Ecotax: Subsistence Farming Farm Operators
Ecotax: Subsistence Farming Farm Operators
Ecotax: Subsistence Farming Farm Operators
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institutions, and voluntary associations, o Provides a term limit for land
particularly farmer’s organizations” distribution
o Provides for the delivery of suppor
to establish owner-cultivatorship and make and dispossessed landowners
family-sized farms the basis of Philippines
to achieve dignified existence for small pursuance of land acquisition and distribution
farmers and free them from harmful (LAD) and leasehold
institutional restraints and practices delivery of support services designed to build
ARB capabilities for group action and
to establish a social and economic structure cooperation, improved agribusiness
in agriculture conducive to greater productivity, access to basic services and
productivity and improved farm incomes self-reliance
area focused development
to apply all labor laws without discrimination convergence and complementation among CARP
to both industrial and agricultural wage implementation among CARP implementing
earners agencies
creation of a policy environment conducive to
to provide a more systematic land resettlement rural agro-industrialization
and land distribution program
to make the small farmer a more independent,
self-reliant and responsible citizen, and a land tenure improvement services
source of genuine strength in the society o acquisition and distribution of agricultural
lands to landless farmers and farm workers
CARP o facilitation of just compensation to
Initially envisioned covering around 8.2 o resolution of second generation problems
million hectares of land, regardless of crops
planted and tenure arrangements, including all agrarian justice delivery
public lands considered alienable and o resolution of agrarian law implementation
disposable cases
o resolution of adjudication cases
o Address the age-old issue of social
injustice arising from the inequitable support services delivery for program beneficiaries
distribution of ownership of development
agricultural lands o Establishment of viable agrarian reform
o Founded on the land-to-the-tiller communities (ARCs) and KALAHI -agrarian reform
principle zones (KARZones)
o Provides for the security of tenureof o Strengthening of the social infrastructure and
landless farmers and team workers over ARB capacity building
the land they till o development of ARBs into agribusiness
o Provides just compensation for entrepreneurs
core targets
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o land acquisition and distribution of about TRUSTS AND PRIORITIES UNDER THE 2ND PGMA ADMINISTRATION
5.28 million hectares of agricultural lands agrarian reform medium-term plan goal and sectoral
for DAR a d 3.77 million hectares for DENR trusts
o Launching of 2,000 agrarian reform o Medium-term goal
communities. The implementation of CARP under the
2005-2010 MTDP has been repackaged to
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM contribute significantly to the
phase1 achievement of the president’s priority
-envisioned coverage of 2.16million hectares of land agenda
under the following programs that were started under to “transform the landless farmer and
the previous land reform law farm workers into a new class of
responsible, progressive, asset-owning
phase2 farmer-rural entrepreneurs, creating
covered 1.1 million hectares of landed estates, millions of jobs for the rapidly growing
settlements, and private agricultural lands greater rural labor force, trail blazing the
than 50 hectares equitable distribution of income and
contributing significantly to national
phase3 economic growth”
Covered private agricultural lands less than 24-50 trusts and priorities
hectares and more than 5-14 hectares o maintain CARP as a flagship program for the
delivery of social justice and basic needs
judging from the status of land distribution, the through asset reform
objectives of the land reform program are far from finish, land distribution by 2008
accomplished speed up the resolution of agrarian
emancipation potent (EP)is the document given to the reform cases
tenant upon fulfillment of all the requirements of Safeguard and sustain the gains already
the land reform law achieved for CARP
lobby and mobilize support for attendant
certificate of land ownership award (CLOA) is a measures requiring legislative-executive
document indicating the farmer was beneficiary of actions
the program under the restrictions and conditions o transform the ARCs/ARZs into progressive
provided for in CARL agribusiness areas to accelerate rural jobs
land valuation refers to the process of knowing the
value of the land and how compensation of the
landowner is to be paid
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