Utilization of Collections and Services by The Users of Allama Shibli Nomani Library, Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow (U.P.) INDIA: A Case Study

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Utilization of Collections and Services by the Users of Allama Shibli Nomani

Library, Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow (U.P.) INDIA: A Case Study

Article · January 2012


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2 authors:

Akhtar Hussain Uzma Mujeeb

National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities(Divy… mumtaz p.g. college, lucknow


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Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

Utilization of Collections and Services by the Users of Allama Shibli Nomani Library,
Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow (U.P.) INDIA: A Case Study
Akhtar Hussain¹, Uzma Muzeeb²

1. College of Engineering,King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA

2. Mumtaz P.G.College ,Daligang, Lucknow, U. P. (India)

The study examines the utilization of collections and services by the users of Allama Shibli
Nomani Library Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow (U.P.) in India. A well structured
questionnaire was distributed among library users during the academic session 2010-2011, to
find out the utilization of collections and services of the said library. The present study
demonstrates and elaborates the various aspects of the utilization of collections and services such
as Purpose of use, Physical facilities, Services and collections of the documents. The study also
highlights the uses of library services, document location, stages of library automation,
satisfaction level of the users and over all evaluation of the library. Findings and suggestions has
been given to make the services more beneficial for the academic community of Allama Shibli
Nomani Library Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow (U.P.) in India.

Keywords: User Studies, Document collections, Information Service, Darul Uloom Nadwatul
Ulama, Lucknow, India.

Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama is an international institute of Islamic learning at Lucknow, India,
which draws large number of Muslim students from all over the country. Nadwa's objective was
reaching a middle path between classical Islam and modernity. It was founded at Kanpur in 1894
in the first annual convention of Nadwatul Ulema (Organisation of Scholars) by Muhammad Ali
Mongiri, Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Mahmud-ul-Hasan and Maulana Shibli Nomani with an idea to
counter the challenge of western education. The institution was intended to be a modified version
of Deoband. The foundation stone was laid by Sir. John Briscott Hewitt, Lt. Governor of India
on November 28, 1906. The choice of the name Nadwa got inspiration from a hall in Mecca,
where nobles used to assemble to deliberate. Nadwa was eventually shifted to Lucknow in 1898
Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

(from Kanpur) and updated the Islamic curricula with modern sciences, vocational training etc.
(Wikipedia, 2011).[1]
As far as about Allama Shibli Nomani Library is concerned. In 1894, after laying the
foundation of Nadwatul Ulama, when the founders presented a new and modern school of
thought to get the education, training, arts and learning prevailed among the people ,there was in
the same time a thought of establishing a library was in the minds of broad minded scholars
which contained a collection of essential printed books, along with the eminent and rare
manuscripts and the most distinguished feature which was supposed to be an attractive quality of
the library was that it should not be confined to a particular school of thought and instead it could
be utilized by everyone who wished to gain the maximum of it. The appeals and articles of
Allama Shibli and Maulana Azad published in the news papers and journals of that time very
clearly expose that the establishment of this library and its important factor was not
supplementary rather it was a very important factor of the objectives and aims of this movement.

In brief this article reviews a few studies conducted abroad as well as in India on utilization of
collections and services in chronological order.
Idrees (2011) focused that the major findings of the study are standard classification
systems lack proper space for materials on Islam for two reasons: less awareness on the part of
devisers of the depth and variety of Islamic topics; and their bias and lack of interest in Islam.
Different indigenous classification systems and expansions have been developed, using either the
original notation or alternative notations. Some systems have been developed without following
any standards or logic. This study has revealed a need for empirical study of libraries with rich
collections on Islam in order to gain a better understanding of the problem and find an optimal
Hasim and Salman (2010) From the results there is sustainability of internet usage among
Malay youth. As far as factors that have positive effects on sustainability of internet usage is
concerned, the results of the study showed that interpersonal and social network and perceived
and realized benefits have significant positive effects on sustainability of internet usage by
Malay youth. The results also showed that issues relating to security concerns and interruptions
have significant negative effect on the sustainability of internet usage by Malay youth.
Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

Mohsenzadeh and Isfandyari-Moghaddam (2009).Results show that the level of application

of information technology in Kerman academic libraries is acceptable but they should improve
their status to match with ever increasing demand for better librarian services at universities; the
most important problem and serious difficulty is the lack of educated librarians, which needs a
suitable investment and planning; and, although about 70 percent of librarians in Kerman
academic libraries have participated in related training courses, the most serious difficulty in
using information technology is still the lack of educated librarians.
Tahir, Mahmood and Shafique (2009).The study reveals that most of the respondents feel
themselves good in library use skills, which is owing to their high frequency of library use, not to
any formal training. Respondents found the central library richer in collection than their
departmental libraries. Most of respondents were visiting the library for using the reference
material or for searching some specific information and they seldom seek help from the library
staff. Resources and services/facilities available in the central library were professed to be better
than their departmental libraries. Respondents fulfilled their information needs not only from
central and departmental libraries of the university but from other libraries in the city as well.
Dissatisfaction was also shown with the library staff and technical support. More journals and
reference material in humanities were suggested by the respondents, along with better facilities
and services
Nejati and Nejati (2008). The results show that, although University of Tehran Central
Library has conducted several programs for improving its services, because of the lack of
identifying the most important aspects of service quality in their customers' ideas, the efforts for
providing customer satisfaction has failed to a great extent.
Akhtar Hussain, Krishna Kumar (2006) carried out a survey the use, collection and services
of IIRS Library. The major findings of the study were:(1) A majority of the users (41.25%) of
the IIRS Library use the library services daily.(2) Majority of the respondents mainly used the
library to borrow books and other materials (81.25%) and the list number of respondents use the
library for audio-visual materials.(3) Most of the respondents preferred to print collection
(87.50%) were using books followed by electronic collection, (68.75%) were using CD-ROM,
further followed by 86.25% respondents use for current periodicals.(4) Most of the respondents
fully satisfied with library services.
Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

The objectives of the present study are:

1. To identify the factors which effect the provision use of collection and services of Allama
Shibli Library, Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow
2. To study effects of various factors such as manpower, physical facilities, utilization of
documents, documents location, collection, and services provided by the library.
3. To determine the stages of library automation.
4. To study the users image about the library personnel.
5. To suggest measures to make library services more effective and efficient.
The problem for the present study is the “Utilization of Collections and Services by the Users of
Allama Shibli Nomani Library, Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow,India”. The collected
data are organized and tabulated by using statistical method, tables and percentage of the paper
focuses the analysis and interpretation of the data collected through questionnaire, interview and
observation method. The sample size in all categories of user’s population is 9.84 percentages.
Random sampling technique has been followed for the study. The total number of users are 5000
approximately according 500 questionnaire are distribute 450 filed questionnaire were returned
by users.
There are large numbers of users in Allama Shibli Library, Darul Uloom Nadwatul
Ulama, Lucknow and the investigator has taken study in collections and services. A sample from
all categories of users was taken to find out their opinion about the services provided by the
library. The table below gives the categories of users and the size of sample of the study.
Table 1: Size of the sample

No. of respondents
Name of (n=450)
course Equivalent
Alia Sania 10th 120 26.67
Alia Rabia 12th 105 22.22
Almiyat 90 20.00
Fazilat Post Graduation(PGs) 75 17.78
Takmil Research Scholar(RS) 50 13.33
Total 450 100.00
Research Scapes / Volume
Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

The above table shows that 26.67% of the total population under study consists of 10th, 22.22%
12th, 20% Undergraduates, 17.78% Postgraduates and 13% Research Scholars. The size of the
sample chosen for study is quite large so that the formalities of finding can be facilitated.
Table 2: Frequency of Visit to the Library

Percentage of users Average

10 th
12 th
UGs PGs RS % age
Daily 54.17 47.62 50 46.67 36.00 46.89
Twice a week 16.67 28.57 27.78 20.00 30.00 24.60
Weekly 12.50 9.52 8.89 13.33 16.00 12.05
Fortnightly 8.33 8.57 5.56 10.67 10.00 8.63
Monthly 5.83 4.76 4.44 9.33 4.00 5.67
Rarely 2.50 0.95 3.33 0.00 4.00 2.16
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100

The above table shows that 46.89% of the users visit the library ‘almost daily’, while 24.60%
visit it twice a week. There are 12.05% of users who weekly visit the library followed by 8.63%
of user who visit fortnightly. Only a small percentage of users i.
e. 5.67% and 2.16% are visiting
monthly as well rarely.

Percentage of users
10th 12th UGs PGs RS

26 16 18 18 10 8 4
20 12 9.33
20 18.67 17.33 2.67
22.22 11.11 14.44 13.33 3.33
18.89 16.67
14.29 16.19 20.95 18.1 12.38 3.81
20.83 25 16.67 12.5 8.33 12.5 4.17
Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

Fig.1: Do not use the library frequently

The figure 1 shows that an average percentage of users i.e., 20% users are not using due to
inconvenient of library hours, while 19.88% users are not using the library due to shortage of
time. Followed by 17.08% users are not using due to required books are not available, 15.76%
library environment is not congenial,12.57% Unhelpful attitude of staff,11.11% Class lectures
and notes are sufficient and 3.60% users are do not using the library frequently (Daily or twice a
week),due to others reasons.

Table 3: Purpose of use of Library

Percentage of users
10 th
12 th
UGs PGs RS % age

To borrow and return the

32.50 33.33 34.44 30.67 30 32.19
To read
20.83 20.00 18.89 20.00 18 19.54
To consult reference books 12.50 16.19 14.44 14.67 14 14.36
To read subject books 12.50 14.29 13.33 13.33 18 14.29
To complete class room
8.33 7.62 11.11 9.33 10 9.28
To prepare for next class 9.17 6.67 5.56 12.00 6 7.88
Others 4.17 1.90 2.22 0.00 4 2.46
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100

The above table shows that maximum percentage of 10th, 12th, Undergraduates, and
Postgraduates of the student visit the Library to study the course material, while Research
Scholars go to the Library to consult the research material and for preparation of class lectures.
This table further reveals that 32.19% of the respondents use the library, for borrow and return
the books, followed by 19.54% respondents to read newspapers/magazines, further followed by
14.36% to consult reference books. 14.29% and 9.28% of the respondent also admitted that they
use the library for reading the subject books and to complete class room assignments. Only
7.88% and 2.46% users go to the Library to prepare for next class and other purposes.

Table 4: Physical facilities

Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

Percentage of users
Facilities 10th 12th UGs PGs RS % age
Working hours 48.33 38.10 38.89 33.33 30 37.73
No. of seats 20.83 23.81 24.44 28.00 22 23.82
Environment 14.17 20.00 17.78 20.00 20 18.39
General facilities(air,
16.67 18.10 18.89 18.67 28 20.07
light, water)
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100

The table shows that the 37.73% adequate library working hours facilitate the use of the
resources of the Library, whereas 23.82% users are satisfied with the numbers of seat available
in the library. Followed by 18.39% users are satisfied with the inductive library environment.
While 20.07% users are satisfied with the general library facilities i.e. air, light, water etc
Table 5: Use of the documents

Percentage of users
Documents Average
10th 12th UGs PGs RS % age
General books 30.83 33.33 30.00 26.67 24 28.97
Text books 19.17 23.81 17.78 18.67 22 20.29
Reference books 16.67 20.00 17.78 17.33 16 17.56
Periodicals 12.50 14.29 12.22 18.67 10 13.54
General magazines 9.17 3.81 10.00 10.67 8 8.33
Newspapers 7.50 1.90 5.56 5.33 10 6.06
Microfilms/microfiches 2.50 1.90 3.33 1.33 4 2.61
Maps/charts/diagrams,etc. 1.67 0.95 3.33 1.33 6 2.66
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100

The information given in the above table depicts that 28.97% of the respondents use general
books out of 33.33% 12th, 30.83% 10th, 30% Undergraduates courses, 26.67% Postgraduates,
24% Research Scholar. It is single largest groups. While 23.81% 12th,22% Research Scholar
,19.17% 10th, 18.67% Postgraduates and 17.78% Undergraduates are uses of documents as text
books, as their second preference. The uses of other type of document in order of average
percentage of preferences are reference books 17.56%, Periodicals (13.54%), general magazine
(8.33%), Newspapers (6.06%), Maps/charts/diagrams,etc.2.66% and Microfilms/microfiches
Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

Table 6: Document Location

Percentage of users Average

10 th
12 th
UGs PGs RS % age
Consulting the Library
38.33 38.10 33.33 36.00 24 33.95
By Assistance of Library Staff 25.00 33.33 27.78 25.33 22 26.69
Searching the shelves yourself 17.50 11.43 15.56 17.33 20 16.36
Taking the help of friends/
12.50 9.52 12.22 16.00 16 13.25
Others 6.67 7.61 11.11 5.33 18 9.75
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 100.00

The above table represents that majority of the users (33.95%) use the catalogue for the location
of documents in the Allama Shibli Nomani Library, Lucknow, followed by 26.69% respondents
who use of the documents by assistance of library staff. 16.36% respondents also admitted that
they use resources by searching themselves, while 13.25% respondents locate the document by
taking the help of friends/colleagues. There are a small numbers of documents 9.75% uses for
others options.
Table 7: Use of Services

Percentage of users
10 th
12 th
UGs PGs RS % age

Lending 29.17 33.33 16.67 33.33 22 26.90

Reservation 19.17 21.90 17.78 6.67 10 15.10
Reference 17.50 11.43 15.56 13.33 14 14.36
Bibliographical 9.17 9.52 8.89 14.67 16 11.65
Document Tracing 10.00 7.62 10.00 9.33 10 9.39
Book Bank 5.83 0.00 7.78 10.67 0 4.86
Subsidized rate book facility 4.17 8.57 12.22 6.67 10 8.33
Photocopying 3.33 5.71 7.78 4.00 10 6.16
Others 1.67 1.90 3.33 1.33 8 3.25
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 100.00
1. List of books.
2. Books are made available on minimum rent.
3. Books are sold on discount price to economically poor students.
Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

Users’ awareness about the library services is prerequisite for proper utilization of the library and
its resources. Therefore the responses of the users in this regard have been analysed in the above
table. The table indicates that an average percentage i.e., majority of users of all college libraries
such as 26.90% used lending service, 15.10% users used reservation service, 14.36% users used
reference service, 11.65% users used bibliographical service, 10.15% users used bibliographical
service, 9.39% users used document tracing, 4.86% users used Book Bank service,8.33% users
used subsidized rate book facility, and 6.16% users used photocopying service. There were a
small percentage of users i.e., 3.25% used others service.

Table 8: Stage of library automation

Percentage of users
Computer facilities Average
10th 12th UGs PGs RS % age
Fully automated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
Partially automated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
Beginning stage 83.33 95.24 88.89 93.33 90 90.16
Not started 16.67 4.76 11.11 6.67 10 9.84
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 100.00

The above table represents that majority of the users have response (90.16%) stage of library
automation as a beginning stage while 9.84% users have given response stage of library
automation as a not started. in the Allama Shibli Nomani Library, Lucknow.
Table 9: Satisfaction with Library Staff

Percentage of users Average

10 th
12 th
UGs PGs RS % age
Most helpful 35.00 33.33 25.56 33.33 30 31.44
Helpful 20.83 25.71 21.11 20.00 30 23.53
Undecided 17.50 18.10 21.11 20.00 14 18.14
Least helpful 14.17 14.29 16.67 14.67 16 15.16
Not at all helpful 12.50 8.57 15.56 12.00 10 11.73
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 100.00
Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

The above table shows that maximum average percentages of users 31.44% have most helpful,
while 23.53% of users have helpful and 18.14% have undecided. Followed by 15.16% users who
have less satisfied with the staff, while 11.73% users have not at all helpful.

Table 10: Over-all evaluation of the library

Percentage of users Average

10 th
12 th
UGs PGs RS % age
Physical facilities 41.67 39.05 25.56 33.33 46 37.12
Documents collection 24.17 28.57 31.11 20.00 30 26.77
Library services 17.50 21.90 27.78 22.67 14 20.77
Library automation 1.67 0.95 0.00 4.00 0 1.32
Attitude of staff 15.00 9.52 15.56 20.00 10 14.02
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 100.00

It is important to find out the image of the Library in general. It includes all aspects such as
buildings, physical facilities, services collections, etc. The above table shows that maximum
percentages of users have satisfied with the physical facilities of the library, while 26.77%of
users have satisfied with the documents collection of the library and 20.77% as library services.
Followed by 14.02 % users who have satisfied with the attitude of staff whereas 1.32% who have
satisfied with the Library automation.


There are following major findings of the study:

1. Thus, it clearly shows that 92.17% of the users are regular visitors of the Library, while
the remaining 7.83% are not regular visitors of the library.
2. It is clear from analysis that 34.44% Undergraduate Students consult to borrow and return
the books, while 33.33% 12th standard users consult library for above said purpose.
3. It is found that 20% users are not using due to inconvenient of library hours.
4. Therefore, it is clear that majority of users are satisfied with the working hours of the
library staff.
5. Therefore, it is clearly indicates that majority of users (i.e., 33.95%) of all college
libraries were consulting the library catalogues for borrow the documents in the library.
Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

6. It is found that majority of users of all college libraries such as 26.90% used lending
service, after that 15.10% users used reservation service.
7. As a result, majority of users respondent that library automation as a beginning stage.
8. shows that maximum percentages of users have satisfied with the physical facilities of the

There are following important suggestions of the study:

1. It is therefore, suggested that all the section of the library must be opened for
maximum hours to ensure the optimum use of the library collections.
2. It is suggested that library should arrange more multiple copies of documents in all
fields. Books of latest edition should be acquired. Library should also acquire more
reference sources to satisfy the needs of the users.
3. Therefore, it is suggested that more journals should be subscribed by the library keeping
in view the needs of the researchers.
4. It is suggested that library should acquire more non-books material as well as
manuscripts to satisfy the increasing demand of the users.
5. It is suggested that librarian should be efficient, polite and have co-operative nature.
6. It is suggested that library should arrange more multiple copies of documents in all
fields. More journals should be subscribed by the library keeping in view the needs of
the though it is suggested that library should make an arrangement to provide nascent
information to the visitors.
7. I would like to suggest that library should make the issuing policy more
satisfactory/users’ friendly.

The study has to focuses the utilization of collections and services by the users of Allama
Shibli Nomani Library, Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow (U.P.). Though the users under
study use of collection and services. It was found that a majority of the users used general books,
text books and reference books for the study .It was also found that majority of users used
circulation, reservation and reference services. To build onto this study for further improvement
of services to meet students’ information needs, a study may carried out to measure the impact
Research Scapes / Volume-I, Issue- II, April-June-2012/ ISSN:2277-7806

of instruction on the use of library resources and services on students’ performance in their


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6. Mohd Safar Hasim, Ali Salman, (2010) "Factors affecting sustainability of internet usage
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