Module 6 Bio Printout Notes

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Point Process Cause Effect Chromosomal Process Cause Effect

Mutation Mutation that - UV lights + Disease caused Mutation - Defective; Disease caused by
Mutation that alters, adds or higher by point Affects large uncontrolle chromosome
alters, adds or removes few frequency mutation: section of a d cell mutations
removes few nucleotides lights can Cystic Fibrosis: chromosome, division - Down
nucleotides from a DNA ionise Loss of an and usually - Exposure to Syndrome:
from a DNA sequence electrons amino acid occur during radiation related to
sequence causes meiosis - Instability in physical
incorrectly chemical growth,
folded protein; process that intellectual
lungs are control disability,
unable to clear biochemical caused by
mucus reactions extra copy of
e 21
- Turner
where only
one X
e is in
Point Results in a - Mistake in No effect on Chromosome replication of a Search up cause Increases gene
Mutation: new codon DNA the organism Mutation: section of a expression
Silent that codes for replication as it still codes Duplication chromosome, results
Mutation the same for the same Mutation: in multiple copies of
amino acid amino acid the same gene
Point Causes an Depends upon Chromosome Involves a section of Search up cause
Mutation: amino acid the protein mutation the sequence
Misense replacement produced by Inversion breaking off
mutation the mutation – Mutation: chromosome,
hence can be rotating 180 degrees
harmful or not reattaching to same
Point Results in the Terminates Chromosome Large part of Search up cause Can cause some
Mutation: creation of a protein Mutation: chromosome breaks gametes to have two
Nonsense stop codon ( ie synthesis Insertion off and attaches to a copies of the same
Mutation a codon that Depending mutation different gene, whilst other
causes signals upon the chromosome gametes may not
translation to codon, at what have the gene
stop) point it
harmful effect

Point Two types: Can severely Chromosome A whole Search up cause Typically interrupt
Mutation: Nucoetide disrupt protein Mutation: chromosome or a gene regulation,
Frameshift insertion: synthesis, as Translocation segment of a cause of some forms
Mutation: pushes the the different Mutations chromosome of cancer
rest of the types of becomes attached to
nucleotides codons that or exchanged with
back one or are being another
two places or coded are chromosome/section
forward, and affected
hence the
codon will be
shifted by one
from an
insertion point
removes one
or two
pulls all
nucleotides by

Key things to remember:

- It can affect both somatic cells and germline cells

- If it affects germline cells it can pass onto offspring ie be heritable
- Remember, these muations have the ability to make on

Chromosomal Abnormalities


- Prescence of an abnormal number of a particular chromosome

- Usually caused by when 2 homologous chromosomes do not separate during meiosis → non-disjunction
- Can lead to miscarriage of embryos
- Diseases caused by aneuploidy: turner syndrome


- Where cells contain more than two of every chromosome in a set

- Polyploid zygotes don’t survive, but somatic cells can be poyploid


Anaphase I
Anaphase II

Unequal Crossing Over

- Crossing over of non-sister chromatids can cause chromosomal abnormalities due to unequal exchange
Examples of Diseases caused by Mutations: Chromosomal and Point Mutations
Trisomy 21* chromosomal Klinefelter Syndrome *chromosomal Cystic Fibrosis (point mutation)
Features - Increased risk of medical issues - Affects sexual development due to
- Look at symptoms chromosome arrangement ie XXY
- Testes do not fully develop, and hormone
testosterone is lower than average
- XXY males are unable to make sperm
- May have proportiomally longer arms and
legs, can cause small testes and
development of brest growth

Description o However it can also be - An extra copy of the X chromosome in - Genetic cause of cystic
of mosaic down syndrome each cell fibrosis: a deletion of
chromosoma where some cells have 2 - Or an extra copy of the X chromosome in three nucleotides that
l abnormality copies of chromosome 21 or some cells (mosaic Klinefelter syndrome) causes the loss of amino
where some have 3 copies of acid phenylamine
chromosome 21
o Translocation occurs where
one part or all parts of the
chromosome attatches onto
another chromosome

Cause of o Non-disjunction of - Non-disjunction - Point mutation ie deletion of

abnormality chromosome 21 nucleotides

Effect of - - wide set eyes, flatted face, spinal - Infertility - Effects of cystic fibrosis:
abnormality weakness, heart defects, reduced - Improper growth persistent cough, exercise
life expectancy - Lack of testosterone production intolerance, repeated lung
- As a result, they often need physical infections, poor weight
therapy, speech therapy and gain or growth
occupational therapy for eg to

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