Citizen's Charter

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CITIZEN’S CHARTER Requirements:  Parents/students are not allowed to handcarry the

1. Application letter. learner’s record.

Republic Act 9485 2. CSC Forms 212 (PDS) in 2 copies with at least 2x2 ID  Request for Transfer of Record are done thru LIS of the
Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 photo. School.
3. Certified photocopy of PRC certificate of
SCHOOL FRONTLINE SERVICES registration/license. In-charge: Mrs. Myla R. Berdan
A. Enrolment (Kinder/Elementary) 4. Certified photocopy of ratings obtained in Licensure Duration: 1 week or 1 day (transferee)
B. Recruitment, Evaluation, Selection of Public Elementary Examination for Teachers/Professional Board Exam for Fees: None
Teacher-applicants Teachers.
C. Special Education 5. Certified copies of Transcript of records for baccalaureate 2. SCHOOL CERTIFICATION
D. Processing of School Credentials course. In-charge: Mr. Jason B. Granada
E. Availment of Use of School Facilities 6. Copies of service record performance rating and school Duration: 10 minutes
F. Filing of Complaints clearance for those with teaching experience. Fees: None
7. Certificate of specialized trainings, if any.
Who may Avail the Service? Duration: 10 minutes
Who may avail of the service? -School Age with Special Needs Fees: None
1. Kinder age - (5 - years old)
2. Elementary age - (6-12 years old) How to avail of the service? E. AVAILMENT OF USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES
Service Persons In Requirements:
Requirements for Enrollee: Applicant/Client Duration
Provider Charge  Letter of Request to School Head
1. Kinder and Elementary
1. Submit Receive and Within 10 Mrs. In-charge: MR. HENSON S. ABELLADA
 Report card for Grade II-VI pupils/students requirements for assess minutes Rosario Duration: 15 minutes (processing of request)
 Birth Certificate (original/xerox copy) for Kinder and assessment. documents Bautista Fees: (Donation is highly appreciated)
Grade I pupils 2. Undergo Conduct Within 20 Mrs.
2. Transferees interview with interviews minutes Rosario F. FILING OF COMPLAINTS
 Certificate of good moral character parent/guardian. and assess Bautista
 Forms 138 the child’s Schedule of availability of service:
present Monday-Friday
3. Proceed to Accompany Within 10 Mrs. Who may avail the service?
Who may avail of the Service? the designated the child and minutes Rosario Any person may report complaint against teaching and non-
 Applicants who have valid certificate of venue. parent to the Bautista teaching personnel of the schools.
registration/professional license as a teacher from a designated
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) seeking to be classes. Feedback Mechanism and Complaint Management System
recruited as a teacher. 4. Attend Conduct SPED a. Send your feedback through email:
 Qualified applicant who has a valid professional license classes. Classes Teachers [email protected] or call 477-33-59
issued by the Philippine Regulation Commission and who
meets the requirements of the school evaluation board. D. PROCESSING OF REQUEST FOR SCHOOL b. Talk to our officer in charge of the day.
 Bonafide resident of the barangay municipality, city or CREDENTIALS
province in the Personal Data Sheet 1. (SF10 / FORM 137) or message us on
 Request Form (Optional)
 Transfer of Learners’ Records are between public schools
only -DO 54. S. 2016

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