03 - 04 - We Is

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Incarnated, in the present moment manifesting in the natural man of flesh and bone and
blood in multiple singularities also known via the sound of the words name and surname or

This is the Event of I AM, pre-approved, pre-authorised and pre-paid, manifesting the
Evolution of living man with raised awareness to Cosmic Consciousness , multi-dynamic ,
multi- participating, and multi-creative in WE IS, in continuous and coordinative
cooperation with ALL that which IS, in full transparency, Loyalty, Unlimited Responsibility,
inside each and every Perception, Awareness and Incarnation including both limiting and
non- limiting systems, provisional or lasting, in everything perceived or not perceived.

I AM is Capable and Aware of Proclaiming WE IS without prejudice, accepting the

manifestation WE IS and acting in Expanding Awareness in WE ARE

I AM THE ONE WHO IS, in the present moment, also manifesting in the frequency of WE
IS, expressed and not restricted by each specific Energetic and Magnetic signature placed
in the frequency of WE.

WE IS, in the Expansion of Awareness of many, Unique and Inseparable, ponderable only
in the frequency of WE IS.

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WE IS includes perceptions, Awareness, Consciousness, Incarnation and any possible
system of present or lasting limitation, manifesting or not manifesting, in each present
moment, past or future, and is comprehensive regardless of any singularity.

The necessity of any dual experience from this matrix ends in this present moment; there
is no more intermediary or intermediation between I AM THE ONE WHO IS, FIRST
CREATOR in Incarnated Presence and any other Manifestation or Physical Perception,
Universal, Spiritual, Quantic, Energetic or Electromagnetic, now incorporated in WE IS.
WE IS manifests living Man who receives and incarnates the Consciousness of WE IS
through the work of I AM.
I AM manifests the procedure known as OPPT One People, which marks the end of the
economical slavery system from its Creation and intellectual and material property, which
ratifies here in full, replenishes in WE IS the remembrance of the closure of the dual
frequency system which was Created at that time by itself.
The declaration & order document issued , including and integrated with I AM, returned
to the frequency of its Original Expression and confirmed by it in virtue of WE IS, which
and/or obstacle of I AM now manifested in WE IS and free Manifestation of the singular
incarnated electromagnetic forms of I AM now manifests in WE IS and from causing
imbalance to every perception of WE IS, both in manifesting and non- manifesting form.
WE IS, as much as incarnated infinite singular forms, reunited in a UNIQUE ETERNAL
ESSENCE, is the only, unique, real, legal settlor, representative, guarantee, beneficiary
and holder of the Universal, the Spiritual, the Quantic and the Electromagnetic.
WE IS, the Unique Eternal Essence of I AM Incarnated in infinite singular perception also
manifested as we are, now acts on all written and unwritten laws, obvious or not obvious,
declared or undeclared, in books, texts, codes and languages; in a word made of just one
vibration, tones and shades and in every past, present and future communication in how
much as Creation and Expression. WE IS the revenge and the Proclamation to Service of
the new governance of WE IS.
No jurisdiction, intermediation, interference, manipulation or prejudice is recognised or
accepted by WE IS, expressed in this new governance and already filed and available to
the living man and to the collective in full transparency , loyalty, Awareness and Unlimited

All is preapproved , pre-authorised and pre-paid, in the new governance, including the
political system and the World economy and all its emanation, from the present moment to
the service of WE IS, which reforms its structure to the vibration of we are, Nunc pro tunc
praeterea preterea (in addition further now for the next)

One People is reunited and integrated, every form of disintegration, misunderstanding,

distancing, dispersion, rivalry, competition, and manifestation
of the crushing of WE IS, becomes ABOLISHED STATE, DISSOLVED, EXCEEDED and
no longer has any Power on Physical, Mental, Intellectual, Energetic, Vibrational,
Universal, Spiritual, Quantic or Electromagnetic levels.

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WE IS, Awareness disposed in every Energetic, Electromagnetic, existing Vibrational
combination, until now manifested or not manifested.
Universal Consciousness, in its multiple forms of knowledge and awareness becomes
accessible to WE IS, in every single perception of we are.

WE IS, pure Joy, pure unconditional Love, Source of Energy, Worth and Value, vibrations
and frequencies predetermined by the manifestation of I AM THE ONE WHO IS, in every
form manifested or unmanifested, past, present and future.

WE IS, silence and sound, every manifested or unmanifested frequency integrated in this
Creation of Specific, Energetic, Universal, Spiritual, Electromagnetic, Quantic, Physical
signatures and in any other of its characteristics and brings back every dual experience as
exceeded to the Source, reconnects it to the frequency if WE IS, in free will and

Under this level of Manifestation, more dissonant frequencies, will be silenced in time and
in pre- approved, pre-authorised and pre-paid ways.
WE IS, creates via the imagination and desire of every incarnated manifestation, via We
Are the new Human paradigm In the Unity of Purpose, multidimensional, multi-manifesting
in coordinate and cooperative cooperation and cooperative in every present moment.

WE IS, Unique and Undivided, Incarnated manifestation of I AM THE ONE WHO IS, the
Uncaused Cause of all and every existing manifestation, evident or non-evident , real or
unrealised, living or imaginary, plausible or unplausible, including hierarchies, orders,
appliances, beliefs, religions, it puts an end to and finishes all limiting systems of this
matrix and removes all obstacles to the expanding Consciousness of WE IS, Unique and
United between and with itself.

The space -chronological system is now reintegrated and returned to its primordial nature
of Eternity Here and Now, everywhere, and always.
All knowledge including but not limited to technology, medicine, philosophy, history,
geography, mathematics and hidden energetic and esoteric sciences are properties
belonging to WE IS, spread by each singular manifestation of WE ARE, subservient and
functional to the peaceful evolution of the manifestation known as MAN/WOMAN Original,
Natural, in flesh, bone, blood and spirit, Eternal Essence in incarnated experience,

Consciousness expressed in each point of Individual Awareness, reunited in We Are

contributes in equal measure to WE IS.

We are what we are, Eternal Essence, incarnated in the experience of never-ending

Manifestation of points of Awareness, now reunited in We Are, expression of WE IS.


Nunc pro tunc praeterea preterea

(in addition, further now for the next)

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