Maths STD 5 Term LL (Primary Maths)

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1 Opening and Preparations

• Explanations Place Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Demonstrations value Pupils book 5 pg. 71 –
Identify thousandths chart 72
Convert thousandths into
(chart 6) Trs. Page 67 - 68
decimals and vise versa
2 1&2 Place value up to By the end of the lesson learners • Explanations Place Primary mathematics
thousandths should be able to: • Demonstrations value Pupils book 5 pg. 71 –
Identify thousandths chart 72
Convert thousandths into
(chart 6) Trs. Page 67 - 68
decimals and vise versa
2 3&4 Conversion of fractions By the end of the lesson learners • Speed tests Primary mathematics
to decimals should be able to: • Mental work Pupils book 5 pg. 73
Convert tenths and hundredths Demonstrations
• and 74
into decimals and vise versa
5 Conversion of decimals By the end of the lesson learners • Speed tests Primary mathematics
to fractions should be able to: • Mental work Pupils book 5 pg. 73
Convert tenths and hundredths Demonstrations
• and 74
into decimals and vise versa
6 Addition and By the end of the lesson learners • Stress proper alignment and proper procedure for Primary mathematics
subtraction of decimals should be able to: adding or subtracting Pupils book 5 pg. 74
Add and subtract up to 3
and 75
decimal places
7 Multiplications of By the end of the lesson learners • Stress proper alignment and proper procedure for Primary mathematics
decimals by should be able to: adding or subtracting Pupils book 5 pg. 74
whole numbers Add and subtract up to 3
and 75
decimal places
3 1 TIME By the end of the lesson learners • Fixing a pole on ground A 2cm Primary
Estimating time by should be able to: • Observation pole mathematicsPupils
length of shadows Estimate time by shadow • Recording Several book 5pg.
2&3 Tell and write time in By the end of the lesson learners • Telling time A clock Primary
hours and minutes should be able to: face mathematicsPupils
Tell and write time in hours and
minutes book 5pg.
4 Time in am and pm By the end of the lesson learners • Explanation Chart 7 Primary
should be able to: • Discussion Clock mathematicsPupils
Read, tell and write down time face book 5pg. 79 – 83
IN am and pm in solving Trs. Guide page 77 - 79
problems on time
5&6 REVISION By the end of the lesson learners • Revision Pupils Primary
should be able to: mathematicsPupils
Convert hours into minutes and book 5pg. 84
vise versa
7 Time in seconds By the end of the lesson learners Discussion Clock Primary mathematics
should be able to: face with Pupils book 5 pg. 85
Use the second as a unit of time a second
4 1 Addition involving By the end of the lesson learners • Explanation Frame on Primary mathematics
time in hours, minutes should be able to: • Solving problems on addition from the page page 86 Pupils book 5 pg. 86 - 89
and seconds Add hours, minutes and and 87
2&3 subtraction involving By the end of the lesson learners • Explanation Frame on Primary mathematics
time in hours, minutes should be able to: • Solving problems on subtraction from the page page 88 Pupils book 5 pg. 87-88
and seconds Subtract hours, minutes and
4 Calculate Periods By the end of the lesson learners • Discussing Frame B in the pupil’s book pg 88 Frame on Primary mathematics
between given times should be able to: • Explanations page 89 Pupils book 5 pg. 88,89
Calculate Periods between given & 90
5&6 Tell, write and solve By the end of the lesson learners • Orally revise reading and writing time to the Frame on Primary mathematics
problems involving should be able to: nearest minute in short and long forms using a page 91 Pupils book 5 pg. 90-91
time using a.m and p.m Tell, write and solve problems clock-face
involving time using a.m and
7 Multiply and divide By the end of the lesson learners • Multiplication with propoer carrying Chart Primary mathematics
hours, minutes and should be able to: • Solving problems of division in pg 93 7,Clock Pupils book 5 pg. 91-93
seconds Multiply and divide hours, face
minutes and seconds
5 1&2 ALGEBRA By the end of the lesson learners • Collect and add like terms of given algebraic Chart Primary mathematics
Add and subtract Like should be able to: expression 7,Clock Pupils book 5 pg94-96
and Unlike terms Collect and add like terms of • Add and subtract Like and Unlike terms Frame on
given algebraic expression page 94
Add and subtract Like and
Unlike terms
3 Solving Equations By the end of the lesson learners • Solve simple Equations involving addition and Beam Primary mathematics
should be able to: subtraction balance, Pupils book 5 pg. 97
Solving Equations weights,
objects of
4 Finding the Value of the By the end of the lesson learners Solving problems to find the value of the unknown on Chart Primary mathematics
unknown should be able to: pg. 98 7,Clock Pupils book 5 pg. 98
Finding the Value of the
5 REVISION By the end of the lesson learners • Revision EXERCISE Pupils Primary mathematics
should be able to: Pupils book 5
Complete a revision exercise
6&7 GEOMETRY By the end of the lesson learners • Use a unit measure to measure angels Unit Primary mathematics
Measuring Angles should be able to: angle Pupils book 5 pg. 99-115
Measure Angles cut-outs
6 1&2 Unit angle and half disc By the end of the lesson learners • Measuring unit angles Hard Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Marking unit angles paper Pupils book 5 pg. 100
Measuring unit angles • Using half disc to measure angles on pg.11-

3 The protractor By the end of the lesson learners • Discussions Half disc, Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Demonstrations on how to use a protractor protracto Pupils book 5 pg.101
Identify the scales on the • Revise the naming of angles rs, chart
protractor and use the protractor 2
to measure angels
4&5 The reflex angle By the end of the lesson learners • Measuring angels Protracto Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Discussions rs Pupils book 5 pg. 102-
recognize and identify reflex 104
6 Angles on a straight line By the end of the lesson learners • Measuring angels Primary mathematics
Perpendicular lines should be able to: • Discussions Pupils book 5 pg. 105
Recognize and identify angles
On a straight line
Recognize and identify
Perpendicular lines
7 REVISION By the end of the lesson learners • Revision EXERCISE Pupils Primary mathematics
should be able to: Pupils book 5
Complete a revision exercise
7 Mid Term 2 Exams and Break
8 1&2 Sum of angles of a By the end of the lesson learners • Drawing triangles and measure their angles Pieces of Primary mathematics
triangle should be able to: • Adding angels of a triangle paper, Pupils book 5 pg. 106-
Work out problems involving protracto 107
Sum of angles of a triangle r, a pair
3 By the end of the lesson learners • Drawing triangles and measure their angles Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Adding angels of a triangle Pupils book 5 pg.108-109
Work out problems involving
Sum of angles of a triangle
4 Right-angled Triangle By the end of the lesson learners • Drawing right angles Ruler Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Discussions Pupils book 5 pg. 109-
state the properties of right angle • Explanations 110
5&6 isosceles Triangle By the end of the lesson learners • Filling of blanks in frame (i) and (ii) pg. 111 Rulers, Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Identifying angles and sides protracto Pupils book 5 pg. 111-
• Identifying isosceles triangles rs, 113
7 Equilateral triangles By the end of the lesson learners • Identifying angles and sides Rulers, Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Identifying equilateral triangles protracto Pupils book 5 pg. 114-
draw right-angled and rs, 116
equilateral triangles using a dividers
ruler and a protractor
9 1&2 MASS By the end of the lesson learners • Revise the kilogram by naming objects that are Beam Primary mathematics
The gram as a unit of should be able to: weighed in 1 kg,1/2kg and ¼ kg balance,it Pupils book 5 pg.116-118
measuring recognize and identify the gram • Exercise on pg 116 ems to
mass as a unit of measuring mass • Exercise on pg 117 and 118 weigh
than a
of tea
3 Conversion of By the end of the lesson learners • Converting of grams to kilograms Pieces of Primary mathematics
kilograms to grams should be able to: • Discussions paper, Pupils book 5 pg. 119-
and vice versa Convert kilograms to grams • Explanations 120
and vice versa
4&5 Addition and By the end of the lesson learners • Using frames on pages 121,122,123 and 124 to Beam Primary mathematics
subtraction involving should be able to: show addition, subtraction, multiplication and balance, Pupils book 5 pg. 121-
mass in kilograms and Add and subtraction mass in division involving mass in kg and g items to 124
grams kilograms and grams • Exercise weigh
than a
6 Multiplication By the end of the lesson learners • Using frames on pages 121,122,123 and 124 to Beam Primary mathematics
involving mass in should be able to: show addition, subtraction, multiplication and balance, Pupils book 5 123
kilograms and grams Multiply mass in kilograms and division involving mass in kg and g items to
grams • Exercise weigh
than a
7 Division involving mass By the end of the lesson learners • Using frames on pages 121,122,123 and 124 to Beam Primary mathematics
in should be able to: show addition, subtraction, multiplication and balance, Pupils book 5 124
kilograms and grams by Divide mass in kilograms and division involving mass in kg and g items to
whole grams • Exercise weigh
numbers which
than a
10 1&2 MONEY AND By the end of the lesson learners • Revising operations involving money in (sh and Price list Primary mathematics
POSTAL CHARGES should be able to: cts) of Pupils book 5 pg. 125-
Money Add, subtract, multiply and • Work on page 125,126and 127 common 127
divide in problems involving items in a
money shop
3 By the end of the lesson learners • Preparing a list of items bought and getting a Shop Primary mathematics
should be able to: total amount paid keeper’s Pupils book 5 pg. 128
Carry out shopping activities • Practicing shopping in groups using class price list
Make a list of items bought, dukas (Make
stating the cost for each item and your
total cost own
4&5 By the end of the lesson learners • Preparing a list of items bought and getting a Shop Primary mathematics
should be able to: total amount paid keeper’s Pupils book 5 pg.129-130
Write down and calculate cost on • Practicing shopping in groups using class price list
a bill dukas
Use the symbol @ when writing
out a bill
6 By the end of the lesson learners • Discussing functions of the post office Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Discuss postal charges Pupils book 5 pg. 131-
Solve problems involving inland • Work on page 131 and 132 132
postage charge for letters and
7 REVISION By the end of the lesson learners • Revision EXERCISE Pupils Primary mathematics
should be able to: Pupils book 5
Complete a revision exercise
11 1 GEOMETRY By the end of the lesson learners • Draw perpendicular Lines Protracto Primary mathematics
Perpendicular Lines should be able to: • Discuss the frame on pag 133 r, ruler Pupils book 5 133
Recognize and identify • Exercise and
perpendicular lines pencil
2 Right –angled Triangle By the end of the lesson learners • Drawing a right angle using a protractor Protracto Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Exercise r, ruler Pupils book 5 pg. 134
Draw right angled triangle using and
protractor and ruler only pencil
3&4 Equilateral Triangle By the end of the lesson learners Protracto Primary mathematics
Parallel Lines should be able to: • Discuss how to draw an angles r, ruler Pupils book 5 pg. 135-
Draw equilateral triangles using • Exercise and 137
ruler and protractor only • Drawing parallel lines pencil
• Discussions
• Exercise
5 By the end of the lesson learners • Demonstration on how to construct parallel Protracto Primary mathematics
should be able to: lines r, ruler Pupils book 5 pg. 138
Construct parallel lines using a • Construction of parallel lines and
ruler and a set square only pencil
6&7 By the end of the lesson learners • Revising parallel lines and sides Rectangu Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Discussions lar sheets Pupils book 5 pg. 139-
Identify by measuring that the • Exercise of paper 140
opposite sides of a rectangular
are equal and parallel
12 1 Revision By the end of the lesson learners • Revising on geometry Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Discussions Pupils book 5 141-142
Answer revision questions on • Exercise
2 Patterns By the end of the lesson learners • Drawing patterns Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Discussions and participations Pupils book 5 pg. 143
Make patterns involving
triangles, rectangles and square
3 VOLUME AND By the end of the lesson learners • Arranging cubes or cuboids Cubes or Primary mathematics
CAPACITY should be able to: • Exercise Cuboids Pupils book 5 pg. 144
Volume Find the number of cubes in a
stack by multiplication in
revision lesson
4&5 By the end of the lesson learners • Arranging cubes or cuboids Centimet Primary mathematics
should be able to: • Exercise er cubes Pupils book 5 145-146
Recognize and identify the cubic
centimeter (cm3) as a unit of
measuring volume
Work out volume of cubes and
cuboids using the formula
6&7 Capacity By the end of the lesson learners • Estimate and measure capacity of different Primary mathematics
Estimating and should be able to: containers Pupils book 5 pg. 147-
measuring in ml. Recognize and identify the • Group work 150
Addition, Subtraction, milliliters (ml) as a unit of • Exercise
Multiplication measuring capacity
involving liters ½ Estimate and measure capacity
litres,1/4 liters and in milliliters
13 End of term exams
14 Marking Exams and Closing

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