Battle of Badr, Uhad and Trench

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Battle of Badr:

The Muslims had captured the trade routes of Madinah. Abu Sufyan trade cravan was passing from
there and he feared that the Muslims might intercept it so he ordred an army of 1300 men from Makkah
to help him reach Makkah safely. He was escorted to Makkah safely as a result. He ordered the aemy to
come back but some leaders such as Abu Jahl insisted toi attack the Muslims. 300 men from he army
withdrew. 1000 Makkans went to Badr and encamped there.

When the Prophet came to know about this he raised an army of 313 men and went to badr. The place
which Muslims got was sandy and dry. The Holy prophet prayed to Allah for help and next day it rained.
The Muslims collected sufficient water and the sans on which they stood became smooth and firm and
they were ready to fight. The battle started and the Muslims started to win. Hamza killed Utba, the
father of Hinda and Ali killed Abu Sufyan son.

The outcomes of this battle wrere in the favour of the Muslims. The Holy Prophet treated the prisoners
of the war with kindness and respect. Those who were rich had to pay a specific amount of money and
then were set free. The literate ones were set free when they taught 10 children a day. The poor and the
old and weak were set free without paying any ransom. This victory resulted in the Quraish realizing that
the Muslims had now their own town where they were in majority and had support from the area.

Battle of Uhad:

It was fought after the Battle fo Badr. The Quraish wanted to avenge their defeat at the Badr and
wanted to avenge the deaths of their most prominent chiefs and leaders. They allied with the jews of
banu Nazir and some other tribes and with a joint army of 3000 men, marched towards Uhad. The Holy
Prophet also rose an army of 1000 men and marched towards Uhad. On the way, Abdullah Bin Ubbay,
the leader of the hypocrites deserted with his 300 men on the excuse that the prophet didn’t listen o his
suggestion of fighting inside Madinah.

The Muslim aemy of 700 went to Uhad. The prophet posted 50 archers at the mouth of the Uhad
mountain and told them not to leave their positions under any circumstances. The battle started and the
Muslims were gaining victory. Khalid Bin Walid tried to enter via the mouth of Uhad but the Muslim
bond was so strong that he failed 3 times. When the Muslims were winning, some fo them left their
posts and went to collect the booty, objecting Prophets instructions.

Kahlid bin Walid saw this as an opportunity to attack and entered with his army through the mouth and
attacked the muslim army. Meanwhile, Musab Bin Umair, who resembled the Prophet was killed and a
false rumour spread that the Prophet had been killed. This led to confusion among the Muslims. The
prophet called upon them to which theyresponded and united. They launced an attack on the foe. Both
the sides were exhausted to continue war any further.

In this battle, Muslims suffered great casulatites incomparison to the Makkans. This teaches Muslims to
abide by the laws of their leader and not to onject them.

Battle of Trench:
It was fought after the Battle of uhad. The Quraish gained the support of the Jewish tribes and the tribes
of Suliyam and GHatafan. Abu Sufyan led an army of 4000 men against the Muslims and marched
towards Madinah.

The Banu Khuza tribe told the RPophet about this ands he consulted his companions. Salman Farsi
suggested the diggiong of a trench around Madinah to protect it from the attacks. The idea was liked by
the Prophet and he along with his companions dug a trecnch around Madinah which was 5 yards deep
and 5 yards wide.

When the Makkans cam ethey were unfamiliar with this and launched an attack on the Muslims. They
couldnot croos the trench as it was surrounded by troops and was very wide. However, there was one
narrow area where the Makkans entered Madianh but Ali fought them off.

The Muslims were left with very little food and water and when jabir slaughtered a cow, he invited the
Prophrt. The prophet fed the whole army on just one cow. The wind was icy and the Muslims started
praying to Allah for help. As a result of this, a windstorm came and the angels cast fear into the hearts of
the Makkans due to which they dispersed away. In this battle the Muslims got victory.

Also, the jews of Banu Quraiza, who disobeyed the Peophet in this battle were punished and their
punishment was decided by Saad Bin Muadh according to the old testmaond, in which their men were
killed and their children and wives were sold as slaves.

Treaty of Hudaibiya:

The prophet saw a dream in which he was performing pilgrimage in the house of Allah. Therefore, the
next day he set out for Makkah with 1400 unarmed Muslims in a state of Ihram.

The Muslims reached Makkah but the Quraish didn’t allow them to perform pilgrimage. The Prophet
sent 2 messengers for negotiations with the Quraish but they both didn’t return. Then Hazrat Usman
was sent but he too did not return. A rumour spread that he had been killed so inorder to avenge his so
called death, the Prophet took an oath from the Muslims that they wont fear to shed their lives for the
sake of Islam. The Quraish apprehended by this, sent both the messengers along with Hazrat Usman
back and sent Sohail Bin Amr for negotiations and to draw up a peace treaty.

The terms of the treaty were that:

 Muslims would return this year without performing umrah.

 They would come for Pilgrimage the next year and would be allowed to stay for 3 days.
 If a Makkan goes to Madina without the permission of his guardian he would be sent back. If a
Muslim goes to Makkah without the permission of his guardian, he wont be sent back.
 There would be no fighting for 10 years.
 Any arab tribe was free to make alliance with them.
 They wont harm the allies of eachother.

As an outcome of this battle, many Muslims were discontented with it. Hazrat Usman considered them
an insult to Islam and argued that they were against the Muslim interests. However, he was consoled by
Hazrat Abu bakr and the Holy Prophet. Hazrat Ali wrote the treaty with Prophet and Allah, The
Magnificent and Merciful. However, Sohail objected this and said that it should be re-written as
Muhammad son of Abdullah instead of Prophet and God instead of Allah, The Magnificent and Merciful.
The son of Sohail Bin Amr, Abu Jandal came to the Prophet on the request to be freed but Prophet told
him to be steadfast and patient as he had agreed to the treaty verbally.

The Prophet told that the Muslims had been successful and was supported by a new revelation: “Verily,
we have granted thee a manifest victory.”

The Khyber Expedition:

A few weeks after the Treaty of Hudaibiya, the Jews turned against the Muslims and they thought that
Muslims were weakening because their acceptance of such humiliating terms was due to nothing but

Therefore, 20000 Jews shut themselves up in their seven well guarded fortresses at Khyber, which was
their base where they were in majority. When the Prophet came to know of this, he rose an army 1600
Muslims and marched towards Khyber.

The battle started and the Muslims captured all the fortresses except for the largest one, Al-Qamus. Its
leader Marhab was considered to be stronger than 1000 horesmen. After failure for successive 20 days,
the Muslims complained to the Perophet who said that the person whi was dear to Allah and to whom
Allah was dearer, would gain Al-Qamus. The next day, the Muslims eagerly waited who it was and Holy
Prophet told it was Ali and made him wear the amror from his own hands.

Marhab invited him in a one to one combat and Hazrat Ali killed in the first sector of the combat. The
jews fought with the Muslims but couldn’t hold for long due to their largest fort being captured. As a
result the jews surrendered and made negotiations with the Prophet.

They came to the conclusion that the Muslims would be given ½ of their land produce. The mUslims also
gained control over the Gardens of Khyber and the spoils of the war. Alos, the women and children of
the jews were left untouched.

Battle of Mutah:

It was fought against the Byzantines. The Holy Prophet sent Haris bin Umair to carry a letter to the ruler
of Basra. On his way, he was killed by Sharhabeel who was a close ally of the Byzantine leader, Caesar.

When the Prophet came to know of this, he ordered an army of 3000 men to go to fight. The army was
leaded by Zaid Bin haris. If he fell then Jafar bin Abu Talib would take his place and if he fell then
Abdullah Bin Rawahah would take his place.

The Byzantine army was of 100000 men with another 100000 men from the allianceship with other
tribes. Zaid fought bravely but was killed. Jafar also fought courageously but his right hand was cut. He
held the banner with his left hand until it too was cut. He then held the banner between his 2 arms and
was cut from the centre by a foe. Abdullah Bin Rawahah took the charge until he too was martyred.

Then Khalid Bin Walid was made the leader of the Muslim army. He reshuffled the right and left flanks of
the army and ordered divisions from the rear. This made it seem to the enemy that fresh reinforcemtns
had arrived and casted a fear into their hearts. Sometime later, they felt that they were being drawn
into the heart of the desert and as a result they gave up and dispersed.
This battle was a huge victory for Muslims as there werew only 12 martyrs on their side and this also
ranked up their status since they, being only 3000 in number, won against the 200000 Byzantines army.

Conquest of Makkah:

The Muslims ahd signed the trety of Hudaibiya with the Quraish whose one term was that they wont
attack the ally of one another. 2 years after the signing of this treaty, the Banu bakr attacked the Banu
Khuza, aided by the Quraish.

40 men of Banu Khuza along with their leader went to the prophet to complain about this. The prophet
offered 3 terms to the Quraish:

 Pay blood money to the families of the martyrs

 Dissolve the alliance with the Banu Bakr
 Dissolve the Treaty of Hudaibiya

The Quraish chose the third option but soon realized they were no match for the Muslims. They sent
Abu Sufyan for negotiations with the Muslims. Abu Sufyan went to his daughter UmmeHabiba who was
the wife of the Prophet but she refused to help him. He then went to the companions od the Prophet
but they too refused. He then went to the Mosque of the Prophet and announced that the Quraish
would declare peace and rights to all. But the Prophet declined the offer.

He ordered an army of 10000 men which marched to Makkah. They encamped outside Makkah. At night
the Prophet told the army to light candles. This magnified the size of the army. The Quraish were further
demoralized by this. Abu Sufyan was sent as a spy by the Quraish on the Muslim army. He was captured
and brought to the prophet. At that point, he accepted islam. When the Prophet entered Makkah he
declared peace and safety to all and said that those who were in the Kaabah, their own house or the
house of Abu Sufyan would be safe.

He divided his army into 4 columns and ordered not to attack or shed any blood unless they were
attacked. The column of Khalid Bin Walid was attacked and they attacked also. 13 Quraish were killed
and 2 Muslims were martyred. Then the Prophet went to perform Tawaf of the Kaabah and then
destroyed the 360 idols insoide the Kaabah. He then recited, “ Verily, Truth has come and falsehood has
vanished for falsehood is bound to vanish.”

He then went to the top of the Mount Safa and asked the Quraish what kind of treatment they expected
from him. “you are a noble brother and a noble cousin” was their reply. The Prphet said: “There shall be
no reproach against you this day, go, you are free.”

The Prophet stayed at Makkah for 19 days during which he made arrangements for the administration
of Makkah. During this period, many others came and accepted Islam.

Battle of Hunain:

the Banu Hawazin, Banu Saqeef and Taif people were against the Muslims. They together raised an army
of 20000 and encamped at Hunain such that they covered the mouth of the mount which the Muslims
were bound to cross to reach the other side.

The holy Prophet when came to know about this raisewd an army of 12000 and marched towards
Hunain. The Muslims were overconfident and self-boasting that they shall not be defeated. This was not
liked by Allah. Arrows were showered on them from all sides as a result of which they fled in confusion.
The Peophet called upon them on the top of his voice to which they responded and united. They then
launched a joint attack on the enemy. The Prophet threw dust on the faces of the enemy and said: “May
your faces be disfigured.” The eyes of the enemy were full of dust and they began retreating. The
Muslims gained victory and gained huge spoils of war which the Prophet returned.

The Prophet afterwards laid a siege around Taif due to which all of Taif accepted Islam.

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