Republic v. Lim de Yu: DOCTRINE/S: For The Ten-Year Period of
Republic v. Lim de Yu: DOCTRINE/S: For The Ten-Year Period of
Republic v. Lim de Yu: DOCTRINE/S: For The Ten-Year Period of
DOCTRINE/S: For the ten-year period of BIR maintains that returns filed by Yu for
limitation of assessment and collection of the years 1948 to 1953 are false and
fraudulent because the yearly net incomes
taxes under Section 332 of the Tax Code to
reported in her returns are much less than as
apply it is not enough that fraud is alleged computed by the Bureau
in the complaint; it must be established.
Fraud not having been proven in the case at
bar, the period of limitation was five years ISSUE/S: Whether or not the returns filed
from the filing of the return, according to by appellee for the years 1948 to 1953 are
Section 331 of the tax code. false and fraudulent
Appellee Rita Lim de Yu filed her yearly No. While fraud is alleged in the complaint,
income tax returns from 1948 through 1953.
the same has not been established.
BIR assessed the taxes due on each return,
and appellee paid them accordingly. On July For the ten-year period of limitation of
17, 1956 the Bureau issued to appellee assessment and collection of taxes under
deficiency income tax assessments for the Section 332 of the Tax Code to apply it is
years 1945 to 1953 in the total amount of not enough that fraud is alleged in the
P22,450.50. complaint; it must be established. Fraud not
having been proven in the case at bar, the
She protested the assessments and requested
a reinvestigation. On August 30, 1956 she period of limitation was five years from the
signed a "waiver" of the statute of filing of the return, according to Section 331
limitations under the Tax Code as condition of the tax code. The right to assess or collect
to the reinvestigation requested. the income taxes for the years 1948 to 1950
had already prescribed, therefore, when the
Thereafter, or on July 18, 1958, the Bureau Bureau of Internal Revenue issued the
issued to her income tax assessment notices
deficiency income tax assessments on July
for the years 1948 to 1953 totalling
P35,379.63. This last assessment, like the 17, 1956.
one issued in 1956, covered not only the
basic deficiency income taxes, but also 50% Relevant provisions:
thereof as surcharge.
Sections 331 and 332 of the [OLD] Tax
Upon appellee's failure to pay, an action for
Code provide: (Note: This is a 1964 case)
collection was filed against her in the Court
of First Instance of Cotabato on May 11,
1959. After trial the suit was dismissed, and SEC. 331. Period of limitation upon
the Government appealed to the Court of assessment and collection. — Except as
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Digest for Tax 2
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Digest for Tax 2
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