Course No: EEE 310: Text Transmission Through Laser
Course No: EEE 310: Text Transmission Through Laser
Course No: EEE 310: Text Transmission Through Laser
Submitted By-
Ataher Sams (1606105)
Rifat Bin Rashid (1606117)
Minhajur Rahman (1606126)
Md. Oaliur Rahman (1606129)
Submitted To-
Dip Joti Paul, Lecturer, BUET
Rajat Chakraborty, Lecturer, BUET
In this project, text is being sent to one PC to another PC through laser. Due to its low noise
ratio, it is one of the most well suited communication medium. We use Arduino to program
laser to send binary bits to solar panel which then gives a character based on what binary
numbers has been sent.
Laser communications systems are wireless connections through the atmosphere. They work
similarly to fiber optic links, except the beam is transmitted through free space. While the
transmitter and receiver must require line-of-sight conditions, they have the benefit of
eliminating the need for broadcast rights and buried cables. Laser communications systems can
be easily deployed since they are inexpensive, small, low power and do not require any radio
interference studies. The carrier used for the transmission signal is typically generated by a
laser diode.
This paper tells about the microcontroller based communication system using laser light as a
device to transmit data. Here the microcontroller is connected with a PC where the PC act as an
input to the laser which gives input text to transmit with the help of laser medium. After
successfully implementing this project, we found that the data transmission through laser light
has achieved great success while comparing with the conventional communication system.
1. Arduino: Act as a microcontroller, the central controller for the whole unit of smart cart.
It has 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB
connection, a power jack, and a reset button. The board can be programmed with
Arduino Software (IDE). The board can operate on an external supply from 6 to 20 volts.
2. Laser: The laser module can be directly powered from an Arduino output pin as it only
draws 30 mA from the processor that has outputs rated for 40 mA.
3. Solar panel: At the receiving end, there is a small solar panel which acts as the receiver.
It converts the laser beam energy into a current which flows through the second
4. Computers: 2 PCs with keyboard and monitor are needed for this project. One is for
giving input and other one is for getting output.
Following diagram shows the whole system of the project. We give the input in the keyboard of
PC1 and get the output from the monitor of PC2.
Working Principle
The working principle of the Laser communication system is very similar to fiber optic links, but
the difference is that the beam is transmitted through free space. A simple laser
communication (LC) system transmits serial data through air from a transmitter to a receiver via
a laser beam.
The whole system consists of 3 parts. (1) Transmitter end, (2) Receiver end, (3) Transmission
(1) Transmitter End: The transmitter consists of a PC with a keyboard and an Arduino. The
input is given through the keyboard (example: AbCdE). The Arduino (1) converts the text
into 8 bit binary. On the transmit side, a UART must create the data packet appending
sync and parity bits and send that packet out the transmission line with precise timing
via a laser beam.
(2) Transmission medium: The transmission medium is nothing but air. After transmitting,
the information containing laser travels through the air and incident upon the solar
panel of the receiver.
(3) Receiver End: The receiver contains a small solar panel, an Arduino and a PC with a
monitor. When the laser beam is incident on the solar panel, it converts the data
containing light signal into a current and this current flow through the Arduino (2). This
Arduino converts the bits into corresponding alphanumeric characters and the
computer monitor shows them. This is our desired output.
Character Arduino 2
Laser Transmission
8 bit binary 8 bit binary
Arduino 1
Laser light is sent to the solar panel and solar panel now receives the data. The solar panel is
connected with the A0 pin and ground. After checking the value of the solar panel using built in
“AnalogReadSignal” both when there is no light on the laser, and when there is light on the
laser. We then set the THRESHOLD Value for the solar panel by examining the value from
In setup, we consider the solarpin A0 as input and fix the Serial.begin to 9600. Then we take
the reading from the solar pin. If the Reading from the solarpin is greater than the threshold,
then we consider it to be ‘1’, otherwise it is considered as ‘0’. These binary bits are stored in an
We set the delay to ‘100’ to match the delay of the sending side. Anything other than 50, the
interpretation will not be right and it can produce false result. The binary bits are converted to
ASCII value. Then the ASCII values give us suitable characters.
The experiment has been conducted in different conditions. Delay time determines how fast
the data will be sent. If it is low, the data can go quickly.
The final output was satisfactory as we were able to send Sentences through one PC to another
PC without any fault. We have used “CoolTerm” software to save the data in a text file.
The system is tested for 2 ft, 5 ft and 10 ft distance and every time the output showed the
correct sentences /word that has been sent through laser.
1. The noise in photodiodes: The main sources of noise are dark current noise, shot noise
and thermal noise in a photodiode. The dark current noise arises due to dark current
which flows in the circuit when the solar panel is not in illuminated environment under
bias condition.
2. Atmospheric Attenuation: In general, attenuation is the relation between transmitted
signal power and received signal power as follow