C.A 1 (INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTION) - Preliminary Examination: Instructions

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Samar College

College of Criminal Justice Education

Catbalogan City

Name: ________________________________________Subject code: ________________________________

Course &Year Level: ___________________________ Score: ________ Rating: ___________________

C.A 1 (INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTION)- Preliminary Examination

General Instructions: 1. Print the examination questionnaire (back2back).

2. Write your answer in the examination questionnaire.
3. Submit your examination answer sheet via email (MSWord format)
or in-campus submission.

Email Address: [email protected]

Examination Date: February 10,2021
Deadline of Submission: Feb.11-15,2021

Test 1- Identification

Instructions: a. Identify the correct of what is being ask in the statement/question.

b. Write your answer in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
c. Strictly NO Erasure.
d. 1 point each.

________________________ 1. What punishment is referring to the process of sentencing convicted offenders to death for the
most serious and carrying out that sentence?

________________________ 2. What is that field of criminal justice administration which utilizes the body of knowledge and
practices of the government and the society in general involving the processes of handling individuals who have been convicted
of offenses for purposes of crime prevention and control?

________________________ 3. What method of determining guilt with the belief that innocent persons would be protected from
harm that the bases was on the principle of divine intervention?

________________________ 4. They are confined in long-term facilities run by the state or federal government or private
agencies. They are typically felons who have received a sentence of incarceration of 1 year or more

________________________ 5. What is the term for the penalty imposed by the court upon a person convicted of a crime?

________________________ 6. This ship is also called “Floating Hell”.

________________________ 7. A type of ship used for transportation of criminals in the 16th century.

________________________ 8. What doctrine maintains the “doctrine of psychological hedonism” or

“free will”.

________________________ 9. What is form of punishment, the convicted criminal would be placed within an enclosed space
with no exits. Sometimes, this would translate into being imprisoned for life,

________________________ 10. What ancient punishment originated in China?

________________________ 11. What is the other term for execution of elephant?

________________________ 12. What early forms of punishment is considered a mild form of punishment?

________________________ 13. What is the earliest code of the history?

_________________________14. It is considered as an “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”.

_________________________15. It had a gag or a plate (or sometimes a sharp knife or pointed metal) which was placed in the
woman’s mouth to prevent her from moving her tongue. With the bridle in place, the woman was led through the streets by an
attached chain or was chained to a whipping post, and subjected to insult and degradation.
_________________________ 16. What type of punishment wherein offender could claim the benefit of clergy?

_________________________ 17. This was also a gruesome form of punishment. Once a murderer was convicted and hung, his
body was taken to the scene of the crime and hung in a gibbet, a frame specially for the victim.

_________________________18. What was the description given to pretrial detention facilities operated by English sheriff in
England during the 18th century?
________________________ 20. It gave bishops the power to act as real judges which enabled bishop tribunal to rule on secular
matters. - King of Franks and Roman Emperor.

_________________________21. What was the code considered as savage punishment?

_________________________22. It pertains to the study of punishment.

_________________________ 23. What type of security facility for the temporary detention of person held for investigation or
awaiting preliminary hearing?

_________________________24. What prison system practiced solitary confinement for prisoners?

_________________________25. What prison system practiced solitary confinement at night and congregation of inmate during
working day?

_________________________26. What is the new term for prisoner, inmates and convicted offender?

_________________________ 27. What British doctrine act formalized the right of the state to intervene in the lives of juveniles
in a way that was different from the manner in which the state dealt with adults?

_________________________28. the only early Roman place of confinement which is built under the main sewer of Rome in 64

_________________________29. One of the famous prisoner here is Al Capone, what prison institution is

_________________________ 30. What was the first home for delinquent boys ever established? Built by Pope Clement XI in Rome for
housing incorrigible youths under 20 years of age?

Test II- Reasoning

Instruction: Answer the following question in a brief and concise explanation. (5POINTS EACH)

A. Why is that the term inmate, prisoner or convicted offender was change to Person
deprive of liberty?


B. What is the Concept of Institutional correction?


C. What is the purpose of Imprisonment?


D. What is the essence of Correction in the Criminal Justice System?



Prepared by:
Kim Rosary Sallinas-Gerodiaz, RCrim.
C.A1, Instructress

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