Elevator Work Safety Checklist: (MR-Type)

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Elevator Work Safety Checklist

(MR-Type) 2020-Training and PR Division-113

Site name/location Work type Date checked

Elevator #/location Company name Tel.

Checked by
Manufacturer Date installed (organization)
/date checked
Indicate the result of the check (full acceptance, partial acceptance, not applicable) and actions taken.

Checklist Status Action taken
(Works and risk factors involved)

Proper wearing of personal protection equipment

(hard hat, harness, etc.)

Installation works Installation of a pit ladder

≫  isks of fall or falling objects
R Installation of a shielding material/board at entrance/exit on
while gauging the pit depth each floor
and/or checking cleanliness Installation of a harness-securing device
 isks of fall while checking
Compliance with safety code on handling heavy objects

the hoistway slope (to install

the piano wires) Assignment of machine operator(s)
Establishment of communication signals between workers
Control/restriction of access with shielding materials/boards
Fire-prevention measures while welding

Works inside the hoistway Installation of lifelines and/or safe work benches
and installation of an Skillfulness of operators in charge of temporary work benches
entrance/exit Compliance with control measures, including shutting power
≫  isks of falling defective
R off during non-work hours
work benches when
Grounding of the control panel and distribution box
temporary work benches
are in use Establishment of communication signals between workers
≫  isks of workers falling off
the top of work benches Loading of adequate numbers of counterweights
≫  isks of fire due to welding,
R Installation of a pit ladder
etc. Possible flooding of the pit
 isks of objects falling into
Use of ropes of proper specifications for lifting equipment

the machine room and other

openings Continued existence of necessary strength in brackets used to
fix the pulley
≫ Risks of the parts(materials)
falling while being lifted Measures in place to prevent possible falls of workers hanging
≫  isks of humans falling
during the removal of Use of rail suspension fixing jigs of appropriate specifications
shielding materials from Selection and use of a winch with a sufficient lifting capacity
each floor (while hanging ropes,
assembling rails, and/or installing
Presence of the rope in all the grooves of the sieve
doors) Straightness of the parallel between the pulley and the main
Use of a KC-certified remote controller and emergency stop
Elevator Work Safety Checklist (MR-Type)

Machine Room (MR) Type

For an elevator with a machine room (having separate walls, floor, ceiling, and door) for the
machinery, including the control panel and the actuator

① Survey and measure the site prior to commencement ➡ ② Commence the works (installing
shielding boards and lifelines in the office, warehouse, etc.) ➡ ③ Unload and transport the necessary
equipment and materials ➡ ④ Prepare for lifting ➡ ⑤ Install the template ➡ ⑥ Install the actuator
unit ➡ ⑦ Install the basic rails ➡ ⑧ Install the temporary car frame ➡ ⑨ Perform a low-speed test
run ➡ ⑩ Hang the ropes ➡ ⑪ Install the rails ➡ ⑫ Install the entrance/exit door ➡ ⑬ Install the
hoistway cable ➡ ⑭ Install the car panels ➡ ⑮ Perform a high-speed test run

Subject Action
Checklist Status
(Works and risk factors involved) taken

Bringing in equipment/materials Compliance with safety code on handling heavy objects

 isks of workers being caught
Installation of a safe work bench for the temporary car
in/between (falling) heavy objects
while handling them with the lifter
Confirmation/indication of the load rating for the lifter
 isks of materials and equipment
falling through the openings or Establishment of communication signals between workers
falling from above involved
 isks of workers slipping and/or Adequacy of lighting in the pit
falling due to absence of appropriate
lighting Existence of coverings on openings in the MR

Compliance with safety code on installation (as per instruction

Installing machines in the MR
of the machine operator)

Risks of workers being caught
Measures in place to ensure normal functioning of the

in/between machines while moving

machines and prevent the fall of the car
Existence of a safety cover on the power transmission
≫  isks of the temporary work bench
R (rotor)
and/or car falling due to installation
Strength and adequacy of the securing parts in order to fix
attached devices (i.e., whether they conform to specifications)
Compliance with safety code on installation and test run
(testing methods, required safety devices, assignment of machine
Test runs operators)

≫  isks of workers being caught

R Appropriateness of test locations
Appropriate control of the starting device
(secured with a lock, etc.)

Overall opinion

On-site manager (Signature) Supervisor (Signature) Checked by (Signature)

 or more information, please visit www.kosha.or.kr (go to “Resources” and then to “Safety and Health Resources,” where you can browse by searching
Elevator Work Safety Checklist
(MRL-Type) 2020-Training and PR Division-113

Site name/location Work type Date checked

Elevator #/location Company name Tel.

Checked by
Manufacturer Date installed (organization)
/date checked
Indicate the result of the check (full acceptance, partial acceptance, not applicable) and actions taken.

Checklist Status Action taken
(Works and risk factors involved)

Proper wearing of personal protection equipment

Installation works (hard hat, harness, etc.)
≫  isks of fall or falling
R Installation of a pit ladder
objects while gauging
Installation of a shielding material/board at entrance/exit on each
the pit depth and/or
checking cleanliness
Installation of a harness-securing device
≫  isks of fall while
checking the hoistway Compliance with safety code on handling heavy objects
slope (to install the Assignment of machine operator(s)
piano wires)
Establishment of communication signals between workers involved
Control/restriction of access with shielding materials/boards
Fire-prevention measures while welding
Installation of lifelines and/or safe work benches

Works inside the Skillfulness of operators in charge of temporary work benches

hoistway and installation Compliance with control measures, including shutting power off
of an entrance/exit during non-work hours
≫  isks of falling defective
R Grounding and locking of the control panel and distribution box
work benches when Establishment of communication signals between workers involved
temporary work benches
are in use Loading of adequate numbers of counterweights
≫  isks of workers falling
R Installation of a pit ladder
off the top of work Compliance with the order not to perform works on both the top
benches and bottom simultaneously
≫  isks of fire due to
R Use of ropes of proper specifications for lifting equipment
welding, etc.
Continued existence of necessary strength in brackets used to fix
≫  isks of objects falling
R the pulley
while being lifted
Measures in place to prevent possible falls of workers hanging rails
≫ Risks of humans falling
during the removal of Use of rail suspension fixing jigs of appropriate specifications
shielding materials from Selection and use of a winch with a sufficient lifting capacity & use
each floor (while hanging of a controller
ropes, assembling rails, and/or
Presence of the rope in all the grooves of the sieve
installing doors)
Straightness of the parallel between the pulley and the main sieve
Installation of safety rails standard for the work bench of the given
Use of a KC-certified remote controller and emergency stop device
Elevator Work Safety Checklist (MRL-Type)

Machine Room-Less (MRL) Type

For an elevator without a separate machine room and for which, therefore, the machinery,
including the control panel and the actuator, has to be installed in the hoistway

① Survey and measure the site prior to commencement ➡ ② Commence the works (installing
safety shield plates and lifelines in the office, warehouse, etc.) ➡ ③ Unload and transport the
necessary equipment and materials ➡ ④ Install the upper work bench (MRL-type) ➡ ⑤ Prepare for
lifting ➡ ⑥ Install the template ➡ ⑦ Install the basic rails ➡ ⑧ Install the temporary car frame ➡
⑨ Install the rails ➡ ⑩ Install the actuator unit ➡ ⑪ Perform a low-speed test run ➡ ⑫ Hang the
ropes ➡ ⑬ Install the entrance/exit door ➡ ⑭ Install the hoistway cable ➡ ⑮ Install the car panels
➡ ⑯ Perform a high-speed test run

Subject Action
Checklist Status
(Works and risk factors involved) taken

Compliance with safety code on handling heavy objects

Bringing in equipment/materials
≫  isks of workers being caught in/
R Installation of a safe work bench for the temporary car
between (falling) heavy objects while
handling them with the lifter Confirmation/indication of the load rating for the lifter
≫  isks of materials and equipment
falling through the openings or Establishment of communication signals between workers
falling from above involved
≫  isks of workers slipping and/or
falling due to absence of appropriate Adequacy of lighting in the pit
Existence of coverings on openings in the MR

Compliance with safety code on installation and test run

Test runs (testing methods, required safety devices, assignment of machine
≫  isks of workers being caught
R operators)

between the moving car and the

hoistway Appropriateness of test locations
≫  isks of unscheduled stops due to
power being shut off, etc. Appropriate control of the starting device
(secured with a lock, etc.)

Overall opinion

On-site manager (Signature) Supervisor (Signature) Checked by (Signature)

 or more information, please visit www.kosha.or.kr (go to “Resources” and then to “Safety and Health Resources,” where you can browse by searching

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