Laboratory Accreditation - Procedural Guidelines

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The key takeaways are that laboratory accreditation provides quality assurance and improves customer confidence in test reports. It is assessed and provided by NABL in India.

The steps involved in getting laboratory accreditation are preparing quality documents, ensuring quality control, training staff, and undergoing a final assessment by NABL.

NABL currently follows ISO 15189 standards which are specific for medical laboratories seeking accreditation.

Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005, 20 (2) 186-188


A.S .Kanagasabapathy and Pragna Rao

Kamineni Hospitals Ltd., L.B. Nagar, Hyderabad - 500 068

Accreditation is the formal recognition, authorization accreditation. The laboratory should carry out the
and registration of a laboratory that has demonstrated following important tasks towards getting ready for
its capability, competence and credibility to carry out accreditation:
the tasks it is claiming to be able to do. It provides
feedback to laboratories as to whether they are 1. Contact NABL Secretariat with a request for
performing their work in accordance with international procuring relevant NABL documents (NABL
criteria for technical competence. Contact address and the list of NABL documents
given in Annexure-3 and 1, respectively).
The concept of laboratory accreditation was developed 2. Get fully acquainted with all relevant documents
to provide third-party certification that a laboratory is and understand the assessment Procedure and
competent to perform the specific test or type of tests. methodology of making an application.
Laboratory accreditation is a means to improve
customer confidence in the test reports issued by the 3. Train a person on Quality Management System
laboratory so that the clinicians and through them the and Internal Audit (4-day residential training
patients shall accept the reports with confidence. courses conducted by NABL. Contact NABL
Secretariat for details).
The National Accreditation Board for Testing and 4. Prepare QUALITY MANUAL as per ISO 15189
Calibration Laboratories (NABL) is an autonomous standards.
body under the aegis of the Dept. of Science &
Technology, Govt. of India, and is registered under the 5. Prepare Standard Operating Procedure for each
Societies Act. NABL, which was initially established investigation carried out in the laboratory.
with the objective to provide accreditation to testing & 6. Ensure effective environmental conditions
calibration laboratories, later on extended its services (temperature, humidity, storage placement, etc.).
to the clinical laboratories in our country. 7. Ensure calibration of instruments / equipment.
Govt. of India has authorized NABL as the sole Only NABL ACCREDITED CALIBRATION
accreditation body for testing and calibration LABORATORIES are authorized to provide
laboratories. The objective of NABL is to provide third calibration. NABL website gives the names of
party assessment of quality and technical competence. NABL accredited calibration laboratories in the
Four years ago NABL established links with various fields of Accreditation.
international bodies - Asia Pacific Laboratory 8. Impart training on the key elements of
Accreditation Cooperation and International documentation, such as document format,
Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation. This has authorization of document, issue and withdrawal
imparted international recognition to NABL accredited procedures, document review and change, etc.
laboratories. The international standard currently Each document should have ID No., name of
followed by NABL is ISO 15189, specific for medical controlling authority, period of retention, etc.
9. Ascertain the status of the existing quality system
Getting Ready for Accreditation and technical competence with regard to NABL
standards and address the question “Is the
It is very important for a laboratory to make a definite system documented and effective OR does it
plan for obtaining accreditation and nominate a need modification?”.
responsible person as QUALITY MANAGER (who
should be familiar with the laboratory’s existing quality 10. Remember Quality Manual is a policy document,
system) to co-ordinate all activities related to seeking which has to be supplemented by a set of other
next level documents. Therefore ensure that these
documents are well prepared.
Author for Correspondence :
11. Ensure proper implementation of all aspects that
Dr. A.S. Kanagasabapathy have been documented in the Quality Manual and
Kamineni Hospitals Ltd., other documents.
L.B. Nagar,
Hyderabad - 500 068, India

Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005 186

Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005, 20 (2) 186-188

12. Incorporate Internal Quality Control (IQC) practice Accreditation Process

while patients’ samples are analysed.
An applicant laboratory is expected to submit to NABL
13. Document IQC data as well as uncertainty of 5 copies of the application and 5 copies of Quality
measurements. Maintain Levy Jennings charts. Manual.
14. Participate in External Quality Assessment
Schemes (EQAS).  The Quality Manual will be forwarded by NABL to
a Lead Assessor to judge the adequacy of the
If this is not available for certain analytes, Quality Manual as to whether it is in compliance
participate in inter-laboratory comparison through with ISO 15189 standards.
exchange of samples with NABL accredited
laboratories.  Thereafter the Lead Assessor will conduct a Pre-
Assessment of the laboratory for one day. Based
15. Document corrective actions on IQC / EQA on the Pre-Assessment report the laboratory may
outliers. have to take certain corrective actions, so as to be
16. Conduct Internal Audit and Management Review. fully prepared for the final assessment.
17. Apply to NABL along with appropriate fee.  It is essential for the applicant as well as
accredited laboratories to satisfactorily participate


NABL PUBLICATIONS (Essential for clinical laboratories) (as on July 1st, 2005)

No. Name of document Document Price

Number Rs.

1. General information brochure NABL - 100 Free

2. Specific Guidelines for Accreditation of
Clinical Laboratories NABL - 112 Free
3. Terms and conditions for Maintaining Accreditation NABL - 131 Free
4. NABL Guidelines to Accredited Laboratories
for use of NABL Logo NABL - 133 Free
5. Guidelines for Estimation and Expression of
Uncertainty of Measurement NABL - 141 250/-
6. Policy on Calibration and Traceability of
Measurements NABL - 142 Free
7. Application Form for Testing Laboratories NABL - 151 Free
8. Guide for Preparing a Quality Manual NABL - 160 250/-
9. Guide for Internal Audit and Management
Review for laboratories NABL - 161 200
10. Policies and Procedures for inter-laboratory
comparisons and / or Proficiency Testing NABL - 163 Free
11. Master list of NABL documents NABL - 200 Free
12. Pre-assessment Guidelines and Forms NABL - 209 Free
13. Interpretation of the Accreditation Criteria and
Guidelines for Assessment NABL - 211 100/-
14. Guideline document on Validation of
Test Methods NABL - 212 100/-
15. Policy and Procedures for assessment,
Surveillance & Re-assessment of laboratories NABL - 214 Free
16. Policies & Procedures for dealing with
Adverse Decisions NABL - 216 Free

Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005 187

Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005, 20 (2) 186-188


Financial Terms & Conditions

Lab classification Application Annual

Fee accreditation Fee

Large > 400 Patients/day Rs.50,000/-consolidated Rs.50,000/-

Medium 101-300 Patients/day Rs.20,000/-consolidated Rs.20,000/-
Small upto 100 Patients/day Rs.10,000/-consolidated Rs.10,000/-

Lab to bear assessors’ travel & boarding expenditure.

in Proficiency testing/ Interlaboratory ANNEXURE-3

comparisons/External quality assessment
programme as Asia Pacific Laboratory NABL CONTACT ADDRESSES
Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) Mutual
NABL Secretariat : B-4 / B-5 / B-6
Recognition Arrangement calls for mandatory
Qutab Hotel Apartments,
participation in such programmes.
New Mehrauli Road,
 Finally when the laboratory is ready, the Lead New Delhi - 110016
Assessor and a team of technical assessors will Tel : 011-26529718 /
conduct the final assessment. The number of 19 / 20
technical assessors will depend on the number of Fax : 011 - 26529716
disciplines applied for. The accreditation process Website :
involves a thorough assessment of all the
elements of the laboratory that contribute to the
production of accurate and reliable test data. ISO 15189 STANDARDS
These elements include staffing, training,
supervision, quality control, equipment, recording
and reporting of test results and the environment · Organization and management
in which the laboratory operates. The laboratory · Quality management system
may have to take certain corrective actions, after · Document control
the final assessment. · Review of contracts
 After satisfactory corrective actions are taken by · Examination by referral laboratories
the laboratory (within a period of 3 months), the · External services and supplies
Accreditation Committee will examine the report · Advisory services
and if satisfied recommend accreditation. · Resolution of complaints
· Identification and control of nonconformitis
The time required for the process of accreditation will · Corrective actions
depend upon the preparedness of the laboratory and · Preventive actions
its response to the non - conformances raised during · Continual improvement
the pre-assessment and final assessment. The total · Quality and technical records
duration ranges between 6 and 8 months. · Internal audits
· Management review
Surveillance and Re-Assessment
Accreditation to a laboratory shall be valid for a period
of three years. NABL shall conduct annual surveillance · Personnel
of the accredited laboratories. The laboratories may · Accommodation & environmental conditions
enhance or reduce the scope of accreditation during · Laboratory equipment
surveillance. · Pre-examination procedures
· Examination procedures
The laboratories need to apply for renewal of
· Assuring quality of examination procedures
accreditation, at least six months before the expiry of
· Post-examination procedures
validity of accreditation for which a re-assessment
· Reporting of results
shall be conducted.

Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2005 188

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