop on workload and workload assess-
ment. It may also be useful at this stage to take the participants through an example SWORD applica-
tion, so that they understand how the method works and what is required of them as participants.

Step 6: Conduct Pilot Run

Before the data collection process begins, it is recommended that the participants take part in a
number of pilot runs of the SWORD data collection procedure. A number of small test scenarios
should be used to iron out any problems with the data collection procedure, and the participants
should be encouraged to ask any questions. Once the participant is familiar with the procedure and
is comfortable with his or her role, the real data collection can begin.

Step 7: Undertake Task(s) under Analysis

Next, the participant(s) should be instructed to perform the task under analysis. The SWORD
method is administered post trial.

Step 8: Administration of SWORD Questionnaire

Once the tasks under analysis are completed, the SWORD data collection process begins. This
involves the administration of the SWORD rating sheet. The participant should be presented with
the SWORD rating sheet immediately after task performance has ended. The SWORD rating sheet
lists all possible paired comparisons of the tasks conducted in the scenario under analysis. A 9-point
rating scale is used. The analyst has to rate the two tasks (e.g., task A vs. B), in terms of the level
of workload imposed, against each other. For example, if the participant feels that the two tasks
imposed a similar level of workload, then they should mark the “Equal” point on the rating sheet.
However, if the participant feels that task A imposed a slightly higher level of workload than task B
did, they would move towards task A on the sheet and mark the “Weak” point on the rating sheet.
If the participant felt that task A imposed a much greater level of workload than task B, then they
would move towards task A on the sheet and mark the “Absolute” point on the rating sheet. This
allows the participant to provide a subjective rating of one task’s workload dominance over the
over. This procedure should continue until all of the possible combinations of tasks in the scenario
under analysis are assigned SWORD ratings. An example of a completed SWORD rating sheet is
presented in Figure 7.4.

Step 9: Construct Judgement Matrix

Once all ratings have been elicited, the SWORD judgement matrix should be constructed. Each cell
in the matrix should represent the comparison of the task in the row with the task in the associated
column. The analyst should fill each cell with the participant’s dominance rating. For example, if
a participant rated tasks A and B as equal, a “1” is entered into the appropriate cell. If task A is
rated as dominant, then the analyst simply counts from the “Equal” point to the marked point on
the SWORD dominance rating sheet, and enters the number in the appropriate cell. The rating for
each task is calculated by determining the mean for each row of the matrix and then normalising
the means (Vidulich, Ward, and Schueren, 1991).

Step 10: Evaluate Matrix Consistency

Once the SWORD matrix is complete, the consistency of the matrix can be evaluated by ensuring
that there are transitive trends amongst the related judgements in the matrix. For example, if task A
is rated twice as hard as task B, and task B is rated three times as hard as task C, then task A should
be rated as six times as hard as task C (Vidulich, Ward, and Schueren, 1991).
236 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Very Very
Task Absolute Strong Strong Weak EQUAL Weak Strong Strong Absolute TASK
A ✖ B
A ✖ C
A ✖ D
A ✖ E
B ✖ C
B ✖ D
B ✖ E
C ✖ D
C ✖ E
D ✖ E

FIGURE 7.4  Example of a completed SWORD paired comparison rating sheet.

1. The SWORD method offers a simple, quick, and low cost approach to workload
2. SWORD is particularly useful when analysts wish to compare the levels of workload
imposed by different tasks, devices, design concepts, or procedures.
3. SWORD is administered post trial and is non-intrusive to task performance.
4. SWORD has high face validity.
5. Studies have demonstrated SWORD’s sensitivity to workload variations (e.g., Reid and
Nygren, 1988).
6. It could be used in a sporting context to compare the levels of workload imposed by two
different devices, performance aids, procedures, events, or design concepts.

1. The SWORD method suffers from the problems associated with collecting subjective data
post task performance, such as poor recall of events (e.g., low workload parts of the task)
and a correlation with performance (e.g., poor performance equals high workload).
2. Only limited validation evidence is available in the literature.
3. The SWORD method has not been as widely applied as other subjective workload assess-
ment methods, such as the SWAT and NASA-TLX.
4. The SWORD output does not offer a rating of participant workload as such, only a rating
of which tasks or devices imposed greater workload.

Related Methods
SWORD is one of a number of subjective workload assessment methods. Others include the
NASA-TLX, SWAT, Bedford scales, DRAWS, and the MACE method. Often task analysis
approaches, such as HTA, are used so that analysts can determine which tasks should be involved
in the analysis. Further, subjective workload assessment methods are typically used in conjunc-
tion with other forms of workload assessment, such as primary and secondary task performance
measures. A predictive version of the SWORD, known as Pro-SWORD (Vidulich, Ward, and
Schueren, 1991), also exists. In addition, an adaptation of the method known as SA-SWORD
(Vidulich and Hughes, 1991) is used to measure differences in the levels of SA afforded by dif-
ferent tasks and devices.
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 237

Approximate Training and Application Times

The SWORD method requires only minimal training. The application time is dependent upon the
tasks used, although completing SWORD ratings typically requires very little time.

Reliability and Validity

Vidulich, Ward, and Schueren (1991) tested SWORD for its accuracy in predicting the workload
imposed upon F-16 pilots by a new Head-Up Display (HUD) attitude display system. Participants
included F-16 pilots and college students and were divided into two groups. The first group (F-16
pilots experienced with the new HUD display) retrospectively rated the tasks using the traditional
SWORD method, while the second group (F-16 pilots who had no experience of the new HUD
display) used the Pro-SWORD variation to predict the workload associated with the HUD tasks. A
third group (college students with no experience of the HUD) also used the Pro-SWORD method to
predict the associated workload. In conclusion, it was reported that the pilot Pro-SWORD ratings
correlated highly with the pilot SWORD (retrospective) ratings (Vidulich, Ward, and Schueren,
1991). Furthermore, the Pro-SWORD ratings correctly anticipated the recommendations made in an
evaluation of the HUD system. Vidulich and Tsang (1986) also reported that the SWORD method
was more reliable and sensitive than the NASA-TLX method.

Tools Needed
The SWORD method can be applied using pen and paper. The system or device under analysis is
also required.

(See Flowchart 7.5.)

Recommended Texts
Vidulich, M. A. (1989). The use of judgement matrices in subjective workload assessment: The subjective
Workload Dominance (SWORD) technique. In Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 33rd Annual
Meeting, 1406–10). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors Society.
Vidulich, M. A., Ward, G. F., and Schueren, J. (1991). Using Subjective Workload Dominance (SWORD) tech-
nique for Projective Workload Assessment. Human Factors 33(6):677–91.

Instantaneous Self-Assessment Method

Background and Applications
The ISA workload method is a simplistic subjective workload assessment method that was devel-
oped for use in the assessment of air traffic controller workload (Kirwan et al., 1997). When using
ISA, participants provide subjective ratings of their workload on-line during task performance (nor-
mally every 2 minutes) using a simplistic scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high). For example, Kirwan et al.
(1997) used the ISA scale in Table 7.3 to assess air traffic controller workload.
Typically, ISA ratings are given either verbally or via a colour-coded keypad, which flashes
when a workload rating is required. The frequency with which workload ratings are collected is
particularly useful since it allows a workload profile throughout the task to be built, which allows
the analyst to ascertain excessively high or low workload parts of the task under analysis.
238 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Create SWORD paired

comparisons rating sheet

Brief participants

Conduct pilot run of data

collection procedure

Take first/next task

Instruct participants to
undertake task

Y Are there any more

tasks remaining?

Administer SWORD
paired comparison
rating sheet

Construct judgement

Evaluate matrix

N Is matrix
Discard data consistent?


flowchart 7.5  SWORD flowchart.

Mental Workload Assessment Methods 239

Table 7.3
ISA Scale
Level Workload Heading Spare Capacity Description
5 Excessive None Behind on tasks; losing track of the full picture
4 High Very little Non-essential tasks suffering; could not work at this level very
3 Comfortable busy pace Some All tasks well in hand; busy but stimulating pace; could keep going
continuously at this level
2 Relaxed Ample More than enough time for all tasks; active on ATC task less than
50% of the time
1 Under utilised Very much Nothing to do; rather boring

Source: Kirwan, B., Evans, A., Donohoe, L., Kilner, A., Lamoureaux, T., Atkinson, T., and MacKendrick, H. (1997). Human
Factors in the ATM System Design Life Cycle. FAA/Eurocontrol ATM R&D Seminar, Paris, France, June 16–20.

Domain of Application
Although the method was developed and originally applied in the air traffic control domain, the
procedure and scale are generic, allowing it to be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
ISA type approaches could potentially be used in sport to analyse workload throughout a particular
task, event, or game. The method seems to be particularly suited to individual sports in which work-
load is likely to vary throughout performance, such as road and fell running and cycling.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. For example, the aim of the analysis may be
to evaluate the level of workload imposed on participants throughout a particular task or event, or it
may be to compare the workload imposed by two different events, devices, or scenarios.

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task or scenario under analysis. It is recommended that
the task is described clearly, including the different actors involved, the task goals, and the environ-
ment within which the task is to take place. HTA may be useful for this purpose if there is sufficient
time available.

Step 3: Select Participants

Once the task(s) under analysis is clearly defined and described, it may be useful to select the par-
ticipants that are to be involved in the analysis. This may not always be necessary and it may suffice
to select participants randomly on the day. However, if workload is being compared across rank or
experience levels, then effort is required to select the appropriate participants.

Step 4: Brief Participants

Before the task(s) under analysis is performed, all of the participants involved should be briefed
regarding the purpose of the study, the area of workload and workload assessment, and the ISA
method. It is recommended that participants be given a workshop on workload and workload assess-
ment. It may also be useful at this stage to take the participants through an example ISA application,
so that they understand how the method works and what is required of them as participants.
240 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 5: Conduct Pilot Run

Before the data collection process begins, it is recommended that the participants take part in a
number of pilot runs of the ISA data collection procedure. A number of small test scenarios should
be used to iron out any problems with the data collection procedure, and the participants should be
encouraged to ask any questions. Once the participant is familiar with the procedure and is comfort-
able with his or her role, the real data collection can begin.

Step 6: Begin Task(s) under Analysis and Collect ISA Ratings

Next, the participant(s) should be instructed to perform the task under analysis. Workload ratings
are typically requested verbally; however, in more sophisticated setups, ratings can be requested
and provided via a flashing keypad device. The frequency and timing of workload ratings should
be determined beforehand by the analyst, although every 2 minutes is a general rule of thumb. It is
critical that the process of requesting and providing ratings is as unintrusive to task performance
as is possible (i.e., for runners and cyclists verbally requesting and providing ratings is the most
appropriate). Workload ratings should be elicited throughout the task until completion. The analyst
should record each workload rating given.

Step 7: Construct Task Workload Profile

Once the task is complete and the workload ratings are collected, the analyst should construct a work-
load profile for the task under analysis. Typically, a graph is constructed, depicting the workload ratings
over time throughout the task. This is useful for highlighting the high and low workload points of the
task under analysis. An average workload rating for the task under analysis is also typically calculated.

1. The ISA method provides a simple, low cost, and quick means of analysing varying levels
of workload throughout a particular task.
2. It requires very little (if any) training.
3. The output is immediately useful, providing a workload profile for the task under
4. Little data analysis is required.
5. The method is generic and can be applied in any domain.
6. It is useful when other methods are too intrusive, such as physiological measures.
7. It requires very little in the way of resources.
8. While the method is intrusive to the primary task, it is probably the least intrusive of all
on-line workload assessment methods.
9. ISA of workload is normally sensitive to varying task demands.

1. ISA is intrusive to primary task performance.
2. The data are subjective and may often be correlated with task performance.
3. There is only limited validation evidence associated with the method.
4. Participants are not very efficient at reporting mental events.

Related Methods
ISA is a subjective workload assessment method of which there are many, such as the NASA-TLX,
SWORD, MACE, DRAWS, and the Bedford scales. To ensure comprehensiveness, ISA is often
used in conjunction with other subjective methods, such as the NASA-TLX.
Mental Workload Assessment Methods 241

Training and Application Times

The ISA method requires very little (if any) training. The application time is dependent upon the task
under analysis, but is normally low since the data are collected on-line during task performance.

Reliability and Validity

No data regarding the reliability and validity of the method are available in the literature.

Tools Needed
ISA is normally applied using pen and paper; however, for sporting applications where ratings are
requested and made verbally, an audio recording device is required. In addition, a timing device of
some sort (i.e., stopwatch or watch) is required to ensure that workload ratings are requested at the
correct time.

The ISA method was used to evaluate runner physical and mental workload during a training run.
The runner in question provided physical and mental workload ratings on a scale of 1 (low) to 5
(high) over the course of a 6-mile training run. Workload ratings were provided every 2 minutes. A
heart rate monitor was also used to measure the runner’s heart rate throughout the run. The graph
presented in Figure 7.5 depicts the runner’s ISA physical and mental workload ratings and heart rate
throughout the 6-mile run.

(See Flowchart 7.6.)

Recommended Text
Kirwan, B., Evans, A., Donohoe, L., Kilner, A., Lamoureux, T., Atkinson, T., and MacKendrick, H. (1997).
Human Factors in the ATM System Design Life Cycle. FAA/Eurocontrol ATM R&D Seminar, Paris,
France, June 16–20.

Long flat section, 6.30 mile comfortable pace Steep incline

Long incline

Downhill section

Sprint finish

FIGURE 7.5  ISA ratings and heart rate throughout 6-mile run.
242 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Brief participants

Conduct pilot run of

data collection

Begin task

Wait designated period

of time

Request workload
rating on a scale
of 1 to 5

Record workload rating

Y Is task still

Construct workload
profile for task

Are there
Y any more


flowchart 7.6  ISA flowchart.

8 Teamwork Assessment Methods
Team processes and performance have been a common line of enquiry for sports scientists for many
years (Fiore and Salas, 2006; Pedersen and Cooke, 2006). To date, various aspects of teamwork have
been discussed in a sporting context, including team performance assessment (e.g., Jones, James,
and Mellalieu, 2008), team cognition (e.g., Reimer, Park, and Hinsz, 2006), team coordination (e.g.,
Ferarro, Sforza, Dugnani, Michielon, and Mauro, 1999), and team attitudes such as collective effi-
cacy (e.g., Chow and Feltz, 2008) and team cohesion (e.g., Carron, Bray, and Eys, 2002). Similarly,
teamwork has received considerable attention from the Human Factors community, and a num-
ber of teamwork issues have been investigated across a wide range of domains. Examples include
coordination (e.g., Fiore, Salas, Cuevas, and Bowers, 2003), communication (e.g., Svensson and
Andersson, 2006), shared mental models (e.g., Fox, Code, and Langfield-Smith, 2000), team situ-
ation awareness (e.g., Salmon et al., 2009), distributed cognition (e.g., Hutchins, 1995), team errors
(e.g., Wilson et al., 2007), team training (e.g., Salas, 2004), leadership (e.g., Bell and Kozlowski,
2002), trust (e.g., Salas, Burke, and Samman, 2001), and team attitudes, such as team cohesion, col-
lective efficacy, and collective orientation (e.g., Fiore et al., 2003; Salas, Burke, and Samman, 2001;
Wilson et al., 2007).
The potential for cross-disciplinary interaction between Human Factors researchers and sports
scientists is perhaps greatest in the area of teamwork, due to the high presence of teams in the
domains in which both work, and also the amount of knowledge that both disciplines have amassed
over the years. Indeed, in attempt to promote interaction between team cognition researchers and
sports psychologists, a recent special issue of the International Journal of Sports and Exercise
Psychology (Fiore and Salas, 2006) focussed on the discussion of key teamwork concepts by lead-
ing team cognition researchers in a sporting context. Goodwin (2008) also points out there is great
potential for gaining further insight into teamwork in the military through the study of sports teams.
In particular, Goodwin (2008) outlines team dynamics, shared cognition, and team development as
areas in which opportunities for learning more exist. Disappointingly, despite the ubiquitous pres-
ence of teams within sport and the Human Factors domains, the various teamwork assessment meth-
ods used by Human Factors researchers have not yet been applied in a sporting context.

From a Human Factors perspective at least, the use of teams has increased significantly over the
past three decades (Savoie, cited in Salas, 2004). This is primarily due to two factors. First, the
increasing complexity of work and work procedures, and second, because appropriately trained and
constructed teams potentially offer a number of advantages over and above the use of individual
operators. These include the ability to better perform more difficult and complex tasks, greater
productivity and improved decision making (Orasanu and Fischer, 1997), more efficient perfor-
mance under stress (Salas and Cannon-Bowers, 2000), and a reduction in the number of errors made
(Wiener, Kanki, and Helmreich, 1993; cited in Salas and Cannon-Bowers, 2000).
A team is characterised as consisting of two or more people, dealing with multiple information
sources and working to accomplish a common goal of some sort. Salas, Sims, and Burke (2005) define
a team as “two or more individuals with specified roles interacting adaptively, interdependently, and

244 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

dynamically toward a common and valued goal” (p. 561). Teams also have a range of distinct char-
acteristics that distinguish them from small groups; Salas (2004), for example, suggests that char-
acteristics of teams include meaningful task interdependency, coordination among team members,
specialised member roles and responsibilities, and intensive communication.
Collaborative work comprises two forms of activity: teamwork and taskwork. Teamwork refers
to those instances where individuals interact or coordinate behaviour in order to achieve tasks that
are important to the team’s goals (i.e., behavioural, attitudinal, and cognitive responses coordinated
with fellow team members), while taskwork (i.e., task-oriented skills) describes those instances
where team members are performing individual tasks separate from their team counterparts, i.e.,
those tasks that do not require interdependent interaction with other team members (Salas, Cooke,
and Rosen, 2008). Teamwork is formally defined by Wilson et al. (2007) as “a multidimensional,
dynamic construct that refers to a set of interrelated cognitions, behaviours and attitudes that occur
as team members perform a task that results in a coordinated and synchronised collective action”
(p. 5). According to Glickman et al. (1987; cited in Burke, 2004), team tasks require a combination
of taskwork and teamwork skills in order to be completed effectively.
There have been many attempts to postulate models of teamwork (e.g., Fleishman and Zaccaro,
1992; Helmreich and Foushee, 1993; McIntyre and Dickinson, 1992; Salas, Sims, and Burke, 2005;
Zsambok, Klein, Kyne, and Klinger, 1993, etc.), far more than there is room to include here (a recent
review by Salas, Sims, and Burke [2005] identified over 130 models). Most of the models presented
in the academic literature attempt to define the different teamwork processes involved and/or the
different attributes that teams possess. A summary of the more prominent teamwork models is
presented in Table 8.1.
For example, Salas, Sims, and Burke (2005) outlined the “big five” model of teamwork, arguing
that the five most important teamwork processes are leadership, mutual performance monitoring,
back up behaviour, adaptability, and team orientation. Salas, Sims, and Burke (2005) suggested that
these factors would improve performance in any team, regardless of type, so long as the following
three supporting mechanisms were also present within the team: shared mental models, closed loop
communication, and mutual trust. One pertinent line of enquiry is the comparison of expert sports
teams and teams performing within the safety critical domains (e.g., the military, emergency ser-
vices). The extent to which teamwork models developed in both areas apply across both disciplines
is of interest, as are the similarities, and differences, between the processes used by teams perform-
ing in both areas.
Team competencies are also heavily discussed within the teamwork literature. Salas and
Cannon-Bowers (2000) define team competencies as resources that team members draw from
in order to function; they refer to what team members need to know, how they need to behave,
and what attitudes they need to hold (Salas, Cannon-Bowers, and Smith-Jentsch, 2001; cited in
Salas, 2004). Knowledge-based competencies refer to what team members “think” during team-
work performance; they refer to understanding facts, concepts, relations, and underlying founda-
tions of information that a team member must have to perform a task (Salas and Cannon-Bowers,
2000). Salas and Cannon-Bowers (2000) cite cue-strategy associations, team-mate characteristics,
shared mental models, and task sequencing as examples of knowledge-based competencies. Skill-
based competencies refer to the things that team members “do” during teamwork performance
and, according to Salas and Cannon-Bowers (2000), are the necessary behavioural sequences and
procedures required during task performance. Examples of skill-based competencies include adapt-
ability, situational awareness, communication, and decision-making (Salas and Cannon-Bowers,
2000). Attitude-based competencies refer to what team members “feel” during teamwork perfor-
mance and are those affective components that are required during task performance (Salas and
Cannon-Bowers, 2000). Examples of attitude-based competencies include motivation, mutual trust,
shared vision, teamwork efficacy, and collective orientation.
Teamwork Assessment Methods 245

Table 8.1
Teamwork Models
Teamwork Model Teamwork Behaviours/Processes
Normative Model of Group Effectiveness Group design
(Hackman, 1987) Group synergy
Organizational variables
Team strategies
Effort by team
Team knowledge and abilities
Big 5 Teamwork Model Team leadership
(Salas, Sims, and Burke, 2005) Team orientation
Mutual performance monitoring
Back up behaviour
Shared mental models
Closed loop communication
Mutual trust
Sociotechnical Systems Theory Perspective Task interdependencies
(Pasmore, Francis, Haldeman, and Shani, 1982) Task requirements
Organisational context
Team design
Shared mental models
Team effort
Task strategies
Team knowledge
Team skills
Common goals
Team Performance Model Orientation
(McIntyre and Dickinson, 1992) Leadership
Back up behaviour
Monitoring Coordination
Teamwork Model External conditions
(Flieshman and Zaccaro, 1992) Member resources
Team characteristics
Task characteristics
Individual task performance
Team performance function

Teamwork Assessment Methods

The complex, multi-dimensional nature of team-based activity has led to a range of different assess-
ment methods being developed and applied by Human Factors researchers. These include team
performance assessment frameworks (e.g., Stanton et al., 2005), Team Task Analysis (TTA; e.g.,
Burke, 2004), team cognitive task analysis (e.g., Klien, 2000), team communications analysis (e.g.,
Driskell and Mullen, 2004), team situation awareness assessment (e.g., Salmon et al., 2009), team
workload assessment (e.g., Bowers and Jentsch, 2004), team coordination assessment (e.g., Burke,
2004), team behavioural assessment (e.g., Baker, 2004), and team training requirements analysis
methods (e.g., Swezey, Owens, Bergondy, and Salas, 2000). For the purposes of this book we focus
on the following four teamwork assessment methods: Social Network Analysis (SNA; Driskell and
Mullen, 2004), Team Task Analysis (TTA; Burke, 2004), Coordination Demands Analysis (CDA;
246 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Burke, 2004), and the Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork framework (EAST; Stanton et al.,
2005). In addition, some of the methods already described in earlier chapters, such as propositional
networks (team situation awareness), HTA (team task analysis), and the CDM (team cognitive task
analysis) can be applied in a teamwork context. A brief description of each method focussed on in
this chapter is given below.
TTA (Burke, 2004) is used to describe the different knowledge, skills, and attitudes required by
different team members. TTA outputs are typically used in the development of team-training inter-
ventions, for the evaluation of team performance, and also to identify operational and teamwork
skills required within teams (Burke, 2004). SNA (Driskell and Mullen, 2004) is used to analyse
and represent the communications or associations between actors within a network or team. SNA
diagrams depict the communications or associations that occurred between team members during
task performance, and network statistics are used to analyse the networks mathematically in order
to identify key actors or communication “hubs.” Coordination Demands Analysis (CDA; Burke,
2004) is used to evaluate the level of coordination between team members during task performance.
Tasks are described using HTA, and a teamwork taxonomy is used to rate coordination levels on
teamwork tasks. Finally, EAST (Stanton et al., 2005) provides an integrated framework of Human
Factors methods for analysing team activities. EAST uses HTA, CDA, communications usage dia-
grams, SNA, the CDM, and propositional networks to analyse teamwork from a task, social, and
knowledge network perspective. A summary of the teamwork assessment methods described is
presented in Table 8.2.

Social Network Analysis

Background and Applications
Social Network Analysis (SNA; Driskell and Mullen, 2004) is used to understand network struc-
tures via description, visualization, and statistical modelling (Van Duijn and Vermunt, 2006). The
approach is increasingly being used across domains to analyse the relationships between individ-
uals, teams, and technology. For example, recent applications have been undertaken within the
domains of emergency services (e.g., Houghton et al., 2006), the military (e.g., Dekker, A. H.,
2002), the Internet (e.g., Adamic, Buyukkokten, and Adar, 2003), terrorism (e.g., Skillicorn, 2004),
and railway maintenance (e.g., Walker et al., 2006). The approach involves collecting data, typi-
cally via observation, interview, or questionnaire (Van Duijn and Vermunt, 2006), regarding the
relationship (e.g., communications, transactions, etc.) between the entities in the group or network
under analysis. These data are then used to construct a social network diagram that depicts the con-
nections between the entities in a way in which the relationships between agents and the structure
of the network can be easily ascertained (Houghton et al., 2006). Statistical modelling is then used
to analyse the network mathematically in order to quantify aspects of interest, such as key com-
munication “hubs.”

Application in Sport
There is great potential for applying SNA in a sporting context, not only to analyse commu-
nications between sports performers (e.g., team members, officiators), but also other associa-
tions, such as passing connections and marking. According to Wasserman and Faust (1994),
the approach can be used in any domain where the connections between entities are important;
indeed, SNA has previously been applied to the analysis of sports team performance. Reifman
(2006), for example, used SNA to analyse the passing patterns of U.S. college basketball teams,
and Gould and Gatrell (1980) used the approach to analyse network structures during the 1977
soccer FA Cup Final.
Teamwork Assessment Methods 247

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. For example, the aims of the analysis may
be to evaluate the communications or passing associations between players during different game
scenarios (e.g., defensive vs. attacking), or it may be to identify the key player in terms of passes
made and received during the entire game. The analysis aims should be clearly defined so that
appropriate scenarios are used and relevant data are collected. Further, the aims of the analysis will
dictate which network statistics are used to analyse the social networks produced.

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task or scenario under analysis. It is recommended that
the task be described clearly, including the different actors involved, the task goals, and the envi-
ronment within which the task is to take place. HTA may be useful for this purpose if there is suf-
ficient time available. It is important to clearly define the task as it may be useful to produce social
networks for different task phases, such as the first half and second half, or attacking and defensive
phases of a particular game.

Step 3: Collect Data

The next step involves collecting the data that are to be used to construct the social networks.
This typically involves observing or recording the task under analysis and recording the links of
interest that occur during task performance. Typically, the direction (i.e., from actor A to actor B),
frequency, type, and content of associations are recorded. It is recommended that the scenario be
recorded for data validation purposes.

Step 4: Validate Data Collected

More often than not it is useful to record the task in question and revisit the data to check for
errors or missing data. This involves observing the task again and checking each communication
originally recorded. Often all communications/associations cannot be recorded on-line during the
observation, and so this step is critical in ensuring that the data are accurate. It may also be perti-
nent for reliability purposes to get another analyst to analyse the data in order to compute reliability

Step 5: Construct Agent Association Matrix

Once the data are checked and validated, the data analysis phase can begin. The first step involves
the construction of an agent association matrix. This involves constructing a simple matrix and
entering the frequency of communications between each of the actors involved. For example pur-
poses, a simple association matrix, showing the passing associations between a five-a-side soccer
team, is presented in Table 8.3.

Step 6: Construct Social Network Diagram

Next, a social network diagram should be constructed. The social network diagram depicts
each actor in the network and the associations that occurred between them during the sce-
nario under analysis. Within the social network diagram, associations between actors are rep-
resented by directional arrows linking the actors involved. The frequency of associations is
represented numerically and via the thickness of the arrows. For example purposes, a social
network diagram for the five-a-side soccer team associations described in Table 8.3 is presented
in Figure 8.1.

Table 8.2
Teamwork Assessment Methods Summary Table
Application in Training App. Input Tools
Name Domain Sport Time Time Methods Needed Main Advantages Main Disadvantages Outputs
Social Network Generic Analysis of Low High Observational Pen and 1. Has previously been applied 1. Data collection Graphical
Analysis associations (e.g. study paper in a sporting context to procedure can be representation of
(SNA; Driskell communications, Agna SNA analyse the passing hugely time consuming associations between
& Mullen, passing) between software associations between team 2. For large, complex players in a network
2004) team members Microsoft members in soccer and networks the data (i.e. team members)
during task Visio basketball analysis procedure is Statistical analysis of
performance 2. Social network diagrams highly time consuming associations
Performance provide a powerful way of 3. For complex Classification of
evaluation representing the associations collaborative tasks in network structure
Coaching/training between players which a large number of
design 3. Highly suited to associations occur, SNA
Tactics performance evaluation in a outputs can become
development and sporting context complex and unwieldy
Team Task Generic Coaching/training Med High Observational Pen and 1. Goes further than other task 1. Highly time consuming Description of team
Analysis design study paper analysis methods by to apply and individual tasks
(TTA; Burke, Tactics Hierarchial specifying the knowledge, 2. A high level of access Rating of coordination
2004) development and task analysis skills, and abilities (KSAs) to SMEs is required levels required
selection Coordination required to complete each throughout Identification of the
demands task step 3. A high level of training KSAs required
analysis 2. Exhaustive, considering may be required and the during task
team tasks, the levels of reliability of the method performance
coordination required, and may be questionable
the KSAs required due to lack of a rigid
3. The output is useful for procedure
training programme design
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Coordination Generic Performance Low High Observational Pen and 1. Highly useful output that 1. Can be highly time Rating of coordination
demands evaluation study paper offers insight into the use of consuming and levels observed or
analysis Coaching/training Hierarchial Microsoft teamwork behaviours and laborious required during
design task analysis Excel also a rating of coordination 2. Intra-analyst and teamwork tasks
between team members inter-analyst reliability
2. Can potentially be used to can be a problem
analyse the coordination 3. High levels of access to
levels exhibited by sports SMEs is required
3. Coordination levels can be
compared across scenarios,
different teams, and also
Teamwork Assessment Methods

different domains
Event Analysis Generic Performance High High Observational Pen and 1. Highly comprehensive; 1. When undertaken in Description of tasks
of Systemic evaluation study paper activities are analysed from full, the EAST performed
Teamwork Task analysis WESTT various perspectives framework is a highly Rating of coordination
(EAST; Analysis of software 2. The analysis produced time consuming levels
Stanton et al., associations (e.g. tool provides compelling views approach Description and
2005) communications, HTA of teamwork activities 2. The use of various analysis of
passing) between software 3. A number of Human Factors methods ensures that communications
team members tool concepts are evaluated, the framework incurs a between team
during task including distributed high training time members
performance situation awareness, decision 3. A high level of access Description of SA
Coaching/training making, teamwork, and to the domain, task and during task
design communications SMEs performance
250 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 8.3
Social Network Agent Association Matrix Example
Player Goalkeeper Defender A Defender B Midfielder Attacker A
Goalkeeper — 13 13  7 0
Defender A 3 — 10 13 9
Defender B 0 5 —  2 0
Midfielder 0 0 0 — 7
Attacker 0 1 0  4 —

Step 7: Analyse Network Mathematically

Finally, the network should be analysed using appropriate social network analysis metrics. Various
metrics exist and the ones used are dependent on the analysis aims. In the past, we have found
sociometric status, centrality, and network density useful. Sociometric status provides a measure of
how “busy” a node is relative to the total number of nodes present within the network under analysis
(Houghton et al., 2006). Thus, sociometric status gives an indication of the relative prominence of
actors based on their links to other actors in the network. Centrality is also a metric of the stand-
ing of a node within a network (Houghton et al., 2006), but here this standing is in terms of its
“distance” from all other nodes in the network. A central node is one that is close to all other nodes
in the network and a message conveyed from that node to an arbitrarily selected other node in the
network would, on average, arrive via the least number of relaying hops (Houghton et al., 2006).
Network density provides an indication of how dense, in terms of associations between actors, a
particular network is. Various software tools are available for analysing social networks, such as
Agna and WESTT (Houghton et al., 2008).


13 2


Defender A Defender B


Figure 8.1  Example social network diagram for five-a-side soccer team.
Teamwork Assessment Methods 251

1. There is great potential for applying SNA within sport to analyse a range of associations,
including communications, passing, marking, and interactions with technology.
2. SNA has previously been applied in a sporting context to analyse network structure (Gould
and Gatrell, 1980) and the passing associations between team members in basketball
(Reifman, 2006).
3. Social network diagrams provide a powerful, and easily interpretable, means of represent-
ing the associations between players.
4. SNA can be used to identify the importance of players within a team, based on a range of
5. Highly suited to performance evaluation in a sporting context.
6. Networks can be classified according to their structure. This is particularly useful when
analysing networks across different teams and domains.
7. SNA has been used in a range of domains for a number of different purposes.
8. SNA is simple to learn and apply.
9. Various free software programmes are available for analysing social networks (e.g.,
10. SNA is generic and can be applied in any domain in which associations between actors

1. The data collection procedure for SNA can be hugely time consuming.
2. For large, complex networks the data analysis procedure is also highly time consuming.
3. For complex collaborative tasks in which a large number of associations occur, SNA out-
puts can become complex and unwieldy.
4. Some knowledge of network statistics is required to understand the analysis outputs.
5. It can be very difficult to collect SNA data for large teams.
6. Without the provision of software support, analysing the networks mathematically is a dif-
ficult and laborious procedure.

Related Methods
SNA uses observational study as its primary means of data collection, although questionnaires can
also be used whereby actors indicate who in the network they had associations with during the task
under analysis. The method itself is similar to link analysis, which describes the links between a
user and device interface during task performance.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The SNA method requires only minimal training, although some knowledge of network statistics
is required to interpret the results correctly. The application time is dependent upon the task and
network involved. For short tasks involving small networks with only minimal associations between
actors, the application time is low, particularly if an SNA software package is used for data analysis.
For tasks of a long duration involving large, complex networks, the application time is likely to be
high, due to lengthy data collection and analysis processes. The application time is reduced dramati-
cally via the use of software support such as the Agna SNA programme, which automates the social
network diagram construction and data analysis processes.
252 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Reliability and Validity

Provided the data collected are validated as described above, the reliability of the SNA method is
high. The method also has a high level of validity.

Tools Needed
At a simplistic level, SNA can be conducted using pen and paper only; however, it is recommended
that video and/or audio recording devices are used to record the task under analysis for data check-
ing and validation purposes, and that software support, such as Agna, is used for the data analysis
part of SNA.

The following example is taken from an analysis of the passing patterns of an international soc-
cer team during the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany (Salmon et al., “Network analysis,” 2009).
Passing has often been used as a means of analysing the performance of soccer teams (e.g., Hughes
and Franks, 2005; Scoulding, James, and Taylor, 2004). Typically, passing assessment involves
analysing the total number of passes made (e.g., Scoulding, James, and Taylor, 2004); analysing
passing sequences (e.g., Hughes and Franks, 2005); or analysing the percentage of passes success-
fully completed. We argued that the typical focus on passes linked to goals, although worthwhile
when looking at the role of passes in goals scored, tells us relatively little about the overall passing
performance of soccer teams in terms of each player’s passing contribution. With this in mind, we
investigated the use of social network analysis to analyse the passing performance of soccer teams
where the relationships between the players are defined by the passes made between them. We used
video recordings of an international soccer team’s games to undertake SNAs of their passing perfor-
mance. Networks were developed for different match phases (e.g., first and second half), for differ-
ent areas of the pitch (e.g., defensive third, middle third, attacking third), and for passes that linked
different areas of the pitch (e.g., defensive to middle, defensive to attacking, defensive to middle,
middle to attacking third, etc.). Sociometric status was used to analyse the networks developed. In
this case, the sociometric status of each player represents how prominent he was in terms of passes
successfully made and received during the course of the game.
An example social network diagram, taken from one of the games analysed, is presented in
Figure 8.2. Additionally, social network diagrams for each area of the pitch (e.g., defensive third,
middle third, attacking third) and each sub-team are presented in Figure 8.3 and Figure 8.4. The
sociometric status statistics for this game are presented in Table 8.4.
The analysis for the game presented revealed that player F (a central midfielder) was the key
agent in terms of sociometric status, which indicates that he was the busiest player in terms of suc-
cessful passes made and received overall throughout the 90 minutes. With regard to the different
areas of the pitch, players C and D (both centre halfs) were the key agents within the defensive third;
players F and H (both central midfielders) were the key agents within the middle third; and player I
(central midfielder) was the key agent in the attacking third. In terms of passes between the areas,
there were no key agents linking the defensive third to the middle third; player A (the goalkeeper)
was the key agent in passing between the defensive third and the attacking third; and player F was
the key agent in terms of passes made from the middle third to the attacking third of the pitch.
During the game in question the team analysed used a 4-5-1 formation with player K deployed
as a lone striker. The analysis findings suggest that player K’s overall contribution to the “network”
during the game was only minimal. This is surprising since, as a lone striker, one would expect
player K’s role to primarily involve receiving the ball in the attacking third and then bringing other
players into the game in the same area; effective performance of a lone striking role should arguably
lead to the lone striker being highly connected within the network, and produce a high sociometric
Teamwork Assessment Methods 253

K 1
1 1
3 2
3 1 1
5 5 2 1 1 M
5 1 3
7 1
3 5 2
4 I H 3 4 2
3 8 9 1
J F 4
3 7
1 10 4 2
5 5
9 5
2 2
16 11 6 6 8
6 1 6 4 1 5
7 1 1
1 2 5 1
1 1
E 3 10 6 B
D 8 C 7
1 8 1
1 2 1

Figure 8.2  Social network diagram for 2006 FIFA World Cup Final game.

status score, both overall and in the attacking third area. In fact, player K scored poorly overall and
also, even more surprisingly, in the attacking third in terms of sociometric status, an area in which
one would expect a lone striker to make the most telling contributions. As would be expected, player
K did achieve key agent status in relation to the passes made and received between the middle third
and the attacking third, which is indicative of the lone striker’s role of receiving the ball in advanced
areas and bringing other players into the game; however, since he was not a key agent in the attack-
ing third alone, the findings suggest that either the midfielders were not getting forward to support
player K in the attacking third, that on receiving the ball he found himself to be isolated, or rather
simply that player K’s collection and distribution in the attacking third was poor. Further investiga-
tion via the social network diagrams reveals that player K made only five successful passes to only
two of the five midfielders, which corroborates the notion that his “connectedness” in the attacking
third was limited. These findings suggest that the lone striker formation was unsuccessful on this

Defence-Midfield Network
Defence-Attack Network Midfield-Attack Network
F 2
4 7 3
1 10 4 3
5 5 5 5
9 1 5
2 2 2 3
16 5 6 8
4 2
6 1 6 1 I H
7 1 1 1
1 1 2 5 1
1 J F G
E 3 1 B
10 3
D 8 C 2
1 5
6 Midfield Network
7 2
E B I 4 5 H 3 4
Defence Network 43 8 9
D C J F 4
1 1 3 7
E 6
3 10 B
4 D 8 C
8 1 7 A
3 1 2 1
1 A

Figure 8.3  Social network diagrams for sub-teams and passing links between them.
254 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Def to Def Mid to Mid Def to Mid


Def to Att Mid to Att Att to Att


Figure 8.4  Social network diagrams for different pitch areas.

occasion. Further, the “agility” of the midfield in supporting player K during attacking moves was
It was concluded that SNA can be used to meaningfully analyse passing performance in sports
teams. We found that the outputs of such analyses can be used to make informed judgements on the
passing performance of the different players involved in terms of the passing relationships between
players, positions, and in different areas of the pitch. This includes identifying their overall con-
tribution to the passing performance of the team, determining how well they passed and received
the ball in different areas of the pitch, and also identifying the passing relationships between the
different players involved. In addition to merely offering a means of objective performance analysis,

Table 8.4
Sociometric Status Statistics
Def to Def to Middle to Middle to Attack to
Player Overall Def to Def Middle Attack Middle Attack Attack
A 1.66 1.2 0.1 3 — — —
B 5.33 0.9 0.8 — 2.9 0.4 0.5
C 5.58 2.0 1.3 — 2.1 0.2 0.1
D 4.58 2.2 0.9 — 1.8 — —
E 4.58 1.3 1.3 — 4.9 0.5 0.6
F 9.75 0.9 0.7 — 6.4 1.2 1
G 4.66 0.3 0.4 1 2.7 0.6 1
H 6.58 0.1 0.3 — 5.1 1 1.3
I 7 0.1 0.3 — 4.2 1.1 2.8
J 3.83 0.1 0.5 — 2.6 0.5 1.1
K 2.83 — 0.2 2 0.4 1.1 1
L 1.08 0.1 0.1 — — 0.1 0.8
C 0.66 — — — — 0.1 0.8
Teamwork Assessment Methods 255

it is our contention that such findings can be used, either in isolation or together with other data,
to inform tactics and team selection, and to analyse the key players and passing performance
of opposing teams. For example, a description of the opposition in terms of key passing players
could be used to inform tactical development and selection. Information on key passing players
and locations on the pitch could be used to determine who should be tightly marked and where
on the pitch most attention should be given. Additionally, the graphical networks provided are
useful in themselves in that they can be quickly interpreted in terms of the passing relationships
between players, positions, and passing in different areas of the pitch. On-line (i.e., during game)
construction of such networks would provide coaches with a powerful and easily interpretable
depiction of passing performance during games that could inform dynamic tactical; positional,
and player changes.

(See Flowchart 8.1.)

Recommended Texts
Driskell, J. E., and Mullen, B. (2004). Social network analysis. In Handbook of Human Factors and ergonom-
ics methods, eds. N. A. Stanton, A. Hedge, K, Brookhuis, E. Salas, and H. Hendrick, 58.1–58.6. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Wasserman, S., and Faust, K. (1994). Social network analysis: Methods and applications. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Team Task Analysis

Background and Applications
Team Task Analysis (TTA) is a general class of method used to describe and analyse tasks per-
formed by teams with a view to identifying the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (or team compe-
tencies) required for effective task performance (Baker, Salas, and Cannon-Bowers, 1998). TTA is
typically used to inform the design and development of team training interventions, such as Crew
Resource Management (CRM) training, the design of teams and teamwork procedures, and also
for team performance evaluation. Although a set methodological procedure for TTA does not exist,
Burke (2004) attempted to integrate the existing TTA literature into a set of guidelines for conduct-
ing a TTA.

Domain of Application
The TTA method is generic and can be applied in any domain in which teamwork is a feature. Burke
(2004) points out that the TTA procedure has not yet been widely adopted by organisations, with the
exception of the U.S. military and aviation communities.

Application in Sport
The TTA analysis method can be applied in a sporting context and is likely to be most useful
for identifying the team competencies (i.e., knowledge, skills, and attitudes) required for differ-
ent team sports, the outputs of which can be used to inform the design of coaching and training
256 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Observe task, recording

associations of interest

Construct agent
association matrix

Check agent association

matrix using
recording of task

Is matrix correct?

Construct social
network diagram

Analyse network


flowchart 8.1  Social network analysis flowchart.

Procedure and Advice (Adapted from Burke, 2004)

Step 1: Conduct Requirements Analysis
First, a requirements analysis should be conducted. This involves clearly defining the task scenario
to be analysed, including describing all duties involved and also conditions under which the task
is to be performed. Burke (2004) also suggests that when conducting the requirements analysis,
the methods of data collection to be used during the TTA should be determined. Typical TTA
Teamwork Assessment Methods 257

data collection methods include observational study, interviews, questionnaires, and surveys. The
requirements analysis also involves identifying the participants that will be involved in the data col-
lection process, including occupation and number.

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

Next, the tasks involved in the scenario under analysis should be defined and described clearly.
Burke (2004) recommends that interviews with SMEs, observational study, and source documents
should be used to identify the full set of tasks. Once each individual task step is identified, a task
statement should be written (for component tasks), including the following information:

• Task name
• Task goals
• What the individual has to do to perform the task
• How the individual performs the task
• Which devices, controls, and interfaces are involved in the task
• Why the task is required

Step 3: Identify Teamwork Taxonomy

Once all of the tasks involved in the scenario under analysis have been identified and described
fully, an appropriate teamwork taxonomy should be selected for use in the analysis (Burke, 2004).
A teamwork taxonomy is presented in Table 8.5.

Step 4: Conduct Coordination Demands Analysis

Once an appropriate teamwork taxonomy is selected, a Coordination Demands Analysis should
be conducted. The CDA involves classifying the tasks under analysis into teamwork and taskwork
activities, and then rating each teamwork task step for the level of coordination required between

Table 8.5
Teamwork Taxonomy
Coordination Dimension Definition
Communication Includes sending, receiving, and acknowledging information among crew members
Situational awareness (SA) Refers to identifying the source and nature of problems, maintaining an accurate
perception of the aircraft’s location relative to the external environment, and detecting
situations that require action
Decision making (DM) Includes identifying possible solutions to problems, evaluating the consequences of each
alternative, selecting the best alternative, and gathering information needed prior to
arriving at a decision
Mission analysis (MA) Includes monitoring, allocating, and coordinating the resources of the crew and aircraft;
prioritizing tasks; setting goals and developing plans to accomplish the goals; creating
contingency plans
Leadership Refers to directing activities of others, monitoring and assessing the performance of crew
members, motivating members, and communicating mission requirements
Adaptability Refers to the ability to alter one’s course of action as necessary, maintain constructive
behaviour under pressure, and adapt to internal or external changes
Assertiveness Refers to the willingness to make decisions, demonstrating initiative, and maintaining
one’s position until convinced otherwise by facts
Total coordination Refers to the overall need for interaction and coordination among crew members

Source: Burke, S. C. (2004). Team task analysis. In Handbook of Human Factors and ergonomics methods, eds. N. A.
Stanton, A. Hedge, K. Brookhuis, E. Salas, and H. Hendrick, 56.1–56.8. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press.
258 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

team members for each behaviour identified in the teamwork taxonomy. For example, if the team-
work task step requires a high level of distributed situation awareness across the team in order for
it to be performed successfully, a rating of 3 (high) is given to the situation awareness dimension.
Conversely, if the level of communication between team members required is only minimal, then a
rating of 1 (low) should be given for the communication dimension.

Step 5: Determine Relevant Taskwork and Teamwork Tasks

The next step in the TTA procedure involves determining the relevance of each of the component
tasks involved in the scenario under analysis, including both teamwork and taskwork tasks. Burke
(2004) recommends that a Likert scale questionnaire be used for this step and that the following
task factors should be rated:

• Importance to train
• Task frequency
• Task difficulty
• Difficulty of learning
• Importance to job

It is recommended that the task indices used should be developed based upon the overall aims and
objectives of the TTA.

Step 6: Translation of Tasks into Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes

Next, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) for each of the relevant task steps should be deter-
mined. This is normally done in conjunction with SMEs for the task or system under analysis.

Step 7: Link KSAs to Team Tasks

The final step of a TTA is to link the KSAs identified in step 6 to the team tasks identified. According
to Burke (2004), this is most often achieved through the use of surveys completed by SMEs.

1. TTA goes farther than other task analysis methods by specifying the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes required to complete each task step.
2. The approach is exhaustive, considering team tasks, the levels of coordination required,
and the KSAs required on behalf of team members.
3. The output of TTA is useful for training programme design.
4. The TTA output states which of the component tasks involved are team based and which
tasks are performed individually.

1. TTA is a highly time consuming method to apply.
2. SMEs are normally required throughout the procedure.
3. A high level of training may be required.
4. There is no rigid procedure for the TTA method. As a result, the reliability of the method
may be questionable.
5. Great skill is required on behalf of the analyst in order to elicit the required information
throughout the TTA procedure.
Teamwork Assessment Methods 259

Related Methods
There are a number of different approaches to team task analysis, such as, Communications Usage
Diagram (CUD), and SNA. TTA also utilises a number of Human Factors data collection methods,
such as observational study, interviews, questionnaires, and surveys.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training time associated with the TTA method is likely to be high, particularly for analysts
with no experience of teamwork concepts such as team KSAs. Due to the exhaustive nature of the
method, the application time is also typically high, including the data collection procedure, the
CDA phase, and the KSA identification phases, all of which are time consuming even when con-
ducted in isolation.

Tools Needed
The tools required for conducting a TTA are dependent upon the methodologies employed. TTA
can be conducted using pen and paper, and a visual or audio recording device. A PC with a word
processing package such as Microsoft Word is normally used to transcribe the data.

For example purposes, an extract of a TTA of rugby union team tasks is presented. The extract
focuses on identifying the KSAs required for the scrum in rugby union. A scrum is used in rugby
union to restart play when the ball has either been knocked on, gone forward, has not emerged
from a ruck or maul, or when there has been an accidental offside (BBC sport, 2008). Nine players
from either side are involved in the scrum, including the hooker, loose-head prop, tight-head prop,
two second rows, blind-side flanker, open-side flanker, and number 8, who form the scrum, and the
scrum half, who feeds the ball into the scrum and/or retrieves the ball from the scrum. A standard
scrum formation is presented in Figure 8.5.
For the task definition part of the analysis, an HTA was conducted. The HTA is presented in
Figure 8.6. Based on the HTA description, a CDA was undertaken using the teamwork taxonomy
presented in Table 8.5. The CDA results are presented in Table 8.6. Following the CDA, the com-
petencies (i.e., KSAs) required for each task were identified. Knowledge-based competencies refer
to what team members “think” during teamwork performance. Skill-based competencies refer to
the things that team members “do” during teamwork performance and, according to Salas and
Cannon-Bowers (2000), are the necessary behavioural sequences and procedures required dur-
ing task performance. Attitude-based competencies refer to what team members “feel” during
teamwork performance and are those affective components that are required during task perfor-
mance (Salas and Cannon-Bowers, 2000). The KSAs identified for the scrum task are presented
in Table 8.7.

Recommended Text
Burke, S. C. (2004). Team task analysis. In Handbook of Human Factors and ergonomics methods, eds. N.
A. Stanton, A. Hedge, K. Brookhuis, E. Salas, and H. Hendrick, 56.1–56.8). Boca Raton, FL: CRC
260 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Number 8

flanker 2nd Row 2nd Row flanker

Open side Blind side

prop prop
Tight head Loose head Scrum half

Loose head Tight head

prop prop
Scrum half

Blind side Open side

flanker 2nd Row 2nd Row flanker

Number 8

Figure 8.5  Standard scrum formation.

Coordination Demands Analysis

Background and Applications
Coordination Demands Analysis (CDA) is used to rate the level of coordination between team mem-
bers during collaborative activity. The CDA method focuses on the following teamwork behaviours
(adapted from Burke, 2004):

• Communication  Includes sending, receiving, and acknowledging information among

team members.
• Situation awareness (SA)  Involves identifying the source and nature of problems, main-
taining an accurate perception of one’s location relative to the external environment, and
detecting situations that require action.
• Decision making (DM)  Involves identifying possible solutions to problems, evaluating
the consequences of each alternative, selecting the best alternative, and gathering informa-
tion needed prior to arriving at a decision.
• Mission analysis (MA)  Involves monitoring, allocating, and coordinating the resources
of the crew, prioritising tasks, setting goals and developing plans to accomplish the goals,
and creating contingency plans.
• Leadership  Involves directing the activities of others, monitoring and assessing the per-
formance of team members, motivating team members, and communicating mission
• Adaptability  Refers to the ability to alter one’s course of action as necessary, maintain
constructive behaviour under pressure, and adapt to internal or external changes.
FWDs = Forwards
SH = Scrum Half
H = Hooker
Plan 0. Do 1 and 2 then 3 then 4 then 3, 5 and 6, if setting No.8 = Number 8
0. Retrieve up dribble then do 3, 6 and 7 then 8 when appropriate then
ball from Exit, if not setting up dribble then do 8 when appropriate
scrum then Exit

2. (BACKS) 3. (FWDs)
Teamwork Assessment Methods

1. (FWDs) 4. (SH and H) 5. (H) Hook 6. (FWDs) 7. (FWDs) 8. (SH/No.8)

Take up Maintain bind and
Form scrum Feed scrum ball backward Drive forward Dribble Retrieve ball Plan 8.1. Do 8.1. when ball
positions engagement
appears do 8.2. then 8.3. or
Plan 1. Do 1.1. then 1.2. then on 8.4. as appropriate then Exit
refs call to touch do 3 then on refs
call to pause do 1.4. then on refs Plan 4. On refs whistle do 4.1.
call to engage do 1.5. if engage is then 4.2. then 4.3. then Exit Plan 5.1. If in possession and setting
successful then Exit, if not then 4.1. (SH) Inform 4.2. (SH) 4.3. (SH) up driblle do 5.1. then Exit, if in
repeat 1.2–15. until successfully hooker of intention Roll ball Move to back possession and not setting up dribble 8.1. Wait for 8.2. Pick up 8.3. Distribute 8.4. Run with
engaged then Exit to feed scrum into scrum of scrum do 5.1. then 5.3. then Exit if not in ball ball ball ball
possession do 5.2. then 5.1. then
Exit or 5.3. then Exit as appropriate

5.1. (H) Hook 5.2. (H) 5.3. (No.8)

ball to back Attempt to Allow ball to
1.1. (FWDs) Bind 1.2. (FWDs) of scrum steal ball leave scrum
1.3. (Props) 1.4. (FWDs) 1.5. (FWDs)
together in 3-4-1 Crouch into
Touch Pause Engage
formation position
Plan 7. Do 7.1. and 7.2. until
gained required distance
then do 7.3. then Exit

7.2. (No.8) 7.3. (No.8)

7.1. (FWDs)
Keep ball in Allow ball to
Drive forward
scrum with feet leave scrum

Figure 8.6  Retrieve ball from scrum HTA.

262 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 8.6
CDA Results for Scrum Task
Task Comms. SA DM MA Lship. Adapt. Assert. Coord.
1.1. (FWDs) Bind together in 3-4-1 2 3 1 1 3 3 3 3
1.2. (FWDs) Crouch into position 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 3
1.3. (Props) Touch 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
1.4. (FWDs) Pause 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 3
1.5. (FWDs) Engage 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
2.(BACKS) Take up positions 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3
3. (FWDs) Maintain bind and engagement 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3
4.1. Roll ball into scrum 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 3
5.1. Hook ball to back of scrum 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3
5.2. Attempt to steal ball 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3
5.3. Allow ball to leave scrum 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
6. (FWDs) Drive forward 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
7.1. (FWDs) Drive forward 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
7.2. Keep ball in the scrum with feet 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
7.3. (No. 8) Allow ball to leave scrum 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
8.3. (SH) Distribute ball 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3

• Assertiveness  Refers to the willingness to make decisions, demonstrate initiative, and

maintain one’s position until convinced otherwise by facts.
• Total coordination  Refers to the overall need for interaction and coordination among
team members

The CDA procedure involves identifying the teamwork-based activity involved in the task or sce-
nario under analysis and then providing ratings, on a scale of 1 (low) to 3 (high), for each behaviour
described above for each of the teamwork task steps involved. From the individual ratings, a total
coordination figure for each teamwork task step and a total coordination figure for the overall task
is derived.

Domain of Application
The CDA method is generic and can be applied to any task that involves teamwork or collabora-
tion. CDA has been applied in a range of domains for the analysis of teamwork activity, including
the military (Stewart et al., 2008), energy distribution (Salmon et al., 2008), and rail maintenance
(Walker et al., 2006).

Application in Sport
The CDA method can be used to evaluate the levels of coordination between sports team members
during task performance, the outputs of which can be used to identify areas in which further train-
ing/coaching is required.
Teamwork Assessment Methods 263

Table 8.7
Scrum Task KSA Analysis
Task Knowledge Skills Attitudes
1.1. (FWDs) Bind together Knowledge of scrum formation Ability to take up Mutual trust
in 3-4-1 formation and body positions appropriate body Motivation
Knowledge of scrum rules and positioning Collective orientation
regulations Ability to bind together in Team cohesion
Knowledge of scrum positions/ scrum formation Teamwork
bindings Communication
Compatible mental models of Situation awareness
scrum forming process
1.2. (FWDs) Crouch into Knowledge of scrum formation Ability to take up Mutual trust
position and body positions appropriate body Motivation
Knowledge of scrum rules and positioning Collective orientation
regulations Ability to crouch together Team cohesion
Knowledge of scrum positions/ in scrum formation and Teamwork
bindings maintain bind
Compatible mental models of Communication
scrum forming process Situation awareness
1.3. (Props) Touch Knowledge of scrum formation Ability to touch opposition Mutual trust
and body positions scrum while in scrum Motivation
Knowledge of scrum rules and formation Collective orientation
regulations Ability to maintain bind Team cohesion
Knowledge of scrum positions/ Ability to maintain Teamwork
bindings appropriate body position Adherence to rules
Compatible mental models of Communication
scrum forming process Situation awareness
1.4. (FWDs) Pause Knowledge of scrum formation Ability to pause while in Mutual trust
and body positions scrum formation Motivation
Knowledge of scrum rules and Ability to maintain bind Collective orientation
regulations Ability to maintain Team cohesion
Knowledge of scrum positions/ appropriate body position Teamwork
bindings Communication Adherence to rules
Compatible mental models of Situation awareness
scrum forming process
1.5. (FWDs) Engage Knowledge of scrum formation Ability to pause while in Mutual trust
and body positions scrum formation Motivation
Knowledge of scrum rules and Ability to maintain bind Collective orientation
regulations Ability to maintain Team cohesion
Knowledge of scrum positions/ appropriate body position Teamwork
bindings Communication Adherence to rules
Compatible mental models of Situation awareness
scrum forming process
2. (BACKS) Take up Knowledge of backs positions Ability to take up Motivation
positions Knowledge of scrum tactics appropriate position for Collective orientation
tactics/situation Team cohesion
Communication Teamwork
Situation awareness
Decision making
264 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 8.7 (Continued)
Scrum Task KSA Analysis
Task Knowledge Skills Attitudes
3. (FWDs) Maintain bind Knowledge of scrum formation Ability to maintain bind, Mutual trust
and engagement and body positions body position, and Motivation
Knowledge of scrum rules and engagement Collective orientation
regulations Communication Team cohesion
Knowledge of scrum positions/ Situation awareness Teamwork
bindings Adherence to rules
Compatible mental models of
scrum forming process
Knowledge of scrum tactics
4.1. Roll ball into scrum Knowledge of scrum tactics Ability to roll ball into Mutual trust
Compatible mental models of scrum Motivation
play being used Communication Collective orientation
Situation awareness Team cohesion
Decision making Teamwork
Adherence to rules
5.1. Hook ball to back of Knowledge of scrum tactics Ability to hook ball to Motivation
scrum Compatible mental models of back of scrum Teamwork
play being used Decision making Adherence to rules
Knowledge of scrum rules and Situation awareness
regulations Communication
Knowledge of scrum positions/
5.2. Attempt to steal ball Knowledge of scrum tactics Ability to steal ball in Motivation
Compatible mental models of scrum Teamwork
play being used Decision making Adherence to rules
Knowledge of scrum rules and Situation awareness
regulations Communication
Knowledge of scrum positions/
5.3. Allow ball to leave Knowledge of scrum tactics Ability to negotiate ball’s Mutual trust
scrum Compatible mental models of exit from scrum Motivation
play being used Decision making Collective orientation
Knowledge of scrum rules and Situation awareness Team cohesion
regulations Communication Teamwork
Knowledge of scrum positions/ Adherence to rules
6. (FWDs) Drive forward Knowledge of scrum tactics Ability to drive forward Mutual trust
Compatible mental models for while maintaining bind Motivation
driving forward in scrum and scrum formation Collective orientation
formation Ability to maintain bind Team cohesion
Knowledge of scrum rules and Ability to maintain Teamwork
regulations appropriate body position Adherence to rules
Knowledge of scrum positions/ Communications
bindings Situation awareness
Decision making
Teamwork Assessment Methods 265

Table 8.7 (Continued)
Scrum Task KSA Analysis
Task Knowledge Skills Attitudes
7.1. (FWDs) Drive Knowledge of scrum tactics Ability to drive forward Mutual trust
forward Compatible mental models for while maintaining bind Motivation
driving forward in scrum and scrum formation Collective orientation
formation Ability to maintain bind Team cohesion
Knowledge of scrum rules and Ability to maintain Teamwork
regulations appropriate body position Adherence to rules
Knowledge of scrum positions/ Communications
bindings Situation awareness
Decision making
7.2. Keep ball in the scrum Knowledge of scrum tactics Ability to locate and bring Mutual trust
with feet Knowledge of scrum rules and ball under control in Motivation
regulations scrum Collective orientation
Ability to dribble ball in Team cohesion
moving scrum Teamwork
Communications Adherence to rules
Situation awareness
Decision making
7.3. (No. 8) Allow ball to Knowledge of scrum tactics Ability to negotiate ball’s Mutual trust
leave scrum Compatible mental models of exit from scrum Motivation
play being used Decision making Collective orientation
Knowledge of scrum rules and Situation awareness Team cohesion
regulations Communication Teamwork
Knowledge of scrum positions/ Adherence to rules
8.3. (SH) Distribute ball Knowledge of tactics Ability to pick up ball Mutual trust
Knowledge of own and Ability to select Motivation
opposition backs positions appropriate distribution Collective orientation
Knowledge of position on pitch Ability to kick ball Team cohesion
Compatible mental models of Ability to pass ball Teamwork
scrum retrieval tactics Decision making Adherence to rules
Situation awareness

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. For example, the aims of the analysis may
be to evaluate coordination levels between team members during a particular game situation or
during a range of game situations. The analysis aims should be clearly defined so that appropriate
scenarios are used and relevant data are collected.

Step 2: Define Task(s) under Analysis

Next, the task(s) under analysis should be clearly defined. This is dependent upon analysis aims. It
is recommended that if team coordination in a particular type of sport is under investigation, then
a set of scenarios that are representative of all aspects of team performance in the sport in question
should be used.
266 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 3: Select Appropriate Teamwork Taxonomy

Once the task(s) under analysis is defined, an appropriate teamwork taxonomy should be selected.
Again, this is dependent upon the aims of the analysis. However, it is recommended that the taxonomy
used covers all aspects of teamwork, such as the generic CDA teamwork taxonomy described above.

Step 4: Data Collection

The next step involves collecting the data that will be used to inform the CDA. Typically, obser-
vational study of the task or scenario under analysis is used as the primary data source for a CDA,
although other procedures can also be used, such as task simulations, interviews, and question-
naires. It is recommended that specific data regarding the task under analysis should be collected
during this process, including information regarding each task step, each team member’s roles, and
all communications made. Particular attention is given to the teamwork activity involved in the task
under analysis. Further, it is recommended that video and audio recording equipment be used to
record any observations or interviews conducted during this process.

Step 5: Conduct an HTA for the Task under Analysis

Once sufficient data regarding the task under analysis have been collected, an HTA should be con-
ducted. The purpose of the HTA is to decompose the task into sub-goals so that coordination levels
during each component task step can be analysed.

Step 6: Taskwork/Teamwork Classification

Only those task steps that involve teamwork are rated for the level of coordination between team
members. The next step of the CDA procedure therefore involves identifying the teamwork and
taskwork task steps involved in the scenario under analysis. Teamwork refers to those instances
where individuals interact or coordinate behaviour in order to achieve tasks that are important
to the team’s goals (i.e., behavioural, attitudinal, and cognitive responses coordinated with fel-
low team members), while taskwork (i.e., task-oriented skills) describes those instances where
team members are performing individual tasks separate from their team counterparts, i.e., those
tasks that do not require interdependent interaction with other team members (Salas, Cooke, and
Rosen, 2008).

Step 7: Construct CDA Rating Sheet

Next, a CDA rating sheet should be created. The CDA rating sheet includes a column containing
each bottom level teamwork operation from the HTA and the teamwork behaviours running across
the top of the table.

Step 8: Rate Coordination Levels

The next step involves rating each teamwork behaviour based on the task performance observed or
SME judgement. It is important to involve SMEs in this process; however, if they are not available
at this stage they can validate ratings at a later stage. The rating procedure involves taking each
task step and rating the extent to which the teamwork behaviour was involved or is required during
performance of the task under analysis. Normally a rating scale of 1 (low) to 3 (high) is used.

Step 9: Validate Ratings

It is important to validate the ratings made, either through the use of SMEs who observed the task,
or through those team members who were involved in the task.

Step 10: Calculate Summary Statistics

Once all of the teamwork task steps have been rated, the final step involves calculating appropriate
summary statistics. Typically, the following are calculated:
Teamwork Assessment Methods 267

• Mean overall coordination value for the entire task

• Mean coordination values for each teamwork dimension
• Mean overall coordination value for each task step

1. CDA provides a useful output that offers insight into the use of teamwork behaviours and
also a rating of coordination between actors in a particular network or team.
2. The output allows judgements to be made on those team tasks in which coordination is a
3. CDA permits the identification of tasks that require high levels of coordination, which can
be used to inform procedure/system/training programme redesign.
4. It can potentially be used to analyse the coordination levels exhibited by sports teams and
to identify areas where further training/coaching is required.
5. Coordination levels can be compared across scenarios, different teams, and also different
6. The teamwork taxonomy presented by Burke (2004) covers all aspects of team perfor-
mance and coordination and is generic, allowing the method to be applied in any domain.
7. CDA is simple to apply and incurs minimal cost.
8. It requires only minimal training.

1. The method can be highly time consuming, including observation of the task under analy-
sis, the development of an HTA, and the ratings procedure.
2. The rating procedure is time consuming and laborious.
3. High levels of access to SMEs are required for the method to provide worthwhile results.
4. Intra-analyst and inter-analyst reliability may be poor.

Related Methods
CDA uses various data collection procedures, such as observational study, interviews, and
questionnaires. HTA is also used to describe the task under analysis, the output of which pro-
vides the task steps to be rated. CDA is normally conducted as part of a wider TTA effort
(Burke, 2004); for example, CDA has been used as part of the EAST framework (Stanton et al.,
2005) for evaluating team performance (e.g., Salmon et al., 2008; Stanton et al., 2006; Walker
et al., 2006).

Approximate Training and Application Times

Provided analysts are already well versed in HTA, the training time for the CDA method is mini-
mal, requiring only that the SMEs used understand each of the behaviours specified in the team-
work taxonomy and also the rating procedure. The application time is high, involving observation
of the task under analysis, the construction of an HTA, decomposition of the task into teamwork
and taskwork behaviours, and the lengthy ratings procedure. The duration of the ratings procedure
is dependent upon the task under analysis; however, from our own experiences with the method, a
period of between 2 and 4 hours is normally required for the ratings procedure. In worst case sce-
narios, the overall process of observing the task, constructing the HTA, identifying teamwork task
steps, rating each task step, and then validating ratings can take up to 2 weeks.
268 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Reliability and Validity

Both the intra-analyst and inter-analyst reliability of the method may be questionable, and this
may be dependent upon the type of rating scale used, e.g., it is estimated that reliability may be
low when using a scale of 1–10, while it may be improved using a scale of 1–3 (e.g., low, medium,
and high).

Tools Needed
During the data collection phase, video and audio recording equipment are required in order to
make a recording of the task or scenario under analysis. Once the data collection phase is complete,
the CDA method can be conducted using pen and paper; however, Microsoft Excel is useful as it can
be programmed to auto-calculate CDA summary statistics.

CDA was used to rate the levels of coordination between team members during the scrum in rugby
union. The CDA output is presented in Table 8.6 in the TTA example section.

(See Flowchart 8.2.)

Recommended Text
Burke, S. C. (2004). Team task analysis. In Handbook of Human Factors and ergonomics methods, eds. N. A.
Stanton, A. Hedge, K. Brookhuis, E. Salas, and H. Hendrick, 56.1–56.8). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork

Background and Applications
The Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork framework (EAST; Stanton et al., 2005) provides an
integrated suite of methods for analysing teamwork activities. To date the approach has been used by
the authors to analyse teamwork in a number of different domains, including land warfare (Stanton
et al., in press), multinational warfare (Salmon et al., 2006), airborne early warning and control
(Stewart et al., 2008), naval warfare (Stanton et al., 2006), air traffic control (Walker et al., in press),
railway maintenance (Walker et al., 2006), energy distribution (Salmon et al., 2008), and emergency
service (Houghton et al., 2006).
Underpinning the approach is the notion that distributed teamwork can be meaningfully described
via a “network of networks” approach; to this end EAST is used to analyse teamwork from three
different but interlinked perspectives—the task, social, and knowledge networks—that underlie
teamwork activity. Task networks represent a summary of the goals and subsequent tasks being
performed within a system. Social networks analyse the organisation of the team and the communi-
cations taking place between the actors working in the team, and knowledge networks describe the
information and knowledge (distributed situation awareness) that the actors use and share in order
to perform the teamwork activities in question. This so-called “network of networks” approach to
understanding collaborative endeavour is represented in Figure 8.7.
EAST uses a framework of Human Factors methods to produce these networks; HTA (Annett
et al., 1971) is typically used to construct task networks, SNA (Driskell and Mullen, 2004) is used
Teamwork Assessment Methods 269


Define study aims and


Select appropriate task/

scenario/event and

Observe task under


Construct HTA for task

under analysis

Identify teamwork and

taskwork task steps

Take first/next
teamwork step

Rate following behaviours on

scale of 1 to 3 based on task
- Communication;
- Situation awareness;
- Decision making;
- Mission analysis;
- Leadership;
- Adaptability; and
- Assertiveness

Y Are there anymore

teamwork tasks?

Validate results using


Calculate summary


flowchart 8.2  Coordination demands analysis flowchart.

to construct and analyse the social networks involved, and propositional networks (Salmon et al.,
2009) are used to construct and analyse knowledge networks. In addition, OSDs, CDA, the CDM,
and Communications Usage Diagrams (Watts and Monk, 2000) are used to evaluate team cognition
and decision making, coordination, and the technology used for communications.
270 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Knowledge required during Command and operational

task performance structure required

Knowledge Social
Network Network
Distribution and
communication of
information underpinning

Figure 8.7  Network of networks approach to analysing distributed teamwork; figure shows example repre-
sentations of each network, including hierarchical task analysis (task network), social network analysis (social
network), and propositional network (knowledge network) representations. Source: Adapted from Houghton,
R. J., Baber, C., Cowton, M., Stanton, M. A., and Walker, G. H. (2008). WESTT (Workload, Error, Situational
Awareness, Time and Teamwork): An analytical prototyping system for command and control. Cognition
Technology and Work 10(3):199–207.

Domain of Application
EAST is a generic approach that was developed specifically for the analysis of teamwork.

Application in Sport
EAST can be applied in a sporting context to evaluate sports team performance.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. The analysis aims should be clearly defined
so that appropriate scenarios are used and relevant data are collected. In addition, not all compo-
nents of the EAST framework may be required, so it is important to clearly define the aims of the
analysis to ensure that the appropriate EAST methods are applied.

Step 2: Define Task(s) under Analysis

Next, the task(s) or scenario(s) under analysis should be clearly defined. This is dependent upon the
aims of the analysis and may include a range of tasks or one task in particular. It is normally stan-
dard practice to develop an HTA for the task under analysis if sufficient data and SME access are
available. This is useful later on in the analysis and is also enlightening, allowing analysts to gain
an understanding of the task before the observation and analysis begins.
Teamwork Assessment Methods 271

Step 3: Conduct Observational Study of the Task or Scenario under Analysis

The observation step is the most important part of the EAST procedure. Typically, a number of
analyst(s) are used in scenario observation. All activity involved in the scenario under analysis
should be recorded along an incident timeline, including a description of the activity undertaken,
the agents involved, any communications made between agents, and the technology involved.
Additional notes should be made where required, including the purpose of the activity observed;
any tools, documents, or instructions used to support activity; the outcomes of activities; any errors
made; and also any information that the agent involved feels is relevant. It is also useful to video
record the task and record verbal transcripts of all communications, if possible.

Step 4: Conduct CDM Interviews

Once the task under analysis is complete, each “key” actor (e.g., scenario commander, actors per-
forming critical tasks) involved should be subjected to a CDM interview. This involves dividing
the scenario into key incident phases and then interviewing the actor involved in each key incident
phase using a set of predefined CDM probes (e.g., O’Hare et al., 2000; see Chapter 4 for CDM
method description).

Step 5: Transcribe Data

Once all of the data are collected, they should be transcribed in order to make them compatible with
the EAST analysis phase. The transcript should describe the scenario over a timeline, including
descriptions of activity, the actors involved, any communications made, and the technology used.
In order to ensure the validity of the data, the scenario transcript should be reviewed by one of the
SMEs involved.

Step 6: Reiterate HTA

The data transcription process allows the analyst(s) to gain a deeper and more accurate understand-
ing of the scenario under analysis. It also allows any discrepancies between the initial HTA scenario
description and the actual activity observed to be resolved. Typically, teamwork activity does not
run entirely according to protocol, and certain tasks may have been performed during the scenario
that were not described in the initial HTA description. The analyst should compare the scenario
transcript to the initial HTA, and add any changes as required.

Step 7: Conduct Coordination Demands Analysis

The CDA method involves extracting teamwork tasks from the HTA and rating them against the
associated CDA taxonomy. Each teamwork task is rated against each CDA behaviour on a scale of 1
(low) to 3 (high). Total coordination for each teamwork step can be derived by calculating the mean
across the CDA behaviours. The mean total coordination figure for the scenario under analysis
should also be calculated.

Step 8: Construct Communications Usage Diagram

A Communications Usage Diagram (CUD; Watts and Monk 2000) is used to describe the com-
munications between teams of actors dispersed across different geographical locations. A CUD
output describes how and why communications between actors occur, which technology is involved
in the communication, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with the technology used.
A CUD analysis is typically based upon observational data of the task or scenario under analysis,
although talk-through analysis and interview data can also be used (Watts and Monk, 2000).

Step 9: Conduct Social Network Analysis

SNA is used to analyse the relationships between the actors involved in the scenario under analysis.
It is normally useful to conduct a series of SNAs representing different phases of the task under
272 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

analysis (using the task phases defined during the CDM part of the analysis). It is recommended that
the Agna SNA software package be used for the SNA phase of the EAST methodology.

Step 10: Construct Operation Sequence Diagram

The OSD represents the activity observed during the scenario under analysis. The analyst should
construct the OSD using the scenario transcript and the associated HTA as inputs. Once the
initial OSD is completed, the analyst should then add the results of the CDA to each teamwork
task step.

Step 11: Construct Propositional Networks

The final step of the EAST analysis involves constructing propositional networks for each scenario
phase identified during the CDM interviews. The WESTT software package should be used to con-
struct the propositional networks. Following construction, information usage should be defined for
each actor involved via shading of the information elements within the propositional networks.

Step 12: Validate Analysis Outputs

Once the EAST analysis is complete, it is pertinent to validate the outputs using appropriate SMEs and
recordings of the scenario under analysis. Any problems identified should be corrected at this point.

1. The analysis produced is extremely comprehensive, and activities are analysed from
various perspectives.
2. The framework approach allows methods to be chosen based on analysis requirements.
3. EAST has been applied in a wide range of different domains.
4. The network of networks analysis produced provides compelling views of teamwork
5. The approach is generic and can be used to evaluate teamwork in any domain.
6. A number of Human Factors concepts are evaluated, including distributed situation aware-
ness, cognition, decision making, teamwork, and communications.
7. It has great potential to be applied in a sporting context to analyse team performance.
8. It uses structured and valid Human Factors methods and has a sound theoretical

1. When undertaken in full, the EAST framework is a highly time-consuming approach.
2. The use of various methods ensures that the framework incurs a high training time.
3. In order to conduct an EAST analysis properly, a high level of access to the domain, task,
and SMEs is required.
4. Some parts of the analysis can become overly time consuming and laborious to complete.
5. Some of the outputs can be large, unwieldy, and difficult to present in reports, papers, and

Related Methods
The EAST framework comprises a range of different Human Factors methods, including observa-
tional study, HTA (Annett et al., 1971), CDA (Burke, 2004), SNA (Driskell and Mullen, 2004), the
CDM (Klein, Calderwood, and McGregor, 1989), OSDs (Stanton et al., 2005), CUD (Watts and
Monk, 2000), and propositional networks (Salmon et al., 2009).
Teamwork Assessment Methods 273

Approximate Training and Application Times

Due to the number of different methods involved, the training time associated with the EAST
framework is high. Similarly, application time is typically high, although this is dependent upon the
task under analysis and the component methods used.

Reliability and Validity

Due to the number of different methods involved, the reliability and validity of the EAST method
is difficult to assess. Some of the methods have high reliability and validity, such as SNA and CUD,
whereas others may suffer from low levels of reliability and validity, such as the CDM and propo-
sitional networks approaches.

Tools Needed
Normally, video and audio recording devices are used to record the activities under analysis. The
WESTT software package (Houghton et al., 2008) supports the development of most EAST outputs.
Various HTA software packages exist for supporting analysts in the construction of HTAs for the
task under analysis. A drawing software package such as Microsoft Visio is also typically used for
the representational methods such as OSDs and CUD.

An example EAST style analysis is presented in the final chapter.

(See Flowchart 8.3.)

Recommended Texts
Stanton, N. A., Salmon, P. M., Walker, G., Baber, C., and Jenkins, D. P. (2005). Human Factors methods: A
practical guide for engineering and design. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Walker. G. H., Gibson, H., Stanton, N. A., Baber, C., Salmon, P. M., and Green, D. (2006). Event analy-
sis of systemic teamwork (EAST): A novel integration of ergonomics methods to analyse C4i activity.
Ergonomics 49(12-13):1345–69.
274 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Data Collection Methods

Activity (critical
critique with
sampling decision

Data Analysis Methods

Coordination Communications
Demand Usage Diagram
Analysis (CUD)

Network Task
Analysis network

Operation Network
Representational Methods

flowchart 8.3  Event analysis of systemic teamwork flowchart.

9 Interface Evaluation
Most of the methods described up to this point have focussed on the human elements of perfor-
mance in sociotechnical systems (e.g., physical and cognitive tasks, situation awareness, human
error, teamwork); however, methods for evaluating and designing products and interfaces also
form a significant portion of the many Human Factors methods available. This chapter focuses on
those methods that Human Factors researchers use to evaluate and design products and interfaces.
Labelled here as interface evaluation methods, but also referred to elsewhere as usability evaluation
methods, these methods represent a general class of methods that can be used to assess the usability
or interface of a product or device. Normally based on models of human performance, interface
evaluation methods allow various aspects of a device’s interface to be assessed, including interface
layout, usability (ease of use, effectiveness, efficiency, and attitude), colour coding, user satisfac-
tion, and error. Interface evaluation methods are essentially designed to improve product design by
understanding or predicting user interaction with those devices (Stanton and Young, 1999).

Interface Evaluation Methods

A number of different types of interface evaluation method are available, including usability assess-
ment, error analysis, interface layout analysis, and general interface assessment methods. This book
focuses on the following five popular and simple forms of interface evaluation method: checklists,
heuristic evaluation, link analysis, layout analysis, and interface surveys. Checklists, such as Ravden
and Johnson’s (1989) usability checklist, are used to assess the usability of a particular device or
interface. When using checklists, the analyst performs a range of tasks with the device and then
checks the device or interface against a predefined set of criteria in order to evaluate its usability.
Heuristics evaluation is one of the simplest interface evaluation approaches available, and involves
simply obtaining subjective opinions from analysts based upon their interactions with a particular
device or product. Link analysis is used to evaluate an interface in terms of the nature, frequency,
and importance of links between elements of the interface in question. The interface is then rede-
signed based upon these links, with the most often linked elements of the interface relocated to
increase their proximity to one another. Layout analysis is also used to evaluate and redesign the
layout of device interfaces, and involves arranging interface components into functional groupings,
and then reorganising these groups based on importance of use, sequence of use, and frequency of
use. The layout analysis output offers a redesign based upon the user’s model of the task. Interface
surveys (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992) are a group of surveys that are used to assess the interface
under analysis in terms of controls and displays used, and their layout, labelling, and ease of use.
Each survey is completed after a user trial and conclusions regarding the usability and design of
the interface are made. A summary of the interface evaluation methods described in this chapter is
presented in Table 9.1.
To maintain consistency, each example analysis presented in this chapter focuses on the same
sports product, the Garmin 305 Forerunner device. The 305 Forerunner device is a GPS-based
training and performance aid for runners that consists of a wrist unit and heart rate monitor strap.
The wrist unit uses GPS technology to present time, pace, distance ran, heart rate, and positional
information to runners. Other key features include an alert system, whereby the device can be


Table 9.1
Interface Evaluation Methods Summary Table
Application in Training App. Tools
Name Domain Sport Time Time Input Methods Needed Main Advantages Main Disadvantages Outputs
Checklists Generic Evaluation of sports Low Low User trial Pen and paper 1. Quick and simple to apply, 1. Ignore context Subjective ratings of
technology, devices, Walkthrough Device under require minimal training and 2. Data are totally subjective device usability
performance aids, etc. Hierarchical task analysis incur only a minimal cost —what may represent poor
Evaluation of sports analysis 2. Offer an immediately design for one rater may
technology, device, useful output represent a high level usability
and performance aid 3. Checklists are based upon for another
design concepts established knowledge about 3. Poor reliability and consist­ency
human performance (Stanton
& Young, 1999)
Heuristic Generic Evaluation of sports Low Low User trial Pen and paper 1. Quick and simple to apply, 1. Suffers from poor Subjective opinions
analysis technology, devices, Walkthrough Device under requires minimal training, and reliability, validity, and of device/interface/
performance aids, etc. Hierarchical task analysis incurs only a minimal cost comprehensiveness design concept
Evaluation of sports analysis 2. Offers an immediately 2. Devices designed on end-user usability
technology, device, useful output and can be used recommendations only are
and performance aid throughout design process typically flawed
design concepts 3. Can be used to look at a range 3. Entirely subjective. What is
of factors, including usability, usable to one analyst may be
errors, interface design, and completely unusable to
workload another
Link analysis Generic Performance evaluation Low High Observational Pen and paper 1. Link analysis diagram provides 1. The data collection phase can be Graphical
Coaching/training study Device under a powerful means of time consuming representation of
design Hierarchical task analysis representing the associations 2. For large, complex tasks the links present in
Evaluation of sports analysis present in a particular system involving many actors and a particular system
technology, devices, 2. Simple and quick to apply and devices, the analysis may be
performance aids, etc. requires only minimal training difficult to conduct and the
Evaluation of sports 3. The output is immediately useful outputs may become large and
technology, device, and has a range of potential uses unwieldy
and performance aid in a sporting context, including 3. Only considers the basic
design concepts as an interface/device evaluation physical relationships
approach, a coaching aid, and/or
a performance evaluation tool
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Layout Generic Evaluation of sports Low Low User trial Pen and paper 1. Offers a quick, easy to use, and 1. Poor reliability and validity Redesign of product/
analysis technology, device, Walkthrough Device under low cost approach to interface since the redesign of the device interface
and performance aid Hierarchical task analysis evaluation and design interface components is still based on user’s
design concepts analysis 2.The output is immediately based to a high degree on the model of the task
useful and is easily analyst’s subjective judgement (importance,
communicated to designers 2. If an initial HTA is required, sequence, and
3. Low resource usage and application time can rise frequency of use of
requires very little training significantly interface elements)
Interface Evaluation

3. Can be difficult and time

consuming for large, complex
systems, and the outputs may
be complex and unwieldy
Interface Generic Evaluation of sports Low High User trial Pen and paper 1. Potentially exhaustive 1. Can be highly time consuming Analysis of product/
surveys technology, device, Walkthrough Device under 2. The surveys are easy to apply 2. An operational system is device interface or
and performance aid Hierarchical task analysis and require very little training required for most of the interface design
design concepts analysis 3. The output offers a useful methods concept
analysis of the interface under 3. Reliability is questionable
analysis, highlighting instances
of bad design and problems
arising from the man-machine
278 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Figure 9.1  Garmin 305 Forerunner wrist unit. Source:, with permission.

programmed to alert the runner if he or she exceeds or fails to exceed a preset pace; a virtual partner
mode, whereby data can be entered into the device enabling runners to race a virtual partner; and
a navigation and waypoint dropping feature. The Garmin 305 Forerunner wrist unit is presented in
Figure 9.1.

Background and Applications
Checklists offer a quick, simple, and low cost approach to interface evaluation and usability assess-
ment. Checklist approaches involve analysts or participants evaluating an interface or device against
a checklist containing a predefined set of assessment criteria. A number of Human Factors checklists
exist, such as Ravden and Johnson’s (1989) Human Computer Interaction (HCI) usability checklist,
and Woodson, Tillman, and Tillman’s (1992) checklists. Performing a checklist analysis is a matter
of simply inspecting the device against each point on the chosen checklist and providing an appro-
priate rating (i.e., good or bad) and any associated comments. Due to their simplicity, checklist-style
evaluations can be conducted throughout the design life cycle, and their generic nature allows them
to be applied in any domain to any device.
For example purposes we will use Ravden and Johnson’s (1989) usability checklist to demonstrate
how checklist methods are applied. Their checklist comprises 10 sections of questions designed to assess
the overall usability of a particular device or system. The 10 sections are briefly outlined below:

1. Visual clarity  Refers to the clarity with which the system displays information. According
to Ravden and Johnson (1989), information displayed should be clear, well organised,
unambiguous, and easy to read.
2. Consistency  Refers to the consistency of the interface in terms of how it looks, the ways
in which it presents information, and the ways in which users perform tasks. According to
Ravden and Johnson (1989), the way the system looks and works should be consistent at all
3. Compatibility  Refers to the system’s compatibility with other related systems. According
to Ravden and Johnson (1989), the way the system looks and works should be compatible
with user conventions and expectations.
Interface Evaluation 279

4. Informative feedback  Refers to the level, clarity, and appropriateness of the feedback
provided by the system. According to Ravden and Johnson (1989), users should be given
clear, informative feedback on where they are in the system, what actions they have taken,
whether these actions have been successful, and what actions should be taken next.
5. Explicitness  Refers to the clarity with which the system transmits its functionality, struc-
ture, and capability. According to Ravden and Johnson (1989), the way the system works
and is structured should be clear to the user.
6. Appropriate functionality  Refers to the level of appropriateness of the system’s function-
ality in relation to the activities that it is used for. According to Ravden and Johnson (1989),
the system should meet the needs and requirements of users when carrying out tasks.
7. Flexibility and control  Refers to the flexibility of the system and the level of control that
the user has over the system. According to Ravden and Johnson (1989), the interface should
be sufficiently flexible in structure, in the way information is presented, and in terms of
what the user can do, to suit the needs and requirements of all users and to allow them to
feel in control of the system.
8. Error prevention and correction  Refers to the extent to which the system prevents user
errors from either being made or impacting task performance. According to Ravden and
Johnson (1989), systems should minimise the possibility of user error and possess facilities
for detecting and handling the errors that do occur. Further, they suggest that users should
be able to check inputs and correct errors or potential error situations before inputs are
9. User guide and support  Refers to the level of guidance and support that the system pro-
vides to its end users. According to Ravden and Johnson (1989), systems should be infor-
mative, easy to use, and provide relevant guidance and support, both on the system itself
(e.g., help function) and in document form (e.g., user guide), to help the user understand
and use the system.
10. System usability  Refers to the overall usability of the system in question.

In addition to the sections described above, an 11th section allows participants to record any addi-
tional comments that they have regarding the device or system under analysis.

Domain of Application
The concept of checklists first emerged in the context of HCI; however, most checklists are generic
and can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
Checklist-style analyses can be used within a sporting context to evaluate sports technology, devices,
and performance aids. Checklists can be used throughout the design process to evaluate design con-
cepts or for the evaluation of operational designs.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. For example, the aims of the analysis may
be to evaluate the usability of a particular device or to assess the error potential associated with a
particular device. The analysis aims should be clearly defined so that an appropriate checklist is
selected and relevant data are collected.
280 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 2: Select Appropriate Checklist

Next, an appropriate checklist should be selected based on the aims of the analysis defined during
step 1. Various checklists are available (e.g., Ravden and Johnson, 1989; Woodson, Tillman, and
Tillman, 1992). The checklist used may be an existing one or an adaptation of an existing one, or
the analyst may choose to develop a completely new checklist. One of the endearing features of
checklists is that they are flexible and can be adapted or modified according to the demands of the
analysis; Stanton and Young (1999), for example, used a portion of Ravden and Johnson’s (1989)
HCI checklist for the usability evaluation of in-car entertainment systems.

Step 3: Identify Set of Representative Tasks for the Device in Question

Once the aims of the analysis are clearly defined, a set of representative tasks for the device or product
under analysis should be identified. It is recommended that checklist analyses be based upon analysts
performing an exhaustive set of tasks with the device in question. The tasks defined should then be
placed in a task list. It is normally useful to conduct an HTA for this purpose, based on the operation
of the device in question. The HTA output then acts as a task list for the checklist analysis.

Step 4: Brief Participants

Before the checklist analysis can proceed, all participants should be briefed regarding the purpose
of the study, the area of focus (e.g., usability, error, interface evaluation), and the checklist method.
It may also be useful at this stage to take the participants through an example checklist application,
so that they understand how the method works and what is required of them as participants.

Step 5: Product/Device Familiarisation Phase

To ensure that the analysis is as comprehensive as possible, it is recommended that the analysts
involved spend some time familiarising themselves with the device in question. This might also
involve consultation with the associated documentation (e.g., instruction/user manual), watching
a demonstration of the device being operated, or being taken through a walkthrough of device
operation. It is imperative that the analysts become proficient with the device or product in question
before undertaking the checklist analysis, as analysts with limited experience in the operation of the
device may make inappropriate observations.

Step 6: Check Item on Checklist against Product

The analyst should take the first point on the checklist and check it against the product or system
under analysis. For example, the first item in Ravden and Johnson’s checklist asks, “Is each screen
clearly identified with an informative title or description?” The analysts should then proceed to
check each screen and its associated title and description. The options given are “Always,” “Most
of the time,” “Some of the time,” and “Never.” Using subjective judgement, the analyst should rate
the device under analysis according to the checklist item. Space is also provided for the analysts to
comment on particularly good or bad aspects of the device under analysis. Step 6 should be repeated
until each item on the checklist has been dealt with.

Step 7: Analyse Data

If multiple participants are being used, then the data should be analysed accordingly. Normally,
mean values for each checklist category (visual clarity, consistency, etc.) are calculated.

1. Checklists are quick and simple to apply, and incur only a minimal cost.
2. Checklists offer an immediately useful output.
Interface Evaluation 281

3. Checklists are based upon established knowledge about human performance (Stanton and
Young, 1999).
4. Checklist methods require very little training and preparation.
5. Resource usage is very low.
6. Checklists are flexible and can easily be modified in order to use them for other devices/
systems. Stanton and Young (1999) suggest that the Ravden and Johnson checklist (1989),
originally designed for HCI, is easily adapted to cater for the usability of other devices.
7. A number of different checklists are available.
8. Most checklists are generic and can be applied in any domain for the analysis of products,
devices, or interfaces.

1. Checklists are an unsophisticated method of device evaluation.
2. Checklists ignore context.
3. The data gathered are totally subjective and what may represent poor design for one rater
may represent good design for another.
4. Checklists have poor reliability and consistency.
5. Considerable work is required to develop a new checklist.
6. There is no guarantee that participants’ true responses are given.

Related Methods
Various Human Factors checklists exist, such as Woodson, Tillman, and Tillman’s (1992) human
engineering checklists, and Ravden and Johnson’s (1989) HCI checklist. Task analysis methods (e.g.,
HTA) are often used to create task lists for participants to follow during the analysis. Other forms of
data collection are also often used, including observation, walkthrough, and demonstrations.

Approximate Training and Application Times

Checklists require only minimal training and the application time is typically low, although this is
dependent upon the task(s) involved in the analysis. In an analysis of 12 ergonomics methods, Stanton
and Young (1999) report that checklists are one of the quickest methods to train, practice, and apply.

Reliability and Validity

While Stanton and Young (1999) report that checklists performed quite poorly on intra-rater reli-
ability, they also report that inter-rater reliability and predictive validity of checklists was good.

Tools Needed
Checklists can be applied using pen and paper; however, participants must have access to some form
of the device or interface being assessed. This could either be the device itself, functional draw-
ings of the device, mock-ups, or a prototype version of the device. The checklist being used is also
required, normally in paper form.

Extracts from a usability checklist evaluation of the Garmin 305 Forerunner training device are pre-
sented in Tables 9.2 and 9.3. Participants completed a checklist evaluation for the Forerunner device
using Ravden and Johnson’s HCI checklist method. The checklist analysis was completed based on
programming the device for a training run and then completing the run while wearing the device.
282 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 9.2
Visual Clarity Checklist Evaluation Extract
Section 1: Visual Clarity Information
displayed on the screen should be
clear, well organized, unambiguous, Most of Some of
and easy to read. Always the Time the Time Never Comments
1. Is each screen clearly identified with ✓
an informative title or description?
2. Is important information highlighted ✓
on the screen?
3. When the user enters information on N/A N/A N/A N/A
the screen, is it clear: (a) where the
information should be entered? (b) in
what format it should be entered?
4. Where the user overtypes information N/A N/A N/A N/A
on the screen, does the system clear
the previous information so that it does
not get confused with the updated
5. Does information appear to be ✓
organized logically on the screen (e.g.,
menus organized by probable
sequence of selection or
6. Are different types of information ✓
clearly separated from each other on
the screen (e.g., instructions, control
options, data displays)?
7. Where a large amount of information ✓
is displayed on one screen, is it clearly
separated into sections on the screen?
8. Are columns of information clearly ✓
aligned on the screen (e.g., columns of
alphanumeric left-justified, columns of
integers right-justified)?
9. Are bright or light colours displayed ✓
on a dark background, and vice versa?
10. Does the use of colour help to make ✓ Without backlight, Display is
the displays clear? unreadable in the dark or under
shadow conditions due to
colours used.
11. Where colour is used, will all aspects ✓
of the display be easy to see if used
on a monochrome or low-resolution
screen, or if the user is colour-blind?
12. Is the information on the screen easy ✓ Some of the information
to see and read? presented on the screen is very
small and may be hard to read
for some users
Interface Evaluation 283

Table 9.2 (Continued)
Visual Clarity Checklist Evaluation Extract
Section 1: Visual Clarity Information
displayed on the screen should be
clear, well organized, unambiguous, Most of Some of
and easy to read. Always the Time the Time Never Comments
13. Do screens appear uncluttered? ✓ Some of the screens do appear
cluttered at times. This is due to
the sheer amount of information
that is presented on such a small
14. Are schematic and pictorial displays ✓
(e.g., figures and diagrams) clearly
drawn and annotated?
15. Is it easy to find the required ✓ Menu titles are logical most of
information on a screen? times

Table 9.3
System Usability Problems Checklist Evaluation Extract
Section 10: System Usability Problems
When using the system, did you
experience problems with any of the No Minor Major
following? Problems Problems Problem Comments
  1. Working out how to use the system ✓ Initially found it difficult to find some
  2. Lack of guidance on how to use the ✓
  3. Poor system documentation ✓
  4. Understanding how to carry out the ✓
  5. Knowing what to do next ✓
  6. Understanding how the information ✓
on the screen relates to what you are
  7. Finding the information you want ✓
  8. I nformation which is difficult to read ✓ Without backlight display cannot be
clearly read in the dark or in shadowy
  9. Too many colours on the screen ✓
10. Colours which are difficult to look at ✓
for any length of time
11. An inflexible, rigid system structure ✓
12. An inflexible help (guidance) facility N/A N/A N/A
13. L osing track of where you are in the ✓
system or of what you are doing or
have done
14. Having to remember too much ✓
information while carrying out a task
284 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 9.3 (Continued)
System Usability Problems Checklist Evaluation Extract
Section 10: System Usability Problems
When using the system, did you
experience problems with any of the No Minor Major
following? Problems Problems Problem Comments
15. System response times that are too ✓
quick for you to understand what is
going on
16. Information which does not stay on ✓
the screen long enough for you to
read it
17. System response times that are too ✓ Often system takes to long to find
slow satellite coverage…. feedback
depicting progress is inadequate and
18. Unexpected actions by the system ✓ Feedback bar when locating satellite
coverage often jumps from 90%
complete to 25-50% complete
19. An input device which is difficult or ✓ Buttons are stiff and awkward...often
awkward to use need multiple presses before they
20. Knowing where or how to input ✓
21. Having to spend too much time ✓ Problems with buttons means that
inputting information multiple presses are often required
for one button press tasks
22. Having to be very careful in order to ✓
avoid errors
23. Working out how to correct errors ✓
24. Having to spend too much time ✓
correcting errors
25. Having to carry out the same type of ✓
activity in different ways

(See Flowchart 9.1.)

Recommended Texts
Ravden, S. J., and Johnson, G. I. (1989). Evaluating usability of human-computer interfaces: A practical
method. Chichester: Ellis Horwood.
Stanton, N. A. and Young, M. S. (1999). A guide to methodology in ergonomics: Designing for human use.
London: Taylor & Francis.

Heuristic Analysis
Background and Applications
Heuristic analysis offers a quick and simple approach to device or interface evaluation. Conducting
a heuristic analysis involves analysts performing a range of representative tasks with the product,
Interface Evaluation 285


Construct HTA for

device/system under

Select appropriate

(Analyst or participants)
Familiarise self with

Take first/next
checklist heading

Is heading N there anymore N
applicable? headings/areas? STOP

Take first/next

Is sub-heading N there anymore N
applicable? sub-headings?

Take first/next

Is question N there anymore N
applicable? questions?

Check device and

answer question

flowchart 9.1  Checklist flowchart.

device, or interface in question and providing positive and negative subjective opinions based upon
their interactions with it. Its simplicity and flexibility allow it to be used to assess anything ranging
from usability and design-induced error to interface design and layout. Observations and opinions
are recorded as the analyst interacts with the device. Heuristic-type analyses are typically con-
ducted throughout the design process in order to evaluate design concepts and propose remedial
286 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

measures for any problems encountered. The popularity of heuristic analysis lies in its simplicity
and the fact that it can be conducted quickly, easily, and with only minimal resource usage, at any
stage throughout the design process.

Domain of Application

Application in Sport
Heuristic analysis can be used within a sporting context to evaluate sports technology, devices, and
performance aids. It can be used throughout the design process to evaluate design concepts or for
the evaluation of operational designs.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Aims of the Analysis
The flexibility of heuristic analysis makes it especially important to clearly define what the aims of
the analysis are beforehand. This ensures that time is not wasted looking at unwanted aspects of the
device or product under analysis. The aims of the analysis should also make it easier to identify a
set of suitable tasks during step 2.

Step 2: Identify Set of Representative Tasks for the Device in Question

Once the aims of the analysis are clearly defined, a set of representative tasks for the device or prod-
uct under analysis should be identified. It is recommended that heuristic analyses be based upon ana-
lysts performing an exhaustive set of tasks with the device in question. The tasks defined should then
be placed in a task list. It is normally useful to conduct an HTA for this purpose, based on the opera-
tion of the device in question. The HTA output then acts as a task list for the heuristic analysis.

Step 3: Product/Device Familiarisation Phase

To ensure that the analysis is as comprehensive as possible, it is recommended that the analysts/
participants involved spend some time to familiarise themselves with the device in question. This
might also involve consultation with the associated documentation (e.g., instruction/user manual),
watching a demonstration of the device being operated, being taken through a walkthrough of
device operation or engaging in user trials with the device. It is imperative that the analysts become
proficient with the device or product in question before undertaking the heuristic analysis, as ana-
lysts with limited experience in the operation of the device or product may make inappropriate

Step 4: Perform Task(s)

Once familiar with the device under analysis, the analysts/participants should then perform each
task from the task list developed during step 2 and offer opinions regarding the design and the heu-
ristic categories required (e.g., usability, error potential). During this stage, any good points or bad
points identified during their interactions with the device should be recorded. Each opinion offered
should be recorded in full. It is normally standard practise for analysts/participants to record their
own observations; however, it is also acceptable for an observer to record them.

Step 5: Propose Design Remedies

Once the analyst has completed all of the tasks from the task list, remedial measures for any of the
negative observations should be proposed and recorded.
Interface Evaluation 287

1. Heuristic analysis offers a very simple, quick, and low cost approach to usability
2. It can be used to look at a range of factors, including usability, errors, interface design, and
3. Very little training (if any) is required.
4. It can be applied throughout the design process on design mock-ups, concepts, and
5. The output derived is immediately useful, highlighting problems associated with the
device in question.
6. It provides remedial measures for the problems identified.
7. When applied with a large number of participants the outputs are potentially very

1. The method suffers from poor reliability, validity, and comprehensiveness.
2. Devices designed on end-user recommendations only are typically flawed.
3. It is entirely subjective. What represents good design to one analyst may represent poor
design to another.
4. It has a totally unstructured approach.

Related Methods
The heuristics method is similar to the user trial approach to design evaluation. HTA, observational
study, and walkthrough analysis are often used as part of a heuristic analysis.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The heuristics method requires very little training, and the associated application time is typically
very low, although this is dependent upon the device and the range of tasks being assessed.

Reliability and Validity

Due to its unstructured nature, heuristic analysis suffers from poor reliability and validity (Stanton
and Young, 1999).

Tools Needed
A heuristic analysis is conducted using pen and paper only. The device under analysis is required in
some form, e.g., functional diagrams, mock-up, prototype, or the actual device itself.

The example in Table 9.4 is a heuristic analysis of the Garmin Forerunner 305 training watch.
The participant performed a series of tasks with the device (including programming the device,
using the device for a series of training runs, and downloading training information from the
device) and then completed a heuristic evaluation focussing on device usability and interface
design and layout.
288 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 9.4
Garmin Forerunner Device Heuristic Evaluation Example
Heuristic Analysis: Garmin Forerununner 305 Training Aid
Comment Remedial Measures
✓ Buttons are large and distinct
✓ Labelling is clear and appropriate
✓ Audible alert pacing system removes the need to look at screen
when running and is a particularly effective training aid
✖ Buttons can be quite tough to depress Reduce stiffness of buttons
✓ Display is large and clear
✓ Loud audible feedback on button presses
✖ Display is unreadable in the dark or under shadow without Use permanent backlit display
✖ Backlit display is difficult to activate when running at pace Use permanent backlit display
Reduce stiffness of buttons
✓ Contrast is adjustable
✓ Backlight can be set to permanent
✓ Menu system works well and structure is logical
✓ Menus are clear and use large text
✖ Bar showing depth of menu can be illegible at times Increase slider bar legibility (size and
✖ Clock display is very small and difficult to read; it is almost Increase size of clock display or build clock
impossible to read the clock display when running into menu if it doesn’t fit on display
✖ Clock display is located on different screen and user has to Build clock display into main running display
change mode to view the actual time; this is difficult when
running at pace
✓ Training displays all large and clear
✓ High level of consistency throughout interface
✓ Audible training alerts loud and clear
✓ Three different display layouts offered
✖ Feedback when logging onto satellites is poor, inconsistent, and Use more informative feedback, e.g., percent
often illogical, e.g., almost complete then only 50% complete logged on display or counter; also make
display consistent and logical
✖ Display does not inform user that pace alert function is being Use pace alert function icon on standard
used; user may begin run unaware that pace alert function is display
still active from last run

(See Flowchart 9.2.)

Recommended Text
Stanton, N. A., and Young, M. S. (1999). A guide to methodology in ergonomics: Designing for human use.
London: Taylor & Francis.
Interface Evaluation 289


Define study aims and


Create task list

(e.g. HTA)

Familiarise self with


Take first/next task

Assess device for:

- Ease of skill acquisition
- Effectiveness on task
- Comfort/satisfaction
- Flexibility on task

Are there any

Y more tasks
to complete?

Take first/next design


Propose remedial

Y Are there any more

design flaws


flowchart 9.2  Heuristics flowchart.

Link Analysis
Background and Applications
Link analysis is used to identify and represent associations between elements of a system during
task performance; these associations may be links between interface components, between human
290 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

operators, between human operators and devices, or between human operators and elements of an
interface. Links are defined as movements of attentional gaze or position between parts of the system,
or communication with other system elements, and are analysed in terms of their nature, frequency,
and importance during the task under analysis. Link analysis uses a links matrix and spatial diagrams,
similar to social network diagrams, in order to represent the links within the system under analysis.
Specifically aimed at aiding the design of interfaces and systems, link analyses’ most obvious use is
in the area of workspace-layout optimisation (Stanton and Young, 1999). The outputs can be used to
suggest revised layouts of the components for the device, based on the premise that links should be
minimised in length, particularly if they are important or frequently used.

Domain of Application
Link analysis was originally developed for use in the design and evaluation of process control rooms
(Stanton & Young, 1999); however, it is a generic method and can be applied in any domain. For
example, Stanton and Young (1999) describe an application of the method to the evaluation and
redesign of in-car stereo interfaces.

Application in Sport
There is great potential for applying link analysis in sport, not only as a device and interface design
and evaluation approach, but also as a performance evaluation tool to analyse the links present dur-
ing task performance. Various links that emerge during sporting performance can be analysed using
this approach, such as passes made between players, links between game areas (e.g., return of serve
placements in tennis), and links between players in terms of contact during the game.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. For example, the aims of the analysis may be
to evaluate the passing links between players during different game (e.g., defensive vs. attacking) sce-
narios, or it may be to evaluate the placement of returns of service in a tennis game. The analysis aims
should be clearly defined so that appropriate scenarios are used and relevant data are collected.

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task or scenario under analysis. It is recommended that
the task be described clearly, including the different actors involved, the task goals, and the environ-
ment within which the task is to take place. HTA may be useful for this purpose if there is sufficient
time available. It is important to clearly define the task, as it may be useful to produce link analyses
for different task phases, such as the first half and second half, or attacking and defensive phases of
a particular game.

Step 3: Collect Data

The next step involves collecting the data that are to be used to construct the link analysis. This
typically involves observing the task under analysis and recording the links of interest that occur
during task performance. Typically, the frequency, direction (i.e., from actor A to actor B), type, and
content of the links are recorded.

Step 4: Validate Data Collected

More often than not it is useful to record the task in question and revisit the data to check for errors or miss-
ing data. This involves observing the task again and checking each of the links recorded originally.
Interface Evaluation 291

Step 5: Construct Link Analysis Table

Once the data are checked and validated, the data analysis component can begin. The first step in
this process involves the construction of a link analysis table. This involves constructing a simple
matrix and entering the direction (i.e., from and to) and frequency of links between each of the
actors and device/interface elements involved. The finished matrix depicts the direction and fre-
quency of links during the task under analysis.

Step 6: Construct Link Analysis Diagram

Next, a link analysis diagram should be constructed. The link analysis diagram depicts each actor/
device/interface element and the links that occurred between them during the scenario under analy-
sis. Within the diagram, links are represented by directional arrows linking the actor/device/inter-
face element involved. The frequency of links can be represented either numerically in terms of
number of arrows, or via the thickness of the arrows. An example link analysis diagram represent-
ing the passing links in the build up to a goal scored during a group game in the Euro 2008 soccer
championships is presented in Figure 9.2.

A = Player and player ID

= Passing link
= Player movement


Figure 9.2  Link analysis diagram example for goal scored during Euro 2008 group game.
292 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Step 7: Offer Redesign Proposals/Analyse Link Analysis Data

If an interface or device display is being evaluated, it is normally appropriate to suggest redesign
proposals based on the links identified (although this is not compulsory as part of a link analysis).
The redesign is typically based upon reducing the distance between the linked interface compo-
nents, particularly the most important and frequently used linked components. Alternatively, if
associations within a particular game are being evaluated, then the links should be analysed statisti-
cally at this point.

1. The link analysis diagram provides a powerful means of representing the associations
present in a particular system.
2. Link analysis is simple and quick to apply and requires only minimal training.
3. The output is immediately useful.
4. It offers redesign proposals.
5. It has a range of potential uses in a sporting context, including as an interface/device evalu-
ation approach, a coaching aid, and/or a performance evaluation tool.
6. Link analysis is a generic approach and can be applied in any domain.
7. Link analysis can be used throughout the design process to evaluate and modify design

1. The data collection phase can be time consuming.
2. The use of HTA adds considerable time to the analysis.
3. For large, complex tasks involving many actors and devices, the analysis may be difficult
to conduct and the outputs may become large and unwieldy.
4. It only considers the basic physical relationship between the user and the system. Cognitive
processes and error mechanisms are not typically accounted for.
5. The output is not easily quantifiable.

Related Methods
A link analysis normally requires an initial task description (e.g., HTA) to be created for the task
under analysis. In addition, an observation or walkthrough analysis of the task(s) under analysis is
normally undertaken in order to establish the links between components in the system.

Approximate Training and Application Times

Link analysis requires only minimal training and the application time is typically low. In conclusion
to a comparison of 12 ergonomics methods, Stanton and Young (1999) report that the link analysis
method is relatively fast to train and practise, and also that execution time is moderate compared to
the other methods (e.g., SHERPA, layout analysis, repertory grids, checklists, and TAFEI).

Reliability and Validity

In conclusion to the comparison study described above, Stanton and Young (1999) reported that link
analysis performed particularly well on measures of intra-rater reliability and predictive validity.
They also reported, however, that the method was let down by poor inter-rater reliability.
Interface Evaluation 293

Tools Needed
When conducting a link analysis the analyst should have access to the device under analysis, and
can use pen and paper only. For the observation part of the analysis, a video recording device is
normally required; although the links can be recorded live, it is normally necessary to return to the
recording of the scenario to validate the data obtained. An eye tracker device can also be used to
record eye fixations during task performance. A drawing software package, such as Microsoft Visio,
is often used to create the link analysis diagrams.

The link analysis method can be used to analyse any links present within a system. For the purposes of
this example, we present two examples of how the approach may be used for the analysis of sports per-
formance (the approach can also be used for the evaluation of sports product/device interfaces). The
first example presented involved using the method for analysing the passing links leading up to goals
scored in soccer games. Analysing the passing sequences leading up to goals being scored has been
commonly undertaken as a means of assessing soccer team performance. Reep and Benjamin (1968;
cited in Hughes and Franks, 2005), for example, analysed, among other things, the passing sequences
in 3,213 UK Football Association (FA) games taking place between 1953 and 1968. According to
Hughes and Franks (2005), Reep and Benjamin’s main findings demonstrated that approximately 80%
of the goals scored in the games analysed arose from passing sequences of three passes or less. Hughes
and Franks (2005) analysed passing sequences, goals, and shots during the 1990 and 1994 FIFA World
Cup finals and found that 84% of goals during the 1990 World Cup, were scored and 80% in the 1994
World Cup Games, as a result of team possessions consisting of four passes or less. Grant, Williams,
and Reilly (1999) conducted an analysis on the 171 goals scored during the 1998 FIFA World Cup. As
part of their study they analysed, amongst other things, the area of the pitch in which possession was
regained prior to goals being scored, and also the number of passes made before goals were scored.
Grant, Williams, and Reilly (1999) found that passing was involved in 47.2% of the goals scored from
open play. The mode value for the number of passes before goals being scored was 3.
The authors recently used a link analysis–style approach to analyse the passing links or sequences
involved in the build up to the goals scored in the Euro 2008 soccer championships. The aim of the
analysis was to analyse the number of continuous (i.e., uninterrupted) passing links that occurred
in the build up to the 77 goals scored throughout the tournament (penalty shootout goals were not
counted). Each successful pass between players on the same team was classified as a link. The number
of continuous links in the build up to goals scored was analysed (i.e., if the opposition intercepted
the ball or the pass did not reach its intended recipient the chain of links was broken). Based on
observational study of television coverage of each of the games played, link tables and diagrams were
constructed for each of the goals scored. Unfortunately, the use of network television coverage for the
analysis may have led to a small number of links being missed (i.e., when the camera momentarily was
not focussing on the game) for some of the goals analysed. An example of a link diagram for a goal
scored in one of the group games is presented in Figure 9.3.
The findings indicated that, on average, there were 3 (2.75) continuous links or passes involved in
the build up to the goals scored during the European Championships 2008 soccer tournament. The
analysis also found that 45 of the 77 goals scored involved multiple links (i.e., two or more passes).
The mean number of passes involved in the build up to goals scored by each team, along with the
total goals scored by each team and the greatest number of passing links leading up to goals scored
for each team during the tournament, is presented in Figure 9.4.
The second example focuses on the passing links made by individual players during soccer games.
The analysis presented involved a comparison of two players playing on the right hand side of midfield
for an International soccer team in a recent International friendly game. The first player, hereafter
referred to as player A, played on the right hand side of midfield during the first half, and the second
294 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

A = Player and player ID

= Passing link



Figure 9.3  Link diagram for goal scored in Euro 2008 group game.

player, hereafter referred to as player B, played in the same position in the second half (player A having
been moved to the left hand side of midfield). A link analysis–style approach was used to compare both
players’ passing performance. Both unsuccessfully and successfully completed passes were recorded
based on live observation. Each pass’s origin location and destination location was recorded. The
analysis produced is presented in Figure 9.5. Within the figure, successfully completed passes (i.e.,
successfully received by intended recipient) are shaded black. Unsuccessful passes (i.e., intercepted
by opposition player or misplaced) are shaded in grey. The arrows show the origin and destination of
the passes made, with the beginning of the arrows representing the passing point of origin, and the
arrow point representing the end location of the pass. As demonstrated by the analysis, player B made
more successful passes than player A (33 vs. 6). The diagram also shows how player B made more
passes into the attacking third of the pitch than player A did. Player B also had a lower percentage
of unsuccessful passes (19.51%) than player A (45%). The link analysis method is therefore useful for
representing individual player passing performance during team games. Aside from the link table, the
link diagram provides a powerful, immediately useful spatial representation of passing performance.

(See Flowchart 9.3.)
Interface Evaluation 295

Goals scored
6 Mean passes per goal
4 Greatest number of
2 passes per goal

Czech Republic




Figure 9.4  Goals scored and mean number of passes leading to goals per team for the Euro 2008 soccer

Player A (First half ) Player B (Second half)



O D E F P H Q N M K Unsuccessful C D E F G H I J A K L Unsuccessful
Player A - 1 - - - 1 - 3 1 - 5 Player B 1 9 - 6 2 3 5 2 2 1 2 8

= Successful = Unsuccessful

Figure 9.5  Link analysis diagram and tables showing comparison of player passing; the darker arrows
depict the origin, destination, and receiving player for each successful pass made, and the lighter arrows depict
the origin, destination, and intended receiving player for each unsuccessful pass.
296 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Define task(s) under


Take first/next task

Perform user trial/

observation of system

Record links between

system elements

Construct link
analysis table

Validate links via

recording of task

N Are links

Construct link analysis

Y Are there any

more tasks?

Propose redesign/
analyse links


flowchart 9.3  Link analysis flowchart.

Recommended Texts
Drury, C. G. (1990). Methods for direct observation of performance. In Evaluation of human work: A practical
ergonomics methodology, 2nd ed., eds. J. Wilson and E. N. Corlett, 45–68. London: Taylor & Francis.
Stanton, N. A., and Young, M. S. (1999). A guide to methodology in ergonomics: Designing for human use.
London: Taylor & Francis.
Interface Evaluation 297

Layout Analysis
Background and Applications
Layout analysis is used to evaluate and redesign interface layouts on functional groupings and
their importance, frequency, and sequence of use. The theory behind layout analysis is that device
interfaces should mirror the users’ structure of the task and that the conception of the interface as
a task map greatly facilitates design (Easterby, 1984). A layout analysis involves arranging all of
the components of the interface into functional groupings and then organising them based on their
importance of use, sequence of use, and frequency of use. Following this, components within each
functional group are then reorganised, again according to importance, sequence, and frequency
of use. At the end of the process, an interface layout redesign is produced based upon the user’s
model of the task and the importance, sequence, and frequency of use of the different functional
components of the interface.

Domain of Application
Layout analysis is a generic approach that can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
Layout analysis can be used in a sporting context to evaluate and redesign sports technology, device,
and performance aid interfaces. It can be used throughout the design process to evaluate design
concepts or for the evaluation of existing devices.

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Aims of the Analysis
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. For example, the aims of the analysis may
be to evaluate a particular device’s interface or to redesign an inadequate design concept. The
analysis aims should be clearly defined so that an appropriate set of tasks is selected and a relevant
analysis is produced.

Step 2: Identify Set of Representative Tasks for the Device in Question

Once the aims of the analysis are clearly defined, a set of representative tasks for the device or
product under analysis should be identified. It is recommended that layout analyses be based upon
analysts performing an exhaustive set of tasks with the device in question. The tasks defined should
then be placed in a task list. It is normally useful to conduct an HTA for this purpose, based on the
operation of the device in question. The HTA output then acts as a task list for the sequence, impor-
tance, and frequency of use analyses.

Step 3: Create Schematic Diagram

Next, the analysis can begin. First, the analyst should create a schematic diagram for the device
under analysis. This diagram should contain each (clearly labelled) interface element. An example
of a schematic interface diagram for the Garmin 305 Forerunner training device is presented in
Figure 9.6.

Step 4: Familiarisation with Device

It is recommended that the analysts involved spend some time in familiarising themselves with the
device in question. This might involve consultation with associated documentation (e.g., instruc-
tion manual), performing a series of tasks with the device, watching a demonstration of the device
298 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide



Pace Distance

Lap/Reset Start/Stop

Figure 9.6  Garmin Forerunner 305 schematic diagram.

being operated, or being taken through a walkthrough of device operation. It is imperative that the
analysts become proficient with the device or product in question before undertaking the layout
analysis, as analysts with limited experience in the operation of the device or product may make
inappropriate observations.

Step 5: Arrange Interface Components into Functional Groupings

Next, the analyst arranges the interface components into functional groupings. Each interface ele-
ment should be grouped according to its function in relation to the device under analysis. For exam-
ple, the interface components of the main display on the Garmin 305 Forerunner training device
were arranged into time, pace, distance, lap, and start/stop functional groups.

Step 6: Arrange Functional Groupings Based on Importance of Use

Next, the analyst should arrange the functional groupings based on importance of use. This rear-
rangement is based on the analyst’s subjective judgement; however, the most important interface
elements are normally made the most prominent on the redesigned interface.

Step 7: Arrange Functional Groupings Based on Sequence of Use

Next, the analyst should arrange the functional groupings based on sequence of use during typical
device operation. This rearrangement is based on the analyst’s subjective judgement; however, those
interface elements that are used together are normally placed in close proximity to one another on
the redesigned interface.

Step 8: Arrange Functional Groupings Based on Frequency of Use

Next, the analyst should arrange the functional groupings based on frequency of use during typi-
cal device operation. This rearrangement is based on the analyst’s subjective judgement; however,
those interface elements that are used the most frequently are normally made more prominent on
Interface Evaluation 299

the redesigned interface. At the end of step 8, the analyst has redesigned the device according to the
end user’s model of the task (Stanton and Young, 1999).

1. Layout analysis offers a quick, easy to use, and low cost approach to interface evaluation
and design.
2. The output is immediately useful, offering a redesign of the interface under analysis based
upon importance, sequence, and frequency of use of the interface elements.
3. It has low resource usage.
4. It requires very little training.
5. It can be applied in any domain.
6. The outputs are easy to communicate to designers.
7. It works just as well with paper diagrams, design concepts, mock-ups, and prototypes.

1. It has poor reliability and validity (Stanton and Young, 1999).
2. The redesign of the interface components is based to a high degree on the analyst’s subjec-
tive judgement.
3. Literature regarding layout analysis is sparse.
4. If an initial HTA is required, application time can rise significantly.
5. Conducting a layout analysis for complex interfaces may be very difficult and time con-
suming, and the outputs may be complex and unwieldy.

Related Methods
Layout analysis is similar to link analysis in its approach to interface design. HTA is also typically
used to inform sorting of interface elements based on importance, sequence, and frequency of use.

Approximate Training and Application Times

The training and application times associated with layout analysis are low. In conclusion to a com-
parison study of 12 ergonomics methods, Stanton and Young (1999) report that little training is
required for layout analysis and that it is amongst the quickest of 12 methods to apply. For large,
complex interfaces, however, the application time may be considerable, particularly if HTA is used
initially for the task description.

Reliability and Validity

The layout analysis method suffers from poor levels of reliability and validity. In conclusion to a
comparison study of 12 ergonomics methods, Stanton and Young (1999) report poor statistics for
intra-rater reliability and predictive validity for layout analysis.

Tools Needed
Layout analysis can be conducted using pen and paper, providing the device or pictures of the device
under analysis are available. It is useful to use a drawing software package, such as Microsoft Visio,
to produce the layout analysis outputs.
300 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

A layout analysis was conducted for the Garmin 305 Forerunner training device. This involved two
analysts completing the layout analysis based on their experiences with the device during training
and race events. The layout analysis outputs are presented in Figure 9.6.
Based on importance of use during running events, the interface was reorganised as pre-
sented in Figure 9.7. The analysts both felt that “current pace” was more important than “time”
during both racing and training events, and that “time” was only slightly more important than
“distance ran.”
Next, the interface was reorganised based on sequence of use, as presented in Figure 9.8. In this
case, the analysts determined that “pace” is used most often in conjunction with “distance ran,” and
that “distance ran” is used most often in conjunction with “time” expired.
Finally, the interface was reorganised based on frequency of use, as presented in Figure 9.9. In
this case the analysts suggested that the “pace” reading is used the most frequently, followed by
“distance ran” and then “time.”
Based on the three interface reorganisations, the redesign for the Forerunner training device
interface was devised. One important function is that the analysts strongly recommended that the
display component of the interface (i.e., pace, time, heart rate, and distance readings) be customis-
able based on personal preference, as they felt that different runners of different ability levels may
require different interface set-ups. This is represented in Figure 9.10.

(See Flowchart 9.4.)


Time Distance

Lap/Reset Start/Stop

Figure 9.7  Interface reorganised based on importance of use during running events.

Pace HR



Lap/Reset Start/Stop

Figure 9.8  Interface reorganised based on sequence of use.

Interface Evaluation 301


Distance Time

Lap/Reset Start/Stop

Figure 9.9  Interface reorganised based on frequency of use.

Pace Time

Time Distance Distance Pace

Lap/Reset Start/Stop Lap/Reset Start/Stop

Proposed interface redesign Example interface customisation

Figure 9.10  Interface redesign based on layout analysis.

Recommended Text
Stanton, N. A., and Young, M. S. (1999). A guide to methodology in ergonomics. London: Taylor & Francis.

Interface Surveys
Background and Application
Kirwan and Ainsworth (1992) describe the interface surveys method, which is used to assess the
physical aspects of man-machine interfaces. The method involves the use of survey-based analysis
to consider the following interface elements:

• Controls and displays

• Labelling
• Coding consistency
• Operator modification
• Sightline
• Environmental aspects

The interface surveys are used to pinpoint design inadequacies for a particular interface or design
concept. A brief summary of the control and displays, labelling, coding consistency, and operator
modification survey methods is given below.
302 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Identify range of
representative tasks

Perform tasks with

device under analysis

Create schematic

Arrange interface
components into
functional groupings

Arrange functional
groups based on
importance of use

Arrange functional
groups based on
sequence of use

Arrange functional
groups based on
frequency of use

Redesign interface
based on importance,
sequence and
frequency of use


flowchart 9.4  Layout analysis flowchart.

Control and Display Survey

The control and display survey is used to evaluate the controls and displays provided by a particular
device or interface. The process first involves recording all parameters that can be controlled and
displayed, and then creating a list of all controls and displays. Developing this list involves examin-
ing each control, and recording exactly what the control is controlling, its location, type of control,
Interface Evaluation 303

and any other relevant details, such as movement (e.g., up/down, rotary, left to right, etc.). Likewise,
each display should be investigated in the same manner, e.g., display type, what is being displayed,
location, etc. According to Kirwan and Ainsworth (1992) the list should then be sorted into a hier-
archical list containing the system, sub-system, and parameter. The control and display list can then
be used as a checklist to ensure that the user is presented with adequate information and provided
with the appropriate controls in order to perform the task. If required (depending upon the scope of
the analysis), the appropriate guidelines or standards can also be applied, in order to check that the
system controls and displays adhere to the relevant guidelines/standards.

Labelling Surveys
Labelling surveys are used to examine the labelling used on the interface under analysis in terms of
reference, wording, size, position, and colour (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992). It may also be useful
to make a subjective judgement on the clarity and ease of identification of each label identified. Any
missing or confusing labels should also be recorded. Again, depending upon available resources,
the labels identified can also be compared to the associated labelling standards and guidelines for
the system under analysis.

Coding Consistency Survey

Coding surveys are used to analyse any coding used on the interface under analysis. Typical types
of coding used are colour coding (e.g., green for go, red for stop), positional coding, size coding, and
shape coding (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992). The coding analysis is used to highlight ambiguous
coding and aspects where additional coding may be required (Kirwan and Ainsworth, 1992). The
analyst should systematically work through the interface, recording each use of coding, its location,
the feature that is coded, description, relevance, instances where coding could be used but is not,
instances of counteracting coding, and any suggested revisions in terms of coding to the interface.

Operator Modification Survey

End users often add temporary modifications to the interface or use work-arounds in order to
bypass design inadequacies. For example, operators use labels or markings (e.g., Post-It notes
or stickies) to highlight where specific controls should be positioned or place objects such as
paper cups over redundant controls. The modifications made by the end users offer an intriguing
insight into the usability of the interface, often highlighting bad design, poor labelling, and sim-
pler procedures (i.e., missing out one or two actions). Kirwan and Ainsworth (1992) suggest that
such information can be gathered quickly through a survey of the operational system. The infor-
mation gathered can be used to inform the design of similar systems or interfaces. Conducting
an operator modification survey simply involves observing a representative set of tasks being
performed using the system under analysis, and recording any instances of operator modifica-
tion. The use of interviews is also useful, to help understand why the modification occurred in
the first place.

Domain of Application
The interface survey method is generic can be applied in any domain.

Application in Sport
Interface surveys can be applied in a sporting context to evaluate sports technology, devices, and
performance aids. It can be used throughout the design process to evaluate design concepts or for
the evaluation of operational designs.
304 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Procedure and Advice

Step 1: Define Analysis Aims
First, the aims of the analysis should be clearly defined. For example, the aims of the analysis may
be to evaluate the labelling on a particular device or to assess the controls and displays used. The
analysis aims should be clearly defined so that appropriate interface surveys are selected and rel-
evant data are collected.

Step 2: Define Task(s) or Scenario under Analysis

The next step involves clearly defining the task or scenario under analysis. It is recommended that
the task be described clearly, including the different actors involved, the task goals, and the environ-
ment within which the task is to take place. HTA may be useful for this purpose if there is sufficient
time available.

Step 3: Data Collection

The data collection phase involves completing each survey for the system under analysis. There
are a number of ways to accomplish this. Access to the system under analysis is normally required,
although Kirwan and Ainsworth (1992) suggest that the relevant data can sometimes be collected
from drawings of the system under analysis. It is recommended that a walkthrough of the system
under analysis be conducted, involving as representative a set of tasks of the full functionality of the
system as possible. Observational study of task performance with the system under analysis is also
very useful. For the operator modification surveys, interviews with system operators are required,
and for the environmental survey, on-line access to the operating system is required.

Step 4: Complete Appropriate Surveys

Once the data collection phase is complete, the appropriate surveys should be completed and analy-
sed accordingly. The results are normally presented in tabular form.

Step 5: Propose Remedial Measures

Once the surveys are completed, it is often useful to propose any remedial measures designed to
remove any problems highlighted by the surveys. Such recommendations might offer countermea-
sures for the system under analysis in terms of design inadequacies, error potential, poor coding,
operator modifications, etc.

1. Each of the surveys described are easy to apply, requiring very little training.
2. The surveys are generic and can be applied in any domain.
3. The output of the surveys offers a useful analysis of the interface under analysis, highlight-
ing instances of bad design and problems arising from the man-machine interaction.
4. Standards and guidelines can be used in conjunction with the methods in order to ensure
5. If all of the surveys are applied, the interface in question is subjected to a very exhaustive

1. The application of the surveys can be highly time consuming.
2. An operational system is required for most of the methods. The use of such methods early
on in the design process would be limited.
3. Reliability is questionable.
Interface Evaluation 305

4. Interface surveys do not account for context or performance shaping factors.

5. While the surveys address the design inadequacies of the interface, no assessment of per-
formance is given.

Related Methods
Interface surveys use various data collection methods, including observational study, questionnaires,
and interviews with SMEs. Task analysis is also often used as part of the interface survey approach.

Approximate Training and Application Times

Only minimal training is required for each of the survey methods. The application time, although
dependent upon the device/system/interface under analysis, is typically high.

Reliability and Validity

No data regarding the reliability and validity of the method are presented in the literature.
There may be problems associated with the intra- and inter-rater reliability of the method. For
example, different analysts may derive different results for the same interface, and also the same
analyst may derive different results when using the method for the same device or system on
different occasions.

Tools Needed
Most of the surveys described can be applied using pen and paper. The environmental survey
requires the provision of equipment capable of measuring the relevant environmental conditions,
including noise, temperature, lighting, and humidity levels. The sightline survey requires the appro-
priate measurement equipment, such as a tape measures and rulers.

Control, display, and labelling surveys were used to analyse the Garmin 305 Forerunner training
device. Extracts of each survey are presented in to Tables 9.5 to 9.7.

(See Flowchart 9.5.)

Recommended Text
Kirwan, B., and Ainsworth, L. K. (1992). A guide to task analysis. London: Taylor & Francis.
306 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 9.5
Control Survey Analysis for Garmin Forerunner Training Device
Name Type Function Feedback? Comments
Power button Push button Turn device on/ Audible ✖ Button, has dual functionality (on/off and
off alert display backlight); however, this is not
Operates display labelled clearly
backlight ✖ Operation is inconsistent as it requires
one push to switch device on, but a hold
and depress to switch device off
✓ Audible alert is loud and clear.

Mode button Push button Switches Audible ✖ Button can often be stiff and awkward to
between modes alert operate
on device back ✖ Dual functionality not labelled
button ✓ Audible alert is loud and clear
Start/stop button Push button Starts/stops lap Audible ✓ Button is large and clearly labelled
timer alert ✓ Audible alert is loud and clear
✓ Button is large and clearly labelled
Sets lap function Audible ✓ Dual functionality of button is clearly
Lap/reset button Push button
Resets timer alert labelled
✓ Audible alert is loud and clear

Enter button Push button Selection of Audible ✖ Button is stiff and awkward, sometimes
items from alert requiring multiple presses before it
menu, etc. works
✓ Dual functionality of button is clearly
✓ Audible alert is loud and clear
Up/down buttons Push button Scroll up and Audible ✓ Audible alert is loud and clear
down through alert ✓ Buttons clearly labelled
Toggle between
display types
Interface Evaluation 307

Table 9.6
Display Survey Analysis for Garmin Forerunner Training Device
Name Type Function Comments
✓ Display is large and clear for watch device
✓ Numerical items (e.g., pace, time, distance) are large and
take up a large proportion of the display
✖ Some elements of the display are too small, such as the
standard clock display, menu bars, etc
✖ Without backlight, display is unreadable in the dark or
Set up display pace, under shadow
Main display time, distance ✓ Three display configurations available
traveled, etc. ✖ Battery strength is not displayed at all times (i.e., when
✓ Contrast is adjustable
✓ Backlight length is adjustable and can be set to
✓ Icons used are logical and appropriate

Table 9.7
Labelling Survey Analysis for Garmin Forerunner Training Device
Label Description Clarity Error Potential
On/off label Standard power button Label is clear; however, button, User may not recognise dual
icon has dual functionality and functionality of button
other function. is not labelled
Mode button, label Text label “mode” Text label is clear User may not understand what
Button also acts as “back” modes are available; user may
button but this is not labelled not realise that button also acts
as a back button
Lap/reset button Text label “lap” and Text label is clear N/A
“reset” Dual functionality is also
clearly labelled
Up/down buttons Standard up/down icons Buttons are clearly labelled N/A
with standard up/down icons
Start/stop button Text label “start/stop” Text label is clear N/A
Enter button Text label “enter” Text label is clear N/A
308 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide


Define study aims and


Select appropriate

Perform user trial/

observation of system

Take first/next survey

Complete survey (with

device/system and SMEs)

Y Are there more

to complete?

Develop remedial
measures with SMEs


flowchart 9.5  Interface surveys flowchart.

10 Human Factors
Methods Integration
Case Study

The aim of this concluding chapter is threefold: first, to present an example of a comprehensive
Human Factors methodology for evaluating sports performance; second, to demonstrate how
Human Factors methods can be applied in a sporting context; and third, and more importantly,
to demonstrate how the methods described in this book can be combined and integrated in order
to provide a more exhaustive analysis of human performance. Applying the methods described in
this book in isolation is perfectly acceptable, and while their utility when applied alone is assured,
Human Factors methods are increasingly being applied together as part of frameworks or integrated
suites of methods for the evaluation of complex sociotechnical systems (e.g., Stanton et al., 2005;
Walker et al., 2006). Often scenarios are so complex and multi-faceted, and analysis requirements
so diverse, that various methods need to be applied since one method in isolation cannot cater for
the scenario and analysis requirements. The EAST framework (Stanton et al., 2005) described in
Chapter 8 is one such example that was developed to examine the work of distributed teams in
complex sociotechnical systems. Frameworks or toolkits of methods have also been recommended
and applied in the analysis of other Human Factors concepts; for example, for the analysis of human
error (Kirwan, 1998a, 1998b), situation awareness (Salmon et al., 2006), and mental workload
(Young and Stanton, 2004).
Through the case study presented in this chapter we aim to demonstrate how some of the meth-
ods described in this book can be used together to provide a multi-perspective analysis of sports
performance. Of course, it is impractical to attempt to show all of the possible combinations of
methods available, as the framework used is dependent upon the specific problem faced; however,
this chapter will succeed in its purpose if it demonstrates that with intelligent application, a toolkit
approach can be developed from the methods covered in this book. For this purpose, we illustrate
the principle of a toolkit approach with reference to a case study drawn from the analysis of a fell
running race event.

Integrating Human Factors Methods

There are well over 100 Human Factors methods available covering all manner of concepts. In this
chapter, an approach based on method integration is proposed. The aim is to show how existing
methods can be combined in useful ways to analyse complex, multi-faceted scenarios involving
humans and technology. Methods integration has a number of compelling advantages, because not
only does the integration of existing methods bring reassurance in terms of a validation history, but
it also enables the same data to be analysed from multiple perspectives. These multiple perspectives,
as well as being inherent in the scenario that is being described and measured, also provide a form
of internal validity. Assuming that the separate methods integrate on a theoretical level, then their
application to the same data set offers a form of “analysis triangulation.”

310 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

At the most basic level, when analysing human performance within complex sociotechnical sys-
tems, the descriptive constructs of interest can be distilled down to simply

• Why (the goals of the system, sub-system[s], and actor[s])

• Who (the actors performing the activity are)
• When (activities take place and which actors are associated with them)
• Where (activities and actors are physically located)
• What (activities are undertaken, what knowledge/decisions/processes/devices are used,
and what levels of workload are imposed)
• How (activities are performed and how actors communicate and collaborate to achieve goals)

More than likely, none of the Human Factors methods described can, in isolation, cater for these
constructs in their entirety. Using an integrated suite of methods, however, allows scenarios to be
analysed exhaustively from the perspectives described. In the past, we have taken a “network of net-
works” approach to analysing activities taking place in complex sociotechnical systems. This allows
activity to be analysed from three different but interlinked perspectives: the task, social, and knowl-
edge networks that underlie teamwork activity. Task networks represent a summary of the goals
and subsequent tasks being performed within a system. Social networks analyse the organisation
of the team and the communications taking place between the actors working in the team. Finally,
knowledge networks describe the information and knowledge (distributed situation awareness) that
the actors use and share in order to perform the teamwork activities in question. This “network of
networks” approach to understanding collaborative endeavour is represented in Figure 10.1.

Summary of Component Methods

For the purposes of this study, we were interested in the tasks undertaken; the situation aware-
ness, knowledge, and decision-making processes used by fell runners; the level of mental workload
imposed on them during task performance; and their interactions with other runners and techno-
logical devices during the race. Accordingly we used an adapted version of the EAST approach
described in Chapter 8, which included HTA (Annett et al., 1971), OSDs (Stanton et al., 2005),
SNA (Driskell and Mullen, 2004), the NASA-TLX (Hart and Staveland, 1988), the propositional


Knowledge required during Operational

task performance structure required

Knowledge Social
Network Network
Distribution and
communication of
information underpinning

Figure 10.1  Network of networks approach. Source: Adapted from Houghton, R. J., Baber, C., Cowton,
M., Stanton, N. A., and Walker, G. H. (2008). WESTT (Workload, Error, Situational Awareness, Time and
Teamwork): An analytical prototyping system for command and control. Cognition Technology and Work
Human Factors Methods Integration 311

network approach (Salmon et al., 2009), and the CDM (Klein, Calderwood, and McGregor, 1989).
The framework used is represented in Figure 10.2.
This integrated approach allowed us to consider the following facets of fell runner performance
(depicted in Figure 10.3):

• The physical and cognitive tasks involved during the race (HTA, OSD, CDM)
• Fell runner decision making during the race (CDM, propositional networks)
• Fell runner communications during the race (with other runners, race officials, and tech-
nology) (SNA, OSD)
• Fell runner workload during the race ( NASA-TLX)
• Fell runner situation awareness during the race (propositional networks)

The process begins with the conduct of an observational study (Chapter 2) of the scenario under
analysis. HTA (Chapter 3) is then used to describe the goals, sub-goals, and operations involved
during the scenario. The resultant task network identifies the actors involved, what tasks are being
performed, and the temporal structure of tasks. The HTA output is then used to construct an OSD
(Chapter 3) of the task, detailing all activities and interactions between actors involved. The social
network is embodied by SNA (Chapter 8), which considers the associations between agents during
the scenario. It is important to note here that agents may be human or technological, and so SNA
caters too for human-machine interactions. The CDM (Chapter 4) focuses on the decision-making
processes used by runners during task performance and the information and knowledge underpin-
ning their decision making. Based on these data, the propositional network approach (Chapter 6)
represents situation awareness during the scenario, from both the point of view of the overall sys-
tem, and the individual actors performing activities within the system. Thus, the type, structure, and
distribution of knowledge throughout the scenario is represented. Finally, the NASA-TLX (Chapter
7) provides an indication of the level of workload experienced by actors during the scenario. The
overlap between methods and the constructs they access is explained by the multiple perspectives
Hierarchical Task Analysis

Network A

Operation Sequence
Critical Decision Method

Knowledge Social
Network Network

Social Network Analysis

Propositional networks

Figure 10.2  Network of network approach overlaid with methods applied during case study.
312 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

What level of mental What tasks are performed?

workload is imposed on Hierarchical Task Analysis Where are tasks performed?
different actors? How are tasks performed?
When do tasks take place?
Why are different tasks
What decisions are
made? NASA-TLX Task
Network A
What cognitive
processes underlie B
decision making?
Why are different
tasks performed? Operation Sequence
Critical Decision Diagrams

Knowledge Social
Network Network

Who is involved?
What are the associations Social Network Analysis
between actors?
Propositional networks How do the different
What knowledge is used actors communicate?
by actors?

What does situation

awareness comprise?

Figure 10.3  Network of network approach overlaid with questions potentially addressed.

provided on issues such as the “who” and the “what.” For example, the HTA deals with “what” tasks
and goals; the CDM deals with “what” decisions are required to achieve goals; and the propositional
networks deal with “what” knowledge or situation awareness underpins the tasks being performed
and decisions being made. Each of these methods is a different but complementary perspective on
the same descriptive construct, and a different but complementary perspective on the same data
derived from observation and interview, which is an example of analysis triangulation. This is rep-
resented in Figure 10.3. The internal structure of the integrated framework applied is represented
in Figure 10.4.

The methodology described above was used to analyse a local fell race. The race was approximately
5.3 miles long and involved an 885-foot ascent from the starting point up to a local monument situ-
ated on the Cleveland way, and then a descent back down to the finish.

A total of 256 senior runners took part in the race. Two analysts completed the race as participant
observers, and 10 participants took part in the study. Based upon finishing times, the participants
were placed into the four following groups: elite (sub 37 minutes finishing time), amateur (37–44
minutes finishing time), recreational (44–48 minutes finishing time), and other (over 48 minutes
finishing time). Upon completion of the race, the runners completed CDM and NASA-TLX ques-
tionnaires. Due to the nature of the event and the study procedure, it was not possible to collect
demographic data for the participants involved.
Human Factors Methods Integration 313


Data collection
Activity Critical
sampling/ Decision
observation Method

Data analysis
Hierarchical Social NASA-TLX
Task Network workload
Analysis Analysis ratings

Operation Social
sequence Propositional
Task network network
diagram networks

Figure 10.4  Internal structure of integrated Human Factors methods framework.

NASA-TLX and CDM pro-formas were used for data collection purposes. The HTA software
tool (Salmon et al., 2009) was used to create the HTA. Microsoft Visio was used to construct the
task network, OSD, propositional networks, and social network diagrams presented in this chapter.
Some of the runners also used GPS-based timing and heart rate monitoring devices, such as the
Garmin 305 Forerunner described in Chapter 9.

Initially, an advertisement providing details of the study was placed on the running club website.
Upon registration for the race, runners who expressed an interest in taking part in the study were
given a study pack, containing an overview of the study, consent forms, and NASA-TLX and CDM
pro-formas. Upon completion of the race, participants were asked to complete three NASA-TLX
pro-formas: one for a typical training run of a similar distance, one for the ascent part of the race,
and one for the descent part of the race. Participants were also asked to complete two CDM pro-
formas: one for the ascent part of the race, and one for the descent part of the race. The CDM probes
used are presented in Table 10.1. An HTA for the race was constructed based on the two participat-
ing analysts’ observation of the event. An OSD was developed based on the HTA description of the
event. A task network, summarising the goals and tasks contained in the HTA, was then constructed
based on the initial HTA description. Propositional networks were constructed for each participant
based on a content analysis of their CDM responses. SNAs were conducted based on the two par-
ticipating analysts, who completed a short SNA questionnaire (i.e., who did you communicate with,
how often, and who were the most important communications with?) upon completion of the race.
314 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Table 10.1
CDM Probes
Goal specification What were your specific goals during this part of the race?
Decisions What decisions did you make during this part of the race?
Cue identification What features were you looking for when you formulated your decisions?
How did you know that you needed to make the decisions? How did you know when to
make the decisions?
Expectancy Were you expecting to make these sorts of decisions during the course of the event?
Describe how this affected your decision-making process.
Conceptual Are there any situations in which your decisions would have turned out differently?
Influence of uncertainty At any stage, were you uncertain about either the reliability or the relevance of the
information that you had available?
Information integration What was the most important piece of information that you used to make your decisions?
Situation awareness What information did you have available to you at the time of the decisions?
Situation assessment Did you use all of the information available to you when making decisions?
Was there any additional information that you might have used to assist you in making
Options Were there any other alternatives available to you other than the decisions you made?
Decision blocking—stress Was their any stage during the decision-making process in which you found it difficult to
process and integrate the information available?
Basis of choice Do you think that you could develop a rule, based on your experience, that could assist
another person to make the same decisions successfully?
Analogy/generalisation Were you at any time reminded of previous experiences in which similar/different decisions
were made?

Source: Adapted from O’Hare, E., Wiggins, M., Williams, A., and Wong, W. (2000). Cognitive task analysis for decision
centred design and training. In Task analysis, eds. J. Annett and N. A. Stanton, 170–90. London: Taylor & Francis.

The HTA for the fell race is presented in Figure 10.5.
The task network, which provides a summary of the main goals and tasks involved, is presented
in Figure 10.6.
The CDM outputs represent a summary of the key decisions made by the runners during the race
and the information underlying them. An example CDM output table, elicited from a runner from
the “elite” group, is presented in Table 10.2.
Propositional networks were constructed for the ascent and descent portions of the race based
on content analyses of participant CDM responses. Example propositional networks for one of the
participants are presented in Figure 10.7.
Information element usage by the different runners was analysed using the propositional network
data. The information element usage during the race by the four different runner groups is presented
in Table 10.3. Table 10.3 shows the total pool of information elements reported by participants and
individual participant usage of them based on the propositional network analysis.
Social network diagrams were constructed for the ascent and descent portions of the race based
on an SNA questionnaire completed by two runners post trial. Example social network diagrams for
one of the runners are presented in Figure 10.8.
Finally, NASA-TLX workload ratings were collected from each participant for a typical training
run of a similar distance, and for the ascent and descent portions of the race. The mean NASA-TLX
workload ratings are presented in Figure 10.9.
0. Complete race
in quickest time

4. Get to
1. Warm Up 2. Set up GPS desired 5. Negotiate 6. Negotiate 7. Put in sprint
3. Begin race ascent descent finish
device running pace

Plan 6. Do 6.1. and 6.2. until Plan 7. Do 7.1. and 7.2. until
Plan 5. Do 5.1. and 5.2. until end of race then EXIT
end of descent then EXIT end of ascent then EXIT
See 5.1-

5.2. Manage 5.2. Manage

5.1. Manage route and 7.1. Manage
route and
2.1. Turn 2.2. Wait for pace footing sprint pace
forerunner device to log
and device on onto satellite
Human Factors Methods Integration

5.2.1 –
5.1.1. 5.1.3. Monitor 5.1.4. 5.1.5. 5.1.6. 5.2.4
5.1.2. Check
Ascend at performance physical Maintain Increase Decrease
2.1.1. Press 2.1.2. Check desired pace condition pace speed speed
power button screen 7.1.1. Speed 7.1.3. Monitor 7.1.4. 7.1.5. 7.1.6.
7.1.2. Check
See up to max physical Maintain Increase Decrease
4.2.1- pace condition speed speed speed
4.2.4 Plan 5.2. Do 5.2.1. and 5.2.2. and
3.1. Take 3.4. Start 5.2.3. and 5.2.4. continuously
starting 3.2. Wait for 3.3. Begin until end of ascent See
starting gun running timing device 4.2.1-

Plan 3.4. Do 3.4.1. and 3.4.2.

has timer started? Yes then 5.2.1. Check 5.2.3. Determine
EXIT, No then repeat 3.4.1. 5.2.2. Monitor 5.2.4. Follow
and 2.4.2. until timer starts area immediately optimum route/
then EXIT 3.4.1. Press 3.4.2. other runners chosen route
ahead foot placement
start/stop Check
button screen

Plan 4. Do 4.1. and 4.2. and 4.3. if comfortable and

at desired pace then do 4.4 and do 4.2. and 4.3.
intermittently if too slow and comfortable then do
4.5. and 4.2. and 4.3. until at desired pace, if too 4.1. Run to 4.3. Monitor 4.4. 4.5. 4.6.
quick and uncomfortable then do 4.6. and 4.2. and desired 4.2. Check physical Increase Decrease
4.3. until at desired pace then do 4.4.
pace performance condition speed speed
Plan 4.2. Do 4.2.1. and 4.2.2./4.2.3./
4.2.4. as required then EXIT

4.2.1. 4.2.4.
Check 4.2.2. 4.2.3. Check Read
screen Read pace distance ran time

Figure 10.5  Fell race HTA.

316 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Warm up

Set up GPS device Take starting position

Start GPS device Start race

Get to desired pace

ascent Check pace, Determine
Maintain optimum
distance ran
desired pace route and
and time
Negotiate footing

Put in sprint finish

Figure 10.6  Task model of fell race.

The mean ratings for each NASA-TLX dimension for the ascent and descent portions of the race
are presented for each runner group in Figures 10.10 and 10.11.

The analysis presented provides an interesting insight into the goals, situation awareness, and deci-
sion-making processes adopted by fell runners of different abilities. The HTA and ensuing task
network depict the task structure of the race in terms of how goals and tasks relate to each other
functionally and temporally. In this case, the key tasks involved the physical tasks of running the
race at an optimum pace, and the cognitive tasks of checking pace, distance ran, and time; calculat-
ing the distance remaining; identifying an optimum route; and making key decisions (e.g., when to
increase/decrease pace). The technological aspect of the task is also demonstrated, with the run-
ners involved having to set up and then monitor their GPS device throughout the race. The linkage
between the main tasks is demonstrated in Figure 10.6. For example, the maintenance of desired
pace is informed by the runner’s physical condition and the GPS running device, which gives pace,
time, and distance ran readings. Maintaining one’s desired pace is also contingent upon the selec-
tion and negotiation of an optimum route.
The CDM responses indicate that the decision-making process involved during fell running can
be broadly decomposed into two forms of decision making: diagnostic decision making (Klien,
1992) and course of action selection (Klein, 2008). Essentially runners used a continuous process of
diagnostic decision making to evaluate the current situation and then modified their chosen course
of action, or adopted a new course of action, based on their situational diagnosis. Diagnostic deci-
sion making in this case refers to the decisions made when diagnosing “what is going on,” and
involves making decisions during situation assessment, such as what is my current pace, how hard is
the runner in front working, how hard am I working? According to Klein (1992), diagnosis involves
the decision maker generating one or more potential hypotheses and evaluating them. Klein’s previ-
ous work in the military domain indicates that diagnostic decisions are more important than deci-
sions regarding course of action selection, since appropriate courses of action are selected based on
Human Factors Methods Integration 317

Table 10.2
Example Elite Runner “Ascent” CDM Output
Goal specification What were your specific goals during this part of the race?
• To run as hard as possible to the monument (top of ascent) and get there in as short a
time as possible as I knew I could recover on the downhill which followed. In fact I
treated it like a 2.5-mile race.
Decisions What decisions did you make during this part of the race?
• To maintain a high relative perceived effort (RPE). Also ensure that I reached
bottlenecks (e.g., gates) before the runners alongside me. I also tried to stay ahead/with
competitors who I knew I was fitter than.
Cue identification What features were you looking for when you formulated your decisions?
• Bottlenecks, and fellow competitors I was familiar with. I also glanced at my heart rate
from time to time and if it was below 160 I made an extra effort.
How did you know that you needed to make the decisions? How did you know when to
make the decisions?
• If I was overtaken by someone who I knew I was fitter than or if my heart rate dropped
below 160 BPM.
Expectancy Were you expecting to make these sorts of decisions during the course of the event?
• Yes. Just as expected.
Describe how this affected your decision-making process.
Conceptual Are there any situations in which your decisions would have turned out differently?
• No.
Influence of uncertainty At any stage, were you uncertain about either the reliability or the relevance of the
information that you had available?
• No.
Information integration What was the most important piece of information that you used to make your decisions?
• RPE and heart rate to ensure I was running as hard as possible to the monument.
Situation awareness What information did you have available to you at the time of the decisions?
• RPE, heart rate, time taken to get to the monument.
Situation assessment Did you use all of the information available to you when making decisions?
• No, I didn’t use split times at various reference points, which I had recorded in previous
Was there any additional information that you might have used to assist you in making
• Not that I’m aware of.
Options Were there any other alternatives available to you other than the decisions you made?
• No.
Decision blocking—stress Was their any stage during the decision-making process in which you found it difficult to
process and integrate the information available?
• No.
Basis of choice Do you think that you could develop a rule, based on your experience, that could assist
another person to make the same decisions successfully?
• Yes, if RPE is below 19 or heart rate is below 160 (this is dependent on heart rate
maximum) then run harder. Also stay with competitors you are expected to beat.
Analogy/generalisation Were you at any time reminded of previous experiences in which similar/different decisions
were made?
• All the time.


Distance Monument
Distance Remaining
Increase Sub 6.30
minute Increase
Duration Prevention
Maintenance Pace
Maintenance Pace Passing
Speed Incline
Decrease Speed Incline
Time Proximity
Time Proximity
Runners Other
Route Runners
Breathing Route
Physical rate Breathing
Heart condition Physical rate
rate Heart condition
Pain Legs
Stamina Pain

Ascent Descent

Figure 10.7  Ascent and descent propositional networks for amateur runner.
Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide
Human Factors Methods Integration 319

Table 10.3
Information Element Usage by Runner Group
Elite Amateur Recreational Other
Other runners
Heart rate
Breathing rate
Physical condition
Relative perceived effort
Fitness levels
Split times
Reference points
Previous races
Max. heart rate
Burn out
Concentration (loss)
320 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

Start and ascent Descent to finish

Stewards Stewards Time

Forerunner Forerunner
Distance Distance
Pace Pace ran

2 2
Other Other
runners runners
3 20
5 7 1 10 15

Runner A Runner A

Figure 10.8  Example social network diagram showing associations between runner, GPS device, other
runners, and stewards.


0 Descent
Men Phys Temp Training
Perf Effort Frust

Figure 10.9  Mean workload ratings for typical training run and race ascent and descent.

60 Elite
50 Amateur
40 Recreational
30 Other
Men Phys Temp Perf Effort Frust

Figure 10.10  Ascent mean workload ratings per runner group.

Human Factors Methods Integration 321

60 Elite
50 Amateur
40 Recreational
30 Other
Men Phys Temp Perf Effort Frust

Figure 10.11  Descent mean workload ratings per runner group.

an accurate situation assessment (involving diagnostic decision making). Klein suggested that, by
achieving a clear situation assessment, the appropriate course of action to use becomes manifest.
The main diagnostic decisions reported included determining current pace, rate of physical exer-
tion, heart rate, condition, capability, time, position, and other runners’ current workload, condition,
and capability. The main course of action decisions that runners reported included route selection,
foot placement, race strategy selection (i.e., when to attack or attempt to pass other runners), and
pace selection (i.e., when to increase/decrease pace). Following diagnostic decision making, courses
of action were chosen and enacted. This cyclical nature of decision making was apparent in all run-
ner CDM responses.
The CDM outputs also demonstrated the differences in race strategies used by the different
runner groups. The elite runners decomposed the race into a series of mini races. For example, the
first runner from the elite group reported how he treated the ascent portion of the race as a 2.5-mile
race, as he knew that he could recover and maintain a quick pace throughout the descent portion
of the race. The second runner from the elite group, on the other hand, decomposed the race into
three stages: setting up a good opening position, maintaining this position while ensuring he did not
burn out, and then improving his position towards the end. No strategies of this sort were reported
by the other runners. The use of stored rules for course of action selection was also reported by the
elite runners. In this case, the elite runners used situational diagnosis and a comparison with stored
rules for course of action selection purposes. For example, one elite runner used rate of perceived
exertion and heart rate levels to determine how hard he should run. If both values were above or
below a certain threshold amount, then pace was increased/decreased accordingly. Amateur and
recreational runners were more likely to base their course of action selection/modification on how
they felt physically (i.e., discomfort levels) and other runner behaviour rather than rate of perceived
exertion and heart rate levels.
While the types of decision were similar across all runner groups, the information and situation
awareness (identified through the CDM and propositional network analyses) underpinning diagnos-
tic decision making and course of action selection was very different. The propositional network
analysis indicated that elite runner situation awareness was richer in terms of the number of infor-
mation elements used and the relationships between the information elements. Elite runners were
using more information elements and expressed more relationships between the information being
used than the amateur, recreational, and other group runners did.
The SNAs highlight the importance placed on the GPS running watch device by the runners
involved. In the example presented, the runner mainly interacts with the GPS in both the ascent and
descent phases of the race. It is interesting to note that during the ascent phase the runner is less
322 Human Factors Methods and Sports Science: A Practical Guide

concerned with checking his pace (due to the incline and difficulty in achieving a good pace) and is
receiving more instruction to increase his pace from the GPS device (as depicted by the 10 communi-
cations from the GPS device). During the descent phase, however, the runner makes 20 checks of his
pace, as he is racing downhill and needs to maintain as quick a pace as possible. As the runner is com-
ing closer to the finish, he also makes more checks of the time expired and distance ran, presumably in
order to determine when to embark on his sprint finish. The SNA output also highlights the important
role of technology in fell running performance. The analysis indicated that they key agent within a
network of runners, stewards, and GPS device was the technological agent: the GPS watch.
The workload ratings indicate that mental, physical, effort, and frustration ratings were greater,
on average, for the ascent portion of the race. The higher physical, effort, and frustration ratings
were expected, due to the greater physical demand imposed and the slower progress (which leads
to frustration) when ascending as opposed to descending; however, the greater mental demand rat-
ings were not expected, since it was hypothesised that the cognitive load incurred by route selec-
tion during the fast-paced descent portion of the race would lead to greater mental demand ratings.
Temporal demand was, on average, rated as higher during the descent portion of the race. This
reflects the fact that the descent portion is a much quicker part of the race and also the fact that
runners are getting closer to the finish of the race. For the comparison across groups, the elite run-
ner group provided greater ratings for all dimensions aside from frustration for the ascent phase;
however, similar ratings were given by all groups for the descent phase.
In isolation the results generated are of utility; however, further insight can be gained by viewing
the outputs in unison. For example, Figure 10.12 presents an example of the multi-perspective view


Tasks and goals

Warm up

Set up GPS device Take starting position

Start GPS device Start race

Get to desired pace

ascent Determine
Check pace, optimum
Maintain distance ran
desired pace route and
and time footing
descent Situation awareness/knowledge
Speed Incline

Put in sprint finish Stewards Time

Pace placement All the time Forerunner
Pace ce ran

Route Other 2
runners 10
Other 5
Rate of perc-
Ascent exertion
Ran Runner A

Time rate

Figure 10.12  Multi-perspective output example.

Human Factors Methods Integration 323

on activity provided by the different outputs. In this case, the tasks, decisions, situation awareness,
and communications involved for the ascent portion of the race are represented.

The analysis presented indicates that the main decisions involved in fell running are diagnostic
decisions regarding current performance (e.g., pace, position, rate of exertion) and course of action
selection decisions (e.g., route selection, foot placement, race strategy, changes of pace) regarding
responses to situational diagnosis. The analysis suggests that the decision-making processes adopted
by elite runners are different than those of runners of less ability, and also that elite runner situa-
tion awareness is richer, in terms of the information comprising it, and more “connected” in terms
of their understanding of the relationships between different concepts. The importance of different
components of the running system was emphasised; for example, the important role of technology
was highlighted, in particular the provision of pace, time, and distance ran information by GPS-
based devices. Further, the use of other runners in determining race strategy was also highlighted.
Finally, fell runner workload was found to be greater during the ascent phase of the race.
This study is presented as a proof of concept study for Human Factors methods integration. The
individual outputs provided by the integrated Human Factors methods approach used for this case
study provide a number of distinct but overlapping perspectives on the fell race scenario analysed.
The important point to make is that further combinations and recombinations of separate Human
Factors methods enables insights previously generated to be explored further. The application
described demonstrates the utility of applying integrated suites of Human Factors methods to tackle
the evaluation of complex sociotechnical system performance, such as that seen in the sporting
domains. The approach presented summarises the task, social, and knowledge structures involved
into a form that enables comparisons on key metrics across actors and scenarios. Beyond this, the
method demonstrates how the individual Human Factors methods described in this book can be
combined to fully encompass the boundaries of complex sociotechnical systems.
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A Social organisation and cooperation analysis, 74,
Abstraction decomposition space see ADS Strategies analysis, 74, 77, 86
Abstraction hierarchy see AH Worker competencies analysis, 74, 80–81
Accimaps, 115, 117–124 Work domain analysis, 71, 75–77, 8–84
Organisational levels, 117
Hillsborough disaster, 121
Hillsborough disaster accimap, 122 D
ACTA Data collection methods, 4, 5, 9–34, 42, 50, 105, 121, 126,
Cognitive demands table, 101, 103, 105 130, 133, 142, 158, 257, 259, 274, 305
Knowledge audit interview, 101, 102 Decision making, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
Knowledge audit probes, 102–103 21, 25, 31, 40, 57, 68, 70, 71, 85, 87, 88, 88, 89,
Simulation interview, 101, 103, 104 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 101, 102, 117, 163, 166,
Task diagram interview, 101, 102
169, 209, 210, 227, 243, 244, 257, 260, 263–265,
ADS, 71, 75–77, 79, 82
269, 272, 310, 311, 312, 314, 316, 321, 323
AH, 71, 75, 76–77, 82, 83–84
Applied cognitive task analysis see ACTA
Automation, 209 E
EAST, 246, 249, 267, 268–274, 309–323
B Network of networks, 268–270
Event analysis of systemic teamwork see EAST
British Open, 1, 109, 126–128
England, 1–2, 32–33, 109
European Championship, 1–2, 32, 43, 109, 210, 293
Carnoustie, 1, 126 F
CARS, 190
CDA ,62, 64, 68, 245–246, 248–249, 257–259, 260–270, Failure, 2, 52, 110, 111–117, 118–129, 133, 143, 146, 200,
271, 272, 274 227
CDM, 9, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 71, 85–91, 92–96, 104, 105, Fault tree analysis
198, 201, 246, 269, 271, 272, 273, 311, 312, 314, AND gates, 123, 125
316, 317, 321 OR gates, 123, 125
Cognitive probes, 71, 87, 88, 90, 314 Van de Velde triple bogey fault tree diagram, 126–128
Ascent CDM output, 317
Checklists, 113, 275, 276, 278–285, 292 G
CIT, 9, 69
Cognitive task analysis, 4, 5, 6, 9, 42, 57, 69–107, 245, 247 Garmin forerunner
Cognitive work analysis see CWA Wrist unit, 278
Communications, 4, 36, 41, 49, 51, 61, 62, 64, 68, 121, 166, Germany, 1–2, 252, 295
175, 176, 177, 245, 246–257, 259, 264, 265, 266, Golf, 1, 6, 57, 83–87, 98, 99, 109, 111, 126, 128, 130, 134,
268, 269, 271, 272, 274, 310, 311, 314, 322, 323 135–140, 147, 153
Concept maps, 90–100, 237 Golfer, 13, 56, 83, 93, 98, 99, 109, 111, 130, 132, 134,
Approach shot concept map, 99 135–140
Concept map about concept map, 97
Focus question, 93 H
Overarching questions, 95
Coordination, 4, 40, 49, 62, 63, 167, 243, 244, 245, 246, HEI, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 30, 31, 35, 36, 40, 42, 109–159
248–249, 257, 258, 260, 262, 265–268, 271 HET, 116, 133, 134, 141–145
Coordination demands analysis see CDA Analysis extract, 144
Crew awareness rating scale see CARS Consequence analysis, 142
Critical decision method see CDM Criticality analysis, 142
Crowd, 1, 2, 52, 53, 54, 83, 84, 202, 203, 204 EEM taxonomy, 134
CWA, 70, 71–85, 104 Interface analysis, 142
Control task analysis, 74, 77, 86 Ordinal probability analysis, 142
Decision ladder, 79, 85 Heuristics, 76, 133, 275, 276, 284–289

340 Index

HTA 29, 30, 35, 36, 37–47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, L
61, 62, 64, 68, 69, 71, 82, 117, 128, 130, 131,
132, 133, 134, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, Layout analysis, 275, 277, 292, 297–302
150, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 172, 173, 174, 191, Functional groupings, 298
198, 199, 201, 219, 224, 226, 230, 232, 234, Schematic diagram example, 298
236, 239, 245, 246, 247, 259, 266, 267, 268, Link analysis, 251, 275, 276, 289–296, 299
269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 277, 280, 282, 283, Link analysis diagram, 291
Link analysis diagram example, 291
286, 287, 289, 290, 292, 297, 299, 304, 310, 311,
Link analysis table, 291
312, 313, 314, 316
Euro 2008 example, 293–295
Analysis boundaries, 40
Defeat opposition, 44
Fell race HTA, 315 M
Golf HTA extract, 135 Mental workload, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 24, 57, 70, 182,
Plans, 37, 41 207–210, 309, 310, 312
Score goal from penalty kick, 46 Assessment methods, 207–241
Scrum HTA description, 65 Definition, 207
Tackle opposition player, 45 Framework of interacting stressors, 208
TOTE unit, 37 Overload, 207–208
Human error, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 20, 26, 30, 31, 35, 37, 40, Underload, 208
42, 57, 70, 89, 97, 109–158, 309 Methods criteria, 7–8
Classifications, 110–112 Methods integration, 309–323
Definition, 110 Multi-perspective output example, 322
Error identifier methods, 116
Person approach, 113 N
Systems perspective approach, 113–115
Taxonomy–based methods, 116 NASA TLX, 211, 213, 214, 216, 220, 222–229, 232, 236,
Theoretical perspectives, 112–114 237, 240, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 316
Human error identification see HEI Pair wise comparison, 225
Human error template see HET Pro-forma, 227
Human error template see HET Score calculation, 225
Human factors, 1–10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, Sub-scales, 222
34–37, 42, 43, 51, 57, 58, 71, 82, 89, 97, 109, Weighting procedure, 225
110, 112, 115, 121, 132, 133, 134, 144, 154, 156, Network of networks, 310–312
161, 207, 210, 243, 245, 246, 259, 268, 272, 275,
282, 309–310, 313, 323 O
Observational study, 9, 10, 26–34, 43, 50, 61, 64, 83, 89,
I 121, 126, 130, 142, 143, 149, 158, 198, 201, 251,
Instantaneous self assessment see ISA 256, 259, 267, 271, 272, 287, 292, 304, 305, 311
Interface evaluation, 275–278 Direct, 27
Interface evaluation methods, 275–308 Example transcript, 33
Interface surveys, 275, 277, 301–308 Participant, 27
Piloting, 29–30
Coding consistency survey, 303
Plan, 29
Control and display survey, 302–303, 306–307
Remote, 27
Labelling surveys, 303, 307
Operation sequence diagrams see OSD
Operator modification survey, 303
OSD, 34, 36–37, 59–68, 272, 273, 274
Interviews, 9, 10–16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 37, 40, 42,
Additional analyses, 62
43, 50, 63, 69, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 85, 88, 89, 90,
Operational loading figures, 62
98, 101, 104, 105, 120, 125, 126, 133, 142, 143, Template, 63
149, 158, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 178, 190, 201, Scrum OSD diagram, 66
257, 259, 266, 267, 271, 272, 303, 304, 305
Closed questions, 12, 13
Focus groups, 12 P
Open-ended questions, 12, 13 Penalty kick, 1–2, 41, 43, 46, 51–54, 87
Piloting, 14 Physiological measures, 210, 211–212, 214, 216, 217,
Probing questions, 12–13 219–223, 226, 232, 240
Semi-structured interviews, 12 Endogenous eye blink rate, 219
Structured interviews, 12 Heart rate, 219
Unstructured, 12 Heart rate variability, 219
ISA, 211, 212, 215, 237–242 Measures of brain activity, 219
6 mile run ISA example, 242 Primary task performance measures, 208, 210, 211,
Scale, 239 212–218, 220, 221, 226, 232, 236
Index 341

Propositional networks, 57, 58, 98, 168, 171, 196–205, Secondary task performance measures, 210–211, 212–218,
246, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 310–311, 312, 313, 220, 221, 226, 232, 236
314, 318, 321 Situation awareness see SA
Ascent and descent propositional networks, 318 Situation awareness global assessment technique see
Mathematical network analysis, 200 SAGAT
Information element usage, 199 Situation awareness rating technique see SART
Propositional network about propositional networks, Situation awareness requirements see SA requirements
198 Situation awareness requirements analysis see SA
Relationships between concepts, 198–199 requirements analysis
Soccer propositional networks example, 201–204 Situation present assessment method see SPAM
Situation awareness workload dominance see SA SWORD
Q Social network analysis see SNA
SNA, 11, 30, 31, 32, 201, 245, 246–256, 258, 268, 270,
Questionnaires, 9, 10, 16–28, 37, 42, 50, 121, 169, 172, 271, 272, 273, 274, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314,
189, 251, 256, 259, 267, 305 321–322
Construction, 23 Agent association matrix, 247, 250
Piloting, 23–24 Fell race social network diagram, 320
Questions, 24 Mathematical analysis, 250
Social network diagram, 247, 250, 253–254
R Soccer example, 252–254
Sociometric status example, 250, 254
Rotated figures task, 217 Soccer, 1, 2, 7, 13, 14, 22, 29, 32, 41, 43, 51, 59, 87, 109,
Rugby, 6, 7, 29, 36, 59, 64, 110, 111, 259, 268 110, 111, 114, 121, 163, 165, 166, 167, 174, 182,
198, 201, 202, 219, 246, 247, 250, 252, 291,
S 293–295
SPAM, 168, 171, 182–188
SA 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction
31, 42, 57, 58, 70, 87, 89, 92, 94, 97, 98, 101, Approach see SHERPA
102, 103, 161–205, 243, 244, 245, 246, 257, System Usability Scale, 27–28
258, 260, 263–265, 268, 269, 272, 275, 309, Subjective workload assessment technique see SWAT
310, 311, 312, 314, 316, 317, 321, 322, 323 Subjective workload dominance see SWORD
Assessment methods, 4, 6, 7, 161–205 SWAT, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 222, 225, 226, 229–233,
Definition, 161–162 235, 236
Distributed situation awareness, 165–166 Dimensions, 229, 230
Individual models, 162–164 Rating procedure, 231
Team models, 164–166 Scale development, 230
SA requirements, 89, 98, 101, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168–178, Score calculation, 231
179, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 188, 194, 200 SWORD, 211, 212, 215, 232–238, 240
SA requirements analysis Example rating sheet, 236
Goal directed task analysis, 172 Judgement matrix, 235
Make pass sub-goal SA requirements, 175–177 Matrix consistency evaluation, 235
Passing HTA, 174 Paired comparison rating sheet, 234
SA requirements specification, 172
SME interviews, 169–172 T
SAGAT, 168, 170. 177–184, 185, 186, 187. 190. 196
Example SAGAT queries, 183 TAFEI, 116, 117, 146–154, 292
SART, 168, 171, 187–193, 196 Boil kettle HTA, 147
3D SART, 187 Boil kettle TAFEI diagram, 148
Dimensions, 187 Error descriptions and design solutions, 149
Formula, 189 Garmin 305 forerunner HTA, 152
Rating scale, 192 Garmin 305 forerunner SSD, 152
SA-SWORD, 168, 171, 187–193, 196 Garmin 305 transition matrix, 153
Judgement matrix, 194 State space diagrams, 147
Matrix consistency evaluation, 194 Transition matrix, 147–148
SHERPA, 35, 116, 128–141, 143, 144, 292 Task analysis, 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 29, 30, 31, 35–68, 82, 92,
Behaviour taxonomy, 130 125, 142, 146, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 178, 232,
Consequence analysis, 130–131 236, 255–261, 270, 273, 281, 305, 311, 312
Criticality analysis, 132 Task analysis for error identification see TAFEI,
External error mode taxonomy, 130–131 Task decomposition, 36, 47–55, 56
Golf SHERPA extract, 136–140 Categories, 48, 49, 51
Ordinal probability analysis, 131–132 Score goal from penalty kick decomposition, 52–54
Recovery analysis, 131 Task model, 316
Remedial measures, 132 Technique for Human Error Assessment see THEA
Task classification, 130 Teams, 243–245
342 Index

Teamwork, 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 26, 39, 57, 62, 165, 301, 243–245, THEA, 116, 117, 153–159
255–274 Error analysis, 156
Assessment, 7, 9, 30, 42, 245 Error analysis questions, 157
Assessment methods, 10, 31, 42, 243–274 Scenario description template, 155
Models, 244–245
Taxonomy, 257–259, 266, 267 V
Team task analysis, 36, 245, 248, 255–268
CDA results for scrum task, 262 Verbal Protocol Analysis see VPA,
KSAs, 258, 263–265 VPA, 36, 37, 40, 42, 51–59, 61, 168, 201
Scrum example, 259–265 Encoding, 57
Scrum HTA, 261 Runner VPA extract, 60
Scrum KSA analysis, 263–265
Team training, 245, 246, 255
Training, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
25, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 42–43, 49, 50, 51, 52,
53, 54, 58, 62, 64, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79,
81, 82, 85,86, 87, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 101,
104, 105, 109, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120,
123, 126, 130, 132, 133, 137–140, 142, 143, 146,
149–50, 152, 153, 158, 162, 163, 166, 169. 170,
171, 173, 181, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 194, 195,
198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 217, 22, 226, 232,
237, 240, 241, 243, 248, 249, 251, 255, 258, 259,
262, 267, 272, 273, 275, 276, 277, 281, 287, 288,
292, 297, 298, 299, 300, 304, 305, 306–307,
313, 314, 320

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