Wubalem Assefa

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May 2019

Madda Walabu University, Bale Robe, Ethiopia


A Thesis Submitted to the School of Plant Sciences,

School of Graduate Studies

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of



May 2019

Madda Walabu University, Bale Robe, Ethiopia



As Thesis Research advisors, we hereby certify that we have read and evaluated this thesis
prepared, under our guidance, by Wubalem Assefa Sime entitled EFFECTS OF ROW
recommend that it can be submitted as fulfilling of the Thesis requirements.

Jemal Abdulkerim (Ass. Prof.) ___________________ ______________

Major Advisor Signature Date

Mengesha kebede (PhD) _____________________ _________________

Co-advisor Signature Date

As members of the of Examiners of the M.Sc. Thesis Open Defense Examination, we certify
that we have read, evaluated the thesis prepared by Wubalem Assefa Sime and examined the
candidate. We recommend that the thesis be accepted as it fulfilling the requirements for the
Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture (Agronomy).

______________________ _________________ ______________

Chairperson Signature Date

______________________ _________________ _______________

Internal Examiner Signature Date

______________________ _________________ _______________

External Examiner Signature Date

This thesis is dedicated to my mother Bogalech Belete, for nursing me with affection and


First, I declare that this thesis is the result of my own work and that all sources of materials
used for this thesis have been duly acknowledged. This thesis has been submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced M.Sc. degree at the MaddaWalabu University
and is deposited at the University Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the
Library. I solemnly declare that this thesis is not submitted to any other institution anywhere
for the award of any academic degree, diploma, or certificate. Brief quotations from this thesis
are acceptable without special permission provided that exact acknowledgement of the
sources is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this
manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the major department or the
Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, however, permission must be obtained from the

Name: Wubalem Assefa Sime

Signature: _______________
Date: _____________

Place: Madda Walabu University, Bale Robe


The author was born in Bale Zone Jara twon which is 568 km South East of Addis Ababa, on
May 28, 1994 from her mother Bogalech Belete and her father Assefa Sime. She attended her
primary and elementary education in Jara priymary School from 1999-2007. Then she joined
Jara High School for her secondary and preparatory education and completed the Ethiopian
School Leaving Certificate Examination in 2010. Then she joined College of Agriculture at
Madda Walabu University in 2011 and completed her B. Sc. degree in Plant Sciences in
June.2013. After her graduation, she has worked at Madda Walabu University Ginner
demonstration site for two years as junior researcher. She joined M.Sc. program in Agronomy
in the School of Graduate Studies at Madda Walabu University in 2017.


First and foremost, I like to thank the Almighty God for helping me to successfully complete
this work. My deepest thanks go to Jemal Abdulkerim (Ass. Prof.), my major advisor and my
co-advisor Dr. Mengesha Kebede for giving me constructive pieces of advice and guidance
starting from the proposal writing up to the completion of this research work. I most sincerely
thank them since without their encouragement, suggestions, deep insight, guidance and
professional expertise, the completion of this work would not have been possible.

My special thanks go to Sinana Agriculture Research (SARC) staff for their nice cooperation
and providing me with necessary facilities, land and equipment’s during the course of my
experimental work. I express my deep sense of gratitude to the Oromia seed enterprise and
Bale robe Meteorological Station for supplying seed and meteorological data, respectively. I
am also thankful to Madda Walabu University for providing various facilities to accomplish
this task.

Last but not least, I like to express my passionate thankfulness to my beloved friend Zerihun
Abebe for his moral support and through a cumbersome life.


ANOVA Analysis of Variance

CIMMYT Centro International de Mejoramiento de Maiz Y Trigo
CSA Central Statistical Agency
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
GY Grain Yield
HI Harvest Index
HORTCOOP Horticultural
KARC Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center
LAI Leaf Area Index
MOARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
RCBD Randomized Complete Block Design
RGR Relative Growth Rate
SARC Sinana Agricultural Research Center
USDA United State Department of Agriculture



2.1. Origin and Distribution of Bread Wheat 5
2.2. Importance and Production of Bread Wheat in the World 5
2.3. Production, Productivity and Importance of Bread Wheat in Ethiopia 6
2.4. Effect of Row Spacing on the Yield and Yield Components of Bread Wheat 6
2.5. Impact of Genetic Variation on the Yield and Yield Components of Bread Wheat 10
2.6. Interaction Effects of Row Spacing and Varieties on Yield and Yield Components of
Bread Wheat 11
3.1. Description of the Study Areas 13
3.2. Treatments and Experimental Design 14
3.3. Experimental Procedure and Field Management 15
3.4. Description of Experimental Materials 15
3.6. Statistical Data Analysis 17
3.7. Partial Budget Analysis 17
4.1. Days to Emergence 18
4.2. Days to Heading 18

4.3. Days to Physiological Maturity 19
4.4. Plant Height (cm) 21
4.6. Number of Effective Tillers per Plant 23
4.7. Number of Kernels per Spike 24
4.8. Thousand Kernels Weight (g) 25
4.9. Grain Yield (Kg ha-1) 27
4.10. Above Ground Dry Biomass Yield (Kg ha-1) 29
4.11. Harvest Index (%) 30
4.12. Correlation Analysis on Yield Components and Yield of Bread Wheat 31
4.13. Partial Budget Analysis 32


Table Page
Table. 1 The bread wheat varieties used for the study. 15
Table 2.Crop phenology as influenced by the main effects of sites, row spacing and varieties
in the experimental fields of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana
agricultural research center during 2018 main cropping season 20
Table 3.Plant height and spike length as influenced by the main effects of sites, spacing and
varieties in the experimental fields of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and
Sinana agricultural center during 2018 main cropping season 23
Table 4. Interaction effect of variety and row spacing on number of effective tiller per plant in
the experimental fields of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana
agricultural research center during 2018 main cropping season 24
Table 5. Interaction effect of variety and row spacing on number of kernel per spike the
experimental fields of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana
agricultural center during 2018 main cropping season 25
Table 6. Interaction effect of variety and row spacing on thousand kernels weight in the
experimental fields of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana
agricultural center during 2018 main cropping season 27
Table 7. Interaction effect of variety and row spacing on grain yield in the experimental fields
of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana agricultural center during
2018 main cropping season 29
Table 8. Above Ground Dry Biomass Yield (Kg ha-1) and harvest index (% )as influenced by
the main effects of sites, row spacing and varieties in the experimental fields of bread
wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana agricultural center during 2018 main
cropping season 31
Table 9. Correlation analysis of Bread wheat agronomic parameters 32
Table 10. Partial budget analysis to estimate net benefit for influences row spacing and
varieties of bread wheat at Sinana and Madda Walabu University site in 2018 main
cropping season 33


Appendix Page
1: Physical and chemical properties of soil at experimental fields 45
2: The meteorological data of Madda Walabu (Sinana) and Sinana research center
Experimental Fields from July to December 45
3: Mean squares of analysis of variance for bread wheat parameters due to row spacing,
varieties and sites and their interaction at Sinana and Madda Walabu University site in 2018
main cropping season 46

Figure Page
1 Map of study area 13
2. Rainfall, minimum and maximum temperatures recorded during the 2018 main cropping
season at Sinana and MaddaWalabu University site (Source: Bale, Robe Meteorological
Station) 14



Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important food and cash crop for smallholder
farmers in Ethiopia. However, inappropriate row spacing and variety selection are among the
most important factors which resulted in reduced yield. Therefore, the study was conducted
during 2018 cropping season at Sinana Agricultural Research Center and Madda Walabu
University research sites, to identify the effects of row spacing on yield and yield components
of bread wheat varieties. The experiment comprised of four row spacing (15, 20, 25 and 30
cm) and three bread wheat varieties (Shorima, Hidase and Danda) in factorial arrangement
in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The twelve treatments
included variety Hidase sown by (15 cm ,20 cm,25 cm and 30 cm ) row spacing , Shorima
(15 cm ,20 cm,25 cm and 30 cm ) row spacing and Danda (15 cm ,20 cm,25 cm and 30 cm )
row spacing . The results showed that days to 50% emergency, days to 50% heading and days
to 90% physiological maturity significantly (p<0.05) affected by main effects of site .Days to
50% heading, days to 90% physiological maturity, spike length, plant height, and harvest
index all are affected by row spacing and varieties likewise above ground biomass yields
which only affected by row spacing. Among the varieties Danda produced the lowest
thousand kernel weight (36.867g) and lowest harvest index (28.33%), but it gave the highest
number of effective tiller (9.583) and longest plant height (93.89cm) while variety Shorima
produced the longest spike length (9.70cm,) and highest harvest index (34.25%).
Furthermore, the interaction effect of variety and row spacing significantly affected thousand
kernels weight, number of effective tillers, number of kernels per spike and grain yield .The
use of 20 cm for variety Shorima resulted in highest thousand kernels weight (54.633g),
number of kernels per spike (54.450g) and grain yield (4838.7kg ha-1). From the result of this
study, the use of 20cm row spacing for varieties Shorima and Hidase; and 25 cm for variety
Danda can be recommend for Bale highlands. In general, the highest net benefit of ETB
45738.61 ha-1 was obtained by combined use of variety Shorima and 20 cm row spacing.
Keywords: Bread wheat, row spacing, net benefit, variety


Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an annual crop plant belonging to the family Poaceae
(grass family) and native to the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia (Gibson and
Benson, 2002). It is originated in south western Asia in the area known as the Fertile
Crescent, from where the crop spread to the rest of the world (Adebayo and Ibraheem, 2015).
The cultivation of wheat spread from its center of origin to India, Pakistan, and China,
Mediterranean countries and other European countries and introduced to tropical Africa by
Arab traders, missionaries and settlers, also 5000 years ago wheat was brought to Ethiopia by
the immigrants. It is one of the most important cereals grown in the world, with China leading
the ranking of producers, which is insufficient to supply its domestic market (FAO, 2017).The
main producing countries in the world are China, India, USA, Russia, France, Pakistan,
Germany, Canada, Turkey and Kazakhstan, and the main producing countries in Africa are
South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania and Nigeria (FAO,

Wheat supplies about 20 percent of the food calories for the world's people and is a national
staple food crop in many countries. Besides being a high carbohydrate food, wheat contains
valuable protein, minerals, and vitamins. Wheat protein, when balanced by other foods that
supply certain amino acids such as lysine, is an efficient source of protein (Lance and Garren,

After South Africa, Ethiopia is the second largest wheat producer in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Gashaw et al., 2014). It ranks fourth in total cereals production (16 percent) after tef
(Eragrostistef), maize (Zea mays) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in area coverage and third
in total production, which is produced by close to 5 million smallholder farmers, which makes
about 31 percent of all small farmers in the country (CSA, 2017). It is an important staple
food crop in the diets of several in Ethiopian, providing about 15 percent of the caloric intake
for the country’s over 90 million population especially, in rural and urban areas (Eyob et al.,
In Ethiopia, bread wheat are widely cultivated, in the areas like South East, Central and North
West parts in the main wheat producing region such as Oromia, Amhara, Southern Nation,
Nationalities and peoples and Tigray (Samuel et al., 2017). At national, during the meher
2017/18 season 1.6 million hectare of land covered with wheat (CSA, 2017/18). Despite the
large area under wheat, the national average yield of wheat is 2.736 t ha-1(CSA, 2017/18).
Which is lower than the world’s average productivity of 3.38 t ha-1 (USDA, 2018/19).
Various biotic and abiotic factors like cultivation of unimproved low yielding varieties,
insufficient and erratic rainfall, poor agronomic practices, diseases and insect pests are among
the most important constraints to wheat production and low productivity in Ethiopia (Dereje
and Yaynu, 2000).

Row spacing affects crop yield as it not only determines the optimum crop stand, but also
facilitates inter culture and convenient herbicide application for effective and efficient weed
control also facilitates the inter-cropping of other crops with it (Sayed et al., 2017). In
addition, proper row spacing is important for maximizing light interception, penetration, light
distribution in crop canopy and average light utilization efficiency of the leaves in the canopy
and, thus, affects yield of a crop (Hussain et al., 2003). Row spacing requirements of wheat
depend on architecture and growth pattern of the varieties. For higher yield, higher proportion
of incident radiation at the soil surface must be intercepted by crop canopy (Eberbach et al.,
2005) .In case of wider row spacing, solar radiation that falls between crop rows remains
unutilized; plants become crowded and suffer to mutual shading if the row distance is too
narrow (Sayed et al., 2017). Moreover, yield may be reduced in narrow spacing due to
increased competition of plants for nutrient and moisture (Das and Yaduraju, 2011). Bread
wheat sowing at the appropriate row spacing significantly enhance the number of grains per
spike , the spike length, grain weight per spike and 1000- grain weight and then finally
produce high grain yield and determines resource availability and utilization by individual
plants in a given species (Iqbal, 2010).

Regarding varietal differences, previous studies clearly showed that selecting varieties which
are related to the specified row spacing and use by farmers may be a viable option for the
improving wheat yields. Tiller number directly affects grain yield through non additive
genetic or environmental or both effects. It has great agronomic importance in wheat since it
may partially or totally compensate the differences in plant number after crop establishment

and may allow crop recovery from early frosts. The number of productive tillers is dependent
on genotype (varieties) and environment and is strongly influenced by row spacing (Hussain
et al., 2012). Tillering is increased with increasing light and nitrogen availability during the
vegetative phase and depends greatly upon variety (Evans et al., 1975)

Interaction between row spacing and wheat varieties had significant effect on wheat
productivity better genetic makeup of cultivars along with efficient utilization of available
resources such as water nutrients, space and light and planting of wheat cultivars under
optimum row spacing observed superior wheat productivity (Hussain et al., 2012). Narrow
and medium row spacing (15 and 20 cm) favored low tillering dwarf cultivar and standard
height low tillering cultivar to outperform with superior productivity; whereas high tillering
cultivar performed feebly under narrow row spacing. Low tillering dwarf cultivar utilized
available sources especially solar radiation under narrow rows more efficiently than wider
row spacing. Wheat sown under different row spacing had significant effect on wheat
productivity and different wheat genotypes behaved differently due to difference in stature
and tillering ability. Narrowly spaced rows favored dwarf low tillering cultivars whereas
cultivars with high tillering rate performed better in wider rows (Hussain et al. 2012).
Therefore, row spacing is a prominent factor that directly influence wheat yield but different
wheat cultivars behaved differently in this regard.

In spite of its tremendous importance, bread wheat production in Bale highlands faced
immense production constraints that are affecting both its yield potential and industrial quality
(Amare et al., 2015). Among major constraints, one is improper agronomic practices like row
spacing and variety selection. In addition, a number of bread wheat varieties differing in
height, maturity, and tillering capacity have been developed in Ethiopia. However, the
recommended row spacing for all the varieties being used across the country is 20 cm , there
has been only blanket recommendation concerning the row spacing of bread wheat varieties in
Bale highlands .The blanket recommendation does not take into account the variation among
agro ecologies and varieties. Thus, keeping the importance of optimal row spacing of wheat
varieties in view, a research trial was undertaken to identify the effects of row spacing on the

yield and yield components of bread wheat varieties at Sinana District, south eastern Ethiopia
in 2018 cropping season.


2.1. Origin and Distribution of Bread Wheat

The first cultivation of wheat occurred about 10,000 years ago, as part of the ‘Neolithic
Revolution’, which saw a transition from hunting and gathering of food to settled agriculture.
These earliest cultivated forms were einkorn and emmer wheat and their genetic relationships
indicate that they originated from the south-eastern part of Turkey (Dubcovsky and Dvorak,
2007). Cultivation spread to the Near East by about 9000 years ago when bread wheat made
its first appearance (Feldman, 2001). The main route into Europe was via Anatolia to Greece
(8000P) and then both northwards through the Balkans to the Danube (7000 BP) and across to
Italy, France and Spain (7000 BP), finally reaching the UK and Scandinavia by about 5000
BP. Similarly, wheat spread via Iran into central Asia reaching China by about 3000 BP and
to Africa via Egypt. It was introduced by the Spaniards to Mexico in 1529 and to Australia in
1788 (Feldman, 2001).

2.2. Importance and Production of Bread Wheat in the World

Globally, there is no doubt that the number of people who rely on wheat for a substantial part
of their diet amounts to several billions. Wheat provides nearly 55% of carbohydrate and 20%
of the food calories (Adams et al., 2002). It contains carbohydrate 78.10%, protein 14.70%,
fat 2.10%, minerals 2.10% and considerable proportions of vitamins (thiamine and vitamin-B)
and minerals (zinc, iron). Wheat is also a good source of traces minerals like selenium and
magnesium, nutrients essential to good health (Adams et al., 2002). Therefore, its diversity of
uses, nutritive content, and storage qualities has made wheat a staple food for more than one-
third of the world’s population (Poehlman and Sleper, 1995) .Wheat plays an appreciable role
in supplying the population with carbohydrates, protein, minerals and cash crop (Schulthess et
al., 1997).

Bread wheat is one of the most important cereals grown in the world, with China leading the
ranking of producers, which is insufficient to supply its domestic market (FAO, 2017).The

main wheat producing countries in the world are China, India, USA, Russia, France, Pakistan,
Germany, Canada, Turkey and Kazakhstan, and the main producing countries in Africa are
South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania and Nigeria (FAO,
2017). Annually, wheat is produced on 220.11million hectares of land and 763.19 million
metric tons of wheat is produced in the world and the world’s average yield was 3.38 t ha-1
(USDA, 2018/19).

2.3. Production, Productivity and Importance of Bread Wheat in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, bread wheat are widely cultivated in the highlands part of the country, which
ranging between 6 and 16°N and 35 and 42° E, at altitudes ranging from 1500 to 3000 meters
above sea level and with mean minimum temperatures of 6OC to 11OC (Hailu, 1991; Samuel
et al., 2017). The most suitable areas for wheat production, however, fall between 1900m and
2700m in the highlands rainfall distribution is bimodal and ranges between 600mm and
2000mm. Bread wheat is produced at slightly higher elevations and on better-drained soils
than durum wheat (Hailu, 1991).The major wheat producing areas in Ethiopia are located in
Arsi, Bale, Shewa, Ilubabor, Western Hareghe, Sidamo, Tigray, Northern Gonder and Gojam
zones (Bekele et al., 2000). At national, during meher ,in 2017/2018 season 1.6 million
hectare of land is covered with wheat and total production of more than 4530 million
kilograms are produced annually, while it contributes out of total grain 13.49%, 15.63% at
national area and production respectively, with national average yield of 2.736 t ha-1(CSA,

Ethiopia is the largest wheat producer in sub-Saharan Africa, next to South Africa, with
annual average durum and bread wheat production of about 1.4million hectares. It is the main
sstaple food for about 36% of the Ethiopian population (CIMMYT, 2005), (CSA, 2016) .Arsi
and Bale highlands are the major wheat producing regions of Ethiopia are deemed to be the
wheat belts of East Africa (Bekele et al. 2000).

2.4. Effect of Row Spacing on the Yield and Yield Components of Bread Wheat

Maintenance of optimum row spacing can help to optimize tillering capacity. Tiller count m -2
was influenced significantly due variable row spacing. In 20 cm row spacing plants utilized
all available resources more efficiently including light, water, air and nutrients for producing
more tiller per square meter than 30 cm row spacing but was at par with 25 cm row spacing.
Narrow row spacing increased number of tillers per unit area significantly over wider row
spacing. (Iqbal 2010 ;Ali et al., 2016).This could be due to the availability of ample resources
required by the wheat crop for growth and development and there is presence of more free
space between plants that are used to avoid competition between plants in the lower seeding
rate rather than the higher seeding rate.

Nizamani et al. (2014) reported that maximum spike length was observed in 30 cm row
spacing than 15 and 22.5 row spacing. Wider row spacing with relatively lower number of
shoots m-2 might have decreased competition among plants for nutrient, water, space and light
interception that contributed towards increased length of spike. Row spacing plays a
significant role on growth, development, and yield of bread wheat at its optimum level beside
it provides scope to the plants for efficient utilization of solar radiation and nutrients (Mali
and Choudhary, 2012).The row spacing of wheat is very important for proper distribution of
plants over cultivated area, thereby better utilization of available soil and atmospheric
resources. Bread wheat is generally sown in straight unidirectional rows at 22.5cm apart. At
22.5 cm spacing the space between the rows of plants is so much that the plants are not able to
fully utilize the available solar radiation and nutrients from the soil, due to which plants could
not make sufficient use of available resources for photosynthesis (Reddy and Reddi, 2002).

However, some researches carried out on the wheat spacing have indicated that reduction of
spacing of wheat from normal 22.5 cm has given higher yield and better use of available
resources for photosynthesis. Plant height is regulated by the genetic makeup of the plant and
the environmental factors and planting density determines the growing situation by affecting
the competition for space and production resources. Increased plant density resulted in
increased height of the plants, this is because high plant density remains with minimum space
for horizontal expansion of the plant and increase the competition for light interception
between plants drives upward growth (Tewodros et al., 2017). As row spacing increased from

20 cm to 30 cm plant height decreased from 80.36 to 78.61. Tallest plants were likely from
higher seeding rates and narrow row spacing might be due to the presence of increased
competition for light as the plant population becomes denser (Abiot, 2017).The use of
equidistant planting pattern in crops has been suggested as a technological alternative to
obtain grain yield increases, due to the better use of resources. Olson & Sander (1988)
suggested that the primary reason for increasing yields in narrow-row systems is the decrease
of competition among corn plants for light, nutrients and water due to an equidistant spatial
arrangement of them. However, variable results in corn planted at narrow row with important
levels of nutrient and water availability were reported (Olson & Sanders, 1988; Bullock et al.,
1988; Porter et al., 1997; Westgate et al., 1997; Barbieri et al., 2000; Andrade et al., 2002;
Johnson & Hoverstad, 2002).

Maintenance of optimum row spacing can help to optimize tillering capacity and may better
ensure wheat yield (Ayaz et al., 1999; Thorsted et al., 2006). Optimal row spacing plays
crucial role to improve the crop productivity as plants growing in too wider rows may not
efficiently utilize the light, water and nutrient resources; whereas growing in too narrow rows
may result in severe inter-row competition (Kirkland, 1993; Ali et al., 1999). Competition for
light penetration, water and essential nutrients availability can thus be manipulated to enhance
production potential of wheat by sowing under apposite row spacing (Chen and Neill, 2006).
Moreover, row spacing may modify the plant architecture, photosynthetic competence of
leaves and dry matter portioning in field crops (Samani et al., 1999).

Tiller count per m2 was influenced significantly due variable row spacing. In 20 cm row
spacing plants utilized all available resources more efficiently including light, water, air and
nutrients for producing more tiller per square meter than 30 cm row spacing but was at par
with 25 cm row spacing. According to Iqbal (2010) and Ali et al. (2016) narrow row spacing
increased number of tillers per unit area significantly over wider row spacing. Significantly
higher dry matter accumulation of wheat was recorded with 20 cm row spacing than 30 cm
row spacing, which was at par with 25 cm row spacing at boot-leaf, flowering and maturity
stages. This difference in dry matter accumulation might be due to the fact that, dry matter is
interrelated with plant height and number of tillers per unit area and the tillers count m-2 was

higher under 20 cm row spacing. According to Mali and Choudhary (2011) different row
spacing 15, 17.5, 20 and 22.5 cm the 20 cm row spacing recorded the highest dry matter.
Significantly higher LAI was observed with 20 cm row spacing than 30 cm. Leaf area index
increased under narrower row spacing. This was mainly due to increase in number of tillers
per unit area as well as increase in number of leaves per unit Kalpana et al. (2014) also
suggested that different row spacing had significant influence on LAI.

Spike number per m2 was significantly affected by different row spacing. Planting at 20 cm
row spacing resulted in significantly more number of spikes per m2 of wheat as compared to
30 cm row spacing. The increase in number of spikes at 20 cm row spacing might be due to
better growth parameters and higher number of tillers. Similarly Ahmad et al. (2009) reported
that number of spikes per m2 increased with narrow row spacing than wider row spacing.
Length of spike significantly increased with increasing row spacing and the maximum
number of tillers m-2 leading to better space, light and nutrients availability to plants in wider
row spacing.

Nizamani et al. (2014) maximum spike length was observed in 30 cm row spacing than 15
and 22.5 row spacing. Similarly, number of spikelets per spike of wheat significantly
increased with increasing row spacing. Maximum number of spikelets was recorded with 30
cm row spacing. Wider row spacing with relatively lower number of shoots per m2 might
have decreased competition among plants for nutrient, water, space and light interception that
contributed towards increased length of spike (Singh 2013). According to Pandey et al. (2013)
number of grains per spike; thousand-grain weight, grain weight per spike and single spike
weight were not significantly affected by different row spacing. Different row spacing
significantly influenced the grain yield of wheat. Higher grain yield was recorded from 20 cm
row spacing than 30 cm. The higher grain yield in 20 cm row spacing was achieved mainly
due to more number of spike m-2 over other row spacing (Hussain et al., 2012 ;Kalpana et al.,

According to Ali et al. (2010) narrow row spacing recorded higher straw yield than wider row
spacing, Straw yield showed significant differences under different row spacing. Higher straw

yield was recorded with 20 cm row spacing as compared to 30 cm row spacing. This was
closely followed by 25 cm row spacing. This higher straw yield in 20 cm and 25 cm row
spacing occurred mainly due to higher number of tillers, greater leaf area index and plant
height. Similarly non-significant effect of row spacing on harvest index was reported by
(Bakht et al., 2007).

The harvest index is indicators of the genetic potential of plant to produce economic yield,
high HI under control treatment can be accompanied with high grain yield under water stress.
A positive relationship found between grain weight and harvest index. It means that increased
of grain weight results increased harvest index (Amare, 2017).Harvest index had inter-
relationship with grain yield and above ground biomass yield that the highest harvest index
was the result of greater grain yield. The ability of a cultivar to convert the dry matter into
economic yield is indicated by its harvest index. The higher the HI value, the greater the
physiological potential of the crop for the converting dry matter to grain yield. Hussain et al.
(2012) found that higher harvest index was reported in 20 cm row spacing.

2.5. Impact of Genetic Variation on the Yield and Yield Components of Bread

Varieties significantly differed in respect of plant height and days to heading (Bakht et al.,
2007) .The differences in plant height among various varieties are in general, due to genetic
variance. Several researchers reported significantly different responses of different genotypes
to various management variable and environments with respect to growth attributes due to
inherent characteristics and efficiency of genotypes in terms of photosynthesis and dry matter
portioning. Negi et al. (2003) recorded significant variations in number of grains per ear due
to effect of genotypes.

Nizamani et al. (2014) and Suleiman et al. (2014) reported that plant height significantly
varied among different varieties. Variation in tillers count might be due to differences in
genetic makeup of these wheat varieties (Rahman et al. 2010); Mali and Choudhary
2011).According to Kumar et al. (2013) who found that significant difference in dry matter

accumulation among different varieties .This difference in dry matter accumulation might be
due to greater plant height and tiller dry matter is interrelated with plant height and number of
tillers per unit area. Variety higher LAI value might be due to its higher tillering capacity and
taller nature (Sayed et al., 2017).Variation in number of spikes per m-2 might be due to their
genetic make-up which is an inherent character of wheat varieties. Spike length and number
of spikelet showed non-significant difference among the different varieties (Sayed et al.,
2017).Effect of varieties on number of grains per spike was non-significant. Similarly, 1000-
grain weight, grain weight per spike and single spike weight which is largely governed by
genetic makeup of crop (Sayed et al., 2012).

2.6. Interaction Effects of Row Spacing and Varieties on Yield and Yield Components of
Bread Wheat

Interaction between row spacing and wheat varieties had significant effect on wheat
productivity Highest grain yield production of bread wheat and the best quality properties of
grain require the use of appropriate row spacing (Iqbal et al., 2010).Tiller number directly
affects grain yield through non additive genetic or environmental or both effects. There is a
negative relationship between grain weight and tiller number and between grain weight and
number of grains/spike (Sidwell et al., 1976). Tillering is increased with increasing light and
nitrogen availability during the vegetative phase and depends greatly upon variety (Evans et
al., 1975). It has great agronomic importance in wheat since it may partially or totally
compensate the differences in plant number after crop establishment and may allow crop
recovery from early frosts. The number of productive tillers is dependent on genotype and
environment and is strongly influenced by planting density (Fischer et al., 1976). Under
potential conditions 1.5 fertile tillers per plant is a usual number for wheat. Wheat cultivars
are different in their yield related traits, yield and its components (Hassanein, 2001). The
genotype by environment interaction likely dictates which component becomes the major
determinant, for no single yield components always accounts for the variations observed in
yield (Darwinkel, 1983).Better genetic makeup of cultivars along with efficient utilization of
available resources such as water nutrients, space and light and planting of wheat cultivars
under optimum narrow row spacing observed superior wheat productivity. Narrow and
medium row spacing (15 and 20 cm) favored low tillering dwarf cultivar and standard height

low tillering cultivar to outperform with superior productivity; whereas high tillering cultivar
performed feebly under narrow row spacing. Low tillering dwarf cultivar utilized available
sources especially solar radiation under narrow rows more efficiently than wider row spacing.
Therefore, row spacing is a prominent factor that directly influence wheat yield but different
wheat cultivars behaved differently in this regard .Wheat sown under different row spacing
had significant effect on wheat productivity and different wheat genotypes behaved
differently due to difference in stature and tillering ability. Narrowly spaced rows favored
dwarf low tillering cultivars whereas cultivars with high tillering rate performed better in
wider rows (Hussain et al., 2012).

Wheat production can be enhanced through developing new high yielding varieties and by
adoption of improved package of production technology. However, the variability in the yield
response to row spacing depends to a great extent on the genotype and the environment
(Marshall et al., 1987).


3.1. Description of the Study Areas

The study was conducted during 2018/19 main cropping season at MaddaWalabu University
research site and Sinana Agricultural Research Center.

MaddaWalabu University is located at 6° 5'55" N and 39°56’57‫ ״‬E an altitude of 2400 m.a.s.l.
and at a distance of 430 km away from Addis Ababa in Bale zone of Oromia regional state.
The site receives a mean annual rain fall of 823 mm and minimum and maximum mean
annual temperatures are 9.4oC and 24.2oC, respectively. Agro-ecologically, it is one of the
highlands of Bale Zone with high rainfall of bimodal types. The soil of MaddaWalabu
University experimental site has organic matter content of 1.75%, total nitrogen content of
0.15%, available phosphorus content of 14.34 mg/kg soil-1, 26.11 of cation exchange capacity
(CEC), pH of 6.28 with clay texture (Horticoop, 2018).

Figure 1 Map of study area

Sinana Agricultural Research Center is located at 06°50′N and 39°17′E and altitude of 2400
m.a.s.l. and 463 km away from Addis Ababa in Bale zone. The site receives an annual rainfall
of 282.6 mm and the minimum and maximum temperatures are 9°C and 21°C, respectively
.The soil of Sinana has organic matter content of 2.35%, total nitrogen content of 0.17%,
available phosphorus content of 12.96 mg kg soil-1,49.46 of cation exchange capacity (CEC),
pH of 6.12 with clay texture (Horticoop ,2018).

Rain fall Madda Walabu Rain fall sinana

Min. Temp. Madda Walabu Max. Temp. Madda Walabu
Min. Temp. Sinana Max. Temp. Sinana
180 30
120 20

Rain fall(mm)

60 10
0 0


Figure 2. Rainfall, minimum and maximum temperatures recorded during the 2018 main
cropping season at Sinana and MaddaWalabu University site (Source: Bale, Robe
Meteorological Station)

3.2. Treatments and Experimental Design

The experiment comprised of 12 treatments with three wheat variety ((Hidase, Danda and
shorima) and four row spacing (15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm and 30cm). Variety designated as (V)

V1= Hidase, V2= Shorima and V3 =Danda and row spacing designated as (S) S1=15 cm,
S2=20 cm, S3=25 cm and S4=30 cm were included in the experiment. The experiment was
laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) in factorial arrangement with three
replications. The gross plot size was 12 m2 (6 m x 2 m) and net plot area was 3 m x1.6 m =
(4.8 m2). The distance between the blocks and plots were 1 m and 0.5 m, respectively.

3.3. Experimental Procedure and Field Management

The experimental fields were prepared to get fine seedbed. A field layout was prepared and
each treatment was assigned randomly to experimental plots. Bread wheat varieties (Hidase,
Danda and shorima) were planted on 5th and 26th August 2018 at Madda Walabu University
research site and Sinana Agricultural Research Renter, respectively .The full rate of NPS
fertilizer (100 kg ha-1) and one third of the urea were applied at planting and the remaining
two third urea was applied as side –dressing at mid tillering stage of the crop (35 days after

Weeds were removed by hand weeding at early tillering, maximum tillering and booting stage
of growth. Harvesting was done at harvest maturity on 28th October 2019 and 6th November
2019 at Madda Walabu University Research site and Sinana Agricultural Research Renter,
respectively. Harvesting was done at harvest maturity of the crop.

3.4. Description of Experimental Materials

Table. 1 The bread wheat varieties used for the study.

Year of Maturity Plant Release Rain fall Yield

Varieties release date (days) height(cm) from (mm) (t ha-1)
Shorima 2011 105-150 85-120 KARC 600-900 4.4-6.3
Hidase 2012 121 80-100 KARC 500-800 4.5-7
Danda 2010 105-145 90-113 KARC 500-800 3.5-5.5
Source (MOA, 2010)

3.5. Data Collection and Measurement

Days to Emergence: It was taken when 50% of the plants emerge from each plot by visual
Days to Heading: The data was taken when the ears or panicles were fully visible or
produced spikes above the sheath of the flag leaf on 50% of the plants from each plot that was
determined by visual observation.
Days to Physiological Maturity: Days to physiological maturity was recorded by counting
the number of days from date of sowing until when 90% of the plants changed green color to
yellowish, loose its water content and attain to physiological maturity in each plot. It also
indicated by senescence of the leaves as well as frees threshing of seeds from the glumes
when pressed between the thumb and the forefinger.
Plant Height: The average height of ten randomly selected plants from the net plot area of
each plot was measured in centimeters from the ground to the top of spike, excluding awns at
maturity and means were taken.
Effective Tiller Numbers: Numbers of effective (fertile) tillers was counted from ten
randomly selected plants from the inner rows at physiological maturity.
Spike Length: The spike length was measured from ten randomly selected plants of the inner
rows in centimeter and the mean length was recorded on each plot by measured from the base
to the upper most part of the spike excluding awns at physiological maturity.
Number of Kernels per Spike: Number of kernels per spike was counted from ten randomly
selected plants from the inner rows of each plot and the mean kernel number was taken at
1000-Kernel Weight: Thousand grains were counted after threshing at random from each
plot and their weights were measured with sensitive balance after adjusting the grain moisture
content to 12.5%.
Above Ground Dry Biomass Yield (Kg ha-1): Total biomass or biological yield was
measured by weighing the sun dried total above ground plant biomass (straw + grain) from
the net plot area of each plot.
Grain Yield: Grain yield was measured by taking the weight of the grains threshed from the
net plot area of each plot and converted to kilograms per hectare after adjusting the grain
moisture content at 12.5%.

Harvest Index: Harvest index of each treatment was calculated as the percent ratio of grain
yield to the total above ground biomass by using the formula of Donald (1962) as,
Harvest index = Grain yield /biological yield x 10

3.6. Statistical Data Analysis

The data were subjected to analysis of variance (GLM procedure) using SAS software
program version 9.1 (SAS Institute, 2003). Homogeneity of variances was evaluated using the
F-test as described by Gomez and Gomez (1984) and since the F-test has showed
homogeneity of the variances of the two locations for most of the parameters, combined
analysis was used for the two locations. Least significant difference (LSD) test at 5%
probability level was employed to separate treatment means where significant treatment
differences existed.

3.7. Partial Budget Analysis

The partial budget analysis as described by CIMMYT (1988) was done to determine the
economic feasibility of rows spacing and varieties. Economic analysis was done using the
prevailing market prices for inputs at planting and for outputs at the time the crop was
harvested. It was calculated by taking into account the labor cost involved and the gross
benefits obtained from row spacing and bread wheat varieties.

All costs and benefits were calculated on ha basis in Ethiopian Birr. Average yield was
adjusted downward by 10% to reflect the difference between the experimental yield and the
yield farmers could expect from the same management practices as described by CIMMYT
(1988). The field price of bread wheat calculated as (sale price minus the costs of harvesting,
threshing, winnowing, bagging and transportation). The total cost that varied included the sum
of cost of labor cost during planting. Gross benefit of bread wheat calculated as field price of
bread wheat multiply by adjusted yield .The net benefit was calculated as the difference
between the gross field benefit ha-1 and the total costs that varied.


4.1. Days to Emergence

Analysis of variance of the data revealed that days to 50% seedling emergence was
significantly (P<0.05) affected by the main effect of site. In contrast, the main effect of variety and
row spacing displayed non-significant effect (P>0.05). Furthermore, an interaction between
variety and row spacing, and the three way interaction between variety, row spacing and site
had also been showed non-significant effect (p>0.05) (Appendix Table 3).

Plants at Madda Walabu University site emerged latter (8.83 days) than plants at Sinana
research center (8.13 days) (Table 2). The probable reason could be there was relatively lower
minimum and maximum temperature and relatively lower rainfall at Madda Walabu
University during planting time which could extend the indicated crop phenology (Figure 1).

4.2. Days to Heading

Days to 50% heading was significantly (P<0.05) affected by the main effect of site and
variety but not (P>0.05) by row spacing. An interaction effect of variety with row spacing,
and three way interactions between variety, row spacing and site showed non-significant
effect on days to 50% heading (Appendix Table 3.).

Plants at Sinana research center was earlier (69.6 days ) as compared to Madda Walabu
University (70.91 days) in case of days to 50% heading (Table 2 ).The possible reason for
delayed days to 50% heading at Madda Walabu University site could be due to higher total
rainfall during the cropping season (Figure 2).

Danda was late (74.25 days) as compared to the other varieties in terms of days to 50%
heading (Table 2).The differences in days of 50 % heading among various varieties are in
general, due to genetic variance. In line with this, Jemal et al. (2015) reported that the
difference in days to 50% heading among bread wheat varieties could be attributed to the
genetic factor. Similarly, varietal differences with respect to heading and flowering in rice

crop were reported by Dingkuhn and Asch (1999). Moreover, Bakht et al. (2007) reported that
significantly differed in respect of days to heading among wheat varieties.

4.3. Days to Physiological Maturity

The analysis of variance indicated that the main effect of variety had highly significant
(p<0.01) effect on days to 90% physiological maturity and significantly (P<0.05) affected by
main effect of site and row spacing. While the interaction effect of sites, row spacing and
variety did not show significant effect on days to 90% physiological maturity (Appendix
Table 3).

There was a delay by two days so as to reach days to 90% physiological maturity of bread
wheat at MaddaWalabu University as compared to Sinana Agriculture Research Center (Table
2). The possible reason for delayed maturity at Madda Walabu University site could be due to
higher total rainfall during the cropping season (Figure 2).

There was statistical difference among row spacing regarding days to 90% Physiological
maturity. Accordingly, the closer inter row spacing (15 cm) (115.3 days) hastened
physiological maturity than wider row spacing (30 cm) (120.50 days). This could be due to the
presence of intense inter plant competition at the closer row spacing that might have led to the
depletion of the available nutrient that results plants tend to mature earlier. In agreement with
this finding, Bakht et al. (2007) who found that maximum days to maturity (139.8 days) were
observed in those plots where row spacing was kept at 60 cm and minimum days to maturity
(137.4 days) were noted in plots having row spacing of 30 cm in wheat. Similarly, Yordanos
(2013) reported that closer inter row spacing shortened days to physiological maturity in Rice.
Furthermore, Wubante et al. (2017) found that plants grown at 15 cm row spacing
significantly shortened days to 90 % physiological maturity than those grown at the 30 cm
row spacing in teff.

Table 2.Crop phenology as influenced by the main effects of sites, row spacing and varieties
in the experimental fields of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana
agricultural research center during 2018 main cropping season

Days to
Site Days to emergency Days to heading physiological
(days) (days) maturity(days)
Madda Walabu 8.83a 70.91a 119.05a
Sinana 8.13b 69.61b 117.97b
LSD (5%) 0.18 1.14 1.06
Row spacing (cm)
15 8.50 69.11 115.33b
20 8.55 70.66 118.55b
25 8.38 70.66 119.66ab
30 8.50 70.61 120.50a
LSD (5%) NS NS 1.50
Hidase 8.45 66.45c 114.37c
Shorima 8.45 70.79 118.54b
Danda 8.54 73.54a 122.62a
LSD (5%) NS 1.40 1.30
CV (%) 4.50 3.43 1.88
CV = coefficient of variations; LSD =least significant difference; Means followed by the
same letter case in a column are not significantly different from each other at 5% level of

In case of variety, Hidase followed by variety Shorima took significantly shorter time to
mature as compared to variety Danda which take longer time to mature (Table 2). Such
variations in the duration of phenological periods indicate the possibility of selecting variety
that mature earlier and adapt well in moisture deficit environments. In conformity with the
present result, Geng (1984) stated that differences in maturity can be caused by the combined
effect of genetic and environmental factors during their growth and grain filling of the crops.
Similarly, Jemal et al. (2015) revealed that individual genotypes responded differently to days
to physiological maturity in bread wheat. Moreover, Shahzad et al. (2007) who reported that
the days to physiological maturity of wheat cultivars varies due to inherent differences
between cultivars. Furthermore, recently conducted research Amare and Mulatu (2017) also
reported that variety had significant effect on physiological maturity.

4.4. Plant Height (cm)

The analysis of variance of the plant height showed that highly significant effect (p<0.01) due
to variety and significant effect (p<0.05) due to row spacing had been observed in the current
study. However, the main effect of site; interaction effect of spacing and variety; and three
way interactions of variety, spacing and site did not show significant effect on plant height of
bread wheat (Appendix Table 3).

In view of that, the longest plant height (91.28cm) was recorded in the wider row spacing of
30 cm whereas the shortest plant heights (84.37 cm) was recorded in the plot treated with 15
cm inter row spacing (Table 3). Plant height is an important indicator of plant growth and
development, particularly it helps to determine the vertical growth attained during the
growing period. For that matter, in the current study the highest plant height which observed
in wider row spacing might be due to more space, light and nutrients available to the plants in
wider row spacing. Similar results were also reported by Rajput et al. (1989). They reported
that plant height was increased with increase in row spacing in wheat crop. Moreover, Bakht
et al. (2007) reported that increase in the row spacing resulted in slight increases in the
heights of the plants.

Regarding the issue of varieties, Danda variety was significantly tallest (93.89 cm) than
Shorima (86.37 cm) and Hidase (83.62 cm) (Table 3).The differences in plant height among
various varieties could probably be due to genetic variance. These results are in line with
finding of Nizamani et al. (2014) and Suleiman et al. (2014) who reported that plant height
significantly varied among different varieties. Similarly, Shahzad et al. (2007) and Jemal et
al. (2015) testified that height of the crop is mainly controlled by the genetic makeup of a
genotype and it can also be affected by the environmental factors in bread wheat. In the
recently conducted study Sayed et al. (2017) also showed the differences in plant height
among different varieties are in general due to genetic variance in wheat.

4.5. Spike Length (cm)

Spike length plays a vital role in wheat towards the grains spike-1 and finally the yield
(Shahzad et al., 2007). The result revealed that the main effect of varieties and row spacing
had highly significant effect (p<0.01) on the spike length but not site. Furthermore, an
interaction between variety and row spacing, and the three way interaction between variety,
row spacing and site had also been showed non-significant effect (p>0.05) (Appendix Table

Length of spike significantly increased with increasing row spacing and row spacing of 30 cm
produced the longest spike length (9.57 cm) and row spacing of 15 cm produced the shortest
spike length of (7.65cm) (Table 3). It might be due to low inter row with lower number of
tillers m-2 leading to better space, light and nutrients availability to plants in wider row
spacing and wider row spacing with relatively lower number of shoots m-2 might have
decreased competition among plants for nutrient, water, space and light interception that
contributed towards increased length of spike. These results were in line with that of
Nizamani et al. (2014) who reported that maximum spike length was observed in 30 cm row
spacing than 15 and 22.5 row spacing. Similarly, Sayed et al. (2017) also reported that wider
row spacing with relatively lower number of shoots m-2 might have decreased competition
among plants for nutrient, water, space and light interception that contributed towards
increased length of spike. But the result did not coincide with Abiot (2017) who reported that
row spacing had non-significant (p>0.05) effect on spike length.

In case of variety, Shorima produced the longest spike length of 9.70 cm while; variety Danda
produced the shortest spike length of 7.8 cm (Table 3). The difference in spike length of the
varieties could be attributed to the difference in their genetic makeup. This result was in
agreement with that of Khan et al. (2001) who reported that varieties have different genetic
potential regarding the spike length. And also in line with, Shahzad et al. (2007) reported that
spike length is mainly controlled by the genetic makeup of a genotype and it can also be
affected by the environmental factors. Moreover the current result is also in agreement with

the finding of Zewdie et al. (2014) who reported that plant height and spike length are
negatively interrelated.

Table 3.Plant height and spike length as influenced by the main effects of sites, spacing and
varieties in the experimental fields of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and
Sinana agricultural center during 2018 main cropping season

Site Plant height (cm) Spike length (cm)

Madda Walabu University 87.80 8.80
Sinana 88.12 8.65
LSD (5%) NS NS
Row spacing cm)
15 84.37b 7.64c
20 85.67 8.29b
25 90.51a 9.38a
30 91.28 9.58a
LSD (5%) 1.63 0.42
Hidase 83.62c 8.67b
Shorima 86.37 9.70a
Danda 93.89 7.80c
LSD (5%) 1.41 0.36
CV (%) 2.76 7.24
CV = coefficient of variations; LSD=least significant difference; Means followed by the same
letter case in a column and row are not significantly different from each other at 5% level of

4.6. Number of Effective Tillers per Plant

Number of effective tillers per unit area is one of the limiting factors of grain yield (Kakar et
al., 2001). The analysis of variance indicated that the main effect of site, row spacing and
variety show highly significant effect (p<0.01) on the number of effective tillers and the
interaction between row spacing and varieties was also significant (p<0.05) but the interaction
between three factors non-significant (Appendix Table 3).

The highest number of effective tillers per plant (9.58) was obtained at the combination of
variety Danda and row spacing of 25 cm, while the lowest number of effective tiller per plant
(5.9) were obtained at combination of variety Hidase and row spacing of 15 cm (Table 4)

.Such increment in number of effective tillers per plants and spikes due to increasing row
spacing could be attributed to increasing number of plants per row and also tillering capacity
variety. This indicates that narrow row spacing had a negative effect on the production of high
number of effective tillers. In line with this, Pandey et al. (2013) and Abreham et al. (2014)
who reported that there was significant difference at (P < 0.05) of row spacing for the number
of effective tillers per plant in wheat and teff crop respectively. Similar result was reported by
Mondal et al. (2013) and Tuhin et al. (2014) in rice. Moreover, Wubante et al. (2017) also
reported that number of effective tillers was significantly increased in response to increasing
the row spacing from 15 to 30 cm for all varieties and the maximum number of effective
tillers was recorded when 30 cm row spacing with Etsub variety (16.53) spacing and the
lowest number of tillers was recorded under teff plants sown at row spacing of 15 cm with
Buseye variety. But in disagreement with this result Iqbal (2010) and Ali et al. (2016) who
noted that narrow row spacing increased number of fertile tillers and total tillers significantly
over wider row spacing in wheat.

Table 4. Interaction effect of variety and row spacing on number of effective tiller per plant in
the experimental fields of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana
agricultural research center during 2018 main cropping season

Row spacing (cm)

Varieties 15 20 25 30
Hidase 5.90 6.58de 8.38 bc
Shorima 6.03de 6.65d 8.01c 8.98ab
Danda 7.73 8.26bc 9.58 a
LSD(0.05) 0.73
CV (%) 6.58
CV = coefficient of variations; LSD=least significant difference; Means followed by the same
letter case in a column and row are not significantly different from each other at 5% level of

4.7. Number of Kernels per Spike

The current result revealed that the main effect of sites, row spacing and varieties had highly
significant (p<0.01) effect on number of kernels per spike and also interaction between row
spacing and varieties was highly significantly influenced number of kernel per spike.

However, the three factors interaction site, row spacing and variety showed non-significant
(p>0.05) effect (Appendix Table 3).

Maximum value of number of kernel per spike (54.45) was recorded in the combination of
variety Shorima with 20 cm row spacing whereas the lowest number of kernel per spike
(32.68) was recorded from row spacing of 15 cm for variety Danda (Table 4). Thus, variety
shorima at row spacing 20 cm exceed variety Danda at row spacing 15 cm by about 66.6% in
number of kernels per spike. This could be due to the effect of highest number of tillers in
variety Danda than variety Shorima and the longest spike length of shorima variety. Since
grain filling is dependent on supplying needed nutrients and suitable environmental condition,
narrow spacing , increased competition to receiving nutrients and sun light at later stages, and
finally most grains would fade at early stages, because of competition between growing grains
to absorbing reserved matters and as a result low grains would be produced. These finding in
line with (Sayed et al.,2017) who found that row spacing 30 cm gave the higher number of
kernels per spike for the four varieties while row spacing 15cm gave lower values.

Table 5. Interaction effect of variety and row spacing on number of kernel per spike the
experimental fields of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana agricultural
center during 2018 main cropping season

Row spacing (cm)

Varieties 15 20 25 30
Hidase 36.70f 51.05b 49.45bc 45.33d
Shorima 36.20f 54.45 50.91b 44.26d
Danda 32.68g 40.25e 48.43c 48.06c
LSD(0.05) 1.71
CV (%) 3.17
CV = coefficient of variations; LSD=least significant difference; Means followed by the same
letter case in a column and row are not significantly different from each other at 5% level of

4.8. Thousand Kernels Weight (g)

Grain weight is also another important parameter that directly contributes to grain yield. The
result indicated that the main effects of sites, row spacing and varieties and interaction of

varieties with row spacing highly significantly influenced thousand kernels weight (P<0.01)
but interaction of three factors sites, row spacing and varieties was insignificant (Appendix
Table 3)

Maximum value of thousand kernels weight (54.63g) was recorded in the plot with row
spacing of 20 cm for variety Shorima whereas the lowest thousand kernels weight (36.867g)
was recorded from row spacing of 15 cm for variety Danda (Table 6). Accordingly, variety
Shorima at row spacing of 20 cm exceeded variety Danda at row spacing of 15 cm by 48.2%
in thousand kernels weight. This could be due to the late maturity of variety Danda which
might have suffered to unfavorable environmental condition late in the growing season. In
addition, narrow spacing caused to increasing number of spikes, and as a result competition
would increase and little photosynthesis would be available to grain filling and finally
thousand kernels weight would reduce due to increasing number of spikes. Therefore,
insufficient photosynthesis during grain filling stage in narrow spacing may be the possible
reason to decrease thousand kernels weight. The present result also confirm the finding of
Rafique et al.(1997) who concluded that increased grain weight at wider row spaces.
Similarly, Iqbal et al. (2010) who showed that wider row spacing (22.50 cm) produced more
thousand kernels weight (40.16 g) as compared to narrow row spacing of 11.25 cm (38.81g).
Moreover, Hussain et al. (2012) reported that higher plant population was noted in narrow
row spacing (15 cm) than other rows spacing and this higher plant population accompanied
with strong inter-row competition caused reduction in number of grains per spike and
thousand kernels weight of crop sown in 15 cm spaced rows in wheat.

More number of grains per spike and higher thousand kernels weight noted in wider rows
might be due to efficient utilization of water, nutrients and light due to minimal inter-rows
competition and lower plant population. Therefore, row spacing is a prominent factor that
directly influence wheat yield but different wheat cultivars behaved differently in this regard
(Shahzad et al., 2002; Thorsted et al., 2006; Alignan et al., 2009; Sial et al., 2010).

Table 6. Interaction effect of variety and row spacing on thousand kernels weight in the
experimental fields of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana agricultural
center during 2018 main cropping season

Row spacing (cm)

Varieties 15 20 25 30
Hidase 40.36fg 51.73bc 50.21d 43.41e
Shorima 42.61ef 54.63a 53.53ab 44.93ed
h ef
Danda 36.86 42.55 46.31d 39.78g
LSD(0.05) 2.5196
CV (%) 4.914413
CV = coefficient of variations; LSD=least significant difference; Means followed by the same
letter case in a column and row are not significantly different from each other at 5% level of

4.9. Grain Yield (Kg ha-1)

The ultimate goal of crop production is increasing economic yield. Grain yield is the end
product of all the metabolic processes of crop over the growing season. The result regarding
grain yield showed that there were highly significant (P<0.01) differences in grain yield
among wheat varieties, row spacing and sites. Interaction among varieties and row spacing
was also significant (P<0.05). But interaction among varieties, row spacing and sites was
insignificant (Appendix Table 3).

Maximum grain yield (4838.7 Kg ha-1) was produced when row spacing was 20 cm for
variety Shorima and the lowest grain yield (2555 Kg ha-1) for variety Danda at 30 cm row
spacing. Among varieties, a visible dominance of variety Shorima was found over other
varieties (Table 7). This could be due to its longest spike length of 9.70 cm, which plays a
vital role in wheat on the number of grains per spike and finally the yield .The result of this
study was in agreement with (Hussain et al., 2012 and Kalpana et al., 2014) who reported that
higher grain yield was recorded from 20 cm row spacing than 30 cm. The higher grain yield
in 20 cm row spacing with Shorima variety was achieved mainly due to more number of
spikes m -2 over other.

Closer row spacing of 20 cm recorded significantly higher yield than wider row spacing of 30
cm. Based on this result an average number of plants were reduced in the wider rows than
narrow rows this is might be due to increased competition for water as the seeds were placed
closer together in the wide rows and ultimately may also have been related to reduction in
wheat grain yield. In higher rainfall areas, where cereal crops have higher potential yields
(greater than 3500 kgha-1), significant yield decreases have been recorded with wider row
spacing (greater than 25 cm). Then, the higher the yield potential, the greater the negative
impact of wider rows on wheat and barley yields (GRDC, 2011). Similarly, Khan et al. (2001)
and Frizzell et al. (2006) reported that yield of cereals increased in response to decreasing the
spacing between rows.

Interaction between varieties and row spacing indicated that the tested varieties can be
grouped into two on the basis of row spacing i.e. variety Danda required the row spacing of
25 cm for producing higher grain yield which might be due to its high tillering capacity while
varieties Shorima and Hidase gave maximum grain yield on the row spacing of 20 cm.
Moreover, 44.9% increase in grain yield when row spacing was increased from 15 cm to 25
cm in variety Danda; 38.6 and 36.3% yield increase in case of variety Hidase and shorima,
respectively when row spacing increased from 15cm-20 cm and 24% and 18% yield reduction
when row spacing increased from 25 cm to 30 cm in variety Hidase and shorima, respectively
was recorded in this study.

These results indicated that each variety could not be sown at the same row spacing the
difference in the grain yield of wheat varieties might be due to the difference in their yield
components. In case of row spacing , other studies also indicated that in very wider spacing
average number of plants were reduced than narrow rows this might be due to increased
competition for water as the seeds were placed closer together in the wide rows and ultimately
may also have been related to reduction in wheat grain yield.

Table 7. Interaction effect of variety and row spacing on grain yield in the experimental fields
of bread wheat at MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana agricultural center during 2018
main cropping season
Row spacing (cm)
Varieties 15 20 25 30
de a cd
Hidase 3237.74 4488.56 3469.54 2796.58efg
bcd a bc
Shorima 3548.00 4838.77 3717.35 3141.26def
Danda 2761.01fg 3468.24cd 4002.72c 2555.26g
LSD(0.05) 463.41
CV (%) 11.76
CV = coefficient of variations; LSD=least significant difference; Means followed by the same
letter case in a column and row are not significantly different from each other at 5% level of

4.10. Above Ground Dry Biomass Yield (Kg ha-1)

Analysis of variance showed that the main effect row spacing significant effect on above
ground dry biomass yield but not sites and varieties. Similarly, interaction effect of row
spacing and variety and the three ways interaction site, row spacing and variety also non-
significant effects on above ground biomass yield (Appendix Table 3).

Row spacing has prominent effect on biomass yield of wheat. Maximum biomass yield
(11813.1 Kg ha-1) was observed at 20 cm row spacing while lowest biomass yield (10566.0
Kg ha-1) was recorded at 30 cm row spacing. However, it was statistically in parity with in
biomass yield obtained in response to the spacing of 20 cm and 25 (Table 8). In this study,
higher biomass yield was obtained at the narrower row spacing than wider row spacing this
might be due to better resource utilization in narrow rows than wider rows. Chen et al. (2008)
reported that narrower row spacing produced higher biomass yield than wider row spacing in
rice. Similarly, Mali and Choudhary (2012) reported that more biomass was produced at
narrow spacing than wider spacing in wheat. Moreover, Abiot (2017) who carried out an
experiment to study the effects of row spacing on wheat yield and found that wider row
spacing of 25 cm and 30 cm consistently reduced biomass yield compared with narrow row
spacing of 20 cm in wheat.

4.11. Harvest Index (%)

The analysis of variance showed that harvest index was highly significantly (p<0.01) affected
by row spacing and significantly (p> 0.05) affected by main effects of varieties and sites.
However, the interaction effect of varieties and row spacing and the interaction between three
factors was found insignificant (Appendix Table 3).

Significantly higher harvest index (33.93%) was obtained at Sinana. This might be due to
higher soil fertility, previous crop history and there was fallow period that results higher grain
yield during cropping season at Sinana research center. Harvest index had interrelationship
with grain yield and above ground biomass yield that the highest harvest index was the result
of greater grain yield in Sinana research center as compared to MaddaWalabu University site
(Table 7).

Regarding row spacing, maximum harvest index (36.45%) was observed at row spacing of 20
cm while minimum harvest index (27.09%) was recorded at row spacing of 30 cm. Lowest
harvest index was mainly due to increased plant height excessively rather than grain yield
which lead to decrease of harvest index. This result is in line with the findings of Hussain et
al. (2014) who stated that maximum harvest index at narrow row spacing while minimum
harvest index was recorded at wider row spacing. Likewise, Hussain et al. (2012) found that
higher harvest index was reported in 20 cm row spacing, but statistically similar with 25 cm
row spacing in wheat crop. Moreover, Mondal et al. (2012) who found that the highest
harvest index was observed in 20 cm row spacing in rice crop, but statistically similar with 25
cm row spacing.

In case of varieties, Shorima (34.25 %) and Hidase (31.44 %) gave the highest harvest index
respectively, as compared to variety Danda (28.33 %) gave the lowest. Higher harvest index,
noted in Shorima indicated its superior ability of better dry matter partitioning towards grains
and also this could be due to high grain yield in variety Shorima and Hidase. This finding is in
agreement with Hussain (2012); Jemal et al. (2015) who reported that varietal differences on
harvest index in bread wheat. Significant varietal differences on harvest index in rice crop

was also reported by Takeda et al. (1983); Evans et al. (1984); Stapper and Fischer, (1990);
and Brain (2005). Significant varietal differences on harvest index in teff crops were also
reported by Alemayehu (2014) and Wubante et al. (2017). Moreover, Donald and Hamblin
(1976) reported that grain yield is proportional to harvest index and factors which make up
grain yields such as grain weight and grains per spikelet have a relatively high effect on
harvest index.

Table 8. Above Ground Dry Biomass Yield (Kg ha-1) and harvest index (% )as influenced by
the main effects of sites, row spacing and varieties in the experimental fields of bread wheat at
MaddaWalabu University site and Sinana agricultural center during 2018 main cropping
MaddaWalabu University 11288.3 28.75b
Sinana 11181.5 33.93a
LSD (5%) NS 2.61
Row spacing (cm)
15 10977.8ab 29.36bc
20 11813.1a 36.45a
25 11582.7a 32.45b
30 10566.0b 27.09c
LSD (5%) 844.22
Hidase 11145.3 31.44ab
Shorima 11203.0 34.25a
Danda 11356.4 28.33b
LSD (5%) NS 3.20
CV 11.18 17.56

CV = coefficient of variations; LSD=least significant difference; AGBY= above ground dry

biomass yield, HI=Harvest index. Means followed by the same letter case in a column and
row are not significantly different from each other at 5% level of significance.

4.12. Correlation Analysis on Yield Components and Yield of Bread Wheat

As it is indicated in Table 10. The correlation study among bread wheat agronomic
parameters was quantified and strong correlation was observed between some of bread wheat
yield components. Spike length showed positive and highly significant correlation with

number of kernels per spike (r=0.36) and thousand kernel weight (r=0.41) (Table 9). In this
study Grain Yield showed positive and highly significant correlation with its components
such as number of kernel per spike (r=0.59), thousand kernel weight (r=0.72) and positive and
significant correlation with spike length (r= 0.04) plant height (r=0.70). This means with
increasing value of these parameters, grain yield increases as well and vice versa. Besides
this, there was non-significant and negative correlation between grain yield and plant height
(r=-0. 17) and effective tiller number of bread wheat (r=- 0.12). Harvest index was positively
and highly significantly correlated with grain yield (r=0.90), number of kernel per spike
(r=0.50) and thousand kernel weight (r=0.60). On the other hand negative and significant
correlation with above ground biomass yield (r=-0.23).

Table 9: Correlation analysis of Bread wheat agronomic parameters


DE 1 -.00 .15 -.06 .05 -.24* -.43** -.38** .19 -.27*
DH 1 .673** .61** -.08 .38** .19 -.01 .13 .08
DM 1 .66** .09 .52** .06 -.11 .08 -.12
PH 1 .05 .66** .22 -.07 -.00 -.17
SL 1 .22 .36** .41** -.01 .04
ETN 1 .38** .08 -.08 -.12
NKPS 1 .82** .15 .59**
TKW 1 .25* .72**
AGBY 1 -.23*
GY 1.90**
HI 1
DE=days to 50% emergence, DH=days to 50% heading, DM=days to 90% physiological
maturity, PH=plant height, ETN=effective tiller numbers, SL=spike length, NKPS=number of
kernels per spike, TKW=thousand kernel weight, AGBY= above ground biomass yield,
GY=grain yield, HI=harvest index*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.

4.13. Partial Budget Analysis

Row spacing and varieties (P<0.05) influenced grain yield (Table 7). Therefore, an economic
analysis on the combined results using the partial budget technique was appropriate

(CIMMYT, 1988). The result of the partial budget analyses and the data used in the
development of the partial budget is given in Table 10. Highest net benefit from the
aforementioned treatment could be attributed to high yield. And the low net benefit was
attributed to low yield due to divergent row spacing and varieties. From the economic point of
view, it was combinations of Shorima variety with 20 cm (S2V2) planting were more
profitable than the rest of the treatments.

Table 10: Partial budget analysis to estimate net benefit for influences row spacing and
varieties of bread wheat at Sinana and Madda Walabu University site in 2018 main cropping

Row Average Adjusted Gross Total cost Net

spacing(S) x yield yield benefit that varied benefit
varieties (v) (Kg ha-1) ( Kg ha-1) (ETB ha-1) (ETB ha-1) (ETB ha-1)

S1V1 3237.7 2913.93 32344.62 2650 29694.62

S2V2 4838.7 4354.83 48338.61 2600 45738.61

S3V3 4002.7 3602.43 39986.97 2550 37436.97

S4V2 3141.2 2827.08 31380.59 2500 28880.59

S2V3 3468.2 3121.38 34647.32 2600 32047.32

S4V1 2796.5 2516.85 27937.04 2500 25437.04

S1V2 3548.0 3193.2 35444.52 2650 32794.52

S3V1 3469.5 3122.55 34660.31 2550 32110.31

S1V3 2761.0 2484.9 27582.39 2650 24932.39

S2V1 4488.5 4039.65 44840.12 2600 42240.12

S4V3 2555.2 2299.6 25526.45 2500 23026.45

S3V2 3717.3 3345.57 37135.83 2550 34585.83

ETB = Ethiopian Birr; Cost of labor 50 ETB per person ,it took 53, 52,51 and 50 person for
15, 20, 25 and 30 cm row spacing respectively during planting ha-1,Cost of labor 2650, 2600,
2550 and 2500 ETB for15, 20, 25 and 30 cm row spacing respectively; during planting ha-1;
Sale price of bread wheat ETB 12 Kg-1; Field price of bread wheat ETB 11.1 Kg-1; Cost of
harvesting, ,winnowing and transportation ETB 75 per 100 Kg; packing and material cost
ETB 15 per 100 Kg ; S=row spacing ;V=variety ;S1, S2, S3 and S4, are 15,20,25and 30 cm
row spacing respectively ;V1 ,V2 4and V3 are Hidase, Shorima and Danda respectively.
ETB = 0.0356 USD (December 28, 2018)


Currently, bread wheat production is preferred by farmers due to its high productivity,
mechanization potential, and relatively higher economic returns relative to other food crops
grown in Bale. A number of bread wheat varieties differing in height, maturity, and tillering
capacity have been developed in Ethiopia through research. However, the recommended row
spacing for all the varieties being used across the country is 20cm. This study was, therefore,
conducted to determine the effect of row spacing and varieties on the yield and yield
components of bread wheat varieties.

A field experiment was conducted during the rainy season (July–November) of 2018 at two
locations in the Sinana Agricultural Research Center and Maddda Walabu University
demonstration site .The experiment comprised of 12 treatments with four row spacing (15, 20,
25 and 30 cm) and three bread wheat varieties (Shorima, Hidase and Danda) in factorial
arrangement in a randomized complete block design with three replications.

The results showed that, days to 50% emergency and days to 50% heading highly
significantly and days to 90% physiological maturity and harvest index significantly affected
by main effects of site. Plants at Madda Walabu University site emerged latter (8.83 days)
than plants at Sinana research center (8.13 days) and Plants at Sinana research center was
earlier (69.6 days) as compared to Madda Walabu University (70.91 days) in case of days to
50% heading. Moreover, there was a delay by 2 days so as to reach days to 90% physiological
maturity of bread wheat at Madda Walabu University as compared to Sinana research center

Highly significant (p<0.01) differences were observed among row spacing on days of
physiological maturity, Plant height (cm), Spike length (cm) and harvest index (%) and
significant (p<0.05) differences were observed above ground dry biomass. With increasing
row spacing plant height, spike length, 50% heading and days to 90% physiological maturity
were, increased and harvest index decreased while, above ground dry biomass yield, harvest
index and grain yield were decreased .Closer inter row spacing (15 cm) (115.3 days) hastened
physiological maturity than wider row spacing (30 cm) (120.50 days).

The longest plant height (91.28 cm) was recorded in the wider row spacing of 30 cm whereas
the shortest plant heights (84.37 cm) was recorded in the plot treated with 15 cm inter row
spacing and Length of spike significantly increased with increasing row spacing and row
spacing of 30cm produced the longest spike length (9.57 cm) and row spacing of 15cm
produced the shortest spike length of (7.65cm). Regarding harvest index, maximum harvest
index (36.45%) was observed at row spacing of 20 cm while minimum harvest index
(27.09%) was recorded at row spacing of 30 cm. On the other hands, the results recorded
across locations showed that days to 50% emergency, days to 50% heading and days to 90%
physiological maturity and harvest index significantly affected by the main effects of site.

Considering the main effect of varieties, highly significant (P<0.01) effect was recorded on
the days of 50 %heading, Days of 50 % physiological maturity , Plant height (cm) , Spike
length (cm) and harvest index(%).Variety Hidase reached days to 50% heading and days to
90% physiological maturity in 66.45 and 114.37 days, respectively, which was earlier than all
the other varieties while, variety Danda took 73.54 and 122.62 days for days to 50% heading
and 90% physiological maturity, respectively, which was late. Variety Danda produced the
shortest spike length and lowest HI (28.33%) and but it gave the longest plant height
(93.89cm) while variety Shorima produced the longest spike length (9.70cm) and highest
harvest (34.25%).

Furthermore, the interaction effect of variety and row spacing significantly affected thousand
kernels weight, number of effective tillers, number of kernels per spike and grain yield. The
use of 20 cm for variety Shorima resulted in highest thousand kernels weight (54.633g),
number of kernels per spike (54.450g) and grain yield (4838.7kg ha-1). In contrast, the lowest
thousand kernels weight (36.86g) and number of kernels per spike (32.68) were recorded from
variety Danda at row spacing of 15 cm while, the lowest grain yield (2555.26kg ha-1) was
obtained from variety Danda at row spacing of 30 cm . On the other hand, the highest number
of effective tillers (9.58) was obtained for variety Danda row spacing of 25 cm whereas, the
lowest number of effective tillers (5.90) was recorded for variety Hidase at row spacing of

15cm.On the other hand, the partial budget analysis indicate, the highest net benefit of Birr
45738.61 ha-1 was obtained by combined use of variety Shorima and 20 cm row spacing.

In general, significant differences in grain yield and most of agronomic parameters of bread
wheat were observed due to variety and row spacing, the use of 20 cm row spacing for
varieties Shorima and Hidase; and 25cm for variety Danda can be recommend tentatively for
Bale highlands area. Moreover, depending on the agronomic performance and economic
analysis of this study variety Shorima at row spacing 20 cm was advantageous. However, as
this was one season experiment, this experiment has to be repeated over seasons with
consideration of cost of production to reach at conclusive recommendation.


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Appendix Table 1: Physical and chemical properties of soil at experimental fields

Parameter Location
MaddaWalabu Sinana

Soil textural class Clay Clay

Soil pH (H2O) 6.28 6.12
Total nitrogen (%) 0.15 0.17
Available P (ppm) 14.34 12.96
Organic matter (%) 1.75 2.35
CEC (meq/ 100 g soil) 26.11 49.46
Source :( Horticop, 2019)

Appendix Table 2: The meteorological data of MaddaWalabu (Sinana) and Sinana

research center Experimental Fields from July to December

Locations Month Temperature (0C) Rainfall (mm)

Maximum Minimum
July 21.5 9.4 40.3
August 22.1 9.7 168.1
MaddaWalabuUniversity September 21.7 9.3 64.1
site October 21.9 8.9 71.7
November 21.3 7.6 30.7
December 22.1 6.1 3.5

July 23.9 9.2 0

August 24.1 9.6 70.3
Sinana research center September 24 9.7 123.3
October 24.2 8.8 65.5
November 23.5 8.4 23.5
December 23.5 6.8 0
Source: Bale, Robe Meteorological Station

Appendix Table 3. Mean squares of analysis of variance for bread wheat parameters due to row spacing, varieties and sites
and their interaction at Sinana and MaddaWalabu University in 2018 main cropping season

Parameters Replications Site(1) Varieties (2) Row Varieties x Site x Row Error(44)
within site (4) spacing(3) Row spacing spacing x
(6) Varieties (11)
Days of 0.05555 ns 8.680555 ** 0.055555 ns 0.0879629 ns 0.12963 ns 0.1351010ns 0.14646465
Days of heading 0.9722222 * 30.68055** 306.05555** 10.643518 ns 12.4629 ns 0.7108586ns 5.835859
Days of 32.77777** 21.125000* 408.388888** 92.347222** 7.2222222ns 6.761363 ns 5.005051
Plant height 6.506528ns 5.95125 ns 242.034306** 104.48680 ** 4.473750ns 3.9627652ns 3.933497
Spike length 0.255355ns 0.43867 ns 21.6430055** 15.1094129 ** 0.777768NS 0.2391691 ns 0.3998889
Number of 0.58388 ns 22.2222 ** 12.869305** 26.747592 ** 1.0163425* 0.3161616ns 5.1894444
effective tiller
Number of 1.264167ns 1545.68** 112.865000** 784.82929 ** 92.70870 ** 2.922727 ns 2.019167
kernel per spike
Thousand 6.152778ns 648.0000** 349.122639** 455.727037** 15.959120** 3.660909ns 5.012172
kernel weight(g)
Biomass (kg ha- 1020946.78ns 205120.13ns 285762.76ns 5813084.61* 234481.63ns 222616.40 1579231.54
Grain yield (kg 74839.72 6396272.22 2266254.76** 7120919.87** 888711.7* 124102.19ns 169486.43
ha-1) **
Harvest index 10.0293890** 484.1099** 210.0648558* 296.0216175** 66.0323165ns 6.5489098ns 30.302514
*, **, denotes significance at 0.05, and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. NS: Not significant.


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