Jotron Ricochet: Record and Replay System

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Jotron Ricochet

Record and replay system

• Designed for ATC and ATM

• Unlimited recording of data
• Synchronized playback in
• Statistics and investigation
• User friendly
Jotron Ricochet
Jotron is a leading supplier of VHF and UHF radio equipment for
air traffic management (ATM) operations. Ricochet is Jotron’s
world leading synchronised record and replay system within the
ATM and marine markets.

Ricochet record and replay volume controls, left or right spea- • Graphical analogue audio input
The product has been designed to ker control, an audio analyser for tuning tool
meet the specific demands of world- slow speed replay with pitch control, • Audit trail
wide ATM environments and is fully looping, fast forwarding, bookmarking,
compliant with national and internatio- video zooming, panning, snapshoting Wide range of solutions
nal standards. and data forwarding options for more The Ricochet solution is applicable for
advanced applications. Realtime moni- a single 8 channel audio recorder or a
The unique set of Ricochet softwa- toring functionality is also available. nationwide turn-key solution, ensuring
re modules can be assembled in a effective and comprehensive investi-
multitude of combinations. Ricochet You can choose from the following gation and analysis of recorded data.
software, coupled with COTS hardwa- data handling functions:
re, enables Jotron to deliver a state of • Quarantine: A copy of selected data The modular architecture and the
the art recording system. saved to a secure area, ensuring it IP based intercommunication offers
is available after a scheduled virtually no limits to how a system can
Key features deletion be built. Ricochet is used to record the
• Impound: A copy of a single secure following:
file based on a select time period • Radio communications: Analogue,
and channel(s) which can be digital, E1, ISDN, RTP, ED-137B
Ricochet supports a wide range of
replayed in the Catch Offline Player • Telephones: Analogue, digital and
data interfaces and protocols. Essen-
• Archive: A copy of a set of recorded IP
tially, all data streamed on a serial line
files and configuration saved for • Ambient microphones
or an IP network can be recorded.
offline storage for replay in the • Screen images: VGA, DVI, Display
Offline Player Port using H.264 or lossless coding
All data is time stamped and indexed
• Export: A copy of selected data in with resolution up to 4k2k (UHD)
enabling accurate and prompt respon-
an audio/video file that can be play- • Radar: Serial og Ethernet interface.
se times during replay. Numerous time
ed in a mainstream media player Support several Asterix categories
sources are supported, including NTP,
• CCTV: IP cameras
NMEA, IRIG_B and Warton.
Catch Offline player
Any of the above modules can be
Catch Offline is a light version of the
Replay combined.
replay client, which runs stand-alone
The replay user interface is very
and replays impound files and archi- Ricochet is used as a recording soluti-
intuitive and is easy to learn. The main
ved data. on for the following locations:
window displays a visualisation of
recorded data on a timeline. Ricochet • Nationwide solutions (distributed
replay provides superior input respon- Management features data collection and recording
se times, without prior preparation. The required administration and ma- modules, integrated management
nagement features for maintaining the replay and data handling)
Replay commences immediately, system are included in accordance • Area Control Centres (a turn-key
selecting and deselecting channels with ATM applications: solution for hundreds of audio
or changing replay time is done at the • Alarm management with interfaces channels and screens)
click of a finger. for external alarm circuit connecti- • Airports of all sizes (from a single
ons and support for SNMP audio recorder to a comprehensive
Ricochet includes a generous amount • User and user group administration multi-channel system integrated with
of replay tools such as; individual with a set of access rules other ATM systems)
• Remote tower solutions (audio and The future is now
video) All systems involved in ATM are
• Defence installations moving gradually towards an all digital
• Navy vessel and offshore platform world. Recording systems by nature
heliports (audio, radar and CCTV) must evolve since the requirement
• Vessel traffic services (radio, for recording is still a necessity. Cloud
telephones, marine radar video and solutions are becoming part of the
tracks, AIS and CCTV) infrastructure design for ATM, tying
all equipment and functions together
Interconnect multiple systems via IP networks. The future is that a
Multiple systems can easily be in- component can be reached and con-
terconnected giving an investigator trolled anywhere.
access to data recorded at any site,
individually or integrated. Investiga- Jotron has implemented the ED-137
tors can select freely recorded data standard for interchange of digital
from any site, in any combination and audio over IP networks in the Ricochet
replay synchronously, or archive, im- recording system as well as in the
pound or export for long term storage VHF and UHF radio equipment. This
or distribution. is however, just the start. Only when
standards are designed and adopted
In the same manner multiple systems for all data flows, and the standards
can be administrated from a central also include replay and data handling
location, effectively becoming one functions, the completely integrated
system. ATM recording and replay «cloud» can
reach its full potential.
Jotron Ricochet Record and replay system
«Ricochet inside»
The underlying architecture of the Ricochet software makes it ideal for distributing
modules, collecting necessary data and tying it together as a system.

The Ricochet Replay API, which is the name of the control message protocol used
between the software application and the recording system, is public and open for
anyone to use. Some VCS and VTS vendors have utilised this and written replay
functions into VCS panels and VTS traffic displays.

Jotron Ricochet’s next product will include new and enhanced features allowing
for easier installation, configuration and integration between Ricochet modules and
sub-systems, and other systems required to manage a comprehensive investigation.

Long term relationships

Jotron offers a selection of support levels. The company encourages customers to
contact Jotron regarding usage and maintenance of Jotron’s products, especially for
recording systems that are based on software running on COTS hardware. Systems
can often be updated or modernized gradually, thereby extending the lifetime.
Jotron want to ensure you enjoy the full potential of their products.

Controller Working Position (CWP) recorder
• Unlimited number of screens per CWP
• Unlimited number of audio channels at the CWP
• Keyboard and mouse recording at the CWP
Legal audio recorder
• Unlimited number of audio channels before, after and/or from the VCCS
Navigation-, radar- and other data (also proprietary and encrypted data)
• Unlimited LAN channels
• Unlimited serial channels
Complete ATM/CNS recorder (ATG and TTW)
Free selection of what to replay (screens, audio, radars, LAN channels, etc. or spe-
cific CWP with associated audio, screens and data) at any time of replay, and free
selection of replay time at any time, all with immediate response both from local,
remote and centralized replay station
Integrity through independence
• Independent of the radars
• Independent of the radios
• Independent of the VCCS
• Independent of the ATC/ATM system
• Independent of the screens/display system
• Independent of the type of data

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