Jay Adrian HG

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Jay Adrian M. Lozano Oct.

15, 2020

G-12 Bezos Mrs. Chorazine Sulima

Mirroring Therapy

1. Face in front of a mirror and act out your emotional reactions on the following scenarios

or aspects of your personality:

a) Your facial structure

b) The circle of friends that you have

c) Your current academic performance

d) Living with family

e) Personal relationship with God

f) Your current relationship status

g) Your body posture

h) Attitude towards difficulties in life

2. Try to observe yourself and evaluate your emotional reactions. Write down your

answers on a sheet of paper including your answers to the processing questions.

*I tried observing myself and evaluate my emotional reaction by observing my attitude,

characteristic and behavior I act myself in my own way then I observed that most of my
emotional reaction are positive based on the scenarios given by this activity.

Processing Questions:

1. How did you feel about the activity?

I feel mollified in the activity because it’s kind a fun to watch myself in the mirror while
acting out my emotional reaction of the given scenarios. This activity also makes me laugh and
take away my burden to let me feel relief.
2. Was it easy or difficult? Why?

For me the activity is kind of both easy and difficult, the easy part of the activity is all the
given scenario is understandable and I can easily act my emotional reaction however the
difficult part is while looking at the mirror I can’t control myself to stop laughing to myself in
mirror while acting out my emotional reaction and it is distracting, especially because I’m
observing my facial reaction in this activity.

3. Were you able to mirror emotional reactions you had towards the different

Scenarios in your life and aspects of your personality? How?

Yes I did able to mirror my emotional reaction towards the different scenarios in my life
and aspect of my personality. I did it by observing my facial reaction in the mirror while doing
the activity.

4. What strengths and weaknesses have you noticed or identified?

Strengths- Contended of what I have in physical features, having a strong faith in God and
dedicated to finish my study

Weaknesses- Having a less self-confidence and being introvert sometimes

Personal Goal Development Worksheet
Personal Goal Stop Minimize Continue Improve Start

1 Better grades Sleeping late at Using gadgets Keeping my Reading in Developing a

for this year night for gaming notes orderly advance daily personal
study plan

2 Have a good Being lazy Watching T.V. Daily exercise Stretching Developing a
body posture and using exercise for weekly
gadgets back exercise
3 Better Ignoring word Using gadgets Daily prayer Reading Bible Making
personal of GOD in at night and Meditation MPCWA or
relationship Bible devotion of
with God the word of
4 Better Doing things Staying in my Doing house Time in Having family
relationship in that can room and not chores communicating time in our
living with my hinder our going out with my family daily life
family relation like
while eating
5 Become a Being lazy in Watching T.V. Daily practice Reading music Developing
better practice and using theory, daily music
musician gadgets exploring routine
sound and
music hearing

Processing Questions:

1. How did you find this activity?

I find this activity helpful especially in giving me idea to write my personal goal then
write what to stop or to improve to achieve this goal in my life.
2. How would this help you to attain your personal goal?

It helped me by giving me an idea to write my personal goal down so that I will not forget it. It
also help me to decide what to stop or to improve to achieve this goal in my life.

3. What could be the possible barriers in the achieving your personal goals?

I think the possible barriers in achieving my personal goal are my maniana habit, my life
excuses and also my laziness.

You Can Do It
Activity No. 3: Poem Writing Challenge

Suggested Time Allotment: 15 minutes

Let’s be creative! Write a poem of at least four lines about your personal insights on how you
value yourself. You may read the poem with your family at home or share it with your friends in
your social media accounts.

Uniquely I’m created in a very special way

I may not like others but I know the real me

My life is full of worth no matter what they say

I have a big dream to pursue and goal to oversee

Pledge of Commitment

I Jay Adrian Mantilla Lozano commit that despite of many

challenges I am facing now I will still hold on to my own principle to
stand with courage and pursue life with determination by the help of
our Almighty God.

My Three Big Steps in Achieving Personal Development

Personal Development

Step 3:
Trust God for all things is possible to Him

Step 2:
Believe in my own skills
Step 1:
Courage to face all odds

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