Exam Gec
Exam Gec
Exam Gec
AG: 2020112310120
JUN 2020
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3. Calon hendaklah menjawab soalan secara individu dan diingatkan agar tidak
berbincang dan meniru jawapan calon-calon lain.
4. Calon yang GAGAL menghantar jawapan pada masa yang ditetapkan adalah
dikira telah gagal peperiksaan berkenaan.
KOD KURSUS: GEC1033 NO.AG: 2020112310120
Good morning lecture and fellows. My name is Muhammad Aqil Najmi Bin Md Nasir
and I as a President of the Students’ Charity Club. Today my delegation was present
to discuss one of the most troubling issues in the college. This is of great concern to
our society, and we are confident that this is also a worldwide concern. I am here to
give speech about the importance of unity in the multi-racial society .
As you all must have heard about the phrase United we stand divided we fall, Since
we have got independence we knew that how important unity is, people can easily
break you crush you and throw you if you are alone, but when you stand together then
nobody can touch you, We all know that unity gives us courage power and strength,
we all have heard this phrase because its commonly used in different places, We can
see unity even at the workplace, where team members together work in order to
complete the target, even in local trains people create groups so that they can help
each other, unity always supports and help, if any team member works alone there
can be chances that person get defeated, but if person works as a team chances of
success increases.
We will come across adversity in every sphere of our lives, and there is no saying
when we shall come face to face with a person who has none but malice in their hearts
for us. It is alright to say and believe that we are capable of handling such disturbances
on our own, and we may very well be, but if we are united with a friend, the task will
be much easier. It is only through the strength of unity that we can fight off an attacker
of ourselves. Let us take an instance from the animal world. Even lions hunt in packs;
the lion is the leader of a pack of females who engage in the hunting and defend the
pride when it is threatened. If the lion had to fly solo, the task of getting food and
protecting its existence would be a far more daunting task indeed.
Then, Unity is indispensable in any team. It is important for a team to work together
in order to be able to complete a task efficiently. Each member of the team must work
together toward a common goal in order to be successful. If any member of the team
does not comply with the organizational structure, it will weaken the team as a whole,
and hence the entire team will fall behind on its task. Every member of the team is
assigned a particular task, and each task is an important part of the whole. If one task
is not completed efficiently and on time, there will be a squeaky cog in the wheel, and
it will not run smoothly.
You all must be aware of a story where a father calls his 4 sons and gave one stick
to all for of them and ask them to break it, all 4 easily broke that stick but when he
asked them to break 100 stick together they failed to do so, hence at that time he said
this is what happens when you stay together, if you brother fight with each other
anyone can easily break you and can take advantage of you but if you 4 stay together
just like those 100 sticks, then no one can ever harm you and can never break you.
Next, unity give courage. Whenever you see injustice, you feel like saying but at the
same moment you get afraid, but at the same moment when you get support you
become brave and stand towards that injustice and face it, you get that courage
KOD KURSUS: GEC1033 NO.AG: 2020112310120
because you knew that you have people who stand behind you and support you
against that injustice, hence in order to deal with any injustice we people should fight
together only then we can see the change.
In this world everyone wants change, but no one wants to become that change, no
one wants to stand first, everyone wants others to do something about it, but friends
this is our country our home and we all must take initiative to do something, hence
instead of thinking about the change, be that change and help each other support each
other and be kind. We people should always stand together because unity not only
gives us power strength courage but it is also needed and very much important for our
In conclusion, unity provides strength and diversity provide the combination of ideas
for the betterment. Unity in diversity provides you the strength with the number of
ideas. So, be united in the diversity. So, that all for me thank you.
Flash Flood
By Aqil Najmi
For four days it rained non-stop. The ram was not very heavy but it kept on
coming without letting up. Our neighbours and we were all worried about the
possibility of a flood—the levels of the nearby river had been rising steadily.
The next day the river overflowed its banks and the water spread out covering the
entire area cm which houses stood. To make-matters worse, debris were caught on
the bridge thus impeding the flow of the river. This had the effect of making the flood
water rise even faster. The array came and blew a gap on the bridge to clear the
blockage and this brought some relief to us.
Nevertheless, the rain continued. It was wet everywhere—the ground, our chairs,
beds; wet. We could not do any cooking and had to resort to eating canned food. By
about four o’clock in the afternoon, it become obvious that we had to evacuate to
higher grounds. If we lingered any longer, we might become trapped by the rising
water and then we would really be in trouble. So with a few belongings we trudged
through knee-deep water towards a school situated on a hill nearby. The school was
temporarily being used as a flood relief centre. When we reached the school we met
many of our neighbours who had already gone there earlier. We were provided with
food and a place to sleep. All that we could do was to wait for the flood to be over.
KOD KURSUS: GEC1033 NO.AG: 2020112310120
After sitting out two days at the flood relief centre, the flood water finally subsided
enough for us to return home. The rain had not actually stopped but was still
drizzling slightly, but we were all happy to be able to go home.
What a shock awaited us when we reached home! Instead of the cosy little place
we knew so well, we were greeted by a mess of mud and rubbish. It was an
unbelievable sight to behold. I could see my bicycle almost fully buried in the mud.
Only one handlebar could be seen above the mud. It was mud, mud and more mud
everywhere. Yellow sticky mud covered the floor up to ten centimeters, patches of
mud on the wall, on the beds, on the TV set, hi the kitchen, inside the locked
cupboard everywhere.
So, we got down to the tedious job of giving our house a thorough cleaning. All
day through—we slogged, sweated and cursed. Still we could not finish the cleaning.
By night, the whole lot of us, my parents, my elder brother and younger sister were
totally exhausted. Mother, what a wonderful mother she was, still managed to whip
up a hot dinner for us despite the chaotic condition of the house. After dinner we fell
asleep on our beds. The beds were still damp but nobody complained.
Morning came and we all woke up to a bright and sunny day. I never felt such joy
before as we went outdoors to soak in the warm rays of the rising sun. Everything
seemed to have enlivened—birds sang, cocks crowed and there was a general
‘aliveness’ in the air. We were in good spirits. Our neighbours too were obviously
pleased, as we exchanged fond greetings and hung out our wet clothes to dry in the
We spent the next two days cleaning up our house. We could not totally remove
the mud and grime so we did the best we could to make the house a cosy home
again. When we finished, father took us to a well known restaurant to have a well-
deserved dinner.
Our problems were not all over, as I discovered when we were on our way to
town for our “well-deserved dinner.” We could not cross the river for the bridge was
not usable. We had to take a long detour to another bridge which made our journey a
few kilometres longer.
For more than a year we had to endure the inconvenience of the long detour in
coming and going from our area. It also took about that length for time for things to
return to normal. New drains were made and most of all the omnipresent slimy mud
KOD KURSUS: GEC1033 NO.AG: 2020112310120
turned into grass covered soil, so wonderful to walk barefooted on. I suppose this
was one way that nature uses to renew itself. Whatever it is, I hope we will not have
to go through another flood, it is absolutely no fun.