HSB Assignment 7

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The Case

A wealthy celebrity has been kidnapped.

The note found at the crime scene says that tf wavvt to seeJohvv
the kidnap victim will be released if a ransom alive, have owe mtLLtovv
of a million dollars is paid within 48 hours. dollars avuncaréed
twevvtU dollar bills
The police have three male suspects (A, B, and
ready. We will cowtact
C) in temporary custody. These suspects
were seen entering the victim's home on the
48 hours.

day of the kidnapping.

The police would like you to do a preliminary

forensic analysis of the evidence that was
collected. They will use the information from
this analysis to determine which of the
suspects should be arrested for this crime.

Important: Before beginning this lab activity, you should tear off the Forensics Report on the
last page of this lab packet. You will use this Forensics Report to record the data from your
laboratory work.

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Forensic Test l: Blood Typing

Drops of blood were found at the crime scene. These might be from the kidnap victim or from
one of the suspects. According to medical records, the victim's blood type is O.

For this forensic test you will use:

Tubes of blood from Crime Scene and from Suspects A, B, and C

Tubes of Anti-A and Anti-B Antibodies
Blood Type Test Strip

Droppers labeled: Crime Scene Blood, Blood Suspect A, Blood Suspect B, Blood Suspect C,
Anti-A Antibodies, and Anti-B Antibodies

1. Use the Blood Typing instructions on the

right to determine the blood type of the Blood Typing
blood at the crime scene and blood
Place the plastic "Blood Type Test Strip" onto
from each of the suspects (A, B, and C).
the sheet of black paper.

2. 2. For each of the blood samples, place 1 drop of

Record the blood types of the samples
blood into the appropriate circles (Crime
on the Forensic Report.
Scene, Suspect A, Suspect B, or Suspect C)

3. Based only on the results of the blood 3. Add 1 drop of Anti-A Antibodies to each circle
labeled A.
type testing, what can you conclude?
Record your conclusions on the Forensic 4. Add 1 drop of Anti-B Antibodies to each circle
labeled B.

5. Observe which samples clump and do not


6. Use the chart below to determine the blood


Mixed with Mixed with

Blood type Anti-A Anti-B
Antibodies Antibodies

Clumps No clumps
B No clumps Clumps
Clumps Clumps
o No clumps No clumps

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Forensic Test 2: Ink Analysis

The ransom note was written using black ink.

Ink Chromatography
Chromatography can be used to separate the

pigments in inks.
1. Add just enough water to cover the bottom of the
cup approximately 0.5 cm deep.
For this forensic test you will use:
2. Fold and stand the chromatography paper (with
Chromatography paper with ink samples inksamples) in the cup as shown in the diagram
• Plastic cup for chromatography below.
Tap water

The police have provided a piece of

chromatography paper spotted with ink

samples from:
The ransom note (RN)
A pen found in the home of the victim (V)
• Pens found in the homes of Suspects (A,

B, and C).

Follow the directions on the right to use

chromatography to compare the ink

samples. 3. As moves up the chromatography paper,

the water
it drag the ink samples through the

chromatography paper. Because the pigments in

2. Record the results of the ink the inks move at different rates, they will separate
chromatography test on the Forensic into colored bands of pigments.

4. While the ink samples are moving up the
chromatography paper, go on to Forensic Test 3.
3. Based only on the results of the ink
chromatography test, what can you
conclude? Record your conclusions on the
Forensic Report.

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Forensic Test 3: White Powder Analysis

A suspicious white powdery substance was found at the crime scene.

Suspect A works in a bakery. The white powder may be flour which contains starch.

Suspect B works for a landscaping company. The white powder may be lime used to treat

Suspect C is unemployed. He has visited Suspects A and B while they were working and may
have come in contact with flour or lime.

For this forensic test you will use:

Bag of White Powder

White Powder Test Strip
Small scoop
Tube of Starch Indicator
Tube of Acid
Droppers labeled: Starch Indicator and Acid

1. Follow the directions to the right to test the White Powder Testing
white powder collected at the crime scene.
1. Place a small scoop of the white powder into
Record the results of the powdery substance
each of the two circles on the "White Powder
testing on the Forensic Report. Test Strip."

2. Add two drops of Acid to the powder in one

2. Based only on the results of the white powder
of the circles. If the powdery substance is
testing, what can you conclude? Record your lime, it will fizz when mixed with Acid.
conclusions on the Forensic Report
3. Add two drops of Starch Indicator to the
powder in the other circle. If the powdery
3. Remember to check the chromatography paper substance is flour, it will turn blue-black when
before you start Forensic Test 4! mixed with Starch Indicator.

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Forensic Test 4: Fingerprint Analysis

The fingerprint lab has sent photos of a partial fingerprint that they lifted from the ransom
note. They have also collected fingerprints from the suspects.

For this forensic test you will use the Photos of Fingerprints from Crime Scene and Suspects.

1. Observe the Photos of Fingerprints from Crime Scene and Suspects. Compare the partial

fingerprint from the ransom note with the fingerprints of the three suspects.

2. Record the results of the fingerprint comparisons on the Forensic Report.

3. Based only on the results of the fingerprint analysis, what can you conclude? Record your
conclusions on the Forensic Report

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Forensic Test 5: DNA Gel Electrophoresis

The DNA lab has been able to obtain a small amount of DNA from dried saliva on the flap of the
envelope that contained the ransom note. The DNA lab has also obtained samples of the DNA
from strands of the victim's hair found at the crime scene and from each of the suspects.

The DNA lab used a process called gel electrophoresis to analyze the DNA. The steps in DNA
gel electrophoresis are shown in the diagram below.

DNA Gel Electrophoresis

1. Restriction

enzymes cut DNA

into fragments.

2. DNA fragments
are placed in a well
on the gel.

3. Electric current
causes the DNA
fragments to move
Bands of through gel. Small
fragments move
further than larger

For this forensic test you will need:

Simulated DNA electrophoresis gel

Plastic tray for gel staining
Tube of DNA stain


Small measuring cup


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Your lab kit contains the electrophoresis gel that the DNA lab prepared.

• Well R contains DNA from the ransom note.

• Well V contains DNA from the victim.

• Wells A, B, and C contain DNA from Suspects A, B, and C.

2. You can't see the DNA fragments in the gel because DNA is not colored. If you place the gel
into DNA stain, the stain will turn the DNA pieces pink.

• Pour the tube of DNA stain into the plastic tray.

Fill the small measuring cup with 10 ml of tap water and then pour the water into the
plastic tray. Use the stir stick to stir the contents of the tray until the DNA stain

dissolves completely.

• Place the paper electrophoresis gel into the tray. Use the plastic stir stick to gently push
the gel into the stain.

3. Compare the bands of DNA fragments for the DNA samples. On the diagram of the
electrophoresis gel (below), draw the DNA bands. If DNA samples came from the same
person, the patterns of bands should match.

4. Based only on the results of the DNA gel electrophoresis analysis, what can you conclude?
Record your conclusions on the Forensic Report.

Copyright 0 201 1, Science Take-Out, LLC. All rights reserved.
Summary Recommendations

What evidence suggests that Suspect A might have been involved in the crime?
The blood typing evidence might suggest that the victim tried to fight back and left Suspect A's blood at

the crime scene.

What evidence suggests that Suspect B might have been involved in the crime?
I didn't find any evidence that suspect B was involved in the crime.

3. What evidence suggests that Suspect C might have been involved in the crime?
The evidence from the ink analysis and the ransom note fingerprints.

Do you think that there is sufficient evidence for the police to arrest suspects A, B, or C for
the kidnapping crime?

I do feel there is sufficient evidence for the police to arrest suspect C for the crime, but I would still look
into if the victim has set this up themselves.

5. Based on analysis of au of the evidence, who do you think is most likely responsible for the
kidnapping crime? Support your answer using evidence from your test results.
I think suspect C is most likely responsible for the kidnapping crime. I think this because, first of all, suspect C's pen

matches the ink on the ransom note. Another piece of evidence against suspect C is that the fingerprint on the ransom
note matches suspect C's fingerprint.

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