Accounts Manual
Accounts Manual
Accounts Manual
Designation of the H.O.O. Name of the Office
1. DIG (Adm) Dte Directorate General
2. DIG (Adm) Zone Special DG / Addl. DG Zone
3. DIG (Adm) IG Offices / ISA, Mt. Abu / CRPF Academy
4. DIG DIG Range Offices
5. DIG Group Centres / CWS
6. Commandant Bn Bn Office – GD/Signal/RAF/Mahila/CoBRA
7. IG (Medical) 100 Bedded CH
8. DIG (Medical) 50 Bedded CH
9. DIG / Principal RTCs
10. DIG / Principal CTCs including CTC (T & IT)
11. DIG CIAT Schools
to declare any GO (other than (v) It is not permissible to declare at
those mentioned above) as Head a time more than one Gazetted Officer as
of Office under Rule 14 of the Head of Office in respect of same office.
Delegation of Financial Powers However, that would be permissible, if
Rules, 1978). the Establishments are distinctly separate
(ii) The Head of Office shall also be from one another.
the Drawing and Disbursing Officer in (vi) The Head of Department may, by
respect of his / her Unit / Establishment Order, authorize to the extent
provided that DIG, GC will be the permissible under the Rules, any
Drawing and Disbursing Officer for the Gazetted Officer serving under him / her
GC as well as the duty Bns attached to it. to take decisions in respect of any
matter(s) specified in Schedule II to VII
(iii) The Commandant / Second-in- of the DFPRs 1978 read with the Hand
Command / Deputy Commandant in Book on DFPRs to various authorities in
GC / Training Institutions and Second- CRPF, issued by Finance Directorate, to
in-Command and Deputy Commandant such extent as may be mentioned in that
in Bns, when appointed to perform the Order. The Head of Department shall,
Current Charge Duties of DIG / however, continue to be responsible for
Principal or Commandant, in addition to the correctness, regulatory and propriety
their own duties and declared as Head of of decisions taken by the Head of Office
Office (as the case may be), will exercise or the Gazetted Officer so authorized.
administrative and financial powers
vested in the full-fledged incumbent of 3.1 RESPONSIBILITY OF THE
the post. But, he/she cannot exercise HEAD OF OFFICE.
statutory powers, whether these powers
are derived directly from an act of (a) The Head of Office, in charge of
Parliament, e.g., Income Tax (Act) or a particular CRPF Office / Unit is
Rules, Regulations and By-laws made responsible to carry out the main
under various articles of the Constitution functions as per the directions of the
(e.g., Fundamental Rules Classification, GOI / MHA and DG, CRPF.
Control and Appeal Rules, Civil Service Government have framed various Rules /
Regulations, DFPRs, etc.) Regulations and the DG CRPF issues
various instructions, from time to time,
(iv) The Head of Office may on different items of administration of an
authorize any Gazetted Officer serving Office including Accounts. According
under him / her to sign a Bill or Order on to these Rules and Instructions, the
his / her behalf, and communicate the primary responsibility of preparation of
names and specimen signatures of such Budget Estimates, Control of
officer to the PAO / RPAO CRPF / Expenditure, Maintenance of Accounts,
Disbursing Office(s) / Bank(s) looking after all Service matters of the
concerned. This will not, however, staff, Maintenance of Discipline and
relieve the Head of Office in any way, of Decorum in the Office, Purchase of
his / her responsibility for the accuracy Stores, etc., is entrusted to the HOO. In
of the Bill(s) or for the disposal of the order to carry out his / her functions,
money received in payment. HOO is also given the required powers
both financial and administrative.
contingent expenditure. He / She may
(b) An Office / Unit is considered as also delegate his / her duties as
efficiently run, if all the Rules / prescribed in succeeding paras to the
Regulations framed by the Government next senior most GO or Commandant
and instructions issued by DG, CRPF Staff or 2-I/C or any other GO. But it
connected with Regulation of will not amount to a formal re-delegation
Expenditure, Maintenance of Accounts, of the powers vested in him / her as the
Staff matters and General Head of Office and he / she will continue
Administration are followed strictly, in to be responsible for the correctness,
accordance with various provisions regularity and propriety of all sanctions
contained therein, by the HOO. Hence, issued and duties performed by the next
it is essential for the HOO to have senior most GO / Commandant Staff / 2-
adequate knowledge of the basic I/C and any other GO authorized to do
provisions of various Rules viz., Central so on his / her behalf.
Treasury Rules (CTR), CRPF Act &
Rules, General Financial Rules, (d) When the Head of Office is
Delegation of Financial Power Rules absent from Headquarters, his / her
read with the Hand Book on Delegation duties will be performed by the next
of Financial Powers authorised to senior most Gazetted Officer available.
various functionaries of CRPF, Central The accounts must, however, be checked
Government Account Receipts and as soon as possible by the Head of the
Payments Rules, Fundamental and Office on return and the result of the
Supplementary Rules, CCS (CCA) checking will be recorded in the Cash
Rules, CCS (Conduct) Rules, CCS Book and Contingent Register.
(Leave) Rules, CCS (Pension) Rules and
also New Pension Scheme for Central 3.2 RESPONSIBILITY OF
Government Staff, GPF Rules, TA / DRAWING AND DISBURSING
LTC / HBA Rules, various CRPF OFFICER
Manuals/Standing Orders & Circular
Orders, etc. For appropriate application (a) The DDOs will prepare and
of various provisions of all the Rules / submit the bills for payments to their
Instructions and thereby efficiently accredited PAO. Now that all
running his / her Office, the HOO is disbursements in CRPF is to be made
assisted by other subordinate Officers through Electronic Clearance System
and staff. (ECS) by PAO, the DDOs will be
required to keep close watch on getting
(c) The Head of the Office shall be the payment of the bills so submitted to
fully responsible for the correct and up- PAO, in the Bank accounts of the
to-date maintenance of the accounts in concerned.
his / her Unit / Establishment. He / She
may authorize, at his / her discretion and (b) All DDOs in CRPF, i.e.,
subject to such limitations as may be Battalion Commandants, DIsG Group
considered necessary, the next senior Centre / Range / Training Institutions /
most GO / Commandant (Staff) / 2-I/C Hospitals & Other Establishments and of
or any other GO serving under him / her Sector / Zonal HQrs have been allotted
to accord sanction for incurring petty
permanent Code Numbers by Finance BNs to that Group Centre) and Bank
Branch of Directorate General, CRPF. branch concerned. [Rule 51 of CGA
(R&P) Rules also refers]
(c) Duties as regards maintenance
& rendition of Accounts (e) Security Deposits by Govt.
servants handling cash
(i) The Drawing & Disbursing
Officer shall see that proper accounts of The Drawing & Disbursing
the receipts and expenditure, as the case Officer shall see that, every Government
may be, are maintained in such form as servant, who actually handles the cash
may have been prescribed for the shall be required to furnish security, for
financial transactions with which he / such amount as may be prescribed and to
she is concerned and tender accurately execute a security bond setting forth the
and promptly all such accounts and conditions under which Government will
returns relating to them, as may be hold the security and may ultimately
required by the Government, Controlling refund or appropriate it. [GFRs Rule
Officer or Accounts Officer, as the case 275(1) also refers]
may be. [Rule 75 of GFRs also refers]
NOTE:- 1) The security to be
(ii) He / She is also personally taken from a Government servant should
responsible for the correct maintenance be normally in the form of a Fidelity
and timely rendition of accounts or Bond from a Nationalized Insurance
returns in respect of public funds Company or in Cash / Post Office
handled in his / her office. [Rule 190 (1) Savings Bank Pass Book(s). [Rule 275
of GFRs also refers] of GFRs also refers]
include account payee Cheques and the other and in the custody of a
Drafts. [GFRs Rule 275 (2) also refers] different person wherever practicable.
The Treasure Chest will have two Inner
4) A Government servant who is Chests, one in charge of the Cashier for
officiating against the post of another keeping Government moneys and the
cash handling Government servant shall other incharge of Subedar Major /
be required to furnish the full amount of Inspector of the Unit / Establishment
the security prescribed for the post. concerned for keeping Regimental
[GFRs Rule 275 (4) also refers] moneys. (It would, however be proper
However, submission of such a security that the Cash Chests are embedded in an
may be exempted if the circumstances inner wall of the room of the Quarter
warrant such exemption provided that :- Guard of the Unit / Establishment
(i) DDO is satisfied that there is no
risk involved; (ii) The keys of the respective Inner
(ii) such exemption is granted only Chests will be kept by the Cashier and
in the case of Permanent the Subedar Major/Inspector. The
Government servant; and Treasure Chest shall not be opened
(iii) the period of such officiating unless the Accounts Officer, the Subedar
arrangement does not exceed Major / Inspector and the Cashier being
four (4) months. the custodians of the keys are physically
present. The record of Opening and
5) To safeguard fully the interests Closing of the Treasure Chest will be
of the Government, the Fidelity Bond maintained by the Accounts Officer in
taken from a Government servant should prescribed format as given at Para 5 (b)
be retained permanently by the Head of (vii) of this Manual and kept in the
Office, even after he / she vacates the Quarter Guard under custody of Guard
post. [GFRs Rule 277 also refers] Commander.
[Note 4 below Rule 13 of CGA (R&P) have this done by some responsible
Rules also refers] subordinate other than the writer of the
Cash Book and initial it as correct. [Rule
(g) Maintenance Cash Book 13(iii) of CGA Rule (R&P) refers]
(i) The DDO / HOO will ensure that (v) At the end of each month, the
all monetary transactions in his / her DDO / HOO should verify the cash
office are entered in a cash book in the balance in the Cash Book and record a
prescribed form. The other important signed and dated Certificate to that
instructions mentioned in the ensuing effect. In case, such verification of the
paragraphs should be observed in this balance is not possible on the last
regard. working day due to disbursement of
salary, the cash verification may be done
(ii) The Cash Book should be on the first working day of the next
maintained in form GAR 3/TR 4. It month before any transaction arises on
should be bound and its pages machine- that day. [Rule 13 (iv) of CGA(R&P)
numbered. Before bringing a Cash Book Rules]
into use, the DDO / HOO should ensure
that the numbers of pages have been NOTE :- The monthly verification of
counted and a Certificate of Count cash should be supplemented by a
recorded on the first page of the Cash surprise check of cash by some
Book. [Rule13 (i) and Note 2 below responsible official to be nominated by
Rule 13 of CGA (R&P) Rules refer]. the Head of Office / DDO. Surprise
check should also invariably be done by
(iii) All monetary transactions should HOO.
be entered in the cash book as soon as
they occur and be attested by the DDO / (vi) When Government money in the
HOO in token of such check. [Rule 13 custody of a Government Officer are
(ii) of CGA (R&P) Rules refers] paid into Government account in the
accredited bank, the DDO / HOO
NOTE:– “Account Payee Cheques'' making such payments should compare
issued by the PAOs in favour of the Bank's receipt on the paying in-slip /
Government servants and third parties, challan with the entry in the Cash Book
being payable only to the parties, need before attesting it, and satisfy himself /
not be entered in the Cash Book. The herself that the amount has been actually
delivery and acknowledgements of such credited into the Bank. [Rule 13 (v) of
cheques should, however, be watched CGA (R&P) Rules]
through a separate “Crossed Cheques
and Bank Drafts Register”. [Exception (vii) An erasure or overwriting of any
(a) below Rule 13(ii) of CGA (R&P) entry once made in the Cash Book is
Rules refers] strictly prohibited. If a mistake is
discovered, it should be corrected by
(iv) The Cash Book should be closed drawing the pen through the incorrect
regularly and completely checked. The entry and inserting the correct one in
DDO / HOO should himself / herself get red ink between the lines. The DDO /
the totaling of the Cash Book verified or HOO should ensure that every such
correction has been attested by the himself / herself, may be entrusted to a
Accounts Officer with his / her dated subordinate Gazetted Officer (normally
initials invariably. [Rule 13 (vi) of CGA 2 I/C or DC) nominated for the purpose,
(R&P) Rules] by the Head of Office. [Note 1 below
Rule 13 of (R&P) Rules refers]
(viii) A Government Officer who
handles Government money should not, 2) In the case of large receipts, a
except with the special sanction of the register of valuables (GAR 5) as
Head of the Office, be allowed to handle prescribed in Note 3 below Rule 13 of
also in his / her official capacity, money CGA (R&P) Rules may be maintained.
which does not belong to the
Government. Where under any special (ix) To fetch or carry cash should
sanction, a Government Officer deals always be done through atleast a
with both Government and non- responsible Subordinate Officer of some
Government money in his / her official length of service and proved
capacity, the Government money should trustworthiness, under proper escort /
be kept in a Cash Box separate from the guard. [Rule 13 (viii) of CGA (R&P)
non-Government money and the Rules]
transactions relating to the latter should
be accounted for in a separate set of
Cash Books and be kept entirely out of 4. CONTROLLING OFFICER
the Government account. [Rule 13 (vii)
of CGA (R&P) Rules] (i) The following Officers shall
exercise the powers of Controlling
NOTE: 1) The duties under Officer :-
paras 3.2 (f) (i) to (viii) above required
to be performed by the Head of Office
SL. Designation of Controlling Govt. Servants/Class of Govt. Servants
NO. Officer Controlled
1 DG Spl. DG / ADG (HQrs) & Zone / IsG / FA /
Director ISA / CRPF Academy / (Med)
2 IG (Adm), Dte. Genl. DIsG posted in Dte / Dy. FA
3 IsG Sectors DIsG of Sectors HQr / Range / GC / RTCs /
CTCs / Principals of CIAT Schools
4 IsG / Directors ISA / CRPF DIsG of ISA / CRPF Academy
5 IG (Communication) DIG of CTC (T & IT) / DIG (Signal) Range
6 DIsG (Adm), ISA / CRPF All GOs upto the level of Commandant and
Academy NGOs of ISA / CRPF Academy
7 DIG (Communication) Commandants of Signal Bns
8 Range DIsG Commandants of Bns of the Range.
9 DIG (Adm), Dte. Genl. GOs upto the rank of Commandants / AC (Min) /
ADs / JADs / AOs / PRO and all NGOs of Dte.
10 DIsG / Principal CTCs, RTCs, All GOs and NGOs of their Establishments /
CTC (T & IT) and CIAT Institutions.
11 DIsG (Adm) of Zonal / Sector All other GOs and NGOs posted in Zonal / Sector
Hqr. HQr Office.
12 DIsG, GC All GOs and NGOs posted in GC
13 Commandant BNs including All GOs and NGOs posted in Battalion / SDG.
Strong Treasure Chests, consisting of
(i) He / She will examine the Cash one Outer Chest secured by two locks of
Book punctually on the day following different patterns and the keys of one
that for which the accounts are written to lock shall be kept apart from the keys of
see that the totals are correct, that all the other and in the custody of Accounts
sums received and drawn have been Officer himself / herself and the Cashier;
properly shown on the credit side of the and two Inner Chests, one in charge of
Cash Book and that no payment / the Cashier for keeping Government
remittance has been made without due moneys and the other incharge of
authority. Subedar Major / Inspector of the Unit /
Establishment concerned for keeping
(ii) He / She will initial all existing Regimental moneys.
Credit Orders issued so far / Receipt
Vouchers / Advice Slips, wherever (b) The keys of the respective Inner
applicable, on the front at the bottom Chests will be kept by the Cashier and
right corner after comparing them with the Subedar Major/Inspector. The
the Cash Book. Treasure Chest shall not be opened
unless the Accounts Officer, the Subedar
(iii) He / She will initial the two Major / Inspector and the Cashier being
classification columns on the receipt and the custodians of the keys are present.
payment sides of the Cash Book for each
item and sub-item after examining the (c) The Accounts Officer will keep
payee’s receipt and seeing that the whole the keys of the inner Chest with him /
sum shown is properly accounted for. her when the Cash balance exceeds the
amount of Security of the Cashier.
(iv) He / She will mark each credit
page with the letter ‘A’ and his / her (vii) The Treasure Chest will be kept
dated initials when all the items on the secured under a proper guard in the
page have been fully disbursed and Quarter Guard of the Unit /
adjusted. Establishment concerned. The opening
and closing of the Treasure Chest will be
(v) He / She will see that the sum in chronologically recorded in the
the Cash Book do not un-necessarily “Treasure Chest Opening and Closing
exceed the Accountant-cum-Cashier’s Register”, with dated initials of the
security that it is kept down to the lowest Accounts Officer, Subedar
possible limit and that it agrees with the Major/Inspector, Cashier and the Guard
Cash Book. Commander of the Quarter Guard, every
time the Chest is opened / closed; in
(vi) (a) The Accounts Officer shall following format :-
ensure that Government money is kept in
(viii) Duplicate keys of the (v) At the end of each month, the
Departmental Treasure Chest should be Accounts Officer should physically
placed in separate sealed covers and check the cash balance as drawn in the
lodged with Head of Office / Officer of Cash Book and record a signed and
higher rank than the Accounts Officer / dated Certificate to that effect.
Custodian of the Chest. A Duplicate
Key Register should be maintained NOTE :- In addition to such monthly
indicating the authorities with whom physical checking of cash balance,
they are lodged. surprise check of cash by the Accounts
Officer should also be carried out, at
(c) Maintenance Cash Book irregular intervals.
(i) The Accounts Officer shall (vi) The Accounts Officer will cross
ensure that all monetary transactions are check entries made in the Government
entered in the Government Cash Book in Cash Book by the Cashier with the
prescribed format. The other important relevant Advice Slips / CRPF 60 / TR 5 /
instructions mentioned in the ensuing Bank's receipt on the paying in-slip /
paragraphs should also be observed in challan and payment vouchers /
this regard. disbursement details, before attesting it
with dated initials, and satisfy himself /
(ii) The Government Cash Book will herself that the amount(s) has / have
be maintained in form GAR 3 / TR 4. It been actually credited into the concerned
should be bound and its pages machine- Bank account(s) / paid to the correct
numbered. Before bringing the Cash Payee.
Book into use, the Accounts Officer
shall ensure that the numbers of pages (vii) Any erasing / overwriting of an
have been counted and a Certificate of entry once made in the Cash Book is
Count recorded under his / her full strictly prohibited. If a mistake is
signature with date, on the first page of discovered, it should be corrected by the
the Cash Book. Accounts Officer by drawing the pen
through the incorrect entry and
(iii) All monetary transactions should inserting the correct one in red ink
be entered in the Cash Book as soon as between the lines.
they occur and be attested by the
Accounts Officer, with his / her dated (viii) To fetch or carry cash should
initials. always be done through atleast a
responsible Subordinate Officer of some
(iv) The Cash Book entries should be length of service and proved
scrutinized and checked regularly by the trustworthiness, under proper escort /
Accounts Officer. He will also cross guard. [Rule 13 (viii) of CGA (R&P)
check and satisfy himself / herself that Rules]
the totaling in the Cash Book done by
Cashier and Supervisory Staff, are 6. CASHIER SECURITY AND
verified and found to be correct. CASH HANDLING ALLOWANCE
Cashier, will be required to furnish furnished by the Cashier shall be
adequate security as detailed in clause scrutinized and accepted by the Head of
(ii) below. The security should normally Office. The detailed instructions on the
be in the form a Fidelity Bond from subject as contained in Rule 9 (25) and
Nationalized Insurance Companies / GOI Order No. 6 to Appdx-8 of FR and
Cash / Post Office Savings Bank Pass GFRs 275 (1) to 275(4) will be strictly
Book(s). Where the security is furnished adhered to.
in the form of Cash, the Security Bond
should be executed in Form GFR 30. In (ii) The amount of security shall be
cases where security is furnished in the as under which may be increased or
form of a Fidelity Bond in Form GFR decreased for reasons to be recorded in
34, the Security Bond should be writing by DG, CRPF :-
executed in Form GFR 31. The security
Sl. No. Amount of Cash Handled per month Amount of Security Deposit
1 Up to Rs. 75,000/- Rs. 3,000/-
2 From Rs. 75,000/- up to Rs. 2,00,000/- Rs. 5,000/-
3 From Rs. 2,00,000/- up to Rs. 5,00,000/- Rs. 10,000/-
4 From Rs. 5,00,000/- up to Rs. 10,00,000/- Rs. 20,000/-
5 From Rs. 10,00,000/- up to Rs. 25,00,000/- Rs. 30,000/-
6 From Rs. 25,00,000/- up to Rs. 1 Crore Rs. 50,000/-
7 Above Rs. 1 Crore up to Rs. 5 Crore Rs. 75,000/-
8 Above Rs. 5 Crore Rs. 1,00,000/-
(iii) The Cash Handling Allowance as proposal to authorize the new incumbent
prescribed by the Govt. from time to to draw the Cash Handling Allowance
time will be sanctioned by the Head of will be submitted to the Head of
Department on receipt of proposal from Department for his / her sanction as and
the Head of Office. when necessary.
CMO to Sector IG / IG (Trg / charge of Subedar Major for keeping
Comn) / DIG (Range / Comn Regimental moneys.
Dte) / Dir. (Medical)
(iii) The Cashier will keep the keys of
(d) 2-I/C, Dy. Comdt., Astt. Comdt.,
the inner Chest with him unless the Cash
Coy Comdr., MO to the DIG in
balance exceeds the amount of his / her
GC / Estt and Comdt., in a Duty
Security, in which case he / she will
Bn, Signal Bn and SDG.
make over the keys to the Accounts
(e) AC (Min) / AD / JAD / Adm. Officer.
Officer / SM (M) / Insp (M) to
the Head of Office concerned. (iv) In establishment where the post
of Subedar Major is not sanctioned, a
7.1 If such Charge Note is not senior most Inspector will be entrusted
received within the prescribed time limit with the work who will keep the key of
of two months, the next senior officer to the inner Chest.
whom the Charge Note is required to be
sent should call for the same from the (d) The duplicate keys of the Outer
Officer concerned. Chest and the Inner Chests will be kept
by the Head of Office.
(e) The Accounts Officer, the
(a) Each Unit / Establishment will Subedar Major / Inspector and the
have a Treasure Chest, which will be Cashier will be present whenever it is
kept in the Quarter Guard or at any other necessary to open the outer chest for
place provided with proper security removing or replacing money in the
arrangements / armed Guard, round the smaller chest(s).
clock. In static Unit / Establishments the
Treasure Chest should be embedded on (f) The Company or Sub-
the wall / floor, of a proper Room in the detachment where Govt. money is also
Quarter Guard of the Unit / required to be kept, will be provided
Establishment. with smaller Cash Box / Chest. The
Company / Sub - detachment Cash Chest
(b) The Treasure Chest will consist will be kept in the Company / Sub -
of one Outer Chest with double locks. detachment Quarter Guard properly
Key of one of the locks will be kept by secured, under an armed guard, round
the Accounts Officer and of the second the clock. In static Unit / Establishments
by the Cashier. the Company / Sub - detachment
Treasure Chest should be embedded on
(c) Inside the outer chest there will the wall / floor, of a proper Room in the
be two smaller chests :- Quarter Guard of the Company / Sub -
detachment. The keys of the Company /
(i) One Chest will be in the charge Sub - detachment Chest will always be
of the cashier for keeping Government kept in the personal custody of the
moneys. Company / Sub - detachment
(ii) The other Chest will be in the
(g) The Regimental Private Funds nominated by him / her, should count the
and Accounts will be dealt with in the number of pages and record under his /
following manner:- her dated signature a Certificate of
Count and numbers of pages on the first
(i) A ledger called Regimental page of the Cash Book.
Treasure Chest ledger will be maintained
by SM/Inspector in which all (b) The Cash Book will be
transactions relating to the receipts into maintained at the Unit / Establishment
and payments from the Treasury Chest Headquarters by the Cashier who will be
will be recorded. The balance in the responsible for the accuracy of the
register will be worked out daily accounts and proper up-to-date
whereby the money in the Treasure maintenance of the Cash Book.
Chest can be checked at any time.
(c) Primary responsibility of
(ii) The Subedar Major or in his / her maintenance of the Company Cash Book
absence the Senior Subordinate Officer including the accuracy of the accounts
will act as Treasurer to the Regimental and proper up-dating is of the Company
Treasure Chest. Commander and for this purpose he / she
will be assisted by the Company Clerk,
(iii) All transactions with Regimental who will write the Cash Book
Treasure Chest will be conducted on Red immediately after the day’s
and Black Cheques which will be signed transaction(s). The transaction(s) will be
by the concerned Officers Incharge of initialled by the Company Commander
the respective Regimental Funds. and the daily balance / summary will be
signed by the Company Commander
(iv) On all working days, payments with his / her full signature.
on Black Cheque will be made by the
Treasurer SM / Inspector only up to (d) The day(s) when no transaction
1300 hours; deposits on Red Cheque will takes place should be clearly noted and
be made only up to 1700 hours; and attested by the Accounts
SM / Inspector will deposit all such cash Officer/Company Commander.
receipts / BDs in the Regimental
Treasure Chest and close his / her (e) All monetary transactions,
Regimental Treasure Chest ledger by receipts or disbursement, should be
1700 hours same day. entered in the Cash Book as soon as they
(f) (i) The Cash Book should be
(a) Every Officer receiving closed daily after being thoroughly
Government money should maintain a checked. Details of the daily balance in
Cash Book in Form GAR-3. The Cash hand will be given under each of the
Book should be bound in convenient heads mentioned in the form. The
volumes and their pages machine Gazetted Officer (Accounts) / Company
numbered. Before bringing a Cash Book Commander should verify the totalling
into use, the Head of Office or the of the Cash Book or have this done by
Accounts Officer or any Officer the Office Superintendent / Head Clerk
at Unit / Establishment Headquarters or payments shown in the cash book have
by some responsible Subordinate Officer been really made.”
at Company Hqrs and initial it as correct.
In the Group
(ii) Existing Credit Orders so far Centres/Establishments where Credit
issued for the bills pending encashment Orders were issued so far, a certificate in
should find a place on receipt side of the the following form will be endorsed by
Cash Book of the drawing office on the the Accounts Officer in the Cash Book
date these are issued. A note should be at the end of the each month :-
kept at bottom of that Cash Book
showing ‘Credit Orders pending “Certified that cash of Rs………..
encashment’. This para will not be (Rupees………….) including BDs of
applicable to attached Bn who do not Rs………….. (Rupees…………..) was
issue credit orders. physically checked by me and found
correctly held in the Cash Box.”
(g) The Cash Book so written up and
checked by the Accounts Officer will be “The closing balance in the Bank
put up on the day following that for account as shown in the Cash Book has
which the accounts are written, before been cross checked with the account
the Head of the Office together with all statement as on last date of the month,
relevant existing Credit Orders, receipt obtained from the Bank and found
and payment vouchers, which will be correct on verification with Cash Book
checked thoroughly and signed by him / details”.
I have satisfied myself that the
(h) At the end of each month, the accounts are correct and the payments
Accounts Officer / Company shown in the cash book have been really
Commander should verify the Cash made. Vouchers of the existing Credit
Balance and record signed and dated Orders adjusted so far, are held in the
Certificate in the Cash Book in the office Bastas and the progress of
following manner :- unadjusted Credit Orders is being
watched regularly. I am responsible that
“Certified that Rs………. the vouchers have been so defaced that
(Rupees………….) (in words) including they cannot be used again. No voucher
BDs for Rs…………. is needlessly pending or no unspent
(Rupees…………..) was physically balance Cash/BD is held unnecessarily
checked by me and found correctly held for long.
in the cash box. The closing balance of
Rs.................. (in words) in the Bank Signature of Accounts Officer.
account as shown in the Cash Book has
been cross checked with the account Counter Signature of Head of
statement as on last date of the month, Office.
obtained from the Bank and found
correct on verification with Cash Book
details. I have also satisfied myself that
the accounts are correct and that the (i) The Head of Office and Accounts
Officer will also carry out surprise in a page have been finally adjusted and
checks, during the month, at irregular all the existing Credit Orders for those
intervals, in order to satisfy themselves receipts cancelled, the Officer signing
that cash balance as shown in the Cash the Cash Book will mark on the left hand
Book is actually in custody of the top corner or that page of the Cash Book
Cashier. Result of such surprise checks with the letter ‘A’ and append below it
should also be recorded in the Cash his / her initial and date. At least once a
Book. month he should go through all the
pages not so marked and examine the
(j) Any erasure or over-writing of an details of all the existing / unadjusted
entry once made in the Cash Book is pending Credit Orders to ascertain the
strictly prohibited. If a mistake is cause of delay in their adjustment and
discovered it should be corrected by take suitable step / action to adjust them
drawing the pen through the incorrect earliest.
entry and inserting the correct one in red
ink, between the lines. The Head of (ii) DEBIT SIDE
Office or the Accounts Officer /
Company Commander should initial Col.1----Date.
every such correction and invariably Col.2----Sub Vouchers Nos. / Serial Nos.
date his / her initial. in the register of valuables.
Col.3----To whom paid or sent to PAO /
(k) Various columns of the Cash Bank for crediting.
Book should be filled in as shown below Col.4----Receipts to be credited to
:- Government account.
Col.5----Salaries and Advances.
(i) CREDIT SIDE Col.6----Out of permanent advances.
Col.7----Out of money drawn in
Col.1----Date anticipation of payment.
Col.2----No. of receipt issued or bills Col.8----Miscellaneous.
drawn. Col.9----Total.
Col.3----Particulars from whom Col.10----Classification and dated initial
received. of HOO / Accounts Officer.
Col.4----Cheque/DD No. or Serial Nos.
in the register of valuables. 10. A REGISTER OF
Col.5----Receipt to be credited to VALUABLES
Government accounts.
Col.6----Salaries and advances. Bank Drafts / Cheques received
Col.7----In recoupment of permanent shall be entered first in the Register of
advances. Valuables and then entered in the Cash
Col.8----Advance payment. Book. The entries in the Cash Book
Col.9----Miscellaneous. should be tallied with this register by the
Col.10----Total Accounts Officer daily. The date of
Col.11----Classification and dated initial encashment of Bank Drafts / Cheques
of HOO / Accounts Officer. and existing Credit Orders / R.V.
reference shall be noted in the register
When all the items of receipts under the dated initial of the Accounts
Officer. (General) and PA (POL) should be
recouped as expeditiously as possible.
11. PERMANENT ADVANCE Facts regarding payment from
permanent advance should be given on
(i) Two kinds of permanent each sub voucher concerned. Permanent
advances, i.e., Permanent Advance Advance should be utilized fully to make
(General) and PA (POL) each for an payment of sub-vouchers and should be
amount as may be sanctioned by IG with recouped at the earliest. The attached
the concurrence of IFA in the Bns will send vouchers pertaining to PA
Directorate under intimation to DG, amount to GC for preparation of FVC
Central Revenues and PAO are held by Bill. GC will prepare separate FVC bills
each Head of Office on his / her personal unit wise to avoid delay in recoupment
responsibility to meet the cost of petty of PA amount of attached Bns.
contingent expenditure of general nature
and urgent expenditure on petroleum, oil (v) Recoupment of PA (Gen / POL)
& lubricants and spare parts of Govt. should be shown in the daily Cash Book
Transport of all Units / Establishments. under the appropriate heads by the
Cashier, when the bills are encashed.
(ii) On the 15th April of each year
and in case of transfer of Head of Office (vi) A permanent register will be
in whose favour the Permanent maintained for PA (General) and PA
Advances are sanctioned, must send an (POL) separately by the attached Bns in
acknowledgement to the PAO, of the which summary should be prepared
amounts due from and accountable by fortnightly indicating total amount of PA
him / her as on the 31st March (General) / (POL), amount of Vouchers
preceding / date of transfer. indicating the serial numbers sent by Bns
to GC for recoupment and balance in
(iii) (a) The Head of Office may hand. If the amount is not recouped
where necessary, allot a portion of the within one and a half month from the
PA (General) / PA (POL) to the Coy date of dispatch to the GC, the matter
Commander or any other Gazetted should be brought to the notice of DIG,
Officer to meet the cost of petty GC by Commandant of duty Battalion.
contingent charges of general nature and
expenditure on POL incurred by them. (vii) It is the responsibility of
Accounts Officer to ensure that
(b) In all cases where a portion of Permanent Advance Register is being
Permanent Advances (General / POL) is maintained up-to-date, fortnightly
given by the Head of Office to another summaries regularly drawn and put up
Officer, an acknowledgement should be before the HOO for scrutiny. HOO on
taken from the latter in the same way as his / her part should also ensure that the
he / she himself / herself furnishes PA Register is submitted for his / her
acknowledgement to the Audit Officer check / scrutiny of the fortnightly
and will retain the same in his / her summary / transaction(s) therein,
office. regularly. Where the recoupment of
advance(s) made from PA getting
(iv) The amount spent from the PA unduly delayed, the HOO should take
immediate action to get recoupment showing the amounts of Temporary
expedited. Imprest or Permanent Advance held by
various Companies to the PAO.
(viii) As the amount of Permanent
Advance has been enhanced
considerably in all Force formations, no 13. OTHER ADVANCES
advance will be made out of any
Regimental Funds for making any (a) The various advances admissible
Government purchase, i.e., such to Government Servants can be divided
purchases can be made only by making into two categories, i.e., Interest Bearing
advance payment from PA or on credit Advances and Non-Interest Bearing
basis. Advances. The Rules on Advances have
been given in details in GFRs Part – II :
Compendium on Rules and Advances.
12. TEMPORARY IMPREST The sanctioning authority should take
into consideration the relevant
(i) The Head of Office is provisions of these Rules before
empowered to grant Temporary Imprest according sanction(s).
up to Rs. 2000/- to a Coy out of Hqrs on
detachment duty to meet the expenditure (b) The salient features of all
as may have to be incurred immediately. advances falling in the above categories
[Item 4 of Appendix ‘B’ of CRPF Rules are given in the succeeding paragraphs.
refers]. The detailed instructions regarding each
advance are contained in the Rules as
(ii) As soon as the Company is indicated below which should be
settled at a detachment and has referred to as and when required.
overcome preliminary difficulties, the
Company Commander will account for INTEREST BEARING ADVANCES
the amount of the Temporary Imprest
advanced to him / her in full to the DIG 14. ADVANCES FOR
Group Centre or Commandant of PURCHASE OF CONVEYANCE :
unattached Battalion, as the case may be,
by returning unspent amount along with General conditions / rules for
the vouchers for the amount spent. The grant of advances for the purchase of
DIG GC / Commandant on receipt of the conveyance have been given from Rule
account for Temporary Imprest will 15 to 20 of GFRs Part – II :
arrange to refund the entire amount to Compendium on Rules and Advances,
Government. viz., Powers of Sanction, Eligibility
Conditions, Interest, etc.
(iii) The Company Commander on
the 10th April, each year will submit an (A) MOTOR CAR ADVANCE
acknowledgement to the DIG GC /
Commandant for the amount due from (a) The detailed instructions
and accountable by them as on the 31st regarding sanction of Motor Car
March preceding. The DIG GC / Advance are contained in GFRs Part-II
Commandant will then submit a list (Compendium of Rules on Advances)
Rules 21 to 29 and other Government the period of his / her suspension.
Orders issued from time to time. The
Advance for the purchase of a Motor Car (e) A Government servant shall not
shall be granted to those Govt. Servants sell or transfer a Motor Car for so long
who are drawing pay in the Pay Band of as the amount of advance together with
Rs.19,530/- p.m. or more. The Secretary the interest on such amount is not
of an Administrative Ministry / completely repaid, except with the prior
Department shall be competent to relax permission of the competent authority.
this condition in deserving cases. [GOI Decision No.2 below Rule 27 of
GFRs Part – II : Compendium on Rules
(b) The amount of advance is limited and Advances refers]
to Rs. 1,80,000/- or 8 months pay of the
Govt. Servant or the anticipated price of (f) Unless a Government servant,
the Motor Car to be purchased by the who is sanctioned an advance for the
Govt. Servant, whichever is the least. It purchase of a Motor Car, completes the
can be sanctioned by the Head of the purchase of, and pays for the Motor Car
Department as per Rule 15 (1) of GFRs within one month from the date on
Part – II : Compendium on Rules and which he / she draws the advance, he /
Advances. It shall be recovered from the she shall refund forthwith the full
Govt. Servant in such number of equal amount of advance drawn together with
monthly instalments as he / she may interest on that amount for one month.
elect, not exceeding 200 instalments as The Head of Department may, in
per Rule 23 of GFRs Part – II : exceptional cases extend the period of
Compendium on Rules and Advances. one month prescribed in this para, up to
The Govt. Servant may at his / her two months.
option repay more than one instalment in
a month. (g) A Govt. Servant may be granted
Advance on the second or subsequent
(c) The interest on the advance will occasions, for the purchase of a Motor
be calculated as per Rule 20 and Car but that quantum shall not exceed
recovered as per Rules 25 & 26 of GFRs Rs.1,60,000/- or eight (8) months basic
Part – II : Compendium on Rules and pay or the anticipated price of the Motor
Advances. The recovery of the amount Car to be purchased, whichever is the
of interest shall commence from the least, as per Rule 21 (2) of GFRs Part –
month immediately following that in II : Compendium on Rules and
which the repayment of the advance for Advances. Such second or subsequent
the purchase of Motor Car is completed. advances for the purchase of a Motor
Car will be admissible only after four
(d) An advance for the purchase of a years, reckoned from the date of drawal
conveyance shall not be granted to a of the last advance, have elapsed.
Government servant who is under Provided that, this restriction of four
suspension and, if an advance has years shall not apply in the following
already been sanctioned to him / her cases :-
before he / she was placed under
suspension, he / she shall not be (i) Where an advance has been
permitted to draw such advance during allowed earlier for the purchase of a
Motor Cycle but it is desired to draw the (c) The quantum of advance that
Advance for purchase of a Motor Car; may be granted on second or subsequent
advances for the purchase of a Motor
(ii) Where a Govt. Servant disposes Cycle / Scooter / Moped shall be
of his / her Motor Car in India prior to restricted to Rs. 24,000/- or three (3)
his / her posting abroad or deputation / months’ Pay in the Pay Band or the
training to abroad, lasting more than one anticipated price of Motor Cycle /
year and returns to India without a Scooter / Moped to be purchased,
Motor Car; whichever is the least.
sanctioned an Advance for an amount
(c) If a Govt. Servant without not exceeding Rs.30,000/- or the
substantive appointment, is granted an anticipated price, whichever is less, for
advance for purchase of a Bicycle, but purchase of Personal Computer. All
ceases to be a Govt. Servant before the other conditions prescribed for Motor
amount of the advance and the interest Car Advance are applicable.
thereon is completely repaid, the balance
shall, to the extent possible, be adjusted (e) In the Mortgage Deed,
against the pay and allowances due to particulars of make, model, etc., of
the Govt. Servant. Any amount, as then Computer should be furnished instead of
remains unpaid, shall be recovered Chassis No. / Engine No. for Car.
forthwith from the Surety, if any.
Note:- Total recoveries on account of
Note :- The rate of this advance is all Advances including Computer
increased by 25% whenever the Advance should not exceed 50% of the
Dearness Allowance payable on revised total emoluments.
pay structure goes up by 50%.
(a) House Building advance is
(a) An advance for purchase of sanctioned under provisions of Rule 86
Personal Computer not exceeding of GFRs Part-II, Compendium of Rules
Rs.80,000/- on first occasion and on Advances read with House Building
Rs.75,000/- on second and subsequent Advance Rules as amended from time to
occasion or the anticipated price of the time. All Central Government Servants
Computer, whichever is less, recoverable who are permanent or who have put in
in 150 monthly instalments may be not less than 10 years, or the members of
sanctioned to the Government officials the All India Services who were deputed
eligible or Motor Car advance. It can be for service under the Central Govt. etc.
sanctioned by the H.O.D. are eligible for the advance.
(b) Second / subsequent advance will (b) Advance is admissible for the
be sanctioned only after three (3) years following purposes :-
from the date of earlier advance.
(i) Constructing a new house on the
plot owned by the official or the
(c) Advance is not payable for official and the official’s wife /
Customs Duty and the price of Computer husband jointly.
excluding Customs duty is taken into (ii) Purchasing a plot and
account for limiting the advance. constructing a house thereon.
(iii) Purchasing a plot under Co-
(d) However, Govt. Servants who operative Schemes and
are not eligible for grant of Motor Car constructing a house thereon or
advance and who draws pay in the pay acquiring house through
band of Rs.8,560/- or more p.m., may be Membership of Co-Operative
Group Housing Schemes.
(iv) Purchasing / construction of (d) The Rules to regulate the grant of
house under Self – Financing Advances to Central Government
Scheme of Delhi, Bangalore, Servants for Building, etc., of houses,
U.P., Lucknow, etc. issued by the Ministry of Urban
(v) Outright purchase of a new ready Development with the concurrence of
built house / flat from Housing the Finance Ministry are published
Boards, Development Authorities separately.
and other statutory or Semi -
Government Bodies and also NON-INTEREST BEARING
from private Registered builders, ADVANCE
Architects, House Building
Societies, etc., but not private 17. FESTIVAL ADVANCE
(vi) Enlarging living accommodation (a) A Head of Office may sanction
in an existing house owned by an advance, on the eve of an important
the official or jointly with his / festival, to a non Gazetted Government
her wife / husband. The total servant under his / her administrative
cost of the existing structure control and whose Grade Pay does not
(excluding cost of land) and the exceed Rs.4,800/-. [Rule 53 of GFRs
proposed additions should not Part – II : Compendium on Rules and
exceed the prescribed cost Advances refers]
(vii) Repayment of loan or advance Explanations:-
taken from Government or
HUDCO or private source even (i) “Important festival” means such
if the construction has already festivals or one of such festivals
commenced, subject to certain as a Head of Department may
conditions. declare in respect of
(viii) Constructing the residential Establishments under his / her
portion only of the building on a administrative control.
plot which is earmarked as a
Shop-cum-Residential Plot in a (ii) A Head of Department should fix
Residential Colony. the festival occasions on which
such festival advances will be
(c) The cost of house to be built / allowed after taking into
purchased (excluding the cost of the consideration the importance
land) should not exceed 134 times of the attached locally to such festivals
pay in the Pay Band of the official, and in consultation with the
subject to a minimum of Rs. 7.5 lacs and recognized Association of Staff
maximum of Rs. 30 lacs. The cost where such Associations exist.
ceiling may be reduced up to 25% in For this purpose, Offices
individual cases based on merit by the including Sub Offices of an
Administrative Ministry concerned. The Office located at different
H.O.D. is competent authority to grant stations should be treated as
H.B.A. separate Establishments. [GOI
MF OM No. GI, MF, OM No. – issue of pay for the month following that
F.18(1)-E-II(A)/62 dated 19th in which such amount is drawn. [Rule
April, 1962] 61 of GFRs Part – II : Compendium on
(iii) For the purpose of Rule 53 of Rules and Advances]
GFRs Part – II : Compendium on Rules
and Advances, the Republic Day and
Independence Day may also be treated (e) Festival advance shall not be
as Festival occasions. [GOI MF OM granted to a Temporary Government
No. GI, MF, OM No. – F.16-C(3)- servant unless he / she is likely to
E.II(A)/61 dated 30th March, 1961] continue in Government service for a
period of atleast six (6) months beyond
(b) An advance under these Rules the month in which the advance is
may be granted to Government servant, disbursed. [Rule 57 of GFRs Part – II :
if he / she is on duty, or on leave on Compendium on Rules and Advances]
average pay or any other leave
equivalent thereto including maternity 18. ADVANCE OF PAY AND TA
leave, but excluding leave preparatory to ON TRANSFER
retirement, on the date on which the
advance is disbursed. [Rule 54 of GFRs (a) Advance of one month’s Basic
Part – II : Compendium on Rules and Pay + Grade Pay recoverable in three
Advances] equal instalments and Travelling
Allowance to which a Govt. Servant is
(c) The advance is admissible as per entitled in consequence of transfer, to be
Rule 54 of GFRs Part-II, Compendium recovered in lump sum from Transfer
of Rules on Advances only once in a TA Claim, can be sanctioned under Rule
financial year [Rule 55], limited to a 39 to 43 of GFRs Part-II, Compendium
maximum amount of Rs. 3,000/- [Rule of Rules on Advances, to a temporary or
58], provided that a Govt. servant who is permanent Government servant by a
granted an advance under Rule 63 of Head of Office, whenever the former is
GFRs Part – II : Compendium on Rules transferred from one place to another
and Advances, shall not be granted an involving change of residence. In the
advance under this Rule in the same event of his / her own transfer, the Head
financial year [Rule 57]. of Office may sanction such advance to
himself / herself.
Note :- The rate of this advance is
increased by 25% whenever the (b) No advance of Pay or Travelling
Dearness Allowance payable on revised Allowance should be granted in respect
pay structure goes up by 50%. of transfer mutually arranged by Govt.
Servants among themselves and
(d) The amount of festival advance approved by the appropriate authority.
granted under these Rules shall be [GOI MF OM No.F.16-A(1)-E.II (A)/59,
recovered in not more than ten (10) dated 30/01/1959]
equal monthly instalments. [Rule 60 of
GFRs Part – II : Compendium on Rules (c) No advance of Pay shall be
and Advances] Recovery of the amount granted in respect of Temporary
of advance shall commence with the Transfer for a period not exceeding 180
days. still outstanding against the Govt.
servant concerned until an account has
(d) A second Transfer TA Advance been given of the first. [Rule 50 of GFRs
to a Government servant to cover the Part – II : Compendium on Rules and
travelling expenses of any member(s) of Advances]
his / her family follows him / her within
six (6) months from the date of the (d) Tour T.A. Advance to the Head
transfer of the Govt. Servant and in of Office who are not their own
respect of whom an advance of controlling officers may be sanctioned
Travelling Allowance has not already by the respective controlling officers.
been drawn. [GOI MF OM No. 15(17)- [Rule 48(2) of GFRs Part – II :
E.II(B)/58, dated 17th July, 1958 ] Compendium on Rules and Advances]
days. A Head of Office may sanction an Compendium of Rules on Advances,
advance for himself also. [Rule 76 of GFRs Part-II.
GFRs Part-II : Compendium of Rules on
Advances] 21. ADVANCE ON LEAVE
(b) The amount of advance in lieu of
Leave Salary which may be granted to a (a) Under the provisions of Rule 52
Govt. Servant proceeding on leave for (1) of Compendium of Rules on
not less than 30 days, shall be fixed in Advances, GFRs Part-II, a Head of
whole rupees and shall not exceed the Office may sanction advances to Govt.
net amount of Leave Salary, including servant to enable them to avail of LTC.
Allowances for the first 30 days of leave Heads of Offices, who are not their own
that is clearly admissible to him / her Controlling Officer, may be sanctioned
after usual deductions on account of advances by the next higher authority.
Income Tax, GPF, House Rent, CGHS
Subscription, Recovery of Advances, (b) As per Rule 52 (2) (i) of
etc., [Rule 77 of GFRs Part-II : Compendium of Rules on Advances,
Compendium of Rules on Advances] GFRs Part-II, the amount of advance in
each case shall be limited to 90% of the
(c) The amount of advance granted estimated amount which the Govt. would
under this Section shall be adjusted in have to reimburse in respect of the cost
full in the Leave Salary Bill in respect of of journeys both ways.
the leave availed by the Govt. Servant
concerned. If the amount of advance (c) As per Rule 52 (2) (ii) of
cannot be so adjusted, the balance shall Compendium of Rules on Advances,
be recovered from the next payment of GFRs Part-II, where the Govt. servant
pay or / and leave salary. [Rule 78 of and the member(s) of his / her family
GFRs Part-II : Compendium of Rules on avail themselves of the LTC separately,
Advances] i.e., at different times, there would be no
objection to the advance being drawn
(d) As per GOI, MHA letter No. separately to the extent admissible. The
22011/1/84-FP-IV dated 19/11/86, leave advance may be drawn for both forward
salary can be sanctioned for 60 days to and return journeys of the Govt. servant
non-gazetted personnel of CRPF in and/or the members of
relaxation of Rules 76 to 78 of
his / her family at the time of advance can be drawn for the forward
commencement of the onward journey, journey only. [Rule 52 (2) (iii) (b) of
provided the period of leave taken by the GFRs Part – II : Compendium of Rules
Govt. servant or the period of anticipated on Advances]
absence of the members of his / her
family does not exceed 3 months or 90 (d) Where an advance has been
days. [Rule 52 (2) (iii) (a) of GFRs Part drawn for both the forward and return
– II : Compendium of Rules on journeys and later it becomes clear that
Advances] Where the period of leave or the period of absence either of the
the period of anticipated absence officer or his / her family from Hqrs is
exceeds three months or 90 days, the likely to exceed 3 months or 90 days,
one half of the advance shall be refunded journey by rail, advance may be granted
by the Govt. servant to the Govt. 60 days before the date of journey, but
forthwith. [Rule 52 (2) (iii) (c) of GFRs shall have to be refunded forthwith if the
Part – II : Compendium of Rules on Govt. servant is not able to produce the
Advances] cash receipts/tickets from railways to
show that he / she has utilized the
(e) An advance in respect of amounts of advance for the purchase of
temporary Govt. servants and their tickets within 10 days of drawal of
family shall be sanctioned subject to advance.
production by them of surety of a
permanent Central Govt. servant. [Rule (ii) Where the initial part of outward
52 (2) (iv) of GFRs Part – II : journey is proposed to be performed
Compendium of Rules on Advances] otherwise than by rail, the advance may
be granted 30 days in advance of the
(f) In case where no travel advance proposed date of journey. But the
has been drawn the period within which advance shall have to be refunded
a Govt. servant should submit his / her forthwith if the outward journey is not
claim on completion of the return commenced within 30 days of the grant
journey is 3 months. In case where of advance. [Rule 52 (2) (v) of GFRs
advance has been drawn towards LTC, Part – II : Compendium of Rules on
final bill will have to be prepared within Advances]
one month after completion of the return
journey. Beyond the above period, the (h) The amount of advance will be
Govt. servant shall stand forfeited his / debited to sub and detailed head
her claim for re-imbursement / “Salaries” subordinate to the appropriate
adjustment of LTC and the LTC final Head of Account to which the pay,
advance, if drawn, is to be recovered etc., of the Government servant
forthwith in lump-sum and when such concerned is debited and the adjustment
recovery is made, it should be taken as if of the advance watched. [GOI Decision
no advance has been drawn and the No. 3 below Rule 52 (2) of GFRs Part –
claim allowed to be preferred within a II : Compendium of Rules on Advances]
period of 3 months failing which it shall
stand forfeited under the terms of GOI
Decision No.2 below Rule 52 (2) of
Compendium of Rules on Advances, (i) As per MHA letter No. R.I-1/79-
GFRs Part-II. Adm.II-FP-I, dated 25/11/1983, the
grant of 2 years LTC and 4 years LTC to
(g) (i) Where it is proposed to CRPF personnel from detachment
perform the initial part of the outward station will be governed as follows :-
Station to be treated as Head quarter for LTC
Sl. No. Category
2 years LTC 4 years LTC
a) Personnel & family at Dett. Station
i) Govt. employees. Detachment station Detachment station
ii) Family Detachment station Detachment station
b) Personnel at detachment & family at GC
i) Govt. employees Detachment station Detachment station
ii) Family Group Centre Group Centre
c) Personnel at detachment, family not at Dett. & not at GC
i) Govt. Employees Detachment station Detachment station
ii) Family Not admissible Group Centre
Note : 1) Family means Govt. servant, his / entitled to one free leave travel pass
her wife / husband, two surviving unmarried (DFLP) to home town and back once a
children or step children, wholly dependent year, while deployed in difficult areas,
upon the Government servant; whether they namely, Andaman & Nicobar Island,
are residing with the Government servant or Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bhuj,
not. Chhadbet, J&K, Lakshadwip Island,
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
2) Married daughters who have been Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. Sikkim
divorced, abandoned or separated from their was included in difficult areas as per
husbands and widowed daughters, if MHA letter No. 15/19/74-FP.I, dated
residing with and wholly dependent upon 18/1/77. This concession will not be
the Govt. Servant. admissible to personnel in static and
non-operational Units of CRPF, such as,
3) Unmarried minor brothers, unmarried / Group Centres, DIsG Offices, etc. This
divorced / abandoned / separated from their DFLP is granted on the analogy of LTC
husbands or widowed sisters residing with to which a Govt. servant becomes
and wholly dependent on the Govt. Servant, eligible only after one year service, the
provided their parents are either not alive or same eligibility period shall be
are themselves wholly dependent on the applicable in the case of availing of
Govt. Servant. DFLP also.
additional LTC to their Company personnel and till such time, competent authority
and issue the Railway Warrants as permits the change, the NRS so declared
applicable there upon. and recorded, at the time of appointment
in the Service Record cannot be
(l) As per DIG (Adm), Directorate TRAVELLING IN A SPECIAL TRAIN.
General, CRPF, letter No. R.I-4/71-Adm
dated 17/11/76 and Govt. of India, MHA (n) As per DIG (Adm), Directorate
letter No. R.I-1/2002-Adm- General, CRPF, letter No. R.I-1/77-Adm.II
II(Wel)/CRPF/PF-III dated 22/12/2003, dated 30/5/78, all persons not entitled to
personnel up to the rank of Subedar travel on a Railway Warrant should
Major posted in non-difficult areas are purchase Railway ticket on cash payment
allowed the benefit of Free Leave Travel travelling in a special train. This includes
Pass for self for visiting their home town all family members of the personnel of the
in lieu of LTC once a year provided their CRPF. The Railway Warrant issued to the
families are not staying with them at the Railways should exclude the cost of the
detachment subject to the condition that tickets so purchased.
they will not avail of the normal LTC for
their family in a block period of two 22. NATURAL CALAMITIES
years as in the case of other Central ADVANCES
Govt. employees who are covered by
LTC Rules. (a) Advance for these purposes can be
sanctioned by a Head of Office under the
FREE LEAVE PASS ON MEDICAL provision of Rule 64 to 69 of Compendium
LEAVE of Rules on Advances, GFRs Part-II to non-
gazetted Government servant whose
(m) Personnel up to the rank of HCs property, movable or immovable, has been
when proceeding on medical leave of substantially affected or damaged in an area
duration of not less than one month are which has been notified by the concerned
entitled to FLP provided, it is certified State Government to have been affected by a
that the illness or injury which natural calamity and State Govt. has also
necessitated medical leave was not issued orders sanctioning financial
brought about by any fault or negligence assistance to their own employees, whose
on the part of the member of the force. property, moveable or immovable, has been
damaged by the natural calamity, in the
NOTE: Railway Warrants on account areas declared as having been affected by
of FLP / DFLP / ADFLP should only be the natural calamity.
issued for the declared NRS of the
individual concerned. In case of any (b) A sum of Rs.5,000/- is
change in NRS, to the declared Home admissible and the rate of this advance
Town, the appropriate course of action shall be increased by 25% whenever the
to get the NRS changed as per Dearness Allowance payable in the
prescribed procedure should be taken revised pay structure goes up by 50%.
Such an advance is recoverable in not School stage, provided that the
more than 25 equal monthly instalments course of study is for not less
and recovery will start from the second than three years;
issue of pay after the advance is drawn.
The advance is granted to a Govt. (iii) to pay obligatory expenses on a
servant if he applies for it within three scale appropriate to the
months from the date of Govt. orders subscriber’s status which by
under which an area is declared to be customary usage the subscriber
affected by a natural calamity. has to incur in connection with
betrothal or marriages, funerals
23. G.P.F. ADVANCE or other ceremonies;
(a) The advance from G.P.F. not (iv) to meet the cost of legal
exceeding three months pay or half the proceedings instituted by or
amount held in the credit whichever is against the subscriber, any
less may be sanctioned to a Govt. member of his / her family or any
servant by the Head of Office under the person(s) actually dependent
provisions of rule 12(1) of GPF (Central upon him / her, the advance in
Services) Rules, 1960, for one or more this case being available in
of the following purposes :- addition to any advance
admissible for the same purpose
(i) to pay expenses in connection from any other Government
with the illness, confinement or a source.
disability, including where
necessary, the travelling (v) to meet the cost of the
expenses of the subscriber and subscriber’s defence where he /
members of his / her family or she engages a legal practitioner
any person(s) actually dependent to defend himself / herself in an
on him / her; enquiry in respect of any alleged
official misconduct on his / her
(ii) to meet cost of higher education, part.
including where necessary, the
travelling expenses of the (vi) to purchase consumer durables,
subscriber and members of his / such as, TV, VCR/VCP,
her family or any person(s) Washing Machines, Cooking
actually dependent on him / her Range, Geysers and Computers.
in the following cases, namely:-
(a) for education outside India for (vii) to meet the expenses for visiting
academic, technical, professional places which, to the satisfaction
or vocational course beyond the of the sanctioning authority, are
High School stage; and considered as places of
pilgrimage or places of eminence
(b) for any medical, engineering or of any religion.
other technical or specialized
course in India beyond the High (b) An advance shall not, except for
special reasons to be recorded in writing, MHA (CCA) vide F. No. Pr.AO /
be granted to any subscriber in excess of Admn / MHA / DFPR / 07 / 08-4034-40
the limit laid down in sub-rule (1) or dated 29/12/2009, it should be
until repayment of the last instalment of specifically ensured that GPF claims
any previous advance. should not take more than 26 days in
processing from the time of submission
(c) When an advance is sanctioned of application by the individual, as per
under sub-rule (2) before repayment of details given below this Para. In order to
last instalment of any previous advance streamline the process and to eliminate
is completed, the balance of any unnecessary levels, the power to
previous advance not recovered shall be sanction the claims has been delegated to
added to the advance so sanctioned and all the Commandants of the Battalions.
the instalments for recovery shall be However, in cases where the staff is
fixed with reference to the consolidated directly reporting to DIG / IG, the
amount. sanction would be given by the DIG / IG
as the case may be. Further in cases,
(d) After sanctioning the advance, where DDO is different from the
the amount shall be drawn on an Sanctioning Authority and the Bill is
authorization from the Accounts Officer prepared at a different place, it has been
in case where the application for final decided that the DDO function would
payment had been forwarded to the also be delegated to the Commandants of
Accounts Officer under Clause (ii) of the Battalions for the limited purpose of
sub-rule (3) of Rule 34. GPF and other personal claims.
Specimen signatures of these Officers
NOTE:1) For the purpose of this will be sent to the PAO, CRPF for being
Rule, pay includes Dearness Pay where recognized as DDOs’ signatures. These
admissible. officers would be using the same DDO
code as was used by the original DDOs.
2) The appropriate sanctioning
authority for the purpose of this rule is
specified in the Fifth Schedule. TIME LINES TO BE ADHERED
TO :-
3) A subscriber shall be permitted
to take an advance once in every six (i) Submission of claims by
months under item (b) of sub-rule (1) of individual to Commanding
Rule 12. Officer -3 days
(ii) Approval by the Commanding
(e) The advance from GPF in excess Officer -5 days
of the limit laid down above or until (iii) Preparation of bill
repayment of the last instalment of any by DDOs
previous advance may be sanctioned -3days
only by the Head of Department under (iv) Transmission of bills by PAO /
the provision of Rule 12 (2) of GPF PAD -6 days
(Central Services) Rules, 1960. (v) Processing of
Bills by PAO /
(f) As per instructions of GOI / PAD - 6 days
(vi) Payment directly to the whole or balance of the amount
individuals through ECS withdrawn shall forthwith be repaid by
- 3 days the subscriber to the fund, or in default,
Total Permissible Time Line -26 days be ordered by the Accounts Officer to be
recovered by deduction from the
(g) (i) GPF Advance shall be emoluments of the subscriber in a lump
recovered from the subscriber in such sum or in monthly instalments, not
number of equal monthly instalments as exceeding 12 months, as may be directed
the Sanctioning Authority may direct; by the authority competent to sanction.
but such number shall not be less than 12
unless the subscriber so elects and more (iv) Recoveries made under this Rule
than 24. In special cases, where amount shall be credited as they are made to the
of advance exceeds 3 months’ pay, subscriber’s account in the Fund.
under Rule 12 (2) of GPF (Central
Services) Rules, 1960, the Sanctioning (h) Notwithstanding anything
Authority may fix such number of contained in these Rules, if the
instalments to be more than 24 but in no Sanctioning Authority has reason to
case more than 36. A subscriber may at doubt that money drawn as an advance
his / her option repay more than one from the Fund under Rule 12 has been
instalment in a month. Each instalment utilized for a purpose other than that for
shall be a number of whole rupees, the which sanction was given to the drawal
amount of the advance being raised / of the money, he / she shall
reduced, if necessary to admit of the communicate to the subscriber the
fixation of such instalments. reasons for his / her doubt and required
him / her to explain in writing and within
(ii) Recovery shall commence with 15 days of the receipt of such
the issue of the pay following the one in communication whether the advance has
which the advance was drawn. been utilized for the purpose for which
Recovery shall not be made, except with sanction was given to the drawal of the
subscriber’s consent while he / she is in money. If the Sanctioning Authority is
receipt of Subsistence Grant or he / she not satisfied with the explanation
is on leave for ten days or more in a furnished by the subscriber, within the
calendar month which either does not said period of fifteen days, the
carry any leave salary or carries leave Sanctioning Authority shall direct the
salary equal to or less than half pay or subscriber to repay the amount in
half average pay, as the case may be. question to the Fund forthwith or, in
The recovery may be postponed on the default, order the amount to be
subscriber’s written request, by the recovered by deduction in one sum from
Sanctioning Authority during recovery the emoluments of the subscriber even if
of an advance of pay granted to the he / she be on leave. If, however, the
subscriber. total amount to be repaid be more than
half the subscriber’s emoluments,
(iii) If an advance has been granted to recoveries shall be made in monthly
a subscriber and drawn by him / her and instalments of moieties of his / her
the advance is subsequently disallowed emoluments till the entire amount is
before repayment is completed, the repaid by him / her. [Note:- The term
emoluments, in the rule does not include any recovered subsequently shall be
Subsistence Grant.] credited to the above head and the
balance, if any, under the head, if found
24. RE-DRAWAL OF AMOUNTS irrecoverable, should be written off with
EMBEZZLED OR LOST the sanction of the competent authority
As per Rule 33 (5) of GFRs an and adjusted as lost under the head of
amount lost through misappropriation, account to which the expenditure of the
defalcation, embezzlement etc., may be Department concerned is ordinarily
re-drawn, if required, for disbursement debitable.
of claim against Govt. pending order /
action regarding investigation, etc., and 25. CONTRACTS
recovery, if any, of the lost amount with
the approval of the authority competent No contract shall be made by a
to write off the lost amount in question subordinate authority, which has not
in terms of the provisions of Schedule-7 been directed or authorized to do so.
of the delegation of Financial Powers Provisions contained in Chapter 8 of
Rules, 1978, on a simple receipt GFRs shall be followed.
containing the following information :-
account………….850…………Civil LOSS OF HIS / HER MOVABLE
advances…… other advances………sub PROPERTY WHILE ON DUTY
head to correspond to the particulars
cash of defalcation, embezzlement etc.” No compensation for accidental
loss of property while on duty shall be
Received a sum of Rs…………. granted to a Government servant, which
(Rupees…………) only being the is caused by floods, cyclone, earthquake
amount sanctioned for re-drawal or any other natural calamity except with
by………….the authority mentioned in the approval of Finance Ministry.
schedule-7 of the Delegation of
Financial Powers Rule, 1978. 27. FINES
order in the Force Order.
Any serious loss of immovable
property, such as buildings, (e) (i) An Officer loses Special
communications, or other works caused allowance automatically on being
by fire, flood, cyclone, earthquake or transferred from a post for which it is
any other natural cause, shall be reported sanctioned. Necessary Office Order /
at once by the subordinate authority Battalion Order will, however, be issued.
concerned through the usual channel.
Instructions issued in this regard, from (ii) During joining time when on
time to time, by the Directorate General transit from one post to another an
should be followed. Officer’s pay is regulated by Central
Civil Services (Joining Time) Rules,
(f) An Officer may continue to draw
(a) Special allowance is defined in the pay of any officiating post held by
Fundamental Rules 9 (25), as under :- him / her as long as it is permissible
under the rules governing officiating
“Special Pay means an addition, promotion.
of the nature of pay, to the emoluments
of a Post or a Government Servant, (g) It is not permissible with or
granted in consideration of – (i) the without departmental proceedings to
specially arduous nature of duties; or (ii) deprive an Officer of Special allowance
a specific addition to the work or while retaining him / her in a post for
responsibility.” which it is sanctioned.
7. SI (QM) Rs.240/- members of Staff Clubs, etc., their
8. HC (RO) Rs.320/- number (i.e., actual number of Gazetted
9. HC (Cipher) Rs.320/- Officers who are members of such
10. HC (BQMH) Rs.80/- Clubs, etc.) will also be taken into
11. HC (CQMH) Rs.80/- account for the purpose of calculating
12. HC (CHM) Rs.80/- the amount of Grant-in-Aid.
13. HC (Instructor) Rs.80/-
14. HC (Armourer) Rs.160/- (d) Categories of staff not borne on
15. HC (BHM) Rs.80/- the regular strength of an organization,
16. CT (Store Person) / i.e., staff paid from contingencies, work
Rs.80/- charged staff, will not be taken into
17. Constable (Bugler) Rs.40/- account.
(i) These allowances, if further
(e) Rate of Grant-in-Aid will be
rationalized by Ministry of Home
Rs.25/- per head per annum. Besides
Affairs, revised Orders will be issued
this an additional Grant-in-Aid up to
accordingly. The Orders issued to
Rs.50/- per head per annum to match the
double the existing special allowances
subscription made by the existing staff
would be admissible only to person who
clubs will be admissible. In the case of
were already in receipt of special pay in
Staff Clubs, which were not in existence
pursuance of DoPT OM dated
during the previous financial year and
which are started during the financial
year for which the Grant-in-Aid is to be
given, the additional matching grant-in-
aid up to Rs.15/- per head per annum, to
(a) Grant-in-Aid to the CRPF
match the subscription collected by such
sanctioned by MHA, will be distributed
Clubs up to the date on which the
by the Dte. General, CRPF to various
proposal for the Grant-in-Aid is mooted,
Sectors / Branches in accordance with
may be sanctioned.
the provisions of GFRs, subject to
budget provision available for them.
(f) The amount of Grant-in-Aid will
They will further distribute the same to
be utilized for the provision of amenities
units / offices under their Adm control
to the members of the clubs.
for utilization in accordance with
provisions of GFRs.
(g) A list, which is illustrative only,
of main items on which expenditure can
(b) The amount of Grant-in-Aid will
be incurred out of Grant-in-Aid is given
depend on the strength of non-gazetted
below :-
(including Ministerial, Non-Ministerial,
Technical and Class-IV) staff borne on
(i) Articles of Sports-Outdoor and
the regular strength of a Battalion /
Indoor Games equipment.
Office / Institutions, etc., on 31st of
(ii) Cost of Uniforms, etc., supplied
March of the previous year irrespective
to teams/players.
of whether any individual is a member
(iii) Magazines and
of the staff club, etc., or not.
(iv) Entry fee for tournaments.
(c) Where Gazetted Officers are also
(v) Hiring of playgrounds. the Government from time to time and
(vi) Hiring and repair of furniture, submitted through proper channel to the
etc. sanctioning authority before 31st of May
(vii) Purchase of furniture. every year.
(viii) Conveyance expenses incurred
locally. 31. LOSSES
(ix) Entertainment.
(x) Prizes. (a) The loss of Government money
(xi) Hiring of accommodation for and property is classified as under :-
Club / Association, etc.
(xii) Film shows. (i) Loss of Public
(xiii) Cultural and Sports programme. Money.
(xiv) Inter-Ministry Meets. (ii) Loss of Stores.
(xv) Inter-Departmental Meets. (iii) Loss in the value
of Stores.
(iv) Loss of irrecoverable
advances / loans.
The grant sanctioned for
provisions of amenities to Government (b) As per GFRs – 33 (1) with the
servant do not cover within their scope exceptions noted below any loss or
any compassionate objects such as death shortage of public moneys, departmental
benefits or expenditure for organization revenues or receipts, stamps, opium,
of excursion trips. stores or other property held by or on
behalf of Govt. caused by defalcation or
(h) Besides the Grant-in-Aid otherwise including losses / shortage
mentioned above, ad-hoc grants in noticed as a result of physical
certain cases and for specified purposes, verification which is discovered in the
i.e., initial purchase of equipment, etc., office or department, shall be
may be sanctioned by the MHA in immediately reported by the concerned
consultation with Ministry of Finance. authority to the next higher authority as
well as to the Director of Audit, Central
(i) The entire amount of Grant-in- Revenues, PAO and Financial Advisor
Aid should be spent during the financial even when such loss has been made
year, i.e., before 31st of March. Unspent good by the party responsible for it. But
amount, if any, should be refunded to the petty cases that is cases involving
Treasury. losses not exceeding Rs. 2,000/- each
need not be reported to the Audit
(j) Utilization certificate for the Officer, PAO and Financial Advisor
sanctioned amount of Grant-in-Aid will unless there are, in any case, important
be sent by the Heads of Offices through features which merit detailed
proper channel to Sector IG on 1st of investigation and consideration.
April every year.
(c) Immediately after the
(k) The proposal for Grant-in-Aid preliminary report, the matter should be
will be prepared by each Head of Office fully investigated by a Court of Inquiry
in accordance with instructions issued by and proceedings thereof should be
submitted to the higher authorities. The
Court of Inquiry will bring out :- (h) In cases of losses arising out of
suspected theft, fraud and neglect by the
(i) The nature and extent of loss; Govt. servant, the special provisions
(ii) Circumstances which led to the contained in Rules – 34 to 38 of GFRs
loss including errors and neglect and other Govt. of India orders issued
of rules and procedure; from time to time, should be followed.
(iii) Prospect of effective recovery; A register of losses pending
(iv) Disciplinary and any other action regularization shall be maintained in
proposed against Govt. servants each office / establishment / branch
responsible or suspected to be giving the full particulars of the loss, the
responsible; amount involved and action taken for
(v) Steps taken or proposed to be regularization.
taken to prevent recurrence of
loss. 32. SANCTION
appropriation / re-appropriation. Such
(iv) Expenditure from public moneys sanction will become operative only
should not be incurred for the after funds have been provided by
benefit of a particular person or a appropriation / re-appropriation by the
section of the people, unless :- competent authority.
a) a claim for the amount could be (f) All financial sanctions and orders
enforced in a Court of Law, or issued by competent authority shall
invariably be communicated to DA,
b) the expenditure is in pursuance Central Revenues and PAO. In the
of a recognized policy or custom. following cases copies of Sanction
Orders need not be endorsed to the DA,
(v) The amount of allowances CR :-
granted to meet expenditure of a
particular type should be so i) Sanction relating to grant of
regulated that the allowances are advance to Central Govt.
not on the whole a source of employees.
profit to the recipients. ii) Sanction relating to
appointment / promotion /
(b) No expenditure out of Govt. transfer of Gazetted and non
funds shall be incurred or even a liability Gazetted Officers.
entered into unless proper sanction has iii) All sanctions relating to
been obtained / accorded and funds have creation / continuation / abolition
been provided. Inevitable payments of posts.
which are indisputably payable by the iv) Sanction for handing over and
Govt. such as payment on a Court decree taking over charge, etc.
involving penalties for non fulfilment of v) Sanction relating to payment /
the orders of the Court, should, however, withdrawal of GPF advances to
be paid and ex-post-facto sanction Govt. servants.
obtained to cover the payment at the vi) Sanction of contingent
earliest. expenditure incurred under the
powers of Head of Office.
(c) The sanction takes effect either vii) Other sanctions of routine nature
from the date of issue or the date, if any issued by Heads of Subordinate
mentioned therein, as per GFRs – 27 (1). Offices. (other than those issued
But it will not be honoured by PAO by Ministry / Departments proper
unless funds are available to meet the and under powers of Head of
expenditure. Department).
(d) All sanctions to expenditure shall (g) All sanctions and orders
indicate the details of the provisions in involving payments from Govt. Funds
the relevant grant or appropriation should be signed by the Officers
wherefrom expenditure is to be met. concerned in ink or by ball point pen and
should not be conveyed over cyclostyled
(e) Sanction can also be accorded signatures. There is, however, no
subject to provision of funds by objection to the making out of extra
copies of sanctions including signatures
by cyclostyled process. The procedure (k) Works sanctions remain
applies to expenditure sanctions only operative for a period of five years from
and not to all financial sanctions in the date of issue but will cease to be
general. Sanctions relating to delegation operative if the work is not commenced
of powers to sub-ordinate authorities, within that period. But sanctions for
may however, continue to be issued ordinary repairs lapses on the last day of
under cyclostyled signatures. the financial year.
(j) It shall lapse on the expiry of (n) In cases, except those referred to
period if any, mentioned in the sanction. in clause (ii) of proviso to GFRs – 30, in
If there is specific provision in the which payment in part has been made
sanction for meeting expenditure from a within a period of the twelve months
particular financial year, it shall lapse at from the date of issue of the sanction,
the close of that year. the subsequent payment of the balance
may, subject to the existent budget
In case of sanctions for purchase provisions, be made without fresh
of stores locally or directly, the sanction expenditure sanction. The bill for the
shall lapse unless supply orders have subsequent payment, besides containing
been placed and payment made at least a reference to the expenditure sanction,
in part within twelve months from the should also contain a reference to the
date of sanction. Sanction for purchase number and date of the voucher under
through Central Purchase Organization which the first payment was made.
would not lapse if the indents have been
placed on them within a period of twelve 33. TRAVELLING AND DAILY
months from the date of sanction. ALLOWANCE
(a) Travelling Allowance is (e) When deputed to any Army
regulated by the Supplementary Rules School of Instructions or to any Military
and Rules 19, 20, 21 and 46 of the Units, they will draw travelling
Central Reserve Police Force Rules, allowance as on tour for the original
1955 and other Govt. Orders issued from journey to and the last journey from the
time to time. These rules should be place of training or instruction plus daily
consulted to determine the class of allowance at full rate for the entire
accommodation in which the period of stay as laid down in Rule 46 (f)
Government servant may travel and (4) of the CRPF Rules, 1955.
admissibility of TA / DA to him / her by
rail, road, air or steamer, etc., as the case (f) The grant of the concession
may be. sanctioned at (e) above will, however, in
all cases be subject to the restrictions
(b) The Controlling Officer will laid down in the proviso to
enforce the principle that travelling Supplementary Rules, 164.
allowance is not to be, on the whole, a
source of profit to the recipient. Every (g) Gazetted Officers and
TA Bill must be either signed or Subordinate Officers above the rank of
countersigned by the Controlling Head Constable while deputed to
Officer. The Controlling Officer may undergo a course of training or
not increase the amount of a bill and, instructions are entitled to the grant of
without express permission of the daily allowance at the following rates
competent authority he may not delegate vide Rule – 46(f) of the CRPF Rules,
to his / her subordinate his / her duty of 1955 in addition to travelling allowance
countersignature. as on tour for the original journey to and
the last journey from the place of
(c) Supplementary Rules 49, 52 and training :-
73 read with Rule 46 (c) of the Central
Reserve Police Force Rules, 1955, (i) At full for the first 10 days.
regulate the admissibility of Daily (ii) At ¾ rate for the next 20 days.
Allowance during halts away from (iii) At ½ rate for the rest of the
Headquarters on Tour; Detachment duty period
and Training, etc.
(h) If any member of the Force is
(d) Head Constables and Constables transferred at his/her own request he is
of the Central Reserve Police Force not entitled to travelling allowance or to
when deputed to undergo training at any his / her actual expenses.
Police Training Centre will be entitled to
travelling allowances as on tour for the
original journey and to the last journey 34. FAMILY
from the place of training, plus daily ACCOMMODATION
allowance at full rate for the entire ALLOWANCE
period of their stay, vide Rule 46 (f) (4)
of the Central Reserve Police Force In pursuance of Govt’s decision
Rules, 1955. on the recommendations of Sixth Central
Pay Commission, Family the Committee under AS & FA
Accommodation Allowance @ Rs. 875/- (Home) on case – to – case basis.
p.m. (enhanced by 25% in consequence
of increase in Dearness Allowance (b) CPMF personnel deployed
beyond 50%) to all the CPMF personnel under Ops control of Army or
who are not eligible for either rent free in areas / co-ordinates defined
accommodation / HRA, or CILQ are by Army but not under Ops
eligible. control.
considered on case to case basis by the
Committee under AS & FA (Home) on (i) GOI / MHA (Police Finance
furnishing of deployment details with Wing) vide OM No. II-27012/56/2008-
adequate justification by the CPMFs; PF.I dated 17th October, 2011 has
approved grant of Risk / Hardship
(iii) CPMFs personnel, upto the rank Allowance equal to CI (Operations) in
of Commandant, on deputation to the Field Area Allowance in the place of
Commando Battalion for Resolute existing Modified Field Area
Action (CoBRA) of CRPF would be Allowance for CAPFs personnel
entitled to an allowance at the rate of deployed in 35 focused districts in LWE
80% of Marine Commandos (MARCOS) areas identified by MHA as most
Allowance. hardship prone. Accordingly, revised
rates now afforded by MHA will be as
(d) Risk / Hardship based under :-
State Districts
Andhra Pradesh Khamman (01)
Bihar Arwal, Aurangabad, Gaya, Jamui, Jehanabad, Rohtas (06)
Bastar, Bijapur, Dantewada, Kanker, Narayanpur, Rajnandgaon,
Sarguja (07)
Maharashtra Gadchiroli, Gondia (02)
Madhya Pradesh Balaghat (01)
Orissa Gajapati, Malkangiri, Raygada, Sambhalpur, Deogarh (05)
Uttar Pradesh Sonebhadra (01)
Bokaro, Chatra, East Singhbhum, Garhwa, Gumla, Hazaribagh,
Latehar, Lohardagga, Palamu, West Singhbhum, Ramgah (11)
West Bengal West Medinipur (01)
27012/56/2008-PF.I dated 16th April, personnel.
2009 will remain same. These Orders
will be effective from the date of issue of 35 (iv) CPMF personnel shall have the
MHA Ltr ibid i.e., 17th October 2011 and option to receiving their existing
the Force personnel will be able to draw package of compensatory allowances
revised allowances w.e.f. 17/10/2011. and detachment allowance, or the Risk /
Hardship Allowances proposed at paras
35 (ii) In addition the following – 1 and 2 above, whichever is beneficial
deployments shall also be entitled to to them.
Risk / Hardship based Allowances at the
rates indicated against each category :- 35 (v) These orders will be effective
from 1st March, 2009. (MHA OM No.II-
(a) CPMFs personnel deployed in 27012/56/2008-PF.I dated 16/04/2009)
the BOPs of the Rann of Kutch area of
Gujarat and the Sunderban area of West 36. FUNCTION OF THE GROUP
Bengal would be entitled to Modified CENTRE
Field Area Allowance admissible to
Army personnel deployed in areas The DIG or any other senior
classified as Modified Field Areas by the officer appointed to be incharge of the
Army. In addition, such CPMF GC by the Govt. will be the Drawing
personnel would be entitled to an and Disbursing Officer for the Group
allowance as applicable to Uncongenial Centre as well as for the Bns attached to
Areas (below 9000 ft.) at the rates of the it. Though both DIG of GC and
High Altitude Allowance category (1) of Commandant of Attached Bns have full
the Army as provided. financial powers as laid down in
Appendix ‘B’ to CRPF Rules, 1955,
(b) CPMF personnel deployed in all drawing and disbursing will be done by
air maintained BOPs would also be the DIG, Group Centre only. All bills,
entitled to an allowance as applicable e.g., Pay Bills, T.A Bills, Reward Bills,
Uncongenial Area (below 9000 ft.). Medical Re-imbursement Bills,
This will be in addition to any category Contingent Bills, etc., will therefore, be
of Field Area Allowance which they prepared at the Group Centre in respect
may be also entitled to. In case an air of its own establishment as well as of the
maintained BOP does not qualify for any attached Bns. TA Claims, Medical Re-
Field Area Allowance, the CPMF imbursement Claims, Bills and Vouchers
personnel deployed in such BOPs would relating to Contingent expenditure, etc.,
be entitled to the Modified Field Area should, therefore, be sent by the attached
Allowance in addition to high altitude Units to the Group Centre for
Category – I allowance as applicable for preparation of the bills and submission
Uncongenial Areas (below 9000 ft.). to PAO CRPF authorizing payment.
Gazetted Officers of CRPF on account re-casted since appointment)
of their pay and other allowances under must be updated till the date of
IRLA system of accounting. In order to relief of Officer and correctness
ensure correct and up – to – date certified by the HOO.
maintenance of Individual Running
Ledger Account (IRLA) of Officers, the (g) Attested copies of all Educational
following documents are required by the Certificates with proof of date of
PAO from each Office / Institution / birth.
Formation / Unit :-
posted in other than disturbed CRPF.
area as mentioned in SO No. 8 /
2002 are availing this facility (vi) FOR AUTHORISING TO
which is not correct. It should be DRAW HRA.
ensured that only entitled
Officers are issued with FLP / (a) Sanction Order of the competent
DFLP. While sanctioning Addl. authority duly quoting the
LTC and ADFLP instructions on relevant rules / instructions on
the subject should be followed the subject.
(b) Annexure – II submitted by the
(d) It should be ensured that two Officer duly mentioning the
years block LTC / FLP / ADFLP address of the house where the
are sanctioned / issued to the Officer or his / her Family is
declared NRS / Home Town only residing. It should be counter
to avoid audit objections and signed by the HOO / Controlling
subsequent recovery. Authority.
(d) Out Living Permission granted It must be ensured that all
by the Head of Office. In this Medical Officers who are drawing
connection, instructions issued Contingency Allowance should furnish
by PAO, CRPF Ltr. No. H.III/I- the requisite Utilization Certificate once
GOs’ Entt-PAO dated 28th in a year immediately after completion
September, 1988 may also be of the financial year.
kept in mind. (Sector IsG are
requested to provide copy of the (ix) PERSONAL PAY.
above instructions to the newly
raised Units / GCs / Institutions (a) Sterilization Operation
under their Administrative Certificate issued by the
Control). competent Medical Authority.
(b) Undertaking by the Government
(e) While sanctioning HRA to Servant as per FR – 27.
Officers posted in J&K under the (c) Form No. 3 (Details of Family)
provisions contained in OM duly initialled / countersigned by
No.18016/6/99-Estt.(L) dated the HOO / Controlling authority.
27th August, 2004 and OM No. (d) Copy of application of the
1806/6/99-Estt(L) dated 22nd Government servant for grant of
July, 2005, it may be ensured that Personal Pay.
the case is covered under the said
rules and all the criteria as (e) Sanction Order of Personal Pay
applicable in the case are issued by the competent
fulfilled. authority.
Officers of the rank upto IG in all commuting between place of
static Offices of the Force, viz., duty and place of residence, it
Directorate General, Zone HQr, cannot be granted simultaneously
Sector / Range Offices, Group with Detachment Allowance.
Centres, CWS/AWS, Static BNs [Authy:- MHA UO
and Training Institutions, subject No.27012/4/2009-PF.III dated
to fulfilment of the following 18/08/2009]
conditions :-
NOTE:The format of application for
(i) The allowance shall not be Transport Allowance will be as
admissible to those officers who under:-
have been provided with the
facility of Government transport. APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF
(ii) The Government vehicle(s) (See Department of Expenditure OM
provided to officers, who opt for No.21(1)/97-E-II(B)dated 03rd October,
Transport Allowance should be 1997 and 21(2)/2008-E-II(B) dated 29th
withdrawn and kept as Institution August,2008)
Pool vehicle which may be 1. Name, Rank and IRLA No. :
utilised for bonafide official 2. Office to which posted :
purpose by any officer as per indent. 3. Scale of Pay of the employee /
applicant :
(iii) The HOO / HOD will give a 4. Place of residence of the employee
Certificate that the concerned with full address :
officer has not been provided 5. Classification of the City
facility of Government transport (A-I/A/B-I/B-II/C, etc.) :
before sanctioning payment of 6. Whether Government Transport
Transport Allowance. facility is provided or otherwise. :
7. Amount of transport allowance
(b) Specimen Sanction Order to be claimed per month. :
issued by the HOO / Controlling 8. Date from which the Transport
Authority and Annexure – 1, allowance is claimed. :
should be as given in PAO CRPF
Ltr. No. A.I/I-Estt-PAO dated Place : ..............Signature of Govt.
03rd February, 1998. Sanction servant
Order should contain:– Date : ..............
Officer at least eight months in advance papers of Officers proceeding on
in the case of superannuation and in all Superannuation should be forwarded to
other cases immediately after the PAO CRPF atleast six months in
casualty is occurred. Complete pension advance as per following Check List :-
a) Form No. 12 !
b) Form No. 14 ! Required in duplicate duly
c) Death Certificate ! completed in all respects.
(b) The existing instructions given in would be worked out but the total time
S.O. 51/2001 regarding visit to PAO by involved in the pension disbursement
Officers will stand. It shall be process shall not be more than 90 days
appropriate and more beneficial for such from the occurrence of the event.
Officer to visit the PAO during the 2nd Broadly, the time line would be 30 days
half of the month in which he / she is for the Sanctioning Authority to sanction
retiring from service on superannuation the pension and another 30 days for Pay
so that PAO CRPF would be in a better and Accounts Office to complete its
position to provide him / her the details processing while it would be 21 days for
of his / her pensionary benefits which Central Pension Accounting Officer
are due to him / her and can explain to (CPAO) to send it to the Bank
him / her the exact position of his / her concerned. The Bank would take
case. another week to process it further and
start disbursing the pension.
(c) For settlement of Superannuation
pension cases, all stakeholders involved
in the process, i.e., Heads of Office and
Pay & Accounts Officers would adhere (xii) LEAVE ENCASHMENT
to the time lines given in Pension CASES.
Manual to ensure that all the pension
disbursements are timely made. All the Heads of Offices /
Controlling Authorities shall ensure that
(d) In cases where, the pension is not orders relating to grant of Leave, except
finalized till the date of retirement of the CL, to the Gazetted Officers are sent to
employee, it should be ensured by the PAO CRPF by Registered / Speed Post.
Heads of Office and PAO that a They shall keep a copy of such Leave
Provisional Pension Order is given to the Order in the personal file of the Officer
person at the time of retirement. concerned. It is the responsibility of the
Head of Office / Unit / Institution to
(e) For other types of pensions, such furnish the leave availed particulars of
as, Family Pension, Voluntary last five years of an Officer who shall be
Retirement cases, Disability Pension, proceeding on superannuation. Such
etc., a time line for each stakeholder leave availed particulars of last five
years should be furnished to PAO CRPF (d) In consequence of MoF / Deptt.
by the first week of the month in which of Expenditure OM
the Officer is due for retirement so that No.1(1)/2005/TA/476 dated 10/06/2005,
exact number of days of EL at the credit payment to non-gazetted staff on
of the Officer could be worked out and account of their pay and other
furnished immediately to the concerned allowances will be made by the PAO
Office / Unit by PAO CRPF to enable through Electronic Clearance System
the HOO / Controlling Officer to issue (ECS) against bill presented to it by the
Leave Encashment Order. DDO / Head of Office or the officer
authorized under Rule 35 of Receipt &
(Authy:- PAO, CRPF, Ltr. No.M.5I- Payment Rules. The detailed
2006-GOs’ Entt. Dated the 01st June, instructions for disbursement of salary
2006) and other payments through Banks by
opening accounts in Banks by NGOs has
(b) All dues on account of pay and been issued vide Directorate General
allowances of the Gazetted Officers will CRPF (Adm) Ltr. No. A.I-1/Inst-Accts-
be sent through Electronic Clearance III dated 19/04/2006. Salient features of
System (ECS) or Cheque / Bank Draft, the instructions are as under :-
as the case may be, by PAO CRPF direct
to the banker of the Officer for crediting (i) All DDOs will open Current
the amount into the Officer’s account, Account in Nationalized Banks so that
under intimation to him / her. Government transactions can be
operated through these Accounts and
cash transaction is brought to the
(c) Whereas pay of the officer will minimum. Following information for
be drawn and credited in his / her direct remittance of pay and other dues
account without presentation of any bill, should be submitted to PAO (Cheque)
payment on account of TA Claims, by all DDOs.
Medical Re-imbursement, Uniform
Allowance and miscellaneous Advances,
etc., will only be made on presentation
of the bills on prescribed forms.
Name / Place of DDO Name and Address of SBI Branch, Current Remarks
where DDO is operating Account No.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
their NGOs and forward the same to
PAO and EDP (IT Wing) Directorate
General, CRPF, in following format :-
(iv) DDOs will provide details of (vi) EDP Cell / PAO will print Pay
salary and other payments to their staff Bills / A-Rolls / Cheques and arrange
for credit to accounts on a CD / Pen their despatch / transmission through
Drive along with hard copy on approved Electronic means to respective Bank
format to the Bank Branch concerned. accounts / DDOs within the given time
The format of the details to be so schedule so that salary amount could be
provided, may be obtained from the credited into the employees’ account by
Bank authorities by the DDO concerned. last working day of every month to
avoid any financial hardship to them.
(v) EDP Cell will forward Pay Bills
to PAO according to the existing system (vii) With the introduction of payment
for issue of Cheque / BD or for of salaries and other dues of all ranks of
disbursement through ECS, as the case CRPF through Electronic Clearance
may be. The PAO will issue Cheques / System (ECS), with effect from
BDs / transmission through Electronic 01/04/2012, as planned, pay of all
means to respective Bank Accounts of jawans / members of the Force will be
DDOs according to the Bills preferred. directly credited into their respective
The DDO then will order to deposit pay Bank accounts, there will be no
portion of the employee after effecting requirement of printing of A-Rolls by
usual Regimental deductions, mess EDP Cell for the respective Units /
cutting, deductions on account of loan Offices / Institutions / Establishments of
from Unit Loan Fund, if any, etc., with CRPF. However, to enable the payees,
the Bank account of the employees pay slip will be issued for individual
concerned. Thus, the entire payee through SELO Net Work / VPN
responsibility to credit salary / other (Internet Network).
dues of NGOs in their Bank accounts
rests with the concerned DDO. (e) (i) Payment on account of
the purchase of Stores / Equipment,
Arms and Contractors should be forwarded to the
Ammunition, will similarly be made PAO / respective RPAO(s) in the
through ECS by the PAO / RPAOs following format, by the DDO / HOO /
directly to the Firms / Contractors, on authorized Officer concerned.
presentation of the bills duly signed by
the DDO / Head of Office or the officer
authorized. For this purpose, the details
of Bank account(s) of Firms /
Bank Name and Branch Bank Branch
Name of Details of Supply
with Bank Account No. IFS is NEFT /
Supplier / Order with Date of
(Core Bank Account Code RTGS
Contractor Issue and Amount
No.) enabled or
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
These details of Bank Accounts may be statements of TDS for the period
called for alongwith other Bid ending 30th June, 30th September, 31st
documents in routine so that timely December and 31st March of each
payment(s) can be ensured in all cases. financial year, duly verified to the
Director General of Income Tax
(ii) If however, the purchase (Systems), failing which they will be
involves adjustment between two liable to pay by way of penalty under
Accounts Officers, the same will be Section 272 A (2) (K). These
carried out as per procedure laid down in Quarterly Statements are mandatory
the Civil Accounts Manual as amended on the part of DDOs to deduct tax at
from time to time. source and have obtained TAN from
the Income Tax Department. In the
(iii) (a) As per Section 194 (c) of Statutory Return / Quarterly Statement,
the Income Tax Act, every DDO / HOO amount deducted against each head, i.e.,
of CRPF Offices / Establishments, is Income Tax, Education Cess and Higher
required to deduct Income Tax at source Education Cess should clearly be shown
upon payment(s) to Contractors / Service separately and copies of such Statutory
Providers. In the light of Income Tax Return / Quarterly Statement should be
Act 1961, under Sections 192 to 206, sent to PAO / RPAO CRPF (as the case
Income Tax Circular No. 9/2008 dated may be).
29th September, 2008 and Finance
Directorate CRPF Ltr. No. O.V.2/2006- (b) While preferring bills for
07-Fin-FA dated 17th January, 2007 the payment action the DDOs will ensure
responsibility of issue of TDS deduction of Income Tax at source at
Certificate and filing of Statutory following rates, including Surcharge and
Return with Income Tax authority Education Cess as per Note – 2 of
solely rests with DDOs / BCA. As per Central Government Account (Receipts
Income Tax Act, the DDOs concerned & Payments) Rules, 1983 and correctly
are responsible to file quarterly classified in DATA Input Sheet for
deduction at PAO directly from the 266 of GFRs 2005. After relevant
Bill :- requirements thereof are satisfied, they
may be presented to the PAO for pre-
Sl. Sources Rate of Income check payment, provided, further that
No Tax this rule shall not apply to claims on
. account of arrears of pensions.
1. Income Tax (If 2 %
amount exceeds (For details regarding functioning of the
Rs.20,000/- in PAO see Annexure-II of this Manual.)
the financial
year) 37 (A) REGIONAL PAY &
2. Education Cess 2 % on Income ACCOUNTS OFFICEs (RPAOs)
3. Higher 1 % on Income (i) In accordance with the decision
Education Cess Tax in a meeting held on 24/09/2010, under
the chairmanship of Hon’ble Union
Note: Information Booklet may be Home Minister, PAO, CRPF has now
downloaded from the following links been placed under the control of MHA,
through Internet :- as Departmental Accounting
Organization (MHA). In addition to PAO CRPF New Delhi, five Regional
eve/Taxdeductionssourse other than PAOs (RPAO) CRPF have also been
salaries Vol.1.pdf & Vol.2.pdf. established at Jammu (J&K), Patna
(Bihar), Hyderabad (AP), Kolkata (WB)
(Or) and Raipur (Chhattisgarh) respectively.
Their respective jurisdiction over the
from the website Offices / Establishments / Units /
“” – taxpayers Institutions located in the States has been
information booklet enumerated at Table below Para 2 of
Annexure – II of this Manual.
- TDS other
than salaries – (ii) The RPAOs will have same
Vol.I functions as those of PAO, CRPF, New
- TDS on Delhi except maintenance of Service
Salaries Records / IRLA of Gazetted Officers of
CRPF, making payment of salary,
(Authy:- Director (Accts), PAO, CRPF, Pension and Terminal benefits on
Ltr. No. B.IV-4/10-11-NG-BGT dated Superannuation, Voluntary Retirement,
07th October, 2010). Invalidation, Death while in service etc.,
and GPF accumulation, in respect of all
(f) Arrear Claim:- As per Rule 32 of ranks of the Force.
Central Govt. Accounts (Receipt &
Payments) Rules, 1983, claims against 38. BILL BOOKS
the Govt. which are not preferred within
two years of their becoming due would Sl. Division of the Bills Bills to be
attract the provisions of Rules 259 to No prepared
. in Form contingencies as may be regulated by
No. scales laid down by competent authority,
1. Pay bills of NGOs GAR-13 e.g., reward for destruction of wild
2. Advance of Pay / GAR-13 animals, etc.
Leave Salary
3. TA Bills GAR-14 (iii) Special Contingencies: - Special
4. (a) FVC Bills GAR-29 Contingencies are those contingencies
(b) Abstract GAR-30 whether recurring or non-recurring as
Contingent bill cannot be incurred without the previous
5. Other Miscellaneous sanction of superior authority.
(a) Reward Bill GAR-13 (iv) Countersigned Contingencies: -
(b) Tuition Fee Bill GAR-13 Countersigned contingencies are such
(c) Medical GAR-23 contingent charges as may require
reimbursement bill approval of some controlling authority
before they can be admitted as legitimate
39. CONTINGENT CHARGES expenditure against the Government
such approval usually taking the form of
(a) Contingent charges means and countersignature after payment on a
includes all incidental and other detailed bill submitted to the PAO.
expenses which are incurred for the
management of an office as an office or (v) Fully Vouched Contingencies: -
for the technical working of a Fully vouched contingencies are those
department, other than those which contingencies which require neither
under prescribed rules of classification special sanction nor countersignature,
of expenditure fall under some other but may be incurred by the Head of
head of expenditure, i.e., ‘Works’, Office on his/her own authority subject
‘Tools and Plant’, etc. to the necessity of accounting for them.
These may be passed on fully vouched
bills without countersignature.
(b) Classification of Contingencies: -
The classification of contingencies is (c) The following are the sub-heads
made as under:- of contingent charges: -
(7) Electricity and Water charges. (x) Publications & Library.
(8) Stationery and Forms. (xi) Works.
(9) Printing and Binding of forms. (xii) Clothing Tentage
(10) Purchase and maintenance of Stores.
Staff Cars and other vehicles for
office use as distinct from (d) In CRPF expenditure is normally
vehicles for functional purpose incurred under the competence of the
like, Ambulance, Vans, etc. authorities who are vested with the
(11) Lock up charges including diets financial powers. Most of the
to person under custody or in expenditure falling in the category of
confinement. ‘Fully Vouched Contingencies’ will,
(12) Purchase of Utensils. therefore, normally be drawn in Form
(13) Kerosene Oil. G.A.R.-29.
(14) Rewards.
(15) Lamps, Wicks and other Stores. (e) The Head of Office is authorized
(16) Credit Notes. to exceed the grant under any detailed
(17) Purchase and repair of Cycles. head of contingencies without reference
(18) Commission charges of to the higher authorities provided the
scheduled bank. total sanctioned allotment made to his /
(19) Miscellaneous Charges. her office under the budget sub-head
‘Other charges’ is not exceeded,
Note :- Any Contingent charge which is
not properly adjusted under any of the (f) Contingent charges may be
detailed basis of contingencies should be drawn either after payment from the
recorded under ‘Miscellaneous charges’ permanent advance or before the
of the detailed head ‘Office expenses payment, or bills to which should be
and miscellaneous’. attached payees receipts, if the amounts
have already been paid and if for
(ii) Motor vehicles (will include individual items it exceeds Rs.5,000/-.
purchase and maintenance of Payees stamped receipts in respect of all
transport vehicles used for bills sent to the PAO will be retained by
functional activities). the Drawing & Disbursing Officers in
(iii) Rent, Rate and support of payment entries in the Cash
Taxes. Book.
(iv) Wages - include wages of
labourers and of staff at present (g) All vouchers and receipts must
paid out of contingencies. be properly marked ‘cancelled’ and
(v) Maintenance - Will include initialled at the time of adjustment and
expenditure on maintenance of filled with the connected credit orders.
works machinery and equipment.
(vi) Payment for professional and 40. CONTINGENT REGISTER
special service.
(vii) Machinery and Equipment. (a) One contingent register will be
(viii) Arms and maintained in each Group Centre and
Ammunition. independent establishments in form
(ix) Cost of Rations, etc. GAR 27 with separate columns for each
detailed head of budget. One contingent the GCs.
bill will be drawn for all expenditure
under any or all the heads. Such bills 41. POSTAGE STAMP
may be drawn as frequently as necessary
during a month. Separate contingent bill should
be prepared for the Service Postage
(b) Every item of expenditure should Stamps as required under Rule 123 of
be entered in its appropriate column and Receipt and Payment Rules. A demand
should be admitted by the Head of draft will be sent by PAO to the unit in
Office or the Accounts Officer under favour of concerned officer who supplies
his / her initials with the date in column the stamps. Govt. has now substituted
provided for the purpose. the usage of stamps with Public Postage
Stamps or utilization of Franking
(c) Entries in contingent register Machine vide Dept. of Posts, India.
should be sufficiently detailed so that (Ministry of Communication) letter No.
each item of expenditure is easily 17-15/98 PO dated 24/7/2001. However
identified. When a bill is drawn the total the use of SPS/franked impression has
expenditure up-to-date budget allotment been permitted till further orders vide
and the balance available under the head DOP letter No. 17-15/98-PO dated
should be noted in the register and 26/12/2001.
signed and initialled by the Head of
Office or the Accounts Officer before
signing the bill and the particular entry 42. RESTRICTIONS ON
in the Cash Book. The attached Bns will DRAWING MONEY
indicate progressive total of the
expenditure incurred in the sanction (a) No money, which cannot be
register in which budget allotment disbursed immediately, will be drawn
should also be mentioned. except money required for recoupment
of the Permanent Advance or the Pay or
(d) The actual date of payment TA of men temporarily absent.
should be noted down by the Cashier in
contingent register against each item and (b) It is not permissible to draw the
initialled by the Officer concerned in money to prevent the lapse of budget
accordance with Receipts and Payments grants.
Rule-110 (This will not be applicable to
attached Bns who do not maintain (c) The payment of proforma bills is
Contingent Register). strictly prohibited. If the articles from a
firm are not supplied before the close of
(e) Payment orders on contingent the financial year, they must be paid for
vouchers should be in red ink and should from the grant of ensuing year after
be in words as well as in figures. Initials completion of necessary formalities.
should be dated. Payment Order to be
defaced when the contingent will be (d) All bills signed and
prepared. In case of attached Bn, the countersigned by the competent
vouchers which are not to be attached authority will be cashed before 31st of
with contingent bill will be defaced by March. They will, in no circumstances,
be paid for from the budget grant for the proceeds of condemned articles, i.e.,
following year without the sanction of clothing, empty cartridges, condemned
the appropriate authority. vehicles or any other machinery, etc.,
shall be made.
present system of issuing Credit Orders directly credited by PAO into the
to account for Receipt and Payments. concerned CBS A/c of the individual.
However, there has to be some
procedure to keep close watch over such (iii) All payments in respect of NGOs
Receipt and Payment details in various can be made to the individuals through
formations of the Force in lieu of Credit ECS directly by PAO as is being done in
Orders and for that the system as at Para the case of payments / dues in respect of
47 (b) below is being introduced. Thus, the Gazetted Officers and for payment of
there will be no requirement of issuing GPF in respect of NGOs, followed by
Credit Orders for future transactions. forwarding intimation to Payee / Bill
preferring Office through Email / SELO
(ii) However, for the purpose of message.
ensuring proper accounting of Receipts /
Payments made so far in Force (iv) To keep watch over receipt of
formations, through Credit Orders, they amount of each Bill from PAO, payment
are required to be preserved after full to the correct individual and final
adjustments of each of them, for the next adjustment of the Bill, receipt of Debit
35 years as prescribed. These will also Advice from the PAO (through Email /
be required for audit purposes. After SELO) and Bank Scroll / Bank Receipts
completion of the prescribed period of should suffice instead of PARs.
retention these Credit Orders so far
issued should be destroyed as per laid (v) As per new system introduced by
down procedure. the GOI / MHA, for the limited purpose
of sanction of GPF Advance / Part
(B) ACCOUNTING Withdrawal, Bills are to be prepared at
PROCEDURE AND ADJUSTMENT Battalion level and despatched to PAO
OF RECEIPT / PAYMENT IN LIEU without linking the GCs. Accordingly,
OF CREDIT ORDERS the amount is remitted to the individual’s
Bank account directly by the PAO
(i) With the introduction of the through ECS.
system of payment through Electronic
Clearance System (ECS) / Cheque, there (vi) Presently, Internet facility is
will be no need to maintain Credit Order available in all Offices / Establishments
for watching the payments on account of of CRPF. Hence, a system of Online
each Bill prepared in Group Centre / Banking can be introduced for making
independent Establishments and for the all Government transactions, except
money received by them in any form in making payment and transfer of funds.
Cash, Cheques, Bank Drafts, etc. A print out of the Online Account
statement should be downloaded from
(ii) While preferring Bill to PAO, the Internet by the HOO or the Accounts
instead of issuing Credit Order, each Bill Officer if specifically so authorized by
must be accompanied with a list of the HOO and Government Cash Book
remittance particulars of payees may be filled up and certified
invariably mentioning their Force accordingly.
Number, Rank, Name and CBS A/c No.
On passing the Bills the amount may be (vii) (a) System of “Internet
Banking” should be adopted by each predecessor. He / She may further
Unit / GC / Establishment / Institution, decide about delegating the powers to
to keep regular watch over the daily operate the Internet Banking system on
transactions / Credit & Debit details in his / her behalf by the Accounts Officer
Bank account opened for the purpose of of the Unit or otherwise to be operated
payment / remittance of Government by himself / herself.
dues to Payees (Force Members,
Regimental Funds, Firms, etc.). For this (e) The “Internet Banking” system
purpose, the concerned Bank branch should be adapted only for watching
should be approached and appropriate over daily transactions / debit / credit
code to operate “Internet Banking” details AND NOT REPEAT NOT for
system should be obtained by the Head making any payment / transfer of
of Office concerned. Funds through Internet Banking
(b) To operate “Internet Banking”
system, the concerned Bank Branch will (f) Daily Credit / Debit details in the
issue an “Username” and a “Password” Bank account should be cross checked /
which are secret and should be only in verified on daily basis (on working days)
the knowledge of the Head of Office or with the payment details provided by the
the Accounts Officer duly authorized by PAO, CRPF through SELO / Email.
the Head of Office by issuing an
appropriate Office Order, so that (g) The above system should be
possibility of any misuse of the “Internet invariably followed mutatis mutandis in
Banking” system by undesirable respect of all other Bank Accounts
elements could be prevented. maintained by the Unit / Establishment /
(c) To ensure safe operation of Institution concerned for their
Internet Banking, the “Username” and Regimental Funds.
the “Password” issued by the Bank
Branch should be changed and a suitable (h) The HOO and the Accounts
new “Username” and “Password” should Officer should educate themselves about
be created by the HOO, on the very first the Password management and Security
“Log-in” to the system and activating the Tips, available on the “Log In” page of
service. the system. Few security tips are as
under :-
(d) It will be the responsibility of the
HOO to ensure maintenance of total (i) Bank’s website should be
secrecy about the “Username” and accessed only by typing the URL
“Password” so created. The “Username” in the address bar of the browser.
and “Password” so created must not be
shared in form of writing with anyone to (ii) No links (URL) given in any
avoid fishing / fraudulent attempts / email / message should be
misuse. With the change of HOO and / clicked to access the site.
or Accounts Officer (so authorised by
HOO to operate Internet Banking), the (iii) Accessing Internet Banking
HOO (new incumbent) should change account must be avoided from
the “Password” so created by his / her any shared PC or from Cyber
Cafe. Hence, a Stand Alone PC independent establishments for
to be operated by the HOO preparing supplementary pay bills and
should preferably be used for submission of papers date (casualty) in
Internet Banking by any Unit / the prescribed form to EDP Cell every
Office / Establishment month:-
(i) Muster Roll ---
(iv) Last Log In date and time should
be checked in the post Log In (a) GAR-17 shall be used for the
page and particulars of such purpose which shall be divided into
checking should be recorded in a sections for entering details of pay and
Register to be maintained by the allowances rank-wise. The names, to
HOO or the Accounts Officer if start with, will be entered in order of
specifically so authorized by the seniority of Subordinate Officers and
HOO to operate the Internet force numbers for under officers and
Banking system. men. Once a name is entered it shall not
be removed to another place on account
(v) The Internet Banking Password of any officer gaining seniority in his /
should be changed by the HOO her particular rank but when an officer
at periodical intervals. or man is promoted to another rank, his /
her name shall be removed to the
(vi) The PC on which the Internet appropriate section. To allow for this
Banking system is being operated and for increase in force, a member of
should be regularly scanned with blank pages shall be left at the end of
anti Virus to ensure that the each section.
system is Virus / Trojan free.
(b) The Muster Roll must always be
(vii) Newer version of Operating kept up-to-date. The Pay Bill Clerk shall
System with latest security enter in all casualties affecting pay and
patches should be adopted. allowances as published in the Force
Orders accurately and promptly.
(ii) Memorandum of
(a) Pay and allowances of the Savings ---
personnel posted in the Group Centre /
Bns attached to it, in unattached Bns and (a) Memorandum of savings shall be
other establishments of CRPF will be maintained in CRPF Form No.82 in
drawn from PAO on presentation of bill which casualty shall be entered quoting
prepared by EDP Cell on the basis of Force Order reference, if any, in serial
data supplied to it by their order all pay and other allowances not
Establishments every month in the drawn in the bill for the month for which
prescribed forms namely, CPS- they are due by EDP Cell.
(b) The pay of the men absent
(b) The following registers will be without leave for whom casualty details
maintained in each GC and in the for withholding the pay sent to EDP Cell
shall be shown as held over. The register the computer. EDP Cell will intimate
shall give exact details of the pay and the details of non-accepted cases of
allowances held over for future payment casualties, if any, to the Bn / GC / Office
and savings credited to Govt. concerned every month so that it could
subsequently if not at the time of drawal be included in the next month for
of pay by EDP Cell. The effects of the action / recovery to avoid overpayment /
casualties submitted to the EDP Cell less payments of pay & allowances.
should be monitored with the pay bill
prepared by the EDP Cell and (d) EDP Cell shall prepare the
corresponding entries should be made in A/Rolls and dispatch to the Battalions /
this register against relevant entries GCs concerned by 25th of each month.
already recorded in it. Each item must The details of pay to be drawn will be
be checked by the Accounts Officer and submitted by EDP Cell to the PAO in
initialled at the time of receipts of pay proper proforma by 15th of each month
bills from EDP Cell. As far as possible so that PAO can prepare and dispatch
the held over and other claims should be bank drafts to the Bns / GCs and other
decided as soon as possible and step establishments.
should be taken to fill up the vacancies
in each rank shown in the saving memo. (e) On receipt of A/Rolls it should
Every item of supplementary arrear bill be thoroughly checked by the pay bill
should be carefully checked by the Clerk of the GC and unattached Bns /
Accounts Officer and shall be covered Establishments with the Muster Roll and
by the entries in the register. The number memo of saving and necessary
and date of supplementary bill in which corrections made in respect of rates of
the claim is drawn shall be noted in pay, average pay during leave, actual
column-12 of the register which will be posting of personnel concerned etc., and
initialled by the officer signing the bill at prepare fresh data for submission to EDP
the relevant entries shall be scored Cell in the prescribed forms.
through with red ink.
(f) It shall also be seen that names
(c) EDP Cell will prepare through have been correctly included, that no
computer Coy-wise aquittance rolls for names have been omitted or wrongly
executive force and Constable Followers entered and that deductions have been
each month in its computer proforma. correctly made for all casualties and
Group Centre and Bns shall submit broken periods of service. In case of any
details of new appointees, name of error detected in the Aquittance Rolls
personnel dismissed, discharged, prepared by EDP Cell such error will be
removed, personnel placed under intimated to EDP Cell by separate
suspension, promotion, transfers, on casualty in the following month.
deputation, death, retirement,
invalidation, study leave, long medical (g) The monthly pay bills shall be
leave etc., from monthly casualty details prepared by EDP Cell on the basis of the
in prescribed computer form to EDP Cell information stored by it of each Bn /
by the designated date every month. GC / Estt. of CRPF in its Computer and
EDP Cell will incorporate all the sent to PAO for payment action. In case
changes in the relevant master files of of supplementary pay bills after
thorough check and satisfaction of (l) The personnel granted
correctness, the pay bill clerk shall increments during leave on the date
prepare a supplementary pay bill in form when the increment falls due should not
GAR-13. be paid in increased rate of pay but given
effect to from the date of rejoining duty
(h) The pay bill prepared by EDP on expiry of leave. The date of
Cell will then be sent to PAO for increment will, however, remain
authorizing payment to the Units. The unaffected, if the period of leave
Aquittance Rolls of the Units will be otherwise qualifies for increment.
dispatched to the concerned Units by
EDP Cell by 25th of each month either (m) Details of monthly emoluments /
by post or by air. GPF accumulation in respect of Force
personnel can now be seen on CRPF
(i) Pay of personnel absent without SELO NETWORK or through Internet
leave or of deserters or of those who on CRPF Website in the following
have been discharged, dismissed etc. manner :-
should not be drawn by EDP Cell on the
basis of casualty reports received from (i) CRPF Selo Network :-
Bns / GCs / Establishments. Such
casualties should be promptly intimated Every individual member of the
to the Accounts Officer of Bns / GCs / Force has already been allotted a
Establishments so that their casualties key password by the IT Wing of
can be sent to EDP Cell promptly and CRPF Directorate General for
their pay can be withheld. accessing the details regarding
their monthly emoluments and
(j) Average salary should be GPF accumulation to their credit
invariably worked out for officiating or on CRPF Selo Network. Using
temporary hands who have not such password, every member of
completed 3 years continuous service in the Force can access Selo
the existing ranks when going on leave, Network through Lotus Notes
if the maximum of pay scale of the posts and view his / her personal
held by him exceeds Rs.2,300/- by the dues/GPF accumulation.
office of the drawing officers.
(ii) On Internet through CRPF
Website :-
‘username’ and user’s date of without separate order from the
birth (in dd/mm/yyyy format) in Commandant, who should scrutinize
the password tab to access the causes of delay in submission of the
account. Now the window that applications.
opens up enables the user (both
GO / NGO) to view their Pay and (c) The claims on receipt in the
GPF details. Click on respective Accounts Branch will be checked by the
link (viz., Pay GO in case the TA Clerk who will bring inaccuracies
user is a Gazetted Officer or Pay and irregularities, if any, to the notice of
NGO if the user is a Non the Head of Office. The latter will pass
Gazetted Officer and similarly orders for admission or disallowance
for GPF) to view the user’s Pay after such queries as may be necessary.
and GPF details.
(d) The TA Clerk will then prepare
49. REGIMENTAL bills from the consolidated claims which
DEDUCTIONS will be thoroughly scrutinized by the
Insp (M) in-charge of TA Section /
Regimental recoveries such as Accountant before submitting it to the
Welfare and Amenity Fund, CWF & Accounts Officer and Controlling
Sports Fund, etc., are made through pay Officer for signature and counter
bills by EDP Cell and an extract to this signature respectively.
effect is also made in each of the
Aquittance Rolls sent to the Bns / GCs / (e) After the bill has been
Estts. On the basis of this statement countersigned action as outlined in para
various amounts pertaining to various 48 will be taken.
funds are credited.
(f) Upper ceiling limit for the
50. TA AND OTHER CLAIMS settlement of these types of Claims
would be 90 days. It should be ensured
(a) Pay bills, TA bills and bills that all the Claims are settled within this
relating to other claims in respect of time period.
non-gazetted staff will either be prepared
in the Group Centre or in the 51. AUTHORISATION OF
independent establishment, as the case PAYMENT BY PAO
may be.
All bills and bills relating to
(b) Coy-wise consolidated TA other claims received in PAO will be
Claims in CRPF form No.5 must reach minutely scrutinized and checked. They
the Group Centre / Accounts Branch by will be passed only when they are found
10th of the following month to which the in order. Bank Drafts payable through
claims relate. The Coy Commander nearest Bank will be sent to the Units
should certify on the claims that they with a forwarding memo in CRPF /
have checked all claims and that they are CPAU Form No.18 (Annexure-1). On
genuine and have not been preferred or receipt of the Bank Draft, the
drawn before. The TA claims for acknowledgement slip will be returned
previous months should not be passed by the Unit / Establishment to PAO for
record. Operational Hand Book.
endorse a Disbursement Certificate on without a receipt being obtained. Failure
the Acquaintance Rolls. to obtain a receipt will make the officer
or the man handing over the money
(a) Amount received Rs... liable to make good any subsequent loss
……… or shortage of that money.
(b) Amount disbursed Rs….…… 55. BUDGET ESTIMATES
(c) Amount returned
by Memo No. Rs….…… (a) The annual Budget Estimates
Total of (b) and (c) Rs……… will be prepared in accordance with the
instructions issued by Ministry of
Signature of Disbursing Officer / Coy Finance / MHA and the Director
Commander / Officer Commanding. General, CRPF. Provisions of General
Financial Rules shall also be followed.
(f) After disbursing the amount, the Besides the Budget Estimates, Revised
Acquaintance Roll alongwith un- Estimates, Eight Monthly, Ten Monthly
disbursed amounts, if any, with an Estimates are also to be prepared
advice slip and explanation of the according to the time schedule
reasons of its non-disbursement, will be prescribed. The CRPF Budget Estimates
returned to the Accounts Officer of the is “Non Plan” “Revenue Expenditure”
Group Centre / Establishment, who will except in respect of Major Works which
dispose of the un-disbursed amount are included as “Plan expenditure” under
correctly. After the Acquaintance rolls “Capital outlay” from time to time.
are completed in all respects and the
money drawn is correctly disbursed or The provision for payment of
un-disbursed, refund to the PAO and for Court awards / MACT claims are made
which proper receipt obtained, the Credit under respective sub heads categorized
Order will be adjusted & all vouchers as “Charged”.
and other concerned papers cancelled /
defaced and deposited in the record While framing the Budget
section. Proposals the following salient points
should be kept in view :-
(i) The Budget provisions should be
(a) No Government money will assessed on the basis of strength
remain in the private possession of any sanctioned as on 1st March of the year.
one. Any balance of pay and allowances
of absentees including those on leave (ii) The provisions for adjustment of
will be deposited after day’s transaction all liabilities (like cost of Railway
in the Treasure Chest / Company Cash Warrants / Air Exchange Vouchers /
Chest. Credit Notes, indents placed on Central
procurement agencies) should be
(b) Any Officer or man handing over projected.
any Government or Regimental money
to any other person must demand a (iii) Provisions should be made for
receipt at the time of handing over. The only new Schemes already sanctioned or
money should not be handed over expected to be sanctioned within the
financial year. 57. MONTHLY EXPENDITURE
(b) Budget Estimates in respect of
Group Centres / Establishments as well (a) Each Head of Office who is also
as the attached Bns will be prepared by the disbursing officer will submit each
the concerned Group Centre and that in month a monthly expenditure statement
respect of independent establishments by to the Sector IGP for scrutiny,
the concerned establishment and consolidation and submission to the
forwarded to the Sector IG for scrutiny, Directorate.
consolidation and onward submission to
the Directorate. (b) The expenditure statement will
be prepared strictly on the basis of
(c) The Budget Estimates received monthly compiled accounts of PAO,
from the Sector IG and other CRPF. In case of variation in figure
establishments will be minutely between the compiled accounts of PAO
scrutinized in the Directorate and having and monthly expenditure figures of
satisfied with regard to its accuracy, will expending officer as a result of
be consolidated and forwarded to the erroneous adjustment by PAO, it should
Govt. for sanction. be got corrected by direct
correspondence with PAO and through
(d) The sanctioned grant received periodical reconciliation teams being
from the Govt. is allotted to Sector IG / sent from GCs / unattached Bns /
other controlling officers for further sub Establishments. Other instructions
allocation to the DDOs keeping in view issued by Directorate in this regard will
of the estimated requirements of each be strictly adhered to.
(e) Since Commandants, of duty Bns EXPENDITURE
also incur expenditure under
‘contingency’, a portion of the budget For control of expenditure it is
allotted to it will be sub-allotted to the imperative that Unit wise figure of
Duty Bn by the Group Centre. expenditure (primary unit wise) is
maintained by controlling officer in a
56. RECONCILIATION OF register on the basis of monthly
ACCOUNTS compiled accounts of PAO. Monthly
expenditure statement received from
The departmental expenditure Subordinate Offices by the controlling
figures of each DDO shall be reconciled officers should be checked from that
regularly with the figures shown in the register. In case of variation, the
Books of PAO, CRPF and discrepancies, subordinate officers should be asked to
if exist, rectified by the respective DDO correct their figures with the compiled
every quarter by sending its accounts of PAO.
representative to PAO in accordance
with instructions issued from time to 59. PAYMENT / ADJUSTMENT
CENTRAL PURCHASE AGENCIES. brought to the notice of the Head of
Office for specific orders and approval
(a) With a view to ensuring timely for retention of funds. All saving cited
surrender of savings from the in fund should be immediately
appropriation accounts relating to surrendered for their utilization under
financial year various officers dealing other heads to the advantage of the Govt.
with the procurement of stores and But it should be strictly ensured that
carrying out adjustments or dealing with surrender of funds may not be resorted
budget will adopt the following to as a matter of routine because, such
procedure. action by the Department will be viewed
by the Govt. seriously. As budget is
(b) It is very necessary that all prepared on the basis of requirement, all
adjustments for payments relating to should endeavour to utilize the funds
supplies made during any financial year before the end of financial year.
be carried out in the same financial year. However, only under un-avoidable
With a view to ensure such adjustments, circumstances surrender of funds should
the officers receiving stores should book be made. All such indents / supply
the receipt in the register of Running orders which have not been adjusted
Memo. Form (CRP form 87) and issue against supplies made in any financial
immediate instructions to the supplying year till the beginning of April following
firm / depot to forward bills / priced the financial year, should be settled
vouchers to the paying authorities which finally by the officer concerned or by
should be pursued till the request is any subordinate staff detailed for the
compiled with. In normal cases this purpose by personally contacting the
should not take more than one month accounts authorities concerned where the
and if further delay is caused, then delay is cited. For this purpose the
higher authorities of firm / depot concerned officer will put up monthly
concerned should be approached and report to the Head of Office regarding
final submission ensured. necessity for such personnel contacts
and obtain his / her orders on the subject.
(c) Running Memo Register will be
maintained for all outstanding of (e) For the purpose of unadjusted
previous financial year and also for the items of the last financial year, the
transactions of the current financial year officers concerned will put up their
in order to keep track of expenditure and report where personal contact is
adjustments every month and to keep on necessary for ensuring adjustments so
reminding the supplying authorities and that suitable orders may be passed on the
the Comptroller accordingly. subject.
(d) All the purchases whether local (f) No fresh indents, as far as
or through indents whose cost is to be possible, should be placed after 31st
debited by each payment by PAO as per December every year, as it unlikely that
Govt. of India orders must be finalized the cost thereof can be adjusted within
latest by first week of February each the same financial year.
year and any outstanding supply which
may be pending on the date should be (g) Generally, the Head of Office
should study the figures every month relevant items in the register. These
after the expenditure statements have registers should be scrutinized by the
been issued, firstly to see the Head of Office / Accounts Officer at
fluctuations with a review to ascertain least once a month to see that the
whether payments due in particular payment is not inordinately delayed.
month have not been postponed to
inflate the following month’s 60. ROUNDING OF FRACTION
expenditure and secondly that variations OF RUPEES TO THE NEAREST
between monthly average allotment and RUPEES
monthly expenditure under various
heads are properly and adequately As per Govt. of India, Ministry
explained. Where any unusual item of Finance, C.G.A. Letter No.
appears he should immediately probe V/16011/113/86-CTR/944 dated 18/3/87
into it. a fraction of Rupees should be rounded
up to the nearest Rupee depending upon
(h) The list of payments made by the whether the fraction is above 50 paise or
PAO on the indents placed by CRPF below 50 paise. Even the suppliers
Establishments received from PAO will should be persuaded to co-operate in
be compared and verified with the rounding of the amounts in their bills.
running memo register and Railway Where payment of paise cannot be
Warrant Register. The details of avoided, the total of SUB vouchers
expenditure wrongly booked against sought to be recouped would include
Units / Group Centre / Establishment paise also. These orders have been
will be promptly reported to PAO. The effective from 1/4/1987.
month in which the payment has been
made will be recorded against the
(Para 51 of Accounts Manual)
CRPF, New Delhi.
The Commandant
Central Reserve Police Force
Cheque Memo No………………………of………………..
1. Cheque/BD No. ..………….…..}The enclosed Cheque/Bank Draft is sent herewith in
2. Date…………………………...}of the bills noted below. Particulars of retrenchments
made 3. Amount Rs………………….....}from the bills marked (x) are given in the
attached Slips.
4. Bank of which drawn.………... }
Receipt of Cheque / Bank Draft No. ……….. dated ………. for Rs. ………. /-
(Rupees ........................... only) vide Cheque Memo No. ………… of ………… is
hereby acknowledged.
Auditor General of India was approved Internal Audit Engagements in the
w.e.f. 1/7/1969 vide MHA letter CPMFs/ MHA, the administrative,
No.F.25/65/67-P.II dated 22/5/1969. technical, operational control and
With the departmentalization of functioning of six Internal Audit Parties
accounts, the Central Pay Pay and (IAP) of CRPF was transferred to DD
Accounting Unit of CRPF was converted (Accounts), PAO, CRPF alongwith all
into a full fledged Pay and Accounts associated work related to audit matters
Office w.e.f. 1/10/1976. Consequently, in CRPF, vide Finance Branch,
all accounts work earlier being done by Directorate General, CRPF Letter
AGCR was entrusted to the No.M.V-1/Inst-Internal Audit dated
Departmental Pay and Accounts Office December, 2009.
except the responsibility of Statutory
Audit, which continues to be performed (iii) MHA vide Letter OM No. CF-
by the Director of Audit, Central 94732/2011/Pers.III dated 17/08/2011,
Revenue, New Delhi. issued an Order that 211 posts of PAO,
CRPF would now form the cadre
(b) (i) As per decision taken in a strength of Departmental Accounting
meeting held on 24/09/2010, under the Organization (DAO) of MHA.
chairmanship of Hon’ble Union Home Accordingly, Directorate General, CRPF
Minister, PAO, CRPF was placed under (Organisation Branch) vide Order No.
the control of MHA alongwith that of O.IV-16/2009-Org dated 15/09/2011,
BSF and encadrement of staff in transferred the following strength from
Departmental Accounting Organization that of Force HQr to DAO, MHA (PAO,
(MHA). CRPF) on permanent basis:-
2. ORGANIZATIONAL SET-UP (Home) / SS & FA (Home) for
observance by the Deputy Director of
Accounts. In addition to PAO CRPF
The Deputy Director (Accounts), New Delhi, five Regional PAOs (RPAO)
PAO CRPF is over-all in-charge of the CRPF will also function at Jammu
PAO. However, as per decision taken (J&K), Patna (Bihar), Hyderabad (AP),
in a meeting held on 24/09/2010, under Kolkata (WB) and Raipur
the chairmanship of Hon’ble Union (Chhattisgarh), with jurisdiction over the
Home Minister, PAO, CRPF has now Offices / Establishments / Units /
been placed under the control of MHA, Institutions located in the States as
as Departmental Accounting mentioned below. Therefore, with the
Organization (MHA). Instructions on changed system, the organization set up
technical matters, procedure of of PAO, CRPF will be as under :-
accounting, forms and clarifications etc.,
will therefore, be issued by the CCA
3. FUNCTIONS OF PAO responsibilities of the PAO, with the increased workload as a
result of further expansion of the Force, Regional PAOs
(i) The Pay and Accounts Office deals with all payments (RPAOs) have also been set up at key locations taking into
of personal claims of all ranks of the Central Reserve Police consideration the concentration of CRPF Offices / Units in a
Force, maintenance of service records and leave accounts, particular area. To start with, the RPAOs are presently catering
drawal and disbursement of Pay and Allowances of GOs on for payments of FVC Bills and other miscellaneous payments
IRLA system, payments for all types of purchases of stores, like Rewards, MR Claim, etc.
equipments, arms and ammunition, etc., and adjustment of
expenditure incurred by other PAOs on behalf of CRPF 4. The Deputy Director (Accounts), Central Reserve
(payments for purchases made through DGS&D, etc.). Police Force is authorized, in terms of Rule 147 of the C.T.Rs
Vol. I to draw moneys required for disbursement of pay and
(ii) The work relating to verification of qualifying service, allowances and other items of expenditure and advances. The
authorities of pension, gratuity and commuted value is also Cheque Books are supplied to the Deputy Director (Accounts),
handled by the PAO. Central Reserve Police Force by the Principal Accounts
Officer, MHA, New Delhi in terms of Rule 148 of CTRs Vol.
(iii) The responsibility for maintenance of GPF accounts of I. Payment of personal dues of all ranks of the Force and on
Gazetted Officers, feeding relevant data required by the EDP account of purchase of all types of stores, arms/ammn,
Cell for completing the computerized GPF account of non- equipments, etc., (FVC Bills), are now made through
gazetted staff, all miscellaneous work related to allotment of Electronic Clearance System (ECS).
account number, scrutiny, acceptance and custody of
nomination forms for GPF, payment of advance and part- 5. PROCEDURE OF PAYMENT
withdrawals from GPF, final settlement of GPF balances also
rest with the PAO. The Pay and Accounts Office will follow the general
Rules and procedure as laid down in the Civil Accounts
(iv) The PAO also compile the expenditure each month for Manual, General Financial Rules, CCS (Receipts and
submission to the Principal Accounts Officer (MHA), records Payments) Rules and such other Rules as may be issued /
all vouchers/schedules, etc., after they are passed and the modified from time to time.
accounts are compiled, reconciles the bank scrolls for receipt
and payments. 6. COMPACT (PAO – 2000)
(v) The PAO also functions as the Treasury for CRPF. The COMPACT system, an effective “e-Governance”
tool for effective management of financial resources has been
(vi) For effective and efficient discharge of the implemented in PAO, CRPF, New Delhi and all Regional
PAOs. (xi) Expenditure Control Register
(xii) DDO wise budget allocation
The COMPACT software is at the lowest level of
Accounting and it provides information to higher levels of
accounting system for further processing. The software covers
all the major accounting functions, i.e., Pre-check,
Compilation, Budget, GPF and Pension Accounting and
supports the batch upload and integration of day-end financial
data to a central database which drives a web enabled
application “e-Lekha” for efficient fiscal management.
The implementation of COMPACT aims at improving The COMPACT system also facilitates easy generation of
the operational efficiency of the accounting process with Cheque Memo that can be sent via e-Mail to the concerned
proper validation, speed, user friendly interface and security DDOs and uploaded on SELO NETWORK of CRPF, for
features. effecting timely updation of payment details.
Following reports can also be generated through 7. DEDUCTION OF INCOME TAX AT SOURCE
COMPACT, on the click of a button :- (TDS)
(i) Register – Token Issue, Cheque Drawn, Cheque Memo, Section 192 of the I.T. Act, 1961 envisages that every
Cheque Issue, Valuable, Daily Closing person responsible for paying any income which is chargeable
(Voucher/Challan). under the head ‘salary’, shall deduct income tax on the
(ii) Details of Bills Returned estimated income of the assessee under the head ‘salaries’.
(iii) Bill Return Memo The tax is required to be calculated at the average rate of
(iv) Cheque Issue Summary/DDO wise Total income tax as computed on the basis of the Income Tax rates in
(v) Details of Bills/Cheque memo Pending force. The deduction is to be made at the time of the actual
(vi) Returned token history payment. However, no tax is required to be deducted at source,
(vii) Bill Status unless the estimated salary income exceeds the maximum
(viii) Outstanding/Dishonoured Valuables amount not chargeable to tax applicable in case of an
(ix) Classified Abstract for PAO/DDO, DDO wise individual during the relevant financial year. The tax once
booking deducted is required to be deposited in government account
(x) Cheque Cancellation/Reissue register with and a Certificate of Deduction of Tax at Source (also referred
history of cancellation as Form No.16) is to be issued to the employee. This
Certificate is to be furnished by the employee with his income
tax return after which he gets the credit of the TDS in his
personal income tax assessment. The employer/IT deductor is
also required to prepare and file quarterly statements in Form
No.24Q with the competent Income Tax authority.