Evaluating Abdominal Core Muscle Fatigue: Assessment of The Validity and Reliability of The Prone Bridging Test

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Accepted: 19 May 2017

DOI: 10.1111/sms.12919


Evaluating abdominal core muscle fatigue: Assessment of the

validity and reliability of the prone bridging test

C. De Blaiser1   |  R. De Ridder1   |  T. Willems1  |  L. Danneels1  | 

L. Vanden Bossche2  |  T. Palmans1  |  P. Roosen1

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and
Physiotherapy, Ghent University, Ghent,
The aims of this study were to research the amplitude and median frequency
Belgium ­characteristics of selected abdominal, back, and hip muscles of healthy subjects dur-
Department of Physical and Rehabilitation ing a prone bridging endurance test, based on surface electromyography (sEMG), (a)
Medicine, Ghent University Hospital, to determine if the prone bridging test is a valid field test to measure abdominal
Ghent, Belgium
muscle fatigue, and (b) to evaluate if the current method of administrating the prone
Correspondence bridging test is reliable. Thirty healthy subjects participated in this experiment. The
Cedric De Blaiser, Department of
sEMG activity of seven abdominal, back, and hip muscles was bilaterally measured.
Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy,
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Normalized median frequencies were computed from the EMG power spectra. The
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. prone bridging tests were repeated on separate days to evaluate inter and intratester
Email: [email protected]
reliability. Significant differences in normalized median frequency slope (NMFslope)
values between several abdominal, back, and hip muscles could be demonstrated.
Moderate-­to-­high correlation coefficients were shown between NMFslope values and
endurance time. Multiple backward linear regression revealed that the test endurance
time could only be significantly predicted by the NMFslope of the rectus abdominis.
Statistical analysis showed excellent reliability (ICC=0.87-­0.89). The findings of
this study support the validity and reliability of the prone bridging test for evaluating
abdominal muscle fatigue.

core stability, field test, injury prevention, muscle endurance, planking, screening

1  |   IN T RO D U C T ION isometric holding test in prone position, is commonly used to

purportedly measure the endurance capacity of the abdomi-
Numerous clinical tests have been suggested to help e­ valuate nal core muscles.12-15 It has been theorized to be a functional
and identify deficiencies in core muscle performance.1-3 test for abdominal core muscle endurance, since endurance is
Many of these tests are isometric trunk holding tests, com- measured during an activity requiring simultaneous activa-
monly used to measure the endurance capacity and fatigabil- tion of the anterior core musculature.16
ity of the core muscles.4-6 Evaluating core muscle capacity A frequent issue encountered in studies using such clin-
is clinically relevant as it is considered to be related to low ical screening measures is the insufficient validity and re-
back pain,5,7 musculo-­skeletal injury risk,2,8 and even athletic liability of these tests.11,17 Validity in general is defined as
function.9,10 Typically, these tests require minimal, inexpen- the degree to which a meaningful interpretation can be in-
sive equipment, and are safe and simple to perform in a clin- ferred from a measure or test, whereas reliability refers to the
ical environment where performance and endurance capacity consistency or repeatability of a measure or test.18 Validity
is evaluated by recording the maximum time a subject can and reliability of certain isometric trunk holding tests have
maintain a correct test position.11 The prone bridging test, an already been discussed and established. The frequently used

Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018;28:391–399. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/sms © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.     391 |
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
392       DE BLAISER et al.

Biering-­Sörensen test, for example, has been deemed a valid mean weight 65.6±13.1 kg; mean BMI 22.5±3.2 kg/m2). All
and reliable test to measure back muscle endurance.4,11,19 participants were over the age of 18, had no prior history of
However, reliability and especially validity of the prone bridg- low back pain, had no known pathology, and were habitu-
ing endurance test have not yet been researched thoroughly. ally active. The subjects also needed to be able to assume the
Studies researching the reliability of the prone bridging test correct test position. The local University Hospital’s ethics
report conflicting results. Low, moderate as well as excellent committee approved the study protocol. Subjects gave their
reliability values have all been reported.15,20-22 These diverse written informed consent prior to participation.
outcomes might be the result of methodological limitations
of these particular studies such as a limited recovery time be-
2.2  |  Study design
tween test repetitions22 or the use of video camera footage
to evaluate reliability.15,21 Furthermore, differences in testing The prone bridging tests were supervised by two examiners.
protocol for the prone bridging test, such as varying termina- They were both extensively trained to ensure standardized
tion criteria for the test, could also result in discrepant reli- testing procedures.
ability results. Validation and reliability of the prone bridging test were
On the other hand, research into the validity of the prone conducted in separate phases. The first phase examined the
bridging test is sparse and often applied to modified versions validity of the prone bridging test and consisted of analyz-
of this test. Tong et al.,23 for example, investigated the valid- ing the sEMG activity of three abdominal, two back and two
ity of a sport specific, dynamic version of the prone bridg- hip muscles during the prone bridging test. Only examiner
ing test where different levels of difficulty were added to the 1 evaluated this trial. The second phase evaluated the reli-
test in order to target a specific athletic group. Furthermore, ability of the prone bridging test and consisted of compar-
research on the validity of the prone bridging test, using elec- ing the results of the tests executed on two separate days. On
tromyography (EMG) as reference method, is often based on day 1, two prone bridging tests were executed without the
the evaluation of parameters that do not specifically repre- use of sEMG. On day 2, 1 week later, the same protocol was
sent muscle fatigue. Schellenberg et al.,22 for example, only repeated. A randomization protocol was used to determine
investigated relative muscle activation during a prone bridg- whether the first trial was evaluated by either examiner 1 or
ing test to ascertain validity. However, electromyographic 2. Between the two tests each day, a resting period of 1 hour
(EMG) spectrum analysis has been generally used to monitor was given to each subject. The same warm-­up protocol was
the development of localized muscle fatigue, because fatigue utilized for each test. All the subjects refrained from partici-
causes a decrease of the frequency content of the EMG sig- pating in strenuous physical activity for at least 1 day before
nal, usually described as a decline of the median frequency the test days.
parameters of the EMG spectrum.4,24,25 Furthermore, it has
been proven that local muscle endurance is associated with
2.3  |  Prone bridging protocol
fatigue-­based changes in EMG properties.26
The aims of this study, therefore, were to investigate Figure 1 shows the correct position during the prone bridging
both the amplitude and median frequency characteristics test. The subjects had to maintain a prone position propped
of the surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals recorded on the forearms with shoulders and elbows in 90° flexion
from different abdominal, back, and hip muscles of healthy with both arms shoulder-­width apart. Both feet were placed
subjects during the prone bridging endurance test, (a) to de- at hip-­width. Forearms needed to remain in a neutral posi-
termine whether the prone bridging endurance test based tion, halfway between pronation and supination with the fists
on visual inspection and tactile feedback is a valid test for clenched. The pelvis was raised from the floor. A straight line
specifically measuring abdominal muscle fatigue and (b) to
research if this current method of administrating the prone
bridging test is reliable.

2.1  | Participants
A total of 30 healthy subjects voluntarily participated in this
study. Measurement data from one subject were discarded
due to drop out on account of an injury between test mo-
ments. The eventual group consisted of 15 women and 14
men (mean age 25.5±2.1 years; mean height 170±7.9 cm; F I G U R E   1   Prone bridging test position
DE BLAISER et al.   

was formed between the most lateral point of the acromion, fibular epicondyle).28 Cables were attached and taped to the
the greater trochanter and the lateral malleolus. The subjects body in order to guarantee minimal interference and prevent
were instructed to look downward at a visual fixation point unintentional removal of the electrodes. Preparation of the
during the test in order to maintain a neutral position of the skin and placement of the electrodes were performed by the
head. During the test, the examiner instructed the subjects same examiner.
to maintain this position as long as possible until fatigue or A 5-­ second maximum voluntary isometric contraction
pain prevented the continuation of the test. The subjects were (MVIC) of all these muscles was performed against a manual
allowed a pre-­test familiarization attempt. During the perfor- resistance for three repetitions. A resting period of 15 sec-
mance, the examiner gave the same verbal instructions and onds was given between each repetition. Standardized ver-
standardized encouragement for every subject. Tactile feed- bal encouragement was provided during the testing. Testing
back to correct the position was given either at the anterior positions for the administration of the MVIC are described
superior iliac spine (ASIS) or posterior superior iliac spine by Cholewicki et al.31 and Konrad.32 EMG signal registration
(PSIS) when the pelvis respectively lowered to the ground or and processing were carried out in Noraxon’s Myoresearch
elevated itself from the ground. When the corrected position v3.6 (Noraxon USA Inc.) and Matlab R2015a (MathWorks
could not be held for 2 seconds, the subject was instructed to USA Inc., Natick, Massachusetts, USA).
halt the test. The endurance time was recorded manually from
the moment when the correct position was assumed until the
2.5  |  Data analysis
test was terminated by the examiner or subject. Instructions
on the correct position, test administration, and feedback The raw data of the EMG signals were ECG reducted, full-­
during the test were the same for each test. wave rectified and smoothed using a root mean square (RMS)
with a moving average window of 100 ms. The mean ampli-
tude during the MVIC trials was determined for each individ-
2.4  |  Equipment, data registration, and
ual muscle, and subsequently, the mean of the three MVIC
signal processing
trials was calculated. Normalization of the EMG amplitude
The EMG signals were recorded with a 16-­ channel sur- data, collected from each muscle during the prone bridg-
face EMG system (MyoSystem 1400; Noraxon USA Inc., ing test, was executed by expressing the mean amplitude of
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA). All raw EMG signals were ana- the EMG signal during the length of the test as a percent-
logue bandpass-­filtered between 10 and 500 Hz, amplified age of the mean MVIC value of the corresponding muscle.
(common mode rejection ratio >100 dB, overall gain 1000, Normalization of the EMG amplitude data allowed for com-
noise <1 μv RMS), analogue-­to-­digital converted (12-­bit) at parison of the relative EMG activity between the different
a sampling rate of 1000 Hz. Fourteen pairs of circular sur- muscles during the prone bridging test. Pooled data from all
face electrodes with an electrical surface contact of 1 cm2 subjects gave an average percentage of the normalized EMG
(Ag/AgCl, BlueSensor P; Ambu A/S, Ballerup, Denmark) amplitude of each muscle.
were bilaterally attached on selected abdominal, back, and The normalized median frequency slope (NMFslope) of the
hip muscle sites, which are described below. The electrodes EMG signal of every muscle during the prone bridging test
were placed within the borders of the muscles, parallel was calculated. Each recorded EMG signal during the prone
to the muscle fibers and with an interelectrode distance of bridging test was divided into intervals of 1 second. The me-
25 mm. Before attaching the electrodes, the skin was shaven, dian frequency of the EMG power spectrum was calculated
scrubbed and cleaned with alcohol to decrease impedance of in each 1 second interval with fast Fourier transforms (FFT)
the skin-­electrode interface. Following electrode locations also using both Noraxon’s Myoresearch and MATLAB. The
were used as follows: rectus abdominis (RA) (2 cm lateral median frequency was defined as the frequency that divides
from the umbilicus),19 external oblique (EO) (parallel to the the power spectrum into two equal areas. Median frequency
line extending from the most inferior point of the costal mar- slope was used to represent muscle fatigue as fatigue causes
gin to the opposite pubic tubercle, 14 cm lateral to the median a decrease of the frequency content of the EMG signal, often
line, lower 1 cm above umbilicus, 1 cm or more above iliac described as a decline of the median frequency parameters
crest),27 internal oblique (IO) (2 cm lower the most prominent of the EMG power spectrum.4,33 Therefore, linear regres-
point of the ASIS, just medial and superior to the inguinal sion analyzes were performed on the calculated median fre-
ligament),27 rectus femoris (RF) (halfway between ASIS and quencies of the EMG signal of each prone bridging test as a
patella),28 iliocostalis lumborum pars thoracis (ILT) (midway function of time. The initial median frequency (MFinit) was
between the lateral palpable border of the erector spinae and determined as the intercept of the regression line. The me-
a vertical line through the PSIS),29 multifidus (MF) (2 cm lat- dian frequency slope (MFslope) was defined as the slope of
eral of the spine at the height of PSIS),30 and the biceps femo- the regression line. Because EMG parameters can be affected
ris (BF) (halfway between ischial tuberosity and the lateral by differences in subcutaneous tissue layers (between muscle
394       DE BLAISER et al.

locations of the same subject), the MFslope was automatically 3  |  RESULTS

normalized with respect to the intercept of the regression
with the formula (MFslope/MFinit)×100.4 We thus further refer 3.1  | Validity
to the NMFslope.
3.1.1  |  Differences in normalized EMG
amplitude between muscles
2.6  |  Statistical analyzes
A non-­parametric Friedman ANOVA test indicated a sig-
nificant difference in normalized EMG amplitude be-
2.6.1  | Validity
tween the different muscles during the prone bridging test
The following methods were used to determine and rein- (χ2(6)=117.47, P<.001). Post-­ hoc Wilcoxon signed rank
force the validity for the prone bridging test based on sEMG tests with Bonferroni correction (and a significance level
amplitude and median frequency characteristics. In a first established at the .0023 level) demonstrated significantly
step toward validating the test, a non-­parametric Friedman higher activated abdominal core muscles (RA, OE, and OI,
ANOVA test was used to examine differences in normal- ranging from 58.32% to 63.56% of MVIC) compared to the
ized EMG amplitude between the different muscles. Post-­ back and hip muscles (ILT, MU, RF, and BF, ranging from
hoc Wilcoxon signed rank tests with Bonferroni correction 11.7% to 33.93% of MVIC). Furthermore, the RF was sig-
were performed to compare the means of the normalized nificantly more activated than the ILT, MF, and BF, but still
EMG amplitude data of the different muscles to investigate significantly less activated than the abdominal muscles. The
which muscles are relatively more active during the prone normalized EMG amplitude data are presented in Figure 2.
bridging test. Next, a one-­way repeated measures ANOVA
design was conducted to investigate the main effect of the
independent variable muscle on the dependent variable 3.1.2  |  Differences in NMFslope values
NMFslope, and post-­hoc pairwise comparisons were made
between muscles
with Bonferroni correction to compare the mean NMFslopes Sphericity was not assumed in the one-­way repeated meas-
of each muscle with each other. Pearson correlation coef- ures ANOVA but after a Huynh-­Feldt correction, the main
ficients were calculated between NMFslopes of the different effect of the independent variable muscle demonstrated
muscles and the endurance time to evaluate their relation- a significant effect on the dependent variable NMFslope
ship. The interpretation of the correlation coefficients (r) (P<.001). The NMFslope values with standard deviations for
was set in accordance with Cohen (1988)34: low=0.10-­0.30, the abdominal, back, and hip muscles are shown in Figure 3.
moderate=0.30-­0.50, and high >0.50. The same ranges are Significant differences between the NMFslope values of these
applicable for negative correlation coefficients.34 Finally, muscles after pairwise comparison with Bonferroni correc-
multiple backward linear regression analyzes were per- tion are presented as well. The RA showed a significantly
formed to assess which NMFslope best predicted the endur-
ance time. Statistical significance for all tests was accepted
at the 5% level. All statistical analyzes were conducted with
the statistical software package SPSS v23.0 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, Illinois, USA).

2.6.2  | Reliability
Both intratester (tester 1, between 2 days) and intertester re-
liabilities (between tester 1 and 2, the same day) based on
the endurance times of the prone bridging test were assessed.
Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) with 95% confidence
intervals (CI) were used to assess reliability by utilizing a
two-­way random effects model with single measure reli-
ability (ICC [2,1]). The interpretation of the ICC was in ac-
F I G U R E   2   Normalized EMG amplitude of the seven abdominal,
cordance with Cicchetti and Sparrow35 with low reliability
back, and hip muscles obtained during a prone bridging test. (BF,
identified as a value <0.40, moderate reliability 0.40-­0.59, biceps femoris; EO, external oblique; ILT, iliocostalis lumborum pars
good reliability 0.60-­0.75, and excellent reliability >0.75. thoracis; IO, internal oblique; MF, multifidus; RA, rectus abdominis;
The standard error of measurement (SEM), a reliability index RF, rectus femoris. The error bars indicate the standard deviations).
that indicates the extent to which a score √varies on repeated *Significant differences after post-­hoc Wilcoxon signed rank tests with
measurements, was calculated (SEM = SD 1 − ICC). Bonferroni correction (P<.0023)
DE BLAISER et al.   
3.1.4  |  Which muscles predict test
endurance time?
Multiple backward linear regression analyzes, with all
NMFslope values as independent variables and endurance time
as dependent variable, revealed that endurance time could
only be significantly predicted by the NMFslope of the RA
(P<.05). The resulting regression equation could be written
as: endurance time=194.914+269.611×NMFslope of the RA
(Adjusted R²=.261).

3.2  | Reliability
F I G U R E   3   NMFslope values (%/s) of the seven abdominal, The overall mean of all endurance times was 140.5±59.7 sec-
back, and hip muscles obtained during a prone bridging test. (BF,
onds. The minimum recorded endurance time was 42.9 sec-
biceps femoris; EO, external oblique; ILT, iliocostalis lumborum pars
onds, and the maximum recorded endurance time was
thoracis; IO, internal oblique; MF: multifidus, RA, rectus abdominis;
RF, rectus femoris. The error bars indicate the standard deviations).
270.7 seconds.
*Significant differences after post-­hoc pairwise comparison with Intratester and intertester reliability assessments for the
Bonferroni correction (P<.05) prone bridging test were conducted with 29 subjects. Two raters
evaluated the prone bridging tests without the use of sEMG. The
endurance times of tester 1, day 1 (mean time: 149.7±69.1 sec-
greater NMFslope (P<.05) than all muscles, except for the onds); tester 1, day 2 (mean time: 146.8±53.2 seconds); and
ILT. The lowest NMFslope is presented by the BF, but differs tester 2, day 2 (mean time: 138.8±60.4 seconds) were used
only significantly from the RA and EO (P<.05). The same to calculate reliability. Excellent ICC-­values for both intrat-
can be said from the RF. There was no significant difference ester and intertester reliability were obtained. Table 2 shows
between the two back muscles, the ILT and MF (P>.05). an excellent intratester reliability with ICC=0.89 with a SEM
Furthermore, both EO and IO were not significantly different of 20.9 seconds and an excellent intertester reliability with
from each other as well (P>.05). ICC=0.87 and a SEM of 20.75 seconds.

3.1.3  |  Correlation coefficients of NMFslope

values and endurance time
The Pearson correlation coefficients (r) between the endur- The prone bridging test has been frequently used to evaluate
ance time and the NMFslope of the muscles are shown in core stability, and more specifically abdominal core muscle
Table 1. Significant correlation coefficient for the RA, EO, T A B L E   2   Intratester and intertester reliabilities of the prone
IO, and ILT could be demonstrated with r ranging from .410 bridging test
to .591. IO had the largest correlation coefficient (r=.591),
N (ICC 2,1) 95% CI SEM (s)
which was high according to Cohen (1988); however, it
did not differ greatly from the high correlation coefficient Intra-­tester 29 0.89 0.78-­0.95 20.9
of the RA (r=.587). The moderate correlation coefficients (tester 1)
of the EO (r=.410) and ILT (r=.425) were also significant. Inter-­tester 29 0.87 0.73-­0.93 20.75
The RF (r=.081) and BF (r=−.046) demonstrated low, non-­ (tester 1 & 2)
significant correlation coefficients that were lower than the CI, confidence interval; N, number of subjects; SEM, standard error of
abdominal and back muscles. measurement.

T A B L E   1   Pearson correlation
coefficients (r) between NMFslope values and
endurance time Pearson correlation .587** .410* .591** .425* .196 .081 −.046
coefficient (r)
BF, biceps femoris; EO, external oblique; ILT, iliocostalis lumborum pars thoracis; IO, internal oblique; MF,
multifidus; RA, rectus abdominis; RF, rectus femoris.
*significant correlation at the 5% level.
**significant correlation at the 1% level.
396       DE BLAISER et al.

endurance in clinical settings.12-15 However, no consistent (3.3% MVIC). Although these values are clearly lower than
data with regard to validity and reliability of this test exist the values found in present study, this could be explained by
to this day. Therefore, the purpose of this present study was the fact that the subjects in the study of Tong et al. 23 only
to examine, by means of researching the validity and reli- needed to maintain a static prone bridging position for a set
ability, whether a prone bridging test until failure with visual period of time (60 seconds) during their modified version of
evaluation by an examiner and with tactile feedback to adjust the prone bridging test.
the subject when the correct position was lost, can indeed be Second, post-­hoc one-­sample t testing on all NMFslope
administered to specifically evaluate or measure abdominal data revealed that all slopes differed significantly from zero
core muscle fatigability. (P<.05), signifying fatigue for these muscles. However,
pairwise comparisons between NMFslope values showed sig-
nificant as well as non-­significant differences between the
4.1  | Validity
different muscles. The RA had the greatest decline in me-
Three methods were used to investigate the validity of this dian frequency and differed significantly from all the other
test using sEMG properties of the different muscles during muscles except for the ILT. The BF showed the least rapid
the prone bridging test. First, mean relative muscle activity decline in median frequency of all the muscles, which dif-
of the different muscles during the test was compared to each fered only significantly from the RA and EO. Clear signs of
other. Second, differences in NMFslope values between mus- fatigue were apparent in all abdominal muscles. The back
cles were investigated and last, assessment of which mus- muscles also show fatigue with more fatigability in the ILT
cles limit performance in terms of test endurance time was than the MF. Fatigue in the hip musculature was significantly
performed by calculating correlation coefficients between lower than in the RA and EO but not significantly lower for
NMFslope values and endurance time, and a multiple stepwise the IO. Lower values of NMFslope of the ILT were expected
linear regression was executed. in this study, especially as lower levels of activation (% of
First, the results acquired with regard to the normalized MVIC) during a holding test is associated with a less rapid
EMG amplitude data support the validity and the claim decline of median frequency.33 There is no direct explanation
that abdominal core musculature is more active than back for these contradictory results. However, not only fatigability
and hip musculature during a prone bridging test. Present and levels of activation can account for differences in EMG
study showed a significantly higher activation of the abdom- median frequency slopes. Other factors such as fiber-­type
inal core musculature during the test (RA=58.32% MVIC, characteristics, the load the muscles experience and muscle
EO=63.56% MVIC and IO=61.83% MVIC) than the back length throughout the test all influence the median frequency
and hip musculature (ILT=11.7% MVIC, MF=13.71% characteristics.25,33
MVIC, RF=33.93% MVIC and BF=16.82% MVIC). Finally, correlation coefficients between NMFslope values
Abdominal as well as back and hip musculature are all re- and endurances times were calculated, and a multiple step-
cruited during the test; however, the challenges to the RA, wise linear regression was performed to see which muscles
EO, an IO were markedly greater than those to the ILT, MF, limit performance in terms of endurance time. A moderate-­
RF, and BF. Lower activity of the IO was expected consid- to-­high degree of correlation was found between the endur-
ering that the more internal muscles, particularly the IO and ance time of the prone bridging test and the NMFslope of the
the transverse abdominis, normally behave in an anticipa- RA (r=.587), EO (r=.410), IO (r=.591) and ICLT (r=.425).
tory manner, irrespective of loading condition, suggesting Low correlations were found for the MF (r=.196), RF (r=.081)
a subtle, pro-­active control of spinal stability.36 The IO and and BF (r=−.046). The results indicated a higher correlation
transversus abdominis are co-­activated during an abdominal for the ICLT compared to the MF. These correlation coeffi-
hollowing maneuver that requires a deep abdominal contrac- cients support validity of the prone bridging test for evaluat-
tion.37 However, these authors suggested that subjects use an ing abdominal muscle fatigue as earlier research has reported
abdominal bracing strategy, better known as a global abdomi- similar high correlations between the objective sEMG spec-
nal co-­activation, during the prone bridging test. The study of tral characteristics of different back muscles and the subjec-
Vera-­Garcia et  al.38 showed that the activity of the RA, EO, tive measurements of recording endurance times in isometric
and IO is significantly higher when bracing instead of hol- holding tests for measuring back muscle fatigue.4,25 Multiple
lowing. The findings of present study are in agreement with backward linear regression to determine which NMFslope best
Schellenberg et al.,22 who reported very similar mean rela- predicted the endurance time was executed and showed that,
tive muscle activity during an identical prone bridging test of all the abdominal, back and hip muscles, only the NMFslope
(RA=52.2% MVIC, EO=59% MVIC, erector spinae=10.6% of the RA could significantly predict the endurance time. The
MVIC and hamstrings=4.3% MVIC). Tong et al.23 also found finding that muscle fatigue of the back and hip musculature
a clear difference between RA and EO activation (respec- cannot explain the test endurance time also supports the valid-
tively, 32.7% and 31.7% MVIC) and erector spinae activation ity of the prone bridging test. These results are in accordance
DE BLAISER et al.   

with the results of Mannion and Dolan,25 who concluded that et al.23 found an excellent intratester reliability (ICC=0.99)
the most fatigable muscle best predicted the endurance time for their sportspecific, dynamic version of the prone bridging
during an isometric trunk holding test until failure. test, especially designed for an athletic population. The study
Overall, when interpreting these sEMG measurements, of Weir et al.15 was the only one which showed low intra
an important clinical conclusion can be made. Although, all and interreliability (respectively, ICC=0.21 and ICC=0.36).
abdominal and back muscles clearly fatigued during the test Prone bridging in this study, however, was scored on quality
and the NMFslope values of RA, EO, IO, and ILT were all of the test position with a 4-­point scale. The poor reliability
significantly correlated with the endurance time, only the RA could be interpreted as a loss of important visual information
ultimately seemed to be responsible for limiting performance by observing and evaluating the subjects two dimensionally
in terms of endurance time during the prone bridging test. and only from one viewpoint in a video-­analysis study. The
Combined with the highly activated RA, EO, and IO during results of these previous comparable studies and the result
the test, these findings strongly support the validity of the of present study indicate excellent reliability of the prone
prone bridging endurance test. bridging test. A plausible explanation for this good reliability
Nonetheless, following limitations need to be taken into might be a superior efficacy of static endurance testing com-
account. Because bipolar sEMG recordings from several pared to more difficult to administer and evaluate dynamic
muscles were measured to investigate the EMG power spec- tests.41 The prone bridging test is simple to administer as it
tra, crosstalk, a signal detected over a muscle but generated is initiated with a confirmed starting position, and test failure
by another muscle close to the first one, may have influenced is determined when technique sufficiently deviated from the
the results in the current study. In this study, the electrode established norm or when the subject could no longer hold
locations of the several muscles were accurately deter- the correct test position. Compared with dynamic endurance
mined, based on anatomical studies, and the guidelines of testing, there are fewer directions and increased tester objec-
the SENIAM project were followed in electrode placement tivity in the ability to define proper and improper technique.
and configuration.28 The presence of crosstalk is, however, It could be argued, therefore, that fewer subjective determi-
inherently associated with sEMG recordings. Even if great nations need to be made in the prone bridging test, which
precautions were taken, as mentioned above, crosstalk can- promotes greater reliability.
not be ruled out. Furthermore, Mannion et al.39 stated that In conclusion, to determinate if trunk muscle endurance
endurance time might be influenced by other factors such as testing is appropriate from an injury prevention, screen-
motivation, tolerance of the discomfort of the fatiguing mus- ing,and/or performance perspective, the chosen test needs
cles, and especially in a clinical situation, pain or fear of pain. to be validated as well as provide good reliability. Both fac-
As such, future studies could focus on the influence of these tors are important as a measure can be reliable without being
parameters on the performance of the prone bridging test. valid; however, the reverse is not true.17 This study strongly
supports the validity of the test and the excellent reliability
that has been established. The use of this test for these pur-
4.2  | Reliability
poses is warranted as such and could provide an important
The current method for administering the prone bridging test benefit in the field of injury prevention and/or athletic train-
until failure, based on visual inspection and tactile feedback ing. Additionally, in order to help interpret the results of the
showed excellent intratester (ICC=0.89) as well as excellent prone bridging test and assist in setting training targets, nor-
intertester (ICC=0.87) reliability. Contrary to the validity of mative data for both male and female healthy non-­athletic as
this test, reliability has already been researched. Three studies well as athletic subjects have already been established based
used a protocol for the prone bridging test similar to the one on an identical prone bridging protocol.41 With a comparable
used in present study. Dennis et al.21 obtained comparable subject group, comprised of young male and female adults
intratester reliability (ICC=0.89) and intertester reliability with a diversity in activity level, our results can be placed in
(ICC=0.89) results. Schellenberg et al.22 reported a corre- the 60th percentile of this normative dataset.
lation coefficient of 0.74, signifying a good intratester reli-
ability. However, the authors employed a work to rest ratio
4.3  | Perspective
of 1:4 between the different prone bridging tests, concluding
that the second test was partly compromised due to inade- This study is the first to support the validity as well as report
quate recovery time. Boyer et al.40 found an excellent intrat- the excellent reliability of the prone bridging endurance test
ester reliability (ICC=0.83) and a good intertester reliability until failure, even though this test has already been used ex-
(ICC=0.62) in their study with children aged 8-­12 years old. tensively in this capacity.12-15 These results justify the use of
Other studies also researched reliability; however, these stud- this easy to administer, cost-­effective test on a healthy popu-
ies used a modified version of the prone bridging test which lation as a screening tool to detect abdominal core muscle
makes comparison with current study inappropriate. Tong deficiencies and can be used in the fields of injury prevention
398       DE BLAISER et al.

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