The Noor School: Syllabus Breakup of Pakistan Studies Session 2020-2021 Class VIIIC

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The Noor School Syllabus Breakup 2020-2021


DC Colony, Gujranwala Cantt
Syllabus Breakup of Pakistan Studies
Session 2020-2021
Months Topics Page Skills Activity Resources Periods
August Location of vi-viii • the Tropic of Cancer, latitudes • Making • Past Papers 6
Geography Pakistan 30°N, 36°N, longitudes 64°E, Assignment • Flipcharts
70°E and 76°E • Solving Past • A4 size art
• the Arabian Sea Papers sheets
• The countries sharing a border • Class Presentation • Reference
with Pakistan, and Pakistan’s books
position in relation to others in
South and Central Asia.
September The Natural 1-27 • named landforms: Balochistan • identification and • Past Papers 16
Geography Topography Plateau, Sulaiman Range, Safed labelling the • Flipcharts
of Pakistan Koh, Potwar Plateau, Salt Range, features on a • A4 size art
• Hindu Kush, Karakoram and photograph or sheets
Himalaya mountain ranges drawing • Reference
• • named rivers: Indus, Jhelum, • understanding the books
Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej, Kabul, Hab influence of the • Maps
and Dasht natural topography
• • named deserts: Thar, Thal and on human
Kharan activities
October Religious 5-10 • the religious reforms of Shah • Making • Past Papers 10
History Reformers Waliullah and his Assignment • Flipcharts
• role in the political and religious • Class Presentation • A4 size art
context of the sheets
• time

VIII-C 1 Pakistan Studies

The Noor School Syllabus Breakup 2020-2021

• Syed Ahmad Barelvi and the

revival of Islam in
• the subcontinent
• the Jihad movement and the
• Haji Shariatullah and the Faraizi
Causes and 11-26 • the impact of Aurangzeb’s • Power point 12
History consequences policies on the Presentation
of the decline • stability of the Mughal Empire
of the Mughal • the effectiveness of his successors
Empire as rulers • Reference
• problems of controlling the • Solving Past books
Empire Papers
• the rise of the Maratha and Sikh
November 22-47 • know the distribution of • Making • Past Papers 16
Geography Climate temperature and rainfall, including Assignment • Flipcharts
monsoon, depressions and • Solving Past • A4 size art
convectional rain Papers sheets
• know seasonal and regional • Graphs • Reference
variations, and the factors books
contributing to them, including
• thunderstorms and cyclones
• understand the causes of the • Class Presentation
monsoon (knowledge of the
causes of other types of rain is not
• required)
• describe and explain the
characteristics of the climate of

VIII-C 2 Pakistan Studies

The Noor School Syllabus Breakup 2020-2021

the arid, semi-arid, humid and

• regions, including seasonal
• know the influence of latitude and
longitude on day length and
Mid Term Examination
January Causes and 27-34 • the immediate and underlying • Making • Past Papers 10
consequences causes of the War Assignment
History of the War of • the attitude of Bahadur Shah
Independence Zafar • Flipcharts
1857–58 • the course of the War, with
particular reference
• to the roles played by the Muslim • A4 size art
rulers and • Solving Past Papers sheets
• populations of what is now
• reasons for failure • Reference
• an assessment of the short-term books
impact of the • Class Presentation books
• War on Muslims in the
• British reaction during and
immediately after
• the War (including the major
constitutional, educational and
administrative reforms which

VIII-C 3 Pakistan Studies

The Noor School Syllabus Breakup 2020-2021

Feburary • identify on a map the Mangla, • Making • Past Papers 10

Tarbela and Warsak dams, and Assignment • Flipcharts
Geography Water 50-69 name two examples of barrages
• understand the importance of • Solving Past Papers
water as a resource; understand
how supplies for agricultural,
• and domestic purposes are • Graphs
obtained, maintained and
controlled as well as used;
understand the
• reasons for, and consequences of,
the Indus Water Treaty
• explain and evaluate the causes of • A4 size art
and solutions to the problems of sheets
water supply (including pollution)
• understand the value of water as a
resource for development
• Explain and evaluate how water
supply issues can lead to conflict. • Class Presentation 8
History Work of Sir 35-40
• his contribution to the education
Syed Ahmad
of Muslims and
Khan to the
development • the revitalisation of their national
of the consciousness:
• an overview of his main • Documentary
Pakistan making
Movement educational works and
during the • their importance
19th century? • an understanding of his social and
• theory, and of its origins
• the impact of his work on
Muslims and the western world

VIII-C 4 Pakistan Studies

The Noor School Syllabus Breakup 2020-2021

• his relations with the British and

the ulama
• the reasons for the foundation of
Aligarh College
• his role in the Indian National
Congress and the
• Muslim League
• the meaning and origin of his
• Theory and the Hindi–Urdu
•Making 8
• understand the different types of
Geography Forests 71-83 Assignment
forest and identify, on a map, their
main locations
•Solving Past
• understand the physical factors
that control the distribution of the
different types of forest, and the
• human factors which have reduced
their extent •Graphs
• understand the reasons for:
• – the development of plantations
in the Indus Plain
• – afforestation on mountain slopes
and plateaux
• understand the value of forests as
a resource for development, and
the importance of their •Class Presentation
• sustainability
• explain the effects of 8
deforestation, such as soil erosion,
silting and flooding

VIII-C 5 Pakistan Studies

The Noor School Syllabus Breakup 2020-2021

• evaluate possible solutions to the •Documentary

problems caused by deforestation making

To what 41-48 • the importance of Urdu and the • Making • Past Papers 8
March extent have reasons for its Assignment
History Urdu and • choice as the national language of
regional Pakistan
languages • the advantages and disadvantages
contributed to of Urdu as the • Flipcharts
the cultural • national language
Development • the promotion of provincial
of Pakistan languages (Balochi,
since 1947? • Punjabi, Pushto, Sindhi)
• identify the main locations of
Geography 84-95 limestone, gypsum and rock salt
Mineral extraction from a map, and
resources understand their uses • Solving Past Papers • A4 size art 10
• identify the main metallic and sheets
non-metallic mineral resources of
Pakistan, and in what quantities
• – are extracted
• – exist as reserves
• understand the extent to which
these can be exploited
• Class Presentation • Reference
• describe the environmental
problems caused by mineral
• evaluate the benefits of
developing mineral resources and
understand the sustainability of

VIII-C 6 Pakistan Studies

The Noor School Syllabus Breakup 2020-2021

• Identify the main imported

minerals, where they come from,
and in what quantities.
The 51-67 • • the Partition of Bengal • Making • Past Papers 16
April emergence of controversy, 1905–11 Assignment
History Pakistan • • the Simla Deputation, 1906
1906–47 • • reasons for the establishment of
the Muslim
• League – its creation in 1906 and
its aims
• • co-operation of the Muslim • Flipcharts
League with
• Congress and reasons for its
• • the Morley–Minto reforms, 1909 • Solving Past Papers
• • the impact of the First World
War on the
• subcontinent
• Congress and the Lucknow Pact,
• A4 size art
• the Rowlatt Act, 1918, and the
• Massacre, 1919
• the Montagu–Chelmsford
Reforms (The
• Government of India Act), 1919
• the Non-Cooperation Movement • Class Presentation
• the growth of Communalism
• Growing divisions in the Congress
Party the Delhi Proposals, 1927.

VIII-C 7 Pakistan Studies

The Noor School Syllabus Breakup 2020-2021

Geography 97- • describe the fishing methods used 8

Fish 104 in both marine and inland waters, •Solving Past Papers
including fish farms
• give examples of the fish caught
in both marine and inland waters,
and of the fish reared on fish
• give examples of the fishing ports
on both the Balochistan and Sindh •Class Presentation • Reference
coasts books
• describe the uses of the fish
• explain improvements in fishing
methods and processing • Group work
• understand the problems facing
the fishing industry and evaluate
the possibilities for its further
development and sustainability.
End of Year Examination

VIII-C 8 Pakistan Studies

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