Lecture 9

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Lecture 9, April 27 , 2020

Simon Scheidegger
Introduction to parallel and
high-performance computing
From making fire to flying rockets in 4 weeks
From making fire to flying rockets in 4 weeks
For us, we start out here on April 27th, 2020

Fortran: first appeared: 1957

By May 20th, 2020, we are here...

Since ~2012: MPI, OpenMP, Fortran, C++, Cuda,...

Scope of today's lecture
The purpose of the next 4 lectures is to give
you an introduction to the main approaches to
exploit modern parallel and High-Performance
Computing (HPC) systems.
→ Intended to provide only a very quick overview of
the extensive and broad topic of parallel computing.
→ Familiarize the big picture, ideas and concepts.
→ Familiarize with the main programming models.


Outline of this introductory lecture

1. Motivation – why should we use parallel programming.

2. Contemporary hardware.

3. Programming Models.
Some Resources
Full standard/API specification:
- http://mpi-forum.org
- http://openmp.org

- https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/mpi/
- https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/openMP/
- http://cse-lab.ethz.ch/index.php/teaching/42-teaching/classes/577-hpcsei

- “Introduction to High Performance Computing for Scientists and Engineers”
Georg Hager, Gerhard Wellein

- “Using Advanced MPI: Modern Features of the Message-Passing Interface”

(Scientific and Engineering Computation) MIT Press, 2014
Gropp, W.; Höfler, T.; Thakur, R. & Lusk, E.
1. Why parallel computing?

The world is massively parallel

- In the natural world, many complex, interrelated events are happening at the same time,
yet within a temporal sequence.

- Interrelated events happen concurrently.

- Compared to serial computing, parallel computing is much better suited for modelling,
simulating and understanding complex, real world phenomena.

1. Why parallel computing?

Past: parallel computing = high-end science*

*with special-purpose hardware

Parallel computing has been used to model difficult problems in many areas of science and

Atmosphere, Earth, Environment

Physics - applied, nuclear, particle, condensed matter, high pressure, fusion, photonics

Bioscience, Biotechnology, Genetics, Chemistry, Molecular Sciences

Geology, Seismology Defense, Weapons

1. Why parallel computing?

Today: Parallel computing = every day

(industry, academia) computing

Pharmaceutical design

Data mining

Financial modelling

Advanced graphics, virtual reality

Artificial intelligence/Machine learning

1. Why parallel computing?

Why parallel computing?

HPC helps with:
-Huge data
→ Data management in memory
→ Data management on disk

-Complex problems
→ Time consuming algorithms
→ Data mining
→ Visualization

Requires special purpose solutions in terms of:

→ Processors
→ Networks
→ Storage
→ Software
→ Applications
1. Why parallel computing?

Why parallel computing* (II)

Transmission speeds
Speed of a serial computer is directly dependent on how fast data can be moved
through hardware. Absolute limits are the speed of light (30cm/ns) and the transition
limit of copper wire (9cm/ns). Increased speeds necessitate increasing proximity of
processing elements.

Limits of miniaturization
Processor technology is allowing an increasing number of transistors to be placed on a
chip. However, even with atomic-level components, a limit will be reached on how small
components can be.

Economic limits
It is increasingly expensive to make a single processor faster. Using a larger number of
commodity processors to achieve same (or better) performance is less expensive.

Energy limits
Limits imposed by cooling needs for chips and supercomputers.

*List from P. Koumoutsakos

1. Why parallel computing?

A way out

- Current computer architectures are increasingly

relying upon hardware level parallelism.

- Multiple execution units.

- Multi-core.
1. Why parallel computing?

Who and what applies parallel computing?

1. Why parallel computing?

Why should YOU parallelize your code?

- A single core may be too slow to perform the required

task(s) in a “tolerable” amount of time. The definition of
“tolerable” certainly varies, but “overnight” is often a
reasonable estimate.

-The memory requirements cannot be

met by the amount of memory which
is available on a single “Desktop”.
1. Why parallel computing?

Heterogeneity in Nature –
Stylized modelling not always possible

- Supernova explosions – observable.

- Modelling in 1D:
→ incl. fancy (GR/nuclear) physics.
→ no explosions.
→ only 1D models.
due to lack of compute power
(early 2000's).

- Only recently (last ~5y):

`realistic' 3D models possible to run
on supercomputers Fig.: February 24, 1987; SN 1987A in the large Magellanic cloud.
Closest SN next to earth since 1604.
→ resources now available. Distance from earth: ~50 kpc; ~ 150'000 LY.
1 kpc = 3.08 x 1019 m, 1 LY = 9.46 x 1015 m
→ stylized models not sufficient. Progenitor: 20 Msun
1. Why parallel computing?


- HPC “third” pillar of science – nowadays is the dawn of an era

(in physics, chemistry, biology,...,next to experiment and theory).

- `In Silico' experiments.

- Modern Supercomputers (e.g. Summit at Oak Ridge National Lab)

200 x 10¹⁵ Flops/Sec. →1 day vs. Laptop: ~30,000y.
1. Why parallel computing?


Samsung Galaxy S6: ~34.8 GFLOP/s

→ Move away from stylized models towards “realistically-sized” problems.

→ Creating `good' HPC software can be very difficult...

1. Why parallel computing?

Petascale Computers – How can we tap them?

- Modern Supercomputers (Summit, World’s fastest)

200 x 10¹⁵ Flops/Sec. →1 day vs. Laptop: ~30,000y

*Slide adjusted from O. Schenk

1. Why parallel computing?

www.top500.org (June 2019)

1. Why parallel computing?

Nearly ready for those kind of systems

Hybrid Cray XC50 – First Cray Supercomputer with Intel Xeon +


• 5‘272 nodes, each with Intel Xeon E5-2695 v4 (12c/24threads) + 1 GPU

• 25,3 Pflops Peak
• 6.2 PB TB scratch

→ World Number 6
II. Contemporary hardware
2. Contemporary hardware

Hardware and how to use it

- The hardware can execute only simple low-level instructions (load,...)

- Complex applications (abstract models and their representation as high-

level code) are separated from simple instructions by multiple layers.

- System Software

Operating System:
- I/O operation.
- Storage & memory.
- Protection among concurrent applications.

- Translate from high level language
such as C++ to hardware instructions.
2. Contemporary hardware

From a programming language to hardware


A computer is a “stupid” device, only understands “on” and


The symbols for these states are 0 and 1 (binary).

First programmers communicated in 0 and 1.

Later programs where developed to translate from symbolic

notation to binary. The first was called “assembly”.

> add A, B (programmer writes in assembly language)

> 1000110010100000 (assembly translates to machine language)

Advanced programming languages are better than

Assembly for
→ programmer thinks in a more natural language
→ productivity of software development
→ portability
2. Contemporary hardware

Basics: von Neumann Architecture


Virtually all computers have followed this basic design.

Comprised of four main components:
→ Memory, Control Unit, Arithmetic Logic Unit, Input/Output.

Read/write, random access memory is used to store both program

instructions and data:
→ Program instructions are coded data which tell the computer to do something.
→ Data is simply information to be used by the program.

Control unit:
→ fetches instructions/data from memory, decodes the instructions and
then sequentially coordinates operations to
accomplish the programmed task.

Arithmetic Unit:
→ performs basic arithmetic operations.

→ interface to the human operator.

→ Many parallel computers follow this basic design, just multiplied in units.
The basic, fundamental architecture remains the same.
2. Contemporary hardware

Performance measures
- Execution time: time between start and completion of a task.

- Throughput/Bandwidth: total amount of work per elapsed time.

- Performance and execution time:

x is n times faster than y means:

2. Contemporary hardware

The free lunch

- For a long time speeding up computations was a “free lunch”:
→ the density of the transistors in chips increased,
decreasing the size of integrated circuits.
→ the clock speeds steadily rose, increasing
the number of operations per second (MHz to GHz).

- But the free lunch has been over for a few years now:
→ We are reaching the limitations of transistor density.
→ Increasing clock frequency requires too much power.

→ We used to focus on floating point operations per second.

Now we also think about floating point operations per Watt.
2. Contemporary hardware

The free lunch is over

Clock speed cannot increase

1. heat (too much of it and

too hard to dissipate).

2. current leakage.

3. power consumption
(too high – also memory
must be considered).

Processor performance
doubles every ~18 month:
→ Still true for the number of
→ Not true for clock speed
(W ~ f^3 + hardware failures).
→ Not true for memory/storage.
2. Contemporary hardware

The free lunch is over II*

*http://www.gotw.ca/publications/concurrency-ddj.htm (Herb Sutter – tech. evangelist)

“Clock speed isn’t the only measure of performance, or even necessarily a good one, but it’s an
instructive one: We’re used to seeing 500MHz CPUs give way to 1GHz CPUs give way to 2GHz
CPUs, and so on. Today we’re in the 3GHz range on mainstream computers.”

“If you’re a software developer, chances are that you have already been riding the “free lunch”
wave of desktop computer performance. Is your application’s performance borderline for some
local operations? “Not to worry,” the conventional (if suspect) wisdom goes; “tomorrow’s
processors will have even more throughput, and anyway today’s applications are increasingly
throttled by factors other than CPU throughput and memory speed (e.g., they’re often I/O-bound,
network-bound, database-bound).” Right?

“Right enough, in the past. But dead wrong for the foreseeable future.
The good news is that processors are going to continue to become more powerful.
The bad news is that, at least in the short term, the growth will come mostly in directions
that do not take most current applications along for their customary free ride.”

“But if you want your application to benefit from the continued exponential throughput advances in
new processors, it will need to be a well-written concurrent (usually multi-threaded) application.
And that’s easier said than done,...”
2. Contemporary hardware

What is parallel computing?

Serial Computing:
Traditionally, software has been written for serial computation.

A problem is broken into a discrete series of instructions.

Instructions are executed serially one after another.

Executed on a single processor.

Only one instruction may execute at any moment in time.
2. Contemporary hardware

“To pull a bigger wagon, it is easier

to add more oxen than to grow a
gigantic ox”(Skjellum et al. 1999)
2. Contemporary hardware

What is parallel computing II?

Parallel Computing:
In the simplest sense, parallel computing is the simultaneous use of
multiple compute resources to solve a computational problem.

A problem is broken into a discrete series of instructions that can be solved concurrently.

Each part is further broken down to a series of instructions.

Instructions from each part execute simultaneously on different processors.

An overall control/coordination mechanism is employed.
2. Contemporary hardware

Flynn's Taxonomy

There are different ways to classify parallel computers.

One of the most commonly used (since 1966) is Flynn's Taxonomy.

It distinguishes multi­processor computer architectures according to how

they can be classified along the two independent dimensions of
Instruction Stream and Data Stream.

Each of these dimensions can have only one of two possible states:
Single or Multiple.
2. Contemporary hardware

Single Instruction, Single Data


A serial (non-­parallel) computer.

Single Instruction:
→ Only one instruction stream is being acted on by the CPU
during any one clock cycle.

Single Data:
→ Only one data stream is being used as input
during any one clock cycle.

This is the oldest type of computer.

Examples: single processor/core PCs.

2. Contemporary hardware

Single Instruction, Multiple Data

A type of parallel computer.

Single Instruction:
→ All processing units execute the same instruction at
any given clock cycle.

Multiple Data:
→ Each processing unit can operate on a different data element.

Best suited for specialized problems

characterized by a high degree of regularity.

Most modern computers, particularly

those with graphics processor units (GPUs)
employ SIMD instructions and execution units.
2. Contemporary hardware

Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data

A type of parallel computer.

Multiple Instruction:
→ Every processor may be executing a different
instruction stream.

Multiple Data:
→ Every processor may be working with a different
data stream.

Currently, the most common type of

parallel computer ­most modern
supercomputers fall into this category.
→ Note: many MIMD architectures also
include SIMD execution sub­components.
2. Contemporary hardware

Speedup, Efficiency & Amdahl's Law

T(p,N) := time to solve problem of total size N on p processors.

Parallel speedup: S(p,N) = T(1,N)/T(p,N)

→ Compute same problem with more processors in shorter time.

Parallel Efficiency: E(p,N) = S(p,N)/p

Amdahl's Law: T(p,N) = f * T(1,N) + (1-f) T(1,N)/p

f...sequential part of the code that can not be done in parallel.

S(p,N) = T(1,N)/T(p,N) = 1 / (f + (1-f)/p)

For p → infinity, speedup is limited by S(p,N) < 1/f

2. Contemporary hardware

Amdahl's Law: Scaling is tough

Work Station 99.9% Parallel
~100 Cores

99% Parallel For p → infinity:

Speedup is limited by S(p,N) < 1/f

90% Parallel

HPC Cluster Today's HPC
~10k Cores
99.999% Parallel
→ 50% Efficiency
2. Contemporary hardware

Weak versus strong scaling

Strong scaling:
Is defined as how the solution time varies with the number of
processors for a fixed total problem size.

Weak scaling:
Is defined as how the solution time varies with the number of
processors for a fixed problem size per processor.
2. Contemporary hardware

HPC systems: off-shelve components

Your “Desktop”
Virtually all stand-alone computers today
are parallel from a hardware perspective.
2. Contemporary hardware

HPC systems
→ Each compute node is a multi-processor parallel computer itself.
→ Multiple compute nodes are networked together.
→ Building blocks need to communicate (via the network) and give feedback (User/Storage).
2. Contemporary hardware

Strengths of Commodity Clusters

- Excellent performance to cost.

- Exploits economy of scale.

→ Through mass-production of components
→ Many competing cluster vendors

- Flexible just-in-place configuration.

→ Scalable up and down

- Rapid tracking of technology.

→ First to exploit newest components

- Programmable.
→ Uses industry standard programming languages and tools

- User empowerment.
→ Low cost, ubiquitous systems
→ Programming systems make it relatively easy to program for expert users

- nearly all of TOP-500 deployed systems commodity clusters.

2. Contemporary hardware

Two problems with this model

1. pure CPU-systems are becoming too expensive:

- Power consumption.
- Cooling and infrastructural costs (can be O(mio $/year) ).
→e.g. one Olympic swimming pool per hour cooling water needed.

2. It is hard to increase the performance:

- Speed-up the processor.
- Increase network bandwidth.
- Make I/O faster.
- ...
2. Contemporary hardware

HPC system's power consumption

...how to get 1000x more performance without building a nuclear power plant next to your HPC?
(J. Shalf, September 09, Lausanne/Switzerland)

→ Not sustainable
2. Contemporary hardware

Improving performance: multi & many-cores

Adding more and more “classical” cores can increase the computing power
without having to increase the clock speed. However:

→ Hardware strongly limits the scalability.

Progressively, a new generation of processors with less general, more

specialized architecture, capable superior performance on a narrower range
of problems, is growing:

Many-core accelerators:
→Nvidia Graphics Processor Units (GPUs).
→Intel Xeon Phi Many Integrated Cores (MIC) architecture.

They all support a massively parallel computing paradigm.

2. Contemporary hardware

2 types of “Accelerators”

→ Devices can have O(Teraflops)

Slide from D. Mikushin

2. Contemporary hardware

Why accelerators are more efficient than


A few reasons:

→ Lower frequencies of GPU clocks.

→ More of the transistors in a GPU are working on

the computation. CPUs are more general purpose.
They require energy to support such flexibility.

→ Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) approach,

which leads to a simpler architecture and instruction set.
2. Contemporary hardware

More hardware accelerators for ML*

FPGA – field programmable gate arrays TPU – Tensor Processing Unit

GPU Lake Crest

2. Contemporary hardware

Today's HPC systems

2. Contemporary hardware

Overall picture of programming models

(Slide from C. Gheller)

2. Contemporary hardware

Where are we going?

(Slide from C. Gheller)

3. Programming Models
3. Programming models

Questions for parallel programming

Asanovic et. al. (2006) – The landscape of Parallel Computing Research: A View from Berkeley
3. Programming models

Programming models: Overview

There are several parallel programming models in common use:

1. Shared Memory (without threads)
2. Threads
3. Distributed Memory / Message Passing
4. Data Parallel
5. Hybrid
6. Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD)
7. Multiple Program Multiple Data (MPMD)

Parallel programming models exist as an abstraction above hardware

and memory architectures.
Although it might not seem apparent, these models are NOT specific to a particular type of
machine or memory architecture. In fact, any of these models can (theoretically) be implemented
on any underlying hardware.

Which model to use?

This is often a combination of what is available and personal choice. There is no "best" model,
although there certainly are better implementations of some models over others.
3. Programming models

Parallel program design: Understand the problem

- The first step in developing parallel software is to first understand the
problem that you wish to solve in parallel.

- Before spending time in an attempt to develop a parallel solution for a

problem, determine whether or not the problem is one that can actually be
→ Example of Parallelizable Problem: Monte Carlo integration

→ Example of a Non-parallelizable Problem: Calculation of the Fibonacci series

(0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,...) by use of the formula: F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n­-2)

This is a non-parallelizable problem because the calculation of the Fibonacci

sequence as shown would entail dependent calculations rather than independent ones.
The calculation of the F(n) value uses those of both F(n-1) and F(n-2). These three
terms cannot be calculated independently and therefore, not in parallel.

- Identify hotspots (where is the real work being done?)

- Identify bottlenecks in the program

→ are there disproportionally slow regions in code, e.g. I/O; can restructuring of program help?
3. Programming models

Decomposition of Problem

e.g. domain decomposition (e.g. for PDEs)

Functional decomposition
(e.g. for climate modelling)
3. Programming models


Is communication needed?
The need for communication between tasks depend upon your problem

→ you don't need communications: embarrassingly parallel (e.g. Monte Carlo)

→ you need communications

e.g. stencil computation in a finite difference scheme (data dependency)

→ Cost of communication (e.g. transmit data implies overhead)

3. Programming models

Load balancing

- Load balancing refers to the practice of distributing work among tasks so

that all tasks are kept busy all of the time.

- It can be considered a minimization of task idle time.

- Load balancing is important to parallel programs for performance reasons. For example,
if all tasks are subject to a barrier synchronization point, the slowest task will
determine the overall performance.
3. Programming models

We will consider mainly OpenMP* & MPI**

*https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/openMP/ (Open Multi Processing)
**https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/mpi/ (Message Passing Interface)
3. Programming models

Using SIMD instruction sets→ Vectorization

Vectorization performs multiple operations in parallel on a core with a

single instruction (SIMD – single instruction multiple data).

Data is loaded into vector registers that are described by their width in

-256 bit registers: 8 x float, or 4x double

-512 bit registers: 16x float, or 8x double

Vector units perform arithmetic operations on vector registers


Vectorization is key to maximising computational performance.

3. Programming models

Vectorization illustrated

In an optimal situation all this

is carried out by the compiler
automatically. Compiler directives
can be used to give hints as to
where vectorization is safe and/or
3. Programming models

Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)

3. Programming models

Shared memory systems

- Process can access same GLOBAL memory

- Uniform Memory Access (UMA) model

Access time to memory is uniform.

Local cache, all other peripherals
are shared.

- Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) model

Memory is physically distributed among processors.

Global virtual address spaces accessible from
all processors.

Access time to local and remote data is different.

→ OpenMP, but other

solutions available (e.g. Intel's TBB).

3. Programming models

Shared Memory – Pro's & Con's


Global address space provides a user­friendly
programming perspective to memory.

Data sharing between tasks is both fast and uniform due to
the proximity of memory to CPUs.


Lack of scalability between memory and CPUs. Adding more CPUs
geometrically increases traffic on the shared memory-CPU path...

Programmer responsibility for synchronization constructs that ensure
"correct" access of global memory.
3. Programming models

Distributed-memory parallel
programming (with MPI)
- We need to use explicit message passing,
i.e., communication between processes:
→ Most tedious and complicated but also
the most flexible parallelization method .

- Message passing is required if

a parallel computer is of distributed-memory
type, i.e., if there is no way for one processor
to directly access the address space of another.

- However, it can also be regarded

as a programming model and used
on shared-memory or hybrid systems as well.

→Message Passing Interface (MPI).

3. Programming models

Parallel programming with MPI

The Message Passing Interface Standard (MPI) is a message passing library

standard based on the consensus of the MPI Forum, which has over 40 participating
organizations, including vendors, researchers, software library developers, and users.

The goal of the MPI is to establish a portable, efficient, and flexible standard for
message passing that will be widely used for writing message passing programs. As
such, MPI is the first standardized, vendor independent, message passing library.

Several MPI implementations exist (Mpich, OpenMPI, IntelMPI, CrayMPI, …).

The current MPI standard currently defines over 500 functions, and it is beyond the
scope of this introduction even try to cover them all. Here, I will concentrate on the
important concepts of message passing and MPI in particular, and provide some
knowledge that will enable you to consult more advanced textbooks and
3. Programming models

Message Passing Interface (MPI)

- Resources are LOCAL (different from shared memory).

- Each process runs in an “isolated” environment. Interactions requires

Messages to be exchanged

- Messages can be: instructions, data, synchronization.

- MPI works also on Shared Memory systems.

- Time to exchange messages is much larger than accessing local


→ Massage Passing is a COOPERATIVE

Approach, based on 3 operations:

SEND (a message)

RECEIVE (a message)

3. Programming models

MPI availability

- MPI is standard defined in a set of documents compiled by a

consortium of organizations : http://www.mpi-forum.org/

- In particular the MPI documents define the APIs

for C, C++, FORTRAN77 and FORTRAN 90.

- Bindings available for Perl, Python, Java...

- In all systems MPI is implemented as a library of

subroutines/functions over the network drivers and primitives.
3. Programming models

GPU Programming
3. Programming models

GPU Programming II
3. Programming models

Degrees of Parallelism

Current supercomputers are hybrid.

There are 4 main degrees of parallelism on multi-core
(HPC) systems.

Parallelism among nodes/sockets (e.g. MPI).

Parallelism among cores in a socket (e.g. OpenMP).

Vector units in each core (e.g. AVX).


→ All should be exploited at once (→lecture next week)


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